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A brief biography of Hazrat Syed Shah Asad Allah Bajani

Quaderi Chisti Shuttari Sahib Hyderabad

The mausoleum of Hazrat Khaja Moinuddin Sanjari in


Mohammed Abdul Hafeez

In the praise of Hazrat Syed Shah Asad Allah Bajani Quaderi
Chisti Shuttari Sahib Hyderabad

Oh Shah of Burhanpur you are world-famous and known 

So for this, your name and works spread all over the world 
Oh Shah of time centuries passed but still, you are known
And your name is famous for the benefits of the poor and all
Oh, Shah of Burhanpur, Hafeez is your old servant help him
He has written a book of Auliya of Burhapur some year ago
In which your name is not added as you belong to Hyderabad
Among holy persons of Deccan you are old and like a gold one
For your qualities, you are called Qutub of time in Hyderabad
As for such your qualities and food which is less find among all
Oh Shah of the Deccan still your kind favors are needed us
So kindly help the needy and open your door of favors to all
At last, Hafeez is asking your permission to leave your court
Kindly allow him and accept his all wishes and desires soon  
         Mohammed Abdul Hafeez
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A brief biography of Hazrat Syed Shah Asad Allah Bajani
Quaderi Chisti Shuttari Sahib Hyderabad
    Hazrat Syed Shah Asad Allah Bajni Quaderi Chisti Shuttari was
born in Burhanpur and in his childhood, his mother has died.
And he was related to Hazrat Syed Shaikh Bahuddin Bajan Chisti
and whose tomb is situated in Burhanpur. His father was a
person of much piety as well as a worshipper and he was
among the perfect people of the time.
Primary education: He has obtained his primary education
from his father and who was his spiritual master and his name
was Hazrat Syed Saad Allah. And he has obtained knowledge of
manifest from holy persons of his time. Since his childhood, he
was a wise and intelligent person as well as he used to live in
the service and company of the holy persons. 
  He used to hear sayings of the holy person and used to
remember all of them. He used to live in the service of his
father and spiritual master always and do his service like a
general disciple.
  Especially in the winter season, he will help his father with the
ablution in the Tahajud supererogatory prayer. If sometimes if
there will be no available wood to heat water then he will put
the pot on his stomach so that there may pass the body heat to
the pot and it can become water less cold.
  His father was made him his disciple at a younger age in the
chain of Sufi orders of the Chistiya and Shutaria and after a

short period of time, he has given a caliphate. After one year
and six months, his father died.
  During the period of his whole life, he did not spread his hand
for asking anything against anybody. He used to eat less and
was sleepless and he used to do service of the mankind as per
his best endeavors in this matter.
Physical features: His height was medium and has his white
complexion, his body was well-shaped and on his face there
was light. He was always engaged in the work of recitation of
the Holy Qur'an. And also he used to engage in remembrance
and thinking of Allah. And in this way, he has spent three years.
  During one night his spiritual master came into his dream and
was given an order to go Arcot. And there is kept for you the
grace of chain of Quaderia. So go and get it from there.
    So as per order he left Burhanpur and by searching he was
reached there and he was spent two years and six months in
the service of a peer of light of conscience. At last time the
Hazrat was called him near and told him that “Asad Allah Shah
Ji our last time is near. So from here also he was awarded
higher grade caliphate and after some days Hazrat of that place
has died. Then
there was given him the order to go in the place of the Deccan.
      So he came to Hyderabad and he was lived in the big
mosque of Hussaini Alam and now this mosque is well known
and famous with the name of Hazrat Abul Hasnat Syed Abdulla
Shah Sahib. And he was settled down in this mosque. He was
written five books on Sufism and other knowledge. And among
them, one book is ‘Qazinat al-Uloom and he was a fearless,
righteous, and generous person.
     Whatever people brought in his service which will distribute
all things among the persons. He usually keeps fasting always.
In his food, he used to eat Chana (Bengal gram ) and Mong
(Green gram) dipping in the water. And used to live in the
condition of content.
    After Tahjud (Tahajjud Prayer does not entail a specific
number of rak`ahs that must be performed, nor is there any
the maximum limit that may be performed. It would be fulfilled
even if one prayed just one rak`ah of Witr after `Ishaa';
however, it is traditionally prayed with at least two rak'at which
is known as shif'a followed by witr as this is what Muhammad
did before fajr Abdullah ibn Umar narrated that Muhammad
said: "Salatul Layl (Night Prayer, i.e. Tahajjud) is offered as two
rak'at followed by two rak'at and (so on) and if anyone is afraid
of the approaching dawn (Fajr prayer) he should pray one rak'at
and this will be a Witr for all the rak'at which he has prayed
before." Bukhari,Hadith 990) supererogatory prayer he will be
used to engage in remembrance of Allah till Fajr prayer. And
after Fajr, he used to be busy in the meditation.
    His manners were excellent. The people of different religions
were used to living in his company and who were benefitted
from his used advice.
    The author of ‘Miskawat Nabwa’, Hazrat Ghulam Ali Shah
Mausavi was briefly writing about him that “He was lived in his
service for a period of four years. And Hazrat was Qutub (In
Sufism, a Qutb is the perfect human being, al-Insān al-Kāmil
('The Universal Man'), who leads the saintly hierarchy. The
Qutb is the Sufi spiritual leader that has a divine connection
with God and passes knowledge on which makes him central to,
or the axis of, Sufism, but he is unknown to the world.) of his
   He has died at the age of 74 years and he was buried in his
place of residence.
Mohammed Abdul Hafeez

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