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CHE 424 Separation Processes Lab



Laboratory Report for



CO2 absorption-Effect of CO2 % in feed mixture

Submitted by

NAME OF THE STUDENT ‫احمد جمعان الزهراني‬

UNIVERSITY ID 4 3 9 8 0 0 7 4 7

Student Signature

REMARKS: Instructor Signature

CHE 424 Separation Processes Lab

OBJECTIVE: Study the absorption of CO2 from a mixture of CO2/air using using packed bed
absorption column.

Calculate the absorption rate and absorption flux as a function of CO 2 % in the feed mixture and
plot a curve of absorption rate vs CO2 % in feed mixture.

EQUIPMENT NEEDED: Packed bed absorption column

THEORY: Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a major greenhouse gas that results in the climate change.
Hence, efforts are in place to control CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. CO2 removal is also an
essential step in many industrial processing operations such as coal gasification, natural gas
processing and hydrogen manufacturing. Thus far, absorption is the widely used process for
capturing CO2. Numerous studies have been conducted on the CO2 absorption using packed bed
column. Challenges related to the absorption efficiency improvement and the impacts to real
application as well as future directions are of prime concern.

The amount of the free CO2 in the water sample can be calculated

0.0277 x V B
Cd (g.mol/litre of free CO2) = …. (1)
ml . of sample (V )

Where, VB is the volume of NaOH consumed, V is volume of sample utilized for titration.

The inlet flow of dissolved CO2 = F1× Cdi, g.mole/min …… (2)

The outlet flow of dissolved CO2 = F1× Cdo, g.mole/min …… (3)

The absorption rate of CO2, Ra= F1 [Cdo - Cdi], g.mole/sec …… (4)

Where F1 stands for water flow rate, the absorption flux can be estimated as

CO2 absorption flux, N = ra/A . .… (5)

A is cross-sectional area of the packed column (Column inside diameter di= 7.5 cm)
CHE 424 Separation Processes Lab

CHE 424 Separation Processes Lab

Fig.1 Packed bed absoption column


Experimental Procedure

1. Turn on the mains water supply to the sump tank and allow the tank to fill. Ensure that the
water outlet from the column is fitted with the drain pipe and not the pipe that returns water to
the tank.

2. With gas flow control valves C2 and C3 closed, start the liquid pump and adjust the water
flow through the column to desired flow rate on flowmeter F 1 by adjusting flow control valve

3. Start the compressor and adjust control valve C 2 to give an air flow of approx. 10% of full
scale on flowmeter niche F2.

4. Carefully open the pressure regulating valve on the carbon dioxide cylinder, and adjust valve
C3 to give a value on the flowmeter F 3 approx. one half of the air flow F 2 Ensure the liquid seal
at the base of the absorption column is maintained by, if necessary, adjustment of control valve

5. After 5 minutes of steady operation, take samples at 10 minute intervals from the mains
water inlet and from S4. Take 150 ml samples at known times in each case. Analyze the
samples according to the procedure detailed below.

Procedure of Analysis

The following procedure was used to prepare the solution and indicator for estimating the CO2

a) Phenolphthalein indicator prepared from distilled water.

b) Standard 0.0277M sodium hydroxide solution, prepared by diluting 27.70 ml 1M caustic

soda standard solution to 1 litre with distilled water. Prepare daily and protect from carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere by keeping in a stoppered Pyrex bottle.

c) Standard 0.01M sodium bicarbonate solution, prepared by dissolving approximately 0.1

gram of anhydrous sodium bicarbonate in distilled water to 100 ml.
CHE 424 Separation Processes Lab

1. Take a water sample from the mains water inlet, approximate volume of 150 ml, or from
liquid outflow point S4.

2. Discharge the sample at the base of a 100 ml graduated cylinder, flicking the cylinder to
throw off excess liquid above the 100ml mark.

3. Add 5-7 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution a) above; if the sample turns red
immediately, no free CO2 is present. If the sample remains colourless, titrate with standard
alkali solution b) above. Stir gently with a glass rod until a definite pink color persists for about
30 seconds. This color change is the end point - note volume VB of alkali solution added.


Flow rate of water, F1= 3 L/min

Flow rate of air, F2 = 30 L/min

Volume of sample V= 50 ml

CO2 flow
Absorption CO₂ Flux,N
rate F3
,rate (g.mol/min.m2)
(L/min) From mains inlet From liquid outlet

NaOH used
NaOH used Cdi
VB (ml) )gmol/L( gmol/L(
)10%(3 0.7 x10-4 3.87 0.9 4.99x10-4 x10-4 3.36 0.076
)20%(6 0.4 x10-4 2.22 1.3 7.20x10-4 x10-3 2.98

)30%(9 0.8 4.43x10-4 1.2 6.64x10-4 x10-4 1.98

CHE 424 Separation Processes Lab

Draw a curve of absorotion rate vs CO2 % in feed mixture.

CHE 424 Separation Processes Lab

Absorption rate vs CO2 % (Ahmad J. Zahrani)


Absorption rate

5 10 15 20 25 30 35

CO2 % in Feed
CHE 424 Separation Processes Lab


 Absorption Rate(Ra) has been calculated.

 CO2 flux(N) has been calculated.

 (Absorption rate vs CO2 %) curve has been plotted.

 Efficiency of absorption increassed with the increase of gas

flow rate.

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