10 Mind-Boggling Historical and Archaeological Discoveries of 2015

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Just as 2014, this year researchers have made numerous important archaeological and historical findings that
changed our perspective of the past. All around the planet, interesting discoveries were made that provide us with
extremely important details about our ancestors. It was a year worth remembering through these incredible
discoveries. Here are ten of the most important discoveries of 2015 according to Ancient Code:
ancient code mix-min
A River of Mercury under the Pyramid of the Sun, Teotihuacan, Mexico
Found in a subterranean tunnel beneath the Temple of the Feathered Serpent in Teotihuacan, Mexico, archaeologists
discovered a river of liquid mercury that could lead the way to the mythical Royal Tomb of Teotihuacan’s rulers. The
tunnels ceiling was very interesting as it had traces of metal powder that reflects light in a curious pattern, almost as
if mimicking the night sky. In ancient times, when entering the tunnel with torches, the metal dust shine just like the
stars. Researchers believe that these traces are pyrite or magnetite remains elements not found in the region of
Teotihuacan. These metals were brought from somewhere else to paint the ceiling of the tunnel. 150 meters below
the temple of the Feathered Serpent, researchers discovered 50,000 mysterious objects, ranging from animal bones,
batons to metal spheres. The descent through the tunnel resembles the entrance to a mine, but the surrounding
objects and mysterious ceiling resembles the journey to the underworld, in an enigmatic city that flourished between
II and V century AD, 50 kilometers northeast of Mexico City.
The discovery of the mythical tomb of Osiris in Sheikh Abd el-Gourna
Another discovery that marked 2015 was made by the archaeological mission Canaries-Tuscany, in cooperation with
the Egyptian ministry of antiquities. This funerary complex was discovered by a Spanish-Italian joint mission in the
archaeological location marked as number 327 in the area of Sheikh Abd el-Gourna.
According to researchers, it is a small replica of the design of the “Osireion” built under the command of Egyptian
pharaoh Seti I in the city Abydos, Luxor (southern Egypt). On the north wall of this complex, an entrance was
discovered that leads to stairs to the funerary complex dedicated to one of the most important Ancient Egyptian
deities Osiris. The cult of Osiris was renamed at the beginning of the dynasty V (2465-2323 a.) The local deity of
Abydos identified as jenti Amanti, was renamed as Osiris jenti Amanti.
Heat Scans of the Great Pyramid of Giza reveal mysterious anomalies
Considered by many as one of the most important discovery of the pyramid at Giza, the project Scan Pyramids has
revealed here are ‘thermal anomalies’ that scientist say could lead to a previously unknown chamber inside the Great
Pyramid. Using thermal cameras, Researchers have revealed higher temperatures in three stones in the Great
Pyramid of Giza.
This has led experts to believe they have found a previously unknown chamber, concealed behind the stones of the
Great Pyramid of Khufu. Basically thermal cameras detected temperature variations in three adjacent stones at the
bottom of the structures. This discovery came weeks after researchers discovered similar anomalies in the tomb of
King Tutankhamun Specifically, researchers have identified three blocks with a temperature six degrees higher than
the other, which is “a big difference” according to Helal who did not dare to guess the origin behind the anomaly.
Ancient Mummy found inside Buddhist Statue
Another discovery that we cannot ignore in our list. The statue dating between the eleventh and twelfth centuries
houses an incredibly well-preserved mummy. While the team of researchers was examining the interior of the statue,
they discovered pieces of paper with ancient Chinese characters. The findings have been categorized as beyond
incredible. Through extensive analysis by computer and endoscopy, scientists took samples from the thoracic and
abdominal cavities of the mummy they were surprised at finding a material that has not identified.
On the outside, the relic looks like a large statue of Buddha. But after research, experts have shown that on the inside
there is a mummy of a Buddhist monk who lived around 1100 years ago.
A massive spiral-shaped structure and a set of towers discovered underneath Angkor Wat
Recently, reaches have made an incredible discovery below one of the most important temples on the planet, Angkor
Wat. New findings suggest the temple of Angkor Wat was bounded by a ‘mysterious structure’ of 1.5 km in length.
Eight buried towers and the remains of a massive spiral-shaped structure have been discovered under the ancient
temple of Angkor Wat in Cambodia, which, in the light of the new findings is believed to be much larger than
previously thought. In the new project called The Greater Angkor Project, researchers learnt that the Angkor Wat
complex is much larger than previously believed, with a number of components that were not visible prior to the
study. Researchers also discovered that the complex was bounded on its southern side by a ‘unique and massive
According to researchers, the towers form a square which could have been sued in the past to provide support for a
much larger structure. Experts believe the structure might have been some sort of sanctuary that was used during
the construction of Angkor Wat.
Stonehenge first erected in Wales
According to new evidence presented by a group of researchers, one of the most enigmatic ancient monuments in
Britain, Stonehenge, was first erected in Wales. Researchers have found evidence suggesting that ‘bluestones’ were
actually quarried 500 years before they were put into place in Wiltshire, prompting the theory that Stonehenge
might actually be a second-hand monument’.
Archeologists have known for a long period of time that the bluestones located in the inner horseshoe of Stonehenge
originate from the Preseli hills in Pembrokeshire, located roughly 150 miles from Salisbury Plain. New evidence has
led numerous researchers to question mainstream theories about the British monument suggesting that the great
prehistoric monument could have been first erected in Wales. Researchers have also discovered nearly identical
stones that the ancient builders had extracted but for some reason, mysteriously left behind. Among the numerous
findings, researchers also discovered shells and charcoal from the quarry workers’ campfires which have been
radiocarbon dated in order to reveal the date when the stones would have been extracted.
A hidden portrait under the Mona Lisa
According to French researchers Pascal Cotte, beneath the famous painting, there is another one that remains
hidden. Cotte’s claims are controversial and are dividing the opinion of Renaissance experts who are not sure what to
think about the new discovery. The scientist says he has spent the last 10 years analyzing the painting with light
reflective technology. A reconstruction shows three is another image, of a different model looking to the side. The
Louvre Museum in Paris, declined to comment on the claims of Cotte since it “was not part of the scientific team”.
Cotte, who is the co-founder of Lumiere Technology in Paris obtained access from the Louvre to the painting in 2004.
Using a revolutionary technology called Layer Amplification Method he was able to make the groundbreaking
Evidence of an 8000-year-old civilization in Kazakhstan confirmed in 2015
Mysterious Ancient Geoglyphs in Kazakhstan could be the ultimate evidence of an 8,000-year-old civilization that
went unnoticed for decades. Thanks to images from Space, another incredible ancient mystery was revealed this year
as satellite pictures of a deserted and remote area of Kazakhstan revealed giant geometric figures of squares, lines,
crosses and circles, some of them approximately 200 meters in size, and only recognizable from the air. These are the
‘Nazca lines’ of Kazakhstan. Even though the discovery was made some eight years ago thanks to popular software
‘Google Earth’ when Russian archaeologist Dmitriy Dey found them, since then, several experts in the field have
helped expand the research into these mysterious geometric figures. There are over 260 geoglyphs that have been
discovered so far with the oldest one being around 8,000 years old, and most of them can be found near a Neolithic
village of the area. The largest of them is a giant square composed of 101 raised mounds.
The Great Sphinx… 800,000 years old according to study
According to a paper presented at the International Conference of Geoarchaeology and Archaeomineralogy held in
Great Sphinx of Giza is at least 800,000 years old. The authors of this paper are scientists Manichev Vyacheslav I.
(Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine) and Alexander G.
Parkhomenko (Institute of Geography of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine).
The starting point of these two experts is the paradigm shift initiated by West and Schoch, a ‘debate’ intended to
overcome the orthodox view of Egyptology referring to the possible remote origins of the Egyptian civilization and,
on the other, physical evidence of water erosion present at the monuments of the Giza Plateau.
Lost City Discovered in the Honduran Rain Forest
A previously unknown civilization discovered in remote Honduran jungle as researchers come across the legendary
city of the Monkey God. Another incredible archaeological discovery was made in 2015 that changed history as we
know it.
An expedition of archaeologists discovered in the jungles of Honduras the remains of an ancient city that could
correspond to the legendary “White City” or “City of the Monkey God” according to ”National Geographic.”
Archaeologists suggest that this discovery does not only reveal an ancient city but point to the fact that their finding
could lead toward a previously unknown Mesoamerican Civilization, unknown to history.

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