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s*c{i w$rottfiiurtfto} <tcapriur 2 dn 3 trqufut o rRffirrfcolffiradt gkora.:

Candidates should open the top side of the seal of this Booklet and
out the OMR Answer Sheet placed at page no. 2 and 3.
take Booktet No. : 4 3371
SB-GS usanura-gkorlExAMrNAroN euESnoN BooKLEr
vSeilgkor .5e-dr:
Test Booklet Series : c
ftq{ftdsdrq, tgo hdd 3rfu6-fiq 316 : i2o
rime Arowed : .r80 Minutes GOMPUTER SGIENGE Maximum Marks:.120
+d ?i.
Roll No.
q a : 2- 9 I ra-: efte q., tl 9 3 J_
Answer Sheet No. : )

crfr b Tflr Crahfea srgeeil 61 qra S 16 d t Read the foll owing instructions carefully before you beg in to ansu,er the q uestions.
?e * q6& I

s*ftecrtr'b Fi{s ter Instructions to the Candidates

1. cezii * -ff fu-sar strer ort z1rrd anv 5< gftror qff 8fu6$ gEfird 1. Belore you start to answer the questions you must check lhis booklet and
oz d fo gr$ Xt gE (1-16)taar otg Eg or saor arrur oa ur gorrr d a6 ensure that it conbins alllhe pages (1-16) and see that no page or porlion
3n llqii r Effi6l effdq6.*tfurd+)+-{ds€+adE6 thereof is missing or repeated. Candidates are also requked to check that
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fq g-F5T i 615 gA urp " a- aora

lrro ccd grfi gFor i r
Technology OR Elec.honics. lf you ,ind ary defect in this Booklet you must
get it replaced innediately.
2 . ,:icrasr" ,rr-?n-c qra gETor d 11 :r"rur rbff r prqr gFaF{d ot f6
2. OMR An6wersheet is wilhin the Question Booklet. please onsure
3irt'q3r-r ?}e ?i@r 3lE qilaq qfud riqr sora E r sii,a3rE Se q{
O[,lR Answersheet number and Test Booklet No. of euestion paper
qrdsrt lrr+ * qdd 3frrrffm en-d c-{ Et E&ii s1 qra A qiJ I 3nq6} are same. Read the instructions printed on O[,lR Answer.Sheet
sil'F3n" Tn.r-q{6 Trs.frfue"it 6} sd dJr t Wr 3lr{o}sE-{ar'c}Jn, tsr carelully betore filllng the information on th6 OMR AnsweFsheet.
a6-{etI{ 3nq+1rft gkorolqwi+-aa$fu<rurro-artt c€f orrf,{ You must complele and code all the details on the O R allswer sheet
*a gs o-ca n vaa sm+t siEq3rr{ Efr{-q{6 wftA qs Bqfrd Brraw corrcctly failang which your answer sheet may not be.evaluated. you
3rqaEelaz6{+iilfaft{eiorq'f w i urca fuq orsr qGs, tsr must also pul your sigtrature on the OMR Answer.Sheel at the
a o-r.i qr sru65 sil('ffrE rrr-gftr-ot or qvroa aA fuqr qr rdEdr t I prescribed place before you actually slart answering the questions.
1g!5a 6;q: a !p qa fuoror esa err aa ,rljt I fu-r ai, sat These inslructions must be fully complied with, talllng which, your
OMR Answer.Sheet may not be evaluated. (For VH. candidates these
Efta&a :;fu.io1:nrro:nz -fl-pfrd fr B€riffd terra qr src+ Eru Erqd
details vill be filled in by the scdbe. However, all V.H. candidates musl put
siq.} or Brra :ioe< aun+ qrfiu a{Tb sftfrff, d Effi4 s#qqrc
lhek left-hand thumb impression al the space prcvided in the OMR Answer-
3rqat E{ tirz -i 116AB, t @ A Bera } 3.drsr :rqi a*nerr et of t)
Sheet. ln addition, those VH. candidates who can sign should also put their
3. sinra:m ?i:,-E J'? g+r.ii F'rrJI rq: a+ orra.,fi n c?tfuqr)
rS?E F--ii :" d= +r 4a e- azn po ortia qfti&ft etierfi
old'Jqi6qft: rdt+qrl 3rq+fi?r tr6or+aqfrfufu dqrroi,ffit
signatures in addilion to thumb impression.)
The O[,iR Answersheet will be in triplicate (Original aad two catuon copies).
C€ndidate has to take one carbon copy (ma*ed as 'candidate copy ) with J t
qfr6t€ fr FiEEit tr€r 6?ad 3mrw Tdarffitfi Esd ffieer$ re 6? him/her after g(amination and handover lhe o ginal OMR along with one
ff orfuff t uft ai( s*eere 3TrS 6rdq cldfufu d M sff 16rz 6r S'{- carbon copy to invigilator, lf candidate faits to handover the oiainal OMR
q{d6rJa6r-rEr6.dr/or&Bdgtifu ladenE{rdE:Trsiffi 14 along wilh one carbon copy to invigilator, his,her candidature will be cancelled. uJ
qi qrffi

qdffisqiat I r&oue-6 4 *-***

Further. if the candidate tampers with candidate Ol!y'R cafton copy and
claims for same, in lhat case also his,heicandidature will be cancelled. a
(A), (B), (C) 3fu D) I ta$ aft ft:rft fr rd+ qea oi $-tro so fuoe 6 r&
( f
4. This booklet consists of 120 Multjple Choide Questions. Each question has 4
(fou4 aftematives (A). (B), (C) aod (D). ln any case only one attemative wilt
Tdrtt qE 3rrq6r u6 t qftrs fr6dl rr$ dn A r{$ sftrfi 3fud tJ-6 be the corecl answer. ln case if you fnd more han one conect answer, lhen
foo< or gara oi .:lrz rtre pfl-s d rrdam, qpa d rrwi er&:rgzn oB oi choose lhe most appropriate single oplion and da*en Ihe appropriate circle in
ordrdi r
the answer sheet in front of the related question,
5. sQa gitfrfir + a *,Frt, s{rJr A:?{rdna (42 qea) 3it{ a{rrr B: 6fffr (78 5. Queslion Booklet consists of two parts : PaftA I Generic (having 42 questjons)
caa) r s$adl" 6l d nEi S r+E fu-qar qGIs]dts r and Part B : Technical (having 78 questions). Candidates has to attempt both
6. r&6sA-fl&fuE1 3io EqT ururr sih q-+6 rIfid rfl+fuu 0.25 3i6 parts compulsorily.
6rd frqr Brf'Jtr I
6. For each co.recl answet One mark will be given and ,or each incorroct
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9, sa:-gk<=r rz oi( rft rq ord a6 or+t r ?s or4 + fA! g€ gk,6r n' been provided in this booklet
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;;ffi + s.; eiqif}adn-drEff urd?l}+{rFdsUmztsrq+arz phones/any olher wireless communicalion devices wilh them even switchi0g
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6{e Ei rii- i
3,Efud 3qrd or q+,q aiar ortvn s+{ 3aa, fof€-otffi considered as uslng unfair means in the examination and aclion will be hken
o1oru;n. H
r+d cdaai* T{ 6Tdr e.t rni}dt I against hem including cancellation of fieir candidature.
'1,l, Candidato should
11. srqefi s{e-al 3F{ gQ-d-6r q{insro Er d-q fodr 3ii'r{ 3rdr +d b sI{a nol leave the.txamiration hall,,l room without
rfua eena qr :utarfr q;ro q? rsraz Fog iadr qSfl aiaFer"i{{ ErF{ dff i handing over his/her Answer.Sli€et tO.lho,,invigilator and without
i signing on the atlendance sheet at pioper placi against your roll
{6dr I gs+ 3rdrEr 3laq$o} sqfr?rfr qjr6 q{ Fr<r€rs6"{e* q6i q6 number, further candidate 6hould also ensuro that booklel no,, booklet
aft gBfrua ora qtfrs fu g6f,c ;iT{. goe-e rfl-&o s}: siuasm rrr
series and O R Answer.Sheet l,lo. are correclly wlften on attendance
gF&ior e,B- sA ?rrr r{ ftTd rr€ E} I tsr ar 6-di q{, 3irlra3rl{ 3.d-{ qkdr sheel before signing on it, faiting in dolng so, may lead to
ai{ c,rctnl* i6dafiB-srqrEddrtI
4] srctq disqualification i no evaluation of Ot R Answersheet.
qq d6 3{rri o-a a GTIg att[ atD c?a-gfrdfira*e / Do NOT OPEN THE QUESTIoN BooKLET UNTIL YoU ARE ToLD To Do so

6r aralName or candidale &J"^- it\f#"." + Erdre*/signature or candidate , @-PW


PART - A 6 Rakesh is standing at a point. He walks
20 m towards the East and further 10 m
GENERIC ton ards the South, then he walks 35 m
tou'ards the West and further 5 m towards
the North, then he walks 15 m towards
Directions (1-2) : Use following diagrams to the East. \{lhat is the skaight distance in
answer question number 1 to 2 : metres between his starting point and the
point where he reached last ?
o (A) o "(B) 5
(c) 10 (D) 1s

(r) (r) (rrD [V)

Directions (7 - 8) : In the given questions below,
a statement is given followed by two
conclusions numbered I and II. You have to
1 &yg".u Atmosphere, Nitrogen take the statement to be true. Read both the
conclusions and decide which of the two or
(A) rr (B) r both follow from the given statement. Give
(c) IV .(D) rrr ans-wer :

(A) If only conclusion I follows.

"(B) If orily conclusion II follows.
2 Cloud, River, Mountain :
(c) If either I or II follows.
. (A) rr (B) r (D) If neither I nor II follows.
(c) IV (D) rrr
7 The top management has asked the four
managers either to resign by tomorrow or
Directions (3-5) : In each of the following iace the order of service termination. Three

H questions, one number is wrong in the series.

Find out the wrong number.
of them have resigned till this very
I The manager who did not resign
-t, yesterday will resign tomorow.
J 9, 25, 49, 86, "121 :

d II The management will terminate the

(A) 25 (B) "121.
service of one rurnager.
(c) 1.66 . (D) 86
8 -{ study of plarming comrnission reveals
4 "/J
3, 5, -12,39, -154, 772, 4634
boom in revenues. However, this has been
oi Little avail owing to soaring expenditure.
(A) s (B) J ln the event there has been a high dose of
deficit financing, leading to marked rise
(c) 3e (D) L54
irL prices. Large financial outiays year after
vear had little impact on level of living.
,/ -,/ ,/
5. 70-1,348, "173, 85, 41 , 1,9, 8 :
I A boom in revenues leads to rise in
(A) 173 (B) l1 II Large financial outlays should be
(c) 1e (D) 318 avoided.


q d\ ,t'{
.), t Cf

t E

Directions (9-13) : Read the information given Directions (1&18) : Read the information given
below and on the basis of the information, below and on the basis of the information,
select the correct alternative for each question select the correct alternative for each question
given after the information. given after the inf ormation.
There are five persons P, Q, R" S and T. One is M and N are good at hockey and volleyball.
football player, one is chess player, one is hockey O and M are good at hockey and baseball.
player. P and S are unmalried ladies and do not P andN are good at cricket and volleyball. O, P
participate in any game. None of the ladies plays and Q are good at football and basketball.
chess or football. There is a married couple in
which T is the husband. Q is the brother of R
and is neither a chess player nor a hockey player.
14. Who is good at the lalgest number of
games ?

9, \Atrho is the hockey player ? (A)a (B)P

(A) r (B) s .(c) o (D) N
,(c) R (D) a
15. Who is good at cricket, baseball and
volleyball ?
10. lVho is the wife of T ?

(A) a (A)a (B)P

'(B) (c) o N
(C) S 1
(D) None of these 16. Who is good at cricket, volleyball and
hockey ?

11 . \4rhich of the following is the correct group

(A) a (B) P
of ladies ? (c) o .(D) N
(A) R
P, Q and (B) Q, R and S
(C) P, Q andS . (D) P,RandS 77. Who among the following is good at four
games ?

1.2. \\'ho is the football piayer ? (A) a (B)P

"(A) a (B) R (c) o (D) M
(c) s (D) r
18. Who is good at baseball, hockey and
13. 1 /ho is the chess player ? volleyball ?

(A) a (B) R (A)a (B) P

(c) s o (D) T (c) o ,(D) M

c/ Page 3 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK sB-gs- <

^o v M H,V,II
.6- ft
+ (-
t+K l-1

t \ki'o-
? L1:t-(t'*d-
CI. ^l^
q '?,(\*,rru
Directions (19-21) : Read the information given 23. A cuboid of dimension 24 cm x 9 cm x 8 cm
below and on the basis of the infolmation, is melted and smaller cubes of side 3 cm
select the cortect alternative for each question are formed. Find how many such cubes
given after the information. can be formed :

(i) (A) 27 o (B) 64

Six flats on a floor in two rows facing
North and South are allotted to P, Q, R, S, (c) 54 (D) 32
T and U.

(ii) Q gets a north facing flat and is not next 24. Instead of walking along two adjacent
to S. sides of a rectangular field, a boy took a
short cut along the diagonal and saved a
(iii) S and U get diagonally opposite flats' distance equal to hal{ the longer side. Theo
the ratio of the shorter side to the longer
(i") R next to U, gets a south facing flat and T
side is :
gets a north facing flat'
(A) 1/2 (B) 2/3
(c)"1/4 (D) 3/4
19. \fhose flat is between Q and S ?

(A) r (B) u 25. In a fraction, numerator is increased by

25'/. and the denominator is diminished
(c) R (D) P by 10%. The new fraction obtained is 5/9.
The original fraction is :

20. The flats of which of the other pairs than " (A) 2/5 {t Y"^ e

SU, is diagonally opposite to each other ? (B) 5/e <,x .C -

(A) Pr (B) PQ (c) 3/5 - t^"\
(D) None of the above
(C) QR (D) TS
5* r'tl\
26. A factory emPloYs skilled workers,
21. If the flats of T and P are interchanged, unskilled workers and clerks in the
who's flat will be next to that of U ? proportion 8 : 5 : 1, and the wages of a
ikilied worker, an unskilled worker and a
(A) a (B) r clerk are in the ratio 5 : 2 : 3. \4rhen 20
unskilled workers are employed, the total
.(c) P (D) R daily wages of all (skilled workers,
unskilled workers and clerks) amount to
{ 318. The wages paid to each category of
22. In a parallelogram ABCD, AP and BP are :
workers are g 1, :) t:",,,
the angle bisectors of IDAB and ZABC. "(A) t240,t60,t18 u2P"--,^ r'
Ftnd, ZAPB:
(B) t2oo,<90,<28 L q "'---'',"
(A) 85" ' (B) eo' (c) <150,<108,<60
(c) e4' (D) 86' (D) <250,<50,<18


qs- x -\^
cr h '\-\A t &t, O\1 c 1"t
) E_.- € '.

A a- ic(
v *--*1\'
..rL U
s Y,v {
['u l.
27. lzlogo25-21ogr0 3*1ogr, 18 equals : 31. A cylindrical vessel 60 cm in diameter is
partially fiJled with water. A sphere 30 cm
(A) 18 L^(
ffi,",- in a diameter is dropped into it. The
increase in the level of watel in the vessel
(B) 1
+> ,A
1S \l - q n
3 t. v 2cm 3cm f
,L. ri
(c) logro --1
(A) (B) -,a
(c) 4cm "(D) 5cm
(D) None of these
-{\ r< t,.x!|,'
x.f, 1

32. A, B and C rented a pasture by paying

28. In a mixture of 60 L, the ratio of milk and ( 2160 per month. They put 60,40 and ;;irl
water is 2 : 1. If the ratio of milk and water 20 sheep respectively.A sells 1/3 of his
is to be 1 : 2, then *re amount of water to sheep to B alter 6 months and after
be further added must be : 3 months more C sells 2/5 of his sheep to
A. Find the rent paid by C at the end of
(A) 40 L (B) 30 L :
the year
ln " a. ",(tt})
(c) 20 L
"(D) 60L (A) < 435s <3838/tSurxrB-'(B) I

(c) < 2464 (D) < 6224


29. lt x:p, y=qthen which of following are
ftx 2-.,x l9 + A*++9.+ }xl&X rr,
p and q respectively for pair of equations Directions (33-34) : Read the information given t
3x -7y +10:0 atd y-2x-3:0 : below and on the basis of the information,
select the correct alternative for each question

" (A) -"1, 1. (B) -J.,').

given after the information.

(c) 1, 0 (D) o, 1 YEAR

App App APP ApP
2015 1652 208 7491 2513 505,r 1,{68 9538 3214
2016 1839 317 8562 2933 7164 3248 10158 4018
20't7 2153 932 8139 2164 8258 3159 9695 3038

30. The students in a class are seated 2018 5032 1794 9432
2019 49't5 1668 9744
according to their marks in the previous 2420 5628 2392 9969 4263 10725 4426 't3624 6449
examination. Once it so happens that four
of these students get equal marks and
therefore the same rank. To decide their *App - Appeared *Pass - Passed
seating arrangement the teacher wants to
write down all possible arrangements, one
in each of separate bits of paper, in order 33. In which of the following years was the
to choose one of these by lots. How manv pelcentage passed to appeared candidates
bits of paper are required ? from semi-urban area the least ?
(A) e (B) 1.2 (A) 2015 (B) 201.6

(c) 15 (D) 24 (c) 201.7 (D) 2018

6+L h+)a --' A.- bflq A+
L.. 't".' A $ Atr" 1 L- 6
V2 ,{ i\
L W *ta" AL 6$
\w" \\* !a b+ q

4..- )-
34. What approximate value was the 39. Identify the correct spelling out of the given
percentage drop in the number of options :
gg L> semi-urban candidates appeared from
9r9 20"16 to 2077 ? . (A) Managable (B) Manageable
(A) 1s (B) 10
l"r-u1 rP (l .(c) 5 (D) 8 (C) Mangaeble (D) Managible
,.-i ^S
35. He was not only accused of theft
of conspiracy.
\ \Y,, 40. "Going by the that many
\./. r (A) rather . (B) but also hands make light work, the school
\r (c) but even (D) rather than involved all the students in the
a task." The words that best fill the blanks
in the above sentence are :
\P 36. ,,The dress him so well that
v8 she immediately him on his . (A) principle, principal
appearance." The words that best fill the
blanks in the above sentence are : (B) principal,principle
. (A) complemented, complemented
(B) complimented, complemented
(C) principle,principle

(c) complimented, complimented (D) principaf principal

(D) complemented, complimented

H Each of these questions (37-38) has an

idiomatic expression followed by four options. 4L. The fisherman, the flood
Choose the one closest to its meaning. victims owed their lives, were rewarded
by the govt.

37. Stick to once guns :

(A) whom (B) to which
r (A) remain faithful to the cause
(B) suspect something ' (C) to whom (D) to that
(C) make something fail
(D) be satisfied

42. Which of the following options is the

38. Talk shop: closest in meaning to the word below ?

(A) Talk about once profession DELETERIOUS

(B) Talk about shopping

(A) delaying (B) glorious
(C) Ridicule
(D) Treat lightly (C) harm-ful (D) graduating


PART. B 47. The equivalent relational algebra
expression for the query "Find the names
TECHNICAL of suppliers who supplied all the items to
all the customers".
(A) r t/t e supplier (Q(t))
43. If all transactions obey the (B) V t ISname] /te supplier (Q(t))
then all possible interleaved schedules (non
- serial schedules) are setializable. (C) t/r t e supplier (Q(t))
(A) Lock based protocol (D) vtl(-Q(t))
(B) Two phase Locking protocol
48. \Arhat is the access point (AP) in a wireless
(C) Read - write lock based protocol LAN ?

,(D) Time stamp based protocol (A) device that allows wireless devices
to connect to a wired network
(B) wireless devices itself
44 For which one of the following sequences
CAN NOT be a degree sequence of a graph (C) both device that allows wireless
of order 5 ? devices to connect to a wired
network and wireless devices itself
(A) 3,3,2,2,2 (B) 3,3,3,3,2 (D) all the nodes in the network
(c) 3,3,3,2,2 (D) 4,3,3,2,2

49. If z: Ix) * /"r\

45. A protected variable which can be
accessed and changed
[r.J '- [r.J'*""
by particular set of
operation is called :
is equal to
(A) z (B) 22
(A) irrterrupt (B) monitor
(C) 4z (D) 0
' (C) semaphore (D) IPC

50. The channel capacity of a noise free

46. The determinant of matrix channel having M symbols is given by :

0 p- q p- r (A) M
q- p 0 q- , 1S
(B) 2M

r* p r- q 0 (C) logM
(D) None of these

. (A) 0 51. A language L is recognizable by a turing

(B) (p-q)(q-r)(r-p) machine M if and only if L is a
(c) pqr
(A) rype 0 (B) rype 1
(D) 3pq, (c) rype 2 (D) rype 3

* (r,r) (,u-,\ (r'P') n ( q'-t) (l Y\-t"l)


52. An analog signal having 3 kHz bandwidttr 55. For a hamming code of parity bit m=5,
is sampled at 1.5 times the Nyquist rate. what is the total bits and data bits ?
The successive samples are statistically (A) (255,247) (B) (127,71e)
independent. Each sample is quantized
into one of 256 equally likely levels. The (c) (31,26) (D) (0, 8)
information rate of the source is :
(A) 3 kbps (B) 72kbps 57. Which of the following sorting algorithms
(C) 256 kbps (D) 9 kbps has the lowest worst-case complexity ?
(A) Merge sort (B) Bubble sort
53. A bottom-up parser generates
(C) Quick sort , (D) Insertion sort

(A) Rightmostderivation
58. What is WPA ?
(B) Rightrnost derivation in reverse
(A) wi-fi protected access
(C) Leftmostderivation
(B) wired protected access
(D) Leftmost derivation in reverse
(C) wired process access

. (D) wi-fi process access

54. In a paging scheme if page stze is oI 2048
bytes, then while accommodating a
process o{ 72, 766 bytes, how much 59. In Software Modeling 'IS A' represents
internal fragmentation occurs ? relationship
(A) 962 bytes (B) 2048 bytes o(A) Aggregation
(C) 1024 bytes (D) 1086 bytes (B) Over loading
(c) Inheritance
(D) Design Patterns
55. The following type definition is for

type pointer: lnode 60. The following glammer is an example

node : record
data : integer
link : pointer
endi B-+cba
(A) Strucfure (A) Type 0 Grammer
(B) Link List (B) Type 1 Grammer
(c) Stack D(C) Type 2 Grammer
(D) Doubly link Iist (D) Type 3 Grammer


61. Delivery of the software product on time 65. Who developed standards for the OSI
is considered as _. reference model ?
D(A) SDLC (A) ANSI - American National
(B) User Satisfaction Standards Institute

(C) Planning (B) ISO - International Standards

(D) UI/UX design for software
(C) IEEE - Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineering
52. (a+b)2 corresponds to the language : (D) ACM - Association for Computing
" (A) {a+b, a+b}
(B) laa, ab,ba,bbj
(C) {abab, baba}
66. TCP/lP model does not have
layer but OSI model have this layer.
(D) {a + b, (a + b)2}
, (A) session layer
(B) transport layer
63. l\'hat is the value of f (+) using the
follo rr-ing C code :
(C) application layer
int/ (int k) {
(D) network layer
iJ (k<3)
return k; 57. A variable p is said to be lioe at point m if t
and only if :
(A) p is assigned at point m
return/(k-1) - f (k-2)+f g.-3);
(B) p is not assigned at point m
(C) Value of p at m would be used along
.(A) 5 (B) 6 some path in the flow graph starting
(c) 7 at point m
(D) 8
(D) Value of p at m would be used along
some path in the flow graph ending
64. The complement of the expression at point m
Y: ABC+ ABC + ABC+ ABC is:
(A) (a+B)(a+c) oOt\' 58. Integration testing, Unit Testing & System
A Bna E
Testing are
(B) (7 + n)1a + c; AL+6c (A) Fundamental logic of Testing

(c) (a+ (B) Level Testing

r) (a + c)
(C) Core Testing
(D) (a+ rXa+ c) (D) Testing Suites



.i(r ) X I (") + (') ( A ti'' )+0 l(- *tfi++A'L

) A{t
L l/
(" );
1()) x + L\)+
',)-J {)
69. Each layer of the OSI model receives 73. One root of x3 - x- 4=0 lies in (1, 2). In
services or data from a layer bisection method, after first iteration the
root lies in the interval
(A) below layer
o (A) (1,1.5)
(B) above layer (B) (1..s,2)
. (C) both (A) and (B) (c) (1..25,1..75)

(D) None of the above (D) (1.75,2)

74. Let P(x) be "r is pefiec(' , F(x)be"r is your

70. Let the random variable X has a mixed friend ' and the domain be all people. The
distributions with probability P(X :0) = d, statemen! "At least one of your friends is
and the density function. perfect" is :

(A) vr (F(r) + P(r))

pr2(t - r),0< x <1 (B) vr (F(r) A P(x))
0, otherwise
. (C) :r (r(r) n P(r))
If the expectation of X is ct, then the value (D) lr (F(r) -+ P(r))
of 4cr + B is equal to :

(A) e/2 (B) 6 75. A wireless network interface controller can

work in
(c) e (D) 5/2
(A) inflastructuremode
(B) ad-hoc mode
71. If developer wants to transform model into (C) both infrastructure mode and ad-hoc
source code is also known as mode
(A) Backward Testing/ Engineering (D) WDS mode

(B) FonvardEngineering
76. If the Value of Register A:9B h & Carry
(C) Forward Testing :1. What will be the value of Register
(D) ReverseEngineering A after executing the RORC instruction
t 1 time ?

(A) h
AB (B) cD h
72. The maximum number of times the (c) EF h (D) AC h
decrease key operation performed in
Dijkstra's algorithm will be equai 77. Dijkstra's Algorithm cannot be applied on
(A) Total number of vertices (A) Directed and weighted graphs
(B) Total number of edges (B) Graphs having negative weight
(c) Number of vertices - 1
(c) Unweighted graph
e (D) Number of edges -1 " (D) Undirected and unweighted graphs


78. A high resolution B/w TV picture contains 83. What will be the Eulerian tour of the
3 x 105 picture elements and 16 different following graph G ?
brightness levels. Pictures are repeated at
a rate of 24 per second. A11 levels have 1"- 2 3
equal likelihood of occurrence and all
picture elements are assumed to be
independent. lArhat will be the average I 4
rate of information carried by this TV
picfure source ?
7 6 5
(A) 288 Mbps (B) 24 Mbps G
(C) 132 Mbps (D) 3 Mbps
(A) 1.-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-
79, When a cache is 10 times faster than main
memory/ and the cache can be used 70% (B) 1.-2-3-4-5-6-7-8
of the time, how much speed can be
gained using cache ?
(c) 1.-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-
. (A) : 10 (B) : 0.3
|a (C) :: 0.7 (D) - 2.7
(D) 8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1.

80, 100 elements can be sorted in 100 sec using 84. When factorizing the Boolean equation
bubble sort. In -100 sec, approximately
elements can be sorted Y : AE + AB, the result wi1l be :
(A) 100 (B) 200
(c) (A) AB (B) AB
300 '(D) 400
,(C) A (D) B

81. The ____ enables the software

engineer to develop models of the
information domain and functional 85. The two numbers represented in Signed
domain at the same time. 2's complement form are
(A) data flow diagram A=11101101 and B:11100110. If B is
(B) state hansition diagram subtracted from A, the value obtained in
(C) controlspecification signed 2's complemenl is :

(D) activity diagram (A) 111000101 , (B) 00000111

(c) 11111000 (D) 10000011
82. The of a relationship is 0 if
there is no explicit need {or the relationship
to occur or the relationship is optional
85. The number of un-labeled non-isomotphic
(A) modality graphs with four vertices is :
(B) cardinality
(C) entity
(A) 12 (B) "t"t

(D) structured analysis (c) 10 (D) e


u"x 9 \1" 12
t V7
_7 .--..
\CIq ;\'ev w g: -\
7r . qW -(a- a 6,y8
87. DELETE [FROM] table IWHERE 93. Convert (503201)5 into (?).
conditionl; from the slmtax if you omit the (A) 121.22231 (B) 11000011
WHERE clause.
(A) A11 rows in the table are deleted'
. (c) 21.22230"t \ (D) 22323307

(B) It will give You an error.

(C) No rows will be deleted. 94. Number of entity types participating in
E-R diagrams is rePresented bY :
(D) Only one row will be deleted.
(A) Degree of relationshiP
88. The number of 4 digit numbers which (B) Structure of relationshiP
contain not more than two dilferent digits
is: (C) Instance of relationshiP
(A) 576 (B) 567 (D) Role of relationsfuP
(c) 513 (D) 504

95. It data stored in AC:5F h and DR:C2 h

89. is the class of
decision u'hat is value of AC after AC^DR
problems that can be solved bY non- operation ?

deterministic polynomial algorithms. (A) eD (B) 42

(A) NP (B) P
(C) Hard (D) ComPlete
(c) DF (D) DE

A sequence of statement of the form z = y

90. The spectral efficienry of Qf'SK null to null 95.
having a width 4 FIz will be : op z is called a :
(A) Y2 (B) 1 I (A) Three address code
(C) 1/a (D) 4 (B) Syntax tree
(C) Posfix notation
91. Two Important lexical cate gories
are (D) Operator
(A) 'htrite Space
(B) Comments 97. ABC * + is the posffix form of :
(c) \Arhite Space & Comments B+C
(A) A * (B) A*+BC
(D) None of the options
(C) A+B*C P) none of these

92. identify a plocess

\Atrhich address is used to
on a host by the transPort laYer ? 98. V:10 cos (1800 tt) *20 cos (2000 rrt)
(A) physical address - 10 cos (220 nt). Find the modulation
index (p,) of the given rr-ave.
(B) logical address
(C) port address (.\) 0.3 (B) 0.5
(D) specific address (c) 0.7 (D) 1
ktor^. \|fi 6
1iL t \, ,. ,-
5o gzol 0 ,Eqtt\ !j. \)''
l'*$t---.--- \- -"' i&l6 \b I \1/ Mu.

Atgu + W g tB"
fo u8
q( Bd oo
,so L
99. Write Recurrence of Quick Sort in worst 103. What will be the result of following
case, relational algebra expression ?
(A) T(n) :11', - 1, *, ?tA, B (oc:10(R))
(B) r(n) :11,, - 1; * (A)
', Print columns A & B from relation R
(c) r(n) : 2r(n - 1) + n when C = 10
(D) r(n) =r(n/3) +r(2n/2) +n (B) Print C:10 from relation R
(C) Print all data of relation R when
100. Which of the following Boolean
expressions is not logically equivalent to (D) Print A, B, C from relation B when
all of the rest ? c:10
(A) ab + (qd)' + cd + bd' =l
(B) a (b + c) + cd o v+a,-* ccl 104. The following circuit depicts the
(C) ab + ac + (cd)' implementation of
,tr-A + A{} I
(D) bd' + c'd' + ab + cd g,g
A + $--a i

101. Match the following :

List-I List-II e (A) XOR Gate (B) AND Gate

W. 1. Black-box testing
Condition coverage
X. Equivalence class 2. System testing (C) OR Gate (D) NAND Gate
partitioning 1
Y. Volume testing 3. \4rhite-box testing 105. If A and B are two sets. A binarv relation
Z. Alpha testing 4. Performance testing from set A and set B is anv iubset of
(A) w-2,x-3,Y-L,24
(B) w-3, x4,Y_2, z_1- " (A) Cartesian Product AxB
(c) w-3,x-1.,y-4, (B) Union A lJ B
(D) w-3, x-1, Y-2, z_4 (c) Intersection A 0 B
(D) Addition A + B
102. Let B., denote the number of full binary
trees tr-ith n vertices. Then a recurrence 105. Vr'hich notation gives the lower bound of
relation for Bo is : a function ?
(1l 8,, = Bn _, * O(1) (A) O - notation
(Br 8..:28- , +O(1) (B) O - notation
(C) Bn: Bn_1 + O(n) (C) !) - notation
(D) B,,:2Bo -, + O(n) (D) None of the these
u r4 ,81 8 1L }Y
Y 5LCs 'L- ) @tu)' (Aq
r!2iBo \^/ YvL\ Y
. (A+'rt)
ti i5r3 r - \:) r) f r( r.5

^')- -t3
Y 131 -
107. The bit rate of digital communication 111. A binary tree of depth K is called a full
system is R kbit/s. The modulation used is binary tree of depth K, if it has exactly
32-QAM. The minimum bandwidth nodes.
required for lSl free transmission is :

(A) K -x(B) 7k
(A) Hz
R/"to (B) R/10 kHz
(c) R/5 Hz (D) R/5 kHz . (c) 2k -'t (D) 2k-1

108. Assume that a DBA issued the {ollowing 112. In machine is executing
create table command :
operating system instruction :
create table A (Aid, .. ..... . .)
. (\) System mode (B) User mode
storage (initial 20480, next 20480,

maxextents 8, minextents 3, (C) Normal mode (D) Safe mode

pctincrease 0 );

How manY bYtes of disk sPace will be

allocated to this file when it is first 113. is the elapsed time between
created ? the time a program or job is submitted and
the time when it is comPleted.
(A) 163,840 bYtes
(B) 20480 bYtes (A) Response time

(C) 61,440 bYtes Turnaround time

" (B)
(D) 8 bYtes
(c) Waiting time

1.09. II integer means to 2 bytes of storage then x(D)
maximum value of a signed integer is :
(A) 216 - 1. (B) 2't5 - "1

(c) 216 (D) 215 114. The operating system stores an

in order to decide to which
user to grant which access rights to w hich
file ?
110. Which type of illustration lists the
functionalitY of whole Project ? (A) File allocation table
(A) DFD-o
' (B) Process control block
(B) Class Diagram

(C) Use case Diagram

(C) Access control matrix

(D) State Diagram (D) File control matrix


//\ v

f'" i\ \
115. If the size of the logical address space is 118. IAtrhich is the layer that converts packets
2' and the page size is 2n addressing to Frames and Frames to Packets in the
units, then the high order m-n bits of i OSI model ?
logical address designate the
(A) Physical Layer
(A) offset
(B) Data Link Layer
(B) page no
(c) Network Layer
(C) frame no

(D) physical address

'(D) Transport Layer

116. Following are implicitly provided in 119. I4rhat does the following code do ?
Frogramming language int a, b; 1 -a b

(.\) Output facility a=a*b; )\
1(r.a "h
(B) lnput facilih, d
b:a-b; 't
(C) Both lnput and Output facility
a: a*b)
(D) No input and Output facility
(A) leavesaandbunchanged

(B) a doubles and stores in a

777. On changirg to spherical co-ord hates, the
rntegral )ludq dxdz, where V is the volume (c) b doubles and stores in a
of the hemisphere x2+y2+22=a2, is
(D) Exchanges a and b
equivalent to the integral "

I:" r t'12
sitr\tlrd\dd 120. The bit transmission rate in a pulse coded
modulation system with number of
quantization levels 8 and maximum signal

), r [n
12 sin\drd\dd
frequenry 4000Ilz is given by :

(A) kbps
16 (B) 24kbps
(C) 32 kbps (D) 8 kbps
l: !; I,u sinodrdodg
I:" !; to 12 cosedrdedd
-lV=IS I


,o (t+ \-" 6o /v

tr o 9>sl )
e = 9r*t1 3'"1+ o
)-r 6
* \ \9L

19 sB' t7 7 L
\1 6o
Lqa S- o
Y 6 lB -3
qY -?-
I -2-
1 ">

C/Page 16 SB-CS


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