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Chopler-a aeate communicaton : 16 ol Sy oahe gommunicahon ts the hcinshes, Ob. ders a information. bet" a Source and a acceiver: - The source. hansmits the dete 4 the acceiver qeceives ‘t+ - Tinvelved the following Iilee communication neko. aks -different_communicolion Services vequired_, she kind. nehoorks available, probecols archilee- tures, Osx - models, ; Tej?/IP _pretoco)_ models elc- Southe: \ronefer » te ‘dala: the - This interceled , mothod_ 6 honefer the Preservation 6 the date during She bemafer _Prosessen: 4 thie Belo. en model on _ ie ‘Source Systern “Delination system Taare item Tee | Poerkinalen| ‘Transmission System Block, diagram 6 : fig: hich. is aeceptable Joy compuler aptem. Qestinalion : a js simply a clevica for which source. clevice sends. the olela, sacl peat ‘The osr “rial. (op en s ystems Inlereomechion’ rnode) isa concephy all inary wed 4 desertbe the function ta neline ching opleme - The 4 layer | osx model an: — y Physical lew er? Dis the lowest layer 6+ ost rmoclel « a dea)s with the horcwoare level Ike, hansmission meclia, Connections and the voltage fr cle synas- In other worel , TH iota the Sechicd 4 mechanical inlerface to the network. rrecium Ceables) > Beta Lnk layer: Tt deals ~ worth physical hansfer Framing , flow conhrel and error conlre) funchions- J} Ss aresponsible hr_gething the dela packaged! Por the prytical leer: This lewes. is subdivicled!” ints #00 parts “tre (Logie link conhol) £ Mac (medium fecess - conWel)- aon a> Neheoorle’ layers : ! - TG is most fh Sant Jayen in OSE model - Tt decals volth the hansfer™ st dala in dhe form jackets pver the communfteclion nehe- orke: It fs also responsible fr hanslatin legianl address or names inte physical (ow alata link) addresses: ; P o : > Traneport Joyer : Th is ensures thak dala is Successfully Sent and seceived bet” hoo end nodes. If Yale ~ is ~cent incorrectly | this layer hog the yespon- stbilty bb ack fir ve-hansmission ot the “tale. Th passes ee the dala onle the “Upper loujens inthe same -order in which they vshere senby “ay provides @ reliable nehoark-lediasedene «iescigiuadinleraliand.e service to the top dhree. application orrenled leyéts. > Session layer: Zt deciclee when to turn comrounicakon on or of behoeen hoo computers.” Tt also deale with the program munning in-each ‘machine fo establish conversions —be” +them. a Presenlation layer: ss “ 7 Zt_performs” code eonversation 4 dola-c-fsm ating (wanslahins)- Tt is hranslator 3} the nehvork, the covreck form for the. mating sure -|he~clalka is in creceiving applicalion- D Application layer: _ _ ; : ? HO pee dhe interfaces bet the stthoore _ sunning in co computer 4. the netvoorle- Ty provides funchsne +o the, ucer's géttware: inclueling file ban- afer cecess: $ -rmgmt d -elechonio maif services. Oo ve BW Tee /rp -probecol Prchibechire: Th Kas rio any obese prokeol modé] there ‘is Jn ceue d- TST model - ’ Based on ro}oeo] stondards Ter |'xp have been cleveloped $£ i has Five layers: Se : ansport layer > Phypicet) louyer: = e Tt covers the inlerface’ bet? a data hansmy- ecion clevice (computer) & a drensmisston mech- | tum or nehoorl- 2 Nehoork fewyer : a T+ covers’ the exchangs 64 the dala be} = evi systems 4 the nekoorks tp which ft fs > ettached: The hranemitfer Computer provicle the heheo ck path and destination addlresc- a )nlernet layer : ~ Internet protocol is usec! b this loxer to provide th \. . across multiple! nehoorts- ' caution funchion 3 4> “Transport leper: Th ensore_ Ahett ‘dota Is senk DEW euccesshully or nol. TF a evror soceured” then fL cones je STS = ~honsmissian pr cegueal > episaten layers provides user ea Thekenbaiceni bel wer and avai devices a Ps hreane let, ovinbor electronic meul services ele- or WK slanders Related te Sata communications: 1 standorelg.ore. escential In. .ercatin' — Ingan 2 4. rnaintain- open. and _compelilive.n morlcek . for equipments manufactures and jn squares nalional. '$ tnlernat. en onal inkero| pep ‘ad dala e communications technology preeeceat- ‘ - aa Welelines ra manufacturers , vendors, egpvernment agencies 4 other service providers - =. Ft hes toa colegories : ~ : - 7 > He facle + T+ hasnol been ap ved b reanized bocly bub have been Hae an Seger aclopled ag tance throu- ar idles sreoel Use are i Lect standard: | “Th eis cflen established onginally by ma- nufacturers-.who seek ‘te defiie Einchbmay + new precusl: or lechnology - - Bregq: the Queerty keyboard layout ts Yhe stondard pottern in~counhies theb uses o slltroeaiatded clphobet - . 7 The Microsc Operating system, along with the- Microsat+ Wore!’ $ Excel lores) bSen the cle facks standard for businessV$ home wiers- > #e jure: > lec standards thet have beeh Jegmlated an otherull mccognized: body ore ~cle-furc > Stehaldede: “J gd J J - For eq: ne the most common formed: Rr | tod Files 19 compulea $ on the fnternet. chepler-2 ota brensmission 23. concept 4 lerminalogpy.: The sveceesfiul lranemission f data clepends on dws fackr6:— nas adh The quality othe signe! beigg honsmittfed $ ~ the characlerishes of the Hansmission Mecl®um.- Transmission termi cnlig ys : Lola heingmission ws bel” hoanem He, ¢ wreceivet. over come. }ransmission._mecbum. Transmission meclig mey be wieled 4 unguided \n both cues, communication 1s fn the form ~st elech. omagnetic wove ss’ with guided mecha , the woves cre quicled allo o teal path eg! troished pair. coax! a) cable 4 Pore how : Unquide media olso called wireless, rovicle o# meons fr hansmitting elechomagnetic wave bub donot guide them. og prepagetion 4 rough air, yeccum t serd The term: direct link ic wed 4o refer bb the hansmi- sion path bel” hoo olewoes in vohich§ si nal pe a pe directly form treinsmilfer, te veceiver wih 78 ‘nlermediate devices This Jerm n te both quided 4 unquided meclign "Fed of 5 swidledd teclion 4 bonsmission ep b porn ei provides 4 dlireck link bet" clevices $: those are the only 420. devices sharing the ™eclium. - oh vmultipoin} oqweled configuration » more than © olevices share the same mechum. yee) eal Analog 4. aligital ieiismiodnadoirs - Anolog bansmission is a means ¢t hranemi}in: cthales signals withoub oegarcd: do their conlew-. the signals may -cejresenk analo. ‘woice) or eligital Ook. od ~ In either aye , the .anale signal wi) | become weoker offer a certain: Ton, - Fh fnoludes om Bers + boast the ene fn the ia Q) — “he orplifiers amplifies Noise. With amplifiers ceyeeded jo achieve lerg diislance the “oe becomes more § more ddishore - Rr analog “dela such os ysiea equile, a_bik of- distortion con be bleratecl ¢ the data cemain in lelligible- UMigital hrenemisston | tT} iss connected? with the _contenk.. st the a aye be used digit! egal on, analgg. 5jgro! 15 are Wedl.: Instead! St cam plificrs: = AR ocpecilers acceives. the signal i recovers the- Herns ot ds $08" cn gg achoansmits the gignal- eres : Arnppli fiers “canth do “phi, os dhe _sigeal al_hos No 4. ‘ - Repeale meaning. ot ° Pllenuokon is overcome , noise isnok curnulahve- be wed wrth an ana- - The same dechnig ue f if-it is ume dhal the _gygnal corries flat elles Me apr % Mission im aticmment Fromm, pede! thok is received meycliffon rm Me signal thot fs Wonemilled elue to Tntcchnn im pourmenk in cormm :° UNication System. Various = fer anal. Signals, these ‘iimpotirmenks can degrade Shy e Signal quality: ; “+ For dhigtlals 6 mals, bit errors: may be -tnbroclueed Such Wo a Tay 1 is Iwaneforted inko 1 binary “OQ oOr-vies versa. The: “most siqnifican} impairments tnelucleys * Altcnuotion 4. allenahon clishorhion > for quicled medic, allenuotion ener e2ponen- tial ~$ thu is dypieal) expresced ay conctent - number 64 clecibele por_unit distance. = “For ungweded medic, Th iso: more complex fury. chon distance 4. the makeup 3 the almos- phere: 5 i: ee ee ~ F inbroduces: three Congiclera hton for : S : hransmiss: fon, feshi a rcotived Signo] rus} have diffe ° iolan} steal : second “yy signa) mugh yner nioin @ jevel S'fficienbly higher: than ree by be acceived cothouk error. Thirel. aenualion varies with Frequengy « Delay Aishrton: - Wocaurs becawe the velocity cia propagations tha signe! through @ guided meclium vanes wrth Frequency - - Ibis particulegly etheal for clig ital clater « « Bre to deloy Aishrlion , some gignal. components Sb one bit position will spill over Inte other bit posihions- s Noise - Rr-any date hranemission even). the occeived signal: will corals st the bansmilkd gignal, modified by the vaniow dislrHons imposed by the hansmisceion syshem, plus additional unwonted gignal that are inserted some where bet. bransmission dg aecephion- ~ “he undesired gignals are acfered to noice, which ts the mojor Fini Fing factor in communications systems perome te + & y oO ab te Ve gore 4 Wireless propayation: > A signal andiated fom o arr hravels lone one three oules : ground wave « sky wave or line 6+ sight (los): | + Ground voave pre gations: - follews eonjour St eaalh | ~ Th more or less “Rilows jhe contour’ oF te exrth & can Prep cle considerable clistonces, mell over | “the visual hon'zon. ee eS ™ ean propagedes - considerable — alislences, > - This cfeck is Bund in Frequencies upte ahouk ome “ = The elechomaqneht wave fachr! inbyochice o ‘current “in the earth's surfaces tS e Next cdifachion which ig a phenomenon e having be do with thes behavior St Malromtarechte waves in the presencal 4 obstacles - ~ For'eg: AM ‘erackior = Etechoma etic tawes in this Frequency rrange. are. sealtered ry dhe atmosphere . Sky wave propagation: o = weal radios. for eg: Amelcur cedio og radio. - ih tb. @ signtl from an eorth-hased antenna is ecflecte! from the ionized layer 4 upper abmospher a back clon te earth. 4 - xt can hravel through a no. 6 hops . bouncing hack and forth bet? the ‘ionosphere 4 earth's surface! - Ref echion tet? effeck cose by ~ Unipolar — Al signals, level are either above or below the time axis: — _NR@ LNon Rehirn b zero) is ane mine ths code . The signal cloesnok creky oluving a panel hansmission. 2 Polar! - NRZ ‘valloges are both sid S SMe lime arig- - Polar NRZ scheme can be “im Jerhented: with hoo wollages. for eq: tv fort dev for 0 | - There are hoe variahions + _# NRZ-Level — Positive voltage £ Joo] 4 negative ete | ihve vo ge rau Loy ool ness _- NR2-|nversion\- ‘She shen eo or lack Sh change in _ ~ Flere clelemyines the value a § loo) - eg et" eee the relethy 9" deemnot- _- Polar -RZ « The Rz (Retuen to. zen) scheme wed Three volkage values 4 #087 3 __+ Each symbol | hea ct a Ee an 4 in midelle - . Gther From high 4o~zero_or from )ow. hk zero. + No -error esletectines Sapoci £ compet — “Fig: Unipclot (NRa)$ Polos (Red Bz) Encoding © Polar. Biphowe - } Manchesler = 1 = — : “This cocling is o@ eombination 6} NRZ-L 4 RZ Schemes oiopre gs) eS * Bern hence bo) has.a level’ hransthon tn the micldle : from high te low $ low te high. * Th wes only hoo vollage levels- > differential. Manchester Coating -_It ts &4the combination. schemes: : 1 ! . * Bery symbol has a level -ransiton "nm the middle» Bub the: level ak the Lbeatnnin op the s mbol 3s delermined by the “gym I veue. * One symbol ecwej a Jevel change Fhe other cloesno}- : ‘ x St NR2-1 $ RZ s mY Aifferential Aanchesber q o No inversions Ned bitist 9 Inversion! Nexk.bif 2 Bipolar ~ AMI 4 Peeuel oterna’ JP Ss SO 4+ wes 2 vote levels vo, On. .~ 1 4eFepresent dhe — gyre a So _- volkuge level &r one cumbol ts at ton $ Eth then allertlee Ce ow 7 Bipolar Allemale. “Mark. chew The "OL 's represented by ero volhage 4 the "1" syrmbo] allemnales vee ov. cel “O sion a Lena): the yor oS ~ Peeudhlemany is the acverse oh aMz. __ Amplhide. eres te a Dr ‘Mulfflevel. _ - The no. Oo colo bile. is” CS tree Fr a_l bo. Thercase _ the bit orcte) hos 2 types A cata element ot orao- 4 con be combined inlo or potiern 5} 1 eleme, > ‘ene signal element 40 create 9” gyrrbals- nal levels: we can have on stqnal_ Using & si ie d cereale. 2" signal elements- elemen! With: 2 symbol 4 2° sic als; ‘ TP gM>L"thenwe can’t: oe} aor “the dots “elements + Ne clon't have enough stqnals- if 222" then we- have an exack mopPey f ene symbol: 9 one signal af aMZ i” then we havel more “signal than a ~ bobs. These type ok oelin’ are, classified au mBnbl schemes: ao ™ ace elemenls is encoded % @ pattern on signal elements *n whith ome ABI Choo: binary 1 one quaternary) : Here_msa neti ged, uses alata patterns size 9 ¢ encodles. the 2-bib Jooterns Fas - belonging to a four- level “signed. eed “ four. Positive leve] Negerlive leve) Next level | Mest leve) | +1 v4 +3, Gece ge ns Big: Multilevel cei Scheme L2GB1Q » > 886T [esght binary, six ternas [Ter a pallern ‘a's bids Incoded a pallern & ——s ignal elements, where the siqnal has three _ - Jevele - “oe * Were m= tns6, 723 _* 86 wecan have 23s 956 “fro cle plo 20a u2d_diferent asic patie | 010) 0009 } ' 000)000)" 1) 01091001) = 10} | \ Ww | | 5 ° i Tim “Nv te ep-rotp ) att 8 + Mulblevel cocking "scheme ¢ 8B6T + 48- PAMS (four dimensional — level Pulse. Amphhucle modulation) - 48- means thal data is sent over four chomels at the same +ime- ; - Th wes five voltage. Jevele ; Such cd 2)-L50, 4 and 2. : . _ : igttal data, onalog_ signal: ~ Katial mocduweaton is Used fp ‘convert « aot to ® omSy Signal St can = classified 5 - > Ask _ / a : - > Sk . : gd Psk 0 _ > Amplitude shifk_Leyin _'= In 41 the amplitude. %& the carrier ustgnal. %S S “varted _b_create signal clemende-, 7 Both Frequency 4 pheue aoe ain” conslank u “ohile the. — amplitude changes- gq (ask: = Binary Ask (Bask). SCS 7 Tt is nommarl “implemented win on hoo levels 4 __is hence teal binary. amplitud goal = Bits is lranemitled Mb by. ‘comrier> “to boha amplitude: aot = To" lesen. BIO. .10e- se. change e the » Frequency shif} keying (est) - We change the fequenc: of she as wave: -_ Bit 0 is cepresen by a specify equenc , 4 vibe ie! wepresenied by a differen! Frese ney = idethe figure below. Prequen used for bity ts highe® hon frequency vd for bito- 0° Alo} a1 oo filo Fis: Fsic a> Phose shift eee (Pst) = = This a method” # hransmithing “ame receiving. digital signale in. whieh. the Aco Cho best emmfed “a is varied 4o convey information: - ~ Bodh” amph le 4 Frequency: amb eonslan— oe the prove chan des, - Whe simplest Form. 6+ _Psk hey on ly deo pho 9 and 4: d : °F oe «af He phase + the wave deemoh , sha ities _+he signal stale stays the same Clow or high) 7_If the phae st the wave changes ee dearees- ___ thal is of the Phase severses , then IKE sfgral-s! “stake Chargen| (from low fo mck or From. pe flow). __ > quadral we fel Modulahon. (gan) ___- Th invelvee we 6b +00 carriers, ona_ for_phase _ 4 cane. other for spose sth: alifferent- areal _ ares for each. ccrrier + ‘ _ ie conbinalon, oh aks Pek a Ges ) f Galo data, digiel signal : The process OL hansforning aanles data ink olistlat signale- . et a = This is known a3 eligi lation: - He can discuss _3 medulahion fechniguea:— YP PAN (Pulse Arpli hicle Nod lahion).: 7 refers bb a method sb sarin informabion® ona train 4} pulses. the information: being. encoded in the amplitude tt. the pulses: a Pulse cocle Modulation (PeM):... a ain _- Tis a genera] scheme. for, hransm ‘Hing, om, eq cola ina digita| to binary wer. = Zt con Wansred all forms st_analo lode, like video’, voice -, muaic ~ anel IelemSy ae - To objain’ Pem fiom” an-analog wavefenn ak the source ( hanemi'Her ) “he. “analos, sfqnel amplitude is sampled aot regular tite inter. mal st = The sampling rate is. several times 4 the | maximum Pretuenes 64 dhe analeg wavelsms- - thaxe amplitude 4} the analey- Signel_ak- each sample. te. rounded off fo the nearest bin- ary level lquemb's ation) we he 7 The no: 4} levels is ‘awous a power... 6b Q: These ne._can- ke .cepresented. d 213.4 .S)6._ 97 more bi- nant. digits Ubits). wespe -__Ab the clestinahion (receiver), a pulse Tt refers. ba method 6b can i.g-infomation ona Irain. 6 -pulees _, the informatien™ being enes- ded_in the width’ ot the pulses. < 7 __= Th fend’ exochy. information we are_es-encodding . bua method of _ squielbing _.pooan in. molors “0th. ___ouk * leigiuficonte| toss. _ aia — - There cire several schemes tp accamplish this technique - one is’ to ‘switch voltage _on_and a; Another is be switch vwolhage - polarthy bach | forth with a Full= bridge enk, with 4 haneishrs- - This Jechnique may have beller lmecr 4 Sin- cet can ge co clown to art eycla: 4 : nr beth minimum ge HER: wees ¢ negative polarity. = Inv belle chert qyticma:, PM is the ma switch arrangem a Mech. “ iyi a constanh vollage. fer battery ‘sisitching the gyphem: conbroler® = Tae es 0n- Fig. yee aes Za Ana leg elate, | Aral ogre Yoh = Per odulation > Re process 6+ conver 7 eo dla cans Signa dalled modddahon.. = Xt is uted bo send an informaton a © Signols over Jeng clis}ances- - The informahion beating Siynal Ss. known 04 modlulaingy signals: 4 : - The _meduulabine Signal _ te gy slowly vapay ak the Comet signal - = The ‘envelo €or: bounda -as opposed + the ree earn earner frequency = Type & moculetion:, . or oe 2 Analo moclulation - eg Tt efers te how the dala is modal d conto” a sine wave - ~ ~ sf _analog audio dala | is_ modulated _ pares carr __ler sine Lege 1 then. hig ie = teas ono- — Jos roclulaton. a > Sigil rmodullion, =SSOSOStSCS*CSS oe = St 's wed » > comer agile! —deta_be anale. - Sippel: —£ys Ask , FSk,PSk. > a oe a - qol6' a - SH falag “Mocluladion a = : ¢ am (ompliide “tedlulahion) we _S: ue es Renn o_type of modulation vohere the _armp}ihude isv ~-tn accordance _ _ ith medalaligg ~ Signe a= the ar mplibucte mesilate agra ot aie ae. a ; fa: an (Amplihide, rnedaabren) : Ge : 3 oS ‘ i < on Ue Frequency modwation (FM): - Thisea pe Ob modulation vohere the e veney o& Me camer is varied in acarda- neeV with the modulahing Signal. The amp)- tude 6+ the carrier aema'ns constant. ~ othe. information. bearing ano] -ehanges the ~ instantaneous Frequenc OF the- carrier, Since, She arnplilide is keb'}+ conskanh: £1 molu|- ah’on- is a low-noise: process 4. provides ea high quali modulation techni , which fo Wed ‘forYmusre 4 speech inhi Fidelity broad costs: -_ ia modulation is, ae EM __ Ae —_ — : _ - patina Lp. > Phase moclulahon (em): ae = 2 the insten-taneosa share 6 a comer ae is varied tro eS ae po te eh ah sibetarmansed tide Sh fohing- a oe = phase, + mecublon._ “i ea = oaie. |Mt : MAMA NN mv hy AS TN fe chopter- Aigilal_clela _cormmunicahon lechniquea: Tn thie echnique : dole con be hansmibled be!” hoo devices (parallel ¢- serial) 4 the _imgairme- nts in hansmission clu fo imperfecHons ot the ____rensmission —meoliym. -_ Sata_can be hansmr Hecl be}? i digilal devices on the nehsork in the form ot brle- _ - Transmission. modes _ocfers to the mode wed for _hanemitting the data. aye ot \ransmission modey:- __ a7 Parollel. ransmissions!_ stesso Sy ~ Zt involves simullaneous hremsniseion 6b N bits over Neclifferent channels. = Tt increases hansmiseion speed bya fachor 6b N__ over sencl_ bansmission- : = ~ foreg 4 communication bel”. cpu:$ the projector . x Seno] Transmission: - The dala _bransmit serially i by bibs Vane bit aha hime. = Since on! one bit has ty be senk in unit time only. a Sigle ‘ehonnel fs: required: * Tapes 6} Serial Transmission: > Asynchronoug Transmission: > ~ Tm tk the sender & veceiver arenok Synchranizad. . ~ The dala is senk in ge qroup a bils. fe. tn "ye — The sencler can slert dale hreinsmission eons time instant without informing the rehaived: - To avoid confwing the receiver tchile aeceivin the date , ‘stew! ane "sop" bit are inserled ac 4d offer ma) a er 8 bila Jolbybe_] ges shark $ pl bik befered oder every cata byte: - the stent bik is paemee eye ° and -2lofs is ba wit — fa; Agynchronouy serial Transmissian _ 2 Advantage oy - == rs fe pi eee - _= Com be: wed. for lovo amie communteation: : = Sl Bteavivanted ooo : ~ Anserhon ¢ aan bils Shep — gops_maker_asyn- ea \rainsmission an_slow- ous Transmission: J, dhe. sender § acceiver are a anchronive: =e otart ~ Shop bits ore Wed: wn =A common. meuber clock ie wee for. reference. __ _ “Sean bits in grou t+ bils Yo the receiver veitheut any shork : eae bite “0 : Tt je the ks onsibilily ot receiver lo rOup the bils ints unite 3. bike once thes Qre srtceived. uooiolo]iil ies] eon} | i= There arene slarl, slop or gaps be!”.clala unis ~The above arc absen} data hansmiseion js ful = Sue b- synchronization. there are no timing ‘eran: a —— . on Ni oP FC Ls Synchionow ae Asynckhronay: Neaniny sends data in the ° sénds q hyle or charackr form 4 blocks or = - aha tine. __ Frames. eee) “Hronemission Feat —-—— a5 A speed a a cost __ Expensive EKéonomical Time Inkewal’. Constant -) Tig Rendovn a! tiap bel” _ Alosen = _ “Preeenks =v: 5 _thedato se et Lowsyteit For eg: _ chat Rooms, vieleo con- _ hellers ,emaile , fee eee creme Tale shonic - _____convers _ oes Pad a ie oe “Grore,__ na There ee or ma talk ete. "hich opt _ ei heres Single bil error’: “\no frame , there is on ly one bit vabyubhere thou- gh. _which te _ecorruphy gv ecceyved- sen-} ‘ | ereceived Lh]: }:]oJehys} > pTo]s]aJo Ways} 3) Mubh ple’ bits errors. Td Frame is acckiyed voith more © dhan.e one. ne bils 39 in ae - _ stele: gin usta —> SHEEN 8) Bure} evron! nse 5 = Game contains ‘more Shan consecut've bits _comephed Ty iyecelensl” tuaiieet —> Lh ae olstsll - Gror_is the deta which « dre basically caumed due be the vonous _ as that occur _ luring the process ot honeniissién-& 22 _ oo f t ee Error election andl “aierashioh method : ; — Gror_ in the acceived Frames are "Jelecked b means _o per ehecle. 4 opplie- -Reclund i S < check-(erd)- __= ZF _the counter. check ot ao Pale. the bis are wneidered~ corrupled - aaa y Porth; check: - oneexha bit is senk_along with the orginal bits fe moke 6. of 1s either even in cae | 4 even pom or odd in case 6} odel paige Bate bite Even Ted eh -_The acceiver simply fae the number SF 4s ine Frame : \f the™ count *} 15 ‘s: seven and _even parity is wed, the Rome is considered 42 be nol™comupled ¢ ts aeceptecl: If the count & isits odd ¢$ ode)_pa age vs wed, the _¢ Frame ie shill nok cormpled + _ i - 40\9' a, 7020'8” - — —— _eyelic Redundanc check (ere): 2 Tt is ao dhenk a pproach _ to delect if the gcceived fr Frame. montainl _nethid doto- _ Se __-> Thie techniqy ue Involves. = -dlivision a the dala bite _ being | senty - aos -. The clvisor Lis, gene reeal vag peynotarae = The wenden ee a. clivigicn, 20 perahien on she bits —eeig _senk_and. —Salevlaep_ the remaln- = oler- asa Pint. aie, deg 9

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