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Host: Welcome, everyone! Thank you for joining us for today's webinar.

My name is [HOST

angela: I’m HOST NAME

seis: I’m HOST NAME, and we are your hosts for today's webinar!

angela: Today we are presenting "[TITLE]" presented by [PRESENTER]. Just a little housekeeping
before we get started. If you have any questions during the presentation, please type them into the
question box in your [Zoom, GoToWebinar, WebEx] control panel. I'll bring them up during the
presentation and we will also have time for questions at the end.

seis: Now without further ado, let us begin the program! But before we proceed, let us begin with a
prayer. May I call on Misha to lead our prayer.

adrian: Now, may I call on makki cura to give us a welcoming remarks

angela: thank you name for that wonderful talk. now, before we proceed to the main talk, let’s have
some entertainment first. Why don’t we have some games? What do you think?

adrian: that’s a good idea may I call on ezekiel to give us instructions about the game

seis: that was a very competitive game! i hope you guys saved some of your energy as we are about
to begin discussing about our topic, Human Rights.

angela: yes! now may i introduce to you a graduate from liceo de san pedro with a degree of bachelor
in kainan with a side of soda, who made time to be our guest speaker, may i introduce name!

adrian: thank you dr rocella for that wonderful and knowledgeable talk! i learned a lot from you
rachel and i hope the others too. did you learn anything seis?

seis: of course! i understood how our rights are important and i sure do hope that the others also
learned a lot from you dr rocella.

angela: but aside from that, you guys must have some questions about the topic. We will go ahead
and take some time for questions now.

adrian: Just a reminder, please be sure to type your questions into the question box in your control
panel. It looks like we have a few questions. name asks... [GO THROUGH QUESTIONS WITH

seis: It looks like we've covered all of our questions. [PRESENTER], is there anything else you
wanted to cover before a wrap-up? WRAP UP

angela: Great! Thank you, everyone! We appreciate you being here. [MENTION ANY OTHER
ANNOUNCEMENTS & MAIN CALL TO ACTION]. Thanks again for joining us today and we will
see you next time. [END WEBINAR] Naturally, you can modify this script to suit your needs, but
this works well for us and should serve as a good framework for your webinars.

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