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OOPs, Enhancements and modification, Web dyn pro


1. Which standard WD component is used to build ALV in Webdynpro.




 D. None of the above

2.  Which of the following Transaction can be used to create T-code for a Web Dynpro

 A. SE87

 B. SE37

 C. SE93

 D. None of these

3.  The UI Element and the Context Attributes of Webdynpro are linked. The process of
doing this is called

 A. Binding

 B. Linking

 C. UI Linkage

 D. UI Link

4.  Where does the Business Logic exists in the Webdynpro Component

 A. Methods of the view

 B. Methods of the Controller

 C. Assistance Class

 D. None of the above

5.  Which data type do you use to declare a visibility attribute in web dynpro




 D. Boolean
7. Identify a layout that is not part of the Web dynpro Layout types

 A. Flow Layout

 B. Row Layout

 C. Grid Layout

 D. Tree Layout

8.  Which of the Below is not a Valid Web dynpro UI element

 A. Button

 B. Page Header

 C. Message Area

 D. Transparent View

9. Can a view container have more than one view active at a time

 A. Yes

 B. No

 C. Depends on the Binding

 D. Depends on the Mapping

10.  The Webdynpro Programming model is based on

 A. Classic Dynpro Programming

 B. Business Server Pages(BSP)

 C. Model View Controller(MVC)

 D. Internet Transaction Server(ITS)

11.  Passing Parameters to webydnpro Application using the Applicatino URL are

 A. Command Parameters

 B. Commandline Parameters

 C. Command Operators

 D. Ternary Parameters

12. Which of the following can be used to run a Web Dynpro


 B. JVM
 C. Web Browser
 D. All of the above

13. Where does the Business Logic exists in the Webdynpro


 A. Methods of the view

 B. Methods of the Controller

 C. Assistance Class
 D. None of the above

14. Which of the Below is not a Valid Webdynpro UI element

 A. Button
 B. Page Header
 C. Message Area
 D. Transparent View

15. In Inner and outer join

 A. buffers are always used

 B. Choice of buffer can be made to use

 C. buffers are always bypassed correct
 D. None of above

16. To navigate between Web Dynpro application within portal or

portal content. Which of the following is a navigation type?
 A. Object Based navigation

 B. Absolute navigation
 C. Relative navigation
 D. Work protect mode
 E. All of the above correct

17. Which of the following is used to link inbound and outbound plug

and to determine target view of outbound plug?

 A. View set

 B. View Container
 C. Navigation Link
 D. Action

18. A webdynpro Component consists of the below items except

 A. UI elements
 B. Component Controller
 C. Window
 D. Views

19. Choose the correct concept in Web Dynpro. Global data are

displayed by elements on the UI or used to manipulate UI element
properties has to be stored in a hieralchical storage.

 A. Data Binding
 B. Context
 C. Navigation correct
 D.View Controller

20.  A View in Webdynpro is associated with _______ in SAP GUI.

 A. View
 B. Transaction
 C. Dynpro

 D. Screen

21. What is the basic object of data Dictionary

 A. Domains correct
 B. Documentation
 C. Data Models
 D. Dynpro

22. Eliminate the Event that is not part of Webdynpro  


23. What is the Cardinality for the Node created for storing the Table
      a) 1:1
      b) 0:1
      c) n:n
      d) 0:n

24. What is the equivalent for Transaction in Webdynpro

      a) Application
      b) Component Controller   
      c) Interface Controller
      d) Plugs

25. The Webdynpro Programming model is based on

      a)Classic Dynpro Programming
      b)Business Server Pages(BSP)
      c)Model View Controller(MVC)
      d)Internet Transaction Server(ITS)

26. The UI Element and the Context Attributes of Webdynpro are linked. The
process of doing this is called
      a) Binding
      b) Linking
      c) UI Linkage
      d) UI Link

27. How do you access the attributes declared in component controller in the
method of a view
      Ex: emp_id type numc10
      a) wd_comp->emp_id
      b) wd_Comp_controller->emp_id
      c) wd_controller->emp_id
      d) wd_this->emp_id

28. which method do you use to read the contents of a internal table displayed in
the webdynpro window

29. Which method do you use to read the contents of a attribute attached to the
context node.

30. Identify a Cardinality type that is not part of webdynpro.

      a) N:N
      b) 0:1
      d) 1:1
      c) 0:N

31. Identify a Window Outbound Plug type to exit the View completely.
      a) Standard Plug type
      b) Suspend Plug type
      c) Exit Plug type
      d) Inbound Plug type

32. What is the right sequence of event trigger in Webdynpro

      1-WDDOINIT of Component Controller
      2-WDDOINIT of View
      3-WDDOINIT of Window
     a) 3 1 2
     b) 1 3 1
     c) 1 3 2
     d) 2 1 3

33. Can a view container have more than one view active at a time.
     a) Yes
     b) No
     c) Depends on the Binding
     d) Depends on the Mapping
34. In a Web Dynpro application, it should contain atleast how many views?
A  - 0
B - 1
C - 2
D - 3

35. In a Web Dynpro application which of the following is a temporary place to store
data in the form of nodes and attributes?
A - View
B - Context
C - Inbound and Outbound plugs
D - UI element
36. In Web Dynpro, you can associate a view to which of the following in SAP GUI?
A - Transaction
B - View
C - Screen
D - Transport
37. To run an application in debugging mode, you need to set an external
breakpoint in one of methods in Dynpro component. It is suggested to set the
breakpoint in which of the following method?
38. In Web Dynpro application, which of the following can be used to display the
important information about Web Dynpro application?
A - Notes
B - Messages
C - Announcements
D - None of these
39. To navigate between Web Dynpro application within portal or portal content.
Which of the following is a navigation type?
A - Object Based navigation
B - Absolute navigation
C - Relative navigation
D - Work protect mode
E - All of the above
40. Which of the following T-code can be used to activate trace tool in SAP GUI?
41. Which of the following method can be used to create or delete a filter condition
in ALV reports in Web Dynpro?
42. Which of the following can be used for checking the errors and problems in
Dynpro application can be activate Web Dynpro trace tool for a specific user?
A - Trace tool
B - Logging
C - Security
D - None of these
43.  In a Web Dynpro application which of the following is a temporary place to store
data in the form of nodes and attributes?
A - View
B - Context
C - Inbound and Outbound plugs
D - UI element
44. In Web Dynpro application, which of the following can be used to display domain
fixed values in the form of drop down?
C - Both of these
D - None
45. Which of the following can be integrated with Adobe software that allows you to
create efficiently and easy development of UI elements?
A - Interactive Forms
B - WDA Portal
C - List Viewer
D - Version management
46. While using SAP CCMS monitor set, which of the following is not displayed as
A - Application Count
B - Session Count
C - Round trips
D - CPU Time
E - Cache Memory
47. To analyze the problem, you can also trace the data stream in SAP Web
Application server. You can also increase trace level from default level 1?
A - True
B - False

48.Which of the following T-code can be used to open Web Dynpro run time
A - SE80
B - SE37
C - SE70
D - SM59
49. Which of the following can be used to analyze the dynamic behavior of your
code and can act as an alternative to ICM tracing?
A - Trace Tool
B - HTTP Browser Tracing
C - Logging
D - All of the above
50. In Web Dynpro, which of the following controller allows to access the data
declared by all the views and windows in that component?
A - Component Controller
B - View Controller
C - Both of these
D - None of these


1) Which of the following describes how instances of different classes respond differently to
the same messages?
a) Inheritance
b) Polymorphism
c) Encapsulation
d) Event control
2) The __________ diagram pays particular attention to the sequence in which the objects
relate to each other.
a) Class
b) Behavior
c) Component
d) Object

3) You can group all characteristics and behaviors of similar objects into one central class.
a) True
b) False

4) The CLASS statement can be nested, that is, you can define a class within a class.
a) True
b) False

5)Which one of the following syntax elements is used to define static attributes?

6) Which of the following options is used to create an object?

a) CREATE OBJECT ref_name
b) APPEND ref_name
c) CLASS ref_name

7) You cannot create and address objects using reference variables.

a) True
b) False

8) During program runtime, you use the class to create discrete objects (instances) in the
memory. This process is called instantiation.
a) True
b) False
9) The Garbage Collector is a system routine that starts automatically if the runtime system
does not have important tasks to carry out.
a) True
b) False

10) Independent references are references that have been defined within a class.
a) True
b) False

11) Which of the following options is used to administer objects in the internal tables?

12) When calling a static method from within the class, you can omit the class name.
a) True
b) False

13) In which of the following expressions can functional methods be called directly?
a) IF

14) You can describe methods that have a _______ parameter as functional methods.

15) You have to pass the RETURNING parameter using the VALUE addition, that is they
must be pass by value.
a) True
b) False
16) The __________ is a special instance method in a class.
a) Constructor
b) Function
c) Attributes

17) The constructor is automatically called at runtime with the CREATE OBJECT statement.
a) True
b) False

18) Which of the following points do you consider when defining static constructors?

a) Each class has not more than one static constructor.

b) The static constructor must be defined in the private area.

c) The constructor’s signature can have importing parameters or exceptions.
d) The static constructor can be called explicitly.

9) The constructor’s signature can have importing parameters or exceptions.

a) True
b) False

20) Which of the following is a relationship in which the subclass inherits all the main
characteristics of the superclass?
a) Specialization
b) Generalization
c) Polymorphism
d) Casting

21) Which of the following are the characteristics of generalization and specialization?
a) Common components only exist once in the superclass
b) Components in the subclasses are available in all superclasses
c) Subclasses contain extensions or changes
d) Subclasses are not dependent on superclasses
22) Which of the following can be called automatically in the superclass?
a) Method
b) Instance constructor
c) Static constructor
d) Object

23) A superclass is a generalization of its subclasses.

a) True
b) False

24) Which of the following section is used to change superclasses without the need to know
the subclasses?

25) Which of the following is determined by the assignment?

a) Superclass
b) Static type
c) Dynamic type
d) Subclass

26) When objects from different classes react differently to the same method calls, this is
known as _________.
a) Objects
b) Events
c) Polymorphism
d) Inheritance

27) A typical use for __________ assignments is to prepare for generic access.
a) Events
b) Up-cast
c) Methods
d) Down-cast

28) Which of the following is used to assign a superclass reference to a subclass reference?
a) Widening Cast
b) Narrowing Cast
c) Redefinition

29) Which of the following is the down-cast assignment operator?

c) MOVE … ?TO …

30) What are the advantages of correctly using class hierarchies?

a) Centralized maintenance
b) Safe and generic method of access
c) Semantics preserved
d) Intended use o inherited components

31) Which of the following statements is used to implement an interface in a class?


32) You can access interface components only by using an object reference.
a) True
b) False

33) Which of the following is the main strength of interfaces?

a) Events
b) Inheritance
c) Polymorphism
34) ?= is the down-cast assignment operator.
a) True
b) False
35) Interface reference variables can contain references to instances of the class that is not
implemented at runtime.
a) True
b) False
36) Which of the following strongly resembles inheritance?
a) Interface
b) Class
c) Method
37) Interfaces like regular superclasses can include other interfaces.
a) True
b) False
38) Which of the following statements is used to define events within a class?
39) Which of the following statements is used to trigger events?
40) Which of the following are not defined as interface components?
a) Attributes
b) Methods
c) Events
d) Classes
41) Events are registered using the SET HANDLER statement. Registration is only active at
program runtime.
a) True
b) False
42) Which visibility of the event ensures that it can only be handled in the class itself and its
a) Public
b) Protected
c) Private
43) You can only use local classes or interfaces within the same program in which they are
defined and implemented.
a) True
b) False
44) Which of the following are used to test the triggering of events in a class?
a) Select an event
b) Choose Handler
c) Call a class
45) You cannot convert to functional modern writing style when generating method calls as
of SAP NW AS 7.0.
a) True
b) False
46) The naming convention for SAP interfaces is “ZIF_ or YIF_”.
a) True
b) False
47) Which of the following is used to generate UML diagrams for existing coding?
a) Class Builder
b) Superclass
c) Methods
d) Interfaces
48) Which of the following pushbutton is used to override an inherited method?
b) Redefine
c) Implementation
49) Local type of the global class are encapsulated and cannot be acceded from outside.
a) True
b) False
50) You cannot use the Refactoring Assistant to move the components of a class within the
inheritance hierarchy.
a) True
b) False
51) The ABAP List viewer (ALV) Grid Control is a tool that you can use to display non-
hierarchical lists in a standardized form.
a) True
b) False
52) Container controls do not provide the technical connection between the screen and
application control.
a) True
b) False
53) To create a handler object for an event, we must first define a _________.
a) Class
b) Structure
c) Screen
d) Attribute
54) A handler method can be either a class method (static method) or an instance method of
an object.
a) True
b) Flase
55) With a Business Add-In (BAdl), an SAP application program provides the enhancement
option through an interface method.
a) True
b) False
56) An object of the BAdl adapter class is instantiated by the call of the static method
a) True
b) False
57) To implement a Business Add-In (BAdl), the BADI definition name must be investigated.
a) True
b) False
58) The code of BAdl implementation is stored in a __________ of an automatically
generated customer class.
a) Method
b) Structure
c) Object

1. Classes are templates for objects.

A. True

B. False

2. Classes in ABAP Objects can be declared either globally or locally.

A. True

B. False

3.Local classes and interfaces can only be used in the program in which they are

A. True

B. False
4. When you use a class in an ABAP program, the system first searches for a local
class with the specified name. If it does not find one, it will not look for a global

A. True

B. False

5. In SAP ABAP high-level architecture, which of the following layer consists of input
devices like a web browser, mobile devices.

A. Presentation Layer

B. Application Layer

C. Database Layer

D. None of the above 

6.  What is the transaction code to open the ABAP editor to create or change the
ABAP program?

A. SE80

B. SE38

C. SE59

D. SE48

7. Which of the below program type can only be started using a transaction code?

A. Type 1

B. Type F

C. Type K 

D. Type M

8. Which of the below is used to synchronize access of several users using the same

A. Lock Objects

B. ABAP Objects

C. Data Objects
D. Dynamic Objects

9. ABAP contains a series of statements that allow you to leave an event block.
Which of the below is specifically used to leave a GET event block?

A. Stop

B. Reject

C. Check 

D. Exit

10.  Which of the following can be called from both the program in which it is defined
and from other programs?

A. Macro 

B. Subroutine

C. Function 

D. All the above 

Enhancements and modification

1. Which of the following techniques used to adapt SAP standard software
involve the use of ABAP workbench?
a. Customization
b. Personalization
c. Enhancements
d. Modifications
2. Which of the following enhancement technology offer menu exits ?
a. Customer Exits
b. Business Transaction Events
c. Business Add-ins
d. Explicit Enhancements

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