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Teacher Practicing Ghansoli
Name: School:

Roll No: Std: XII Div: D Subject: Organisation of Commerce

Lesson No.: Total Lesson No.: 04 Date: 24/10/2021 Time:30 mins

01 -05


Previous Student is aware of the term Market


Teaching Aid: P.P. T

Methodology: Online lecture cum discussion

General Objectives: Specific objectives:

KNOWLEDGE-The pupil acquires the KNOWLEDGE -The pupil learns about
knowledge of concept, fact, terms, ideas, meaning of services and its features,
related to commerce.

UNDERSTANDING -The pupil develops UNDERSTANDING – The pupil

an understanding of facts, terms, principles understands the difference between goods
RELATED TO commerce. and services; features of services

APPLICATION-Pupil applies his APPLICATION- The pupil learns to

knowledge and understanding of commerce apply the knowledge of different business
in new and unfamiliar situation. services which can help the efficient
running of business.

SKILL - Pupil develops practical skill SKILL -The pupil develops the skill of
involved in the study of commerce. listening and observation

Set Induction: Teacher-Trainee does set induction by showing pictures and

Teacher’s Presentation Pupil’s Expected Response
1. Which place can you see in this picture? Market

Statement of Aim: So, students today we will learn about Market and Concepts of

Content Teacher’s Activities Student’s Activities

(Teaching Points)
‘Meaning of Market’
‘The term market Teacher trainee starts explaining Pupil listens and
is derived from the meaning of market its original observes
Latin word 'mercatus', derivation.
which means 'to Teacher trainee asks Pupil Replies
trade', 'to trade Q) Which are the famous markets in Bandra Linking road etc
merchandise' or 'a Mumbai?
place where business
is transacted'. In
simple words market
is the place where two
or more parties are
involved in buying
and selling. These two
parties involved in the
transactions are called
buyers and sellers.
The transaction of
buying and selling
takes place with
exchange of money.

‘Concepts of Market’
There are many Teacher trainee explains that there are Pupil listens and
concepts different concepts of market by showing observes
associated with the P.P.T.
word 'market' and
according to the
concept, different
definitions of the
term market

Concepts of Market
1. Place concept of
market Teacher Trainee explains 1st concept is Pupil listens
The term that place is very important for any
market is market. EG We can see market on
commonly specific days like Monday market /
understood as Friday market in specific places so
the place having specific market place is
where important in a market.
transaction of
buying and
sell- ing of
goods and
services takes
place in
exchange of
money or
worth. It is
the place
where buyers,
sellers and
come together
and exchange
goods or
services. In
olden days,
place played
an important
role in
market. But in
the age of
the term
'market' has
meaning than
just a place.
2. Commodity Teacher trainee explains and shows Pupil listens and
concept of pictures observes
Market That different markets have different
In the variety of commodities sold.
commodity Teacher trainee names each market
concept of and asks students What is that Pupil replies
market, market famous for? Crofet Market [we get
emphasis is Eg Crofet Market [we get imported imported goods here.
given on goods here] APMC Market[ we get APMC Market[ we get
'buying and
vegetables ] vegetables ]
selling of
goods or ser-
vices'. In this
concept the
process of
buying and
selling of
goods or
services is
important and
not the place
of exchange.
In this process
buyer and
seller as well
as the
among them
plays an
important role
3. Exchange Pupil listens
Trainee teacher explains that there is
concept of
exchange of goods v/s money in the
market. Teacher Trainee Explains
Exchange That even in earlier used barter system
concept of there is exchange of commodities.
market has
emphasis on
exchange of
goods or
buyer and
seller with
free consent
Pupil listens
as well as
Trainee teacher explains that
mutual trust.
Here as per area the price is fixed E.g. if
4. Area concept of we purchase vegetables from malls the
price would be high whereas if we
The area purchase same vegetables from
concept of the vegetable Wenders or Apmc Market we
market is
might get it in cheaper rates.
related to
concept. This
concept gives
emphasis on
buyers and
sellers to fix
the price of
goods for
buying and
selling. Pupil listens
Teacher Trainee Explains
5. Customer Market depends on customers.
concept of Customer demand influences every
Market other factors of market because as per
Customer is demand the products are chosen, as per
the king of the demand the price is also influenced
market. One E.g.The demand for broccoli, pizza
of the bread or burgers will me in city we
important won’t find them in rural areas.
perspectives The demand of Debit and Credit cards
of the market in cities.
is to assess [WE SHOULD TRY TO USE PAPERLESS Pupil listens
the need or MONEY TO SAVE OUR
demand of the ENVIRONMENT].
Market can be
studied from
perspective of Pupil listens
demand or
customer. Trainee teacher explains that now we
are more into e commerce and e
commerce is the new market. E.g.
6. Digital concept of Amazon, Myntra, Flipkart, Big Basket,
market etc.
Emergence of
gave birth to
the new Pupil replies
concept of the
market called
as Space or
Concept. New
Portals and
Mobile Appli-
cations make
the buying
and selling
easy and
convenient for
buyers as well
as sellers.
Content Teacher’s Activities Student’s Activities
(Teaching Points)

1. Core Element: protection of 1. Value: Practical Development

environment by buying and selling organic
and reusable product. Pupil develops practical knowledge of
smarket which are required to run a

Closure: So, students today we learnt about Concepts of Market and types of Market.

1) Who are the two parties involved in market? Buyer and Seller
2) Name some websites used in digital market? Amazon/Flipkart
3) In which concept of market is exchange of goods important? Commodities/ Exchamge
4) Name any three concepts of Market?

1. Describe exchange concept of market

2. Write down list of products that is ecofriendly.

Black Board Work:

Date: Class:
Topic: Marketing
Sub Topic: Market and Concepts of Markets

‘Meaning of Market’
‘The term market is derived from the Latin word 'mercatus', which means 'to trade', 'to
trade merchandise' or 'a place where business is transacted'. In simple words market is the
place where two or more parties are involved in buying and selling. These two parties
involved in the transactions are called buyers and sellers. The transaction of buying and
selling takes place with exchange of money.

‘Concepts of Market’
There are many concepts associated with the word 'market' and according to the
concept, different definitions of the term market. There are different concepts to market
1. Place concept of market,
2. Commodity concept of market,
3. Exchange concept of market,
4. Area concept of market,
5. Customer concept of market,
6. Digital concept of market.
Teacher’s Remark:
Poor Lesson:

Fair Lesson:

Good Lesson:

Very Good Lesson:

Excellent Lesson:

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