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    Lock object is created with the initial letter ___c_____?

a. Z b. L c. E d. O

2.  Value table can be assigned at __b__? 

a. Data element b. Domain c. Field d. Data type

3.  We provide reference table and reference field to which type of fields?  d

a. Packed Decimal b. Currency c. Quantity d. b & c

4.  Can we create transaction code for the table maintenance? a

a. Yes b. No

5.  Without maintaining the following, the table cannot be activated: d

a. Entry help/check b. Primary key c. Technical settings d. b & c

6.  Can we add include or append structure with Pooled tables? b  

a. Yes b. No

7. Difference between table and structure: a

1. Table hold data only during runtime of program and structure hold it all the time
2. Structure hold data only during runtime of program and table hold it all the time
3. We need to define the primary keys for the structure and not for the table.
4. We need to define the primary keys for the table and not for the structure.  

a.2 & 4 b. 1 & 2 c. 2 & 3 d. 3 & 4

8. We need to create primary index explicitly:  b

a. Yes b. No

9.  Single record buffering should be used when _______b__.  

a. It should be used for large tables when there are few record accesses

b. It should be used in large tables that have frequent access to 


c. It should be used for those tables where some of the fields of 
the table are needed

d. All the above

10.  Difference between the projection view and the database view.  b

a. Projection view can be created using one or more tables and database view be created using a single

b.  Database view can be created using one or more tables and Projection view be created using a single

c. None Above

11.  Transaction code for the maintaining table is ___a______.  

a. SM30 b. SM13 c. SE30 d. SM35

12. T-Code for release the Transport request Number? a

a. SE09 b. SM09 c. SM01 d. SE08

13. T-Code for unlock the Objects? d

a. SE12 b. SM21 c. SE21 d. SM12

14. What is the option to avoid repeatedly Transport Request in TMG ? no,user radio butten

15. Difference between data base view and Maintenance view ? tmg maintaining have in maintenance

16. What is collective search help ? collect group of elementry search help

17. What are the options to maintain in Technical settings?


18. What is the maximum number of primary keys in a Table ? 1 or 16

19. How to create Table Maintain Generator? Goto utilites tmg

Provide Authorization group, Function group, one/two step, screens

20. How to change Local object into Package ?

Goto ->object directry entry -> change to package from local object

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