Ta9.Tuyen Chon de Thi HSG - Hieu

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A. ĐỀ THI NĂM HỌC 2012 - 2013

ĐỀ SỐ 01
(Đề thi học sinh giỏi 9 tỉnh Bắc Giang)
Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút
I. Listening (Track 1)
Hướng dẫn làm bài nghe:
- Bài nghe gồm có 1 phần, thi sinh được nghe 2 lần. Mở đầu và kết thúc cổ tín hiệu nhạc,
- Mọi hướng dẫn cho thí sinh (bằng tiếng Anh) có trong bài nghe.
Part 1.You will hear a conversation twice.
For questions 1-5, put a tick 0 next to the right answer. (5 pts)
1.In addition to paper books, what did the little girl make with paper at school?
A. □ an animal B. □ a person C. □ a building
2. What thing did sheg NOT talk about when making the object in Question 1 ?
A. □ paper B. □ glue C. □ scissors
3. What did the girl do after school?
A. □ She rode her bicycle. B. □ She watched television C. □ She went to the store.
4. Who did she meet and play with at the junior high school?
A. □ her teacher B. □ her cousins C. □ her father
5. Where does this conversation most probably take place?
A. □ at a house B. □ at school C. □ at a park
Part 2. You will hear a tour guide talking about a day trip.
Listen and complete questions 6 -10. You will hear the information twice. (5 pts)
Coach leaves: 9.15 a.m
Arrives Chester: (1)
Morning visit: (2)
Price of family ticket: (3)£
Lunch in: (4)
Afternoon visit: (5)
Part 3. Listen to Patrick talking to his mother about a photo of his old school What is each person
wearing? For questions 11-15, write a letter A-H next person. You will hear the conversation twice.
(5 pts)
Example: 0 Peter…….D………
People Their clothes
1. Martin................... A. coat
2. Joanna................... B. dress
3. Amy................... C. hat
4. James................... D. jacket
5. Robert................... E. jeans
F. shirt
G. sweater
H. trousers
II. Choose one word whose stress pattern is different from the others by circling A, B, C or D. (5 pts)
1. A. perform B. campus C. mountain D. equal
2. A. distinguish B. appliance C. opinion D. politics
3. A. cover B. although C. freedom D. ancient
4. A. experience B. encourage C. mystery D. convenient
5. A. efficiency B. communicate C. territory D. environment
III. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences by circling A, B, C or D. (10 pts)
1.- “Would you like to have noodles, spaghetti or something different?” — “..............”
A. Anything will do B. Yes, please C. Never mind D. I don’t mind
2. If I ...................be somebody else, I...................to be a film star.
A. could/would B. can/would like C. could/would like D. can/like
3. Opposite our house there is a large park,...................there are beautiful trees and flowers.
A. where B. in that C. which D. that
4. We have done a lot of work on tenses lately and we now...................most of the rules.
A. were understanding B. are understanding
C. understand D. will understand
5. -“Your hairstyle looks terrific, John!” – “...................”
A. I’m glad you like it
B. I don’t know
C. No, you are wrong
D. Excuse me
6. We delayed our departure...................the weather condition.
A. in spite of B. on account of C. instead of D. on behalf of
7. During the rush hour the fraffic in the city centre is terrible.
A. condensation B. accumulation C. concentration D. congestion
8. If a bomb goes off, it...................
A. fails B. explodes C. strikes D. misses its objects
9. Mike is not feeling well so we gave him...................to do than you.
A. fewer B. little work C. less work D. least works
10. Our friends won a big prize when he took part in the...................on TV last week.
A. game show B. news C. music program D. weather forecast
IV. Rearrange these following sentences to make a complete conversation. (5 pts)
A. And we shouldn’t cut many trees or burn too much coal or gas. We shoul d recycle things, save power
and water.
B. Yes, you’re right.
C. I see. So now we keep the paper in our bag.
D. Look! There’s a lot of waste paper on the floor.
E. What should we do to prevent pollution now?
F. That’s good. Do you know anything about pollution?
G. Yes, I do. Pollution is very harmful to our Earth.
H. Let’s pick up and put it into the trash can.
I. That’s a good idea.
J. Why don’t we recycle it? We can save a lot of it and we don’t pollute the environment.
V. Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition. (5 pts)
1. I asked him to put ................... the lights if he was the last to leave the room.
2. The village has changed a lot thanks...................the knowledge the children brought home.
3. The boys got ................... the garden by climbing ...................the fence.
4. I turned ................... the job because it was badly paid.
5. My grandparents live ................... 34 Hai Ba Trung Road, in a flat...................the top floor.
6. What do you buy these eggs ...................?
7. Look after the baby while I am....................
8. She wanted to know what aspect ................... learning English I found most difficult.
VI. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words in capital letters. (5 pts)
1. Earth Hour is a ................... event organized to raise people’s awareness about the need to take action on
climate change. (WORLD)
2. Solar energy, wind power and water power are...................sources of energy. (ALTERNATE)
3. The Internet is used for many purposes: education, communication, entertaiment and...................
4. In Western countries, electricity, gas, and water are not luxuries but.................... (NECESSARY)
5. Some designers have modernized the Ao dai, the traditional dress of Vietnamese printing lines
of...................on them. (POETIC)
VII. Give the correct tense or form of tile verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.(5 pts)
1. Don't be surprised when you see how thin Matin is. He (be) extremely ill. 1.................
2. The ideas (present) in this book are not really interesting. 2.................
3. Scarcely she (/eave) the office when they arrived. 3.................
4. Should you agree to help us with the housework, we (finish) everything.
on Saturday. 4................
5. - “I left a cookie on the table but now it’s gone. What happened to it?"
- “I don’t know. One of the children (eat) it." 5. ...............
VIII. Each of the following sentences contains ONE error. Underline and correct it. (5pts)
1. It has been suggested that he saves money for his study tour abroad. .................
2. The next important question we have to decide is when do we have
to submit the proposal .................
3. Although she smoked, drank and never took exercise, but she lived
to be 100. .................
4. The receptionist said me that the hotel had been fully booked. .................
5. A lunch of soup and sandwiches do not make me interested. .................
IX. Fill in each numbered space with ONE appropriate word. (10pts)
Another strong earthquake shook Bac Tra My District in Quang Nam Province at 1.34 p on
Thursday, September 27th, 2012. Over 200 houses faced cracks (1).................the quake. Financial aid
(2) ................. provided to families whose houses faced cracks. (3)................. the earthquake was strong, it
was still milder than the 4.1 magnitude quake on September 23rd.
On Thursday, a delegation from the Central Committee for Flood and Storm Prevention and
Control was sent (4) ................. survey the earthquake belt in Bac Tra My District. The delegation
(5).................houses and schools in the area affected by the quakes, inspected the Song Tranh 2
Hydropower Plant and met with authorities in Bac TraMy District.
Frequently recurring earthquakes spread panic among people in Bac Tra My Disưict, many of
(6).................are from ethnic minority groups living in resettlement areas around Song Tranh2 Hydropower
Plant. Several households abandoned (7).................homes and set up temporarycamps elsewhere in fear.
A press conference was (8).................on September 28th at the People’s Committee office
in Quang Nam Province to reassure the (9).................on the safety of the Song Tranh 2Hydropower Plant.
The district authorities have now organized three courses to raise awareness and knowledge of
(10).................best to cope with earthquakes.
X. Read the passage below and then choose the correct answer A, B, C or D. (10 pts)
From (1).................times people have celebrated the end of winter and the new life that spring
brings. One of the most important Christian festivals is Easter, (2).................Christians remember
the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Easter, however, is not the (3).................spring festival. In Sweden, people celebrate the end
of the winter by making (4).................bonfires. Fire also plays an important part in the Hindu festival of
Holi. In some villages children are (5).................round bonfires by their mothers to protect them
(6).................danger in the coming year. Buddhists in Thailand soak (7).................in water when
celebrating their New Year, which (8).................in the middle of April. In Antigua inGuatemala they carpet
the streets with flowers. Chinese spring parades are (9) .................colourful, but (10) ................. flowers
they have large dragon puppets which dance in the streets.
1. A. earliest B. latest C. previous D. old
2. A. which B. when C. because D. by then
3. A. single B. one C. only D. lonely
4. A. giant B. tremendous C. extreme D. huge
5. A. gone B. carried C. brought D. run
6. A. in B. out of C. against D. from
7. A. through B. one other C. each other D. mutually
8. A. falls B. appears C. happens D. occurs
9. A. the same B. as C. not less D. equally
10. A. instead of B. on behalf of C. in spite of D. place of

XI. You are going to read an article about a sailing race. Choose the most suitable heading from the
list A - H for each paragraph from 1 — 5 of the article. There are two extra headings which you do
not need to use. There has been an example for you. (5 pts)
EX: Paragraph 0: D
A. The consequences of poor performance
B. An unexpectedly demanding way of life
C. A solution that seems to work
D. The terrible consequences of making a mistake
E. Benefiting from the power of nature
F. Cooperating to overcome the power of nature
G. It’s not what people think
H. No way out if you don’t like it
Paragraph 0:
Imagine for a moment, spending the night on board of a large yacht, being roughly woken in the
pitch dark and ordered on deck. Every so often you will be totally drenched, very suddenly, in salt water.
You will be sharing the same cramped space with 14 other people for a whole year. Your stomach, when
not affected by seasickness, will be hit by the competitive tension and nervousness that afflicts all
sportspeople. You will be obliged to concentrate without cease. The slightest loss of focus could cost
someone their life.
Paragraph 1:
For the eight crews taking part in the Round-the-world yachting race, this has been daily life since
they left Britain eleven months ago. Now, after racing 50,000 across kilometers of ocean, they are soon due
home. While most of us have worked, slept, taken a holiday, these crews have sailed and sailed, day after
day, night after night, in weather conditions that would test any human. This is the reality of ocean yacht
racing, which bears little resemblance to the popular image of sailing - the quick sprint around a lake
before returning ashore for a meal and a warm bath.
Paragraph 2
Racing 20-metre yachts around the world is a story of unrelenting hard work, pushing yourself to the
limits of endurance. But it is also a story of the vastness and beauty of the sea, of seeing the sun rise and set
on hundreds of desolate horizons, and of the supreme satisfaction of arriving somewhere knowing that
wind alone has taken you there.
Paragraph 3:
Unlike the captains, who are professional sailors, the crews all consist of amateur volunteers who
have actually paid for the privilege of taking a year off from their work and enduring these difficult
conditions. On board London Light the ages range from 21 to 65. For the youngest member, Susan Porter,
the trip is about the excitement of both the racing and the elements “Being able to pitch yourselves as a
team against a storm gives you a huge sense of achievement”, she says.
Paragraph 4:
Jerry Wallace, a marketing director, found sailing a refreshing change from the selfish individualism
of business. Although he was prepared for the discomfort, the mental stress of long distance racing was not
what he has anticipated, “A grand Prix driver has a few hours of focus, a footballer 90 minutes, but we
have been racing for 11 months. This is something I didn’t really appreciate before I start.”
Paragraph 5:
Inevitably, there are tensions. The kind of people who choose to take part in races like this tend to
motivated and strong-willed. On a trivial level, there are the usual arguments about things like cleaning,
tidying, personal hygiene, even the way people snore. Row on a boat must be addressed immediately. Left
to develop, they get much worse. On London Light they have pone this by having a meeting where
problems can be discussed and resolved by majority vote. Cooperation is the key, and everyone can have
their say. The London is one of the few boats that has never lost any crew early because of a personality
XII.Rewrite each of the following sentences so that it means the same as the first one, beginning with
the given words. (10pts)
1. Children learn a lot about how to behave in a situation like this.
→Only ...................................................................................................................................
2. You can use it as long as you like, and it will not wear out.
→ No matter ..........................................................................................................................
3. You needn’t make an appointment to see the personnel manager.
→There’s ............................................................................................................................
14. The train journey from London to Bristol takes two hours.
→It is a ..................................................................................................................................
15. If you don’t believe in it, you will never be able to do it.
6. The patient recovered more rapidly than expected.
→The patient made ................................................................................................................
7. You practice a lot, and you will play well.
→The more ...........................................................................................................................
8. The Prime Minister resigned because of his sudden illness.
→The Prime Minister’s ..........................................................................................................
9. Be sure to say goodbye to your grandmother before you leave.
→Be sure not ..........................................................................................................................
10. Your car might break down on the rough mountain road, so take plenty of spare parts.
→In case..................................................................................................................................
XIII. Use the given word to write the second sentence in such a way that it is as simil as possible in
meaning to the original sentence. Do not change the form of the given WOI (5 pts)
1. I’d love to be really intelligent! (wish)
2. The police have found the stolen money in the park. (by)
3. Sudden fires often cause serious damage, (that)
4. There’s hardly anything he doesn’t know about whales. (knows)
5. He enjoys walking in the rain. (pleasure)
XIV. Use the given suggestions to complete sentences. (5 pts)
1. Many / visitors / country/ impress / beauty / Hanoi.
2. Wear / uniforms / encourage / students / be / proud / be / students / their school.
3. Learners / learn / how / spell / pronounce / words / use / them / writing / speaking.
4. Malaysian / unit / currency / ringgit / consist / 100
5. Tom / hear / pen pal / since / move / another / city?
ĐỀ SỐ 02
(Đề thi học sinh giỏi 9 tỉnh Bắc Kạn)
Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút
Section A. Listening (Track 2-20 points)
Hướng dẫn làm bài nghe:
- Bài nghe gồm có 1 phần, thí sinh được nghe 2 lần. Mở dầu và kết thúc có tín hiệu nhạc
- Mọi hướng dẫn cho thí sinh (bằng tiếngAnh) có trong bài nghe.
I. Listen to people asking when the flights below arrive. Write down the arrival time using the
twenty- four hour clock (14 points).
Flight no Arrival time; Flight no Arrival time
1.TW218 7.45 2. BA13 …………….
3. AF409 ……………. 4. LH68 …………….
5.A115 ……………. 6. AF35 …………….
7. SK70 ……………. 8. BA502 …………….
II. Listen to the waitress and choose the best respond (6 points).
1. □ Yes, it’s fine 2. □ Yes, it is 3. □ No, thanks 4. □ No, thanks
□ Yes, please □ Fine, thanks □ Not at all □ Yes, it is
5. □ Yes, I do 6. □ Yes, please 7. □ Not just now
□ Just a little □ Yes, it’s great □ No, it isn’t
Section B. Phonetics (10 points)
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others. (5 pts)
1. A. house B. happen C. hair D. honor
2. A. value B. use C. currency D. music
3. A. stripe B. limitation C. publish D. deposit
4. A. benefit B. website C. experience D. rest
5. A. produced B. increased C. raised D. coughed
II. Find the word with the stress pattern different from that of the other three words in each
question. (5 pts)
1. A. picnic B. fishing C. arrive D. movie
2. A. conference B. announcement C. arrival D. reception
3. A. destroy B. disappear C. independent D. development
4. A. environment B. survive C. inhabitant D. customer
5. A. interview B. essential C. industry D.

Section C. Grammar and vocabulary (30 points)

I. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D ) that best fits the blank space in each sentị Circle the letter
before the word or phrase you choose. (10 pts)
1. I’ll give her the message as soon as she……………tomorrow.
A. comes back B. will come C. is coming D. has come
2. He is thought……………in a foreign country when he was 20.
A. to work B. to have worked C. working D. has worked
3. We got our car……………yesterday.
A. wash B. to wash C. washing D. washed
4. Get me some stamps,……………?
A. have you B. will you C. do you D. don’t you
5. Some large cities have measured to……………air pollution.
A. fight B. minimize C.cover D. grow
6. My grandfather……………my friends for a long time.
A. know B. know C. have known D. has known
7. He drank only water.
A. a lot of B. much C. a little D. less
8. I’d like to……………an appointment to see the doctor.
A. do B. say C. organize D. make
9. It isn’t quite……………that he will be present at the meeting.
A. interested B. certain C. exact D. right
10. - "Do you like the novel that I gave you last week?”
- “ ……………the novels that I’ve read, I enjoy this one most.”
A. All of B. Of all C. For all D. From all
II. Supply the correct form of the words in brackets. (10 pts)
1. The gas from the chemical factory was……………harmful. (EXTREME)
2. Pablo Picasso was a very……………artist. (CREATE)
3. It’s ……………of motorists to drink and drive. (RESPONSIBILITY)
4. I found the whole experience absolutely……………. (EMBARRASS)
5. They have a good……………of stamps. (COLLECT)
6. It’s hard to imagine the……………of hand phones nowadays. (POPULAR)
7. He gets angry if you……………with his idea. (AGREE)
8. Some designers have……………the Ao dai by printing lines of poetry on it. (MODERN)
9. Her boring essay is the……………one that I have ever read. (LENGTH)
10. They are members of an international…………… (ORGANIZE)
III. Give the correct form of the verb in brackets. (5 pts)
1. Most of the Earth’s surface (cover) ……………by water.
2. The first festival (hold) …………… nearly eight hundred years ago.
3. There’s some behind us. I think we (follow) …………….
4. My mother (not visit) ……………us since she (move)……………to the new town.
5. This bike (use)……………for more than six years.
IV. Some of these sentences are wrong. Put a tick (V) next to the ones that are right and correct the ones
that are wrong. 0 and 00 are examples. (5 pts):
0. I always go to work by bus,....√......
00. She is very interested on sports, on = in
1. Helen speaks three different languages. ……………
2. I would go on holiday for a year if I win a lot of money.……………
3. The Internet has increasingly developed and become part of our life.……………
4. Michael is going swimming twice a week.……………
5. Suddenly I was hearing a noise.……………
Section D. Reading comprehension ( 20 points)
I. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer A, B, C or D by circling the letter you
choose. (10 pts)
More than two hundred years ago, the term “environmental pollution” was quite strange to people.
They lived healthily, drank (1)……………water, and breathed fresh air. In those days,industry was not
well-developed. Nowadays, the (2)……………is quite different. The world today isfaced with many (3)
……………threats. The most dangerous threat of all is war, and after the threatof war is (4) …………….
People all over the world are worried about things that are happening to the environment. Actually it is
man that is (5)……………the surroundings with many kinds ofwastes from the devices that make human
lives more comfortable and convenient. Everybody knows that cars emit dangerous gases that cause
poisonous (6)……………and cancer, but no onewants to travel on foot or bicycles. Manufactures know
that (7)……………from factories makewater and (8)……………polluted, but they do not want to spend a
lot of their money on (9)……………the wastes safely. (10) …………… rubbish is bad for our health, but
no one wants to spend time burying it. Is it worth talking a lot about pollution?
1.A. fresh B. pure C. clean D. boiled
2. A. situation B. case C. circumstance D. both A & C
3. A. chief B. significant C. major D. main
4. A. contamination B. pollution C. dirtying D. both A & B
5. A. poisoning B. destroying C. dirtying D. contaminating
6. A. steam B. vapor C. air D. moisture
7. A. wastes B. junks C. garbage D. litters
8. A. land B. ground C. soil D. earth
9.A. solving B. dealing C. processing D. treating
10. A. Throwing B. Scattering C. Distributing D. Pouring
II. Read the passage and fill in each blank with ONE suitable word. (l0 pts)
There are about 3,000 living languages in the world, but only six of them are the mo! important (1)
……………. Two-thirds of the world’s population speaks those languages. More than 400 million people
speak English as their (2)…………….tongue. Another 400 million speak it as a second language. No one
knows (3)…………….many people speak it as a foreign language Chinese is the language with more
speakers (4)……………. English, but it is only (5)…………….language for over one billion Chinese
people. English is the official language on one-fifth of the land area the world (6)…………….. It is (7)
…………….in North America, Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand. In South Africa and India, it is
one of the official languages. In many countries, the textbooks in universities are (8)…………….in
English. More than three-fifths of the radio stations (9)……………. programs in English. More than half of
the scientific and research (10)…………….are in English. English is the language of international
Section E. Writing (20 points)
I. Use the suggested words to write full sentences. (10 points)
1. Don’t forget/ keep/ touch/ us.
2. How many/ hour/ week/ you/ spend/ watch TV/ ?
3. If/I/ be/ you/I/ take part/ these/ cultural/ activity.
4. It/ be/ national holiday/ yesterday/ so/ my friends/ I/ go/ picnic.
5. It/ take/ us/ half/ hour/ get/ picnic site/ motorbike.
6. I/ would like/ congratulate/ you/ pass/ your exam.
7. They/ as/ fast/ your cars.
8. Good evening/ ladies/ gentlemen/ thank you/ come.
9. What/ population/ Vietnam/?
10. We/ suggest/ learn/ ten/ word/ heart/ everyday.
II.Finish each of the sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same meaning as the one
printed before it. (10 pts)
1. I’m certainly not going to give you any more money.
→ I have no........................................................................................................................................
2. I enjoyed the film. The story was silly.
→ In spite of.......................................................................................................................................
3. He said he wasn’t guilty of stealing the car.
→ He denied........................................................................................................................................
4. I had only just put the phone down when the boss rang back.
→ Hardly.............................................................................................................................................
5. She is very poor, so she can t buy a house.

ĐỀ SỐ 03
(Đề thi học sinh giỏi 9 tỉnh Thanh Hoá)
Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút
Part A: PHONETICS (5 pts)
I. Choose and write in your answer sheet the word whose underlined part is pronouncty differently
from the rest of the group. (2 points)
1. A. predict B. environment C. exist D. precious
2. A. books B. tables C. roots D. makes
II. Choose and write in your answer sheet the word whose stress pattern is different from the rest of
the group. (3 points)
3.A. career B. avoid C. manage D. advise
4.A. valuable B. entertain C. honesty D. mountain
5.A. separate B. mechanic C. produce D. deny
I. Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete each sentence. (15 pts)
6. My colour TV,……………..I bought 10 years ago, still gives beautiful pictures.
A. which B. that C. what D. X
7. “Who is Mr. Madely?” “ I have no idea. I’ve never heard …………….. him”.
A. about B. from C. after D. of
8. Most tourists didn't bring their meals with them,……………..they ate at the foodstalls alongthe roads.
A. because B. but C. so D. although
9. I’ve never……………..very well with my brother. We’ve got completely different personalities.
A. got off B. got on C. got away D. got up
10. When my father retired, he decided to take……………..golf.
A. in B. with C. up D. for
11. The doors were painted blue to……………..the walls.
A. suit B. match C. fix D. fit
12. I’m sure he didn’t do it……………..purpose.
A. on B. with C. for D. in
13. She came …………….. a lot of problems at work.
A. up with B. down with C. in for D. up against
14. We will go for a walk…………….. it’s foggy – I hate walking in the fog.
A. though B. unless C. if D. in case
15. Daisy wrote…………….. report on the Vietnam war.
A. ten-page B. a ten-page C. ten pages D.ten-paged
16. His …………….. made him cry.
A. fearful B. fearfulness C. fearless D. fearlessness
17. The children were completely fascinated ……………..
A. on the story the teacher told them B. by the story the teacher told them.
C. by the teacher told story. D. on the story telling them by the teacher.
18. My boss is angry with me. I didn’t do all the work I……………..last week.
A. should do B. should have done C. could do D. must have done
19. “I have never seen such a perfect thing on you.”- “……………..”
A. haven’t you? B. I am so happy
C. really? D. Thank you. That’s a nice compliment.
20. “……………..”- “Thank you. I’m glad you like it.’’
A. Congratulations! You have a beautiful motorbike.
B. The motorbike is beautiful.
C. Where did you buy this motorbike?
D. I didn’t know you bought a motorbike.
II. Use the verbs in brackets in the correct tense or form(l0 pts)
21-22. He (not finish)……………..his work yet. He only (start)……………..an hour ago.
23. A lot of people (kill)……………..by AIDS recently, and I wish nobody would die any more.
24. Only yesterday I (realise)……………..what was going on.
25. George as well as his brothers (not go)……………..to the cinema very often.
26-27. What you (do) if you (give) $ 1,000,000?
28. There was a problem with the cellphone, but I (fix)……………..it now.
29. From the clink of dishes one can tell that supper (prepare)……………...
30. You have read this book already. What you (think)……………..of it?.
III. Supply the correct form of the word in capital letters. (l0 pts)
31. Articles and reports in newspapers talk a lot about UFO……………... APPEAR
32. If there were flying saucers, there would be traces of their ,……………..LAND
33. The…………….. of children won’t be ready to stay away from homeuntil they are in their teens.
34. The Internet has……………..developed and become a part of our everyday life. INCREASE
35. Television can make things…………….. more because it brings both sounds and pictures
36. Sam was accused of stealing some ……………..documents from the safe. CONFIDENCE
37. You do not have to go. Your decision must be entirely …………….. . VOLUNTEER
38. Most people agree that Christmas has become too…………….. COMMERCE
39. Don’t leave your house …………….. when you go out. LOCK
40. Our visit to Cue Phuong National Park last week was an…………….. experience. FORGET
Part C: READING (20 pts)
I. Supply the most suitable word for each blank. (5 pts)
It is not easy for adult students of English to improve their accent. (41)……………..children,
who are flexible, adults often find it hard to change the way they speak. This is why (42)…………….. the
top, or smartest adult students have difficulty in pronunciation. There are several things that an
international student can do to improve his or her pronunciation.
One method is to sign up for a class. Studying pronunciation can help students understand the rules
of English, but in order to practice speaking, students often need to be exposured (43)……………..
English outside the classroom as well. This is (44)…………….. many students saythat studying in an
English- speaking country greatly affects their English. Living with native speakers can help students learn
new vocabulary as well as improve their (45)…………….. .
II. Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D to fill in the gaps in the following passage. (10 pts)
El Nino is a weather phenomenon of the Pacific ocean which is (46) …………….. by an
abnormal (47)…………….. of water on the surface of the ocean. It has the (48) …………….. to
influence global weather parttems as it brings drought to some continents and heavy rain to (49)
…………….. . It was first (50)…………….. , by fishermen in Spanish ports in the Pacific in the 17th
century. It got its name (Spanish for “boy child”) because it usually takes (51)…………….. near
Christmas time. It can cause catastrophic (52) …………….. . The 1982 El Nino (53)…………….. in
1,500 deaths, but it can be a lot worse than that. Sea animals, (54)…………….. fish and birds, also
die in large numbers. It is (55)…………….. that sailors in the Pacific can smell the dead sea-life
during EI Nino.
46. A. happened B. caused C. occured D. done
47. A. increase B. extra C. heater D. warming
48. A. proficiency B. power C. practice D. performance
49. A. other B. another C. others D. the others
50. A. saw B. noticed C.caught D. time
51. A. away B. care C. part D. place
52. A. damage B. difficulty C. hurt D. problem
53. A. resulted B. led C. caused D. gave
54. A. containing B. holding C. including D. involving
55. A. said B. felt C.told D. written
III. Read and answer the questions below. (5 pts)
People who live in California have every reason to be afraid of earthquakes. No one has ever
forgotten the great quake that destroyed San Francisco in 1906. In May, 1988, the people of Los Angeles
panicked. According to a prophecy made in the 16th century by a prophet called Nostradamus, the city
would be destroyed early in 1988. During the panic, parents didn’t send their children to school and people
didn’t go to work. No one stayed at home, either. The airlines did great business carrying people who fled
from their “doomed city”. Which is more puzzling: how Nostradamus knew that a city which didn’t even
exist in his time would be destroyed in the 20th century, or the behavior of the people who believed “ the
56. What are Californians afraid of?
57. When did the great earthquake destroy San Francisco?
58. When was the prophecy about the destruction of Los Angeles made?
59. According to the prophecy, when would the destruction of Los Angeles happen?
60. How did the people of Los Angeles flee from their doomed city?
Part D: WRITING (20 pts)
I. Complete each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence
printed before it. (10 pts)
61. They will open a new school here next year.
→A new school..............................................................................................................................
62. What a pity, he can’t drive.
→ I wish he ................................................................................................................................
63. She can't go to work today because she is tired.
→If she..........................................................................................................................................
64. “I'm going on business tomorrow” said Ann.
→ Ann said ...................................................................................................................................
65. Please let me open the window.
→Would you mind........................................................................................................................
66. The course finished with a big party.
→ At the end ................................................................................................................................
67.I wish I hadn’t heard that!
→ I’d rather you ............................................................................................................................
68. The living-room hasn’t been painted for many years.
→ We.............................................................................................................................................
69. “Why don’t we go and have a look at the cathedral?”
→ He suggested ...........................................................................................................................
70. Harry broke his leg, and also injured his shoulder.
→ Not only....................................................................................................................................
III. Write a paragraph (80 - 100 words) about the limitations of the Internet. (10 pts)

ĐỀ SỐ 04
(Đề thi học sinh giỏi 9 tỉnh Hải Dương)
Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút
Choose the word that has a different stress pattern from the others (5 points):
1. A. benefit B. recycle C. logical D. grocery
2. A. disappear B. existence C. imagine D. extensive
3. A. empty B. relate C. suggest D. effect
4. A. scenery B. scholarship C. dictionary D. compulsory
5. A. sample B. behave C. replace D. parade
I. Choose the word, phrase or expression which best completes each sentence (15 points):
6. The man asked me……………..
A. where had I gone the previous day. B. where I had gone the previous day.
C. where I had gone yesterday. D. where did I go yesterday.
7. Jenny refused to explain the reason……………..her absence from class last week.
A. why B. about C. for D. of
8. The party was great! Everyone enjoyed ……………..very much.
A. themselves B. ourselves C. oneself D. itself
9. Nguyen Du is considered one of the best……………..that Vietnam has ever produced.
A. poets B. poems C. poetry D. poetic
10. Hardly……………..at school when it started to rain.
A. did we arrive B. we arrived C. we had arrived D. had we arrived
11. Please don't put much salt in the soup. Just……………..
A. few B. a few C. a little D. little
12. The police are looking for the man……………..car was found in the jungle last night.
A. whose B. whom C. who D. his
13. It is high time we……………..something to protect rare animals from extinction.
A. did B. do C. will do D. are doing
14. Despite working in the same office, Mary earns……………..her boyfriend.
A. twice as many as B. twice more than
C. twice as more than D. twice as much as
15. Jack never helps his mum with the housework,……………..?
A. does he B. doesn't he C. will he D. did he
16. When the boy was told that he had failed the exam, he was extremely……………..
A. disappointing B. disappointedly C. disappointed D. disappoint
17. "No, you are not allowed……………..out tonight, Mike," the father said angrily.
A. to go B. going C. to going D. go
18. "The room is too dirty! Do you think it needs…………….., honey?" said the wife.
A. to clean B. cleaning C. to be cleaning D. cleaned
19. I think your health will not improve……………..you give up smoking.
A. if B. when C. unless D. until
20. Can you close the gate……………..the hens will not go out?
A. so as to B. in order to C. in order for D. so that
II. Give the correct form of the words in brackets (10 points):
21. Why don’t you ask Uncle John this question?
He is very……………..about the history of English. (KNOW)
22. Henry wondered who had sent him that……………..email. (MYSTERY)
23. Please don’t serve Mrs. Thomson with meat. She is a……………..(VEGETABLE)
24. Many rural areas in the North have been……………..(URBAN)
25. They are……………..awaiting the test results. (ANXIETY)
26. Tom phoned his friend to apologize for his……………..at the get-together. (POLITE)
27. Many families are trying to……………..by not eating in restaurants. (ECONOMY)
28. "I have just won the first prize in the English speaking contest,” the little girl said……………..
29. Travelling helps to……………..our knowledge. (RICH)
30. It is not difficult to see that there are many……………..differences between the two regions
III. Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting (5 points):
31. Remember not to say anything that makeshigh sensitive people upset.
32. One of the biggest problems facesus today ishow to reduce pollution.
33. There is no pointto explain the situation to such a narrow-minded person.
34. John could not go campingwith his classmates last weekend becausehis illness.
35.I am absolutelyconvinced that life is pleasure and easy.
IV. Match one sentence in Column A with one suitable response in Column B. Use each response
ONCE only (5 points):
36. Excuse me, are you ready to order, Sir? A. Great idea!
37. Would you mind turning down the radio? B. You must be kidding!
38. Could you do me a favor, Madam? C. Thanks for your nice compliment.
39. I think we should stop here and go out for some D. Certainly, let me get a pen and a piece of paper.
coffee. E. No, of course not.
40. Could you take a message, please? F. Yes, how can I help you?
G.Yes, I'd like some red wine and some steak.

I. Read the following passage and decide which option A, B, C or D best fits each space (10 points):
Plants grow (41)…………..almost every part of the world. We see (42)…………..plants as
flowers, grass, and trees nearly every day. Plants grow high on mountaintops, far in the oceans, and in
many deserts and (43)…………..regions.
Without plants, there could be no life on earth. Man could not live without air or food, and so he
could not live without plants. The oxygen in the air we breathe comes from plants. The food we eat also
comes from plants or from animals that eat plants. We build houses and make many (44)
…………..products from lumber cut from trees. (45)…………..of our clothing is madefrom the fibers of
the cotton plant.
Scientists believe there are more than 350,000 species of plants, but no one knows for (46)
…………..Some of the smallest plants, called diatoms, can be seen only with a (47)…………..A
drop of water may hold as many as 500 diatoms. The largest living things are the giant sequoia trees of
California. Some of them stand more than 290 feet high and measure over 30 feet wide Scientists (48)
…………..all living things into two main groups - plants and animals. It is usuallyeasy to tell the two (49)
…………..Almost all kinds of plants stay in one place, but nearly allspecies of animals move about under
their own power. Most plants make their own food from air, sunlight, and water. Animals cannot make
their own food. The basic units of all life, called cells, are also different in plants and animals. Most plants
have thick walls that (50)…………..amaterial called cellulose. Animal cells do not have this material.
41. A. on B. in C.at D. of
42. A. these B. those C. all D.such
43. A. polar B. polarized C. poled D. pole
44. A. harmful B. useful C. unnecessary D. unhealthy
45. A. Many B. Few C. Much D. Lot
46. A. certainty B. guarantee C. sure D. certainly
47. A. telescope B. periscope C. stethoscope D. microscope
48. A. part B. separate C. divide D. sort
49. A. difference B. apart C. distinctly D. separately
50. A. contain B. maintain C. stock D. incorporate
II. Read the following passage and choose the words from A to H in the box to fill in each gap from
51 to 55. There are THREE extra words you do not need to use (5 points):
A. for B. afford C. of D. excited
E. kinds F. channels G. concerned H. broadcast
Many parents in the United States are (51)…………..about the effect of advertisements on TV
on their children. Children may watch TV and may see candy advertised. The children may ask their
parents to buy the candy they have seen on TV. The candy may not be good (52) …………..the children’s
health. Also children see many (53)…………..of toys and games advertised on TV.If their parents cannot
(54) …………..to buy these things, the children will be upset. Manyparents wish to have no advertising
during the time when children watch TV. Maybe some day all TV (55)…………..will drop advertisements.
No one likes them much, but they help to pay forthe programs.
III. Read the passage and choose the correct answer for each question (10 points):
It is not easy for adult students of English to improve their accents. Unlike children, who are
flexible, adults often find it hard to change the way they speak. This is why even the top 01 smartest adult
students have difficulty with pronunciation. There are several things that an international student can do to
improve his or her pronunciation.
One method is to sign up for a pronunciation class. Studying pronunciation can help students to
understand the rules of English, but in order to practice speaking students often need to be exposed to
English outside the classroom as well. This is why many students say that studying in an English-speaking
country greatly affects their English. Living with nativi speakers can help students to pick up new
vocabulary as well as improve their accents. International students can also learn important cultural
information. This can help to preven misunderstandings that may occur when people from different
cultures live together.
However, living with someone from another culture can be difficult. International student are
usually excited when they first show up at their new homes, but after a few months the may start to think
about their home countries and get homesick. Students who are homesick ge depressed quickly. They
might cry a lot or want to be alone. This makes it difficult for them to make friends and learn English.
56. According to the passage, it seems that
A. all that the students need to improve their pronunciation is to practice more outside the classroom
B. attending a pronunciation class can be very helpful to adult learners who have problems with their
C. most younger students cannot change their pronunciation.
D. adult students of English cannot improve their accents because they are slow to change
57. What does the phrase “to be exposed to English” in the second paragraph mean?
A. Imitating native speakers.
B. Avoiding speaking English outside the classroom.
C. Living in an English-speaking environment.
D. Listening to native speakers
58. Which of the flowing is TRUE?
A. The passage implies that adult learners should not study English in an English-speaking country to
avoid these problems.
B. Many students feel depressed because they cannot improve their pronunciation.
C. On their arrival, most international students may forget about the problems because they are very
D. To avoid misunderstandings about cultures, students should live with native speakers.
59. According to the passage, many international students feel depressed because
A. living with someone from another culture can be difficult.
B. they are lonely.
C. they are homesick.
D. they cannot improve their pronunciation.
60. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. The problem adult students may face. B. Learning English.
C. How to improve pronunciation. D. How to overcome homesickness...
I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence
given before it (5 points):
61. Although the weather was very bad, the captain ordered his men to sail down the coast.
→ In spite of……………………………………………………………………………………………..
62. We would rather walk home than take a bus.
→ We prefer……………………………………………………………………………………………..
63. If you worry, you will find it difficult to get to sleep.
→ The more……………………………………………………………………………………………..
64. Jane cannot get a good job because she does not have any qualifications.
→I ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
65. The boss made US work 12 hours a day.
II. Use the suggested words and phrases below to write a complete letter (10 points):
I write I tell / how much /I / enjoy evening /I spend / you / your family / last Saturday evening. I / be /
Sydney / since/ January / and it be / first time / dinner / an Australian family. I / find/ conversation / most
interesting. I also / congratulate you / excellent cooking. I / very grateful / helpful / information/ courses of
English. I / hope / I / find / suitable school / next few days, and English / not too hard / me / study. You /
give / best regards / husband / lovely daughters? Thank / again/ extremely / pleasant evening.
I / look forward / see / you / next week.
You are required to begin and end your letter as followed:
Dear Mrs. Thomson,
Yours faithfully,
Pham Thanh Thuy
III. Write a paragraph of about 120 words about your favorite teacher (10 points)

ĐỀ SỐ 05
(Đề thi học sinh giỏi 9 tỉnh An Giang)
Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút
A. Circle the word (A, B, C, or D) whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others
in the same group (0.5m)
1. A. wall B. ball C. bath D. water
2. A. happen B. hour C. house D. horse
3. A. thank B. think C. through D. them
4. A. exchange B. champagne C. teacher D. children
5. A. flood B. typhoon C. groom D. balloon
B. Circle the word (A, B, C or D) whose main stress is placed differently from that of the others in the
same group (0.5m)
6. A. begin B. refuse C. answer D. complain
7. A. advance B. chicken C. culture D. foreign
8. A. disappoint B. festival C. primary D. decorate
9. A. achievement B. experiment C. explanation D. discovery
10. A. relationship B. activity C. occasional D. invitation
C. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense or form (2ms)
I had two accidents last month. First, my friend and I were riding on our bicycles and it…………..
(11. rain). We…………..(12. ride) fast because we…………..(13. want) to get home. I
…………..(14. turn) the comer when suddenly, a cat…………..(15. run) in front of my bike. I
tried…………..(16. stop), but I fell and…………..(17. break) my arm. Then a few days after that,
I…………..(18. walk) up the stairs in my apartment when I …………..(19. hurt) my ankle.
Fortunately, I…………..(20. not, break) it, but it wasn’t a good month.
D. Put the word in brackets into the correct form (1m)
21. These works have been…………..for many centuries, (collection)
22. It’s very hard for us to understand his explanation. It is…………... (logical)
23. This evening was…………..spent in chatting and playing games. (enjoy)
24. Smoking and drinking a lot is an…………..lifestyle, (health)
25. Some people believe strongly in the…………..of life on the other planets.(exist)
E. Fill in each blank with an appropriate preposition or adverb article (lm)
26. It’s very difficult to find work…………..the moment.
27. In many ways you must take care…………..your mother.
28. I’m sure you will succeed…………..entrance test.
29. Nobody helped him. He managed it…………..his own.
30. The drivers in London kept their cars…………..the left.
31. All of the students actively take part …………..the games.
32. Some animals look…………..food at night, and sleep during the day.
33. I’m just going out to do some shopping. I’ll be back…………..half an hour.
34. Couldn’t you go a little faster? I’m…………..a hurry.
35. This service is free…………..charge.
A. Circle the best answer (A, B, C, or D) to complete the following exchange ( 1 m)
36.“You look nice in that red shirt.” -“…………….”
A. It’s nice of you to say so. B. Am I ? Thanks.
C. Oh, poor me. D. I am interesting to hear that.
37. “Happy birthday! This is a small present for you.” -“…………….”
A. What a pity! B. How beautiful it is! Thanks.
C. Have a good time! D. How terrible!
38. “…………….” - “Oh, it’s great!”
A. How is the music of the film like? B. Would you like the music of the film?
C. What do you like the music of the film? D. What do you think of the music of the film?
39.“Do you mind if I use your bike?” -“…………….”
A. Yes, you do. B. Yes. It’s my pleasure.
C. No, you don’t. D. No. you can use it.
40.“What can I do for you?” - “…………….”
A. No, you can’t. B. Thanks. I’ll do it.
C. Thank you. I’m just looking. D. Yes. Do it please.
B. There is a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence Circle the mistak' (A,B, C, or D)
41. She refused to tell us why was shecrying.
42. Many people have complainabout the dirt from the factory.
43. The film was so bored that all the audiencehad gone home before it ended.
44. She spends her free time to visit galleries and museums.
45. You used to livein Hue, weren’t you?
C. Read the following passage. Circle the best word (A, B, C or D) for each space (lm)
When man first learned how to make a fire, he began to use fuel for the first time. The first fuel he
used was (46)……………. wood. As time (47)……………., man eventually discovered that substances
such as coal and oil would bum.
Coal was not used very widely as a source of energy (48) ……………. the end of the 19th century.
With the coming of the industrial revolution, it was (49)…………….realized that production would double
if coal was used instead of wood. Nowadays, (50)…………….the huge factories and electricity generating
stations would be unable to function if there was no coal.
In the last forty or fifty years, (51)……………., the use of coal has declined. As a result, there have
been changes in the coal industry. It is believed that more people would use coal if oil and gas were not
readily (52) ……………..
There is more than enough coal in the world for man’s needs for the next two hundred years (53) our use of
coal doesn’t increase. (54)……………., however, about half of the world’scoal may never be used. (55)
……………. much of it would be very expensive even if it was possible to use new equipment.
46. A. surely B. probably C. likely D. notably
47. A. spent B. took C. passed D. consumed
48. A. until B. as C. in D.by
49. A. soon B. early C. shortly D. immediately
50. A. many B. lots of C. a lot of D. many of
51. A. therefore B. but C. however D. so
52. A. available B. plentiful C. rich D. abundant
53. A. whether B. unless C. otherwise D.if
54. A. Luckily B. Unfortunately C. Undoubtedly D. Obviously
55. A. Exploring B. Discovering C. Mining D. Digging
D. Read the following passage and write ONE word for each space (2ms)
The county is more beautiful than a town and pleasanter to live in. Many people think (56)
……………. and go to the country for the summer holidays (57)…………….they cannot live there
all the year round. Some have a cottage built in a village so that they can go there whenever the time (58)
Villages are not all alike, but (59)…………….some ways they are not very different from
each other. (60)…………….every village has a village square with big old banyan frees.
Houses or cottages in villages are (61)…………….by green paddy fields, clusters of bamboo
trees, and wide stretches of green grass.
Country (62)……………. is now more comfortable and many villages have water brought through
pipes into each (63)…………….. Most villages are so close to some small towns(64)……………. people
can go to buy (65) ……………. they cannot find it in the village shops.
E. Read the following advertisement and then write T if it is true, F if it is false. N if it is not
mentioned (1 m)
G/F, 149 Pasteur Sưeet
- English, German, and Japanese classes in the morning and evening
- Places available in beginner/ intermediate classes
Courses start November
Please call for further information

No T F
1 They teach English, German, and Japanese here.
2 If you don’t know any English words, you can’t study here.
3 You can begin to study from November 3.
4 There are classes available from 1.00 pm to 4.00 pm.
5 If you want to know more information, you can call them at any time.

F. Read the article on “Spyware” and write question A-E in the correct place 1-5 (lm)
A. What is Spyware? B. How do I get rid of it?
C. What can it do? D. How does it get on to my computer?
E. Is Spyware a common problem?
Nobody likes a computer virus, but at least you can get rid of it. And there is a lot of antivirus
software these days. It can find a virus, fix it and you can forget about it. Unfortunately the same isn’t true
for spyware.
Spyware is software that hides somewhere on your computer. It collects information abou what you
do on the Internet and passes this information to companies without your permission If you shop on the
Internet and use your credit card, you should know that some spyware cai record this information.
Your computer can catch spyware in lots of ways. If you open the wrong mail, or even visi the
wrong website, spyware can download itself onto your computer. And spyware oftei comes with free
Most spyware just collects information about your surfing habits for advertising reasons
But some spyware can be more powerful and will often make your computer slower. Adware ii a type of
spyware which is advertising software. It makes ‘pop-up’ advertisements appea while you are connected to
the Internet. Not dangerous ... but very annoying.
If this is the first time you’ve heard of spyware, you’ve probably got some on your PC.
Surveys have found that 90% of computers have several pieces of spy ware on them. And spyware will
stay on your computer for a long time, quietly collecting information and sending it back to its authors.
There is some anti-spyware software that will remove most of your problems. However, some anti-
spyware is spyware itself, so be careful! For a complete list of software, go to spywarewarrior.com.
G. Read the passage carefully and circle the best answer (A, B, C or D) to the question below (lm)
During the teenage years, many young people can at times be difficult to talk to. They often seem to
dislike being questioned. They may seem unwilling to talk about their work in school. This is a normal
development at this age, though it can be very hard for parents to understand. It is part of becoming
independent of teenagers trying to be adult while they are still growing up. Young people are usually more
willing to talk if they believe that questions are asked out of real interest and not because people are tying
to check up on them.
Parents should do their best to talk to their sons and daughters about school work and future plans
but should not push them to talk if they don’t want to. Parents should also watch for the danger signs: some
young people in trying to be adult may experiment with sex, drugs, alcohol, or smoking. Parents need to
watch for any sips of unusual behaviour , which may be connected with these and get help if necessary.
71. Why do adults sometimes find teenagers difficult to talk to……………...
A. because most teenagers are quiet
B. because teenagers don’t want to talk to other people
C. because teenagers think adults are not honest
D. because most teenagers hate adults .
72. When can you expect young people to be more talkative than usual?
A. When people talk to them because they are really interested and not just checking on them.
B. When adults give them a lot of money to spend.
C. When adults talk to them about something other than their work in school.
D. When adults talk to them about sex, alcohol and drugs.
73. This passage is taken from a……………...
A, handbook for parents B. school timetable
C. teenage magazine D. book for children
74. Some teenagers experiment with drinking and smoking because ……………..
A. cigarettes and alcohol are available everywhere
B. cigarettes and alcohol arc cheap
C. women like smoking and drinking men
D. they regard them as a mark of adulthood
75. The word ‘behaviour’ in the passage most nearly means ……………..
A. feeling B. manners C. activities D. reaction
H. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as I the
sentence printed before it (2ms)
Ex: I can’t come to the party tonight, but I’d like to.
I wish I could come to the party tonight.
76. He wanted to relax, so he took up Yoga.
→ He took up Yoga in …………………………………………………………………………………
77.It was my grandfather who bought the house many years ago.
→ The house ……………………………………………………………………………………………
78. The last time Henry smoked a cigarette was in 2005.
→ Henry hasn’t …………………………………………………………………………………………
79. Smoking is not allowed in public.
→ You must …………………………………………………………………………………………..
80. People think that doing morning exercises is good for health.
→It ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
81. “I’m sorry, I gave you the wrong number” said Paul to Susan.
→ Paul apologized …………………………………………………………………………………….
82. Why don’t you ask her yourself?
→ I suggest ……………………………………………………………………………………………
83. We don’t visit you very often because you live so far away.
→ If……………………………………………………………………………………………………
84. I can’t sing beautifully so I can’t join them now.
→ I wish……………………………………………………………………………………………….
85. Let’s go to some where for pleasure.
→ What………………………………………………………………………………………………...
I. Paragraph writing: People think that students should go to school by bike. Write a paragraph of
about 120-150 words to let people know your point of view. Your paragraph should Include at least 3
arguments (2ms)

ĐỀ SỐ 06
(Đề thi học sinh giỏi 9 tỉnh Quảng Nam)
Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút
Question 1. Choose the best option A, B, C or D to finish each of the following sentences. Write your
answer in the numbered box below. 0 has been done as an example.
0. He…………a teacher.
A. be B. is C. are D. am
→0. B
1. Kate…………a great time in Nha Trang and doesn’t want to come back.
A. is having B. has C. has had D. had
2. You have never been to Nha Trang,…………
A. haven’t you B. have you C. do you D. don’t you
3.I had to wear …………uniform when I worked in the hotel.
A. some B. any C. a D. an
4. You can improve your English by practising it………….
A. hardly B. ordinary C. badly D. regularly
5.…………we should put garbage bins around the school vard.
A. Why don’t B. What about C. Let’s D. I suggest
6. If I…………you, I’d take some rest before the game tomorrow.
A. am B. could be C. were D. would be
7. The pop star we invited onto the chat show didn’t …………
A. turn on B. turn up C. turn off D. turn down
8. Paper money…………for over a thousand years.
A. has used B. was being used C. was used D. has been u

9. “Jane! May I introduce you to Maryam, my Malaysian pen pal?” - “…………”

A. Oh. Thank you very much. B. Hi! Pleased to meet you, Jane.
C. Hi! Nice to meet you, Maryam. D. That’s right. I’m Jane.
10. “How did your dog…………?” - “I don't know. Someone might have poisoned it.”
A. get killed B. kill C. be killed D. was killed
11. That pipe has been leaking for ages. We must get it…………soon.
A. mend B. mended C. mending D. to mend
12. It was…………of you not to play the music while I was asleep.
A. considering B. considerate C. considerable D. consideration
Question 2. Match the two halves of the sentences. Write your answer on the answer sheet.
0. When you rang, I was in G A. fun, and I don’t want to do it as a job
1. I waited outside the tennis club for B. charge of the whole department.
2. We finally got to the stadium just in C. time to see the match start.
3. I was so nervous the first time I was in D. duty for about 8 hours every night.
4. I just play football for E. a long time but Peter didn’t appear.
5. Your salary depends on F. on DVD, I’ll definitely get it.
6. I love that film and when it comes out G. the middle of cleaning my shoes.
7. Tom works as a policeman and he’s on H. how long you’ve been working here.

Question 3. Read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correc but some
have a word which should not be there. If a line is correct, put a tick (yl) at the etii of the line. If a line
has a word which should not be there, write the word at the end of th line. Some lines have been done as
When I was 17, my father asked me about what jobs I was applying for. It was 0 about
the moment I’d been dreading, but I couldn’t avoid it. I said: “Dad, this may 00 √
be come as a shock to you, but I’m thinking of going to university.” He looked 1
confused. “University! What do you want to go there for?”, “To train to be a 2
fashion designer,” I said. He looked out from me to my mum and back again. 3
“You’re joking, aren’t you? Please tell me you’re joking.” No one believed me 4
I was serious. But in the end I stuck to my plans. I knew what I was good at, 5
I knew what I wanted and I knew how much to get it. And I did. After a 6
three-year course, I graduated with a degree in fashion design. In my final year, 7
months before graduating, I was sent examples of my designs around the world. 8
The directors of an Italian fashion company were so far impressed with my work 9 far
that I was given a contract for to design jackets for their summer collection. And 10 for
at my graduation fashion show, there were no prouder parents than mine. 11 √
Question 4. Complete the following passage with an appropriate form of the word In BLOCK
CAPITAL. Write your answer in the numbered box below. 0 has been done as an example.
School inspectors have found that, contrary to all (0)………….. children don’t (1)…………..
homework at all. In fact, many do more than their teachers suggest, either because of (2)…………..
about their marks or simply for (3)…………... The inspectors’ findings add to the evidence ofthe powerful
(4)………….. effects of homework on pupils’ achievement. The inspectors alsorecommend the (5)
…………..of “homework charters”. These tell parents and children how much(6)…………..work is
expected and provide encouragement to schools to form links with parentswho can check that tasks are (7)
…………..completed. International (8)…………..suggest that atypical 14-year-old does six hours
homework in Britain, eight hours in Italy, and almost nine hours in Hungary, Japan and Poland.
Write your answers here.
0. expectations
Question 1. Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C, or D best fits each space. Write your
answer In the numbered box below. (0) has been done as an example.
Why did you decide to read this, and will you keep reading to the end? Do you expect to understand
every (0)…………….part of it and will you remember anything about it in a fortnight’s(1)…………….?
Common sense suggests that the answers to these questions depend on “readability”" whether the (2)
…………….matter is interesting, the argument clear and the (3)…………….attractive.But psychologists
are discovering that to (4)…………….why people read - and often don’t read -technical information, they
have to examine not so much the writing as the reader.
Even the most technically confident people often (5)……………. instructions for the video or
home computer in favor of hands-on experience. And people frequently (6)…………….little notice of
consumer information, whether on nutritional labels or in the small print of contracts.
Psychologists researching reading tend to assume that both beginners and (7)…………….readers
read everything put in front of them from start to finish. There are (8)…………….among them about
the role of eyes, memory and brain during the process. Some believe that fluent readers take (9)
……………. every letter or word they see; others (10)……………. that readers rely on memory or context
to carry them from one phrase to another. But they have always assumed that the reading process is the
same: reading starts, comprehension occurs, then reading stops.
Ex; O.A. simple B. single C. separated D. sole
→0. B
1. A. term B. period C. time D. gap
2. A. subject B. topic C. content D. text
3. A. pattern B. formation C. layout D. assembly
4. A. ensure B. determine C. value D. rate
5. A. miss B. omit C. pass D. ignore
6. A. get B. pay C. take D. make
7. A. competent B. sufficient C. considerable D. valid
8. A. objections B. arguments C. contests D. separations
9. A. up B. over C. out D. in
10. A. insist B. direct C. urge D. press
Write your answers here. You can write only the letter A, B, C or D.
Question 2. Seven phrases/clauses have been removed from the following passage. Read it passage and
choose from the phrases/clauses A-H the one which fits each gap (1 -6). The is one extra phrase/clause
which you do not need to use. Write your answer in the number boxes. There is an example (0).
A. shopping is a way of getting out and meeting people
B. for most of US in today’s busy world
C. than it did on the screen
D. without leaving the house
E. from what it was
F. if you are already using it for business
G. or make a phone call
H. where you can see
You no longer need to leave your house in order to shop! In fact you don’t even have to post
a letter (0)………….- you simply use the Internet. More and more shops are connecting to the
Internet (1)………….what you would like to buy on your screen in your own living room. I’m not
suggesting you should get onto the Internet simply to be able to shop. However, (2)………….,
study, or other reasons, you might find it useful. Just imagine, no more driving in traffic, no more trying to
find a place to park, no more queuing in shops. Now you can buy everything from a new garden seat to a
gold ring (3)…………..
Of course there are disadvantages. If you live on your own, especially if you don’t work or perhaps
don’t leave the house much, (4)………….. Also, if you don’t actually go to the shop, youcan’t try to get
another 10% off the price! Another problem could be if you are buying clothes - you may need to return
some things if they don’t fit properly or if the color looks different (5)…………..
However, (6)…………., time is what we haven’t got enough of. Shopping on the Internet
isprobably not less expensive but it is simple, good fun and above all, it’s quick!
Write your answers here. You can write only the letter A, B, C, D, E, F, G or H.
Question 3. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only ONE word in
each space. Write your answer in the numbered box below. 0 is an example.
Society has changed (0)…………... many ways (1)…………...the introduction of computers, and
people’s lives at home and at the office have been affected. Most people are working for fewer hours per
week than they (2)…………...to, and manufacturers and advertising agencies arebecoming much (3)
…………... interested in how people spend this exUa leisure time. One recentreport stated that, (4)
…………... the number of hobbies had not increased, each hobby (5)…………...become much more
A second finding is that nowadays, many managers would (6)…………...spend time with their
families (7)…………...stay late in the office every day. Home life is seen to be just as important
(8)…………...working. Some companies now (9) managers take their annual holidays even if
they don’t want to, because this leads to (10)an improvement in their performance ifthey have some rest.
In (11)…………...of these changes, some people are working harder than ever before. The
standard of exams is getting higher, and increased competition is (12)…………...it harder to get into
university than it was 20 years (13)………….... Schoolchildren and students are now having to work
(14)…………...hard that in many cases they work longer hours than their parents.
Write your answers here. Ex. 0. in
Question 1. Make any changes and addition to build the sentences from the cues given.
0.I / not / much time, / so / not / use / Internet / very often.
I do not have much time, so I don’t use the Internet very often .
1. If we / go on / litter, / environment / serious / pollute.
2. Ba’s parents / often / him / not / waste / time / play / computer games.
3. She / ask / what aspect / learn / English / I/ most difficult.
4. Although / he / severe / disabled / take part I variety / sports activities.
5. I/ sorry / I / break / your watch / but / I / have / it / repair / at the moment.
6. Nam’s mother / tell / him / she / hear / TV / there / typhoon / come.
7. My parents / not use / let / me I stay / late / when /I / little boy.
Question 2. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first om Use the word
given in brackets, you must use between three and five words, including til word given. Don’t change
the form of the word given. 0 has been done as an example.
0. The pond isn't deep enough to swim in. (TOO)
The pond is too shallow to swim in.
1. Can I ask you a few questions? (IF)
Do you………………….a few questions?
2. “Is it raining outside?” asked Michael. (KNOW)
Michael wanted to………………….raining outside.
3. He didn't feel very well but he went to work. (SPITE)
He went to work…………………. very well.
4. It isn't necessary for anyone to work late tonight. (HAS)
Tonight ………………….work late.
5. Tuan’s behaviour at the party embarrassed me. (TUAN)
I was embarrassed by the………………….at the party.
6. You must do exactly what the teacher tells you. (CARRY)
You must …………………. instructions exactly.
7. They decided to advertise their house on the Internet. (PUT)
They decided………………….their house on the Internet.
8. Miss Lan had to finish the accounts and write several reports as well. (ADDITION)
Miss Lan had to finish the accounts………………….several reports.
Question 3. These days some of your neighbors drop litter in the area. Despite your they continue to
dump rubbish. Write a letter of about 120 — 150 words to the hi local authorities to complain about the
problem.(Please DO NOT show your address, your name or signature in the letter.)

ĐỀ SỐ 07
(Đề thi học sinh giỏi 9 tỉnh Quảng Bình)
Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút
Pick out the word (A, B, C or D) whose underlined part is pronounced differently from those of the other
words. (5 pts)
1. A. pleased B. punished C. practiced D. promised
2. A. beds B. doors C. students D. plays
3. A. tour B. course C. court D. pour
4. A. cell B. center C. cube D. ceiling
5. A. boot B. root C.shoot D. foot
Part 1. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes each sentence. (10 pts)
6. Her marriage has been arranged by her parents. She is marrying a man………….
A. she hardly knows him B. whom she hardly know him
C. she hardly knows D. All are correct
7. "Can I give you a little more coffee? - “………….”
A. No, you're welcome. B. No. Thanks.
C. Yes, you're right. D. Yes, I'm OK.
8. It was………….serious accident that he was kept in hospital for a month.
A. such B. such a C. so D. so a
9. A fire must have a readily available supply of oxygen.…………., it will stop burning.
A. Consequently B. Furthermore C. Otherwise D. However
10. I enjoy doing things on my own, and I don’t need company………….the time.
A. all B. most C. much D. whole
11. Harrods, in London, is probably one of the best-known………….in the world.
A. departmental stores B. department shops
C. department stores, D. stores department
12. Robert does not have………….Peter does.
A. money more than B. as many money as
C. more money as D. as much money as
13. In………….22nd SEA Games, Vietnam won………….158 gold medals.
A. Ø/ the B. the/ Ø C. a/ the D. the/ the
14. You haven’t eaten anything since yesterday. You…………., be really hungry.
A. might B. will C. can D. must
15. This ring is only made of plastic so it’s quite…………..
A. valuable B. invaluable C. worthless D. priceless
Part 2. Fill in each blank with one suitable preposition. (5 pts)
16. Most American men earn………….average about $110 a week.
17. He is married………….my friend.
18. You’d better not drink that milk, Joe. It’s gone…………..
19. Are you aware………….the regulations concerning the use of guns?
20. I used to watch………….the postman’s arrival to seize unwanted envelopes and tear off the
comer with the stamp stuck on it.
Part 3. Complete the sentences with appropriate form of the word in block capitals. (5 pts)
21. ………….are trying to find out new stars. SCIENCE
22. He was turned down for the job because he wasn’t………….. QUALIFY
23. My colleagues are very pleasant but the manager is a little………….. FRIEND
24. Teenagers are now………….dressed. FASHION
25. Some people claim to be able to………….the future. TELL
Part 4. Put the verbs given in the brackets into their appropriate tenses or forms. (10pts)
26. Peter did not get used to (get)………….up early when he first came to Vietnam.
27. By the time your brother (return)………….here next year, the city will have changed a lot.
28. What tune (play)………….when we came in?
29. I wish I (know)………….her address now.
30. They (learn)………….English from nine to ten in this room. Don’t let anyone disturbthem then.
31. The prisoner is thought (escape)………….by climbing over the wall yesterday.
32. Five kilometres (be)………….a long way for a little boy to walk.
33. He stepped down from the bench on which he (stand)………….and walked out of the room.
34. He (serve)………….in the army in the last war.
35. She regrets (not/ buy)………….that house. It is much more expensive now.
Part 5. In each, of the following sentences, the 4 words or phrases are marked A, B, C or D.
Identify the one underlined expression that is not correct and correct it. (5pts)
36. The police has not decided whether or not to charge the four young men.
37. Without transportation, our modem society could not be existed.
38. She left the room with not saying a word.
39. The more careful you drive, the fewer accidents you will have.
40. The price of crude oil used to be a great deal lower than now, wasn't it?
Part 1. Read the passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) which best fits each space. (10 pts)
What is money? The pound, the dollar or the franc are actually just like a gram or a kilometre. The
difference is that you can exchange money for something (41) …………. A five pound note may buy a
book, a huge bag of sweets, or a (42) …………. of cinema tickets. But the note itself is only a printed (43)
…………. of paper which costs almost nothing to make.
Thousands of years (44) …………. people didn't have money as we know (45)…………..
There were no banks (46) …………. even shops. In those days, Mr. Green, the fanner exchanged the com
he (47) …………. grown for Mr. Hive's honey. This was an exchange arranged between the two (48)
…………., each of whom had something that the other wanted. But in time, most societies invented their
own "currencies” (49)………….that people couldexchange more. The different currencies began to join
together, which is why (50)………….everyone uses a national currency.
42. A. other B. else C. another D. apart
42. A. couple B. double C. few D. several
43. A. slice B. part C. side D. piece
44. A. since B. past C. before D. ago
45. A. them B. it C. some D. that
46. A. or B. neither C. and D. but
47. A. did B. was C.had D. has
48. A. jobs B. people C. things D. goods
49. A. for B. by C. before D. so
50. A. tomorrow B. today C. recently D.soon
Part 2. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only ONE word in
each space. (10 pts)
People have always dreamed of living forever, and although we all know this will (51)
………..happen, we still want to live as long as possible. Naturally, there are advantages and disadvantages
to a long (52)………..
In the first place, people (53)………..live longer can spend more time with their familyand friends.
Secondly, people who have busy working lives look forward to a long, relaxing time when they can do the
things they have never hud time for.
(54) ……….. the other hand, there are some serious disadvantages. Firstly, many people become ill
and consequently have to (55) ……….. time in hospital or become (56) ………..on their children and
friends. Many of them (57) ……….. this dependence annoying or embarrassing. In addition to this, the
(58)………..people get, the fewer friends they seemtohave because old friends die or become ill and it's
often (59) ………..to make new friends.
To sum up, it seems that living to a very old age is worthwhile for people who stay healthy (60)
………..to remain independent and enjoy life.
Part 3. Read the following passage and choose the correct answers (A, B, C, or D). (5 pts)
After inventing dynamite, Swedish-born Alfred Nobel became a very rich man. However, he
foresaw its universally destructive powers too late. Nobel preferred not to be remembered as the inventor
of dynamite, so in 1895, just two weeks before his death, he created a fund to be used for awarding prizes
to people who had made worthwhile contributions to mankind. Originally there were five awards literature,
physics, chemistry, medicine and peace. Economics was added in 1968, just sixty-seven years after the first
awards ceremony.
Nobel's original legacy of nine million dollars was invested, and the interest on this sum is used for
the awards which vary from $30,000 to $125,000.
Every year on December 10, the anniversary of Nobel's death, the awards are presented to the
winners. Sometimes politics plays an important role in the judges' decisions. Americans have won
numerous science awards, but relatively few literature prizes.
No awards were presented from 1940 to 1942 at the beginning of World War II. Some people have
won two prizes, but this is rare; others have shared their prizes.
61. The word "foresaw" is nearest in meaning to………..
A. prevailed B. postponed C. prevented D. predicted
62. All of the following statements are true EXCEPT:
A. awards vary in monetary value.
B. ceremonies are held on December 10 to commemorate Nobel's invention.
C. politics plays an important role in selecting the winners.
D. a few individuals have won two awards.
63. The passage implies that Nobel's profession was in………..
A. economics B. medicine C. literature D. science
64. The word "worthwhile0 is closest in meaning to………..
A. economic B. prestigious C. trivial D. valuable
65. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Alfred Nobel became very rich when he invented dynamite.
B. Alfred Nobel created awards in six categories for contributions to humanity.
C. Alfred Nobel left all his money to science.
D. Alfred Nobel made lasting contribution to humanity.
Part 1. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning
to the sentence printed before it. (5 pts)
66. I haven't seen this film before.
→ This is…………………………………………………………………………………………………
67. “I was not there at the time,” he said.
→ He denied……………………………………………………………………………………………..
68. The bus takes longer than the train.
→ The train does…………………………………………………………………………………………
69. I have never seen such a mess in my life!
→ Never in……………………………………………………………………………………………….
70. My father is the owner of that car.
→ That car ………………………………………………………………………………………………
Part 2. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five I words, including the
word given. (5 pts)
71. Susan regrets not going to the airport to say goodbye to her friend. (WISHES)
→ Susan…………………………………………………the airport to say goodbye to her friend.
I 72. Despite his age, he’s still working. (RETIRED)
→ He still……………………………………………………………………despite his age.
73. Despite knowing the area well, I got lost (EVEN)
→ I got lost…………………………………………………………………...the area well.
74.I do not intend to tell you my plans. (OF)
→ I have……………………………………………………………………..you my plans.
75. Graham spends all his time doing research. (DEVOTED)
→ Graham has……………………………………………………………………..doing research.
Part 3. Composition (10 pts)
Write an essay at least 200 words about “The importance of technology in modern life”'

ĐỀ SỐ 08
(Đề thi học sinh giỏi 9 TP. Hồ Chí Minh)
Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút
Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence. (20 pts)
1. The more important an exam is,……………….
A. the more you’ll get nervous B. the more nervous will you get
C. the most nervous you’ll be D. the more nervous you’ll get
2. I wish they……………….less noise; I’m trying to concentrate.
A. are making B. could make C. would be making D. had made
3. There’s no point……………….him for money; he won’t lend you any.
A. asking B. to ask
C. for asking D. in having asked
4. I’m sorry I……………….your name again.
A. forget B. have forgotten C. forgot D. am forgetting
5. There………………..
A. came our new teacher B. is our new teacher coming
C. is coming our new teacher D. our new teacher comes
6. I don’t want to be hard on you, but you……………….me before using my laptop.
A. must have asked B. might have asked
C. needn’t have asked D. may as well ask
7. Hardly……………….time to go to the cinema these days.
A. should I find B. that I can find
C. when I can find D. can I find
8. I met……………….man in the conference.
A. a tall American interesting B. an interesting tall American
C. so tall an American interesting D. an American tall interesting
9. The whole place has been……………….in such a way to provide the disabled with easy access to all the
A. laid out B. put up C. set about D. arranged for
10. The doctor has been……………….to deal with an emergency.
A. cut out B. sent with C. called away D. told off
11. She watched……………….fascination when he was sketching.
A. in B.from C. with D. on
12. What is your response……………….this forum?
A.of B. with C. to D. about
13. A person’s……………….with determine what they believe is right or wrong.
A. psychology B. civics C. ethics D. identification
14. It’s possible to get a speeding ticket if you……………….the speed limit.
A. pass B. overcome C. extend D. exceed
15.The threat of failingan exam provides the……………….to work harder.
A. go-ahead B. incentive C. inspiration D. vitality
16. It is……………….cold outside. Do not go out, please.
A. bitterly B. scorching C. frozen D. ice
17.I did some………………. around the house before I turned on the TV.
A. pins and needles B. ups and downs C. ins and outs D. odds and ends
18. It takes me a long time to save enough money for a nice vacation, so such trips are……………….for
for me.
A. few and far between B. up and about C. big shots D. hot air
19. Yu Na: “I’ll take part in the beauty contest.” Father: “……………….”
A. It is really kid’s stuff! B. I’m sorry about that contestant.
C. You’ll do nothing of the kind. D. I can’t say it worries me!
20. Lucas: “……………….” - Sarah: “Isn’t my pigeon.”
A. That’s a nice dove. B. Mike is in deep trouble.
C.What’s the matter with you? D. What’s the symbol of peace?
Use the correct form of the word given to fill in each blank. (20 pts)
1. He’s a university student majoring in………………..(climate)
2. The teacher gave us a(n)………………. lesson on conservation. (introduce)
3. To be completely fair, we need a(n) ………………. person. (interest)
4. The inauguration ceremony was given………………. coverage. (world)
5. After working really hard for the examination, he deserved a(n)………………. holiday. (earn)
6. Such important work needs………………. . (exact)
7. The article I read the other day was quite………………. . That’s why I keep it for later reference.
8. ……………….enough, no-one else has applied for the job. (Amaze)
9. Please check the……………….of the language lab on that day. (avail)
10. The tendency now is to……………….our cell phone ringtones. (person)
Read the passage and choose the best option (A, B, C, or D) for each blank space.
PASSAGE A (15 pts)
Every year about seventeen million animals are used in laboratory (1)………………. .But in many
countries today, a difficult question is being asked: Do we have the (2)……………….to use animal
this way?
The case for using animals in research
The use of animals in medical research has many practical(3)………………. . Animal research has
enabled researchers to develop (4)………………. for many diseases, such as heart disease anddepression.
It wouldn’t have been possible, years ago, to develop vaccines for diseases like smallpox and polio (5)
………………. animal research. Every drug anyone takes today was (6)……………….first on animals.
Future medical research is (7)………………. on the use of animals. Which is more important: the life of a
rat or (8)……………….of a three-year-old child?
Medical research is also a(n) (9)……………….way of using unwanted animals. Last year, overtwelve
million animals had to be killed in animal (10)……………….because nobody wanted themas pets.
The case against using animals in research
The fact that humans benefit cannot be used to (11)……………….using animals in research any more than
experimenting on other humans. Animals (12)………………. a lot during these experiments. They are
forced to live in small cages, and they may be unable to move. Much of the research that is (13)
……………out is unnecessary anyway.
Animals have the same rights as humans do to be able to move freely and not to have pain or fear forced on
them. Researchers must find other ways of doing their research, using cell (14)……………….and
computer modeling. There should be no animals in research laboratories (15)………………. .
1. A. assignments B. trials C. experiments D. inspections
2. A. law B. way C. equality D. right
3. A. revenues B. benefices C. benefits D. advances
4. A. treatments B. solutions C. treats D. symptoms
5. A. because of B. let alone C. thanks to D. without
6. A. tested B. assigned C. conducted D. imposed
7. A. rested B. originated C. relevant D.dependent
8. A. this B. which C. that D. one
9. A. embarrassing B. sickening C. expedient D. satisfactory
10. A. cages B. shelters C. gatherings D. houses
11. A. justify B. satisfy C. popularize D. reason
12. A. suffer B. tolerate C. bear D. torture
13. A. done B. undertaken C. carried D. passed
14. A. transform B. format C. pattern D. culture
15. A. at least B. in the least C. all the same D. in all
Fill in each of the blanks in the following passage with ONE suitable word.
PASSAGEB (30pts)
As technology develops, robots are programmed to do more amazing things. Here are some of the most
important (1)………………. in which they help humans.
Robots are being installed in many hospitals around the world. They have already been used for a variety
of operations (2)……………….heart surgery. (3)……………….to surgeons, the work robots
can do is more accurate than the work humans can do. Robots can also help people with (4)……………
For example, robotic arms have been used by people with missing limbs for many years. Now a new
robotic arm has been (5)……………….which is controlled by thought. For the first time (6)
………………., somebody with a false robotic arm just needs to think about a movement like (7)
……………….up a book, and the Neuro-Controlled Bionic Arm will do it. Thearm has already been
successful, but doctors are (8)………………. developing it. They predict that(9)………………. faster and
stronger version will be (10)………………. in a few years’ time.
In South Korea, the robot Olympics takes place every year. It (11)……………….together groups
around the world who are (12)………………. with robots. At the event, children as young as six
build and program robotic creations that can do all kinds of things such as run or kick a football. Robot
Wars is (13)………………. form of entertainment for robot lovers. It’s as TV showthat (14)
………………. remote-controlled robot vehicles taking part in games. The most popular
game is when teams of people cause the vehicles to fight each other (15)……………….only one
robot survives. Other games include robot races and robot football.
PASSAGE C (30 pts)
The potential of computers for increasing the control of organizations or society(16)……………….their
members and for invading the privacy of those members has (17)……………….considerable concern.
The privacy issue has been (18)………………. most insistently with (19)………………. to the creation
and maintenance of data files that assemble (20)……………….about persons from a multitude ofsources.
Files of this kind would be highly valuable for many kinds of economic and social research, but they are
bought at too high a (21)……………….if they endanger human freedom or
seriously enhance the opportunities of blackmailers. (22)……………….such dangers should not be
ignored, it should be noted that the lack of comprehensive data flies has never (23)……………….
been the limiting barrier to the suppression of human freedom.
Making the computer the villain in the (24)………………. of privacy or encroachment on civilliberties
simply diverts attention from the real dangers. Computer data banks can and must be given the highest (25)
………………. of protection from abuse. But we must be careful, also, that we do not employ crude
methods of protection as to deprive our society (26)……………….important data it needs to understand its
own social process and to analyze its problems.
Perhaps the most important questions of all about the computer is (27)………………. it has doneand
will do to man’s view of himself and his place in the universe. The (28)……………….heated attacks on
the computer are not focused on its possible economic effects, its presumed destruction of job (29)
………………., or its threat to privacy and liberty, but upon the claim that it causes people to be viewed,
and to view (30)……………….as machines.
PART THREE: Reading Comprehension (40 pts)
Choose the item (A, B, c, or D) that best completes the unfinished statement about the passage.
PASSAGE A (20 pts)
Because the low latitudes of the Earth, the areas near the equator, receive more heat than the latitude near
the poles, and because the nature of heart is to expand and move, Heat is transported from the tropics to the
middle and high latitudes. Some of this heat is moved by winds and some by ocean currents, and some gets
stored in the atmosphere in the form of latent heat. The term “‘latent hear” refers to the energy that has to
be used to convert liquid water to water vapor. We know that if we warm a pan of water on a stove, it will
evaporate, or turn into vapor, faster than if it is allowed to sit at room temperature. We also know that if we
hang wet clothes outside in the summertime they will dry faster than in winter, when temperatures are
colder. The energy used in both cases to change liquid water to water vapor is supplied by heat - supplied
by the stove in the first case and by the Sun in the latter case. This energy is not lost. It is stored in water
vapor in the atmosphere as latent heat. Eventually, the water stored as vapor in the atmosphere will
condense to liquid again, and the energy will be release to the atmosphere.
In the atmosphere, a large portion of the Sun’s incoming energy is used to evaporate water, primarily in the
tropical oceans. Scientists have tried to quantify this proportion of the Sun’ energy. By analyzing
temperature, water vapor, and wind data around the globe, they have estimated the quantity to be about 90
watts per square meter, or nearly 30 percent of the Sun's energy. Once this latent heat is stored within the
atmosphere, it can be transported, primarily to higher latitudes, by prevailing, large-scale winds. Or it can
be transported vertically to higher levels in the atmosphere, where it forms clouds and subsequent storms,
which then release the energy back to the atmosphere.
1. The passage mainly discussed how heat………………. .
A. is transformed and transported in the Earth’s atmosphere
B. is transported by ocean currents
C. can be measured and analyzed by scientists
D. moves about the Earth’s equator
2. The passage mentions that the tropics differ from the Earth’s polar regions in which of the following
A. The height of cloud formation in the atmosphere
B. The amount of heat they receive from the Sun
C. The strength of their large scale winds
D. The strength of their oceanic currents
3. The word “convert” in line 5 is closest in meaning to………………..
A. mix B. change C. adapt D. reduce
4. Why does the author mention “the stove” in line 9?
A. To describe the heat of the Sun B. To illustrate how water vapor is stored
C. To show how energy is stored D. To give an example of a heat source
5. According to the passage, most ocean water evaporation occurs especially………………. .
A. around the higher latitudes B. in the tropics
C. because of large-scale winds D. because of strong ocean currents
6. According to the passage, 30 percent of the Sun’s incoming energy ………………. .
A. is stored in clouds in the lower latitudes
B. is transported by ocean currents
C. never leaves the upper atmosphere
D. gets stored as latent heat
7. The word “it” in line 17 refers to………………. ..
A. square meter B. the Sun’s energy
C. latent heat D. the atmosphere
8. The word “primarily” in line 17 is closest in meaning to ………………. ..
A. chiefly B. originally C. basically D. clearly
9. The word “prevailing” in line 18 is closest in meaning to ………………. ..
A. essential B. dominant C. circular D. closest
10. All of the following words are defined in the passage EXCEPT .………………. ..
A. low latitudes (line 1) B. latent heat (line 4)
C. evaporate (line 6) D. atmosphere (line 13)
PASSAGE B (20 pts)
Diffusion, the process of introducing cultural elements from one society into another, occurs in
three basic patterns: direct contact, intermediate contact, and stimulus diffusion.
In direct contact, elements of a society’s culture may be adopted first by neighboring societies and
then gradually spread farther afield. The spread of the manufacture of paper is an example of extensive
diffusion by direct contact. The invention of paper is attributed to the Chinese Ts’ai Lun in A.D. 105.
Within fifty years, paper was being made in many places in central China. By 264 it was found in Chinese
Turkmenistan, and from then on the successive places of manufacture were Samarkand (751), Baghdad
(793), Egypt (about 900), Morocco (about 1100), and France (1189). In general, the pattern of accepting
the borrowed invention was the same everywhere. Paper was first imported into each area as a luxury, then
in ever-expanding quantities as a staple product. Finally, usually within one to three-centuries, local
manufacture started.
Diffusion by intermediated contact occurs through the agency of third parties. Frequently, traders
carry a cultural trait from the society that originated it to another group. As an example of diffusion
through intermediaries, Phoenician traders spread the alphabet, which may have been invented by another
Semitic group, to Greece. At times, soldiers serve as intermediaries in spreading a culture trait. During the
Middle Ages, European soldiers acted as intermediaries in two ways: they carried European culture to Arab
societies of North Africa and brought Aral culture back to Europe. In the nineteenth century Western
missionaries brought Western-style clothing to such places as Africa and the Pacific islands.
In stimulus diffusion, knowledge of a trait belonging to another culture stimulates the invention or
development of a local equivalent. A classic example of stimulus diffusion is the creation of the Cherokee
syllabic writing system by a Native American named Sequoya. Sequoya got the idea from his contact with
the English; yet he did not adopt the writing system nor did he even learn to write English. He utilized
some English alphabetic symbols, altered others, and invented new ones. All the symbols he used
represented Cherokee syllables and had a distinctly Cherokee form.
11. The passage mainly discusses how………………. ...
A. cultures retain their unique characteristics
B. cultural elements transfer from one culture to another
C. paper came into general use
D. economies grew through trade and manufacturing
12. The word “attributed” in line 5 is closest in meaning to………………. ...
A. credited B. presented C. promised D. limited
13. The word “successive” in line 7 is closest in meaning to………………. ..
A. specialized B. principal C. prosperous D. subsequent
14. The word “it” in line 13 refers to ………………. ..
A. diffusion B. contact C. trait D. society
15. According to the passage, a change that occurred in Africa and the Pacific islands as a
result of the arrival of missionaries was………………. ..
A. an increase in the presence of soldiers
B. variation in local style of dressing
C. the manufacture of paper
D. the introduction of new alphabetical systems
16. In stating that the Cherokee writing system is a classic example, the author means that this
example is especially………………. ...
A. representative B. understandable C. difficult D. old
17. What did Sequoya do?
A. Adopt the English writing system for use in Cherokee
B. Study English intensively in order to learn to write it
C. Teach English to Cherokee Native Americans
D. Create a Cherokee writing system based on elements of the English alphabet
18. The origins of the Greek and Cherokee writing systems were discussed in the passagebecause both
systems………………. ...
A. underwent identical patterns of development in different parts of the world
B. influenced the development of alphabets of other languages
C. represented distinct ways in which elements could be introduced into a culture
D. were introduced by religious missionaries
19. Which of the following statements about direct contact, intermediate contact, and stimulus diffusion is
NOT true?
A. They all cause changes in culture.
B. They all occur in more than one culture.
C. They all involve the interaction of cultures.
D. They all require the trading of manufactured products.
20. The author organized the discussion in the passage by………………. ...
A. establishing a historical chronology from the past through the present
B. illustrating specific categories with examples
C. identifying important geographic regions
D. ranking categories from most to least significant
Rewrite each sentence in such a way that it means almost the same as the one printed before it. Use the
word in brackets.
1.They say he is able to swim across this river. (swimming)
→ He………..
2. They may be there at the meeting, or they may not. (out)
→ It is………..
3.“Don’t forget to hand in the paper by the deadline,” said the teacher. (reminder)
→ The teacher.………..
4.Learning English is becoming more and more popular in our city. (increasingly)
→ It has………...
5.Right after disembarkation from the plane, he was taken into custody. (got)
→ As………...
6.The teacher and his students knew nothing about the crack on the wall. (idea)
→ Neither………....
7. The boy’s effort really impressed the audience and judges, (left)
→ It was………...
8. Instead, you must try to have a good relationship with the others, (get)
→I wish you………..
9. I always go jogging in the morning to keep fit. (invariably)
→ In………...
10. Doubtlessly, Katie is the best violinist in the conservatory. (no-one)
→ It goes………...
B. ĐỀ THI NĂM HỌC 2013 - 2014
ĐỀ SỐ 09
(Đề thi học sinh giỏi 9 tỉnh Bắc Giang)
Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút
I. Listening (Track 3-15 pts)
Part 1. Listen and tick the box. There is one example (5 pts)
EXAMPLE: How many people were at the meeting?
Part 2, Listen and write. There is one example. (5 pts)
Homework:……………..English…….. .
1. For which day?…………….
2. What to write…………….
3. How long?……………pages.
4. What about?…………….
5. Book to read: “The……………world”.
Part 3. People are talking about how their friends have changed. What is each person like now?
Listen and circle the correct answer. (5 pts)
1. Susan
A. She has green hair. B. She has brown hair. C. She goes to parties all the time
2. Russell
A. He’s shy. B. He sits in the comer. C He's a rock star.
3. Ellen
A. She is the speaker's bestiriend.
B. She eats lunch with the speaker.
C. She eats lunch with her boyfriend.
4. Jack
A. He's fun.
B. He's always telling jokes.
C. He is in law school.
5. Laura
A. She is married.
B. She is in good shape.
C. She is single.
II. Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D to complete the sentences. (10 pts)
1. Mary: You look nice today. I like your new dress? Laura:……………...
A. Shall I? Thanks. B. It’s nice of you to say so
C. I feel interesting to hear that D. B and c are correct
2. Hang on!……………...you with those bags?
A. Am I going to help B. Shall I help C. Am I helping D. Will I be helping
3. The manager did not offer her the job because of her untidy……………....
A. sight B. view C. presence D. appearance
4. Vietnam sent out eight planes……………...Malaysia missing jet on the East Sea on March 8,2014.
A. in search of B. in search for C. search for D. in search
5.……………...a painter, but he also took an interest in collecting stamps.
A. Not only Jack was B. Although Jack was C. Despite Jack being D. Not only was Jack
6. It was……………... awful weather that we put off our shopping trip for another day.
A. such a B. so C. such D. a such
7. The higher the demand, ……………....
A. the more efforts we have to make B. the more we have to make efforts.
C. the more efforts do we have to make D. the most efforts we have to make.
8. On the day I left, the whole family ……………... at the airport.
A. stood in for me B. showed me out C. saw me off D. took me up
9. My brother, together with his friends, always……………... round collecting wood for bonfire night.
A. go B. goes C. going D. gone
10. Don’t ask me anything about films. I like ……………...action films ……………... romantic ones.
A. neither/ nor B. both/ and C. not only/ but also D. either/ or
III. Rearrange these following sentences to make a complete conversation. (5 pts)
A. I don't want to go to Ha Long Bay as it is so far. Why don't we go to Con Son?
B. What are we going to do in the vacation£,,o
C. Yes. Good idea!
D. We don't have a tent. What about going to Ha Long Bay?
E. That's a good idea. How are we going to travel?
F. Cycle there?
G. No. It's dangerous.
H. No. It's too far. What about going by motorbike?
I. Let's go by minibus.
J. Let's go camping.
IV. Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition. (5pts)
1. The fate……………...the Malaysian airliner, the Doeing 777 plane that vanished about an
hour……………...a flight to Beijing remained a mystery.
2. Cong Vinh seems to be well-qualified ……………... the latest position in the team.
3. She apologized……………...her teacher ……………... her coming late.
4. Did he break the window……………...accident or ……………... purpose?
5. With 15.925 points, Pham Phuoc Hung beat ……………... his seven rivals, including
gymnasts……………...the Netherlands and China, to take the gold medal for the Vietnamese team.
6. Linh sent her father a letter in which she wrote a lot ……………... her study in America.
V. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words in capital letters. (5 pts)
1. Vietnam has……………...sovereignty over Hoang Sa and Truong Sa Archipelagos. (DENY)
2. The 2014 Winter Olympics,……………... known as the XXII Olympic Winter Games, were a
major international multi-sport event held in Sochi. Russia. (OFFICE)
3. Vietnam ranked 9th at this year’s International Mathematics Olympiad, which drew the
participation of 548……………... from 100 countries and territories around the world. (CONTEST)
4. If you want to……………... your English, we can help you. (IMPROVEMENT)
5. Children in mountainous areas of Bac Giang have many……………...in learning English.
VI. Give the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets to complete the followio sentences. (5 pts)
1. Typhoon Haiyan (make) ……………...landfall in Vietnam, days after leaving thousands feared dead and
widespread devastation in the Philippines. 1. ___________
2. Hoang The Anh (be)……………... the first student of Bac Giang ever (take) 2. ___________
……………... part in the final of "The road to Olympia peak".
3.We asked the librarian for the book the professor (recommend)…………….... 3. ___________
4. When I arrived, Ann (wait)……………... for me. She was rather annoyed with me 4. ___________
because I was late and she (wait)……………... for a very long time.
5. She has made up her mind (have) ……………... a garage (build)……………... next 5. ___________
to the house.
6. He seems (work)……………... hard on a solution to the problem. So don’t 6. ___________
interrupt him.
7. To avoid (follow)……………...they got out of the house from the back door. 7.____________
VII. The passage below contains 10 errors. UNDERLINE and CORRECT them. Write your answers
in the numbered blanks provided. There is an example. (10 pts)
1 A huge blaze break out early on September 15th 2013 at a four-storeys
2 commercial centre in Hai Duong City, about 65km from Hanoi capital. The fire
3 started at 1.00 a.m from a bamboo kiosk outside the centre and quick swept
4 through the whole building.
5 The provincial Fire Brigade had to mobilise all fire truck from its fleet and others
6 from nearby localities to extinguish the roaring blaze where burnt down almost
7 all kiosks inside the centre.
8 At 8.40 a.m, the fire was basic under control. However, due to the extensive
9 damage made by the fire, the centre is now very safe and at risk of collapsing.
10 It is estimating that the fire costs traders much than 400 billion VND. This is the
11 bigger fire that has occurred in Hai Duong so far.
0. Line 1: ____break_____ →__broke_______
VIII. Fill in each numbered space with ONE appropriate word. (10 pts)
Forty years in jungle
A father and his son (1)……………... been found in a remote (2)……………... in Quang Ngai province
after apparently living in isolation for four (3)……………... .
The father, (4)……………... is now 82, is thought to have escaped from his village with his
two-year-old child after a bombing raid killed his wife and two of his sons (5)……………...
the Vietnam, war.
The pair had been living in the treetop den with (6)……………... contact from the outside world
before being found by the local villagers. They wore loincloths made of tree bark and lived (7)
……………...wild rice, fruit and vegetables. According to local media, the father speaks a small
amount of the local (8)……………...but his now 41 year-old son only (9)……………...a few words.
I Attempts are now being made to slowly integrate (10)……………... back into society.
IX. Read the passage below and choose the correct answer A, B, c or D. (10 pts)
Growing older is a natural (1)……………...that we cannot avoid. However, some people manage
to keep their looks for longer than others, and live to a ripe old age. So, what exactly is their secret?
Age is (2) ……………...to be a mental attitude. As our minds and bodies are not separate from (3)
……………...other, if you feel content, you are more likely to be healthy and therefore to live a long life.
Others stress the (4)……………...of having an interesting occupation. Having a deep interest in
whatever you do (5)……………...to a more fulfilled and active fife.
Many also recommend yoga or other types of physical exercise. Everybody, young or old,can (6)
……………...from regular exercise and spending time with others.
Some, on the other hand, (7)……………...old age without taking special care of their health. But research
has shown that people who stick to a low-calorie diet have a greater chance of living longer. Of course,
having access to good medical care (8)……………...a difference, too.
Recent studies suggest that people with more high-powered jobs are healthier, as are people who have (9)
……………...a good education. But scientific opinion keeps changing. Maybe longevity just depends (10)
……………...genes or perhaps it’s simply down to good luck.
1. A. process B. operation C. system D. program
2. A. valued B. considered C. suggested D. mentioned
3. A. some B. every C. each D. one
4. A. greatness B. strength C. importance D. power
5. A.runs B. results C. directs D. leads
6. A. take B. advance C. win D. benefit
7. A. get B.reach C. touch D. grasp
8. A. shows B. has C. makes D. is
9. A. received B. made C.taken D. owned
10. A. for B. at C. on D. up

X. Rearrange these sentences to make a complete passage. (5 pts).

A. They found that as they sailed further away from their home countries, the world became bigger.
B. Today, there are no undiscovered countries left to put on the map, but there are many new worlds to
discover out in space.
C. Then they built bigger ships to sail further and further away.
D. What they mean is that with modern means of transport, we can now reach every part of the world very
E. We often hear people saying that the world is getting smaller.
F. In fact, they don’t really mean that the world is getting smaller.
G. So, men began to use ships to explore the world.
H. But 2,300 years ago the Egyptians and the Greek thought that the world was very small and flat that
around it was the ocean.
I. and they discovered new countries that they didn’t know about.
J. On their expeditions, they found more new countries and made new maps to show them.
XI. Read the details ot SIX language courses oeiow ana aeciae which course (letter A-F) would be the
most suitable for each person (numbers 1-5). (5 pts)
Summer special
A six-week program of classes covering all aspects of English, both spoken and written, for serious
students whether beginners, intermediate or advanced. At least six hours’ teaching every day except
Sundays, plus individual work plans on topics of special interest.
Summer holiday courses
Three-week, one month or six-week courses for students of all standards, which combine daily language
classes with full program of sports (tennis, swimming, volleyball, etc.), social activities (discos, quizzes,
film club, etc.) and outings (London, Bath, etc.)
Business Department
Courses in most European languages are offered for adults wishing to study outside I office hours,
including weekends. Our qualified teachers are always native speakers, whether of Danish, English or
Greek. You will study hard in very small groups with lots of attention to individual needs. Courses last
between three and six months.
Part-time courses
Morning classes 15 hours per week,
afternoon classes 15 hours per week.
Examination preparation 4 or 6 hours per week, afternoons or evenings. All teachers are highly
experienced and well qualified. Minimum course one month. Central location, easy access by bus or
Home from home
We place students with experienced and qualified teachers throughout Britain for individual study
programs in the teacher’s own home. An excellent choice for those who wish to improve their English fast,
but who are not keen on returning to the classroom. High standards of comfort, in a friendly but peaceful
This excellent school is an attractive suburb of Brighton offers courses in general English from three to
twelve months. Accommodation is carefully chosen and the school is famous for its program of activities
beyond the classroom. Teenagers and young adults come to US from over thirty different countries to study
hard and enjoy themselves.
1. Mr. Ba is a journalist. He knows quite a lot of English, but he wants to improve his writing skill. He
works long hours on weekdays at an office in London.
2. Nhung is going to the university next year and she wants to spend this year improving her English. She
wants to meet people from other parts of the world and has a good social life.
3. Mrs. Quyen is 45. She would like to follow an individual course of study somewhere quiet and
comfortable with a private teacher.
4. Trung is visiting England for the first time this summer. He will stay for a month and hopes to make new
friends, but he is rather shy, so he’d like a school with lots of out-of-class activities.
5. Mai lives with her family in London and looks after their little girl during the day. She studies on her
own but she also needs a language course that will help her prepare for her exams.
XII. Rewrite each of the following sentences so that it means the same as the first one, beginning with
the given words. (5pts)
1.All the children will receive a prize, whatever their score in the competition.
→No matter……………...……………...……………...……………...……………...………
2. Nobody expected her to lose but she did.
→ Against……………...……………...……………...……………...……………...…………
3. It would have been a wonderful weekend if it hadn’t been for the weather.
→ But……………...……………...……………...……………...……………...……………..
4. The fact that every child has the same educational opportunities is essential.
→ It is essential……………...……………...……………...……………...……………...……
5. Alice and Charles did not decide to move to a bigger house until after the birth of their second child.
→Only when Alice……………...……………...……………...……………...……………...
XIII. Use the given suggestions to complete sentences. (5pts)
1.harder / he / try / , / worse / he / dance / before / large audience.
2. In order/ get/ scholarship/ students/ required/ write/ essay/ their future.
3.People / countries / often / exchange / greeting / cards / Christmas day / New Year’s Day.
4.The book / which / father / give / me / last week / be / memorable / gift.
5.Young people/ less and less / dependent / their parents / tend / develop/ independent thinking.
XIV. Use the given word to write the second sentence in such a way that it is as similar las possible
inmeaning to the original sentence. Do not change the form of the given word. (5 pts)
1.I went to school as usual yesterday. I had a terrible cold. (DESPITE)
2.There have been fewer people who travel to China by plane after the mysterious missing Boeing 777.
3. “Congratulations! You won the first prize.” The headmaster said to Hoang The Anh.
4.As soon as Minh reached the gate, it began to rain. (SOONER)
5.She tried very hard, but she couldn’t persuade us to go with her. (HOW)
ĐỀ SỐ 10
(Đề thi học sinh giỏi 9 Huyện Đoan Hùng)
Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút
PART 1: I. You will hear Sally asking a friend about some homework. Listen and complei
questions 1 to 5. You will hear the conversation twice. (10 pts)
Subject: Biology
Name of book: 1.
Written by: 2.Martin
Read: 3.Pages
Learn about: 4.
Finish by: 5.
PART 2: II.You will hear some information on the radio about a summer music school.
Listen and complete questions 1 to 5. You will hear the information twice (10 pts)
2 Piano, guitar.……………...……………...
III. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of th1 rest by
writing your answer (A, B, c or D) in the numbered box. (10 pts)
1.A. distribute B. tribe C. triangle D. trial
2. A. profit B. profession C. promise D. poverty
3. A. ploughed B. laughed C.coughed D. locked
4. A. steady B. ready C. breakfast D. steak
5. A. describe B. celebrate C. plumber D. abrupt
IV. Choose the letter (A, B, C or D) next to the word whose main stress is placed differently.
(10 pts)
1. A. comment B. provide C. delay D. recently
2. A. vacation B. peaceful C. anyway D. summer
3. A. entrance B. enjoy C. weekend D. mountain
4. A. objection B. opinion C. official D. optional
5. A. embroider B. encourage C. economic D. experience
V. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. Write your answer (A, B, C, or D) in
the numbered box. (40 pts)
1. She went to the airport to see me off
A. look for me B. meet me C. greet me D. say goodbye
2. The more time you spend practicing English,……………….command of it you will have.
A. the fewer B. the better C. the good D.the less
3.I told her many times, but she didn’t remember……………….the tickets for the show.
A. to have bought B. having bought C. buying D. to buy
4. You should understand……………….better to work together.
A. one another B. each one C. themselves D. yourself
5. He has difficulty……………….his ideas across.
A. to make B. being made C. making D. to be made
6. Every one of them……………….responsible for their action.
A. be B. is C. are D. being
7. They received……………….help from their parents, but they still become successful.
A. so few B. such a few C. a little D. little
8. You shoul eat less and do more exercise.……………….you won t lose weight.
A. If only B. Otherwise C. Or D. Unless
9. Because his story was……………….we all couldn t help laughing.
A. amusing B. amuse C. amused D. amusement
10. They live far away from the city so their……………….to work takes nearly an hour.
A. trip B. tour C. travel D. journey
11. Only……………….present at the meeting agreed on the plan.
A. few B. little C. a few D. a little
12. The foreign guest spoke very slowly……………….to be misunderstood.
A. not so as B. so as for nobody C. not so that D. so as not
13. The boy……………….long hair was talking to the girl who was……………….red.
A. with/in B.of/at C. in/with D. at/of
14. You will have to……………….. your holiday if you are too ill to travel.
A. cut down B. put off C. put out D. put up
15.I don t see any……………….in arriving early at the theatre.
A. cause B. reason C. point D. aim
16. Your hair needs……………….. You d better have it done tomorrow.
A. cut B. to cut C. cutting D. being cut
17. Let s go ahead and do it now. Nothing……………….by waiting.
A. accomplished B. accomplishes C. has accomplished D. will be accomplished
18. The heavy storm prevented the climbers from……………….the top of the mountain.
A. reaching B. reach C. arriving D. arrive
19. He doesn t want to study in a university which has no………………..
A. reputing B. reputation C. reputed D. reputedless
20. The jokes Jack tell are as old as……………….
A. the earth B. the mountains C. the hills D. the oceans.
VI. There is one mistake in each sentence. Find the mistake and write your choice (A, B, C or D) in the
space provided below. (10 pts)
1. We were at troublebecause we had entered the building without permission.
2. Your brother-in-law hardly goes to work by bus, doesn’t he?
3. My brother didn’ t wear that uniformsince he left school.
4. Preserving natural resources meanreserving them for our future.
5. Mrs Stevens, along with her cousins from New Mexico, are planningto attend the festivities.
VII. Complete the sentences by filling in each blank with the correct form of the word in italic. (10 pts)
1. Pablo Picasso, was a very………………artist. CREATE
2. It’s………………of motorists to drink, and drive. RESPONSIBILITY
3. Since………………has been so poor the class is being closed. ATTEND
4. The farmland is poor. It needs to be………………RICH
5. No one can deny the………………of his Contributions. PRECIOUS
VIII. Complete the sentences with the right form of the verbs in bracket. (10 pts)
1. He prefers (1. drive)………………to (2.be drive) ………………
2. It s essential that he (3. arrive)……………… , before seven.
3. If you bet on that horse, you risk (4. lose) every penny you ve got.
4. I’d rather you (5. not wear)………………jeans to the office.
IX. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of
the questions. (20 pts)
Although some groups of people have always lived in tents, camping as we know it today only
began to be (1) ………………about 50 years ago. The increase in the use of cars andimprovemnet in
camping equipment have (2)………………. more people to travel longer (3)………………into the
counfryside and to stay there in greater comfort.
Many campers like to be (4)………………. themselves in quiet areas, so they (5)……………….
theirtent and food, and walk or cycle into the forests or the mountains. Others, preferring to be near people,
drive to a public or privately-owned campsite (6) ………………has up-to-date facilities,
(7)……………….hot showers and swimming pools.
Whether campers are (8)………………in the mountains or in a busy site, they should remember
to (9)………………the area clean and tidy. In the forests, they must put out any fires and keep food
hidden to avoid attracting (10)………………animals.
1. A. fame B. popular C. favorite D. current
2. A. asked B. let C. made D. allowed
3. A. parts B. directions C. voyages D. distances
4. A. on B. by C. at D. of
5. A. take B. make C. pick D. do
6. A. where B. who C. which D. when
7. A.such B. like C. as D. just
8. A. lonely B. single C. separate D. alone
9. A. remain B. stay C. keep D. let
10. A. wild B. natural C. loose D. free
X. Fill in each numbered blank ONE suitable word. (20 pts)
Everyone is becoming aware that the environment is a seriuous issue. However, we have not done
(1)……………… to deal with this problem because we seem to wait for governments to(2)………………
actions. In my opinion, individuals can do many things to help (3)………………the
problem. To begin (4)……………… , we can be more responsible in the (5)………………we dispose of
waste. We should no throw rubbish into lakes and (6)………………. Moreover, we also need to
(7)……………… the water we use. Fresh water (8)………………drinking is running out in many
(9)………………of the world. Finally, I think that if we use (10)……………… transport more we can
reduce air pollution in cities.
XL Read the following passage and then choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO) research, the emission from car exhausts
causes more deaths than road accidents. The research found that one third of all harmful air pollution was
caused by road transport, and that long term exposure to pollution caused estimated 21,000 premature
deaths a year across the three countries, France, / and Switzerland. This is much higher than the 9,947 who
died that year as a result of road accidents.
In addition, the researchers calculated that the car fumes caused 300,000 extra case of bronchitis in
children, and 15,000 extra hospital admissions for heart disease made worse by the pollition. They
calculated that the cost of dealing with all this was 27 billion Euros per year. A lot of money goes into
making cars safer, but not as much is spent solving air pollution.
1. What is the main idea of the text?
A. Pollution and road accidents B. Bad effects of car exhausts
C. the necessity of making cars safer D. The toll of road accidents
2. According to the passage
A. air pollution causes more deaths than road accidents.
B. road accidents cause more deaths than car fumes.
C. long term exposure to pollution is harmless.
D. car fumes cause one third of premature deaths.
3. Which of the following is not true?
A. Car exhausts cause bronchitis and heart disease.
B. Car fumes cause one third of all harmful air pollution.
C. Each year road accidents cause 9,947 deaths.
D. More people died as a result of air pollution than road accidents.
4. The money spent solving air pollution is
A. 27 billion Euros per year B. not able to calculate
C. more than making cars safer D. less than to make car safer
5. Which of the following is not mentioned as the bad effect of air pollution?
A. Causing illness in children B. Causing premature deaths
C. Causing road accidents D. Causing heart diseases
XII. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence
printed before it. (20 pts)
1. I haven’t decided to continue my study in a foreign country.
→ I haven’t made ………………………………………………………………………………………..
2. He got down to writing the letter as soon as he returned from his walk.
→ No sooner ……………………………………………………………………………………………
3. Please help your mother with housework.
→ I d rather ……………………………………………………………………………………………...
4. They were unable to finish their game of badminton because of the heavy rain.
→The heavy rain…………………………………………………………………………………………
5. The flight to Ho Chi Minh City lasted one hour and a half.
→ It took ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
6. “I m sorry for handing in my report so late” Tom said to his boss.
→ Tom apologized……………………………………………………………………………………..
7. He hates people staring at him while he is out in the street.
→ He hates……………………………………………………………………………………………..
8. John’s proud of being a good computer programmer.
→ John takes ……………………………………………………………………………………………
9. What I know is that he still needs protection.
→As far…………………………………………………………………………………………………
10. He introduced me briefly to the school s teaching staff.
→ He gave………………………………………………………………………………………………
XIII. Use the following sets of words or phrases to write a complete letter. Make all the changes and
additions if necessary. (20 pts)
Dear Helen,
1. How/ things/ you/ these days?
2.I / write/ invite/ accompany me/ trip/ Hawaii.
3. As/ know/ I/ booked/ two - week/ package tour/ my brother/ myself.
4. Since then/I/ dreaming/ exotic scenes/ carefree time/ spend/ Hawaii.
5. Unfortunately/ brother/ inform/ yesterday/ couldn’t go/ me.
6. This/ disappointed/ because/ half/ pleasure/ travelling/ sharing/ experience/ someone/ close.
7.I/ very happy/ if we/ go/ travel/ together.
8. Remember/ once/ showed/ interest/ trip.
9. If/ still/ interested/ do let/ know/ possible.
10.I/ looking forward/ reply.
Best wishes,

ĐỀ SỐ 11
(Đề thi học sinh giỏi 9 tỉnh Ninh Bình)
Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each
group. (10 pts)
1. A. parachute B. mechanic C. Christmas D. scheme
2. A. southern B. northern C. mouths D. months
3. A. shadow B. vanish C. Danish D. Spanish
4. A. have B. many C. shadow D. thank
5. A. exhibition B. exhaust C. exhibit D. exist

II. Choose the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the other words. (10 pts)
1. A. advertise B. advertisement C. teenager D. surrounding
2. A. economic B. introduce C. religion D. souvenir
3. A. earthquake B. literature disappear D. generous
4. A. preference B. disappointed C. unpolluted D. documentary
5. A. recommend B. spectator C. individual D. unexpected


III. Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences. (30 pts)
1.I can't make……………what is happening.
A. away B. over C. out D. on
2. A……………is being offered for information leading to the arrest of the bank robber.
A. prize B. reward C. notice D. repayment
3. This dish……………. Is it spicy?
A. smells well B. is smelling good C. is smelled well D. smells good
4. Who was the first American person……………on the moon?
A. walking B. who walked C. walked D. to walk
5. She is one of the few people……………
A. to whom I look up B. I look up C. who look up to D. to who I look up
6. I live in Dalat,……………is one of the most beautiful cities of Vietnam.
A. in which B. that C. which D. where
7. Neither the students nor the teacher……………come.
A. has B. have C. is D. are
8. On the way to the town, they stop……………a rest.
A. taking B. to take C. to have D. having
9. It costs about fifty dollars to have a tooth……………
A. filling B. to fill C. filled D. being filled
10. The roof was damaged and water ……………from the ceiling in wet weather.
A. spilled B. dripped C. drained D. dropped
11. ……………little we may like it, old age comes to most of us.
A. In spite of B. So C. As D. However
12. The newspaper did not mention the …………… of the damage caused by the fire.
A. range B. amount C. quantity D. extent
13. The judge……………him fifty dollars for parking his car illegally.
A. charged B. fined C. punished D. prohibited
14. You can take a taxi ……………you don't mind waiting.
A. except B. unless C. provided D. apart
15. They live in a large……………house on the edge of London.
A. detached B. single C. separated D. divided
IV. Identify the mistake in each sentence and correct it. (10 pts)
1. So far Linda has been writing 5 novels on the problems teenagers have to cope with in thenew world.
2. Pele, from Brazil, is considered one of the greatest football player of all time.
3. Is it important that the secretary finishes the typing today?
4. Preserving natural resources meansreserved them for our future,
5. There has beenquite a few objections to the new policy.
V. Give the correct forms of the words given in brackets. (10 pts)
1. The university has……………the use of dictionaries during language examinations. (author)
2. It is very difficult to find Mrs. Burton's shop, for it was……………from all others in the strẹet.
3. He is very generous. Everyone admires his ……………. (selfish)
4……………skill is the one skill that can grant you the opportunity to get a good job. (lead)
5.……………are alarmed by the rate at which tropical rainforests are being destroyed(Conserve)
VI. Give the correct forms of the verbs given in brackets. (10 pts)
1. What tune (play)……………when we came in?
2. She was badly hurt when her car hit another car. If she (wear)……………her seat belt, she (nothurt) so
3. If you don't hurry, all the tickets (sell)……………by the time we (get)……………there.
VII. Choose the best answer to complete thepassage.(20pts)
UNICEF means the United Nations Children’s Fund. It serves children in (1)……………allover the
world. It helps children of (2)……………races, nationalities, religions and politicalsystems in more than
140 worldwide countries. The (3)……………of UNICEF is to help providea better life for children and
their mothers. UNICEF (4)……………both long-term assistance and emergency.
UNICEF was (5)……………in 1946 to help bring food and medicine to children who suffered
during World War two in Europe. It began (6)……………a temporary agency, but became apermanent
part of the United Nations in 1953 (7)……………the need for its services around theworld. UNICEF's
primary concern is to help governments of developing countries improve the (8)……………of life for
almost one billion children. UNICEF's main office is in the UnitedNations, New York City, (9)
…………… it also has more than 40 offices and 100 programsworldwide. In 1965, UNICEF won the
Nobel Peace Prize (10) …………… its work helping children and building brighter future.
1. A. communities B. organizations C. groups D. society
2. A. every B. all C. some D. few
3. A. view B. purpose C. opinion D. intention
4. A. receives B. gets C. takes D. gives
5. A. found B. produced C. created D. built up
6. A. like B. with C. for D. as
7. A. due to B. in spite of C. since D. for
8. A. cost B. level C. character D. quality
9. A. and B. besides C. but D. moreover
10. A. as B. with C. for D. in
VIII. Read the following passage and then choose the correct answer A, B, C or D. (10 pts)
One of the most important discoveries of the nineteenth century was a method of using natural gas
for cooking and heating. Large amounts of natural gas are found in the United States, usually several feet
below the surface of the earth. Natural gas is most often found in places where petroleum, the oil from
which gasoline is made, is found. Often the natural gas must be removed before the oil itself can be
For many years after natural gas was first discovered, it was thought to have no value. Finally,
however, people began to understand its use and to find ways of storing it and moving it from place to
place. Today natural gas is stored in large tanks and used for lighting, cooking and heating. It has also
been used for electric generators and hybrid cars recently. In many ways natural gas is one of our finest
fuels. It can be used for cooking without making the room hot. It is cheap and can be moved easily from
one place to another through long pipelines, some of which are hundreds of miles in length.
1. It can be inferred from the passage that…………..
A. natural gas is useless
B. people once wasted natural gas
C. natural gas is moved in trucks
D. natural gas is found where there is no petroleum
2. This passage as a whole is about…………...
A. discovering natural gas B. finding petroleum
C. using natural gas and petroleum D. natural gas and its use
3. Which of the following is NOT true about natural gas?
A. It is not used for heating. B. It moves through pipes, i
C. It is cheap. D. It can be stored.
4. According to the passage, the easiest way to move natural gas from one place to another is…………..
A. to liquidize it and move it through pipelines.
B. to liquidize it and move it by trucks.
C. through pipelines.
D. to store it in large tanks to move.
5. How many uses of natural gas are mentioned?
A. two B. three C. four B. five
IX. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use Of word in each space. (20
Speech is one of the most important (1)…………..of communicating. It consists of far more
than just making noises. To talk and also to be (2)…………..by other people, we have to speak a
language, that is, we have to use combinations of (3)…………..that everyone agrees stand for particular
object or idea. Communication would be impossible if everyone made up the language.
(4)…………..a language properly is very important. The basic (5)…………..of English is not
very large, and only about 2000 words are needed to (6)…………..it quite well. But the more words you
know, the more ideas you can (7)…………..and the more precise you can be about their exact meaning.
Words are the (8)…………..thing we use in communicating what we want to say. The (9)
………….. we say the words is also important. Our tone of voice can express many motions and (10)
…………..whether we are pleased or angry, for instance.
X. Complete each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the
sentence printed before it. (20 pts)
1. You must submit articles for the magazine by June 18th.
→ The final date…………………………………………………………………………………….
1. When are the council going to do something about the city’s traffic problem?
→ It's high time something …………………………………………………………………………
2. They estimated the price, including all the costs.
→ Taking ……………………………………………………………………………………………
3. Nothing was done about it.
→ Nobody …………………………………………………………………………………………..
4. It is not a habit of mine to sleep in the afternoon.
→ I am ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
6. I didn't see her again for ten years.
→ Five years ………………………………………………………………………………………..
7. Driving on the left feels strange to me.
→ I am not used…………………………………………………………………………………….
8. I can't understand him because he speaks so quickly.
→ If he didn't ………………………………………………………………………………………
9. Please don't make me annoyed by such silly questions.
→ I'd rather ………………………………………………………………………………………..
10. People think that the prisoner was recaptured while drinking in the pub.
→ The prisoner ……………………………………………………………………………………
XI. Complete the sentence using the words given. Make all the changes and additions if accessary. (20
1. We / be / close friends/ because / we / have / many things/ common.
2. Passover/ celebrate/ every country/ world/?
3. We/ decide/ go/ short walk/ before/ sit down/ lunch.
4. After/ walk/ three hours/ we/ stop/ let/ others/ catch/ up/ us.
5. There/ be/ more/ and/ challenges/ school children today/ early age.
6. Take/ tests / another challenge/ school children.
7. It/ wrong/ you/ not/ give/ her/ chance/ talk.
8. He/ suggest/ use/ gas/ instead/ bum/ coal/ for/ cook.
9. Jack London/ bear/ January 13th/ 1876/ San Francisco/ California.
10. Solar panels/ install / roof/ house/ energy/ sun.

ĐỀ SỐ 12
(Đề thi học sinh giỏi 9 tỉnh Thanh Hóa)
Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút
Part A: PHONETICS (5 pts)
I. Choose and write in your answer sheet the word whose underlined part is pronoun differently from
the rest of the grou., (2 pts)
1. A. ploughed B. published C. ordered D. prayed
2. A. closure B. pleasant C. decision D. pleasure
II. Choose and write in your answer sheet the word whose stress pattern is different from rest of the
group. (3 pts)
3. A. career B. avoid C. manage D. advise
4. A. official B. literacy C. inventory D. stationery
5. A. diversity B. severe C. education D. courageous
I. Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete each sentence. (10 pts)
6. The hotel has been built on the ……………of the lake.
A. border B. boundary C. edge D. front
7. John: “I didn’t pass my driving test.” - Anna: “……………!”
A. Better luck next time B. So poor
C. Congratulations D. That was nice of you.
8. She used to……………her living by delivering vegetables to local hotels.
A. have B. win C. earn D. get
9. Although it was raining heavily, …………….
A. he went out without a raincoat.
B. but he went out without a raincoat.
C. so he went out without a raincoat.
D. however he went out without a raincoa
10. The house was…………….building.
A. a stone nice old B. a nice old stone
C. a nice stone old D. an old nice stone
11. Do you…………….my turning the television on now?
A. object B. disapprove C. want D. mind
12. Last year. Matt earned…………….his brother.
A. twice as much as B. twice as many as
C. twice more than D. twice as more as
13. You don’t have to decide now, you can……………..
A. put it aside B. call it off C. tear it up D. think it over
14. Jenny and her sister are so…………….They could almost be twins.
A. likeness B. alike C. like D. the same
15. They hardly believe him and……………..
A. so do I B. neither do I C. I do, too D. I believe him
II. Use the verbs in brackets in the correct tense or form. (10 pts)
16-17. Jack (be)……………..ready in a moment. He (just finish)……………..his breakfast.
18. None of the people (invite)……………..to the party could come.
19-20.I was terribly disappointed (discover) that he (lie)……………..to me.
21-22. Nothing (give) to you if you (not study)……………..hard.
23. We (tell)……………..not to go out at night recently.
24-25. There is smoke and I smell something (bum) . There (be)……………..a fire nearby.
III. Supply the correct form of the word in capital letters. (10 pts)
26. We must learn about keeping our environment (POLLUTE)……………...
27. It is also easy to save energy, which also reduces (HOUSE)……………..bills.
28-29. You needn't go on a diet; but you have to eat (SENSE)…………….. and you mustn’t
30. Help is immediately sent to the (SURVIVE)……………..of the earthquake.
31. My brother can repair electric (APPLY)……………..very well.
32. (ENVIRONMENT)……………..are doing their best to save the species from dying out.
33. These (INNOVATE)……………..will conserve the earth’s resources.
34. The President’s New Year speech is going to be broadcast (NATION)……………...
35. Daily newspapers often have sections for news, sports, arts, and (CLASS)……………..advertising.
PartC: READING (25 pts)
I. Fill in each of the blanks with one suitable word. (10 pts)
Every year, eight million children across the United States spend some time at a summer camp. For
more than a century, children have enjoyed both learning new skills and(36)……………..part in a variety
of activities in a friendly environment.
There are 10,000 camps across the country, which are designed to Took (37)……………youngsters
from the age of 6 to 18. The camps, (38)……………..anything from 1 to 8 weeks, aresituated in beautiful
lakeside areas and there is a wide range of (39)……………..to suitevery pocket. The children typically do
outdoor (40)…………….., including some challengingsports like climbing, or indoor activities such as
drama, music or poetry. (41)……………..the camps are not luxurious, the wooden cabins the young people
sleep (42) …………….. arecomfortable. The timetable does not allow very much time for relaxing because
the children are (43) busy all the time. The camps are popular with the children and many come
away (44)……………..of enthusiasm. In the words of one former camper, ‘I made a lot of friends,
(45)……………..never on my own, and became a lot more self-confident.'
II. Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D to fill in the gaps in the following passage. (10 pts)
The computer is undoubtedly one of the most (46)……………..and important inventions of
the twentieth century. Boring or time-consuming jobs which, in the past, would have been (47)
……………..by hundreds of workers can now be done by one small computer. However, the
(48)……………..of the computer has not been entirely problem-free. Many people feel thatalready too
(49)……………..on computers. They think that computers themselves are (50)……………..too powerful,
and that people are no longer in control of them.
One of the problems with a computer is that, like any other machines, it can (51)……………..If a
computer is (52)…………….., the information it is storing can be lost. If a computer program has a(n) (53)
……………..in it, the computer’s calculation can be seriously (54)……………..A faulty program in a
hospital or police computer could (55)……………..terrible mistakes.
46. A. shocking B. amazing C. astonishing D. surprising
47. A. done out B. made out C. carried out D. figured out
48. A. usage B. experiment C. introduction D. operation
49. A. dependent B. based C. influenced D. carried
50. A. becoming B. getting C. running D. turning
51. A. break up B. break down C. break into D. break out
52. A. changed B. modified C. contaminated D. damaged
53. A. foul B. abnormality C. wrongdoing D. error
54. A. devalued B. affected C. fooled D. broken
55. A. do B. produce C. find D. cause
III. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer (5 pts)
Many British people don’t think about clothes very much. They just like to be comfortable. When
they go out to enjoy themselves, they can wear almost anything. At theaters, cinemas and concerts you can
put on what you like from elegant suits and dresses to jeans and sweaters. Anything goes, as long as you
look clean and tidy.
But in Britain, as well as the United States, men in offices usually wear suits and ties, and women
wear dresses or skirts (not trousers). Doctors, lawyers and business people wear quite formal clothes. And
in some hotels and restaurants men have to wear ties and women wear smart dresses.
In many years, Americans are more relaxed than British people, but they are more careful with their
clothes. At home or on holiday, most Americans wear informal or sporty clothes. But when they go out in
the evening, they like to look elegant. In good hotels and restaurants, men have to wear jackets and ties,
and women wear pretty clothes and smart hairstyles.
It is difficult to say exactly what people wear informal or formal in Britain and the United States
because everyone is different. If you are not sure what to wear, watch what other people do and do the
same. You’ll feel more relaxed if you don’t look too different from everyone else.
56. Many British people wear freely when they ……………..
A. attend meetings B. attend lectures
C. spend their spare time D. meet their friends
57.Who doesn’t usually wear suits and ties?
A- Lawyers B. Doctors C. Drivers D. Secretaries
58. If you visit an American friend at home in the evening, you may find that your friend
A. pretty clothes B. informal clothes C. formal clothes D. dirty clothes
59. If you are in a foreign country. the best way the writer suggests to you is to wear……………..
A. strange clothes B. as the people there do
C. your native clothes D. pretty clothes
60. What do you think the passage is mainly about?
A. Recent dressing habit in Great Britain and the United States.
B. The reason why informal clothing is popular in Britain and the US.
C. When we should wear in a formal way.
D. Where we should wear in a formal way.
part D: WRITING (20 pts)
I. Complete each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed
above it. (10 pts)
61. They bought me two laptops, but neither worked satisfactorily.
→ They bought..................................................................................................................................
62. Jane’s career as a television presenter began five years ago.
→Jane has ..........................................................................................................................................
63. I’m quite happy to look after the baby for you.
→ I don’t...........................................................................................................................................
64. The flight to Paris lasted 3 hours.
→ It took...........................................................................................................................................
65. People say that he sold his house to pay the debt.
→He is..............................................................................................................................................
66. The passengers don't realize how lucky they have been.
67. You ought to fasten your seatbelt before driving away.
→You shouldn’t................................................................................................................................
68. His working too much led to his illness.
→If he...................................................................................................... ………………………....
69. If someone understands this book, they are cleverer than I am.
→Anyone who...................................................................................................................................
70. “Would you like to go to the concert with me tonight?” Peter said to Ann
→Peter invited...................................................................................................................................
II. Write a paragraph of 100 - 120 words about the thing you like to do most in your free time. (10 pts)

ĐỀ SỐ 13
(Đề thi học sinh giỏi 9 tinh Hải Dương)
Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the otH (2,0 points)
1. A. architect B. parachute C. choir D. psychology
2. A. paragraphed B.coughed C. ploughed D. faced
II. Choose the word that has a different stress pattern from the others (3.0 points)
3. A. congratulate B. celebrate C. compulsory D. communicate
4. A. enjoyment B. pagoda C. collection D. business
5. A. national B. newspaper C. dormitory D. biology
I. Choose the word, phrase, or expression that best completes each sentence below (15 points)
6. “Don’t be late for the interview,…………….people will think you are a disorganized person,
Tom,” the mother said.
A. otherwise B. unless C. if not D. or so
7. Mary seldom does morning exercise,…………….?
A. does she B. doesn’t she C. is she D. isn’t she
8. The old man persisted…………….believing that his son was still somewhere in the city.
A, on B. in C. for D. with
9.…………….on the ice, he wouldn’t have broken his arm.
A. If he didn’t slip B. If he hasn’t slipped
C. If he had slipped D. Had he not slippe
10. You will have to…………….your holiday if you feel too tired.
A. put down B. put out C. put off D. put up
11. Neither Lilly nor her classmates…………….the National Museum so far.
A. visit B. visited C. has visited D. have visited
12. “Could you please cut the cake into five…………….pieces?”, Henry said to Jane.
A. like B. same C. alike D. equal
13. The environment is…………….almost everywhere.
A. threatening seriously B. seriously threatening
C. seriously threatened D. serious threat
14. When in the army, we were made…………….to bed at 10 p.m.
A. go B. to go C. going D. to going
15. The police stated that the car accident would be…………….soon.
A. investigate B. investigated C. investigating D.
16. This cooker,…………….looks beautiful, doesn’t work properly.
A. who B. that C. it D. which
17. Sarah said that if her boyfriend…………….his promise, she…………….to him again.
A. broke / would never speak B. breaks I will never speak
C. broke I will never speak D. broken I would never speak
18. The older my grandpa gets,……………. he becomes.
A. the weakest B. the weaker C. weaker D. the weak
19. Last night when I…………….along the river, I…………….my old teacher.
A. walked I met B. was walking I was meeting
C. walked I was meeting D. was walking I met
20. Yesterday I went to the garage near my house to …………….
A. have my car serviced B. servicing my car
c. get my car to service D. get my car service
II. Give the correct form of the words in brackets (5.0 points):
21. The university has…………….the use of dictionaries during language examinations.
22. It is said that the…………….of Swiss watches is perfect.
23. A holiday in Sapa in late summer can be…………….cheap.
24. They have decided to interview three…………….for the post.
25. The village I spent my childhood in has changed so much that it is almost…………….
III. Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that need correcting (5.0 points)
26. Although smoking cigarettes make Mr. Thomson cough a lot, he cannot give it up.
27. Vietnam, where Bob worked as a teacher of English some years ago, has a 4,000-years history.
28. The little girl sitting next to me on the plane yesterday was nervous because she has never flown
29. The teacher told his students to close their books, stand up immediately and listening to
hisinstructions.A B CD
30. On hearing the good news, all of the children were too exciting to sit still.
IV. Match one sentence in column A with one suitable response in column B. Use each response ONCE
only (5.0 points)
31. I have passed my final examination. A. Thanks for your nice compliment
32. Do you mind if I take a photo here? B. Not too strong, please!
33. How would you like your tea, Sir? C. Of course, it is very expensive.
34. What a lovely hat you are wearing! D. Oh no. Please do.
35. Thank you very much for your help, Mr. Smith! E. Great! Congratulations!
F. It's my pleasure!
G. Yes, I do.

I. Read the following passage and then decide which option A, B, C, or D bests fits each space (10
English is the first language of many people in countries outside the United Kingdom. When you
(36).....................speakers of English from around the world, you (37)..................... notice that they
do not all speak in the same way. There are also some (38) .....................in the words they use.
including the names of (39)..................... objects that are part of everyone’s daily life. Although
pronunciation and (40)..................... are not the same everywhere, it is interesting that English speakers
(41).....................opposite sides of the world can understand (42).....................other quiteeasily. It does not
seem to (43).....................where they learnt the language. And of course this isone reason why speakers of
other languages are keen (44).....................learning English too. If youknow English, you are more
(45).....................to be able to study or work in all sorts of excitingplaces, such as the United States or
36. A. recognize B. meet C. find D. attend
37. A. originally B. strangely C. curiously D. immediately
38. A. mistakes B. corrections C. changes D. differences
39. A. common B. popular C. favorite D. general
40. A. reading B. composition C. dictation D. vocabulary
41. A. of B. in C. from D. at
42. A. each B. one C. the D. some
43. A. mind B. care C. matter D. worry
44. A. by B. on C. to D. for
45. A. likely B. probably C. possibly D. luckily
II. Read the following passage and fill In each blank with ONE suitable word (10 points)
The Culture House at my neighborhood regularly organizes a wide (46).....................of activities for
people of different age groups in the community. Last week, school children and their parents participated
(47) ..................... an activity called “Walk & Talk”. (48) ..................... activity
aimed to promote active lifestyles, educate road safety and improve family relationships. The
(49) .....................gathered at the yard in front of the Culture House at 7.00 a.m. After listening to
a brief speech (50) ..................... by the organizer, they started a walk around the local area for about two
hours. They were encouraged to observe the (51) ..................... around them, collect the objects like bottles,
plastic bags etc. along the way and talk about (52).....................they could see,hear and smell.
(53) .....................walked, ran, talked to their friends and their parents. Parents discovered that their
children (54) ..................... very active and happy because their parents listened to them and did not say
"Hurry up, we’re late”. All participants were interested in the activity (55).....................it was practical,
educational and easy to organize.
III. Read the passage below and choose the correct answer for each question (5.0 points)
Gelatin is a protein substance that comes from the skins and bones of animals. Most people know it
as the substance used to make a jellylike salad or dessert. Not only is it useful in making these foods, but it
is also beneficial to the consumer because of its high protein content. Gelatin is also commonly used in the
photographic industry and in making medicinal capsules.
The process for producing gelatin is a long and complex one. In the processing of gelatin made
from bones (which varies slightly from that of gelatin made from skin), the grease first must be eliminated.
Then the bones are soaked in a solution of hydrochloric acid in order to rid them of minerals and washed
several times in water. Next, the bones are placed in distilled water, heated to over 90°F for a few hours,
placed in fresh distilled water, and then heated again at a little over 100°F. A fluid forms from this heating,
and it is concentrated, chilled, and sliced. Finally, it is dried and ground. In its final form, gelatin is white,
tasteless, and odorless.
56. It can be inferred from the reading passage that……………….
A. fat acids are used in making good gelatin
B. one could easily make gelatin at home
C. it is necessary to add minerals to the gelatin
D. gelatin is useful for elderly and ill people because it is easy to chew and high in protein.
57. The word 'fluid' is closest in meaning to……………….
A. liquid B. distilled water C. substance D. hard material
58. According to the passage, why is eating gelatin healthy?
A. It is protein rich. B. It has low fat.
C. It does not damage the teeth. D. It has no animal byproducts.
59. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. When the gelatin is dried, it is in powder form.
B. Grease probably does not aid US in producing gelatin.
C. Gelatin made from skin is produced in the same way as that made from bones.
D. The chemical used in making gelatin helps maintain minerals on the bones.
60. Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?
A. Uses for bones B. Protein Foods
C. A great Dessert D. The Process of Making Gelatin
I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same (IS J sentence
given before it (5.0points)
61. Immediately after her arrival, things started to go wrong.
 Hardly..............................................................................................................................................
62. Lama could not go to the beach with his friends because of his illness.
 Lama's illness...................................................................................................................................
63. But for his encouragement, they wouldn't have been successful.
 If.......................................................................................................................................................
64. It is pity that I cannot speak Japanese well.
 I wish................................................................................................................................................
65. Although tired, Peter managed to walk home.
 In spite of........................................................................................................................................
II. Use the suggested words and phrases to write complete sentences of a passage (10 points)
66. Bill Gates / bom / 1955 / Washington State. He / grow up / rich family.
67. His parents / send / him / private school. There / he / meet / business partner / Paul Allen.
68. When / they / be / 8th grade, they / write / programs / business / computers.
69. 1973 / Bill Gates / accept / Harvard University. Parents / happy.
70.Two years later/ Bill Gates / drop out / of Harvard / work / computer program / his friend Allen.
71.1975 / they / create / company / Microsoft / sell / their products.
72. A few years later / Microsoft / become / giant company.
73. 1990 / Bill Gates / youngest / billionaire / United States / age / 34.
74. He / achieve / success / a lot of hard work. He / be / “King of software”
75. 1997 / he / richest / man / United States.
III. It ts said that television brings us both advantages and disadvantages. What do you think about this
statement? Write a passage of about 150 - 170 words to support your opifli (10 points).

ĐỀ SỐ 14
(Đề thi học sinh giỏi 9 tỉnh Quảng Bình)
Thời gian làm bàỉ: 150 phút
Pick up the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. (5 pts)
1. A. bought B. sought C. drought D. fought
2. A. luxury B. example C. exist D. exempt
3. A. decision B. measure C. confusion D. tension
4. A. chooses B. houses C. rises D. horses
5. A. hooked B. wicked C. naked D. crooked
Part 1. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) which best completes each sentence. (10 pts)
6. My brother is intelligent but he...............common sense.
A. fails B. lacks C. misses D. wants
7. Would you like a beer?- Not while I’m...............
A. in the act B. in order C. on duty D. under control
8. Mary searched all over the house...............could not find the key.
A. but B. although C. however D. because
9. The twins look so...............their father.
A. likely B. alike C. likeness D. like
10. To get a passport, you must send in your birthday...............and two photos.
A. certificate B. license C. paper D. card
11. You’ll fail the exam...............you start revising.
A. if B. until C. when D. unless
12.I think I should have...............your mother while I was passing.
A. dropped in on B. come up with C. got on with D. run into
13. But for his help, I................
A. had not succeeded B. could not have succeeded
C. did not succeed D. would succeed
14................the storm, the ship could not reach its destination on time.
A. In case of............... B. In spite of her hair. C. Because of D. But for
15. She ran a comb...............her hair.
A. on B. through C. in D. above
Part 2. Put the verbs given in brackets into the appropriate tenses orforms. (10 pts)
16. Coming into the room he saw Mary where he (leave)...............her.
17. Come to see me on Saturday. I (wait)...............for you at midday.
18. The statue broke while it (move)...............to another room in this museum.
19. I am sure you (forget)...............me by the time I am back in five years.
20. Is it important that he (be)................ on time for the meeting tonight?
21. He doesn’t want (take)................to parties any more.
22. You see, I (do)...............this kind of work for the last 30 years.
23. Stay here until the light (turn)...............green.
24. I often have my sister (wash)...............my clothes.
25. We couldn’t risk (let)................him play alone at home.
Part 3. Complete each sentence with appropriate form of the word in block capita/s. (10pts)
26. He has little...............of winning a prize. EXPECT
27. He resigned for a...............of reasons. VARIOUS
28. He is very generous and everyone admires his................ SELF
29. It seems...............to change the timetable so often. LOGIC
30. It is...............that you missed the meeting. FORTUNE
31. Could you the picture over the sofa? STRAIGHT
32. She wanted to have her skirt................ LONG
33. They all cheered...............as their team came out. ENTHUSIASM
34. He will not benefit...............from the deal. FINANCE
35. “Look after your mother,” were his................words. DIE
Part 1. Choose the word that best fits each of the blanks in the followingpassage. Choose A, B, C or D to
indicate your answer. (10 pts)
(36)...............six o’clock yesterday evening, the River Thames burst its banks and flooded a
wide area. By nine o’clock the floods had reached the town of Dorchester. The main street was
soon (37)............... 3 feet of water. Fire engines arrived quickly to pump away the water, but heavy rain
made their job very (38)................
Mrs. Rose Willow, a (39)...............nearly 80 years old, and living alone in her cottage, was
trapped upstairs (40)...............three hours. Finally, firemen were able to rescue her with ladders
and a small (41)................ “My cat, Tibbles, stayed with me all the time,” said Mrs. Willow. “She
(42)............... me a lot. She sat with me, so I didn’t feel afraid.”
The rain has finally stopped. The river level is falling and the weather forecast is good,
(43)...............the floods have done a great deal of damage. “Luckily, nobody was (44)...............or injured.
Chief Fire Officer Hawkins (45)...............reporters, “but it will take a long time toclear up the mess.”
36. A. In B. To C. At D. Until
37. A. over B. under C. through D. between
38. A. easy . B. difficult C. quick D. clean
39. A. girl B. man C. lady D. child
40. A. for B. during C. while D. through
41. A. ship B. boat C. car D. bicycle
42. A. worried B. frightened C. bored D. helped
43. A. but B. also C. therefore D. so
44. A. burnt B. cut C. scratched D. drowned
45. A. said B. asked C. told D.spoke
Part 2. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only ONE word in each
gap. (10 pts)
According to the writer, the modem father looks after his children and helps in the house,
(46)...............if his wife does not go out to work. The division (47)...............the roles of themother and the
father is no (48)...............very clear, and dad does (49)...............share ofchildcare: he can change the baby,
dress the children or make the dinner. This new image of I the father is, of (50)..............., completely
different (51) the still traditional dad(52)............... represents authority, is the head of the household
(53)...............makes all the“important” decisions. His wife is (54)...............for the domestic side of family
life while he(55)...............the one who advises or punishes as necessary.
Part 3. Read the following passage and choose the correct answers (A, B, C, or D). (5 pts)
If you were to stop people in the street and ask them to name a ship that had been sunk, it is likely
that nearly all of them would say the Titanic. For the sinking of the Titanic was, if not the most tragic,
certainly the most famous sea disaster in the history of ocean travel.
The Titanic was built as a luxury liner, intended to be the fastest in the world, and a great deal of
publicity had surrounded it. The last point probably explains why so many important people from all walks
of life were on the boat when it went down.
The Titanic was on its maiden voyage to America in 1912 when it struck an iceberg and sank. Of its
2,300 passengers, more than two-thirds were drowned. Because the Titanic was thought to be virtually
unsinkable, no one was prepared for the tragedy. There was total panic as very few of the passengers had
bothered to learn the necessary drill in the event of trouble. There was severe shortage of lifeboats and
those that were launched were still half-empty. The one point of calm was to be found in the ballroom
where the band carried on playing right to the very end.
What makes the sinking of the Titanic even more tragic is the fact that warnings ofii had been sent,
yet the liner was still continuing at full speed. In addition, one ship was oJ miles away but did not receive
the distress signal.
One good thing did, however, result from the disaster. The whole question of safety a| was looked
into, resulting in much better safety measures, including stricter lifeboat regulate and the establishment of
an iceberg patrol.
56. The sinking of the Titanic was
A. the most tragic sea disaster. B. the most historic sea disaster.
C. the most famous sea disaster. D. the first great sea disaster.
57. Why were so many important people on board?
A. The Titanic had received a lot of publicity. B. The Titanic was a luxury liner.
C. It was the fastest liner in the world. D. They wanted to go to America.
58. How many passengers survived the shipwreck?
A. About 2,300. B. Less than one-third.
C. More than two – thirds. D. More than 1,500.
59. The chances of disaster were increased because
A. no warnings had been sent. B. the dance band was playing too loud.
C. the Titanic was travelling too fast. D. there were no distress calls.
60. The positive result of the disaster was that
A. a full inquiry was made.
B. a programme of iceberg destruction was started.
C. lifeboats were made larger.
D. sea travel was made safer.
Part 1. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the sameas the
sentence printed before it. (10 pts)
61. I’ve warned you not to go near that dog.
 I’ve warned you about...............................................................................................................................
62. She started working as a secretary seven years ago.
 She has......................................................................................................................................................
63. She knows a lot more about it than I do.
 I don’t know.............................................................................................................................................
64. It is said that he escaped to a neutral country.
 He is .......................................................................................................................................................
65. He is sorry now that he didn’t invite Molly to his party.
 He wishes ..............................................................................................................................................
66. “Don’t move or I’ll shoot,” the bank robber said to the clerk.
The bank robber......................................................................................................................................
67. They had to wait for twelve hours before the flight left.
 Only after a...........................................................................................................................................
68. Iwon’t make any difference if it rains because we’ll still go.
We’ll still go..........................................................................................................................................
69. It was the weakness of the foundations that led to the collapse of the building.
 If...........................................................................................................................................................
70. They estimated the price, including all the costs.
Part 2. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence using the
word given. DO NOT CHANGE THE WORD GIVEN. You must use between two andfive words,
including the word given. (5 pts)
71. Jo’s training accident meant she couldn’t take part in the race. (prevented)
 Jo’s training accident................................................................................part in the race.
72. It isn’t necessary to book tickets for the show in advance. (need)
 You...................................................................................tickets for the show in advance.
73. She looks like my cousin Mary, (reminds)
 She..........................................................................................................my cousin Mary.
74. She found the photographs when she was cleaning her room, (came)
 She when..................................................................................she was cleaning her room.
75. It wasn’t a good idea for you to delete that file, (should)
You...........................................................................................................................that file.
Part 3. Essay writing. (10 pts)
There are a number of things you like to do in your free time. Write an essay about yoi hobbies and give
reasons for them. You should write at least 150 words.

ĐỀ SỐ 15
(Đề thi học sinh giỏi 9 TP. Hà Nội)
Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút
I. Choose the word whose underlinedpart is pronounced differently from that of theby circling A, B, C
or D. (1 pt)
1. A. special B. dictionary C. official D. social
2. A. under B.idea C. educate D. loud
3. A. pronounce B. vocabulary C. face D. ceremony
4. A. polite B. stiffness C. stick D. interpret
5. A. guest B. language C. regard D. engine
II. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others by circling A,B,CorD.
(1 pt).
1. A. formality B. inattentive C. associate D. astonishment
2. A. insecure B. suspicious C. equivalent D. consider
3. A. society B. macaroni C. superior D. consider
4. A. actually B. difficulty C. consistency D. penalty
5. A. poetic B. surface C. marathon D. distance
I. Circle the best option A, B,C or D to complete the following sentences. (1.5 pts)
1. After ten years in prison, Stephen was....................and set free
A. pardoned B. released C. innocent D. forgiven
2. Jean....................she wouldn’t be late again.
A. said us B. told that C. promised that D. explained that
3. He must be the director,....................?
A. will he B. mustn’t he C. is he D. isn’t he
4. Mom wanted to know....................put her coat.
A. whether you had B. if where you had C. where you had D. where did you
5. Who was that girl you....................to when I....................in?
A. talked/came B. were talking/was coming
C. were talking/came D. had talked/came
6. I don’t object....................lending you my pen, but wouldn’t it bebetter if you had a pen....................
your own?
A. for/of B. to/of C. to/with D. of/of
7. We all....................winning the first prize in the contest.
A. succeeded him in B. wished him
C. excited at D. congratulated him on
8. I found it hard to believe....................
A. but mv brother was joking B. but my brother was serious
C. so my brother was serious D. therefore my brother did it for me
9. Remember not to.................... your stay there; the children need you to play with at home.
A. prolong B. lengthen C. extend D. expand
10. We shouldn’t....................the old customs if we know they are no longer suitable.
A. associate B. stare to C. stick to D. get hold of
11. You should make full use .................... every chance you have to speak English.
A. of B. with C. in D. for
12. She can’t seem to raise her grades....................hard she studies.
A. even if B. really C. as much D. no matter how
13. You should take regular exercise....................sitting in front of the computer all day.
A. in spite of B. despite C. instead of D. without
14.I walked away as calmly as I could....................they thought I was the thief.
A. or else B. to avoid C. owing to Do in case
15. Some officials proposed to increase the....................on tobacco.
A. money B. fee C. duty D. salary
II. Fill in each gap of the following sentences a suitable preposition: (1 pt)
1. Arthur is quite accustomed....................the behavior of his roommate.
2. I thought I would sell my car but .................... second thoughts I changed my mind, and....................
the whole I think I was wise.
3. I fell....................you the moment I saw you.
4. Only....................hard work can we achieve something worthwhile in life
5. The contract is being drawn....................at the moment.
6. Zedco suspected one of their managers .................... selling commercial secrets.
7. You have to face up.................... your responsibility.
8. The agreement would ease the way....................Turkey to join EU.
9. You should make a bargain .................... the vendor before buying something.
III. Use the words given in bold at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space. (2 pts)
1. He would never do anything to .................... the lives of his children. (dangerous)
2. There are some ....................,solar energy is widely used today. (advantage)
3.Her....................worries his parents the most. (appear)
4. The neighbors are so tired because her dogs keep barking.................... (control)
5. ....................surveys have been given out but no one collected them.(number)
6. Your lack of....................has caused you to give such hurtful comments. (sense)
7. The scientists have....................predicted the direction of the storm.(success)
8. His....................words were whispered into his wife’s ear. (die)
9. There are a few....................inthe village after a sudden tornado. (survive)
10. I haven’t seen you for....................! (age)
IV. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the phrasal verbs given in bold. There are
some extra ones. (2 pts)
take over run across get a hold of break even
get along make it up to come across turn out to be
go over find up come up with turn down
1. I cannot...................my sister. I think she is too busy to pick up the phone.
2. He is an irresponsible father since he could not...................his children after the damage he has caused
3. My friend’s surprise gift for me. It....................an album of our pictures together.
4. I think we are...................because we have not argued much.
5. He...................the new materials so fast that now he has understood everything that he missed.
6. In order to..................., we need to sell at least 20 pairs of shoes.
7. Let me know if you ....................a new idea, I give up on this.
8. His offer was...................due to a lack of preparation.
9. I...................Jane yesterday when she was running late for work.
10. The monitor...................the class when the teacher left for a meeting.
I. Read the article and circle the option A, B, C or D that best fits in the gap. (1 pt)
In the U.S., industries that generate hazardous wastes want to dispose of them as cheaply as
possible. Private companies hired to dispose of these wastes compete with each other to offer the lowest
prices to these industries. The government does not get involved, beyond setting the minimum safety
Unfortunately, the (1)...................of companies that generate and dispose of waste is to save
money, (2)...................guarantee safety. These companies usually send wastes to landfills because
it is cheaper than recycling or incineration. Disposal firms who want to increase their business must cut
comers to lower costs and (3)...................customers. At the same time, relatively(4)...................is done to
reduce the volume of waste generated, because disposal cost (5)...................quite low.
Things are different in Denmark. The government there (6)...................in the waste disposal
process from the beginning (7)...................the front end. Together with industry, the government formed a
corporation to establish and (8)................... waste disposal facilities. This company, called Kommunichem,
has a (9)................... on waste disposal. Generators of hazardous waste(10)................... ship their waste to
one of Kommunichem’s disposal facilities. In this system,there is no price competition in the waste
disposal business.
1. A. solution B. license C. goals D. objective
2. A. not B. just C. besides D. something
3. A. survive B. efficient C. gain D. prosper
4. A. more B. this C. recycling D. little
5. A. still B. have C. remain D. cheap
6. A. interferes B. participates C. involves D. control
7. A. to B. by C. of D. at
8. A. operate B. found C. prepare D. generate
9. A. power B. profit C. monopoly D. responsibility
10. A. help B. disposal C. take D. must
II. Fill in each blank with one suitable word to complete the passage. (3 pts)
Sometimes you might feel that if you had a perfect memory, you would be able to pass all exams at
(1).................... All your learning problems are thus (2).................... You would never again
(3)................... the embarrassment of forgetting someone’s name. But imagine, for a moment, not
forgetting anything, not even last year shopping (4).................... You would be (5)................... with
Memory covers a (6)...................range of actions and needs. What we (7)...................about the
brain is far from complete, so even the best scientists could not (8)................... a precise explanation of
what is happening (9)...................our brain. Broadly speaking, there are threedistinct of memories:
personal, cognitive and habit memory.
Personal memories are the acts of remembering things that directly (10)................... to each
person’s life history. If you say “I remember the first time I drove a car”, you will probably have an image
in your mind of the (11)...................and be able to describe details. Cognitivememory helps us to learn, for
example, stories, a speech or a (12)...................of music. Habitmemory refers to the abilities needed to
perform actions such as tying and driving. Once you have gone through the (13)................... of learning
how to do them, you will be able to perform those skills without (14)...................realizing it.
We hope that in the future, scientists will be able to discover many more secrets of the brain. Until
then, everyone could (15)...................from a much more advanced healthcare system.
III. Circle the best option A, B, C or D to complete the information below. (1 pt)
Just inside the walls of Florence stands a factory where silk is handwoven on machines that date
back to the fifteenth century. The factory, successful at the height of silk production in the eighteenth
century, was almost unknown in the twentieth century until it was rescued about seven years ago by the
Marchess Pucci, whose name has for so long been associated with beautiful and luxurious silks. Once again
the factory is producing some the most beautiful and expensive handwoven silks in the world. Expensive
they may be, but these silks are very strong, and the quality and colours are such that the cloth woven here
will last at least one lifetime - probably several.
The originator of all this beauty, the silkworm, is a sensitive little creature, living only on the
freshly gathered and chopped leaves of the white mulberry. It is so nervous that loud noises, strong smells,
or even the threat of thunder can kill it, so it is not entirely surprising that silkworm farming is so rarely
practiced in Britain today. In fact there have been several attempts, over the centuries, to start silkworm
farming in England, but few of them have been successful. For example there was the attempt of James I
who, though anxious to build up the silk industry, made a bad mistake and planted the black mulberry
instead of the white. An easy error, and one that only the silkworms objected to.
Although some silk is still grown in Italy, the Po valley, for example, is no longer covered by
mulberry trees as it once was. The silk for the factory is sent raw from china — a journey almost as slow as
it was in the second century. It is then dyed before being delivered to the Florentine building where it sits
on the worn tiles waiting to be woven into bright butterfly- coloured cloth. The silk is protected from the
light by protective cotton curtains. The patterns for the fabrics are made by using heavy cards which have
holes in different designs, and allow selected lengths of silk through the holes, whilst rejecting others,
thereby forming the designs, which vary greatly when the cloth is finished.
1. What is special about the silk factory described in the passage?
A. It has been famous since the eighteenth century
B. It uses very old machines
C. It was closed for 200 years
D. It has always been owed by the Pucci family
2. The silk that is woven there is
A. Cheap and strong
B. Expensive and long-lasting
C. Cheap and colourful
D. Delicate and long-lasting
3. The silk worm is sensitive in a way that:
A. It can easily be infected with disease B. It cannot live under sunlight
C. It can die easily D. It can only live outside England
4. Why did James I’s attempt to start silkworm farming fail?
A. The mulberry trees would not grow in England
B. The countryside was too noisy
C. The silkworms were given the wrong food
D. It was too cold in England
5. What happens to the silk when it reaches the factory?
A. It is dyed B. It is mixed with cotton
C. It is woven into a pattern D. It is sorted into different lengths
I. Finish the second sentence in such a way that is similar to the original one. (1 pt)
1. I only remembered that I hadn’t put a stamp on the letter after I had posted it.
Only after.........................................................................................that I hadn’t put a stamp on it.
2. On arrival at the shop, the goods are inspected carefully.
When the goods............................................................................................................................
3. I would never want to leave my pet dog, Rover.
 Nothing could...........................................................................................my pet dog Rover.
4. Laurence hasn’t seen his sister since she left for Japan.
 Laurence last..............................................................................................................................
5. If Joe doesn’t change his ways, he will end up in prison.
 Unless........................................................................................................................................
II. Complete the second sentence so that It has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word
given in the brackets. Do not change these words in any way. You must use nomore than 13 words,
including the word given. (1 pt)
1. Laura has no difficulties in completing her task, (ease)
2. The mayor was not going to build a complex in the old quarter, (intention)
3.I am excited to see my project is progressing, (making)
4. My mother is suspicious of everything, (doubt)
5. Johnson is extremely good at painting, (talent)
III. ESSAY: (2pts)
Travelling by bus will help to reduce pollution and traffic jam in Hanoi. Do you agree or
disagree with the statement?
Write at least 200 words.
(You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience to support your arguments with examples and
relevant evidence).

ĐỀ SỐ 16
(Đề thi học sinh giỏi 9 tỉnh Vĩnh Phúc)
Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút
Section 1: Choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to complete each of the following sentences
1. In 1898,....................pharmacologist, John H. Abel, isolated the hormone adrenalin.
A. an American who B. who, an American C. an American D. he was
2. Jane: “My parents have been married for thirty years and they are still going strong”
Peter: “....................!”
A. What a pity B. It’s all right C. Sorry about that D. How sweet
3. You don’t much....................importance to quality, which is a big mistake.
A. connect B. join C. attach D. tie
4. It’s going to be a....................date. I know nothing about the girl I am meeting tonight.
A. black B. dark C. blind D. shadow
5. ....................getting off the train, we realized we had missed our destination.
A. With B. At C.On D. By
6. Lan: “It’s my birthday today” - Nam: ....................!”
A. Good for you B. Many happy returns
C. Congratulation D. Well done
7. This is the thừd time you have forgotten about your homework. How are you going to....................for
A. account B. explain C. respond D. excuse
8.I like this essay because it’s very.....................
A. imaginative B. imaginary C. imaginable D. imagination
9. ....................how little progress he made, the boy wouldn’t give in.
A. As B. No matter C. Should D. Despite
10.....................in mind that these pills must be taken regularly if they are to be effective.
A. Bear B. Store C. Remember D. Carry
11. She had changed so much that....................anyone recognized her.
A. almost B. hardly C. not D. nearly
12. A: Would you like a glass of beer? - B: Not while I’m .
A. in the act B. in order C. on duty D. under control
13. The reason I left is I was bored.
A. why B. that C. while D. for
14.I bumped....................an old friend while I was walking along the street.
A. across B. into C. over D. for
15. Everyone....................Tom was invited to the party.
A. as B. from C. but D. for
16. We have decided to....................some money for the local secondary school.
A. go up B. increase C. raise D. rise
17. She didn’t get....................well with her boss, so she left the company.
A. at B. on C. through D. up
18. Please don’t disturb me....................there is something urgent.
A. if B. or C. otherwise D. unless
19. “But, son”- I told him- “you’re my own....................”
A. heart to heart B. body and soul C. flesh and blood D. skin and bone
20. We hire our bicycle...................
A. by hours B. by the hour C. by an hour D. for hours
Section 2: Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space at
the same line. Number 0 has been done as an example
Humans are destroying dolphins at an (0) 0. ALARM 0. ALARMING
rate. Long fishing nets called “Walls of Death” are
mainly to blame. Since their (1)....................,millions of 1. INTRODUCE 1. ....................
dolphins, seals and whales have been (2).................... 2. ACCIDENT 2.....................
caught up and killed. Most caring people feel that
this situation is (3)..................... It is known 3. ACCCEPTABLE 3.....................
that dolphins are (4)....................creatures and killing 4. INTELLIGENCE 4.....................
them is both (5)....................and a foolish waste. 5. HUMANE 5.....................
Now the (6)....................of some charities to raise 6. EXIST 6.....................
for the (7)....................of dolphins means that this 7. CONSERVE 7.....................
(8)may soon be stopped. One large charity 8. DESTROY 8.....................
(9)....................sells products such as T-shirts and 9. ORGANISE 9.....................
and uses the profit to pay for their (10).................... 10. ACTIVE 10.....................

Section 3: Identify the incorrect part out of the four underlined options (A, B, C, or D) then correct it
1. Hue, known as the old capital of Vietnam, is famous with its beautiful landscapes andspicy foods.
2. The roles of people in society have changed, and so are the rules of conduct in certain situations.
3. It should not be assumed that lower the price, the happier the buyer.
4. Paper was expensive during the Middle Ages that it had to be used sparingly.
5. The rings of Saturn are too distant to be seen from earth without a telescope.
Section 1: For questions 1-10, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use
only ONE word for each space
The Isle of Wright is a small island just off the coast of England near the towns of Portsmouth and
Southampton. Queen Vitoria loved the island (1)....................much that she hadOsborne House built, which
has not changed at (2)....................since the dayshe used to visit withher huge family. (3)....................
tourist attractions included Butterfly Wood, where, (4)....................the name suggests, visitors can see a
large range of butterflies and two zoos. In summer it is usually warm and sunny (5)....................for
holidaymakers to enjoy the miles of clean beaches.
Alternatively, for those (6).................... want to be out of doors but don’t like sunbathing, the
Isle of Wright is an excellent place for cyclists. There are numerous little paths which lead
(7)....................picturesque villages all (8)....................the island. Newport, the island’s capital, is
also (9) .................... a visit. It’s a busy little town with (10) ....................of small specialist shops.
Section 2: Read the text and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each gap
Did you know that on average we take home 150 plastic bags annually? In (1)....................words,
that means a global figure of one million plastic bags taken home every minute. We are sure you will agree
this is a truly shocking statistic. Plastic bags can not be simply (2)....................of along with your domestic
rubbish- they can blow off landfill sites and become highly(3)....................litter which can remain in the
environment for a numbers of years. They are not only aneyesore but they are a (4)....................to die
environment loo. For example, plastic bagsalmostblocked Buriganga river in Bangladeshi and ore widely
(5)....................responsible for causingdevastating floods there on two aaparate occasions. They also
(6)....................particular threat towildlife. More and more (7).................... dead turtles and whales are
discovered washed up onbeaches, killed by swallowing plastic bags. To marine life, a plastic bag closely
(8)....................a jellyfish. These axe the reasons why you should reuse the plastic bags you already have or
take a small rucksack on trips to the supermarket. Why not take (9)....................now and showhow much
you care about the environment by (10)....................this small step!
1. A. fewer B. some C. those D. other
2. A. disposed B. thrown C. finished D. used
3. A. evident B. observable C. visible D. marked
4. A. risk B. danger C. difficulty D. issue
5. A. shown B. taken C. made D. held
6. A. model B.set C. pose D. generate
7. A. popularly B. frequently C. common D. generally
8. A. resembles B. reminds C. equates D. appears
9. A. again B. advantage C. action D. account
10. A. helping B. doing C. following D. taking
Section 3: Read the passage and choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to answer each question
The invention of the electric telegraph gave birth to the communications history. Although Samuel
B. Morse succeeded in making the invention useful in 1837, it was not until 1843 that I the first telegraph
line of consequence was constructed. By 1860 more than 50,000 miles oflines connected people east of the
Rockies. The following year, San Francisco was added to the Network.
The national telegraph network fortified the ties between East and West and contributed to the rapid
expansion of the railroads by providing an efficient means to monitor schedules and routes. Furthermore,
the extension of the telegraph, combined with the invention of the steam- driven rotary printing prew by
Richard M. Hoe in 1846, revolutionized the world of journalism. Where the business of news gathering
had been dependent upon the mail and on band operated presses the telegraph expanded the amount of
information a newspaper could supply and allowed for more timely reporting, The establishment of the
Associated Press as a central wire service in1846 marked the advent of a new era in journalism.
1. The main topic of the paeeage is ……………
A. the history of Jow/adiMm
B. the origin of the national telegraph.
C. how the telegraph nelwmk contributed to the expansion of railroads.
D. the cotítrìkỉHoỉỉS ểtíìđ development of the telegraph network.
2. The word “gathering” refers to...................
A. people B. information C. objects D. substances
3. The author's main purpose in this passage is to....................
A. compare the invention of the telegraph with the invention of the steam-driven rotary press.
B. propose new ways to develop the communications industry.
C. show how the electric telegraph affected the communications industry.
D. criticize Samuel B. Morse
4. This passage would most likely be found in a....................
A. U.S history book B. book on trains
C. science textbook D. computer magazine
5. It can be inferred from the passage that .
A. Samuel B. Morse did not make a significant contribution to the communications industry.
B. Morse’s invention did not immediately achieve its full potential.
C. the extension of the telegraph was more important than its invention.
D. journalists have the Associated Press to thank for the birth of the communications industry.
Section 4: Read the following passage and match the paragraph 1-5 with Us corresponding heading (A-
G). There are TWO more headings than needed
Tough sensor can take the heat
1. A new gas sensor made form a nickel’s worth of materials can endure high temperatures, corrosion,
vibrations, and exposure to water, according to its inventors at Argonne National Lavatory in Illinois. The
tiny sensor detects a variety of gases.
2. Conventional silicon sensors do not work well at temperatures above 150 degree F. But Argonne’s new
sensor, made of ceramics and metals, is not affected by high temperatures. “The materials in this sensor
behave well through a wide range of temperatures,” says Michael Vogt, a control system engineer at
3. Vogt and his colleagues made the sensor by film-screening layers of ceramic and metal on a ceramic
substrate, then firing the sensor in an industrial oven at more than l,000C. The Argonne researchers set out
to build a sensor that would detect overheating computer components. Before an overheating component
fails, and possibly ignites, epoxy in the circuit boards releases a gas. The Argonne sensor can detect this
vapour and cut off power to the circuit.
4. The device senses gases by applying a steadily increasing voltage across its electrical leads, and
monitoring current spikes induced as gasses react on the sensor’s surface. Each gas reacts at a characteristic
voltage, and the size of the current spike indicates the “signature” of several representative organic
5. The sensor could be used to monitor hydrocarbon emissions from cars; today’s typical sensors only
measure oxygen. The sensor could also monitor gases in industrial chemical processes.
List of headings Paragraphs
A. How the device works in gas detection. 1....................
B. The manufacture of the conventional sensor. 2....................
C. A brief introduction to the new gas sensor. 3....................
D. Other uses of the new gas sensor. 4. ...................
E. How the device was designed. 5. ...................
F. A change leading to enormous improvements.
G. The danger of overheating computer components
Section 1: Complete each of the sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the one
printed before it. Use the word given in CAPITALS (if provided)
1. Her passport and other identification were stolen.
2. Her boyfriend was so proud of being a fighter.
Her boyfriend prided................................................................................................................................
3.I have never known a dancer as talented as Helena (FAR)
 Helena is...................................................................................................................................................
4. Could you watch my bag while I am away?
 Could you keep.........................................................................................................................................
5. Thousands of people were unable to go to work because of the heavy snow. (PREVENTEI)
The fact that................................................................................................................................................
Section 2: Write an essay of around 250 words on the following topic
“Easy access to so much information on the Internet creates problems, especially for the young' Do you
agree with the above statement? Use specific reasons and examples to support y opinion.
C. ĐỀ THI NĂM HỌC 2014 - 2015
ĐỀ SỐ 17
(Đề thi học sinh giỏi 9 tỉnh Bắc Giang)
Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút
I. Listening. (Track 5-15 pts)
Part 1. Listen and tick the box. There is one example.You will hear the conversationtwice. (5 pts)
EXAMPLE: How many people were at the meeting?
Part 2. Listening to this language course director describing the leisure activities for the coming
week. Circle the correct answer. You will hear the talk twice. (5 pts)
1. In the cookery class, they'll make…………..
A. sweets B. bread C. biscuits
2. Tomorrow evening, they'll hear poetry written by…………...
A. students B. foreigners C. children
3. The concert will be given by…………...
A. a pianist B. a band C. an orchestra
4. On Thursday, the talk will be about…………...
A. a film B. a new city C. an old house
5. The Sunday walk is in…………...
A. some gardens B. a park C. the hills
Part 3. You will hear a radio programme giving information about a show. Listen and fill in the
missing information. You will hear the conversation twice. (5 pts)
- Open from: (1)…………till 6 pm
- Place: USK Agricultural (2)…………
- Children’s events include: + Craft workshop (start at 10)
- Exhibition showing: + (3)…………rides
- Food and drinks available in: Farm machinery and tools
- Family tickets cost: (4)…………
II. Rearrange the following sentences to make a logical dialogue between two people Number the
sentences in order. (5 pts)
A. Sure. I’ve got them here.
B. That sounds like a good idea. So I can also tell about my visit to Laos and all of the historic places.
C. Thanks for your help. Once I get organized, it won’t be so difficult.
D. Hi, Lee. You don’t look happy today. What seems to be the problem?
E. Well, now you’re feeling better about this, I think I’ll be on my way. I have to finish my task, too.
F. But now, I can’t come up with any ideas, and the deadline is tomorrow.
G. I have to write a long composition about my last holiday for my English class.
H. Why don’t you write about your impression of the pyramids in Egypt?
I. That won’t be too difficult. Remember the pictures you showed me last week? The ones from your cruise
last summer.
J. Don’t worry. You are very good at writing, aren’t you?
III. Choose the best answer by circling A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences (10 pts)
1. The World Water Day was broadcast.....................on Bac Giang TV on March 20th 2015.
A. direct B. sfraight C. live D. immediately
2. The label tells the consumers how energy efficient each model is, compared.....................other
appliances.....................the same category.
A. with – in B. with – for C. to – for D. at - in
3. The.....................of living keeps going up. It never seems to go down.
A. price B. expense C. cost D. value
4. What.....................of learning English do you find most difficult?
A. side B. detail C. aspect D. experience
5. Mrs. Helen had to stop working.....................ill health.
A. in front of B. on account of C. on behalf of D. ahead of
6. He’s been working all the morning and so now he feels......................
A. tiring B. exhausting C. worn-out D. tireless
7. The ao dai is the traditional......................of Vietnamese women.
A. cloth B. clothing C. dress D. dressing
8. What are the.....................of you getting a promotion?
A. chances B. possibilities C. occasions D. opportunities
9. Thisstreet is named .....................our national hero of Hoang Hoa Tham.
A. with B. by C. for D. after
10. The judge......................him on his excellent German when he finished his speaking contest.
A. congratulates B. praised C. complimented D. admired
IV. Give the correct form of the words in capita letters to complete the paragraph. (5 pts)
Most foreigners who visit Britain are surprised to find that its inhabitants are more informal
than they had imaged. It is (1. INCREASE).............................common to use first names in most
situations even without any personal (2. INTRODUCE) .............................. Handshaking is (3.
APPROPRIATE) ............................. except for first meetings, or when people see each other again after
along (4. ABSENT).............................. Also surprising is the British attitude towards (5. PUNCTUAL)
.............................. Business meetings frequently start ten minutes late and, on social occasions, it is
(6. POLITE) .............................to arrive on time. If you receive a dinner (7. INVITE).............................,
you should arrive ten to twenty minutes after the stated time. In conversation, politeness is valued,
so British people avoid strong (8. STATE)............................. of opinion. This sometimes gives the
impression that they are (9. DECIDE).............................but is in fact just their way of avoiding
(10. ARGUE).............................or confrontation.
V. Give the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets to complete the following sentences. (5 pts)
1. Her father pays her fee; otherwise, she (not be) ......................... here.
2. It is necessary that he (stall).........................to repair the machine at once.
3. My old parents attended to my early learning very much. But for that, I (not pass).........................all
the examinations (become).........................a doctor as I am today.
4. Just as they (get).........................out of the room, the fire alarm went off.
5. Don’t you remember (promise) ......................... (keep) ......................... your room clean and tidy? You’d
better get all the rubbish (take) ..........................
6. With this promotion, I feel that I (reach).........................a turning point in my career.
7. I (work) ......................... very hard for this exam. I hope I do well.
VI. The passage below contains 10 errors. Find and correct them. Write your answers in the numbered
blanks provided, (0) has been done as an example. (10 pts).
1 A recent investigation by scientists at the U.S Geological Survey show that strange
2 animal behavior might help predictable future earthquakes. Investigators found such
3 occurrences about ten kilometers from which a fairly recent earthquake take place.
4 Some birds made strange sounds and flew about wildly, dogs barked and ran around
5 uncontrollable.
6 Scientists believes that animals can sense these environmental changes as early as
7 several days before disaster.
8 In 1976 after observe animal behavior, the Chinese scientists were able to predict 11
9 terrified earthquake. Although hundreds of people were killed, the government Was
10 able to evacuate millions of another people and thus keep the death toll in a lower I
11 level.
Answers: 0. Line 1:……….show…….→……….shows
VII. Read the passage and choose from the list A - G the best phrase given below to Jill each of the
spaces. (0) has been done as an example. (5 pts)
English was first written down in the 6th century. At that time, writers had to use the twenty- three
letters of the Latin alphabet (0).......................... Because English has sounds that do not exist in
Latin, they added letters (1) .......................... This resulted in some irregular spelling. After the Norman
invasion of England in 1066, French became the language spoken by the king and other people in positions
of power and influence. Many French words were introduced and the spelling of many English words
changed (2).......................... The result was a rich and irregular mix of spellings.
The printing press was invented in the 15th century. Many early printers of English texts spoke other
first languages, especially Dutch. They often paid little attention (3) .........................
Sometimes technical decisions were made to give columns of print straight edges. To do this, letters were
taken off the ends of words and sometimes added to words. With time, people became used
(4) .......................... Fixed spellings were therefore created by the printers’ decisions.
Spoken English, however, was not fixed. It continued (5).......................... It is no wonder that English
spelling seems irregular. Words such as although, through and cough, for example, all have the same
spelling at the end, but are pronounced differently. Words such as feet, meat and seize, on the other hand,
are spelled differently but have the same sound in the middle.
A. to seeing words spelled in the same way
B. to follow French patterns
C. to change, as it still does
D. to influence the French
E. to how English words were spelled
F. to represent the forty-four sounds of English
G. to write down what they heard
Answers: (0)……G…….
VIII. Read the passage below and choose the correct answers by circling A, B, C or D. (5pts)
The causes of headaches, whether they are a common kind of tension or migraine headaches, or any
other kinds, are usually the same. During periods of stress, muscles in the neck, head and face are
contracted so tightly that they exert tremendous pressure on the nerves beneath them; headaches, taking
many forms from a constant, dull pain to an insistent hammering result. Although at least 50% of American
adults are estimated to suffer one or more headaches per week, it is the 20 million migraine sufferers who
are in special difficulties. Migraines, which are mostly suffered by women, can involve tremendous,
unrelieved pain.
Migraines, which may also be caused by stress, can occur in people who bottle up their emotions
and who are very conscientious in their performance. Escaping from stressful situations, being open with
one’s feeling, lowering one’s expectations can help reduce the stress and so cut down on those headaches
which cannot be “helped” by aspirin and other non-prescription painkillers.
1. It can be restated from the passage that…………..
A. tension or migraine headaches are common to all people
B. headaches can have a variety of symptoms
C. tension or migraine headaches are suffered by at least 50% of American adults
D. headaches always produce the same result
2. During the period of stress…………...
A. the neck, head and face are contracted
B. some nerves have great pressure put on them
C. a constant dull pain always results
D. some important muscles experience hammering
13. In America…………...
A. a majority of adults has at least one headache a week
B. only women suffer migraines
C. over 20 million men suffer migraines
D. a majority of the headaches suffered are migraine headaches
4. A restatement of the last sentence of the first paragraph could be …………..
A. Women suffer tremendous, unrelieved pain when they have migraines.
B. All sufferers of migraine, usually women, can experience great, continuous pain.
C. Female migraine sufferers experience great, continuous pain.
D. Migraines are associated with tremendous, unrelieved pain for the women who experience them.
5. According to the author, migraines can be caused by…………...
A. expectation of stress B. being too worried about doing a job
C. escaping from one’s emotions D. lowering your experience in life
IX. Read the passage, then fill in each blank with ONE suitable word. (10 pts)
The environment is the natural world in (1)..................... people, animals and plants
(2).....................The natural environment has been (3) ..................... affected and degraded by human
Activities through many decades. For instance, the burning of fossil (4).....................by factories
and motor vehicles has led to air pollution and (5).....................in acid rains, greenhouse effect and
(6).....................warming. The use of harmful chemical in agriculture has led to serious
(7).....................pollution and health problems. Deforestation for land use has affected the ecosystem
rubbish and led to the (8).....................of rare animals, and extreme floods and land erosion.
Harmfulrubbish and sewage dumped in rivers and oceans has polluted the water
(9).....................harmedaquatic animals. There are many human activities having serious impacts
(10).....................the natural environment. They have changed and degraded the natural environment and
led u various health problems.
X. Read the passage below and choose the correct answers by circling A, B, C or D. (10 pts)
Probably one of the most exciting new inventions in the field of recycling is a machine that can
clean used photocopier paper. The device, (1).....................a “de-copier”, uses a mixtures of
chemicals to loosen the ink from the paper. A brush then removes the ink, (2).....................the paper
clean and ready to be reused. (3).....................the manufacturers, nothing like this has appeared on
the market before it. They claim that the machine is (4).....................of cleaning a single sheet of
paper at least five times. This is because the damage done to the paper by the cleaning chemicals is
compensated for by a special chemical which causes an increase (5).....................the
sfrength of the paper.
It is predicted that the machine will catch on despite the high (6)...................... The initial price of
£30,000 will probably be too high for small companies but they will either be able to (7).....................
one for a reasonable monthly sum or wait for a (8).....................smaller, cheaper version to be
launched. Multinational companies will have a golden opportunity to do their bit for the environment and
will save £30,000 within 18 months, assuming they use 1000 sheets of paper a day. In addition to saving
money and the environment, the machine will, to a great (9).....................,provide a (10) .....................to
improve security as it offers an alternative to shredding highlyconfidential documents.
1. A. called B. named C. know D. described
2. A. letting B. leaving C. losing D. resulting
3. A. On behalf of B. As regards C. By reason of D. According to
4. A. capable B. able C. possible D. competent
5. A. to B. in C.for D. through
6. A. amount B. cost C. value D. worth
7. A. take B. lend C. borrow D. rent
8. A. slightly B. sparingly C. virtually D. fully
9. A. length B. extent C. range D. amount
10. A. route B. manner C. method D. way
XI. Rewrite each of the following sentences so that it means the same as the first one,ginning with the
given words. (5 pts)
1. I people rumor that the director of the film “Forever Young” is travelling in Vietnam.
The director ..............................................................................................................................................
2. All visitors to Vinh Nghiem pogoda recognize the beauty of its architecture.
Everyone ...................................................................................................................................................
3. If the work is finished by lunchtime, you can go home.
 Get ..........................................................................................................................................................
4. It is extremely unfair that no witnesses were questioned.
 The fact.....................................................................................................................................................
5. Basically, success depends on youi* hard work.
Basically, the.............................................................................................................................
XII. Use the given word to write the second sentence in such a way that It is as similar as possible in
meaning to the original sentence. Do not change the form of the given word (5 pts)
1. Jeans are widely used among teanagers because they are fashionable and convenient. (If)
Teanagers wouldn’t....................................................................................................................
2. Teachers are very worried about students’ bad behaviours at school recently. (which)
 Students ....................................................................................................................................
3. I’ve never had problems with this smart phone before. (time)
4. What does TV benefit people’s life? (about)
What .........................................................................................................................................
5. “It is wrong of you not to finish your homework.” said the teacher to her student, (criticized) .
The teacher .................................................................................. ...........................................
XIII. Write a paragraph of about 100-120 words on how to save energy in your home. (10 pts)

ĐỀ SỐ 18
(Đề thi học sinh giỏi 9 tỉnh Thanh Hoá)
Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút
Part A: PHONETICS (5 points)
I. Choose and write in your answer sheet the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently
front the rest of the group. (2 points)
1. A. describe B. excite C. timber D. dive
2. A. devotion B. congestion C. suggestion D. question
II. Choose and write in your answer sheet the word whose stress pattern is different from the rest of the
group. (3 points)
3. A. glorious B. bargain C. passenger D. important
4. A. migrate B. inhabit C. character D. diversity
5. A. advance B. ancient C. cancer D. annual
Part B : LEXICAL AND GRAMMAR (45 points)
I. Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete each sentence. (15 points)
6..............................from John, all the students said they would go.
A. Except B. Only C. Apart D. Separate
7. If you work for us, you’ll get somewhere to live........................free.
A. for B. at C. out D. of
8. The new manager explained to the staff that she hoped to........................new procedures to savetime and
A. manufacture B. establish C. control D. restore
9. They took pride..........................being the best players of the school.
A. in B. with C. on D. for
10. She’d prefer to go out..........................home.
A. than to stay B. than staying
C. rather than staying D. rather than stay
11. They received.......................... advice from their parents that they became successful.
A. so good B. such a good C. so good an D. such good
12. Have you got a car..........................?
A. of your own B. of yourself C. of you D. of your
13. There is a fault at our television station. Please do not..........................your television set.
A. change B. adjust C. repair D. switch
14. If you want to attend the course, you must pass the..........................examination.
A. write B. written C. wrote D. writing
15. Either Peter and his brothers..........................the keys to the car.
A. has been taken B. has taken
C. have taken D. have been taken
16. We can tell you that we often have a friendly........................in our class.
A. atmosphere B. air C. matter D. impression
17. These clothes are fashionable and ......................... Do you agree with me?
A. only B. merely C. unique D. uniquely
18. He ........................ to have a very big fortune and a beautiful wife.
A. rumors B. rumored C. has rumored D. was rumored
19. Did you use to do a.......................when you were at the university.
A. full-time job B. part-time C. full-time D. part-time job
20. My house is just ...................... I live in the nearby neighborhood.
A. near here B. near to C. near by D. near from
II. Use the verbs in brackets in the correct tense or form (10 points)
21. His brother ...................... (give) a car for his twentieth birthday next year.
22. The house was very quiet when I got home. Everybody...................... (go) to bed.
23. Less than half of the cans of paint...................... (use) up to now.
24. (Write)...................... the letter, she put it carefully in an envelope.
25 - 26. Can you imagine what I ......................(come) across when I ...................... (roll) up the carpet
27. He talked as if he...................... (know) where she was.
28. If you go to England, you’ll have to get used to ...................... (drive) on the left.
29.You may feel frightened when you are in a forest ...................... (surround) by tall trees.
30. - You have just missed the bus. - All right. I ...................... (walk).
III. Supply the correct form of the word in capital letters. (10 points)
There is one particular feeling which I find difficult to express. When I am (31)...................... about
something, I say nothing. Once, for example, after I had bought a very (32)...................... jacket, I met a
friend in a café who said that the jacket didn’t fit me very (33)...................... I was very
(34)......................but I said nothing. I didn’t feel like continuing our (35)......................My friend
noticed my (36)......................and asked me what was wrong. I couldn’t tell him the (37)...................... I
began to feel rather (38)......................and left without giving him an (39)......................Later I felt rather
(40)...................... of my behavior.
IV. Fill in each blank with one suitable preposition (10 points)
41. We both share a love ...................... music.
42. Shall we go ...................... your car or mine?
43. Why can’t you look at the problem........................my point of view?
44. We wish we had a father ...................... yours.
45. Vietnamese woman their special occasions.usually wear the Aodai, sometimes at work, and especially
46. She’ll visit us as soon as she arrives Paris.
47. Who’s the woman dressed......................green.
48. Peter is excited......................winning the prize.
49. The boss has been ill......................flu for the last week.
50. This document is very important........................your case.
Part C: READING (25 points)
I. Supply the most suitable word for each blank. (5 points)
The (0) benefits of internet in our life has become certain. Yet, it still takes time for the internet to
reach the countryside and remote (51)......................so I feel it a pity for me and myfriends not to have
(52)......................to it. I have an uncle in the city and I occasionally pay him a(53)......................at
weekend, and this is a good chance for me to surf the net. I spend most of thetime surfing webs and I find
some really interesting for me. I wish my school could have access to the internet so that all students in my
school could (54)......................their learning to keeptheir knowledge (55) .......................
II. Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D to fill in the gaps in the following passage. (10 points)
When I was a boy, children always objected to (56)......................school uniform but teachers
were keen on it because they said all of us looked (57)....................... Otherwise, they said, children
would complete with each other and the poorer children would be unhappy because people would see
straight away (58) ......................In recent years, however, many schools have(59)...................... the idea
of making children wear uniform but, funnily enough, now that childrencan wear what they like, they have
adopted (60)....................... When some journalists visited a (61)......................, they found that all the boys
and girls were dressed (62)......................jeans. One girlsaid she would rather (63)......................wear a coat
instead of a jersey because no one wants tolook different from the other children in the class. Parents may
not be as happy about this as children, but they (64)......................, because this new kind of uniform is one
that the children like,not something they have been forced to wear, and it is also (65) ......................than
school uniformsused to be.
56. A. wearing B. dressing C. wear D. dress
57. A. like B. to be like C. alike D. to be alike
58. A. what poor they are B. what poor they were
C. how poor they are D. how poor they were
59. A. left over B. taken off C. put off D. given up
60. A. an own uniform B. a uniform of their own
C. a proper uniform D. a uniform of his own
61. A. London school B. London’s school
C. school of London D. school at London
62. A. on B. by C. in D. which
63. A. to die than B. to die that C. die that D. die than
64. A. ought B. should C. had D. would
65. A. much more cheaper B. much more
C. much cheaper D. more cheaper
III. Read and answer the questions below. (5 points)
The world’s oceans are so vast that they can cope with the present levels of pollution. However,
little is known about the long-term effects of such slow poisoning. The most serious problem of modern
time is that man is destroying the earth’s natural resources and transforming huge areas into waste land. As
a result, it is becoming extremely difficult to grow enough to feed the world’s rapidly increasing
population. A way of protecting all wild life on the earth must also be found as many species are in danger
of disappearing completely from the face of the earth. The smoke in the atmosphere, for example, is
increasing so much that the amount of sunlight has been reduced in many cities. Man’s whole environment
is being changed in a serious way.
66. What is the process of making something dirty?
67. Find a word or phrase from the passage with the same meaning as the air, water and land in which we
68. What is the air surrounding the earth called?
69. What could be best replaced wealth, goods or products people can use?
70. What is a difficulty which needs attention and thought?
IV.Read the story carefully and choose the correct answer (5 points)
It was a beautiful spring day: the sun was shining, the sky was blue. In the centre of London
a policeman cried. He saw a man with a big lion. They were walking down the street.
“Hey, you!” he said. “What are you doing here with this lion? You can’t walk around the streets with a
lion. Take it to the Zoo !”
“OK, officer. I want to show Baby the town.”
The man opened the door of his car and the lion jumped in. The car went away.
The next day the police officer saw the same mein and the same lion again.
“Hey, you!” he said.” Come over here! And bring that lion with you!”
The man took the lion to the police officer.
“What’s the problem, officer?”
“Problem? I told you yesterday to take the lion to the Zoo!”
“Oh, I did, officer, 1 took Baby to the Zoo. He enjoyed it very much. But today, 1 am taking him to the
swimming pool !”
71. A. It wasn’t raining that day.
B. A policeman saw a man with a dog in the centre of New York.
C. The man and his pet were walking along the park.
D. The man didn’t have a car.
72. A. The lion couldn’t get into the car, the lion was too big.
B. The policeman took the lion to the Zoo and put the lion into the cage.
C. The man showed his pet the Zoo.
D. The policeman was happy to see a man with a lion in the centre of London.
73. A. The man had a baby. It was a nice girl of three.
B. Baby was the lion’s name.
C. The policeman told the man to show Baby the town.
D. The lion visited the London Zoo.
74. A. The man could drive a car.
B. The lion didn’t like the Zoo at all.
C. The policeman took the lion to the swimming pool.
D. The policeman met people with lions in London streets every day.
75. A. The lion was the man’s pet.
B. The man had a baby lion as a pet.
C. The policeman showed the park and the school to the lion.
D. When the policeman saw the man with the lion he got very hungry.
Part D: WRITING (25 points)
I. Complete each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the satne sentence printed
before it. (10 points)
76. It’s not a good idea to travel during the rush hour.
 It’s better to avoid ................................................................................................................................
77.People think that the owner of that house is abroad
The owner...............................................................................................................................................
78. She didn’t know the way, so she asked a policeman.
79. The baby cries because the lion looks fierce.
The baby cries because of ....................................................................................................................
80. John only understood very little what the teacher said.
 John could hardly...................................................................................................................................
81.I tried as hard as I could, but I just couldn’t get the money.
No matter ...............................................................................................................................................
82. As my grandmother grows older, she becomes more intolerant.
 The older ...............................................................................................................................................
83. They suggested banning advertisements on TV.
They suggested that................................................................................................................................
84. Mary wishes she had spoken her mind at the meetirig.
 Mary regretted ......................................................................................................................................
85. Despite his intelligence, he doesn’t study well at school
 Even ...................................................................................................................................................
II. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word
given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word
given. (5 points)
86. The job received over a hundred applications. (applied)
 Over a hundred people ............................................................................................................ the job.
87. Our future is in your hands, my dear! (depends)
Our future ...........................................................................................................................my dear!
88. I’d rather you didn’t use the office phone. (mind)
Would you the office phone.
89. I’m sorry I can’t give you all the expensive things in life. (wish)
I ..............................................................................................give you all the expensive things in life.
90. If I were yOUs I’d try to get some sleep. (advise)
I.........................................................................................................................to try to get some sleep.
III. Write a paragraph about 100 words on the important roles of computers (10 points)

ĐỀ SỐ 19
(Đề thi học sinh giỏi 9 tỉnh Long An)
Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút
A. Write the correct tense of the verbs in brackets ( 2 point)
Next week John (1)................(go) on holiday to the Bahamas. He (2)................(make) up his
mind two months ago when a friend of his who (3)................ (live) there (4)................ (invite) him. John is
sure he (5)................(have) a good time there as he (6)................(always/want) to visit such an exotic place.
At the moment he (7)................(make) a list of all the things he’sgoing to need. His friend (8) ................
(wait) for him at the airport; John only hopes he (9)................(recognize) her as he (10)................(not/see)
her for six years?
B.Fill in each blank with an appropriate preposition. (2 points)
1. We are very proud................our country. Vietnam.
2. I will have to come there this evening................ order to attend a meeting.
3. Is his birthday................ October the fifteenth?
4. Would you please explain this grammar ................ us again?
5. Yesterday, Nga was absent................class because she was sick.
6. They congratulated Tuan................ his first prize in the English speaking contest.
7. My sister likes listening to folk music................ night.
8. Are there any differences................ British English and American English?
9. This test is mainly divided................four important parts.
10. What time does the last bus leave ................Ho Chi Minh City?
C. Use the correct form of the words given to make a meaningful passage. (1 point)
The Hawaiian islands (0).........really......(real) are a tropical paradise. Palm trees, scenic
views and breathtaking sunsets add up to many people’s ideal holiday. At the (1)................(fame) resort of
Waikiki you’ll find a wide variety of restaurants, bars and nightclubs, with prices ranging from
(2)................(fair) reasonable to very expensive. By day the beaches arebuzzing with activity and, as the
sun sets, nightlife of every (3) ................ (describe) can be experienced. If you’re not keen on busy
beaches, then there’s the (4) ................ (possible) of taking one of the many excursions around the islands
or even snorkeling in the fascinating bays. The final (5) ................ (decide) on how you spend your time is
yours, but few people ever regret going there.
A. Read the text and questions below. For each question, choose the correct letter A, B, C or D. (2
More than two-thirds of the Earth’s surface is covered with water. Water is essential to life.
Neither plants nor animals can live without it.
Although we are surrounded by water, only less than three percent of this water is fresh water,
which is important to us. We need fresh water to irrigate our crops, and plants and animals need it to
Water has become one of the most important sources of energy. In the olden days, we used steam to
move engines of ships and trains. Then we discovered hydro-electricity. This meant that there was no need
to bum fuel to produce electricity. Fast running water turned the turbo engine and this in turn produced
energy like electricity. There was less pollution in this process. Later, we built dams along rivers to ensure
that there was fast-running water and we also made use of tidal waves.
Sad to say, man has polluted the water which he needs. For years, we have been polluting our
water. We use water to flush our waste and we use rivers as sewers to carry our wastes away. We dump
rubbish into the lakes and oceans, thinking that it will be safe. Not only that, many industries have dumped
unwanted chemicals and toxic substances into the sea. This is because it is cheaper than recycling.
Oil slicks are another major problem. The oil does not degenerate but floats on the surface and
prevents oxygen from entering the sea. Thousands of aquatic animals and birds have died because of this.
We must protect the water from further pollution or we will be the ones to suffer for our ignorance.
1. About................ of the earth’s surface is approximately made up of land.
A. a whole B. one-third C. two-thirds D. half
2. Water is precious though it is in abundance because..................
A. it is salt water and not fresh water that is in abundance
B. water can only be used once
C. water is very hard to produce
D. water turns bad easily
3. Besides enabling our survival, water can also be used.................
A. as a dumping ground B. as a sewage system
C. to wash waste materials D. to produce electricity
4. In the passage, “toxic” means.................
A. harmless B. healthy C. poisonous D. suffocating
5. People treat the ocean as a dumping ground.................
A. so as to cut costs
B. because the ocean is vast and has no other uses
C. so that the fish can eat the refuse
D. so that the refuse will dissolve in the ocean
B. Read the text below and fill In each of the blanks with ONE suitable word. (4 points)
Television is an important invention of the 20th century. It has been (1)................ popular
that now we can’t imagine what life would be (2)................ if there were no television. Television is
(3) ................ major means of communication. It brings pictures and (4)................from around the world
into millions of homes. TV viewers can see and learn about people, places (5)................ things in faraway
lands. TV broadens our knowledge by introducing us tonew ideas (6) ................ may lead us to new
hobbies and recreations. In addition (7).................the news, TV provides us with a variety of programs that
can satisfy every interest. Most people now seem to like spending their evening (8) ................ TV. It is
(9) ................ convenient for them to sit at home and watch TV than to go out for (10) ................
A. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word
0. A very friendly taxi driver drove us into town, (driven)
We.................a very friendly taxi driver.
The gap can be filled by the words “were driven into town by”, so we write:
0 were driven into town by
1. Your father is the nicest man I’ve ever met. (never)
 I ................a nice man as your father.
2. Her brother finds waking up early difficult. (used)
 Her brother ................up early.
3. Your jacket and my jacket look very much alike. (similar)
 Your ................ mine.
4. Somebody stole my purse yesterday. (stolen)
 I................yesterday.
5. “Why don’t you take a taxi, Tom?” said Andrea. (suggested)
 Andrea................a taxi.
B. Write a composition (at least 90 words) to describe someone famous that you admire ttfd give the
reason(s) why you admire him or her. (4 points)

ĐỀ SỐ 20
(Đề thi học sinh giỏi 9 tỉnh An Giang)
Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút
I. Choose the word that has the underlined parts pronounced differently from the others (0.5 point)
1. A. equal B. fashion C. champagne D. match
2. A. economy B. occasion C. freedom D. logical
3, A. invite B. river C. shrine D. primary
4. A. encourage B. proud C.enough D. young
5. A. invited B. arrived C. mentioned D. loved
II. Choose the word that has a different stress pattern from the others (0.5 point)
1. A. practical B. designer C. minority D. occasion
2. A. consist B. fashion C. design D. collect
3. A. enjoyment B. pagoda C. collection D. business
4. A. economical B. federation C. itinerary D. complication
5. A. advertise B. deposit C. candidate D. institute
I. Choose the best word or phrase to complete each of the following sentences. Write A,B, C or Don your
answer sheet. (1.0 point)
1. The goalkeeper’s arm was so..................injured that he couldn’t play in the final.
A. deeply B. badly C. heavily D. hardly
2. “ How much do you earn a month, Jean ?”-“I’d.................”
A. rather don’t say B. better not to say C. rather not say D. prefer not say
3..................I love you, I never let you do these bad things.
A. Whether B. Whatever C. However D. Much as
4. As an adult, I’m independent..................my parents financially.
A. on B. out C. with D. of
5. Many elderly people have to live on the money they..................when they were working.
A. laid up B. put back C. set up D. put aside
6. The U.S. is made upof 51 states,.................has its own government.
A. each of them B. each of C. each of which D. each them
7. Everyone hopes to pass the next final exam,..................?
A. doesn’t he B. hasn’t he C. haven’t they D. don’t they
8 - I’m afraid I can’t come with you.” ..................
A. What pity B. Patience C. What a shame! D. That’s shame!
9. No one in our family likeshousecleaning , but we all take................. at it.
A. a chance B. a turn C. an interest D. responsibility
10.It’s too late now that the holiday’s over, but I wish we .................somewhere else.
A. went B. have gone C. were going D. had gone
II. Supply the appropriate form of the words ill CAPITAL to complete each sentence, Wrhị, them on
your answer sheet (2.0 points)
1. The poem shows the wonderful.........................of the poet. (SENSITIVE)
2. It is becoming.........................difficult to find a job nowadays. (INCREASE)
3. The house is large, but it is terribly.........................to live in. (COMFORT)
4. John went to bed early because he had had a.........................day. (TIRE)
5. The vase got broken.......................... (ACCIDENT)
6.In........................., I’d like to thank the people who have helped while I have been working here.
7.The professor explained his idea with greats.......................... (CLEAR)
8.You must realize that such ......................... cannot be tolerated. (OBEY)
9.United Nations organizations ......................... people in developing countries to improve their education
programmes and industry. (ABLE)
10.As a result of.........................washing, the jeans had shrunk to a child’s size (CARE)
III. Supply the correct form of verbs in the blankets. (2.0 points)
1. Hello, Peter! I (not see)..................you for a long time. How are you doing?
2. You (stop)..................by a policeman if you try to cross the road now.
3. She wishes she (not give )..................them her phone number last week.
4. I’m sorry for (not write)..................to you lately but my house (break).................. into a few
weeks ago and I have been feeling rather upset since then.
5. He kept (talk)..................about you last night.
6. Look! A man (run)..................after the rain.
7. My friends (sing)..................when we came in the room.
8. This exercise (look)..................difficult. You (do)..................one like this before ?
I. Read the text and fill in each gap with ONE suitable word. (2.0 points)
The Old Clock
John lived (1)..................his mother in a very big house, and when she died, the house
became (2).................. . big for him, (3).................. .he bought a smaller one in the next street. There
was a very nice old clock in his first house, and when the men came to take his furniture(4).....................
the new house, John thought, "I'm not going to let them (5)......................my beautiful old clock in their
truck. Perhaps they'll break it, and then repairing it will (6)..................expensive.” So he picked it up and
began to carry it down (he road in his arms.
It was heavy, so he stopped two or three times to have a (7) ...................
Then suddenly a small boy came along the road. He stopped and looked (8)..................John for
a few seconds. Then he said to John, "You’re a foolish man, (9).................. you? Why don’t you
(10).........................a watch like everybody else?"
II. Read the following advertisement carefully and choose the best answer. (1.0 point)
1451 Broadview Rd.
More Than a Quarter of a Century Serving
Holly Heights
Registered Opticians
One-Day Prescription Service
Custom-Fitted Glasses to Suit Your Individual Needs
Hard and Soft Contact Lenses
HRS. M 10-9
T-F 8:30-5
Sat 10-4
Call for an Immediate Appointment

PART E: WRITING (5.0 points)

1. Which evenings will this establishment be open?
A. Tuesday through Friday B. Monday only
C. Saturday only D. Monday and Saturday
2. Who would most likely go to this establishment?
A. a person needing surgery for an eye disease.
B. a person who has a prescription for antibiotics to be filled.
C. a person who does not have an appointment.
D. a person who needs a new pair of contact lenses.
3. Which of the following is not true about this business?
A. It is closed on Sundays.
B. It is open later in the evening on Monday than on other days.
C. It has the same hours from Tuesday to Saturday.
D. It does not open as early in the morning on Monday and Saturday as it does on the father days.
4. Which phrase indicates that the company is an established firm?
A. More Than a Quarter of a Century Serving Holly Heights
B. Registered Opticians
C. One-Day Prescription Service
D. Call for an immediate Appointment
5. In what city would you find this firm?
A. Broadview B. Registered opticians C. Holly Heights D. Vision Center
III. Read the following passage and choose the best answer (1.0 point)
About three thousand years ago, there were no shops. If you needed something you had to make it
yourself. For example, if you needed something you wear, you had to kill an animal and get its coat. If you
were a good hunter and had a lot of coats, you could exchange them for other things you needed. You
could get meat, fruit or an axe. This way of exchanging thingsis called barter.
Later on, people began to use money. They made money from things which would last and not go
bad easily. They used stones, shells and animals’ teeth. After men had dicovered metal, they started to use
copper, tin, silver and gold. They made these metals into small bar so that they were easy to store and carry
about. Before there were banks, people kept their money themslves. Most people hid their money in the
ground. They thought it was the safest place to store money.
About five hundred years later, people began to make coins.They were easier to carry than metal
1. There were no shops.
A. in the 15th century. B. five hundred years ago
C. in China and Italy. D. about three thousand years ago.
2. What would you do if you wanted a coat thousands of years ago?
A. Go to buy one from a shop. B. Kill an animal for its skin.
C. Make friends with hunters D. Make one from cloth
3. The early way of exchanging one thing for another is called
A. metal melting B. coin- collecting C. banking D. barter.
4. What kind of thing goes bad easily and is not good for making money?
A. Metal B. Axe C. Food D. Shells
5. Why did people make coins?
A. Coins were beautiful.
B. Coins were easy to count
C. They liked round coins instead of small bars.
D. coins were easier to carry about.
I. Choose the underlined word or phrase that needs correcting. Write A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.
(1.0 point)
1. More than a million of tourists from all over the world visit Vietnam every year.
2.Dislike the gorilla, the male adult chimpanzee weighs under 100 kilograms.
3.It was surprising that the stormhad causedlittle destroy in the area.
4. No matter who rich he is, he never gives anything to the poor.
5. When the Second Word War, almost a third of a million people were killed.
II. Finish each of tile following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as
the sentence printed before it. Write the ansivers on your answer sheet (1.0 point)
1.It’s my opinion that you should take moreexersise.
→If I were.........................................................................................................................................................
2. That man has never seen that kind of animal.
→That kind......................................................................................................................................................
3 .He never suspected that the money had been stolen.
→At no time ....................................................................................................................................................
4. A builder is modernizing our bungalow for us .
→We are..........................................................................................................................................................
5. “Ithink you should try the chicken Marengo,” said the waiter.
→The waiter recommended ...........................................................................................................................
III. Make a new sentence using the word in CAPITAL so that it has a similar meaning to the original
sentence. Write the answers on your answer sheet (1.0 point)
l. Mrs.Scott is proud of her cooking (TAKE)
2. He’s really keen to start his new job (FORWARD).
3. You ought to get your bicycle brakes repaired immediately. (BETTER)
4. Men I left she said that she hoped I had a pleasant journey. (WISHED)
5. I’ve lost interest in going’to the same place all the time . (FED)
IV. Write a paragraph on the following topic (about150-200 words)
“The idea of going overseas to study is an exciting prospectifor marly people”. Doyou like to study abroad?
State your own opinion (2.0 points)

ĐỀ SỐ 21
(Đề thi học sinh giỏi 9 tỉnh Thái Nguyên)
Thời gian làm bài 150 phút
(Bài nghe gồm 2 phần, mỗi phần được nghe 2 lần. Mở đầu mỗi phần nghe có tín hiệu nhạc.
Thí sinh đọc ký hướng dẫn và câu hỏi trước khi nghe).
Part 1: Listen to 3 customers booking their holidays it and complete the table. (20 pts)
Place Time Number of Accommo- Transport
people dation
Customer 1 Moscow (1) 1 Yes (2)
Customer 2 (3)………… 2 months 2 (4) (5)
Customer 3 (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Part 2: You will hear a tourist guide talking to a group of people about a trip to the countryside. For
each question. Jill in the missing information in the numbered space. (10 pts)
Morning program:
♦breakfast at 8.30
♦meet in (1)………….
♦bus leaves at (2)…………
♦picnic lunch in the (3) …………
Afternoon program:
Choice of activities:
♦hill walk
♦visit to a (4)…………or a farm
♦swim or take a trip by boat
What to bring:
♦a warm jacket
♦a (5)…………
III. Choose word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the rest by writing
your answer (A, B, C, or D) in the numbered box. (10 pts)
1. A. eventually B. invention C. preparation D.shyness
2. A. reputation B. communicate C. documentary D. hundred
3. A. migrant B. signature C. habit D. limitation
4. A. dormitory B. occupy C. minority D. territory
5. A. advised B. amazed C. practiced D. changed
IV. Choose the letter (A, B, C or D) next to the word whose main stress is placed differently1 from the
others. (10 pts)
1 A. industry B. poisonous C. atmosphere D. awareness
2. A. generous B. extensive C. accomplish D. eternal
3. A. medicine B. decide C. distance D. patient
4. A. arrangement B. relationship C. scientist D. improve
5. A. discount B. compile C. locate D. website
V. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. Write your answer (A, B
C or D) in the numbered box. (30 pts)
1...................you do better work than this, you won’t pass the exam.
A. When B. Although C. If D. Unless
2.I was just..................to go out when you telephoned.
A. around B. about C. thinking D. round
3. It’s difficult to pay one’s bills when prices keep..................
A. growing B. gaining C. rising D. raising
4. She.................her neighbor’s child for the broken window.
A. blamed B. accused C. complained D. denied
5. “Did you like the novel that I gave you last week?”
-“.................the novels that I’ve read, I enjoyed this one the most.”
A. All of B. Of all C. For all D. From all
6. That old lady is..................deaf to hear what you say.
A. so B.enough C. not D. too
7.I failed to buy that nice dress, for I had forgotten to bring my.................
A. gloves B. purse C. bonnet D. trousers
8. The radio is..................loud. I can’t hear the noise.
A. too many B. too much C. much too D. lot much
9. The visitor spoke..................the subject of wildlife in Northern Britain.
A. in B. from C. with D. on
10. Not they but Tom..................the reward.
A. receives B. receive C. receiving D. to receive
11. They have..................of helpers even when they are in need.
A. a great quantity B. a large amount C. a large number D. great num
12. One person..................seven in the world speaks perfect English.
A. out of B.within C. for among D.from
13. “Pollution worries me”-“Mee too. It’s something…………….lots of problems”.
A. than has brought B. which has brought
C. is bringing D. that bringing
14. I wasn’t a bit surprised to hear that Karat had changed her job.
A. I was a bit surprised to hear that Karen had changed her rob
B. That Karen had changed her job surprised me a bit.
C. Surprised, Karen had changed her job
D.It came as no surprise to me to hear that Karen had changed her job.
15. We quarreled ……………the choice of a house.
A. on B. over C. for D. to
VI. There is one mistake in each sentence. Find the mistake and write your correction in the space
provided below. (10 pts)
1. Tom’s very good at science when his brother is absolutely hopeless.
2. Modem farms are much larger than that of former times.
3.A good artist like a good engineer learns as much from their mistakes as from successes. I
4. Since vitamins are contained in a wide variety of foods, people seldom lack of most oflheJ
5. Marry told me that it was the loveliest gift she has ever received.
Write your answers here:
1 2 3 4 5
Mistake …………… …………… …………… …………… ……………
Correction …………… …………… …………… …………… ……………
VII. Complete the sentences by filling in each blank with the correct form of the word in italic. (10 pts)
1. Rob was dismissed by his……………that he must leave in a month’s time. (EMPLOY)
2. The judge told him it was ……………to drink and drive, and banned him for a read(RESPONSIBLE)
3. English is a……………easy language for us to learn. (COMPARE)
4. Some young people today have a very strange……………. (APPEAR)
5. Many designers took……………from Vietnam’s ethnic minorities. (INSPIRE)
VIII. Complete the sentences with the right form of the verbs in bracket. (10 pts)
1. His greatest ambition is (1 .choose)…………… (2.take part)……………in the Olympics London 2012.
2. None of the people (3.invite) …………… to the party can come.
3. I really don’t know why she (4.not/enter) ……………the last contest. She (5.win) ……………the
first prize easily.
IX. Read the foilowing passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answerto each of
the questions, (10 pts)
Television is one of man’s important means of communication. It brings events and sounds round
the world into million of homes. A person with the television set can sit in his house and watch the
president making a speech or visit a foreign country. He can see war being fought and watch statesmen try
to bring peace. Through TV, home viewers can see and learn about people, places, and things in faraway
lands. Television even takes its viewers out of this world. It brings them coverage of America’s astronauts
as the astronauts explore outer space.
In addition to these things, TV brings its viewers a steady stream of programs that are designed to
entertain. In fact, TV provides many more entertainment programs than any other kinds. The programs
include action packed dramas, light comedies, sporting events and motion pictures.
1. What does television bring us?
A. Noise from around the world. B. Man’s most important means of talking.
C. Events and sounds around our globe. D. President making speech.
2. What can’t viewers do with the TV at home?
A. watch a president giving a talk.
B. see a war being fought.
C. watch a statesmen making attempt to bring about peace.
D. see heavens and hells.
3. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. TV can bring us entertainment.
B. By watching TV, people can widen their knowledge.
C. People know events and sounds from different world.
D. People can meet presidents without going out.
4. According to the passage, what don’t entertainment programs include?
A. dramas B. tragedies C. musicals D. motion pictures.
5. With TV set a person can……………
A. watch president making a speech. B. see a foreign country.
C. learn things in faraway lands. D. all of them (A, B, C).
X. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B,C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of
the questions. (20 pts)
Crime Prevention
You can make life more difficult for thieves by (1).................. your wallet in an inside pocket
instead of a back pocket. But make sure that you still have it if someone bumps into you in a
(2)................... Most pickpockets are very skillful. Never let your handbag out of your(3)................... On
public transport. (4)..................hold of it You arc also (5)..................to take travelers’ checks rather than
cash when you go abroad, and to use cash dispenses which are on(6)..................streets, or are well lit at
A quarter of all crimes are car thefts or things from cars, like radio and cassette players. If your car
is (7).................., you may not get it back. One in four are never found, and even if it is, it may be badly (8)
................... Always lock all doors and windows and think about fitting a car alarm too. If you are buying a
new radio cassette player, it is (9)..................choosing one that is security-code or removable by the drive.
These precautions will help to (10)..................thieves.
1. A. taking B. holding C. carrying D. bringing
2. A. mass B. band C. crowd D. group
3. A. view B. sight C. visibility D. vision
4. A. keep B. catch C. take D. have
5. A. suggested B.told C. informed D. advised
6. A. main B. important C. principal D. major
7. A. robbed B. burgled C. stolen D. hijacked
8. A. hurt B. damaged C. spoilt D. injured
9. A. beneficial B. practical C. worthwhile D. sensible
10. A. put off B. put down C. put out D. put back
XI. Fill in each numbered blank ONE suitable word. (20 pts)
Learning a foreign language is, in some ways, like learning how to fly or (1)…………….the
piano. There are important differences, but there (2)…………….a very important similarity. It is
this: learning how to do such things needs lots (3) ……………. practice. It is never enough simply to
“know” something. You must be able to “do” things with (4)…………….you know. For example! it is not
enough simply to read a book on (5)…………….to fly an aero plane. A book can give youlots of
information (6)……………. how to fly, but you only read a book and then try to (7) …………….
without a great deal of practice first, you will crash and kill (8)…………….. The same is true of (9)
……………. the piano. So you think it is enough simply to read about it? Can you play the piano. (10)
…………….having lots of practice first?
XII. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the sameas the sentence
printed before it. (20 pts)
1. She doesn’t get up late anymore.
→ She used ...............................................................................................................................................
2. They started learning English four years ago.
→ They have..............................................................................................................................................
3. She is a far more serious student now than she used to be.
→ She studies ...........................................................................................................................................
4. I’d like you to help me to put the chairs away.
→Do you mind..........................................................................................................................................
5. I’ll do anything for you because I love you.
→I’ll do anything for you because of .......................................................................................................
6. He will come because he wants to be sure of meeting you.
→He will come so.....................................................................................................................................
7. Your hair needs combing properly.
→Your hair................................................................................................................................................
8. “Would you mind not smoking in here?”
→I’d rather.................................................................................................................................................
9. He wrote the letter in two hours.
→ It took ...................................................................................................................................................
10. “Why don’t we go out for a walk?”
→ My father suggested..............................................................................................................................
XIII. Use the following sets of words or phrases to write a complete letter from Alice to Mary. Make
all the changes and additions neccessary. (20 pts)
Dear Mary,
1. Thank you/ much/ your letter/ arrive/ few days ago.
2. It / lovely/ hear/ you.
3.I / be sorry/I / not write/ such/ long time/ but /I / be busy.
4. As/ you / know/ we buy/ new house/ October.
5. It/ be/ bad condition/ and it/ need/ a lot/ work.
6. We/ finish/ most/ it/ now/ and it / look/ very nice.
7. John and I/ decide/ give/ house warming party/ April 15th.
8. you/ think/ you/ able/ come?
9. Please give me/ ring/ let / know/ you/ make it.
10. We / look forward/ see / you again.
Best regards,
(Đề thi học sinh giỏi 9 tỉnh Vĩnh Phúc)
Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút
Section 1: Choose the best option (A, B,C or D) to complete each of the following sentences
1. She couldn't.................her father that she was telling the truth.
A. admit B. confide C. trust D. convince
2. It was difficult to guess what his..................to the news would be.
A. feelings B. reaction C. capital D. opinion
3. Heather finally.................the conclusion that she’d have to do something about her stress level
A. made B. arrived C. came D. reached
4.I.................there once a long time ago and back since.
A. went I have not been B. go / am not
C. have gone / was D. was going / had not been
5. The old ship will be towed into harbor and .................
A. broken down B. broken up C. broken in D. broken through
6. The police are.................certain who the culprit is.
A. in some ways B. more or less C. here and there D. by and by
7. You mav borrow my bicycle.................you are careful with it.
A. even if B. as long as C. as much as D. unless
8. It won't .................matter if you arrive a few minutes late.
A. greatly B. largely C. widely D. considerably
9.I was so exhausted that I slept like.................
A. death B. a candle C. a light D. a log
10. He turned off the light.................waste electricity.
A. not to B. without C. so that he doesn’t D. so as not to
11. .................that we stopped for a rest.
A. But we were tired B. So tired were we
C. Such tired we were D. However tired we were
12. For more than a decade,.................that certain species are becoming scarce.
A. the warnings of bird-watchers B. warn the bird-watcher
C. bird-watchers have warned D. a warning for bird-watchers
13. Can you deliver this letter .................hand?
A. by B. with C. in D. to
14.The coastguard boarded the ship and found..................
A. four injured alive men B. alive four men injured
C. four injured men alive D. injured four alive men
15.................that hunted other animals tended to have very narrow, sharp, curved claws.
A. For dinosaurs B. Dinosaurs
C. Like dinosaurs D. Dinosaurs are known
16. It is.................pity that you cannot come to the wedding.
A. such a B. so a C. such as D. many a
17. She is the most .................manageress we have ever had.
A. equal B. effective C. active D. efficient
18. .................from Tom, all the students said they would go.
A. Except B. Only C. Apart D. Separate
19. To become a novelist, you need to be..................
A. imagine B. imagination C. imaginative D. imaginarily
20. Mary: ‘I bought this dress for you. Happy birthday!’- Jane: “.................”
A. My pleasure!
B. How nice of you.. .but you really shouldn’t have!
C. Thanks for your support!
D. No kidding!
Section 2: Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space at
the same line. Number 0 has been done as an example.
According to experts, doing puzzles keeps our brain fit and HEALTH →healthy
(0) .................. As well as gaining (1) ................. from finding the SATISFY→……………….
correct WORK→ ……………….
answer to a difficult problem, we give our brain a good (2) ................. SUCCESS→……………….
in the process. To help us do this, all sorts of handheld “brain games” COVE→ ……………….
are now available in the shops, and the most (3) .................games have SOLVE →……………….
soldin their millions. IMPROVE→……………….
What’s more, people (4) .................that the more they play the games, IMPRESS→……………….
the easier it is to find a (5) ................. to the problems posed. They SCIENCE→……………….
find this as proof that there has been an (6) ................. in the power of PERFORMS→……………….
their brain. Unfortunately, however, this may be a false (7) .................. CERTAIN→……………….
Some (8) .................argue that the brain gets better at any task the
moreoften it is repeated. In other words, the improvement in the
(9) .................of the brain is something that happens naturally.
So, although these games are obviously fun to play, it remains
(10) .................whether they are actually helping to boost brainpower
or not.

Section 3: The passage below contains five mistakes in five different lines. Identify am correct them.
There is an example in line I which has been done for you.
Line 1: two type  two types
There are two type of training: behavioral and obedience. Behavioral training should be done on a
one-to-one basis. This type of framing uses to correct any bad habits your dog may have developed, such as
climbing on furniture. Obedience training should be done often, but only for short periods of time. It is best
to train your dog just before meals so his meal associates with a reward for the training.
It is important for keeping your puppy safe from danger. Many young puppies are injured because
their owner don’t realize how curious can they be. One way to protect your puppy is by giving him a
special house. The house can be made by any suitable materials but it must be big enough for the puppy to
move around comfortably. It can be used for house-training your puppy but to protect him from very young
Section 1: You are going to read a magazine article about John Prince, from which six sentences have
been removed. Choose the most suitable sentence from the list A-G for each part (1-6) of the article.
There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.
John Prince, famous dancer and choreographer, gives advice on how to succeed in a career in the
I asked John how he got started and what requirements there are. "Well, to be a professional dancer
it's useful to have had acting lessons or some background in drama. If you want to succeed in musical
theatre you have to have a good singing voice as well. When you approach an agent you should take a
portfolio with your CV, your statistics sheet and some good photos and reviews of past performances.
You'll need dance clothes, ballet shoes, tap shoes, and even roller skates depending on what kind of show
you are going to go for."
"Of course, you need to be extremely fit if you want to be a professional dancer. I dance or move
about for about six hours a day. There are great health benefits to being a dancer. I can eat a lot of pasta
without gaining weight because dancing increases your metabolism so much."
John has a very busy schedule in the next few months. He took time out to speak to me today from
the making of a pop video to promote N-ergy's latest record. "I choreographed the dance routine for the
boys and they only had two days in which to learn it! I am going to be working on a video for another well-
known band - but that's top secret. Next month I'll be touring Spain in a production of a musical that was
written by a friend of mine, Michaela Evans.
"As for thefuture, I've come to realise that I would nevar bo conteni to be just a chorus dance - I'm
too much of an individual tor that. Like all artists I'd love to become a household name by writing and
choreographing my own musicals.”
John was bom in Jamaica to a Jamaloin father mid n Scottish mother but the family emigrated to
England 20 year ago "I have a little sisterI adore, who is also training to be a dancer.” How does it feel to
have someone else following in your footsteps?
Has he much more to learn, I wondered. "I've spent an incredible amount of my life training to get
where I am. I went to college for two years in England, 1 trained for six months in Paris and about eight
months in America, But you never really stop training or learning your art."
So, would you say it’s been plain sailing? "I feel I've been lucky to a degree; many people hit
problems breaking into the arts. It can be a vicious circle really. You can't become a member of Equity,
which is the actors' and dancers' union, without good contracts, and you can't get good contracts without
being a member of Equity. My advice to people who want to get into the arts would be to go out into the
world, and try everything else first.
What has a dance career done for you as a person? "Thanks to dancing, I've visited and performed
in 23 countries so far. This has opened my eyes to the world, and I've been able to understand issues like
racism and inequality from a wider perspective.
Hopefully this has enabled me to become a better and more tolerant person as a result. "So all in all
I'm really happy to be a dancer!"
A. It's tine, but I try not to give out too much advice as it gets irritating!
B. And if nothing you like comes out of it, then come back and be an actor or dancer.
C. Without a strict daily timetable like this you find yourself wasting too much time.
D. After that it's back to England to start a new term of dance classes.
E. When it comes to coping with stress, I find that exercise helps me to cope with my problems, so I stay in
good shape mentally as well.
F. Like any profession where you're always travelling, you tend to acquire something new almost every
6. Being fully equipped with all this stuff beforehand makes it easier when you go for auditions.
Section 2: Read the text below and decide which word (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.
We send our children to school to prepare them (1) .................the time when they will be big
and will have to work for themselves. They learn their own language (2).................they will be
able to tell others clearly what they want and what they know and understand what others (3)
.................them. They learn foreign languages in order to be able to (4)................. from what people in
other countries written and said, and to make people from other countries understand what they themselves
mean. They learn arithmetic to (5)................. and to count things in theirdaily life, geography to know
something about the world around them and history to know something about (6).................beings they
meet every day. Nearly everything that they study atschool has some practical use in their life and work.
But is that the only (7)................. why theygo to school? No. There is more in education than just learning
facts. We go to school above all to learn how to learn so that when we leave school we can (8)................. to
learn. A man whoreally knows how to learn will always be (9) ................. , because whenever he has to
dosomething new which he has never had to do before, he will (10).................teach himself howto do it in
the best way.
1. A. for B. with C. about D. on
2. A. in order B. so C. so that D. and
3. A. say B. tell C. speak D. talk
4. A. gain B. profit C. earn D. benefit
5. A. measure B. interpret C. translate D. make
6. A. man B. mankind C. people D. human
7. A. cause B. reason C. evidence D. belief
8. A. repeat B. keep C. continue D.reach
9. A. capable B. successful C. victorious D. courageous
10. A. hardly B. fastly C. closely D. rapidly
Section 3: Read the following extract and choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which best
answers/completes the questions.
Most languages have several levels of vocabulary that may be used by the same speakers. In
English, at least three have been identified and described.
Standard usage includes those words and expressions understood, used, and accepted by a majority of the
speakers of a language in any situation regardless of the level of formality. As such, these words and
expressions are well defined and listed in standard dictionaries. Colloquialisms, on the other hand, are
familiar words and idioms that are understood by almost all speakers of a language and used in informal
speech or writing, but not considered acceptable for more formal situations.
Almost all idiomatic expressions are colloquial language. Slang, however, refers to words and
expressions understood by a large number of speakers but not accepted as appropriate formal usage by the
majority. Colloquial expressions and even slang may be found in standard dictionaries but will be so
identified. Both colloquial usage and slang are more common in speech than in writing.
Colloquial speech often passes into standard speech. Some slang also passes into standard speech,
but other slang expressions enjoy momentary popularity followed by obscurity. In some cases, the majority
never accepts certain slang phrases but nevertheless retains them in their collective memories. Every
generation seems to requừe its own set of words to describe familiar objects and events.
It has been pointed out by a number of linguists that three cultural conditions are necessary for the
creation of a large body of slang expressions. First, the introduction and acceptance of new objects and
situations in the society; second, a diverse population with a large number of subgroups; third, association
among the subgroups and the majority population.
Finally, it is worth noting that the terms “standard,” “colloquial,” and “slang” exist only as abstract
labels for scholars who study language. Only a tiny number of the speakers of any language will be aware
that they are using colloquial or slang expressions. Most speakers of English will, during appropriate
situations, select and use all three types of expressions.
1. Which of the following is the main topic of the passage?
A. Standard speech B. Idiomatic phrases
C. Different types of vocabulary D. Dictionary usage
2. How is slang defined by the author?
A. Words and phrases accepted by the majority for formal usage.
B. Words and phrases understood by the majority but not found in standard dictionaries.
C. Words and phrases that are understood by a restricted group of speakers.
D. Words and phrases understood by a large number of speakers but not accepted as formal usage.
3. The word ‘obscurity’ in line 13 could best be replaced by...................
A. disappearance B. influence C. qualification D. tolerance
4. The word ‘appropriate’ in line 9 is closest in meaning to..................
A. old B. large C. correct D. important
5. The word ‘them’ in line 14 refers to..................
A. words B. slang phrases C. memories D. the majority
6. What does the author mean by the statement “Colloquialisms, on the other hand, are familiar words and
idioms that are understood by almost all speakers of a language and used in informal speech or writing,
but not considered acceptable for more formal situations”?
A. Familiar words and phrases are found in both speech and writing in formal settings.
B. Familiar situations that are experienced by most people are called colloquialisms.
C. Informal language contains colloquialisms, which are not found in more formal language.
D. Most of the speakers of a language can use both formal and informal speech ii appropriate situations.
7. Which of the following is true of standard usage?
A. It can be used in formal and informal settings.
B. It is limited to written language.
C. It is only understood by the upper classes.
D. It is constantly changing.
8. The author mentions all of the following as requirements for slang expressions to be create
A. new situations being accepted
B. new objects being introduced
C. a diverse population with many sub-groups
D. a number of linguists
9. It can be inferred from the passage that the author …………....
A. does not approve of either slang or colloquial speech in any situation.
B. approves of colloquial speech in some situations, but not slang
C. approves of slang and colloquial speech in appropriate situations
D. does not approve of colloquial usage in writing.
Section 4: Read the following extract from a story and think of a word which best fits each space. Use
only ONE word for each space. There is an example at the beginning (0).
I had suffered, as (0) best as I could, the thousand wrongs that Henry had done to me, but when he
began to become insulting, 1 swore to avenge myself. I did not, of (1).................threaten him. I waited for
my chance patiently. I wanted to avoid the risk of failure; and if one is to succeed, two conditions are
necessary: The wrongdoer must know that he is being punished, and by (2).................and it must be
impossible for him to hit back. I continued to (3)................. Henry kindly and to smile at his face. He did
(4)................. realize that my smile was at the thought of how I would sacrifice him.
On the whole, Henry was a man to be respected, and if you were his enemy, even feared. Henry had
only (5)................. weakness: his love of wine. He was very proud of his knowledgeof the subject. In other
respects, he merely pretended to be wise, but on the subject of wine he was sincere.
Section 1: Complete each of the sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the one
printed before it.
1. We couldn’t have managed without my father’s money.
If it …………………………………………………………………………………………………..
2. While I strongly disapprove of your behavior, I will help you this time.
Despite my ……………………………………………………………………………………………
3. Iwas not surprised to hear that Nam had failed his driving test.
 It came………………………………………………………………………………………………..
4. When the Minister was asked about the strike, he declined to comment.
5. My father finds maps hard to follow.
 My father has…………………………………………………………………………………………
Section 2: Write an essay of around 250 words on the following topic.
Primary school teachers in Vietnam have recently been required to assess students’ work with
comments rather than grades. While there are people who believe this is a step forward, others remain
What is your opinion of the change?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or

ĐỀ SỐ 23
(Đề thi học sinh giỏi 9 tỉnh Phú Thọ)
Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút
PART A. LISTENING: (Track 7 - 3.0 pts)
Hướng dẫn phần thi nghe hiểu:
- Bài nghe gồm 09 câu hỏi, thí sinh được nghe 2 lần, đĩa CD tự chạy 2 lần.
- Hướng dẫn làm bài chi tiết cho thí sinh (bằng tiếng Anh) đã có trong bài nghe.
I. Listen to a talk and circle A, B, CorD to indicate the correct answer.
1. What is the main topic of the talk?
A. How to become young entrepreneurs. B. How to meet rich, famous people.
C. How to become wealthy people. D. How to have qualities of rich people.
2. Who is the audience?
A. Young entrepreneurs. B. University students.
C. Rich businesspeople. D. Famous millionaires.
3. Which of the following is NOT true according to the talk?
A. The rich have qualities that make them different.
B. Not all the qualities that rich people have are good.
C. Meanness is one quality people should have to get rich.
D. Rich people’s appearance is very different from ours.
4. What did Matthew Freud do to get money when young?
A. He helped his friends with their homework.
B. He sold mice to his friends at school.
C. He showed rich schoolfriends how to learn.
D. He made friends with millionaires’ children.
5. Which of the following is NOT a quality of the rich?
A. Extravagance B. Confidence C. Hard work D. Ambition
6. Which of these people is mentioned as an example of a hard-working person?
A. John Paul Getty B. Bill Gates C. Rupert Murdoch D. Anita Roddick
II. Listen to a conversation and fill in the numbered gaps in the table. Write NO MORE THAN
THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Day of arrival Sunday (1)……………
Subject (2)…………… (3)……………
Number of books to read (4)…………… (5)……………
Day of the first lecture (6)…………… (7)……………
First essay’s topic / title (8)…………… (9)……………


I. Choose the best word or phrase to complete each of the following sentences. Circle A, B, C or D (1.0
1. This is the palace......................the king used to live in.
A. where B. which C. that D. in which
2. Peter failed his English test......................., he has to do it again.
A. However B. Therefore C. So D. So that
3. If there were no television, people.....................out more.
A. would go B. will go C. can go D. have gone
4. If you want to get good grade, you.....................hard.
A. must study B. will study C. can study D. would study
5. David is tired.....................he stayed up late watching TV last night.
A. for B. since C. when D. during
6. .....................Jim came to the show late; he could see the main part of the show.
A. In spite of B. Because of C. Despite D. Although
7.I feel sick. I wish I.....................so much cake.
A. not ate B. didn’t eat C. hadn’t eaten D. wouldn’t have eaten
8. She came into the room while they.....................television.
A. have watched B. watched C. were watching D. have been watching.
9. “How do you do?” “......................”
A. I’m fine B. I do well C. How do you do? D. That’s all right
10.......................many times I tell him, he always forgets to pass on phone messages.
A. Wherever B. Whatever C. Whenever D. However
II. Choose the word that has the same meaning as the underlined one. Circle A, B, C or D (1 pt)
1. English is the most important language in the world of commerce.
A. finance B. business C. banking D. exchange
2. Good knowledge of English helps you gain a successful future.
A. fulfill B. retain C. perform D. acquire
3. His premature death at the age of 28 is a great loss.
A. too early B. abrupt C. very mysterious D. violent
4. Every family is advised to have two children at most.
A. instructed B. informed C. recommended D. counseled
5. Helen Keller, blind and deaf from an early age, developed her sense of smell so finely that she could
identify friends by their personal odors.
A. classify B. communicate with C. describe D. recognize
III. Complete the numbered blanks in the passage with the correct form of the words capital on the left.
(1.0 pt)
There can be very few people who have not read about the (1) ...................... 1. DESTROY
of the rainforests, and (2) ...................... still would say that nothing should be 2. FEW
done. However, the idea that this could be achieved by (3) ...................... 3. PRESSURE
developing countries is a highly dubious proposition. 4. LIMIT
It’s often suggested that the industrialized countries of the world have worked 5. TRUE
hard to limit population. To a certain (4) ......................extent, there’s 6. RECYCLE
some (5) ...................... in this, and measures have been taken to stop the 7. AVAIL
increase in CFCs and other ozone-destroying gases: some cars are fitted with 8. IMPLICATE
catalytic converters, (6) ......................is commonplace and lead-free 9. DEVELOP
petrol is widely (7) ....................... However the (8) ......................that we in the 10. POLLUTE
West are doing something to combat pollution whereas the (9) ......................
world is not an oversimplification. We are continuing to pour billions of tons of
(10) ......................into the atmosphere every year.

IV. Put the verbs into the correct forms. Write your answers in the spaces provided. (1.0 p)
I (1. walk) ...................... along the deserted main street of a small seaside town in the north of
England (2. look)......................for somewhere (3. make) ...................... a phone call. My car (4. break)
.....................down outside the town and I wanted to contact the A. A. The street
(5.run)...................paralleled to the sea and (6. join)......................to it by a number of narrow side streets.
Low grey clouds (7. drift)......................off across the sky and there was a cold damp wind (8.
blow)......................off the sea which nearly threw me off my feet when I (9. cross) ....................one of the
side streets It (10. rain) ......................for a long time.
V. Complete each of the following sentences with the correct form of one of the phrasa verbs below. Use
each phrasal verb once only. Write your answer in the spaces provided. (0) is an example (2.0 pts)
turn off look for look after see off cut
off succeed in look up take over come across
0. After trying an hour she finally succeeded in starting the car.
1. Don’t forget to ...................... all the lights before going out.
2. If you don’t pay your electricity bill soon, you will be.......................
3. When the company was ......................, the new bosses made a lot of people redundant.
4. If you’re not sure how to use a phrasal verb, it ......................in the dictionary.
5. I think they’ve gone to the airport to......................their boss.......................
6. When I was cleaning the attic yesterday, I ......................a skeleton.
7. I’ve lost my keys. Can you help me......................them?
8. Could you please......................my house and pets when I am away on holiday next month?
VI. Underline and correct the mistakes in the following paragraph. Each line has one mistake. Write the
correct one in the numbered blanks. (0) is an example: (1.0 p)
Egypt is the country that people usually associate of pyramids but there are 0……with…..
pyramids in many others places around the world. One of these places are 1......................
the island of Tenerife, which is in the Canary islands. There are six steps 2......................
pyramids near the town of Guimar in the south of the island. Nevertheless, 3......................
these pyramids, which are made from black volcanic stone, are very 4......................
controversially. Many scientists believe the structures, which were only 5......................
discovered fairly recently, are simply natural stone terraces and not a 6......................
mysterious wonderful of ancient times. Thor Heyerdahl, the famous 8......................
Norwegian researcher, whom spent the last years of his life on Tenerife, 9......................
claimed the pyramids are, in fact, made by humans who had used building 10....................
techniques that were similar with those used to build pyramids in Mexico,
Peru and ancient Mesopotamia.

PART C. READING: (5.0 p)

I. Look at each sign below and read the sentences next to it. Only one sentence is completely correct (but
the others may be partly correct). Choose the best answers for questions 1-5. Circle A, B, C or D to
indicate your answer. (0) is an example: (0.5 p)
A. Come to my apartment. B. Smoking is allowed in this compartment.
C. Do not smoke here. D. There is smoke in this compartment.
A. Employees of the café are allowed to put their cars here.
B. People using the café can park here, but nobody else can.
C. Nobody is allowed to park in front of the café.
D. People can park here if they pay a parking fee.
A. You can’t use this subway to cross the road.
B. There is no entrance to the subway on this side of the road.
C. If you want to cross the road, you must use the subway.
D. If you want to use the subway you must cross the road.
A. The shop open! flt 9,00 every day. B. The shop is only open on Sundays.
C. The shop opens at 5,30 on Sundays. D. The shop is closed on Sundays.
A. You can walk on the path but you may not ride a bicycle.
B. Only members of the public can cycle on the path.
C. The path is closed except for cyclists.
D. People are allowed to walk and ride bicycles on this path.
A. You can’t go Into this building because it is being repaired.
B. You may not go through this door because building work is going on.
C. The other door has not been built yet.
D. Builders must deliver their materials at the door.
II. Read the passage and choose the best option to fill in each blank. Circle A, B, C or D to indicate your
answer. (0) is an example: (1.5 p)
British families started going (0)......................holiday to the seaside around the middle of the 19th
century, The invention of the railways (1)......................this possible. The first holidaymakers were
quite rich and went for their health and education. The seaside was a place to be (2)......................of
illness, and doctors recommended bathing in the sea and drinking sea water. Also to (3) ......................their
knowledge, families attended concerts and read books from the library.
At that time, ordinary working people had a very little time (4)......................work. However, in
1871, the government (5) ......................for ‘Bank Holidays’- national holiday days. This (6)......................
people to have a day or two out, which (7)......................gave them a (8)......................for leisure and the
seaside. At first, they went on day-trips, taking (9) ...................... of special cheap tickets on the railways.
By the 1880s, rising incomes (10)...................... that many ordinary workers and their families
could have a week’s holiday at the seaside. Rail fares were reduced and cheap hotels were built to
(11)...................... them. Holidaymakers enjoyed being (12) ......................, sitting on the beach, bathing
ill the sea, and eating ice-cream. Cheap entertainment was (13)...................... offer andholidaymakers went
to (14)......................fun.
Today, the English seaside (15)......................popular, with more than 18 million holidays taken
there each year.
0. A. for B. to C. on D. at
1. A. let B. made C. got D. dad
2. A. cured B. remedied C. recovered D. improved
3. A. raise B.spread C. increase D. add
4. A, out B. off C. away D. from
5.A. installed B. presented C. introduced D. brought
6.A. allowed B. provided C. offered D. opened
7. A. hardly ever B. here and there C. seldom D. now and then
8. A. taste B. sense C. favour D. pleasure
9. A. benefit B. opportunity C. advantage D. profit
10.A. caused B. produced C. meant D. resulted
11. A. accommodate B. board C. cater D. lodge
12. A. idle B. easy C. restful D. spare
13. A. in B. for C. to D. on
14. A. get B. have C. take D. make
15. A. remains B. stays C. continues D. lasts
III. Read the passage and choose the best answer for each question 1-10. Circle A, B, C or D to indicate
your answer: (2.0 p)
During the nineteenth century, women in the United States organized and participated in a large
number of reform movements, including movements to reorganize the prison system, improve education,
ban the sale of alcohol, and, most importantly, to free slaves. Some women saw similarities in the social
status of women and slaves. Women like Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucy Stone were feminists and
abolitionists who supported the rights of both women and blacks. A number of male abolitionists,
including William Lloyd Garrison and Wendell Philips, also supported the rights of women to speak and
participate equally with men in antislavery activities. Probably more than any other movement,
abolitionism offered women a previously denied entry into politics. They became involved primarily in
order to better their living conditions and the conditions of others.
When the Civil War ended in 1865, the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution
adopted in 1868 and 1870 granted citizenship and suffrage, voting right to blacks but not to women.
Discouraged but resolved, feminists influenced more and more women to demand the right to vote. In 1869
the Wyoming Territory had yielded to demands by feminists, but eastern states resisted more stubbornly
than before. A women's suffrage bill had been presented to every Congress since 1878 but it continually
failed to pass until 1920, when the Nineteenth Amendment granted women the right to vote.
1. With what topic is the passage primarily concerned?
A. The Wyoming Territory B. The Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments
C. Abolitionists D. Women's suffrage
2. The word "ban" in the first paragraph most nearly means to
A. encourage B. publish C. prohibit D. limit
3. The word '’supported” in the first paragraph could best be replaced by
A. disregarded B. acknowledged C. contested D. promoted
4. According to the passage, why did women become active in politics?
A. To improve the conditions of life that existed at the time
B. To support Elizabeth Cady Stanton for president
C. To be elected to public office.
D. To amend the Declaration of Independence.
5. The word, "primarily” in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to
A. above all B. somewhat C. finally D. always
6. What had occurred shortly after the Civil War?
A. The Wyoming Territory was admitted to the Union
B. The women's suffrage bill was introduced in Congress.
C. The eastern states resisted the end of the war.
D. Black people were granted the right to vote.
7. The word "suffrage” in the second paragraph could best be replaced by which of the following?
A. pain B. citizenship
C. freedom to bondage D. the right to vote
8. What does the Nineteenth Amendment guarantee?
A. Voting rights for blacks B. Citizenship for blacks
C. Voting rights for women D. Citizenship for women
9. The word "it" in the second paragraph refers to
A. bill B. Congress
C. Nineteenth Amendment D. vote
10. When were the women allowed to vote throughout the United States?
A. After 1866 B. After 1870 C. After 1878 D. After 1920
IV. Fill in each gap with one suitable word. (1.0 p)
A student (1) ……………. English occasionally meets the following problems when he listens to
talks or lectures. It is difficult to decide (2) …………….one word finishes and the next one starts. (3)
…………….speech, many of the sounds (4) ……………. a student difficulty and he fails to
identify them. Some words in English, (5)…………….occurs very commonly, have a weak form.
An overseas student identify them with difficulty. In (6) ……………., many students sometimes do not
hear the unstressed syllable in a word. This (7) ……………. never arises in print. The lecturer (8)
…………….uses an informal style and who pronounces vowels with (9)…………….strong accent
will be difficult to follow. A student takes notes more easily when the lecturer speaks (10)…………….A
B.B.C accent.
I. Finish the second sentence so that it means exactly the same as the first sentence. (1.0 point)
1. Although I hate cats, I have some in my family.
In spite of.....................................................................................................................................
2. The workers only complained because of their unfair treatment.
If the workers .............................................................................................................................
3. She can’t possibly stay up to finish her homework tonight.
It is .............................................................................................................................................
4. She regrets not giving him my phone number.
She wishes .................................................................................................................................
5. I can finish this work on time only if you help me.
Only if .......................................................................................................................................
II. Rewrite the following sentences using the words given so that it means exactly the same as the
first sentence. (2.0 p)
1. “I’m sorry I didn’t ring you earlier,” Tom said to you. (apologised)
2. My friend can’t speak English so he can’t apply for the job. (could)
3. The girl living next to me is getting married next year. (who)
4. The boy has a determination to study English. (determined)
5. People think that our ancestors built this city. (thought)
6. They first introduced the new style of jeans in 2000, didn’t they? (was)
7. Although it rained heavily, we went to Tim’s birthday party. (In spite of)
8. Their wedding was held in a very lovely church. (which)
9. “I don’t mind which film we see.” I said. (matter)
10. Davis didn’t go out last night because it rained heavily. (if)
III. Write a letter to your friend (at least 150 words) to tell him/her about how to protect the environment
in our area. (2.0p)

D. ĐỀ THI NĂM HỌC 2015 - 2016

ĐỀ SỐ 24
(Đề thi học sinh giỏi 9 tỉnh Bắc Giang- Đề chính thức)
Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút
I. Listening (Track 8-20 pts)
Part 1. Listen to the recording and choose the best answer A, B, C or D. You will hear the recording
twice. (4 pts)
1. What is the main topic of the conversation?
A. Tim’s and Jessie’s impatience B. table manners
C. bad habits at home D. bad habits at school
2. How does Tim feel about Jessie’s bad habit?
A. He is scared. B. He is shocked.
C. He is worried. D. He understands
3. What do Tim and Jessie NOT have in common?
A. They are impatient. B. They bum their mouths eating.
C. They love soup. D. They have a bad habit.
4. What can be inferred from the conversation?
A. Jessie is only impatient about food. B. Jessie is impatient about a lot of things.
C. Jessie’s mom complains alot. D. Tim is only impatient about food.
Part 2: Listen to the dialogue, match the descriptions from the box, A-I, with the foods, 1-7. NO
LETTER IS USED MORE THAN ONCE. There are more options than are required. You will hear the
recording twice. (7 pts)
Foods Descriptions
1. Chapatti A. long and thick
2. Naan bread B. mild with coconut
3. Poppadom C. unusual with potatoes
4. Chicken korma D. round and flat
5. Roganjosh E. slice with pineapple
6. Thai seafood curry F. slightly spicy
7. Bhaji G. lamb curry
H. thin and crispy
I. vegetables in flour, fried

part 3: Listen to the recording and fill in the blank. You will hear the recording twice. (9 pts)
Basic information
• Cruise length: (1) …………………….
• Arrival time in Bahamas: (2)…………………….
• Dinner location: (3) …………………….
Excursion information
• Where to reserve: excursion (4)…………………….
• How to pay: cash and all major (5 ) …………………….
• Information desk number: (6)…………………….

II. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences. (10 pts)
1. I had to get up early,……………I would have missed the train.
A. otherwise B. if not C. so that D. but
2. More than 11,000ha of winter-spring rice crops have been affected,……………in the districts of
Duyen Hai, Chau Thanh and Tra Vinh City, due to the prolonged drought and saltwater infiltration.
A. mostly B. almost C. most D. most of
3. As the world focuses on Zika's rapid advance in the Americas, experts warn that the virus
originated in Africa is just one of……………of continent-jumping diseases carried by mosquitoes.
A. a growing number B. a large amount C. much D. a great deal
4.I have to announce that the manager cannot attend our party today,……………is a pity.
A. who B. that C. which D. what
5. Hoa prefers colorful dances in Thailand……………shadow puppet shows in Indonesia.
A. to B. than C. as D. for
6. The scheme allows students from many countries to communicate with……………
A. each others B. themselves C. one other D. one another
7. Hanoi Young Inspirers Club is a community organization founded by students in Hanoi who
want to share and realize creative ideas for the community’s benefits and……………experiences
with others.
A. exchanging B. exchanges C. exchange D.exchanged
8. Not a good movie,……………?
A. did it B. didn’t it C. was it D. wasn’t it
9. You look really silly! Your pullover is on……………
A. upside down B. inside out C. round and round D. side by side
10. ……………parrots are native to tropical regions is untrue.
A. All B. That all C. Since all D. Why all
III. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets (10 pts)
Ha Noi police say they have recently started imposing fines on pedestrians for violating traffic
regulations in a bid (1. reduce)……………traffic accidents in the city. The rule (2. come)……………as
statistics from the department showed that 112 out of 1,696 traffic accidents last year were relating to
pedestrians. More than 420 pedestrians (3. fine)……………since February. According to the police, most
of the violations often (4. cause)……………by pedestrians who do not use zebra crossings to cross the
streets, jaywalking, or walking on roads (5. design) …………… only for vehicles.
Much (6. do)……………by the Government so far to raise people’s awareness on traffic safety.
However, the situation has not yet improved. In my opinion, campaigns work best when (7. combine)
…………… with other interventions, such as enforcement of traffic regulations.
(8. Ensure)……………traffic safety, it is necessary that the awareness of road users (9. improve)
…………… and all traffic violations (10. handle)……………by competent agencies regularly.
IV. Give the correct form of the words in brackets (10 pts)
Stressful situations that emerge almost every day in life seem to be (1.avoid)……………However,
we can do little sometimes to avoid a (2. fortune)…………… or an unpleasant occurrence which may
befall us expectedly as only it can. At such a moment, one may hit the roof, give in to the helplessness of
the situation or, ideally, put a (3.bravery)……………face on it trying to bear the burden.
Can you envision in your mind an hour (4. spend)……………in a traffic jam, say, this morning?
Do you light one cigarette after another? Do you sound the horn every few seconds like the other
neurotics? Or do you take a different stance and withstand the (5. stress)……………moment you can also
do a crossword puzzle, listen to your (6. favour)……………music or even compose amenu for your
Sunday dinner.
In fact, whatever way you respond to the (7. annoy)……………situation, you can exert no
impact on it as the traffic jam will only reduce in due course. Nevertheless, your reaction might
(8.consider)……………influence your mood for the rest of the day. The inability to confront a
stressful occurrence like that with a deal of (9. compose)……………and sensibility adds much
more strain to your life and in this way puts your well-being in jeopardy. (10. Surprise) ……………, it’s
the seemingly negligible hardships we stumble on daily that run double the risk of developing serious
health disorders rather than our isolated tragedies however painful they may be.
V. Put the sentences (A - A) in the correct order (1 - 10 ) to make a meaningful I conversation. One is
done for you as the beginning of the conversation. (5 pts)
A.No problem. What do you fancy? Ham sandwiches?
B. OK, let’s go to the swimming pool and lie in the Sim.
C. Shall we go shopping? There’s nothing in the fridge.
D. I think the pool will be packed today.
E. Go on, then. But only if you make lunch!
F. Not if we go early and get a good spot. Oh, come on!
G. Too many people. Why don’t we go for a walk?
H. I don’t want to go shopping. The weather’s too nice.
I. What shall we do today?
J. No, not a walk. Let’s take lunch to the pool instead.
K. Yes, that’s fine. I like sandwiches.
Your answers: 0…… I……..
VI. Each of the following sentences contains ONE error. Underline the error and write the correct
answer in the space provided. (5 pts)
1. Hiddleston, an actor in the new King Kong film, said he had ever planned a summer 1……………
vacation in Vietnam when he was a 19-years-old university student.
2. Director Jordan Voght-Roberts said he chose Vietnam like a filming location for 2……………
“Kong: Skull Island” as he wanted to offer audiences something new and different.
3. He said the scenes in Vietnam were between the four most important ones, and 3……………
would look as stunning as scenes in “The Lord of the Rings”.
4. He wanted audiences to be so impress that they would want to come to Vietnam 4……………
after seeing the movie.
5. Around 320 tons of equipment had been ship to Vietnam by air and sea before last 5……………
VII. Fill in each numbered space with ONE appropriate word. (10 pts)
Everyone (1)……………exams stressful, and this is especially true of oral exams. Imagine that
you are taking an exam and you have just (2)……………asked a question to (3)……………you know
the answer perfectly well. In the classroom, you would answer it (4)……………any problem, but
at this precise moment, you are unable to think or speak. You can’t concentrate on the question at (5)
……………and the only thoughts which go (6)……………your mind are helpful ones like: "It
wouldn’t be fair if J failed this exam because I’ve worked so hard and spent so much time studying. Why
would (7)……………have to happen to me?”. As you look up, it seems that theexaminer is starting at you
in a very friendly way, but he or she is probably just trying to be as encouraging as (8)……………. You
feel you have to say something so you start to speak – butwhen you open your (9) ……………, the only
thing that comes (10)……………is: “I’m sorry, I don’tknow”.
VIII. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to fill in the blanks. (10 pts)
Education is more important today than ever before. It helps people acquire the skills they need for
such everyday (1)……………as reading a newspaper or managing their money. It alsogives them the
specialized training they may need to (2) ……………for a job or career. Forexample, a person must meet
certain educational requirements and obtain a (3) …………… orcertificate before he can practice law or
medicine. Many fields, like computer operation or police work, (4) …………… satisfactory completion of
special training courses.
Education is also important (5)…………… it helps people get more out of life. It increasestheir
knowledge and understanding of the world. It helps them acquire the skills that make life more interesting
and enjoyable, (6)……………the skills needed to participate in a sport, paint apicture, or play a musical
(7)……………. Such education becomes (8)…………… important aspeople gain more and more leisure
Education also helps people adjust to change. This habit has become necessary because social
changes today take place with increasing speed and (9)……………the lives of more andmore people.
Education can help a person understand these changes and provide him (10) …………… the skills for
adjusting to them.
1. A. works B. jobs C. actions D. activities
2. A. do B. prepare C. make D. work
3. A. license B. card C. diploma D. paper
4.A. requires B. requiring C. require D. to require
5. A. therefore B. despite C. although D. because
6. A. such as B. for instance C. such that D. for example
7. A. appliance B. equipment C. instrument D. device
8. A. increased B. increasing C. increase D. increasingly
9. A. effect B. affect C. affective D. effective
10. A. with B.for C. in D. to
IX. Read the text and match the headings (A-G) with the paragraphs (0-5). One is done for you as an
example. There is one extra heading which you do not need. (5 pts)
A. You can give it a try B. Providing a good model to follow
C. Throw it out- are you sure? D. How to build a green house
E. A man of many talents F. No bills to pay
G. Watch your step
Donnachadh McCarthy takes environmental issues very seriously. As an eco-auditor he gives
advice to people and companies on how to make their homes and offices more eco- friendly, as an author
he writes books that persuade readers to have a greener lifestyle, and he is often a speaker on
environmental issues at different conferences.
Yet, he doesn’t believe words are enough: he would like to lead by example. This is why he turned
his home in central London into a place where he can prove he lives by the green principles which he
promotes. His Victorian house from the 1840s was equipped with different environmentally friendly
devices to become first a zero-carbon house (same amount of CO2 in and out) and later on carbon-negative
(less CO2, out than in).
How is possible? First of all, he is very careful to use alternative energy sources like wind and sun
wherever possible. Heating in the house is provided by a wood burner that is powered by waste wood near
his house. Hot water comes from a solar water heating system from the roof and his toilet only uses
rainwater. Water is not wasted in his home. While the average British household consumes 160 liters of tap
water a day, he only uses 26 liters.
The same level of attention is given to household waste in his house. With thorough recycling he
only needed one bin for the whole of last year and even this one bin was not full.
He does not misuse electricity either. Donnachadh McCarthy does not buy any from outside sources
because he generates his own “green” electricity with the solar electric panels on his [roof. In fact, he
produces so much that the national system pays him for the extra amount.
If we add up how much greenhouse gas we produce a year, we get our carbon footprint, which is
measured in units of carbon dioxide (CO2). The carbon footprint of an average British household is 6,000
kg of CO2. In the case of Donnachadh McCarthy’s place this figure is minus 114kg! Donnachadh
McCarthy said in an interview: “If I can do it in an old terraced house in central London, there is nothing to
stop people everywhere doing it in their homes.”
Your answers: Example: 0………. E……….
X. Rewrite each of the following sentences so that it means the same as the first one, beginning with the
given words. (5 pts)
1. It was wrong of you to allow a four-year-old child to walk home alone.
→ You should ………………………………………………………………………………………
2. I could realize how important English is only after I graduated from university.
→ Not until …………………………………………………………………………………………
3. Mrs. Green is proud of her son’s contribution to the play last night.
→ Mrs. Green is proud of what ……………………………………………………………………
4. Thanks to Laura’s support, I was able to finish the project.
→ Had Laura ………………………………………………………………………………………

5. We have booked five rooms, only two of which have air conditioning.
→ Only two out………………………………………………………………………………………
XI. “Students shouldn’t spend too much time playing internet games”. Write a paragraph (of about 100-
120 words) to state your opinion about this statement. (10 pts)

ĐỀ SỐ 25
(Đề thi học sinh giỏi 9 tỉnh Bắc Giang- Đề dự phòng)
Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút
Part I. (5 pts) People are checking into a hotel. What do they have to do? Listen and circle the correct
answer among A, B or C. You will hear the recording TWICE.
1. She has to…………...
A. show a credit card B. fill out a registration form C. show a driver’s license
2. He has to …………...
A. show a passport B. show a company ID C. show a credit card
3. He has to…………....
A. give a confirmation number
B. leave a deposite
C. spell his last name
4. She has to …………...
A. show a passport B. show a driver’s license C. show an airline ticket
5. He has to…………...
A. show a credit card B. give a confirmation number C. show a passport
Part II. (5 pts) You will hear a boy, Peter, telling his friend, Jessica, about a film he has made. Listen
and complete questions 6 to 10, You will hear the conversation TWICE.
Peter’s Film!
Website address: www.trick.films.co
Day can first see film: (6)………….
Name of film: (7) The………….
Subject of film: (8) a………….
Number of drawings to make film: (9)………….
How long film is: (10)…………. seconds.
Part III. (5pts) You will hear someone on the radio talking about a music competition. Listen and
complete each question from 11 to 15. You will hear the information TWICE.
For students younger than: …..16 years old………
Date of competition: (11)………….December
Place: (12) Town………….
Starts at: (13)………….p.m
First price: (14)………….ride.
For information phone: (15) Maggie………….
Part IV (5 pts) You will hear a student called Sandra talking to her teacher about the draft of proposal.
She has written for the competition. Listen and choose the best word (A, B, C or D) for the question
from 16 to 20. You will hear the recording TWICE.
16. The tutor thinks that Sandra’s proposal
A. should be re - ordered in some parts. B. needs a contests page.
C. ought to include more information. D. needs to colour the pictures.
17. The proposal would be easier to follow if Sandra
A. inserted subheadings. B. used more paragraphs.
C. minded punctuation. D. shortened her sentences.
18. What was the problem with the formatting on Sandra’s proposal?
A. Separate points were not clearly identified.
B. The headings were not always clear.
C. Page numbering was not used in an appropriate.
D. The titles are too small.
19. Sandra became interested in visiting the Navajo National Park through
A. articles she read. B. travel brochures.
C. movies she saw as a child. D. photographs she found on the internet.
20. Which topis does Sandra agree to include in the proposal?
A. Climate change B. Field trip activities C. Impact of tourism D. Social history.
II. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences. (10 pts)
1. Don't forget………….part in the Mid-Fall Festival tonight.
A. taking B. take C. to take D. taken
2. My mother is capable………….writing the book report.
A. for B. about C. of D. from
3. Minh's classmates………….a picnic in the mountain in the past three days.
A. has B. have had C. have D. has had
4. The students are always………….about doing the experiment in their Physics class.
A. excited B. interested C. bored D. tired
5. When you see the traffic light turn into red, you………….stop.
A. should B. cam C. must D. ought
6. Because the lift was…………., we had to use stairs to reach the fifth floor.
A. out of order B. in order C. operated D. run out of
7. Mr. Ba will have his house………….yellow next Sunday.
A. to repaint B. repaint C. repainted D. repainting
8. When I came in, they………….newspapers in the library.
A. read B. were reading C. are reading D. will read
9. The girl………….to the hospital after the accident is my closest friend.
A. taking B. take C. to take D. taken
10. ………….the gift they gave, she felt very happy.
A. Because B. Thanks C. Because of D. In spite
III. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets (10 pts)
1. Peter did not get used to (get)………….up early when he first came to Vietnam.
2. By the time your brother (return)………….here next year, the city will have changed a lot.
3. What tune (play)………….when we came in?
4. I wish I (know)………….her address now.
5. They (learn)………….English from nine to ten in this room. Don’t let anyone disturb them then.
6. The prisoner is thought (escape)………….by climbing over the wall yesterday.
7. Five kilometres (be)………….a long way for a little boy to walk.
8. He stepped down from the bench on which he (stand)………….and walked out of the room.
9. He (serve)………….in the army in the last war.
10. She regrets (not/ buy)………….that house. It is much more expensive now.
IV. Complete the following passage with an appropriate form of the word in BLOCK CAPITAL. (10
Village life
In 1997, tired of the noise and (1. POLLUTE)………….of the city, best-selling author Will
Smith and his family moved out to Chersey, apicturesque village in the Suffolk countryside, with 53 (2.
INHABIT)………….and one shop. Three years later they sold their (3. BEAUTY)………….16th century
cottage and moved back to London, where they now live in a smart new (4. NEIGHBOUR)………….on
the outskirts of the city. So what happened? “Chersey seemedan idyllic place to live,” explains Will, “a
quiet, (5. PEACE)………….old village in extremely(6.PLEASE)………….surroundings. However, we
soon became aware of the (7. ADVANTAGE)………….of village life. With so little to do in Chersey, and
because the buses were so (8- FREQUENT)…………., our teenage children became (9. DEPEND)
………….on us to takethem everywhere in the car. As for our own social life, the neighbors were rather
cold and (10. FRIEND)…………., so we felt very isolated and lonely. It was not the rural idyll we had
V. Put the sentences (A- K) in the correct order (1 -10) to make a meaningful conversation. One is done
for you as the beginning of the conversation. (5 pts)
A. No problem. What do you fancy? Ham sandwiches?
B. OK, let’s go to the swimming pool and lie in the sun.
C. Shall we go shopping? There’s nothing in the fridge.
D. I think the pool will be packed today.
E. Go on, then. But only if you make lunch!
F. Not if we go early and get a good spot. Oh, come on!
G. Too many people. Why don’t we go for a walk?
H. I don’t want to go shopping. The weather’s too nice.
I. What shall we do today?
J. No, not a walk. Let’s take lunch to the pool instead.
K. Yes, that’s fine. I like sandwiches.
Your answers: 0.……I……
VI. Read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct but some have a
word which should not be there. If a line is correct, put a tick (√) by the number on the separate answer
sheet. If a line has a word which should not be there, write the word Ớ/7 the separate answer sheet.
Some lines have been done for you as examples. (5 pts)
0. In 1889, an Englishwoman and her daughter, on a visit to the Great ……√……..
00. Exhibition in Paris, checked up into one of the most expensive hotels ……up……
1. there. Each had her own room. The daughter wanted to have take ……………
2. in the sights and sounds of the city immediately but her mother, tired ……………
3. after the trip, wanted to sleep. The girl accordingly she went out alone, ……………
4. strolled the Champs Elysées and saw the Eiffel Tower. When has she ……………
5. returned to her mother’s room for six hours later, she found it empty. ……………
6. There was no sign of her mother ever having been there. When she ……………
7. asked the manager he insisted on that no one at the hotel had seen ……………
8. her or her mother check in. The mother had disappeared away! ……………
9. The desperate girl searched for weeks before that finally returning to ……………
10. England. She died ten years later in a mental hospital. So that what was ……………
11. the explanation? After the daughter had been gone sightseeing, her ….been……
12. mother had complained to the hotel doctor that she felt ill. It turned out ……√…….
13.that shehad contracted the plague! Hotel staff were instructed but not ….but……
14. to say a word to anyone about it, in case visitors panicked and left the city. …… √…….
No one knows what happened to the mother.
VII. Fill in each numbered space with ONE appropriate word. Read the text below and think of the
word which best fits each space. (10 pts)
Ten years ago, Paul Freeman was so poor that he couldn’t (1)…………..to go on holiday
unless he stayed with relatives. He lived in a liny house with three friends and would only buy clothes If
they were very (2)…………... However, he had always wanted to (3) ………….. up hisown business and,
eventually, he decided to go for it. It wasn’t easy, and he couldn’t risk buying anything expensive in (4)
………….. he needed the money for the business. Today, however, he is wealthier (5)………….. he ever
imagined he would be.
Paul’s story contains a few useful lessons. (6) ………….. you want to be rich, it doesn’t matter what you
produce, as long as there is a market for it. You might have difficulties in the beginning but you should
never (7) ………….. up. If you’re finding it hard to get by, (8)…………..to be patient. Then, provided that
you are careful with money, you should soon start to be ' successful.
Even now, Paul rarely goes on holiday. So why doesn’t this successful entrepreneur take holidays? Perhaps
it is because he has invested some of his money (9)…………..houses. Askyourself this: if you - like Paul -
had luxurious homes in Jamaica, Florida, Switzerland and France, how many holidays (10) ………….. you
VIII. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to fill in the blanks. (10 pts)
Over the past forty years, TV sets have become standard pieces of equipment in (1)…………..
and watching TV has become a standard activity for many families. Children in our culture grow up and
(2) ………….. TV in the morning, in the afternoon, and often in the evening as well. (3) ………….. there
are many excellent programs for children, many people think that TV may I not be good for them.
4)…………..TV may be a bad influence (5)…………..children for three main reasons. (6)…………..
some programs are not good for children to see. For example, there are many police stories on TV:
people are killed (7) ………….. guns, knives and even poisons. Some children might think these things
could (8) ………….. to them at any time. (9)…………..they can become(10)…………...
1. A. each of home B. all of homes C. most homes D. almost homes
2. A. to watch B. seeing C. watching D. watch
3. A. Despite B. Yet C. Allthough D. But
4. A. So that B. Though C. In addition D. In fact
5. A. on B. to C. of D. about
6. A. The first B. Firstly of all C. After all D. First of all
7. A. by B. of C. with D. to
8. A. be B. take place C. happen D. work
9. A. After all B. Therefore C. But D. Whereas
10. A. fearful B. frightened C. frightening D. fearlessness
X. The people below all want to buy a book on travel.
Read the descriptions of eight books. Decide which book (letters A-E) would be the most suitable for
each person or people (numbers 1-5), For each of these numbers mark the correct letter on your answer
sheet. (5 pts)
1. Robert is planning to travel round the world by train. He would like a book with pitures and maps to take
with him on his long journeys.
2. Mrs. Jones used to love visiting France, but now she is too old to travel. She wants a book [with lots of
photographs which will help her to remember everything she enjoyed.
3. The Harpers are planning to go on holiday round Europe. They intend to drive their car and go for walks,
so they need a book with maps and pictures to guide them on their way.
4. Clive wants to buy a book as a present for his friend Tom. Tom enjoys fishing and driving round
5. Peter has to write something for his history teacher about world explorers. He wants to know about
explorers from the past and their travels to different parts of the world.
A. Alan Titchmarsh
The English River
Alan Titchmarsh explores 18 rivers, telling their interesting stories with his appreciation of them. A
saying from a past age introduces each chapter as his exploration moves across the English countryside.
B. Robin Hanbury - Tenison
The Oxford Book of Exploration
This is a collection of the writing of explorers through the centuries. It describes the feelings and
experiences of these brave adventurers who changed the world through their search for new lands.
C. The Travel Club
Train Journeys of the World
First - hand accounts of 30 of the world’s most beautiful and dramatic railway journeys are found
together with specially drawn maps and wonderful photographs that show the people and places on the
D. Automobile Association
Walks and Tours in France
Explore spectacular and pretty France with 61 expertly researched motor tours and 114 walks,
compete with route directions, super mapping, and descriptions and pictures of places of interest for the
E. Shirley Pike
The Book of French Life
This beautiful volume contains forty wonderful photographs that show the very nature of French
life - the perfect gift for anyone who finds this country as wonderful as Shirley Pike does.
X. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word
given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word
Here is an example (0). (5 points)
0. Two years ago, Maria started learning German, (for)
Maria has been learning German for two years.
1. They’ll probably employ him for two months in the summer. (likely)
→ They…………….on for two months in the summer.
2. I just can’t wait for the Christmas holidays! (looking)
→ I…………….the Christmas holidays!
3. Tom is not a very good cook so he won’t get a job in that restaurant. (enough)
→ Tom doesn’t…………….a job in that restaurant.
4. My dad always talks when I’m watching my favorite TV program. (habit)
→ My dad has…………….when I’m watching my favorite TV program.
5. She gave me very little help with the homework. (not)
→ She did…………….help with my homework.
In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the Importance of environmental protection. Write your
paragraph on your answer sheet.
The following prompts might be helpfill to you.
- Benefits from the environment.
- If people didn’t protect the environment, what would happen to the human life?
- What should we do to protect the environment?

ĐỀ SỐ 26
(Đề thi học sinh giỏi 9 TP. Hải Phòng- Đề chính thức)
Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút
Listen to a conversation between a teacher and a student then choose the best answer to
Writeyour answers (A, B, C or D) in the spaces given below. (5 pts)
1. What is the main topic of the conversation?
A. The topic of the paper the girl needs to write.
B. The work the girl missed in the teacher’s class.
C. The gkl’s recent performance in the teacher’s class.
D. The most recent topic that the teacher covered.
2. Why was the girl absent from class?
A. She was in hospital. B. She broke her leg.
C. She had a car accident. D. She had an illness.
3. What does the girl imply about Mark?
A. He is her lab partner in the science class. B. He is one of her closest friends.
C. She often studies with him after school. D. She will ask him for his class notes.
4. What does the teacher give the girl?
A. An assignment sheet. B. A test paper.
C. A permission slip. D. A report that she wrote.
5. What will the girl probably do next?
A. Submit her assignment. B. Take a make-up exam.
C. Attend her next class. D. Ask the teacher a question.
II. Listen to the passage and write T (true) or F (false) to the statements. Write your answers in the
spaces given on the right. (5 pts)
1. Non-renewable sources are being used up.
2. Many poor people in developing countries have little electricity.
3. Biogas is a new source of energy available for poor people.
4. Biogas creates a lot of smoke.
5. The new energy source is costly.
I. Choose the word whose bold part is pronounced differently from that of others in each group. Write
your answers (A, B, C or D) in the spaces given on the right. (5 pts)
1. A. rugged B. looked C. beloved D. crooked
2. A. necklace B. shoelace C. embrace D. commonplace
3. A. machine B. stomach C. champagne D. parachute
4. A. sour B. hour C. flour D. odour
5. A. worthy B. together C. thorough D. paths
II. Pick out the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others ỉn each group. Write your
answers (A, B, C or D) in the spaces given on the right. (5 pts)
1. A. forward B. comment C. although D. concert
2. A. enginery B. particular C. currency D. dormitory
3. A. graduation B. agricultural C. laboratory D. recommend
4.A. arithmetic B. aerobics C. Arabic D. terrific
5. A. appreciate B. interview C. preferable D. comfortable
I. Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence.
Write your answers (A, B, C or D) in the spaces given on the right. (10 pts)
1. A: “It’s my birthday today.” - B: “……………….!”
A. Good for you B. Many happy returns C. Congratulation D. Well done
2. Many rare species of animals are now……………….of extinction.
A. on the verge B. in dangers C. on the side D. at risk
3. As children, we were………………to respect our elders.
A. grown up B. kept up C. brought up D. held up
4. When I returned the wallet I found on the street to its owner, he gave me a big……………….
A. reward B. present C. prize D. gift
5. Prices continued to rise while wages remained low……………… the government becameincreasingly
A. on condition that B. provided that
C. with the result that D. on the chance that
6. He seldom goes to the cinema,………………?
A. doesn’t he B. is he C. does he D. isn’t he
7. I hope you don’t mind me………………late at night.
A. telephone B. to telephone C. telephoning D. telephoned
8. The buffet dinner was served and the host said to his guests: “………………”
A. Get what you like B. Eat what you want
C. Help yourselves D. Don’t be too polite
9. Being in no great hurry,……………….
A. we went the long route with scenery
B. the long, scenic route was our preference
C. we took the long, scenic route
D. our preference was taking the long, scenic route
10. Don't be late for the interview;………………people will think you are a disorganized person.
A. unless B. otherwise C. if not D. or so
11. There are a lot of………………buildings in the center of New York.
A. many-floored B. multi-storied C. many-story D. multi- storey
12. Never………………until tomorrow what you can do today.
A. put off B. set off C. call off D. keep off
13. She had changed so much that………………anyone recognized her.
A. almost B. hardly C. not D. nearly
14. As the car is small, it's much more………………on petrol.
A. expensive B. pool C. economical D. economic
15. Jill isn't on the phone,………………makes it difficult to contact her.
A. which B. that C. who D. it
16. His sister suggested………………jeans and T-shirt when he went for the interview.
A. him not wear B. he didn’t wear C. he mustn’t wear D. he not wear
17. Only at weekend………………my kids to the Water Park.
A. I don’t take B. do I take C. I take D. I do take
18. "Excuse me, but there is something about………………immediately."
A. that I must speak to you B. that I must speak to you about
C. which I must speak to you D. which I must speakto you about it
19. “But, son”-I told him - “You’re my own……………….”
A. heart to heart B. body and soul C. flesh and blood D. skin and bone
20. We only sell it……………….
A. by metres B. by the metre C. by a metre D. for metres
II. Give the correct form or tense of the verbs in brackets.
Write your answers in the spaces given. (10 pts)
1. He (hardly take)………………up the book when the phone (ring)……………….
2. I can't bear (sit) ……………at home all day, (do)………………nothing.
3. When (ask) ……………about his future plan, he said he was considering (change)………….his job.
4. The teacher asked those who (complete)………………their tests (turn)………………in their papers.
5. People (always blame)………………their circumstances for what they (be)………………
6. Had he (learn)………………the poem, he (tell)………………her about it.
7. His greatest ambition is (choose) (take)………………part in the Olympic.
8. By the time he (return)………………next week, we (finish)………………all the work.
9. Look! The rain (spoil)………………our furniture. You (close) ……………… the windows last night.
10. If I (meet)………………him yesterday, I (have to) ………………come back tomorrow.
III. Give the correct form of the words in brackets.
Write your answers in the spaces given on the right. (10 pts)
1. Jenny has sent me a very (APOLOGY)………………letter explaining why she didn’t dowhat she had
2. (FOREST)……………… is a big problem for the government to solve.
3. The organization is run on a voluntary (BASE)……………….
4. The giant panda is a(n) (DANGER)………………species.
5. (SPORT)………………is the spirit of all Olympic Games.
6. He is looking (APPRECIATE) ……………… thinner.
7. Some designers have (MODERN)………………the Ao dai by printing lines of poetry on it.
8. Laser beams can kill cancer cells while leaving the surrounding ones (HARM)………………
9. She always listens (ATTENTION) ……………… to what she is told.
10. (ENVIRONMENT)………………are doing their best to make us aware of the danger of all
IV. Fill each gap in the following sentences with a suitable preposition or an adverb particle. (10 pts)
1. I’m………………the impression that Mr. Black broke the car window………………purpose.
2. New Year’s Eve, all the streets were packed……………… people.
3. She is not only indifferent………………other people, she is very rude………………them as well.
4. He gave me some money………………payment………………all my service.
5. We complained t the manager……………… the bad service of the hotel.
6. ………………the end, the story turned………………to be a tragedy.
7. He called……………… my house………………tea last Sunday morning.
8. He usually writes his essays………………ink……………… ruled paper.
9. Don’t go ……………… food if you want to lose weight. Just eat less and cut down……………….
fatty food.
10. On their way to the station they were caught………………the rain and before long were
V. Point out one of the underlined parts in each sentence that is not correct and get it right. Write A,
B,CorD and your corrections in the spaces provided. Number 0 is an example. (5 pts)
0. A. hardly ever
0. She hardly never goes to the supermarket without buying some bread and cheese.
1. Did they tell you that has in our town an excellent beach less than a mile from the campus?
2. He paid me $10 for cleaning twenty windows, most of them hadn’t been cleanedfor at least a year.
3. I think it would be easier to hold the audience’s attention if you had d slide showalong to the lecture.
4. The explanation that our teacher gave us was different from the oneyour gave you.
5. The factory made many its employees redundant because it had automated so many operations.
I. Read the passage and choose the correct answer to each question.
Write your answers (A, B, C or D) in the spaces given on the right. (5 pts)
Many people now think that teachers give pupils too much homework. They say that it is
unnecessary for children to work at home in their free time. Moreover, they argue that most teachers do not
properly plan the homework task they give, to pupils. The result is that pupils have to repeat tasks which
they have already done at school.
Recently in Greece many parents complained about the difficult homework which teachers gave to
their children. The parents said that most of the homework was a waste of time, and they wanted to stop it.
Spain and Turkey are two countries which stopped homework recently. In Denmark, Germany and several
other countries in Europe, teachers cannot sét homework at weekends. In Holland, teachers allow pupils to
stay at school to do their homework. The children are free to help one another. Similar arrangements also
exist in some British schools.
Most people agree that homework is unfair. A pupil who can do his homework in a quiet and
comfortable room is in a much better position than a pupil who does his homework in a small, noisy room
with the television on. Some parents help their children with their homework. Other parents take no interest
at all in their children's homework.
It is important, however, that teachers talk to parents about homework. A teacher should suggest
suitable tasks for parents to do with their children. Parents are often better at teaching their own children.
1. According to the writer, many parents would like their children…………….
A. to do homework at school only
B. to have less homework
C. to do more difficult homework
D. to do homework both at school and at home.
2. According to many parents,……………..
A. children are too lazy to do their homework
B. teachers do not set enough homework
C. children shouldn't be given marks for homework
D. a lot of homework has not been planned properly
3. Greek parents thought……………..
A. their children's homework was too easy
B. their children's homework was useful
C. their children's homework was useless
D. more time should be allowed for homework
4. In some countries in Europe,……………..
A. teachers cannot have their pupils do their homework at weekends ,
B. few people think homework should be given to children only at weekends
C. teachers are allowed to give homework to children only at weekends
D. most people agree that it is fair to have children do their homework at home
5. Pick out the statement that is NOT TRUE.
A. In some schools in Britain, children can do their homework at school and help one another.
B. Only a small number of people think homework is fair.
C. Teachers should advise parents about how to work together with their children at home.
D. All parents show great interest in their children's homework.
II. Read the passage and choose the correct word for each blank.
Write your answers (A, B, C, or D) in the spaces given on the right. (5 pts)
Have you known that on average we take home 150 plastic bags annually? In (1)
…………….words, that means a global figure of one million plastic bags taken home every minute. We
are sure you will agree this is a truly shocking statistic.
Plastic bags cannot be simply (2)…………….of along with your domestic rubbish - they can
blow off landfill sites and become highly (3)…………….litter which can remain in the
environment for a number of years. They are not only an eyesore but they are a (4)…………….to
the environment, too. For example, plastic bags almost blocked Buriganga river in Bangladesh, and they
are widely (5)…………….responsible for causing devastating floods there on twoseparate occasions.
They also (6)…………….a particular threat to wildlife. More and more (7)…………….dead turtles
and whales are discovered washed up on beaches, killed by swallowing plastic bags. To marine life, a
plastic bag closely (8)…………….a jellyfish.
These are the reasons why you should reuse plastic bags you already have or take a small rucksack
on trips to the supermarket. Why not take (9)…………….now and show how much youcare about the
environment by (10)…………….this small step!
1. A. fewer B. some C. those D. other
2. A. disposed B. thrown C. finished D. used
3. A. evident B. observable C. visible D. marked
4. A. risk B. danger C. difficulty D. issue
5. A. shown B.taken C. made D. held
6. A. model B. set C. pose D. generate
7. A. popularly B. frequently C. common D. generally
8. A. resembles B. reminds C. equates D. appears
9. A. again B. advantage C. action D. account
10. A. helping B. doing C. following D. takin
III. Fill each blank in the following passage with ONE suitable word.
Write your answers in the spaces given. (10 pts)
At sixteen Henry Vincent was separated from his family as a result of the war. He wandered
aimlessly from (1)…………….country to another (2) …………….finally settling down in Australia, (3)
…………….he trained (4) …………….an electronics engineer. He established (5)…………….own
business but it called for so much work that marriage was out of the (6)……………..
His retirement suddenly (7)…………….him realise (8)…………….lonely he was and he decided
to(9)…………….up a hobby. With his interest (10)…………….electronics, amateur radio seemed a
natural choice. He installed his own equipment and obtained a licence and his call sign, which is the set of
letters and numbers used to (11)…………….oneself when making radio contact withother radio amateurs
all (12)…………….the world.
Soon Henry had (13)…………….great many contacts in far-off places. One in particular was a
plan in California with (14)……………. he had much in common. One night the man in California
(15)…………….to mention the village in Europe he (16)…………….come from. Suddenly, Henry
realised that this man was in fact his younger brother, Peter. At first, the two brothers were at a (17)
…………….for words but then little by little they filled (18)…………….the details of their past
ilives and not (19)…………….afterwards Henry Vincent flew to California to (20)……………. reunited
with his brother.
I. Finish the second sentence in such a way that it means the same as the original one. (10 pts)
1. Please don’t interrupt me when I'm speaking.
→ I'd rather……………………………………………………………………………………………
2. He was sentenced to six months in prison for his part in the robbery.
→ He received a……………………………………………………………………………………….
3. It was such an awful meal that we complained to the manager of the restaurant.
→ The meal……………………………………………………………………………………………
4. Nobody expected her to lose, but she did.
→ Against…………………………………………………………………………………………….
5. His faithful dog sat by his side.
→ By his side ………………………………………………………………………………………..
6. He tried hard, but he could not finish the work on time.
→ No matter………………………………………………………………………………………….
7. She only started writing the report when she had collected enough facts.
→ It was only ………………………………………………………………………………………..
8. I left without saying goodbye as I didn't want to disturb the meeting.
→ Rather……………………………………………………………………………………………..
9. It's thought that the accident was caused by his carelessness.
→ The accident………………………………………………………………………………………
10. “Don’t forget to lock the house when you go out, William,” his mother said.
→ William’s mother …………………………………………………………………………………
II. Rewrite each sentence in such a way that it means the same as the original one, using the word in the
bracket at the end of each sentence. Do not change this word in any way. (5 pts)
1. You should think carefully about the consequences before you start the business. (ACCOUNT)
2. There’s no point in asking him for support. (GOOD)
3. Her attitude interests me very much. (FIND)
4. John always arrives after everyone else. (LAST)
5. Who is responsible for all this mess? (BLAME)

ĐỀ SỐ 27
(Đề thi học sinh giỏi 9 TP. Hải Phòng - Đề dự phòng)
Thời gian làm hài: 150 phút
I.Mi and Nick visited Ms Hoa’s home. Listen to their conversation. Who did the following things?
Tick (√) the appropriate column. Sometimes you may need to tick both.(5 pts)
Ms Hoa Nick
1. tried Dutch foods and drinks
2. watched traditional Dutch dancing
3. watched parades
4. listened to folk music
5. was interested in the festival

II. Listen to five different people talking about their jobs and complete the gaps with a wordfrom the
box. (5pts)
pilot dentist shop assistant nurse tour guide

1. Speaker A works as a………………..

2. Speaker B works as a………………..
3. Speaker c works as a………………..
4. Speaker D works as a………………..
5. Speaker E works as a………………..
I. Choose the word whose bold part is pronounced differently from that of others in each teroup. Write
your answers (A, B, C or D) in the spaces given on the right. (5 pts)
1. A. naked B. walked C. needed D. sacred
2. A. storage B. encourage C. shortage D. garage
3. A. timber B. plumber C. climb D. debt
4. A. increases B. produces C. fixes D. raises
5. A. advertise B. anxiety C. many D. angry
II. Pick out the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others in each group.
Write your answers (A, B, C or D) in the spaces given on the right. (5 pts)
1. A. copy B. pollute C. rely D. prefer
2. A. recreation B. entertainment C. literature D. information
3. A. acquaintance B. nominate C. priority D. Tradition
4. A. accurate B. customer C. computer D. exercise
5. A. individual B. entertainment C. introduction D. environment
I. Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence.
Write your answers (A, B, C or D) in the spaces given on the right. (10 pts)
1. My employer's…………..of my work does not matter to me at all.
A. idea B. belief C. opinion D. expression
2. We have to…………..the natural resources of our country.
A. keep B. preserve C. maintain D. conserve
3. Nobody was injured in the accident,…………..?
A. was it B. were they C. was they D. wasn’t it
4. John: “Thank you very much for helping me.” Sue: “…………...”
A. You don't mention it B. No mention of it
C. You mention it D. Don't mention it
5. A handsome reward will be given to…………..finds the missing jewellery.
A. who B. anyone C. whom D. whoever
6. Albert Camus, a French journalist who won the 1957 Nobel Prize for literature, …………..about
individual freedoms and alienation from society.
A. and wrote passionately
B. writing passionately
C. he wrote passionately
D. wrote passionately
7. Whatever………….., don’t believe him.
A. he says B. he’ll say C. he doesn't say D. he should say
8. My brother has always had a reputation…………..hard.
A. in working B. about working C. to working D. for working
9. There was hardly…………..money left in my bank account.
A. more B. no C. some D. any
10. I am late because my alarm clock didn’t…………..this morning.
A. come on B. ring out C. go off D. turn on
11. I must go to the dentist and…………..
A. get my teeth to take care of B. take care of my teeth
C. get mý teeth be taken care of D. get my teeth taken care of
12.Never…………..such an enjoyable holiday.
A. I will forget to have B. will I forget to have
C. will I forget having D. will I be forgotten having
13.My passport…………..last month, so I will have to get a new one.
A. expired B. passed C. ended D. terminated
14 We have bought extra food…………..our friends stay to dinner.
A. if B. in case C. provided D. as long as
15. We are destroying our environment by adding more…………..to it.
A. pollutes B. pollutants C. pollutives D. pollutions
16. He tried to explain the reason…………..he got to class late yesterday.
A. for which B. of which C. in which D. by which
17. A: “My parents have been married for thirty years and they are still going strong.”
A. What a pity B. It’s all right C. Sorry about that D. How sweet
18.I bumped …………..an old friend while I waswalking along the street.
A. across B. into C. over D. for
19. We hire our bicycle…………...
A. by hours B. by the hour C. by an hour D. for hours
20.…………...in mind that these pills must be taken regularly if they are to be effective.
A. Bear B. Store C. Remember D. Carry
II. Give the correct form or tense of the verbs in brackets,
Write your answers in the spaces give. (10 pts)
1. Today you (look)…………..as if you (be)…………..an actress.
2. I suppose when I (come)…………..back in two years' time, they (pull)…………..down all these
old buildings.
3. I (see)…………..a car accident while I (wait)…………..for you on this comer yesterday.
4. (Cook)…………..the meal, she continued (clean)…………..the house.
5. If he (not drink)…………..so much last night, he (not be)…………..so tired now.
6. He became addicted to (play)…………..games. He really regretted (not take) …………..hisfather's
7. At this time next week I (spend)…………..my holiday in Da Lat, (have)a good time.
8. If it were (rain)………….., we (have to)…………..cancel the soccer match tomorrow.
9. An eyewitness (describe)…………..how the accident (happen) …………...
10. What you (think)…………..you (do)…………..in ten years’ time?
III. Give the correct form of the words in brackets.
Write your answers in the spaces given on the right. (10 pts)
1. Librarians spend a lot of their time (CLASS) books.
2. The company has decided to withdraw some (SPONSOR) of its.
3. I’m sure he’ll be successful. In fact, he’s so (AMBITION).
4. Newspapers and magazines present information (VISION).
5. The criminal was (PRISON) for seven years.
6. Where is the (ENTER) to his shopping centre?
7. It was not easy to understand her (ACT) to the situation.
8. The weather is getting (INCREASE) hot.
9. The men were very (COURAGE) in the battle.
10. The city has over one million (INHABIT).
IV. Fill each gap in the following sentences with a suitable preposition or an adverb particle. (10 pts)
1. Do you like coffee…………..or…………..milk?
2. They often quarrel…………..each other…………..little things.
3. He’s not used…………..the weather here. It’s got a bad effect…………..his health.
4. Things are going…………..bad…………..worse.
5. …………..arrival at the hotel, she insisted…………..seeing the hotel manager.
6. Many kinds of rare animals are…………..danger extinction.
7. I'm………….. having any more meetings. I’m too tired…………..them.
8. This problem is…………..my understanding. I know nothing…………..it.
9. We will provide you…………..whatever information you ask…………..
10. We are counting…………..you to help us…………..today’s assignment.
V. Point out one of the underlined parts in each sentence that is not correct and get it right.
Write A, B, C or D and your corrections in the spaces provided. (5 pts)
Number 0 is an example.
Ex: A. hardly ever
0. She hardly never goes to the supermarket without buying some bread and cheese.
1. The town we visited was a four-days journey by bus from our hotel, so we took thetrain instead.
2. The Barber of Seville is a famous opera who main character was a barber named Figaro.
3. Jim was upset last night because he had to do toomany houseworks.
4. She wishes she couldspeak English as fluentas her sister.
5. Discovered over 2,000 years ago, copper is one of the earliestknow metals.
I. Read the passage and choose the correct answer to each question.
Write your answer (A, B, C or D) in the space given on the right. (5 pts)
Elizabeth Blackwell was bom in England in 1821, and emigrated to New York City whenshe was
ten years old. One day she decided that she wanted to become a doctor. That wasnearly impossible for a
woman in the middle of the nineteenth century. After writing manyletters seeking admission to the medical
schools, she was finally accepted by a doctor in Philadelphia. So determined was she that she taught at
school and gave music lessons to earnmoney for her school fee.
In 1849, after graduation from medical school, she decided to further her education in Paris.
She wanted to be a surgeon, but a serious eye infection forced her to abandon the idea.
Upon returning to the United States, she found it difficult to start her own practice because she was a
woman. By 1875 Elizabeth and her sister, also a doctor, along with another female doctor, managed to
open a new hospital, the first one for women and children. Besides being the first female physician and
founding her own hospital, she also established the first medical school for women.
1. Why couldn’t Elizabeth realize her dream of becoming a surgeon?
A. She couldn’t get admitted to medical school.
B. She decided to further her education in Paris.
C. A serious eye infection prevented her.
D. It was difficult for her to stall practice in the US.
2. What main reason almost destroyed Elizabeth’s chances of becoming a doctor?
A. She was a woman. B. She wrote too many letters.
C. She couldn’t establish her hospital. D. She couldn’t graduate from medical school.
3. How many years passed between her graduation from medical school and the opening of her fcospital?
A. 8 B. 10 C. 19 D. 26
4. When Elizabeth became a doctor, she was …………..
A. 21 years old B. 49 years old C. 28 years old D. 31 years old
5. All of the followings are “first” in the life of Elizabeth Blackwell, except that
A. she became the first female physician
B. she was the first woman surgeon
C. she and several other women founded the first hospital for women and children
D. she established the first medical school for women
II. Read the passage and choose the correct word for each blank.
Write your answer (A, B, C or D) in the space given on the right. (5 pts)
British space scientists are planning to join the American in the race to find evidence of life on (1)
…………… planets. Alan Penny and his team at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory have designed a
telescope that is 40 times more powerful than Hubble. Known as ‘Darwin’, his telescope could tell if
planets 50 (2)……………years away have any kind of life on them. Twodays (3) ……………, NASA
scientists had shown a proof that one of Jupiter’s moons could support life, Penny announced that his
telescope may be included in a European Space Agency mission. The Darwin project, with a (4)
……………of 500 million, is on a short list of twoproposals. If approved it will probably be (5)
…………… around 2015, its destination somewhere between Mars and Jupiter. The blueprint is actually
for five telescopes positioned 50 meters apart in space, slowly circling a (6) …………… processing
station. The combined data from these telescopes would build up a full picture of a planet, picking out faint
images that have never been seen before. Darwin would not be able to take detailed photographs of the
planets it (7)……………, but Penny believes a second- generation telescope could be sent up to do this. He
claims it is worthwhile mapping the universe around our (8) …………… galaxy, even though
these planets lie (9)…………… our reach for the moment. The European Space Agency will make
its decision (10)……………Darwin within three years.
1. A. another B. other C. others D. the other
2. A. light B. lighten C. lightening D. lighting
3. A. following B. after C. next D. later
4. A. price B. schedule C. charge D. budget
5. A. driven B. fetched C. launched D.taken
6. A. central B. center C. middle D. heart
7. A. invents B. searches C. discovers D. looks
8. A. alone B. same C. one D. own
9. A. out B. toward C. beyond D. over
10. A. of B. on C. about D. with
III. Fill each blank in the following passage with ONE suitable word.
Write your answers in the spaces given. (10 pts)
Many years ago, people believed that all (1) ………… the heavenly bodies moved around the earth.
As we watch the sun rise and set and the stars move across the sky, it is easy to see (2) …………the
ancient people believed (3)…………; they did.
Today we know that the earth and many of the other heavenly bodies move around the sun.
The sun and all the heavenly bodies (4)…………move around it make up the solar system.Since we owe
almost everything we have on this earth to the sun, it is really the most (5)…………member of the solar
(6)…………the sun’s light, this would be a dark and gloomy world. Day and night might
have become (7) ………… a habit with us that it is hard to imagine living without (8)………….Our plants
need light to make their food. We need light for our health, work and play. A small amount of light comes
to us from other stars (9)…………the sun, but this light alone would notbe (10)…………for living thing to
I. Finish the second sentence in such a way that it means the same as the original one. (10 pts)
1. Rich as he was, he never helped the poor.
2. Harry broke his leg, and also injured his shoulder.
→Not only......................................................................................................................................
3. "You've broken my camera, Frank!" said Jane.
→Jane accused................................................................................................................................
4. If we can solve the problem of traffic sooner, people will suffer less.
→The sooner..................................................................................................................................
5. He stayed home because he got a cold.
→He came down............................................................................................................................
6. My father would rather I didn’t stay up too late. I only recognized him when he came into the room.
→My father would prefer..............................................................................................................
7. I only recognized him when he came into the room.
→It was only ................................................................................................................................
8. People think that doing morning exercises is good for the health
9. He was too far away to hear me.
→He was so...................................................................................................................................
10. What a shame you didn’t tell me earlier.
→If only........................................................................................................................................
II. Rewrite each sentence in such a way that it means the same as the original one, using the word at the
end of each sentence. Do not change this word in any way. (5 pts)
1. It's possible Karen didn't hear her name being called. (MIGHT)
2. We were all greatly impressed by her performance. (IMPRESSION)
3. Every student of the school was proud of their soccer team’s success. (PRIDE)
4. Robert lost his job two years ago. (OUT)
5. Thanks for your help and encouragement, I have my life as today. (BUT FOR)

ĐỀ SỐ 28
(Đề thi học sinh giỏi 9 tỉnh Nghệ An)
Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút
Question 1 (10 points). Choose the correct answer from A, B, C or D to complete each of the following
sentences. Write it in ‘Your answers' part.
1. I don't think we have very much ……………….; we have very different opinions.
A. together B. in common C. the same D. similar
2. I’ve been working ……………….quite a lot of pressure lately.
A. in B. with C. on D. under
3. Tom: He’s the best guitarist in our school - Mary:……………….
A. You can say that again. B. That’s fine.
C. That’s OK! D. Never mind.
4. The pop group……………….for photographs with their fans.
A. joined B. set C. afforded D. posed
5. Mr. Larry Page……………….to the last meeting, but he didn't because of sickness.
A. must go B. had to go C. should go D. should have
6. It’s vital that our children’s handwriting should be………………..
A. legible B. legitimate C. literate D. illiterate
7. She bought……………….jacket when she was in Paris last year.
A. a brown leather expensive B. a leather brown expensive
C. an expensive brown leather D. an expensive leather brown
8. He had spent ………………. time writing an essay on his childhood.
A. a few B. too many
C. a great deal of D. a large number of
9. “My daughter, Jenny, tries to……………….to see me at least once a week,” Mrs. Jones told me.
A. drop in B. go up C. come on D. call up
10. ………………., we eventually got home after the outdoor show.
A. Soak to the skin B. Soaked to the skin
C. Being soaking to the skin D. Our skin being soaked
Question 2 (10 points): Read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines ttre
correct, and some have a word which should not be there. If a line is correct, put a tick by the number.
If a line has a word which should not be there, write it in ‘Your answers' Part. Number 0 and 00 have
been done for you.
0 English is the most widely spoken language in the world today. …………√
00 It is a quite amazing how the use of English language has become so …………a
1 widespread. The English is not as easy as Esperanto, which was especially …………
2 written to be as easy as possible for people to learn, and not yet Esperanto is …………
3 spoken by very few people around the world. For many people English is …………
4 not as more beautiful a language as French but it seems too late for French …………
5 to catch up with English such as an international language. German is quite …………
6 a useful language if you are in business in Europe but it is not half as easy to …………
7 learn so as English, and people say it doesn't sound as pleasant as English. …………
8 English has been become so important that it is becoming more and more …………
essential to get if you want to get a good job. It is too early to say whether …………
9 English will remain as influential as it is today but it looks like as it will be …………
10 an international language for a long time. …………
Question 3 (10 points). Give the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the sentences. Write it
in ‘Your answers’ part.
1. The babysitter said, “Your kids have been a bit (TROUBLE)…………today.”
2. My grandmother’s health got worse because she had suffered from constant (SLEEP)…………
3. John felt very (COURAGE)………… when he failed the driving test the third time.
4. What I hate about Kate is her (RELY) …………
5. Ants and bees are often described as the most popular (INDUSTRY)…………insects.
6. Many zoos fund (SCIENCE)…………. research into animals and their behavior.
7. In fact, she is of mixed Mexican and Korean (PARENT)………….
8. You can never be sure what he is going to do. He is so………… (PREDICT), I’m afraid.
9. Please complete and return the enclosed (QUESTION)…………by Friday.
10. With the (EXCEPT)…………of the dessert, it was one of the most delicious meals we’ve
ever had.
Question 1 (7points). Complete this conversation using sentences marked by A-L. Write it in ‘Your
answers’ part. There are FIVE extra sentences which you do not need to use.
Jim: Hi, Ben. How are you? A. He always watches me and asks me why I’m not
Ben: Oh, not so good. (1) working.
Jim: Why? What’s the matter? B. You’re a great teacher.
Ben: I don’t think Mr. Jackson likes me. (2)………. C. I’m very furious now.
Jim: Why would he do that? D. If you let him know you can handle more work
Ben: I don't know. When he tells me to do jmething, E. I’m not sure I can do that. I’m often exhausted
I do it as fast as I can. (3)………. after work, you know.
Jim: Maybe Mr. Jackson thinks you take too lany F. I’m a little concerned about my job.
breaks. G. Are you kidding me?
Ben: (4)……………. H. When I finish, I take a break until he gives me
Jim: Yes, and that’s good. (5) , But something else to do.
when you finish something, you should ask Mr. I. I guess I’ll think about what you’ve said
Jackson if there’s anything else he wants you to do. J. You’re a fast worker
Ben: Do you mean I should ask for more work? K. If you don’t try harder
Jim: (6)………., he’ll see you have initiative. L. But I do everything he tells me to do.
Ben: Well, OK then. (7)……….I’ll see you
tomorrow. Thanks.

Question 2 (8 points). Read the passage below and choose the correct answer for eachquestion. Write it
in ‘Your answers’ part.
By Leonardo Lawrence
You will probably laugh when I tell you that my interest in body language was sparked by a
favorite professor of mine at university. He mentioned “Pinocchio Syndrome” to me one wintry morning
after claiming that I was rubbed my nose when giving excuses for being late to pis lectures. Apparently,
when someone tells a lie, the person’s blood rushes to the nose and the extra blood makes it itchy. So if you
think someone is not being entirely honest with you, perhaps like my professor you should watch to see if
they scratch their nose! This little Example of non-verbal communication inspừed me to become a body
language expert.
Now, I earn my living by training people in non-verbal communication. Knowing when someone is
lying and knowing how to convince people you’re telling the truth are two of the most important skills
you’ll ever learn. For example, lawyers build their reputation on their deductive skills when cross-
examining in court, while politicians need to rely on their powers of persuasion to gain support.
I have dedicated my life to studying the ways the human body gives more reliable information than
the words we speak. The words say one thing but the body may say something completely different. This is
the theory of body language and most of us are familiar with the basics. We know that crossed arms can be
seen as their defensive or aggressive, but khat about facial expressions, gestures, posture, and the
intonation of our speech? All of these volumes can be understood if you only know how to make sense of
the signs.
Take the eyes, for instance. If you told a lie, you would probably expect me to look awayw
rather than look you full in the face.
However, this is not, as commonly thought, the sure sign of a lie, but the reflexive movements we
make when we are trying to remember something. Because of this, glancing away is not as easy to interpret
as you might believe. A good liar is not searching his memory for the truth, so he can quite easily look you
straight in the eyes as he speaks to make the lie more convincing. Here’s a tip, though. Watch the pupil of
the eye; does it change size? If it gets bigger, this is probably an involuntary sign that something is being
Body language is something that the majority of us cannot control; it’s what escapes when we’re
concentrating on something else. I might think I’m creating a good Impression because my voice is strong
and steady and my speech is clear, but the sweat pouring off my forehead and my constantly moving feet
say otherwise.
Business clients are constantly in need of my services and I try to improve their confidence in
themselves by teaching them about body language. I give advice about handshakes, which should always
be firm that people who live in warm climates stand a lot closer to one another than in cooler climates.
They may seem like minor matters, but these codes of behavior can be the key to making or breathing a
business deal.
My working life gives me a great deal of satisfaction. I feel that I’m providing a public service, but
it is a service that has had its downside. Whenever I meet someone new and I tell them what I do for a
living, they immediately put their guard up and they’re no longer relaxed. They quite literally freeze in the
attempt to hide all the signals that they assume I’m reading. It makes life difficult at times, but I consider it
a small price to pay for a job I enjoy so much.
1. The writer originally became interested in body language because…………..
A. of a comment someone made to him
B. he wanted to know why people tell lies
C. he wanted to learn more about “Pinocchio Syndrome”
D. his professor recommended it to him
2. According to the writer, non-verbal communication is important because…………...
A. it helps lawyers to be more skillful
B. it can help make people believe what you want to tell them
C. politicians need to know when people are lying
D. it provides a unique way of earning one’s living
3. What does the writer assume about his readers?
A. They are able to change their intonation.
B. They need to develop good posture
C. They use only words to communicate.
D. They know something about the st
4. According to the writer, it is not easy to recognize when someone is lying because…………..
A. they have an honest look on their face
B. they move their eyes very rapidly
C. listeners read their body language incorrectly
D. listeners do not look into their eyes
5. To have a positive effect on someone, you should try to avoid…………...
A. making any facial expressions B. having any involuntary reactions
C. giving the impression of not caring D. moving your legs about too much
6. What is the most important thing for businessmen to learn?
A. The laws of a particular country. B. The correct way to behave.
C. The necessity of being polite. D. The skill of appearing confident.
7. Why do people react in a negative way when they meet the writer?
A. They think he is too self-confident. B. They assume that he is always lying.
C. They have heard about him previously. D. They believe he is studying them.
8. What do we learn about the writer from the passage?
A. He makes a lot of money from his job. B. He travels the world giving advice.
C. He is dedicated to his work. D. He trains body language experts.
Question 3 (10 points). Fill ONE suitable word into each numbered blank. Write it in ‘Your answers’
On April Fools’ Day, people in many countries play tricks on each other. Usually, the tricks (1)
………….. making friends believe something ridiculous. On this day you could, for example,
tell a friend there is a huge spider on their shoulder. If they believe you, you have succeeded (2)
…………..fooling them, and even if you only trick them for a second, you have (3)…………..
right to shout "April Fool!"
This day, 1st April, is also known as All Fools’ Day. In some countries, such as Ireland or Cyprus,
you can only try to fool someone before twelve noon. If you do play tricks after midday, you will become
the fool (4)…………... So it is advisable for you to do that in themorning. (5)…………..you do for, all you
want is fun rather than do harm to others. And if youdon’t want to be foolish, be sensitive!
But how did this (6)…………..begin? Some say April Fools’ Day originated in France when
that country adopted the new Gregorian calendar. In the previous calendar, New Year was .celebrated (7)
………….. 25th March until 1st April, not on 1st January, as in the Gregoriancalendar. Some people
refused to (8)………….. the new calendar, and continued to celebrate theNew Year in spring. Other people
made fun of them and laughed at them (9)…………..they wereold-fashioned and didn't want to change.
Now April Fools' Day has become a global tradition, and no one is safe! People play tricks on anyone, not
just on (10)…………..who don't want tochange with the times.
Question 1 (5 points). Using the word in capital letters, complete the second sentence so that it has a
similar meaning to the first one. Do not change the word given. Write 2-5 words in total.
1. I got the impression that they weren't enjoying themselves. SEEM
→They…………..enjoying themselves.
2. We don't have any sugar left, so we must go and buy some. RUN
→We…………..sugar, so we must go and buy some.
3. Parking here is free after 5 p.m. PARK
→It doesn't…………..here after 5 p.m.
5. You should book your ticket beforehand if you want to get a good seat. ADVANCE
→Your ticket…………..if you want to get a good seat.
6. Was the film as good as you expected it to be or was it disappointing? LIVE
→Did the film …………..of it or was it disappointing?
Question 2 (10 points). Imagine you are an American student, who stayed in Mrs. Lan's house during
your two-week volunteer campaign in a remote village. Now you have backed home. Write a letter to
thank her for her special help and care to you and your friends during the time you stayed there. You
should write about 70-80 words.
Dear Mrs. Lan,
Best wishes,
Question 3 (20 points). Write about 180-200 words to give your opinion on the following topic: Should
smart phones be banned among students?
ĐỀ SỐ 29
(Đề thi học sinh giỏi 9 tỉnh Bắc Ninh)
Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest. (0.5 pt)
1. A. relaxed B. reached C. supposedly D. crossed
2. A. machine B. stomach C. architecture D. chorus
3. A. mature B. pasture C. gesture D. creature
4. A. individual B. considerate C. education D. procedure
5. A. laugh B. though C. tough D. enough
II. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others. (0.5 pt)
1. A. politics B. literature C. chemistry D. statistics
2. A. likeable B. oxygen C. museum D. energy
3. A. apology B. stupidity C. generously D. astronomy
4. A. television B. distinguish C. immediate D. acquaintance
5. A. experience B. introduce C. determine D. appliance
I. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences. (2.5 pts)
1. She put………….speaking to him as long as possible.
A. off B. over C. away D. back
2. She………….her neighbour’s children for the broken window.
A. accused B. complained C. blamed D. denied
3.………….Internet can be used as………….means of education and communication.
A. An - a B. The - a C. The - the D. Ø - a
4. She is traveling to work by bus today because her car is being
A. stopped B. broken C. serviced D. rented
5. Tony’s boss doesn’t want him to………….a habit of using the office phone for his personal calls.
A. make B. do C. have D. increase
6. My parents were so disappointed when I………….college.
A. got out of B. fell out of C. dropped out of D. moved out of
7. The noisy children………….my nerves. I wish they’d quiet down!
A. get out of B. get in C. get into D. get on
8. On the table ………….
A. the disks lay B. did the disks lie C. lay the disks D. lied the disks
9. She wondered………….her father looked like now after so many years away.
A. how B. whose C. that D. what
10. The company was finally safe………….bankruptcy.
A. with B. by C. from D. in.
11. All the boys are good at cooking, but………….is as good as the girls.
A. either B. none C. neither D. every
12. The bank is reported in the local newpapers………….in the broad daylight.
A. to be robbed B. robbed
C. to have been robbed D. having been robbed
13. Clothing made of plastic fibers has certain advantages over ………….made of natural fiberslike cotton,
wool, or silk.
A. that B. the one C. what D. which
14. The government would be forced to use its emergency powers………….further rioting to occur.
A. should B. did C. were D. had
15. …………. we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revision work.
A. For now B. Now that C. Ever since D. By now
16. Go on. Tell me the gossips. I’m all…………..
A. full B. head C. eyes D. ears
17. If only motorists…………..drive more carefully.
A. might B. shall C. would D. should
18. He lost control of his temper and…………..his anger.
A. lost sight of B. took note of C. made room for D. gave
way to
19. Mr. Nixon refused to answer the questions on the…………..that the matter was confidential.
A. reason B. excuses C. grounds D. foundations
20. …………..at his lessons, he couldn’t catch up with his classmates.
A. Hardly as he worked B. Hard as he worked
C. Hard as he does D. Hard as he was
21.…………..is more interested in rhythm than in melody is apparent from his compositions.
A. That Philip Glass B. Philip Glass, who
C. Philip Glass D. Because Philip Glass
22.…………..invisible to the unaided eye, ultraviolet light can be detected in a number of ways.
A. Although is B. Despite C. Even though it D. Although
23. In fact, the criminals…………..in because the front door was wide open and they justwalked in.
A. needn’t have broken B. shouldn’t have break
C. didn’t need to break D. couldn’t have broken
24. Nam: In my opinion, computer is one of the most wonderful inventions.
A. There is no doubt about it. B. Yes. Congratulations!
C. You shouldn’t have said that. D. Pardon?
25. Nga: Would you mind if I closed the door? It’s too cold outside.
Lan:………….. .
A. I’d rather you didn’t. It’s stuffy. B. No, I don’t like.
C. No, never mind. D. Why not do it?
II. Supply the correct tense or form of the verb in each of the following brackets. (1.5 pt)
1. I’d rather you (not wear)…………..jeans to the office.
2. The money (steal)………….. in the robbery was never found.
3. This building (finish)………….. by the end of 2018.
4. It was our fault to keep you waiting so long. We (inform)………….. you in advance.
5. You look tired. You (work) …………..hard?
6. A: “Was Carol at the party last night?”
B: “Yes, she (wear)…………..a really nice dress.”
7. I remember (give)………….. a toy drum on my fifth birthday.
8. It was urgent that she (leave)…………..at once.
9. Minh (steal)…………..your money yesterday because we went out together all yesterday.
10. Jim hurt his arm while (play)…………..tennis.
III. Give the correct form of the word in each bracket in the following passage. (2.0 pts)
You may know that Asian, Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cultures have (1. TRADITION)
………………used garlic in their dishes. What you may not know is that garlic is also thought of as a (2.
VALUE)………….. medicine by many ancient civilizations. Today, (3.PROFESSION)…………..in the
field of nutrition have come up with new information which isindeed quite (4. SURPRISE)…………...
Apparently, not only is garlic good for you but it alsohelps overcome various (5. ILL)…………..The main
(6. ADVANTAGE)……………..to eatinggarlic is of course bad (7. BREATHET)…………... Cooking it
reduces the strong smell and eating parsley, which is a natural deodorizer, also helps (8. MINIMUM)
…………..the smell. Thus, it’stime we took the benefits of garlic (9. SERIOUS) …………... Why not add
it to some of your (10. FAVOR)…………..dishes.
IV. There are ten mistakes in the following passage. Find and correct them. (1.0 pt)
In many countries in the process of industrialize, overcrowded cities present a major problem. The
underpopulation of towns is mainly caused by the drift of great numbers of people in the rural areas. The
only long-term solution is make life in the areas more Attractively, which would encourage people to stay
here. This could be achieved by providing incentives to people to go and work in the villages. Moreover,
facilities in the rural areas, so as |ransportation, health, and educational services should be improved.
Your answers:
No Line Mistake Correction


I. Read the passage and choose the best option for each of the following blanks. (2.0 pts)
A surprising number of popular spectator sports, for example, football or baseball, (1)…………in
Europe or the USA in the 19th century. This did not happen by chance. It was the result of changes in the
(2)…………people lived in those places at that time. Until then morepeople lived in the country than in
towns. They worked in small groups and had no (3)…………time off. All this changed with the growth of
factories and industry in the 19th century, first in Europe and then in the USA. For the first time most
people began to live in towns, and they (4)………… themselves with regular free time. They had more
leisure time than (5)…………in before. This resulted (6)…………the need for the organized
entertainment. Suitable gameswere developed or invented, typically team games, in which the crowds
could (7)…………sidesand become involved. This gave people some of the entertainment they needed in
their free time. The (8)…………explosion in TV, with the introduction of satellite and cable channels, has
caused ail increase in (9)…………for sports as entertainment. The money TV has brought togames such as
football, tennis, and baseball (10)…………that spectator sports will certainly goon playing an important
part in our lives.
1. A. started B. stemmed C. came D. appeared
2. A. manner B. style C. method D. way
3. A. steady B. square C. regular D. normal
4. A. found B. realised C. presented D. noticed
5. A. just B. having C. ever D. previously
6. A. from B. by C. with D. in
7. A. choose B. take C. select D. decide
8. A. recent B. late C. lately D. later
9. A. need B. requirement C. request D.
10. A. signifies B. concludes C. means D. states
II. Read the text below and fill in each blank with ONE suitable word. (2.0 pts)
At sixteen, Henry Vincent was separated from his family as a result of the war. He wandered
aimlessly from one country to another (1)………….finally settling down in Australia,(2)………….he was
trained as an electronics engineer. He established his own business but itcalled for so much work that
marriage was out of the (3)…………..
His retirement suddenly (4)………….him realize how lonely he was and he decided to (5)
………….up a hobby. With his interest in electronics, amateur radio seemed a natural choice. He
installed his own equipment and obtained a licence and his call sign, which is the set of letters rand
numbers used to identify oneself when making radio contact (6)………….other radio amateurs
all over the world.
Soon Henry had a great many contacts in far-off places. One in particular was a man in iCalifomia
with (7)………….he had much in common. One night the man in Californiahappened to mention the
village in Europe he had come from. Suddenly, Henry realised that (this man was, in fact, his younger
brother, Peter. At first, the two brothers were at a (8)………….for words but then little by little they filled
(9)………….the details of their past lives and notlong afterwards Henry Vincent flew to California to (10)
…………. reunited with his brother.
III. Read the following passage and choose the option that indicates the correct answer to each of the
following questions. (2.0 pts)
The Winterthur Museum is a collection and a house. There are many museums devoted to the
decorative arts and many house museums, but rarely in the United States is a great collection displayed in a
great country house. Passing through successive generations of a single family, Winterthur has been a
private estate for more than a century. Even after the extensive renovations made to it between 1929 and
1931, the house remained a family residence. This fact is of importance to the atmosphere and effect of the
museum. The impressionof a lived-in house is apparent to the visitor, the rooms look as if they were
vacated only a short while ago - whether by the original owners of the furniture or the most recent residents
of the house can be a matter of personal interpretation. Winterthur remains, then, a house in which a
collection of furniture and architectural elements has been assembled. Like an English country house, it is
an organic structure; the house, as well as the collection and manner of displaying it to the visitor, has
changed over the years. The changes have coincided with developing concepts of the American arts,
increased knowledge on the part of collectors and students, and a progression toward the achievement of a
historical effect in period-room displays. The rooms at Winterthur have followed this current, yet still
retained the character of a private house.
The concept of a period room as a display technique has developed gradually over the years in an
effort to present works of art in a context that would show them to greater effect and would give them more
meaning for the viewers. Comparable to the habitat group in a natural history museum, the period room
represents the decorative arts in a lively and interesting manner and provides an opportunity to assemble
objects related by style, date, or place of manufacture.
1. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. The reason that Winterthur was redesigned.
B. Elements that make Winterthur an unusual museum.
C. How Winterthur compares to English country houses.
D. Historical furniture contained in Winterthur.
2. The phrase “devoted to” in bold in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to…………...
A. surrounded by B. sentimental about C. successful with D. specializing in
3. What happened at Winterthur between 1929 and 1931?
A. The owners moved out. B. The old furniture was replaced.
C. The house was repaired. D. The estate became a museum.
4. What does the author mean by stating “The impression of a lived-in house is apparent to the visitor” in
paragraph 1 ?
A. Winterthur is very old.
B. Winterthur does not look like a typical museum.
C. Few people visit Winterthur.
D. The furniture at Winterthur looks comfortable
5. The word “assembled” in bold in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to…………...
A. developed B. appreciated
C. brought together D. fundamentally changed
6. The word “it” in bold in paragraph 1 refers to…………....
A. Winterthur Museum B. collection
C. English country house D. visitor
7. The word “developing” in bold in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to…………....
A. traditional B. exhibiting C. informative D. evolving
8. According to the passage, objects in a period room are related by all of the following
A. date B. style
C. place of manufacture D. past ownership
9. What is the relationship between the two paragraphs in the passage?
A. The second paragraph explains a term that was mentioned in the first paragraph.
B. Each paragraph describes a different approach to the display of objects in a museum.
C. The second paragraph explains a philosophy art appreciation that contrasts with the philosophy
explained in the first paragraph.
D. Each paragraph describes a different historical period.
10. Where in the passage does the author explain why displays at Winterthur have changed?
A. Lines 1-3 B. Lines 5-6 C. Lines 7-10 D. Lines 11-13
I. Finish the second sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed
before it. (2.0 pts)
1. My protests were ignored by everybody.
2. I was not surprised to hear that Harry had failed his driving test.
→It came…………………………………………………………………………………………………..
3. It was the fog that caused the traffic problem.
→If it………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. We haven’t received the confirmation of our hotel booking yet.
→ Our hotel booking ……………………………………………………………………………………..
5. She didn’t inherit anything under her uncle’s will.
→ Her uncle didn’t…………………………………………………………………………………………
6. Betty is very happy to look after handicapped people.
→Betty is devoted………………………………………………………………………………………….
7. Nicky runs a successful company and she also manages to look after her four children.
→Not only………………………………………………………………………………………………….
8. He said that he had been a long way from the scene of the crime at the time.
→He denied…………………………………………………………………………………………………
9. The only thing they didn’t steal was the television.
→They stole…………………………………………………………………………………………………
10. Experts think that all dogs evolved from wolves.
→ All dogs……………………………………………………………………………………………………
II. Write a new sentence similar in meaning to the given one, using the word givento thebrackets. Do
not alter the word in any way. (2.0 pts)
1. I’ll lend you the money on condition that you pay it back next week. (long)
2. Bill was about to speed when he saw the patrolman. (verge)
3. It is necessary for me to finish this homework tonight. (got)
4. She was cheated when she sold the jewelry at such a low price. (ride)
5. They arrived at their destination alive and kicking. (sound)
6. It was the telephonist’s fault that they didn’t get the message. (blame)
7. The disagreement is a lot of fuss about nothing. (teacup)
8. There’s nothing new about defence alliances. (hills)
9. They couldn’t decide where to go on holiday. (reach)
10. Why didn’t they tell me about these changes earlier? (should)
III. (2.0 pts) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
“Watching TV is a waste of time for children”.
Write an essay of about 200 words to express your opinion, using specific details examples to support
your answer.

ĐỀ SỐ 30
(Đề thi học sinh giỏi 9 tỉnh Quảng Bình)
Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút
Part 1. Pick up the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. (3 pts)
1 A . surplus B. surgery C. surprise D. surface
2. A. possessed B. opposed C. pleased D. closed
3. A. food B. fool C. foot D. tooth
Part 2. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in eachgroup. (2pts)
4. A. encourage B. majority C. indifferent D. generosity
5. A. communicate B. international C. however D. reliable
Part 1. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) which best completes each sentence. (10 pts)
6. He is the world champion. We all know……………he is at boxing.
A. how good B. how well C. how better D. how best
7. Don’t come and see me today. I’d rather you……………tomorrow.
A. come B. are coming C. came D. have come
8. This pyramid is believed……………over 200 years.
A. to be built B. to build
C. to be building D. to have been built
9. He pretended……………the regulations in that village.
A. not understanding B. not to understand
C. didn’t understand D. don’t understand
10. I am very……………to be chosen for the……………team.
A. pride/national B. proud/nation
C. proud/national D. proud of/nation
11. My mother smiled ……………at the joke.
A. quietly B. loudly C. strongly D. widely
12. Mary’s children are used to……………up after school every day. They don’t have to walk home.
A. picking B. pick C. be picked D. being picked
13. You have to pay extra if you take too……………with you.
A. much luggages B. many luggages C. much luggage D. many luggage
14. Tom: “Help yourself with some fruit” - Peter: “……………”
A. Thank you B. Never mind C. No, I don’t like D. Yes, I will
15. She said she liked dancing but was not in the……………for it just then.
A. opinion B. mood C. frame D. manner
Part 2. Put the verbs given in brackets into the appropriate tenses or forms. (5 pts)
16. The child was made (eat)……………everything on his plate.
17. When he (wash)……………his shirt in the bathroom, the telephone rang.
18. We saw our favorite ballet (perform)……………at the theater last night.
19. I couldn’t resist (laugh)……………at the way he answered my question.
20. He (be)……………to the theatre three times this month.
Part 3. Complete each sentence with appropriate form of the word in block capitals. (10 pts)
For many people, punctuality is a big . issue. Parents are often keen to impress upon their children
the (21)……………of being punctual because they see it as an aspect of (22)……………and consideration
for others. It is also a quality that (23)……………regard as very positive, andthose who are (24)
…………… unpunctual may end up being (25)……………in their careers as a result.
It may be, however, that less punctual people have (26)…………… a more (27)……………
lifestyle than those who always arrive on time. They may find it (28)……………when 50 muchemphasis is
placed on timekeeping. Indeed, if others get (29)……………when they are late forappointments, this
maymot seem (30)……………to them
Part 4. Each sentence has an incorrect word or phrase. FIND and CORRECT them. There is an
example at the beginning (0). (5 pts)
0. Jack allowed me use his computer at any time
Ex: 0. use→ to use
31. He couldn’t sleep, so he turn off the TV to watch some programs
32. The children are playing happy in the school yard.
33. Lack of funds prevented him for continuing with his studies
34. He is too rich that he can afford to buy a beautiful and big house.
35. Mary asked Peter what can she do to help him.
Part 5. Complete each sentence with a suitable form of one of the phrasal verbs in the box. Use each one
once only. There are two extra ones that you do not need to use. (5 pts)
get on get over go over hold up count on keep off keep on
36.I can……………my parents to help me in an emergency.
37. There was a big hole in the road which……………the traffic.
58. The politician……………his speech before the important presentation.
39. The teacher advised me that I shouldn’t quit my hope and……………going.
40. I’ve always……………well with old people.
Part 1. Choose the word that best fits each of the blanks in the following passage. Choose A, B, C or D
to indicate your answer. (10 pts)
By 1984, nonrenewable (41)……………fuels, such as oil, coal and natural gas, provided over
82 percent of the commercial and industrial energy (42)……………in the world. Small amounts
of energy were (43)……………from nuclear fission, and the (44)……………16 percent came from
burning direct perpetual and renewable fuels, (45)……………biomass. Between 1700 and 1986 a
large number of countries (46) …………… from the use of energy from local sources to acentralized
generation of hydropower and solar energy (47)……………to electricity. The energyderived from
nonrenewable fossil fuels has been (48) produced in one location andtransported to another, as is the
case with most automobike fuels. In countries with private, rather than public (49)……………, the age of
nonrenewable fuels has created a dependency on afinite (50)……………that will have to be replaced.
41. A. clean B. unleaded C. fossil D. solid
42. A. used B. produced C. supplied D. stored
43. A. produced B. derived C. extracted D. released
44. A. resting B. leaving C. restricting D. remaining
45. A. as B. therefore C. such as D. for
46. A. shifted B. transferred C. obtained D. applied
47. A. saved B. reformed C. delivered D. converted
48. A. actually B. increasingly C. gradually D. consequently
49. A. transports B. transportation C. transporters D. transportable
50. A. reserve B. material C. resource D. power
Part 2. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only ONE word in each
gap. (10 pts)
Last week, Jack invited me to his birthday party. I spent a long time deciding what I should buy as
a (51)…………….for him. Finally, I decided to buy him a clock. I went to the nearbyshopping centre to
(52)…………….for a suitable one. Eventually, I chose a small, blue alarmclock. After paying for it, I
asked the salesgirl to (53)……………. it up.
On the day of the party, I arrived (54)…………….Jack’s house punctually at 7 o'clock. Jack
was very pleased to see me and (55)…………….me for the present. Many of our classmates have
already arrived. We talked about the soccer match the previous night (56)…………….Manchester
United and Juventus.
At 8 o'clock, Jack's mother brought out a birthday (57) …………….. On it were seventeen
lighted (58)…………….. We all wished Jack a happy birthday. Jack blew out the candles in asingle breath.
He then began opening his presents. Just as he was (59)…………….to open thepresent I had given him,
there was a loud ringing sound. Startled, Jack dropped the present. I realized that the ringing sound was
actually caused by the alarm clock. When I told everyone (60)…………….the sound was, they all laughed.
Part 3. Read the following passage and choose the letter A, B, c or D to indicate the correct answer to
each question. (5 pts)
Since the world became industrialized, the number of animal species that have either become
extinct or have neared extinction has increased. Bengal tigers, for instance, which 'once roamed the jungles
in vast numbers, now number only about 2,300. By the year 2025, it is estimated that they will become
What is alarming about the case of the Bengal tiger is that this extinction will have been caused
almost entirely by poachers who, according to some sources, are not always interested in material gain but
in personal gratification. This is an example of the callousness that is contributing to the problem of
extinction. Animals such as the Bengal tiger, as well as other endangered species, are valuable parts of the
world's ecosystem. International laws protecting these animals must be exacted to ensure their survival -
and the survival of our planet.
Countries around the world have begun to deal with the problem in various ways. Some countries,
in an effort to circumvent the problem, have allocated large amounts of land to animal reserves. They then
charge admission prices to help defray the costs of maintaining the parks, and they often must also depend
on world organizations for support. This money enables them to invest in equipment and patrols to protect
the animals. Another response to the increase in animal extinction is an international boycott of products
made from endangered species. This has' had some effect, but by itself It will not prevent animals from
being hunted and killed.
61. What is the main topic of the passage? ,
A. The Bengal tiger B. International boycotts
C. Endangered species D. Problems with industrialization
62. The word ‘poachers' used in line 6 could be best replaced by which of the followings?
A. Illegal hunters B. Enterprising researchers.
C. Concerned scientists D. Trained hunters
63. What is an act of cruelty according to the passage?
A. Having interest in material gain. B. Hunting endangered animals.
C. Killing animals for personal satisfaction. D. Causing the problem of extinction.
64 Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as a way to protect animals from extinction?
A. Introduce laws to prohibit the killing of endangered animals.
B. Establish wildlife reserves.
C. Refuse to buy animal products.
D. Raise money to invest in equipment and patrol.
65. Which of the following best describes the author's attitude?
A. Forgiving B. Surprised C. Vindictive D. Concerned
part 1. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the
sentence printed before it. (5 pts)
66. He wished he had invited her to his birthday party.
→ He regretted…………………………………………………………………………………………..
67. I prefer having dinner at home to going out for dinner.
→ I'd rather………………………………………………………………………………………………
68. He couldn't play well in the last match because of his injured knee.
→His injured knee made…………………………………………………………………………………
69.The car was so rusty that it couldn’t be repaired.
→The car was too………………………………………………………………………………………..
70. As soon as the teacher came in, they stopped talking.
→ No sooner…………………………………………………………………………………………….
Part 2. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence using the
word given. DO NOT CHANGE THE WORD GIVEN. You must use between two and five words,
including the word given. (5 pts)
71. The minister proposed regular meetings for the committee. (suggested)
→The minister…………….should meet regularly.
72. “Congratulations on getting engaged, Sue,” said Harry. (congratulated)
→ Harry…………….engagement.
73.I usually walk to work but today I drove. (instead)
→ I drove to work today…………….foot.
74. I haven’t decided yet whether to move or not. (mind)
→ I haven’t…………….whether to move or not.
75. It took Jane five minutes to find her car. (spent)
→ Jane…………….for her car keys.
Part 3. Essay writing. (10 pts)
Write an essay at least 200 words about “The benefits of reading books".

ĐỀ SỐ 31
(Đề thi học sinh giỏi 9 tỉnh Thanh Hoá)
Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút
Question I: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in the same
line. (3 pts)
1. A. please B. measure C. rise D. pause
2. A. model B. hobby C. solid D. solar
3. A. puppy B.ready C. occupy D. study
Question II: Find the word with the stress pattern different from that of the other threewords in each
question. (2 pts)
4. A. linguistics B. experience C. dormitory D. community
5. A. institute B. festival C. deposit D. resident
Question I: Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete each sentence. (10 pts)
6. She tries to set………..an hour a week for practice.
A. about B. down C. aside D. in
7. Jane said she………..18 years old the next week.
A. was B. is C. will be D. would be
8. If I………..you, I’d take some rest before the game tomorrow.
A. am B. could be C. were D. would be
9. - “Do you think the book is expensive? - “Yes, it’s not………..what we paid for it.
A. worthy B. worth of C. worth ’ D. valuable
10. Stop that nonsense,………..?
A. don’t you B. do you C. will you D. aren’t you
11. If you don’t want this pen, take………... There are some left in the box.
A. the other B. others C. one other D. another
12. Will you empty the basket for me, please?
A. Yes, certainly B. Yes, please C. No, thanks D. No, I don’t
13. Several important methods were………..for preserving food in the nineteenth century.
A.seen B.covered C. prepared D. invented
14. The smaller the room is, the………..furniture it needs.
A. fewer B. small C. more D. less
15. You will have to………..your holiday if you feel too tired.
A. put down B. put out C. put off D. put up
Question II: Put each verb in brackets into an appropriate form. (10 pts)
16. You’d better have that rubbish (take)………..away.
17-18. He resented (ask)………..(wait)………..He had expected the minister to see himat once.
19. Present day problems demand that we (be)………..ready for any emergency.
20.21. Suppose everyword of this (be)………..true, what action the committee (wish)………..to take?
22. He (not go)………..there because they did not expect him.
23. You always (complain) ……….., about my cooking.
24-25. Tom: “It is time we (do)………..something to protect our environment.”
David: “Yes, Ok. I think it (destroy)………..seriously in the last ten years.”
Question III: Supply the correct form of the word in capital letters. (10 pts)
26. She studied……….. at university. (ECONOMY)
27. In particular, parents are afraid of changes in their children’s………... (PERSON)
28. These clothes are attractive but entirely………... (PRACTICE)
29. I couldn’t help it. The accident was ………... (AVOID)
30. Because they are……….. durable and portable, books havelong been used to preserve and ditribute
31. The boy was very violent and his parents found him………... (MANAGE)
32. Jim is one of the most……….. members of the committee. (SPEAK)
33. We are interested in the………..of rainforests. (PRESERVE)
34. Some designers have………..the Ao dai by printing lines of poetry on it. (MODERN)
35.………..fruit juice contains no extra sugar. (SWEET)
Question I: Fill in each of the blanks with one suitable word. (10 pts)
Every year people throw away millions of tonnes of plastic bottles, boxes and wrapping.
These create huge mountains of waste that are extremely hard to get (36)………..of. Now a new recycling
process promises to reduce this problem by turning old plastic into (37) ………..one.
Scientists have (38) ……….. a long time to develop their ideas because waste plastic hasalways been a
bigger problem than (39) ……….. like waste paper. You can bury plastic but it takes many years to break
down. If you (40) ……….. it, it just becomes another form of pollution. A few products, for example
bottles, can be reused, but it is (41)………..or difficult to do this with a lot of plastic products.
Now a group of companies has developed a new method of (42)………..that could save almost any
plastic (43) ………... Nearly every type of waste plastic can be used: it does (44)……….. have to be sorted.
In addition, labels and ink may be left on the products. (45)……….. is simply mixed together and heated to
more than 400 degrees centigrades so that it melts. It is then cooled, producing a waxy substance that can
be used to make new plastic products.
Question II: Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D to fill in the gaps in the following passage. (10
In the age (46)………..highly-developed telephoned networks and electronic mail, it seems
that fewer and fewer people are (47)………..time to sit down and write letters to friends andrelatives. For
hundreds of years, letters were the only way to (48)………..in contact withpeople who were any distance
away and letter- writing was (49)………..as an important skillfor all learned people to master.
Gradually, (50)……….., the importance of witing letters is descreasing to a point that themajority
of us (51)………..make a special effort to turn out something worthwhile when weare apply for a job or
make a complaint. In business circles the (52)………..is for routinecommunications to become shorter.
Even though clients may appriciate a detailed letter, an employee who sends out long letter is
oftenregarded as (53)………... Many people prefer thetelephone in all circumstances and its (54)………..is
essential in many situations but how oftenhave you put the telephone down, (55)………..with what you
have managed to say? I don’tthink. I’ll throw my pen away yet.
46. A. in B. at C. of D. on
47. A. using B.spending C. putting D. taking
48. A. keep B. connect C. maintain D. hold
49. A. noticed B. considered C. heard D.seen
50. A. therefore B. however C. furthermore D. thus
51. A. may B. would C. have to D. dare to
52. A. tendency B. intention C. fashion D. inclination
53. A. unusual B. inefficient C. unimportant D. impossible
54. A. rate B. pace C. tempo D.speed
55. A. dissatisfied B. pleased C. disturbed D. contented
Question III: Read the passage and choose the best answers to questions below. (10 pts)
Mickey Mantle was one of the greatest baseball players of all time. He played for the
New York Yankees in their years of glory. From the time Mantle began to play
professionally in 1951 to his last year in 1968, baseball was the most popular game in
the United States. For many people, Mantle symbolized the hope, prosperity, and
confidence of America at that time.
Line 5 Mantle was a fast and powerful player, a “switch-hitter” who could bat bothright-handed
and left-handed. He won game after game, one Would Series championship after
another, for his team. He was a wonderful athlete, but this alone cannot explain
America’s fascination with him.
Perhaps it was because he was a handsome, red-haired country boy, the son of n a poor
Line10 miner from Oklahoma. His career, from the lead mines of the West tothe heights of
success and fame, was a fairy-tale version of the American dream. Or perhaps it was
because America always loves a “natural”, a person who wins without seeming to try,
whose talent appears to come from an inner grace. That was Mickey Mantle.
But like many celebrities, Mickey Mantle had a private life that was full of I problems.
Line 15 He played without complaint despite constant pain from injuries.
He lived to fulfill his father’s dreams and drank to forget his father’s early death.
It was a terrible addiction that finally destroyed his body. It gave him cirrhosis of the
liver and accelerated the advance of liver cancer. Even when Mickey Mantle had turned
away from his old life and warned young people not to follow his example, the
Line 20 destructive process could not be stopped recovery, Mickey Mantle died of cancer at the
age of 63.
56. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Mickey Mantle as the greatest baseball player of all time
B. Mickey Mantle’s success and private life full of problems
C. Mickey Mantle and his career as a baseball player
D. Mickey Mantle and the history of baseball
57. It can be inferred from the passage that for most Americans…………….
A. success in Mantle’s career was unnatural
B. success in Mantle’s career was difficult to believe
C. Mantle had to be trained hard to become a good player
D. Mantle had a lot of difficulty achieving fame and success
58. The word “fulfill” in paragraph 4 mostly means……………..
A. do something in the way that you have been told
B. do what you have promised or agreed to do
C. achieve what is hoped for, wished for, or expected
D. get closer to something that you are chasing
59. The word “accelerated” in paragraph 5 is closet in meaning to……………..
A. quickened B. bettered C. delayed D. worsen
60. Which of the following is mentioned as the main cause of the destruction of Mantle’s body?
A. His loneliness B. His way of life
C. His liver transplant operation D. His own dream
PART D: WRITING (20 pts)
Question I: Complete each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the
sentence printed above it. (5 pts)
61. Her ability to run a company really impresses me.
→What ……….....
62. The Prime Minister resigned because of his sudden illness.
→The Prime Minister’s ………......
63. “If I were you, I would try my best to learn English well”. John said to Jane.
→ John advised………......
64. Since we had nothing else to do, we decided to go for a walk.
→ Having………......
65. As television programmes become more popular, they seem to get worse.
→ The more………......
Question II : Do not change the given word, use it to rewrite each of the following sentences so that
each has as a similar meaning as the original one (5 pts)
66. It’s possible that we may soon have no more oil. (RUN)
→ It’s possible that we may soon……….....oil.
67. The plane had hardly left the airport when the accident happened. (SOONER)
→ No……….....the accident happened.
68. Although her leg hurt, Jill finished the race. (PAIN)
→ In spite……….....the race.
69. Perhaps they didn’t notice the tyre was flat, (MIGHT)
→ The ……….....the tyre was flat.
70. First of all, the director explained the reason for the meeting. (BEGAN)
→The director ………..... the reason for the meeting.
Question III: Write a paragraph (120 - 150 words) about the advantages and disadvantages of using
facebook. (10 pts)

E. ĐỀ THI NĂM HỌC 2016 - 2017

ĐỀ SỐ 32
(Đề thi học sinh giỏi 9 tỉnh Bắc Giang- Đề chính thức)
Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút
I. Listening (Track 12 - 20 pts)
Part 1. Listen to three speakers' talks and decide who says each of the following things in the following
sentences. Complete the gaps from 1 to 10 with tile right speaker A, B or C. One Itas been done as an
example. (5 pts)
0. Speaker…….A……..had such a fantastic time in the carnival last August.
1. Speaker………thinks people should go together because it will be quite crowded.
2. Speaker………is going to surprise his/her friends by telling them a lie.
3. Speaker………is going to be careful of people stealing things.
4. Speaker………is going to taste food from all over the world.
5.Speaker………is going to decorate the house with spiders' webs and spooky things.
6. Speaker………is going to make sure there is no traffic on her street.
7. Speaker………is going to the carnival in London with friends again.
8. Speaker………is going to celebrate a surprise birthday party for her friends.
9. Speaker………is going to take Out tables and chairs and put them together in the middle of
the road.
10. Speaker………is going to make sure nobody mentions anything on Facebook and givesaway the
Part 2. Listen to the recording and choose the best answer A, B, CorD for the following questions from 1
to 5. You will listen to the recording twice. (5 pts)
1. Where is Arches National Park situated?
A. South of the city of Moab B. Northern desert gjf Utah
C. Southern desert of Utah D. North of the city of Moab
2. When can people visit Arches National Park?
A. In summer B. In winter C. Any time of year D. On rainy days
3. How can people get to some farther arches?
A. By bike B. By car C. By plane D. By train
4. What is NOT mentioned as necessary things we should bring along with when hiking in Arches National
Park ?
A. hiking shoes B. books C. GPS D. detailed map
5. According to the narrator, why should we bring a detailed map along with a compass and/or a GPS when
hiking in this park?
A. To discover farther places in the park
B. To let other people know your position
C. To know where you are and find the way easily.
D. To find out new places in the park
Part 3. Listen to the recording and fill in each blank with ONE suitable word. You will hear the
recording twice. One has been done as an example. (10 pts)
One-Way Ticket to Mars Mission
NASA is (0)…………for people to go to Mars, and never come back. This appealing career
is for people who want a permanent change of scenery and planet. It is part of an (1)…………new project
to colonize Mars called the Hundred Years Starship. (2)…………would travel tothe Red Plaiiet and live
there forever. NASA says it would be too expensive to bring humans back to Earth. The space agency can
afford, however, to send supplies to the (3)…………pioneers. NASA has started the project with a modest
$1.6 million, but hopes to attract (4)…………from space-loving billionaires. Google (5)…………Larry
Page told NASA he’d beinterested if they could get the cost of a one-way ticket down from $10 billion to
$2 billion.
The journey to Mars could take just four months. Settling on the planet would be (6)…………,
hazardous, especially the freezing temperatures and carbon dioxide atmosphere.Many scientists' think (7)
…………space is essential. Stephen Hawking believes we must moveto other planets to survive as a (8)
………… He said: “Once we spread out into space andestablish independent colonies, our future should be
safe.” Dirk Schulze-Makuch and Paul Davies call it a “(9)…………goal” and part of our desire to explore
saying: “It would require not only major international cooperation, but a return to the (10)…………
spirit and risk-takingcharacter of the great period of Earth exploration, from Columbus to
Your answers: 0. looking
II. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences. (5 pts)
1.…………two fingerprints have ever been found to be exactly the same.
A. No B. Never C. Not D. None
2. The price of houses…………dramatically in recent years
A. rose B. has risen C. have risen D. raised
3. The fire was caused by an…………fault in the engine.
A. electrician B. electricity C. electrical D. electric
4. He can hardly avoid making mistakes in his homework…………hard he tries.
A. how B. though C. no matter D. however
5. I really appreciate ………… to help me, but I’m sure I’ll be able to manage by myself.
A. you to offer B. you are offering C. your offering D. that you offer
6 - Thinh: “Did you enjoy the party?”
-Natan: “Well, kind ………….”
A. off B. of C. like D. too
7. Their neighbour was very…………when they complained about the noise.
A. irritable B. threatening C. provocative D. annoying
8. Together with Bai Dinh and Yen Tu Pagoda Festival, Huong Pagoda Festival is…………thegreatest
Buddhist festivals in northern part of Vietnam.
A. among B. in C. between D. of
19.-David: “ I’m afraid I can’t come to your birthday party this weekend!”
-Stephen: “…………”
A. You’re welcome B. What a pity!
C. Me too. D. What’s happened?
10. Look at the terrible situation I am in! If only I…………your advice.
A. follow B. would follow C. had followed D. followed
III. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets (10 pts)
An ancient ship has been discovered beneath the waters of the Mediterranean. The ship,
which (1. sink)…………off the coast of Tunisia more than 2,300 years ago, is already giving
historians fresh insights into trade and diet in the ancient world.
The remains of the ship (2. find)…………last August on the final day of an expedition (3.
undertake) ………… by American scientist Robin Asquith. Three of his team, who (4. use)…………a
miniature submarine to explore the seabed, spotted rows of storage jars and somerotted wood. One of the
jars was brought to the surface by a diver, and inside it the scientists found bones (5. belong)…………to
freshwater fish, and some olive stones.
(6. examine)………… the contents and design of the jar and other evidence, Dr Asquithconcluded
that the ship (7. follow)…………a trade route long when it sank, probably in a storm.He intends (8. return)
…………to the site of the shipwreck, 32 km from the coast, so that he canconduct further investigations.
He hopes to excavate making use of a new robot that (9. use) …………sound to make a computer plan of
the wreck, and in this way (10. create)…………anaccurate pictures of what the ship looked like.
IV. Give the correct form of the words in brackets (5 pts)
The first CCTV cameras (1. appearance)………… in Britain in 1953, and by the 1960s there
were already a few cameras in major streets in London. Today, there are more than four million CCTV
cameras across the country. That’s one camera for every fourteen people. The cameras pre there to film
dangerous or (2. legal)…………behaviour. With new solfware, they can (3.Automatic)…………recognize
the faces of known (4. crime) …………, and a new kind of CCTV in the Netherlands can detect angry
voices and warn the police of trouble. Apart from that, they plso watch all of us, almost all of the time.
Every time we go into a shop, or use a cash Rchine, or travel on public transport a camera records our (5.
V. Put the sentences (A — K) in the correct order (1 - 10 ) to make a meaningful conversation. One is
done for you as the beginning of the conversation. (5 pts)
A. Have you worked in a shop before?
B. How long did you work there?
C. How did you find out about the job?
D. Everything! I served customers. I cleaned, I stacked shelves
E. Well, thanks for coming in. We’ll be in touch before the end of the week.
F. Yes, I have. I used to help out at my uncle’s shop.
G. I saw your advert in the local newspaper.
H. Right. What did you do there?
I. I see. And why do you think you’re the right person for this job?
J. Because I’m hard-working and reliable, and I really enjoy dealing with the public. I’m also good at
working in a team.
K. About two years, part-time.
Your answers: 0…….C…….
VI. Each of the following sentences contains ONE error. Underline the error and write the correct
answer in the space provided. (10 pts)

1. If I rule the world, the first thing I’d do is prevent famine and disease in the developing 1……………
2. In my opinion, that’s one of the most serious problem we face. I’d make sure that poor 2……………
farmers could sell their food to the rest of the world.
3. I’d aslo make more medicines available for people in poor countries. 3……………
4. The next thing I’d do is make governments investing in wind, water and solar power. 4……………
5. In my view, we need TO stop global warming, so I’d also make petrol- driven cars 5……………
VII. Fill in each numbered space with ONE appropriate word. (10 pts)
A forest fire (1)………….. out last Monday in Thuy Nguyen District’s Một Mountain, HảiPhòng
Province, (2)…………..down at least three hectares of eucalyptus trees. The (3) …………..started around
2 pm and took around an hour to put (4)………….., but more than three hectares offorest vegetation (5)
…………..totally damaged (6)…………..that time. The district’s forest rangerssaid that (7) ………….. are
many graves on the mountain and that the fire (8) ………….. have been caused by people (9)
…………..visited the forest on Tet (Lunar New Year) and burned incense,fake banknotes and paper
clothes at the graveside (10)………….. their loved ones.
VIII. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to fill in the blanks. (5 pts)
The latest addiction to trap thousands of people is the Internet, which has been (1) …………..
for broken relationships, job losses, financial ruin, and even suicide. Psychologists now I recognize Internet
Addiction Syndrome (IAS) (2)…………..a new illness that could (3)…………..
serious problems and ruin many lives. Special help groups have been set up to (4) …………..
sufferers help and support.
Psychologists have described many worrying examples, (5) …………..one man who took his
own life after (6)…………..more than £ 14,000 to feed his addiction, and a teenager who had to
receive psychiatric treatment for his 12-hour-a-day (7)…………... "This illness is not fake, and it
must be taken seriously,” said an expert in behavioral addiction at Nottingham Trent University. "These are
not sad people with serious personality defects; they are people who were fine (8)…………..they found the
IAS is similar to other problems like gambling, smoking and drinking: addicts have dreams about
the Internet; they need to use it first thing in the morning; they (9)………….. to theirpartners about how
much time they spent online; they wish they could cut down, but are unable to do so. A recent study found
that many users spend up to 40 hours a week on the Internet; (10)…………..they felt guilty, they became
depressed if they were made to stop using it.
1. A. blamed B. faulted C. mistaken D. accused
2. A. like B. such C. as D. for
3. A. lead B. affect C. take D. cause
4. A. offer B. suggest C. recommend D. advise
5. A. consisting B. including C. comprising D. composing
6. A. gaining B. lending C. borrowing D. winning
7. A. custom B. habit C. manner D. routine
8. A. before B. after C. as soon as D. when
9. A. betray B. deceive C. cheat D. lie
10. A. although B. despite C. unless D. without
IX. Read the text and choose the most suitable heading (A-F) for each paragraph (1-4). There are two
extra headings that you do not need (4 points)
A. Taste can influence our body temperature
B. It’s all about balance
C. Taste it before you cook it.
D. You should follow Chinese diet.
E. Different tastes for different body parts
F. There’s no one ideal diet
Most of us usually base our idea of the Chinese diet on Chinese stir-fry takeaways. Nothing could
be further from the truth. A healthy and balanced diet, according to the Chinese nutritionists, is a very
complex thing which needs to be adjusted to a particular person based on their needs and health problems.
Therefore, one recipe for healthy eating does not exist. Rather, your healthy menu is created, depending on
your physical condition according to the following guidelines.
First of all, each food and herb has a very particular taste that has certain properties. A balanced diet
will include all five tastes - spicy, sour, bitter, sweet and salty. Each taste has different healing properties.
For example, bitter foods are said to dry the body and cool it. Salty taste, on the other hand, is warming and
moistening. The dominasting taste in each person’s diet needs to be suited to his or her individual needs.
Secondly, there is the idea of Yin and Yang energy. Everything in the universe is about balancing
Yin and Yang and so is a diet. A person who doesn’t have enough Yang should eat “Yang foods”. Meats,
for example, are usually Yang, while vegetables tend to be Yin. Preparation is equally important. Frying
increases the Yang, whereas steaming the Yin. It is the same for cooked versus raw foods.
Finally, certain foods and tastes influence certain organs within our body and so they need to be
chosen according to our condition. For instance, the salty taste activates our kidneys and bladder. Salt is
therefore very often added to the food or even to herbal teas prepared for people with kidney problems. In
the same way, sour tastes are connected with the liver, while bitter tastes with the heart. The lungs are
influenced by spicy foods, and the stomach by the sweets (yes, that makes sugar a medicine!).
X. Read the passage below and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for the following questions. (6
Providing five-star luxury in the middle of treasure wilderness without damaging the environment
might not be easy, but it is far from impossible. The King Pacific Lodge in British Columbia’s Great Bear
Rainforest proves that if enough care and attention is taken, the task is within the reach of any tourist
Unlike many other hotel building projects no trees were cut down and no land was wasted in order
to build it. The Lodge does not have a permanent location but sits on a floating barge towed into the sea
bay in May, where it anchors till September. Those wishing to stay in one of its seventeen rooms must
access it by boat or seaplane. Each guest staying at the Lodge ischarged 3% conservation tax, but is
rewarded by the chance to sight whales and bears. And sjnce these are the main attractions of the area and
of the Lodge, the management is well aware that in order to stay in business, they must leave the area
In 2000, the Lodge management signed an agreement with the native Gitga’at people by whom they
were later adopted. Together they work for the benefit of the area. The Lodge recognizes the native tribe as
the owners of the land, pays the tribe for the use of their land and even supports the native youth and
employs the tribe’s people. They, in turn, teach the newcomers about the local culture.
The King Pacific Lodge is one of a growing number of tourism companies that go beyond purely
minimizing their environmental impact to win the approval of the local community where they establish
their business. These companies use eco-friendly solutions to problems, and are careful to restrict their use
of resources and protect threatened species. Realizing how destructive tourism can be, they want to avoid
the love-it-to-death effect of tourism and leave a lighter environment footprint.
1. According to the text, luxury hotels,…………...
A. usually have a positive effect on their environment.
B. are more eco-friendly when they are difficult to reach.
C. do not harm the environment if they are carefully designed.
D. are impossible to find the middle of a wilderness
2. The King Pacific Lodge…………...
A. is situated far away from an important wilderness
B. has been created after careful consideration.
C. is less luxurious than might be expected
D. is based on a good example
3. What is true about the Lodge?
A. it is located in an area without any trees.
B. it can be moved from place to place.
C. guests have to pay extra for the flight to get there
D. guests can take part in conservation programs.
4. The Lodge management…………...
A. cooperate with the native people C. do not care about the local culture
B. bought the land for a lot of money D. are difficult to cooperate with
5. Some of the native people…………...
A. did not want to sell their land
B. work from a very early age
C. go to school to learn about the local culture
D. earn money at the Lodge
6. According to the text, the tourist industry…………...
A. ignores the importance of eco-friendly tourism
B. will always be threat to the environment
C. can limit the damage it does to the environment.
D. is in conflict with the local communities.
XI. Rewrite each of the following sentences so that it means the same as the first one, beginning with
the given words. (5 pts)
1. I found it difficult to communicate in English.
→I had.…………..
2. I couldn’t finish my work without my friend’s help.
→If it…………...
3. A friend of mine fixed the car for me.
4. It wasn’t necessary for you to bring your Coursebook to the class.
→You .…………..
5. He speaks more persuasively than his brother.
→ He is…………...
XII. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word
given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and eight words, including the word
given. (5 pts)
1. I find men’s wearing dress in Scotland very strange. (accustomed)
→ I…………... men’s wearing dress in Scotland.
2. Their decision not to compete in the event shocked everyone. (shock)
→ Their decision not to compete in the event …………... everyone.
3. You should book the table beforehand if you want to get a good seat in that restaurant. (advance)
→The table…………...if you want to get a good seat in that restaurant.
4. My dad helped me with my homework last night. (hand)
→ My dad…………... with my homework last night.
5. It is useless to worry about what has already happened. (point)
→ There is…………...what has already happened.
XIII. Paragraph writing
Write a paragraph (100- 120 words) about the ideal school in which you would like to study in the
future. (10 pts)

ĐỀ SỐ 33
(Đề thi học sinh giỏi 9 Huyện Cam Lộ)
Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút
I. PHONETICS (10 pts)
Question I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others by
circling A, B, C or D. (5 pts)
1. A. inspiration B. label C. occasion D. logical
2. A. grow B. novel C. cotton D. contest
3, A. modern B. pattern C. confident D. equal
4. A. musician B. necessary C. recently D. since
5. A. design B. loose C. style D. symbol
Question 2, Choose one word whose stress pattern is different from the others by circling A, B, C or D.
(5 pts)
1. A. admired B. gather C. blanket D. quarter
2. A. humor B. casual C. comprise D. income
3. A. batterry B. appliance C. institute D. separate
4. A. slavery B. candidate C. humorous D. deposit
5. A. conservation B. territory C. innovation D. limitation
Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D to fill in the gaps.
1. She speaks Chinese as………..as I do
A.good B. better C. very good D. well
2. I knew they were talking about me…………...they stopped when I entered the room.
A. because B. so that C. despite D. therefore
3. The librarian told us not…………...reference books out of the library.
A. to take B. taking C. take D. took
4. When I came to visit her last night, she…………...a bath.
A. had B. was having C. were having D. is having
5. Nobody liked the film,…………....?
A. does he B. doesn’t he C. did they D. didn’t the
6. Although he loved his country,…………...most of his life abroad.
A. but spent B. but he spent C. he spent D. so he
7. Many students aren't keen…………...their study at school.
A. about B. for C. with D. on
8. She hasn't written to me…………...we met last time.
A. before B. since C. ago D. for
9. You can rely…………...Jack. He always keeps his promise.
A. in B. for C. on D. with
10. I will have your car…………...soon
A. repaired B. repairing C. to repair D. being repaired
Question 1: Complete the following sentences with an appropriate form of the word in the brackets. (5
1. They got the…………... of receiving new bikes. (satisfy)
2. Are there any…………...between Hong and Hoa? (similar)
3. We must make a…………...about where to go. (decide)
4. All students have great…………...when going to school. (expect) .
5. …………..., the weather was so bad that we couldn’t go out. (fortune)
Question 2: Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting. (10 pts)
1. She was waiting nervous in the waiting room for the interview.
2. The children are very boring and they don’t know what to do.
3. I haven’t comeback to London for my father last visited me.
4. They asked me what did happen last night, but I was unable to tell them.
5. Do you knowhow getting to the post officefrom here?
6. Tom wisheshis neighbors don’t make so much noise.
7. Mary and Henry alwaysgoes out for a meal on their wedding anniversary.
8. Bill asked me if I was going to visit my aunt the day before.
9. The policeman told her not to driving her carso fast again.
10. I will lend you this moneyif you will promise to pay it back.
IV. READING (25 pts)
Question 1. Look at the sign in each question; Some one asks you what it means; Mark the letter next to
the correct explanation A, B, C or D. (5 pts)
A. Visitors are requested to park outsidethe reception area. ABC University
B. Please tell reception where you have There are some parking spaces
parked your car. available for visitors. Please ask at
C. Visitors who wish to park should askat reception. reception.
D. Details of parking for students areavailable from the reception.
A. We can train you to work here.
B. We are not open today because of staff training
C.The shop is run by trained staff.
D.The shop will open at 9.30 today.
A. This ticket office will close on 16 September.
From 17 September please use the
B. This ticket office will be closed for one day.
new Ticket Office
C.The new ticket office is now open.
D. There will be 2 ticket offices after 17 September.
A. Switch this printer off at the back.
B. Do not take the back cover off the printer Untilit is turned off.
C. Do not touch the switch at the back of this printer.
D. Cover this printer up before you switch it on.
A. Latecomers must sit at the back. LATECOMERS:
B. Latecomers must wait on the stairs. USE BACK ENTRANCE
C. If you are late, you must use a differententrance. UPSTAIRS
D. If you are late, you must go back tơ the entrance.

Question 2
Read the text and questions below, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each space. (10 pts)
Around the age of sixteen you must make one of the biggest decisions of your life. Do I stay on at
school and hopefully go on to university (1)…………..? Do I leave and start work or begin a training (2)
…………..? The decision is yours, but it may be (3)…………..remembering twothings: there are more
unemployment (4)…………..people who haven’t been to university, andpeople who have the right (5)
…………..will have a big advantage in the competition for jobs.
If you decide to go (6)…………..into a job, there are many opportunities for training. Getting
qualifications will (7)…………..you to get on more quickly in many careers, and evening classes
allow you to learn (8)…………..you earn. Starting work and taking a break to study when you’re
older is (9)…………..possibility. This way, you can save up money for your student days, as well
as (10)…………..practical work experience.
1. A. after B. later C. then D. past
2. A. school B. class C. course D. term
3. A. worth B. necessary C. important D. useful
4. A. between B. among C. with D. through
5. A. notes B. papers C. arts D. skills
6. A. straight B. just C. direct D. rather
z A. make B. help C. let D. give
8. A. where B. while C. when D. what
9. A. also B. again C. another D. always
10. A. getting B. making C. taking D. doing
Question 3: Fill in each blank with a suitable word. (10 pts)
Hypatia was born in Alexandria in 370 A.D. For many centuries she was (1)…………... only
woman scientist to have a place in the history books.
Hypatia’s father, was director lof Alexandria University, and he (2) ………….. sure hisdaughter
had the best education available. This, was unusual, as most women then had few opportunities to study.
After studying in Athens and Rome, Hypatia returned to Alexandria where she began
teachingmathematics. She soon became famous (3)…………..her knowledge of new ideas.
We have no copies of her books, (4)…………..we know that she wrote several important
mathematical works. Hypatia was also interested in technológy and invented several scientific tools to help
with her work.
At the time many rulers were afraid of science, and (5)…………..connected with it was indanger.
One day in March 415, Hypatia was attacked in street and killed.
V. WRITING (20 pts)
Question l:Comp!ete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. (7 pts)
1. John is interested in knowing more about astronomy. (like)
→ John…………..more about astronomy.
2. Because of the parade, we weren’t allowed to park in the High Street. (let)
→ Because of the parade, the police wouldn’t…………..in the High Street.
3. ‘Did you see that film on the television on Saturday?’ Susan asked me. (seen)
→ Susan wanted to know…………..that film on television on Saturday.
4. “I’m afraid these jeans have a hole in them.” (there)
→“I’m afraid that…………..these jeans.”
5. They cancelled the match because of the bad weather. (called)
→ The match because of the bad weather.
6. Dan never takes any notice of my advice. (attention)
→ Dan never………….. my advice.
7. It’s more than a year since I saw Lucy. (for)
→ I…………..more than a year
Question 2: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. (5 pts)
1. It was such a boring film that she fell asleep.
→The film was…………………………………………………………………………………………….
2. I am very pleased that we will meet again soon.
→ I am looking…………………………………………………………………………………………….
3. Hong couldn't get his parents' permission to buy a computer.
→ Hong’s parents…………………………………………………………………………………………..
4. "You only think of yourself," she told him.
→ She accused……………………………………………………………………………………………..
5. Although her leg hurt, Van finished the marathon race.
→ In………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Question 3: Make al! the changes and additions to produce, from the following sets of words and
phrases, sentences which together make a complete letter. (8 pts)
Dear Nakata,
1. I/very please/ receive, parcel/ send.
2. What/ good idea/ send/ selection/ different kinds/ food/ your country.
3. I/ enjoy/ eat/ very much/ so/ my family.
4. It/ not possible/ buy/ things/ England/ except/ perhaps/ London.
5. You/ say/ your letter/ you/ like/ send/ parcel/ English food.
6. I/just/post/one/you.
7. I/ not arrive/ same time/ this letter/ send/ sea-mail.
8. In/ parcel/be / information/ prepare/ eat/ food.
VI. LISTENING (Track 13 - 20 pts)
PART 1 (5 pts)
Questions 1-5
You will hear five short conversations.
You will hear each conversation twice.
There is one question for each conversation.
For question 1-5, put a tick (√) under the right answer.
PART 2 (5 pts)
Questions 6 - 10
Listen to Steve telling Olga about his birthday presents.
Which presents did each person give him?
You questions 6 – 10, write a letter (A- H) next to each person.
You will hear the conversation twice.
Example: 0. Mary - D
People Presents
6 Harry A book
7 Linda B camera
8 Thomas C chocolates
9 Victoria Djacket
10 James E pen
F socks
H video

PART 3 (10 pts)

Questions 11-15
Listen to Paul asking about a club for children.
For questions 11 -15, tick (√) A, B or C
You will hear the conversation twice.
0. The Children’s Fun Club has offices in .
A. the U.S □ B. India □ C. London 0
11. The club tries to help children with their
A. studies □ B. sports □ C. painting □
12. This month, the children will get a
A. video □ B. magazine □ C. pen □
13. The club has a competition every
A. week □ B. month □ C. year □
14. The club is for children under
A. 10 □ B. 13 □ C. 16 □
15. The club costs
A. £ 3 a year □ B. 5 £ a year □ C. £ 12 ayear □

ĐỀ SỐ 34
(Đề thi học sinh giỏi 9 Tỉnh Bắc Ninh)
Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút
I. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to complete each of the following sentences. (2.5 points)
1. What a nice day! Let s go for a picnic,…………..?
A. will we B. do you C. shall we D. don't
2. The ministry refused to the figured to the press.
A. release B. leak C. show . D. add
3. As she is so heavily overworked, there is a…………..possibility that will have a nervous breakdown.
A. distinctive B. distinct C. little D. manifest
4. There was no one in the house,, but the…………..of the meal lay on the table.
A. remains B. remainders C. ruins D. records
5. The car was repaired but not to the owner’s…………...
A. joy B. pleasure C. regard D. satisfaction
6. You’re too old to carry on working. It’s time you called it a…………..
A. year B. month C. Week D. day
7. This house needs …………...
A. to paint B. repainted C. to be repainting D. repainting
8. I have just bought…………...
A. brown nice leather belt
C. brown a leather nice belt
B. a nice leather brown belt
D. a nice brown leather belt
9.…………..your father was in hospital, we would have gone to see him.
A. Had we known B. if we have known
C. if we knew D. We had known
10. You should pay………….. to what the instructor is saying.
A. attendance B. intention C. convention D. attention
11. I don’t usually like staying at hotels but last summer we spent a few days at…………..verynice hotel
A. a/- B. a / the C. the/a D. the
12. I can’t find the tickets. I seem…………..them.
A. to have lost B. to lose C. losing D. to lost
3. I’ll give you ten minutes to come with a better idea.
A. out B. in C. through D. up
l4. We have decided to…………..the money for the local secondary school.
A. beg B. collect C. raise D. rise
15. Of course he can lift that! He’s a …………..as a horse.
A. tough B. big C. heavy D. strong
16. In the early years of the twentieth century, several rebellions…………..in the northern partsof the
A. rose up B. turned out C. came off D. broke out
17…………..what he says, observe what he does.
A. Although B. In contrast C. Contrary D. Never mind
18. He his life to the skill of the surgeon.
A. owes B. keeps C. perseveres D. maintains
19. I don’t think that this fashion will …………..
A. catch on B. catch up C. catch out D. catch over
20. If you don’t repay the money, we will, as a last _____, take you to court.
A. measure B. attempt C. act D. resort
21. There has been a recommendation from the union leaders that the offer of 5%………….
A. is rejected B. has been rejected C. be rejected D. rejects
22. I couldn't believe that they were brothers. They were as different as………….
A. Mars from Jupiter B. milk from honey C. chalk from cheese D. dogs and cats
23. If I………….hear from Nigel, I’ll tell him you were asking after him.
A. happened B. should to C. happen to D. will happen to
24. Tom: “Lilly, may I use your pen?” - Lilly: “………….”
A. Feel free B. Forget it C. Nothing at all D. No problem
25. Susan: "Tom says he doesn’t like you!" - Lucy: "………….."
A. I don’t care B. So do I
C. I know he isn’t D. It makes nothing
II. Supply the correct tense/form of the verbs in the parentheses. (1.0 point)
I think I (l.lose)………….my sunglasses. I (2.look)………….for them since noon, but I can’t
find them.
- I wish it (3. not, rain) …………. now so that we could go out for a walk.
- Hurry up. By the time you finish getting ready, we (4. miss) …………. the train.
- Nam, together with his classmates, (5. be)…………. in the voluntary program last year.
- He…………. (6. play) the part now if he………….(7. not offend) the producer at the lastrehearsal.
- Brian had no money, so he sold his car. A few days later he won some money in a lottery. He
(8. not sell)………….his car.
- When I (9. arrive)…………. home last night, I discovered that Jane (10. prepare)………….a
beautiful candlelit dinner.
III. Give the correct form of the words provided. (1.0 point)
Your chances of success can be greatly increased if you follow a few simple 2.AMBITION
rules in your working life. First of all, remember that your (1)………….wants 3.ENCOURAGE
you to do well - that's what you are being paid for. Many companies choose 4.SECURE
(2) ………….young people to work for them andprovide a lot of (3) 5.IMAGINE
…………. for their workers. Working for a large,international company may 6.STRONG
provide job (4)………….. On the other hand,a smaller company might give 7.PROVE
you the chance to use your (5)………….more. 8.TRAIN
Secondly, remember that any experience you gain will always (6) …………. 9.QUALIFY
your position in the company. The company wants (7)…………. that you 10.SUCCESS
want to get to the top. Take any opportunity you getto go on (8) ………….
courses related to your work. The more (9)………….you are, the better
chance you have of being promoted. Finally,don't give up, even when you are
(10)………….. Stick with it and you'll get there in the end.

IV. Underline the mistakes and correct them. (1.0 point)

1. We took part in a six- hours journey to the eastern coast. 1…………….
2. Different kinds of newspapers are arranging on the. shelves. 2…………….
3. There are a little activities that we can do after the meeting. 3…………….
4. Hung really wishes that he can take part in the game. 4…………….
5. They’re going to get their house to decorate for the Christmas. 5…………….
6. I used to sit next to a man who his name is Michael Faraday. 6…………….
7. I’d rather typing this letter than write it because it’s faster. 7…………….
8. He drives too fast that no one likes to ride with him. 8…………….
9. The novel writing by Mark Twain attracts a lot of children. 9…………….
10. Thank you very much for your letter, who came yesterday. 10…………….
V. Put one suitable preposition in the blank of each sentence. (0.5 point)
1. He was poor, but he rent a mansion and set himself………….as a millionaire.
2. We will definitely see you next week. We will be there………….fail,
3. The same rule applies, irrespective………….how much you have paid.
4. It was very good………….Sue to drive us to the airport.
5. He went………….his own accord. Nobody forced him to go.
I. Choose the correct answer A, B,CorD to complete the passage. (1.0 point)
Most people think of computers as very modern inventions, products of our new technological age.
But actually the idea for a computer was (1)………….out over two centuriesago by a man (2)
………….Charles Babbage.
Babbage was born in 1791 and (3)………….up to be a brilliant mathematician. He drew up
plans for several calculating machines (4)………….. he called “engines”. But despite the fact
that he (5)………….building some of these he never finished any of them.
Over the years people have argued(6)………….his machines would ever work. Recently,
however, the Science Museum in London has finished building an engine based (7)………….one of
Babbage s designs.
It has ( 8)………….six years to complete and more (9)………….four thousand parts have been
specially made. Whether it works or not, the machine will be on show at a special exhibition in the Science
Museum to (10)………….people of Babbage s work.
1. A. turned B. thought C. invented D. worked
2. A. known B. recognized C. called D. written
3. A. developed B. grew C. brought D. expected
4. A. which B. who C. there D. whose
5. A. wanted B. made C. started D. missed
6. A. until B. whether C. while D. though
7. A. on B. in C.at D. with
8. A. spent B. took C.taken D. been
9. A. than B. therefore C. when D. then
10. A. remind B. say C. inform D. encourage
II. Read the passage below and choose the word that best Jits each of the blanks. (2.0 points)
During the teenage years, many young people can at times (1)…………. difficult to talk to.
They often seem to (2)………….being questioned. They may seem unwilling to talk about theirwork in
school. This is a (3)………….development at this age, though it can be very hard forparents to understand.
It is part of becoming (4)…………. of teenagers trying to be adult whilethey are (5)………….growing up.
Young people are usually more willing to talk if they believethat questions are asked out of real interest
and not because people are trying to check up (6)…………. them.
Parents should (7)………….their best to talk to their sons and daughters about school work
and future plan but should not (8)………….them to talk if they don't want to. Parents should also watch for
the danger signs: some young people trying to be adult may experiment with drugs, alcohol, or smoking.
Parents need to watch for any signs of unusual behavior which may be (9)………….with these and get help
III. Read the passage and choose the best answer A, B, C or D. (2.0 points)
In the United States in the early 1800's, individual state governments had more effect on the
economy than did the federal government. States chartered manufacturing, banking, mining, and
transportation firms and participated in the construction of various internal improvements such as canals,
turnpikes, and railroads. The states encouraged internal improvements in two distinct ways ; first, by
actually establishing state companies to build such improvement ; second, by providing part of the capital
for mixed public-private companies setting out to make a profit.
In the early nineteenth century, state governments also engaged in a surprisingly large amount of
direct regulatory activity, including extensive licensing and inspection programs. Licensing targets
reflected both similarities in and differences between the economy of the nineteenth century and that of
today : in the nineteenth century, state regulation through licensing fell especially on peddlers, innkeepers,
and retail merchants of various kinds. The perishable commodities of trade generally came under state
inspection, and such important frontier staples as lumber and gunpowder were also subject to state control.
Finally, state governments experimented with direct labor and business regulation designed to help the
individual laborer or consumer, including setting maximum, limits on hours of work and restrictions on
price-fixing by businesses.
Although the states dominated economic activity during this period, the federal government was not
inactive. Its goals were the facilitation of western settlement and the development of native industries.
Toward these ends the federal government pursued several courses of action. It established a national bank
to stabilize banking activities in the country and, in part, to provide a supply of relatively easy money to the
frontier, where it was greatly needed for isettlement. It permitted access to public western lands on
increasingly easy terms, culminating in the Homestead Act of 1862, by which title to land could be claimed
on the basis of residence alone. Finally, it set up a system of tariffs, that was basically protectionist in
effect, although maneuvering for position by various regional interests produced frequent changes in tariff
rates throughout the nineteenth century.
1. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. States' rights versus federal rights
B. The participation of state governments in railroad, canal, and turnpike construction
C. The roles of state and federal governments in the economy of the nineteenth century
D. Regulatory activity by state governments
2. The word “effect” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to……………
A. value B. argument C. influence D. restraint
3. All of the following are mentioned ỉn the passage as areas that involved state governments in
thenineteenth century EXCEPT :…………….
A. mining B. banking
C. manufacturing D. higher education
4. The word “distinct” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to……………
A. separate B. innovative C. alarming D. provocative
5. It can be inferred from the first paragraph that in the nineteenth century canals and
A. built with money that came from the federal government
B. much more expensive to build than they had been previously
C. built predominantly in the western part of the country
D. sometimes built in part by state companies
6. The regulatory activities of state governments included all of the following EXCEPT……………
A. licensing of retail merchants
B. inspecting materials used in turnpike maintenance
C. imposing limits on price-fixing
D. control of lumber
7. The word “setting” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to…………….
A. discussing B. analyzing C. establishing D. avoiding
8. The word “ends” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to…………….
A. benefits B. decisions C. services D. goals
9. According to the passage, which of the following is true of the Homestead Act of 1862 ?
A. It made it increasingly possible for settlers to obtain land in the West.
B. It was a law first passed by state governments in the West.
C. It increased the money supply in the West.
D. It established tariffs in a number of regions.
10. Which of the following activities was the responsibility of the federal government in the nineteenth
A. Control of the manufacture of gunpowder
B. Determining the conditions under which individuals worked
C. Regulation of the supply of money
D. Inspection of new homes built on western lands
I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed
before. (2.0 points)
1. She dances beautifully and sings sweetly too.
→ Not only…………….
2. They do not clean the windows so the room looks rather dark.
→ Were they…………….
3. The keeper had no sooner opened the cage door than the tiger attacked him
→ Hardly…………….
4.People believe that the explosion was caused by terrorists.
→ The explosion…………….
5. Switch off all the lights before going out.
→ All the lights ……………..
6. During the teacher’s absence, the class was very noisy.
→ While…………….
7.The builder is going to mend my roof tomorrow.
→ I……………..
8. He brought the umbrella along but it didn’t rain.
→He needn’t…………….
9. The gun going off was the signal for everyone to panic.
→ As soon…………….
10. She’s successful and happy.
→Shehas ……………..
II. Write a new sentence as simitar as possible in meaning to the original one, using the words given in
bracket. (1.5 point)
1. By chance I was there when she revealed the truth, (happened)
2. Riding a bicycle along a pavement is against the law. (mustn’t )
3. She has not gone out with him for almost two years. (stopped)
4. In the end, I felt I had been right to leave the club. (regrets)
5. I’m sure he bought them a lovely present for their wedding. (bound)
6. I wonder where Harry is now — I haven’t seen him for years. (become)
III. Write an essay on a topic. (1.5 point)
“The Internet has bad effects on pupils’ study.”
Doyou agree or disagree? In an essay of about 150 - 180 words, express your ideas about this statement.

ĐỀ SỐ 35
(Đề thi học sinh giỏi 9 Tỉnh Thái Bình)
Thời gian làm bài:150 phút
A-I. Chọn từ có cách đọc khác ở phần gạch chân. (1,0 điểm)
1. A. recollect B. reappoint C. resurface D.reproduce
2. A. absence B. abrupt C. contact D. aspect
3. A. purpose B. comparison C. mausoleum D. designer
4. A. custard B. postcard C. wizard D. billiard
5. A, whistle B. postpone C. poetry D. Christmas
A -II. Chọn từ có trọng âm chính rơi vào vị trí khác các từ còn lại. (1,0 điểm)
1. A. mistake B. severe C. relate D. equal
2. A. introduce B. admirable C. advertise D.
3. A. volunteer B. afternoon C. eventual D.
4. A. arithmetic B. situation C. correspondence D. memorandum
5. A. representative B. vocabulary C. anniversary D. personality
B - I. Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc. (1,0 điểm)
1. He tried (take)…………a couple of tablets, but they didn’t help his headache.
2. By the end of his round-the-world trip, which should be early next year, Mike (2a-travel)…………for 15
months, and he (2b-cover)…………more than 10,000 kilometers.
3. There is thought (be)…………undiscovered oil beneath the Antarctic.
4. He sat by the phone, wishing it (ring)………….
B - II. Cho dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc. (1,0 điểm)
1. My cousin is a university student majoring in …………. (climate)
2. Thomas was the ………… in the boxing competition. He won the silver medal. (run)
3. Laser beams can kill cancer cells while leaving the surrounding ones …………. (harm)
4. The country is still………… dependent on agriculture, (economy)
5. In this profession, women…………men by two to one. (number)
B -III. Chọn đáp án thích hợp nhất trong số A, B, C hoặc D để hoàn thành câu. (2,0 điểm)
1. Where's that…………dress your grandmother gave you?
A. long pink silk lovely B. pink long lovely silk
C. lovely long pink silk D. lovely pink long silk
2. British and Australian people share the same language, but in other respects, they are as different
A. cats and dogs B. chalk and cheese C. salt and pepper D. here and there
3. Thanks for helping me out. I’ll…………the favor some time.
A. return B. pay C. send D. do
4. You must think…………before you make a decision to sell the house.
A. consequently B. understandably C. reasonably D. rationally
5.…………Vietnam joins international organizations has brought tremendous benefits to thecountry.
A. As B. That C. What D. When
6. …………the flood has receded, people can move back into their homes.
A. Now that B. For C. So D. As much as
7. As a student, you envied your friends, who were working and earning their ownmoney,…………
A. were they B. didn’t you C. weren’t they D. were you
8. Poor me!. She is the one in charge of our team, so I have to play…………all her odd ideas.
A. about B. at C. along with D. away
9. Karen: “Hi, Tina! What is your opinion about Ted’s presentation?”
Tina: “…………. But he needs to make SQme small changes.”
A. It is perfect B. I do have some opinions about it
C. By and large, it is good D. I have no idea about it
10. …………I heard her use those words.
A. Many’s the time B. Many’s a time C. As many times as D. Plenty of time
B-IV. Điền giới từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống để hoàn thành các câu sau. (1,0 điểm)
1. Much has been done to work…………a good solution to traffic problems.
2. The decision was disastrous…………political terms.
3. At the Hi-tech Fair, there is a wide selection of computers…………display.
4. Will you keep your voice (4a)…………, please? I’m (4b)…………the phone.
5. The Mayor was (5a)…………the hope of having a good day (5b)…………the parade.
6. How much did he charge you (6a)…………doing (6b)………… the house?
7. Having undergone many changes over the years, Ao dai is still worn…………pride by
Vietnamese women.
B - V. Xác định lỗi sai ở mỗi câu sau bằng cách chọn các đáp án A, B,C hoặc D và sửa lỗi đó (1,0 điểm)
1. Beaten by Holyfield, his position is not highly appreciated in world boxing.
2. After workingreally hard for the examination, he deserved a well-earning holiday.
3. There are many frequentlymentioned reasons why one out of four arrestsinvolve a juvenile.
4. Lemon trees are similar in longevity and appear to orange trees but have more uprightgrowth.
5. More than 600 million individual bacterialives on the skin of humans.
C - I. Tìm một từ thích hợp điền vào chỗ trống trong bài văn sau. (2,0 điểm)
The American flag is the end product of a long evolution. Each of its component parts has its own
The very first American flag was (1)……………. in the skies over Boston on January 1, 1776,
by the American forces there. This first flag (2)……………. of thirteen red and white stripesrepresenting
the number of American colonies. It also included the British Cross of St. George and Cross of St. Andrew.
It could be considered (3)……………. ironic that these symbols ofBritish rule were included on the
American flag in that the American colonists were fighting (4)…………….independence from the British.
The origin of the stars on the current flag is obscure; that is, the stars could possibly have been
taken from the flag of Rhode Island, or they could have been taken from the coat of arms of the
Washington family. According to legend, this first flag with stars (5)…………….sewn byBetsy Ross, a
Philadelphia seamstress who was famous for her clever needlework. This (6)…………….of the flag
contained thirteen stars and thirteen stripes, one for (7)……………. of thethirteen colonies battling for
The (8)…………….idea was to add one star and one stripe for each state that joined the new,
young country. However, by 1818, (9)…………….number of states had grown to twenty, and it
did not work well to keep adding stripes to the flag. As a result, Congress made the decision to revert to the
original thirteen stripes representing the thirteen original colonies (10)…………….adding a star each time
a new state was admitted. This has been the policy ever since.
Những từ gợi ý (Chú ý: có nhiều từ hơn cần thiết):
was, consisted, a, raised, rather, for, and, each, version, original, rose, the, were, every, composed.
C - II. Đọc bài văn sau và chọn đáp án thích hợp nhất trong số A, B, C hoặc D để hoàn thành các câu
sau. (2,0 điểm)
Millions of people are using cell phones today. In many places, it is actually considered unusual
not to use one. In many countries, cell phones are very popular with young people. They find that the
phones are more than a means of communication - having a mobile phone shows that they are cool and
The explosion in mobile phone use around the world has made some health professionals worried.
Some doctors are concerned that in the future many people may suffer health problems from the use of
mobile phones. In England, there has been a serious debate about this issue. Mobile phone companies are
worried about the negative publicity of such ideas. They say that there is no proof that mobile phones are
bad for your health.
On the other hand, medical studies have shown changes in the brain cells of some people who use
mobile phones. Signs of change in the tissues of the brain and head can be detected with modern scanning
equipment. In one case, a travelling salesman had to retire at young age because of serious memory loss.
He couldn’t remember even simple tasks. He would often forget the name of his own son. This man used to
talk on his mobile phone for about six hours a day, every day of his working week, for a couple of years.
His family doctor blamed his mobile phone use, but his employer’s doctor didn’t agree.
What is it that makes mobile phones potentially harmful? The answer is radiation. High- tech
machines can detect very small amounts of radiation from mobile phones. Mobile phone companies agree
that there is some radiation, but they say the amount is too small to worry about.
As the discussion about their safety continues, it appears that it’s best to use mobile phones less
often. Use your regular phone if you want to talk for a long time. Use your mobile phone only when you
really need it. Mobile phones can be very useful and convenient, especially in emergencies. In the future,
mobile phones may have a warning label that says they are bad for your health. So for now, it’s wise not to
use your mobile phone too often.
1. According to the passage, cell phones are especially popular with young people because…………..
A. they keep the users alert all the time
B. they make them look more stylish
C. they cannot be replaced by regular phones
D. they are indispensable in everyday communications
2. The word “means” in paragraph 1 most closely means…………..
A. meanings B. expression C. transmission D. method
3. Doctors have tentatively concluded that cell phones may…………..
A. change their users’ social behaviors B. change their users’ temperament
C. cause some mental malfunction D. damage their users’ emotions
4. “Negative publicity” in paragraph 2 most likely means…………..
A. widespread opinion about bad effects of cell phones
B. information on the lethal effects of cell phones
C. the negative public use of cell phones
D. poor ideas about the effects of cell phones
5. The changes possibly caused by the cell phones are mainly concerned with…………..
A. the smallest units of the brain B. the mobility of the mind and the body
C. the resident memory D. the arteries of the brain
6. The man mentioned in the passage, who used his cell phone too often,…………..
A. had a problem with memory B. abandoned his family
C. suffered serious loss of mental ability D. could no longer think lucidly
7. The word “potentially” in the paragraph 4 most closely means…………..
A. certainly B. obviously C. possibly D. privately
8. According to the passage, what makes mobile phones potentially harmful is…………..
A. their radiant light B. their raiding power
C. their power of attraction D. their invisible rays
9. According to the writer, people should…………..
A. keep off mobile phones regularly
B. never use mobile phones in all cases
C. only use mobile phones in medical emergencies
D. only use mobile phones in urgent cases
10. The most suitable title for the passage could be…………..
A. The Way Mobile Phones Work
B. Technological Innovations and Their Price
C. The Reasons Why Mobile Phones Are Popular
D. Mobile Phones: A Must of Our Time
D- I. Dùng từ gợi ý viết thành câu hoàn chỉnh. (1,0 điểm)
1. I / pleased / hear / you / offer / job / assistant manager.
2. She / have / so / beautiful / voice / that / everyone / admire / it.
3. The smoking / cigarettes / no longer / popular / it / used / be.
4.If/I / your shoes /, / I / think / twice / it.
5. There / loud / explosion / the moment / we / get / out / building.
D -II. Chọn đáp án thích hợp nhất trong số A, B, C hoặc D để hoàn thành các câu sạu. ( l,0 điểm )
The instructions must be followed exactly;……………
A. otherwise, the outcome will be very bad
B. furthermore, the outcome may be very good
C. however, the outcome can be very bad
D. in contrast, the outcome will be very bad
2. To solve this problem, it is advisable…………….
A. a drastic measure to be adopted
B. that to adopt a drastic measure
C. that a drastic measure be adopted
D. that a drastic measure is adopted
3. The lawyer told his clients that…………….
A. the case had a minimum chance to be won by him
B. they had little chance of winning the case
C. the case was of a small chance to win
D. it was nearly impossible to win him the case
4……………. Paul realize that he was on the wrong flight.
A. No sooner had the plane taken off than
B. It Was not until the plane had taken off that
C. Only after the plane had taken off
D. Not until the plane had taken off did
5. In Roman numerals,…………….symbols for numeric values.
A. letters are the alphabet's
B. letters of the alphabet are
C. which uses letters of the alphabet
D. in which letters of the alphabet are
D –III. Viết lại các câu sau, bắt đầu bằng các từ gợi ý, giữ nguyên nghĩa của câu đã cho (2,0 điểm)
1. You should have read the instructions carefully.
→You are………….
2. Peter prefers sports to music.
→ Peter would rather…………..
3. She is shy. That’s why she didn’t go to your party last night.
→ If…………..
4. My phone is out of order. It’s a real nuisance.
→ My phone…………..
5. Although he is industrious, he hasn’t succeeded.
→ Industrious…………..
6. “You are wearing a beautiful dress today!” Susan said to Mary.
→ Susan complimented…………..
7. “Don’t leave the house until I get back, William,” his mother said.
→ William’s mother told .………….
8. We were surprised that he passed the exam.
→ To…………..
9. My protests were ignored by everybody.
→ Nobody took…………. .
10. We left quietly so that we wouldn’t disturb her.
→ So as …………..

ĐỀ SỐ 36
(Đề thi học sinh giỏi 9 Tỉnh Phú Thọ)
Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút
I. Listen andfill in the missing information. (10 points)
- club started in 1957
- prize recently won by youth section
- usually performs (1)………..plays
- next auditions will be on Tuesday, (2)………..
- help is needed with publicity and lights
- rehearsals take place in the (3)………..hall
- nearest car park for rehearsals in Ashburton Road opposite the sports centre
-annual membership fee is £ 180
- extra payment for (4)………..
-secretary’s name is Sarah Sawdicott
-secretary’s phone number is (5)………..
II. Listen and choose the best answer. You will hear a news reporter called Angela Bond, talking on the
radio about her job. (10 points)
1. Where has Angela just returned from?
A. Britain B. the USA C. Asia
2. One thing Angela dislikes about her job is that she………...
A. loves being in dangerous situations
B. never knows where she'll go next
C. enjoys watching important events happen
3. What did Angela bring home from Hong Kong?
A. pictures B. carpets C. furniture
4. Where did Angela meet her boyfriend?
A. at her sister's house B. at university C. in Thailand
5. What does Angela do to relax?
A. She cooks a meal B. She goes sailing C. She goes shopping
III. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently. Write your answers in the space
provided. (6 points)
1. A. dome B. tomb C. home. D. comb .
2. A. rustle B. whistle C. subtle D. castle
3. A. cussed B.ragged C. crooked D. docked
IV. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the other three of the group. Write your
answers in the space provided. (4 points)
1. A. survive B. consent C. access. D. appear
2. A. interactive B. economy C. communicate D. particular
V. Choose the correct answer to complete each of the following sentences. THERE CAN BE MORE
THAN ONE CORRECT ANSWER TO SOME QUESTIONS. Write your answers in the space provided.
(70 points)
1. It isn’t the funniest film I’ve ever seen. I would say it’s…………. amusing at best.
A. softly B. mildly C. modestly D. barely
2. When Rita was promoted to sales manager, she was…………..
A. over the hill B. up in the clouds
C. over the moon D. in the seventh moon
3. My neighbor informed…………. a large crack running down the outside wall'-of my house. It
had apparently appeared during the night.
A. me that there was B. to me that there was
C. me on there being D. to me of there being
4. The meeting…………. place in the main hall, but it had to becancelled.
A. will have taken B. would take
C.was to take D.is due totake
5. There are two supermarkets in the town but………….of them sells fresh fish.
A. none B. neither C. no one D. either
6. - “My mother is very good at cooking.” - “………….”
A. She must be very proud of it. B. How long has she been cooking?
C. Do you enjoy it? D. You must have good taste!
7. Finally, we had to………….to legal threats.
A. apply B. resort C. intend D. recur
8.………….the expression on his face, I’d say he wasn’t too pleased to see us. In fact. I’d say he was
A. Judging by B. As for C. Provided with D. Seeing as
9. - Customer: “Could I have a refund?” - Salesperson: “………….”
A. No, thank you. B. Not at all.
C. No problem. Do you have the receipt? D. Never mind.
10.I bumped into Patrickat the supermarket. He was asking………….you.
A. by B. after C. on D. upon
11. Why don’t we have yoghurt? It’s ………….as good as cream and much healthier, too.
A. each bit B. every part C. each part D. every bit
12. We would…………. in Cardiff if we hadn’t found someone to buy our previous house.
A. still have lived B. still be living
C. live still D. have lived still
13. He denied………….the glass window of our classroom.
A. breaking B. to break C. break D. having broken
14. When you reach the fork in the road, you can go………….. They both lead to the village.
A. either way B. the two ways C. the both ways D. each way
15. It was………….pleasure to be working out of doors after five long years locked in a cell.
A. plain B. sheer C. pure D. simple
16. He returned home after a………….in New York.
A. weekly holiday B. week’s holiday
C. weeks’ holiday D. holiday of a week
17. “ATM” stands for…………..
A. automatic talking machine B. automated teller machine
C. automation telling mate D. automobile teller mate
18. You must pay import………….on certain goods bought into this country.
A. fees B. surcharges C. supplement D. duties
19. He’s always………….the government, but then he never votes in the elections.
A. shooting off B. calling out C. running down D. calling off
20. A defeat in the second round marked the end of the …………. for last year’s champion.
A. line B. avenue C. street D. road
21. We cannot jugde a person simply on the …………. of his education.
A. condition B. basis C. principle D. theory
22. I doubt …………. the company will make any profit at all this year.
A. when B. whether C. since D. so that
23. Of course I’ll play the piano at the party but I am a little…………..
A. out of use B. out of reach C. out of turn D. out of practice
24. All these sweaters are extremely………….by the local residents of a small Scottish island.
A. well-knitted B. well-founded C. well-fashioned D. well-made
25. …………. plants recycle carbon dioxide and create oxygen, which we need to breathe and………….
most of our food comes from………….plants.
A. Ø/Ø/Ø B.The/Ø/the C.Ø/the/Ø D.Ø/a/the
26. The…………. on the town - hall clock showed it was nearly midnight.
A. pointers B. hands C. fingers D. indicators
27. Despite all my anxiety, I………….for the job I wanted. I’m really going to work hard tojustify their
A. was hired B. hired C. got hiring D. got hired
28. He wanted to know………….for a picnic the previous morning.
A. if we had been going
B. that if we had been going
C. we were going
D. that we were going
29. Of all athletes, Alex is…………..
A. the less qualified B. the less and less qualified
C. the more qualified D. the least qualified
30. He offered to…………. her a hand as the suitcase was too heavy for her to carry.
A. show B. lend C. help D. loan
31. Thanks to my friends'…………. remarks, my essays have been improved.
A. constructive B. constructional C. constructor D. construct
32. The Olympic Games are given world -………….television coverage.
A. wide B. over C. global D. through
33. I’ve just been told some………….news.
A. astonishment B. astonishable C. astonishing D. astonished
34. Tom was the last student…………..
A. to be interviewed B. had been interviewed
C. to have interviewed D. to interview
35. By the time Peter’s daughter graduates from university,………….retired.
A. he B. he has C. he’ll being D. he will have
VI. There is one mistake in each sentence. Identify the mistake and write your answer in the space
provided. (10 points)
1. With his clear blue eyes and small softly hands, Jesse James impressed people as a kind person.
A. With B. softly C. as D. kind person
2. A balance between cheap production and high quality have been a major concern in the field of crafts.
A. between B. high C. have D. major concern
3. The Santa Fe Opera House is a modern, partly roofed open-air theater build into a mountainside five
miles north of the city.
A. partly roofed B. build C. mountainside D. of
4. The new student’s progress advanced forward with such speed that all his teachers were amazed.
A. advanced forward B. that all C. were amazed D. such
5. The better you are at English, more chance you have to get a job with international organizations.
A. better B. are at C. more chance D. get a job
VII. Read the passage and choose the best option to complete the passage. Write your answwers in the
space provided. (20 points)
The British Wind Energy Association was founded 30 years ago by a group of scientists. At that
time, the (1)…………. “alternative energy” was used to describe the generation of wind,water and solar
power. These days, we tend to refer to them as “renewable energy” and the use of this name (2)………….
a real change in their status. These sources of energy, far from beingalternative, have now become
mainstream and are (3) …………. to make a significantcontribution to the country’s energy needs in the
future. Two closely linked developments (4) …………. behind this (5) ………….in status. Firstly, over the
past decade or so, the price of oiland gas has been rising (6)…………., reflecting the extent to which
reserves of these fossilpels are becoming (7)………….. However, price is only part of the explanation. (8)
………….as important is the growing consensus that carbon emissions must be curbed. The scientific
evidence for climate change is now irrefutable, and both policy makers and the (9)………….
public are finally in agreement that doing nothing about the prospect of global warming is no longer a
viable option. Renewable energy represents one real way of (10)…………. both issues.
1. A. caption B. title C. term D. label
2. A. regards B. reproduces C. reminds D. reflects
3. A.set B. held C. put D. stood
4. A.sit B. reside C. lie D. recline
5. A.move B. shift C. switch D. jump
6. A.equally B. serenely C. habitually D. steadily
7. A.depleted B. decreased C. depressed D. debased
8. A. Just B. Still C. Much D. Yet
9. A. deeper B. greater C. larger D. wider
10. A. coping B.engaging C. addressing D. dealing
VIII. Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each question. Write your answers in
the space provided. (10 points)
Of all the weather events that occur around the world, lighting is the single most powerful and most
frequent. Lightning strikes somewhere around the Earth 100 times each second. A typical lightning strike
carries enough electricity to power a small town. In less than a second, a lightning strike heats the
surrounding air to temperatures several times hotter than the surface of the sun. Obviously, lightning strikes
are powerful. But how do they work?
A lightning strike is the last of complex chain of events that happen inside a cloud. This chain of
events starts when warm air rises in the clouds and cold air drops. As the cold air and warm air pass each
other, they carry millions of tiny drops of water and ice. When these passing water drops hit each other,
they create electricity. Just like the batteries in your MP3 player, this electricity has a positive and a
negative side. In the cloud, the negative side is at the bottom, and the positive side is at the top of cloud.
This makes the cloud electrically unbalanced. When the imbalance becomes too great, a streak of lightning
forms, reconnecting the positive and negative parts of the cloud.
Lightning has two basic forms: cloud to cloud lightning and cloud to ground lightning. Cloud to
cloud lightning occurs inside a cloud and never touches the groud. Sometimes called heat lightning, cloud
to cloud lightning is most common in the late afternoon and evening, when tempratures begin to fall and
there is more movement between hot and cold air inside a cloud. Cloud to ground lightning is far more
dangerous. Cloud to ground lightning usually occurs during a thunderstorm. Many people think that cloud
to ground lightning will hit the lastest available object, but this is not always true. Cloud to ground
lightning is very unpredictable and can even hit objects very low to the ground.
1. According to paragraph 1, all of the following are true of lightning EXCEPT
A. lightning is the most frequent weather event
B. a lightning strike lasts less than a second
C. lightning creates extremely high temperatures
D. lightning is often used to power small towns
2. The word "strikes ” in the passage is closest in the meaning to
A. occurs B. hits C. begins D. flashes
3. According to paragraph 2, the electrical charge in a cloud is created by
A. electrical imbalances in the cloud
B. lightning strikes
C. warm and cold air
D. the collision of rising and falling water droplets
4. The author mentions “your MP3 player” in order to
A. suggest that the energy in clouds our electronics could one day be used to power.
B. better explain the concept of a positive and negative charge
C. suggest that lightning is far more powerful than batteries
D. suggest that MP3 player will not work well in a storm
5. According to the passage, what is the last event that occurs before a lightning strike?
A. The temperature begins to fall B. The cloud becomes electrically unbalanced
C. A thunderstorm forms D. Water droplets collide inside the cloud
IX. Fill in each numbered blank with ONE suitable word. Write your answers in the space provided. (20
Before the start of their season, most sports teams, regardless of whether they are professional,
college, or high school teams, hold a training camp. The training camp can last [anywhere from two
months (1)…………..three months. Training camps serve several purposes.Obviously, they are intended to
(2)………….. the players and improve their skills, but they alsohelp coaches make (3) …………..,
about the team. As they watch their players in the trainingcamps, coaches can see what players they will
keep (4)………….. the team and who will bedropped. They can also see what game strategies will work
(5)…………..for their team.Training camp generally starts with about two weeks of conditioning. The
intention of this phase of training camp is (6)………….. to get the players into good physical shape. It
consistsmostly of exercise, and players may (7)………….. even play their actual sport. There are two
types of conditioning: endurance conditioning and strength training. Endurance conditioning basically
involves a lot of running and exercises to make (8)…………..heart stronger. Strengthtraining involves
exercise to strengthen specific muscles. Most athletes agree that this is the post physically (9)…………..,
part of training camp, and this is (10) ………….. the majority of
paining camp injuries occurs.
X. Finish the second sentence in each pair in such a way that it means the same as the sentence before
it. (10 points)
1. I am certainly not going to lend you any more money
→I have no ………………
2. If you changed your mind, you would be welcome to join us.
→Were you .………………
3. You will have a free ticket if you bring a group with you.
→ So………………
4. I left without saying goodbye as I didn’t want to disturb the workshop.
→ Rather………………
5. You can stay with us for a few days.
→ We can………………
XI. Complete the second sentence, using the word given in bold. Do not change the word given. You
must use between three and six words, including the word given. (10points)
1. He is proud of his work, (takes)
→ He ………………his work.
2. There were five participants in the discussion, (took)
→ Five people ………………the discussion.
3. Everyone was surprised to see John leave the meeting early, (surprise)
→ To ……………… the meeting early.
4. Peter was ready to leave the office when his boss asked him to type up a report, (point)
→ Peter ……………… the office when his boss asked him to type up a report.
5. Her previous novel was far more interesting than her new one. (nothing)
→ Her new novel ……………… her previous one.
XII. Write a paragraph (from 120 to 150 words) about the benefits of having a smartphone (20 points)


ĐỀ SỐ 01
I. 15 pts (Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm)
Part 1:
1.A. an animal 2. C. scissors 3. A. She rode her bicycle.
4. B. her cousins 5. A. at a house
Part 2:
1.10.45/ quarter to eleven 2. castle 3. 8(.00)
4. park 5. (walk to/round the old) market(s)
Part 3
1. E 2. G 3. B 4. C 5. H
II. 5 pts (Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm)
l.A 2. D 3. B 4. C 5.C
III. 10 pts(Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm)
l.A 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. A
6. B 7. D 8. B 9. C 10. A
IV. 5 pts (Mỗi câu đúng 0,5 điểm)
l.D 2. C 3. F 4. G 5. E
6. J 7. B 8. A 9. H 10.I
V. 5 pts (Mỗi giới từ đúng 0,5 điểm)
1. out 2. to 3. into - over 4. down
5. at - on 6. for 7. out 8. of
VI. 5 pts (Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm)
1. worldwide 2. alternative 3. commerce 4. necessities 5. poetry
II. 5 pts (Mỗi cẫu đúng 1 điểm)
1. has been 2. presented 3. had she left
4. will finish 5. may / might have eaten
VIII. 5 pts (Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm; tìm được lỗi 0.5, sửa được lỗi 0.5)
1. saves → (should) save 4. said → said to / told
2. do we have → we have 5. do → does
3. but she → she (hoặc although she → she)
IX. 10 pts: (Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm)
1. after 2. was 3. Though/ Although 4. to 5.visited.
6. whom 7. their 8. held/organized 9. people 10. how
X. 10 pts (Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm)
l.A. earliest 2. B. when 3. C. only 4. D. huge 5. B. carried
6. D. from 7. C. each other 8. A. falls 9. D. equally 10. A. instead of
XI. 5 pts (Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm)
l.G 2. E 3.F 4. B 5. C
XII. 10 pts (Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm)
1. Only in a situation like this dó children learn a lot about how to behave.
2. No matter how long you use it, it will not'wear out.
3. There’s no need to make an appointment to see the personnel manager.
4. It is a two-hour train journey from London to Bristol.
5. Believe in it or/otherwise you’ll never be able to do it.
6. The patient made a more rapid recovery than expected.
7. The more you practice, the better you (will) play.
8. The Prime Minister’s resignation resulted from his sudden illness.
The Prime Minister’s sudden illriess resulted in his resignation.
9. Be sure not to leave without saying goodbye to your grandmother.
10. In cas.e your car breaks down oh the rough mountain road, take plenty of spare parts.
XIII. 5 pts (Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm)
1. I wish I were really intelligent.
2. The stolen money has been found in the park.
3. The damage that sudden fires often cause is serious.
4. He knows nearly/almost everything about whales.
5. Walking in the rain gives him pleasure,r
XIV. 5 pts (Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm)
1. Many visitors to our country are impressed by the beauty of Hanoi.
2. Wearing uniforms encourages students to be proud of being students of their school.
3. Learners learn how to spell and pronounee words in order to/ to/so as to use them in (both) writing and
4. The Malaysian unit of currency is the ringgit, consisting/ which consists of 100 sen.
5. Has Tom heard from his pen pal since he moved to another city?

ĐỀ SỐ 02
Section A. 20 pts
I. Mỗi câu đúng 2 điểm: 14 pts (câu 1- VD)
1→7.45 5→13.45
2→15.20 6→11.15
3→20.30 7→8.05
4→16.40 8→18.25
II. Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm: 6 pts (câu 1- VD)
1. Yes, it’s fine 2. Fine, thanks 3. No, thanks 4. No, thanks
5. Just a little 6. Yes, it’s great 7. Not just now
Section B. 10pts
I. Mỗi câu đúng cho 1 điểm: 5 pts
l.D 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. C
II. Mỗi câu đúng cho 1 điểm: 5pts
l.C 2. A 3.C 4. D 5. B
Section C. 30 pts
I. Mỗi câu đúng cho 1 điểm : 10 pts
l.A 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. B 6. C 7. C 8. D 9. B 10. B
II. Mỗi câu đúng cho 1 điểm: 10 pts
1. extremely 2. creative 3. irresponsible 4. embarrassing 5. collection
6. popularity 7. disagree 8. modernized 9. longest 10. organization
III. Mỗi câu đúng cho 1 điểm: 5pts
1. is covered 2. was held 3. are being followed
4. hasn’t visited………moved 5. has been used
IV. Mỗi câu đúng cho 1 điểm: 5 pts
1.√ 2. would = will hoặc win = won 3.√
4. is going = goes 5. was hearing = heard
Section D. (20 pts)
I. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer A, B, C or D by circling the letter you
choose. (10 pts) Mỗi câu đúng cho 1 điểm:
l.B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. C 9. D 10. B
II. Read the passage and fill in each blank with ONE suitable word. (10 pts)
There are about 3,000 living languages in the world, but only six of them are the most important (1)
ones. Two-thirds of the world’s population speaks those languages. More than 400 million people speak
English as their (2) mother tongue. Another 400 million speak it as a second language. No one knows (3)
how many people speak it as a foreign language. Chinese is the language with more speakers (4) than
English, but it is only (5) the language for over one billion Chinese people. English is the official language
on one-fifth of the land area the world (6) over. It is (7) spoken/used in North America, Great Britain,
Australia, and New Zealand. In South Africa and India, it is one of the official languages. In many
countries, the textbooks in universities are (8) written in English. More than three-fifths of the radio
stations (9) broadcast programs in English. More than half of the scientific and research (10)
joumals/publications are in English. English is the language of international communication
Section E. (20 pts)
I. (10 pts- 1p/ a correct one)
1. Don’t forget to keep in touch with us.
2. How many hours a week do you spend watching TV?
3. If I were you, I would take part in these cultural activities.
4. It was a national holiday yesterday, so my friends and I went on/for a picnic.
5. It took us half an hour to get to the picnic site by motorbike.
6. I would like to congratulate you on passing your exam.
7. They are as fast as your cars.
8. Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for coming.
9. What’s the population of Vietnam?
10. We suggest(ed) learning ten words by heart every day.
II. (l0 pts- 2p/ a correct one)
1.I have no intention of giving you any more money.
2. In spite of of the silly story, I enjoyed the film.
3. He denied stealing the car.
4. Hardy had I put the phone down when the boss rang back.
5.If she were rich , she could buy a house.

ĐỀ SỐ 03
Part A: PHONETICS (5 pts)
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in the same line. (3
pts )
l.D 2. B
II. Choose and write in your answer sheet the word whose stress pattern is different from the rest of the
group. (3 points)
3.C 4. B 5. A
I. Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete each sentence (10 pts)
6. A 7. D 8. C 9. B 10. C 11.B
12. A 13. D 14. B 15. B 16. B 17. B
18. B 19. D 20. A
II. Put each verb in brackets into an appropriate form (10 pts)
21-22. hasn’t finished, started 23. have been killed 24. did I realise
25. doesn’t go 26-27. would you do, were given
28. have fixed 29. is being prepared 30. do ... think
III. Put each word in brackets into an appropriate form. (10 pts)
31. appearance 32. landing 33. majority 34. increasingly 35. memorable
36. confidential 37. voluntary 38. commercialized 39. unlocked 40. unforgetable
PartC: READING (25 pts)
I. Supply the most suitable word for each blank (10 pts) (Mỗi một đáp án đúng được 1 point)
41. Unlike 42. even 43. to 44. why 45. pronunciation/accent
II. (1p for 1 correct answer X10 = 10 points)
46. B 47. D
52. A 53. A 48. B 49. C
54. C 55. A 50. B 51.D
III. Read and answer the questions below. (5 pts)
56. Californians are afraid of earthquakes.
57. The great earthquake destroyed San Francisco in 1906.
58. The prophecy about the destruction of Los Angeles was made in the 16 century.
59. According to the prophecy, the destruction of Los Angeles would happen in 1988.
60. The people of Los Angeles fled from their doomed city by plane.
Part D : WRITING (20 pts)
I.Complete each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed
before it. (10 pts)
61. A new school will be opened here next year.
62. I wish he could drive.
63. If she were not tired, she could/ would go to work today.
64. Ann said she was going on business the next/ following day.
65. Would you mind if I opened the window?
66. At the end of the course, there was a big party.
67. I’d rather you hadn’t told me that.
68. We haven’t had the living room painted for many years./
We haven’t painted the living room for many years.
69. He suggested that we (should) go and have a look at the cathedral./
He suggested our going and having a look at the cathedral.
70. Not only did Harry break his leg, but he (also) injured his shoulder./
Not only did Harry break his leg, but he injured his shoulder aswell.
II. Write a paragraph of80-100 words about the limitations of the Internet. (10 pts)
Mark should be based on the following scheme :
1. Format: 2 pts (coherence, cohesion, style)
The paragraph should have 3 parts
a. Introduction: a topic sentence in which students should narrow down the limitations of the Internet.
b. Body: students should give reasonings and examples to clarify his presented ideas.
c. Conclusion (summary of the main reasons, students’ comment)
2. Content: 5 pts
Students should give specific limitations of Internet
- Information is out of control:
• It is hard for people to get proper information.
• People are easily confused when they look for information.
• They can be fooled or cheated.
- There are a lot of violent and sexual videos and programmes.
• Teenagers may be badly affected and get misled.
- It creates more and more game or social- network addicts?
• Game or social- network addiction will ruin family and social relationships.
• People may waste a lot of time and energy.
• The addicts may severely be obsessed or even break down.
3. Language: 3 pts (grammatical accuracy, wide range of vocabularies and structures).

ĐỀ SỐ 04
A. PHONETICS (5 points): One point for each correct answer.
l.B 2. A 3. A 4.D 5. A
I.(15 points): One point for each correct answer.
6.B 7. C 8. A 9. A 10. D 11.C
12. A 13. A 14.D 15.A 16. C 17. A
18. B 19. C 20. D
III. (10 points): One point for each correct answer.
21. knowledgeable 22. mysterious 23. vegetarian 24. urbanized 25.anxiously
26. impoliteness 27. economize 28. Proudly 29. enrich 30.cultural
III. (5 points): One point for each correct answer.
31. C 32. B 33. B 34. C 35. C
IV. (5 points): One point for each correct answer.
36. C 37. E 38. F 39. A 40. D
I. (10 points): One point for each correct answer.
41. B 42. D 43. A 44. B 45. C 46. C
47. D 48. C 49. B 50. A
II. (5 points): One point for each correct answer.
51. G 52. A 53. E 54. B 55. F
III. (10 points): Two points for each correct answer.
56. B 57. A 58. C 59. C 60. B
I. (5 points): One point for each correct answer.
6l. In spite of the very bad weather, the captain ordered his men to sail down the coast.
OR: In spite of the fact that the weather was very bad, the captain ordered his men to sail down phe coast.
62. We prefer walking home to taking a bus.
63. The more you worry, the more difficult you will find it to get to sleep.
OR: The more worried you are, the more difficult you will find it to get to sleep
64. If Jane had some / enough qualifications, she would / could get a good job.
65. We were made to work 12 hours a day (by the boss).
II. 10 points:
Dear Mrs. Thomson,
I am writing to tell you how much I enjoy the evening I spent with you and your family last
Saturday evening (1 point). I have been in Sydney since January and it was my first time to have dinner
with an Australian family (1 point). I found the / our conversation most interesting (1 point). I would also
like to congratulate you on your excellent cooking (1 point). I am very grateful (to you) for your helpful
information about (some) courses in English (1 point). I hope that I will find a suitable school in the next
few days (1 point), and (that) English will not be too hard for me to study (1 point). Would I Could / Can
you (please) give my best regards to your husband and your lovely daughters? (1 point).
Thank you again for the extremely pleasant evening (1 point).
I look / am looking forward to seeing you next week (1 point).
Yours faithfully,
Pham Thanh Thuy
III. 10 points
1. Task fulfillment: 6.0 points
+ Complete the task with relevant information
+ Well-organized
2. Language: (4.0 points)
+ appropriate vocabulary
+ correct grammar
+ punctuation / spelling

ĐỀ SỐ 05
A. (0.5m) 0.1 for each correct answer
1.C 2. B 3.D 4.B 5.A
B. (0.5M) 0.1 for each correct answer
6.C 7. A 8.A 9. C 10. D
C. (2.0 ms) 0.1 for each correct answer
11. was raining 12. were riding 13. wanted 14. was turning 15. ran
16. to stop 17. broke 18. was walking 19. hurt 20. didn’t reak
D. (1.0 m) 0.2 for each correct answer
21. collected 22. illogical 23. enjoyably 24. Unhealthy 25. existence
E. (1.0 m) 0.1 for each correct answer
26. at 27. of 28. in 29. on 30. to
31. in 32. for 33. in 34. in 35. of
A. (1.0m) 0.2 for each correct answer
36. A 37.B 38. D 39. D 40. C
B. (1.0m) 0.2 for each correct answer
41. C 42. B 43. A 44. C 45. D
C. (1.0m) 0.1 for each correct answer
46. B 47.C 48. A 49. A 50. D
51. C 52. A 53. D 54. B 55. C
D. (2.0mS) 0.2 for each correct answer
56. so 57. though 58. allows 59. in 60. almost
61.surrounded 62.life 63. house/home 64. where 65. what
E. (1.0 m) 0.2 for each correct answer
1T 2F 3.T 4. F 5.N
F. (1.0M) 0.2 for each correct answer
66.A 67.D 68.C 69. E 70. B
G. (1.0m) 0.2 for each correct answer
71. C 72.A 73. A 74. D 75. B
H. (2.0 ms) 0.2 for each correct answer
76. He took up Yoga in order to relax.
77. The house was bought by my grandfather many years ago.
78. Henry hasn’t smoked any cigarette since 2005.
79. You must not smoke in public. / You must stop smoking in public.
80. It is thought that doing morning exercises is goodfor health.
81. Paul apologized to Susan for having given her the wrong number.
82.I suggested (that) you should ask her yourself.
83. If lived near us, we would visit you very often.
If you didn 7 live so far away, we would visit you very often.
84. I wish I could sing beautifully, so I could join them now.
85. What about going to somewhere for pleasure?
I. (2.0 ms). The mark can be divided as follows
- Topic sentence : 0.25
- Argument 1+ example : 0.5
- Argument 1+ example : 0.5
- Argument 1+ example : 0.5
- Conclusion sentence: 0.25

ĐỀ SỐ 06
SECTION TWO: (7.0 đ). Mỗi câu làm đúng đạt 0,2 đ.
Question 1: (2.4 điểm)
0.B l.A 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.D 6.C 7.B 8.D 9.C 10.A 11.B 12.B
Question 2: (1.4 điểm)
0.G l.E 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.H 6.F 7.D
Question 3: (1.6 điểm)
1.be 2. √ 3. out 4. me 5.√ 6. much 7.√ 8. was
Question 4: (1.6 điểm)
0. expectations
1. dislike 2. anxiety 3. enjoyment 4. beneficial
5. introduction 6. additional 7. properly 8. comparisons
SECTION THREE: READING (6.0pts). Mỗi câu làm đúng đạt 0.2 đ
Question 1: (2 điểm)
0.B 1.C 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.C 7.A 8.B 9.D 10.A
Question 2: (1.2 điểm)
0.G l.H 2.F 3.D 4.A 5.C 6.B
Question 3: (2.8 điểm).
0. in 3. more 7. than 11. spite
1. since / with /following 4. although / while 8. as 12. making
5. had 9. make / insist 13. ago
2. used 6. rather 10. such / quite 14. so


Question 1: (1.4 đ) Mỗi câu viết đủng đạt 0.2 đ.
1. If we / go on / litter, / environment / serious / pollute.
-If we go on littering/dropping litter, the environment willbecome / be seriously polluted.
2. Ba’s parents / often / him / not / waste / time / play / computer garties.
-Ba’s parents often ask (tell/advise/want/...) him not to waste time playing computer games.
3. She / ask / what aspect / learn / English /I / most difficult.
- She asked (me) what aspect of learning English I found (thought) most difficult.
- She asks (me) what aspect of learning English I find (think) most difficult.
4. Although / he / severe / disabled / take part / variety / sports activities.
- Although he is/(was) severely disabled, hetakes part/has taken part/(took part)ina variety of sports
5.I/ sorry /I / break / your watch / but /1 / have / it / repair / at the moment.
-Iam sorry that I broke (have broken) your watch but I am having it repaired at the moment.
6. Nam’s mother / tell / him / she / hear / TV / there / typhoon / come.
- Nam’s mother told him (that) she heard on TV (that) there would be/was a typhoon coming.
(a typhoon that/whichwas coming)
7. My parents / not used / let / me / stay / late / when /I / little boy.
- My parents did not (didn’t) use to let me stay up (stay out) late when I wasa little boy.
Question 2: (1.6 đ) Mỗi câu viết đúng đạt 0.2 đ.
1. Can I ask you a few questions? (IF)
Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?
2. “Is it raining outside?” asked Michael. (KNOW)
Michael wanted to know if/whether it was raining outside.
3. He didn't feel very well but he went to work. (SPITE)
He went to work in spite of not feeling very well.
4. It isn't necessary for anyone to work late tonight. (HAS)
Tonight no one / nobody has to work late.
5. Tuan’s behaviour at the party embarrassed me. (TUAN)
I was embarrassed by the way Tuan behaved at the party.
6. You must do exactly what the teacher tells you. (CARRY)
You must carry out the teacher's insưuctions exactly.
7. They decided to advertise their house on the Internet. (PUT)
They decided to out an advertisement for their house on the Internet.
8. Miss Lan had to finish the accounts and write several reports as well. (ADDITION)
Miss Lan had to finish the accounts in addition to writing several reports.
Question 3: (2.0pts).
Điểm thành phần của bài viết (lá thư) được đề nghị như sau:
- Organization: Đúng dạng thư phàn nàn/khiếu nại (3 phần: mở đầu, nội dung, kết thúc) (0,5đ)
- Ideas: (Nội dung liên quan chặt chẽ với chủ đề của đề thi: Nêu được lý do viết thư; thực trạng của vấn để;
đề nghị các giảipháp mong đợi giải quyết,..) (0,5đ)
- Discourse: (Thể hiện khả năng viết mạch lạc, chặt chẽ; nối kết câu, chuyển mạch tốt) (0,25đ)
- Sentence structure: cấu trúc câu, ngữ pháp, từ vựng; câu linh hoạt (đơn, phức..) (0,5đ)
- Length: Viết đủ số lượng từ qui định (không quá dài hoặc quá ngắn). (0,25đ)

ĐỀ SỐ 07
I. PHONETICS (5 points)
1.A 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.D
Part 1.(10 points)
6.C 7.B 8. B 9.C 10. A
11.C 12. D 13. B 14. D 15. C
Part 2. (5 points)
16. on 17. to 18. off 19. of 20. for
Part 3. (5 points)
21. scientists 22. qualified 23. unfriendly 24. fashionably 25. foretell
Part 4. (10 points)
26. getting 27. returns 28. was being played 29. knew
30. will be learning 31. to have escaped 32. is
33. had been standing 34. served 35. not buying
Part 5. (5 points) (Chọn đúng 50%, sửa đúng 50%)
36.A. has → have
37.D. be existed → exist
38. C. with not → without
39. A. careful → carefully
40. D. wasn’t → didn’t
Part 1. (10 points)
41. B 42. A 43. D 44. D 45.B
46. A 47. C 48. B 49. D 50. B
part 2. (10 points)
51. not/ never 52. life 53. who/that 54. On 55. spend
56. dependent 57. find 58. Older 59. hard/difficult 60. enough
Part 3. (5 points)
61. D 62. B 63. D 64. D 65. D
Part 1. (5 points)
66. This is the first time I have seen this film.
67. He denied being/ having been there/ (that) he had been there at the/ that time.
68. The train does not take as long as the bus (does).
69. Never in my life have I seen such a mess!
70. That car belongs to my father.
Part 2. (5 points)
71. wishes she had gone to
72. has not retired
73. even though I knew
74. no intention of telling
75. devoted all his time to
Part 3. (10 points)
Notes: The mark given to part 3 is based on the following scheme:
- Content: (50% of the total mark)
- Organization and presentation: (20% of the total mark)
- Language: (20% of the total mark)
- Handwriting, punctuation and spelling: (10% of the total mark)

ĐỀ SỐ 08
Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence. (20 pts)
1.D 2.C 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. D 8. B 9. A 10. C
Use the correct form of the word given to fill in each blank. (20 pts)
1. He’s a university student majoring in climatology.
2. The teacher gave us a(n) introductory lesson on conservation.
3. To be completely fair, we need a(n) disinterested person.
4. The inauguration ceremony was given worldwide coverage.
5. After working really hard for the examination, he deserved a(n) well-earned holiday.
6. Such important work needs exactitude/exactness.
7. The article I read the other day was quite informative. That’s why I keep it for later reference.
8. Amazingly enough, no-one else has applied for the job. (Amaze)
9. Please check the availability of the language lab on that day.
10. The tendency now is to personalize our cell phone ringtones.
Read the passage and choose the best option (A, B, C, or D) for each blank space.
PASSAGE A (15 pts)
l.C 2. D 3. C 4. A 5.D 6. A 7. D 8. C
9. D 10. B 11. A 12. A 13. C 14. D 15. B
Fill in each of the blanks in the following passage with ONE suitable word.
PASSAGE B (30 pts)
1. ways 2. including 3. According 4. disabilities 5. developed
6. ever 7. picking 8. still 9. much/far/way 10. made
11. brings 12. fascinate 13. another 14. ilvnvoes 15. until
PASSAGE C (30 pts)
16. over 17. caused 18. raised 19. respect 20. information 21. price
22. While/Whereas 23. before 24. invasion 25. degree 26. of
27. what 28. most 29. satisfaction 30. themselves
PART THREE: Reading Comprehension (40 pts)
Choose the item (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the unfinished statement about the passage.
PASSAGE A (20 pts)
l.A 2.B 3.B 4.D 5.B
6.D 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.D
PASSAGE B (20 pts)
ll.B 12.A 13.D 14.C 15.B
16. A 17.D 18.C 19.D 20.B
Rewrite each sentence in such a way that it means almost the same as the one printed before it. Use the
word in brackets.
1. He is said to be capable of swimming across this river.
2. It is uncertain that/whether they will turn out at the meeting.
3. The teacher sent/gave usVsent out a reminder that we had to hand in the paper by the deadline.
4. It has become increasingly popular to learn English in our city.
5. As soon as he got off the plane, he was taken into custody.
6. Neither the teacher nor his students had any idea about the crack on the wall.
7. It was the boy’s effort that left a good impression on the audience and judges.
8. I wish you would try to get along well with the others.
9. In order to keep fit, I invariably go jogging in the morning.
10. It goes without saying that no-one else in the conservatory plays the violin as well as Katie does.

ĐỀ SỐ 09
I.(15 pts) (Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm)
Part 1. l.B 2.C 3. A 4. A 5.C
Part 2.1. Friday 2. (a) story 3. (about) 2/ two 4. (the) jungle 5. lost
Part 3. l.B 2. c 3.C 4.C 5. A
II. (10 pts) (Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm)
1. B. It’s nice of you to say so 2. B. Shall I help 3. D. appearance
4. A. in search of 5. D. Not only was Jack 6. C. such
7. A. the more efforts we have to make
8. C. saw me off 9. B. goes 10. A. neither/ nor
III. (5 pts) (Mỗi câu đúng 0,5 điểm)
l.B 2. J 3. D 4. A 5. E
6.F 7. H 8. G 9. I 10. C
IV. (5 pts) (Mỗi từ điền đúng 0,5 điểm)
1.of-in 2. for 3. to- for
4.by-on 5. off-from 6. about
V. (5 pts) (Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm)
1. undeniable 2. officially 3. contestants 4. improve 5. difficulties
VI. (5 pts) (Mỗi động từ đúng 0,5 điểm)
1. has made 2. has been - to take
3. had recommended 4. was waiting - had been waiting/ had waited
5. to have - built 6. to be working 7. being followed
VII. (10 pts) (Mỗi lỗi tìm được được 0,5 điểm, sửa đúng được 0,5 điểm. Chú ý: các lỗi mà học sinh
tìm được có thể không theo thứ tự dưới đây)
1.Line 1: four-storeys → four-storey
2.Line 3: quick → quickly
3.Line 5: truck → trucks
4.Line 6: where → that/ which
5.Line 8: basic → basically
6.Line 9: made → done/ caused (do/ cause damage to)
7.Line 9: safe → unsafe
8.Line 10: estimating → estimated
9.Line 10: much → more/ much more
10.Line bigger→ biggest
VIII. (10 pts) (Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm)
1. have 2. jungle/ area/ region 3. decades 4. who 5. during/ in
6. no 7. on/ upon 8. language/ dialect/ words 9. knows/ speaks 10. them
IX. (10 pts) (Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm)
1. A. process 2. B. considered 3. C. each 4. C. importance 5. D. leads
6. D. benefit 7. B. reach 8. C. makes 9. A. received 10. C. on
X. (5 pts). (Mỗi câu đúng 0,5 điểm)
l.E 2. F 3. D 4. H 5. G
6. A 7.I 8.C 9. J 10. B
XI. (5 pts) (Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm)
l.C 2. F 3.E 4.B 5.D
XII. (5 pts) (Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm)
1. No matter what they/ all the children score in the competition, all the children/ they will receive a prize.
- Or: No matter what their/ all the children’s score in the competition is, all the children/ they will receive a
- Or: No matter what the score they/ all the children get in the competition, all the children/ they will
receive a prize.
2. Against everybody’s/ everyone’s expectations, she lost.
3.But for the weather, it would have been a wonderful weekend
4. It is essential that every child (should) have/ for every child to have the same educational opportunities.
5. Only when Alice and Charles had (had) their second child, did they decide to move to a bigger house.
- Or: Only when Alice and Charles’s second child was bom, did they decide to move to a bigger house.
- Or: Only when Alice and Charles gave birth to the/ their second child, did they decide to move to a bigger
VIII. (5 pts) (Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm)
1. The harder he tried/ tries, the worse he danced/ dances before (the) large audience.
2. In order to get (the) scholarship, (the) students were/ are required to write an essay about their future.
3. People in many/ some/ several countries often exchange greeting cards on Christmas Day and New
Year’s Day.
4. The book which my father gave (to) me last week is a memorable gift/ the most memorable gift.
5. Young people are less and less dependent on/ upon their parents and (they) tend to develop independent
- OR: Young people who/ that are less and less dependent on/ upon their parents tend to develop
independent thinking.
- OR: Young people, who are less and less dependent on/ upon their parents, tend to develop independent
XIV. (5 pts) (Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm)
1. Despite having a terrible cold/ the fact that I had a terrible cold, I went to school as usual yesterday.
2. There has been a decrease in the number of people who travel to China by plane after the mysterious
missing Boeing 777.
3. The headmaster congratulated Hoang The Anh on (his) winning the first prize.
4. No sooner had Minh reached the gate than it began to rain.
5. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t persuade us to go with her.
ĐỀ SỐ 10
Lưu ý: Dấu (/) có nghĩa là ta có thể lựa chọn 1 trong các cách đó. Dấu ( ) có nghĩa là phần trong ngoặc có
hoặc không có vân được tính điểm. Nếu thí sinh có cách làm khác mà đúng thì cho điểm tối đa.
Tổng: 200 điểm/10 = 20 điểm.
PART 1: I. You will hear Sally asking a friend about some homework. Listen and complete questions 1
to 5. You will hear the conversation twice. (10pts)
Mỗi câu đúng 2 điểm X 5 = 10 điểm
1.river(s) 2. (Martin) cooper 3. 123-/(to) 127 4. fish 5. Friday
PART 2: II. You will hear some information on the radio about a summer music school. Listen and
complete questions 1 to 5. You will hear the information twice (10 pts)
Mỗi câu đúng 2 điểm X 5 = 10 điểm
1. 5th(July); 5/7 2. (and) drum(s) 3. 9.15 (nine fifteen)/ a quarter past nine (a.m)
4. (£) 3.25/three pounds (and) twenty-five (p/pence) 5. 2173881
III. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the rest by
writing your answer (A, B, C or D) in the numbered box. (10 pts)
Mỗi câu đúng 2 điểm X 5 = 10 điểm
l.A 2.B 3. A 4. D 5. C
IV. Choose the letter (A, B, C or D) next to the word whose main stress is placed differently. (10 pts)
Mỗi câu đúng 2 điểm X 5 = 10 điểm
1.D 2. A 3.B 4. D 5. C
V. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. Write your answer (A, B, C, or D) in
the numbered box. (40 pts)
Mỗi câu đúng 2 điểm X 20 = 40 điểm
l.D 2. B 3.D 4. A 5.C
6.B 7.D 8.B 9. A 10. D
11.C 12. D 13. A 14. B 15. C
16. C 17. D 18. A 19. B 20. C
VI. There is one mistake in each sentence. Find the mistake and write your choice (A,B,C or D in the
space provided below. (10 pts)
Mỗi câu đúng 2 điểm X 5 = 10 điểm
Write your answers here:
l.A 2. D 3. A 4.B 5. C
VII. Complete the sentences by filling in each blank with the correct form of the word in italic. (10 pts)
Mỗi câu đúng 2 điểm X 5 = 10 điểm
Write your answers here:
1. creative 2. irresponsible 3. attendance 4. enriched 5. preciousness
VIII. Complete the sentences with the right form of the verbs in bracket. (10 pts)
Mỗi câu đúng 2 điểm X 5 = 10 điểm
Write your answers here:
1. driving 2. being driven 3. arrive/should arrive 4. losing 5. did not wear/ didn t
IX. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of
the questions. (20 pts)
Mỗi câu đúng 2 điểm X 10 = 20 điểm
1. B 2. D 3.D 4.B 5. A
6. C 7. B 8.D 9.C 10. A
X. Fill in each numbered blank ONE suitable word. (20 pts)
Mỗi câu đúng 2 điểm X10 = 20 điểm
1. much 2. take 3. solve 4. with 5. way
6. rivers/seas 7. save 8. for 9. parts 10. public
XI. Read the following passage and then choose the correct answer A, B, C or D. (10 pts)
Mỗi câu đúng 2 điểm X 5 = 10 điểm
1.B 2. A 3. B 4.D 5. C
XII. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence
printed before it. (20 pts)
Mỗi câu đúng 2 điểm X 10 = 20 điểm
1. I haven’t made a decision/ up my mind to continue my study in a foreign country.
2. No sooner had he returnedfrom his walk than he got down to writing.
3.I’d rather you helped your mother with housework
4. The heavy rain prevented/stopped them from finishing their game of badminton
5. It took one hour and a half to fly to Ho Chi Minh City (by plane)
6. Tom apologized to his boss for handing his report so late.
7. He hates being stared at while he is out in the street.
8. John takes pride in being a good computer programmer.
9. As far as I know /am concerned, he still needs protection/ to be protected.
10. He gave a brief introductionon / about me to the school s teaching staff.
XIII. Use the following sets of words or phrases to write a complete letter. Make all the changes and
additions if necessary. (20 pts)
Mỗi câu đúng 2 điểm X 10 = 20 điểm
Dear Helen,
1. How are things with you these days?
2. I am writing to invite you to accompany me on a trip to Hawaii.
3. As you know, I have booked a two - week package tour for my brother and myself.
4. Since then, I have been dreaming of the exotic scenes and the carefree time we could spend in Hawaii.
5. Unfortunately, my brother informed me yesterday that he couldn’t go with me.
6. This disappointed me, because half the pleasure of travelling is sharing new experience with someone
close to you.
7. I would be very happy if we could go travelling together.
8. I remember that you once showed an interest in this trip.
9. If you are still interested, do let me know as soon as possible.
10. I am looking forward to your reply.
Best wishes,
ĐỀ SỐ 11
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently. (10 pts = 5x2)
1. A 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. A
II. Choose the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the other words.
1. A 2.C 3.C 4. A 5.B
III. Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences. (30 pts = 15 X 2)
l.C 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. A
6.C 7. A 8.B 9.C 10. B
11.D 12. D 13. B 14. C 15. A
IV. Identify the mistake in each sentence and correct it. (10 pts = 5x2)
1 2 3 4 5
Mistake A D C C A
Correction has written players (should) finish reserving have been
V. Give the correct forms of the words given in brackets. (10 pts = 5x2)
1.authorized 2. indistinguishable 3. selflessness/ unselfishness
4. leadership 5. Conservationists
VI. Give the correct forms of the verbs given in brackets. (10 pts = 5x2)
1.was being played 2. had been wearing / wouldn’t have been hurt
3. will have been sold/get
VII. Choose the best answer to complete the passage. (20 pts = 10x2)
l.A 2. B 3.B 4. D 5. C
6.D 7. A 8. D 9.C 10. C
VIII. Read the following passage and then choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.
1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. D
IX. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only ONE word in each
space. (20 pts = 10x2)
1. means/ways 2. understood 3. sounds/sound 4. Learning 5. vocabulary
6. speak 7. express 8. majn 9. way 10. show
X. Complete each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the
sentence printed before it, (20 pts = 10 X 2)
1. The final date for you to submit articles / for articles to be submitted for the magazine isJune 18th.
2. It's high time something was/ were done about the city's traffic problem by the council.
3. Taking all the costs into account they estimated the price.
4. Nobody did anything about it.
5.I am not in the habit of sleeping in the afternoon.
6. Five years (has passed) since I last saw her.
7. I am not used to driving on the left.
8. If he didn't speak so quickly, I could understand him.
9. I'd rather you didn't make me annoyed by such silly questions.
10. The prisoner is thought to have been recaptured while drinking in the pub.
XI. Complete the sentence using the words given. Make all the changes and additions if neccessary. (20
pts = 10 X 2)
1. We are close friends because we have many things in common.
2. Is Passover celebrated in every country in/ around/ all over the world?
3. We decided to go for a short walk before sitting down for lunch.
4. After walking for three hours we stopped to let (the) others catch up with us.
5. There are more and more challenges for school children today at the/ their early age.
6. Taking tests is another challenge for school children.
7. It is/ was wrong of you not to give her a chance to talk.
8. He suggests using gas instead of burning coal for cooking.
9. Jack London was bom on January 13th, 1876 in San Francisco, California.
10. Solar panels are installed on the roof of the/ a house to receive energy from the sun.

ĐỀ SỐ 12
Part A: PHONETICS (5 điểm - Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm)
1.B 2. B 3.C 4. A 5.C
part B- LEXICAL & GRAMMAR (30 điểm - Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm)
I. 6. C 7. A 8. C 9. A 10. B 11.D
12. A 13. D 14. B 15. B
II. 16. will be 17. is just finishing 18. invited 19. to discover
20. had lied / had been lying 21. will be given 22. do not study
23. have been told 24. Burning 25. must be
III. 26. Unpolluted 27. household 28. sensibly 29. overeat
30. survivors 31. appliances 32. Environmentalists 33. innovations
34. nationwide 35. classified
Part C: READING (25 điểm - Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm)
I. 36. taking 37. after 38. lasting 39. prices 40. activities
41. Although / Though / While / Whereas 42. in 43. kept 44. full 45. was
II.46. B 47. C 48. C 49. A 50. A 51. B 52. D 53. D 54. B 55. D
III. 56. C 57. C 58. B 59. B 60. A
Part D: WRITING (20 điểm)
I. (10 điểm - Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm).
61. They bought me two laptops, but neither of which worked satisfactorily.
62. Jane has been a television presenter for five years.
Jane has worked as a television presenter for five years.
Jane has been working as a television presenter for five years.
63.I don’t mind looking after the baby for you.
64. It took 3 hours to fly to Paris.
65. He is said to have sold his house to pay the debt.
66. Little do the passengers realize how lucky they have been.
67. You shouldn’t drive away without fastening your seatbelt.
68. If he had not worked too/so much, he would not have been ill.
69. Anyone who understands this book is cleverer than I am.
70. Peter invited Ann to go to the concert with him that night.
II. Marking criteria:
- Task completion - 4 điểm:
Tùy mức độ hoàn thành các yêu cầu, giám khảo có thể chấm từ 1-4 điểm.
- Grammatical accuracy and spelling - 3 điếm:
Bài viết không có lỗi chính tả và dưới 4 lỗi ngữ pháp được cho 3 điểm tối đa. Cứ 5 lỗi chính tả hoặc ngữ
pháp trừ 1 điểm (Trừ không quá 3 điểm).
- Coherence and cohesion (tính mạch lạc và sự liên kết câu, đoạn) - 3 điểm:
Tùy mức độ mạch lạc, liên kết câu, liên kết đoạn của bài viết, giám khảo có thể chấm 1-3 điểm.

I. (2.0 points): One point for each correct answer:
1.B 2.C
II. (3.0 points): One point for each correct answer:
3. B 4. D 5. D
I. (15 points): One point for each correct answer:
6. A 7. A 8. B 9.D 10. c
11.D 12. D 13. C 14. B 15. B
16. D 17. A 18. B 19. D 20. A
II. (5.0 points): One point for each correct answer:
III. (5.0 points): One point for each correct answer:
26. B 27. D 28. D 29. D 30.C
IV. (5.0 points): One point for each correct answer:
31.E 32. D 33. B 34. A 35. F
I. (10 points): One point for each correct answer:
36.B 37. D 38. D 39. A 40.D
41.C 42. A 43. C 44. B 45.A
II. (10 points): One point for each correct answer:
III. (5-0 points): One point for each correct answer:
56. D 57. A 58. A 59. B 60. D
I. (5.0 points): One point for each correct answer:
61. Hardly had she arrived when things started to go wrong.
62. Lama's illness prevented / stopped him from going to the beach with his friends.
63. If he hadn't encouraged / had discouraged them, they wouldn't have been successful.
If it hadn't been for his encouragement, they wouldn't have been successful.
64. I wish I could speak Japanese well.
65. In spite of being / feeling tired, Peter managed to walk home.
In spite of Peter's tiredness, he managed to walk home.
In spite of the fact that Peter was / felt tired, he managed to walk home.
II. (10 points)
66. Bill Gates was bom in 1955 in Washington State (0.5 p). He grew up in a rich family (0.5 p).
67. His parents sent him to a private school (0.5 p). There, he met a I his business partner (0.5 p). (who
was) called / named Paul Allen (0.5 p).
68. When they were in 8th grade (0.5 p), they wrote programs for business computers (0.5 p).
69. In 1973, Bill Gates was accepted to Harvard University (0.5 p). His parents were happy (0.5 p).
70. Two years later, Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard (0.5 p) and worked on a computer program with his
friend Allen (0.5 p).
71. In 1975, they created a company (0.5 p) (which was) called / named Microsoft (0.5 p) to sell their
products (0.5 p).
72. A few years later, Microsoft became a giant company (0.5 p).
73. In 1990, Bill Gates was / became the youngest billionaire (0.5 p) in the United States at the age of 34
(0.5 p).
74. He achieved success with a lot of hard work (0.5 p). He was (called) the “King of software” (0.5 p).
75. In 1997, he was / became the richest man in the United States (0.5 p).
III. (10 points).
1. Task fulfillment: 6.0 points
+ Complete the task with relevant information
+ Well-organized
2. Language: 4.0 points
+ Appropriate vocabulary
+ Correct grammar
+ Punctual / Spelling
ĐỀ SỐ 14
1.C 2. A 3. D 4. D 5. A
Part 1.
6. B 7. C 8. A 9. D 10.A
11.D 12.A 13. B 14.C 15. B
Part 2.
16. had left 17. will be waiting 18. was being moved
19. will have forgotten 20. (should) be 21. to be taken
22. have done/have been doing 23.turns 24. wash
25. letting
Part 3.
26. expectation 27. variety 28. selflessness/unselfishness
29. illogical 30. unfortunate 31. straighten
32. lengthened 33. enthusiastically 34. financially
35. dying
Part 1.
36. C 37. B 38. B 39. C 40. A
41.B 42. D 43. A 44. D 45. C
Part 2.
46.even 47. between/of 48. longer/more
49. his/the 50. course 51. from/to 52. who/that
53.and 54. responsible/accountable 55. is/remains/stays
Part 3.
56. C 57. A 58. B 59. C 60. D
Part 1.
61. I’ve warned you about going near that dog.
62. She has worked/ been working as a secretary/ been a secretary for seven years.
63. I don’t know as much/ so much about it as she does.
64. He is said to have escaped to a neutral country.
65. He wishes he had invited Molly to his party.
66. The bank robber threatened to shoot the clerk if he/she moved.
67. Only after a twelve-hour wait/ delay of twelve hours did the flight leave.
68. We’ll still go even if it rains/ whether it rains or not.
69. If the foundations hadn’t been weak, the building wouldn’t have collapsed.
70. Taking all the costs into account, they estimated the price.
Part 2.
71. Jo’s training accident prevented her from taking part in the race.
72. You do not need to/need not book tickets for the show in advance.
73. She reminds me of my cousin Mary.
74. She came across the photographs when she was cleaning her room.
75. You should not have deleted that file.
Part 3.
- Nội dung, ý tưởng (5 điểm): Nêu được ý tưởng, lý do một cách rõ ràng, có sức thuyết phục.
- Kỹ thuật viết (5 điểm): Bố cục rõ ràng, hành văn mạch lạc, tự nhiên, đúng văn phong, đúng ngữ pháp,
dùng từ, cấu trúc phong phú, chính xác.

ĐỀ SỐ 15
I. 0.2pt for a correct answer = 1 pt
1.B 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.D
II. 0.2pt for a correct answer = 1 pt
l.B 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.A
I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: 0.lpt for a correct answer=1.5 pt
l.B 2.C 3.D 4.C 5.C 6.B 7.D 8.B 9.C
10.C 11.A 12.D 13.C 14.A 15.C
II. PREPOSITION: 0,1 pt for a correct answer = 1 pt
l.with/to 2. on-on 3. for 4. with 5. up
6. of 7. to 8. for 9. with
III. WORD FORM: 0.2 pt for a correct word = 2 pts
1. endanger 2. disadvantages 3. disappearance 4. uncontrollably 5. numberous
6. sensitivity 7. successfully 8. dying 9. Survivors 10. ages
IV.PHRASAL VERBS: 0,2 pt for a correct answer = 2 pts
1. get a hold of 2. make it up to over 3. turns out to be 4. getting along
5. went over/ goes 6. break even 7. come up with
8. turned down 9. came across 10. took over
I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: 0.1 pt for a correct answer = 1 pt
1. D 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. A 8. A 9. C 10. D
II. GAP FILLING: 0.2 pt for a correct answer = 3 pt
1. ease 2. solved 3. face 4. lists 5. flooded/filled 6. wide
7. know 8. give 9. inside 10. relate 11. event 12. piece
13. process 14. even 15. benefit
III. FINDING INFORMATION: 0.2 pt for a correct answer = 1 pt
l.B 2.B 3. C 4. C 5.C
I. REWRITING SENTENCES: 0.2 pt for a correct sentence = 1pt
1. Only after posting the letter did I remember that I hadn’t put a stamp on it.
2. When the goods arrive at the shop, they are inspected carefully.
3. Nothing could ever persuade me to leave my pet dog Rover
4. Laurence last saw her sister when/before she left for Japan.
5. Unless Joe changes his ways, he will end up in prison.
II. SENTENCE TRANSFORMA TION: 0.2 pt for a correct sentence = 1 pt
I. Laura completes her task with ease.
2. The mayor had no intention of building a complex in the old quarter.
3. I am excited to see my project is making progress.
4. My mother is in doubt of everything.
5. Johnson has a talent for painting.
HI. ESSAY: 2pts
Essay assessment criteria:Argument and evidence
Essay question/Topic fully addressed
Logically developed argument
Writing well structured through introduction, body and conclusion
Essay question/Topic dealt with in depth
Argument well supported by relevant evidence and examples
Written expression and presentation
Fluent and succinct piece of writing
Grammatical sentences
Correct punctuation, correct spelling throughout
Legible, well set out work
Reasonable length

ĐỀ SỐ 16
Part A; Section 1 (0.05 pt/item)
l.C 2. D 3.C 4.C 5.C 6.B 7. A
8. A 9.B 10. A 11.B 12. C 13. B 14. B
15. C 16. C 17 B 18. D 19. C 20. B
Part A; Section 2
1. introduction 2. accidentally 3. unacceptable 4. intelligent
5. inhumane 6. existence 7. conservation 8. destruction
9. organisation/ organization 10. activities
Part A; Section 3
1. B.famous for 2. B. have 3. C. the lower 4. A. so expensive 5. D. from the earth
PART B: 3 points
Part B; Section 1
1. so 2. all 3. Other 4. as 5. enough 6. who
7. to 8. around/over 9. worth 10. lots/ plenty
Part B; Section 2
l.D 2. A 3. C 4.B 5.D 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. D
Part B; Section 3;
l.D 2. B 3.C 4. A 5.B
Part B; Section 4;
l.C 2.F 3.E 4. A 5.D
PART C: 2.5 points
Part C. Writing; Section 1
1. She had her passport and other identification stolen.
2. Her boyfriend prided himself on being a fighter.
3. Helena is by far the most talented dancer I have ever known.
4. Could you keep an eye on my bag while I am away (please)? -
5. The fact that it snowed heavily prevented thousands of people from going to work./ The fact that it had
been snowing heavily prevented thousands of people from going to work.
Part C Writing; Section 2: 2 points; assessed against the language level appropriate to that of a secondary
student with four years of learning English in a gifted school in Vietnam.
Task achievement
Grammar range and Accuracy
Coherence and cohesion Lexical resource
*Notes on Part c, Section 1 and Part D, Section 1:
This marking scheme strives to include all acceptable answers. Yet, due to the sometimes unpredictable
nature of students’ responses, should there be any other potentially correct answers arising during the
marking of the papers it is highly advisable that those answers be discussed thoroughly among examiners
before being officially accepted and added to the marking scheme.

ĐỀ SỐ 17
I.(15 pts) (Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm)
Part 1.1.A 2.B 3. B 4. A 5. A
Part 2.1. B. bread 2. C. children 3. B. a band 4. C. an old house 5. A. some gardens
Part 3. 1. 10/ ten 2. college 3. horse 4. student café
5. 10 pounds/ £10/ 10/ ten
II. (5 pts) (Mỗi câu đúng 0,5 điểm)
l.D 2.G 3. J 4.F 5.H 6. B 7.I 8. A 9. E 10. C
III. (15 pts) (Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm)
1. C. live 2. A. with – in 3. C. cost 4. C. aspect 5. B. on account of
6. C. worn-out 7. C. dress 8. A. chances 9. D. after 10. C. complimented
IV. (10 pts) (Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm)
1. increasingly 2. introduction 3. inappropriate 4. absence 5. punctuality
6. impolite 7. invitation 8. statement(s) 9. indecisive 10. argument(s)
V. (5 pts) (Mỗi động từ đúng 0,5 điểm)
1. wouldn’t be 2. (should) start 3. wouldn’t/ couldn’t have passed - to become
4. were getting 5. promising - to keep - taken
6. have reached 7. have worked/ have been working
VI. (10 pts) (Mỗi lỗi tìm được được 0,5 điểm, sửa đúng được 0,5 điểm. Chú ý: các lỗi mà học sinh tìm
được có thể không theo thử tự dưới đây).
1. Line 2: predictable →predict 2. Lihe 3: which → where
3. Line 4: take → took 4. Line 5: uncontrollable → uncontrollably
5. Line 6: believes → believe 6. Line 7: disaster → the/a disaster (or: disasters)
7. Line 8: observe → observing 8. Line 9: terrified → terrifying/ terrible
9. Line 10: another → other 10. Line 11: in → at
VII. (5 pts) (Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm)
1. F 2.B 3.E 4.A 5.C
VIII. (5 pts) (Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm)
l.B 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.B
IX. (10 pts). (Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm)
1. which 2. live 3. seriously/badly/negatively/severely 4. fuels
5. resulted 6. global 7. soil/ land 8. extinction 9. and 10. on
IX. (10 pts) (Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm)
1. A. called 2. B. leaving 3. D. According to 4. A. capable 5. B. in
6. B. cost 7. D. rent 8. A. slightly 9. B. extent 10. D. way
XI. (5 pts) (Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm)
1. The director of the film "Forever Young" is rumoured to be travelling in Vietnam.
2. Everyone who visits Vinh Nghiem pagoda recognizes the beauty of its architecture.
Everyone visiting Vinh Nghiem pagoda recognizes the beauty of its architecture.
3. Get the work finished by lunchtime and you can go home.
4. The fact that no witnesses were questioned is extremely unfair.
5. Basically, the harder you work, the more success you have.
Basically, the harder you work, the more successful you are.
XII. (5 pts) (Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm)
1. Teenagers wouln't use/wear jeans if they were not fashionable and convenient.
2. Students behave/ have behaved badly at school recently, which makes teachers (very) worried.
Students behave/ have behaved badly at school recently, which worries teachers (so much)
3. This is the first time I have (ever) had problems with this phone.
4. What benefit(s) does TV bring about to people’s life?
5. The teacher criticised her student for not finishing her homework.
XIII. Write a paragraph of about 100-120 words on how to save energy in your home. (10 pts)
Các tiêu chí chấm bài viết đoạn văn.
Tiêu chí Mô tả chi tiết các tiêu chí Điểm
Cấu trúc - Đúng cấu trúc của đoạn văn, phù họp với chủ đề: Có câu chủ đề (Topic 3
sentence); các ý minh họa (Supporting sentences/ ideas, từ 2 supporting
sentences/ ideas trở lên); và câụ kết luận (Concluding sentence).
Nội dung - Viết đúng chủ đề, các ý minh họa rõ ràng, có tính thuyết phục. 2
- Viet logic, hợp lí; mạch lạc, rõ rang 2
Ngôn ngữ - Viết đúng cấu trúc ngữ pháp; sử dụng các liên từ hợp lý để liên kết các ý 2
trong đoạn
- Sử dụng từ vựng phù họp, phong phú, hạn chế lặp lại từ vựng
Trình bày - Viết đủ số từ theo quy định 1
- Không xuống dòng
Tổng điểm 10/100
Cách tính lỗi (trừ điểm)
- Mỗi lỗi ngữ pháp, cấu trúc câu,.... 0,2
- Mỗi lỗi từ vựng 0,2
- Số lượng từ (+ - 30% số từ theo quy định) 1

ĐỀ SỐ 18
part A:
I. Choose and write in your answer sheet the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently
from the rest of the group, (2 points)
1. C. timber 2. A. devotion
II. Choose and write in your answer sheet the word whose stress pattern is different from the fist of
the group, (3 points)
3. D. important 4. C. character 5. A. advance
Part B : LEXICAL AND GRAMMAR (45 points)
I. Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete each sentence, (15 points)
6. C. Apart 7. A. for 8. B. establish 9. A. in
10. D. rather than stay 11. D. such good 12. A. of your own 13. B. adjust
14. B. written 15. C. have taken 16. A. atmosphere 17. C. unique
18. D. was rumored 19. D. part-time job 20. A. near here
III. Use the verbs ỉn brackets in the correct tense or form (10 points)
21. will be given 22. had gone 23. has been used 24. Having written
25-26. came - was rolling 27. had known 28. driving 29. surrounded 30. will walk
III Supply the correct form of the word in capital letters, (10 points)
31. angry 32. expensive 33. well 34.annoyed 35. conversation
36. silence 37. truth 38. embarrassed 39. explanation 40. ashamed
IV. Fill in each blank with one suitable preposition (10 points)
41. for 42. in 43. from 44. like 45. on
46. in 47. in 48. about 49. with 50. in
Part C: READING (25 points)
I-Supply the most suitable word for each blank, (5 points)
51. areas 52. access 53. visit 54. improve 55. updated
II. Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D to fill in the gaps in the following passage,(10 points)
56. A. wearing57. C. alike 58. D. how poor they were 59. D. given up
60. B. a uniform of their own 61. A. London school 62. C. in
63. D. die than 64. B. should 65. C. much cheaper
III. Read and answer the questions below. (5 points)
66. What is the process of making something dirty?
- The process of making something dirty is pollution. / hoặc chỉ cần trả lời ngắn: pollution.
67. Find a word or phrase from the passage with the same meaning as the air, water and land in which we
- A word or phrase from the passage with the same meaning as the air, water and land we live is
environment/ hoặc chỉ cần trả lời ngắn: environment
68. What is the air surrounding the earth called?
- The air surrounding the earth is called atmosphere./ atmosphere
69. What could be best replaced wealth, goods or products people can use?
- Resources could be best replaced wealth, goods or products people can use./ Resources/ natural resources.
70. What is a difficulty which needs attention and thought?
- A difficulty which needs attention and thought is pollution. / pollution.
IV. Read the story carefully and choose the correct answer (5 points)
71-A 72-C 73-B 74-A 75-A
Part D: WRITING (25 points)
I. Complete each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence
printed before it. (10 points)
76. It’s better to avoid traveling during the rush hour.
77. The owner of that house is thought to be abroad.
78. Not knowing the,way, she asked a policeman
79. The baby cries because of the fierceness of the lion, /because of the fact that....
80. John could hardly understand what the teacher said.
81. No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn’t get the money.
82. The older my grandmother grows, the more intolerant she becomes.
83. They suggested that advertisements on TV should be banned.
84. Mary regretted not speaking her mind at the meeting./ not having spoken ...
85. Even though he is intelligent, he doesn’t study well at school.
II. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using fill’
word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the
word given. (5 points)
86. applied for 87. depends on you 88. mind not using
89. wish I could 90. advise you
III. Write a paragraph about 100 words on the important roles of computers (10 points)
1. Format; (2 points)
The paragraph should have 3 parts:
a. Introduction: a topic sentence in which students should narrow down the roles of computers.
b. Body: students should give advantages of computers.
c. Conclusion (summary of the main advantages, students’ comment)
2. Content(5 points)
Ss should give specific advantages of computers.
-Computers help people relax after a hard-working day by listening to music, playing game,
- Computers can save information for a long time.
-Computers help students do calculations quickly and accurately.
-Computers connected to the Internet can provide interesting movies and help students study well.
3. Language.(3 points)
(grammatical accuracy, wide range of vocabularies and structures)

ĐỀ SỐ 19
A. Write the correct tense of the verbs in brackets (2 points) (0.2pt/each)
1. is going 2. made 3. lives 4. invited 5. will have
6. has always wanted 7. is making 8. will be waiting 9. will recognize
10. hasn’t seen
B. Fill in each blank with an appropriate preposition. (2 points) (0.2pt/each)
l.of 2. in 3. on 4. to 5. from 6. on
7.at 8. between 9. into 10. for
C. Use the correct forms of the words given to make a meaningful passage (1 point) (0.2pt/each)
1- famous 2. fairly 3. description 4. possibility 5. decision
A . Read the passage then choose the best answer to each question. (2 points ) (0.4pt/each)
l.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.A
B. Read the text below and fill in each of the blanks with ONE suitable word.
1.so 2. like 3. a 4. sounds 5. and 6. that/which
7. to 8. watching 9. more 10. other
A. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word
given and do not change it. Students must use between two and five words, including the word given.
(1 point)
1 have never met such
2 isn’t used to waking
3 jacket is similar to
4 had my purse stolen
5 suggested (that) Tom (should) take
B. Describe someone famous that you admire and give the reason(s) why you admire him or her. (4
❖Band score 1 (2 points)
If the students can:
- tell who the famous person is. (0,25 pt)
- describe his/her appearance and characterfl pt)
- give the reason(s) why they admire him/her. (0,75 pt)
❖Band score 2 (2 points)
If the students can:
- use quite a wide range of appropriate vocabulary to describe' a particular person. (0,5pt)
- use various grammaticalstructures like simple, compound, and complex sentences. (1 pt)
- use linking words and conjunctions to make their writing coherent. (0,5 pt)
Total score: Band 1 + Band 2 = 4 points

ĐỀ SỐ 20
I. 0.1p for each correct answer
1A 2D 3B 4B 5A
II.0.1p for each correct answer
1A 2B 3D 4C 5B
I. 0.1p for each correct answer
1B 2C 3D 4D 5D
6C 7D 8A 9B 10D
II. 0.2pfor each correct answer
1. sensitivity 2. increasingly 3. uncomfortable 4. tiring 5. accidentally
6. conclusion 7. clarity 8. disobedience 9. enable 10.careless
III. 0.2p for each correct answer
1. have not seen 2. will be stopped 3. had not given 4. not writing/was broken
6. is running 7. were singing 8. looks/have you done
I. 0.2p for each correct answer
1. with 2. too 3. so/therefore 4. to 5. carry/bring
6. be become 7. rest/break 8. at 9. aren’t 10.buy/take/get/wear
II. 0.2pfor each correct answer
1B 2D 3C 4A 5C
III. 0.2p for each correct answer
1D 2B 3D 4C 5D
I. 0.2p for each correct answer
1B 2A 3D 4A 5A
II. 0.2p for each correct answer
1. IfI were you, I would take more exercise.
2. That kind of animal has been never seen by the man
3. At no time did he suspect that money had been stolen.
4. We are having our bungalow modernized (by a builder).
( we are having a builder modernize our bungalow)
6. The waiter recommended that I / we (should) try the chicken Marengo.
The waiter recommended that me/ us to try the chicken Marengo.
III. 0,2p for each correct answer
1. Mrs. Scott takes pride in her cooking
2. He’s really looking forward to starting his new job
3. You had better get your bicycle brakes repaired immediately.
4. She wished me a pleasant journey when I left.
5. I’m fed up with going to the same place all the time .
IV. PART 3 (2.0 points)
2.0 points
- Bài viết mạch lạc, rõ ràng.
- Bài viết có từ 150 từ trở lên.
- Có câu chủ đề.
- Nêu được 02 lí do và 02 lời giải thích.
- Lỗi sai về từ vựng và ngữ pháp không quá 10 lỗi.
1,5 points
- Bài viết khá mạch lạc, rõ ràng.
- Bài viết có từ 150 từ trở lên.
- Có câu chủ đề.
- Nêu được 02 lí do và 02 lời giải thích.
- Lỗi sai về từ vựng và ngữ pháp không quá 15 lỗi.
1,0 point
- Bài viết khá mạch lạc, rõ ràng.
- Bài viết có từ 100 từ trở lên.
- Có câu chủ đề.
-Nêuđược lí do và giải thích.
- Lỗi sai về từ vựng và ngữ pháp không quá 15 lỗi. (lưu ý phải có câu chủ đề)
0,5 point
- Bài viết có từ 50 từ trở lên.
- Có câu chủ đề.
- Nêu được lí do và giải thích.
- Lỗi sai về từ vựng và ngữ pháp không quá 15 lỗi.

ĐỀ SỐ 21
Part 1. Listen to 3 customers booking their holidays and complete the table (20 points. 2 pts for
Place Time Number of people Accommo-dation Transport
Customer 1 Moscow (1). 4 days 1 Yes (2). By air
Customer 2 (3). Australia 2 months 2 (4). No (5). by air
Customer 3 (6). Italy (7). 2 weeks (8). 3 (9). Yes (10). by train or coach
Part 2: Filling the missing information (2x 5 = 10pts)
(1). the dinning room (2). 9.15 (3). forest (4). village (5). hat/ sun-hat
III. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the rest by
writing your answer (A, B, C, D) in the numbered box. (10 points. 2 pts for each)
1.A 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. C
IV. Choose the letter (A, B, C or D) next to the word whose main stress is placed differently from
that of the rest. Write your answer (A, B, C, D) in the numbered box. (10points.2ptsfor each)
1.D 2. A 3. B 4. cC 5. B
V. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. Write your answer (A, B, C, D) In
the numbered box. (30 points. 2 pts for each)
1. D 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B
6. D 7. B 8. C 9. D 10. A
11.C 12. A 13. A 14. D 15. B
VI. There is one mistake in each sentence. Find the mistake and write your correction in the space
provided below: (10 points. 2 pts for each)
1 2. 3. 4. 5.
Mistake when That their lack of has
Correction while/whereas Those his/her lack had
VII. Complete the sentences by filling in each blank with the correct form of the word in italic: (10
points. 2 pts for each)
1. employer(s) 2. irresponsible 3. comparatively 4. appearance 5. inspiration
VIII. Complete the sentences with the right form of the verbs in bracket: (10 points. 2 pts for each)
1. to be chosen 2. to take part 3. invited 4. didn’t enter 5. could have won
IX. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B,C or D to Indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions, (10 points. 2 pts for each)
1.C 2. D 3. D 4. B 5. D
X. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each
of the questions. (20 points. 2 pts for each)
l .C 2.C 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. A
XI. Fill in each numbered blank ONE suitable word. (20 points. 2 pts for each)
1. play 2. is 3. of 4. what 5. how
6. about 7. fly 8. yourself/yourselves 9. playing 10. without
XII. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the
sentence printed before it. (20 points. 2 pts for each)
1. She used to get up late.
2. They have been learning English for four yeas.
3. She studies far more seriously now than she used to.
4. Do you mind helping me to put the chairs away.
5. I’ll do anything for you because of my love for you/ my loving you.
6. He will come so as to be sure of meeting you.
7. Your hair needs to be combed properly.
8. I’d rather you didn’t smoke in here.
9. It took him two hours to write the letter.
10. My father suggested going out for a walk.
XIII. Use the following sets of words or phrases to write a complete letter from Alice to Mary. Make
all the changes and additions neccessary. (20 points. 2 pts for each)
Dear Mary,
1. Thank you very much for your letter which/that arrived a few days ago.
2. It is (very) lovely to hear from you.
3. I am sorry (that) I haven’t written (to you) for such a long time but (in fact) I have been busy.
4. As you know, we bought a new house in/last October.
5. It was in bad condition(s) and it needs a lot of work.
6. We have finished most of it now and it looks very nice.
7. John and I decide I have decided to give a house warming party on April 15th.
8. Do you think you will be able to come?
9. Please give me a ring to let me know if you can make it.
10. We look / are looking forward to seeing you again.
Best regards,
ĐỀ SỐ 22
1 .1D 2B 3D 4A 5B 6B 7B
8A 9D 10D 11B 12C 13A 14C
15B 16A 17D 18C 19C 20B
3. 1. uses → is used 2. for keeping → to keep 3. can they be → they can be
4. by → of/from
5. but → or/and
1. 1G 2E 3D 4A 5F 6B
2. 1A 2C 3B 4D 5A
6D 7B 8C 9B 10D
3. 1C 2D 3A 4C 5B
6C 7A 8D 9C
4. 1. course 2. whom 3. treat 4. not 5. one
1. If it hadn't/ had not been for my father’s money, we couldn t/ could not/ wouldn t/ would not I have
2. Despite my strong disapproval of your behavior, I will help you this time.
3. It came as no surprise to me that Nam had failed his driving test.
4. On being asked about the strike, the Minister declined to comment.
5. My father has difficulty/difficulties (in) following maps.
2. Essay writing (2 pt)
Total score: 2 points; assessed against the language level appropriate to that of a secondary student with
four years of learning English in a gifted school in Vietnam.
Task achievement (0.5 pt) Grammar range and Accuracy (0.5 pt)
Coherence and cohesion (0.5 pt) Lexical resource (0.5 pt)
* Notes on Part 3, Section 4 and Part 4, Section 1 :
This marking scheme strives to include all acceptable answers. Yet, due to the sometimes unpredictable
nature of students’ responses, should there be any other potentially correct answers arising during the
marking of the papers it is highly advisable that those answers be discussed thoroughly among examiners
before being officially accepted and added to the marking scheme.

ĐỀ SỐ 23
I. [1.2 points]
l.C 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. A 6. C
II. [1.8 points]
(1) Friday (2) History (3) Biology
(4) fifty-seven (5) forty-three (6) Tuesday
(7) Wednesday (8) Why study history? (9) Animal language
I. Multiple choice: 0.1 point for each correct option
l.B 2. B 3. A 4. A 5.B
6.D 7.C 8.C 9.C 10. D
II. MTC:0.2 point for each correct option
l.B 2. D 3. A 4.C 5.D
III. Word-form:0.1 point for each correct word.
1. destruction 2. fewer 3. pressurizing 4. limited
5. truth 6. recycling 7. available 8. implication
9. developing 10. pollutants
IV. Verb-form: 0.1 point for each correct answer.
1. was walking 2. looking 3. to make 4. had broken
5. ran 6. was joined 7. were drifting 8. blowing
9. was crossing 10. had been raining
V. Phrasal verbs: 0.25 point for each correct phrasal verb
1. turn off 2. cut off 3. taken over 4. look up
5.see off 6. came across 7. look for 8. look after
VI. Mistake correction: 0.1 point for each correct answer
1. others → other 2. are → is 3. steps → step 4. from → of
5. controversially → controversial 6. simply → simple 7. wonderful → wonder
8. whom → who 9. are → were 10. with→ to
I. Sign understanding: 0.1 point for each correct option
l.B 2.C 3. D 4. A 5. B
II. Gap-fill MTC: 0.1 point for each correct option
l.B 2. A 3.C 4. B 5. C
6. A 7.D 8. A 9.C 10. C
11. A 12. A 13.D 14. B 15. A
III. Reading comprehension: 0.2 point for each correct option
l.D 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. A
6.D 7. D 8. C 9. A 10. D
IV. Word-filling: 0.1 point for each correct answer.
1. learning/ studying 2. where 3. in 4. cause
5. which 6. addition 7. problem 8. who
9.a 10. with
I. Complete second sentences: 0.2 point for each correct sentence
1. In spite of hating cats, I have some in my family./ In spite of the fact that I hate cats, ...
2. If the workers had been treated fairly, they wouldn’t have complained/ If the workers hadn’t been
unfairly treated, they....
3. It is impossible for her to stay up to finish her homework tonight.
4. She wishes she had given him my phone number.
5. Only if you help me can I finish this work on time.
II. Rewrite the second sentences, using the words in bold.
0.2 point for each correct answer.
1. Tom apologised for not having rung me earlier.
2. If my friend could speak English, he could/would apply for the job.
3. The girl who lives next to me is getting married next year.
4. The boy is determined to study English.
5. Our ancestors are thought to have built this city.
6. The new style of jeans was first introduced in 2000, wasn’t it?
7. In spite of the heavy rain, we went to Tim’s birthday party.
8. The church in which the wedding was held was very lovely.
9. I said it didn’t matter to me which film we saw.
10. Jane asked me if I had given John the book.
III. Topic writing: (2.0 points)
Marking scheme
Tile impression mark is based on the following scheme:
1. Content: 1.0 point: a provision of all main ideas and details as appropriate
2. Language: 0.5 point: a variety of vocabulary and structures appropriate to the level of English language
gifted upper-secondary school students
3. Presentation: 0.5 point: form, coherence, cohesion, and style appropriate to the level of English language
gifted upper-secondary school students.

ĐỀ 24
I. (20 điểm)
Part 1. (4 điểm) Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm
l.A 2. D 3.C 4.B
Part 2. (7 điểm) Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm
l.D 2.F 3.H 4.B 5G 6. C 7.I
Part 3. (9 điểm) Mỗi câu đúng 1,5 điểm
1. 5 days 2. tomorrow afternoon 3. 5th floor
4. reservation desk 5. credit cards 6. 5555673
Lưu ý: Câu 4, 5 nếu hs chỉ viết đúng 1 trong hai từ: reservation, credit = 0.5 điểm; desk, cards = 1 điểm;
nếu hs viết chữ “cards” thiếu “s” trừ 0.5 điểm
II. (10 điểm) Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm.
1. A. otherwise 2. A. mostly 3. A. a growing number 4. C. which 5. A. to
6. D. one another 7. C. exchange 8. C. was it 9. B. inside out 10. B. That all
III. (10 điểm) Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm
1. to reduce 2. coming 3. have been fined 4. are often caused 5. designed
6. has been done 7. combined 8. To ensure 9. be unproved 10. be handled
IV. (10 điểm) Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm
1. unavoidable 2. misfortune 3. brave 4. spent 5. stressful
6. favorite/ favourite 7. annoying 8. considerably 9. Composure 10. Surprisingly
V.(5 điểm) Mỗi câu đúng 0,5 điểm
l.C 2.H 3.B 4.D 5.F
6.G 7. J 8. E 9. A 10. K
VI.(5 điểm) Mỗi câu đúng 01 điểm, trong đó gạch chân đúng từ được 0,5 điểm, sửa đúng được 0,5 điểm
1. 19-years-old → 19-year-old 2. like → as
3. between → among 4. impress → impressed 5. ship → shipped
VII. (10 điểm) Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm
1. finds 2. been 3. which 4. without 5. all
6. through 7. this/that 8. possible 9. mouth 10. out
VIII. (10 điểm) Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm
1. D 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. D
6. A 7. C 8. D 9. B 10. A
IX(5điểm) Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm
l.B 2. D 3.C 4. F 5. A
IX.(5 điểm) Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm. Mỗi lỗi chính tả, mạo từ, số ít số nhiều, giới từ trừ 0,25 điểm. Lỗi
ngữ pháp chính- trừ điểm cả câu
1. You should not have allowed a four-year-old child to walk home alone.
2. Not until I graduated from university could/ did I realize how important English is
3. Mrs. Green is proud of what her son contributed to the play last night.
4. Had Laura not supported me, I wouldn’t have been able to finish the project.
5. Only two out of the five rooms (which/that) we have booked have air conditioning.
XI. (10 điểm)
Các tiêu chí chấm bài viết đoạn văn.
Tiêu chí Mô tả chi tiết các tiêu chí Điểm
Cấu trúc - Đúng cấu trúc của đoạn văn, phù hợp với chủ đề: Có câu chủ đề (Topic 3
sentence); các ý minh họa (Supporting sentences/ ideas, từ 2 supporting sentences/
ideas trở lên); và câụ kết luận (Concluding sentence).
Nội dung - Viết đúng chủ đề, các ý minh họa rõ ràng, có tính thuyết phục. 2
- Viet logic, hợp lí; mạch lạc, rõ rang 2
Ngôn ngữ - Viết đúng cấu trúc ngữ pháp; sử dụng các liên từ hợp lý để liên kết các ý trong 2
- Sử dụng từ vựng phù họp, phong phú, hạn chế lặp lại từ vựng
Trình bày - Viết đủ số từ theo quy định,không xuống dòng 1
Tổng điểm 10/100
Cách tính lỗi (trừ điểm)
- Mỗi lỗi ngữ pháp, cấu trúc câu,.... 0,2
- Mỗi lỗi từ vựng 0,2
- Số lượng từ (+ - 30% số từ theo quy định) 1

ĐỀ SỐ 25
I. Listening
Part I.
1.B 2.B 3. C 4. A 5.B
Part II.
6. Monday 7. dance / Dance 8. bird 9. 625 10. 42
Part III.
11.17/ 17th 12. hall / Hall 13.7.30
14. helicopter 15. Boyle
Part IV.
16. A 17. D 18. A 19. C 20. B
II. (10 điểm) Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm.
1. C. to take 2.C.of 3.B.have had 4. A. excited 5. C. must
6. A. out of order 7.C.repainted 8.B.were reading 9. D. taken 10. C. because of
III. (10 điểm) Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm
1. getting 2.returns 3. was being played 4. knew 5. will be learning
6. to have escaped 7.is 8. had been standing 9. served 10. not buying
IV. (10 điểm) Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm
1. pollution 2. inhabitants 3. beautiful 4. neighborhood 5. peaceful
6. pleasant 7. disadvantages 8. infrequent 9. dependent 10. unfriendly
V. (5 điểm) Mỗi câu đúng 0,5 điểm
l.C 2.H 3.B 4. D 5. F
6. G 7. J 8.E 9. A 10. K
VI. (5 điểm) Mỗi câu đúng 01 điểm, trong đó gạch chân đúng từ được 0,5 điểm, sửa đúng được 0,5
Questions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Answers have √ she has for √ on away √ that
VII. (10 điểm) Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm
1. afford 2. cheap 3. set 4. case 5. than
6. if 7. give 8. try 9. in 10. would
VIII. (10 điểm) Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm
l.C 2. D 3.C 4. D 5. A 6. D 7. C 8. C 9. B 10. B
IX. (5 điểm) Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm
l.C 2. E 3.D 4. A 5.B
X (5 điểm) Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm. Mỗi lỗi chính tả, mạo từ, số ít số nhiều, giới từ trừ 0.25 điểm. Lỗi
ngữ pháp chính- trừ điểm cả câu
1. They are likely to take him on for two months in the summer.
2. I’m looking forward to the Christmas holidays!
3. Tom doesn’t cook well enough to get a job in that restaurant.
4. My dad has a habit of talking when I’m watching my favorite TV program
5. She did not give me very much help with my homework.
XI. (10 điểm)
Các tiêu chí chấm bài viết đoạn văn.
Giống bài trên

ĐỀ 26
I. Listen to a conversation between a teacher and a student then choose the best answer to each
question. (5 pts)
1 point for each correct answer
l.B 2. D 3. D 4. A 5. C
II. Listen to the passage and write T (true) or F (false) to the statements. (5 pts)
1 point for each correct answer
l.T 2.T 3.T 4. F 5. F
I.Choose the word whose bold part is pronounced differently from that of others in each group. (5
1 point for each correct answer
l.B 2. A 3. B 4.D 5. C
II. Pick out the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others in each group. (5 pts)
1 point for each correct answer
l.C 2. B 3.C 4.C 5. A
I. Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence. (10 pts)
0.5 point for each correct answer
l.B 2. A 3. C 4. A 5.C 6.C 7.C
8. C 9. C 10. B 11.D 12: A 13. B 14. C
15. A 16. D 17. B 18. C 19. C 20. B
II. Give the correct form or tense of the verbs in brackets. (10 pts)
0.5 point for each correct verb
1. had hardly taken – rang 6. learned - would have told
2. sitting – doing 7. to be chosen - to take
3. being asked – changing 8. returns - will have finished
4. had completed - to turn 9. has spoiled - should have closed
5. are always blaming – are 10. had met - would have to
III. Give the correct form of the words inbrackets. (10 pts)1 point for each correct word
IV. Fill each gap in the following sentences with a suitable preposition or adverb particle. (10 pts) 0.5
point for each correct word
1. under-on 2. on-with 3. to-to 4. in - for 5. to - about
6.in - out 7. at - for 8. in - on 9. without - on 10. in - through
V. point out one of the underlined parts in each sentence that is not correct and get it right, (5pts) 0.5
point for each correct identification, 0.5 point for a right correction
1. B - there is 2. C - most of which 3. D - along with 4. D - yours
5.B - many of its employees
I. Read the passage and choose the correct answer to each question. (5 pts)
l.B 2. D 3.C 4A 5. D
II. Read the passage and choose the correct word for each blank. (5 pts)
l.D 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. D
6.C 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. D
III. Fill each blank in the following passage with ONE suitable word. (10 pts) 0.5 point for each correct
1. one 6. question 11. identify/ announce 16. had
2. before 7. made 12. over/ round/ around 17. loss
3. where 8. how 13. a 18. in
4. as 9. take 14. whom 19. long
5. his 10. in 15. happened/ chanced 20. be
I. Finish the second sentence in such a way that it means the same as the original one. (10 pts) 1 point
for each correct sentence
l. I’d rather you didn't interrupt me when I am speaking.
2. He received a prison sentence of six months/ a six-month prison sentence for his part in the robbery.
3. The meal was so awful that we complained to the manager of the restaurant.
4. Against everyone's expectation/ Against all expectations, she lost.
5. By his side sat his faithful dog.
6. No matter how hard he tried, he could not finish the work on time.
7. It was only when she had collected enough facts that she started writing the report.
8. Rather than disturb the meeting, I left without saying goodbye.
9. The accident is thought to have been caused by his carelessness.
10. William's mother reminded him to lock the house when he went out.
II. Rewrite each sentences in such a way that it means the same as the original one, using the word at
the end of each sentence. Do not change this word in any way. (5 pts)
1 point for each correct sentence
1. You should take the consequences into account before you start the business.
2. It’s no good asking him for support.
3. I find her attitude very interesting.
4. John is always the last (person/man) to arrive.
5. Who is to blame for all this mess?

ĐỀ SỐ 27
I. Mi and Nick visited Ms Hoa’s home. Listen to their conversation. Who did he following things?
Tick (√) the appropriate column. Sometimes you may need to tick both. (5 pts)
1 point for each comet answer
Ms Hoa Nick
1. tried Dutch foods and drinks √
2. watched traditional Dutch dancing √ √
3. watched parades √
4. listened to folk music √
5. was interested in the festival √ √
II. Listen to five different people talking about their jobs and complete the gaps with a word from
the box. (5pts)1 point for each correct answer
1. shop assistant 2. tour guide 3. dentist 4. pilot 5. nurse
I. Choose the word whose bold part is pronounced differently from that of others in each group.(5
pts) 1 point for each correct answer
1.B 2. D 3.A 4. D 5. C
II. Choose the word w hose stress pattern is different from that of the others in each group. (5 pts)
1.A 2.C 3.B 4.C 5. D
I. Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence. (10 pts)0.5 point for each correct
l.C 2.D 3. B 4. D 5. D 6.D 7. A
8. D 9. D 10. C 11.D 12.C 13. A 14. B
15. B 16. A 17. D 18. B 19. B 20. A
II. Give the correct form or tense of the verbs in brackets. (10 pts)
0.5 point for each correct verb
1. look - were
2. come - will have pulled
3. saw - was waiting
4. Having cooked - to clean
5. had not drunk - would not be
6. playing - not taking/ not having taken
7. will be spending - having
8. to rain - would have to
9. described - had happened
10. do you think - will be doing
III. Give the correct form of the words in brackets. (10 pts) 1 point for each correct word
IV. Fill each gap in the following sentences with a suitable preposition or an adverb or an adverb
particle. (10 pts)0.5 point for each correct word
1. with-without 2. with – about 3. to – on 4. from - to
5. on – on 6. in – of 7. against – of 8. beyond - about
9. with- for 10. on - with
V. point out one of the underlined parts in each sentence that is not correct and get it right. (5 pts)0,5
point for each correct identification, 0,5 point for a right correction
1.B- four-day 2. C - whose main 3. D - much housework
4. C- fluently 5. D - known
I. Read the passage and choose the correct answer to each question. (5 pts)
l.C 2. A 3.D 4C 5. B
II. Read the passage and choose the correct word for each blank. (5 pts)
0,5pointfor each correct answer
1.B 2. A 3. D 4. D 5. C 6. A 7. C 8. D 9. C 10. B
III. Fill each blank in the following passage with ONE suitable word. (10 pts)
1 point for each correct answer
1. of 2. why 3. as 4. that/which 5. important
6. without 7. such 8. sunshine 9. besides 10. enough
I. Finish the second sentence in such a way that it means the same as the original one.
11. No matter how rich he was, he never helped the poor.
12. Not only did Harry break his leg, but he also injured his shoulder.
13. Jane accused Frank of breaking/ having broken her camera.
14. The sooner we can solve the problem of traffic, the less people will suffer.
15. He came down with a cold, so he stayed home.
16.My father would prefer me not to stay up too late.
12. It was not until he came into the room that I recognized him.
18. It is thought that doing morning exercises is good for the health.
19. He was so far away that he could not hear me.
20. If only you had told me earlier.
II. Rewrite each sentence in such a way that it means the same as the original one, using the word at
the end of each sentence. Do not change this word in any way. (5 pts)
1 point for each correct sentence
6. Karen might not have heard her name being called.
7. Her performance made a great impression on all of US.
8. Every student of the school took pride in their soccer team’s success.
9. Robert has been out of work for two years.
10. But for your help and encouragement, I wouldn’t have my life as today.

ĐỀ SỐ 28
Question 1 (10 points). Choose the correct answer from A, B, C or D to complete each of the following
1.B 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. D 6. A 7. C 8. C 9. A 10. B
Question 2 (10 points). Read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct,
and some have a word which should not be there. If a line is correct, put a tick (√) by the number.
1.The 2. not 3. √ 4. more 5. such 6. √ 7. so 8. been 9. √ 10. as
Question 3 (10 points). Give the correct form of the words in brackets.
1. troublesome 2. sleeplessness 3. discouraged 4. unreliability 5. industrious
6. scientific 7. parentage 8. unpredictable 9. questionnaire 10. exception
Question 1 (7 points). Complete this conversation using sentences marked by A-L. There are FIVE extra
sentences which you do not need to use.
1.F 2. A 3.H 4. L 5. J 6. D 7.I
Question 2 (8 points). Read the passage below and choose the correct answer for each question.
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.C 6.B 7.D 8.C
Question 3 (10 points). Fill ONE suitable word into each numbered blank.
1. involve 2. in 3. the 4. instead/then 5. Whatever
6. tradition 7. from 8. foliow/use 9. because/ as/since 10. those
Question 1 (5 points). Using the word in capital letters, complete the second sentence so that it has a
similar meaning to the first one. Do not change the word given. Write 2-5 words in total.
1. didn’t / did not seem ][ to be 2. have run ] [ out of
3. cost anything ][ to park 4. should be booked ][ in advance
5. live up ][ to your expectation
Question 2 (10 points). Imagine you are an American student, who stayed in Mrs. Lan’s house during your
two-week volunteer campaign in a remote village. Now you have backed home. Write a letter to thank her
for her special help and care to you and your friends during the time you stayed there. You should write
about 70-80 words.
HS biết cách viết thư cảm ơn. Ngữ pháp đúng: 2 điểm.
Các ý cần có: Cảm ơn về những việc gì/ Ở đâu/ Cảm xúc bản thân...: 8 điểm.
Question 3 (20 points). Write about 180-200 words to give your opinion on the following topic:
Should smartphones be banned among students?
Length: 3 điểm; Ideas: 8 điểm
Organisation & Style: 4 điểm
Grammar & Vocabulary: 5 điểm

ĐỀ SỐ 29
I.(0.5P) 1.C 2. A 3. A 4.B 5.B
II.(0.5P) 1.D 2.C 3.C 4. A 5.B
I. (2.5 pts)
1. A 2.C 3.B 4.C 5. A 6.C 7.D
8. C 9. D 10.C 11.B 12. C 13. A 14. C
15. B 16. D 17. C 18. D 19. C 20. B 21. A
22.D 23.C 24. A 25. A
II. (1.5 pt)
1. didn’t wear 2. stolen 3. will have been finished
4. should have informed 5. Have . ... been working 6. was wearing
7. being given 8. (should) leave 9. can ’t/ couldn’t have stolen
10. playing
III. (2.0 pt)
1. traditionally 2. valuable 3. professionals 4. surprising
5. illnesses 6. disadvantage 7 breath 8. minimize/minimise
9. seriously 10. favorite/favourite
IV.There are ten mistakes in the following passage. Find and correct them. (1.0 pt)
In many countries in the process of (1. industrialize →industrialization), overcrowded cities present
a major problem. The (2. underpopulation → overpopulation) of towns is mainly caused by the drift of (3.
Great→ large) numbers of people (4. in →from) the rural areas. The only long-term solution is (5. make
→to make) life in the areas more (6. attractively →attractive), which would encourage people to stay (7.
here → there). This could be achieved by providing incentives (8. to→ for) people tỏ go and work in the
villages. Moreover, facilities in the rural areas, (9. so as → such as) transportation, health, and (10.
educational → education) services should be improved.
I. (2.0 pts)
l.A 2.D 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. D 7. B 8. A 9. D
II. (2.0 pts)
1. before 2. where 3. question 4. made 5. take
6. with 7. whom 8. loss 9. in 10.be
III. (2.0 pts)
l.B 2. D 3.C 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. D 8. D 9. A 10. D
I. (2.0 pts)
1………… took any notice of my protests.
Or……….. took note of my protests.
Or…………paid any attention to my protests
2.……….. as no surprise to me to hear that Harry……….
3.……….. hadn’t been for the fog, there wouldn’t have been traffic problem.
4.……….. hasn’t been confirmed yet.
5………….leave her anything in his will.
Or……….. leave anything to her in his will.
6.……….. to looking after handicapped people.
7.……….. does Nicky run a successful company, but she alsomanages to lookafter herfour
children./ but she manages .... as well.
8.……….. having witnessed the crime. / Having beenat the scene of the crime at the time.
9.……….. everything but / except (for) the television.
10.……….are thought/ believed / said to have evolved/ descended from wolves.
II.(2.0 pts)
1. I’ll lend you the money as / so long as you pay it back next week.
2. Bill was on the verge of speeding when he saw the patrolman.
3.I have got to finish this homework tonight.
4. She was taken for a ride when she sold the jewelry at such a low price.
5. They arrived at their destination safe and sound.
6. The telephonist was to blame for the fact that they didn’t get the message.
7. The disagreement is a storm in a teacup.
8. Defence alliances are as old as the hills.
9. They couldn’t reach a decision on/about where to go on holiday.
10. I should have been told about these changes earlier.
III. (2.0 pts) Marking scheme
The mark given to part III is based on the following scheme:
Mô tả tiêu chí đánh giá Điểm tối đa
1. Bố cục 0.40
•Câu đề dẫn phải the hiẹn được rõ ý kiên của người viết 0.10
•Bố cục hợp lí, rõ ràng phù hợp với yêu cầu của đề bài và đầy đủ 3phần: mở
bài, thân bài, kết luận. 0.15
• Bố cục uyển chuyền từ mở bài đến kết luận 0.15
2. Phát triển ý 0.40
• Phát triển ý cỏ trình tự logic và mạch lạc 0.20
• Có giải thích, dẫn chứng, ví dụ xác thực đủ để bảo vệ ý kiến của người viết 0.20
3. Sử dụng ngôn ngữ 0.40
• Sử dụng ngôn từ phù hợp với nội dung của bài viết 0.10
• Sử dụng ngôn từ đúng văn phong/ thể loại, đa dạng về từ vựng và cấu trúc. 0.15
•Sử dụng từ nối các ý cho bài viết uyển chuyên 0.15
4. Nội dung 0.40
• Đủ thuyết phục người đọc 0.15
• Đủ dẫn chứng, ví dụ, lập luận 0.15
• Độ dài: Số từ không nhiều hơn hoặc ít hơn so với quy đinh 10% 0.10
5. Ngữ pháp, dấu câu và chính tả 0.40
• Sử dụng đúng dấu câu 0.10
• Chính tả: Viết đúng chính tả
- Lỗi chính tả gây hiểu nhầm/ sai lệch ý sẽ bị tính một lỗi (trừ 1% điểm của bài 0.10
- Cùng một lỗi chính tả lặp lại chỉ tính là một lỗi
• Sử dụng đúng thời, thể, cấu trúc câu đúng ngữ pháp. (Lỗi ngữ phápgây hiểu
nhầm/ sai lệch ý sẽ bị trừ 1% điểm bài viết.) 0.20
Tổng 2.00
Markers should discuss the suggested answers and the marking scale thoroughly beforemarking the papers.

ĐỀ SỐ 30
Part 1. 1.C 2. A 3. C
Part 2. 4. D 5. B
Part 1. 6. A 7.C 8.D 9.B 10. C
11. A 12. D 13. C 14. A 15. B
Part 2.
16. to eat 17. was washing 18. performed 19. laughing 20. has been
Part 3.
21. importance 22. politeness 23. employers 24. usually 25. unsuccessful
26. chosen 27. relaxed 28. stressful 29. impatient 30. reasonable
Part 4. 31. turn off → turned on 32. happy → happily
33. for → from 34. too → so 35. can she → she could
Part 5. 36. count on 37. held up 38. went over 39. kept on 40. got on
Part 1.41 C 42. A 43. B 44. D 45. C
46. A 47. D 48. B 49. B 50. C
Part 2.51. present 52. look 53. wrap 54. at 55. thanked
56. between 57. cake 58. candles 59. about 60. what
Part 3. 61. C 62. A 63. C 64. D 65. D
Part 1. 66. He regretted not inviting/ not having invited her to his birthday party.
67. I’d rather have dinner at home than go out for dinner.
68. His injured knee made him unable to play well in the last match
69. The car was too rusty to be repaired
70. No sooner had the teacher come in than they stopped talking
Part 2. 71. suggested that the committee
72. congratulated Sue on her
73. instead of going on
74. made up my mind yet
75. spent five minutes looking
Part 3. - Nội dung, ý tưởng (5 điểm): Nêu được ý tưởng, lý do một cách rõ ràng, có sức thuyết phục.
- Kỹ thuật viết (5 điểm): Bố cục rõ ràng, hành văn mạch lạc, đúng văn phong, đúng ngữ pháp; \ùng từ, ngữ,
cấu trúc phong phú, chính xác.

ĐỀ SỐ 31
PART A: PHONETICS (5 điểm - Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm)
l.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.C
Question I.
6.C 7.D 8.C 9.B 10.C
11.D 12.A 13.D 14.D 15.C
Question II.
16. taken 17. being asked 18. to wait 19. (should) be 20. were
21. would ... wish 22. shouldn’t have gone 23. are always complaining
24. did 25. has been destroyed
Question III.
26. economics 27. personality 28. impractical 29. unavoidable
30. relatively 31. unmanageable 32. outspoken 33. preservation
34. modernized (_sed) 35. unsweetened
PART C: READING COMPREHENSION (25 pts) - Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm
Question I.
36. rid 37. new 38. taken 39. substances 40. bum
41 .costly/expensive 42. recycling 43. waste 44. not 45. Everything
Question II.
46.C 47.D 48.A 49.D 50.B
51.C 52.A 53.B 54.D 55.A
Question II
56.B 57.B 58.C 59.A 60.B
PART D: WRITING (20 pts)
Question I (5 điểm- Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm)
61. What I am really impressed by is her ability to run a company
62. The Prime Minister’s resignation resulted from his sudden illness
63. John advised Jane to try her best to learn English well.
64. Having nothing else to do, we decided to go for a walk.
65. The more popular television programmes become, the worse they seem to get.
Question II (5 điểm- Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm)
66. It’s possible that we may soon run out of oil
67. No sooner had the plane left the airport than_the accident happened
68. In spite of a pain in her leg, Jill finished the race
69. They might not have noticed (that) the tyre was flat.
70. The director began by explaining the reason for the meeting.
Question III. Essay: (10 điểm)
Marking criteria:
+ Task completion (4 điểm)
Tuỳ theo khả năng hoàn thành về bố cục và những yêu cầu nội dung cho mỗi phần ( mở bài,thân bài,kết
luận) giám khảo có thể chấm từ 1 -4 điểm.
+ Grammatical accuracy and spelling 3 điểm: bài viết không có lỗi chính tả và từ ba lỗi ngữ pháp trở xuống
được cho 3 điểm tối đa. Cứ 4 lỗi chính tả hoặc ngữ pháp trừ 1 điểm (Trừ không quá 3 điểm).
- Coherence and cohesion (tỉnh mạch lạc và sự liên kết câu, đoạn) - 3 điểm:
Tùy mức độ mạch lạc, liên kết câu, liên kết đoạn của bài viết, giám khảo có thể chấm 1-3 điểm.

ĐỀ SỐ 32
I. Listening (20 pts)
Part 1. (5 pts) Mỗi đáp án đúng được 0.5 điểm
1. A 2.B 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. B
Part 2. (5 pts) Mỗi đáp án đúng được 1 điểm
1.D 2.C 3.B 4. B 5. C
Part 3. (10 pts) Mỗi đáp án đúng được 1 điểm
1. ambitious 2. Settlers 3. astronaut 4. investment 5. founder
6. extremely 7. colonizing 8. species 9. desirable 10. exploration
II. (5 pts) Mỗi đáp án đủng được 0.5 điểm
l.A 2.B 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. A 8. A 9. B 10. C
III. (10 pts) Mỗi đáp án đúng được 1 điểm
1. sank 2. were found 3. undertaken 4. were using 5. belonging
6. Having examined 7. had been following 8. to return
9. uses 10. (to) create
IV. (5 pts) Mỗi đáp án đúng được 1 điểm
1. appeared 2. illegal 3. automatically 4. criminals 5. actions
V. (5 pts) Mỗi đáp án đúng được 0.5 điểm
1.G 2. A 3.F 4. H 5. D 6. B 7. K 8. I 9. J 10. E
VI. (10 pts) Tìm được lỗi sai được 1 điểm, sửa đúng được 1 điểm
1. rule → ruled 2. problem →problems 3. for→to
4. investing → invest 5. illegally →illegal
VII. (10 pts) Mỗi đáp án đúng được 1 điểm
1. broke 2. burning 3. fire 4. out 5. was 6. within/in
7. there 8. may/ might/ can 9. who/ that 10. of
VIII. (5 pts) Mỗi đáp án đúng được 0.5 điểm
l.A 2. C 3.D 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. D 10. A
IX. (4 points) Mỗi đáp án đúng được 1 điểm
1.F 2. C 3.B 4. E
X. (6 pts) Mỗi đáp án đúng được 1 điểm
l.C 2. B 3.B 4. A 5. D 6C
XI. (5 pts) Mỗi câu đúng được 1 điểm
1. I had difficulty (in) communicating in English.
2. If it were not for my friend’s help, I couldn’t finish my work.
3. I had a friend of mine fix the car for me/ the car fixed by a friend of mine.
4. You needn’t have brought your course book to the class.
5. He is a more persuasive speaker than his brother.
X. (5 pts) Mỗi câu đúng được 1 điểm
1. I am not accustomed to men’s wearing dress in Scotland.
2. Their decision not to compete in the event came as a shock to everyone.
3. The table should be booked in advance if you want to get a good seat in that restaurant.
4. My dad gave me a hand with my homework last night.
5. There is no point in worrying about what has already happened.
XI. (10 pts) Paragraph writing
Tiêu chí chấm bài viết đoạn văn.
Giống như bài trên.

ĐỀ SỐ 33
I. PHONETICS (10 pts)
Question 1. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others by
circling A, B, C or D. (5 pts)
1.D 2. A 3. D 4. A 5. A
Question 2. Choose one word whose stress pattern is different from the others by circlingA, B, C or
D. (5 pts)
l.A 2. C 3.B 4. D 5. B
Choose the best answers to complete the sentences:
1.D 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. C 7. D 8. B 9. C 10. A
Question 1: Complete the following sentences with an appropriate form of the word in the brackets.
(5 pts)
1- satisfaction 2- similarities 3- decision 4- expectation 5- unfortunately
Question 2: Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting. (10 pts)
l.B 2. B 3.C 4. B 5. B 6. C 7. B 8.D 9. B 10. D
IV. READING: (20 pts)
Question 1. (5 pts)
l.C 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. C
Question 2. (10 pts)
l.B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. D 6. A 7. B 8. B 9. C 10. A
Question 3. (10 pts)
1.the 2. was 3. for 4. but 5.anyone
V. WRITING (20pts)
Question 1: Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. (7pts)
1.John would like to know more about astronomy.
2.Because of the parade, the police wouldn’t let us park (our car) in the High Street.
3.Susan wanted to know if I had seen that film on television on Saturday.
4.“I’m afraid that there is a hole in these jeans”.
5.The match was called off because of the bad weather.
6.Dan never pays (any/much)attention to my advice.
7. I haven 7 seen Lucy for more than a year
Question 2: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. (5
1. The film was so boring that she fell asleep.
2. I am looking forward to meeting/seeing you.
3. Hong’s parents didn’t allow her to buy a computer.
4. She accused him of being selfish.
5. In spite of her hurt leg, Van finished the marathon race.
Question 3: Make all the changes and additions to produce, from the following sets of words and
phrases, sentences which together make a complete letter. (8 pts)
Dear Nakata,
1. I am/ was very pleased to receive/ have received/ when I receive the parcel you sent me.
2. What a good idea to send a selection of different kinds of food from/ of your country.
3. I enjoyed eating them/it/this very much and so did my family.
4. It would not be/ is not possible to buy these/ such things in England except perhaps in London.
5. As you said/ say in your letter, you would like me to send a parcel of English food to you/ to send you a
parcel of English food.
6. I have just posted one to you.
7. I will/ may not arrive at the same time as this letter because/ since I sent it/ it was sent by sea-mail.
8. In the parcel there is some information about/on preparing and eating this (kind of) food.
VI. LISTENING (20 pts)
PART 1 (5 pts)
1B 2C 3A 4B 5C
PART 2 (5 pts)
6B 7G 8H 9E 10F
PART 3 (10 pts)
11A 12B 13C 14C 15B

ĐỀ SỐ 34
I: 2.5 pts
1.C 2. A 3.B 4. A 5. D 6. D 7. D 8. D 9. A 10. D
11.B 12. A 13. D 14. C 15. D 16. D 17. D 18. A 19. A 20. D
22. C 23. C 24. A 25. A
II: 1.0 pt
1. have lost 2. have been looking 3. were not raining 4. will have missed
5. was 6. would play/ would be playing 7. hadn’t offended
8.needn’t have sold 9. arrived 10. had prepared
III: 1.0 pt
1. employer 2. ambitious 3. encouragement 4. security 5. imagination
6. strengthen 7. proof 8. training 9. qualified 10. unsuccessful
IV: 1.0 pt
1. six-hours → six — hour 6. who his → whose
2. arranging → arranged 7. typing → type
3. little → few 8. Too → so
4. can → could 9. writing→ written
5. to decorate→ decorated 10. who → which.
V: 0.5 pt
1. up 2. without 3. of 4. of 5. of
I:1.0 pt
l.D 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. C
6.B 7. A 8. C 9. A 10. A
II:2.0 pts
1. be 2. dislike/ hate 3. normal 4. independent 5. still
6. on 7. do/try 8. push/ force 9. connected 10. if/when
III. 2.0 pts
1. C 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. D 6. B 7. C 8. D 9. A 10. C
I: 2.0 pts
1. Not only does she dance beautifully but she also sings sweetly too.
2. Were they to clean the windows, the room wouldn t look rather dark.
3. Hardly had the keeper opened the cage door when the tiger attacked him
4. The explosion is believed to have been caused by terrorists
5. All the lights must be / are to be switched off before going out
6. While the teacher was absent, the class was very noisy.
7. I am going to have my roof mended tomorrow.
(I am going to have the builder mend my roof tomorrow)
8. He needn’t have brought the umbrella along (because it didn’t rain anyway)
9. As soon as the gun went off, everyone started to panic.
10. She has the world by the tail.
II: 1.5 pt
1. I happened to be there when she revealed the truth
2. You mustn t ride a bicycle along a pavement.
3. They stopped going out with each other two years ago.
4. I had no regrets on/ about leaving the club in the end
5. He’s bound to have bought them a lovely present for the wedding.
6. I wonder what has become of Harry, I haven’t seen him for years.
III. (1.5 pts) Marking scheme
The mark given to part III is based on the following scheme:
Mô tả tiêu chí đánh giá Điểm tối đa
1. Bố cục 0.30
• Câu đề dẫn phải thể hiện được rõ ý kiến của người viết 0.10
• Bố cục hợp lí, rõ ràng phù hợp với yêu cầu của đề bài và đầy đủ 3
phần: mở bài, thân bài, kết luận. 0.10
• Bố cục uyển chuyển từ mở bài đến kết luận 0.10
2. Phát triển ý 0.30
• Phát triển ý có trình tự logic và mạch lạc 0.15
• Có giải thích, dẫn chứng, ví dụ xác thực đủ để bảo vệ ý kiến của người viết 0.15
3. Sừ dụng ngôn ngữ 0.30
• Sử dụng ngôn từ phù hợp với nội dung của bài viết 0.10
• Sử dụng ngôn từ đúng văn phong/ thể loại, đa dạng về từ vựng và cấu trúc. 0.10
• Sử dụng từ nối các ý cho bài viết uyển chuyển 0.10
4. Nội dung 0.30
• Đủ thuyết phục người đọc 0.10
• Đủ dẫn chứng, ví dụ, lập luận 0.10
• Độ dài: Số từ không nhiều horn hoặc ít hơn so với quy định 10 % 0.10
5. Ngữ pháp, dấu câu và chính tả 0.30
• Sử dụng đúng dấu câu 0.10
• Chính tả: Viết đúng chính tả
- Lỗi chính tả gây hiểu nhầm/ sai lệch ý sẽ bị tính một lỗi (trừ 1% điểm của 0.10
bài viết)
- Cùng một lỗi chính tả lặp lại chỉ tính là một lỗi
• Sử dụng đúng thời, thể, cấu trúc câu đúng ngữ pháp. (Lỗi ngữ pháp gây 0.10
hiểu nhầm/ sai lệch ý sẽ bị trừ 1% điểm bài viết.)
Tổng 1.50

Markers should discuss the suggested answers and the marking scale thoroughly before
marking the papers.

ĐỀ SỐ 35
A -I. Chọn từ có cách đọc khác ở phần gạch chân. (1,0 điểm)
1. recollect 2. abrupt 3. designer 4. postcard 5. poetry
A - II. Chọn từ có trọng âm chính rơi vào vị trí khác các từ còn lại. (1,0 điểm)
1. equal 2. introduce 3. eventual 4. arithmetic 5. vocabulary
B -I. Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc. (1,0 điểm)
1. taking
2a. will have been travelling/ will have been traveling
2. b. will have covered
3. to be
4. would ring
B - II. Cho dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc. (1,0 điểm)
1. climatology 2. runner-up 3. unharmed 4. economically 5. outnumber
B-III. Chọn đáp án thích hợp nhất trong so A, B, C hoặc D để hoàn thành câu. (2,0 điểm)
l.C 2. B 3.A. 4. D. 5. B.
6.A 7. B 8.C 9.C 10. A
B - IV. Điền giới từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống để hoàn thành các câu sau. (1,0 điểm)
1.out 2. in 3. on 4a. down 4b. on
5a. in 5b. for 6a. for 6b. up 7. with
B - V. Xác định lỗi sai ở mỗi câu sau bằng cách chọn các đáp án A, B, C hoặc D và sửa lỗi đá (1,0 điểm)
1. B→ he 2. D → well - earned 3. D → involves
4. B → appearance 5. C→ live
C -I. Tìm một từ thích hợp điền vào chỗ trống trong bài văn sau. (2,0 điểm)
1. raised. 2. consisted 3. rather 4. for 5. was
6.version 7. each 8. original 9. the and
C - II. Đọc bài văn sau và chọn đáp án thích hợp nhất trong số A, B, C hoặc D để hoàn thành các câu sau.
(2,0 điểm)
l.B 2. D 3.C 4. A 5. A
6. A 7. C 8. D 9. D 10.B

ĐỀ SỐ 36
I. Listen and fill in the missing information. (10 points)
1. comedy 2. 12th March / March 12th 3. community
4. costumes 5.07955240063
II. Listen and choose the best answer. You will hear a news reporter called Angela Bond, talking on
the radio about her job. (10 points)
1.B 2.B 3.C 4. A 5.B
III. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently. Write your answers in the
space provided. (6 points)
1.B 2. C 3.D
IV. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the other three of the group. Write your
answers in the space provided. (4 points)
l.C 2.A
V. Choose the correct answer to complete each of the following sentences. THERE CAN BE MORE
the space provided. (70 points)
1.B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. B 8. A 9. C
10.B 11. D 12. B 13. A, D 14. A 15. B,C 16. B 17. B 18. D
19.C 20. A, D 21. B 22. B 23. D 24. A, D 25. A 26. B 27. A, D
28. A 29. D 30. B 31. A 32. A 33. C 34. A 35. D
VI. There is one mistake in each sentence. Identify the mistake and write your answer in the space
provided. (10 points)
l.B 2. C 3.B 4. A 5. C
VII. Read the passage and choose the best option to complete the passage. Write your I answers in
the space provided. (20 points)
l.C 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. D 7. A 8. A 9. D 10. C
VIII. Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each question. Write your answers in
the space provided. (10 points)
l.D 2. B 3. D 4.B 5. B
IX. Fill in each numbered blank with ONE suitable word. Write your answers in the space provided,
(20 points)
1.or/to 2. train 3. decisions 4. on 5. best
6. simply 7. not 8. the 9. demanding/challenging 10. when
X. Finish the second sentence in each pair in such a way that it means the same as the sentence
before it, (10 points)
1. I have no intention of lending you any more money.
I have no intention to lend you any more money.
2. Were you to change your mind, you would be welcome to join US.
3. So long as you bring a group with you, you will have a free ticket.
4. Rather than disturb the workshop I left without saying goodbye.
5. We can put you up for a few days.
XI. Complete the second sentence, using the word given in bold. Do not change the word given. You
must use between three and six words, including the word given, (10 points)
1. He takes pride in his work
2. Five people took part in the discussion.
3. To everyone’s surprise John left the meeting early.
4. Peter was on the point of leaving the office when his boss asked him to type up a report.
5. Her new novel is/ was nothing like as interesting as her previous one.
XII. Write a paragraph (from 120 to 150 words) about the benefits of having a smartphone. (20
Marking criteria Point
1. Content 8.0
- Providing all main ideas and details as required. 4.0
- Commmunicating intention sufficently and effectively 4.0
2. Organization and presentation 4.0
- Ideas are well organized and presented with coherence, cohesion and clarity. 2.0
- The easay is well-structured 2.0
3. Language 4.0
- Demonstration of a variety of vocabulary and structures appropriate to the level of English 2.0
- Good use and control of grammatical structures 2.0
4. Punctuation and spelling and handwriting 4.0
- Good punctuation and no spelling mistakes 2.0
- Legible handwriting 2.0

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