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Chapter 3 : The kinetic Theory of Gases
• Ideal gas law :
pV = nRT With R = 8.31 Jmol-1K-1

Boyle’s law : pV = const Charles’s law : V = const x T

Gay – Lussac’s law : p = const X T

With the Boltzman constant k :

R 8.31 Jmol−1 K−1
k= = = 1.38 x 10-23 JK-1
NA 6.02 ×1023 mol−1
pV = NkT With N : number of molecules

Trương Phú Lễ 2
Chapter 3 : The kinetic Theory of Gases
• The root – mean – square speed :
N v 2
3RT i=1 i
vrms = v2 = =
vrms is the spuare root of the average sum square speed of N molecules.

So v 2 = (v)2 ??? ABSOLUTELY NOOOO !!!!!!

• The average speed :
8RT i=1 vi
v= =
πM N

Trương Phú Lễ 3
Chapter 3 : The kinetic Theory of Gases
• Mean Free Path :
 For all molecule moving :
1 𝑁
λ= 𝑁 With : density of gas
2𝜋𝑑 2 𝑉 𝑉

 Using pV = NkT :
2πd2 p
• The average time between collisions :
λ kT
t= = 2
v 2πd vp
• The frequency of collisions :
𝑡 Trương Phú Lễ 4
Chapter 3 : The kinetic Theory of Gases
• Translational Kinetic Energy (monatomic gas):
 A single molecule of ideal gas :
1 1 1 3RT 3RT 3
K= mv 2 = mvrms 2 = m = = kT (J)
2 2 2 M 2NA 2
 Per mole of ideal gas :
3 3
Kmole = NA x K = NA x kT = RT (J)
2 2
 Total n mole of ideal gas :
3 3 3
Ktotal = n x Kmole = nRT = NkT = pV (J)
2 2 2
So does Translational Kinetic Energy depend on mass m ???

Trương Phú Lễ 5
Chapter 3 : The kinetic Theory of Gases
Let review work W :
W= dW = Vi
• Isochorbic process (V const) : W = 0
• Isobaric process ( P const) : W = p∆V
• Isothermal process ( T const ) :
Vf nRT Vf 𝐩𝐟
pV = nRT → W = Vi V
dV = nRTln =− nRTln (J)
Vi 𝐩𝐢
Note :
At isothermal process, Q =W

Trương Phú Lễ 6
Chapter 3 : The kinetic Theory of Gases
• Internal energy Eint :
Eint = nCVT → ΔEint = nCVΔT
• Molar specific heat :
Q = nCΔT
 At constant volume : Q = nCVΔT
 At constant pressure : Q = nCpΔT
 Note :
o ΔEint can apply for any process !!!!
oDon’t have ΔEint = nCpΔT
oThe relation between Cp and CV is shown in next slide <3
Trương Phú Lễ 7
Chapter 3 : The kinetic Theory of Gases
• The Equipartition-of-Energy Theorem :
Degrees of freedom
Molecule Translational Rotational Total (f)
Monatomic 3 0 3
Diatomic 3 2 5
Polyatomic 3 3 6
CV = ( )R and Cp = CV + R
Note :
Translational kinetic energy only for monatomic : K = Etrans = nRT (J)

Trương Phú Lễ 8
Chapter 3 : The kinetic Theory of Gases
• The Adiabatic Expansion of an Ideal Gas :
Adiabatic process is a process Q = 0
pVγ = constant
Using pV = nRT :
TVγ-1 = constant
Cp 2
R:R f:2
Where : γ= = f =
CV R f

Trương Phú Lễ 9
Chapter 3 : The kinetic Theory of Gases
Let review heat Q :
You still remember formulas calculating heat, don’t you ??

• Using heat capacity C : Q = CΔT

• Using specific heat c : Q = mcΔT
• Using specific latent heat L : Q =Lm→ Do you remember when using that ?
• Using molar specific heat : Q = nCΔT

How many phases are there when ice at -9oC is heated to 113oC ?

Trương Phú Lễ 10
Chapter 3 : The kinetic Theory of Gases
• Change in entropy :
f dQ 𝐐
ΔS = Sf – Si = If T is constant → ΔS =
i T 𝐓
+ Irreversible process : ΔS ≥ 0 Adiabatic process → ΔS = 0
+ Reversible process : ΔS ˂ 0
Special cases :
• Ideal gas : 𝐐 W Vf
Vf Tf + T constant : ΔS = = = nRln
ΔS = nRln + nCVln 𝐓 T Vi
Vi Ti Tf
+ V constant : ΔS = nCVln
• Liquid, solid : Ti
f dQ T2 cmdT T2
+ Cooling or heating : ΔS = i T
= T1
= cmln
T T1
+ Phase change : ΔS =
Trương Phú Lễ 11
Chapter 3 : The kinetic Theory of Gases
• Some tips to calculate the change in entropy for liquid and solid :
+ Identify how many phase are there in changing heat . You can do it right ?
+ Calculate entropy for each part correlating with change heat in phase
+ ΔStotal = ΔS1 + ΔS2 + ΔS3 + … ΔSN
For example :
The change in entropy of ice heated form -0.5oC to 3oC ??
As you have learnt : Q release = - Q absorb
So ΔSrelease = - ΔSabsorb , right ????


Trương Phú Lễ 12

Trương Phú Lễ 13
18. An automobile tire has a volume of 1.6410-2 m3 and contains air at a
gauge pressure of 165 kPa when the temperature is 0oC. What is the
gauge pressure of the air in the tires when its temperature rises to 27oC and
its volume increases to 1.6710-2 m3?
Assume atmospheric pressure is 1.01105 Pa.
P1 = 165 + 101 = 266 kPa P2 = P + 101 kPa
V1 = 1.64 x 10-2 m3 V2 = 1.67 x 10-2 m3
T1 = 273 K T2 = 27 + 273 = 300 K

Apply ideal gas law :

P1 V1 P2 V2
T1 T2
266 ×1.64 ×10−2 P:101 ×1.67 ×10−2
273 300
→ P = 186 kPa
Trương Phú Lễ 14
19. Air that initially occupies 0.140 m3 at a gauge pressure of 103.0 kPa is
expanded isothermally to a pressure of 101.3 kPa and then cooled at
constant pressure until it reaches its initial volume. Compute the work done
by the gas.
P1 = 103.0 + 101 = 204 kPa Isothermal P2 = 101.3 kPa Isobaric P3 = 101.3 kPa
V1 = 0.140 m3 V2 V3 = V1 = 0.140 m3
T1 T2 = T1 T3

Work done by gas is the sum of two process isothermal and isobaric :
W = Wisothermal + Wisobaric = nRTln + p(V3 – V2) (1)
Applying Ideal gas law :
Isothermal process : p1V1 = nRT = 0.140 x 204 = 28.6 (kJ)
0.140 ×204
p1V1 = p2V2 → V2 = = 0.282 (m3)
Substitute to (1) : W = 28.6 x ln + 101.3 x (0.140 – 0.282 ) = 5.6 kJ
Trương Phú Lễ 15
20. The temperature of 2.00 mol of an ideal monatomic gas is raised 15.0 K
at constant volume. Find :
(a) the work done by the gas
(b) the energy transferred as heat
(c) the change in the internal energy of the gas
(d) the change in the average kinetic energy per atom?
a) W = 0 ( constant volume )
b) Q = nCvΔT = 2.00 x x 8.31 x 15.0 = 374 (J)
c) ΔE = Q – W = 374 (J)
3 3
d) ΔK = kΔT = x 1.38 x 10-23 x 15.0 = 3.11 x10-22 (J)
2 2

Trương Phú Lễ 16
21. A 10.0 g ice cube at -10.0oC is placed in a lake whose temperature is
15.0oC. Calculate the change in entropy of the cube-lake system as the ice
cube comes to thermal equilibrium with the lake. The specific heat of ice ;
heat of fusion of ice and specific heat of water are : 2220J/kg.K ; 334000
J/kg ; 4190 J/kg.K
The heat released form lake that is absorbed by 10.0 g ice cube :
– Q lake = Qice = 10.0 x 10-3 x 2220 x10 + 334000 x 10.0 x 10-3 + 10.0 x10-3 x 4190 x 15
→ Qlake = – 4190.5 (J)
The change in entropy of the cube-lake system are :
ΔSsys = ΔSice + ΔSlake (1)

Trương Phú Lễ 17
273 mc dQ 288 mc
ΔSice = 263 dT + + 273 dT
273 2220 ×10.0 × 10−3 dQ 288 4190 ×10.0 × 10−3
= 263 dT + + 273 dT
273 334000 ×10.0 × 10−3 288
= 22.2 x ln + + 41.9 x ln = 15.3 (J/K)
263 273 273

dQ ;4190.5
 ΔSlake = = = – 14.5 (J/K)
T 288

Substitute to (1) : ΔSsys = 15.3 + (– 14.5 ) = 0.8 (J/K)

Trương Phú Lễ 18
22. A 50.0 g block of copper whose temperature is 400 K is placed in an
insulating box with a 100 g block of lead whose temperature is 200 K.
Specific heat of lead and copper : 128J.Kg-1.K-1 and 386 JKg-1.K-1
(a) What is the equilibrium temperature of the two-block system?
(b) What is the change in the internal energy of the system between the
initial state and the equilibrium state?
(c) What is the change in the entropy of the system?
a) Q release = – Qabsorb → T = 320K
b) There is no change heat in the system and environment , work too . → 0
c) Next slide

Trương Phú Lễ 19
The change in entropy of the system is :
ΔSsys = ΔScopper + ΔSlead (1)
320 mc 320 386 ×50.0 × 10−3
 ΔScopper = 400 T
dT = 400 dT
= 19.3 x ln = – 4.30 (J/K)

320 mc 320 128 ×100 ×10−3

 ΔSlead = 200 T
dT = 200 dT
= 12.8 x ln = 6.02 (J/K)

Substitute to (1) : ΔSsys = 6.02 + (– 4.30 ) = 1.72 (J/K)

Trương Phú Lễ 20
• Slides form Assoc.Prof. Phan Bao Ngoc
• Slides ; extra problems form Dr.Do Xuan Hoi
• Fundamental of Physics 9th Edition ebook.
• Midterm April 2017 of Dr. Do Xuan Hoi

Trương Phú Lễ 21

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