Practitioner As Researcher For UKHC 2017

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9am, Sunday 5th November 2017

A good way of understanding research is to get involved in it as a participant first. Exploring how
someone else conducts research can give you a clear idea of what approaches may work well for

My presentation at the UK Hypnosis Convention will give you an opportunity to find out more
about hypnosis research by participating in some ‘live’ hypnosis research.

This will be supplemented by a handout covering key aspects of how you can engage with evidence-
based practice, and practice-based evidence, together with an easy to use ‘five-stage model’ for
conducting research and the different types of research possible for the hypnotherapy practitioner.

By reading the participant information sheet and consent form, in advance, you will be able to
make an informed decision whether to participate, thus optimising your research time during the

Does hypnosis, induced in a conference environment, influence
attention or memory?
Researcher: Dr Kate Beaven-Marks

What is the purpose of the study

This study seeks to explore whether hypnosis, induced in a conference environment, has any
influence on attention or memory. Adaptations have been made to the Stroop test (attention) and
Benton test (memory). Although there appears little use of the Benton test within hypnosis, there
is use and indeed some debate regarding the influence of hypnosis on the Stroop Test. However,
there appears to be little research conducted in a conference environment and this study will
evaluate two effects, that of attention and memory, specifically in this environment.
What will be involved if you choose to take part?

If you agree to participate in this research, you will be asked to complete a consent form and a
demographics (age, gender etc., ) form. Also, you will be asked to complete one test as a hypnotist
and one test as a subject. The outcomes of your test as a subject will be recorded. The entire test
process will take approximately 30 minutes.

What will happen with the information I provide?

Only your initials and house numbers are sought as identifiers on the outcomes record sheets to
match with your demographic sheet. The data from the outcomes record sheets will be kept
securely and treated with confidentiality. The information will be used solely for the purpose of
this research and any subsequent papers and disseminations and the raw data will not be shared
with any agencies or other external organisations. Anonymity will be maintained in all publications
and uses of the data.

Your rights as a participant

You are under no obligation to take part in this research. Participation is not linked to your
attendance or participation in this conference. All outcome responses will be anonymised, and
thus the researcher will retain the right to use this anonymised data even if you choose to withdraw
from the study after the data has been submitted.

Please also read the consent form.

Printed copies will be available at the start of the presentation.

Thank you

Does hypnosis, induced in a conference environment, influence

attention or memory?
Researcher: Dr Kate Beaven-Marks

Please Initial Box

1. I confirm that I have read and understand the participant

information sheet for the above study and have had the
opportunity to ask questions.

2. I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I

am free to withdraw at any time, without giving any reason.

3. I agree to take part in the above study.

4. I agree to the use of my anonymised data in


Name of Participant Date Signature

Name of Researcher Date Signature

KATE BEAVEN-MARKS 5th November 2017 Kate Beaven-Marks

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