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Dr. Yogeshwari Phatak

Life is not fair to everyone, there are many who could be battling worse
scenarios than the one that you are facing, so be always grateful for the
things you have in your life.

 I am grateful that I have the comfort of starting my morning

routine with a cup of coffee or tea or whatever is my favourite

  I am grateful that I am able to survive each day without begging

others for mercies. God has blessed me with this ability.

 I am grateful that I am high on self confidence.

 I am grateful that I have caring neighbours that are concerned

about my well being.

 I Am grateful that I can walk and move hands to do anything I

 I am grateful that I can see wonderful nature.
 I am grateful that I can taste so many different flavours and smell
so many different fragrances. 
 I am grateful that have a roof over my head because there are many
who are living on the streets.
 I am grateful to have at least one person in m life who cares for me.
 I am blessed to be educated. 
 I am grateful that I am able to take decisions, not everyone is
blessed to do that.
 I am grateful that I am in great shape –physically and mentally.
 I am grateful that I can breathe comfortably, this is a big blessing
and truly a sign of god’s blessings.
 I am grateful when I am looking for guidance, my family is always
willing to help.
 I am grateful for the time that I spend with my family members
every weekend.
 I am grateful for the way my family celebrate each of my
achievements, no matter how big or small.

 I am grateful to the sunrise that blesses me with a new day full of

new opportunities.

 I am grateful that I can bake.

 I am grateful to have such supportive parents.

 I grateful to have such wonderful grandparents who care a lot for


 The happiness of serving my favourite people.

 I am grateful for the sudden flashback of happy childhood


 I am grateful for the love of my parents when they gave me a

goodnight kiss.

 I am grateful for the appreciation that I get when I cook something

for my parents.

 I am grateful that my body is always there for me, helping me to

the best of its ability.

 I am grateful that I have all utilities in my home.

  I am grateful that I have a nice and soft bed to sleep on, every

 I am grateful that I got a chance to live by my decisions.

 I am grateful that I can afford a holiday when I want it.

 I am grateful that I can buy my favourite meal and share the

pictures on social media. 

 I a grateful that I am able to worship my god.

 I am grateful that I have access to facilities that push my ability to

think, they expand my horizons.

 I am grateful that I can comfortably afford three square meals a


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