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Waqas Amin
Economics & Finance(经济与金融)
Email (邮箱):
Telephone (电话号码): +92-301-6932100

Research Interest (研究兴趣)

Environmental Economics, Energy Economics, Tourism Economics, Behavioral& Corporate Finance

Work Experience (工作经验)

1. Assistant Professor in Imperial College of Business Studies Lahore Pakistan (23-09-2019 To till Date)
巴基斯坦拉合尔帝国商业研究学院助理教授 (23-09-2019 To till Date)
2. Assistant Professor in University of Okara Pakistan. (28-01-2019 To 12-09-2019)
巴基斯坦奥卡拉大学助理教授 (28-01-2019 To 12-09-2019)
3. Visiting Lecturer in University of Sahiwal Pakistan. (22-09-2018 to 27-01-2019)
4. Lecturer at Paradise College for Boys & Girls Lahore, Pakistan (2011 to 2014).
巴基斯坦拉合尔男孩和女孩天堂学院讲师 (2011年10月-2014年08月)
5. Two years’ Teaching Experience at Bachelors level (Part time).
6. Two months’ Internship at Bank Alfalah Hafizabad city, Pakistan.
两个月在巴基斯坦Alfalah Hafizabad银行实习

Educational Background (学历)

PhD (博士)
Graduation Date (毕业日期): June 2018 (2018年6月)
Major (重大的): Economics & Finance (经济与金融)
Institute (研究所): Shandong University, Jinan, China. (山东大学. 济南. 中国)

Masters (硕士)
Graduation Date (毕业日期): September 2011(2011年9月)
Major (重大的): Finance (金融学)
Institute (研究所): University of Punjab Lahore, Pakistan (巴基斯坦旁遮普拉合尔大学)

Bachelors (单身汉)
Graduation Date (毕业日期): July 2009 (2009年7月)
Major (重大的): Commerce (商业)
Institute (研究所): University of Punjab Lahore, Pakistan (巴基斯坦旁遮普拉合尔大学)

Intermediate (中间)
Graduation Date (毕业日期): August 2007(2007 年 8 月)
Major (重大的): Commerce (商业)
Institute (研究所): B.I.S.E. Multan. Pakistan. (中等和中等教育委员会巴基斯坦木尔坦)

Personal Information (个人信息)

Date of Birth (出生日期): 19-March-1991(19 日至 1991 年)

Nationality (国籍): Pakistan (巴基斯坦)
Passport No (护照号): DT1203002
Address (地址): House # 189 Umar Block Shadab Town Sahiwal Pakistan

Honors and Awards (荣誉和奖励)

 Outstanding Student of the Year 2018 Award in PhD from Shandong University China (中国山东大学 2018

 Scholarship from China Scholarship Council for doing PhD (中国国家留学基金委奖学金获得博士学


Research Publications

 Academic Year (2020-2021)

1. “Does Sustainable growth, energy consumption and environment challenges matter for Belt
and Road Initiative feat? A novel empirical investigation” Journal of Cleaner Production
( (HEC Recognized) (SCI-Impact Factor
6.40) (Q1)

2. “Assessment of Formal Credit and Climate Change Impact on Agricultural Production in

Pakistan: A Time Series ARDL Modeling Approach” Sustainability
(doi:10.3390/su12135241) (HEC Recognized) (SSCI/SCI Impact factor 2.69) (Q2)

 Academic Year (2019-2020)

3. “Internet tradition and tourism development: A causality analysis on BRI listed economies”
Tourism Economics ( (HEC Recognized)
(SSCI-Impact Factor 1.098) (Q2)

4. “Agricultural practices and quality of environment: evidence for global perspective”

Environmental Science and Pollution Research (
(SCI- Impact factor 2.91) (Q2) (HEC Recognized)

5. “Revolutionizing tourism development in China: an effective role of ICT and Western Silk
( (HEC Recognized) (SSCI-Impact
Factor 1.444) (Q3)

6. "Macroeconomic Fundamentals and Exchange Rates in South Asian Economies: Evidence

from Pooled and Panel Estimations" Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade
Studies ( (HEC Recognized)

7. “An Investigation of the link between MFIs outreach and portfolio quality: Empirical
Evidence from Latin American Countries” Global & Local Economic Review Vol. 23 No. 1
(2019) pp. 21-38(HEC Recognized)

 Academic Year (2018-2019)

8. Testing EKC hypothesis with energy and sustainable development challenges: A fresh
evidence from belt and Road Initiatives economies” Environmental Science and Pollution
Research ( (SCI- Impact factor 2.91) (Q2)
(HEC Recognized)

9. “Energy and Ecological Sustainability: Challenges and Panoramas in Belt and Road
Initiative Countries” (Sustainability (2018, 10, 2743;
(SSCI/SCI Impact factor 2.69) (Q2) (HEC Recognized)

10. “Structural changes, energy consumption and Carbon emission in China: Empirical
evidence from ARDL bond testing model” Structural Change and Economic Dynamics
( (SSCI- Impact factor 1.557) (Q2) (HEC
11. “Effect of Regulations on Financial Performance and Outreach of MFIs” Public Finance
Quarterly 2018/3 pp. 345-354(HEC Recognized)

12. “Nexus between HRM practices and employee’s performance: Case of Microfinance
Institutions” JIMS8M: The Journal of Indian Management & Strategy Vol. 23, No. 2, April-
June, 2018 pp. 04-12(HEC Recognized)

13. “The relationship between economic growth, renewable energy consumption, CO2 emission
and agriculture production: Empirical evidence for China and India” Global & Local
Economic Review Vol. 22 No.1 (2018) (HEC Recognized)

14. “Impact of Transformation Leadership on Affective Employee’s Commitment” European

Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences. Vol.7, No 1 pp. 42-53 Special Issue on New
Trends in Business, Economics and Management

15. “The Relationship between Poverty, Income Inequality and Unemployment: Evidence from
ARDL and Bound Testing Approach” European Online Journal of Natural and Social
Sciences. Vol.7, No. 1 pp. 42-53

 Academic Year (2017-2018)

16 “Nexus Between Outreach and Efficiency: The Case of Microfinance Institutions” Global &
Local Economic Review Vol. 21 No.1 (2017) pp. 41-60 (HEC Recognized)

17 “Impact of MFIs Outreach on Profitability: The Case of Latin America” Public Finance
Quarterly 2017/3 pp. 348-361(HEC Recognized)

18 “Effect of Outreach on Efficiency of MFIs in Latin America: Panel Data Analysis” Global &
Local Economic Review Vol. 21 No.2 (2017) (HEC Recognized)

19 "Ownership structure and microfinance institutions’ performance: A case of Latin America"

European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences. Vol.7, No 1 pp. 127-137

20 “Economic Stance of Wheat Crop Yield in Pakistan: Application of ARDL Bound Testing
Model”. Journal of global innovation in agricultural and social sciences. Vol. 5, No. 4

21 “Does Ownership Structure Impact on Capital Structure?” International Journal of

Management, Accounting and Economics Vol. 4, No. 6, June, 2017 pp. 629-639

Conference Proceedings

1. “Revisiting environmental Kuznets curve for Malaysia in accord with UNO 17 sustainable
development goals, dynamic linkages of energy consumption, growth and CO2 emissions” PP.
179-188 (International Scientific Conference on Sustainable Development Goals-2017)

2. “Financial Development and Growth Nexus in Light of Belt Road Initiative: Evidence from
Balkan and Eastern States” (10th International Conference - EBEEC 2018)

3. “Assessment of Training, Job Attitudes and Motivation: A Mediation Model in Banking Sector
of Pakistan”. ICBEM 2017: 19th International Conference on Business Engineering and
Management ,19-20 October 2017 LONDON.
4. “Nexus of Pakistan Stock Exchange with World’s Top Five Stock Markets after Launching
China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)” ICMBEF 2017: 19th International Conference on
Management, Business Economics and Finance 26-27 October USA.

5. Nexus Between Industrial Growth, Energy Consumption and Environmental Deterioration:

(OBOR Challenges and Prospects to China) 5th IEEE International Conference on Industrial
Economic System and Industrial Security Engineering (IEIS2018)

Working Papers

1. ICT, financial development and growth for China: In light of Belt and Road Initiative Challenges
and Prospects. Empirical Economics (Being Reviewed for Publication)
2. Pakistan Stock market trigger by developed markets or not? Evidence with Initiation of CPEC
projects. Economics Letters (Being Reviewed for Publication)
3. Yield curve and exchange rate volatility transmission to emerging countries: A novelty footprint
from Europe zone and America Journal of Banking and Finance (Being Reviewed for
4. US exchange rate index volatility and its movement with BRI listed countries: High, middle- and
low-income countries. Applied Economics (Being Reviewed for Publication)
5. Is There a Long-Run Nexus Between Domestic Credit, Climate Change and Agricultural
Production in Pakistan? Empirical Insight from ARDL Bounds Test Cointegration.
6. Volatility analysis after CPEC between China and Pakistan.
7. Does China Pakistan Economic Corridor an Instigation Push for Stock Market Volatility
spillover effect or not?
8. Determinants of MFI Profitability: A Case of Latin America
9. Exploring the relationship between staff productivity and outreach of MFI in Latin America

Member of Editorial Boards/Reviewer

 Serving as Editor of “Research in Ecology”

 Serving as Editor of “International Journal of Management, Accounting and Economics”
 Serving as Reviewer of “Journal of Cleaner Production” (Impact Factor 5.65) (HEC W
 Serving as Reviewer of “Asian-Pacific Economic Literature” (Impact Factor 0.433) (HEC W
 Serving as Reviewer of “Business & Economic Review” (HEC X Category)
 Serving as Reviewer of “International Journal of Business & Management” (HEC Y Category)
 Serving as Reviewer of “City University Research journal” (HEC Y Category)
 Serving as Reviewer of “International Journal of Business & Management” (HEC Y Category)
 Serving as Reviewer of “Global & Local Economic Review” (ESCI)
 Serving as Reviewer of “International Journal of Finance and Economics”
 Serving as Reviewer of “Natural Resources Forum, a United Nations Sustainable Development
 Serving as Member of Organizing committee of IAFSM
Thesis Supervision

1. Analysis of Governance Mechanisms, Accounting Conservatism, Voluntary Disclosures, and Its

Impact on Corporate Financial Performance (PhD).
2. The Impact of Financial leverage and operating liquidity on Firm performance: Evidence from
Cement firms listed in PSX (MBA).
3. Which Accounting Information attracts Investors Attention, in Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX)?
4. Nexus between Outreach and Productivity: The Case of Microfinance Institutions (BBA).
5. Determinants of Profitability of MFI: A Case of Latin America (BBA).
6. Impact of Macroeconomic Variables on Economic Growth of Pakistan (BBA).
7. Impact of FDI on Economic Growth: An Essay on Economy of Pakistan (BBA).
8. The Role of Microfinance in Women Empowerment: A Case of Developing Countries (BBA).
9. Influence of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) On Economic Growth of Pakistan (BBA).
10. Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Company Performance (BBA).
11. Impact of Inflation on Economic Growth: A Case of Pakistan (BBA).
12. Determinants of corporate capital structure in the Pakistani textile (BBA).

Projects Supervision

1. Evaluation of Administrative and Customer Services Excellence of A.B.L. (M BA).

2. Operational Effectiveness and Marketing Strategies of Akhuwat Foundation (BBA).
3. Operational Effectiveness and Marketing Strategies of Bata Pakistan Limited (BBA).
4. Factors Affecting the School Enrollment in Pakistan (BBA).
5. Operational Effectiveness and Marketing Strategies of Servis Group of Industries Limited

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