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What n re the involved in

fragmentation of Spirog.vra?
Ane: The steps involved in
Spirog.vro are as Collows:
1. I-'vagtnentation is the proces« of asexual
reproduction in which the parent body
breaks into tnany pieces or fragments
and the fragtnents develop into mature
This process of reproduction is used by
iii. When plenty of water and nutrients are
available, Spirogyra grows rapidly and
break up into many small fragments.
iv. Each fragment grows independently
and develops as a new Spirogyra fiber.

6. Explain regeneration giving two examples.

[3 Marks]
Ans: i. Regeneration is a method of asexual
reproduction in some multicellular
ii. In this type of asexual reproduction,
the body of an organism breaks into
parts and thereafter each part
regenerates the remaining part of the
body and new organisms are formed.
iii. Examples:
a. In Planaria, when the body is cut, each
part formed, develops into a whole new
b. Wall lizard breaks up and discards
some part of its tail in emergency,
After a period of time, tail is
regenerated. This is an example of
limited regeneration.
3. Budding
In case of ll.vdro, under favorable conditions,
at speci fic pan ofits body, outgrowth is fornned
by repeated dixisions of regenerotive cells of
body wall. This is called us bud. Bud
grows up progressively and finally forms small
hydra. Dermal layers and digestive cavity of the
budding hydra are in continuity with those of Hydra Bud
parent hydra. Patv•nt hydra supplies nutrition to
the budding hydra. Budding hydra separates from Nasent Hydra
parent hydra and starts to lead an independent
life when it grows up and becomes able to lead
an independent life.
3.9 Budding
4. Vegetative Propagation
Reproduction in plants with the help of
vegetative parts like root, stem, leaf and bud
is called as vegetative reproduction, Vegetative
propagation in potatoes is preformed with
the help of 'eyes' present on tuber whereas in
Bryophyllumit is performed with the help of Bryophylum
buds present on leafmargin. In case ofplants like
sugarcane & grasses, vegetative propagation
occurs with the help of buds present on nodes. Sweet
Plants like carrot and radish perform vegetative Potato
propagation with the help of roots.
5. Spore Formation
3. i 0 Vegetative .
Filatnentous fungi like A/izcor can be
u4th sporangia containing spores, as



Sporeformation in Mucor

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