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Government of India
Ministry of lluman Resource Development
Department of School Education & Literacy
(IS.5 Section)

Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi

Dated : 3'd October,20l8

The Secretary, School Education ofall States and UTs

Sub: Guidelines for utilisation ofLibrarv Grant under the Samaera Shiksha -reg.


I am directed to inform you that the Central Government has launched an Integrated scheme,

for school education named as Samagra Shiksha w.e.f 2018-19, which subsumes the three erstwhile
Centrally Sponsored schemes of school education i.e Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), Rashtriya
Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) and Centrally Sponsored Scheme on Teacher Education

2. Under the Integrated scheme of Samagra Shiksha 'Zl6rary Grant' is one of the major
interventions for improving quality of education which includes provision for library and books across
all levels of school education. Please find enclosed herewith Guidelines for utilisation of library grant
and to promote reading habit among children.


Under Secretary to the Govemment of
Tel. 0112 4501
Copy to:
State Project Director, Samagra Shiksha, All States and UTs.
Guidelines for Librarw Grant under th e Samasra Shiksha

Padhe Bharat - Badhe School


An Integrated Scheme on School Education i.e. Samagra Shiksha has been

launched to universalise quality school education, w.e.f. finalcia-l year 2018-19.

The scheme envisages 'education' in a holistic perspective and as a continuum

from Pre-Primary, Primary, Upper Primary, and Secondary to Higher Secondary

Ievels. The Scheme, therefore, attempts to provide, an integrated/ composite

school system from pre- school to higher secondary level. This will facilitate the

transition of children across various levels of school education and will aid in
promoting children to complete school education. The vision of the Scheme is to

ensure inclusive and equitable quality education from pre-school to senior

secondary stage in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) for


Library Grant under Samaera Shiksha:-

One of the major interventions for improving quality of education under the

scheme includes provision for library and books across all levels of school

education. It includes providing grant for libraries in government schools. The

para of the framework of Samagra Shiksha provides as under:

Library is an essential component of the school, prouiding not onlg resource

for learning, but also for strength.ening the idea of reading for pleasure, recreation
and furlher deepening of knouledge and imagination. Accordtnglg, it will haue

books, pictoials, newspaperq jountals, magazines, referene books, biographies,

autobiographies, dictionaies, encEclopedias, audioui.sual mateiol, etc. as well os

access to information teclnologg and digital resources. Training of teaclers in
library management and its usage witt be integrated u.-tithin tle teacher training

programmes. Efforts witl be made for inuoluing sMC and community for enriching

ttrc libraies. Th.e tibrary resources are also to be utitised for facilitating reading as

tlrc process of reading tuith comprehension in the lighr of Padle Bharat Badhe
Bharat (PBBB). Process of reading from earlg to higher secondary leuels,

requires continuous practice, deuelopment and refinement for uhich Library is

required to be updated utith addition of books, journals, maga.zines and other

reading mateial from time to time along ruith increa-sed access to e-resources.

Furtler, Library facilities are to be linked uith the understanding of Earlg Grade
Reading and writing and earlg grade pedagogg. It i.s to consider th.e books and

other progressiue reading material taking into account the diuersitg of tle leamers,

couered under the Integrated scheme. Facilities auailable in tle Library will
strengtlen reading utith compretension, oral and witten langaage connection" use

of titeracg in euerydag life and using children experience as resources in literary

learning. T?ere will be Reading Conters uith Children's Literafiire for uhich States

and uTs will ensure selection of appropiote literature for children and usage in

facilitating tLre reading-witing processes. Graded Reading Series (e.9. Barkha

Series bg NCERT) for self reading of children and deueloping reading skrlls as

uhole and children's magazines are to be made auailable in the library for
facititating reading for joy and creatiuitg. The child-fiendlg components in the light
of PBBB, such a.s Reading and Actiuitg Corner, Poem Corner, Message Boards, Folk

Sfones, etc are to be taken into account uthite including books and otLer reading

mateial for the library. Besides, books (textbooks as uell as referene books and
supplementary reoding materiol based on Learning Outcomes) on all subjects from

earlg grade to secondary are to be prouided to children through library for
meetirlg tteir reading aniositg and improuing their learnirq outcomes. Care must

be taken in adding books and other mateial as per tle competencies of all classes
couered under the integrated scheme. Tribal Primers, Tribal Textbooks,

supplementary mateial and. dictionaies of tibal languages as per the local

specrfic requirements mag be considered uhile adding reading mateial for tLrc


Accordingly, provisions have been made in Samagra Shiksha for library grant

to government schools so as to inculcate reading habit among students of all ages

and to strengthen school libraries, including purchase of books. The provisions

under the scheme for books and libraries in Government schools are as under :

a) Up to @ Rs. 5,000/- for primary school and Rs. 10,000/- for upper primary


b) Up to @ Rs. 13,000/- for composite elementary schools (Class I to VIII)

c) Up to @ Rs. 10;0OO/- for Secondaqr school (Class 9th and lOth).

d) Up to @ Rs. 15,00O/- for class 6ttr to 12ft school
e) Up to @ Rs. 15,000/- for composite Secondary Schools (class I to 1Oth)
f) Up to @ Rs. 15,00O/- for composite Secondary Schools (class 9th to 12th)

g) Up to @ Rs. Rs. 10,000/- Senior Secondary school only (class 11 and 12th).

h) Up to @ Rs. 2O,0O0/- for composite Senior Secondary school (class 1 to 12th).

Kev Features of the Guidellne:-

(a) Inidcative Llst of Books:- An age appropriate indicative list of books from
NCERT and NBT has been prepared and the indicative list of books published by
NCERT is at Annexure-I and the indicative list of books published by NBT is at
Annexure-Il. The List of books at Annexure I & II are only indicative/ suggestive
and not a exhaustive list. The States/UTs may if they so desire, procure books,

meant for children, beyond this list from other State Govt. publishers including

SCERTs. An illustrative list of books purchased by Chhattisgarh State for their

school libraries is also attached at Annexure'Ill. However' no newspaper and

magazines can be purchased from the library grant'

(b) Procudre to select books:- States/UTs may constitute a committee to select

age appropriate books from NCERT and NBT on other Govt. publications.
States/UTs will also need to make guidelines for use of libraries in the school
books including number of periods, to be earmarked as library period in the govt.

schools. The guidelines prepared by the States/ UTs may also include provision

for inspection of libraries by Implementing officers so as to ensure that books

procured are being issued on regular basis to students. It is suggested t-hat the

schools may have provision of Reading Room/ Reading corner/ Reading space and

two periods in a week may be dedicated as reading periods in school time table.

NBT and NCERT published books may also be considered to be procured

centrally by States/UTs.

(c) Custody/Use of Library Books:- One teacher in each school may be given ttre

additional responsibility for safe keeping of library books, issuing them and
receiving the books back from students. The library incharge teacher may be

given relaxation from teaching for two periods in a week. Further, there should

not be any penalty on tl"e library incharge teacher for any wear and tear of books

by the students arld 57o of the Library Grant in the school may be earmarked for

repairing of damaged books.

(c) Devetoping Reading Habits:- Further, States/UTs are informed that National

Centre for Children's Literature (NCCL) is a wing of National Book Trust (NBT),

India which is running Reader's Club Movement to promote the habit of reading

and this movement is considered to be one of the largest reading movements in

the world. About 35000 Readers' Clubs have been established in the country and

a bilingual rrragazine is also published to foster the movement. From time to time

, reading/promotional activities are also organized by NCCL. Accordingly,

StateS/UTs are advised to try and set up Readers' Club in schools in a phased
manner with the help of NCCL. NCCL may also organize orientations for school

teachers and librarians on how to crealively use the books in libraries and

organrize activities to promote reading habit among children. NBT may also
organize such orientations for district level officers in State capitals for schools

covered under Samagra Shiksha. These activities do not involve financial

expendilure and aim to promote reading habit and creativity, and hence maybe

undertaken extensively by the States/UTs.

-t /).**,,.* -t

General Publications of NCERT

Aee Group 5-9

Price (Rs.)

Children's Literature Series

o A Gajra for Amma ! 15.00
. Grumpy Geeta 15.00
. Lazy Juju 15.00
. Best ofAll ! t 5.00
. Ducky Lisle ! 15.00
. The Three Rabbits 32.00
o Maybe itis! 32.00
. Krock Knock 20.00
r Hello Rain ! 20.00
r Catch Me 20.00
. Baby Bulbul 20.00
. Louely Goldy 15.00
. The Kite 15.00
. Go Grcetr 15.00
. Chandu Chaat 15.00


. a-65 <Ym 08.00

. fqrt E-di-6 6td 6tn 08.00

. atdr Jlkffi 08.00
. glira +I f6Tr 08.00

. frtrcrg{fltt 08.00
. cdzr fr tE 09.00

. qatJfr rt6 09.00

. rsY$ u-{ 10.00

. ati +r a'an 11 .00

. alt alt *f, 06.00

. q{ +I EYq 07.00
. in qr 06.00
. trdl Ffrs s-fr . 09.00

Barkha Series - A set of 40 books

q6il tfi Rs.l5/- for each book
r Rani Bhi (Tolal price ofset Rs.600/-)
. Mun Mun Aur Munnu
. Tota
. Mithai
. Gilli Danda
. Chhupan Chhupai
. Ma?a Aa Gaya
r Mili Ka Gubbara
. Meethe Meethe Gulgule
. PhooliRoti
(r{r tr{
. Oon Ka Gola
o Hich Hich Hichki
. Monee
e Chimti Ka Phool
. Jeet Ki Pipanee
. Out
. Hamari Patang
. Sharbat
. Pattal
. Chawal

dlsn wr
. Mausi Ke Moz.e
. Mere Jaisi
. Koodti Juraben
r Talab Ke Maz.e
. Babli Ka Baja
o Jhoola
. Mili Ke Baal
o Tosia Ka Sapna
. Chai
Gol Gappe

elqr R
Peeloo Ki Gulli
Nani Ka Chashma
Chumi Aur Mutrd
Mini Ke Liye Kya Loon?
Chalo Pipui Banaye
Mity ki cycle
Pakk8 Aam

Barkba Series - set of 40 books


Satrh -I
Rr.lZ- for e&ch book
e Rani Bhi (Iotal prico ofset Rs.4t0/-)
e Mun Mun Aur Munnu
. Tota
. Mithai
. GilliDanda
. Chhupan Cbhupai
r Maza Aa Gaya
. Mili Ka Gubbara
. Meethe Meethe Gulgule
. Phooli Roti

Sstah - 2

Oon Ka Gola
Hich Hich Hichki
Chimti Ka Phoot
Jeet Ki Pipanee
Hamari Patang

Srtsh - 3

Kbala Ke Moze
Mere Jaisi
. Koodti Moz€
. Talab Ke Maze
. Babli Ka Baja
o Jhoola
. Mili Ke Baal
o Tosia Ka Khawab
. Chai
. col Gappe

Satah - 4

o Peeloo Ki Gulli
. Nani Ka Chashma
. ChunDi Aur Munni
. Mini Ke Liye Kya I-oon?
e Chalo Pipni Banaye
r Tabla
. Mily ki cycle
. Paklta Aam
. Gehoon
. Bhutta

Ase Groun 10-16


. Fire and Stsmpede 30.00

. Swine Flu 25.00
. Emerging concem life style rElated issue 30.00
. Hw - AIDS 35.00
. Mosquito and disease 25.00
. Chemical Hazards and Disasten 25.00
e Tsunami 35.00
. Earthquake 40.00
. Food Poisoniog 20.00
. Flood 30.00
. Drought 35.00
. hndslide 30.00

Ase Groun I 7 and above


. Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar : His Life and Wo* 25.00

. Contows ofcourage 19.00
. What on Earth in EnerSl 90.00
. Philately : Story ofstamp Coltecting 26.50
o Bahurup Gandhi 50.00
. We are Ose t0.00
r The Role ofBegurns ofBhopal in Girls Education 40.00
. Our Tree Neighbours 60.00
r The Magic of I-onoccncc 35.00
. Thc Story ofNai Talim 65.00
. The Indian Arrny 75.00
. Vimla in Virus Land 75.00
. Homeopathy for Children 70.00
. Solar System for Everyone r 00.00
. Thc Cellular Jait in Our Struggle 70.00
o Social Thinker ofModem India : Contemporaries
Swami Vivekananda 32.00
. Veer Gatha - Story ofParamveer Chalca Awardees 100.00
. Discovered Qucstions 130.00


ut$ gt yra r30.00

Titfifr*3ilarqf 35.00
<Esc rirfr 50.00
6Frff sra Efr;er 6I 54.00
+izffa +r aflrdr srrR 11.50
3fl-f,r& fi a-Sr$ 6'r sqar 15.00
irtrsfr 70.00
n<r {rm€ER 65.00
Elrcr Ers - T615 t :F.Er 3rr(fr 35.00
El{{s *6 f Fda-f,r 75.00
d. t{rf,{rd }iAB-6{ - #d-d 6rt 25.00


. Bahuroop Gandhi 40.00

o Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar 55.00
. Begum-e- Bhopal 40.00
e Cellular Jail Aur Hamari Azadi ki Jaddojahad 70.00
. Tahqee4 Kardah Sawalat 65.00
. Vatan Ke Tarane r85.00
. Nanha Sahzada 65.00
fl '^*"-"t:
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qrco am q{q {r-{rft rrqiH + F-tq}r t r+TQrd gw+ r trrt<rc * ett 6
sqqgfifo*r IsBNcT&81-237{919-2
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ega ff ft-d-Es o-trfi t ca r ISBN978-81-237-55663

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y. 24.00 { 45.00
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rn. q-erfi v+ ftn-fr *
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$ne {tm y. 16 t 25.00
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tfrarw V14 {25.00
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qRqrqr 116 fr t, tm & €-e w gw+ t ftsar t r IsBNqs-81-237{234-0
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sqT 444 E 16 {25.m
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gwo { rsBNqT&8r-237{381-7
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uq( gwo t t tt+tt Hi * sftc, 614 + tA'+ ffi +1 a65qr rqr I I

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fut6t 44tR4 irj,GsIEft E 16 T 18.00
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21. d?
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wg. : vge trrt { 30.m\.24
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Eqq A-qR qqt onc FR qrft t r IsBNgT&81-237{55&7
x. * otq
d+a gw fu*: gqr{6 6an y. t6 { 35.00
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ZZ. risr ffi T( .IcT

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qre i urfr r<< fr r *frr IsBNg&81-z?-584ff

zs. gagl qrarE X
oqApr qlBar y. I 6 t 25 .oo
dt qEit + fts \-6 {+a{6 dqr i{snffio 6-6rft I IsBNqT&81:2i72689-9
29. g{& il T$ rT
ef. qflfttdtdltfrfmr E. 16 <25.m
*t *t uR qcw d-a t B. gu w * frv C-.4 P{
t q. 31rrq 61 SRqI 4r
wr 61e fr,n ? ISBN 8l-23764&t-7

3,0. di rti: a$ rtt
6.€. fl@ffit 1.32 { 30.00
ffii sfu E{S scA,T + frsq { l.+-5.ii * ftv efu* gw+ r

ISBN 97&81-237{9tO6
sr. *am*crilfrcr
gdrg;-ffir E. 16 r2s.m
ir{r, ilE t T{tr dt qEii + frc ffir gwo r rsBNg?&81-237-31663
32. *&+&*{Ssr+il
ggqf,drr?ii y.18 r35.oo
r< d& fie uvt go { ET+ + <ri t-6r s1s. -qr.r ocft ffi B d fr.r qr+ tfr
t fu rd fr qrR{ Ai qrfr t r t'Edi t B.s n-re $ ctro * ur++it m p ffi,
q5 qrd gs 66rfr d qil{ ,Ti tr rsBNg&81-237-6174-9

sr. "irc d qftd

fifrdt dn org. , GrqI crt g. 16
t 25.00
dt EEit a1 qtET Eq t qqfErsr ei nnir H effi gw+, frmt qrq irq* q-6ffr
gr<r tr rsBN 97&81-237-34934

34. EiTd d
e\@dtflfr €rg. : qfd {g+ft E. 16 {3s.m
effi*;i,roT;tSdq &frer Gii* 6frGror*6n 15 qlaq++erftr

rs. rq qd qGq
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wg. : frro Ery gqr E. 16 { 2s.00
cBdt+ r<Itrr€-gt'r * ftq sq+ftr
36. q-{ffi* qfu{rfiEi
Pqrtdr qt W5. : t+w +gdfr 16 t 35.00
ghur + rS6 epT + r<n eT qr fi-q-wg rs t orrcst ffi t fr orvi-qG
dt-S t \6qft 6r arfu+tet +ti gwo tr 66ft t B'qs ffi t Fd fr
6q-frqr 5snot ur+r qfuarfi q6t 4t r ISBN978-81-37-7637-8

37. +S E{ ird E
fifuar iqd E. 16 T 25.m
ffi+1 fr{Htd aETffitrq-ft ereo c{gd{&A-{rsrFclst, s} ?16t
sfr rt {fr q Ec<r srGq r rfr qceWf Rr +} ciri Fc t tfr t {6 gw+ r g<
fuiit-q r ISBN97&81-237-5378-2

3s. frRE( {I (16{
@qr ldr frffi 1lq
erg. : Y. 16 t 25.00
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ftf qm+rt ff .r{ t r q-+cq+ \-d qr6rtE"t 66rfr I tsBNsT&81237-z)t2-2
39. {. +t+6r.{ri
sir8? B-A y. 30 t 55.00
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6{ asrft+ ft-{rffrtit dr dd-dd t gorw tar tr IsBNeT&81-237-5739-l

40. +8 d frflr
*mq#rcn trg : {ow y. rgtfr {25.m 16
\.6 srdr6 ci,rfr Et +1 rnqt f+r rre r++ ftorqri s*t-{ff {rf,it a1 \.4' sftfd
4Err I ISBN9?&81-23tu31G1

f fr 6r <-sr{
gafrdYtgw w3.:*fi-tt Y. 16 l25.oo
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lz. ftmfr*rsffqr{rfta
wg : tt+w tgffi Y 16 l2s'00
a+trs qhgsdeqmt{d a,teEIfud di t ffi ott{u++ nq dr qr{flt
fr qr+qr +,IEqn6ti+sftqt #flTd ifE{ sT( ftr&S qs +-ot, ffi
anr qrtrft'a +r{rrrur t qrrt, qrB'ert, iqm, qrqm fr qrq tEE;i 3t{ ft-{6Tii
aru rtqn se gw+ t ffiqr.rcr t B, Bff (re \.6 frRrfr AEfi*gu*+n'r
ffi +l elt arfr gam+ + efr {d 6} qrrF atfr t t tssNsr-Bu-6ssz-6
$. ftra-fr +i.qt G-{
.rd? fi?iv y. 16 t 3o.oo
g< +Faaroii or gecm Rt re qr66 q?.r.Fr 6lr qrlt r


al. gm *r,Rzr
aqqc dfiaff srg. :6qrd w6{< y. 16 I 35.00
g{r kdt6r + flq eaii 6 qa-tfl d e-<frid otfr c-e,ftt
ISBN 978-8 1-237-5534-2
ls. ge *m
(ifrq 6tg{ \. 20 { 3o.oo
frEqr + st sri t errq { drqr frq 6 qor tor r t-E6 66rft I

ISBN q7&81-237-480G1

rdar gar orJ. : 6qrq ir6rg y. 16 t 30.00
0116+6-fuii t Sqfrrd ftmrsq 66fft r ISBN97&81-237-5524-3
a7. ci$ + q+ i 6a 6.t
E-ffv gm +ctn trg : v+e ugffr y. 16 t 2s.m
qirrqdi+ qtt {arFr6di m sifiqrteq hfre ffr ffir+ trw aq
41 {fr gi r<tu-6 nfu* gw+ r

as. T€r Qqr

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gtfta vaher +l ra<r €sr tft v6 T€-fr gwo r {< fu+t++ r

ISBN 978-81-237-471&7
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oqo on+}lt E. t30.m 16
rr+ r€ fi& d' +r +o+ q {r+6{ q{ i{+d q.gft t r srg am *ff .d gfi -"it
etr qnr t yrq qs-{c trgqd m ut& fr qrs o-erft rezi ts+ am qr+{+
fu*i+r r IsBNq&81-2374613-1
so. T+qFfrsrfrgffi
owtfrd ftE y.12 t 25.m
rq srfu *t Sffi t qrdr6 ffi al gq fir;nr srqft qn q-qmr
Ffr t
trqosq t fusrrcrtr rsBNqS-81-237-6302-6
sr. r€ fila t csErr rtqr
llwr rrJ. : Yfr{q +fi Y. 16 r /lo.m
Ri6 src+ dtt srr+6 +l cors{r fucrqr qrfif etr tw r< gfi-+c ur$d rir+o
gq r
eeE u6r tsBN97u81-2372249-9
s2. T+ (fq
qE?tifrtrffi E 16 r25.m
efu t qqEiiicrWqdr BT(@ irrfffitE6{*d-qfrTff{qrtii rEd fr
s+t W +cortrflr? s{ gtrd; t Gt rsBN q78-81-237-5971- I
sr. tq-il ff rtqrt
{otqfttaqqcq y..24 { 45.m
Ee-d onr infli{rdTs d fr {S t {S gd-sil t t rimrdfr
qrc qrqr qr n-rar
srq-fr Cq-d ft{ gtrqnr t ifiw +1ct ro t <rErt eri r"r{r ot tn t, \.6
t-++ qlxl r ISBN97&81-237{17}2
s4. + T+ qft
sv.A. tdq wg. , gfrrr 16 { 3o.m
\.+, ii,rff s,fr + r
it+ +l t-fr r ws {A s-t s_t gs +t fr t em reff qsn

q{ rrg fr i[fi-{ qr6R Son I
ir6 qtc6'R {d 6r q{ {+ts{ 6tiII I

55. cg{st 6r rr{ {dr(
fr7q7 qlqrd y. 16 t 3o.m
cg-cftrfr + trron-r+nfr r&qm+lt tiqrft sfud ffirgw6t
ISBN 978-81-237{9
s6. ctfr
q,r+?r qhft 1. 24 ? 30.m
r€ fr Cur I q{q 6 req qmi + fr c {gd i-r+c +1 t ottot srfr te+o ffi -d
€ r g< rorft r g< ffi+t r ISBNqT&81-237493G3
s7. cforq q161a1Pho
fra{ ild16 Y. 18 t,lo.oo
qa] + rrFrt +} ils+, t <qft mar+r t r grt fu+to-< t gm gw+ t

s8. qrft A crfr
d wiqt y. 16 t 18.00
t tft-d {,tr frit arfr {+.d6
qrfr dqI srrq€16 gw6l
ISBN 97&81-237-2629-5
se. Qs +{v6qgt+F
6erft s fu{ , B}?a J.a} y.zo t30.m
frqur qlft( fr {q W .trs hr{-ctrlr{ qr, T€ Q-o +1 Vo qlg{ Eqr ft-ci rqr
':t{ ts{+ nfr 61 ffidi +r So q..t kqr t

60. (E
arrsldongm y.24
{ 2s.oo
q q6't si
{s srft frs-'iq$ + fi-{n {s al sqtFreT +} fusrfr g$ q6
Fp64gfu gga r ISBNqT8-81-237-170&1
61. q-s
qfr crg. : t+riot rfi-< 1. 26 { 25.m
{qGttHtgtfudrya gw+titef mtfu+ fi-+ti scSFHrc{ rnrar
srdr.rcrtr ISBN q78-8r-237{567-5
qqfi?rvlefr \..24 qint 3o.oo
qr ffi m t snqr cFft g€ qrd A aEffi Ega 5d Etdr t fu + d.r
.ilor-cr6( fr il.sfrtr rt kii +1ffi ql qqqr ofi arft 5wo t


qtsr qvt I. 24 t 3o.m
frftq rrl}16 qsii + qt fr fl'f{d {Eq-Jfr gR?F I rsBNqT&81-237-zw2-s
64. E( +{qgrd
wlq Erst \.. 24 t 3o.m
c6 qSrd + qil t dE d qri 6t qfrqn asrfi r IsBN978-8r-237-232&x

6s. {gr {d
fiVwgqrd+* E. 16 t 2s.oo
si+H d-+oqrcii st tsirErftd d-{ {+.f,6 +erffi r ssr.I97s-81-237-3sws

oc. qrort-rt
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oz. er * *r
ad6or wg. : qffr6{rq qrrR Y.32 { 30.m
cd qr+6 \rr d& qrfu+r t am fr ,r{ es fr tt +r tco qrqr q t{6 t€rsr r

tfl-r Hi rtrr r rsBN978-81-23?{3824

6E. *fl 6r q{
fr(r +n qg. : q5q Eg*frE T2s.oo 16
rrgd Eg A orqqir{t qqiqR-{R *emEgir uA aiteqR anTt, AB-{ qs
{6 {6i ol crfft+ (H q irq <rtfiq sd iisin t d Rd fr ur? qr uror t r


ol. gggagfrdftrar
*ragaryfr wg : rre q{frt 3o.oo I.24
qdi t erq-qr +n-qr il'nqr'+{ qd t ffi +1 S qe a tt * ioe 6T{ ffi
oe fr t g< ftri * fiq tff \.6 66rfi t ISBN978-81-237{0I7-9

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d?r EHfr y.. 24 r 35.00
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t S-<{ cEfr r rsBN97&81-237-3%9{

zr. c-tr{ +ildr t

,tfu< $sf y. 24
I 35.00
+t t fu qro t tqr da-m qr+r ffi
+1 ssn, rafrq +1 frs t w
t, tfu-< srro t ce r+rn fr giaqfsr d fr snqm +ft t r i-cc t-{+' 6-6rfr r

72. qg{d* qt&orc

qgrd +fr dr ffi waq t er6{ ++fr t grfr oqr * qrqq t t-{6 qr+6lt
8,r$ t r


zl. qr qr.i&
ffiq d6qtr rrg. : 6t6l B16rr< E. 16 t 25.m
c-ffd fi{ qTTa * uaft'rfdtii ft1 rqftfu 6tft Ti-crr+' +-6rfi I

ISBN q78-81-237-5508-3

zl. tc+ *r dq
,rryaq{ srj. ,gft gwr E. 16 r 20.00
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7s. +ft €{ t6r

ag d': o?rft I. 16 t 18.m
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ti 6r c-qT
c6q4gdi E. 16 t25.oo
Edl fi qA qr Fcrt 6{+ + Ar<tfr qflffr fu*rs+ 5wo t


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geAdeTW gfrtm{t n Y. 12erg. : < 18.00
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ff q.efi r ISBN q7&81-237-2632-8

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W {rzr wg. : Yfr<rc *m y.2o { 30.00
{d 41 +{d rFqER 6
qqr qrrtfu-{ qrE t stfr sqfl q rn qrdr t
fu ar ft-c qsr etar t r IsBN978-81-23743549

79. tFllT
aA+ cqf Y. 16 t 25.m
€ tqr t cRM EEit t qq{r ns"r d fir ftqr, tB-{ sS q-dri + ftc sS Ets

tqr +1 q-<< t-ft T.S l ISBNqT&81-237-5815-2


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isFkrFIIq Y.20 < 30.00
Efr * cfusfrs6+rrdnrq+gFiqrqTilH qr {+.oc rg<fu*t+tr
81. tiln$ qA g6g6
ywrd frzr y. 16 < l8.oo
td.rr.S d qfur, q{-6ft qq 61 ffi r IsBN 81-237-181G1

sz. Rre cd{ +{ Rrq

wflcelSw s-9.
'gft{ gffir y. 16 t 2o.m
ge-+ tao fuit t rrqtt rqt'r +lcrtta1 orfuorqr6rqqh $ argotr
rsBN 978-81-237{86G2

$. *{r+{fre
qfuqqw y.r6 t 25.m
96 qffi6 * ffq \16 gt +1 ffi w wtwfrr qpaar-qErm 66rft r


al. sfr{ {qr lirrd {

wA{A?ft y. 16 t 18.00
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8s. iltgRqt<rtgRqr
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t 3o.m
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rfftr rsBN 81-237-6388{

s6. RiE ifu *ierwr

A.+. evf .:rj. : Efrrq dfm E. 16 t 2s.oo
6m frrS 6] +6R Tfi vqfir-sfr se ni6 i Wtrq frqT A ufli {ffi t qrfr
,rcft +l gqR fuqr I ISBNgTvBt-2374768:z

qu *r mft
qsfari y. 16 t 25.00
qu ftt ++ t Rrt sr eirqrR-d \.6 tirt sfu q-{+66 66rfi r g< fu*t+r r


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r&r+e# y. 16 t 20.00
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ro. afi sfu gtr

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r€t=it + ftq {fu* gw6 r IsBNqT8-81-237{923-1
qr. er* *r +A * ffi
&. orrc. tdw E. 16 t 3o.oo
dAEdAfrq rqnqHte-fissgwotvo ffi sfuETff +tffid
snfqr.Tqrtr ISBN97&81-237-349&8

ary arf t g-r1 .t{

r. er< <$ qr *r
qk qm arc1q \_.2o < 3o.oo
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,rqr B r rsBNy7v112i7437i4
2. q(!!il sr€ff
rtifudv 4qf y. 24 t 4o.m
edf * irfld qE€ t res c{ t qsf fr rorcr & tlq ff s6 qk * nR
fi-+q{rfiqT 'rtfrqrr IsBN97&81-237428c9
r. wn*eErd
altrur tdt awam trg : g*tm {tm y..24 125.00
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Mft; str+r fizia fu*qr w +qrttr
l. rrfrqr ftRr
3er ed+ E. 16 { 3o.oo
qqfuFr +-qrt q qTr+rft afr \16 {+ad+, e'6rft t tsBNgTv$-n14zt1-1
5. sFrql lt{
qwar fua E. 56 t 8o.oo
1'+ {or sr6{ * etfrr+tor t r+aor t, tB-r qd q gtq er6{ t EE
ai,ro fte-dr
srd,r r6i qrreorfr,:ffi\ki qr6{ $ erq {5Rri{4 q+tn \ti qR-* qot fr
t r t'r fr qu +1vo qag c{ rrt"r ftildr t r


6. qq*66Tff
fifqq1d trg. : tr+{ftrnftql Y.236 t 45.00
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+srfi, ftrfr c.6 il.s6r e} qrctcrmdrtrs+,ft-{ irs
+&+qr*iwfroriornrttres+r Str<r effi, +ii stci onq€fu
qrfr 1 qrt 66rfr r ISBN97&81-237-44364
z. qftqn +1 ER
qfirilq Ptqf 'ar6or' y. 16 t 25.00
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ISBN 97&81-237-59364
a. qc{!M*Ct{Erqr(4-dffi
aq tM fu*, sPft t& \.72 T e5.oo
qro++ * yoqrd frirt 3aq{ rmirf,{-if,ffr <1161
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ISBN978-81-237- 8052-8
9. qftqT
sann fu* : frre frTqrfr y. z2 t E5.oo

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ofr+rft qrdfi al wtr+it or weers fi r{rt B t ISBN 97&81-237- 8058{
10. qr{{q 6r (5{
rEfu @e fu* : qw gqr [. 16.00 { 35.00
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ugfl s( tffrqrft-d 66rft r rsBN9&81-237- 8061X
11. qrqfr +{ c{6r$
ofr4 dti eE : g+f, frqrq t{€n E 24 { 3s .oo
fi-{ d&-dre 66rM, fr c,ffr * ildt-WdE, g5E-td, qrco-qf + seqftr€
qt rorer srf,ft t r ISBN978-81-237{244-9

D. Eqrlr6
twid y.. 32 t 2s.m
tE + tfr ii Rat q-dr i rce.rct d ffii siit, qt rrfl-s Eftq t dB +r fuqa
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rr. f.+ rnr drrt d

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qfir glg : lt{r+ft Y. 16 { 2s.m
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15. v6 qlAr
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f6. \tEE Sr ri{iJ[

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17. +-dt rnq {i cr

gqr ,rr?-dr-{{'frs?' wg. : wtt+< g<r \. 24 { ,10.00

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go ro.r <r5 fr ISBN978-81-237-169G1
18. :f,r iT iH qq
wta gq{ ilqf fu* : rrqgqn frq Y. 24 t 45.00
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zo. a'erff ts
or(.*.Xffi qg : d. frfu rrqt y.24 {30.m
qqt E{-qRER t qEr qq-fr .iEii d qR 6S Erd m iii s(m qS i {S ?g{ri
t oie fr r q6 ErFr 66rfr I ISBN9&81-237-6001-8

21. f,I
gq{N ga 2s00 s{ qr{
orrea g.afi urqr : Y.34 T 45.m
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fr trrcfr vq5r+ 6r €rr tfr t r IsBNqT&81-237-57469

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zs. *rqr *r *s-il
rqlr tffi Y. 32 { 60.00
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6r (qFI tr6 'rqr r eal +1 tt++ q6 ffi \16 66rfr r ISBN97&81-37-763q2
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;f fdq {+fud frcr qcr
t rt qaffi, E=it +1 qrfu, riffid oir rfFdifr q<i # tro tfi t r

zs. *'er
frg* trg.
'tofu<r t dE16
6ilqR +€{ 41 q,fti + qd trfr ff sqwr m rqr e}, tmr ws Eii
q( {q-r .]Ilqr fr +€fl i & u++t ql{ {qr$ r ISBNgT8-8r-237-s91s-9

25. *{ q[g crd

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ISBN 97&81-237-2948{

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ISBN 978-81-237{/3

2s. d zqw tria

aFr tilfr+, qsl erg.:fr-wgqpgt E.60 {70.m
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ISBN 978-8 i-237{24&1

2e. dt6IggT
qqfra 7M 6tg( wg. : qfuu fte y. 52 t 4o.m
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qpa-sqpa srq 51ft | 1


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q rfi W qrqr ufuq'o R-{ tft+ * cc +
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q-tf,t E€ 6Er+ 4l TCdWf
dgtttr rsBNq/&81-237-5281-5

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ldc innm st{
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fts 6d+ Sqrt srtr qI ffi-ft t r $ fu t <grft
t * mv ff +€rfizf H
t elh {s i-e +1 t ,tro fr stdr qr s6dr t r t gw* eftFr-eftFi ,t stfr qr
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Edm$ u 42 <50 ISBN97&81-237-5@5-5
ghqrrrfr Y 30 {45 ISBN97&81-237-513G8
asq+$r Ir 40 {50 ISBN q7E-81-237-519G2
q1q-qrq efu t60 ISBN q7&81-237-520G8
Y 44
sa. gore +r t<
d?ds y. 32 t 5o.m
gtil qci ft-d, + qd qrar t tr aei r.o grffq gc Udrs 6 qlt qil tsdr t r

+ororcfr ss rttt qrfi sr$dr B ftt ER S rftqr(6rrel sddr L Uc.u 6"

orfr t r qqf+rur Eq qrnft 66rff r IsBN97&81-23757949

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qfuq AA $9. : gfl.g.ruqm \. 24 t 25.00
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36. ${r
gdad d6g \. 12 t 25.m
gwr 1.o gt
wr{d t r grt om t6 Tfr, +-{d etM B t gRIr rR irF[ clqr qI
roar t r c{ +tr sr gw+ +1 vror unr qr r+ar B r

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ftqr ddfrn y. 28 t 4o.oo
rqd 66rfi {rft trvi rftdf +i q6 qflr dI 66rft grTft t E6i
Tfi + ii,rd
rfrqr++t enq€t furqn rofrt rw qR qrflcm *ffid qcrqg,rqr rtS
gTrqrd fuft {
Tilr*qq-d+ $ft qrr{rf t q.6ge +6{ (flt drd + qr€{i
+} Brc+ Gf,rd t qts{ ftr cl+ d q{sr ot s+fr rcq frr
$. tq gqRT
*. rsa q16a y. 16 {3s.m
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6ffi Ef{+T dift I rsBN978-E1-237-7201-1
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Pfrw td4tfr l. t 5o.oo24
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q< *sor qr+ 6r rt fi A dt I qr rh1
+ i fr il.+tq {dT{ s{fr qrft q1 trsr
61 56 ftq6 qq I qqf+tsr + yfr (fu orft \16 ia6 6qr r

no. t-qgra*-+r
cshgsft prsf y.28 t 35.00
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w d)-t tcr 61riwrsfr, ti-qc, qrqdloi, qRqrt, qRAar wrR +1 qrf,ort
frtrrtr rsBN978-81-237f 17&7

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idpr+A y.24 r t3.oo
qo r€ t elrrd EIC +t rd 66rft , fr qr ti n65. rr"U * fr a-re rrm t r


ls. vgr *r
fidt otFiw wg :rfiur g. rmf
t3o.m 36
nq-qTnrr.iqfrm66rfi, fr errftfusorFnrfr r&-+cort r sk q,r tffi
+Er6 fd-d'r t i-{ fuii + etE vqd r

4. q$ cr{
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eEit vpii fr wr or st qta * qrc udR tfi t r IssHqTg-gr-zrz-zzrra
ls. vgG 6r g{€ER
tdtr aa I.1z t2o.oo
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a-gr t ftr&
qra +1 c66r errff nr6 6c+ t {dTi EF+1 t-q+ oqr t g{t r

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ofuz ei6 org. : {kr{Fr 6rN y. 64 { 25.00
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fuzr gq,m fu* : wgo *+rw+ E. 80 t 1o5.oo
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ffidqmreiqorrqrt q7&81-237{002-5 ISBN

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s2. g6Rr
dder fui q(<+ \.32 t,lo.oo
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Erat utsfi ff sq fuqr r IsBN978-81-237-593-7
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A d16n fu* : vt{ t-{gqr y. 12.00 { 3o.oo
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so. *& fi& +rq {sr

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Rqa<- 4r,4tr 3rg' : tFrIliI 316q-( g' 16 t 30 00
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1. 32
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oo. q-q q{ t
n-dr tqr
gvw dan Y. { 25.m 16
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q qqr+ fr ?si qrd rt-6 rft
qr+ gcr& t r q5 qr+ wr tr Brfu6 qHi * frq 5w6 qGq t

61. qr(R
fu?fl@t y. 32 t zo.m
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62. fr{ R-{ Tfr *fr fi

6rnr iFR y. 36 < 30.00
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66. {d 6r +dr
tftqr *dH4 \. { 8o.oo 7z
qtc 6'r \ro 6tcr<r t$ t-+1qfi1cT t {61 d dqqrr iffi
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6 615 f; 1q5 q+-d{ se hT rt1qriqR6 6'6rfr{i or r+mtr
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qg. :
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6s. Af,g<rq*EErft
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at SdH + fi-fi * erqfiro wr6rt tft gkr.F I IsBNq/&81-zv-314+z
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asr cre .,1_.
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t-{6 66fft r ISBN97&81-237-5913-5

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.Av.E?n' y..32 < 3o.oo
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zo. E{ +rfrsrq wq +''erffi
ilfutr $qf \.2o { 3o.oo
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<rr gc 614 Etr 6-6rfi o1 qaot ff dtt r ISBN97&81-237452&1

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s( 3t{ cfrd
82. T€r
idfrilfunn y. 16 T25.oo
{6 qrdr 66rft \16 frt-<tt ertm cd +1t, Fn-+1tg-qrd c6 qrqr qBcr
orfr t r ISBN q8-81-237-593r7

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s. qT{. qfta Y..24 { 3s.m
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s9. qt cr$ rrc(6rc
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oreR-+ fu* nqstrq +1 qi tt rdqr t
ffi r IsBN8l237657&9

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93. cFtd 6r a-(
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-q q.S, Elr61 ir++ eqr t
g{ d-66qT etd ri qfr €<t
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qr s+-ar t r ISBN978-81-237-5918
es. tGqIalrEt
EEr Em \. 32 €. s0.00
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e6tPt w I. 68 t 95.m
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ar ut qu w fr d-a eri +r dQr tfr gwo r ereia t++ t

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\16 qrH6 66rft r


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*{qgqn y. 16 t 3s.m
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gaam ftrir \.. 32 { 40.00
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cc itr ISBN 978-81-237-537M
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104. f{.{+{ cCi srfl +9r
frct ot dM org. : dffi 6a
y. 16
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los. fffi +fr 6r qi€R
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t 3o.oo
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rfo*omorfrftr{tr rsBN978-81-237-2834-6

106. gEcrlT i5gcr
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enr etqf Y.28 B5.m
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ros. i&r qBqre

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ols r6rpt 6pac fu* : rtsq s61sT
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ffi, rqro-rqrq qft nrF'o t r IsBN97&8i-237- 8071-9

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cmq e} .rg r fur (* ffii tft q.$ + aR fi qq I ISBN 978- 81-237 -6697 -3

111. T1
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-;r6p7 afiar Y. 28 < 3s.00
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U3. {rl6r<qr
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gr-+1 t-+o reffi r ISBN9&81-237{4111
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fr@ft h edq fq SqTr ({qr.) Y. @ < 3s.m
ftsdi rft fr qs 66 qrf,+t{ftfr +r frrr+ t ISBNqTE-81-237-1732-6

l15. rr*It
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qftfrterrorfrtr 6BN81-237{353-4{+fr
qflftf* d{ ftlw y. r a5.oo
u'qa q-trfi +1 W frsu-aq <=fi q qrcfr qR sift v+qd * mv ft-o<ir+t
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ttt.5.,ft * gfur
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fr{ufrfrEqTq{gqTi mrq-rE}qrdrtr
ru. gq*wi
anftfr dtdgddoqa qg.,Gsre$ y_.32 {3s.00
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Dl. {*(qr{*{
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p2. { g{fr iit6r E
fuloa 44rnq \.24 { 2s.m
dt qr{<rq fr qr qt;it6-df6 m 66r+ r rsBNq8-8 r.237 -0u44

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12A. * +{ {s c{ qid
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t 35.00
rrqsn fr v+ qrdrqfift stm'qr t qfr U<t fudi6-{ I ISBN 978-81-237-431G5
u5. t{ {u
frftzrg-d4u E 16 <30.m
sqi qit EEg + ftq ft .iu fr rorrr t ffi frrno +1 ws tt Ht'riffi' ft-d
rrq fr ss+1gqt 6,r R+r+ r€f ro rfrt to * cfr Erm Sdq 3fl6{"r 61Ed
arft +erfr r ISBN978-81-237{205{

126. t{r
gann ar;E wg. , rfun ufrfror Y. 40 { 35.00
q+ rese srfr d qd fr{r +t 6erfr fr 6i qR ffi t aB-{ sfri ilq,

* Eer r& eft r tsBN97&81-237{3611

Dz. tEfr sfu qsrgr
pnar rfitst @ qJ.'rtslqfi \.32 { 3o.m
qergrrm* entt+ t,i-{+ d,ii6} tFftrr+6 qrfu+rt qrftW-Wt
fur aregkftm{, w'S et qtqRtt qtznf+ fujt(Fd tr+666rft t


128. IE{ri qrqr

wrqr sg 1. 28 { 35.m
qftE frs+' d<Eita ftq ftd T{ s6 wrt gw+, ftrS ed qr+ qtt t

rzs. rrdr fr ++ +fil qT qEn wJ. : fuqr 951 Y. 30 < 3o.oo

dn &ei + et-fr{ T++ ild' m 6. rfi Fft ft-dr kia * qrq {qr fl frqr fldr
t r gs o-qrft t qS +r qlf,c{ t dr.{r fr t-{6 a'r frslqr .rcr t r

rro. nqr em r€l
fuordryfr wg.,afutrrt< y-.32 t4s.oo
tfr rdr * Rr+n rm r-s* +1 Gqd fr 66ff q] oB+ cRfr qM' t t gqlt gc s6
ql.Bqrffizffi{.rd-rtr{mwftvrt IsBNqT&81-237-4s71-8
131. 1Gi[ + HT{ 4r qGIr
dT d-d,t{fu, : gEqr Frd wg. : rtre +g*fr
E. 16.00 t 55.00
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B.'qr gt{ T6 qr6r 14 q4} 6rnr qe t-++ +-erff sff.R tr
ISBNqT&81-237- 7989-5

132. (trr afr
ffi dd y.3z .
r 35.00
ftEqqt * rcr Er* 61Frt+Fft (fu{ 66rfi, fr q-6 qR trrf{{n d.rqr qr r

rc. qq*w++
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d-sRdttr rsBN978-81-237-731G2

rg. <ro cdT

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rrs. <ro qt
twr qAgr6( I. 24 { 40.00
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qrc6 +1 dEfr rs+t ftrd.r$ gfl 66rfi qqtq{"T qi {qri 6r
frtqT t rffi +&d qtqrEr qrreft+la-{s6A.f{rsfr Tfi t r ic++erft r

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frfrdrfwn E 12 I t 35.00
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66. fuJwr+r*gFt{rqr(*-6rffi
fusJ yEt6t fu* : .ttd i-tgqr E. 68 { 9o.oo
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wrftt u+ t crcfa fuqrrqr qrtuegwo ergo e{-< +1 t qT6+t 61 ffi
cftfudotElfrtr rsBN978-81-237i23r?
r4o. {6e dc 6r
ofu-{ Er€ irg : iFft rq \. 32 { 2s.oo
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14r. tr+ ft-{dr

qd?aftr?+gn y. 16 t 3o.m
r'+ ffi silr frr fr errcfr ftf,dr 41 6€"r ft{
qrFfr rnff dt crFrfr it I

fi {ilc+ +A t ftt rt ocfr o* ocfi srEq r IsBNqT& 81-237{7s67

14. r*< +9r
qq?d 46qtr rrJ. rqfi gffi I.28qrd qrfu{
'dtr6Er t ftrd
lFfr 6i irq6 ir+6 Sd{fr *
rr{ g€ 66rff effii
e$ ft-drt, ftrrc'ft $ r+m*flq r{ffd i-rr6dr?oil fr q.rft tr
rl:. crrr v{ cEfr m
dgfuil 6cr E. 16 < 3s.m
\.6 T€ qE-fr , Etq,*{ sff+1 fr {,iE1 t fl
q.fl q -r
.6 {& ff, frE r+ ft rgvrt
4 ero srdi cr t CCg.r{ r sid t ffi fu{ t, c{ +frt sfr qni +t ffi
ttv v-t .n- gwo r ISBN978-81-237-7394{

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dqrqttT fuft y. 32 < 3o.oo
{d + fr c.frfr fr + fi -+t fi a qzfl ( fr trq6 ArB A, Amrc t t $t ft -ria
r r


145. rrqfr qm *r u

{En @qqdol i[9. : yfr{M qtn y..24 t 30.00

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qrfr ig ntifi sftdFIdT 6] qw t t ISBN97&81-237{414-2

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aq5 r< fuitffiq-dil6 {$-fr A T{ srdr+{'r t'T{t trtt t
(M g.Trt:hl trEqnw sre s-sil{ * 6c q mqi en.r{ t r qI + {{rqe qI
qrc+t+ t .rqfr t s,ft eM
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147. rnFR
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14s. UHgfrsfufrRtf,d
qqfrqn5rvr wg.:q(RFr6f,{ y.24 t 35.m
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d fugrqr trT frqq ++ qrft t r rsBN978-81-237-115qlA

1a9. fi-a fr 6erft

dRr fr4ft eI5. : frffi 1a y. 32 t 30.m

rso. +l*Rrdr
8v qnc E. 14 r 25-m
rqd 66rft 6ri {drfr t fr fus ron wr<n Efr ileifr +n \d ffi +i rrer
+1fri fr ftror +r qm ceri * ftc rfr o.rar t r cq {rs<r{R a+ snfr-snfr
ffi qsn6{ qm erfrtr$rt erfi nor+1fri +t Rrsr a-o @nrtr
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Arz ffi g. 40 t 5o.oo
Ed + Tqfq-rofrq s-itm 6r s?qr tdr qm <re6 r rfi +q \r6t'*1qn-6rt tfl
t B. qcfr + sTEfd+ dflTErt frft'd t dk E{6r eqqq ssqrd 6{ ffisrq}
6r irra6 trjl EiFdr t I ISBN978-81-237-5861-9

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rrf;,71 7,,q17 fu* : +r6tr X<tr E. 16.00 t 35.00
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fus art i'r t, w +erfi +crtr t r rsBr.{978-81-237- 8o8fi
15s. Effi*rrfr
qarr adm Y. 16 t 35.00
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qi frBr frqr rrqr t rr+ crr+-+.R * Enr r IsBNgTB-gt:237:765+5
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ilqr oilatd E. 16 t 35.00
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gRur urt * frv r+< t FR6r iE{ d qrfr t r ful et * €-gg'f Edt 4 s{+
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rsz. r<r q-d rd t

ffi ttfudn erg. : gm qsfa \. 24 T 25.00

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r& dm r ful rrw * g* t c+ * qt fr n-onr fr t r $< +orft t ffi
rs8. Eilfrrqr {I Ed
AQralr,# wg. : ffifr-9fu Y.44 t75.m
6 irrrki 194s d qFrFr * EttRr$ c{ Rqrg Eq +1 G$k4'r d qfif6
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anr ffi qg. : frgo g<r y. 162 < 125.00
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dfi dq gq4 E. 134 t 4o-oo
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r. erq{ dft
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rsBN 97&81-237-1oBGX
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6$s€i €er I get d6f,{ | ISBNlz8-81-237-543&3
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6r qsh frnT rqT t I
s. rc<riutegr$ffi
sdrPadtafr wg ,.ilFi< tt€ E. 64 t 25.m
q-er$ t ldq r€6 \.6 effiqrtr qrc+ fco A fiq{ fr qidrfi t{frsw6 n-q-q;
q gsr Ef,wfr + dlii A-fr'fi, ts-{S tfr-R4q qtr erqrfuo q+sr +r {rr*r
quf{ B I
e. E(t +14-6r*
dtd fi4tfl6t g{-6 frqrq t+m g. 92
rpg. : {85.m
ercqrd a-f,rko *i
Fst B orqu G rte6 $( gw+;i carfr ti fu fu-€ ilce t.6
fttr+ er+ \.6 dt-t oqt ti gn Sqr qnfrq sraRm or $q ?iE Sst qm

10. vsrcriff
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qrdfr fiqd y.94 t 8s.oo
rgd SF6 t 6-qf 61{.dft gi tr qt{ 6rdr sr$*trrrs * Etrdr \ki atr{6
q-m{rg qF+dr * ER c{ rrd \t?i gdq qrcr ii E-qf al :r{ t r


12. V.5 rIiC[ 61 3r
7U E. 16 { 4o.oo
qd] {vridq(fuqs+lfiergca$5(g6rt rEfur rftrsq"f A iXu fi
qrfr t eir qrcfr qq qlff t r tfu-{ qs \.6.3l{"f t qcfl q{ t6{
Seq-ft cq n-+
q.+ rq"f sr*frFtEftcqrfrfrffidco5fu{-en w++mfr tr${sr6r
ft{ {.S I IsBN 978s1-237{857{
13. \'6 {q ES srJq t rcfu6 Err{t
{.qn&.sraqr wg:3}rufr+ro y.e t25.00
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gd ffi+ qlt ii qEdwf qr++rt fr,r{tr
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s# crd wg. : fi.w.i+o y. s { 25.00
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rs. tfr ** Fr€ Wr 16l qr F{-dr

?rfu-{ df€ wg. : t+r$v t< y. 40 I 45.00
rd qfiilit c{ ftrd T{ t 66rM erdid t-{q- si-t q+cr+ t r


rr. ugv rfu t.n

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ff ffft e nB-{ eTrfu{ t a5 6rrar< fr uril t I tae tqir+ qrd sqqrfr r


19. +d 6r lrfrsr {ffi
dfr'ar wg. , iiqr qsd
dfr<r qdB,7 y. 40 { 3s.m
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t@i ff{ E. 40 t 2s.m
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ovi +1 Eet t
ft tst BTt6 6fr6i 6r ffiq{r 6.{r r inil t qo {rr+ q& +6dr t E' r
+t{ {.sr t str r +t{frare.ft sTcfi-trqfi r* q1 q6agttr
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a@r dfua q<l wg. : *or< d E. 36 { so.oo
treio t-qo +erft reEii et{ qrf,(+-t{tt + qrcm N d qqfau sfl 66rft t
d qr trs6fr rsBN98-81-237-5381-s

zs. a-{S({
ltftdFcor w1rd, ftg ataro E. 96 t 30.00
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qrgm qI €(€( q qr+6rt tfr gw+ r uBfuit i st ril{r qfftq
str on6{-6 qtr Rqr t B' E-d H
A sS q.6{r srBt r

z,n. *o$r { .rFrd
oiTrm-*P4rd E. 80
r ,to.oo
F( gw6 q sz tft ctftrd t, fr fu fim d ffiqR.r fuuftii m r<< t' gilqT{
wr+fttr ISBN978-81-27-57414
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sl. dcr qaa y. 20 { 3o.oo
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dtgm rttsr 6r q6r qsiq t r IsBN97&81-237-65,14{
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fi.w. srcrr 3pg. : ad$6 qqrf, y..52 { 7s.00
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mds fu€ erg. , g<rt a{'r Y. 84 t 3o.m
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1 t fr {d +} fte{,
gg fr s rtiT
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28. gw6
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sd sndif ffid a'd +r rqm Bqr mr t t IsBNqT&81-23762661
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Adr wg. : rr+fi-w tc 1. '12 < 3s.oo
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c{ q6rrT srdi ilfr 66rft, t-{-6 q?i g+E qrer q I
34. qR fuFr6 sRl
i dfiffirqotfuq Y_.52 { so.m
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gorfi E. 1oo r 13o.oo
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irg. ,uqr .i6o \. 32 t 20.00
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ft-d€, frqrfr, ti,rd ftt ffi
t qn i-ft t r +6 vrgh-+ wtt * erB +fr ffiw
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a. atEreid am w
dar q{qaft wg. : vgotir **r y.72 t 25.00
goaq d-firE argr * <ar< d t-+o sercit +r l+<"r r

a5. gid fr trf{tft gfrqr
*.+. ftE y. eo { eo.oo
fi -{ Efr + fr ri} t Fqd.r{ sv gwo t * sfurm, uqiw otr +dlrr{ fr trew
w t cqd Bqr rqr t r IsBN 97&81-237-40tr6
lr. ql.ia .*r erq qerffi
+fr-drq+r,r erg.,ffirffi y.,lo t35.m
ugu<Mhiidsrrsd6, tq-6 A66qT( I ISBN 8l:2i7qv1-3
lz. *sr *{ Er6r
{.otnfr.EtdEn .:rg , irurw i-< y. 64 I 30.m
ffirft qftqrorfrqrqqrisftffiWzrat+1 qfif6 +.6rfi r

ISBN 9'18-8 1-21 7ryl2G4B

lftfwrffi y.56 < 7o.oo
re gwo rerfi * wwrt eia1{ 'Sr ifl+c t urqt ff{ 96ff{ d qn-fft
e.S reu-ar t tfr t r ufr {< ffie;r r IsBNeT&81-2374812-5
lc. sl6 E6-e * 6-6rft
aa cflra azfr wg. , irlm rgtft \. 64 t 25.00
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rrowf sr6 Ht * tftq eqr flt ftrii (Fd r IsBN98-81-237-1m4-6

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rWta@ y.52 t 3s.oo
ffi +r w vsv firq rct +r rfrv ti arfr v+ q+qm +-erfi t

ISBN 81-237{96&4
sl. ii.4rffidgFisrqro+-erffi
fisitE y.s6 t7s.m
Gff q drqlr E6 Eerdt n6 qrd {rF€ V&'d fii Erfr As6 d eno a-dFrd
qr {or+ r ISBN97&81-23768E9-3
s2. q{r Esrr
ffiqdtq1am'fliaq' y.96 <110.m
qn ed tfl
tqiq6 6mrqr, Fifl{ r€+ ro c<r gw cwnr fr dqT
+r €r, 6i
qsR sT€ql +1 EEcR crdt cr $ q-q{r or frqr r

53. t{rfr{rr EErt 41 qrott+ Erftd
@ uee<r wg. : vrc<k Frfor y. 64 { 8o.oo
i_{rfttrq + !-g{rff ffi f,l {m EEii t G fr t, W w t t-g ftid,ri
se gw+ t ffitrr + ftfr frfi fr qn-+rft ft 'r$ t r

q7&81-37-7009-3 ISBN
sa. to qgcq 6-6rffi (ri6f,{)
Y.152 { 100.m
qa qrrftq qr$ilit fr trt wgw wrfrrii +r s6({ t r Fffir fudtfi Bqr } FIdr
c-fr ir ISBNC/8-81-23ru84+9
ss. tqn rd
eqr wiE 69. , $ol {ttr y. & t 3o.oo
fi -c
{dg( qrc-dti +t t-{6 6€r+, fr fr6F{6 fi Rrrdr
rt qril t sfu lS ii ft t
,rsftt d q-{{fittr IsBN978-81-237-109G7

Sr. Esn fr qFR q.r

6ld dW eg gqqt6{ gR E. 80 l2s.0o
ut&-ff crq ct 6srt fficr m fu{6 qrrR qr{r 6r (B{ i{flsr r


s7. srfi
am q'qe frqtal : Etrrl
'rttii y. 24 { 45.00
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sE. t$ + f(c E<f{

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eaT fr + ftq Eqf{ A 're to
orrqTft ffii
* fi-++ ff
fr rnqr rt{' qrn it6, 1

.:rrrqr+, tsffir Gr, U omrft, rc'rum firRr, qB wR snkd t r

ISBN 97&81-237-5947{

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frfrtd$ \.2o t 3o.m
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ISBN 978-81-237{@2-3

60. At{A * fui{6 {r€d
Ynrn€iq€ wg. : ufur k<r y. 68 { 25.00
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qrefuommti+r dnt r

61. qrfr t <rm a-a
fufrdr ftiqd y. 36 t 4s.m
g4 dr ff,R * ffi{6 qr+6rt tfr fe g<-+ +1 +erft * w t ftor
frsq q
qsT t r t-+o, qfrrqo q6 sF6rtT,f gffi6 r BBN978-8123?-35191

rdpravqf y.64 t 25.00

qln * qtfr c6 lF-{r-qqr{ gkr6 I IsBN978-81-237-2o76x
os. Tffie Eq+ iffi{+fiiA qrr<rt
*ilPr E Y. 84 { 110.m
24 sTE{zit E dzi qTd gqqg rqfts tg6 i rr ilqrq t irdrr-$f,rr frsq frr
6qR'r 41 {cT t qI rr{.Er ge vn vo fr t-tqr Xt gwo t rase Eq*
qqE-ififfi sra{rt t r fuifrc+q qrs6 il6 s+ q.66{ infi u6r s6i t r

64. Tqr qt{
adea fni EFq y. 16 t 2s.oo
wrr * rrqr fte +r eqrq qR'di t fi-f,+t +t<<€ frqr, qait * ftc i-{6 66rfi r

65. aan
,rrrE?gr# y. 110 t 9o.oo
q-card6r{ft€ e tc6 wrk< grft +r og w-<re te-ta q{ * ffir qd *
frq fulc cc t t, Erdfu sfr rm cflS a,f A frrr q{iE 6tt r gq-qrfr 6$ Ei+
t t+qrfud t, tfr-{ gs 66rft r+r< * srti 'fr'( fr qe'fr t r qrcrfr {
rfriqt, ers t ttq-ffE gfffr aiu fr?i r qcteT Fc t {rqq q.oar, geri-w
+t R$ St, AR-{6fr rfrd r& ildrt fu 6t{ €sr frqr qr rort r

oo. tqrft t'ao * <reFc+ qrmt
qqq sor dfud rrg. {sft
fu y. 112 { 45.00
r<rm< wgfr 6r6qR or \16 +sqr{ t66 qr r E{ q66 * {r6ftrd drfiIit
+ t€iur 6i T6{r +6{ srr{drffirt 61 qnlq+ e'mr t r


67. qtffi
qaaTv efuql orJ. : aarcvr qqf E. 108 < 35.m
qr6mgqilsSqft:rgrfi frrr+1r"re t T[ cR-qR 6ttrr RITr+ rcdr t I tE-{
qr { ce qqi fuc ct eTFfur d r6dr t r rtq t-q+:rerft t

ISBN 97&81-237-2551-2
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qq@ qm Y.64 T 30.m
qrro t en+rtr qt crc qri eft qfuii # gw t+]roroit +1 tfu* qr++rt t

oq. fqErffi
qrc-d ilaGicr.) E. 68 t 25.m
66 6 qq sRg 6qr6Ri m fr q qrffiift {+rq6 6-etffi +r tfu* ff-+o-+ t

70. +q +€
QfrAn@ y.28 T 4o.oo
diz {€}+ frc ftid.ri t-{6 qrqr fr q6 fum{€ 66rft r

7r. crft
wt er5' :ff'g<'ir+o 1' 64 t 3o'oo
{al dvr+ * ER t fusn (q( qrrdrlt t+ qrfr t-+o Sw+ t

. ISBNqT&81-237-1077-2
72. qrfi <tti qrfi t
fuilqt E 48 t6o.m
qraft ff d csd d tofr r{ sR w-m 6r trqr fu-++ t+fl-t d qnr t r dq
'rfr ft€.st,
A tB,-t rk+twsntqrrsil{rtr+qfi-+qq{ +Adq6
qrd sqqrfl I ISBN978-81-23750012

zr. gwfr * wrr E

qalq aT€ orJ. : qrf,+{q nFR Y.64 t 30.00
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S{"r, fu€ad,
or rco qrqr t qft-{qmfr qsf-{ t

._ ISBNq/&81-237{@.E-4

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1. e { 2s.m
g<Eit + Eif,ere'Uqq gi uerfi * qlt t rt+o nqr tiE* emorfr t
75. [{ruT
(r+ {iqfr-E rrg. : rtErdrd fu{6R \. @ t 25.00
{dqm g{ it qii-ft-*r'r * +qvr $ G rqw + q-tir{ sdit + eft rqrl 6d Erfr
gwo r vco fni t-++ qrql 3{+6 fuit flFd t
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aTaw 1.64 I 17.00 \r4 t-d6 qrqr it srqrs tqrc iqdc 6r tr6 ffi-d t

ISBN 978{1-237-2827-8

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6ftr-6"r ffi (86. Cri dqr.) Y. 148 { 6s.m
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S 6 gs 6rct t
1 tfr foE 66rfuii
+1 ftcr .rqr t, orB, onq * cd +-o 6 qrEfu+ .firiii +r qi< ft t lt$ t

et w t+qm t B. cd r+ aeri+it +1 qn<n qr+r qrBt r

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gwF r ISBN9'/&81-237-11(D-7
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oqr ffi wg. , srrffir ite \.44 { so.m
g6 hif m ftfmqNfr +r drcq r trq-a +qr( t IsBNqT8-81-237-5323-2
s,{1. <i tffi6qp6 6q1
?iqqfu erg. : errr fM y. 144 t so.oo
ore fr gogrkaEkdi+ {qr{d sgsertrcii duerft rffi rr+Si
u€ nu e-ri * iov iRt fuqr r q6 Sqr ft itqnqq+ gwo I
ISBNqT&E l-237460
sr. {qI * grfl
7a7 667-a6 (qqr.) Y. 32 t 40.00
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W{iM fui \.32 { 45.m
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E3. {fl crft
frar tq+<rc \.& {30.m
Tdgt *
6i6n fi-fi, +dvrv fli
<rd d-+-,.a-gsii * <rt t <m gov w t uri
rercii or w$rfr ggf 6m 6ttqn 6d q{ ururft-r q+ t-+o gw+ r


a+. G wri<i qor+

aar ffi otg. : qr 6lrq {rrrc y.32
< 3o.m
qrcd fr frqr t tt yf fuit rdfrd s6 (g +5rfuii +r ri6d{, FrnE
ii ffi
qlr-sii + qftc, dlt qdt +t ik6 Rren fr
'r{ t r
ss. ssr k< gq (qFr-r)
fr& dW, fr.g.alfi irg. , tfrT y. Eqf { 2s.m @
frErfr{.s t d a-+ * g.r fr +erfrfr fr v(m dqr qgr qNr t ftrd T{ B r

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fr*dW,fiqq.attft .:tr9.'9.{r4qf y. u t25.m
+s E{ t g$ qri-6, 6frs, sg{q Bh * ors fr +-erM Eqc r

87. <rilt(
nqe.fdfl E. 48 r ss.oo
ppt <ro ofurrfr a q-+, q{qrd gd{Rr, ftrfr qd rn+{qgtr{r qdc +lt r

ISBN 81-237-558G1

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dfter diE wg. : qqron fu*mt y.64 T 3s.oo
qrm ti W t grr t +drr+ r+ d t++n Bfh il6ffi t{6rg 6r a"l+ *qd-
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wid 1td6( 'rS. ,E*rEm y.64 t 3o.oo
rore fr fre qrffifi qrq-6rt rqfr,iEd{E-d(ftq6i niit, qr6raFtrn qrR

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g|@t qriA6( E. 80 ( 2s.oo
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8fu6 dlr A. 32 { 4o.oo
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sz. ffi*Eict+tftr
gtr?i+fra g. 84 < 85.00
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dT ffir-6 aq c6 {M {cil t l rsBNv7vl123't-v6T5
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ef. qf?t sv*td, ef. fuT qrati <
'frB-er q.ra d tqiua 66rffi' atf6 t lerG'd gw+1m iurr fr se rctr
efo t
qqffizr, ffi,qe erdE6 +fi q-c€Wf fi-q dt"ii d qrrmq 6]
+-6rfi ftt-+'t sEil frqrrqr t r rsBN97&81-237-594G1
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Esigalfi y.74 r 25.m
gdq Erqr-fuit t (fud irrftfr * r'+ frem qke fr ffi gw+ t {a fi r

+ qrffq ctit +i rft <qft etm.r+r t I \16 €r6stq gkrit I

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ecrq fu6 efir y. @ { 4o.m
qrm * qrqrsti qsar EmqN+ Efr-d(, d-qa, Ert-qn tsilR fr qrqtFm qr+6rt r


e6. qrrfr{r ilt6R GiE-d-{)

1. 92 < 45.00
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ffi +t qm+rft ti qror q+
t-++v+-trrrrftrquqrfuii(trdr ISBN97&81-237-35z4

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w gw+ t w <aii + H r6fl fr EE rrd qEM t fr r€ {6Et or n*q grenr
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fq daq tr9. : frFfi {H E. 36 T 3o.oo
eiH anr trrcr t enm gns{ 6{i, Eri*dr {qrq sfk qrsffi crq 6d q,1s-6rff
se gw+ fr tr rsBNgTE{r-237-2o90{

99. qrfd { Hteft qI*
*.fr.oqr 6K Y. e
irg. : rr61rq t 3o.m
qrcd t BTri Erfr hht cd.6, gq-ffiIT, ftt are-ffi anr qrm +r
ffitsrq'f"r IsBN 978-81-237-4022-5

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ffiApft y. 84 efr. : t 60.00; orfr. t 40.00
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ror. ftqqr{ fr q{-q

avtd f.q? <m E 16
erg.: asf t 25.m
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qt Et {rqrfu+ iiti qT wq {'tc fr ocft t r ISBN97&8I-237-5702-5

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lM. {{€a
aqTtsdqffiA Y32 < 3o.m
onqr{ eertqffR Ba-fr amrfurqm +'sri}ii t +q fr fr'r qftfud t w gw+ r

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dar ry+ar, e-d a.+lfurirg. : +< ft€r
Y. @
{ 2s.00
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v*rqnakfuar y. t
srfr Frffiq* {qr{orluir ur rsr gwafr qrc+rk*Wt-++ ftt
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mfueiw e6g. :*d-atg< E. s6 { 2o.oo
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+lfi fue wlE E. 16 { 3o.oo
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6r ER Ad Frtr gw ft -e wror
t r frt fr dut gvnr {fr qt6 {rer qit t wn t qt{ f{rq vrdr t r


rrr. { (d-<r
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"u1 *{ t6f grrdtt
f{6iri,r{a crfi + q-dqtsRqr61trfi}
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123. irq *,r;I
funw wg:ffitffi Y.s r3o.oo
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2a. * i5-6rfr
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qrot G-*r+,
qror t+*nrofr+fr
S{rft nqdt}ii otr ci6,ii +1gi-ft tor s gdraT lq-{rc t

ro gw+ t++r+ * of q W A 6$ <rdr +1 rfrcqo w t v<a +.tfr t I ssq

\.+ qqrq'ktrH it{ 6ai6 +ft+tt ftsr t r rssNszs-81-237-6t9r-6

rzq. +if * 66rt{qi

tdr q4& \. @ t 3o.m
Efr ft{ qrdq;i m 6qr( fr Eqrt qTtrq. rPiit €ft-a t r \rr tr6.n-q gw6l
ISBN 97&81-237{367-1
13o. A ft( fr{
ifrargrar Y. 108 { 16s.m
qd it'fr' fr fr'( fuif d triq 6en { flr gtrr B eqrq ur-EIaFFf * ffi
qr at-+r fr qec rrqr, qr r+S qrqn-q+gn d +<o.rgrge +ffi d rFr qrt
+1 ffift ge vn t, fim*} snqr fiffir tfu+r i
+trft ot fr dHr-Ercr g{r
tsstqrmfrfrq d r.o v+nrso Rsn Frcft t r rsnx sla -8r-237 -'1087 -1
131. ZHI 6r {m
tfua did ':rg. : rfl-or srqf y. sz r 6s.oo
snrrtt { urt vrt 6ii wwekr
cr qr.d qrg +'d qrfr qfurii aqr E{fr Fft-d
ISBN 97&81-237- 182248

rsz. s,f * *<

ffiqFrqd y.@ r 25.00
qrco* frF-q *-{i it rdtrd Stfrr["f fr++qr.t't 6r nre r

* +-6rft (cFr-r)
rss. E{rq
fug nw* \.e r 3o.oo
Rft{dr {qrq + +fln sd 18s7 t t-+-r r9l0 il+' .ii"it * Xdrfr t 5-ff Ai
* tos fuc,rc arT+d;iiqsdsd m ffiqoq;orfrrfuiteFdr
ISBN 978-81-237-20617
134. FRrnr +'erfr (qFr-z)
gwmwnr 8.64 t 30.m
(I{ 1 9 19
q qfurifqrf,r qm fr R-d {6dr ti qrfr stl{r t
A-fi 5 oFrEr 1947 1 .E
rnco +1 eilqe +'.{r+ + qiffi.xt{ erqr $&d 41t6 66rft r

ISBN 97&81-237-206q2
13s. Frrfr * sr* *a
wr.d.wtqq erg. : Ttrnq 6K g. {68 I 60.00
gwo fr <fr'r * orqF-o rrg< trmg$ +
qrca w qfrq Hr+{rq{ + d-fi 61
fu6 6fuf km€d rer vrvr { rga t r ISBNITs-81-237-128&8
rs6. Frfi-{dr t'rrq
?@ tn E. 40 < 3o.m
sfr Erf,-arrq q oiift {q t irci qim tr d ererq ilr+ d tq{ 6r {kR
sft-erg ef,rt +r rqm Bqr rrqr t r tsBNsl9-8l-23i-sn2a
rrz. {g+ {
gier wr wq a'erffi
qqlq aH !rg. : {fr{qr ffqri y. 96 t 45.00
RnrTc{ 'ft{ sQrrtr 6 di * rm<nr i-eq Ffu6i qi snie<ffr E{ 66rlizii 6r
{,rc+ r rm ff fu* Ft si}r fi Tdftq +qrt t I IsBNr8-81-237-54p4
13s. {il g6 rfr{rfi
Eicld fu6a y.44 tso.m
ra W rt+<m si vq-ri + fuc t{cTr t66 B1 (rfr
urqr ftrd go t
rrepf gw+ r NBNrTB-812r425+B

139. RrqRq-dI fr i5-{fr
Ad w6t( trJ. : ct( fu€r 1. 64 t 2s.m
tqrqn+it * Eta-m 6 6q qri-drft \'ti w'e fu+m' fr w51 Xft "61 f+{r+ qrfr
qffifr{mrqrosr+qf6 gw6r
ISBN 9'l&81-237-2 I 87-3A

140. rr{( 66ffi

+iq am er3. : Erds{rq qFR
Y. & t 25.00
vm aqr tq+ q
l{Iqr rqfud q{c(Frd 56fttit 5rfra61
ISBN 81-2374931-5

141. (eff
g1@r qqfi${ Y. s6 { 7o-m
tmsn d Ee1F q( qrsrRd Tar *{ sfi+1 €fr ffi dr acrft esd t


142. frc *{ Eq
q{, ns @6( wg. , @agtt lta {-+n
< 2s.00 1.
d{i qr \.6 crqrFr+gworS+S frfre r+n, trl, sld+lil ft IEe'Wf eilqd
q{ [q-d 5ffi6 t t-dd \ki EtiI qFII t r+rw srmFlqr t r

ISBN 81-237-13568

143. qor rtnn art

qfiMH€ Y. 84 t 11o.oo

r+ tS gftar * ufthr +r t+*rc-.rfr {6io{ qre t *t +ga fr at art t

ISBN 97&81-2376934-9

r44. RrdRIt qR
fuqfi istfr E. 102 { 40.00
Frufsd, qk6 {a fr w-fosot wd fii * ff+qr t

ISBN q78-81-237{60G5

145. gffiuqq qrrfr

t.rr. c{q1Fn 1. & { 25.00
cfr'g dft-d 6fr d I
i-++ fi-+t lnqr IsBN8r-4760313
rm. g<n *
v{< *r lrq qaf{fr
adr W erg. : drcar urft y.44
{ so.oo
t$r tr?rt dr++eTsit or (rcq fr Wie+ qrcfi s-ffd +dr t r i-+rcr r< +qrcit

*tqslsdrtr ISBN97&81-237-4719-4

147.*iI * Sti
osf 4r+r E. 60 T 25.00
e.S cflge,f *{d*ftsftffi.r${6Fi& qrrft gows$ qre +qrt, Fifl+{A
qqfi o'rc t rr{dc Erc sqn t qqqR +'d qntt +r aq qMr +t tttr
1z$. +s sr{m
6ffi rt6( E. 128 r17o.oo
E4reqfrHdsrEn-ofrrqRqP6qQt-{te qrrc * Frqtar, sr* wdft?{
t srq{ ftr fdnn d sr$ *.rqn q{ f4{qf 6{fr gw6 t

ISBN q7&8 l-237{935{

r4. trdsd**r
*fr W y.44 <60.00
(Hg-d * qdt 61 d@T uro di, q& +1 re fr M t aar+t qnrs nrq t
'*+ rd <rt, ftrso 6 ggi 6 q,f+i"r, rtt # rrfr, qrfr q{ Br+6ft ei Erf,r
tq6 6qr+6 1 ISBNqTS-81-237-5611-6
150. i€ E* qrt irc-i6
fif,sr ffi (n-6. cd $cr.) E 14o r 75.00
A€ 15 rrdpf {q-{6rt + ilzd fu{t ffir6, qrttfu+, {EE,
€rq-qrq, t{ri{6 Eqr flft-c ?i r eEit d ftq *qn qo gwo qEit or ,f+qr,
AAd 6irft, c€i Wt frt go dreAq gro ,ft t r rsBNeTs-81-237-5631-8
151. ErIRt rlra(5'
a@or 1as7 1uqT, E. 96 t 35.00
e=it fr aRr ffiqr{ddoriqrt qro Erdqftft qr.+16r v6-fl{ rflilzdi+1
Aoi + ftq frSq drrrffq fr esra a-ff t r


rsz. eqm ntr

?n$ Rqil+ wg. erzi,fr grt+
: y. 32 t 3o.oo
oqm qrt{ g6 qrwds{+rrfttt rrgagwo t ertr + trEq BFii ifu E{S
+rffii * qlt q ffi-{ q?i t-{6 wr6rfr fr ,r$ t rssN szs-s r-237-03s3-'l

153. Errrt dfleft

adpswflR anq,t fti€ g. 56 T 60.00

e< gw+ t vrft ft'oi srfr ysu chd 6rqft-dq, E{+1 CM,
E{S <rt t
rqtfd dt6 qrqarcit +r t{+er er+{o H
* mq rEa fuqrrqr t r

ISBN s78-81-237-5609-7

154. Eqrt c(&
dr{q vazd]fr rrJ. : <qrifr gst4
Y. t 25.m e
Eqrfr Etfr t ti{s frfuq wii d errffr 5s r+irax qqf+{"r, +flq riifr ulfr srt6
src fr qkt Rrsri alfr g6 sIFIeutF gw6'l

rss. gqrt qfrd * *-srft (qm-r)

dar Wqaft \.s {2s.oo
rfl qnofrqfr{ii*<iqft-+aw efi{oqtefrcEfr, rt€ dntro qqrt r


* *rft (qm-z)
rs6. Eqrt iftlqi
am. sfieqr sJ. : frffi rra \.64 2s.m t
fu qr.d +1 nk{it + qir t qtr+Tt t+ ETfr gRtF I IsBN978-81237Ms4
rs7. Eqrft irR-{r
atr* errc.w.gafi erg. : 3]u I. oft+re e { 2s.00
gEvr ;i w-n r5u rvrr rs+ Erfr trr.dq +R-ir m 66rft, fr eqt ?v fr wo
frqr # od t v{qr ffi{ t r
wr ISBN 81-87{q23-4

rsa. fr-gvr kR * gFia <rc aafrd

dfrF@rffi y.72 t8s.oo
q-c{rd Erf, {rF{6R =f.
eR-fq ?qR ERr E{ 1962 t zoos ro ftrd .r$ qrf,
66rFut tt gFiqr 15 q6faii +'1{.5rt r lsBN978-812374793:2

rss. E{r +1 rr+fr gFrqT

otq.d.Xffi erg. : frecoeffi E. 56 < 4s.oo
e+ wrar srg * {Etq q ffi{6 qr6rt q} fu +erft d qrqq t a& .r{ t t


160. Eafr 6r r6s

gdffi qarw y. 40 { 60.00
ATrdT m fufr q6r.S w trr * gwfr +r <fu r t gu Brtccu +A g@ S Wi
ftrrdr qrA ti fr fiA'rqer s+ EF+1 qr+rfr d qrft t ifu {S frraT qE Tg{Ti
t t +€ w eeqtsii d q+sqri t rw Btt t r

tor. gsq qqrf, * qn qrt q''aM

E. 36
{ 4s.m
Efi*qftsts+ertqqmfrqRk6 ft qEdT,f 66Tffi+r dreq t


162. S$rfiirr +1 qnr qr*r
+Foirc 6ftr qilsr trg : Eqdfr g€eq \- @ r 25.m
ed *+ro tt gu q{ d sn-qsR fr dq fr qrrr qri srfr +ft qtri g\.i-dtr
am qrrt or ff 1sT ffi
E€ gw6 t tr IsBN 8r-237{93G7

1os. Egn fr u-+qrftq *-€rffi (€-6ffi)

Y.36 <45.00
frT tcal+ifiRrq.T fu, eqrrf,rf, M oqr ftts{ {6qr-* qf{ 66rFrfr +
E{ rirc q E$r m qrqrftq 66rFrq} d qnfuf, fuqr.rfitr

(wrftt a-o F+iar*Fnl + +s-{ \,?i fld v< qrutRa frtq gwoqrm)

t. *cr ft<n Rie

qlr+ d anir erg., gfr{ ffl sr A. < 2s.00 24
q{Tffr a-fi Bdr+fi *dH RiE + {68{ 6r.{Fit q{ effqrna fudrffo gw6 r

rsBN 97&81-237- 7871-6

2. +a{ T+d EqR qBq
,ilt4 fr. flHn erj., SSt cM \. E{r
< 25.00 zz
c{qdTT6, ffidr+qrr*etm qBqScslgt orcqrfr c{ qlsrf{dfu{rfffi'
I.BN qE-81-237- 7&72-3
3. +qr *T{q qmf
,t1q fr. eqd u-9.: gfrr <r+ vr a. 24 ( 25.00
q{Tfir {fi fu+dr tfi drcm erqf * {€E{ an-rrq} rt qrsrR-d fu*rso gwo r

ISBN 97&81-237- 787+3

l. ailQ mJrqrer r+ecn wgr tt<
,iltq fr. flTn erg.: g$t ru vr E. 20 < 25.00
c{Tft{ {fi fti-dr qi,rft +qr&qrg1 E-qicR ir€d E+{ + {6gr orctrfr cr
rsBN r8-E 1-237- 7868{
s. tds tHE rrrq *rqm
,il14 fr. aqd wg.: gfrr <ru w y. 24 < 25.00
q<r&r Efi fr+dT nsiq tMz wq ddcrdr + qEE{ arrtrfr w qrqicr
rsBN y/8-81-237- 7&7G9

The National Book Trusq lndia is an autonomous body established by tlre Government of lndia
(Deparcment of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development) in the year 1957,
to promote book and reading. The biggest multilingual publisher of book for children in lndia,
the Trust brings out colourful and well illustrated books for various age-groups in 30 lndian
languages and English with the intention of providing books to children in their own mother-
tongue. Alf books for children are published under the series Nehru Bol Pusukoloyo.
This annotated catalogue gives
detailed information about all titles
published for children in English
and their available lndian language
editions. Further, the recommended
tl."-J^^ age-group has been indicated against

-a tyP
each fitlet entry to make this
catalogue user-friendly for parents
as well as teachers.
As a matter of facg many of these
tides have crossed all language edition
sales of I lakh and some even 3 lakh
or 5 lakh copies, thus indicating the
yast trust reposed by the readers in
our books for children-
An order. form has also been
enclosed in the end pages to facilitate
sales. Books can also be ordered
online and some select titles listed
in this catalogue are now available in


# ffi
For Soles ond Nghts enquiry
pleose write to

2018 (Sako 1939)

O National BookTrust, lndia
Published by the Director, National BookTrusg lndia
Nehru Bhawan, 5 lnstitutional Area, Phase.ll,Vasant Kunj, New Delhi- I 10070
A Baby Lion Learrc to Roar

\t' lndu Hana

lnusEator Gumeet SirEh

A papa lbn hkes lubrs to tsadl his cute and

cuddly son how to roar. A iacl(a|, an eledrant
f .l'lt and a cat m,ne lo ard to teach fie baby ,/t,

7^i lion. Wrh cobutul flhlsfatuns, fte book h a

delighttul read for dliHren.

A Baby Hornbill Learns to Fly Also published in Asaniya, Bhdia, Garc,

Hi4di, Xhasi Konkani, Le4dtq t,E.hyatun, lsBN 97&81 -237-266S3 / r 45
Nlarahi, Mking, Mim, Newai, Odia, Punjabi, Age{roupH/24pp
Tanil aN Telugu.
A Bond of Love o
Pushpa Saxena
lllusfabn PartE Sengupta
A touding story about a young boy J
who creates a bond of love wih tre6
and rnakes everyone real'Ee the
same. c
Aho publisied in Hindi,ltannada, I
od,ia, HnW, T arnil afi d Tel8u.
ISBNI 978 81-237-6157-1 . t 25 tsBN 97&81 -237462$4 / r 35 E
Agegroup &10 / 16 pp N

A Bride lnside a Casket and Oher Tales

Manoj Das
4: lllustrator: Parha Sengupta

Culled from lndian folkiore, fiis book by one of lndia's loremost

writers, delightfully recreates for children the magic and lantasy Also published in Hin di, Adta, Punjabi
of lndian lolk hles. and Telugu.

lsBN 97&81-237-3523-8 / t 40
Age-group 12-14 / 96 pp
..'--t '
.:a:r. .r,:t

. -r:-:
:..1 .


{ .i
A Friend Forever

te Sid"

e !+
H flat
aL mfokk *frr
tui 6nL i-

lsBlr 918-8r -237-4236-6 {,15

AE#BPT{.8' A Happy Sunday

Author-lllustrator: Debasish Deb

It is Sunday. Bunty is happy. He can do

whatever he likes. But as fie night falls, his AIso published in Hindi, Mahyahn,
mother reminds him about Monday, when the Maruthi and Punhbi.
school opens. Bunty is sad, but his mother
tells him he importance of each day. tsBN 978€1-237-471G1 / r 35
Age-group &8 / 20 pp
A House of Bamboo
oQ Neera Jain
o lllusfabr Debasish De.b

o Srna[ children usually feel s€cure in

he lamiliar sunoumdngs. This book f

O',,. "
Hompts hem to be adventurous
ard promotes he spirit of oploring
i.= EA


Aho published in Hindi, Pwjabi and

lsBN 978{1 -8761 3+3 /

Ag+group G8/ 16 pp
t 35
! A Helping Hand
lIEhtftE A House with a Tenace
ta K
Tanuka Bhaumik Endow
o lllusEator: Saibal Chatte{ee

o Pappu, Piklu, Tuba and Manu have a multitude of
winged frierds on heir terace. But when hey came
to know hat they wouH have to leave this house,
o wi$ a rnassive terace, and also fisir pigeons,
are sad. This sensitive story unfolds the drama
hey c

a ol how fiey unite wih tEir lost pet pigeon and

manage to retain he house also.
a lsBN 378-81 -237-6683,6 , { 35 (PB)
AIso pub[shed in H[4di and PUfr,;Fbi.

l lsBN 978-8r -237-668r-3 , 1 r CC (HBl ISBN 97&81-237€11{ i < 50

Ag+group &1 0 / 36 pp

A Journey

AuthoFlllustrator: Jagdish Joshi

I 'TIis
book is about he story of a sheet of
paper and a caterpillar. How fiey happen to
come togeher and advance upon a joumey to Aho published in Punjabi and
discover the world. Mahyahn.

,.1 tsBN 978-81 -237-6748-2 / t 30

Age-group 8-10 / 24 pp
A Joumey through the Universe

Jayant Naiil€r
lllustraton Sudhir Dar E
This absorbing and autErihtive book by he
'l x
intematonally renowned asEcphysicist telb
us, among oher hings, how he universe at:
began, how big it-rs, how long it will survive,

and whal a blac* hole b.

Abo pubfished in Asarnia, Mngla, Gup//-ait,

A Lesson from Grandma
Hindi, Kanmcf., ttaryatun, Mtara|,:,i, Odja,
tsBN 97&81 -237{02&7 / r 30 Pwiabi, Tarn ,TeWu and Utdu.
Ag+group 12-14 / 04 pp

A Joumey to Gaumukh

Sheila Sharma
A pun {EY rD
llluskator: Reenie Kaur GIII}{UXH

An informative, interesting account of a .lF-

tip from Uttarkashito Gaumulfi. History, , i. .il
mylhology, descdptEns ol nature and of
he people are skitfully woven inb fie
Abo publisned in Asam Ua, BanS[a,
Guiarati, Hindi, Kannada, thlayalan,
t,aruhi, Odia, Puniabi, TeIWU and Udu.

lsBN 97&81 -237.257+1 / { 30 tsBN 97E-81 -237-EC03-C { 35

Age{roup 12- 14 / 64 pp

A New Dawn

r'! Baldev Singh 'Baddan'

!rr lllustrator: Mohd. Ebrahim

A story which dwells on he importance of

1 humility where the lion, king of the jungle, is Also published in Hindi Odia,
a taught a lesson for oher creatures to live in Manthi, Puniabi and Telugu.
d: peace.
tsBN 978-81-237-6596-9 25
Age{roup 8-10 / 16 pp
A Real Giraffe
Dsepa Agarwal
llhEfator Arya Praharaj

An interEling story abod a boy who wanb

a r€al giratb. Btt his parenb make him
fl.. wdershnd he real living phce of giralfe is in
{i naural habitst wih parenb.
Abo prrblhhed i,4 lGnnae, UA P@jil[
Tanil aJlld Tetugu.

ISBN 97&81 -237-56257 /
Age{oup F8 / 20 pp
t /m T
A Parce} for the Postmaster
A Story about Tea o
i tu, Arup Kumar Duth
Itda._ll- lllustator: Mrinal MiFa
Bofi entetuining and educative, tb is an o
adventure story set in he backgound ol tea
gardens and exphins aX about he growing
and processing o, tea c
Also puDlished in Asarniya, @a, Gujaran, I
Hindi, l@nada, Mahy atun, lr|rradti, odq
Pmjabi, Telugu nd Urtu. D
lsBN 97&81 -237{1 69.1 / r 35 R
ISBN S78-81-237-1S30-6 r 135 Age{roup 12-14 i 64 pp E

A Story about Water

WATER Ravi Paranjape

A story is woven around water, in flood Also published in Dhutbi, Guiaruti,

and drought, introducing its different Hindi, Kannada, llalayalun, Marahi
manifestations and uses. Exquisite, delicate od/ia, Punjabi, Tamil and Wdu.
illustrations make the book interesting.
lsBN 97&81-237-1101{ /{ 30
Age-group pre-school / 16 pp
! );.::'.
' 1i :ir .:: .'

A : .. r:.:'.
o ^,*Gils



Age{row &10 A Tale ot Two Dogs

a mdlse


/ritr lsB\ t;8-E 1,237-5424{ . 1 3C


A Trip to Heaven

Leelawati Bha$vat
lllustrator: Jatin Das
F !
A collection ol delightful folk tales trom different Also published in Asaniya, tungh, Gujalafi,
regions of lndia. Hindi, f\annada, Malayalam, Marathi, od/ia,
'i- Punlabi, Tanil, Telugu and Udu.

tsBN 97&81-237-107$0/{ 30
Age{roup 12-'14 / 64 pp
A Visit to the City Market
A T{ip to ttle Mountoins A VIS]T
s AuhoFl[ustsator Maniula

The auhor nanate he epedences

-IIE rai 2f
':' ol a boher and a sister as ftey gp
around in tE market phce dudng te
course of a day. The diveEity of our -J
hnd is abo bmughl afve in fie images.

A Trip to the Mountains

Also published in Asam tya,

and Wdu.
Guiarut, Hindi, t(annada, lfaryalarn,
Nlaruthl Oda, Pwiabi, Tanil, Telugu tsBN 978{1
-237-20H / r
presdml/ 16 pp
A Visit to the Zoo o
Author-lllusEator Sanat Surli
An entertalning instwlive book about F
* anirnah found in he zoo. Ebquent o
pirlures replace words.
F Also published rl4 Asanya, tungla, c
Gujarati, Hindi, fiannada, l'iahry alan, H
ttuahi, Odia, Pniabl Tanil, Tdugu I
and Wdu.
lsB\ 978-Er -237-7217-2 { 35
lsBN 97&&1-237-1 1096 tt 30 E
Age{roup presdlool/ 16 pp N

A Voice in the Jungle

Author-lllustrator: Jagdish Joshi

Families of animals-deers, monkeys, Also published in Isamrya, Bangla,

rabbits, elephants-€re grazing peaceiully Gujanti, Hindi, knnadia, Malay alam,
when a sudden roar sends them Marctti, odria, Punjabi, Tarnil, Telugu
scampering. and Udu.

tsBN 978-81-237-200+3 / r 35
Age-group pre-school / 16 pp
A Wet Summer Day
t. O novernlRes
Ada Bhansali IN TH
lllusfator: Amitsva Sengupta

A novelh lor young adults which dwelb
on a joint lamily situation where a lot
of issues rehted to gender, sibling
rivalry, social ststns, eb. crop up but gD

t an inci{rent silences all differences

and emotional bonding amongst family
members prevail.

FI lsBN 97&81-237S5556 / r 105 Also publisned in Hindi

Agegroup 12n4l 162 pp
Adventures in the Desert
Adventure on Clee lsland
Clee lsland
Tanuka Bhaumik Endow
lllustrator: Amitava Sengupla

An adventurous science ficlion set in

he year 2070 wih advance tedlnology,
robots, hitedr devices and mudl more. lt is
about tree lriends who i'4 order to protect
environmenl, espechlly birds, save an old
hdy and her well-rnaintained species ol

A,so published in Hindi, od,ia and Puiabi.

tsBN 97&81-237-5847-3 i T75 lsBl.: 978-8I ,237-252i.4 t 30

Age{roup 1G12 / 60 pp

Adventures ol a Wildlile Warden
E R C Davidar
lllustrator: Shekhar

The autor, a wildlile expe , relates his Also published in Asa mya, BEngla, Gujaat|
Hindi, knnada, Makyalam, Marulhi, odia,
exciting encounters with a killer tusker and
Puniabi, Tamil, Telugu and Udu.
animal poachers.

tsBN 978-81-237-2269-6 i {35

Age{roup 12-14 / 64 pp
,ovaFaE Adventurcs ol Ghanada
Prsmeodra Mitra
i l ) lltusEaton Subir Boy
t|: 1 Like Sherlock Holm6, a deteclive
c{Eracter cailed GlEnada b quite i
;! popular h h6.Bangh trtelatup. This
rolume ccinhirs sryne ol he most

= acchiriEd Ghslada stixEs wih a hint
of waclg fr.ur.

Atso prrbli$ed in Hindi, Nlahyalan,

Adventures of Dipu the Donkey Pun@i ardTelBu. lsBN 97&81-A7-4811-5 /r r00
Negto.+12-11tmpp B
Alamelu's Appetite o
Jaya Paramasivan
r 5
lllr.EtrabE Atanu Hoy
The sto{y b about a greedy woman o
whose appefie grows day by day, and
I mg$ her husband br rphing ofiel
Si han lood. Bd one day she leams her c
lessbn. H
-.4.i-. AJso plbbhed in Asamiya, Hindi,
Pwiabi aN Tdnt.
tsBN 978-61 -237-CE1 l -S i { 25 lsBN 97&81 .A7-298G0 / r 40 E
Age{roup &1 0 / 24 pp N

All-time Stories for Children

Savithri Pandiyan
lllustrator: Arya Praharaj

Alhe A fine compilalion of five wonderful stories for children

Stclc. fc wih beautif ul illustrations.
cbldrtn Also published in Hindi and Puniabi

lsBN 978-81-237-5474-1 / t 85
Age-group 10-12 / 52 pp
I r. ":r::.-.-.1,-,1_.!:.1 ,
-'!: ': ': .!

t. .,


Animal lVorld

tsSt't' i{7r

H'rxrtsFrloq .t;.



ilf .1il'

tsBN 978,61,237-229i-C . i 25

Animals You Can't Forget


YGJ Cant
Ruskin Bond
lllustrator: Debasish Deb

This collection of stories makes interesting reading

Also publrlshed in Hindi, Odi,a, Pun abi
/ while bringing to limelight some common household
and Telugu.
animals and heir bewildering characteristjcs.
tsBN 97841 -237495+9 / t 65
Age-group 'l 0-1 2 / 40 pp
Bapu (Part l)

{1, {V Auhor-lllustrator: F C Freihs

The story ol Gandhilrom his birttr
tillfie Dandi March in pictures and
{E:-, words. t
Alsopub,iried in Asamya, funSb,, *
Guk /at, Hindi, Kannadfl lrlabyahn,
{&a atq>
As They Saw India
and Urdu.
UA nrflipl4

rsBN 97&81-237-102ffi
Age{roup 12-14/ 64 pp
T anil,

/ {
T elugu

40 I !
Bapu (Pad ll) o
Auhor-lllustraton F C Freihs
This book in continuation to Part I F
lalks about Gandhfs anest lollowing o
he Salt Satyagnha and ends wih his
Also prrblshed in Asamva, BEngla, H
Guiardi, Hindi, f\annada, M alay alan, I
Manhi, d;a, P m:pbi, T anil, T elq(,u
and Udu.
lsBN 978-81 -237-C 1 70-7 { -li lsBN 97&81 -237-1 02S9 / < 30 E
Age-group I2-14 / B+ pp N

SG Be Prepared
Uma Anand
lllustrator: Satyasewak Mukherjee

A young boy's introduction to the Scout Also published in Asa miya, Bangla, Ggarat,
movement during an adventure-filled holiday Hindi, Kannada, Maruthi, Oda, Pmtabi, Tanil,
Ielugu and Urdu.

lsBN 978-81 -237.0158-5 / t 25

Age-group 12-14 / 64 pp
Begum Gulabo Mousie and
.l B.€|m Gulibo r.oGj€
Her Balloons Bhoktc
!t Oldsia anii
lllustsalor Niren Ser Gupta

An encfianling suy about a mouse

who tnds an ell in a bailoon. Attractive
i,r,U-'i E

i usfatons enli\ren he book e 'i:''.ll'.ti'

Also pubfshed in Asarniy4 Bangh,
W,Guiani,HiIdl,l(aryrad€., II
Ledta, Lintu, Ulalay afun, Maruhi, at --_ -,
ISBN 978{1 -237{,18&3 i < 25 Mizo, Newai, Od€., Pwjilbi, Tanll,
Age-group &1 0 / 24 pp Telugu andudu.

Better than the Best Bhakta Salbega

Ramendra Kurnar
lllustrator: Khalki Bin Sohail

An engaging story for dlildren about a

village boy wio due to sheer gdt and
determination eventually shines as a spolb-

AIso published in Hindi, ttarathi, Punpbi and -t-


tsBN 978-8 r -237-a687,4 : I 25 (PB)

tsBN 97&81-237-5093-4 / < 25
Age{mup &10 / 16 pp

Bholu and Golu

*t_ Pankaj Bisht
lllustrator: Tapas Guha

.. i; lr. Bholu the circus bear and Golu te little boy

A,so publ,shed in Asamya, Bangla, Guiarati,
bemme great friends. \Mat follows is the story
Hindi, Marud,| adia, Punlabi and Tanil.
of many adventures they face. Lively illustrations
complement tire text. {
tsBN 97&81-237-190&5 / 30
I Age{roup 12-1 4 I e,0 pp
Bi{u and the Flying Horse
Deepa Agatwal
Ill6tator Stbir Roy s
8,.;-, An illustrabd sbry of a lame boy and
his magical rocking horse.Ihe sfiory b
full ol hntssy and adventue.

Arso publishd i4 Asamva, tungla,
Bhdia, W, Garo,I ndi,lwnda,
Birds and Animals in indian Art Khasr', Konl@ni, Lepch4 Linboo,
ahn, ltarafi,L
Newan, Pwiabi adTanil
Malay Wit$ Mizo,
lsBN 97&81 -237-262+6 / { 25
Agcgoup &10 / 16 pp B
S nryu'srnmru.r
Birju's Problanr o
Soma lGushik
lllustrator ljuam Kumar Bala
,"a? A beaffil story about Biriu, wfro o
lanG into one toLbls aJter another. R
dr Finally his honsty coms lo rEsclle
him and wins him recogn i,on too! c
B t Aho pub,ished io Hhdi, OdE,, Pnjabi, I
Tamiland Telugu.
lsBri 978-81-237-3397-5 . { 50 lsBN 97&81 -237-5367S i { 30 E
Agegroup G8l 20 pp N

Eqt\ftl Books Forever

Manoj Das
lllustrator: Sukumar Chatterjee

The well-known wnter introduces the great Indian Also published in Asaniya, fungla, Gqaaf,
i- - epics like te Ramayana, the Maiabharata, lhe Hindi, knnada, Mahyalan, Maruhi, odiia,
i i, r''' Vedas, the Upanishads, the Puranas, and fie Pun@bi Tamil, Telugu and Urdu.
Panchatantra, the Jatakas, and the Ar$Eshastra
tsBN 978-81-237-'132&7 / t 30
to children. '12-14
Age{roup / 64 pp
:.1 ,i,.-::l:

0 : : ..i


Bukka Learns a Lesson

t 120
,:l r::

. IIE' and sisler


t 30 ':.1
isBl\r 976-81 -237-a7a9-9 t 50

.:. r"

t B{ lIlfJ{X
Bullock-Carts and Satellites
;I\D Monisha Bobb
lllustrator: R K Laxman

Tlis rnteresting book pro.lects lndia's continuous Aho published in Asa mia, Bangla, Gujaratt, Hindi,
scientilic tradition by tracing her scienlific and Kannada, llalay alan, Maiat],i, odlia, Punjabi, T anil,
technological innovations through fie ages. Telugu and Urdu.

lsBN 97&81-237-1079-2 / r 30
Age-group 12-'14 / 64 pp
Gptain Manoj Kumar Pandey
', 1,,: i
rvl u
Script Gourav
C Sauant
Nipen Bhuyan & Samudra
Kai{tl Saikia

An illustrated life story lor young

readers of fie bravery disphyed
by he Paramvir Chaka Awardee

i Caphin iihnoi Kumar Pandey brought i

I out as pad of a series ol lites called

Busy Ants
Also published in Hindr'. ISBN 97&81-237-786,t{ / < 25
Age{roup 1&12 / 30 pp B
CelestialHide and Seek The o
Game of Eclipss K
Nirupama Baghavan
lllustrator Rajesh l-larsh F
One of he most mystefuus games R
played by nature are eclipses, played by
fie sun, he moon ard fie eaff. this c
interesling book witr some excellenl H
illusfatiofls and drotographs unravels I
$ek mystery and aho a few lips to L
predict he eclipse. A book bat every D
child must possess. R
lSBi\ 978-ti -237-2C.i5-5 t 3a tsBN 97&81-237-1984-9 / t 65 E
Age{mup 12-14 / 72 pp Aho published in Asamrya al,d Hindi

a SpLlr Cheerlul Spirits

Gita lyengar
j !in lllustrator Pulak Biswas

l'# *
Er<* One summer vacation Pnya and Hari stumble upon
an old photo album. Suddenly the album comes
Also published in Asa ntya, Hindi,
Malayalam, Maruthi and OtE.
alive. What follows is full ol fun and adventure.

tsBN 978-81-237-2390-7 /t 35
Age-group 12-'14 / 40 pp
AuhoFlfl usfalor Jeyanhi Manol€ran
Stnnli, a small g:rl wfn has been
hospihfized and b sick of being
sick! t\ltren her fiend Raj girrs her
:--- a ltabidccope, her liE durqes.
Every time s{rc views hersef in the
l@leidoscope sooEhlqg 906 wlong.
the riS[ ting fiat happens b thal she

il lsBN 97&81-237-662-5
lsBN 978{1-237S67&2
Age{roup &1 0 / 20 pp
/r 4s (PB)
/ { 105 (H8)
recoves hst-

Aho prdristEd ,lr Hirdi Mdayahn and

Choogh the Squirrel

Children ltYho illade it Big

.l'l i',-'a'\

A collectbn of chiuhood eperiences of

some ol fte celebdties and adrbvers of
different fields in modem lndia" Eaci of
fiese oeeriences leJt an indelble nErk
a tuming point in shaping t|eir respective
careeE and personalitr:es. A must for fie
young children.

Ako publbhed in Asanya, turgp, H:r]d,i,

Odia, MabyaF,m, Marahi, Pfiiahi and
lsBN 5/8{1-237-275S1 /{ 60 lsB)t !78-51 -237-i708-7 1i;
Age{roup 12-14/ 16I} pp

G10ru9.a t Chotu's Misadventures

\ Kumkum Somani
ta a/E
I lllustrator: Durgadatt Pandey

v This inlormative book for children is about
pollution and how it visibly atfects our everyday
I lile. A,so published in Telugu.

Y lsBN 97&81-237-6507-5 / r 35
Ag+group 8-'10 / 24 pp
Clever llouse rt
CI c L*rLN Clec€r Mousc
FL\Ds FREEDO}I Shaultat Shan
Illustaton Hakim Gulam Mohammad

Originally writtefl in l-(ashmid, hb is he

story ol a clever mouse who belliends
a cat and saves his life.


Also publi.shed in Odia.

tsBN 97&81 -z37-587G1 i t 30

Agegroup &10 / 38 pp B
Chunmun Finds Freedom o
Colour: The Language ol o
o Gontrasts, Accords and Un:ty K

co UR AuhoFlllustrator: Havi Paranjape

An innovalive book hat seel(s to o
introduce B chiHrefl he concept of R
of cerhin b6ic colouls like yellow red,
@NTNASTI green, blue, orangq purple, eb. and c
ACCORD5 how do hey contrast and accold to each H
oher and how they find unity when hey
hteraci wih each o$er. L
tsBN 97&81 -2s7S71 +7 / < 55 (PB) R
ISBN 978-81 -237-:1094-2 : < 25 tsBN 97&81 -237671 5-3 / r 1 20 (HB) E
Agegroup 10-12 / 23 pp N

GI $ Colour Me Says Delhi: Colouring

ffi;* Book ol Rhymes
AuthoFlllustrator: Shashi Shetye
Brought out on the occasion of the centenary
I year of Delhi, this book highlights certain
":. 'I features which are integralto the city of Delhi
in a very interesting manner. tsBN 978-81-237-6341-5 / { 25
Agegroup 8-10 / 16 pp
..: ;:.:;
-,-t .

"' ':]

::1" :. :

w S*
j ---,


Dear Popat

Jo$* :"


i:: tJtr. Y ',:-a i-z I / -J+a l -a < J

-: .='.i,_..,_. r ._

Discover lndia through Mazes

and Games*

AuthoFlllustrator: Viky Arya

t,,i,lr. at,
' '1r AIso published in Asamya, Hindi,
An activity book that enables children to
Malayahm, PunBbi and Tanil
identily eactl state of lndia through its t Being revised
unique leatures.

rrEFlslr 6trcs tsBN 978-81-237-0327-5 I < 20

Age-group 10-12 / 28 pp
Dragon Tsunami
Hsma Pande
I fI lllustrabr: Arup Guph

I |} This is a collection ol some unusual

* stories kom Japan.

rt I Also published i4 Hindi, ldarafl,i, Odia, t

Pniabi andTehrgu.


Diwali lr ,i i
tsBN 978{1-A7-580&4 /< 95
Age-goup &1 0 i 72 pp B
Ek-Kori's Dream o
.# Mahas/sta Devi
lfusrator Judhajit Sengupta
,} The story of a little boy tt ho painb, o
|) \ cawes beautiful figures and telh R
4\ stories in pictures and who dreans of
building a temple for ho queen. But c
4 H
does his dream come true?
Also pubfished in Asamiya, fungla, L
* Gujant, Hindi, hannada, Mahyalan,
Maratri, Odia, Pwjabi, Telugu and
tsBN 978-61-237-2291-7, < 2A tsBN 978{1-87-015+7 / r 30 E
Age-gmup 12-14 / 8[ pp N

Escapades of a Clone

Mohan Sundara Rajan

lllustrator: Neeta Gangopadhyay

Cloning ol Dolly and decoding of genetic code are two ol

tre major landmarks in science and technology of this era.
This science fiction takes us into the future of cloning. A
.* cloned chimp called Clonchi i$genetically engineered to be
lsBN 978-81 -237-3415-6 / < 30
,! inlelligent as a human and who tries to solve many problems
Age-group 10-121 48 pp
Etoa Munda Won the
Mahasvela Devi
Ihe story ol a tibal boy, Eba"

.t who fghb aginst heavy odds in

his quest lor acquiring educatbn.
The book vividly descnbes be
AIso publbhed rln Asamiya, turyl4 W, customs and way ol life ol he

,l Guiaral[ Hindi, ftunada, thlayahm,

Marahi, Punjabi, Tanil andTefugu.

ISBN 97&81-237-0171-4 t< 25

Munda tribals. Profusely illustEted
wih auhentic bhd( and white
piotographs ol he people and
heir cusbms.
Festival of Colours

Age-group 12-14 / 6,4 pp

Everest: My Journey to the Top

Bachendri Pal

The autobiography of Bachendi Pal, the

first lndian woman lo have climbed Everest.
It is a gripping story of a simple young
woman from an impoverished lamily who
hrcugh sheer grit and determination not ii
only completed her education but achieved

Aho published in Asa niya, Bangh, Hindi,

llrannada, Konl ni, Maryalam, tfiarathi,
odiia, Pwhbi, Tanil Telugu ud Urdu.
lsBN 97&81 -87-1 527€ / { 35 lsBi! 978-81-237-2570.3 . r20
Age{roup 12-14/64 pp

Festival ol Eid
tucid O Bl
lllustrator: P B Kavadi

The moving slory ol a poor little boy who visits Also published in Asaniya, Bangh, Guiaruti
the Eid lair and retums with a palr o, tongs for his Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Maruthi cdita,
grandmotrer so hat she does not bum her hands Punhbi Tanil, Telugu and Udu.
while cooking.
lsBN 978-81-237-2592-5 / < 25
Age-group 8-'10 / 32 pp
Find the Hall Circles E
AutpFlllustrabE Badri NaEyan

A con@t book beautifuly illusraEd, '

toaciing a d|iH h find he semi-circular
? shapes. (
A,so publbhed in Asaaiya Bangh.,
famad6, ffal6.yalan,
Guj.aran, Hi,rdri,

Ma/ultti, N@, Pui4bi, Ta , fetugu
a!f, Urdr.

ISBN 97&81-237-1115.7 l< 12

Ag+group presdnol / 16 pp
Festivals of lndia Five Friends o
Shkeen Ria/i S
lllust'aton Saibal Chatteriee
How by helping each oher in heir o
ne6ds five animals bemme close R
frienG. This sbry b@utitully depixs
he phrase h friend in need is a c
friend indeed'. Read to how how it H
happsrs. I
AIso published ,14 Hindi, ttarahL
Pfii i, Tanil, Tehrgu and Urdu.
1SBN 975-81-237-2248-1 i 150 tsBN 97&81-237€8823 /r 35 E
Agegroup 10-12 i 24 pp N

Five Stories from Guru Gobind Singh's Lile

Pritam Singh
lllustrator: Neeta Gangopadhyay

This book is a collec{ion ol five stories rrom the life ol Sikh

Guru Gobind Singh. All the stories make lnteresting reading
Also publshed in Hindi andTelugu.
as hey dispel myhs that restrain us lrom using our logical
faculty. tsBN 97&81-237-52'11-2 /< 30
Age-group 12-14/ 84 pp
fl.tllxl**' Fly Ffigh in the 5*,y


ai.- t;

Fly High in the Sky

o s.oim.eNor

One can


lsBti 978-61 -2-?7-63-?a-t 13a
.'ij':- :r



arsr LL
Forever Friends
Ankeet REttacharjee
lllustrator: Durlabh Bhattacha4ee

The frogs and he fish are bom in fte same pond and
look simihr. The frogs hink hey are smarter as ftey
can live in water as well as on land. But dangers loom
large - . . An interesting tale about the bonding that
Also published in Bangla.

lsBN 97&81-237-6720-8 / { 4s (PB)

came to be between the frog and the fish.
lsBN 97&81-237-6721-5 / r 110 (HB)
Age-group 6-8 / 16 pp
o Friends ol the Grcen Forest *
a Bimalendra Chakaborty

# =-
lllustralor Swapan Nandy

An emhanting tale about degradation

of lorest ]esewes and how he trerd ,i
totE T

can b€ reversed.

I*;*f*fiffj':r;s" AIso published in Ban gla, Ilalbi, Hindi,

Kamaa, Odia, Pw:1abi and Te,ugu.

tsBN 97&81-237-5€3-2 / t 25
Age{mup &8 / 16 pp
Frogs and a Snake o
trl K
SirxE AutDrlllustrator Ganesh Haloi
A sbry about t$,o frogs and a snake. F
The vivid illustrations in colour wiil o
acquaint a little child wih shapes and R
forms of animals in delail.
? c
Aho puifisned in Asamtya, tungla, H
HaJbi, Hlndi, Malayahn, Maruhl I
Tafiil and Urdu. L
lSBIJ 978-81,237-5523-6 . 130 tsBN 978{1-237{857-7 / < 20 E
AgegroupSBi16pp N

g ailE!!nar\L lir:i::\: From Bone to Stone

AlrthoFlllustrator: Karen Haydock

An illustrated story ol the lossilisation ol a

dinosaur which was killed around 67 million years
Also published in Bangla, Hi,ndi,
ago in a fight with another dinosaur. The book
'5 Konkani Malay alam and T anil,
also has many actNities lor children besides a
4.: chart showing the evolution ol lfe on earth. tsBN 97&81-237-2665-6 / 145
Age-group 12-14 / 28 pp
From C,oins to Credit rr; -lil

F K V Singh
l'i,i An informalive book which hlks
I !
+' s, about he history of coins, how
fiey evolved wih changing times,
* their importsnce and relevances, .t'

eb. The naralbfl 'E in a storylike
tomat whid is quits impressive.

Abo publisied in Tami,

ISBN 978{1-237-594&7 /r 90
Agegroup 12-14 / 92 pp
From Pumpkins to Pickles
From Land to Sea

Vinita Singhal
lllusuator: Binay Sinha

An inlormative story hat gives insight into

fie sErcture o, fie eaffr and he life t\at
envelopes it.

AIso publisied in Hin di, Putphi andTarnil.

lsBN 97&81-237-4202-1 / < 45 sBN 978-61 -237-i6t3-2 {9a

Age{oup 10-12 / 36 pp

Fu-Ku: An Alien
fu-ku Authorl llustrator: Jagdish Joshi

An interesting story o, an alien who comes to visit he

earth and meets fie earthlings.

Also published in Hin di, Malayalarn, Uia, Punjabi

and Tamil.
lsBN 978-81-237-5092-7 I < q
Age{roup 6-8 / 24 pp
Gautama Buddha
Leela George
llft$fabr D N Brahma

d'; D
The tife story of Gauhm Buddha toH
in a lucid and interesling style.

Abo prblidted in Asamiya, Bangl4

GuiaraL ffi fri, Kannah, ltab.ya.h,n,
Maqfir, Odh, PunFbL fanil, Telugu
Fun with Metro aNU&t.

tsEN 97&8r -237- t081-5 / t 30

AgFgroup 12-14 / 04 pp
Gagi,leck The Story of a
it' Dhan Gopal Mukerii
11,,, \rr,i lllustsaton Sabal Chaterjee

The heafi-warmlrg story ol a pigeon

and a young semitive boy. lt is also
he story of a pigeql's tsaining and
ad\renture b€sides he minute details
ol a pigeon's lile and viviri desdiptions
of $e Himdayan flora. An acclaimed
classic in ib genrq

Aho pr,blished in Asamiya, Hirdi,

tsBN s78-81,237-6701 -7 . {25 ISBN 97&81 -?$/-2,18&1 / ( 55 Famada, Malayahn, tiaruhi
Agegroup 12-14 / 1/A pp Pwjabi, TeluEt ufr Urdu.

Go+-A Story ot My Wonderland

t AuthoFlllt strator: Shashi Shetye

A beautitul yet informative book for young readers

on the land of beaches-Goa lelling about its
beauty, culture, customs, festivals and much more
in a poetic manner.

lsBN 978-81-237-78998 / t 65
Age-group &'10 / 28 pp
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2 Granny Knits


{ dlilddr
Alktixrbfs.pdfit odeatdRsi4u.
e lsB,r 97&81 lsBi\ -237-2914-2 : 1 4i
* Agegroup
'. :..

Granny's Day Out

Granafs Dav Out
Debashish Majumdar
lllustrator: Ratnakar Singh

This is a hilaious tale about a Granny

who decides lo have fun. lt finally
A,so published in Telugu
becomes too muct to digest and she
{ +-' , \ retums tired and famished.
tsBN 97&81-237-619G1 /r35
C Age{roup &10/ 16 pp
Gtowing up wih Trees RrlLtE aopd
Glowing tb
Buskin Bond I luft
lllustrator Judhaiit Senguph
Greet When
You Meet A colleclion of beauliful stodes
revoMng around tees and heir
importance in our liues.

Aho published in Hlndt, Oda,Tan,il

and Tetugu.

Greet When You Meet

lsBN 978{1-237-546+2 / { 105

Agegroup 12-14 / 8l pp B
llanged for their Pauiotism o
R K Tandon
lllustsaton An4 Krrnar Guph
Ilisbook b about $e famous young o
revoluthnads o, lrdia who went to R
he gaflows, laughing and sirEing.
AIso puDlr'shed in Hindi, ll/€.la]l€.lan, H
odria and Pmiabi. I
ISB\ 978-81-237-67C1 -7 I 30 lsBN 97&81-237-5550-2 / r 120 E
Agsgroup '12-14 / 104 pp N

*ffi*: Happy 100th Birthday Delhi

Author-lllustrator: Shashi Shetye

I .,, Published on the occasion of Delhi having completed 100

years as the capilal of the country, this book hrows light on
atll Also publisired in Hindi, Cdiia and
J'J," some special inherent features ol the state which make it
*("::'\ distinct. Also an interesting acilvity book.

tsBN 97&8'1-237-6526-6 / t 25
Age-group 8-10 /'16 pp
0., Not Crorr
OD Trcc!
Heroes Do Not Grow on Trees

Sudha Puri
Illustalor: Amitam Seflgupta
IT !1, l.
iir (,,,

$oup o, ^
An advenlure story of a
dlild€n who went out to play in a
park and saved a baby vulture lrcm
drowning. As you reid, you will find out
he role ol wltures in our ecGsystem
and how they conuibute in keeping our

fl lsBN 97&81-237-7839-6 i
Age-group &10 / 24 pp
environment clean. Hotidays Have Come

Holiday... Oh No No...
{ e

f Jaswinder Kaur Bindra

lllustraton Amrita Roy

Sometimes we take fiings for granted in

e Iife. This book conjures a situation regarding
what can happen when be Sun decftres to
q go on a holiday!

a L
Also pub,ished in Hin di and Pwiabi.

lsBN 978-81.237.6525-9 / r 25 sBi; 973-81,237,56i 9,6 { -qC
{ Age{roup ffi / 16 pp


Lila Majumdar
lllustrator; Pulak Biswas

A tender story about a Bengalilamily wh'rch settles in Assam.

A,so pubiished in Asamiya, Bangla, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam,

,:t Maratr,i, Uta, Puniabi, Tamil, Telugu and Udu.
lsBN 978-81 -237-0152-3 / r 30
Age-group 12-14 / 64 pp
tE1 How Books Are llade

Samuel lsrael ,a 1l*;

Flotttrs A comprehensive book whifi tac€6 xffi
he history d hqv bools caflie into
existence, $e rndem tednologies 5,
employed in heir printhg and how $ey
can enrich ol livm.
':! _a \)
Also published in dsamiya, 8P.ruh, .
\, :l
Homes Gujarat, Hffi Maratti, orfia, Pnjabi, -1i'
T€,ugu ard Udu.
rsBN 98t1-237-24706 / T 25
Age{oup 12-14/Bl pp B
How lndia Won tkr Frbedom o
lllustrabr:.,yolish Duth Gupta
Come 1 5 August and he rvhole ol lndia b-
immeBed in different kinds of ac{ivities. lt
was on tis day in 1 947 hat lndh became R
independenl Here is the saga oi lndians= c
I wtm fouglrt lor a lree lrdh, ; Hory of yorfr H
martyrs and great leadec who brcugllt an
eod to loreign rule.
A,so publisned in Asafi*ya, tuEla" Guiant, D
HiNi, f6mada, l<af,vnii, Mfuyalan, R
Manlputi tllaruhi Odia, Pwiabi, Tan
isBN 978-81-237-2583-3 I t 18 ISBN 97&81-87-110+8 / t /o , E
Telugu and Urdu.
Ag+group &l0/ 36 pp N

How lllnjini Became A Magician and Other

Atrican Tales

Reeta Dutta Gupta

lllustrator: Tapas Guha

{ A fine compihtion of five wonderful stories about

Also published in Tamil and Telugu
animals who interact with each other in the lorest, he
stories are told in a lucid style having lots of funny tsBN 978-81-237-325-1 /t 35
situations. Age-group 10-12 / 64 pp
T] n
:.'..:.,.... I


I am Better than You

ffiBifrtoi Pau[nC

A &taile.d


isBr,i 978-8l -237-1098-3 'r 3a

I Like the World

I ,aarg
Auhorlllustrator: Jeyanthi Manokaran

An enchanting picture-book about a little girl

who loves he world around her.

Do i,
Also pubfished in Asam Ua, tungla, Bhili,
Guiaati Hindi, Karnada, lialayalan, llal,alni,
tsBN 97&81-237-0173{ / < 20
, od/h, Puntabi, Tanil, Telugu and Udu.
Age{roup pre-school/ 16 pp
t lnventions that Changed the World
a T] ITIIEE (Part l)
broticr! llra
a!Lr-g!d tA. fr{rd
Mir NaFbat Ali
lllustabr: Ahmed
Hunan mind hinks of new filrps and some
human beings oeate such novelties. All lhe
.- ":') r,rhile in our history inventio.E have shaped
and rehaped our life. This book focuses on
It some mapr inventiom hat have impomnce li',,
to his day.
AIso publbhed
Hindi, f\
rln Asamva, hnSla, Guial€di,
nada, Maryalan, Maruthi, odria, lsBN 97$81-237-227G2 / r 30
Puniabi, Tanil, Telugu nd Urdu. Age{.oup 12-14 / 64 pp B
lndia's Young Heroes
IN\lflrIIoils lnventions that Changed the o
E k' da^ded [E
World (Part ll) K
Mk Najabat Ali
fflustratorAhmed F
: o
A sequel to Part l. the title @fltintEs R
to dwellon various inventbns. ..-
Ako prJbfisned [4 Isam rya, Pf,ngla, H
Guiarat, H:tndi, f\annada, Mahy ahn, I
Marathi, odlia, Pwpbl Tanil, Te[rgu L
and Udu. D
tsBN 978-8r .237- 1094,5 , { 25 tsBN 978'€1-47-2044-9 / r 30 E
Agegroup 12-14 / 64 pp N

Jallianwala Bagh general and the sutfering of trousands

Bhisham Sahni of lndians.

lllustrator: Prasant Mukherjee
Also publisied in Asamva, fungla,
t On 13 April 1919, an armed contingent ol British soldiers Guiaatt, Hndi, Kannada, Malayahm,
massacred lndians who had gathered in the garden ground Itarch| odria, Punlabi, Tamil, Telugu
of Jallianwala Bagh in Amritsar. The ghastly murder has gone and Utdu.
i down in the memory ol lndians as the most heinous act of
lsBN 978-81-237{901-2 / a 30
British rule. Bhisham Sahni has told the story of an atrocious
Age-group 12-'14 / 56 pp
Jawaharlal l{ehru
CI Jor[trlfi
Tara Ali Baig
Replete wih anecdotes and Eofusdy
illustatod wih photographs, fiis book
brings al|e Nehru he d|iH, adolescent,
young man and commified Prime Minister
Carefully selected, he hrge number of
phobgaphs not only embellish but also
complement he text

f, ISBN 97&81-237{16G8 / { rto

Aho published i,n Asamia, Mngla,

Gvprat, Hindi, Keflina&, ttalayalan,

tlanthi, Odia, Pmiabi, TanlL Telugu and
Age{roup 1G12 / 8t pp Urdu. --l-*.:'5

Jiro Mithe Joy in lhe Jungle

Anvih Abbi
lllustrator: Atanu Roy {ith.
A popular tale lrcm he Andaman lsland
whict narates an incident giving a lot of
insight about te culture and belieh ol he
tibal people ol fiis region. Also infoms why
he Andamanese revere birds and rehain
from eating hem.

rsBN 97&81-237{71&5 / r 35 (PB)

rsBN 978{1-237671$2 /r r 10 FB) lSBl\ 978-81 -237-a52E-B l3-
Age{roup 10n2 / 16 pp

Kavya Makes Up Her Mind

riid Ramesh Bijlani
lllustrator: Mohit Suneja

Little Kavya is lascinated by the vocations the grown-ups around

her are pursuing and keeps changing her mind about what she
F. would like to do when she grows up. She discusses her feelings A,so published in Hi,4di.
wih her Nana who triggers her imagination and makes her
t tsBN 97&81-237-721&9 / t 60
understand he true meaning of a profession.
Age-group 1G'l2 / 32 pp

Leela J Lopez IacLru

lllustatoE AmiEva Sengwh

fui enchanting story sel in K€rah about

a gid named Ladu wlE b lrery naughty
and can never sft idla lt i@mb he
khokc beautitul and tu[ ol feedom chikftrood
Lachu lived am'llht nature's bounly.

lsBN 97&81-237-555$3 / r 85
Agegoup 12-14/ 84 pp B
Khoka Lalu and the Bed Kite o
AuhoFlllustrator Ashish Sengupf
The book tells he story ol Lalu and his F
red kite in wondrcus mlours. lhe.liite o
b Lalds love and he is reary to g6-to R
I any lengft to keep he kite wih him.
Aho published in tsamrya, tungla; H
Bhawi, H:ndi. Malayalan, Marahi, 1
Odia, Pwjili ud Urdu
ISBN 978-81-237-7722-i ,r 65 rsBN 97&81-A7{85$1 /r25 E
Age{roup Gg / 16 pp N

Let's Do a Play
[ETs I)o A PI,{Y
Uma Anand
lllustrator: Mickey Patel

A delightful story woven around the heatre and what goes A/so published in Asamiya, tungh,
Hindi, M al ay ahm, llalathi, Odia,
into producing a play. The author, with her extraordinary gift
for entering into a child's world, not only explains common
Puniabi, Tanil, Telugu and Utdu.
theatrical tems but also lalks about he growing lheatre
lsBN 978-81-237-2991-6 / r 35
movement in lndia.
Age-group 12-14 / 64 pp

.:) -:


. ,t -":l . .:

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Little 0ld Woman

.'t/haiial€hi& 1.,..P t

Disilfied 6i fie jr/



isBN 978-E1-237-Ci71-5. { 34

Little Sunshine
Little Sunshine
Jaslvant Singh Birdi
lllustrator: Rabakar Singh

A story which dwells on the importance of

Also published in Asaniya, Hindi,
* a Sun and how it imparts lite to all especially
Odia, Punlabi and Telugu.
he smiling floweE. The flowers are hele like
I 't ----i budding children full ol life and energy.
tsBN 97&81.237-60234 I < 25
']l -
Age{roup &10 / 16 pp
',. iiBle llbadaE
lndraneil Das & Homulus Whihker

An inlofln€dive, aut|orihlive book

about he locale, habib, breeding,
etc. of dif(erert knds of lizards.
{' l Pencil sketches and photographs
-i€;{:i. t comptement he IucU bxt

Also published in Hi,ndi, llaralhi urd

ISBN 978{1 .237-214ffi / r 18

Age{roup 12n4l32 pp B
Little !Vonders Long and Short: Big and o
Small K
AufDr-lllustralor: Pulak Biswas':
A pidure book Y,hbh trries to erylain o
he opposites long and sho( b@ R
and small hrough various featJles
of animals. iraNellous ilustrations c
simpv make reading tis book a H
pleasurable experience. I
Also published in Hindi and Tamil. D
lsBN 978{1 -87-671 S1 / { 45 (PB) R
lsBi\l E78-81-237-68E5-.1, t 65 lsBN 978{1-2376717-8 / { 140 (HB) E
Age{roup presctool / 24 pp N

! -;- ii. Losl and Found

lnternational Center lor Literacy and Culture
lllustrator: Malik Sajad Rasool

What is he impact of wars and conflicts on children

and how they try to make healthy relationship wth l
Also pub,ished in Asa miya, ndi,
the people on the oher side of he border as the Malayalan, Punlabi, Tamil and Telugu
':: subject this book dwells on.
lsBN 97&81-237{337-8 / { 40
Age{roup 8-10 / 24 pp
Mad Mango

A N Pednelcr
Illr.Etrator: I aniuh Padmanabhan

A humourous sbry aboul a mango tee UAGTC $IANDS

who is bored standing ooted in one
ql place and wanb to see he world and
t seek adventure.

AJso publbied in Asaniya, tungla,

il lsBN 97&81-237-201+2 l< 35

Agegroup &1 0 / 32 pp
Guiat d, Hindi, (rannada, Malay alan,
Maralhi, Adia, Pmpbi, Tanll, Telqgu

Magic lslands

Madam Rides the Bus

lllustrator S Gopalan

The lale ol a girl's first dde in a bus and her

AIso published inAsaniya, tungh, Guiuafi,
Hindi, KAnnaM, llahyalam, ttarahi, 0d,i'6., f lfi<'6-,ffi
Puiabi, Tarnil, Tehgu and Urdu. --=E nu]flw

rsBN 97&81-237.1499-8 / < 35 tsBN 978-81 -237-aa00-6 { i25

Agegroup &10 / 32 pp

E-*.is* Maharaia Ranjit Singh

*u Pritam Singh
lllustrator: Neeta Gangopadhya

The story of MahaEja Ranjit Singh, fie founder of the kingdom

of the Punjab. Ranjit Singh was an outstanding ruler known
for hrs bravery and statesmanship. This book is beaulifully
illustrated in the delicate miniature style ol Ranjil Singh's court
A,so publisied in Bangla, Hindi,
knnada, Malayalam, Maruthi, Odia,
Puniabi, Tanil, Telugu and Utdu.

tsBN 97&81 -237-20234 I < 4 1

Age{roup 8-10 / 32 pp
Maior Somnath Sharma
'':.:;:, -f r'!

B *.,
Gourav C Sawant
llfusrabr Animesh Debnatrt

* .1,
KG An ilustdedlife sbry hr young , ': -!-
readers ofhe bral€ry @hyed by
tp PaamVir ChakaAmdee tllajor
Somnafi Shama browht out as part of
a sedes ol tiue6 call€d Veeryatha.
J:. i

G 1--.* -
./i Aho published in HI4d.
t =Es--
F, lsBN 978{1-237-786$51< 25
AgEgroup 1G12l22 pp B
Major Shaitan Singh Mama liloo Gr a Sqing o
Juiia & Tomas Weshnder
l usfabr
SYen Nordqvbt
An inlerestl4g SlYedi$ sbry ot tqil o
a cow sneaks out for a ride on fie-
bicyde ardten on a swing.
& ;: c
Abo pubtished [n Asamtya, BanSE H
Gujaruti, Hindi, t(amad€" Mahyahm, I
Wani, odih, n4aal, Tanil, Tetugu L
and Udu.
lsBN E78-81,237-78A7-9 :< 25 tsBN 978{1-237n 69G1 / { 25 E
Age{roup &10/24 pp N

Mangu's Top
TOP Kamakshi Balasubramanian
Illustrator: Amitava Sengupta

A gentle story of a poor boy who has no toy to play with till
he comes across a battered top and makes it his own. llanipui, Mamthi, Mtzo, Nepa,i, Odia,
Puniabi, Tanil, Telugu and Udu.
ir.. i$. Also published in Asa nva, Bangla, Bhili, Garo, Gujaratt,
lsBN 97&81-237{310-7 / t 35
&:-t.+ Hindi, Kannada, Khasi, Konkani, Lusai, llalayalam,
Age-group 6-8 i 24 pp
1-,-1. .:.i .. : .
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... :, .i
....'', :i

..i,.,.' o .eGnr- E
o STAT } C i.i

'',lj r.i

Mir Space Station
fl rmtirr.!1=]i1,-l

te fi
oar a

a H ..I

t PP ".

' ... ::.

tsBN 978-8r ,237-398C'9 lat

Mitha and Her Magic Shoes

tlA(1," HOE\ Auhor-lllustrator: B G Gujjarappa
Also publist ed in Asania, tungla,
Bhatai, Garc, Gupati, Hindi,
,l A picture book wih four colour illustrations hat
f\annada, f\hasi, Konl@ni, Lusai,
llalayalan, tllaniputi, lla,'ahi, Mtzo,
tells the story of what happens to Milila when
Nepali, Odia, Puniabi, Tamil, Telugu
she finds a pah of shoes tnt can make her lly -
- -a .:_ .

something she has been dreaming about.
and Urdu.

tsBN 97&81-237-1945-0 / T 30
Age{roup pre-school / 16 pp
Mongoose Becomes King
o m
H Mohini
BaHev Singh 'Baddan'
KIi,:C I -.?a
o f Dgrrron

lllustratofi Durgadatt Pandey

This is an interesti{ tsle about how a

little creatue Mo0go6e manages 10
outrvit a mighly anfunal like he leopard.
o A,so pt b[shed i'4 Bhatad, Hindi, - -:t-tr.i: r- :_ ..j;

a lelarahi, odria and tunihbi.

lsBN 97&81-237{59$2 / { 30
Agegroup &10 / 24 pp
I Noirini and the Demon
Mulk Rai Anand
lllusfaton Ruprecht Haller

o I
A tender story of an elephant Simple,
loudling and colourful illustrations.

a I Abo publisned ,n Asamtya, BEnsla,

Guiarat, Hind, Karnada, l'i,layahn,

a Manthi, Nepali, odia, Pwiabi Tanil,

Tehryu afl Urdu.
o :' R
lsBi,r 978-81,237,"',ri 54-6 {45 lsBN 978{1-87n /,r 25
a Age{roup &l0 / /() pp
1 1 1-9

Mother Teresa
-.\: Lila Majumdar & Bachi Karkaria
AIso published in Asamiya, fungla,
The life and work of Motler Teresa and her Garc, Gulaati, Hindi, Kannada,
Sisters of Charrty are told through interesting KonYani, Lusai, Malayalan, Manipuri,

and revealing anecdotes. This book is prolusely Maruh| Mtzo, Nepali, Adta, Punjabi,
illustrated with black and white photographs of Tanil, Telugu and Udu.
Mother and fie Sisters at work.
lsBN 97&81 -237- 10 82-2 I < 25
Age-group 12-14 / 64 pp
Music ol the Hills
r ! Raniih Biswas
lllustraton Treibo ang Lyngdoh J
, Mawlong

liyslerious cfucumstances happening

in an abandoned house in Shillong
makes Jocetyn ard June, the two
-1 sbters, featful hn curious too. And
soon trey stumble upon a dark
secret lurking behind he beautiful My First Aeroplane Journey
FI tsBN 97&81 -237{029-0 / T m
hills of Meghalaya. A $rilling sbry
hat introduces young readers lo he
Agegroup 10-12 years / 24 pp concept ol bbriracy.

Muthu's Dreams

KamaKhi Balasubramanian
lllustrator: Tapas Guha

A genue s1ory about a young daydreamer

who is given hope hat dreams do come

AIso publbhed in Asaniya, BEngJa, Bhawi,

Btii[, Gtla/"t, Hindi, Kannad6, Mahyatun,
Maruhi, cdlia. Pufiabi, Tanll, Telugu and

tsBN 97&81 -237{1 6$9 / < 45

ls$.r 97E-81 -237,a699-7
I .14

Age{roup S8 / 32 pp

My First Railway Journey

Auhorlllustrator: Mrinal Mitra
't The excitement ol a young boy's first train
Also published in Asaniya, Bangla,

joumey lrom the moment ol reaching the Gujarufi, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalarn,
I Manhi, C/,ia, Putlabi, Tanil, Telugu
railway platform to fie arrival at the destined
and Urdu.
station, including going through a tunnel.
= Related hrough graphic pictures.
tsBN 978-81-237-1r0&5 / { 30
Age{roup preschool /'16 pp
My Life: The Tale of a Buttertly
My.hurne5r To The tlYUFE
fuian Sarkar
IrEhd. ir .it,
North Exquisitely phobgraphed, tb book in
Pole a lrame by frame sequence naratss
ri.USqlF tre ranarloble and beaut'ful cianges
<t in fie life{ycb of a buttsrfly.

Ako publisied in Eangla, Hildi
Konkani, Mahyatuot |taI,a,hi, od/ia"
hnjahi, Tunil, Teh4uand Urdu.

rsBN 97&81 -87-A3+4 / ( 30

flgenlotpGS/16pp. B
My Journey to the Magnetic P-]
Iily Robot Robbi o
North Pote 5 +
Dilip M Salw
+ lflusFatoE C M SaM
c Thb fascinaling story of a Robot called
Robbi- 999 )GA and his young master
Sunny, conlains interesting lacb about he
history and origr'n ot Robots besides games C
fi and puzzles. Well illustrated by C.M. SaM. H
Abo published in iqsamtya, Hndi
'.rtt : p L
Italayalan, Maahi aN Tanil.
ISBN 97E-E1-237-1 -043-6 :'130 lsBN 978€1.237-246$0 / I 25 E.
Age-group 12-14 / 40 pp N

My Umma's Sari

Geeta Dhamaralan
I lllustrator: Korean School Children
Art Supervision: Suddhasattwa Basu
i 3
An lndian story which is beautirully interpreted and
illustrated by Korean kids. A story about an lndian sari Also pubished in TamiL
bought by a Korean moher which is visualized by each kid
perhaps imagining heir own mother weaing the sari.
lsBN 978-8't -237-7383-4 / t 100
Age Group Sg Years / 52 pp
;,. "-r'
I{ImEi$ of 6c

i, .+rF
I,-* "
'::.1 j .: Ll
.jl r l,,i.:r-,i, \
,^- : ">1


Native American Folk Tales

of MAL

.,i tsBN 978-61-237-58i7-7 {8C

Nature's Gift

Authorlllustrator: UFal Talukdar

A tale about two friends; a bird and an elephant.

The elephant wishes to fly and fie bird tries to
A,so publ,shed in Kannada,
help him. Bd boh lail miserably only to realise fial
Malayalam andTelugu.
everyone is made ditferently by Nature.
tsBN 978-81-237-6933-2 / t 45
Age{roup 6-& 28 pp
o ,,:i :,.\.
Neelu and Peelu

AufEFlllusfator: Vilry tuya

0 Ntttu
A story about ty,o cr€eper flowers
Neelu and Peelu. The difference in
heir altitude b each ofier as hey
,t l grow up in life maks up fiis story.
Finally leading to a hsaltry lriendship


Aho puDbned ia lGnnada and L

lsBN 978{1-237{681-2 / { 25
Agegroup &8/ 16 pp B
Nawab Rangile
-a Neem Baba o
S I Farooqi
NEEI{BABA lllustator ParSE SerEupta
It An I ormative book presented in a o
story lormat on the tree-Neem and
n R
ib varbus tEes. Beautiful illustrattuls
render I e and colour to he text. c
Abo published in Hindi, Uia, Puniabi I
and Ufir. L
lsB\l 978-Ei -237-61 05-3 ,
i 100 lsBN 97&81-237-5635$ i { 40 E
Ag+group &1 0 / 24 pp N

Neha, My Sister

Madhu B Joshi
lllustrator: Partha Sengupta

Preety smells kouble when all ol a sudden her mother

lands up in a hospital. Only to leam that she is a proud Also published in Hindi, Kannada,

didi ol her newly bom sister Neha. Maruthi and Punjabi.

lsBN 97S81-237-4092-8 / I 35
Age-group 8-10 / 16 pp
Nine Little Birds
Nine LitUe Birds

e Autpr-lllustraton N T Haieev tIO)lA %

) An endEnting hle orbinally
mmsived, penned and illustrated
in Malayalam language.

tlf I
Abb pub,ished in l'lalbi, Hi,4di, I
tlalayalan, N|E.rahi, Punlebi and
Tanil- .. *3'-
fl tsBN 97&81-A74352-3 / < 30
Age{roup F8 / 20 pp
I Nomads ol lndia
Nona and the Hain

t Shyam Singh Shashi

Originally Mitten in Hindi, tris book on he

lndian nomadic community and fief ffestyle

e is espechlly written lor he young readets.

e ( lsBt\r 978-81-237-],12I -5 l
tsBN 97&8'1.237-7413{ / 45 -30

{ Agegroup 1G12 / 64 pp

rf 0n a Tiger's Trail
Geetika Jain
lllustrator: Shashi Shetye

D A beautifully illustrated story about a girl $/ho helps everybody

AIso published in Bangla, Hindi
and saves her brothel lrom the clutches of a tiger. This story
Malayalam and Tamil.
has a message hat if we do not hurt animals they will not
harm us. tsBN 97&81-237-5427-7 / t 35
Age{roup / 28 pp
(b.. Once Upon a Time (Part I)
I lllustrato|: Puhk tr6 as
C,ontains beadiful and tender sbries
f^il which bring b ms he period from
Mohenio{am b he Gtoh kings, ryitr I
attractive illtstations. -,{i
Also published in Asamua, tungla,
OnceinaVillage... Guhrdi, Hindl Kanad/a
and Utdu.
od,ia, Hnpbi, f anil Telugu

lsB{97&81-237-2002-9 / T 30
Agegoup 12-14 / 64 pp
Once Upon a Time (Part ll)
oNC[ (rl'UN '1 Tll,ll]
lllustraton Puhk Biswas

\i The book conEins lour sbries from a

ancient Indian hisbry. The stories
are full ol historical inlormation and
provide te cultutrl backgrcund to he
}:' peiod lrom he second certury to he
sevenh cenlury.

Also published rio AsanUa fungla,

Gujarali, Hind, f\annada, t/ ,hy alan,
lsBi{ 978-81-237-2040,3 ;.r 30 Manthi, @ia" Puniabi, Tami\ Tehtgu
lsBN 978{1-A7-200}6 / t 30
and UfiI
Age-group 12-14 / 64 pp

One Dey,.. One Day...

Authorlllustrator: Jagdish Joshi

This beautitully illustrated picture book is about a boy Mana

AJso published in Bangla, Gujarati,
and his fiend Appu he elephant. The story is about their
Hindi, Malayalan, Maruthi, P unjabi,
adventure in the jungle.
Tanil and Udu.

lsBN 978-81-237-2797-4 I < 50

Age-group 6-8 / 32 pp

Our Useful Planls



a H
t lsBNt s78-E1-237-11 1C-2. l 3l

Owl Ball

AutDrlllustrator: Francesca Xotta

TIis story is about a lazy owl, who eats

non-stop and is quite sad at his plight. A
Also published in Ban gla and Tanil.
little girl helps translorm him into a healthy
rsBN 97&81-237-5440-6 / t 35 (PB)
@ tsBN 978-81 -237-5441-3 / { 85(HB}
Age{roup 6-8 / 24 pp
grtus lflEa, Pattems from l,lafure
o Arhorlllustrator Judh4it SengupE
o Well conceived and colourfufiy

O -'rJ: / t- , :i-''.: '',

illuslraled, he bookwi help he child ,.r
*- -
B-:- to hol he various patt€rns [ut eist
,t ,- n= in naure whi* are bofi beauliful and
a .E;.''r I ,-- tfiil
'{t usetul. thh is an activily book

o ffiry==
Aho published ,14 Asaniya, Hindi,
ttalayalam, thrahi ud Tunil.

o Pappu's Problem lsBN 978{1-237.20524 / tm

a Agegoup GB / 12 pp B

Playing Tggether
o i' i'r I\.' Bharat Bhushan AggaMal & Bindu

o ii r{,i : ili 'r Aggrwal

lllustaton Jagdisn Josfi i
o ,: An English rendering of he Hindi
original title which encashes on
o h; he catechism tednique by way ol
intodrcing crossword puzzes. A saga
a of well documented
hcts as well as an
book for children.
o Also published i,4 Hrl4di.
o lsB[j 978-E 1 -237-4328-8 30 ISBN 978{1-237-4,145-2
Agsgroup 12-14 / 96 pp
/{ 35 E

r5t FOLLUTION Pollution

N Seshagiri

- '- ".q_ 1 An account of how ditferent kinds ol poliution-rivers, Also published in Asa mtya, Bangla,
oceans, the atrnosphere-are a health hazard to human Guiarui, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam,
berngs, animals and plants. Colourlully illustrated by a group tllanhi CdiE, Pu abi, Tanil, Telugu
of young artists. and Urdu.

lsBN 978-81-237-1080-8 / < 25

Age{roup 12-'14 / 64 pp

Amrit Rai Pu S iliec: Iq!

A biogtaphy o, he great writer, whidl
brings to life Prem Chand he man,
largely hmugh excerpb lrom his
I --:.-
own wilings. Warm, sensilive and
full ol gente hurnour. lllustsated witt

il tsBN 97&81-237{16&4 / < 18

Age{roup 12n4 /,18 pp
AIso published in Asamtya, B€ngla,
Hndi, (onnaca, Maahi, Odia"
PunFbi, Tamil, Telugu md Urdu.

Punti's Wedding
Procession 1 to 10

Au$or-lllustrator: Mickey Patel

A beautifully illustrated book on a

wedding procession. Helps chiHren to
@unt numbers.

Also pubfsned in Asan Ua, 8Engla,

Guja/€t, Hindi, (ann ada, llal ay alarn,
Ma/athi, odia, PunW, Tami, TeWu
and Urdu.

tsBN 976-81-237-a728-4 i 5i {PB)

tsBN 97&81-237-149&1 /t
18 tsBll 978-81 .237,6729-1 I 1 15 (HB)
Agegroup pr+school / 16 pp

qC..s rnFl* Quakes and Flames

.A#A Ruskin Bond
lllustrator: Subir Roy

Grippingly written by he well-known children's author this book

A,so published in Asantya, Bangla,
Hindi, knnada, llalayalan, Marchi,
consists of two stories which depict two natural calamities
Odia, Punlabi, Telugu and Udu.
rvhich frequently atflict lndia--+arthquakes and forest fires. The
drama of the events is evoked by the powerful black and white r
tsBN 97&81-237-0769-3 / 20
Age-group 12-14 / 52 pp
t Raju and Jimmi
,:i i: -i ,
Bandih Ph*an

C rr' .:
lllustator Durlabh BlauadEriee

An Engl'rsh r€ndedng d a sbry

odginally written in Asamiya, it b a
sensilive porfayald a young boy who
b; $
t \
car* lor his pet dog Jimmi.

*"+l!- Arso pub,ished ir4 Asarnin, Pmjabi aN

rsBN 97&81 -23745:t&1 / r 30
r':r.--.= E
Agegroup &1 0 / 40 pp B
Rahul and the Dream Bat
Ramu and the Robot o
( :1, ,i ., &rm Sedwal
llhEtrabn by Arya Praharai
Thb b he sbry about Hanu who has a o
robot The robot does allhe rsork Then
-- "L+.,

somehing goes wrong h he mechanism


and he robot tjms destnrclive. The story c

end@vours b re€shblish tre supe@rity H
of human mirld, wih a slste message hat t
one should not rely too much on madtnes. L
AJso publbhed in Hindi and AnWi.
ISBN 978-81-237-71 83-0 : { 5C tsBN 978{1-23749174 /t 55 E
Age-group &1 0 / 32 pp N


lllustrator: Mistunee Chowdhury
Originally written in Hindi, fiis story is about
making ol eltigy ot Ravan for the lestival ol AIso published in Hin di, ttalayalam,

Dussehra. odlia and Telugu.

lsBN 978-81-237-624&7 I < N

Age-group 8-10 / 16 pp
'. i-'. ,i..,-r-:t.^
":...e..1 .
I l:1! i.


s tr IdBIils
I rl':

Red Kite

t Red
{ But

t =:
e Thb

oL Abt

e !
ISBIi 978 8r -237-2C5C-0 '{ 2a

g Rescue
Baldev Singh 'Baddan'
lllustrator: Suresh Lal

This story talks about lile near a pond in the jungle and
Also published in Hindi, Maruhi,
how all the creatures live trere blisslully untll due to human
Ada, Pufiabi and Telugu.
inteNention, a crocodile comes to inhabit the pond-
ISBN 978-81-237-6594-5 / t /t0
Age-group &10 / 32 pp
Ripe and Ready
m*gnmrc: Sukumar Ray
lllustrator Debasbh Deb $,E ffid t TECI' J

.€ An inleresting bookwhifi hfls under

fie calegory ol he genre tEnsense
rhyme' and wlridr connecb as well
as drat ,s upon various aspects of
fte meaning ol he uords 'dpe and
Or,r,u and His Compass

a Al'ep pthlished in ll/ .layalarn

lsBN 97&81-237{01}1 /T35
o Agegroup &'l 0 / 24 pp B

a Rohanta and Nandriya

Krishna Chaitanya
o _tr
\ IlkJstrator Pranab Chakravarli

a Based on fie Jatal€s, h6e two

tendel stories, one aboul a black
bucK the olher about a monkey,
o clea y lusffie fie compassbn,
wisdom and gienteness that are

a always assochted wih fie Buddha. I

a Also published in Asam rya, hngla,
Guiarati, Hindl Kannada, Mahyalan,
rsBN 978.8 i.237 -5724-7 {35 tlaftthfl 0d,i4Ani i, Tanil, Telugu
tsBN 978{1-237-2gX}8 r 30 E
o Age{roup 12-14i 64 pp
and U u.

Rupa the Elephanl

Authorlllustrator: Mickey Patel

The endearing story ol Rupa, the elephant, who yrants to

look beautrful. Makes delightful reading.
Maniputi, Marathi, Mizo, Nepal, Odn,
Also published in Asa nva, Mngla, Bhili, Garc, Gtlatat, Puniabi, Tamil, Telugu and Udu.
Halbi, Hindi, Kannada, l.fiesi, Konkani, Malayalan,
lsBN 978-81-237-0'1592 / t 30
Age-group G8 / 32 pp
Sammythe Snail
Roopam CarIoll
& lllugfator Susmih l-laldar

Sanmy frc snailventures on a Fumey

to fnd a ftiend and h disappointed till
':;:.' : :. ,.,* /:f v
he tips and falb upside down from a
mound. A hrtoise comes to hh resde
and completes hs mission of Samrry.

AIso publisned i4 IGnn a,Telugu utd

FI Ttbeh.
tsBN 97&81-237{Al}3 / < 35
Age{roup FB / 16 pp

Science and You

P J Lavakare -' 'i (1,-1

llluskator: Harinder Singh

A book on $e growh and development

of science in lndia and he rvodd and
Mitten from the peEpeclive ol intrcducing
hese kieas to children, it also lalks about
te uses and abuses of science. lt has
added atfactions such as a dEpter by
the renowned scientist Jayant Nallikar,
a bibliography and a list of v{ebsites on
popufu science.

Also published in Hindi and Odia.

tsBN 97&81-237-3657{ / r 70 lSBi\' 978-Er -237-1521.-A a2a
Agegroup 12-14 / 128 pp

Second Lieutenant Arun Khetarpal

{ Script: Gourav C Sawant

lllustrator: Animesh Debnath

An illustated life story lor young readers of tfre bravery

displayed by ttre Param Vk Chakra Awardee Second
A,so published in Hindi
Lieutenant Arun Khetiarpal brought out as part of a series ol
titles called Veergalha. tsBN 978.81-237-786+1 /r 25
Age-group '10-12 / 24 pp
Seven Stairs to Sun
Dipanwits Roy
Illustaton Anup Ray
What happens when cbud riho b
+l jealous of Sun wdges a war against
it? What iilotrcr Natre willdo? Read
i4 his wih a message
imaginatiye siory
hal iealously and lmecudty le{d you in
Set Me Free
Also publisfied in Malaplam.

lsBN 97&81-237-78891 /< 60

Agegroup &1 0 i 24 pp B
Sheebr-the Sheep o
-:*: s* Neetu Shama
lllrrsuabr Parha S€fl guph
This story is about a sheep who loses
her bell. the fire flies help her in
se$dling tur it in he dark lllustrations
f elucidale he hxt. c
Aho published in Telugu. lr
lsBM78-81-237-0661.4 I l 20 lsBN 97&81-237-636+1 /r25 E
Agegroup &10 i 12 pp N

Sheela and Leela

Author-lllustrator: Neetu Sharma
A delightfultale ol two lriends, Sheela and Leela,
who live on yellow, pale meadotr/s. The story is
complemented with some Cov'/ facts that run along with
the story. Lets discover where $eir unique bonding
leads them tol
rsBN 97&81-237-8001-X /{ 45 (PB)
tsBN 97&81-237-8002- 8/{ 13s (HB)
Age{roup &8 / 20 pp




So tt4any Smites
tEt dfE*

tsBi"t 978,8r -237-70C8-5 175

Farl;f,':tFlf{l]}-t Some lndian Saints

Gopinab Talwalkar
lllustrator: M A Jomraj

u-.' The book relates te stories ol some lndian saints who lought
): against evils like untouchabil y.
J Also published in Asa nya, fungla, Hindi, Kannada, Maathi,
Puntabi, Telugu and Wdu.
tsBN 978-81-237{250S / r 30
Age-group '12-14 / 64 pp
ae sor,tE STREET Gu'1Es oF tHDt,t
.t r a' . a '
Something Special

Auhorlllustralor: Geetika Jain

'' n EIE'.
sisc:; I
a trt
Beautifufiy illusfated, he book i1 A f
narates he adventjres ol
drMng firough a forest
a family

-.,1t. Abo publbied in Asamiya, Hindi,

- t-if -a. l'. ... ttlalayahn, Pwjabi at
= .l
Some Street Games of lndia

lsBN 978-81-237-252$3 /r 30
Ag+group 1G12 / 16 pp B
Sonab Adventurcs o
Tan Teuari
l usfab,: Mickey Patel
A simple story about a young camel, o
who b made rlm ol by oher animals
because of her flat feet, long neck and
hump. Later a small incideni makes c
not only her but ofiers aho realis€ H
what a tsefulanimalshe is. t
Abo pr.,blisned rlq Asamrya, tung)a,
Guiarat, HiNi, lhnnada, Mahy alan,
Maruthi, Odia, Pmiahi, Tam,:l Telugu
ISBt\l 978-8i-2-17-t 099-0 { ra lsBN 978-8'l -237-1 107-2 / r 35 and Udu.
Age{roup &1 0 i 32 pp N

o Spanow's Wisdom
Suraiya Rasool
lllustrator: Hakim Gulam Mohammad

Originally written in Kashmiri, this is the

story ol a wise sparrow who saves the
fl tt jungle from fire. A,so published in Odia and Tamil.

tsBN 978-81-237-5869-5 / a 40
Age-group 8-'10 / 28 pp
iorCf,ilih6 Jcdari
Stories lor Childrcn by Jeelani .l SIOAIE5 OT EAKOB PATEL

Jeelani Bano
lllustalon Shash: Shetye
'lhe book cfitains two stories-'The
Smiling Hose aId The Magb Bo)C. I
I ia
Whilehe former dwells on Jawaharlal B
Nehru and he making of n6w fdia, fie I
htter endeavouc to brlst he mylh of
H tsBN 97&81-237-5@1-0 /{ 50
an ignorant and or$odox society.

Also published ii4 Hi4di, odlia, Pfiiabi,


-: 5:;..
Agegroup $10 / 32 pp Te\ryu and Urtu. - -,;i::,:
e Stories of Bakor Patel
Stories from Bapu's Life
Uma Shankar Joshi
lllustrator: M'rckey Patel
{ i:
ln his book he noted Gujarati Mite] rclates
e some interesting episodes from Bapu's life.
Written in a simple and heart{vaming style,
aH the stories will appeal to children. Sorirs
A,so publsned in Asamiya, Bangla, Bhili BaDid's 1ift
? Bho,pun, Garo, Guiarati, Hindi, fftnnada,
Khasi, Konlcni, Lusa,; Magahi, Maithili,

e ttalayahn, Manipwi, Marathi, Mtzo, Ner€Iit,

0d,ia, Pwiabi, Tanil, Telugu arrt Udu.
tJD ! Y/6-1 -2.1/-JtCr-Y 1 -tr
lsBN 97&81-237{s08{ / < 35
{ Agegruup lG'12 /32 pp

Stories ol Light and Delight

Manoj Das
lllustrator: Mario

.- d'-
A collection of lesser known traditional stories in a
MaruJn| Mizo, Npali, Od,ia, Pun:labi,
\1 revised edition, retold by Manoj Das.
\?i AIso published in Asanva, Bangla, Garc, Gujarut|
Tamil and Telugu.

Hindi, Khasi, Konkani, Lusai, llalayalam, Maniputi, tsBN 978-81 -237-102rn A / T 35

Age{roup 12-14 / 64 pp
Story ol Krishna
o Manoj Das
1- !); \.
lll'rstratoE Judhaii Sdgupb

Thb book btngs you a greal mllection

ol sbries related to he Lod Krbhna, .:. ":
slaning lrom his bifi to his dildhood

a 13 c;:t'*u* lsBN 978{1 .237-76552 / r 200

Agearorp 12lal 16S pp B
I Stories of Valour

Story of Swarajya (Part-l)
Vishnu Prabhalor
lllustatoE S Bhattactarya
a t
This is an accout of lndia s freedom
stwgle upto he partition ol Bengal
and its fal out The auhor recounb
a il,t
fle grolrh of lndian National
C,on$ess and ofier important

a it
happafngs in his period. I
Also pr.rblbhed i4 Asamrya, hnSla,
a Guiarati, Hindi, rannad6" tffiyahn,
ttaruthi, Oda, Punhb[ Tan , TelLeu
a ISBN E78-81'237-1526-1: I 30 lsBN s7&81-237S1&7 i t
Age-gmirp 12-14/ 8[ pp
il) and Urfu.

Story ot Swaralya (Pad-ll)

Sumangal Prakash
lllustrator: P Khemraj
A,so publ,shed in Asamiya, Bangla,

he author tells the story ol lndia's struggle lor

ln this volume Guiaati, Hindi, llahyalam, Marathi,
E independence since he partition ol Bengal and he advent Odia, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu and
of Mahatna Gandhi to the declaration ol lndependence in Urdu.

lsBN 978-81-237-1504-9 /< 30
Age-group 12-14l 64 pp
ar :,: -. .

SlrrElg6 Ws?3 ol O
the HoE Bee .'.r:-

ry *


s1 d1
Subramania Bharati

[.l] smprs n +r lJxelE



: ,,. :. Age'lrctrc 1C-]2 r 58 pp. { E


'I Sunflowers and Butterf lies

Jeyanhi ManokaGn
lllustrator: Sujasha Das Gupta
Also published in Asanva, Bangla,
Bhili, Gi i.afi, Hindi, Kannada,
I The story of a young girl whose painted
Malayalan, Matuhi, Od,ia, Pu abi,
butterfly takes wing and carries her to a
magnficent palace where her cheeky young Tamil Telugu and Utdu.
brother is a prince.
tsBN 978-81-237-01 10-3 / { 25
Age{roup 12-14 / 24 pp
Tale of a iloustache
aE HK Murfti
I Ilbdr
o TA:LS lllusfabn Anup Ray

a A humouotrs story about a man who

grows a npuslache to look $narter
and eventlally b€comes lazy as his
a moushdre takes up mo6t of time.
Finally, his tsle of moushde ends

a Tails when he baher cuts it down!

o Aho publbhed

Bangtr Hind,,
T n ud Telugu
rsBN 97S8r -237-5297-6 / r 30 (PB)
lsBN 978{1 -237-535+3 / r 75 (HB)
AgBgroup ffi/24 pp
o B
Tales for All Times

Saflha RungadEry
O lllustabc P Khemrai
t, i
We[-hoi,n sbdes from lndian o
myfiology retold in an unusual and
attraclive stye.
Also publisied in Asan tya. hngla, H
Guiarati, Hindi, f\annah, Malayalan, I
Manthi, Odia, Puniabi, Tarnil and
lsBN 978-8r -237-1087-7 ', { 30 lsBN 97&81 .237-2051-7 i r 30 E
AgEgroup 12-14 / 64 pp N

Tales to Make You Smile

Ruskin Bond
T j lllustrator: Amitava Sengupta
.\1 ,-\ l(EYou A collection of seven humourous tales about circumstances
) \llLf AIso published in Hindi and
l in life which when viewed in retrospect invariably make us
e tsBN 97&81-237-7188-5 / < 90
Age-group 12-14 / 56 pp
Tansenl The ilagical Musician

Aufi oFlllusEaton Ashok Davar

A chaming book about he life of .r;

' :.*.e,
lndia s greatsst musbian and singer.
Autror+rtist Ashok Davar has ewhed
his own unhue style to illustate. l^:- ll
Also published in Asamfla, Bangh,
GuFr at, Hind, Yrnnada, ltal ay alan,
Mamfii, Odh, Punj,ai i, Tanil, TeWu

Ft tsBN 97&8 t -237-1 07&4 / t ilo

and Wdu.
Agegroup &10 / 40 pp
t The Adventurcs of Rusty
The Ascetic

t Ruskin Bond
lllustrator: Suddhasattwa Basu

Ruskin Bond pens he eploits of Rusty and

e his eccenEic uncle, Uncle lGn. lts great fun
to meet Uncle Ken and it is equalty exciting
b how how Rusty runs away fiom sdtool
and favels all over--Jar flom his own litte
town of Dehradun.
? Also publbhed in Asamva, tungla, GuiaIan,

? Hindi, Kannada, tlaithili, Malayalan,

t Marn;hi, cdlia, Pm:pbi, Tanil, Telugu and

tsBN 97&81-237-1394€ / t 40
Age{roup 12-14 / 96 pp
tsBti -c78-81
,237-6C93.3 t3C

The Balloon
Aufior-lllustrator: D T Padekar
Also published in Asaniya, Bangla,
The adventures ol a boy who is carned off
Guiaratr', Hindi lannada, Konkani,
by he balloon he was filling wifi air. Told
Malayalam, Maraki, Oda, Punpbi,
entirely hrough colourful pictures.

,@ Tanil, Telugu and Udu.

tsBN 978.81-237-10884 /r r2
Agenroup pre-school/ 16 pp
The Best Thirteen
Auhor-lllustEtor MlrGy Patel

A collectbn of so]IE of he outstanding

ston'es fiwn the main hnguag6 ol
lndia. c-ap
Also published in Asamla, Bangh,
Guiarali, H:nd, f\annadE., l/€llay alan,
OThe Beautiful Peacoek
Mmrpun, Marahi, Oda, Pmiabi, Tunil,
Tetugu and Urdu.
i rat
lsBN 97&81-87{713$ i { 70 I
Agegroup 12-14/ 120 pp

The Bird of ilind

Bimalendra Chakaborty
lllr.strator Samaresh Ghatterjee
Thb story is abod fie innate tefldeocy a
of human beirEs who yeam to be
close to nature and all ib inhabitanb,
esp€ciaily birG.

AJso publbhed i4 Bangla, Hindi, Cdfa,

P Tant ard TeLqu.

ISBN 97E-8i-237-2CC6-7, { 17
lsBN 97&81-87-549+9 i r fl) E
AgFgroup &10/ 16 pp

The Bridge at Borim

Surekha Panandikar
lllustrator: Shashi Shetye

This is the story ol Joze, a young boy from the fishermen Also puDlished in Asa mtya, 8angla,
community of Goa and his heroic exploits during he Hindi, Kannada, Konl/ani, Ma'ahi
struggle for he liberation of Goa. odia and Puniabi.

tsBN 97&81-237-2687-8 / t 40
Age-group'12-'14/ 80 pp
':: 'rr , .

:i. ILt*nbE-d
0t ra.t!d.t
v .]..:::l

.:::.i::- -'

- :--- '

t i
Iir.{ .ii ilts
The Cat Family

? :,1i

Age-gf3rp i2'14 e.+!c { ll

The Clever Farmer and Four Thugs

Soma Kaushik
lllustrator: Arya Praharaj

Charmingly illustrated story of how a farmer

\ f cleverly saves himsell lrom being robbed by
A,so publlshed in Hindi, Kashmid,
Puntabi, Tamil and Telugu.
E lour thugs.

tsBN 97&81-2374622-7 / r 30
Age{roup 8-10 / 24 pp
The Coming of Wheels
o c c,'l,Hnp

a iNIT4
Auhor-llluslraton fu up Ray .i\t'hctsls
Beautifully illmtrated, fie book

o ZNV-i
--t= I
explains he story behind lhe inventbn
of he wheel. <,
o AJso pr.blbhed rln Ban gla, Gord/i, Hindi,
Marchi Pwiabi, Tanil andTel.](ru.

o lsBN 978-81-237420&3 / r 25
Cotourful World o{ Flags Agegoup C8 / 16 pp B
aThe o
o TlrE co6 cola
The Cosmic Gift

Mohan Sundara Rajan

lllustator Neeta Gangopadhyay
o !
The adventure of hree chiHren who
ale iniected wih certain amino acids
and become super intelligent.
o J AIso published i,4 Asamva, 8Engla,
Guiadi, Hindi, niaruhi od,ia, Pniabi, I
Telugu and Urdu.
o D
978-81-237-3419-5 t5C lsBN 81-A7-14915 / r 30 E
alSBNl Age{roup 12-14 /56 pp N

The Crystal Cave

E nemsr* cen

Arup Kumar Dutta

lllustrator: Pulak Biswas

This is he story ol Changun and her bro$er Thenyak Aiso publr'shed in Asam\a, Bhutia,
of the beautilul state ol Arunachal Pradesh and fieir Garc, Hndi Konkani, Malayalan and
efforts to bring salt to their village. lllustrations bring Puniabt.
their adventures to life.
tsBN 978.81-237- 1979-5 / 130
Age-group 12-14 / 32 pp
The Day the River Spo*e

Kamah Nair
lllustrabr: Shankar Sen I

The s1ory ol a li e gid in a fishermen's

villag€ in Kerah who wants to 9o to

AIso published in Asaflrya, f,E.ngh,

Hindi, Kannada, Kashmii, Malayalan,

Maftthi, od,ia, P Ur,j6D,i, T anil, T elugu
and U u.

tsBN 97&81-237-200G5 / < 30

Age{roup &10 / 32 pp
t3 The Elephant and the Dog

AutrDr-lllustrator Badri Narayan

q"r.1 t
The Five Sisters

The story ol an elephant and a dog and fie
stong bond ol lriendship between fiem.

Also published in Asamryq BanSIa, futarali,

oH Hind, f\amada, Malayalan, tla,.afl].i, Odia,
Pfiiabl Tanil and Utdu.

t tsBN 97&81-237.11 13il /

Agegroup presc'tDol / 16 pp
r 25 ISB\ 978'8: -237-39E-o.2 : t 75

The Flower and the Bee

Author-lllustrator: Ashok Davar

THE A story wih a message of love.

AND Also published in Asantya, tungh, Dodi
Guiarati, Hindi, Kannada, lllalayalam, Maruhi,
Uia, Punhbi, Tanil, Telu{,u and Udu.
,-a tsBN 978-81-237-2582S /< 45
r- Age{roup 6-8 / 24 pp
I The Jorasanko House

Lila Maiumdar
il l;-* r
.t The story ot Rabindranah Tagore's
. \'. ,'l 4 boyhood, chaminglybld. ji i 11 ,
Abo publi$Ed in Bangh, Gularati,
Hind| l(arna@" ftrarilri, Ocfra" Pwiabi, iH;'"
Tanll,Te gu al;dUldu. t--
!fl F
ISBN 97&81-A7-26014 i
Agegmup 12-14 / 64 pp
r I
tEl ta.tEat !
The Great Balloon Story
The Joy ol Classical Danccs a

+ of lndia
Leeh Samson
lllustrator Jagdish Joshi
Ile book provides a historial
'L pelspective on he way dance brms
have evofued in lndia since ancient
\. ijmes before discussing each style
indivldually. I
Atso published rl4 laniL ,
ISBN 978{r-237-397S2 /r 25 (PB)
ISBN s78-81-237-451,1-5 I { 35 lsBN 97&81 -237-397-X / r 50 (HB)
a Age{roup 1}12140 pp

The King Who Played Marbles

* H C Madan
lllustrator: Saibal Chatterlee

The story of a little prince whose only passion is playing

: Also published in Asanya, Halbi,
'- marbles. After his fathefs deah he is made fie king.
' .; r-!
:+'- -n'l' The book is a hilaious account of how fie little king
saves his kingdom from the neighbouring king and finally
Hindi, Mawalan, Punlabi and Tanil.

tsBN 978-81-237-1942-9 / < 35

*$Geer=:r persuades the enemies to play marbles with him!
Age-group &10 /32 pp
.:. .a,



i., *#

The Lost Ant


? .::

ISBN 978-8:-237-f iJl-:1 I l3

The ilagical Needles and 0{her Stories

Yatish Agarwal & Rekha Agarwal

.l lllustator: Mishtuni Choudhary

This English translation of original Hindi is a beautiful

b4 collecton of fascinating tales from he world ol
,a medicine.

,rGiE dP! tsBN 978-81.237'7835{ /< 90

Age-group 10-12 / 76 pp
The Mango Birds
a Deepa Agarual

a Uusfabn Subk Hoy -i1

Thh is an inbresting creation story
a about how mango bi.ds or'goHen
orioles' came into being.
a Also publisned in Bangla, Hiodi,
lhnnada, ttalay alan, Odia, P tnjau,
C Tanil and Tetugu.

a lsBi97&81.237-550G7 / < 35
Agegoup Sg / 15 pp B
! The Magician
The Moneylender
a Jai Prakash Bai

o lllustrator Jagdbh Joshi


o A poor fanner is in need ol money lor his

daughteis mafuge. He goes to tle villag€
moneylender. The moneyleflder gives
a him money but fie poor man has to keep
his son al he moneylende/s house. The

a moneylender leeh he has got a slave. But

his clevemess gels a bbw. llow? Read tlis
o s-tory based on a Bundelkhani lolk tale.

AIso published rin Hin d, r.c.nnada and R

ISBN 978-8 1'237-2C04-3 r { 25 lsBN 978{1-237-172G3 /t 15 E
3 Age{oup &'10 / 16 pp

The Pool in the Jungle

[Jma Anand
lllustrator: Amena Jayal
Also publshed in Asa nua, Bangla,
Two interconnected tales wtth the little creatures, he frog, Guk'atl Hndi, Kannada, Malayalarn,
the hoopoe, he hare, recollecting he days before Man Manthi, Uia, Puniabi, Tamil, Telugu
denuded the lorests when the big ones, he Tigerand the and Udu.
Elephant, roamed he iungles.
lsBN 978-81 -237- 1497-4 / 1 35
Age-group 8-10 / 32 pp
The Pilnce and the Coral
at Buq
Daisaku lkeda
Illusfabr: Harindel Singh

A story of how water pollulion b

I adversely affecting he creatures
Yrho live under water.

Also published in Bangla, Hindi,

f, tsBN 97&81-237-365A7 / < S0

Mahyalan, odia, Pun,iabi, Tanil
and Telugu.
Ag+group &10 / 56 pp

The Prince of Ayodhya The Puzzle

Hansa Mehta
lllustator Sukumar Chatleriee

The story of Rama, he hero ol he great

epic Ramayan, as told by fie sags Valmiki.

Also pdlished in Asamfia, Mngh, Guiaran, .

Hindi, f\annada, Malayalan, l,E?'thi, odlia,
Pwiabi, Tamil, Telugu and Wdu. il .'\:

tsBN 97&81-237-2621-2 /t30 lsB\l E78-8 i,237-49 29-7 141

Age{roup 12-14 / 64 pp

E tt: The Rainbow

h,n tnlnEolE Usha Joshi

lllustrator: Manjula Padmanabhan

An enchanting tale about he origin of rainbow. Beautifully

illustrated in four colours.
AIso publisied i,n Asa mtya,
Gondi, Gularat, Hindi, Kannada,
Malayalan, Maruthi, Odia, Puriabi,
Tanil, Telugu and Urdu.

ISBN 978-81-237-20,1&7 / { 25
Age-group 6-8 / 24 pp
The Snakes Around Us
Zai and Bom Whitaker

The common species of venomous and non- I

:i+^'-,liri}trjj/ venomous lndian snakes, heir tood habib,
he myts associated wih thom, how snakes E
!.r! are useful to man, what one should do il
' 1, !'' |
biten by one and snakes as
are covsred in his interesting, inlormativq

and readable book over 40 phobgraphs and
illustalhns he main species,.hef eggs, KaN'Eld Malayahn, ftuafl4
Royal Sweeper Ol
and young ones.
PLmW, Tanil, fetugu ulUrdu.

Also published in Asam iya" tungta, Hindi, lsBN 97&81-237-110&9 / r 25

Agegroup 12-1itlM pp B
The Story ol a ilango o
Aufiorlllustrator: Debasish Deb
orA A story wiBrout wor6, in which two ctildren F
MANGO want a mango rrcm a fee, one of trrcm hib
at it wih a catapult However, fiere b many
an adventne before the mango actually
comes to heir hanG. Vivid, bold lusEations c
sketct te swy. H
AIso published in Asamiya, Mngla, Gujarafi,
Hindi, f\annac€, Konl€/ni Malayahn,
li/d.tathi, Odia, Puniabi, Tatntl, Telugru and
lsBN 97&81-237-6679-9 :' t 35 iPB)
lsBN 978{1-ZSl{227{ / r 30 E
Agegroup preschool / 16 pp N

The Slory ol a Mouse

T,O'L5L: Aulhorlllustrator: UFal Talukdar

An interesting tale about a mouse who over indulges in

eating and bears the adverse @nsequences!
u_t lsBN 978-81-237-690S6 /r 45
Age-group &10 / 18 pp

the Story ofAppu tJ


The Story of Our Fivers (Part l)
:4,: ,


A it. I
,.#d'. r

isB\t gl8 81,237-_108-q,1 i 35

E The Story of Our Rivers (Part ll)

rL.- 1_:--- Al Valliappa
lllustrator: Pranab Chakravarti Also publisied in Asamiya, B€.ngla,
] Hindi, f\annada, Malay alan, M anthi,

,oill Relates he story ol he rivers of South lndia. The autlor tells not
only about the geography of ttrese rivers, but also about heir
place in the dayloday lile of the people.
0dlia, Punlabi, Tanil, Telugu and

tsBN 97&81-237-001ffi / t 30
p-_--'- Agegroup 12-14l pp
The Storvaway
r{ u
Melanie Sequiera
i. .#'H lllustator: llafiff er Singh

i/hrm Puss b a cat but hkes care of

..,' --:'.1. his rat lriend when it suits him. One
: : i'' fine day, Ilhrco wanb to get on a ship
. !'.
but is booted otf. He'ts not a chap to
lake srch nonsense. futd tus unlolds
a hemic episode in Marco's life whic+l
b brought alive in lvords and pictures.
MaJ€thi Odia, Pw:Fbi andTan
AIso pub,bted in Asamiya, Bangra,
Hitrdi, t(annada, Konk,fti, ttahyal arr', tsBN 97&U-n74ffi54 t< 25
Age{roup &1 0 / 24 pp B

The Story of Rice The Shange Thernometer

and Oher Stories K
Yatish Agarwal & Rekha Agarwal
Illuslraton Subhash Roy F
"il t How hermometer came into being? R
How vaccines work? 'lhis book,
transhted rrcm original Hindi, answeB
fiese and oher questions rehted to
irx fie field ol m€dicine.

lsBN 978,81-237-i 386-r {30 lsBN 97&81-237-79591 / t 120 E
Age{roup 1G12 /94 pp N

The Sullan's Choice and Other

II Stories
), ,i Kala Thairani

l/ A collection of some lascinating stories lrom

different countries viz., Philippines, China, Sri
Also published in Hin di and Puniabi
I Lanka, Thailand, etc.

tsBN 978-81-237-3990-8 /t 60
Age-$oup 12-'l 4 I 44 pp
t The Summet Ttee Contest TI THE ST,N FAIRIf,S
Hadha M. Khambadkone
lllustator: Dean Gasper
ToH in story lorm fib [formative
bmk lells about fie rees hat flower in
j -'1 summer.

Also published in Asamrya, 8€ngla"

GuiaI€li, Hi{|d,i, rf.nnacd, lhlayalan,
Manthi, od,h, Puilabi,Tanil, Tdugu
The Sun Fairies
FI tsBN 97&81 -237-25844 I< 25
and Urdu.

Age-group GB / 32 pp
0 The Sun and the Moon

t Vacha Das
Illustrator: Jagdish Joshi

A colourtul picture book about a brofier and

e a sister, sun and moon. How fiey went up t0
fie sky to live.
aH Aho published in Asamya, tur,gla, Guiaran,
Hindi, Malayalan, trlarathi, Odia, Puniabi,

? Iamiland Telugu.

e tsBN 97&81 -A7-2984{ / { 25 tsBr't 916-81-237-0579-8 I 14

{ Age{oup sB / 16 pp

The Toda and the Taht

E R C Davkiar
lllustrator: Neeta Gangopadhyay

Set in the Nilgiis, this book is a beautilul evocation of he life Also publishd i4 Asamiya, Hindi,
of the Todas-a tribe of he region, and ol Moz-a Nilgiri tahr
Kannada, l,ialayalam, Odia, Puntabi,
or ibex who is rescued from a trap by Kamoz---a Toda boy. Tanil and Wdu.

+*lt) Perfectly complementing Moz's adventures in the village and

outside including hose with dholes, leopards and hunters.
tsBN 97&81-237-149G7 l< 25
Age-group'12-14/64 pp
The Todoise and the Hare
Rebld by: Dr Akir Husain
Traflshted fcm tle Urdu bf
Khushwant Slngh
=-.) lllustatoE M F Husain
.\ A fable rebld by Drzakir Hsain in Urdu
and transhted by Khushwant Singh in
English and illustrated by ll F H6ain. lt
is set inhe contem@raly Indian scene
whifi hakes an absoding rcading
lrcm beginning to erd. Khushwant
Singh's translatbn has done ample lsBN 97e81 -237-781{F2 I tm
iuslice to tlis exc€llent story Agegroup 12-14 / /t0 pp B
The Topsy Turvy World
tE YEEEr t& OrtE tta]E
The Verdict and Other Tales o
Floltlc tirr lrom tfie East K
]. S
Kala Thairani
t A collection ol some hscinating o
nni r stories lrom different counties viz., R
lnd[4 lndonesia, Malaysi4 Japan, eb.
\) C
ir i:: l, - lllustrated by various a isb.
AIso pdlbhed ili Hir4di, Pwjabi ard :
Tamil. L
ISBN 978-81,237-464].8 i t 60 ISBN 97&81-237-$87€ i { 60 E
Age{roup 1G12 / /t4 pp N

ETIEEOg The Voyage of Trishna

T P S Chowdhury

The book is an interesting and detailed account ol the

voyage ol ten members of tlre First lndian Expedition
which sailed around he world in a yatch, Trishna, covering Also published in Asa niya, l{ndi,
55,000 kn in 470 days. The text is complemenled with Kannada, Manthi Pun@bi and Udu.
photographs, sketches and maps.
lsBN 97&81-237-1694-7 t< 18
Age-group 12-'14 / 79 pp


<li' w,

/b The Whole Wide World


t ol a
'+ir{iIE ntJttJi:


o H a

oL AlSo

a ;r. i:it
!sB); 973-81 -237-6387-3 130

IEE'E The Wise and the Wily

Kala Thairani
lllustrator: Pulak Biswas
Also published in Asantya, fungla,
Six animal stories fiom he East in which wisdom and
Hindi, f\annada, Mahy alan, llarulhi
cunning tiumphs over sheer might.
Punlabi, Tamil, Telugu and Urdu.

tsBN 97&81-237-1944-3/{ 19
Age-group 8-'10 / 32 pp
' - -=---_ The Wonderlul World of !!:
Harinder Dhanoa ilotihar
lllustrator Paulina Dhanoa

Beautifully iiluslrated book on dilterent

kinds of insecb, heir physioal 1

features, habib and habitab. 1


(D Also publisned in Asamiya, Hindl
The Wonderf ul Vacation f'annadp, f\onl,ani, liahy ahrn,
Maruthi, odia, Tanil, TehEU and Udu.
lsBN 978{1-237-1721{ i r 35
Age$oup 1G12 / 40 pp B
The Wonderland of Air o
RK Murhi
lllusEator Neeta Gangopadtryay
Shalu and his brofier travels inlo the o
amazing land of air. ln hek i:umey
tey unravel f|e rrysteries and ,ac$
about one ot fie most imponant . c
componenb ot life The AiF. H]
AIso published ia Bang,a , Hndi, cdlta
lsBl\l 978-E1 -237-393C-4 { 25 lsBN 978-81-237-28223 /? 40 EI
Age{roup '12-14 / 56 pp NI

-.'-=-r"*-il The World of Shadows

-t RK Murhi
lllustrator: Neeta Gangopadhyay

& ,*-". .i,'

F--rh Ranga and Shalu, two children try to unravel the ,acts about

'+Eloir' shadows by mnducting various experiments. The theories

related to shadows, like measuring the earth's circumference, AIso published in Malaya/am

ffit reading the trme with fie help of shadows, tinding directions,
etc. are comprehensively described in this book.
lsBN 978-81-237-28234 I < 20
Age-group 10-12 / 44 pp
The World of Trees 7r tG'f
Ruskin Bond

\ ti + Illustaton Kalbl M4umdar

t, The Th'rs book descnbes some common IH6
tt&l'1,4q{ lndian Eees, he birds t\at nest in hem TARIH
and tle legends assoclated with fiem.
i Abo publbhed in Asamia, tungla, I

t l
Gultradi, Hkdi, Kannah, tulalayalan,

fl tlarahi, od,i4 Pwjabi and Urdu.

tsBN 978{1.237-132ffi
Age{roup 12-14 / 64 pp
/< 65
This Earth of 0urs
I The World ol Turtles and

t Zai & Rom Whitaker and Indraneil Das

An inlormalive, authoritative book about he

{ locale, habits, breeding, etc., of different
species ol turtles ard crocodihs found
q in lndia. lncludes intormation like fie
ditlerences between turtles, toltoises and

e tenapins and crocodiles actually taking care

of fieir young. Thb book b enhanced by
pencil sketches and photographs.
Hindl ttahyalam, Marahi, O&"
Tamil ud Urdu.

a A,so published in Asamya, Mngh, GujaIan,

lsBN 97&8r-237{1363 / < 25
Age{roup 12-14 i 64 pp tsBN 978-8r,237-C 172-i 130

This is My Story
Author-lllustrator: Viky Arya

Told in the first percon, this appealing,

't?it Sifi colourtul book portays the activities and lite
:*aY Matahi, od,ta, Puniabi, Tanil, Telugu
of frogs.
and Udu.
Also published in Asamiya, Bangh, Bhalati,
tsBN 978-8'1-237-2013-5 /< 25
Gujaruti, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam,
Age{roup 6-8 / 24 pp
Tilli The Butbrfly
Tlfls ts o
Hamesh Bakshi
lllustrator SuddhasatlY,a Basu
,.1 !
An afractive sloryd€scribing he close
t I bond between Tr it€ butterfly and
Trhl, a young gll and tl€ bulterllys

s is Hajasthan
Abo published i4 Asamrya,Bag4
Guifala,t, Hird,i,
Kannah, l/abyahrn,
Puiabi, Tarnll, Tetugu and
lsBN 978{1-237-2585-7 /< 25
Age$oup &10 i 32 pp
lit hr llt T-illorTat o
Kengsam Kenghng
lllusffil: Durlabh Bhathcharya
An interesting lale about low dogs
and how $e inherent wildemess
of one surfaces when he Uies to
act smarl wih his peerage: To be c
i(' evenirally deleated by an even H
smaner bear. Delighttul vbuab add
-= Y' I
co{ou b he text L
Also fdlished i,n Asanlq fuit4 R
lsBN 978-81 -237-253A-2 {25 ISBN 97&81-237S37&7 /r 30
Hindi, Pwiabi t Telugu.
Agegroup S8/ 12 pp

Titli and the Music of Hope

g lnternational Center for Literacy and Cutture
lllustrator: Fauzia Aziz Minallah

The environment gets destroyed when people Aho published in Asa n!a, Bangla,
fight wih each other. And in this situation two Bhata , Hndi tlahyalam, Punjabi,
I sensible children make an eflort to create Tamil and Telugu.
peace and love among people. Read this
interesting story,
lsBN 978-8'1-237-6299-9 / t 25
Age-group 8-l0 / 16 pp


/. \
: ->. { t
fl Tortoise Wins Again

tI e8l

t fr,e
I It

e br

; AI€o s

f 'vr
e tsBN 976-81 -237,5!92-0 r3a
{ 1 64irp,

Tumpa and the Sparrows

Swapnamoy Chakaborty
lllustrator: Swapan Nandy
This story is about a small girl named Tumpa and
A,so published in Hindi, Makyalam,
her concem tor two helpless baby sparrows lhat
Puniabi, Tanil and Telugu.
lie in a nest in her boolsheff. She tries to save
them until they can take cale ol themselves. tsBN 978-81-237-553$s / < 25
Age-group S8 / 16 pp
Tyltyl's Adventure B frli\i's.\ri!.:!turr
Swapna Dutta
tllustrator: Vicky Arya
One day a moher turth lays some eggs on
he seashore. The eggs hat$ and many
baby turdes crawl out Arnoflg hem is Tyltyl,
heir brave liule leader. All ol hem xant to
readl heir home at sea" this book ftroLqh
some v/onderful illusEatbfls, narates heir
Two Friends efforE to readl he sea.

Abo pdfisned in Asamiya, Hnd, thnnada,

ISBN 97&81-237-221$9 / r 30
Malayatun, AdF,, Ptniili ard Telugu. Age-goup &10 / 16 pp B
Uncle Moon Forgets Counting o
Sanieev Jaistral'Saniay
lllusfabr Saibal Chatteriee
This is an interesting fantasy tale o
whbh entertains and promoles he
impofiance of number counting.
AIso publisied i4 Asamya, turgla, H
t' Halbi, Hindit,Marathi, od,ia, PmWL I
1*j Tam adTelugu.
tsBN 978-81 -237-6275-3 I{0C lsBN 978{1-237-6199-2 / r 40 E
Age{roup SB / 32 pp N

Unusual Courage
Abhilash Verma
lllustrator: Sanjay Sarkar

A story about a naughty boy who through sheer grit and

determination manages to win the hearts of elders.

Also published in Hindi, Punjabi and Telugu.

lsBN 978-81-237-4822-1 l< N
Age-group 6-8 / 24 pp
Vasu ileets a Tadpole
^'t S Mohan Karuppayil
Ilktstrabr sud$asattwa Basu ' jlirci.
An interesting s1ory about a monkey
named Vasu who meeb a tadpole and
realises hat trdpoles are not fishes but
baby lros hat liv€ in water and have
gills and hib just like fish.

Also publbhed in Hin d, ttalayalan,
Tamiland Telugu.
rsBN 978{1-237-543&9 / t 25
Agegrcup G8 / 16 pp

Watching Birds
Waiting for the Rain
Kamakshi Bahsubramanian tr

lllusbator Yusuf Bangalorewaia

Thb is fie story of Velu, a farmer, trdro b

anxlously waiting lor he nins since his
land h pardled and he is unable to phnt
his crops. Velu meels an old woman who
asks him wheher a person who has been
wo*ing very hard deserves a resl A simple
enough queslion provities Velu wih a new

Atso published in Asamya, GtE[an, Hindi

llalayalam, MaIahi Odia,
Y,€nnac€., tsBN 97&81 -25l-1 l0G3 i r 25 lsBN 978-81-237-r t83'9 { 50
Puniabi Tamil, Tetugu and Urdu. AgBgoup &1 0 / 24 pp

lllustrator: Suddhasattwa Basu Also pubi,shed i,4 Asaniya, Bangla,

All aspects of water are covered in his instructive bookjts

Gtlaruli Hindi, l(.annaCa, Malayalan,
Marahi, c/,ia, Punpbi, Tanil, Telugu
importance, uses, where it is lound, its different forms, pollutions,
\n the sources and supply ol water. Attractive two{olour illustrations
and Wdu.

by Suddhasattwa Basu enliven the text. tsBN 978-81-237-1032-3/ < 25

Age{roup 64 pp
We lndians

Auhor-lllustalor M$rco J Wadia

Ihis small aEaclive uDrkbook

emphasises nalixtal integration. ll
describes he dress, hnguage and
interesb of people b#Eing to he
various stats of lrdia-'

Aho pubf$red rlo Asainrya,BanSla,

G ujaiati, Hindi, fauEdla t,ah|y ahn,
Malciflni, Odia,
a Urdu-
P wiail Tanil, TeWu
tsBN 97&81-237-1@7€ / { 30
Agegoup S8 / 24 pp
We Are Different

ll I e ItUhat A llix+p!
Anlpa Lal
lllwkator Abnu Roy

Pan dog. . . pafi mookey. .. pan cat a

Its sucl a mix-up!This funny, hea -
wamirE story wih ib marvellously
vivil ilhsrations is sure b enhrall and
delight fie frds,
t Aho published iq Bangla andTarnil.

lsBN 978-61 -237-5685-0 '{ 35 (PB}
lsBN 97&81-237493&9 / r 30
AgFgroup SB / 16 pp

What Happened!

Author-lliustrator: Jagdish Joshi

There is commotion amongst he inhabitants ol a tree

t as a monkey suddenly lalls down. As they look around Also publisied in Asa nin, Bangla,
carefully to heir horror tirey dscover that the tree Halbi, Hindt, Malayalam, Oda and
they were living on is lying upside down. How did this Puniabi.
happen? An interesting story on conservation of trees.
lsBN 978-81-237-6182-4 /t 40
Age{roup 8-10 / 24 pp
,. i.:_: {

VT lI E ! E I

0 Whatever You Give . . .



]: lsBN 978-E1 -237-5a37-5 , T 35

When They Were Children

lllustrator: Manobhiram Chakavarti

A book that reveals certain fascinating facts about

cit { he childhood ol ten great lndian achieveE, who have
AIso published in Malayalam
excelled in diverse fields.

tsBN 978-81 .237-7001-7 l< 120

Age{roup 12-14 / 180 pp
Who is a Bigger Fool
o Wbar lro€s
-th. l4,ind UY€ Shrihishna Kumar Trivedi

a lllusualon Arya Praharai WHO IS A

f A collection of humouous lolk lales

from Alri}a.
:i Ilr ER

a Also published in Hhdi, Pmhbi and

o Where Does the Wind Live

tsBN 97&81-237-3tr11-1 /T 30
Agegroup &10 i 16 pp
Itlho is Sharper? o
O wto isgltarpu? K
Gmamani llah S
IllusFatoE Durlabh Bhattacharjee
An animal tale hat dwells fie imporbnce
G of wit and how it can become a lml to
i-,, swvive in a world lacking in morblity. The
story has been tanslated lrcm Asamiya to c
EnSlish. H
AIso published in Hindi and P@iabi
tsBN 97&81-237€73G7 i < 35 (PB) R
ISBII 978-81 -237'3959-5 r t 35 lsBN 978{1-237€7314 { 110 (HB) E
Agegroup S8 / 24 pp N

Who is the Greatesl

Hekha Jain
lllustrator: Suddhasattwa Basu

An interesting children's drama lull of songs, music

Also publisied in Hindi, Puniabi, Tamil
and funny situations.
trTIBI and Telugu.

tsBN 978-8'1-237-3712-6 / r 15
Age-group 8-10 /t 39
i-7tFEF[],riT:it Who-s Smarter
Gita lyeflgar
lllustrabr Ahnu Roy

"$ t Wrh humowous illrrstratpns, his is

an unusual blk ble about a young
Brahmin and a lbn. the Brahmkt whv?
{ "i,4 ,; hinlc himself to be quite clever. Finally ELFr-*rrl-
{r it is b be seen who's cleverer.


AIso pubfished in Asamiya, why?
Hind, f.€lnntu, K Yani, Maryahn,
rsBN 978{1-237{63G8 / < g) Maj€hi, cd,la, Putbbi, Tamil and
Agegroup 10n2 /36 pp Urdu.

0 Who's Who at the Zoo

s Buskin Bond

ar Photographs: Baghu Rai

An inMuction to some of he birds and

e animals commonly Iound in a zoo. An

attractive script combined wih unusual
aH photographs by Haghu Rai provide a
memorable glimpse into $e animal n orld. .1 .

aL Also publbhed in Asamva, Mngh, Guiarat, '*.t

Hindi, f\annac6., l'i€,layalan, tularathi, U.ia,
e Pu abi, Tanil, Telqu and Urdu.
'237-a;121-7 {J0
tsBN 978{1 -A7{1 67-7 / < 25 iSBitl 973-E 1

Agegroup 12-14 / 64 pp

Wild Woodnotes
Jit Boy
lllustrator: Reboti Bhusan Ghosh

lnteresting facts and comments about plants, animals and birds by

a wildlffe enbusiast.

t4 AIso published in Asanrya, Angh, Hindi, Kannada, Makyakm,

tsBN 978-81-237-1001 -3 /{ 30
MaruJni, Odia, Puniabi, Tanil, Telugu and Udu.
Age{roup 12-'14 / 64 pp
Wonders ol the Deep Sea

B F Chhapgar
!,.ir )\. i )i il-
lllusraton Sanjay Sarkai
-'4-t Beautitully if,us-tated, ftls book
:i: i'-] !
gives he dliHren an irsight into he
: {:..
wonderful lyorld of the deep sea and
.t he c[eatur€s living in it il=
Abo published i,4 Hiodi.

lsBN 97&81-237-431G3
Agegoup 1G12l 52 pp
/ r 65
Wonder World Under Water
0 r*rr.gngtsiurgt .6nt wwu.ghanaiungle.clm o
'*ir*E-r K
Harekbhna Devsare
lllusfabr Ajay Mot nty
How a compuler b.ings dnnge in be
lilestyle ol animab living in fie iungb.
A protusely iltusfaEd book about he
i t
revohrlinn in elecAonic age. c
'r-af H
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