Why Parents in General Support Online Classes: Sample Essay Analysis

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Sample essay analysis

Write a cause essay in about 400 words

Why parents in general support online classes 

Students of all ages and levels in 188 countries around the world have been badly hit by the killer
disease COVID-19. When communities are faced with emergency situations, making the switch to online
classes can keep students engaged in their academic activities quite successfully. Parents generally
support online classes. In my opinion, building a schedule, staying in communication with student’s
teachers, learning at student’s space are three causes why parents in general support online classes in
educational institutions.

Firstly, student can build a perfect schedule during the period of online classes. Going to an
actual school or college means devoting considerable time, money, and resources towards commuting to
college. You have to consider the cost of transportation and the time it takes as well. With online courses,
you have the luxury of a flexible schedule that allows you to study at your convenience. You can watch
videos or browse the educational material wherever and whenever you want to study. Traditional school
days provide students with a lot of structure, and this is hard to replicate in online e-learning days. For
some students, the flexibility of learning online is a natural fit. Students participating online classes needs
to build their own routines and effectively manage their time in order to stay on track. Having a well-
thought-out, specific daily schedule is important, and parents can be a huge help not only in building such
a plan but also in making sure that it is followed. Online classes make a student maintain his or her
schedule strictly in order to stay on track.
Secondly, parents can stay in communication with student’s teachers and this is one of the reason
why parents support online classes. Just because students are learning online doesn’t mean they are
learning independently! Teachers still play an absolutely critical role in online classes and maintaining
open, frequent communication is key to student success. Parents need can take part in this ongoing
dialogue to make sure students stay on-pace and get the appropriate help when its needed. Parents can
communicate with teacher email, telecommunications apps etc. Through online classes, it is the easiest
and most effective way for parents and teacher to get in touch. Through online class parents can know
how a teacher is teaching their children, can check the assignments given by teacher. Parents can check
schedule of classes and examinations. And they can check the grade after the exam and graded by teacher,
and can discuss with teacher how to improve their children’s study. When parents see their children
reaching goals, making productive changes, or hitting important milestones, they can tell the teacher
about it.

Thirdly and finally, through online classes student can learn at their space and parents appreciate
that. Being able to learn at their own pace is a joy in itself. Every person learns at a different pace and
understands materials differently. Online courses are usually open year-round and allow the person to
learn at his or her own pace. This means that they can go through a video ten times if they need to learn
the material or skip them if they are familiar with the material. Apart from the numerous advantages
one gets by studying via an online course, and these skill boosters can help student stand apart from their

From all of the above discusses we learn that online classes are as important as on ground classes.
And parents in general support online classes in educational institutions. Moreover parents can offer some
of the most important guidance students need to find the right online learning approaches, remain
accountable for their work, and get extra help when needed.
(606 words)

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