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Antoine Marot – Lead AI Scientist @ RTE

Wednesday 13th of January 2021

Learning to Run a Power Network in a

sustainable world
A NeurIPS 2020 Competition

AI is BOOMing

ImageNet (2012) & NLP (2018) moments

Keys of success:
• Large Benchmarks & leverage big data
• Leverage computation
• Open-source platform & papers
• Deep Learning revival

NB: not much new algorithms & theory

AI based on Deep Learning started to impact many fields & layers of society at a fast pace 3
AI & Electricity
« Artificial Intelligence is the new Electricity », Andrew Ng

Are blackouts a story of the past ?

Yet, Another system to consider : Earth!
Fossil fuels & grid expansion Renewables ressources & AI ?

Sustainability is the key, future smart grids have to do better with less
PS: not to forget pandemic situations..!
AI & Electricity
« Artificial Intelligence is the new Electricity », Andrew Ng

Are blackouts a story of the past ?

AI & Electricity
« Artificial Intelligence is the new Electricity », Andrew Ng

How AI can be of any help here ?


L2RPN challenge
« Learning To run a power network »
L2RPN Challenge

1) Test the potential of AI to robustly operate a power

grid in real-time given operational constraints.
Different kind of flexibilities
On Grid Flexibilities
Power devices:
• Transformer
•Little research
Branch switching Some sresearch
• Node merging/splitting
• Phase shifter
All over the grid & 0$ ! Few & local & 0$
• …
On Production and Load Balancing

Redispatching Lots of research Load shedding

Many over the grid & $$$ Many over the grid & $$$$$

2) Explore underutilized cheap topology controls with methods

can deal with non-linear, non-convex and combinatorial complexity
Motivations for a challenge

Exhibit important real-world problems to the research community

Large Benchmark for Reproducible Science:

• Decouple the problem design & the solutions

Attract new communities, especially AI community, through an easy-to-use

platform & a gameified problem

Machine Learning & power systems
Mainly Today

Power System Community AI Community

Artificial Intelligence & Power Grids

One small step for Electricity, one giant leap for Sustainability !

Problem design
Modeling of power system operation world
State: flows, productions, consumptions, power grid
topology, month, day, hour, etc
Action: connect/disconnect one line or change electrical
configuration at a substation or change productions
Reward: number of overflowed lines, cost of operations,
… Participant design choice
Fig. 1 - Reinforcement Learning interaction loop

Fig. 2 - Step-by-step evolution of the RL environment 15

Operational Constraints

Line capacities have been calibrated to have congestions

to be managed appearing few % of the time.

The game should represent additional operational constraints:

1) A limited time to react to a congestion (2 ts)

1) A limited number of simultaneous action (1/ts)

1) A cooldown time before reusing an asset (3 ts)

There is hence a budget associated to the actions you take:

they should be picked up carefully !
GridAlive - full ecosystem to design & play with

Repo to share open-source models & winning approaches

Data Analysis

ChroniX2Grid Grid2Viz
Power Grid time serie generation Scenario & agents study
Grid2Op: testbed platform to model real-time
operations, run & benchmark control algorithms

L2RPN serie competitions

Participate and join us!
Agent evaluation – score function
Control the power flows to optimize the cost of operations on the power grid
while being robust to blackouts.


Under N episodes, the final score to minimize is:

test scenarios = 24 weekly scenarios at 5 - min resolution

Rescaled between [-100,100] for better interpretability 19
Challenging environment
Scenarios varies from a week to a month long at 5 minute resolution

Some intrinsic challenges:

● Exploration is difficult
○ a random agent only survives 5 timesteps on average

● Initial grid configuration is safe suboptimal

○ Do Nothing agent can survive 500 steps on average

● Very Large discrete action space - too many possible actions per step
○ Agent has to choose one of 70 000 possible actions

Naive approach only yields to an agent that do only one or two specific actions


Competition Results

About 150 - 200 participants each: On Discord Forum:

● Intense last week with great new scores ● 420 signed in + 4700 messages !

• 4-month challenge
• 3 phases: warm-up - development - test
• Participants from both power system & ML communities all around the world
• Prize money for Top 3 Teams + best open-submissions

Final Leaderboards

PS: multiply by 2 the scores to compare

on the same scale with Robustness
• Top Ranking Teams are the same on both tracks. They all come from China (Baidu,
Huawei, State Grid of China) !
○ Ranking is stable accross validation and test scenarios
• In Robustnees track, the wining team won with a good margin. 23
• Quite tight however on Adaptability Track
Illustration of one winning approach

Check out Winning approaches !

You can watch all past winning approaches there:
Robustness Track Results
Winner survived over 15/24 scenarios
(and second over 10/24):
● The 2nd, 3rd, 4th @ 5th also failed
over 9 remaining scenarios (winter
months: nov - dec - jan - feb)


Heatmap % time of survival in a scenario annimated episode

Robustness Track Results detailed

Inspect the episodes with grid2viz to compare the winning solutions

Track Adaptability

Winner survived for 16/24 scenarios:

● The 2nd, 3rd, 4th @ 5th also failed over 7 of those
○ high renewable energy mixes: 2.7x & 3.2x
● But the 3rd survived at mix02 jan37
● The 2nd survived over 13/24 scenarios

Only one to survive

Another one survived
L2RPN keeps running

Participate and join us!

legacy phases:
● Robustness
● Adaptability
Sponsors & Collaborators

1. Machine Learning approaches are promising for control problems and here
showed to generalize better than Expert Systems

1. It is now possible to learn topology controllers, opening a new field for

research and smart grid flexibilities.

1. Challenge helps develop benchmarks and enforce reproducibility to make

faster and stronger progress as a community

1. We should keep working on attracting AI researchers and collaborating with

them on power system related problems


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