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Nama : Gesa Ananda Putra

NIM : 17210791
Kelas : 17.1B.03

Which are these activities are popular with the following age group? check the
activities. Then compare with your friend.

Activity Childern Teens Young Middle-aged Older people

adults people
aerobics √ √
baseball √ √
bicycling √ √ √ √ √
In-line skaing √ √
Soccer √ √ √ √
Swimming √ √ √ √ √
Tennis √ √ √ √ √
Yoga √ √

I. Complete these questions. Then practice with your friend.

1. A : How Good do you At Volleyball?

B : I guess, i’m pretty good. I often play on weekends.

2. A : How long do you Spend online?

B : About an hour after dinner. I like to chat with my friend.

3. A : How long do you Play cards?

B : Once or twice a month. it’s a good way to relax.

4. A : how well do you type?

B : Not very well, actually. i need to take a typing class


1. There are three famous athlete in My country. The underlined word has synonym
meaning with …
a. kind d. well-known

b. wish e. very well

c. goodness

2. I have …. at 12.30 pm.

a. breakfast d. dinner

b. lunch e. extra lunch

c. supper

3. A : Do you like to play badminton?

B : No, I …. like to play badminton.

a. not d. often

b. never e. do not

c. ever

4. A : What time do you get up in the morning?

B : I get up …. 5.30 every morning.

a. in d. for

b. on e. into

c. at

5. A : How well
do you …. tennis?

B: Not very
well, I think.

a. play
d. playing

b. plays e. player

c. played
Always : I always do eglish assignments
Usually: I and My Friend usually spend the weekend at the coffe shop.
Frequently: I Frequently sleep at 1 pm
Often: I often go to a friend’s house by motorcycle
Sometimes: I sometimes do  assignments together with friends
Occasionally: My family occasionally visit our grandparent every weekend
Rarely: I rarely play mound
Seldom: I seldom watch movie at television
Hardly Ever:I hardly ever play kites
Never: I never go to Makkah.

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