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(Not Really)

Tome of Spells

Like many other people who are enjoying D&D5e, I WANT MOAR SPELLS NOW!!11!, so I
decided to convert them. I first looked through some 3.x edition spells (no, I never got into 4e)
but then decided, the hell with it. I went to my bookshelf and grabbed all four volumes of the
Wizard’s Spell Compendium and the three volumes of the Priest’s Spell Compendium, all from
AD&D Second Edition, which have been sitting there gathering dust for nearly two decades. I
figured that I might as well get some use out of them, and anyway, everyone else is going to
convert things from later editions, and 5e has kinda the same sort of feel 2e. And then I got to

I have obviously not converted every spell in those books. There were a lot of spells that were
basically duplicates of each other (how many spells that turn your arms into snakes does any
one system really need?), a lot of spells that were very campaign-specific (no Spelljammer = no
need for spells that affect the phlogiston) or involved mechanics that are no longer used (such
as spells that are now metamagic, or how enchantment spells were originally used to, well,
enchant items), and a lot of spells that were, quite frankly, pretty stupid (do you really need a
spell that makes a friendly animal sleepy?). I just picked the ones I liked. My tastes are all over
the place, so hopefully there’s a spell for every purpose.

Many of these spells have been changed a bit from their original state. I felt that many of them
were too powerful, or not nearly powerful enough for their level (for instance, there were
some spells listed as 3rd, 4th, even 5th level that in 5e would be just a 1st-level spell now—and
vice versa), did weird things that weren’t necessary and just made the spell unnecessarily
complicated, or could be better expressed as a variant of another spell; others spells simply
needed to be altered to work well in 5e.

Many thanks to all you lovely folks at /r/rdndnext for corrections and suggestions.

Questions? Comments? Adorable cat picture you want to share?

Email me at


The Wizard’s Spell Compendium Volumes I-IV and the Priest’s Spell Compendium Volumes I-III and everything in
them are © TSR, Inc., and Wizards of the Coast, and have been updated without permission. No violation of
copywrite is intended or implied. Everything here belongs to you, WotC. I would have asked permission but I
was afraid the NO-SASE Ogre would eat my request. WotC has them trained, you know. Sneaky, sneaky WoTC.

Ray of Fatigue Hiding Place
Bard Spells Special Effects Instant Audience
Kiss of Torment
0th-Level Spells (Cantrips) 2nd-Level Spells Memory Read
Alter Instrument Agra’s Ambush Mirage
Blacksteet Bliss Music of the Spheres
Candletrick Call Society Otto’s Drums
Copy Circle of Privacy Searing Song
Darsson’s Cooling Breeze Cook Shout
Disarm Create Campsite Siren Song
Distraction Detect Charm Talon’s Skitmaster
Empathy Echoes Talon’s Soundmaster
Fiery Eyes Exorcism
Flashpuff Fire Arrows 5th-Level Spells
Handcandle Immurk’s Distraction Battletide
Haunting Intensify Sensation Chromatic Blade
Hold Portal Mistaken Missive Glyph of Revealing
Legerdemain Moon Rune Lorloveim’s Creeping Shadow
Liquid Orb Otto’s Soothing Vibrations Love Charm
Odeen’s Magic Cloud Prisma’s Handy Mirror Moonbow
Odeen’s Magic Tailor Seal Mouth Scapegoat
Rainshield Whispers Shadow Blink
Secret Signs Zone of Deception Shadow Play
Smoke Shape Shadowcat
Sustain Fire 3rd-Level Spells Trick
Talon’s Waterproof Amanuensis
Thump Animal Trick 6th-Level Spells
Warning Shout Boon of Fortune Laughing Water
Castigate Major Curse
1st-Level Spells Comfort Skylight Blade
Alert Vigil Conceal Item Spectral Beast
Arrowflight Farspeaker Starharp
Assess Value Fool’s Speech Wail of the Banshee
Augment Artistry Helping Hand
Banish Dazzle Impenetrable Falsehood 7th-Level Spells
Calder’s Starry Sky Isolde’s Answer Endless Dance
Color Know Customs Gullship
Compass Merchant’s Glamer Mass Dominate
Dancing Fire Mystic Rope Nymph’s Beauty
Diction Singing Stone Power Word Sleep
Elonia’s Glamer Song of Compulsion
Erase 8th-Level Spells
Exterminate 4th-Level Spells Call of Despair
Filth’s Bane Animate Flame Disbelief
Fire Truth Everfull Quiver Power Word Blind
Hair Fire Charm
Otto’s Chime of Release Fool’s Gold

9th-Level Spells Sacred Guardian Shape Wood
Breath of Life Secret Page Spring
Harp of War Spirit Mask Sunbolt

2nd-Level Spells 4th-Level Spells

Agra’s Ambush Adamantine Mace
Cleric Spells Ancestral Blessing Barrier Reaver
Bliss Blessed Forgetfulness
0th-Level Spells (Cantrips) Call Society Chant
Bloodbridge Death Recall Control Temperature
Call Upon Faith Decastave Depress Resistance
Candletrick Detect Charm Dimensional Anchor
Copy Elude Blow Favor of the Flying Horse
Death Prayer Exorcism Fire Charm
Empathy Favor of Good Luck Guardian Weapon
Handcandle Favor of Ill Luck Guardian Seal
Hold Portal Favor of Serendipity Hurl Thunderbolt
Liquid Orb Fireproof Ilyykur’s Mantle
Orison Firestaff Invisibility Purge
Pain Moon Rune Iron Maiden
Phantom Plow Nap Log to Lizard
Rainshield Preservation Mass Protection from Evil and
Ritual Strength Prismal’s Handy Mirror Good
Sustain Fire Revenance Music of the Spheres
Thump Skull Watch Return to Earth
Thunderball Sacred Strike
1st-Level Spells Zone of Deception Sticks to Snakes
Alert Vigil Vision Stone
Assess Value 3rd-Level Spells Wing Gifting
Beneficence Amanuensis
Calder’s Starry Sky Amulet 5th-Level Spells
Dancing Fire Anesthesia Ballant’s Stonestrength
Death Candle Astral Awareness Bestow Enchantment
Detect Harmony Castigate Blessed Abundance
Diction Comfort Cloud of Purification
Ease Labor Curse Tablet Cloud of Putrefaction
Erase Enervation Draw Upon Holy Might
Exterminate Farspeaker False Vision
Favor of the Earth Favor of Amelioration Favor of the Ocean Winds
Fertility Fire Aura Fireward
Filth’s Bane Helping Hand Impending Permission
Fire Truth Holy Flail Metal Shape
First Strike Know Customs Oathbinding
Hair Lightning Rod Pillar of Borogar
Idea Nchaser’s Glowing Globe Possess
Protective Amulet Nightscar Rary’s Replay
Ray of Fatigue Resist Turning Resist Magic

Sarcophagus of Death Quench the Spirit Blood Bond
Scapegoat Screen Calder’s Starry Sky
Telepathic Broadcast Simbul’s Skeletal Deliquescence Compass
Throbbing Bones Smite Dancing Fire
Storm Death Candle
6th-Level Spells Succor Detect Harmony
Conjure Divine Minion Vaporize Drawmij’s Breath of Life
Horn of Plenty Ease Labor
Imbue with Purpose 9th-Level Spells False Tracks
Ironwood Ancient Curse Favor of the Earth
Laughing Water Breath of Death Fertility
Major Curse Breath of Life Fist of Stone
Mass Protection from Energy Call Gift of Speech
Obedience Death Pact Hail of Stone
Obold’s Brightness Power Word Banish Magical Tether
Prophecy Rising Colossus Protective Amulet
Spirit of Flame Skip Day Reed Staff
Transmute Bone to Steel Sacred Guardian
True Name Sea Sight
Segojan’s Armor
7th-Level Spells Druid Spells Sharptooth
Ballant’s Stonesplit Spirit Mask
Bolt of Glory 0th-Level Spells (Cantrips) Swim
Cyclone Chariot Allergy Field Weapon of the Earth
Glassteel Bloodbridge
Hovering Road Call Upon Faith 2nd-Level Spells
Legal Thoughts Darsson’s Cooling Breeze Ancestral Blessing
Pool of Deeds Death Prayer Banish Blight
Right of Might Disarm Beastmask
Seal of Destiny Erik’s Quills Call Society
Seven-Eyes Hailstone Circle of Privacy
Soul Anchor Handfang Cook
Sphere of Adaptation Leaf into Dagger Create Campsite
Tenfold Ironguard Liquid Orb Decastave
Touch of the Styx Nature Call Detect Charm
Rainshield Drawmij’s Scent Mask
8th-Level Spells Ritual Strength Drawmij’s Swift Mount
Airboat Secret Signs Drenal’s Stone Flame
Chariot of Sustarre Smoke Shape Exorcism
Circle of Blindness Sustain Fire Fang Fist
Crown of Angels Fireproof
Divine Truth 1st-Level Spells Grassdart
Lightning Storm Adhesion Ground Trace
Longevity Alert Vigil Hurl Rock
Magic Susceptibility Animal Animosity Moon Rune
Mass Contagion Banish Dazzle Preservation
Power Word Blind Beneficence Sap

Scent of Vengeance Mordenkainen’s Defense 7th-Level Spells
See Through Other Eyes Against Lycanthropes Amorphous Blob
Shark Bolt Needlestorm Ballant’s Stonesplit
Splinter Wood Pit Conjure Beast Spirits
Thunderball Sargasso Intensify Nature
Wolfjaws Shape Wood Nymph’s Beauty
Wyvern Watch Shellskin Pool of Deeds
Speak with Water Power Word Sleep
3rd-Level Spells Sticks to Snakes Unburn
Amulet Sunbolt
Anesthesia Wing Gifting 8th-Level Spells
Animal Trick Airboat
Blossom 5th-Level Spells Chariot of Sustarre
Comfort Animal Transfer Divine Truth
Dig Ballant’s Stonestrength Heartseeker
Doomhound Blessed Abundance Lightning Storm
Drought Converse Longevity
Entomb Fireward Storm
Favor of Amelioration Frce Shapechange
Hibernation Lizard Limbs 9th-Level Spells
Javelin Nature’s Charm Ancient Curse
Lightning Rod Oathbinding Ivy Siege
Mass Jump Rising Rot Renew Deposit
Mordenkainan’s Defense Shadowcat
Against Beasts Stone Tell
Mordenkainen’s Defense Tame Animal
Against Slime Thornwrack Paladin Spells
Mystic Rope Wingbind
Nectar 1st-Level Spells
Restore Earth 6th-Level Spells Alert Vigil
Sand Sword Age Animal Beneficence
Seeking Animate Blood Blood Bond
Snapdragon Arrow of Bone Compass
Spring Channel Flame Death Candle
Curse of Lycanthropy Filth’s Bane
4th-Level Spells Earthmaw Fire Truth
Adamantine Mace Horn of Plenty First Strike
Alter Path Imbue with Purpose Fist of Stone
Animate Flame Laughing Water Hair
Chilling Scythe Lightning Curtain Laeral’s Cutting Hand
Control Temperature Mass Protection from Energy Sacred Guardian
Control Vapor Scalesnare Weapon of the Earth
Favor of the Flying Horse Skylight Blade
Fire Charm Spectral Beast 2nd-Level Spells
Log to Lizard Web of Shadows Ancestal Blessing
Mirage Call Society
Death Recall

Detect Charm Banish Dazzle Javelin
Drawmij’s Swift Mount Blood Bond Mordenkainen’s Defense
Exorcism Calder’s Starry Sky Against Beasts
Favor of Good Luck Drawmij’s Breath of Life Mordenkainen’s Defense
Scent of Vengeance Drawmij’s Light Step Against Slime
Weapon Shift False Tracks Seeking
First Strike Weapon Return
3rd-Level Spells Reed Staff
Castigate Sharptooth 4th-Level Spells
Dragon Breath Weapon of the Earth Alter Path
Favor of Amelioration Control Vapor
Holy Symbol 2nd-Level Spells Everfull Quiver
Mass Protection from Evil and Alter Luck Ice Blade
Good Ancestral Blessing Mordenkainen’s Defense
Nightscar Beastmask Against Lycanthropes
Phantom Arms and Armor Call Society Pit
Ray of Paralysis Circle of Privacy Watching Shadow
Sand Sword Cook
Create Campsite 5th-Level Spells
4th-Level Spells Decastave Blessed Abundance
Bands of Sirellyn Drawmij’s Scent Mask Electric Bow
Barrier Reaver Drawmij’s Swift Mount Favor of the Ocean Winds
Chant Elude Blow Force Shapechange
Dimensional Anchor Fang Fist Moonbow
Favor of the Flying Horse Favor of Serendipity Oathbinding
Guardian Seal Fire Arrows Tame Animal
Ice Blade Firestaff
Invisibility Purge Ground Trace
Hurl Rock
5th-Level Spells Nap Sorcerer Spells
Battletide Scent of Vengeance
Blessed Abundance Snare 0th-Level Spells (Cantrips)
Chromatic Blade Splinter Wood Bloodbridge
Draw Upon Holy Might Tenser’s Hunting Hawk Deepen Shadows
Force Shapechange Venomous Blade Disarm
Oathbinding Weapon Shift Empathy
Resist Magic Wolfjaws Fiery Eyes
3rd-Level Spells Hailstone
Amulet Handcandle
Ranger Spells Anesthesia Liquid Orb
Animal Trick Odeen’s Magic Cloud
1st-Level Spells Archer’s Redoubt Pain
Adhesion Bearhug Rainshield
Alert Vigil Boon of Fortune Ritual Strength
Animal Animosity Comfort Scatterspray
Arrow Flight Dig Smoke Shape

Special Effects Ray of Paralysis Poison
Talon’s Waterproof Read Object Spectral Beast
Warning Shout Scalding Spout Spirit of Flame
Shadow Dance Wail of the Banshee
1st-Level Spells Whip of Flame
Creeping Darkness 4th Level Spells 7th-Level Spells
Dancing Fire Bands of Sirellyn Acid Storm
Elonia’s Glamer Barrier Reaver Ballant’s Stonesplit
Exterminate Burning Blood Biting Shadow
Fist of Stone Control Temperature Conjure Beast Spirits
Frost Fingers Depress Resistance Cyclone Chariot
Idea Dimensional Anchor Duo-Dimension
Ladder Drawmij’s Instant Exit Gullship
Laeral’s Cutting Hand Enervation Prismal’s Pictograph
Magical Tether Hurl Thunderbolt Right of Might
Ray of Fatigue Ice Blade
Ilyykur’s Mantle 8th-Level Spells
2nd-Level Spells Kiss of Torment Call of Despair
Agra’s Ambush Pit Disbelief
Body Blades Rusting Grasp Glass Storm
Drenal’s Stone Flame Shout Gunther’s Kaleidoscopic Strike
Echoes Sunbolt Hornung’s Random Dispatcher
Fiery Fists Watching Shadow Laeral’s Invisible Blade
Firestaff Wing Gifting Magic Susceptibility
Frostfire Vaporize
Hurl Rock 5th-Level Spells
Intensify Sensation Age Object 9th-Level Spells
Prismal’s Handy Mirror Animal Transfer Black Blade of Disaster
See Through Other Eyes Bestow Enchantment Body Link
Sinister Surroundings Channel Flame Crystalbrittle
Skyhook Chromatic Blade Energy Drain
Thunderball Lorloveim’s Creeping Shadow Heart Call
Wyvern Watch Magnetism Skip Day
Love Charm
3rd-Level Spells Rain of Blood
Acid Lash Resist Magic
Darkbolt Sand Shroud Warlock Spells
Dig Shadow Blink
Dire Charm Shandaril’s Tracer 0th-Level Spells (Cantrips)
Dragon Breath Telepathic Broadcast Candletrick
Fire Aura Copy
Frost Whip 6th-Level Spells Deepen Shadows
Mass Animate Blood Disarm
Mass Jump Catching Chain Distraction
Mystic Rope Nerve Dance Empathy
Nystul’s Radiant Baton Obold’s Brightness Fiery Eyes

Flashpuff Exorcism Kiss of Torment
Handcandle Favor of Good Luck Memory Read
Handfang Favor of Ill Luck Sacred Strike
Hold Portal Firestaff Shadowstrike
Liquid Orb Frostfire Shout
Pain Ground Trace Simulate Skill
Rainshield Intensify Sensation Siren Song
Ritual Strength Moon Rune
Scatterspray Prismal’s Handy Mirror 5th-Level Spells
Secret Signs Seal Mouth Bestow Enchantment
Smoke Shape See Through Other Eyes Break Limb
Talon’s Waterproof Sinister Surroundings Converse
Skyhook False Vision
1st-Level Spells Splinter Wood Lorloveim’s Creeping Shadow
Adhesion Whispers Magnetism
Augment Artistry Oathbinding
Beneficence 3rd-Level Spells Pillar of Borogar
Bloodbridge Amanuensis Possess
Calder’s Starry Sky Amulet Rary’s Replay
Color Astral Awareness Resist Magic
Compass Curse Tablet Sand Shroud
Creeping Darkness Darkbolt Sarcophagus of Death
Diction Dragon Breath Scapegoat
Elonia’s Glamer Fool’s Speech Shadow Play
Erase Ilyykyr’s Mantle Shadowcat
Exterminate Isolde’s Answer Shandaril’s Tracer
Fire Truth Nchaser’s Glowing Globe Telepathic Broadcast
Gift of Speech Ray of Paralysis Throbbing Bones
Hair Read Object Trick
Idea Seeking
Ladder Sunscorch 6th-Level Spells
Laeral’s Cutting Hand Venomdust Arrow of Bone
Protective Amulet Earthmaw
Ray of Fatigue 4th Level Spells Imbue with Purpose
Sea Sight Bands of Sirellyn Poison
Secret Page Chilling Scythe Scalesnare
Special Effects Create Darkenbeast Skylight Blade
Spirit Mask Cursed Image Spectral Beast
Depress Resistance Tattoo of Power
2nd-Level Spells Dimensional Anchor Tentacles
Agra’s Ambush Drawmij’s Instant Exit Tentacle of Withering
Ancestral Blessing Enervation True Name
Bliss Fire Charm Wail of the Banshee
Death Recall Glassee
Decastave Guardian Seal 7th-Level Spells
Detect Charm Hiding Place Amorphous Blob
Echoes Invisibility Purge Ballant’s Stonesplit

Biting Shadow Haunting Call Society
Hovering Road Hold Portal Cook
Prismal’s Pictograph Liquid Orb Death Recall
Soul Anchor Odeen’s Magic Tailor Decastave
Sphere of Adaptation Pain Deeppockets
Tenfold Ironguard Rainshield Drawmij’s Swift Mount
Scatterspray Drenal’s Stone Flame
8th-Level Spells Secret Signs Elude Blow
Call of Despair Smoke Shape Fiery Fists
Divine Truth Squeaking Floor Fireproof
Heart of Stone Warning Shout Firestaff
Hornung’s Random Dispatcher Hurl Rock
Laeral’s Invisible Blade 1st-Level Spells Immurk’s Distraction
Lightning Storm Adhesion Intensify Sensation
Longevity Assess Value Leomund’s Trap
Magic Susceptibility Blood Bond Mistaken Missive
Quench the Spirit Calder’s Starry Sky Moon Rune
Storm Color Prismal’s Handy Mirror
Vaporize Creeping Darkness Seal Mouth
Dancing Fire See Through Other Eyes
9th-Level Spells Detect Metals and Minerals Shark Bolt
Ancient Curse Detect Secret Passages and Por- Sinister Surroundings
Bad Medicine tals Skull Watch
Body Link Diction Skyhook
Call Drawmij’s Breath of Life Splinter Wood
Chain Madness Drawmij’s Light Step Thunderball
Death Pact Erase Venomous Blade
Heart Call Exterminate Whispers
Skip Day Filth’s Bane Wolfjaws
Fire Truth Wyvern Watch
Fist of Stone
Frost Fingers 3rd-Level Spells
Wizard Spells Hair Acid Lash
Idea Amanuensis
0th-Level Spells (Cantrips) Ladder Amulet
Bigby’s Bookworm Bane Laeral’s Cutting Hand Astral Awareness
Blacksteel Magical Tether Curse Tablet
Bloodbridge Protective Amulet Darkbolt
Candletrick Ray of Fatigue Dig
Copy Secret Page Dire Charm
Darsson’s Cooling Breeze Special Effects Doomhound
Deepen Shadows Dragon Breath
Disarm 2nd-Level Spells Encrypt
Fiery Eyes Agra’s Ambush Entomb
Flashpuff Bigby’s Dexterous Digits Farspeaker
Handcandle Bliss Fire Aura
Handfang Body Blades Fool’s Speech

Frost Whip Dimensional Anchor Possess
Helping Hand Drawmij’s Instant Exit Rain of Blood
Impenetrable Falsehood Enervation Rary’s Replay
Isolde’s Answer Fire Charm Resist Magic
Know Customs Fool’s Gold Sand Shroud
Mass Glassee Scapegoat
Mass Jump Guardian Seal Shandaril’s Tracer
Merchant’s Glamer Ice Blade Tasirin’s Haunted Sleep
Mordenkainen’s Defense Ilyykur’s Mantle Telepathic Broadcast
Against Beasts Invisibility Purge
Mordenkainen’s Defense Lightning Shield 6th-Level Spells
Against Slime Mass Protection From Evil and Animate Blood
Mystic Rope Good Catching Chain
Nchaser’s Glowing Globe Memory Read Channel Flame
Nightscar Mirage of Despair Dead Man’s Eyes
Nystul’s Radiant Baton Mordenkainen’s Defense Distort
Otiluke’s Orb of Containment Against Lycanthropes Dusts of Death
Phantom Arms and Armor Nystul’s Blacklight Burst Earthmaw
Ray of Paralysis Pit Graft
Read Object Projected Magnification Imbue with Purpose
Restore Earth Rastor’s Mystical Spy Ironwood
Scalding Spout Rusting Grasp Lightning Curtain
Seek Teleporter Shadow Strike Mass Protection from Energy
Shadow Dance Simulate Skill Nerve Dance
Shoondal’s Seeking Sleepwalking Obedience
Sunscorch Vision Stone Poison
Teleport Object Watching Shadow Scalesnare
Thief’s Lament Wing Gifting Skylight Blade
Venomdust Spirit of Flame
Whip of Flame 5th-Level Spells Tattoo of Power
Age Object Tentacles
4th Level Spells Animal Transfer Tentacles of Withering
Agitate Wounds Ballant’s Stonestrength True Name
Alter Path Bestow Enchantment Web of Shadows
Animate Flame Break Limb
Bands of Sirellyn Chromatic Blade 7th-Level Spells
Barrier Reaver Cloud of Purification Acid Storm
Bigby’s Force Sculpture Cloud of Putrification Amorphous Blob
Bone Seize Deathmaster’s Vial Ballant’s Stonesplit
Burning Blood False Vision Biting Shadow
Control Temperature Glyph of Revealing Corpse Host
Control Vapor Hard Water Duo-Dimension
Create Darkenbeast Impending Permission Flame Harvest
Cursed Image Love Charm Glassteel
Darsson’s Potion Magnetism Hovering Road
Depress Resistance Metal Shape Legal Thoughts
Despair Nature’s Charm Mass Dominate Person

Mindkiller Mage Tunnel
Otiluke’s Siege Sphere Power Word Banish
Power Word Sleep Rising Colossus
Prismal’s Pictograph Skip Day
Rain of Terror Skycastle
Right of Might Timelessness
Sphere of Adaptation
Timed Stasis

8th-Level Spells
Alter Beast
Glass of Storm
Gunther’s Kaleidoscopic Strike
Heart of Stone
Hornung’s Random Dispatcher
Khelben’s Blackstaff
Laeral’s Invisible Blade
Lightning Storm
Magic Susceptibility
Otiluke’s Fire and Ice
Power Word Blind
Sand Gems
Simbul’s Skeletal Deliquescence
Year Stealing

9th-Level Spells
Black Blade of Disaster
Body Link
Breath of Death
Breath of Life
Chain Madness
Elminsters Effulgent Epuration
Energy Drain
Estate Transference
Heart Call

Acid Lash Duration: 1 minute
You transform your own cudgel, mace,
3rd-level evocation
staff, or other bludgeoning weapon into one
Casting Time: 1 action
made of pure elemental adamantine. It does
Range: Self
an additional 2d12 bludgeoning damage on a
Components: V, S, M (three drops of an acid-
successful hit and acts as a magical weapon.
ic liquid)
Duration: 1 minute
You create a ten-foot long, vividly- Adhesion
purple, glowing line of magical force, which 1st-level transmutation (ritual)
you can use as a whip. You use your spell Casting Time: 1 action
attack modifier to attack. On a hit, it does Range: Touch
2d10 acid damage. If it does at least 15 points Components: V, S, M (a pinch of powdered
of damage, and if the target is wearing ar- horse’s hoof)
mor, the armor’s AC is permanently reduced Duration: 1 hour
by one level of effectiveness. If it is reduced You bring together two solid, inanimate
to AC 10, it is destroyed. objects, which become stuck together. It re-
quires a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) ability
Acid Storm check to pry the two objects apart or a dispel
magic spell.
7th-level evocation
At Higher Levels. When you cast this
Casting Time: 1 action
spell with a 3rd-level spell slot, you increase
Range: 150 feet
the ability check DC to 20. When you cast
Components: V, S
this spell with a 6th-level spell slot, you in-
Duration: 1 minute
crease the ability check DC to 25.
A storm made of gelatinous, acidic drop-
lets appears in a location you choose within
range. The area of the storm consists of up to Age Animal
ten 10-foot cubes, which you can arrange as 6th-level transmutation (ritual)
you wish. Each cube must have at least once Casting Time: 1 hour
face adjacent to the face of another cube. Range: Touch
Each creature in the area must make a Dex- Components: V, S
terity saving throw. It takes 4d10 acid dam- Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
age on a failed save, or half as much damage This spell ages any beast or monstrosity
on a successful one, each round that the crea- with an Intelligence of 4 or less, at a rate of
ture ends its turn in the storm and for one one year per round you concentrate.
round afterwards.
Age Object
Adamantine Mace 5th-level transmutation
4th-level transmutation Casting Time: 1 action
Casting Time: 1 action Range: 30 feet
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M (a flask of seawater
Components: V, S, M (a sprinkle of diamond and a piece of coal)
powder) Duration: Instantaneous

You instantly age an item by up to 100 Once this spell has been triggered, it
years. The actual effect depends on the na- ends.
ture of the item—iron and steel will rust and
corrode, masonry will crack and weaken, Airboat
wood will rot away to nothing, and so on.
8th-level transmutation (ritual)
Casting Time: 1 action
Agitate Wounds Range: 5 miles
4th-level necromancy Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action Duration: Concentration, up to 12 hours
Range: 60 feet You must be outside to cast this spell.
Components: V, S, M (a pinch of salt) You point to a cloud, which immediately
Duration: Instantaneous descends towards you and changes shape
You choose one creature that you see until it becomes a ship made of clouds. The
within range that has recently been injured exact shape depends on your whims—it can
by an edged weapon (the creature must not look like a caravel, dragon-galley, rowboat,
be at full hit points). This spell will cause etc.
bound wounds to reopen and unbound You and up to eight other creatures of
wounds to bleed profusely. The target takes your choice may board the airboat, which
2d6 damage and must make a Constitution flies at a speed of 100 feet under your tele-
saving throw. On a success, the target takes pathic command.
no more damage. On a failure, the target You are considered to have proficiency
takes another 1d4 damage each round until with the airboat. The airboat has an AC of 13
the wound is treated. and 20 hit points.
At Higher Levels. When cast with a 9th-
Agra’s Ambush level spell slot, you may bring up to sixteen
other creatures onboard with you.
2nd-level abjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch Alert Vigil
Components: V, S, M (roughly-ground glass, 1st-level enchantment
which must be sprinkled in a circle around Casting Time: 1 minute
the recipient) Range: Touch
Duration: 1 hour Components: V, S
You provide protection for yourself or Duration: 6 hours
one willing creature against unwanted men- You or one willing creature of your
tal intrusion. The trap will be triggered if a choice is kept wide awake and alert for the
protected creature be affected by a spell or spell’s duration, allowing them to stand
effect that would sense its emotions, read its guard without fear of falling asleep. The
thoughts, or put the charmed condition on it. creature will not suffer any exhaustion due
The attacker must make a Wisdom saving to missed sleep. In addition, the creature has
throw. The attacker takes 3d10 psychic dam- advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks
age on a failed saving throw, or half as much made while on guard.
damage on a successful one.

A creature may not have this spell cast on Alter Instrument
it another time until it has had a long rest.
Transmutation cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Allergy Field Range: Touch
Transmutation cantrip Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action Duration: 10 minutes
Range: 60 feet You may transform one musical instru-
Components: V, S, M (a pinch of ragweed) ment into another one of similar size (up to
Duration: 1 minute 50% larger or smaller) with which you are
You indicate a point within range. All familiar. It remains in this shape for as long
creatures within 10 feet of that point must as you are touching it. If you put it down, it
make a Constitution at advantage saving reverts to its normal shape.
throw or be incapacitated for the next minute The spell’s duration increases to 1 hour
due to uncontrollable sneezing. At the be- when you reach 5th level and 3 hours when
ginning of its turn, a creature may make a you reach 11th level.
Constitution saving throw, ending the effect
on a success. A creature who is immune to Alter Path
being poisoned cannot be affected by this
4th-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self (10-foot line)
Alter Beast Components: V, S, M (a knife blade, the
8th-level transmutation (ritual) straw from a broom, and a handful of peb-
Casting Time: 10 minutes bles)
Range: Touch Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
Components: V, S, M (two strands of gold When you cast this spell, you pick one of
twisted together to form a double helix) the following options:
Duration: Instantaneous ♦ Clear Path. The road ahead of you to
You may sculpt part of a living being’s a distance of ten feet is cleared of debris as
body as you wish. For instance, you could you walk, providing you with a easy path.
change paws into hands, make a quadruped ♦ Clutter Path. The road behind you is
walk upright, enlarge a creature’s brain, and strewed with debris to a distance of ten feet,
so on. The creature may make a Constitution turning the path behind you into difficult
saving throw to resist. On a success, you terrain.
make the changes you want. On a failure, Only relatively light debris, such as light
you make the changes you want and the branches and gravel, is moved. Large obsta-
creature also takes 3d6 necrotic damage as its cles such as fallen trees are unaffected.
body is painfully rearranged.
The changes you make are permanent Amanuensis
and might be passed down to any offspring
3rd-level transmutation (ritual)
it may have.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 10 feet

Components: V, S, M (a quill pen and some- make an Intelligence saving throw or be at
thing to write on) disadvantage on attack rolls against the
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour wearer.
You animate a quill pen to precisely du-
plicate any form of nonmagical writing you Anesthesia
3rd-level enchantment (ritual)
Casting Time: 1 action
Amorphous Blob Range: Touch
7th-level transmutation (ritual) Components: V, S, M (a petal from a lotus
Casting Time: 10 minutes flower)
Range: Touch Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
Components: V, S, M (a glass orb or bottle You render one living creature you can
filled with a specially-prepared, viscous flu- touch unconscious and insensate. The target
id) creature may attempt a Constitution saving
Duration: 24 hours throw, ending this effect on a success. Un-
You prepare a special fluid inside of a dead, constructs, and creatures that are im-
glass orb, a process that takes ten minutes. mune to being charmed or unconscious are
At any time in the next 24 hours, you may immune to this spell.
break the orb, releasing the blob within. The Upon waking up, the creature has disad-
blob has the same attributes as the ochre jelly vantage on all rolls for 1 minute.
(Monster Manual pg.243). At the end of the 24
hours, if the blob has not been released, the Ancestral Blessing
fluid breaks down and becomes useless.
2nd-level necromancy (ritual)
The blob has no ability to discern friend
Casting Time: 1 minute
from foe and will attack indiscriminately.
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S, M (a dozen grains of any
Amulet cereal or grain and a thimble filled with
3rd-level abjuration (ritual) wine)
Casting Time: 1 hour Duration: Special
Range: Touch You call upon your ancestor spirits for
Components: V, S, M (any object worth at advice or protection. You may ask it to com-
least 5 gp and a relic of the creature to be plete one task for you:
affected) ♦ Oracle. You ask the spirit a question,
Duration: 1 month which it answers to the best of its ability. It
You create a token that repels one specific will not lie to you, but it may not know the
creature that is feared by many. You must answer.
provide either the creature’s name or a de- ♦ Blessing. The spirit blesses you. For
scription of the creature (such as “the vam- the next 24 hours, you have advantage on
pire Ebon Thuthane” or “the giant one-eyed one saving throw of your choice.
boar that destroyed hamlet of Marswick”). ♦ Guardianship. The spirit will guard
When the person who wears the token con- your home or workspace. It will alert you
fronts this creature in melee combat, it must instantly if there are any intruders, no matter

where you are (as long as you are on the This spell can be broken by remove curse
same plane), but it cannot fight or otherwise cast by a priest of the same god the target
interfere. It will remain for one month before offended. It can also be removed if the target
departing. fixes the damage it caused and dedicates it-
self to serving that god.
Ancient Curse
9th-level abjuration Animal Animosity
Casting Time: 1 minute 1st-level enchantment
Range: Touch Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V Range: 60 feet
Duration: Permanent Components: V, S
You touch an altar, shrine, icon, the gate Duration: 24 hours
of a cemetery, or other object that is dedicat- One creature you can see within range
ed to your god. If this object is desecrated, must make a Wisdom saving throw or de-
then this spell is triggered and the person or velop a hateful aura beasts can sense. All
people who committed the desecration is beasts with an Intelligence of 4 or lower who
cursed. The curse can take any form; the fol- come within 30 feet of the target will become
lowing are the more common: angry with that target and may attempt to
♦ Choose one ability score. While curs- attack it.
ed, the target’s score is reduced by 1d4 and At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
the target has disadvantage on ability checks using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you
and saving throws made with that ability can affect one additional creature for each
score. slot level above 1st.
♦ The target is haunted by poltergeist
(Monster Manual, pg,27.) Animal Transfer
♦ The target is haunted by ill luck. It has
5th-level necromancy
disadvantage three times per day on any im-
Casting Time: 1 minute
portant roll (DM’s discretion).
Range: 100 feet
♦ The target is prone to mishap. A roll
Components: V, S
of 1-5 counts as a critical failure.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
♦ The target gains a degenerative dis-
You transfer your mind into the body of a
ease. Every month, one of its attributes is
beast, who may make a Charisma saving
reduced by 1 and its hit point total is reduced
throw. You gain full control of the beast’s
by 1d6.
body and senses. You retain your mental
♦ The target is easily injured. All attacks
abilities, but cannot cast spells while in this
made against the target do an extra 1d6
form, and you have the physical abilities of
the creature you have taken over. Your body
♦ The target is cursed with poverty.
is comatose during this time; the animal’s
Within 24 hours of gaining 10 gp or more, or
mind is suppressed.
gaining property worth 10 gp or more, the
If the animal dies while you are control-
target will lose half of it.
ling it, your mind instantly returns to your
The affects are not instantaneous but de-
own body. You suffer 3d6 psychic damage
velop over the course of months to a year.

and must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving droplet has hit, causing 3d10 acid damage
throw. On a failure, you suffer from a form and 3d10 necrotic damage.
of insanity for an hour where you believe
you are that animal and you act accordingly. Animate Flame
4th-level evocation
Animal Trick Casting Time: 1 action
3rd-level enchantment Range: 300 feet
Casting Time: 1 action Components: V, S
Range: 60 feet Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Components: V, S You animate a Medium-size nonmagical
Duration: 1 minute flame, causing it leave its source of fuel and
You choose one beast you can see and move in your direct with a speed of 30 feet. It
that can hear you and get it to perform one does not require fuel during this time.
trick for you. As long as the trick is within The animated fire causes 1d10 fire dam-
that creature’s physical capabilities, it will age to any creature it touches and it automat-
perform the trick to the best of its ability. The ically ignites combustible material.
animal is unlikely to understand abstract
reasoning and must have your request Archer’s Redoubt
spelled out in detail.
3rd-level evocation
Casting Time: 1 action
Animate Blood Range: Touch
6th-level necromancy Components: V, S, M (a bit of metal from a
Casting Time: 1 action shield)
Range: 150 feet Duration: 10 minutes
Components: V, S, M (6 drops of your blood) You create an immovable, nearly invisible
Duration: 10 minutes barrier around yourself or one willing crea-
You animate your own blood, creating six ture. This barrier is solid save for an “arrow
tiny, droplet-shaped constructs; these drop- slit” and grants the target AC 18. The target
lets are blood-red and have small black eyes. may fire a bow or crossbow through the slit
Each of these droplets has AC 14, 2 hp, a and may mentally command the slit to move,
speed of 60, Stealth +10, and the ability to thus allowing the target to fire in any direc-
long-jump 20 feet and high-jump 10 feet. tion.
Any droplet that moves more than 150 feet
away from you becomes inert. Arrow of Bone
You are mentally linked to each of the
6th-level necromancy
droplets and may switch your perception to
Casting Time: 1 action
one of the creatures in order to use their
Range: Touch
senses as your own by using your action.
Components: V, S, M (a powdered sliver of
You may also use your action to direct
bone mixed with acid or the blood of an acid-
one of the droplets to attack, using your spell
ic creature, which is used to make the ink)
attack modifier. If your attack succeeds, the
Duration: 1 minute

You paint runes of dire power on one not take into consideration local conditions
missile or thrown weapon and it turns into that may drive the price up or down.
chilling bone. You may then throw or fire the
missile yourself or give it to a companion to Astral Awareness
3rd-level divination
This missile does normal weapon dam-
Casting Time: 1 action
age, plus 10d10 necrotic damage, plus the
Range: Self (30-foot radius)
target must make a Constitution saving
Components: V, S
throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. Creatures
Duration: 6 hours
that are immune to necrotic damage or poi-
This spell grants you awareness of nearby
son are immune to this spell and only take
movement on the Astral or Ethereal plane.
normal damage from the missile.
Should any creature or “natural” phenomena
If the sliver of bone you use comes from a
from those planes approach you, this spell
close blood relative of the target (sibling,
will alert you.
parent, or child), then the person who is fir-
ing or throwing the missile has advantage on
the attack. Augment Artistry
1st-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
1st-level transmutation
Components: V, S, M (a scroll bearing a
Casting Time: 1 action
piece of epic poetry)
Range: Touch
Duration: 24 hours
Components: V, S, M (a bit of down from a
You or a willing target gains proficiency
flying bird)
with one form of artisan’s tools. If the target
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
already has proficiency in the desired tools,
You touch a bow or crossbow. For the
then that target may use double its proficien-
duration of this spell, the range for this
cy bonus.
weapon is doubled.
At Higher Levels. If you cast this spell
At Higher Levels. When you cast this
with a 4th-level or higher spell slot, the target
spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher,
gains triple its proficiency bonus.
you may affect one additional bow or cross-
bow for each slot level above 1st.
Bad Medicine
9th-level enchantment
Assess Value
Casting Time: 1 action
1st-level divination (ritual)
Range: 400 feet
Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S, M (a bundle of indige-
Range: Touch
nous herbs, the claw of an eagle, and the
Components: V, S
venom of a poisonous snake)
Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: Permanent
You touch an item and instantly know its
You pick a point within range. All crea-
fair market value, to within 10%. This does
tures within a 100-foot radius of that point
are cursed, unless a Wisdom saving throw is

made. On a success, the curse fails to take Ballant’s Stonestrength
hold. On a failure, all creatures within that
5th-level abjuration
radius are at disadvantage for all attack rolls,
Casting Time: 1 action
saving throws, and ability checks. You may
Range: 60 feet
dismiss this spell at any time. This spell can
Components: V, S, M (a small granite wedge
also be countered by a remove curse or similar
and a pinch of powdered iron)
spell, but each affected creature must be tar-
Duration: Instantaneous
geted separately.
You provide magical strength to a stone
structure by providing it with temporary hit
Ballant’s Stonesplit points equal to its regular hit points.
7th-level evocation Optionally, this completely heals any
Casting Time: 1 action stone-based creature, such as a gargoyle or a
Range: Touch stone golem, or can be used to repair any
Components: V, S, M (a diamond-tipped damaged stone object (that has lost no more
chisel worth 500 gp, which is consumed in than 3/4 of its hit points), such as a wall or
the casting) statue.
Duration: Instantaneous
You channel the power of extreme magi- Banish Blight
cal force and strike a Large or smaller rock or
2nd-level transmutation (ritual)
object (or portion of an object) made primari-
Casting Time: 1 action
ly of stone, such as a stone wall. When you
Range: Touch
touch the stone, brilliant magical light flares
Components: V, S
out and a huge glowing crack grows in the
Duration: Instantaneous
rock. At the end of your next turn, the rock
You touch a single normal plant of Huge
crumbles into rubble.
size or smaller and this spell wipes out all
At any point between your casting the
diseases in that plant permanently, restores
spell and the end of your next turn, this spell
any withered or shriveled fruit or leaves, and
can be countered by dispel magic or a similar
if you desire, causes it to produce new leaves
effect, preventing the rock from crumbling.
or flowers. It does not restore heavily dam-
If cast on a creature made from stone,
aged or destroyed plants.
such as a stone-based earth elemental (a gar-
goyle) or a stone golem, the creature may
make a Constitution saving throw. The crea- Bands of Sirellyn
ture suffers 10d10 force damage on a failed 4th-level conjuration
saving throw, or half as much damage on a Casting Time: 1 action
successful one. Range: 100 feet
At Higher Levels. This spell can affect a Components: V, S, M (three miniature inter-
Huge object and do 11d10 damage if cast locked bands of silver)
with an 8th-level spell slot, and can affect a Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
Gargantuan object and do 14d10 damage if You conjure a number of shining metal
cast with a 9th-level spell slot. bands which encircle and capture a Huge or
smaller target of your choice within range.
The target may make a Dexterity saving

throw to avoid capture. The escape DC is equals 10 + the spell’s level. On a successful
equal to 8 + twice your spell attack modifier. check, a hole appears.
At Higher Levels. If you cast this using a Until the end of your next turn, you and
5th-level or higher spell slot, the target has other creatures may walk through the hole,
disadvantage on both the saving throw and cast spells through it, attack through it, and
the escape roll. so on.
At the end of your next turn, the hole
Banish Dazzle closes, inflicting 4d6 force damage on any
creature still in the hole and shunting the
1st-level abjuration
creature either inside or outside the wall
Casting Time: 1 action
(50% chance of either).
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a shard of glass or any
clear stone) Battletide
Duration: 1 minute 5th-level transmutation
You or one willing creature you touch Casting Time: 1 action
becomes immune to being blinded by light, Range: Self (20-foot radius)
can see through nonmagical mirages and Components: V, S, M (a piece of human hair
optical illusions, and has advantage on sav- as long as your hand)
ing throws against spells that create visual Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
illusions or cause blindness through light, All creatures within 20 feet of you must
color, or flame, such as blinding smite, color make a Wisdom saving throw. A creature
spray, or holy aura. This also keeps creatures has its speed reduced by half, its initiative is
with the Sunlight Sensitivity trait from tak- at -2, and its AC is reduced by -1 on a failure;
ing disadvantage on attack rolls and Wisdom on a success, they are not affected by the
(Perception) checks that rely on sight. It does spell. In addition, you gain +2 to AC, you
not protect creatures with Sunlight Hyper- gain advantage on Dexterity saving throws,
sensitivity, however. and gain an extra action each round.

Barrier Reaver Bearhug

4th-level transmutation 3rd-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 100 feet Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (a small metal key) Components: V, S, M (a bit of bear fur)
Duration: 1 round Duration: 1 minute
You can force an opening in one magical You gain the ability to bear hug a crea-
barrier within range, including spells such ture within one size category of you. If you
antimagic field, prismatic wall, wall of fire, wall successfully make an unarmed attack, you
of stone, and so on. You automatically open a can grapple that creature (escape DC is equal
hole in any barrier created through a spell of to your spell save DC). As long as the grap-
4th level or lower. For a barrier created with ple remains in effect, that target is restrained.
a higher-level spell, make an ability check At the start of each of your turns, you may
using your spellcasting ability. The DC

constrict, doing 2d8 + your Strength modifier if you are casting the spell with a 7th-level or
in bludgeoning damage. higher spell slot.
♦ The target is in pain. It has disad-
Beastmask vantage on all Dexterity skill checks its speed
is reduced by 10 feet.
2nd-level illusion
♦ The target exudes an aura of antipa-
Casting Time: 1 action
thy, causing creatures to have hostile feelings
Range: Touch
towards it. While cursed, the target has dis-
Components: V, S, M (a wooden mask
advantage on Deception and Persuasion skill
carved to look like the animal)
Duration: 12 hours
♦ The creature is either deafened or
You or one willing creature is made to
look, feel, sound, and smell exactly like a
♦ The creature gains a deadly touch.
particular species of beast or monstrosity
Everything it touches takes 1d10 damage of a
that has an Intelligence of 4 or lower—but
type of your choice. It cannot turn off this
only to other members of that species. Mem-
bers of closely related species are also fooled;
♦ The target develops an obviously su-
for instance, a dog mask will also fool wolves
pernatural and disturbing (and often ironic)
and death dogs, and a bear mask will also
physical trait. The creature may grow a pig’s
fool giant bears and owlbears. This spell does
noise, pure black eyes, have its hair turn into
not give you any ability to communicate
serpents, smell like sulfur, and so on. While
with that animal, however.
cursed, the target has disadvantage on De-
ception and Persuasion skill checks.
Beneficence ♦ The creature becomes insatiable.
1st-level evocation Whenever food or drink is present, the crea-
Casting Time: 1 action ture must make a Wisdom saving throw or
Range: Self stop whatever it is doing in order to eat or
Components: V drink.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour ♦ Whenever the creature encounters a
You surround yourself with an aura of particular substance, it becomes incredibly
mystical wisdom and holy, causing those nauseated. It must make a Constitution sav-
who see you to believe you to be a holy per- ing throw or become incapacitated for 1d6
son of virtue and kindness. For the duration, rounds due to vomiting and dry heaves.
you gain proficiency and advantage in the
skills Deception, Insight, Intimidation, and
Bestow Enchantment
Persuasion when attempting to illicit positive
5th-level evocation
reactions towards you or your church.
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Touch
Bestow Curse Components: V
These are new variants of the spell bestow Duration: Instantaneous
curse that appears in the Player’s Handbook, You give another willing creature a spell
pg.218. Most of these variants are useful only with a range of Self. That creature is then

able to control and benefit from that spell as The hands perform various tasks for you,
if she had cast it herself. which you must decide upon when casting
the spell.
Bigby’s Bookworm Bane Fantastic Fencers. The hands are created
holding long blades made of force. They at-
Evocation cantrip
tack using your spell attack modifier, and
Casting Time: 1 action
can attack two different targets at once. On a
Range: 60 feet
hit, the target takes 1d8 force damage.
Components: V, S, M (a child-sized glove)
You may choose that the fencers do non-
Duration: 10 minutes
lethal damage instead, to use as a fencing
You create a Tiny hand out of shimmer-
partner. At the end of this version of the
ing, translucent force. This hand immediate-
spell, all damage taken vanishes.
ly seeks out and destroys bookworms and
Feeling Fingers. The hands have a
other creatures that eat paper and glue. The
Strength and Dexterity of 8 (-1) but otherwise
bookworm bane has a Strength of 6 (-2) and a
functions of an unseen servant. It also has an
Dexterity of 12 (+1), so it can open books to
amazingly sensitive sense of touch: it has
seek out insects living inside. When it finds
Perception 14 (+2) and has advantage on all
an intrusive creature of no larger than Tiny
Perception checks, allowing it to detect mi-
size, it automatically hits, doing 1 point of
nute cracks and openings. You can choose to
damage, which is more than enough to au-
use your action to treat the hands as a sensor
tomatically squish a bookworm, roach,
and feel through them.
mouse, etc. The hand has 4 hit points and
Pugnacious Pugilist. The hands are
will not attack anything larger than Tiny,
clenched and covered with bandages, as if
cannot defend itself, and can perform no
they belong to a boxer. They attack using
other actions.
your spell attack modifier. On a hit, the tar-
get takes 1d8 bludgeoning damage.
Bigby’s Dexterous Digits You may choose that the pugilists do
2nd-level evocation nonlethal damage instead, to use as a boxing
Casting Time: 1 action partner. At the end of this version of the
Range: 60 feet spell, all damage taken vanishes.
Components: V, S, M (a pair of gloves Silencing Hand. The hands fly towards a
stitched with your name and studded with target you choose within range that you can
gems worth at least 500 gp) see and clamp themselves tightly over the
Duration: 1 minute creature’s mouth, using your spell attack
You create a pair of Tiny hands made of modifier to grapple the creature. While
shimmering, translucent force in an unoccu- grappling a creature, the hands cannot be
pied space that you can see within range. pulled away. The hands take only half the
The hands are objects that have AC 15 damage dealt to them and the creature grap-
and 5 hit points. If all of the hands created by pled by the hands take the other half. While
your spell are destroyed the spell ends. grappled, the creature is incapable of speak-
When you cast the spell and as a bonus ac- ing and is at a disadvantage to all ranged
tion on your subsequent turns, you can move attacks.
the hands up to 30 feet.

Strangling Grip. The hands fly towards a Biting Shadow
Small- or Medium-sized target you choose
7th-level evocation
within range that you can see and grab onto
Casting Time: 1 action
its throat, using your spell attack modifier to
Range: 90 feet
attack. On a hit, it does 2d4 bludgeoning
Components: V, S
damage and the target is grappled (escape
Duration: 1 minute
DC is your Spell Save DC). Until this grapple
You create a smoky cloud whose area
ends, the target can’t breathe.
consists of up to ten 10-foot cubes, which you
can arrange as you wish. Each cube must
Bigby’s Force Sculpture have at least one face adjacent to the face of
4th-level evocation another cube. When casting this spell, and as
Casting Time: 1 action a bonus action on each of your turns after-
Range: 100 feet wards, you may move the cloud 30 feet. It is
Components: V, S, M (a lump of clay with capable of moving through a crack 1 inch
diamond dust in it) wide without squeezing. This cloud is lined
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour with dark mouths which are filled with
You create a visible plane of shimmering gleaming black teeth. Each living or undead
force that you can shape in any form you creature in the area must make a Dexterity
wish. The object you create must be fairly saving throw. A creature takes 10d6 piercing
rigid, have no moving parts, and cannot pos- damage on a failed saving throw, or half as
sess finely-detailed features and cannot be much on a successful one.
larger than 10 cubic feet. If you create a
weapon with it, it does 1d8 + your Strength Black Blade of Disaster
modified bludgeoning damage.
9th-level conjuration
The force sculpture is an object that has
Casting Time: 1 action
AC 15 and 15 hit points. When you cast the
Range: 30 feet
spell and as a bonus action on subsequent
Components: V, S
turns, you can move the sculpture up to 30
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
You create a magical, weightless, black
At Higher Levels. When cast with a 6th-
blade-shaped planer rift about 3 feet long.
or 7th-level spell slot, you can make a more
The blade strikes at any creature that you can
complex sculpture. The item can have large,
see within its range, using your spell attack
moving parts or have an edge or point, but it
modifier and with advantage on the roll.
must still be rigid and cannot be larger than
A creature hit by the blade must make a
50 cubic feet. It has AC 18 and has 20 hit
Constitution saving throw. The creature
takes 15d10 necrotic damage on a failed sav-
When cast with an 8th- or 9th-level spell
ing throw, or half as much on a successful
slot, the sculpture can be very complex, con-
one. The blade can pass through any magical
tain small moving parts, and be very flexible.
barrier, save an antimagic fiend. The blade
It can be any size up to 100 cubic feet.
cannot be harmed by physical attacks, but
dispel magic and antimagic effects can affect

Blacksteel magically-induced or altered memories. You
cannot use this spell on yourself.
Transmutation cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch Bliss
Components: V, S 2nd-level enchantment
Duration: 10 minutes Casting Time: 1 action
One weapon you touch becomes com- Range: 30 feet
pletely matte-black and utterly silent—it Components: S
makes no noise when being drawn, when Duration: 1 minute
striking someone even if it hits armor, or You choose one creature within range
when dropped. you can see. That creature must make a Wis-
dom saving throw or fall into a trance of in-
Blessed Abundance tense pleasure; for the duration of the spell,
the creature is incapacitated.
5th-level conjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch Blood Bond
Components: V, S 1st-level necromancy (ritual)
Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 1 minute
You can duplicate up to 2 pounds of ani- Range: Touch
mal or vegetable matter. You hold the object Components: V, S, M (a length of red silk
you wish to duplicate in your hands while ribbon)
you cast this spell. Magical items, minerals, Duration: 10 minutes
and living creatures cannot be affected by You link the health of two creatures to-
this spell. gether. Any damage one creature takes is
At Higher Levels. When you cast this split evenly between the two.
spell with a slot of 6th level or higher, you
can duplicate up to 2 additional pounds per Bloodbridge
spell slot above 5th.
Necromancy cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Blessed Forgetfulness Range: Touch
4th-level enchantment (ritual) Components: V, S, M (two golden needles)
Casting Time: 1 action Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Touch You touch two creatures and draw blood
Components: V, S, M (a few drops of holy out from one (the “donor”), channel it
water) through yourself, and infuse it into the other
Duration: Instantaneous (the “recipient”). This causes the donor to
You touch a willing creature and remove lose hit points equal to 1d6 + your
one terrible memory it has. This can negate spellcasting ability modifier and the recipient
the effect of a failed fear or sanity check or to gain that number of hit points. The donor
simply remove a horrible memory that has does not need to be willing and may make a
no actual game effect. This has no effect on Dexterity saving throw to evade your grasp.
This spell has no effect on undead, con-

structs, plants, and other creatures that lack Body Link
9th-level necromancy
Casting Time: 1 action
Blossom Range: Self
3rd-level transmutation (ritual) Components: V, S, M (a small amount of tree
Casting Time: 3 hours sap and a pearl worth 500 gp, which is con-
Range: self (300-foot radius) sumed in the casting)
Components: V, S, M (an ear of grain and a Duration: 1 hour
gallon of water) You can prevent your own death by de-
Duration: Instantaneous capitation or dismemberment. Your body
You spend three hours meditating and parts become linked so that even if they are
the area around you becomes much more separated from the rest of your body, you
verdant and fertile than it was before. If the still in control of them. A severed arm can
land was dry, it becomes moist. If the land still write and even wield weapons. A sev-
was waterlogged and swampy, the water ered leg can still hop around. A severed head
drains away to reveal fresh loam. can still think, talk, and even eat, although
This spell cannot, in and of itself, over- the rest of the body will become inert. If the
come truly bad conditions such as that severed body part is held against the stump
caused by a long and terrible drought, but it during the spell’s duration, the two parts
can help to improve conditions somewhat. will instantly fuse together.
A particular plot of land can only be af- This does not prevent you from taking
fected by this spell once per season, and the damage from the dismemberment of from
effects last until the end of the current grow- other damage, nor does it prevent you from
ing season. being killed from methods other than dis-
Body Blades
2nd-level transmutation Bone Seize
Casting Time: 1 action 4th-level necromancy
Range: Self Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S, M (two sharp pieces of Range: 50 feet
metal) and a shard of bone. Components: V, S
Duration: 1 minute Duration: 1 minute
Dagger-like growths grow out of your You choose one target within range that
body, passing harmlessly through any cloth- you can see that has bones. If the target is
ing or armor you wear. You gain +1 AC. If alive or undead, it must make a Constitution
you grapple anyone or are grappled, you do saving throw. On a failure, you gain control
2d4 + your spellcasting ability bonus in of that target’s bones. You can automatically
piercing damage. take control of a corpse. You can make the
The growths are metallic-looking but are target walk, lay or sit down, or sit or stand
not made of metal and cannot be affected by up. You cannot make the creature speak,
spells that affect metal. fight, cast spells, etc.

Bolt of Glory Components: V, S, M (a broken animal bone)
Duration: Until healed
7th-level evocation
You touch a creature’s limb. The creature
Casting Time: 1 action
must make a Constitution saving throw. The
Range: 60 feet
creature’s bone breaks and it takes 2d10 force
Components: V, S, M (a small amber rod
damage on a failed saving throw; on a suc-
bound with bronze)
cess, it takes the damage but its limb doesn’t
Duration: Instantaneous
You fire a burst of energy from the Posi-
Depending on the limb, it takes one to six
tive plane at one target you can see within
months to heal naturally. A lesser restoration
range. That creature must make a Constitu-
spell or any healing spell of 4th level or
tion saving throw. The creature takes 10d10
higher will heal it immediately.
radiant damage on a failed saving throw, or
half as much on a successful one. Celestials
are not affected by this spell and fiends and Breath of Death
undead are at disadvantage on the saving 9th-level necromancy (ritual)
throw. Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: Self (500 foot radius)
Boon of Fortune Components: V, S, M (a handful of mummy
3rd-level transmutation
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1 action
You exhale a foul-smelling breath which
Range: Touch
turns into a breeze that radiates outward.
Components: V, S, M (a four-leaf clover or a
This causes all creatures within range to
piece of amber)
make a Constitution saving throw or contract
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
a nonmagical, often-fatal disease (Dungeon
You or one willing creature you touch
Master’s Guide, pg. 256).
gains good luck. You may choose from one
of the following ways:
♦ Sudden Knowledge. The target gains Breath of Life
proficiency in up to six types of tools and 9th-level abjuration (ritual)
weapons it did not already know how to use. Casting Time: 10 minutes
♦ Hidden Strengths. Choose two attrib- Range: Self (500 foot radius)
utes. The target has advantage on all ability Components: V, S, M (a cone on incense that
checks and saving throws based on that at- has had a bless spell cast on it)
tribute for the duration. Duration: Instantaneous
♦ Amazing Luck. Three times in the next You exhale a sweet-smelling breath
24 hours, if the target fails a saving throw, it which turns into a breeze that radiates out-
may choose to succeed instead. ward. This cures all creatures within range of
a single nonmagical disease you name when
Break Limb casting the spell. This has no effect on magi-
cal diseases or curses. It also does not protect
5th-level necromancy
against re-infection.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch

Burning Blood choose to accept or reject it. If the target ac-
cepts, it is instantly teleported to any safe
4th-level necromancy
location within 30 feet of you.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (a drop of blood and a Call of Despair
punch of saltpeter) 8th-level enchantment
Duration: 1 minute Casting Time: 1 action
You cause the open, bleeding wounds of Range: Self (150-foot radius)
one target you can see within range to burst Components: V, S, M (a small brass gong)
into blood-red flame. The target must make a Duration: 10 minutes
Constitution saving throw each round. The All creatures who are not your allies
creature takes 3d8 fire damage on a failed within range must make a Wisdom saving
saving throw, or half as much damage on a throw or become frightened for 1 minute.
successful one. The target can repeat the saving throw at the
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell end of each of its turns, ending the effect on
using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, the itself on a success. Creatures who failed their
damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level saving throws will also have disadvantage
above 4th. on all saving throws, ability checks, and ini-
tiative rolls for the remainder of the spell’s
Calder’s Starry Sky duration.
1st-level illusion (ritual)
Casting Time: 1 minute Call Society
Range: 30 feet 2nd-level illusion
Components: V, S, M (an unblemished silver Casting Time: 1 action
mirror) Range: 1 mile
Duration: 3 hours Components: V, S, M (a badge, letter, or oth-
A completely accurate starmap of the lo- er symbol of membership, which is not con-
cal sky is projected upwards from the mirror. sumed but must be on your person while
It can be used to study the sky or, if cast out- casting this spell).
side, the aid in navigation during the day or Duration: Instantaneous
on overcast nights. You point in a direction and cast this spell
to alert other members of an organization
Call you belong to, such as a Mages’ Guild, that
you require aid. The spell will travel in that
9th-level conjuration (ritual)
direction. If it passes within 1 mile of a fel-
Casting Time: 1 action
low member of your organization, it will di-
Range: Special
vert to meet that creature and alert him or
Components: V, S, M (a miniature wax stat-
her as to your plight, giving that person a
ue of the target)
rough estimate of your location and a brief
Duration: Instantaneous
image of your situation. If it hits the end of
You call a specific intelligent by name. If
its range without locating a fellow member,
that target is on the same plane as you, then
the spell will dissipate.
it becomes aware of your call and may

This spell does not compel the recipient ing roll or suffer an effect, depending on its
to aid you, but members of your organiza- alignment:
tion are likely to be willing to help. ♦ If the creature is of the same align-
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell ment as you, it is deafened for 1 minute.
using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the ♦ If the creature’s alignment differs
range increases by one mile for every two from yours on one axis (lawful-chaotic, etc.),
slot levels above the 2nd. it takes 1d10 force damage on a failed saving
throw, or half as much damage on a success-
Call Upon Faith ful one.
♦ If the creature’s alignment differs
Evocation cantrip
from you on both axes, it takes 3d10 force
Casting Time: 1 action
damage on a failed saving throw, or half as
Range: Self
much on a successful one.
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 round
You call upon your god to bless you. If Catching Chain
you have been true to faith (as determined 6th-level evocation
by the DM) you may make one roll in your Casting Time: 1 action
next round at advantage. Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (three joined links of
Candletrick chain made from very pure metal)
Duration: 1 minute
Transmutation cantrip
You call forth a chain made of pure, shin-
Casting Time: 1 action
ing energy, target a creature you can see
Range: Touch
within range, and make a ranged spell at-
Components: S
tack. On a hit, the chain coils around that
Duration: 1 hour
target. The target is not restrained by the
You light a candle, torch, or lantern. For
chain, but has disadvantage on all attack and
the duration of the spell, this flame cannot be
damage rolls, ability checks, and saving
extinguished by normal means, although it
throws, and reduces speed by 10 feet.
can be extinguished if placed underwater,
The chain is an object that has AC 20 and
deprived of oxygen, or through magical
hit points equal to your hit point maximum.
means. Otherwise, if the flame is snuffed out,
If it drops to 0 hit points, the spell ends. The
it will automatically relight itself.
spell can be modified to have one of two dif-
ferent effects.
Castigate ♦ Howling Chain. The chain is blood-
3rd-level evocation red and constantly emits an ominous, howl-
Casting Time: 1 action ing chant. It beats against its trapped target,
Range: Self (20-foot radius) using your spell modifier to attack. On a hit,
Components: V, S it deal 3d8 bludgeoning damage.
Duration: Instantaneous ♦ Sighing Chain. The chain glows white-
You deliver a blasting rebuke to your blue and constantly sighs, whispers, and
foes. The creature must make a Wisdom sav- hums. If the trapped creature attempts to
pull at it, the chain tightens, inflicting 3d10

bludgeoning damage. If someone tries to Channel Flame
pull at the chain or remove it from the
6th-level evocation
trapped creature, it inflicts 2d10 bludgeoning
Casting Time: 1 action
damage to both creatures.
Range: Self (60-yard cone)
Components: V, S, M (a burning fire)
Chain Madness Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes.
9th-level enchantment You stand within 30 feet of mundane
Casting Time: 1 action flames at least the size of a Large bonfire and
Range: 100 feet channel that fire into a deadly attack. The fire
Components: V, S, M (a piece of brain matter travels through you and becomes a 60-foot
from a mind flayer) cone. All creatures in that cone must make a
Duration: Until dispelled Dexterity saving through. A creature takes
You pick a creature within range that you 4d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as
can see and that has an Intelligence of 5 or much on a successful one. Each round, you
higher. Over the next 48 hours, that creature may change your facing so that you attack a
will begin showing the effects of insanity: the different area.
DM can roll first on the short-term insanity This spell lasts for 10 minutes, or as long
table, then the long-term table, then the in- as the fire you are channeling from continues
definite-length table (Dungeon Master’s Guide, to burn.
p.258) to determine the individual effects.
After one week, the creature must make a Chant
Wisdom saving throw. On a success, the
4th-level abjuration
creature regains sanity. On a failure, it takes
Casting Time: 1 round
3d6 psychic damage and its hit point total is
Range: Self (30-foot radius)
reduced by that amount, and it remains in-
Components: V, S
sane for another week. At the end of that
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
week, it must make another saving throw.
You call upon your deity to grant you
This continues until the creature succeeds a
and your allies special favor and to curse
saving throw or its hit point total is reduced
your foes.
to 0 hit points (at which case it dies).
As long as you continue to recite the holy
After this creature has been infected for 6
writ, your allies that are within range gain +1
hours, it has the potential to spread the mad-
to attack and damage, +1 to AC, and 2d4
ness through physical, skin-to-skin contact.
temporary hit points, while your enemies
Each creature it touches must make a Wis-
have their hit point totals reduced by 2d4. If
dom saving throw or contract the madness.
that reduces their hit point totals to 0, they
If these secondary victims touch another
fall unconscious.
creature, they have the potential to pass on
This spell continues for as long as you
the madness as well, but the tertiary (and
chant, up to 1 minute. If you take damage,
later) victims have advantage on their saving
you must make a Constitution saving throw
(DC equal to 10 or half the damage you take,
whichever is higher) to be able to continue
chanting. Likewise, if you are silenced

through magical or mundane means, this Chilling Scythe
spell ends.
4th-level necromancy
Casting Time: 1 action
Chariot of Sustarre Range: Self
8th-level conjuration (ritual) Components: V, S, M (a fragment of bone)
Casting Time: 10 minutes Duration: 1 minute
Range: 30 feet You create an oversized but weightless
Components: V, S, M (a piece of wood, two scythe made of glowing, blue-black force.
holly berries, and a burning torch) You may choose to wield it or give it to
Duration: 12 hours someone else to wield. The scythe does 2d8 +
You summon a chariot pulled by two the wielder’s Strength modifier in slashing
great horses, all of which is alight with ele- damage, plus 1d8 necrotic damage. If the
mental fire; the chariot appears in a clap of target is undead it takes an additional 4d8
thunder and cloud of smoke. necrotic damage, even if it is normally im-
You and up to seven allies may ride in mune or resistant to necrotic damage, and it
the chariot. All creatures other than yourself must make a Strength saving throw or be
who are not immune to fire take 1d8 fire knocked prone. The scythe is a two-handed
damage each round they end while in the weapon with reach.
chariot, or are within 5 feet of the chariot,
unless they are physically touching you. A Chromatic Blade
successful Dexterity saving throw will halve
5th-level evocation
the damage they take from this.
Casting Time: 1 action
The chariot can move on the ground with
Range: Self
a speed of 50, or fly with a speed of 100. You
Components: V, S, M (a dagger set with
control the chariot through verbal com-
gems of seven colors, worth at least 100 gp)
Duration: 1 minute
The chariot and horses are physical ob-
You create a magical blade of shimmer-
jects. The horses have the same attributes as
ing, weightless force that constantly changes
war horses (Monster Manual, p.340), save that
hue. You may choose to wield the blade or
they have AC 16, are immune to fire, light-
give it to an ally. The blade inflicts 4d8 force
ning, and radiant damage, vulnerable to
damage. When the wielder rolls a 20, the
cold, take 1 point of cold damage for every
blade inflicts an additional 2d8 damage.
gallon of water splashed on them or for eve-
Then the wielder rolls another d20. If you
ry 5 feet they must move through in water,
roll a 20, you lop off one of the target’s limbs.
and each of their attacks does an additional
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
2d6 fire damage. The chariot has AC 16 and
using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the
50 hit points, and has the same immunities
damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level
and vulnerabilities as the horses. If the chari-
above 5th.
ot or the horses are reduced to 0 hit points,
the spell ends.
Circle of Blindness
8th-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 300 feet cloud moves with the prevailing wind and a
Components: V, S magical wind quickly disperses it. The cloud
Duration: 1 hour is heavier than air and will sink to the
You create an immobile circle with a 30- ground rather than float away. The cloud
foor-radius to delay and confuse enemies. lasts for one minute before vanishing, but the
Within the area of effect, all creatures be- effects are permanent.
come blinded and deafened and lose Filth, garbage, excrement, and small, non-
tremorsense. It also suppresses divination magical vermin such as insects, normal rats
spells that enhance or produce additional and mice, etc., are transformed into an equal
senses, such as arcane eye, clairvoyance, detect quantity of pure water.
magic, see invisibility, and so on. It does not
affect either truesight or the spell true seeing, Cloud of Putrefaction
however. An affected creature that leaves the
5th-level transmutation
area regains its sight and hearing.
Casting Time: 1 action
At Higher Levels. If cast with a 9th-level
Range: 30 feet
spell slot, the circle’s radius increases to 50
Components: V, S
Duration: Permanent
You create a billowy cloud colored like an
Circle of Privacy old bruise that fills a 20-foot cube anywhere
2nd-level illusion (ritual) within range. This cloud moves with the
Casting Time: 1 action prevailing wind and a magical wind quickly
Range: Self (20-foot diameter radius) disperses it. The cloud is heavier than air and
Components: V, S, M (hair from a skunk, a will sink to the ground rather than float
mouse’s whisker, and a pound of salt) away. The cloud lasts for one minute before
Duration: 8 hours vanishing, but the effects are permanent.
This spell allows you to discourage pred- The cloud transmutes pure water into
ators and trespassers from disturbing a filth, excrement, and garbage, and magically
campsite. You spring salt in a circle around generates flies, and turns small animals into
your camp while you cast this spell. For the rats and roaches.
duration, sounds and scents generated with-
in the circle are muted. All Perception checks Color
made to find you or your food using hearing
1st-level illusion (ritual)
or smell are at disadvantage.
Casting Time: Special
Range: Touch
Cloud of Purification Components: V, S
5th-level transmutation Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1 action You may permanently change the color of
Range: 30 feet cloth, leather, or any other inanimate object.
Components: V, S The time it takes to color the item varies on
Duration: Permanent the complexity of the color: changing the en-
You create a billowy white cloud that fills tire item to a single color takes 1 action, but
a 20-foot cube anywhere within range. This patterns or variations of color require you to

trace the design you wish on the item with Components: V, S, M (a handful of any kind
your finger while picturing the colors you of gemstone dust)
desire, a process that may take several Duration: 1 hour
minutes. You render a single item of Medium-size
or smaller completely undetectable when
Comfort you hide it on your person. Only the spell
true seeing will reveal its existence.
3rd-level abjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet Conjure Beast Spirits
Components: V, S 7th-level conjuration
Duration: 1 hour Casting Time: 1 action
You sing a pleasant song and all allies Range: 60 feet
within range will cease feeling nonmagically- Components: V, S
caused pain, heat, cold, hunger, thirst, or ex- Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
haustion. This spell does not negate normal You summon a minor spirit that takes the
damage, but affected creatures have ad- form of either a ghostly or elemental animal.
vantage on all saving throws against magical Choose one of the following options for what
effects that cause pain, negatively affect emo- appears:
tions (such as by causing fright), or that ♦ One beast of challenge rating 4 or
cause hunger, thirst, or exhaustion. lower
♦ Two beasts of challenge rating 3 or
Compass lower
♦ Four beasts of challenge rating 2 or
1st-level divination (ritual)
Casting Time: 1 action
Depending on what sort of spirit you
Range: Touch
summon, it has one of the following tem-
Components: V, S, M (a brass bowl filled
with water, an iron needle, and a cork)
♦ Flame-Beast. The flame-beast is re-
Duration: 1 week
sistant to bludgeoning, piercing, and slash-
You use the pin, cork, and brass bowl to
ing damage from nonmagical weapons, and
make a simple compass. However, instead of
is immune to fire damage, and being grap-
pointing to magnetic north, the needle points
pled, paralyzed, restrained, or unconscious.
to a direction of choice, such as your home
It can move through a space as narrow as 1
port or your destination (if you previously
inch without squeezing. Its attacks do fire
knew what it was).
damage. Any creature that touches the
The spell ends if the water is drained
flame-beast or hits it with a melee attack
from the bowl or the cork or needle is re-
while within 5 feet of it takes 1d10 fire dam-
age. It takes 1d6 damage if splashed by at
least one gallon of water.
Conceal Item ♦ Ghost-Beast. The ghost-beast has re-
3rd-level illusion sistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slash-
Casting Time: 1 action ing damage from nonmagical weapons, and
Range: Touch is immune to necrotic and poison damage

and to being charmed, frightened, grappled, ions. Roll initiative for the summoned crea-
paralyzed, poisoned, restrained, or uncon- tures as a group, which has its own turns.
scious. It has truesight to 100 feet. It can They obey any verbal commands that you
move through other creatures and objects as issue to them (no action required by you). If
if they were difficult terrain. It takes 1d10 you don’t issue any commands to them, they
force damage if it ends its turn inside an ob- defend themselves from hostile creatures,
ject. The creature’s attacks do necrotic dam- but otherwise take no actions.
age. The DM has the creatures’ statistics.
♦ Stone-Beast. The stone-beast can bur- At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
row at a speed of 30 feet, is resistant to using a higher-level spell slot, you choose
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage one of the summoning options above, and
from nonmagical weapons, and is immune to more creatures appear: twice as many with a
poison damage, bludgeoning damage from 8th-level slot or three times as many with a
magical weapons, and to being petrified, 9th-level spell slot.
poisoned, or unconscious. Its AC becomes 16
(natural armor). Conjure Divine Minion
♦ Wave-Beast. The wave-beast can
6th-level conjuration
swim at a speed of 60 feet, is resistant to
Casting Time: 1 action
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage
Range: 60 feet
from nonmagical weapons, and is immune to
Components: V, S
acid damage and bludgeoning damage from
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
magical weapons, and to being poisoned,
You summon a celestial (if you worship a
grappled, paralyzed, restrained, or uncon-
good or neutral deity) or fiend (if you wor-
scious. It can enter a hostile creature’s space
ship an evil deity) that takes the form of an
and stop there, and can move through a
animal. Choose one of the following options
space as narrow as 1 inch without squeezing.
for what appears:
If it is struck my cold damage, its movement
♦ One beast of challenge rating 3 or
is reduced to 20 feet.
♦ Wind-Beast. The air-beast can fly at a
♦ Two beasts of challenge rating 2 or
speed of 60 feet, is resistant to bludgeoning,
piercing, and slashing damage from
♦ Four beasts of challenge rating 1 or
nonmagical weapons, and is immune to cold
and lightning damage, and to being poi-
Depending on what sort of minion you
soned, grappled, paralyzed, restrained, or
summon, it has one of the following tem-
unconscious. It can enter a hostile creature’s
space and stop there, and can move through
♦ Celestial. The creature has resistance
a space as narrow as 1 inch without squeez-
to radiant damage and damage from bludg-
eoning, piercing, and slashing damage from
Each beast is considered to be undead
nonmagical weapons, and is immune to be-
(ghost-beast) or elemental (the others), and it
ing charmed or frightened. Its attacks are
disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or
magical and deal an additional 2d8 radiant
when the spell ends. The summoned crea-
damage. It has advantage on saving throws
tures are friendly to you and your compan-
against spells and other magical effects.

♦ Fiendish. The creature has resistance cannot cause the creature damage through
to necrotic or fire damage and damage from this spell.
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage
from nonmagical weapons, and is immune to Converse
being charmed or frightened. Its attacks are
5th-level divination
magical and deal an additional 2d8 necrotic
Casting Time: 1 action
or fire damage. It has advantage on saving
Range: 30 feet
throws against spells and other magical ef-
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
You choose a single natural object or crea-
Control Temperature ture, such as a tree, stream, boulder, a bird,
4th-level evocation etc., and mentally commune with that ob-
Casting Time: 1 action ject’s spirit.
Range: Self (10-foot radius sphere) The DM secretly rolls 2d6 plus your
Components: V, S, M (a strip of willow bark spellcasting ability modifier to determine
or raspberry leaves) how many questions you may ask. When
Duration: 1 hour you ask that number of questions, or 24
You lower or raise the air temperature by hours have passed, the spell ends. The spirit
up to 50° F. You also gain resistance to area- will answer as truthfully as it can, but may
effect attacks that cause cold or fire damage. be limited in knowledge.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this At Higher Levels. When you cast this
spell with a 5th-level or higher spell slot, you spell with a 7th- or 8th- level spell slot, the
can lower or raise the air temperature by an GM rolls 3d6 plus your spellcasting ability
additional 10° F for each slot level above 4th. modifier. When you cast this spell with a
9th-level spell slot, the GM rolls 4d6 plus
Control Vapor your spellcasting ability modifier.
4th-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action Cook
Range: 100 feet 2nd-level transmutation (ritual)
Components: V, S, M (a bean or pea) Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: 1 minute Range: 10 feet
You pick a point within range that con- Components: V, S, M (enough food for two
tains mist of any sort, even magically-created meals, a pinch of tinder, and a small dab of
mists. You can control all mists within a 30- sulfur)
foot radius sphere of that point. You may Duration: Instantaneous
move it as you will, with a speed of 40 feet, This automatically transforms prepared
hold it still, or split it multiple smaller but raw ingredients into a delicious meal for
clouds, and so on. two, regardless of the quality of the ingredi-
If the mist is actually an intelligent being ents. This spell cannot be used on living be-
such as a vampire in mist-form, that creature ings or plant matter that has not been picked.
must make a Charisma saving throw. You This also removes natural toxins and harm-
ful agents from the food.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell still linked to your body, and you may use
using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, you your action to transfer your senses to your
can prepare food for two additional people original body.
for each spell slot above 2nd level. You must If your host body drops to 0 hit points for
provide ingredients for the additional meals. whatever reason, or the link between your
host body and your real body is abruptly
Copy severed (such as by a dispel magic or antimagic
field), you must make a DC 16 Constitution
Transmutation cantrip
saving throw. On a failure, the shock of the
Casting Time: 1 action
destruction of the link was too great your
Range: Touch
own body immediately drops to 0 hit points
Components: V, S
as well. You may choose to end the link be-
Duration: Instantaneous
tween the two at any time and return to your
You hold a blank sheet of paper, a book
own body without harm.
with empty pages, or another similar materi-
al over a document and this spell produces a
perfect copy. Each casting of this spell will Create Campsite
duplicate a standard 8 inch ×10 inch quarto 2nd-level conjuration (ritual)
size. Casting Time: 1 action
Attempts to copy magical text of any sort Range: Self (30-foot radius)
will automatically fail. Components: V, S, M (a bit of string, a bit of
wood, and a drop of water)
Corpse Host Duration: 10 minutes
You create a squadron of tiny unseen
7th-level necromancy (ritual)
servants that create a campsite for you and
Casting Time: 10 minutes
your companions—they will clear the land of
Range: Touch
debris, set up tents and bedrolls, start a fire,
Components: V, S
fetch water, and even begin cooking (they
Duration: 1 week
are not particularly good cooks, however).
You or one person you touch may trans-
They cannot create the materials needed for
fer your soul to temporarily animate a fresh
the campsite; they can only use what is
humanoid corpse (dead for less than 1 day).
available to them in the immediate area and
The corpse will not decay during this time,
what you and your companions have
but will still look recently dead.
brought. These servants have no other abili-
While in the corpse, you may move and
act through it, and you can use your class
abilities normally. You retain your Intelli-
gence, Wisdom, and Charisma but you have Create Darkenbeast
the Strength, Constitution, and Dexterity of 4th-level transmutation
the host’s, as well as its original hit points. Casting Time: 1 minute
You use the corpse’s senses as your own. Range: 30 feet
Your own body is paralyzed and does not Components: V, S, M (dried wyvern’s blood)
need to eat or drink, and must remain within Duration: Permanent
5 miles of your host body. However, you are

You transform one mammalian beast of one target. Hit: 5 (1d4+3) slashing.
CR 1 or lower into a darkenbeast. You can Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
only cast this spell when you and your target one target. Hit: 7 (1d8+3) piercing.
creature are not in sunlight
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, you Creeping Darkness
can create one additional darkenbeast per 1st-level illusion (ritual)
spell slot above 4th level. Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 300 feet
DARKENBEAST Components: V, S, M (a whisker from a
Medium monstrosity, neutral evil black cat and a tiny bottle of smoke)
Armor Class: 14 (natural armor) Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
Hit Points: 45 (6d8+18) You create an Large, amorphous cloud of
Speed: 5 ft., fly 40 ft. inky darkness. When you cast this spell and
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA as a bonus action each round, you can move
16 (+3) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 5 (-3) 11 (+0) 5 (-3) the cloud 20 feet. The cloud can enter a hos-
Saving Throws: Constitution +5 tile creature’s space and stop there, and it can
Damage Vulnerabilities: radiant move through a space as narrow as 1 inch
Condition Immunities: blinded, charmed, deaf-
wide without squeezing. All creatures within
ened, exhaustion, frightened, stunned
the cloud may make a Wisdom saving throw
Skills: Perception +4
Senses: darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14 or are blinded and deafened for as long as
Languages: — they remain in it.
Challenge: 3 (700 XP)
Magic Resistance. The darkenbeast has ad- Crown of Angels
vantage on saving throws against spells and oth- 8th-level evocation
er magical effects.
Casting Time: 1 action
Spell Imprinting. Each darkenbeast may have a Range: Touch
single spell imprinted on it, which it can cast, Components: V, S, M (an opal worth at least
once per day, without need for material compo- 200 gp and a circlet or crown made of a ma-
nents. This spell may be of any level and has a
terial appropriate to your deity; the opal is
25% chance of failure. Whether the spell is cast
shattered during the casting but the circlet is
successfully or not, the darkenbeast immediately
bursts into purple flame and dies, reverting to its
true form. Duration: 1 minute
You place a circlet on your head or the
Sunlight Hypersensitivity: The darkenbeast takes
head of an ally and the circlet begins to glow.
20 radiant damage when it starts its turn in sun-
The circlet takes one of three forms:
light. While in sunlight, it has disadvantage on
attack rolls and ability checks. ♦ Crown of Brilliance. Your circlet
glows with blazing golden light. If in battle,
ACTIONS your opponents in melee combat must make
Multiattack. The darkenbeast may make two a Constitution saving throw or be blinded for
claw and one bite attack. 1 minute. Even if the save is successful, the
opponent will be at disadvantage to attack
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,

you due to the brilliant light emanating from You touch a metal object of , whether as
you. soft as gold or as hard as adamantite, to be-
Creatures that have the trait Sunlight come permanently as fragile as glass. You
Sensitivity or Sunlight Hypersensitivity must can affect up to 1,000 pounds of metal. If the
make an additional Constitution saving object is being held or worn by a creature,
throw, at disadvantage if they failed the first that creature may make a Charisma saving
one. If they fail, they are also frightened of throw to negate this spell. If the item is mag-
you for 1 minute. ical, the creature has advantage on that roll.
Finally, undead and fiends take 2d6 radi- The effects of this spell cannot be reversed by
ant damage each time they end their turn anything short of a wish.
within 10 feet of you.
♦ Crown of Flames. Your circlet erupts Curse of Lycanthropy
with holy fire. All aberrations, fey, fiends,
6th-level transmutation
and undead with evil alignment within 10
Casting Time: 1 action
feet of you must make a Dexterity saving
Range: Touch
throw. A creature takes 4d8 fire damage and
Components: V, S, M (a drop of blood from a
4d8 radiant damage on a failed saving throw,
true lycanthrope)
or half as much on a successful one.
Duration: Instantaneous
♦ Crown of Glory. Your circlet glows
You touch a humanoid and turn it into an
with beautiful rainbow light, inspiring awe
infected lycanthrope. The target may make a
in lesser creatures. All creatures with 50 or
Constitution saving throw to avoid this spell.
fewer hit points that are within 30 feet of you
The exact species of lycanthrope depends on
are automatically incapacitated for 1 minute.
the nature and temperament of your target.
Creatures with 50-100 hit points may make a
If your target fails its saving throw, then
Wisdom saving throw or be incapacitate for
on the next full moon, it will transform each
1 minute. Creatures with more than 100 hit
night of the three nights of the full moon. On
points are immune.
the day after the third night, the subject may
Furthermore, when you speak, your
make another saving throw, with disad-
words form a suggestion, as per the spell. All
vantage unless the target failed to kill any-
creatures who are within 30 feet of you who
thing during those three nights.
are incapacitated must make a Wisdom sav-
This spell continues until the target suc-
ing throw or be charmed by you for up to 8
ceeds at three saving throws, although these
hours and will follow your suggestion to the
saves do not need to be consecutive. A re-
best of its ability, provided that the sugges-
move curse allows for an additional saving
tion is reasonable and non-dangerous.
throw, or grants advantage on a monthly
saving throw. A greater restoration removes
Crystalbrittle this curse immediately.
9th-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action Curse Tablet
Range: Touch
3rd-level necromancy (ritual)
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 30 feet

Components: V, S, M (a lead tablet) ♦ Immobilization. You hold the effigy
Duration: 1 week tightly. The target becomes paralyzed. The
You inscribe your victim’s name on a lead escape DC is equal to your spell save DC.
tablet, invoke the spirits of the dead, and ♦ Wounding. You stab or pummel the
place the tablet in an occupied tomb. effigy. The target may attempt to avoid tak-
Each midnight thereafter, your victim ing damage by making a Constitution saving
must succeed at a Wisdom saving throw. throw. The target takes 3d10 force damage
Failure means the subject suffers horrifying on a failed saving throw, or half as much
nightmares of his own death. When the tar- damage on a successful one.
get wakes up, he will have taken a level of If you incorporate a bit of hair, skin,
exhaustion that cannot be removed until he blood, nail clipping, etc., your target is at
gets an undisturbed night’s rest. He will also disadvantage on his attempts to escape and
take 1d10 psychic damage. The levels of ex- his saving throw.
haustion are cumulative. If the target suc-
ceeds on the saving throw, he is unaffected Cyclone Chariot
that night.
7th-level conjuration
If your target succeeds at three saving
Casting Time: 1 action
throws in a row, the curse is broken and the
Range: Self
spell ends. If the curse tablet, which radiates
Components: V, S
both magic and evil, is found and destroyed,
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
this also breaks the curse, but it will inflict
You call forth a whirlwind of great
1d10 psychic damage to the target as well.
strength, which forms beneath your feet in
Because the curse is laid upon the tablet
the shape of a chariot. It is capable of carry-
and not directly on the target, a remove curse
ing you and up to eight other creatures of
spell will not end the curse. It will, however,
your choice and can fly at a speed of 120 feet
give the target advantage on the next night’s
as high as 20 feet above the ground. You con-
saving throw.
trol the chariot’s horizontal and vertical
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
movements mentally. You can cross rivers,
using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the
chasms, and so forth, floating level with the
spell lasts an additional two days per spell
last solid surface it touched until reaching
slot above 3rd level.
solid ground again, at which point you can
alter its altitude.
Cursed Image Any nonmagical missile lighter than a
4th-level necromancy (ritual) boulder aimed at the chariot is blown aside.
Casting Time: 1 hour Melee attacks aimed in or out of the chariot
Range: 1 mile are at disadvantage; melee attacks from one
Components: V, S, M (a clay image) rider to another are unaffected. The chariot
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute itself is immune to physical attack.
You create a small effigy out of clay that The chariot can be used as a weapon by
resembles your target. You must know this ramming it into a target. Each creature of
target’s appearance and his general wherea- Large size or smaller that is outside of the
bouts. You may then choose of the following chariot and that touches the chariot must
actions to take: make a Strength saving throw at disad-

vantage. On a failure, the creature takes 8d10 on another target. In addition, at the start of
bludgeoning damage and is flung in a ran- each of the target’s turns, the darkbolt squeez-
dom direction and knocked prone. If the tar- es, causing an additional 3d8 bludgeoning
get hit a solid object, such as a wall or floor, damage.
it takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage for every
10 feet it was thrown. Darsson’s Cooling Breeze
Evocation cantrip
Dancing Fire Casting Time: 1 action
1st-level evocation Range: Touch
Casting Time: 1 action Components: V, S
Range: 30 feet Duration: 6 hours
Components: V This produces a pleasant breeze that
Duration: 1 minute moves clockwise at approximately 4 miles
You create a flashing, leaping, 12-foot- per hour (roughly the speed of a ceiling fan).
long arc of flame in midair. It moves with a You may choose to place the effect on an ob-
speed of 10 feet, leaping from its point of ject (including a willing target) or at a specif-
origin to a destination you choose upon cast- ic point in midair. This cantrip’s primary
ing the spell, until the spell expires or it the function is its use as air conditioning.
arc comes into contact with a solid barrier it
cannot burn through. Darsson’s Potion
The flames inflicts 3d4 fire damage to
4th-level transmutation
anything it touches and sets flammable ob-
Casting Time: 1 minute
jects on fire.
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a vial of clean water)
Darkbolt Duration: 1 hour
3rd-level evocation You cast this spell on a vial of water, and
Casting Time: 1 action then immediately cast another spell on the
Range: Self vial. The second spell must be of 3rd level or
Components: V, S, M (a dead worm or a lower and must have a range of Self or
piece of octopus or squid tentacle) Touch. Rather than take effect immediately,
Duration: 1 minute the second spell is absorbed into the water,
You create a whip made out of a black, creating a temporary “potion.” This potion
rubbery tentacle. This whip has a reach of 30 lasts for 1 hour before both spells go inert.
feet and attacks with your spell attack modi-
fier. If it misses, it quickly slithers back to Dead Man’s Eyes
you and can be used again the following
6th-level necromancy
Casting Time: 1 round
On a hit, the whip inflicts 3d8 bludgeon-
Range: Self
ing damage and wraps around the target,
Components: S, M (two eyeball-sized glass
grappling it (escape DC is equal to your spell
marbles the same color as your own eyes)
save DC). Until this grapple ends, the target
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
is restrained and you cannot use the darkbolt

Your eyes become pure black and the pu- Duration: Until triggered
pils reshape themselves into white skulls. You make a pact with your deity or pa-
Each round, you may choose one humanoid, tron to protect the life on a single target of
giant, beast, or monstrosity within 30 feet your choice. This pact ensures that the target
that you can see and that can see your eyes will survive an untimely death. You must
and force it to make a Wisdom saving throw. cast this spell in an area which has been sanc-
On a failed save, a creature suffers an effect tified to your deity, and you must perma-
based on its current hit points: nently sacrifice 10 hit points.
♦ 50 hit points or fewer: 4d6 necrotic Should that target die due to combat,
damage. spell, or accident, the target’s remains are
♦ 30 hit points or fewer: 8d6 necrotic instantly transported back to the sanctuary
damage and become blinded for 1 minute. where you cast this spell and the creature
♦ 10 hit points or fewer: 10d10 necrotic will be brought back to life, whole and in-
damage and become blinded permanently. tact—any missing limbs will be restored and
If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the all conditions and enchantments will be re-
creature is instantly slain. moved. Furthermore, all but 10 of the crea-
ture’s hit points will be restored; those hit
Death Candle points will be permanently lost as a sacrifice.
1st-level divination (ritual)
Casting Time: 1 minute Death Prayer
Range: Special Abjuration cantrip
Components: V, S, M (a candle) Casting Time: 1 minute
Duration: Special Range: Touch
You give a willing creature; while casting Components: V, S
this spell, that creature must light the candle. Duration: 10 days
From then on, the candle will burn con- You pray over a corpse, reducing the like-
tinuously without using any fuel for as long lihood that it will rise as an undead. If the
as the creature who lit it is alive. If that crea- creature was doomed to rise as undead due
ture is ever near death or contracts a fatal to the way it was killed (such as being
illness, the candle will gutter and dim, but it drained by a vampire), or someone casts a
will only go out when that creature dies. The spell such as animate dead on the corpse, it
candle cannot be extinguished except by will only have a 50% chance of success. This
magical means. If the creature dies and is spell provides protection once before dissi-
brought back to life, it does not reignite the pating.
Death Recall
Death Pact 2nd-level divination (ritual)
9th-level evocation (ritual) Casting Time: 1 round
Casting Time: 10 minutes Range: Touch
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M (a fragment from a
Components: V, S, M (seven drops of holy or shattered mirror)
unholy water) Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

You touch a corpse and go into a trance, damage and 1d4 radiant damage. The oppo-
wherein you relive the final ten minutes of nent’s hit point maximum is reduced by an
the subject’s life, seeing it from its own per- amount equal to the amount of radiant dam-
spective. You must remain in physical con- age taken, and you regain hit points equal to
tact with the corpse the entire time. If you are that amount. The reduction lasts until your
interrupted at any point during this spell, it opponent finishes a short or long rest. The
ends and you cannot cast it again on that opponent dies if this effect reduces its hit
corpse. point maximum to 0.

Deathmaster’s Vial Deepen Shadows

5th-level necromancy (ritual) Illusion cantrip
Casting Time: 1 minute Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Touch Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S, M (a vial filled with liq- Components: S
uid from the boiled remains of a ghoul worth Duration: 1 hour
50 gp). Over the course of a minute, the shadows
Duration: 1 week in one 10 foot × 10 foot or smaller area grow
You create an evil fluid and seal it in a larger, deeper, and more concealing. A room
specially-prepared jar. The liquid will remain that is brightly lit becomes dimly lit. The
potent for 1 week, but will go bad within a change is so gradual that it requires a DC 16
hour of being directly exposed to sunlight or Wisdom (Insight) check to notice it.
a spell that does radiant damage. The size of the area that can be affected
You may throw the vial at a target within increases when you reach 5th level (20×20),
30 feet, using your spell attack modifier. On 11th level (50×50), and 17th level (100×100).
a hit, the vial shatters and the target must
make a Constitution saving throw. The target Deeppockets
takes 6d6 necrotic damage and be paralyzed
2nd-level transmutation (ritual)
for 10 minutes on a failed saving throw, or
Casting Time: 10 minutes
half as much damage and be paralyzed for 1
Range: Touch
minute on a successful one.
Components: V, S, M (a tiny golden needle
worth at least 5 gp that is consumed in the
Decastave casting, and a strip of fine cloth twisted into
2nd-level evocation a Möbius strip)
Casting Time: 1 action Duration: 1 day
Range: Self You touch a pocket that has been sewn
Components: V, S, M (a sliver of wood) into an existing garment and turn it into an
Duration: 1 minute extradimensionally large container. It can
You hold a sliver of wood and cast this hold up to 100 pounds of objects but weighs
spell, and the wood turns into a pole of no more than 10 pounds. The objects must fit
shimmering magical force. This pole can be into the mouth of the pocket.
used as a quarterstaff and acts as a magical When the spell expires, the objects sud-
weapon. On a hit, the staff does 2d6 force denly pour out of the pocket. You can also

command the objects to pour out in the same charm, such as suggestion). This spell does
manner at any time. not reveal what sort of charm the target is
under or who placed the charm on that per-
Depress Resistance son. You can examine one person per round.
4th-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action Detect Harmony
Range: 60 feet 1st-level divination (ritual)
Components: V, S, M (a broken iron rod) Casting Time: 1 round
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes Range: Self (60-foot radius sphere)
You target one creature you can see with- Components: V, S, M (a scroll on which
in range. If that creature has the trait Magic prayers have been written in exotic inks
Resistance but succumbs to this spell, it loses worth at least 10 gp)
that trait for the duration. Duration: Instantaneous
You gain understanding of the balance of
Despair good, evil, law, and chaos in the immediate
area. The answers are vague (“there is more
4th-level enchantment
evil than good here” or “there is much ran-
Casting Time: 1 action
domness and chaos here”) and do not reveal
Range: Self (30-foot cone)
the exact nature or cause of the imbalance.
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Each creature in a 30-foot cone must suc- Detect Metals and Minerals
ceed on a Wisdom saving throw or lapse into 1st-level divination (ritual)
despondent depression as they realize the Casting Time: 1 action
hopelessness and folly of their beliefs. An Range: Self
affected creature will sit down and brood or Components: V, S, M (a small magnet, a vial
start crying uncontrollably. An affected crea- of weak acid, and a small sample of the de-
ture may make a new saving throw at the sired material)
start of each of its turns, but at disadvantage. Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes.
On a successful save, the spell ends for that For the duration, you sense the presence
creature. of a single type of ore or mineral deposit
within 60 feet of you.
Detect Charm
2nd-level divination Detect Secret Passages and Portals
Casting Time: 1 action 1st-level divination
Range: 60 feet Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S, M (the crushed petals of a Range: Self
bleeding-heart flower) Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
You look into the eyes of a target and can For the duration, you can sense the pres-
see if that creature is under a magical charm ence of secret doors, compartments, and so
or under any similar spell (a spell that does on that have been deliberately constructed to
not function if the target is immune to escape detection within 10 feet of you.

Diction Dimensional Anchor
1st-level evocation (ritual) 4th-level conjuration
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self (10 feet radius) Range: 60 feet
Components: V, M (a pint of vinegar) Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
While this spell is active, any words you A green ray shoots out from your out-
or anyone within ten feet of you magically stretched hand and strikes one creature you
appear on a blank piece of paper in the lan- can see within range. Make a ranged spell
guage in which they were spoken. Spells attack to hit. On a hit, the creature is envel-
with verbal components that are cast during oped in a shimmering emerald field and is
that time cannot be recorded; the spell will unable to move extradimensionally. This
continue but simply skip the time when the prevents the creature from using spells such
spell was cast or record a row of asterisks. as arcane gate, dimension door, misty step, plane
Command words for magical items, howev- shift, or teleport. It also prevents creatures
er, can be recorded. from using natural abilities like a blink dog’s
or balor’s teleportation.
3rd-level evocation (ritual) Dire Charm
Casting Time: 1 action 3rd-level enchantment
Range: 100 feet Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S, M (a miniature shovel Range: 200 feet
and bucket, which are consumed by the Components: V, S
spell) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes You magically infect a living creature
This spell digs a hole 5 feet wide and 5 with murderous impulses, unless that crea-
feet deep in one round. In each subsequent ture makes a successful Wisdom saving
round, you can choose to make the hole wid- throw. If the saving throw fails, that creature
er by five feet or deeper by five feet. You will instantly go berserk, similar to a barbar-
may dig through earth, sand, mud, or loose ian’s rage, and will instantly seek to destroy
gravel, but not through solid rock or large, everyone around, friend and foe alike. The
compacted stones. creature will not attack you unless you attack
This spell can also be used to inflict dam- it first.
age against earth elementals and constructs While raging, the creature has advantage
made of earth or clay. The target earth ele- on Strength checks and Strength saving
mental must make a Constitution saving throws, does bonus damage equal to your
throw. The target takes 4d10 force damage spell attack modifier when making an attack
on a failed saving throw, or half as much that uses Strength, and has resistance to
damage on a successful one. bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this The creature cannot cast spells or use
spell with a 5th-level or higher spell slot, you missile attacks while raging. At the end of
may dig through rock.

the rage, the creature will take a level of ex- ♦ Armor.* You improve its natural armor
haustion. class by one level.
♦ Attack.* You give the creature one form
Disarm of attack (grapple, constrict, bite, smother)
that it didn’t have previously
Evocation cantrip
♦ Breathing. You give the creature the
Casting Time: 1 action
ability to breathe air, water, or both.
Range: 30 feet
♦ Diet. You change its diet (herbivore to
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
♦ Energy Attack.* You give it a poisonous
You create a minor telekinetic burst and
bite, fiery breath, acidic spittle, etc., that does
aim it at a weapon or other object held in a
no more than 1d8 damage per hit die it has.
target’s hand. The target must make a Dex-
♦ Extremities. You add claws, teeth, or
terity saving throw, with advantage, or drop
beak; hooves, add spikes to its tail or down
the weapon.
its back; give it horns; give it functional
hands, etc., or enlarge extremities it already
Disbelief has.
8th-level enchantment ♦ Heads.* You add an extra head.
Casting Time: 1 action ♦ Hide. You change the creature’s color-
Range: Self ation or the type of covering (skin, fur, feath-
Components: V, S ers, scales, etc.) it has into a different type.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute This does not alter its AC.
You convince yourself that as many as ♦ Limbs.* You add a pair of limbs of a
four objects or creatures or Huge size or tail, turn a pair of limbs into functional
smaller simply do not exist. Creatures you wings or vice versa, turn a normal tail pre-
don’t believe in cannot harm or hinder you hensile, increase or decrease one type of
and you can pass right through them as if movement by 25%, or give the creature the
they were difficult terrain (you take 1d10 ability to swim, burrow, leap, or walk, if it
force damage if you end your turn inside a couldn’t do so previously.
creature that doesn’t exist). Likewise, you ♦ Magic Resistance.* You give the crea-
cannot take action against a creature or ob- ture magic resistance.
ject you don’t believe in. ♦ Mighty.* You improve two of its at-
tributes by +2 each.
Distort Life ♦ Morality.* You breed it to have a
6h-level transmutation (ritual) strong inclination to good, evil, chaos, or
Casting Time: 1 hour law.
Range: Touch ♦ Resistances.* You give the creature
Components: V, S, M (a silver model of the resistance to one type of damage.
creature in question worth 200 gp) ♦ Senses. You give the creature keen
Duration: Instantaneous senses (up to two senses), darkvision, or
You touch a pregnant humanoid, giant, tremorsense.
beast, or monstrosity and alter its fetus in ♦ Size. You increase or decrease the
one of the following ways. creature’s adult size by one size category.

♦ Vigorous.* You improve its hit dice by you reach 5th level, and 12 when you reach
25%. 17th level.
After choosing what change you want to
make, the GM will roll 1d20 for each off- Divine Truth
spring it has. If you are attempting to change
8th-level divination
a trait marked by an asterisk, the GM rolls at
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: Self
Components: V, S
d20 Result
Failure. The creature is horribly defec-
Duration: 1 round
tive or mutated in some way. It may be You ask your god, patron, or the universe
stillborn, it might die shortly after birth, at large a question and make a DC 18
1-5 spellcasting ability check. On a success, you
or it might survive to adulthood—in
which case it will always breed true, and learn the utter truth of the matter. This can-
it may have gained unforseen abilities. not be a question about the future; it can only
Failure. There is a 50% chance that it will concern something that has happened or is
6-9 pass on the trait to its offspring, howev- currently happening.
Success. There is a 50% chance that it
10-18 will not pass the trait on to its offspring, Doomhound
however. 3rd-level illusion
Complete success. The creature will al- Casting Time: 1 action
ways breed true. Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S
At Higher Levels. When you cast this Duration: Until dispelled
spell with a 9th-level spell slot, the GM al- You create a shadowy mastiff with glow-
ways rolls with advantage. ing eyes, visible and audible only to you and
the target of the spell. Upon first seeing the
Distraction hound, the target must make a Wisdom sav-
Enchantment cantrip ing throw at disadvantage. On a success, the
Casting Time: 1 action hound disappears. On a failure, the creature
Range: 30 feet is frightened for 10 minutes.
Components: S, M Thereafter, the target is relentless stalked
Duration: 1 round by the hound. It never comes closer than 10
One creature you can see must make a feet or farther than 300 feet from the target,
Wisdom saving throw or become incapaci- but it fills the target with an unshakable
tated for one round, too preoccupied by its premonition of death. While haunted by the
own thoughts or too distracted by shiny hound, the target is at disadvantage on all
things to notice any movement, sound, or saving throws to avoid being frightened. The
smell around them. Creatures with an Intel- hound, despite its fear-inspiring appearance,
ligence of 1 or that are immune to being cannot attack and cannot be attacked.
charmed are unaffected by this spell. This curse can be broken by casting a re-
The number of people you can affect in- move curse or wish spell, if the target rolls
creases to 3 when you reach 5th level, 6 when natural twenties on both dice when saving

against being frightened, or if you use your Drawmij’s Breath of Life
action to dismiss the spell.
1st-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Dragon Breath Range: 100 feet
3rd-level evocation Components: V
Casting Time: 1 action Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Self (30-foot cone) You endow yourself and up eight other
Components: V, S, M (a dragon’s tooth) allies with the ability to hold your breath for
Duration: Instantaneous twice as long as normal.
You breathe a 30-foot cone of dangerous
energy, just like a dragon’s breath weapon, Drawmij’s Instant Exit
doing acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, or
4th-level conjuration
poison damage. Each creature in the area
Casting Time: 1 action
must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking
Range: 10 feet
5d10 damage on a failed save or half as much
Components: V, S, M (a miniature silver
damage on a successful one.
door decorated worth 500 gp)
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
Duration: 1 round
using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the
You open an extradimensional door in a
spell does an additional 1d10 damage per
wall or other flat surface that remains open
spell slot above 3rd level.
for one round. When the door closes, you
and anyone else who passed through the
Draw Upon Holy Might door are teleported to a completely random
5th-level evocation location within 250 yards. You will be let out
Casting Time: 1 action at ground level, but there is no guarantee
Range: Self that you will be placed somewhere safe.
Components: V, S, M (a vial of holy water
blessed by a senior priest of your faith) Drawmij’s Light Step
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
1st-level transmutation
You cast this spell and your body shud-
Casting Time: 1 action
ders and glows with holy (or unholy) radi-
Range: Touch
ance as you become a vessel for your god’s
Components: V, S, M (a bit of cat fur and a
duck feather)
While this spell is in effect, you may in-
Duration: 1 minute
crease your Strength, Dexterity, or Charisma
You or one willing creature you touch is
by 1d4 + your spellcasting ability modifier.
granted a the ability to walk at a normal pace
This may increase your attribute above 20.
without leaving tracks or disturbing the
You also gain 15 temporary hit points and +1
ground below the it. The creature can also
to your AC.
walk across relatively calm fluids at normal
When the spell ends and your god’s pres-
ence leaves, you gain 3 levels of exhaustion.

Drawmij’s Scent Mask the flame. When the spell expires, the stone
reverts to flame. If the stone is shattered, it
2nd-level illusion
extinguishes the flame.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a scentless flower) Drought
Duration: 30 minutes 3rd-level transmutation (ritual)
One creature you touch is rendered scent- Casting Time: 1 hour
less and cannot be tracked by smell. Range: Self (300-foot radius)
This spell can be cast on a creature that Components: V, S, M (a dried rat)
attacks through scent, such as a skunk or Duration: Instantaneous
troglodyte. That creature may make a Consti- You spend an hour meditating and the
tution saving throw. On a failure, it cannot area around you becomes much drier than
use this attack. before. If the land was wet and swampy, the
water drains away. If it was a field or forest,
Drawmij’s Swift Mount the ground withers to dust and the vegeta-
tion begins to die within a few days.
2nd-level transmutation
This spell doesn’t work if cast on an area
Casting Time: 1 action
with more than a foot of standing water.
Range: Touch
A particular plot of land can only be af-
Components: V, S, M (a hare’s foot or a bit of
fected by this spell once per season, and the
cheetah’s fur)
effects last until the end of the current grow-
Duration: 6 hours
ing season.
You touch a trained riding beast or mon-
strosity that has an Intelligence of 5 or less,
and its movement is doubled for the dura- Druidcraft
tion of the spell. If you overload the animal, These are new variants of the spell druidcraft
it automatically cancels this spell. When this that appears in the Player’s Handbook, pg.236
spell expires, the beast gains four levels of ♦ You perfectly mimic one animal or
exhaustion. bird call.
♦ You place a magical mark on an object
Drenal’s Stone Flame such as a rock or tree to mark a path or tell a
message such as “danger: beasts” or “fresh
2nd-level transmutation
water.” This mark is very subtle and causes
Casting Time: 1 action
no harm whatsoever, and lasts until you dis-
Range: 30 feet
pel it.
Components: V, S, M (a fix of fine sand and
♦ You instantly make an unripe fruit
sugar, which is thrown in the air)
Duration: 10 minutes
♦ You command one beast of CR 0. The
You point at an open flame no larger than
command must be of no more than two
a torch, and the flame turns into a cool but
words (“sit,” “attack him”).
brightly-glowing orange stone in the shape
♦ You heal a Tiny plant.
of the flame. It can then be picked up and
carried without harm, although it remains
attached to the torch if that was the source of

Duo-Dimension Components: V, S, M (a tooth from a carni-
7th-level transmutation
Duration: 1 minute
Casting Time: 1 action
A 10-foot wide maw on a short, serpen-
Range: Self
tine neck springs out of the ground at attacks
Components: V, S, M (a likeness of yourself
one creature within 10 feet of it. It uses your
carved out of flat ivory, worth at least 500 gp,
spell attack modifier to attack. On a hit, it
which is passed through a strip of parchment
does 6d6 piercing damage and swallows the
twisted into a Möbius strip)
creature, if it Large-sized or smaller. Then it
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
sinks back into the ground and vanishes,
You become completely two-
leaving the creature it swallowed trapped in
dimensional, having height and width with
the ground.
no depth. You are completely invisible when
While swallowed, the creature is blinded
turned sideways and can slip through the
and restrained and takes 3d6 bludgeoning
thinnest of cracks. While you are two-
damage each round until the spell ends or it
dimensional, you take double damage from
is freed from the outside. The creature also
piercing and slashing weapons.
has no air and must hold its breath.
For the duration of the spell, your third
dimension exists on the Astral Plane. You
cannot see or interact with anything on the Ease Labor
Astral Plane, but creatures there can see and 1st-level transmutation (ritual)
interact with you, including attacking you. Casting Time: 1 action
You take normal damage from such attacks. Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Dusts of Death Duration: Special
You touch a female creature in labor and
6th-level transmutation
ease the pain she is feeling for as long as you
Casting Time: 1 action
remain in physical contact with her.
Range: Touch
Components: V, S M (a pinch of sand)
Duration: 1 hour Echoes
You turn a pinch of sand into an incredi- 2nd-level illusion
bly toxic poison. If introduced into food and Casting Time: 1 action
drink and then consumed, the target must Range: 100 feet
make a Constitution saving throw. The target Components: V, S, M (a tiny tin gong or
takes 10d10 poison damage on a failed save, cymbal)
or half as much damage on a successful one, Duration: 1 minute
and if still alive, is poisoned for 1 day. You pick one creature you can see within
range. For that creature, every sound is am-
Earthmaw plified and reverberates with distressing
loudness. While this spell is in effect, the
6th-level transmutation
creature cannot use the Perception skill to
Casting Time: 1 action
hear noises, has disadvantage on all attack
Range: 100 feet
rolls and ability checks, and the creature

must make a Wisdom saving throw. The feet of the target will absorb the magic. It will
creature takes 2d6 thunder damage on a then wink out of existence, taking the spell
failed saving throw, or half as much damage energy with it.
on a successful one. The spheres do not negate hostile magic
that was already in the area, nor do they ab-
Electric Bow sorb magic from non-hostile damaging spells
(such as a wall of fire). The spheres do not
5th-level evocation
negate the use of magic items, unless the
Casting Time: 1 action
item uses a charge to cast a spell—it will ab-
Range: Self
sorb a magic missile cast by a wand of magic
Components: V, S, M (the tail feathers of a
missiles but will not protect someone from
quail, tied together with a bowstring)
the necrotic damage inflicted by a sword of life
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
You create a bow or crossbow (your
choice) made of shimmering, solid electricity,
and 20 matching missiles. You are consid- Elonia’s Glamer
ered to have proficiency in using this weap- 1st-level illusion
on, if you did not already. If any creature Casting Time: 1 action
other than you touches the bow, that crea- Range: Touch
ture takes 1d4 lightning damage. Components: V, S, M (a pinch of ruby dust
You can only fire the missiles created by and a pinch of chalk dust)
the spell with this bow. These missiles, re- Duration: 3 hours
gardless of whether it is an arrow or a quar- You subtly change the appearance of
rel, have a range of 120/500 and do 2d10 + yourself or one other humanoid, making that
your spell attack modifier in lightning dam- person more or less attractive. This does not
age. make that person look like someone else.
The bow lasts for as long as you concen- Rather, for the positive version, makes the
trate on it or until you run out of missiles. target’s eyes appear to sparkle, their skin
clearer and smoother, their teeth straighter
Elminster’s Effulgent Epuration and whiter, and their hair thicker and more
lustrous; or for the negative version, makes
9th-level abjuration
the person seem lackluster and unkempt. An
Casting Time: 1 action
unwilling target may make a Wisdom saving
Range: 90 feet
throw to resist.
Components: V, S
While the positive version of this spell is
Duration: 1 hour
active, the target has advantage on all Cha-
You create a dozen floating silver
risma ability checks designed to illicit a posi-
spheres, each of which has the ability to ab-
tive reaction. While the negative version of
sorb a single offensive spell. When you cre-
this spell is active, the target has disad-
ate them, and on subsequent rounds, you
vantage on all Charisma ability checks.
may use a bonus action to move the group of
spheres up to 60 feet.
When a hostile spell is aimed at you or
another creature, one sphere that is within 10

Elude Blow Encrypt
2nd-level abjuration 3rd-level illusion
Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take Casting Time: 1 action
when you see a creature within 30 feet of you Range: 30 feet
being attacked Components: V, S, M (a pinch of dust or fluff
Range: 30 feet and a feather)
Components: V, S Duration: Permanent
Duration: 1 round You render one message of 25 words or
An attacker whom you see is about to less permanently unreadable by everyone
strike at someone with a melee weapon at- save you, one other specific creature named
tack is made to miss their attack. If the at- when you cast the spell, and anyone named
tacker has advantage on that attack roll, they in the message. This message remains inde-
may still attack, but normally. cipherable even to spells such as comprehend
languages, although a dispel magic will remove
Empathy the encryption. This message may be written
on any media you wish and you do not have
Divination cantrip
to be the original writer of the message.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S Endless Dance
Duration: Instantaneous 7th-level enchantment
You look at one target within range and Casting Time: 1 action
learn that the target is feeling one of the fol- Range: Self (100-foot radius)
lowing emotions: anger, anticipation, anxie- Components: V, S
ty, curiosity, desire, disgust, distress, fatigue, Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
happiness, hatred, hostility, horror, hun- You begin dancing wildly. All creatures
ger/thirst, love, lust, fear, need, optimism, within range who can see you must make a
pain, panic, pleasure, shame/guilt, sorrow, Wisdom saving throw. A creature who fails
surprise, torment, uneasiness, or wonder, drops whatever it is holding and begins
and whether it is a weak, moderate, or strong dancing with you. The creature may make a
emotion. This does not reveal the source of new saving throw each minute.
the emotion or any other information about After the first minute, the creature begins
it. Only one emotion (the most prominent taking 1d8 force damage each round until
one the target is experiencing) per casting of the spell ends or, the creature successfully
the spell is revealed. makes a saving throw, or the creature dies.
A creature that is aware that you are or
might be attempting to contact its mind may Energy Drain
attempt to make an Intelligence saving throw
9th-level necromancy
to resist; otherwise, there is no saving throw.
Casting Time: 1 action
Only humanoids, giants, beasts, monstrosi-
Range: Touch
ties, and dragons with an Intelligence of 2 or
Components: V, S, M (a pinch of dust from a
higher can be affected with this spell.
slain vampire)
Duration: Instantaneous

You open a channel between the place You point to one Large or smaller crea-
where you stand and the Negative Plane, ture within range that is standing on natural,
using yourself as a conduit. You must then unworked earth, sand, rock, or a similar ma-
touch another living creature. That creature terial (or on vegetation that is on top of such
permanently has its Strength and Constitu- a material). A block of solid stone rises out of
tion permanently reduced by 1d4 each and the ground and engulfs the target within.
takes 6d10 necrotic damage. If this brings The target may make a Dexterity saving
that creature to 0 hit points, it dies and rises throw to resist. For the duration of the spell,
as a specter in 1d4 hours. the target is subjected to the petrified condi-
Each time you cast this spell, you must tion. If the creature has the ability to pass
roll 1d20. If you roll a 1, your connection to through solid stone and does not need to
the Negative Plane is too strong and you lose activate that ability (such as if the creature is
the same amount of Strength, Constitution, naturally immaterial), then it cannot be af-
and hit points. fected by this spell. When the spell expires,
the stone crumbles away, leaving the en-
Enervation gulfed target unharmed.
4th-level necromancy
Casting Time: 1 action Erase
Range: 100 feet 1st-level transmutation
Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: 6 hours Range: 60 feet
A black beam of enervating energy Components: V, S
springs from your finger towards a creature Duration: Instantaneous
within range. Make a ranged spell attack You magically remove one set of writings
against the target. On a hit, the target gains you can see, up to one page’s worth at a
1d4+1 levels of exhaustion, it takes 2d10 ne- time. This automatically removes
crotic damage, and its hit points are reduced nonmagical writings. If you are attempting
by that amount. If the target already has one to remove magical writing, including spells
or more levels of exhaustion, this spell can- such as glyph of warding or symbol, you must
not take him past the fifth level. If the hit make an ability check using your spellcasting
point reduction takes the target to 0 hit ability. The DC equals 10 + the spell’s level.
points, it dies. This exhaustion and hit point On a successful check, the writing is erased.
reduction last for 6 hours or until the target This spell does not work on illusory writ-
takes a long rest. ing, such as that produced by illusory script,
as that writing isn’t real.
3rd-level transmutation Erik’s Quills
Casting Time: 1 action Conjuration cantrip
Range: 100 feet Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, M (a small cube of stone Range: 30 feet
scored with lines on each side) Components: V, S, M (a porcupine quill)
Duration: 10 minutes Duration: 1 minute

You conjure and throw 2d4 long quills, pocket are identical to the way they were
which unerringly strike one or two chosen when you cast this spell.
targets within range, even getting in between The heart of this spell is in the elemental-
the chinks in the target’s armor. Each does 1 controlling item. If this item is disturbed in
point of piercing damage each, for each of any way, the spell immediately fails and the
three rounds, and remains in the wound. energies of the elemental plane flood into the
The target may use a bonus action to protected area.
yank a quill out, but that inflicts an addition-
al 1 point of damage. Otherwise, the quills Everfull Quiver
vanish in 10 minutes.
4th-level conjuration
The number of quills you create increases
Casting Time: 1 action
by 2d4 when you reach 5th level (4d4), 11th
Range: Touch
level (6d4) and 17th level (8d4)
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 minute
Estate Transference You enchant a quiver that contains at
9th-level conjuration (ritual) least two arrows. Each round for the next
Casting Time: 1 hour minute, you withdraw up to two arrows
Range: Self (up to a 20-square-mile radius without depleting the total number of arrows
sphere) in the quiver.
Components: V, S, M (a magical item used to If more than two arrows are withdrawn
control elementals of the appropriate kind, in a single round, or if anyone other than you
which must be placed in the center of the draws an arrow, the spell ends. You must
area to be affected and remain there perma- use an arrow the same round you draw it;
nently, and a large number of bricks made of otherwise, it fades into nothingness.
elemental matter. This spell can only create nonmagical ar-
Duration: Permanent. rows.
You mark out a large area of land by sur-
rounding it with bricks made out of the so- Evolve
lidified material from one of the elemental
8th-level transmutation (ritual)
planes (placed no more than five feet apart
Casting Time: 1 hour
and/or three feet underground), and in the
Range: Touch
center of that area, you place the elemental-
Components: V, S, M (a bit of your hair or
controlling item (which must be of the same
blood, a miniature hand-tool of any kind,
element as the bricks). Then, when you cast
and a pearl worth 500 gp, which is consumed
this spell, a sphere containing all the land,
in the casting of this spell)
water, and air you marked is permanently
Duration: Instantaneous
transferred to that plane, leaving nothing
You touch a beast, plant, or monstrosity
behind but a semicircular hole in the ground.
with an Intelligence of 1 to 5 that has no
You create a pocket of Prime Material
magical abilities such as innate spellcasting.
matter within that elemental plane. The wa-
That creature must then make a Constitution
ter and air are self-renewing, and the tem-
saving throw, with disadvantage if it is of the
perature and weather conditions of your
same “type” (such as if you are a mammal

attempting to affect another mammal) as you Range: 10 feet
and with advantage if it is radically different Components: V, S, M (a silver bell, a book of
from you (such as if you are a mammal at- prayers, and a blessed candle that must re-
tempting to affect a crustacean or a plant). If main lit throughout the ritual)
the creature succeeds on its saving throw, the Duration: Instantaneous
spell is negated. You attempt to get rid of an evil spirit,
If the creature fails on its saving throw, fiend, ghost, or other such creature that is
then over the course of the next 24 hours, it possessing a living creature.
slowly “evolves” into an anthropomorphic At the spell’s completion, the spirit must
being. make a saving throw using the higher of its
The creature’s type becomes humanoid. If Constitution, Wisdom, or Charisma.
the creature had four or more legs, its fore- On a success, nothing happens and the
limbs become arms and hands and it walks exorcism fails. On a failure, the creature
on its hind legs. A creature with no limbs or takes 2d6 psychic damage and must make a
with wings instead of forelimbs has a 50% second saving throw. If that throw succeeds,
chance of growing arms. If it doesn’t grow its hit point total is reduced by 2d6 and the
arms, it gains another method of manipulat- attribute it used to make the saving throw is
ing objects, such as prehensile feet or tail. reduced by 1d4-1, and it cannot regain those
A Tiny creature becomes Small and its hit hit points or attribute points for 1 week, but
die type changes to d6. A Huge creature it remains within the body. You cannot at-
shrinks to Large and its hit die type becomes tempt to exorcise it again until you have tak-
d10 (Gargantuan creatures cannot be affected en a short or long rest. On a failure, the spirit
by this spell). Otherwise, the creature retains is exorcised.
its size and hit die type. Its Intelligence in- Regardless of the outcome, you take 1d4
creases by +8. Attributes that are 5 or lower levels of exhaustion and 2d6 psychic dam-
increase by 2 each change to 7, and attributes age.
higher than 20 become 20. If the creature At Higher Levels. If you cast this spell
previously was unaligned, its alignment be- with a 5th-level or higher spell slot, the spirit
comes neutral, neutral good, or neutral evil, rolls all saving throws at disadvantage.
depending on its general disposition and
how it has been treated prior to this event. Exterminate
This change cannot be reversed save by
1st-level necromancy
casting wish.
Casting Time: 1 action
This creature will breed true with other
Range: Self (10-foot radius)
creatures of this type (i.e., other creatures of
Components: V, S, M (a pinch of lavender
its original species that you cast evolve on),
and dried garlic)
and has a 50% chance of being able to breed
Duration: Instantaneous
true with a creature of its original type or
When you cast this spell, all creatures of
with a humanoid.
Tiny size with 1 hit point within 10 feet of
you instantly die. Optionally, one Tiny crea-
Exorcism ture with 5 hit points or fewer that is within
2nd-level abjuration (ritual) range and that you can see can be instantly
Casting Time: 1 hour killed.

Range: Self
False Tracks Components: V, S
Duration: V, S
1st-level illusion
One of your arms, from the elbow down,
Casting Time: 1 action
turns into a snake that can attack by your
Range: Self
command or independently of you. It uses
Components: S
your spell attack modifier to attack, has a
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
reach of 15 feet, has an AC of 16, and will
For the duration of this spell, your foot-
turn back into a normal arm if it is dealt
prints are those of a normal animal of your
more than 12 points of damage in a single
choice. If part of your clothes or hair get
round (you take all damage inflicted on the
snagged on undergrowth, it will appear to be
arm). On a successful hit, it inflicts 1d8 +
bits of animal fur. Dropped objects do not
your Strength modifier in piercing damage,
change their appearance. When the spell ex-
and the target must make a Constitution sav-
pires, your footprints and snagged clothing
ing throw. The target takes 2d6 poison dam-
change resume their normal appearance.
age on a failed saving throw or half as much
on a successful one.
False Vision The snake can also be used as a clumsy
5th-level illusion arm; it is capable of grasping objects firmly,
Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take although it cannot manipulate them.
when you learn you are targeted by any div-
ination magic or perceived through magical
scrying sensors.
3rd-level transmutation
Range: Self (30-foot radius)
Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S, M (the ground dust of an
Range: Touch
emerald worth at least 100 gp, which is con-
Components: V, S, M (the heart’s blood of a
sumed when the spell is cast)
hydra, and 8-inch square ceramic boxes cov-
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
ered in silver filigree, worth 100 gp each; the
Cast upon becoming aware that you or
blood is consumed with the casting of the
something else within 30 feet of you are be-
spell but the boxes are not and can be reused.
ing magically spied upon, you create an illu-
Duration: 6 hours
sory image or thoughts that will be detected
You enchant up to five specially con-
instead. At the same time, you and every-
structed boxes and place these boxes up no
thing else of your choice that is within that
farther than one mile from each other, and all
radius become invisible to the scrying meth-
within five miles of you. Any words spoken
into one box while you touch it can be clearly
This spell cannot be cast preemptively; it
heard emanating from all other others
only functions after a divination spell has
You must touch each of these boxes in
been cast on you.
turn when casting the spell. Optionally, you
can create one box covered in gold filigree
Fang Fist and worth 500 gp; this box is the master box
2nd-level transmutation and you only need to touch this one to cast
Casting Time: 1 action the spell.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this during a storm, stumble across the rare herb
spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, needed to cure an ally of poison, find a
you may enchant one additional box for each source of fresh, clean water in the desert, or
slot level above 3rd. have a chance rockslide cut of the horde of
orcs that’s chasing you.
Favor of Amelioration You are not in control of the chance event
and if your god feels that you are abusing
3rd-level abjuration
this spell, it may refuse to answer your pray-
Casting Time: 1 action
er or cause you to suffer from a dangerous
Range: 30 feet
consequence instead.
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Granted by both gods of pain and of pro- Favor of the Earth
tection, this spell has two uses; you must 1st-level transmutation
choose which you will use when casting the Casting Time: 1 action
spell: Range: Touch
♦ Banish Pain. One willing creature you Components: V, S
choose within range is freed from pain. For a Duration: Permanent
duration of Concentration, up to 10 minutes, This spell is granted by gods of plants,
the target is immune to unconsciousness and the woodlands, and of agriculture. You
the poisoned condition (although it will still touch two living, mundane plants and you
take damage from the poison), and if it takes remove all diseases and poisons and double
15 damage or less and it would be reduced to that plant’s yield of fruit, flowers, or other
0 hit points, it is reduced to 1 hit point in- usable parts. This spell can only be used once
stead. per plant.
♦ Transfer Damage. You transfer up to At Higher Levels. When you cast this
20 hit points to an injured creature within spell with a spell slot of 2nd level or higher,
range, or take up to 20 hit points from an you may affect two additional plants per slot
uninjured creature within range to heal your above 1st.
injuries. If the creature is unwilling, it must
make a Constitution saving throw to resist. Favor of Good Luck
2nd-level abjuration
Favor of Serendipity Casting Time: 1 action
2nd-level transmutation Range: Touch
Casting Time: 1 action Components: V, S
Range: Special Duration: 24 hours
Components: V, S This spell is granted by gods of luck and
Duration: Until triggered fortune. You touch a creature. It succeeds the
Granted by gods of luck and travel, you next saving throw it needs to roll within 24
cast this spell and one unexpected event oc- hours. The target cannot chose to not use this
curs in your favor. This spell only functions spell and roll the saving throw anyway; it
when you are in a dangerous or taxing con- occurs automatically. This spell can only be
ditions. For instance, you might find shelter used once per individual per day.

pair of impressive, feathered wings. The
Favor of Ill Luck creature can then fly with perfect ease and
has a flying speed of 60 feet.
2nd-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch Fertility
Components: V, S 1st-level transmutation
Duration: 24 hours Casting Time: 1 minute
This spell is granted by gods of misfor- Range: Touch
tune and evil. You touch a creature. It fails Components: V, S, M (a seed)
the next saving throw it needs to roll within Duration: 1 week
24 hours. The target cannot chose to not use You touch a willing creature; for the du-
this spell and roll the saving throw anyway; ration, that creature becomes incredibly fer-
it occurs automatically. This spell can only be tile. You may not use this spell on yourself,
used once per individual per day. although you can use it on your partner.

Favor of the Ocean Winds Fiery Eyes

5th-level abjuration Evocation cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (a piece of driftwood) Components: V, S
Duration: 1 year Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
This spell is granted by gods of the sea Your eyes glow with unnatural fire—
and of travel. You cast this on an amulet, they’re so bright, they project bright light to
which must be given to a willing creature. If a range of 5 feet around you. You may
that creature is ever cast overboard and lost choose what color they burn. These fiery
at sea while wearing the amulet, it will be eyes have several functions.
guaranteed to be washed ashore somewhere If you stare at one spot for three rounds,
habitable with plenty of available fresh water any combustible materials in that spot burst
and food (although not necessarily safe or into flame.
close to civilization). If you look into the eyes of another crea-
ture within 10 feet, that creature must make a
Favor of the Flying Horse Wisdom saving throw or become incapaci-
tated for 1 round due to being fascinated by
4th-level transmutation
the unearthly light.
Casting Time: 1 action
If this spell is active while you cast a spell
Range: Touch
or use an ability that charms a target, and
Components: V, S, M (a feather from a pega-
that target is within 30 feet and can see your
eyes, it has disadvantage to its saving throw
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
against the charm.
This spell is granted by gods of the air, of
birds, or of horses, and of travel. You touch a
tamed equine, equine-like beast or monstros-
ity, or other riding beast, and it sprouts a

Fiery Fists this does an additional 1d4 damage for each
slot level above 2nd.
2nd-level evocation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self Fire Aura
Components: V, S, M (a lump of coal) 3rd-level abjuration
Duration: 1 minute Casting Time: 1 action
Your hands become wreathed in blazing Range: Self
blue fire. Your unarmed strikes do an addi- Components: V, S, M (a scrap of singed pa-
tional 2d6 fire damage. In addition, on a suc- per and a piece of flint)
cessful hit, the fire leaps up and produces a Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
cloud of noxious smoke. The creature you You cast this spell and an aura of emer-
struck must make a Constitution saving ald-green flames flares out around you.
throw or become incapacitated for 1 round While this spell is active, you have im-
due to choking and coughing. munity to fire. In addition, any creature that
attempts to grapple you or that hits you with
Filth’s Bane an unarmed attack takes 2d6 fire damage
and must make a Dexterity saving throw or
1st-level transmutation (ritual)
be set on fire. Each round for the next 1d4
Casting Time: 1 round
rounds, that creature takes 1d6 fire damage.
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous Fire Charm
One creature of Huge size or smaller is 4th-level enchantment
instantly cleaned and sanitized, including its Casting Time: 1 action
clothing. Unwilling targets may attempt a Range: 30 feet
Charisma saving throw to negate the spell. Components: V, S, M (a piece of very thin
multicolored silk that you throw into the
Fire Arrows fire)
Duration: 1 minute
2nd-level evocation
You light a fire (such as a bonfire, brazier,
Casting Time: 1 action
fireplace, candle, or lantern) while casting
Range: 30 feet
this spell and a gossamer veil of faint, multi-
Components: V, S, M (a handful of sand and
hued cool fire surrounds the flame; then you
a drop of your spittle)
issue a suggestion of 12 words or less, which
Duration: Instantaneous
has the same restrictions and ability as the
You point at a fire within range and it
suggestion spell. Creatures that can’t be
explodes into fiery missiles, which fly up to
charmed are immune to this effect. You are
30 feet away. All creatures within that range
not affected by this spell.
must make a Dexterity saving throw. A crea-
You may choose up to 4 creatures within
ture takes 2d4 fire damage on a failed saving
range who can see the flame and can under-
throw, or half as much on a failed one.
stand must make a Wisdom saving throw.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this
On a failed save, the creature is magically
spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher,
influenced by your word and will pursue the

course of action you described to the best of At Higher Levels. When you cast this
its abilities. spell using a 3rd-level spell slot, you can pro-
If you or any of your companions damage tect a Large item; when using a 4th-level
one of the targets, the spell ends for that tar- spell slot, you can protect a Huge item; and
get. when moving 5th-level or higher spell slot,
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell you can protect a Gargantuan item.
using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, you
may charm an additional 2 creatures for each Firestaff
slot level above 4th.
2nd-level evocation
Casting Time: 1 action
Fire Truth Range: Self
1st-level divination (ritual) Components: V, S, M (a piece of phospho-
Casting Time: 1 minute rous and a pinch of iron filings)
Range: 5 feet Duration: 1 minute
Components: V, S, M (a candle made of pure The ends of a wooden staff that you are
beeswax that is worth 25 gp, which is con- holding burst into blue-white flame. You
sumed by the spell) may use the staff itself or hand it to someone
Duration: 1 minute else to use. When the staff hits a target, it
You light a specially-made candle and does an additional 2d6 fire damage.
place it within 5 feet of a named target. If the The flames on the staff cannot be extin-
target then knowingly tells a lie, the candle guished by any means. It can be used to set
flares brightly. A half-lie or slight deception combustibles on fire, but the fires it sets are
causes the candle to gutter and flicker. If the normal and can be extinguished normally.
target tells an outrageous lie, the candle ex-
tinguishes itself. Fireward
At Higher Levels. When you cast this
5th-level abjuration
spell using a 5th-level or higher spell slot,
Casting Time: 1 action
and the target tells a lie, the fire leaps and
Range: Self (10-foot radius sphere)
burns the target, inflicting 1d8 fire damage
Components: V, S, M (a pinch of sand and a
with each lie.
drop of water)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Fireproof You create an immovable area around
2nd-level abjuration (ritual) that is completely immune to fire of either
Casting Time: 1 action mundane or magical origin. Flames will
Range: Touch move around the sphere but cannot pene-
Components: V, S, M (an ounce of powdered trate.
lime) You can move about and exit and enter
Duration: 1 hour the sphere as often as you wish, but the
You touch a Medium-sized or smaller sphere remains in place.
inanimate object and render it immune to
natural fire and resistant to magical fire.

First Strike saving throw, or half as much on a successful
1st-level transmutation
After the initial blast, the fire will burn
Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take
normally, inflicting 1d8 fire damage to any
when are about to enter combat.
creature that ends its turn in the area, until it
Range: Self (10-foot radius)
burns itself out.
Components: V, S, M (a handful of sand,
which you run through your fingers)
Duration: Instantaneous Flashpuff
You and all allies within range have ad- Evocation cantrip
vantage on your initiative roll. Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 10 feet
Fist of Stone Components: S, M (a pinch of a white pow-
der, such as flour)
1st-level transmutation
Duration: 1 minute
Casting Time: 1 action
You throw a pinch of powder into a burn-
Range: Self
ing fire and it causes a brilliant flash of light
Components: V, S
and a cloud of colorful smoke (one or two
Duration: 1 minute
colors of your choice). All creatures within 10
One of your hands turns into flexible
feet of you must make a Constitution saving
stone. Although you retain your sense of
throw or be blinded for 1 round.
touch, that hand does not feel pain. You have
You can sculpt the smoke into a simple,
a Strength of 16 with that hand (only). Un-
two-dimensional image for as long as you
armed attacks do 1d4+2 bludgeoning dam-
concentrate on it (up to 1 minute), or you can
use the flash and smoke to hide a quick es-
Flame Harvest
7th-level evocation
Fool’s Speech
Casting Time: 1 hour
3rd-level illusion (ritual)
Range: Self (90-foot radius)
Casting Time: 1 minute
Components: V, S
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 month
Components: V, S, M (a small bone whistle)
You walk around a copse of trees, a field,
Duration: 1 hour
or another flammable area for an hour, lay-
While casting this spell, you touch up to
ing a magical trap. Afterwards, you set a
eight willing targets. This gives you and your
specific condition that will spring the trap.
allies the ability to speak in a secret language
When these conditions are met, the area
that is incomprehensible gibberish to every-
will burst into flames. All creatures within
one else. This language cannot be under-
the area who were unaware of the trap take
stood even when using spells such as com-
10d8 fire damage. Creatures who were aware
prehend languages or tongues.
of the trap (which is only detectable through
magic) may make a Dexterity saving throw.
A creature takes 10d8 fire damage on a failed

Fool’s Gold Duration: Instantaneous
As you hold your hands with thumbs
4th-level illusion
touching and fingers spread, shards of ice
Casting Time: 1 action
shoot out from your outstretched fingertips.
Range: Touch
Each creature in a 15-foot cone must make a
Components: V, S, M (a powdered piece of
Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 3d6
iron pyrite)
cold damage on a failed save, or half as
Duration: 6 hours
much damage on a successful one.
You touch a pile of up to 150 copper coins
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
or an object made out of copper, brass, or
using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the
bronze that weighs less than 1 pound, you
damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level
turn them into gold. When the spell has ex-
above 1st.
pired, they revert back to normal.
If one of these altered items is touched
with a piece of iron, it has a 25% chance of Frost Whip
instantly reverting back to normal. 3rd-level evocation
At Higher Levels. When you cast this Casting Time: 1 action
spell using a 4th-level or higher spell slot, the Range: Self
resultant gold objects will not revert if Components: V, S
touched with iron. Duration: 1 minute
You create a ten-foot long, blue-white,
Force Shapechange glowing line of solidified coldness, which
you can use as a whip. You use your spell
5th-level transmutation
attack modifier to attack. On a hit, it does
Casting Time: 1 action
3d10 cold damage to living tissue and the
Range: 100 feet
creature must make a Constitution saving
Components: V, S, M (a hair from a lycan-
throw or be paralyzed for 1 round.
thrope and a butterfly)
Duration: Instantaneous
You point to one creature within range Frostfire
that you can see. If that creature is 2nd-level transmutation
shapechanged, either through natural ability Casting Time: 1 action
or by spell, that creature must make a Con- Range: 100 feet
stitution saving throw or be forced back to its Components: V, S, M (a piece of ivory, a
true shape and take 3d10 force damage from pinch of soot, and a shard of clear crystal)
the forced change. If the creature succeeds on Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
its saving throw, it takes half-damage. This You point to a fire of any size within
spell has no effect on illusory disguises. range and change it so that it becomes cold,
not hot. For the duration of the spell, the
Frost Fingers flames burn clear blue. The fire must be one
that burns for at least one minute, not one
1st-level evocation
with an instantaneous duration (such as a
Casting Time: 1 action
fireball spell). This spell produces one of three
Range: Self (15-foot cone)
Components: V, S

♦ Cool Flame. This removes all heat Ranged combat is impossible within the
from the flame. It still burns fuel and pro- storm. Non-metallic armor has its AC re-
duces light but it causes no damage if duced by 1 each round it is the storm. Armor
touched. that has its AC reduced to 10 is destroyed.
♦ Cold Flame. This alters the flame so it
does cold damage instead of fire damage. Glassee
♦ Chilled Flame. You make a ranged
4th-level transmutation (ritual)
spell attack against one fire elemental or
Casting Time: 1 action
creature that is currently aflame due to mag-
Range: Touch
ical ability (not one that has been set on fire
Components: V, S, M (a small piece of glass)
in order to hurt it). On a hit, it inflicts 2d10
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
cold damage to that creature.
You make an area of metal, stone, or
wood of up to 6 square feet transparent as
Gift of Speech glass. Metal can be up to 4 inches thick; stone
1st-level transmutation can be up to 1 foot thick, and wood can be up
Casting Time: 1 action to 2 feet thick. You can choose to make the
Range: 60 feet area transparent to everyone, make it trans-
Components: V, S parent only to you, or to create a one-way
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour mirror. This spell does not work through
You grant one beast or monstrosity with lead.
an Intelligence of 1 to 4 the ability to speak
your language and understand you. This Glassteel
does not raise its Intelligence.
7th-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 minute
Glass Storm Range: Touch
8th-level conjuration Components: V, S, M (a piece of glass and a
Casting Time: 1 minute piece of steel)
Range: Self (30-foot radius) Duration: Instantaneous
Components: V, S, M (a shard of glass) Up to 100 pounds of glass or crystal that
Duration: Concentration, up to one minute you touch gains the tensile strength and du-
You create extremely powerful winds rability of steel.
that surround you, leaving you in the
storm’s “eye.” The winds are full of danger- Glyph of Revealing
ous glass and crystal shards.
5th-level divination (ritual)
All creatures within the storm must make
Casting Time: 1 action
a Dexterity saving throw each time that they
Range: Self (60-foot radius)
end their turn in the storm. A creature takes
Components: V, S, M (ink made out of the
10d6 piercing damage and is blinded for 1
juice of crushed eyebright flowers, white
minute on a failed saving throw, or half as
chalk, and powdered quartz)
much damage and not be blinded on a suc-
Duration: 10 minutes
cessful one.
You inscribe a special rune on a flat, hori-
zontal surface. All magical runes, marks,

glyphs, symbols, and other forms of written ic resistance, or any other supernatural abili-
magic glow, allowing them to be read or ties native to that creature.
identified without being accidentally trig-
gered. Grassdart
2nd-level transmutation
Glyph of Warding Casting Time: 1 action
This is a new variant of the spell glyph of Range: Self (10 foot radius)
warding that appears in the Player’s Handbook, Components: V, S, M (a blade of grass)
pg.245 Duration: 10 minutes
Sepia Snake Sigil. When triggered, a se- 1d6 + your spellcasting ability modifier
pia snake springs into being and attacks the blades of grass within range are turned stiff
nearest living creature (other than you) with- and razor-sharp, allowing them to be used as
in 10 feet of it, using your spell attack modi- weapons. You are instantly aware of which
fier. On a hit, it engulfs the target in a shim- blades of grass have been transformed.
mering amber field of force. The target is re- A blade of grass that is under 1 foot in
strained and incapacitated. These conditions length can be thrown as darts and do 1d4 +
remain for 12 hours, until you release the your Dexterity modifier in piercing damage
creature, or a dispel magic spell is cast on it. on a successful hit. A blade of grass longer
While in the amber field, the creature does than that can be thrown as a javelin and do
not age or need to eat, drink, breathe, or 1d6 + your Dexterity modifier in piercing
sleep. damage. You have proficiency in both types
of weapon when using a grassdart.
6th-level necromancy (ritual) Ground Trace
Casting Time: 10 minutes 2nd-level divination
Range: Touch Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S, M (a potion of healing and Range: Self (30-foot radius)
1,000 gp worth of powdered moonstone) Components: V, S, M (one of your hairs and
Duration: Instantaneous a piece of thread)
You may graft the limb of one creature to Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
the stump of another. You can follow the direction and discern
The limb may be from a creature that is the extent of unseen buried roots, water
no more than one size category larger or courses, tunnels, drains, pipes, passages, and
smaller than you. It must also be the same even underground rooms as long as at least
sort of limb—you cannot graft a leg to the part of it is visible to you above the surface.
stump of an arm. Regardless of the Strength
of the original creature, you use your own Guardian Seal
Strength with the arm. 4th-level abjuration (ritual)
The appendage retains its original AC
Casting Time: 1 action
and keeps any physical attacks it originally Range: Touch
have (such as claws). It does not retain any of
Components: V, M (pure beeswax, which is
the original creature’s magical abilities, mag-
molded into a seal)

Duration: Until dispelled or broken control the vessel’s altitude up, and can
You magically seal a door, window, box, cause it to rise to no more than 500 feet in the
or similar closure against one type of crea- air. The vessel is still dependent on the
ture: aberration, fey, undead, etc. If a crea- winds to move forward, however.
ture of that type attempts to damage the seal, When the spell ends, the ship gently low-
it is considered to have an AC of 20 and all of ers itself to ground or sea level.
that creature’s attacks do half-damage.
The seal does not prevent that type of Gunther’s Kaleidoscopic Strike
creature from damaging the area around the
8th-level evocation
seal. If the seal was placed on the lock of a
Casting Time: 1 action
box, the creature can destroy the box. If it
Range: 60 feet
was placed on a door, the creature could de-
Components: V, S
stroy the walls around the door.
Duration: Instantaneous
A beam of scintillating, kaleidoscopic
Guardian Weapon light shoots from your finger toward a
4th-level abjuration (ritual) spellcasting target within range. Make a
Casting Time: 1 minute ranged spell attack against the target. On a
Range: Touch hit, the target must make a saving throw us-
Components: V, S, M (a drop of your sweat ing its spellcasting attribute.
or spittle and a pebble) On a failure, the target’s mind is “short-
Duration: Until triggered circuited” and it loses a number of spells
You create an invisible field of force equal to your level, starting with 1st-level
shaped like a weapon of your choice; you use spells and moving on to more powerful
this force to guard a doorway or other area spells. That target will not be able to cast
and assign it a password. those spells until it has had a chance to re-
If that area is disturbed by someone who prepare them.
does not first speak the password, the weap- Targets that have innate spellcasting abil-
on strikes. It only attacks once but it auto- ities lose the ability to cast that number of
matically hits and does 4d12 damage appro- spells until it takes a short or long rest.
priate to its type and the target is stunned for This spell has no effect on non-
1 minute. The target must also make a spellcasters.
Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
Hail of Stone
Gullship 1st-level conjuration
7th-level transmutation (ritual) Casting Time: 1 action
Casting Time: 10 minutes Range: 300 feet
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M (a piece of jade worth
Components: V, S, M (a model boat and the at least 5 gp)
feather of a seagull) Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: 12 hours A storm made of stones appears in a loca-
One boat you touch that is no more than tion you choose within range. The area of the
100 feet long gains the ability to fly. You can storm consists of up to ten 5-foot cubes,

which you can arrange as you wish. Each Components: V, S
cube must have at least once face adjacent to Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
the face of another cube. Each creature in the A flame springs forth from your palm.
area must make a Dexterity saving throw. It The flame can be either red or white, and
takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage on a failed you may switch between them as a bonus
save, or half as much damage on a successful action.
one, each round that the creature ends its ♦ Red Flame. Hot but not particularly
turn in the storm. bright, you can use this flame to ignite flam-
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell mable materials, cook food, or to scorch be-
using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the ings you touch, doing 1d8 + your
damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level spellcasting ability modifier in fire damage.
above 1st. ♦ White Flame. Bright but cool, the
white flame cannot set anything on fire and
Hailstone does no damage, but it sheds bright light in a
5-foot radius and dim light for an additional
Evocation cantrip
5 feet.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 10 feet
Components: V, S Handfang
Duration: Instantaneous Transmutation cantrip
You fire a large hailstone from the palm Casting Time: 1 action
of your hand. Make a ranged spell attack to Range: Self
hit. If successful, you inflict 1d8 bludgeoning Components: V, S
damage and the creature is stunned for 1 Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
round. You cause a sharp-toothed maw to ap-
This spell’s damage increases by 1d8 pear on the palm of your hand. The maw is
when you reach 5th level (2d8), 11th level completely under your control and can be
(3d8), and 17th level (4d8) easily hidden by curling your fingers over it,
wearing a glove, keeping the palm flat
Hair against your body, etc.
If you touch someone with that hand (this
1st-level transmutation (ritual)
requires an attack if done in combat), it bites,
Casting Time: 1 action
doing 1d4 + your Strength ability modifier in
Range: Touch
piercing damage and 1d4 acid damage from
Components: V, S
its corrosive saliva.
Duration: Instantaneous
The acid damage increases when you
This spell allows you to clean, trim, style,
reach 5th level (2d4), 11th-level (4d4), and
dye, or bleach a willing target’s hair, beard,
17th level (8d4)
or fur instantly.

Handcandle Hard Water

5th-level transmutation (ritual)
Evocation cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Range: Self

Components: V, S, M (a flask of water and a carried by a creature, that creature may make
stone) a Strength saving throw to hang on.
Duration: 1 hour ♦ Shatter. All nonmagical inanimate
You touch the surface of a body of water objects within a 30-foot radius take 5d10
and up to 40 square feet of it are transformed force damage; an item reduced to 0 hit points
into a slightly damp, transparent, rock-hard shatters.
substance, to a maximum depth of 5 feet. ♦ Summoning. You summon four pegasi
Creatures imbedded in the water at the who will fight on your behalf or provide
time (such as fish) are held stasis until the transport for up to 1 hour.
spell ends, at which point they are released, ♦ Teleport. You choose up to 11 crea-
unharmed. tures within a 30-foot radius and teleport
them to a random location within 1 mile. If
Harp of War the creatures are unwilling, they may make a
Wisdom saving throw to resist.
9th-level evocation
♦ Wall of Stone. You cause a wall of
Casting Time: 1 action
stone to erupt up from the ground. The wall
Range: Self
is 6 inches long and composed of ten 10-foot
Components: V, S, M (a strand of silver
by 10-foot panels, each of which must be
touching at least one other panel.
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
Each string can be plucked once and van-
A seven-stringed harp made of glowing
ishes after its been used. When the last string
silver light appears in mid-air in front of you.
vanishes, so does the harp.
It hovers immovably, allowing you to leave
it there if you need to do something else.
Each round, you may pluck one of its strings Haunting
and release a power—you are aware of the Illusion cantrip
power associated with each string. The pow- Casting Time: 1 action
ers are as follows: Range: 10 feet
♦ Flame Strike. You call down a column Components: V
of fire on one creature within 60 feet, who Duration: 1 round
must make a Dexterity saving throw. The You create a “spooky” sound—the creak-
creature takes 9d6 fire damage on a failed ing of a door, mysterious footsteps, a moan
saving throw or half as much damage on a or groan, the rattling of chains, the type of
successful one. rapping noise that is normally heard at a sé-
♦ Lightning Bolt. You may fire a bolt of ance, etc. A creature hearing the sound must
lightning at one creature within 60 feet, who make a Wisdom saving throw or be fright-
must make a Dexterity saving throw. The ened for 1 round.
creature takes 9d6 lightning damage on a
failed saving throw or half as much damage Heart Call
on a successful one.
9th-level conjuration
♦ Scatter. You may teleport all magical
Casting Time: 1 action
items within a 30-foot radius to random loca-
Range: 30 feet
tions within 1 mile. If the object is held or

Components: V, S, M (a mummified human- Range: Touch
oid heart) Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: 6 hours
You hold out your hand and choose a You cast this spell on a piercing weapon
Small or Medium-sized humanoid within such as an arrow or spear. When the weapon
range you can see. That creature must then successfully causes damage, it begins grow-
make a Constitution saving throw. On a fail- ing roots and branches which seek out vital
ure, that creature’s heart is literally ripped organs as a source of nutrients. This poisons
out of its chest and flies to your hand. On a the target for 1 minute. Each round, the tar-
success, the creature takes 8d8 force damage get must make a Constitution saving throw.
instead. The creature takes 6d6 necrotic damage on a
failed roll, or half as much damage on a suc-
Heart of Stone cessful one.
The creature may attempt to make a
8th-level necromancy (ritual)
Strength (Athletics) ability check to pull the
Casting Time: 1 day
weapon out. If successful, the target has suc-
Range: Self
cessfully pulled the weapon out, but inflicts
Components: V, S, M (a heart carved out of a
2d8 piercing damage on itself in the process.
precious stone worth at least 5,000 gp)
Duration: One year
You replace your own heart with one Helping Hand
made out of stone. Your heart continues to 3rd-level evocation
beat outside of your body and does not re- Casting Time: 1 action
quire any special care or treatment. Range: Self (5-mile radius)
While this spell is in effect, you have re- Components: V, S, M (a black silk glove)
sistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slash- Duration: 6 hours
ing damage, resistance to paralysis and petri- Used primarily when you are trapped or
faction, and are immune to exhaustion. Fur- otherwise in danger, you summon a hover-
thermore, you don’t bleed and you age half ing, insubstantial and translucent, 1-foot tall
as quickly as normal. However, you also lose hand. You can then command the hand to
the ability to heal naturally; you can only locate a creature of your choice, based on a
heal through magical means. physical description. You can specify race,
When this spell ends, either after a year sex, and general appearance.
or through other means, it instantly replaces The hand then flies off with a speed of 60
the stone heart in your chest. If at any time feet, and it can pass through a crack as nar-
your real heart is destroyed, you die instant- row as 1 inch without squeezing. If it finds
ly. Because of this, it is wise to place your such a creature, it will beckon for that crea-
heart somewhere very safe. The stone heart ture to follow. If that creature follows, it will
may be reused for this spell. point in your direction and lead the creature
in the most direct route to you. It will stay
Heartseeker about 10 feet ahead of the creature and will
pause to let it catch up, but it doesn’t under-
8th-level evocation (ritual)
stand concepts such as safety.
Casting Time: 10 minutes

If the subject decides not to follow it, the on. This spell then makes that room com-
hand will return to you and hover, palm-up, pletely undetectable to all divination spells
to indicate failure. It will then vanish. of 5th level and lower. In addition, all crea-
tures outside of that room forget about the
Hibernation rooms existence. If you open any of the
room’s doors or windows, the spell fails.
3rd-level enchantment
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch Hold Portal
Components: V, S, M (fur from a creature Abjuration cantrip
that hibernates) Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: 1 month Range: 30 feet
You touch a Large-sized creature, two Components: V
Medium-sized creatures, or three Small or Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Tiny creatures, who go into hibernation for a You magically hold a door, gate, or hatch
week. If the creature is unwilling, it may shut, as if it had been closed tightly and
make a Constitution saving throw to resist. locked or barred. Strength ability checks to
While hibernating, the creature’s need for bash the door down are at disadvantage, but
food, water, and oxygen is reduced by a fac- this spell is instantly countered by knock.
tor of 10. The creature can be awakened for a Optionally, this spell can be used to hold
brief time but will go back to sleep once it is a door, gate, or hatch open. Strength checks
no longer needed. At the end of the duration, to force it closed are at a disadvantage.
the creature will wake up very hungry and
thirsty. If you are not the one in hibernation, Holy Flail
you may use your action to dismiss the spell.
3rd-level transmutation
At Higher Levels. When you cast this
Casting Time: 1 action
spell using a spell slot of 3rd-level or higher,
Range: Touch
the creature sleeps for an additional month
Components: V, S, M (a pinch of powdered
for each slot level above 4th.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Hiding Place You turn your holy symbol into a bludg-
4th-level abjuration eoning weapon of your choice. This weapon
Casting Time: 1 hour does 1d12 + your spellcasting ability modifi-
Range: Special er in bludgeoning damage, plus 1d8 radiant
Components: V, M (a scroll covered with (if you’re good or neutral) or necrotic (if
pictograms and runes depicting eyes, ears, you’re evil) damage. You are considered pro-
and brains, which are burned when you cast ficient in that weapon for the duration of the
the spell) spell. If anyone other than you or another
Duration: 1 week worshipper of your god attempts to use the
You spend an hour completely sealing a weapon, the spell ends and the weapon re-
room of no more than 150 cubic feet: you verts back into a holy symbol.
lock and board all windows and doors, fill all
cracks in the walls with rags or putty, and so

Horn of Plenty 37-40 The Clockwork Nirvana of Mechanus
41-44 The Ever-Changing Chaos of Limbo
6th-level conjuration
45-48 The Gray Waste of Hades
Casting Time: 1 action
49-52 The Heroic Domains of Ysgard
Range: Touch
53-56 The Infinite Battlefield of Acheron
Components: V, S, M (a ram’s horn)
57-60 The Infinite Layers of the Abyss
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
61-64 The Nine Hells of Baator
You turn a hollowed-out horn into a mag-
65-68 The Olympic Glades of Arborea
ical cornucopia. Each minute, it produces
69-72 The Peaceable Kingdoms of Arcadia
enough raw fruits, vegetables, and grain to
73-76 The Seven Heavens of Mount Celestia
feed six humanoids or two steeds for a day,
77-80 The Tarterian Depths of Carceri
or enough water, wine, or ale to slake the
81-84 The Twin Paradises of Bytopia
thirst of six humanoids or two steeds for a
85-88 The Wilderness of The Beastlands
day. Each minute, you may choose whether
89-92 The Windswept Depths of Pandemo-
you wish to produce food or drink.
93-96 The Outlands or the City of Sigil
Hornung’s Random Dispatcher 97-00 The Far Realm
8th-level conjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Hovering Road
Range: 60 feet
7th-level conjuration (ritual)
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 minute
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Self (20-foot road centered on your-
You point to one creature you can see
within range. That creature must make an
Components: V, S, M (a chunk of black mar-
Intelligence saving throw. On a failure, the
ble and a loop of gold wire)
creature is hurtled into a completely random
Duration: Concentration, up to 12 hours
plane of existence. You have no control over
You create a magical road, 10 feet wide
which plane the target ends up going to, and
and extending 10 feet ahead of you and 20
it is entirely possible that the target’s destina-
feet behind you, and that hovers anywhere
tion will instantly kill it. The GM should roll
from three to thirty feet above the ground,
on the following table to randomly deter-
for as long as you continue to walk forward.
mine the destination:
If you stop walking for longer than 15
minutes, the road slowly sinks and vanishes.
d100 Plane
The road is approximately one foot thick
01-04 The Feywild
and has the texture and color of black mar-
05-08 The Shadowfell
ble. It is an object that has AC 20 and hit
09-12 The Ethereal Plane
points equal to your hit point maximum, and
13-16 The Astral Plane
is resistant to bludgeoning, piercing, and
17-20 The Elemental Plane of Air
slashing damage from nonmagical weapons.
21-24 The Elemental Plane of Earth
If it is destroyed, it turns to black mist, drop-
24-28 The Elemental Plane of Fire
ping all creatures on it to the ground below.
29-32 The Elemental Plane of Water
33-36 The Blessed Fields of Elysium

Hurl Rock Ice Blade
2nd-level evocation 4th-level evocation
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (a tiny pebble) Components: V, S, M (a shard of ice, glass, or
Duration: 1 round crystal)
You telekinetically hurl a loose rock that Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
is within 10 feet of you. Make a ranged spell You create a magical, three-foot long
attack. On a hit, it inflicts bludgeoning dam- sword-shaped formation of jagged, swirling
age depending on the rock’s size: ice shards. You use your spell attack modifi-
er to hit and you strike with advantage, as its
Diameter Damage unconnected ice-shards can pass through
Up to 1 foot 2d4 chinks in armor.
1-2 feet 2d6 On a hit, it inflicts 2d10 slashing damage
2-3 feet 2d8 and 1d12 cold damage.
3-4 feet 2d10
At Higher Levels. When you cast this
4-5 feet 3d8
5-6 feet 4d10
spell using a spell slot of 5th-level or higher,
you do an additional 1d12 cold damage for
If the rock strikes something hard, there each slot level above 4th.
is a 50% chance it will shatter into shrapnel.
All creatures within 10 feet of the impact Idea
must make a Dexterity saving throw. A crea- 1st-level divination
ture takes 2d6 damage on a failed saving Casting Time: 1 action
throw, or half as much on a successful one. Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (a platinum coin,
Hurl Thunderbolt which is consumed in the casting)
4th-level evocation Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1 action You gain advantage on a single Arcana,
Range: 100 feet History, Insight, Investigation, Medicine,
Components: V, S Nature, Performance Religion, or Survival
Duration: Instantaneous ability check.
A crackling bolt of lightning appears in
your hand, allowing you to throw it at one Ilyykur’s Mantle
target within range. Make a ranged spell at- 4th-level abjuration
tack. On a hit, the creature takes 6d6 light- Casting Time: 1 action
ning damage and must make a Constitution Range: Self
saving throw. The creature is deafened for 1 Components: V, S, M (an uncut gemstone
minute and stunned for 1 round on a failed worth at least 25 gp)
saving throw, or just deafened on a success- Duration: 1 minute
ful one. A luminous aura completely covers you
and conforms the contours of your body.
While this aura exists, you are resistant to

being charmed or frightened, are resistant to remains concealed, nobody will find that
lightning, and have advantage to all saving item by accident—the creature will simply
throws. look a little bit to the side or make another
If you have a familiar, that familiar is also mistake that keeps it from finding the ob-
covered by the mantle as long as it stays in ject—and creatures deliberately looking for it
physical contact with you. have disadvantage on all ability checks made
to locate it. Finally, all cantrip and 1st-level
Imbue with Purpose divinations will fail to find it.
6th-level transmutation (ritual)
Casting Time: 10 minutes Impeding Permission
Range: Touch 5th-level enchantment
Components: V, M (1,000 gp worth of pow- Casting Time: 1 action
dered diamond) Range: 300 feet
Duration: 24 hours Components: V, S
One weapon you touch gains the purpose Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
of slaying a particular type of creature (hu- You choose one creature in range that
manoids, monstrosities, undead, etc.) whose you can see and that has an Intelligence of 5
alignment is diametrically opposed to yours. or greater. That creature must make a Wis-
For instance, if you are lawful good, you can dom saving throw. If it fails, it is charmed by
create a weapon that is purposed to slay evil you for the duration. Creatures immune to
fey, chaotic fey, or just chaotic evil fey. being charmed are not affected by this spell.
When the wielder strikes a creature of The creature can take no action without first
that type, one of the following happens: gaining your permission.
♦ 100 hit points or more: the creature At Higher Levels. When you cast this
takes an additional 6d6 force damage and the spell with a 6th-level or higher spell slot, the
spell ends. duration increases by one hour for every slot
♦ 50-99 hit points: the creature takes an level above 5th,
additional 6d6 force damage and must make
a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the Impenetrable Falsehood
creature is frightened of you for 1 minute.
3rd-level abjuration
♦ 49 or fewer hit points: the creature is
Casting Time: 1 action
slain outright.
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Immurk’s Distraction Duration: Concentration, up to 12 hours
2nd-level enchantment (ritual) You or one willing creature you touch
Casting Time: 1 minute becomes able to tell lies without being
Range: Touch caught or stopped by mundane or magical
Components: V, S, M (a scattering of sand means, including use of the Insight skill or
and 500 gp worth of diamond dust) spells such as zone of truth. In addition, any-
Duration: 24 hours one who reads your mind in order to find the
You touch an item and then conceal it in truth must make an Intelligence saving
or under something. As long as that item

throw; they only discover that you are lying Intensify Nature
if they succeed.
7th-level transmutation
If cast on a creature who is in or who en-
Casting Time: 1 action
ters a zone of truth, that creature gains ad-
Range: Self (1 mile radius)
vantage on its saving throw, and the zone’s
Components: V, S, M (a small curved horn
caster will be led to believe that that creature
carved with runes, worth 100 gp)
failed its saving throw, regardless of whether
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
that creature failed or succeeded.
You multiply the power of one currently
existing natural phenomena or condition. For
Instant Audience instance, a light rain becomes a downpour,
4th-level illusion (ritual) while a heavy rain becomes a torrential
Casting Time: 1 action downpour that causes flooding. Gentle snow
Range: Self (60-foot radius) becomes a blizzard and even cause white
Components: V, S, M (a small collection of outs. Heat waves and cold snaps become
various items such as buttons and coins, and incredibly intense and damaging. Breezes
a live mouse, which vanishes for the dura- become hurricanes and stiff winds become
tion of the spell but reappears, unharmed, tornadoes. Light fog completely obscures the
when the spell is over) area.
Duration: 4 hours
You conjure an semi-real audience. Every Intensify Sensation
minute for the next five minutes, 1d4 people
2nd-level enchantment
will enter the area as if just coming in from
Casting Time: 1 action
the outside (they do not poof into existence).
Range: Touch
They appear to be a mix of people appropri-
Components: V, S
ate for the circumstances and location. When
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
it’s appropriate, they will applaud, chit-chat,
You touch a creature, who must make a
and eat available snacks. If it’s appropriate
Constitution saving throw if unwilling. The
for the circumstances, they may flirt or act as
creature will perceive any physical or emo-
bullies. They do not talk about themselves at
tional sensation as being unbelievably pow-
all, as they have no history or true
erful, for good or bad. A creature under the
knowledge beyond trivia you yourself might
influence of this spell is incapacitated for the
know. Nor do they leave the area. When the
spell’s duration ends, or you dismiss the
Spells designed to create an emotion or
spell, the audience members leave in the
physical sensation have twice the duration as
same way they came in.
normal and the creature saves against them
The members of the audience do not fight
at disadvantage.
in any manner. They have an AC of 10 and 1
hp, and will instantly vanish if harmed in
any manner. Invisibility Purge
4th-level abjuration
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: 60 feet

Components: V, S, M (a silver mirror 3 inch- Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
es in diameter or smaller) You hold a mirror or crystal ball and ask
Duration: 1 hour a question (which must have a who, what, or
You pick a point within range and create where). For instance, “where did I put my
an area 10 feet in radius. Any creature that keys?” or “what is on the other side of the
enters this area invisibly, due to magic or Iron Gate?” or “who is the fairest of them
natural ability, is instantly rendered visible. all?” The item them shows you an answering
image, provided the object, place, or person
Iron Maiden is within 5 miles of you. It provides no other
information about the image.
4th-level conjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet Ivy Siege
Components: V, S, M (a piece of metal from 9th-level transmutation
a suit of armor) Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Range: 150 feet
You summon a suit of animated armor Components: V, S, M (an ivy leaf)
(Monster Manual, page 19) that fights for you. Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
This armor wields a greatsword and uses Vines of ivy quickly grow over a struc-
your spell attack modifier to fight. On a hit, it ture. The building must be attached to the
does 2d6+2 slashing damage. ground; ships and flying castles are immune
At Higher Levels. You conjure additional Within ten minutes, the ivy has climbed
iron maidens when you use a 6th- or 7th- all of the walls, and within twenty minutes, it
level spell slot (two iron maidens) or an 8th- has spread so thickly it is nearly impossible
or 9th-level spell slot (four iron maidens). to see the building underneath.
Starting after one-hour hour, the ivy
Ironwood deepens in color to green-black and begins
squeezing the walls, doing 3d10 bludgeoning
6th-level transmutation
damage every minute for the next thirty
Casting Time: 1 action
minutes. At the end of the hour, the ivy dies
Range: Touch
and begins to die.
Components: V, S, M (a pinch of metal fil-
ings and tree sap)
Duration: Instantaneous Javelin
Up to 500 pounds of wood suitable for 3rd-level evocation
building that you touch gains the tensile Casting Time: 1 bonus action
strength and durability of steel. Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Isolde’s Answer Duration: 1 round
One throwing weapon you throw is im-
3rd-level divination (ritual)
bued with several properties: you have ad-
Casting Time: 1 action
vantage to hit, its range is doubled, and it
Range: Touch
inflicts an additional 2d10 force damage.
Components: V, S, M (a crystal ball or gilt-
framed mirror worth at least 250 gp)

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell d8 Behavior
using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the The creature doesn’t move or take actions
damage increases by 1d10 for each slot level this turn.
above 3rd. The creature uses its action to make a
4-6 melee attack against a randomly deter-
mined creature within its reach
Khelben’s Blackstaff 7-8 The creature can act and move normally
8th-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action ♦ The target must make a Constitution
Range: Touch saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute.
Components: V, S, M The target can repeat the saving throw at the
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute end of each of its turns, ending the effect on
One nonmagical staff, club, or pierce of itself on a success.
wood you touch begins to shimmer with ♦ The target complete forgets all
black, crawling light. For the duration of this cantrips and 1st-level spells they he or she
spell, the staff’s wielder (who is either you or knows, if any. The target will not be able to
someone who was holding the staff when re-cast those spells until after a short or long
you cast the spell) has advantage on attacks rest.
with it and on a hit, it nflicts 2d6 bludgeon- ♦ The target is assaulted by terrifying
ing damage 4d8 necrotic damage. It cannot images and takes 4d6 psychic damage, and
be used to harm you or the designated be at disadvantage on all Intelligence and
wielder. The staff is also completely immune Charisma saving throws for the remainder of
to any magic cast upon it, with the exception the spell’s duration.
of wish and antimagic shell. ♦ If the target is a spellcaster, it forgets
In addition, each round, the staff inflicts one prepared spell, chosen at random. If the
one option from the following list, wielder’s target has innate spellcasting, it loses the
choice: ability to cast one of its spells until it takes a
♦ On a successful attack that inflicts ne- long rest.
crotic damage, the wielder regains 2d8 hit
points. Kiss of Torment
♦ On a successful attack, the staff casts 4th-level necromancy
dispel magic on the target. The dispel magic Casting Time: 1 action
acts as if it was cast using a 6th-level spell Range: Touch
slot. Components: V, S
♦ The target must make a Wisdom sav- Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
ing throw or be frightened of the blackstaff’s You must touch a creature’s bare flesh,
wielder for 1 minute. The target can repeat either literally kissing the creature or brush-
the saving throw at the end of each of its ing it with your fingertips. That creature may
turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. make a Constitution saving throw. On a suc-
♦ The target must make a Wisdom sav- cess, the spell ends. On a failure, the creature
ing throw or become confused. It can’t take takes 4d6 psychic damage and is in so much
reactions, and must roll a d8 at the start of pain that it is incapacitated for the duration.
each of its turns to determine its behavior for It may make a new saving throw at the end
that turn:

of each of its turns, ending that effect on a Laeral’s Cutting Hand
success. However, each round that the crea-
1st-level transmutation
ture remains incapacitated, it takes an addi-
Casting Time: 1 action
tional 2d6 psychic damage.
Range: Self
Components: V, S
Know Customs Duration: 1 minute
3rd-level divination (ritual) One of your hands gains a magical cut-
Casting Time: 1 action ting edge. The merest touch of your hand
Range: 60 feet will sever nonmagical ropes, sacks, and the
Components: V, S like. Unarmed strikes do 1d6 + your Strength
Duration: Instantaneous modifier in slashing damage.
You choose one creature native to the
area that has an Intelligence of 5 or higher. Laeral’s Invisible Blade
That creature must make an Intelligence sav-
8th-level evocation
ing throw. If the saving throw succeeds, the
Casting Time: 1 action
spell ends. On a failure, you gain the
Range: 60 feet
knowledge that creature possesses on local
Components: V, S, M (a bladed weapon,
customs, including common courtesies, local
which is consumed in the casting of the spell,
restrictions and taboos, upcoming and im-
and a clear rock crystal)
portant holidays and observances, and typi-
Duration: 1 minute
cal things that “everyone” knows.
You create an invisible, silent, magical
sword that attacks on its own, using your
Ladder spell attack modifier; it attacks one creature
1st-level evocation you can see within range until you tell it to
Casting Time: 1 action change targets. On a hit, it does 6d10 force
Range: 60 feet damage. The sword flies through the air with
Components: V, S, M (a knot of wood) a move of 50 feet.
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
You create a ladder of magical force that Laughing Water
is one foot wide and ten feet long. You may
6th-level transmutation
place it vertically against a wall, lay it hori-
Casting Time: 1 action
zontally so it can be used to cross gaps, or
Range: Touch
have it lean at a 45° angle to be used as a
Components: V, S, M (a pinch of diamond
staircase. In any case, the ladder is firmly
dust and a seed from any green plant)
anchored and will not move once placed.
Duration: Permanent
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
You transform up to a gallon of water
using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the
into sweet, sparkling, gently glowing laugh-
ladder increases ten feet in length for each
ing water.
slot level above 1st.
Imbibing at least a mouthful of laughing
water removes any levels of exhaustion the
drinker may have and cures blindness, deaf-
ness, disease, and incapacitation.

You may also throw a vial at a fiend or Duration: 1 minute
undead creature; on a successful hit, it causes You perform a magic trick, of the sort
4d6 radiant damage. normally performed by stage magicians.
♦ You can change a Tiny creature or
Leaf into Dagger object into another one.
♦ You can hide an object or creature of
Transmutation cantrip
up to Huge size by moving a curtain in front
Casting Time: 1 action
of it, by having it move behind an object, or
Range: Touch
otherwise briefly obscuring it for a moment.
Components: V, S, M (a normal leaf)
This only hides the target from vision; the
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
target can still be heard, smelled, etc.
You transform any tree leaf into a magical
♦ You can hide a Tiny object or creature
dagger that does 1d4 + your spellcasting
in your palm, up your sleeve, in your hat,
ability modifier in piercing damage. You
etc., hiding any bulges or sounds it makes,
cannot be harmed by this blade and should
while creating an illusory duplicate of it that
you drop it, it instantly becomes a leaf again.
lasts for three rounds.
♦ You can cause any Tiny object that is
Legal Thoughts within 5 feet of you to appear in your hand.
7th-level enchantment (ritual) ♦ You conjure harmless mouse, song-
Casting Time: 10 minutes bird, butterfly, or other such creature—the
Range: 30 feet creature is actually taken from somewhere in
Components: V, S a 1-mile radius. Because this is a real crea-
Duration: Permanent ture, this version of legerdemain is permanent;
One target with an Intelligence of 5 or you may choose to send it back at the end of
higher that you see within range is perma- the spell’s duration.
nently compelled to follow one specific law ♦ You create a puff of colored smoke. It
prevalent in the area in which you and the provides light concealment for up to 2
target both currently reside. A creature im- rounds.
mune to being charmed is unaffected by this
Leomund’s Trap
Each time the creature attempts to break
2nd-level illusion (ritual)
that law, it must make a Charisma saving
Casting Time: 1 minute
throw in order to do so.
Range: Touch
This does not place any moral restrictions
Components: V, S, M (a small mechanism,
on the target and only requires that it obey
which can be reused, and a piece of iron py-
the letter of the law, so it is perfectly capable
rite and metal filings, which are consumed
of thinking up and exploiting loopholes.
by the spell)
Duration: Permanent
Legerdemain You place a false trap which is covered
Conjuration cantrip with an illusion to make it look like any sort
Casting Time: 1 action of trap you like. Anyone searching for traps,
Range: 10 feet either mundanely or magically, will find it. It
Components: V, S

has no actual effect, whether it is deliberately like one of its original forms with only
or accidentally sprung. hints of the original creature.
Death. While it looks like the desired
creature, something went horribly wrong
Lifeblend with the transformation and it takes
8th-level necromancy (ritual) 15d10+20 necrotic damage. If it is still
Casting Time: 10 minutes alive, it may be able to be nursed back to
Range: Touch health.
Components: V, S, M (a cage made of pre-
cious metals, worth at least 2,500 gp, and a lit The resultant creature’s attributes, abili-
candelabra studded with as many candles as ties, and attacks should be determined by the
there creatures to blend and studded with GM, using the original creatures’ attributes
1,000 gp worth of rubies, which are all con- as a guideline.
sumed by the casting)
Duration: Instantaneous Lightning Curtain
You place two living beasts, humanoids, 6th-level evocation
giants, monstrosities, or plants (which must Casting Time: 1 action
have an Intelligence of at least 1) in the cage Range: 120 feet
and touch each of them while casting the Components: V, S, M (a piece of amber, a bit
spell. When you finish casting the spell, each of fur, and a square of fine velvet)
creature must make a Constitution saving Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
throw. If either of these rolls are successful, You create a wall of crackling lightning.
the spell fails. You can make the wall up to 60 feet long, 20
If both creatures fail their saving throws, feet high, and 1 foot thick, or a ringed wall
then over the course of the next 24 hours, the up to 20 feet in diameter, 20 feet high, and 1
creatures begin to mutate and join together, foot thick.
taking on characteristics of both “parent” When the wall appears, each creature
creatures. The GM should roll a d20. within its area must make a Dexterity saving
throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 5d8
Roll Result
lightning damage, or half as much damage
Success. The resulting creature looks
on a successful save.
1-5 more or less like a combination of its two
original forms. Any creature that ends its turn within 10
Bonding. The creatures are not truly feet of the wall and wearing metal armor will
6 melded together but instead are conjoined attract a spark and must make a Dexterity
in some way. saving throw. On a failed save, a creature
Imperfect Melding. The two creatures takes 2d8 lightning damage, or half as much
7 have joined together in a “tauric” fash- damage on a successful save.
ion—half one creature and half the other. One side of the wall, selected by you when
Shapeshifter. The creature is melded but you cast this spell, deals 5d8 lightning dam-
can shift between its two parent forms age to each creature that ends its turn within
8 and may have a split personality—it does
10 feet of that side or inside the wall. A crea-
not have a “hybrid” form. The change
may be voluntary or involuntary.
ture takes the same damage when it enters
9 Dominance. The creature looks mostly the wall for the first time on a turn or ends its

turn there. The other side of the wall deals no takes 2d8 acid damage from a warm shield,
damage. or 2d8 lightning damage from a cold shield.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this
spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, Lightning Storm
the damage increases by 1d8 for each slot
8th-level evocation
level above 5th.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 150 feet
Lightning Rod Components: V, S
3rd-level transmutation Duration: 1 minute
Casting Time: 1 action A storm made of crackling electricity ap-
Range: Touch (150-foot radius) pears in a location you choose within range.
Components: V, S, M (a metal object weigh- The area of the storm consists of up to ten 10-
ing no more than 100 pounds) foot cubes, which you can arrange as you
Duration: 24 hours wish. Each cube must have at least once face
You touch a metal object of any sort that adjacent to the face of another cube. Each
weighs less than 100 pounds. Then, whenev- creature in the area must make a Dexterity
er a stroke of lightning (natural, magical, or saving throw. It takes 4d10 lightning on a
created from a breath weapon) occurs within failed save, or half as much damage on a
150 feet of the rod, the lightning is redirected successful one, each round that the creature
to the rod, which destroys it. If a creature is ends its turn in the storm and for one round
in physical contact with the rod when it is afterwards.
struck, that creatures takes full damage.
Liquid Orb
Lightning Shield Conjuration cantrip
4th-level evocation Casting Time: 1 action
Casting Time: 1 action Range: Self
Range: Self Components: V, S
Components: V, S, M (a small bit of marble) Duration: 10 minutes
Duration: 10 minutes You create a pint of any nonflammable,
Crackling electrical sparks wreathes your nonacidic liquid you wish—water, juice, dye,
body for the duration, shedding bright light ink, mediocre beer, chicken broth, etc. It ap-
in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an addi- pears as a sphere and remains that way
tional 10 feet. You can end the spell early by through magical surface tension. The liquid
using an action to dismiss it. can be anywhere within 10 degrees of room
The sparks provide you with a warm temperature but cannot be above boiling or
shield or a chill shield, as you choose. The below freezing.
chill shield grants you resistance to lightning The amount of liquid you create increases
damage, and the warm shield grants you to 1 quart when you reach 5th level, 1 gallon
resistance to acid damage. when you reach 11th level, and 10 gallons
In addition, whenever a creature within 5 when you reach 17th level.
feet of you hits you with a melee attack, the
shield erupts with electricity. The attacker

Lizard Limbs When you cast this spell, you must make
a Constitution saving throw at advantage. If
5th-level transmutation
you fail, you instantly age to death. Other-
Casting Time: 1 action
wise, your lifespan increases.
Range: Self
Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous Lorloveim’s Creeping Shadow
You may shed up to two limbs (arms, 5th-level illusion
legs, tail, wings) at will without suffering Casting Time: 1 action
any damage or pain. Lost limbs begin to Range: Self
grow again an hour after they were lost and Components: V, S, M (a source of light and a
regrow completely within 24 hours; if the small statuette of yourself made out of obsid-
lost limb is recovered within 1 minute, it can ian)
be reattached by holding it against the Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
stump. Your shadow elongates and stretches
away from your body, moving under your
Log to Lizard mental command. It has a speed of 15 feet
and can move up to 150 feet away from you.
4th-level transmutation
You can see, hear, and speak through the
Casting Time: 1 action
shadow, although it is otherwise a normal
Range: 60 feet
shadow and you cannot use it to manipulate
Components: V, S, M (a piece of reptilian
objects, attack, or cast spells. Your shadow
can be attacked with magical weapons and
Duration: 1 minute
spells, although it has resistance to all forms
You may transform a log or branch of at
of physical attack. It has your AC and any
least 6 feet in length into a crocodile (Monster
damage it takes is taken from your hit points.
Manual, p.320). It will fight under your direc-
You can also spend you action to move
your shadow’s senses into the Shadowfell,
At Higher Levels. If you cast this spell
although you still cannot affect other objects
with a 6th-level or higher spell slot, it turns
through it.
into a giant crocodile (p.324) instead.

Longevity Love Charm

5th-level enchantment
8th-level necromancy
Casting Time: 1 action
Casting Time: 24 hours
Range: 30 feet
Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (something belonging
Components: V, S, M (rare fruits and vege-
to the spell’s subject and target)
tables worth at least 500 gp, which you burn
Duration: 12 hours
during the course of the casting)
You attempt to charm a humanoid you
Duration: Permanent
can see within range so that it falls madly in
You increase your lifespan by 2d10 +
love with either you or a target of your
twice your spellcasting ability modifier, and
choice. The creature must a Wisdom saving
slow your aging down proportionately.
throw, and does so with advantage if you or

the creature with whom it was in love are Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
fighting it. If it fails the saving throw, it is You may cast this on any beast or mon-
charmed. The creature does not realize it was strosity with an Intelligence of 4 or less, or
charmed when the spell ends. willing creature with an Intelligence of 5 or
greater. You create an unbreakable magical
Mage Tunnel leash that only you can touch. The object or
creature the leash is attached to cannot go
9th-level conjuration
farther than 100 feet from you.
Casting Time: 1 action
You can use this tether to pull at the ob-
Range: Up to 1,000 miles
ject or creature and cause it to return to your
Components: V, S, M (a 1-inch length of
copper tubing engraved with silver runes)
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minute.
You open up a wormhole between your Magnetism
current location and an area well known to 5th-level transmutation
you that is no more than 1,000 miles away Casting Time: 1 action
that is out-of-doors. If you or anyone else Range: Touch
comes within 5 feet of either opening, that Components: V
creature may make a Dexterity saving throw Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
or get sucked through and instantly expelled You imbue an object made of iron or steel
at the other end. with magnetic properties. Any object made
The mage tunnel can stay open for as long of a ferrous metal that comes within 30 feet
as 10 minutes, but you can dismiss it as a of the magnet is attracted to the magnet at
bonus action. will stick to it. It requires a Strength (Athlet-
ics) check (DC equal to your spell save DC)
Magic Susceptibility to free a stuck item. If a creature is holding a
ferrous metal item, it must make a Strength
8th-level transmutation
saving throw each round it is within 30 feet
Casting Time: 1 action
to hold on to it.
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: Permanent Major Curse
One creature you touch gains disad- 6th-level necromancy
vantage on all saving throws against magical Casting Time: 1 action
spells, permanently. That creature may make Range: Touch
a Wisdom saving throw to avoid the effect. A Components: V, S
remove curse, greater restoration, or wish spell Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
will remove this effect. You touch a creature, and it must succeed
on a Wisdom saving throw or become cursed
Magical Tether for the duration of the spell. When you cast
this spell, choose the nature of the curse from
1st-level evocation (ritual)
the following options:
Casting Time: 1 action
♦ Choose one ability score. That ability
Range: 100 feet
is reduced to 3.
Components: V, S

♦ The creature had disadvantage on all Mass Contagion
attack, damage, and saving throws.
8th-level necromancy
♦ The creature is paralyzed for the dura-
Casting Time: 1 action
tion of the spell.
Range: 60 feet
♦ All attacks and spells deal an addi-
Components: V, S
tional 1d12 necrotic damage to the target.
Duration: 7 days
♦ The creature begins to slowly die. Af-
You inflict a horrible disease on up to 12
ter every long rest, it takes 1d10 damage of a
creatures you can see within range. Each tar-
type of your choice and its hit point total is
get must make a Constitution saving throw.
reduced by 1 point. Its total is restored to
On a failed save, it contracts a disease of
normal only after this curse is lifted.
your choice described in the contagion spell.
♦ Whenever the creature encounters a
particular substance, it becomes incredibly
nauseated. It must make a Constitution sav- Mass Dominate Person
ing throw or become incapacitated for 2d6 7th-level enchantment
rounds due to vomiting and dry heaves and Casting Time: 1 action
be poisoned for 10 minutes. Range: 100 feet
A remove curse ends this effect. At the Components: V, S
DM’s option, you may choose an alternative Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
curse effect, but it should be no more power- You attempt to beguile up to 12 human-
ful than those described above. The DM has oids you can see within range. They must
final say on the curse’s effect. succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be
At Higher Levels. If you cast this spell charmed by you for the duration. This spell
using a spell slot of 7th level, the duration is is otherwise identical to dominate person.
24 hours. If you use a 9th-level spell slot, the At Higher Levels. When you cast this
spell lasts until it is dispelled. Using a spell spell using a 8th-level spell slot, the duration
slot of 7th level or higher grants a duration is concentration, up to 10 minutes. When you
that doesn’t require concentration. use a 9th-level spell slot, the duration is con-
centration, up to 1 hour.
3rd-level transmutation Mass Jump
Casting Time: 1 action 3rd-level transmutation
Range: 100 feet Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S, M (the feather of a hum- Range: 30 feet
mingbird and the toenail of an elephant) Components: V, S, M (a grasshopper’s hind
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes leg)
You can control the weight of one item Duration: 1 minute
you choose within range, making it heavier Up to 8 creatures you can see within
or lighter by 25%. range have their jump distance tripled until
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell the spell ends.
using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, you
can make an item heavier or lighter by an
additional 10% for each slot level above 3rd.

Mass Protection from Energy You may read the memory of a single
target that you can see within range. You
6th-level abjuration
experience the memory in far less time—one
Casting Time: 1 action
hour of memory takes you only one round to
Range: 60 feet
experience—but with full intensity. The tar-
Components: V, S
get experiences the speeded-up memory at
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
the same time as you do.
For the duration, you and up to eight
An unwilling target may make a Wisdom
willing creatures you can see within range
saving throw. If the target is deliberately try-
have resistance to one damage type of your
ing to keep that memory a secret or suppress
choice: acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder.
it, it gets advantage on the saving throw.
Casting this spell causes you mental
Mass Protection from Evil and Good drain. You must make an Intelligence saving
4th-level abjuration throw (DC equals 10 + the target’s Wisdom
Casting Time: 1 action modifier) or take 2d6 psychic damage.
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S, M (holy water or pow-
Merchant’s Glamer
dered silver and iron, which the spell con-
3rd-level illusion
Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
Range: 10 feet
For the duration, you and up to eight will-
Components: V, S, M (a tuft of wool)
ing creatures you choose that are within
Duration: 24 hours
range are protected against certain types of
You make material goods that are for sale
creatures: aberrations, celestials, elementals,
appear to be much finer than they actually
fey, fiends, and undead.
The protection grants several benefits.
If one of these altered items is touched
Creatures of those types have disadvantage
with a piece of iron, it has a 25% chance of
on attack rolls against the target. The target
instantly reverting back to normal.
also can’t be charmed, frightened, or pos-
sessed by them. If the target is already
charmed, frightened, or possessed by such a Metal Shape
creature, the target has advantage on any 5th-level transmutation
new saving throw against the relevant effect. Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Memory Read Components: V, S, M (lead, which must be
worked into roughly the desired shape of the
4th-level divination
metal object)
Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 10 feet
You touch a piece of metal of Medium
Components: V, S, M (a small piece of linen
size of smaller and form it into any shape
cloth woven with a few threads of gold,
that suits your purpose. You can attempt to
worth at least 10 gp)
create an object with moving parts or a sharp
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

edge, but there is 25% chance that it will not Mirage
come out correctly.
4th-level illusion
Casting Time: 1 action
Mindkiller Range: 60 feet
7th-level enchantment Components: V, S, M (seven drops of water)
Casting Time: 1 action Duration: 6 hours
Range: 300 feet You create an elusive mirage on the hori-
Components: V, S, M (a gemstone worth at zon that beckons convincingly but never gets
least 1,000 gp) any closer. It occupies no more than a 45°
Duration: Special arc, vertically or horizontally, and always
You completely suppress the personality appears fuzzy and indistinct.
of a single humanoid, turning its body into a All creatures who are capable of seeing it
mindless automaton. It follows your tele- when you cast the spell must make a Wis-
pathic orders, as long as you are within 300 dom saving throw; if they fail, they see the
feet. mirage. The creatures do not need to be fac-
You can force the target to perform any ing the mirage; a creature that is facing away
sort of task that it normally could. You can will still see a flicker in the corner of its eye.
force it to speak, although its voice will be If the mirage depicts something very de-
nearly inflectionless. You can also use your sirable, anyone failing the first saving throw
action to see and hear through the target’s must make a second one or feel compelled to
senses. You can make the target engage in head towards the vision for the duration of
combat or use its class abilities, including the spell. Creatures who are immune to be-
spells, but it requires your full concentration; ing charmed cannot be affected by this spell.
you can take no other actions while com-
manding the target. Mirage of Despair
You may control the target for a number
4th-level illusion
of days equal to twice your spellcasting abil-
Casting Time: 1 action
ity modifier. At any point during that time,
Range: 60 feet
you may dismiss the spell and let the target’s
Components: V
mind reassert itself. The target will know
Duration: 6 hours
that you have controlled it and will remem-
You affect one target in range that you
ber what actions you have forced it to do. In
can see. That target must make a Wisdom
addition, this spell can be broken with a
saving throw. If it fails, it sees everything
greater restoration or remove curse.
around it in the worst possible light. Allies
If you allow the spell to continue, then
look hateful or even become monsters, a
when it expires, the creature’s personality
beautiful garden appears dying and covered
dies and body die. In addition, you must
in rot, a tranquil pool looks covered in slime
make a Constitution saving throw or take
and filled with dead fish.
5d6 psychic damage.
The target becomes frightened of the
most horrific-looking thing for the duration
of the spell. If that object is removed from the
target’s sight for more than ten minutes, the

target will become frightened of something moonlight (or light from a certain phase of
else. The target will also become increasingly the moon) illuminates the runes, or when the
paranoid during this time. surface is touched by a member race, sex, or
An ally of that target may attempt to talk class, and so on.
the target out of the delusion, allowing that The rune is permanent; when the condi-
target to make one Intelligence saving throw tion goes away, so do the runes, but they
to negate the spell. reappear the next time the condition is met.
This spell also can be dispelled through The runes can also be read by someone
use of the remove curse or dispel magic spell. casting see invisible or true seeing.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this
Mistaken Missive spell with a spell slot of 3rd level or higher,
you can increase the number of runes you
2nd-level transmutation
can write by seven for each spell slot above
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (three drops of ink)
Duration: Permanent Moonbow
You cast this spell on up to ten pages of 5th-level conjuration
text. Over the course of a week, the text will Casting Time: 1 action
slowly change. Range: Self
On the first day, it will become faint, as if Components: V, S, M (a thread woven out of
the writer was running out of ink. On the cobweb)
second through fourth days, the words be- Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
come gibberish—the text is aligned in groups You create a glowing crystalline bow or
of letters and punctuation, but nearly all the crossbow with a thin beam of silver light as
words are meaningless. On the fifth day, the the bowstring. When you draw the bow-
letters have become real words, but the sen- string back, a silvery arrow coalesces, ready
tences make no sense. On the sixth day, and for you to fire. If you
thereafter, the message is coherent but con- When you fire an arrow, it does 2d10 +
veys the exact opposite of the original mean- your spellcasting ability modifier in piercing
ing. damage plus 1d10 radiant damage on a hit.
Against undead, it does an additional 3d10
Moon Rune radiant damage and outlines the undead
with pale, flickering moonlight that acts
2nd-level illusion
identically to faerie fire.
Casting Time: 1 action
Streams a trail of glowing motes of moon-
Range: Touch
light behind the arrow. The motes cast dim
Components: V, S, M (metallic ink)
light to a radius of 5 feet and continue to do
Duration: Permanent
so for the duration of the spell.
You write up to seven nonmagical runes
At Higher Levels. If you cast this spell
on any surface. This mark remains invisible
with a slot of 6th level or higher, it inflicts an
until conditions you specify during the cast-
additional 1d10 radiant damage for each slot
ing of this spell. The condition can be any-
level above 5th.
thing: a specific time of day or year, when

Mordenkainen’s Defense Against Ly- Music of the Spheres
canthropes 4th-level enchantment
Casting Time: 1 action
4th-level abjuration
Range: Self (30-foot radius)
Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S, M (three ribbons, one,
Range: Touch
four, and nine inches long that made from
Components: V, S, M (a crushed moonstone
fine silver thread and worth 100 gp each)
worth at least 30 gp)
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
Duration: 1 minute
Utterly beautiful cosmic music begins
You or one willing creature you touch has
playing around you. All creatures within
resistance to a lycanthrope’s bite or claw at-
range become so distracted by the music and
tacks, and advantage when making a Consti-
must make a Wisdom saving throw or be at
tution saving throw to resist contracting ly-
disadvantage on all attacks against you, and
at all attempts to resist any affect that would
charm them.
Mordenkainen’s Defense Against
Beasts Mystic Rope
3nd-level abjuration 3rd-level conjuration
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch Range: 300 feet
Components: V, S, M (a feather, a bit of fur, a Components: V, S, M (a rope made of braid-
dead insect, or a scale) ed hairs from a nightmare or a pegasus)
Duration: 1 minute Duration: 10 minutes
You or one willing creature you touch has You create a magical, 100-foot long rope.
resistance to the natural attacks of one kind You can mentally move the rope (it moves
of beast: avians, mammals, insects and with a speed of 20 feet). The rope has two
arachnids, or reptiles. The resistance is effec- functions, climbing and entangling, and each
tive against normal, giant, and dire versions round you may choose which function you
of those creatures. wish to use.
♦ Climbing. The rope can climb up walls
Mordenkainen’s Defense Against or cliffs, and secure and knot itself. It can
also form a loop and hoist or lower weights
Slime up to 500 pound. You can command the rope
3rd-level abjuration to unknot and return to you.
Casting Time: 1 action ♦ Entangling. You can throw the rope
Range: Touch (range of 30 feet), or command it to move on
Components: V, S, M (a bit of mold) its own. The rope will attack, using your
Duration: 1 minute spell attack modifier. On a hit, it grapples the
You or one willing creature you touch has target (escape DC equal to your spell save
resistance to the natural attacks of fungal DC), and the target is restrained until the
plant creatures and all types of oozes. spell ends or you retract the rope.

Nap Range: Self (30-foot radius)
Components: V, S
2nd-level enchantment
Duration: 24 hours
Casting Time: 1 action
You cause one natural place to exert a
Range: Touch
special fascination to all creatures other than
Components: V, S, M (a piece of pillow stuff-
yourself and those native to the area. Any
ing, a feather, and a pebble)
creature who enters the area must make an
Duration: 1 hour
Intelligence saving throw to leave; otherwise,
One willing creature you touch takes a
it will make up excuses as to why it wishes
short rest which as refreshing as a long rest.
to stay. A creature will fight fiercely if some-
A creature can only be affected by this spell
one attempts to make it leave the area, but
once every 24 hours. Creatures that are im-
will otherwise remain there peacefully.
mune to exhaustion cannot be affected by
this spell.
Nature Call 3rd-level conjuration (ritual)
Casting Time: 1 action
Conjuration cantrip
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S
Range: 60 feet
Duration: 1 round
Components: V, S
You “milk” a living flower and squeeze
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
out up to a quart of nectar. This nectar is
You summon fey spirits that take the
mildly alcoholic and tastes of the plant from
form of beasts and appear in unoccupied
which it was produced, and is generally con-
spaces you can see within range. Choose one
sidered to be on par with decent wine.
of the following options:
The nectar can be bottled; it will last for a
♦ One beast of challenge rating 1/8.
week before spoiling.
♦ Two beasts of challenge rating 0.
Each beasts is also considered fey, and it
disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or Nchaser’s Glowing Globe
when the spell ends. The summoned crea- 3rd-level evocation
tures are friendly to you and your compan- Casting Time: 1 action
ions, but otherwise act normally. You may Range: Touch
give them directions, but they are not under Components: V, S, M (a globe of high-
your total control. quality colored glass)
At Higher Levels. You summon twice as Duration: Permanent
many creatures when you reach 5th level, You fill the globe with a flickering light,
three times as many when you reach 11th much like the one created by continual flame.
level, and four times as many when you However, you can control the intensity of the
reach 17th level. light, making it as bright as a torch to some-
what dimmer than the light produced by the
Nature’s Charm faerie fire spell. You may control the light
from as far as 20 feet away.
5th-level enchantment
Casting Time: 1 action

Needlestorm Range: 90 feet
Components: S
4th-level transmutation
Duration: 1 week
Casting Time: 1 action
You place a magical mark on a creature
Range: 100 feet
which can only be seen by you, that creature,
Components: V, S, M (a pine needle)
and up to seven other individuals named by
Duration: Instantaneous
you when you cast the spell. It can also be
One pine tree, cactus, or other needle- or
seen by someone casting see invisible or true
spine-bearing plant within range releases its
seeing. The mark remains on the target and
needles in a deadly barrage. All creatures
visible to those who can see it no matter
within 10 feet (for a plant under ten feet in
what efforts are made by that creature to
height) or 30 feet (for a plant over ten feet)
hide the mark, including attempting to mask
must make a Dexterity saving throw or take
it with clothing, illusions, or shapeshifting.
4d12 piercing damage.
At Higher Levels. If you cast this spell
with a slot of 5th level or higher, it inflicts an Nymph’s Beauty
additional 1d12 piercing damage for each 7th-level enchantment
slot level above 4th. Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self (30-foot radius)
Nerve Dance Components: V, S, M (a nymph’s tear)
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
6th-level necromancy
You become blindingly beautiful. Any
Casting Time: 1 action
humanoid within range who can see you
Range: 100 feet
must make a Constitution saving throw or
Components: V, S, M (a six-inch strand of
become blinded. A lesser restoration spell will
red spider silk and a torch)
be needed to remove this effect.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
If you remove your clothing or are al-
You hold your hand out and three glow-
ready naked, any creature who sees you and
ing red streamers shoot out. Each of these
who is not blinded takes 10d8 psychic dam-
streamers wraps around a target of your
choice within range, using your spell attack
This spell can be used by both men and
modifier to hit.
women and affects both men and women
On a hit, they wrap around a target,
grappling it (escape DC equal to your spell
save DC), and must make a Wisdom saving
throw. The creature takes 7d6 psychic dam- Nystul’s Blacklight Burst
age and is incapacitated due to incredible 4th-level evocation
pain for 1 minute on a failed saving throw, or Casting Time: 1 action
half as much damage and is incapacitated for Range: 100 feet
the next round on a successful one. Components: V, S, M (a bit of dirt from a
ghoul’s grave)
Nightscar Duration: Instantaneous
You bring forth a blast of dark energy
3rd-level illusion
from the Negative Plane, sending it to a
Casting Time: 1 action

point you choose within range, at which ♦ Purple Baton. The target takes an ad-
point expands in a burst. Each creature in a ditional 2d8 psychic damage.
20-foot radius sphere centered on that point At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
must make a Dexterity saving throw. A crea- using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the
ture takes 6d6 necrotic damage and have its damage increases by 1d8 radiant and 1d8
speed reduced to half for 1 minute on a color-specific damage for each slot level
failed saving throw, or half as much on a above 3rd.
successful one and have its speed reduced by
5 feet. Oathbinding
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
5th-level enchantment (ritual)
using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, the
Casting Time: 10 minutes
damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level
Range: Touch
above 4th.
Components: V
Duration: 1 year
Nystul’s Radiant Baton You or one willing creature you touch
3rd-level evocation vows to behave in a certain way for the
Casting Time: 1 action length of the oath and, if it breaks its vow, to
Range: Self perform a certain act of contrition, which
Components: V, S, M (a crystal prism, which must be feasibly possible and not be suicidal
shatters when you cast the spell, and seven in nature. Because this spell only affects will-
small silver rods, which can be reused) ing creatures, it is effective on creatures that
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute are immune to being charmed.
You summon a slender baton made of If the creature breaks its vow, even un-
glowing, colored light, drawn directly from knowingly, it takes 1d10 psychic damage. If
the Elemental Plane of Radiance. You have the creature then fails to perform the chosen
proficiency in using it and on a hit it does act of contrition within 1 week, it takes 5d10
2d8 + Strength modifier in radiant damage. psychic damage, and its hit point total is re-
In addition, it has an extra affect which de- duced by that amount, until it performs the
pends on what color you chose it to have act of contrition.
when you cast the spell: Breaking the vow and performing the act
♦ Red Baton. The target takes an addi- of contrition does not end the spell. You may
tional 2d8 fire damage. choose to end the spell early by using an ac-
♦ Orange Baton. The target takes an tion to dismiss it, and a remove curse, greater
additional 2d8 poison damage. restoration, or wish spell also ends it.
♦ Yellow Baton. The target takes an ad- At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
ditional 2d8 thunder damage. using a spell slot of 7th level or higher, the
♦ Green Baton. The target takes an addi- spell lasts until it is ended by one of the
tional 2d8 acid damage. spells mentioned above.
♦ Blue Baton. The target takes an addi-
tional 2d8 lightning damage. Obedience
♦ Indigo Baton. The target takes an ad-
6th-level enchantment (ritual)
ditional 2d8 force damage.
Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch saving through or take 6d6 lightning damage
Components: V, S, M (a golden circlet, neck- on a failed saving throw, or half as much on
lace, or bracelet worth at least 1,000 gp) a successful one, each round that the creature
Duration: Permanent ends its turn in the cloud.
You place the circlet, necklace, or bracelet
on an aberration, dragon, humanoid, giant, Odeen’s Magic Cloud
or monstrosity with an Intelligence of 5 or
Evocation cantrip
more, and then cast the spell. The creature
Casting Time: 1 action
makes a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure,
Range: 90 feet
the creature is bound by the circlet and can-
Components: V, S
not remove it.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
While wearing the circlet, you may issue
You create a cloud that fills a five-foot
orders to the creature. If the creature refuses
cube at any point within range. You can
the order, you may activate the circlet. For
freely move the cloud at a speed of 40 feet by
each round the circlet is activated, the crea-
concentrating on it; when you stop concen-
ture suffers 1d10 psychic damage and is
trating, it drifts on the wind. When you cre-
stunned due to incredible pain. You may
ate the cloud, you choose one of three op-
deactivate the circlet at any time.
You may choose to remove the circlet at
♦ Misty Cloud. You direct the cloud to
any time. A dispel magic, remove curse, or wish
cover a small area on the ground, typically
spell also will remove it. Finally, at every
around an object or creature. The cloud’s
midnight, the creature, if it is awake, can
area is lightly obscured.
make a new saving throw at disadvantage.
♦ Storm Cloud. You create a personal
On a success, the creature can remove the
storm cloud directly over a target. At the be-
circlet and is freed.
ginning of your round, you may use a bonus
action to direct a lightning bolt to strike the
Obold’s Brightness target. The target may make a Dexterity sav-
6th-level evocation ing throw, or take 1d6 lightning damage on a
Casting Time: 1 action failed save, or no damage on a successful
Range: 150 feet one.
Components: V, S, M (a scrap of fur and a ♦ Rainbow Cloud. The cloud emits an-
tangle of wire) ywhere up to five small, pretty rainbows.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute This is primarily designed to impress view-
A thick cloud appears, seeping up from ers.
the ground, in a location you choose within
range. It glows white and is shot through Odeen’s Magic Tailor
with sparks, which are actually tiny bolts of
Transmutation cantrip (ritual)
lightning. The cloud consists of ten 10-foot
Casting Time: 1 minute
cubes, which you can arrange as you wish.
Range: 30 feet
Each cube must have at least once face adja-
Components: V, S
cent to the face of another cube.
Duration: Special
The cloud’s area is heavily obscured, All
creatures in the area must make a Dexterity

You magically resize one mundane outfit Otiluke’s Fire and Ice
or suit of armor to fit you or another creature
8th-level evocation
within range you can see.
Casting Time: 1 action
When the wearer removes the outfit or
Range: 300 feet
armor, it reverts to its normal size.
Components: V, S, M (a pinch of phospho-
rous and a small quartz crystal)
Orison Duration: Instantaneous
Transmutation cantrip Two bright streaks of energy, one red and
Casting Time: 1 action one blue, flash from your pointing finger to a
Range: Self (30-foot radius) point you choose within range. The red
Components: V, S streak explodes in a 20-foot-radius sphere
Duration: Special centered on that point; a split-second later,
The most basic prayers that an acolyte the blue streak explodes. Each creature with-
learns, orisons are used to hone the in that radius must make a Dexterity saving
spellcasting ability of priests. You create one throw. A creature takes 6d6 fire damage and
of the following effects within range. 6d6 cold damage, and then 3d6 bludgeoning
♦ You cause mundane pain and nausea damage due to the resultant shock wave on a
to lessen for up to 1 hour, or heal one crea- failed save, or half as much damage on a
ture other than yourself of 1d4 hit points of successful one.
damage. Once you heal a creature with this At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
spell, you cannot use this spell again on that using a spell slot of 8th level or higher, the
creature again until you have taken a short fire and cold damage increases by 1d6 for
or long rest. each slot level above 7th.
♦ You bless a meal (food to be shared by
up to four individuals), and roll a d4. Add Otiluke’s Orb of Containment
that number to any saving throw to avoid
3rd-level evocation
being poisoned by that meal or drink.
Casting Time: 1 action
♦ One candle cannot be extinguished by
Range: 60 feet
any means for as long as you hold it.
Components: V, S, M (a diamond worth at
♦ You offer up a quick prayer along the
least 100 gp, which is shattered when the
lines of “give me strength!” or “don’t let me
spell is cast)
fail!” The GM secretly rolls 2d20 and records
Duration: 1 day
the better of the two rolls. At some point dur-
You create a container made of pure mag-
ing the next hour, you may choose to replace
ical force, which forms around a substance of
your roll with that roll, for good or for ill.
your choice, up to one pound. The container
♦ You cause one creature you see within
is completely unbreakable and inside of it,
range to gain a +1 to their attack or saving
the object is held in stasis so it doesn’t age.
throw for the next minute.
When the spell ends, the contents inside the
♦ You cause one creature you see within
orb are released.
range to suffer a -1 penalty to its attack or
At Higher Levels. When you cast this
saving throw for the next minute.
spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher,

the duration increases by an extra day for You gently ring the chime and magical
each slot level above 3rd. vibrations issue forth. These vibrations in-
stantly release any form on nonmagical bind-
Otiluke’s Siege Sphere ings on a single individual you can see with-
in range: ropes are untied, chains and shack-
7th-level evocation
les are loosened, stocks are opened, gags are
Casting Time: 1 action
removed, bridles and saddles are unbuckled,
Range: Touch
and so on.
Components: V, S, M (a pinch of diamond
Duration: 10 minutes Otto’s Drums
You create a large, bolder-sized unbreak- 4th-level enchantment
able sphere of force that can be fired from a Casting Time: 1 action
catapult or trebuchet (and thus uses that Range: Self (100-foot radius)
siege equipment’s range). You designate Components: V, S, M (a pair of miniature
what form you wish the sphere to take: bronze drums)
♦ Crystal Shards. The sphere splinters Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
apart while 30 feet above the target. All crea- This spell is used to rally or demoralize
tures in a 20-foot radius beneath it must troops. You choose which effect you wish to
make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature use.
takes 10d6 force damage on a failed saving ♦ Drums of Despair. The sound of op-
throw, or half as much damage on a success- pressively loud war drums fills the area. All
ful one. creatures within that area, except for allies
♦ Liquid Fire. The sphere shatters on you designate, must make a Wisdom saving
impact, spraying sticky fire in a 30-foot radi- throw. A creature who fails is filled with
us. All creatures in that area must make a dread and despair and be at disadvantage on
Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 6d6 all saving throws for the duration. In addi-
fire damage on a failed saving throw, or half tion, whenever an affected creature rolls a 20
as much damage on a successful one; all when rolling to attack, that creature must
creatures also take 2d6 fire damage each reroll.
round for 2d8 rounds. The sticky fire also ♦ Rousing Anthem. The sound of
sets all combustibles on fire. rhythmic, encouraging drums fills the area.
♦ Wrecking Ball. The sphere becomes as All allies you designate are at advantage on
hard as adamantine and twice as heavy. It all saving throws for the duration. In addi-
does 8d8 bludgeoning damage. Objects and tion, whenever an affected creature rolls a 1
buildings take twice as much damage. when rolling to attack, that creature may re-
Otto’s Chime of Release
1st-level transmutation Otto’s Soothing Vibrations
Casting Time: 1 action 2nd-level enchantment
Range: Self (30-foot radius) Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S, M (a small brass chime) Range: 100 feet
Duration: 1 round Components: V

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute base AC becomes 15 + its Dexterity modifier.
You point to a spot within range and The weapon, regardless of its appearance,
begin humming. All aberrations, beasts, does 2d6 + its Strength or Dexterity modifier
dragons, monstrosities, oozes, and plants in force damage.
with an Intelligence of 1 to 4 that are in a 20-
foot-radius of that spot must make a Wisdom Phantom Plow
saving throw. Creatures that are actively be-
Evocation cantrip
ing hostile, either to you or to something
Casting Time: 1 minute
else, have advantage on that roll.
Range: Self (50-foot line)
Creatures who fail hear the soothing hum
Components: V, S
and become calm. They stop what they doing
Duration: Instantaneous
in order to hear the sound and will show no
You create a deep furrow in the ground,
fear or aggression unless you or your com-
suitable for planting, that extends from your
panions attack them first. In addition, those
feet to up to 50 feet away. It will not work on
creatures will be at disadvantage on saving
earth that is consecrated or under a long-
throws to resist being charmed.
term spell.
You create additional furrows when you
Pain reach 5th level (2 furrows), 11th level (4 fur-
Necromancy cantrip rows), and 17th level (8 furrows).
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch Pillar of Borogar
Components: V, S
5th-level transmutation
Duration: 1 minute
Casting Time: 1 action
One creature you touch is wracked by
Range: 100 feet
horrific pains. For the duration of the spell,
Components: V, S, M (a small cylinder of
that creature is at disadvantage on attack
rolls and ability checks.
Duration: Permanent
At the beginning of each of its turns, the
You point at a spot within range and a 10-
creature may make a Constitution saving
foot-wide pillar of earth, stone, or clay erupts
throw, ending the effect on a success.
from the ground. You can raise or lower it at
will to a maximum height of 100 feet, at a
Phantom Arms and Armor rate of 30 feet. You can choose to have it be
3rd-level illusion 20 feet wide with a maximum height of 50
Casting Time: 1 action feet.
Range: Touch If crushed against a roof, it causes 2d8
Components: V, S, M (a small piece of bludgeoning damage and may eventually
mithral worth at least 10 gp) break through the roof. The pillar is vertical
Duration: 1 hour and cannot be grown horizontally or diago-
You or one willing creature you touch nally.
gains semi-illusory armor and weapon of At Higher Levels. When you cast this
your choice, which can look like anything spell with a spell slot of 6th level or higher,
you wish. Until the spell ends, the target’s

you may create another pillar for each spell Duration: Permanent
slot above 5th. You dose a creature you touch with an
extremely potent toxin. The creature is poi-
Pit soned for 1 day and must make a Constitu-
tion saving throw. On a success, the creature
4th-level transmutation (ritual)
is unaffected. On a failure, the creature takes
Casting Time: 1 action
1d6 poison damage every hour for 24 hours,
Range: 100 feet
and its hit point total is reduced by that
Components: V, S, M (a mole’s claw)
amount. If the creature’s hit point total is
Duration: Instantaneous
reduced to 0 by this effect, the creature dies.
A pit 20 feet deep and 20 feet across ap-
The creature’s hit point maximum will be
pears at a point you indicate within range.
restored once it is no longer poisoned and
This doesn’t work on natural or worked
has taken a long rest.
stone. If you cast this spell directly under-
At Higher Levels. When you cast this
neath or in front of a creature, that creature
spell with an 8th-level or higher spell slot,
may make a Dexterity saving throw to avoid
the poison does 1d10 damage every hour.
falling. Those who fall in take 2d6 bludgeon-
ing damage from the fall.
Pool of Deeds 5th-level necromancy (ritual)
Casting Time: 1 minute
7th-level divination
Range: 500 feet
Casting Time: 1 hour
Components: V, S, M (a bowl or stick of in-
Range: Touch
cense and a figurine of the being to be pos-
Components: V, S, M (a handful of colored
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
Duration: 24 hours
You release your soul from your body
You turn a pool of water that is anywhere
and possess another humanoid or beast. That
from 1 foot to 30 feet in diameter as a story-
creature must make a Charisma saving
teller. It shows, in images only, the deeds of
throw to resist. If it fails, you take over its
any one person you name, living or dead.
You must name which deeds you wish to see
The target becomes incapacitated and
(i.e., the deeds must be publically known),
unconscious. While in control of this body,
but the pool will show even unknown de-
you have resistance to all forms of damage
tails. It will show the event in realtime. If
except for psychic—injuries your body takes
there are details that the named person does
will appear, in reduced form, on your actual
or did not want known, you must make a DC
body. You may use the target body’s
18 Intelligence check to reveal them.
Strength, Dexterity and Constitution but you
retain your own Intelligence, Wisdom, and
Poison Charisma. You do not have access to the tar-
6th-level necromancy get’s knowledge, memories, class features, or
Casting Time: 1 action proficiencies.
Range: Touch If the body you are in drops to 0 hit
Components: V, S points, the possession ends and you must

make a Charisma saving throw. You take 6d6 Duration: 10 minutes
psychic damage on a failed saving throw, or You pick a point within range. All crea-
half as much on a successful one. You may tures within a 20-foot radius that have 30 or
choose to end the possession at any time. fewer hit points fall asleep instantly. Crea-
A target is immune to your attempts to tures with a greater number of hit points
possess it for 24 hours after succeeding on may make a Wisdom saving throw or fall
the saving throw or the possession ends. asleep. A sleeping creature will stay asleep
until the spell ends, the sleeper takes dam-
Power Word Banish age, or someone uses an action to shake or
slap the creature awake.
9th-level conjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet Preservation
Components: V 2nd-level abjuration (ritual)
Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 minute
You utter a word of great power that Range: Touch
forces one elemental, fiend, or celestial that Components: V, S, M (a pinch of salt)
you can see within range to immediately re- Duration: 1 week
turn to its home plane. Up to 250 pounds of raw food will remain
perfectly preserved for one week. This spell
Power Word Blind does not work on cooked food, nor does it
prevent the food from being eaten during
8th-level transmutation
this time; it merely keeps it from rotting or
Casting Time: 1 action
going moldy.
Range: 30 feet
This spell can also be used to preserve a
Components: V
corpse in preparation for being raised; a week
Duration: Instantaneous
of preservation counts only as one day for
You point to one creature you can see
the purposes of the raise dead spell.
within range. If the creature you choose has
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
50 hit points or fewer, it goes permanently
using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, you
blind. If it has up to 100 hit points, it goes
can preserve an additional 50 pounds for
blind for 1 day. If it has more than 100 hit
each slot level above 2nd.
points, the spell has no effect.
All creatures within 10 feet of the creature
you pointed out are permanently blinded if Prismal’s Handy Mirror
they have 25 hit points or fewer, or are 2nd-level conjuration
blinded for 1 day if they have up to 50 hit Casting Time: 1 action
points. Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (a shard of glass)
Power Word Sleep Duration: 1 hour
You create a floating mirror that is 4
7th-level enchantment
square feet; you may pick its length and
Casting Time: 1 action
height. When you cast this spell, and on each
Range: 60 feet
subsequent turn, you can use a bonus action
Components: V

to move the mirror up to 60 feet or to angle ends and the creature is freed. A dispel magic,
or turn it. remove curse, or wish spell can also end this
The mirror is an object that has AC 12 effect.
and 10 hit points. If broken, razor-sharp
shards explode outward and all creatures Projected Magnification
within 20 feet must make a Dexterity saving
4th-level divination
throw. A creature takes 1d10 piercing dam-
Casting Time: 1 action
age on a failed saving throw or half as much
Range: 10 miles
on a successful one.
Components: V, S, M (a shard of glass)
At Higher Levels. When you cast this
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher,
You pick a distant object or place you can
the mirror can be another square foot each
see or are aware of that is within range. An
slot level above 2nd.
image of that object or place is then projected
onto a flat surface or in the air within 10 feet
Prismal’s Pictograph of you. It is two-dimensional, outlined in
7th-level transmutation faint blue light, and covers an area of up to
Casting Time: 1 action 10 square feet. You can zoom in and out up
Range: 30 feet to 10× magnification.
Components: V, S, M (an empty ink well, a
feather pen, and a surface on which to write) Prophecy
Duration: Until dispelled
6th-level divination (ritual)
You turn one creature or object in range
Casting Time: 1 hour
that you can see into a full-color, two-
Range: Self
dimensional image on the surface you have
Components: V, S, M (a plant with halluci-
provided. The creature or object is reduced
natory properties or a hallucinatory drug,
to 12:1 scale; it must be able to fit on the writ-
which is burned during the casting of the
ing surface in its reduced form for the spell
spell, and a crystal worth at least 1,000 gp)
to work. An unwilling creature may make a
Duration: 10 minutes
Charisma saving throw to avoid the effect.
You enter a long trance and get a vision
You decide whether the creature is to re-
of the future, which describes an important
main animate (in which case, it counts as
event that shall occur at some point in the
restrained, although it still can move slowly
near future. It may be vague and open to
about its canvas in a stilted manner), or if it
interpretation. In addition, the DM will se-
to become a still picture. If you choose to al-
cretly roll a d10. On a roll of 1, the vision will
low it to remain animate, it can see and hear,
be completely false.
but cannot speak, attack, or cast spells. If you
If you touch another creature while cast-
choose for the creature to become a still pic-
ing this spell, then the prophecy will be
ture, the creature is put in stasis. In both cas-
about an event that directly concerns that
es, the creature does not age, eat, drink,
sleep, or breathe. Inanimate objects remain in
If you attempt to cast this spell more than
the picture indefinitely.
once about a single event, you will receive
A trapped creature may make a new sav-
the same visions.
ing throw each day. On a success, this effect

At Higher Levels. If you cast this spell Rain of Blood
using an 8th- or 9th-level spell slot, you can
5th-level necromancy
attempt to divine a prophecy that concerns
Casting Time: 1 action
an area as large as a kingdom. The DM will
Range: 150 feet
secretly roll a d10. On a roll of 1, the vision
Components: V, S, M (a vial of fresh blood)
will be completely false; on a roll of 2-5, you
Duration: 1 minute
will receive no vision at all.
A storm of sticky, life-leeching, brilliant
red blood appears in a location you choose
Protective Amulet within range. The area of the storm consists
1st-level abjuration (ritual) of up to ten 10-foot cubes, which you can
Casting Time: 1 hour arrange as you wish. Each cube must have at
Range: Touch least once face adjacent to the face of another
Components: V, S, M (an item of jewelry that cube. Each creature in the area must make a
costs 50 gp per level of the spell it is de- Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 5d6
signed to protect against) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half of
You enchant an amulet with the ability to much damage on a successful one, each
protect the wearer from a specific spell that round that the creature ends its turn in the
you know how to cast and that allows for a storm and for one round afterwards.
saving throw.
When the wearer is attacked by that spell Rain of Terror
and fails the saving throw, the amulet ab-
7th-level conjuration
sorbs the magic and shatters, protecting the
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Touch (1-mile radius)
Components: V, S
Quench the Spirit Duration: Concentration, up to 6 hours
8th-level necromancy You draw a magical rune on the ground.
Casting Time: 1 action An unusually dark, cursed storm develops
Range: 200 feet over the next half-hour (if a storm is already
Components: V, S, M (a humanoid’s finger present, the spell takes place immediately).
bone) You choose the nature of the rain from the
Duration: Instantaneous following: ash, bats, blood and bits of flesh,
You point the finger bone at a creature centipedes, fish, lumps of gelatinous slime,
within range. That creature must make a putrid black, yellow, or red water, salaman-
Charisma saving throw or take 6d12 +30 ders, small birds, small lizards, small snakes,
psychic damage. spiders, toads, or worms. If the rain consists
A humanoid killed by this spell rises at the of living creatures, only around half of the
start of your next turn as a zombie that is animals will survive the fall. None of these
permanently under your command, follow- animals are capable of harming anyone.
ing your verbal orders to the best of its abil-
ity. Rainshield
Abjuration cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self long as that creature is wearing the brooch,
Components: V, S you can use your action to see and hear any-
Duration: 1 hour thing that creature is seeing and hearing.
You create an invisible, slightly convex This spell only works if the creature is active-
barrier about three feet in diameter to appear ly wearing the brooch (it won’t work if the
no higher than five feet above your head. creature merely has the brooch on its person)
This protects you from normal rainfall and and is within five miles of you.
light hail, but not from magical non-water-
based rains. It will protect you from other Ray of Fatigue
sorts of falling liquids.
1st-level necromancy
With concentration, you may angle the
Casting Time: 1 action
rainshield to help protect you from wind-
Range: 30 feet
blown rain.
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Rary’s Replay A sickly yellow beam of enervating ener-
5th-level divination (ritual) gy springs from your finger towards a crea-
Casting Time: 1 minute ture within range. Make a ranged spell attack
Range: Self (10-foot radius) against the creature. On a hit, the creature
Components: V, S takes a level of exhaustion. This cannot bring
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour the target past the 5th level exhaustion
You read the residual psychic impres-
sions in a room or area. Typically, you can Ray of Paralysis
only read the most recent events, but a high-
3rd-level necromancy
ly-emotional event, especially one that is also
Casting Time: 1 action
very unusual or violent, leaves psychic ener-
Range: 60 feet
gies that can be picked up for months or
Components: V, S
years afterwards. The event is played back
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
perfectly—you see, hear, smell, and feel the
A green beam of enervating energy
events perfectly.
shoots from your finger towards a creature
The event that is replayed for you is done
within range. Make a ranged spell attack
so in real-time, so the replay takes as long to
against the creature. On a hit, the creature
complete as the original event, to a maxi-
becomes paralyzed.
mum of one hour.
At the end of each of the creature’s turns,
it make a Constitution saving throw against
Rastor’s Mystical Spy the spell. On a success, the spell ends.
4th-level divination
Casting Time: 1 action Read Object
Range: Touch
3rd-level divination
Components: V, S, M (a copper brooch)
Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: 6 hours
Range: Touch
You cast this spell on a copper brooch
Components: V, S, M (rare incense worth at
and give it to another creature to wear. As
least 50 gp)

Duration: Instantaneous stones (silver, gold, amethyst, to-
You hold an item and learn the current or paz)
most recent owner’s race, class or profession, Very rare metal, very valuable gem-
and alignment. In addition, roll a d6. On a stones (mithral, adamantine, black 100 years
opal, diamond)
roll of 1-4, it also reveals the last event that
happened to the owner while he still had the
object in its possession, if that event had Resist Magic
some emotional importance. It does not re- 5th-level abjuration
veal that person’s name, age, or anything Casting Time: 1 action
else about him or her. Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a piece of string, a
Reed Staff block of wood, and an unlit candle)
Duration: 1 minute
1st-level transmutation
For the duration, you or one creature you
Casting Time: 1 action
touch gains advantage on saving throws to
Range: Touch
resist magical spells.
Components: V, M (a splinter of wood)
Duration: 1 minute
You turn a normal blade of grass into a Restore Earth
magical quarterstaff that does 1d10 bludg- 3rd-level conjuration
eoning damage. If anyone other than you Casting Time: 1 action
touches the staff, it turns back into grass. Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a piece of clay with
Renew Deposit iron filings in it, which is shaped to resemble
the original structure of the object to be re-
9th-level transmutation (ritual)
Casting Time: 6 hours
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Range: Touch
You may touch a damaged structure or
Components: V, S, M (a “seed” of the same
object made of earth, stone, or clay that is too
type of material to be renewed worth at least
large to use mending on. Each round that you
10,000 gp)
remain in contact with the object, you heal
Duration: Special
2d10 hit points.
This spell is typically granted by gods of
At Higher Levels. When you cast this
the earth, wealth, or dwarven gods. You
spell with a 4th-level or higher spell slot, you
cause a normally nonrenewable mineral re-
heal an additional 1d10 hit points per slot
source to slowly grow back. You place a
level above 3rd.
“seed” in the empty vein and then must let it
grow; if it is interrupted before it has regrow,
the spell ends. Return to Earth
4th-level necromancy
Time to Casting Time: 1 action
Metal Regrow Range: Self (30-foot radius)
Base metal and semiprecious gem- Components: V, M (a pinch of dust)
20 years
stones (iron, copper, quartz, citrine)
Duration: Instantaneous
Previous metal and fancy gem- 40 years

All corporeal undead within 30 feet of can hear and understand you. Creatures that
you that have fewer than 50 hit points must can’t be charmed are immune to this effect.
make a Constitution saving throw. An un- This suggestion must me no more than one
dead takes 5d10 force damage on a failed or two short sentences and must be reasona-
saving throw, or half as much on a successful ble and non-suicidal in nature. Each target
one. If an undead is reduced to 0 hit points, it may make a Wisdom saving throw to resist.
crumbles into dust. This part of right of might works like the spell
mass suggestion.
2nd-level abjuration Rising Colossus
Casting Time: 1 action 9th-level conjuration
Range: Touch Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S, M (a pinch of dust) Range: 200 feet
Duration: 1 hour Components: V, S, M (a ball of clay and a bit
One undead creature you touch is grant- of string, wire, or natural fiber)
ed a measure of resistance. It has advantage Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
when making saving throws against being You call into being the head, torso, and
turned or against spells specifically designed arms of an enormous humanoid being that
to harm or control undead. appears to be made of the same substance as
the ground from which it rose. It is bald and
Right of Might lacks all facial features save a mouth. You
may use your action to direct its attack. It is
7th-level transmutation
capable of turning completely around but
Casting Time: 1 action
cannot leave the area from which it rose.
Range: Self
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes COLOSSUS
You become larger, more powerful, and Gargantuan construct, unaligned
Armor Class: 20 (natural armor)
far more commanding.
Hit Points: 310 (20d20+100)
Your size double in all dimensions and
Speed: 18 (20,000 XP)
your weight is multiplied by eight, and you
increase in size by one category. Your
28 (+9) 8 (-1) 20 (+5) 1 (-5) 5 (-3) 1 (-5)
Strength increases by 1d6 and can increase to
Damage Immunities: poison
22. Your clothing and equipment enlarge Damage Resistances: bludgeoning, piercing, and
with you and your weapons do an additional slashing damage from nonmagical weapons
1d4 damage, plus your new Strength modifi- Condition Immunities: blinded, charmed, deaf-
er. You also gain advantage on Strength ened, frightened, petrified, poisoned, prone,
checks and Strength saving throws. stunned, unconscious
You become outlined in a faint but mes- Senses: truesight 120 feet (blind beyond this ra-
merizing aura, which gives you the ability to dius)
make powerful commands. You can magical- Languages: —
ly influence up to twelve creatures of your Challenge:
choice that you can see within range and that Siege Monster. The colossus deals double dam-

age to objects and structures. Ritual Strength
ACTIONS Abjuration cantrip (ritual)
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 20 ft.,
Casting Time: 1 minute
one target. Hit: 48 (6d12+9) bludgeoning Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 hour
Rising Rot You or one willing creature you touch
5th-level necromantic meditates, drawing on an inner strength to
Casting Time: 1 action banish weariness. While this spell is active,
Range: 60 feet the target is immune to exhaustion.
Components: V, S, M (a handful of mold This spell’s duration increases when you
spores) reach 5th level (6 hours), 11th level (12
Duration: Instantaneous hours), and 17th level (1 day).
You hold up your hand a thin beam of
sickly green-brown light shoots out and Rusting Grasp
strikes one living, corporeal creature within 4th-level transmutation
range you can see. That creature must make Casting Time: 1 action
a Constitution saving throw each round. The Range: Touch
creature takes 1d8 poison damage and 1d8 Components: V, S, M (the antenna or a scale
necrotic damage on a failed saving throw, or from a rust monster)
half as much damage on a successful one. Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
These effects continue until the target has You touch a ferrous metal or alloy and
successfully save three times, although they cause it to rust. This inflicts 4d10 acid dam-
do not have to be consecutive. age each round to an inanimate object such
At Higher Levels. If you cast this spell as an iron wall. Magical metallic objects take
with a 7th-level or higher spell slot, it inflicts half damage.
2d8 poison damage and 2d8 necrotic damage If you touch either metal armor or a metal
each round. shield, it takes a permanent and cumulative -
1 penalty to the AC it offers. Armor reduced
Resist Turning to AC 10 or a shield that drops to a +0 bonus
3rd-level abjuration is destroyed. If you touch a metal weapon,
Casting Time: 1 action the weapon takes a permanent and cumula-
Range: Touch tive -1 to the damage it deals. If the penalty
Components: V, S drops to -5, the weapon is destroyed. Touch-
Duration: 1 minute ing metallic weapons and armor in combat
For the duration, one undead creature requires you to make an attack using your
you touch gains advantage on saving throws spell attack modifier.
to resist magical spells, if it did not already You may use this to attack a metallic crea-
have this ability. ture, such as an iron golem or a gorgon. The
creature may make a Constitution saving
throw. The creature takes 4d10 acid damage

on a failed roll, or half as much damage on a You turn a handful of sand into 2d4 cut
successful one. and polished gemstones. Roll d20 to deter-
mine the type and value. The transformation
Sacred Guardian is permanent and the gemstones continue to
radiate magic.
1st-level abjuration (ritual)
Casting Time: 1 action
d20 Gemstone.
Range: Touch White agate or tiger eye (10 gp)
Components: V, S, M (a rose petal)
Duration: 24 hours 5-8 Chalcedony or citrine (50 gp)
You touch a willing creature. For the 9-12 Moonstone or sardonyx (50 gp)
spell’s duration, if that creature is ever in Amber or coral (100 gp)
danger, you are mentally warned and given
a mental image of the situation. This works Red or red-brown garnet, spinel, or
15-16 tourmaline (100 gp)
no matter how far away that creature is, but
will not inform you of its location. 17-19 Topaz (500 gp)

19 Fire opal or yellow sapphire (1,000 gp)

Sacred Strike 20 Jacinth or ruby (5,000 gp)
4th-level necromancy
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self Sand Shroud
Components: V, S, M (two drops of unholy 5th-level evocation
water and one of your hairs) Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: 1 minute Range: 30 feet
You create a whip of magical force that is Components: V, S, M (a lump of dried mud
always silent. It has a range of 10 feet and or clay, which is crumbled during the cast-
you use your spell attack modifier to strike. ing)
On a hit, it inflicts 2d8 + your spellcasting Duration: Instantaneous
ability modifier in force damage and 1d8 Sand or loose soil or gravel opens up un-
necromantic damage. If the target is a living der an non-living, inanimate object that is
creature, it must also make a Constitution Large-sized or smaller and swallows it up
saving throw. If it fails, you heal a number of instantly, burying it to a depth of 60 feet. The
hit points equal to the necromantic damage ground above it looks completely undis-
inflicted and the target is wracked by terrible turbed.
pains. The target is at disadvantage to all You may also cast this spell on an undead
rolls on the following round. or construct. The creature may make a Dex-
terity saving throw to avoid being buried. If
Sand Gems it fails its roll, it is buried, but can dig its way
out eventually.
8th-level transmutation (ritual)
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Touch Sand Sword
Components: V, S, M (a handful of sand) 3rd-level transmutation
Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self outside, it is a physical object that has AC 20
Components: V, S, M (a pound of sand or and hit points equal to your hit point maxi-
dry dirt) mum. If it drops to 0 hit points, the spell
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute ends.
The sand or dirt you hold becomes a
sword of a type of your choice. You may use Sargasso
the sword or give it to someone else to use. It
4th-level transmutation
deals damage as normal weapon of that type.
Casting Time: 1 action
However, it is immune to spells that affect
Range: 300 feet
Components: V, S, M (a small amount of
seaweed and live brine shrimp)
Sap Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
2nd-level conjuration You choose a point within range. The ar-
Casting Time: 1 action ea within a 100 foot radius of that point be-
Range: 30 feet comes choked with seaweed, turning it into
Components: V, S, M (a drop of tree sap) difficult terrain for both ships and swimmers
Duration: 1 minute for the duration of the spell.
You choose a point within range. Every-
thing within a 10-foot radius of that point is Scalding Spout
covered in sticky tree sap.
3rd-level evocation
The area becomes difficult terrain. In or-
Casting Time: 1 action
der to perform any action that is not purely
Range: 100 feet
mental or vocal in nature requires a DC 10
Components: V, S, M (an ounce of fresh wa-
Dexterity ability check first. Creatures in the
area lose their Dexterity bonus to AC.
Duration: Instantaneous
Winged creatures cannot fly. A creature un-
You hold of your hand and a gout of boil-
der the effects of a freedom of movement spell
ing water shoots forth at a target you choose
is unaffected by this spell.
within range. Make a ranged spell attack to
hit. On a hit, you inflict 3d10 bludgeoning
Sarcophagus of Death damage and 2d10 fire damage to the target.
5th-level evocation At Higher Levels. When you cast this
Casting Time: 1 action spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher,
Range: 60 feet the spell does an additional 1d10 fire or
Components: V, S, M (a fragment of a sar- bludgeoning damage, your choice, for each
cophagus) slot level above 2nd.
Duration: 10 minutes
A coffin-shaped rectangle of force forms Scalesnare
around one target you can see within range.
6th-level transmutation
That target must make a Dexterity saving
Casting Time: 1 action
throw to avoid being trapped inside.
Range: 30 feet
The sarcophagus is completely airtight
Components: V, S, M (a live snake)
and cannot be broken from the inside. On the
Duration: 1 day

You throw a snake at a target. Make a so, all creatures within 20 feet must make a
ranged spell attack to hit. On a hit, the snake Dexterity saving throw or take 1 to 1d4
turns into a magical, grappling tentacle that points of either bludgeoning or piercing
restrains the target (escape DC equal to your damage, depending on the weight and type
spell save DC). of item that is scattered.
The snake is an object with AC 15, hit
points equal to your hit point total; if it drops Scent of Vengeance
to 0 hit points, the spell ends. The snake is
2nd-level transmutation (ritual)
immune to bludgeoning, piercing, and slash-
Casting Time: 1 action
ing damage from nonmagical weapons.
Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (a token once pos-
Scapegoat sessed by the quarry)
5th-level enchantment Duration: 1 week
Casting Time: 1 action You gain the ability to unerringly track
Range: Touch any living creature that has directly caused
Components: V, S, M (goat hair and a small injury or insult to you or to an allied crea-
stone) ture, by that creature’s smell. This spell does
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes not work on celestials, elementals, fiends, or
You touch the target, who must make a undead.
Charisma saving throw. On a failure, all oth- You may only cast this spell at the site of
er creatures within 20 feet of the target that the insult or injury. You can follow the scent
have an Intelligence of at least 5 believe that even if the quarry swims or flies. The only
the target is responsible for whatever trou- way to throw you off the trail is to use tele-
bles are plaguing them. They are allowed to portation magic, although you can pick up
make an Intelligence saving throw to come to the trail again from the other side of the tele-
their senses. This saving throw is at disad- port.
vantage if they already have reason to dislike
or distrust the target. Screen
8th-level illusion (ritual)
Scatterspray Casting Time: 1 minute
Evocation cantrip Range: Self (30-foot radius sphere)
Casting Time: 1 action Components: V, S
Range: 30 feet Duration: 8 hours
Components: V, S You protect an area from divination,
Duration: Instantaneous much the same as a nondetection spell, and at
You point to any group of small, unse- the same time create a programmed illusion of
cured items (each of which may be no larger sight and sound that is detected by anyone
than a hen’s egg), within range, which must using divination magic to spy on that area.
be piled together in an area of no more than You determine the contents of the illusion,
1 square foot, and cause them to fly off in all but once you set it, you can’t change the illu-
directions. The DM must decide if the items sion.
are hard or sharp enough to cause damage. If

Sea Sight Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous
1st-level divination
You sing a deadly song. This can have
Casting Time: 1 action
one of two different effects:
Range: Touch
♦ You shout the song. It forms a line of
Components: V, S
solid air aimed at one target within 60 feet.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
That creature may make a Dexterity saving
You or one willing target you choose can
throw. It takes 4d10 bludgeoning damage on
see through water to a range of 100 feet, no
a failed saving throw, or half as much dam-
matter how dark or murky it is, as if it was
age on a successful one.
crystal clear. This works whether the target is
♦ You touch a creature, and the song’s
already in the water or on land looking in.
vibrations melt the creature’s flesh. You use
your spell attack modifier to hit. On a hit,
Seal of Destiny this inflicts 5d10 acid damage.
7th-level abjuration (ritual) Although this is a dangerous song, deaf-
Casting Time: 10 minutes ness does not protect against it.
Range: 100 feet
Components: V, M (1 ounce of your blood)
Secret Page
Duration: Permanent
1st-level transmutation (ritual)
You seal a creature or object against any
Casting Time: 1 minute
sort of divination that would reveal its desti-
Range: Touch
ny, fate, or role in epic events.
Components: V, S, M (powdered herring
scales and the essence of a will o’wisp)
Seal Mouth Duration: Permanent
2nd-level enchantment You touch a piece of paper or a page in a
Casting Time: 1 action book that has writing on it, and the writing
Range: 30 feet changes to something completely different,
Components: V, S of your choice. You may speak a command
Duration: 1 hour word to see the original text. A true seeing
You target a creature within range that is spell will reveal the original text.
capable of speech. That creature must make a
Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, that
Secret Signs
creature cannot say anything insulting, criti-
Divination cantrip
cal, or otherwise defamatory or disparaging
Casting Time: 1 action
about you—if the target tries, its lips seal
Range: Self
shut. You can end this spell at any time, and
Components: S
a remove curse is also effective.
Duration: 1 round
You make a particular gesture, place an
Searing Song object in a certain way, or give someone a
4th-level evocation meaningful look and convey a single thought
Casting Time: 1 action or idea of up to 10 words in length to one
Range: Special

recipient within 30 feet of you who can see At Higher Levels. When you cast this
you. spell with a 3rd-level or higher spell slot, you
may enchant one additional missile for every
See Through Other Eyes spell slot above 2nd.
2nd-level divination
Casting Time: 1 action Segojan’s Armor
Range: 400 feet 1st-level abjuration (ritual)
Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 minute
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Range: Touch
You can look through the eyes of any liv- Components: V, S, M (an armful of grasses
ing creature within range. You do not have and roots)
to see the creature in order to choose it; you Duration: 12 hours
merely have to know where it is. You have You gather together an armful of grasses
no ability to control the creature, nor can you and roots which are magically woven to-
hear through its ears. gether into a suit of armor. This armor pro-
vides AC 14 + the wearer’s Dexterity bonus.
Seek Teleporter
3rd-level divination Seven-Eyes
Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take 7th-level abjuration
when someone you can see has teleported Casting Time: 1 action
away. Range: Self
Range: Self Components: V, S, M (seven gemstones
Components: V, S worth at least 50 gp, on which bless has been
Duration: Instantaneous cast; these gems are not consumed by the
You discern the destination of another casting)
individual who used spells such as teleport, Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
dimension door, or arcane gate. You conjure seven magical orbs that float
about your head in a ring five feet in diame-
Seeking ter. For the duration, you have advantage on
all Wisdom (Perception) ability checks that
3rd-level evocation
rely on sight, you gain 360°-vision, and you
Casting Time: 1 action
gain truesight with a range of 60 feet.
Range: Touch
Each eye has two additional abilities:
Components: V, S
First, you can use your action to use one eye
Duration: 10 minutes
can cast a spell as if you were using a 7th-
You touch an arrow, slingstone, handaxe,
level spell slot. Secondly, the eyes can protect
or other object that is fired or thrown at a
you from an attack, without you needing to
target. This object then will invariably hit the
use an action. Each eye can only be used
first creature it is aimed at, even traveling
once to either attack or defend once, after
around corners to get to its target and past its
which it vanishes. The seven eyes are as fol-
normal range. It cannot pass through solid

♦ Eye of the Mind. If you are attacked You gain the ability enter a shadow and
by a spell that would charm or paralyze you, move from inside it to inside another shad-
you can choose to have the eye absorb that ow within 60 feet. Both shadows must be at
spell. You can also use the eye to cast charm least the same size as you. You must use 5
person. feet of movement to enter a shadow. You can
♦ Eye of the Sword. If you are attacked use this transportation ability once per round
by a physical melee or ranged weapon, you for the duration.
can choose to have the eye take the blow it-
self. You can also have the eye cast magic mis- Shadow Dance
3rd-level transmutation
♦ Eye of the Mage. If you are attacked
Casting Time: 1 action
by a spell that inflicts acid, cold, fire, force, or
Range: Touch
lightning damage, you can choose to have
Components: V, S, M (a cobweb that has
the eye absorb that spell. You can also use
been touched by moonlight)
the eye to cast lightning bolt.
Duration: 1 minute
♦ Eye of Venom. If you are attacked by
You or one creature you touch is trans-
anything that inflicts poison damage or the
formed into a translucent, insubstantial
poisoned condition, you can choose to have
the eye absorb the poison. You can also use
In this form, the creature can move
the eye to cast poison spray, using your level
through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide
to determine the damage.
without squeezing, has resistance to bludg-
♦ Eye of the Soul. If you are attacked by
eoning, piercing, and slashing damage from
anything that inflicts necrotic damage, you
nonmagical weapons, has advantage on Dex-
can choose to have the eye absorb the dam-
terity (Stealth) ability checks, can take the
age. You can also use the eye to cast inflict
Hide action as a bonus action when in dim
light or darkness, can levitate up to 100 feet,
♦ Eye of Artifice. If you are attacked by
and is immune to falling damage. Finally, the
an affect from a rod, staff, wand, or ring, you
creature can move through other creatures
can choose to have the eye absorb the dam-
and objects as if they were difficult terrain,
age. You can also use the eye to cast dispel
and takes 1d10 force damage if it ends its
turn inside an object.
♦ Eye of Stone. If you are attacked by an
effect that can petrify you, you can choose to
have the eye absorb the effect. You can also Shadow Play
use the eye to cast hold person. 5th-level divination (ritual)
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: 30 feet
Shadow Blink
Components: V, S, M (a candle)
5th-level conjuration
Duration: Concentration, up to 3 hours
Casting Time: 1 action
You place a lit candle in the middle of a
Range: 200 feet
room that is no larger than 30 feet by 30 feet,
Components: V, S
and cast this spell. The shadows projected by
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
the candle transform into the shadows of the

room’s previous occupants, which them si- Shadowstrike
lently act out the events of those creatures.
4th-level evocation
This spell does not replay the actions of un-
Casting Time: 1 action
dead, constructs, celestials, or fiends.
Range: Self
At Higher Levels. When you cast this
Components: V, S
spell with a 6th-level or higher spell slot, the
Duration: 1 round
shadows will speak in whispering tones, re-
You gain the ability to harm a creature by
peating the words that the room’s previous
striking at its shadow. The shadow is treated
occupants said.
as if it has AC 8 + the creature’s Dexterity
5th-level illusion Shandaril’s Tracer
Casting Time: 1 action
5th-level divination
Range: 30 feet
Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S, M (a black pearl worth at
Range: Touch
least 100 gp and a cat’s claw)
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
Duration: Permanent
You create a cat made of semi-solid shad-
You place an invisible rune on a single
ow. You have full telepathic control over it
inanimate object. Thereafter, you can concen-
and can use your action to see, hear, and
trate for a minute and learn direction and
speak through it. While seeing through the
distance to that object, even if it’s on another
cat’s eyes, you have darkvision to 60 feet.
plane; you can also tell if the object is han-
The cat is an object that has AC 15, a
dled by another creature. If the rune is dis-
speed of 40, hit points equal to your hit point
pelled or the item is destroyed, you will be
maximum, and has immunity to bludgeon-
instantly alerted.
ing, piercing, and slashing damage from
The rune will be revealed if a detect magic
nonmagical weapons. If it drops to 0 hit
or true seeing spell is cast on the item. If this
points, the spell ends. It can move through a
happens, you will be instantly alerted. Final-
space as narrow as 1 inch wide without
ly, an object with this spell on it acts as an
squeezing, has the Stealth skill using your
“associated object” for purposes of teleporta-
proficiency bonus and has advantage on
Dexterity (Stealth) ability checks, can take the
Hide action as a bonus action when in dim
light or darkness. Finally, the cat can move Shape Wood
through other creatures and objects as if they 3rd-level transmutation
were difficult terrain, and takes 1d10 force Casting Time: 1 action
damage if it ends its turn inside an object. Range: Touch
The cat cannot attack but otherwise has the Components: V, S, M (a handful of sawdust)
attributes of a normal cat (Monster Manual, Duration: Instantaneous
pg. 320). You touch a wooden object of Medium
size and form it into any shape that suits
your purpose. The object you create can have

up to two hinges and a latch, but finer detail Range: Touch
isn’t possible. Components: V
Duration: 1 minute
Shark Bolt One willing creature’s skin is altered to
become a chitinous substance that grants AC
2nd-level evocation
16 and provides resistance to piercing attacks
Casting Time: 1 action
from nonmagical weapons.
Range: 300 feet
Components: V, S, M (a pinch of salt, three
shark’s teeth, and an ounce of water. Shoondal’s Seeking
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute 3rd-level divination
You create a three-foot long, glowing Casting Time: 1 action
amber-brown shark out of magical force. The Range: Self (20-foot radius)
shark swims with a speed of 60 and attacks Components: V, S, M (a key, which is con-
one target you can see within range. It uses sumed by the spell)
your spell attack modifier to attack and on a Duration: 1 round
hit, it inflicts 2d6 piercing damage. It will You cast this spell and all locks, fasten-
continue to attack the chosen target for as ings, bolts, clasps, and so on within range are
long as you concentrate on it; you may use a illuminated in brilliant gold. In addition, all
bonus action to redirect it to attack a differ- keys are illuminated as well If any of the re-
ent creature. vealed devices are enchanted, they glow ru-
The shark is an object that has AC 16 and by instead. This spell is blocked by 1 foot of
20 hit points. If it drops to 0 hit points, the stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet
spell ends. of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this
spell with a slot of 3rd level or higher, you Shout
create one additional shark per spell slot
4th-level evocation
above 2nd level.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self (30-foot cone)
Sharptooth Components: V, M (a drop of honey, a drop
1st-level transmutation of citric acid, and a small cone made from
Casting Time: 1 action horn)
Range: Touch Duration: Instantaneous
Components: V You shout, releasing an ear-splitting
Duration: 1 minute noise. Each creature in a 30-foot cone must
This spell can only be cast upon a crea- make a Constitution saving throw. A crea-
ture with a bite attack. For the duration, one ture takes 5d10 thunder damage on a failed
creature you touch deals +1 damage with its saving throw, or half as much damage on a
bite attack. successful one, and is deafened for 10
minutes. A creature made of inorganic mate-
Shellskin rial such as stone, crystal, or metal has dis-
advantage on this saving throw.
4th-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action

All objects and structures take double Singing Stone
3rd-level transmutation
At Higher Levels. When you cast this
Casting Time: 1 action
spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher,
Range: Touch
the damage increases by 1d10 for each slot
Components: V, S, M (a small metal chime)
level about 4th.
Duration: Permanent
You hum, sing, or play a short tune or
Simbul’s Skeletal Deliquescence recite a poem (one that can be sung in less
8th-level transmutation than a minute) into a stone. Thereafter,
Casting Time: 1 action whenever if the stone is sharply tapped or
Range: Touch completely immersed in water, it plays the
Components: V, S tune; if it remains immersed, it will repeat it
Duration: 1 week every ten minutes.
You touch a living creature, which must The stone will capture music from no one
make a Constitution saving throw. If the sav- other than yourself.
ing throw fails, all of the creature’s bones
turn to jelly for the duration. Sinister Surroundings
The boneless creature can breathe, speak,
2nd-level illusion
and perceive, but its move is reduced to 5
Casting Time: 1 minute
feet and it can perform no other actions. The
Range: Self (2-mile radius)
creature also gains resistance to bludgeoning
Components: V, S
weapons but vulnerability to piercing weap-
Duration: 1 month
The land within the radius around you
When the spell expires, the creature’s
becomes grim and dismal-feeling for the du-
bones grow back to normal.
ration. The area’s appearance is not masked
At Higher Levels. When you cast this
in anyway; it merely becomes foreboding
spell with a 9th-level spell slot, the duration
and gloomy. Non-evil creatures are at disad-
increases to 1 month.
vantage when saving against being fright-
ened while in this area.
Simulate Skill
4th-level necromancy Siren Song
Casting Time: 1 action
4th-level enchantment
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S, M (a magnet and a piece
Range: 300 feet
of mirror)
Components: V, S, M (a large conch shell
Duration: 24 hours
and a pint of water)
You touch a corpse that has been dead for
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
no less than 12 hours. For the spell’s dura-
You choose one humanoid target within
tion, you gain proficiency with all skills,
range that you can see. That target hears
tools, and weapons that were known to that
haunting, beautiful music and must make a
creature in life. You use your own proficien-
Wisdom saving throw or become over-
cy modifier when using the stolen skills.
whelmed with the need to find the source.

As the music is illusory, it has no actual away; at the same time, you are telepathical-
source and so the target will wander aimless- ly alerted.
ly. Once placed, the skull does not move and
The target will ignore all distractions and cannot see behind it, so it can be sneaked up
will attempt to walk through any obstacle upon and moved from behind.
that isn’t an obvious danger. If the target’s If you have multiple skull watches, you
companions keep him from finding the cannot tell which one has been triggered
source of the music, the target will fight simply through the mental alert.
Skip Day 9th-level transmutation (ritual)
9th-level evocation Casting Time: 10 minutes
Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch
Range: Self (10-foot radius) Components: V, S, M (a richly-appointed
Components: V, S chair, sofa, or other form of seating worth at
Duration: Instantaneous least 10,000 gp)
You and up to 8 others within range are Duration: Permanent
instantly transported 24 hours into the fu- You place a special seat in the center of a
ture. Unwilling people may make a Charis- building of no more than 1 million square
ma saving throw to resist. To outsiders, it feet (a castle and environs; approximately 23
appears that you simply disappear. acres) and remain seated in it the entire time
You appear in the exact spot you disap- you cast this spell. Prior to casting this spell,
peared in. If there is something in that spot, you must also walk every inch of the build-
you appear within 5 feet of it. There is no ing, over and over again, for an entire month.
guarantee that this area will be any safer This spell causes the building and its im-
than the one you left. mediate surroundings to rise into the air.
When you sit in the chair, you may move the
Skull Watch building upwards to a maximum height of
1,500 feet, or have it fly at a speed of 10 feet.
2nd-level necromancy
If this spell is successfully dispelled, the
Casting Time: 1 action
building will float gently downwards for 30
Range: Touch
seconds and then plummet the rest of the
Components: V, S, M (the skull of a human-
way. If it falls more than 200 feet, the castle is
destroyed and everything inside and under-
Duration: 1 day
neath it is killed.
You cast this spell while holding a hu-
manoid’s skull, then let go. The skull contin-
ues to float in mid-air, facing the same direc- Skyhook
tion you had originally pointed. The skull 2nd-level evocation
has truesight out to 90 feet and is blind be- Casting Time: 1 action
yond that. If any creature enters its field of Range: 100 feet
vision within 90 feet, it releases a piercing Components: V, S, M (a metal fishhook)
shriek that can be heard up to a quarter-mile Duration: 1 hour

You create a solid hook of force that hov- Sleepwalking
ers immovably in midair. You may choose to
4th-level enchantment
make the hook visible or invisible to every-
Casting Time: 1 minute
one else but you.
Range: 100 feet
The hook can support up to 30 tons of
Components: V, S, M (the crushed petal of a
weight and can be used as a handhold or as
blue lotus flower and a drop of honey)
the base of a pulley system. It is too small to
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
be stood on, but it can hold the ropes that
You target one sleeping creature within
hold a platform. The hook cannot be harmed,
range; you do not have to see the creature for
although flying creatures that collide with it
this spell to work, but you do need to know
take 1d8 bludgeoning damage.
that it’s there. You plant a magical sugges-
tion in that creature’s mind (identical to the
Skylight Blade type made when you cast suggestion). Crea-
6th-level evocation tures that can’t be charmed are immune to
Casting Time: 1 action this effect; likewise, creatures asleep due to
Range: Self magic cannot be affected. You must word the
Components: V, S suggestion in such a manner to make it
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute sound reasonable. The creature may make a
You create a silent, weightless, magical Wisdom saving throw to resist. If you or an
four-foot-long sword made out of moonlight ally are also using the spell dream on the tar-
or sunlight, your choice. Only you may use get, the target has disadvantage on the sav-
it, and it cannot be dropped. You use your ing throw.
spell attack modifier to hit. On a hit, it does
2d8 + your spellcasting attribute modifier in Smite
radiant damage. Against undead, it does
8th-level evocation
2d12 + twice your spellcasting attribute mod-
Casting Time: 1 action
ifier in radiant damage. This weapon does
Range: 30 feet
not leave visible wounds, except on undead;
Components: V, S
with them, their substance visibly boils away
Duration: Instantaneous
at the weapon’s touch.
You pick any point within range and
If you use a moonlight blade, this spell does
shout out your god’s wrath. All creatures
2d12 + twice your spellcasting attribute mod-
within 20 feet of that point must make a
ifier in radiant damage to shapechangers as
Constitution saving throw; you may choose
well as undead.
to exempt your allies, if they are in that area.
If you use a sunlight blade, anyone hit by
The affected creatures are smote by an in-
this sword must make a Constitution saving
tense, obviously divine light.
throw or be blinded for 1 minute.
A creature takes 12d6 lightning damage
In addition, on a successful hit, the target
and is blinded and poisoned for 24 hours on
must make a saving throw using its
a failed saving throw, or half as much dam-
spellcasting ability modifier or lose the abil-
age and is blinded and poisoned for 1 hour
ity to cast spells the following round. If the
on a successful one.
target does not have the ability to cast spells,
this has no effect.

Smoke Shape Duration: Until triggered
You create a snare or simple trap that is
Transmutation cantrip
almost completely undetectable without the
Casting Time: 1 action
use of magic. In order to locate it, a searcher
Range: Touch
would need to make an Intelligence (Insight)
Components: V, S
check with a DC of 25.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
At Higher Levels. When you cast this
You may shape masses of smoke, mist, or
spell with a 5th-level or higher spell slot, the
fog into any shape you want, although you
DC increases to 30.
will be incapable of fine detail. Once you
have created the desired shape, you may
give it a gentle push or blow hard on it, pro- Song of Compulsion
pelling it in one direction with a speed of 30 3rd-level enchantment
feet. You can only affect a cloud of smoke up Casting Time: 1 action
to Large sized. A strong wind will rapidly Range: 60 feet
dissipate the shape. Components: V
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
Snapdragon You start singing a well-known and
mindless travelling song that has many vers-
3rd-level transmutation
es. All living creatures within range that can
Casting Time: 1 action
hear and understand you must make a Wis-
Range: 100 feet
dom saving throw or begin singing along.
Components: V, S, M (a snapdragon blos-
Neither you nor singing creatures are unable
to take offensive actions, cast spells, or using
Duration: 1 minute
any magic items (unless they would help
You pick a point within range. All flower-
with the song). A creature may make a new
ing plants within 20 feet of that point tempo-
saving throw, at disadvantage, every minute,
rarily awaken and become carnivorous. A
to end this effect.
creature that ends its turn within that area
must make a Dexterity saving throw. The
creature takes 4d6 piercing damage on a Soul Anchor
failed saving throw, or half as much on a 7th-level enchantment
successful one. Casting Time: 1 action
The animated flowers also spit pollen. Range: Touch
This causes disabling sneezing and choking Components: V, S
while in that area. All creatures have their Duration: Permanent
movement reduced to 10 feet. You tie the target’s life force to a particu-
lar building, an estate, or another place with
Snare a clearly-defined border, unless the target
succeeds at a Wisdom saving throw. While
3rd-level transmutation
this spell is in effect, the target cannot leave
Casting Time: 1 action
that place unless you or the building’s owner
Range: Touch
(if that is not also the target) grant permis-
Components: V, S, M (a snakeskin and a sin-
ew from a large animal)

sion, or a dispel magic or remove curse spell is Spectral Beast
successfully cast on the target.
6th-level illusion
If the target attempts to leave, the area
Casting Time: 1 action
outside the border becomes difficult terrain,
Range: Self
and the target takes 1d10 force damage each
Components: V, S, M (a bit of tooth, fur,
time it ends its turn outside the designated
scale, or other body part from the creature
you wish to create)
Duration: 1 minute
Speak with Water You create a slightly glowing, ghostly
4th-level transmutation beast or monstrosity that has a challenge rat-
Casting Time: 1 action ing 6 or lower that erupts from your chest
Range: Self (30-foot radius) and bounds towards a target. The creature is
Components: V, S translucent and utterly silent.
Duration: 10 minutes You must use your action to direct its
You imbue a body of water (or Medium- attack; without direction, it will simply stand
to Large-sized section of water) with limited listlessly. It cannot be charmed, frightened,
sentience and the ability to communicate incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, stunned,
with you. You can question the water as to or being rendered unconscious, and it is im-
the events in the spell’s area within the past mune to exhaustion. It cannot cast spells or
day, gaining information about creatures and use innate spellcasting. It otherwise identical
objects that have entered the water or drunk to a normal creature of its type.
from it.
Sphere of Adaptation
Special Effects 7th-level abjuration
1st-level transmutation (ritual) Casting Time: 1 action
Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch (20-foot radius)
Range: Self (10-foot cube) Components: V, S
Components: V, S, M (a represented of the Duration: 24 hours
desired effect) A glistening, transparent globe forms
Duration: Permanent around one creature you touch and moves
You create a physical effect of a visual, with that creature. Other creatures may re-
auditory, olfactory, gustatory, or tactile na- main within the sphere as well if they stay
ture in a 10-foot cube. This effect can take close to the target.
nearly any form but cannot be harmful or The globe contains a self-renewing sup-
debilitating. For instance, you can create ply of air and allows no inanimate objects in
haunting music that plays on repeat or when (it does not prevent undead or constructs
a creature enters the area, the scent of pine from entering). Creatures within the sphere
trees or lemons in a room, make the floor or are immune to gasses and respiratory attacks
walls feel spongy, or so on. and can breathe underwater or even in a

At Higher Levels. If you cast this spell a 9th-level spell slot, you increase the range
with a 8th-level or higher spell slot, the dura- to 20 miles.
tion increases to 1 week.
Splinter Wood
Spirit Mask 2nd-level transmutation
1st-level abjuration Casting Time: 1 action
Casting Time: 1 action Range: 60 feet
Range: Self Components: V, S
Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes You cause a wooden object, including
You catch a minor spirit and wrap a part trees, of Medium-size or smaller to violently
of your soul around it and let it go. While explode. All creatures within 30 feet must
under the effects of this spell, all attempts to make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature
use a divination spell on you are misdirected takes 3d6 piercing damage on a failed saving
to the spirit instead. throw, or half as much on a successful one. If
the wooden object is held by a creature (such
Spirit of Flame as a spear or quarterstaff), the creature who
is holding it may not attempt to make a sav-
6th-level conjuration
ing throw to avoid damage, but must make a
Casting Time: 1 action
Constitution saving throw or be blinded for 1
Range: Self
minute due to flying splinters (if the creature
Components: V, S
is wearing something over its eyes, such as a
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
full-face helmet, it is immune).
You gain the ability to enter a flame of at
least Small size and move from inside it to
another flame within 1 miles. You must use 5 Spring
feet of movement to enter the fire, and you 3rd-level transmutation
take no damage from it. You instantly know Casting Time: 1 action
the location of all fires within 1 miles. You Range: 30 feet
appear in a spot of your choice within 5 feet Components: V, S, M (a small forked stick,
of the destination fire, using another 5 feet of which is thrust into the ground)
movement. If you have no movement left, Duration: 24 hours
you appear within 5 feet of the fire you en- You create a temporary freshwater spring
tered. You can use this transportation ability that flows at a rate of 2d6 gallons per minute;
once per round for the duration. You must if the area is overly arid, then it only produc-
end each turn outside a tree. es 1d4 gallons per minute.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this
spell with a higher-level spell slot, you in- Squeaking Floor
crease the range. When you use a 7th-level
Abjuration cantrip
spell slot, you increase the range to 5 miles.
Casting Time: 1 action
When you use an 8th-level spell slot, you
Range: 30 feet
increase the range to 10 miles. When you use
Components: V, S, M (a rusty iron hinge)
Duration: 1 hour

A 5-foot-square area of floor squeaks At Higher Levels. If you cast this spell
loudly if anything that weighs more than 3 with a 7th-level or higher spell slot, the sticks
pounds passes over it. turn into giant constrictor snakes (p.324) or
The duration of the spell increases at 5th- giant poisonous snakes (p.327) instead.
level (3 hours), 11th-level (8 hours), and 17th-
level (24 hours). Stone Tell
5th-level transmutation
Starharp Casting Time: 1 action
6th-level abjuration Range: Self (30-foot radius)
Casting Time: 1 action Components: V, S
Range: Self (10-foot radius) Duration: 10 minutes
Components: V, S, M (one of your tears and You imbue a Medium- or Large-sized
a tiny harp, carved out of wood, bone, or rock with limited sentience and the ability to
ivory) communicate with you. You can question the
Duration: 1 minute water as to the events in the spell’s area
You softly hum or sing a song and a blue- within the past day, gaining information
white, glowing image of a harp, surrounded about creatures and objects that have come
by little stars of twinkling radiance, that close to the rock.
floats in mid-air just above you.
All creatures within 10 feet of you are Storm
freed from one effect of being charmed,
8th-level evocation (ritual)
frightened, incapacitated, or stunned, or it
Casting Time: 10 minutes
will restore one level of exhaustion. In addi-
Range: Self (10-mile radius)
tion, each round, if you choose to, you may
Components: V, S, M (a lightning rod or a
concentrate on a creature within range, and
branch from a which has been struck by
that creature regains 30 hit points. You may
lightning at least once)
continue to concentrate on that individual
Duration: 12 hours
for multiple rounds, or you may pick a dif-
You cause a horrendous thunderstorm to
ferent target.
develop over the course of half an hour and
rage for 12 hours. Rain falls at the rate of 1/2
Sticks to Snakes inch per hour.
4th-level transmutation Once every 10 minutes, you may direct a
Casting Time: 1 action lightning bolt to hit a target of your choice. If
Range: 60 feet the target is a living being, it may make a
Components: V, S, M (a piece of snakeskin) Dexterity saving throw. The target takes 4d8
Duration: 1 minute lightning damage on a failed saving throw,
You transform 2d6 sticks into either con- or half as much on a successful one.
strictor snakes (Monster Manual, p.320) or
poisonous snakes (p.334), with a 50% chance Succor
of either. They will fight under your direc-
8th-level conjuration (ritual)
Casting Time: 1 hour
Range: Touch

Components: V, S, M (gemstones totaling at must succeed on a second Constitution sav-
least 5,000 gp, which are consumed in the ing throw or take double damage.
casting of the spell)
Duration: Until triggered Sunscorch
You enchant a specially-prepared object,
3rd-level evocation
such as a statuette, a gemstone, etc., and give
Casting Time: 1 action
it to a willing creature; you also must tell that
Range: 60 feet
creature the item’s command word). When it
Components: V, S
speaks the command and breaks or crushes
Duration: Instantaneous
the item, that creature, along with everything
An intense blast of heat and light ema-
it is carrying, is instantly teleported to your
nates from your hand, forming a narrow
beam that curves around obstacles and
moves to follow its target, which it strikes
Suffocate unerringly.
7th-level necromancy The blast deals 2d10 fire damage and
Casting Time: 1 action 2d10 radiant damage. If the creature is wear-
Range: Self (30-foot radius) ing metal armor or a shield, or holding any
Components: V, S, M (a silk bag studded metal item that is larger than Small, then it
with black opals worth at least 5,000 gp) takes an additional 1d10 fire damage as the
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes. sun heats the metal up to unbearable tem-
You draw the breath out of all creatures peratures.
in range. Each creature in range must make a At Higher Levels. When you cast this
Constitution saving throw to resist. On a spell with a 4th-level or higher spell slot, it
failure, the creature begins to suffocate. does an additional 1d10 fire or radiant dam-
age per slot level above 3rd.
4th-level evocation Sustain Fire
Casting Time: 1 action Transmutation cantrip
Range: 120 feet Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S, M (a small sunstone Range: 30 feet
worth at least 10 gp) Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Special
You hurl a mote of pure sunlight at a One nonmagical fire that is no larger than
creature or object within range. Make a a Large bonfire is slowed and consumes its
ranged spell attack against the target. On a fuel at one-tenth its normal rate, while still
hit, the target takes 4d10 radiant damage, giving off the normal amount of heat and
and the target and all creatures within 20 feet light. It lasts until it goes out, or 24 hours
must make a Constitution saving throw or be have passed.
blinded for 1 minute.
If the creature has the trait Sunlight Sensi- Swim
tivity or Sunlight Hypersensitivity, they
1st-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch If you cast a spell such as enthrall while
Components: V, S, M (a piece of pumice using this spell, the targets are at disad-
stone) vantage on their saving throws.
Duration: 1 hour
Two willing creatures you touch has ad- Talon’s Soundmaster
vantage on Strength (Athletics) ability checks
4th-level illusion
and Dexterity (Acrobatics) ability checks
Casting Time: 1 action
made while swimming, and gains a Swim
Range: Touch
speed of 40 feet.
Components: V, S, M (an ivory cube at least
At Higher Levels. When you cast this
1 inch square)
spell with a 2nd-level or higher spell slot,
Duration: 24 hours
you may cast this spell on two additional
You record up to six sounds that you,
creatures for each slot level above 1st.
personally have heard. The sounds can be as
soft or as loud as you wish, but can never be
Talon’s Skitmaster so loud as to cause harm. Each sound can be
4th-level illusion no more than 1 round in length and do not
Casting Time: 1 action have to be audible while you are casting the
Range: Self (10-foot radius sphere) spell.
Components: V, S, M (a pound of sand) At any point during the spell’s duration,
Duration: 3 hours you may firmly press one of cube’s sides and
You draw a square of sand no greater it will release the sound. Each sound can on-
than 20 feet by 20 feet, and tell a story. This ly be called forth once.
spell creates illusions of the creatures and
objects in the story, which move and act ac- Talon’s Waterproof
cording to your narration. At the same time,
Abjuration cantrip
you are covered in shadows—you do not
Casting Time: 1 action
disappear, but your body (although not your
Range: Touch
voice) seems to fades into the background.
Components: V, S M (a drop of water)
The creatures are slightly translucent and
Duration: 1 hour
are obviously illusions. They cannot move
You touch an item or object of Large size
past the sandy line and are completely in-
or smaller. For the duration, the object is
substantial and silent—you must produce
immune to getting wet from natural water,
the voices and sound effects. However, you
such as rainfall. This spell offers no protec-
can direct the illusions to appear to interact
tion from water-based attacks or spells. Full
with living creatures and physical objects, if
immersion in water breaks the spell.
you wish.
If you stop narrating the story or per-
forming actions (including singing or addi- Tame Animal
tional spellcasting) that enhance the story, 5th-level enchantment
take a break longer than 15 minutes, or step Casting Time: 1 action
beyond the boundary of the sandy line, the Range: Touch
spend ends. Components: V, S
Duration: Permanent

You aid a beast in some way, such as by Tattoo of Power
freeing it from a snare or defending it from a
6th-level evocation (ritual)
predator, and then cast this spell. The crea-
Casting Time: 1 hour
ture may make a Wisdom saving throw. If it
Range: Touch
fails, it will permanently become charmed by
Components: V, S, M (tattoo inks worth 10
you. It will see you as a trusted ally.
gp per spell level and a needle, all of which is
Depending on the nature of the creature,
consumed in the casting of this spell)
it may or may not decide to follow you. If it
Duration: Until triggered
doesn’t, it will remember you the next time it
You tattoo a spell onto a willing crea-
sees you and still consider you a friend.
ture’s skin. While you cast this spell, you also
Any action that removes the charmed
cast the spell you wish to tattoo—you may
effect from the creature will instantly end
use a higher-level spell slot when casting that
this spell. How it reacts depends on how
spell, if you wish. The creature may release
well you treated it.
the spell at any time by touching it and
speaking a command word. This causes the
Tasirin’s Haunted Sleep tattoo to disappear and that spell to be cast.
5th-level enchantment Each tattoo takes up two square inches
Casting Time: 1 action per level. Up to two spell levels can be tat-
Range: Touch tooed on a neck, up to four levels can be tat-
Components: V, S tooed on an arm, up to six levels can be tat-
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour tooed on a leg, and up to ten levels can be
One creature you touch must make a tattooed on the chest or back.
Wisdom saving throw or fall into a deep No more than four different tattoos of
sleep. The creature cannot be awoken from power can be placed on a single individual at
this sleep except by using the spells dispel a time.
magic, lesser restoration, or remove curse. Crea-
tures that can’t be charmed are immune to Telepathic Broadcast
this effect. If the creature is already asleep, it
5th-level evocation
makes the saving throw at disadvantage.
Casting Time: 1 action
While the target is asleep, you may pro-
Range: Self (120-foot radius)
ject images and emotions into the its mind.
Components: V, S, M (a pinch of desiccated
The subject will then have dreams or night-
tissue from a telepathic or psionic creature)
mares based on those images. The exact re-
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
sults are up to the DM, depending on the
You can broadcast your thoughts, emo-
content of the sent images.
tions, or instructions to all creatures you
You may also place a suggestion into the
choose within range who can understand
target’s mind. The creature may make a
your language. This is one-way communica-
Wisdom saving throw to resist. It will then
tion; the recipients cannot speak back.
follow the suggestion when it awakens.

Teleport Object
3rd-level conjuration
Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch You and up to seven other willing targets
Components: V, S become completely intangible to metal items.
Duration: Instantaneous A target is immune to bludgeoning, piercing,
You may teleport a Small-sized inanimate and slashing damage from nonmagical me-
object weighing 1 pound or less to any loca- tallic weapons. It can pass through metal
tion on the same plane as you. The destina- bars, gates and the like as if they were diffi-
tion you choose must be familiar to you, and cult terrain (a creature takes 1d10 force dam-
your familiarity with the destination deter- age if it ends its turn inside a metal struc-
mines whether the object arrives their suc- ture).
cessfully. The DM rolls 1d100 and consults Each target may specify one metal object
the table. that they are holding while you cast this
spell. The target will be able to continue
Similar Off On holding that item for the duration. If that
Familiarity Mishap Area Target Target item is a container of some sort, it can con-
Permanent tinue hold other metal items inside of it.
— — — 01-100
— — — 01-100 Tenser’s Hunting Hawk
Very 2nd-level transmutation
01-05 06-13 14-24 25-100
familiar Casting Time: 1 action
Seen Range: Touch
01-33 34-43 44-53 54-100
casually Components: V, S, M (a hawk’s wing feath-
Viewed once 01-43 44-53 54-73 74-100
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
This spell otherwise acts exactly as the You touch an arrow, which is then fired
teleport spell.
from a bow. As soon as it leaves the bow, the
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
arrow turns into a hawk (Monster Manual,
with a spell slot of 4th level or higher, you p.330). The hawk will then attack. You may
double the weight of the item you can send
use a bonus action to direct its attack. When
for each spell slot above 3rd. (2 pounds with
the duration expires, or the hawk is slain, it
a 4th-level slot, 4 pounds with a 5th-level
reverts back to an arrow and falls.
slot, 8 pounds with a 6th-level slot, 16 If you cast this spell on a magical arrow
pounds with a 7th-level slot, 32 pounds with
(except for an arrow of slaying), the hawk re-
a 8th-level slot, and 64 pounds with a 9th-
tains the magical properties. For instance, if
level slot.)
cast on an arrow +1, the hawk gains +1 to
attack and damage.
Tenfold Ironguard At Higher Levels. When you cast this
7th-level abjuration spell with a 3rd- or 4th-level spell slot, the
Casting Time: 1 action arrow transforms into an eagle. When you
Range: Touch cast this spell with a 5th-level or higher spell
Components: V, S, M (a handful of iron fil- slot, the arrow transforms into a giant eagle.
ings and a drop of aqua regia)
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

Tentacles You can use this tentacle to pick up objects
with ease. The tentacle is 30 feet long.
6th-level transmutation
If you strike someone with this tentacle, it
Casting Time: 1 action
does 1d6 + your Strength ability modifier in
Range: Self (10-foot long tentacles)
bludgeoning damage, plus 2d8 necrotic
Components: V, M (a dried octopus tentacle)
damage. In addition, the DM rolls on the fol-
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
lowing table to determine hit location and
Two 10-foot-long greenish tentacles grow
the effect that has:
out of your body. You may use them as addi-
tional arms. They grant you one additional
d8 Body Part Effect
attack: you may use the tentacles to wield That limb is paralyzed until
weapons, using your proficiency bonus, or to the end of your next turn. If
slam an opponent, using your spell attack it’s an arm, you cannot hold
modifier. 1-6 Limb a weapon or shield in that
If you use them to slam, they inflict 2d6 + hand. If it’s a leg, you must
your Strength modifier in bludgeoning dam- make a DC 15 Dexterity
age, and if the creature is your size or small- check or fall prone.
er, it is grappled (escape DC equal to your The creature is blinded or
spell save DC) and restrained until the grap- 7-8 Head deafened until the end of
ple ends. You may only grapple as many your next turn.
creatures as you have available tentacles. At
the beginning of each of your turns, you con- On a successful hit, you may choose to
strict, inflicting an additional 1d6 bludgeon- grapple that creature (escape DC is equal to
ing damage as long as the creature is re- your spell save DC). As long as the grapple
strained. remains in effect, that target is restrained. At
Each tentacle has AC 11 + your Dexterity the start of each of your turns, you inflict an
modifier and 8 hit points. Damage inflicted additional 2d8 necrotic damage.
on a tentacle does not harm you.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this Thief’s Lament
spell with a 7th-level or higher spell slot, you 3rd-level abjuration
grow an additional tentacle for each spell slot Casting Time: 1 action
higher than 6th level. Range: Self (30-foot cube)
Components: V, S, M (a silver key)
Tentacle of Withering Duration: 1 hour
6th-level transmutation You ward an area against mundane
Casting Time: 1 action thievery. All creatures who enter the area are
Range: Self at disadvantage when using thieves’ tools,
Components: V, S, M (a small bone and a when attempting a sneak attack, and when
piece of rubber) using Sleight of Hand or Stealth.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute At Higher Levels. When you cast this
One of your arms transforms into a wrig- spell with a higher-level spell slot, you in-
gling gray tentacle with sticky suction cups. crease its duration. When you use a 5th-level
spell slot, the duration increases to 12 hours.

When you use a 7th-level spell slot, the dura- Thump
tion increases to 24 hours. When you use a
Evocation cantrip
9th-level spell slot, the duration increases to
Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take
1 week.
when another creature attacks you
Range: Touch
Thornwrack Components: V, S, M (a fan, book, rolled-up
5th-level transmutation scroll, or other non-weapon object you can
Casting Time: 1 action hold in one hand)
Range: Touch Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Components: V, S You smack a hostile, attacking creature
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes with the item you are holding on the head,
You touch a creature and cause long, face, or hand, forelimb, or paw while berat-
painful thorns to grow out of its flesh, pierc- ing it, using an unarmed attack or your spell
ing the skin from the inside. A thorn takes 1 attack modifier to hit. The creature must
round to grow and inflicts 1d4 + your make a Wisdom saving throw or be stunned
spellcasting ability modifier in piercing for 1 round.
damage each round. After each minute, the
creature must make a Constitution saving Thunderball
throw or fall unconscious from the pain.
2nd-level evocation
Casting Time: 1 action
Throbbing Bones Range: 60 feet
5th-level necromancy Components: V, S M (an amber rod)
Casting Time: 1 action Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 30 feet An explosion of lightning and crash of
Components: V, M (a small bone that you thunder erupts for a point you choose within
snap in half) range. All creatures within 20 feet of that
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute point must make a Constitution saving
You choose one target you can see within throw. A creature takes 1d6 lightning dam-
range. That creature’s bones begin to throb age and 1d6 thunder damage and is deaf-
and pulsate. Plants, oozes, and other crea- ened for 1 minute on a failed saving throw,
tures that do not have bones (or other crea- or takes half as much damage and is deaf-
tures that only have cartilage or an exoskele- ened for 1 round on a successful one.
ton) are immune to this spell. At Higher Levels. When you cast this
The pain the creature suffers due to this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher,
spell causes it to be at disadvantage for all the damage increases by 1d6 lightning and
attack rolls and ability checks, and its speed 1d6 thunder damage for each slot level above
is reduced by 10 feet. In addition, the target 2nd.
must make a Constitution saving throw each
round. The creature takes 1d10 bludgeoning Timed Stasis
damage on a failed saving throw, or half as
7th-level transmutation (ritual)
much on a successful one.
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: Touch

Components: V, S, M (a platinum spring One creature you touch must make an
worth at least 500 gp) Intelligence saving throw or completely for-
Duration: Special get the events of the previous 24 hours. The-
You touch an inanimate object and it put se memories are forever gone and can only
in stasis. The object can be handled, moved, be retrieved by the use of a wish spell.
or carried, but it cannot be damaged,
opened, or otherwise affected in any way, Transmute Bone to Steel
even by yourself.
6th-level transmutation
This spell lasts for as long as you wish, up
Casting Time: 1 action
to for 1 month, plus a number of months
Range: Touch
equal to your spellcasting ability modifier.
Components: V, S, M (steel filings and pow-
You may use an action to dismiss the spell at
dered bone)
any time.
Duration: Permanent
You touch a dead skeleton or any object
Timelessness made out of bone and give it the tensile
9th-level transmutation strength and durability of steel. If you touch
Casting Time: 1 action a skeleton, you may then animate it as a
Range: Touch skeleton. The undead skeleton then has AC
Components: V, S, M (a gemstone worth at 17.
least 1,000 gp and a cylinder of obsidian,
both of which are crushed in the casting) Transmute Rock
Duration: 1 month
This are new variants of the spell transmute
You touch a creature, who, if unwilling
rock that appears in the Elemental Evil Player’s
must make a Wisdom saving throw. If it
Companion, pg.22.
fails, that creature is removed from time. You
♦ Flowstone. You cause normal rock to
may declare while casting the spell how long
flow like thick syrup, allowing it to move
you want this state to continue, up to 1
around objects, be directed into a mold and
then allowed to harden, etc. This version of
A creature that has been removed from
the spell has a duration of 1 minute.
time is paralyzed, does not age, and does not
♦ Transmute Sand to Stone.
need to eat, drink, breathe, or sleep. It is im-
Nonmagical sand in the area no more than 10
mune to all forms of damage and all condi-
feet deep transforms into sandstone for the
spell’s duration. This is otherwise identical to
A creature under the effect of this spell
the transmute mud to rock version of this spell.
can only be freed by casting a wish.
♦ Transmute Snow to Stone.
Nonmagical snow or ice in the area no more
Touch of the Styx than 10 feet deep can be transformed into a
7th-level enchantment soft, porous white rock such as soapstone or
Casting Time: 1 action talc, or into chalk. This is otherwise identical
Range: Touch to the transmute mud to rock version of this
Components: V, S spell.
Duration: Instantaneous

♦ Transmute Stone to Sand. creature you targeted learns your name and
Nonmagical rock of any type, including appearance.
gemstones, is transformed into an equal vol-
ume of sand. This is otherwise identical to Unburn
the transmute rock to mud version of this spell.
7th-level transmutation
♦ Transmute Stone to Snow. Non-
Casting Time: 1 action
magical stone of any type is transformed into
Range: 30 feet
an equal volume snow. This is otherwise
Components: V, S, M (a small vial of water)
identical to the transmute rock to mud version
Duration: Permanent
of this spell.
You cast this spell on anything that has
been burned within the last 24 hours. It con-
Trick jures of a hand-sized black flame that radi-
5th-level illusion ates cold and shadow, which proceeds to
Casting Time: 1 action “unburn” the burnt material, taking it back
Range: 100 feet to its pre-fire state. Anyone who touches this
Components: V, S, M (a ball of wax) flame will take 1 point of cold damage. It will
Duration: 1 hour not reverse burn damage to living creatures
You switch your appearance and the and will not restore hit points lost to fire
sound of your voice with one creature of damage. If a living creature died due to fire
similar size and shape within range that you damage, this spell will remove the burns
can see: you look like that creature and it from the corpse, but will not restore the crea-
looks like you. The creature makes an Intelli- ture to life.
gence saving throw to resist, but at disad- Like normal fire, this black flame spreads
vantage if it is unaware of you. and grows, consuming all burnt items until
24 hours have passed or it runs out of burnt
True Name material to consume.
If the original fire reduced an object to
6th-level divination
ashes, and some of those ashes have blown
Casting Time: 1 action
away, then this spell will restore the item
Range: 30 feet
with gaps.
Components: V, S, M (a potion of mind read-
Because rust is a form of oxidation, the
ing, which you must consume while casting
black flame will reverse the effects of rust,
this spell)
tarnish, and corrosion on metal.
Duration: Instantaneous
You target a celestial, fey, fiend, or other
creature within range that has a hidden true Vaporize
name. That creature must make a Charisma 8th-level transmutation
saving throw. On a failure, you learn that Casting Time: 1 action
creature’s true name. Range: 100 feet
At the same time, you must make an In- Components: V, S, M (a bit of ash and spit-
telligence saving throw equal to 8 + the total tle)
of the creature’s Intelligence, Wisdom, and Duration: Instantaneous
Charisma attribute modifiers. If you fail, the

You pick a point within range. All rock, effective for three successful strikes on a
earth, stone, metal, crystals within a 20-foot blade, or for one use each on a missile.
radius cube that is centered on that point Each blow inflicts an additional 2d6 poi-
vanish, turned into a dense, billowing fog son damage, and the target must make a
that eventually evaporates. The fog provides Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for
light concealment and can be blown away 1 minute.
with a stiff breeze. At Higher Levels. When you cast this
Creatures made of rock, earth, metal, or spell with a 3rd-level or higher spell slot, you
crystal must make a Constitution saving may use the blade for one additional strike,
throw. A creature takes 10d10 force damage or poison one additional missile, for each slot
on a failed saving throw, or half as much on level above 2nd.
a successful one.
Vision Stone
Venomdust 4th-level divination
3rd-level evocation Casting Time: 1 minute
Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M (the gemstone to be
Components: V, S enchanted, which must be worth at least 50
Duration: 1 month gp each), an eyelash, and a tooth from any
You create an ounce of highly toxic dust, creature)
which you can sprinkle on objects (or parts Duration: Until triggered
of an object) that are no larger than to 1 You enclose a telepathic message in one
square foot. The venomdust adheres to the to five gemstones and set the circumstances
material and cannot be blown or washed off. under which the message will be revealed.
It stays potent for 1 month. When a creature holds a vision stone in the
A creature that touches an object with criterion is met, the message is transmitted
bare hands or thin gloves must make a Con- telepathically to that creature. The message
stitution saving throw. The creature takes can be 50 words long or a one-minute silent
6d10 poison damage and is poisoned for 1 vision. All vision stones created with a single
hour on a failure, or no damage but is poi- casting of this spell must share the same lan-
soned for 1 hour on a success. guage.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this
Venomous Blade spell with a spell slot of 5th level or higher,
you may create an additional two stones for
2nd-level transmutation
each slot above 4th level.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a drop of poison) Wail of the Banshee
Duration: Special 6th-level necromancy
You magically cover one bladed weapon Casting Time: 1 action
or three projectile or thrown weapons with a Range: Self (30 feet radius)
deadly contact poison. This poison remains Components: V, S, M (a lock of hair from an
evil female elf)

Duration: Instantaneous damage as a normal weapon of its type; it is
You cry out loudly and up to 12 living also immune to effects that target metal.
creatures within range you can see must
make a Constitution saving throw. A crea- Weapon Return
ture drops to 0 hit points on a failure, or
3rd-level transmutation
takes 3d6 psychic damage on a success.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Warning Shout Components: V, S
Evocation cantrip Duration: 1 minute
Casting Time: 1 action You touch a throwing weapon; you may
Range: Self use this weapon or give it to someone else to
Components: V, S use. When it is thrown, it will instantly re-
Duration: Instantaneous turn to the thrower’s hand and can be used
You can shout a single word (such as again the following round.
“Help!” or “Orcs!”), which is magically am-
plified loud enough to be heard a half-mile Web of Shadows
away. You must be outside to cast this spell.
6th-level conjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Watching Shadow Range: 100 feet
4th-level divination Components: V, S, M (a piece of spider web)
Casting Time: 1 action Duration: 12 hours
Range: 500 feet You fill an area 40 cubic feet with shad-
Components: V, S ow-grey, intangible strands of force that re-
Duration: 1 round sembles a giant spider web. The webbing is
You create a mobile shadow that sends almost invisible. It requires a DC 18 Investi-
you visual information in a way similar to an gation check to locate them. Once created,
arcane eye. You can direct it to move along these webs cannot be harmed by any
walls and the floor with a speed of 60 feet, nonmagical attacks.
and can pass through a crack as narrow as 1 Any creature who enters the web has its
inch without squeezing. You may use your movement slowed to 10 feet. Each round a
action to change the shadow’s shape. creature ends its turn in the webbing, the
creature must make a Constitution saving
Weapon of the Earth throw. The creature takes 3d10 cold damage
on a failed saving throw and has its Strength
1st-level transmutation
reduced by 1; the creature takes half as much
Casting Time: 1 action
damage on a successful check and does not
Range: Touch
lose Strength. Lost Strength returns after the
Components: V, S, M (a chink of iron ore)
creature takes a long rest.
Duration: 1 minute
You pick up a chunk of rock and turn it
into a one-handed melee weapon of your Weapon Shift
choice. While it is made of stone, it inflicts 2nd-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch You create a web of force that wraps
Components: V, S around the wings and body of any one flying
Duration: 1 minute creature within range. The creature is grap-
You change one hand-held, nonmagical pled (escape DC equal to your spell save DC)
weapon into an entirely different one that and restrained as long as the grapple re-
you are proficient in. The weapon’s material mains.
remains the same (you cannot turn a wooden
club into a steel sword, for instance). You Wing Gifting
cannot give this weapon to anyone else to
4th-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 100 feet
Whip of Flame Components: V, S
3rd-level evocation Duration: 1 hour
Casting Time: 1 action One willing creature you touch gains a
Range: Self pair of wings. The creature’s flying speed is
Components: V, S, M (a lump of charcoal) double your walking speed, and the creature
Duration: 1 minute gains one additional ability, depending on
You create a ten-foot long, flaming line of the type of wing:
magical force, which you can use as a whip. ♦ Butterfly Wings. These wings grant
You use your spell attack modifier to attack. the bearer the ability to flutter—the bearer
On a hit, it does 4d10 fire damage. It can also moves in an erratic fashion. While in the air,
be used to set combustibles alight. any creature targeting the bearer with a me-
lee or missile weapon attack are at disad-
Whispers vantage to do so.
♦ Dragon Wings. These wings grant the
2nd-level divination (ritual)
bearer a wing buffet attack, which can be
Casting Time: 1 action
used as a bonus action. This attack has a
Range: 300 feet
reach of 10 feet and inflicts 1d4 + the bearer’s
Components: V, S
Strength modifier, and that creature must
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
make a Strength saving throw, with a DC
You direct the breezes to carry the sounds
equal to 8 + the bearer’s Strength modifier, or
of distant conversation to you. You can hear
fall prone.
what any speaking creature you can see
♦ Dragonfly Wings. These wings grant
within range as clearly as if they were right
the bearer the ability to hover.
next to you.
♦ Eagle Wings. These wings grant the
bearer the ability to make a dive attack. If
Wingbind that creature dives at least 30 feet straight
5th-level evocation towards a target and then hit it with a melee
Casting Time: 1 action weapon attack, the attack deals an additional
Range: 400 feet 1d10 damage to the target.
Components: V
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

Wolfjaws Components: V, S, M (the blood of the in-
tended victim, a glass screen, and a black
2nd-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: Permanent
Range: Self
You take the blood and use it to inscribe
Components: V, S, M (a wolf’s tool)
ritualistic runes on the screen, all the while
Duration: 1 minute
holding the lit candle. At the end of the cast-
You transform your hand into a pair of
ing, the creature’s whose blood you are using
powerful, wolf-like jaws. You use your spell
must make a Constitution saving throw. The
attack modifier to attack. On a hit, you inflict
creature takes 6d6 necrotic damage and your
2d8 + your Strength modifier in piercing
age is reduced by a number of years equal to
damage and, if you choose, the target is
half the amount of damage inflicted. If the
grappled (escape DC equals your spell save
creature takes enough damage to kill it, it
DC). Until this grapple ends, the target is
will look as though it died of old age.
restrained and you can’t bite another target.
At the beginning of each of your turns, you
inflict an additional 1d8 piercing damage for Zone of Deception
as long as the grapple remains in effect. 2nd-level enchantment
Casting Time: 1 action
Wyvern Watch Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
2nd-level evocation
Duration: 10 minutes
Casting Time: 1 action
You create a magical zone that guards
Range: 120 feet
against the truth in a 15-foot-radius sphere
Components: V, S
centered on a point of your choice within
Duration: 12 hours
range. Until the spell ends, a creature that
You create a cloud of mauve smoke in
enters the spell’s area for the first time on a
roughly the shape of a wyvern, which you
turn or starts its turn there must make a Cha-
set to guard an area. If a creature of Small
risma saving throw. On a failed save, a crea-
size or larger approaches within 10 feet, the
ture can’t speak the truth while in the radius.
wyvern strikes and the creature must make a
You know whether each creature succeeds or
Dexterity saving throw or be paralyzed for 1
fails on its saving throw.
An affected creature is aware of the spell
As soon as a creature has succumbed to
and can thus avoid answering questions to
the wyvern’s attack, or when 12 hours has
which it doesn’t want to lie. Such a creature
passed, the wyvern will dissipate.
can hint at the truth as long as the bulk of its
statement is a lie.
Year Stealing
8th-level necromancy (ritual)
Casting Time: 1 hour
Range: 1 mile

Mass Protection from Evil 3rd Level
Abjuration and Good Mystic Rope
Mordenkainen’s Defense Nectar
0th-Level (Cantrip) Against Lycanthropes Restore Earth
Banish Dazzle Thief’s Lament Teleport Object
Death Prayer
Hold Portal 5th Level 4th Level
Rainshield Favor of the Ocean Winds Bands of Sirellyn
Ritual Strength Fireward Dimensional Anchor
Squeaking Floor Resist Magic Everfull Quiver
Talon’s Waterproof Iron Maiden
6th Level
1st Level Mass Protection from Ener- 5th Level
Fire Aura gy Blessed Abundance
Protective Amulet Starharp
Sacred Guardian 6th Level
Segojan’s Armor 7th Level Conjure Divine Minion
Spirit Mask Breath of Life Moonbow
Seal of Destiny Horn of Plenty
2nd Level Seven-Eyes Web of Shadows
Agra’s Ambush Sphere of Adaptation
Elude Blow Tenfold Ironguard 7th Level
Exorcisms Conjure Beast Spirits
Favor of Good Luck 9th Level Cyclone Chariot
Fireproof Ancient Curse Rain of Terror
Preservation Elminster’s Effulgent
Revenance Epuration 8th Level
Chariot of Sustarre
3rd Level Glass Storm
Favor of Amelioration Conjuration 9th Level
Glyph of Warding (new var-
Black Blade of Disaster
iant) 0th-Level (Cantrip) Call
Impenetrable Falsehood Erik’s Quills Estate Transference
Mordenkainen’s Defense Legerdemain Mage Tunnel
Against Beasts Liquid Orb Power Word Banish
Mordenkainen’s Defense Nature Call Rising Colossus
Against Slimes Thump
Resist Turning
1st Level
4th Level Hail of Stone Divination
Guardian Weapon 2nd Level 0th-Level (Cantrip)
Guardian Seal Empathy
Create Campsite
Hiding Place Idea
Prismal’s Handy Mirror
Ilyykur’s Mantle Secret Signs
Invisibility Purge Thunderball

1st Level 8th Level 6th Level
Assess Value Divine Truth Obedience
Death Candle 7th Level
Detect Metals and Minerals Endless Dance
Detect Harmony
Enchantment Legal Thoughts
Detect Secret Passages and Mass Dominate Person
Portals 0th-Level (Cantrip) Mindkiller
Fire Truth Distraction Nymph’s Beauty
Sea Sight Power Word Sleep
1st Level Soul Anchor
2nd Level Alert Vigil Touch of the Styx
Death Recall Animal Animosity
Detect Charm 8th Level
Ground Trace 2nd Level Call of Despair
See Through Other Eyes Bliss Disbelief
Whispers Immurk’s Distraction
Intensify Sensation 9th Level
3rd Level Nap Bad Medicine
Astral Awareness Otto’s Soothing Vibrations Chain Madness
Isolde’s Answer Zone of Deception
Know Customs
Read Object 3rd Level
Seek Teleporter Anesthesia Evocation
Shoondal’s Seeking Animal Trick
Comfort 0th-Level (Cantrip)
4th Level Hibernation Bigby’s Bookworm Bane
Memory Road Song of Compulsion Call Upon Faith
Projected Magnification Darsson’s Cooling Breeze
Rastor’s Mystical Spy 4th Level Disarm
Vision Stone Blessed Forgetfulness Fiery Eyes
Watching Shadow Despair Flashpuff
Fire Charm Hailstone
5th Level Music of the Spheres Handcandle
Converse Otto’s Drums Helping Hand
Glyph of Revealing Siren Song Odeen’s Magic Cloud
Rary’s Replay Sleepwalking Scatterspray
Shadow Play Warning Shout
Shandaril’s Tracer 5th Level
Impending Permission 1st Level
6th Level Love Charm Beneficence
Prophecy Nature’s Charm Dancing Fire
True Name Oathbinding Diction
Scapegoat Frost Fingers
7th Level Tame Animal Ladder
Pool of Deeds Tasirin’s Haunted Sleep Magical Tether

2nd Level Chromatic Blade
Bigby’s Dexterous Digits Draw Upon Holy Might
Decastave Electric Bow
Fiery Fists Sand Shroud 0th-Level (Cantrip)
Fire Arrows Sarcophagus of Death Deepen Shadows
Firestaff Shadow Blink Haunting
Hurl Rock Telepathic Broadcast
Shark Bolt Thornwrack 1st Level
Skyhook Transmute Rock (new vari- Calder’s Starry Sky
Wyvern Watch ants) Color
Wingbind Creeping Darkness
3rd Level Elonia’s Glamer
Acid Lash 6th Level False Tracks
Archer’s Redoubt Catching Chain
Castigate Channel Flame 2nd Level
Darkbolt Lightning Curtain Beastmask
Dig Obold’s Brightness Call Society
Dragon Breath Skylight Blade Circle of Privacy
Frost Whip Spirit of Flame Drawmij’s Scent Mask
Javelin Echoes
Nchaser’s Glowing Globe 7th Level Leomund’s Trap
Nystul’s Radiant Baton Acid Storm Moon Rune
Otiluke’s Orb of Contain- Ballant’s Stonesplit Sinister Surroundings
ment Biting Shadow
Scalding Spout Bolt of Glory 3rd Level
Seeking Flame Harvest Conceal Item
Sunscorch Hovering Road Dire Charm
Venomdust Otiluke’s Siege Sphere Doomhound
Whip of Flame Encrypt
8th Level Fool’s Speech
4th Level Crown of Angels Merchant’s Glamer
Animate Flame Gunther’s Kaleidoscopic Nightscar
Bigby’s Force Sculpture Strike Phantom Arms and Armor
Chant Heartseeker
Control Temperature Hornung’s Random Dis- 4th Level
Hurl Thunderbolt patcher Fool’s Gold
Ice Blade Lightning Storm Instant Audience
Lightning Shield Otiluke’s Fire and Ice Mirage
Nystul’s Blacklight Burst Smite Mirage of Despair
Searing Song Succor
Shadowstrike Storm 5th Level
Shout False Vision
Sunbolt 9th Level Lorloveim’s Creeping Shad-
Death Pact ow
5th Level Harp of War Shadowcat
Ballant’s Stonestrength Heart Call Talon’s Skitmaster
Bestow Enchantment Skip Day Talon’s Soundmaster

Trick Rain of Blood Phantom Plow
Rising Rot Smoke Shape
6th Level Throbbing Bones Sustain Fire
Spectral Beast
6th Level 1st Level
8th Level Animate Blood Adhesion
Screen Arrow of Bone Arrowflight
Dead Man’s Eyes Augment Artistry
Graft Drawmij’s Breath of Life
Major Curse Ease Labor
Necromancy Nerve Dance Erase
Poison Favor of the Earth
0th-Level (Cantrip) Wail of the Banshee Filth’s Bane
Bloodbridge First Strike
Pain 7th Level Fist of Stone
Breath of Death Gift of Speech
1st Level Corpse Host Hair
Blood Bond Suffocate Laeral’s Cutting Hand
Exterminate Reed Staff
Ray of Fatigue 8th Level Secret Page
Lifeblend Sharptooth
2nd Level Longevity Special Effects
Ancestral Blessing Mass Contagion Swim
Skull Watch Quench the Spirit Weapon of the Earth
Year Stealing
3rd Level 2nd Level
Bestow Curse (new variants) 9th Level Banish Blight
Curse Tablet Body Link Body Blades
Ray of Paralysis Energy Drain Cook
Heart of Stone Deeppockets
4th Level Drawmij’s Light Step
Agitate Wounds Drawmij’s Swift Mount
Bone Seize Drenal’s Stone Flame
Burning Blood Transmutation Fang Fist
Chilling Scythe Favor of Serendipity
Cursed Image 0th-Level (Cantrip) Favor of Ill Luck
Enervation Allergy Field Frostfire
Kiss of Torment Alter Instrument Grassdart
Return to Earth Blacksteel Mistaken Missive
Sacred Strike Candletrick Otto’s Chime of Release
Simulate Skill Copy Scent of Vengeance
Druidcraft (new variants) Splinter Wood
5th Level Fertility Tenser’s Hunting Hawk
Animal Transfer Handfang Venomous Blade
Break Limb Leaf into Dagger Wolfjaws
Deathmaster’s Vial Odeen’s Magic Tailor
Possess Orison

3rd Level Hard Water Vaporize
Amanuensis Magnetism
Bearhug Mass 9th Level
Blossom Metal Shape Ivy Siege
Boon of Fortune Pillar of Borogar Renew Deposit
Drought Spring Skycastle
Entomb Timelessness
Farspeaker 6th Level
Lightning Rod Age Animal
Mass Jump Curse of Lycanthropy
Sand Sword Distort Life Ritual Spells
Shadow Dance Dusts of Death Adhesion
Shape Wood Earthmaw Age Animal
Singing Stone Imbue with Purpose Airboat
Snapdragon Ironwood Alter Beast
Snare Laughing Water Amanuensis
Weapon Return Scalesnare Amorphous Blob
Weapon Shift Stone Tell Amulet
Tattoo of Power Ancestral Blessing
4th Level Tentacles Anesthesia
Adamantine Mace Tentacles of Withering Assess Value
Alter Path Banish Blight
Barrier Reaver 7th Level Blessed Forgetfulness
Control Vapor Amorphous Blob Blood Bond
Create Darkenbeast Duo-Dimension Blossom
Darsson’s Potion Glassteel Breath of Death
Depress Resistance Gullship Breath of Life
Drawmij’s Instant Exit Intensify Nature Calder’s Starry Sky
Favor of the Flying Horse Prismal’s Pictograph Call
Glassee Right of Might Chariot of Sustarre
Holy Flail Timed Stasis Circle of Privacy.
Log to Lizard Transmute Bone to Steel Color
Needlestorm Cook
Pit 8th Level Create Campsite
Rusting Grasp Airboat Creeping Darkness
Sargasso Alter Beast Corpse Host
Shellskin Circle of Blindness Curse Tablet
Speak with Water Crystalbrittle Cursed Image
Sticks to Snakes Evolve Death Candle
Wing Gifting Khelben’s Blackstaff Death Pact
Laeral’s Invisible Blade Death Recall
5th Level Magic Susceptibility Deathmaster’s Vial
Age Object Power Word Blind Deeppockets
Battletide Sand Gems Detect Harmony
Cloud of Purification Simbul’s Skeletal Deliques- Detect Metals and Minerals
Cloud of Putrefaction cence Diction
Force Shapechange Unburn Dig

Distort Life Segojan’s Armor
Drought Shadow Play
Ease Labor Skycastle
Estate Transference Special Effects
Evolve Storm
Exorcism Succor
Filth’s Bane Tattoo of Power
Fire Truth Timed Stasis
Fireproof Whispers
Fool’s Speech Year Stealing
Glyph of Revealing
Guardian Seal
Guardian Weapon
Hard Water
Heart of Stone
Hovering Road
Imbue with Purpose
Immurk’s Distraction
Isolde’s Answer
Know Customs
Legal Thoughts
Leomund’s Trap
Magic Tether
Odeen’s Magic Tailor
Protective Amulet
Rary’s Replay
Renew Deposit
Ritual Strength
Sacred Guardian
Sand Gems
Scent of Destiny
Seal of Destiny
Secret Page


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