Project Titles 2021

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Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Session : Aug-Dec 2021


List of Mini Project Titles:

1. Write a function which takes a path as argument and an outfile name.

It reads all the files in that path and creates a combined file(tar).
Write a function to untar such a file into number of constituent files in a
given directory.

2. Create a phone book – entries should come from file. One name can have
multiple phone numbers. Write functions to add a new entry (from keyboard),
search for an entry, print all entries in sorted order, delete entry. Use
exception handling.

3. Create a dictionary for words and their meanings.

Write functions to
a) search for a particular word
b) search based on a partial match (in the beginning of the string)
c) find words with same meaning. (two keys having the meaning)

4. Create a class student. Fields required are name, usn, marks for 5
subjects, semester. Write functions to create new student, delete student
object. Create a list of students. Search for a particular student in the given
list based on usn. Find average of all students. Find all students with
average greater than a given value, all students who failed in atleast one
subject, all students passed in all subjects.

5. Create a class called BankAccount with fields acno and name. Write
functions to get and set these fields.
a)Create a class called FixedDeposit which inherits from BankAccount and has
additional fields duration, amount and rate of interest.
b)Create a class called RecurringDeposit which inherits from BankAccount and
has additional fields duration and monthly payment and rate of interest.
c)Create functions to read and display information in each class.

6.Create a module MyMath which contains useful functions like areas of dif
shapes and volumes of diferent solids. Write a client program to use these

7.Find the salary for each person.Store the result in a dictionary with empid as the key and total
salary as the value.

8. Create a dictionary where the key is a tuple containing name of a state and a
city and value is a list indicating places of interest in that city. provide mechanisms
for adding a new key, adding or modifying or removing values from the list.

9. Create a structure associating the states of India with their important cities

10. Create a data structure to hold event info.

create a list of events
arrange them in chronological order

11. Create a data structure to holddept id, dept name, list of emp in the dept
i) find # of emp in each dept
ii) find which dept has the highest number of emp

12. Write a program that takes a list of filenames as arguments and prints contents
of all those files, like cat command in unix.

13. Write a program that takes one or more filenames as arguments and prints all
the lines which are longer than 40 characters.

14. Write a function findfiles that recursively descends the directory tree for the
specified directory and generates paths of all the files in the tree.

15. Write a function to compute the number of python files (.py extension) in a
specified directory recursively.

16. Write a function to compute the total number of lines of code in all python files
in the specified directory recursively.

17. Write a function to compute the total number of lines of code, ignoring empty
and comment lines, in all python files in the specified directory recursively.

18. Write a program, that takes an integer n and a filename as command
line arguments and splits the file into multiple small files with each having n lines.

19. Create a module to play with files with fns like

i) rename file
ii) delete file
iii) copy file
iv) disp file
test these fnsalso take care of errors ; give suitable message

20. Create a tree and traverse

21. Cannibal missionery problem

22. N queens problem

23. Suduko Puzzle . . .

24. Sentence Generator: A series of different parts of sentences will be randomly

put together to come up with new interesting sentences.

25. Area Calculator: The user will be prompted with a menu where he/she will select
a shape. Then the user will give the appropriate information needed to solve for the
area, and the computer will give the area! Hope you all have taken geometry!

26. Address Book: The user wants to create an address book and downloads your
program. How would you make it? Create a program that prompts the user for the
information in most address books and then stores it in a .txt file!

27. TextBased Adventure Game : A complete text game, the program will let users
move through rooms based on user input and get descriptions of each room. To
create this, you’ll need to establish the directions in which the user can move, a way
to track how far the user has moved (and therefore which room he/she is in), and to
print out a description. You’ll also need to set limits for how far the user can move.
In other words, create “walls” around the rooms that tell the user, “You can’t move
further in this direction.”

28. Dice Rolling Simulator: Like the title suggests, this project involves writing a
program that simulates rolling dice. When the program runs, it will randomly choose
a number between 1 and 6. (Or whatever other integer you prefer — the number of
sides on the die is up to you.) The program will print what that number is. It should
then ask you if you’d like to roll again. For this project, you’ll need to set the min
and max number that your dice can produce. For the average die, that means a
minimum of 1 and a maximum of 6. You’ll also want a function that randomly grabs
a number within that range and prints it.

29. Mad Libs Generator : The program will first prompt the user for a series of inputs
a la Mad Libs. For example, a singular noun, an adjective, etc. Then, once all the
information has been inputted, the program will take that data and place them into
a premade story template. You’ll need prompts for user input, and to then print out
the full story at the end with the input included.

30. Hangman : Despite the name, the actual “hangman” part isn’t necessary. The main goal here
is to create a sort of “guess the word” game. The user needs to be able to input letter guesses. A
limit should also be set on how many guesses they can use. This means you’ll need a way to grab
a word to use for guessing. (This can
be grabbed from a pre-made list. No need to get too fancy.) You will also need
functions to check if the user has actually inputted a single letter, to check if the
inputted letter is in the hidden word (and if it is, how many times it appears), to
print letters, and a counter variable to limit guesses.

31. Mastermind : player tries to guess a colour and position combination of four
coloured pegs, with the computer giving an indication of how close each guess
is . . .

32. Shoutbox : a place where multiple people can write short messages which are
stored and published.

33. Meme Quiz : the user answers various questions, the answers are then given
points and added up, resulting in the user receiving a description/graphic of what
their score represents

34. create a class called MyStack which supports push and pop operations.
implement the stack class using a list. specify the upperbound of the
size while creating the stack object. provide exception handling mechanism for stack overflow and
stack underflow.

35. Spelling Checker : Program which check spellings using the user written

36. Animated banner : requires time module,os(for clearing the screen) -animated
text on the console

37. Evolution of text : requires -string,random and time, from a given random text ,a
target text will be evolved. no of generations required has to be shown.

38. Game of life : requires random,time,os(for clearing the screen).

39. Revision quiz : requires random and dictionary

40.Students may use Files or DB for implementing the following applications.

• Gas Booking System

• Book Store Management system
• Clinic Management System
• Laboratory Management System
• Warehouse Management System
• Shop Management System
• Patient Information System
• School Data Management System
• Content Management System
• Quiz Management System
• Information control and Security Policies in Health Care Information Systems
• Attendance Management System
• Examination Management System
• Courier Management System
• College Management System
• Invoice Billing Project
• Inventory Management System
• Article Search Engine
• Event management System
• Car Rental System
• Bus/Airline/Railway Ticket Reservation System
• Cinema Ticket Booking System
• Hotel Management System
• Shopping (any product)
• Property Dealing
• Social Networking like Facebook database
• E-Newspaper
• Banking System
• Hostel Management System
• Art Gallery Management
• job portal database
• Discussion Forum
• Bake shop management
• Gym Management system
• Election voting system
• Library management System
• Exam Result Display System
• Student records management system
• Pizza Hut Management System
• Food ordering System
• Stock Management System
• University Health Care Centre
• Luggage Import-Export System
• Home/Flat Renting System
• Course Selection System in a Uniersity
• Hospital Management System
• Stadium Seat Booking System
• Tax Calculation System
• Grocery Stock Management System
• Electricity Billing Management System
• Catering Management System
• Flower Bouquet Management System
• Club Membership Registration System
• Insurance Management System
• Certificate (Birth, Death, Marriage, Income) Generation System
• Water Supply Management System
• Milk diary management

41. Frame question from given text

42. Student Grade generator considering marks(various criteria like
43. Select candidate for placement based on skill set
43. Suggest course based on Students intrest
45. Design a calculator which can perform various mathematical operations
46. multiplication of bigger numbers close to base (10, 100,1000,...), find square and square root
of bigger numbers using Vedic mathematics
47. Maintain a telephone directory with other information like email address, home address.
Perform operations like addition, deletion and searching
48. Design a calculator which can perform various mathematical operations using GUI
49. Temperature, currency, unit converter using GUI
50. Create a list where each element of the list contains empid, empname, basic, da, hra. - Find
the salary for each person. - Store the result in a dictionary with empid as the key and total salary
as the value. - provide additional operations on emp data
51. Data Extraction for a particular domain from different sources and storing
52. Visualizing relational dataset
53. Library management system
54. Alarm clock
55. Website Blocker
56. To do application using Tkinter
57. Developing Quiz application using Tkinter
58. Simulate cal command
59. Solve system of linear equations
60. Develop an analog clock
61. Check a python program for indentation errors and few syntax errors
62. Address Book app
63. Write a program that takes a list of filenames as arguments and prints contents of all those
files, like cat command in unix.
64. Write a program that takes one or more filenames as arguments and prints all the lines which
are longer than 40 characters.
65. Write a function to compute the number of python files (.py extension) in a specified
directory recursively.
66. Write a function to compute the total number of lines of code in all python files in the
specified directory recursive.
67. Write a function to compute the total number of lines of code, ignoring empty and comment
lines, in all python files in the specified directory recursively.
68. Write a program, that takes an integer n and a filename as command line arguments
and splits the file into multiple small files with each having n lines.
69. Find inverse of a matrix (make it complex by including few more functionalities – saddle
point, trace, norm, sorting & so on)
70. TextBased Adventure Game : A complete text game, the program will let users move
through rooms based on user input and get descriptions of each room. To create this, you’ll need
to establish the directions in which the user can move, a way to track how far the user has moved
(and therefore which room he/she is in), and to print out a description. You’ll also need to set
limits for how far the user can move. In other words, create ―walls‖ around the rooms that tell
the user, ―You can’t move further in this direction.‖
71. Dice Rolling Simulator: Like the title suggests, this project involves writing a program that
simulates rolling dice. When the program runs, it will randomly choose a number between 1 and
6. (Or whatever other integer you prefer — the number of sides on the die is up to you.) The
program will print what that number is. It should then ask you if you’d like to roll again. For this
project, you’ll need to set the min and max number that your dice can produce. For the average
die, that means a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 6. You’ll also want a function that randomly
grabs a number within that range and prints it.
72.Mad Libs Generator : The program will first prompt the user for a series of inputs a la Mad
Libs. For example, a singular noun, an adjective, etc. Then, once all the information has been
inputted, the program will take that data and place them into a premade story template. You’ll
need prompts for user input, and to then print out the full story at the end with the input included.
73. . Suduko Puzzle
74. Cross word Puzzle
75. N queens problem
76. Cannibal missionery problem
77. Mastermind : player tries to guess a colour and position combination of four coloured pegs,
with the computer giving an indication of how close each guess is . . .
78. Shoutbox : a place where multiple people can write short messages which are stored and
79. Meme Quiz : the user answers various questions, the answers are then given points and
added up, resulting in the user receiving a description/graphic of what their score represents
80. Write a function which gets # of strings using variable # of arguments and Include function
to - returns a list of strings which are palindromes. - find the characters in each string uniquely -
find all strings which are anagrams of the first string
81. Create a class called MyStack which supports push and pop operations. Implement the stack
class using a list. specify the upperbound of the size while creating the stack object. Provide
exception handling mechanism for stack overflow and stack underflow.
82. create a tree and traverse
83. Create a data structure to hold event info. Name,detail date,dd mm yy,people - create a list of
events - arrange them in chronological order - perform few more operations on the same
84. Store fall of wickets into a list. a) find partnership for each wicket - store in a list b) find
highest partnership c) give details about no. Of balls d) no. of dot balls e) no. of 4's & 6's in
partnership & individual
85. Create a class called BankAccount with fields acno and name. Write functions to get and set
these fields. Create a class called FixedDeposit which inherits from BankAccount and has
additional fields duration, amount and rate of interest. Create a class called RecurringDeposit
which inherits from BankAccount and has additional fields duration and monthly payment and
rate of interest. Create functions to read and display information in each class.
86. Create a module MyMath which contains useful functions like areas of different shapes and
volumes of diferent solids. Write a client program to use these functions.
87. Create a class student. Fields required are name, usn, marks for 5 subjects, semester. Write
functions to create new student, delete student object. Create a list of students. Search for a
particular student in the given list based on usn. Find average of all students. Find all students
with average greater than a given value, all students who failed in atleast one subject, all students
passed in all subjects.
88. Write your own function myfilter and use it to find a) list of all regular files; input is the list
of all entries in the directory b) list of all non zero numbers ; input is a list of numbers c) list of
all strings whose length is less than a given number; input is a list of strings
89. Write your own function mymax and use it to find a) biggest string in a list of strings b)
biggest string in a list of strings ignoring the case (case insensitive) c) biggest string in a list of
strings based on the length
90. Write your own function mymap and use it to generate a) list of tuples having string and its
length, given a list of strings b) list of filename and its size given a list of filenames c) list of
reversed string given a list of strings
91. Write a function which takes a path as argument and an outfile name. It reads all the files in
that path and creates a combined file(tar). Write a function to untar such a file into number of
constituent files in a given directory.
92. Write a function to return a list all files which have execute permission and whose size
exceeds a given number. Write a function to create a directory with a given name and move all
these files to that directory.
93. Given a list of strings, for each string find the anagrams in the given list. Find the anagram
which has the highest number of strings – if more than one has the same count, display all of
94. A file contains names of batsmen and their scores in an innings. Name of the batsman can
repeat. Write a program to find the total for each batsman. Display
95. Given an English passage, - remove all punctuations - convert all words to lowercase - find
frequency of each word - count no. of unique - find # of words based on the length - create a list
of list of words list[0] is a list of words starting from a list[1] is a list of words starting from b &
so on
96. Write a function which checks whether a given year is prime. Write a function to validate a
given date – use the former function to check for prime. Write a function to convert a given date
to Julian Date. 1 st March 2013 => 31 + 28 + 1 => 60 th day of the year 1 st March 2016 => 31+
29 + 1 => 61 st day of the year
97. Character recognition System (Basic one)
98. Object recognition system (Simple one)
99. Railway reservation systems
100. Simulate a stack/Queue using list
101. Simulate a Binary search tree using list
102. Removal of stop words from the given text
103. Billing system for any application
104. Automating the feedback system
105. Simulate Super Sprint Game
106. Given a sentence, classify the words in it to different parts of Speech. Use files or NLTK
107. Input a sentence from the user. Check it belongs to which type of sentence. Assertive,
Interrogative, exclamatory, Imperative
108. Input a sentence from the user, Check whether it is there in passive voice or active voice
109. Noughts and crosses with GUI
100. Random quote generator
101. Unit Converter (temp, currency, volume, mass and more)
102. Ceasar Ciphers on files
103. Generating unique QR code
104. Password Generator(generates and identifies the strength with measures to improve)
105. Help desk for IT employees
106. Make a two-player Rock-Paper-Scissors game. (Hint: Ask for player plays (using input),
compare them, print out a message of congratulations to the winner, and ask if the players want
to start a new game) Remember the rules: Rock beats scissors Scissors beats paper Paper beats
107. Create a program that will play the ―cows and bulls‖ game with the user. The game works
like this: Randomly generate a 4-digit number. Ask the user to guess a 4- digit number. For every
digit that the user guessed correctly in the correct place, they have a ―cow‖. For every digit the
user guessed correctly in the wrong place is a ―bull.‖ Every time the user makes a guess, tell
them how many ―cows‖ and ―bulls‖ they have. Once the user guesses the correct number, the
game is over. Keep track of the number of guesses the user makes throughout the game and tell
the user at the end.
108. No due management using excel files/text files
109. Checking duplicate questions in a question bank (question bank is stored in a text file)
110. find the team who won most of the times at a particular stadium in IPL
111. Rat in a Maze using recursive technique
112. develop a fitness module on 1)BMI Index(indicate overweight,under weight) 2)for every
500 steps, burn of calories 3)BP monitor(Indicate low,high,normal) 4)pulse 5)sugar 6)Heart Beat
113. Write a program that takes various kind of content from the user and classifies and stores
them. Example: If the Topic is Programming Languages. Under that you have sub topics like
(Java, Python3,C,C++).If suppose you have an article or something of that sort of JAVA .The
program should enable you to store it under that sub topic .Like this many subtopics under each
subtopics will be created which will give rise to a tree. When each article is stored , there should
be an option to add a tag or a keyword to it so that all articles related to a particular keyword can
be searched . Like this many filters can be added to every entry so that this will able the user to
easily classify information on any number of topics.
1. Simulate cal command
2. Solve system of linear equations
3. Develop a small statistical library
4. Plot graphs using trigonometric functions
5. Develop an analog clock
6. Develop a spell checker, may suggest the best possible word can b e added to the dict
7. Check a python program for indentation errors and for few syntax errors
8. Address Book: The user wants to create an address book and downloads your program. How
would you make it? Create a program that prompts the user for the information in most address
books and then stores it in a .txt file!
9. Solve electric circuits
10. Write a program that takes a list of filenames as arguments and prints contents of all those
files, like cat command in unix.
11. Write a program that takes one or more filenames as arguments and prints all the lines which
are longer than 40 characters.
12. Write a function to find files that recursively descends the directory tree for the specified
directory and generates paths of all the files in the tree.
13. Write a function to compute the number of python files (.py extension) in a specified
directory recursively.
14. Write a function to compute the total number of lines of code in all python files in the
specified directory recursively.
15. Write a function to compute the total number of lines of code, ignoring empty and comment
lines, in all python files in the specified directory recursively.
16. Write a program, that takes an integer n and a filename as command line arguments
and splits the file into multiple small files with each having n lines.
17. Find inverse of a matrix (make it complex by including few more functionalities – saddle
point, trace, norm, sorting & so on)
18. TextBased Adventure Game : A complete text game, the program will let users move
through rooms based on user input and get descriptions of each room. To create this, you’ll need
to establish the directions in which the user can move, a way to track how far the user has moved
(and therefore which room he/she is in), and to print out a description. You’ll also need to set
limits for how far the user can move. In other words, create “walls” around the rooms that tell the
user, “You can’t move further in this direction.”
19. Dice Rolling Simulator: Like the title suggests, this project involves writing a program that
simulates rolling dice. When the program runs, it will randomly choose a number between 1 and
6. (Or whatever other integer you prefer — the number of sides on the die is up to you.) The
program will print what that number is. It should then ask you if you’d like to roll again. For this
project, you’ll need to set the min and max number that your dice can produce. For the average
die, that means a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 6. You’ll also want a function that randomly
grabs a number within that range and prints it.
20. Mad Libs Generator : The program will first prompt the user for a series of inputs a la Mad
Libs. For example, a singular noun, an adjective, etc. Then, once all the information has been
inputted, the program will take that data and place them into a premade story template. You’ll
need prompts for user input, and to then print out the full story at the end with the input included.
21. Sentence Generator: A series of diferent parts of sentences will be randomly put together to
come up with new interesting sentences.
22. . Suduko Puzzle
23. Cross word Puzzle
24. . N queens problem
25. Cannibal missionery problem
26. Create a module to play with files with fns like i) rename file ii) delete file iii) copy file iv)
disp file test these fnsalso take care of errors ; give suitable message
27. Mastermind : player tries to guess a colour and position combination of four coloured pegs,
with the computer giving an indication of how close each guess is . . .
28. Shoutbox : a place where multiple people can write short messages which are stored and
29. Meme Quiz : the user answers various questions, the answers are then given points and added
up, resulting in the user receiving a description/graphic of what their score represents
30. Write a function which gets # of strings using variable # of arguments and Include function
to - returns a list of strings which are palindromes. - find the characters in each string uniquely -
find all strings which are anagrams of the first string
31. Create a class called MyStack which supports push and pop operations. Implement the stack
class using a list. specify the upperbound of the size while creating the stack object. Provide
exception handling mechanism for stack overflow and stack underflow.
32. Create a tree and traverse
33. Create a data structure to hold event info. Name,detail date,dd mm yy,people - create a list
of events - arrange them in chronological order - perform few more operations on the same
34. Create a list where each element of the list contains empid, empname, basic, da, hra. - Find
the salary for each person. - Store the result in a dictionary with empid as the key and total salary
as the value. - provide additional operations on emp data
35. Store fall of wickets into a list. a) find partnership for each wicket - store in a list b) find
highest partnership c) give details about no. Of balls d) no. of dot balls e) no. of 4's & 6's in
partnership & individual
36. Create a class called BankAccount with fields acno and name. Write functions to get and set
these fields. Create a class called FixedDeposit which inherits from BankAccount and has
additional fields duration, amount and rate of interest. Create a class called RecurringDeposit
which inherits from BankAccount and has additional fields duration and monthly payment and
rate of interest. Create functions to read and display information in each class.
37. Create a module MyMath which contains useful functions like areas of different shapes and
volumes of diferent solids. Write a client program to use these functions.
38. Create a class student. Fields required are name, usn, marks for 5 subjects, semester. Write
functions to create new student, delete student object. Create a list of students. Search for a
particular student in the given list based on usn. Find average of all students. Find all students
with average greater than a given value, all students who failed in atleast one subject, all students
passed in all subjects.
39. Write a function to traverse a directory. Call this function to print all files with path in each
40. Write your own function myfilter and use it to find a) list of all regular files; input is the list
of all entries in the directory b) list of all non zero numbers ; input is a list of numbers c) list of
all strings whose length is less than a given number; input is a list of strings
41. Write your own function mymax and use it to find a) biggest string in a list of strings b)
biggest string in a list of strings ignoring the case (case insensitive) c) biggest string in a list of
strings based on the length
42. Write your own function mymap and use it to generate a) list of tuples having string and its
length, given a list of strings b) list of filename and its size given a list of filenames c) list of
reversed string given a list of strings
43. Create a dictionary for words and their meanings. Write functions to a) search for a particular
word b) search based on a partial match (in the beginning of the string) c) find words with same
meaning. (two keys having the meaning)
44. Create a phone book – entries should come from file. One name can have multiple phone
numbers. Write functions to add a new entry (from keyboard), search for an entry, print all
entries in sorted order, delete entry. Use exception handling.
45. Write a function which takes a path as argument and an outfile name. It reads all the files in
that path and creates a combined file(tar). Write a function to untar such a file into number of
constituent files in a given directory.
46. Write a function to return a list all files which have execute permission and whose size
exceeds a given number. Write a function to create a directory with a given name and move all
these files to that directory.
47. Given a list of strings, for each string find the anagrams in the given list. Find the anagram
which has the highest number of strings – if more than one has the same count, display all of
48. Given two files of words, compare the two files. Print those words which are in both the files,
those in first and those in second.
49. A file contains names of batsmen and their scores in an innings. Name of the batsman can
repeat. Write a program to find the total for each batsman. Display
50. Given an English passage, - remove all punctuations - convert all words to lowercase - find
frequency of each word - count no. of unique - find # of words based on the length - create a list
of list of words list[0] is a list of words starting from a list[1] is a list of words starting from b &
so on
51. Given an English passage, - find # of words based on the length, create a dictionary with
length as key & list of words with that length as values. - create a dictionary where the key is the
first letter of the word and the value is set of unique words starting from that letter. - create a set
of unique words. - create a dictionary where the key is the first letter of the word and the value is
ordered list of unique words starting from that letter.
52. Write a function which checks whether a given year is prime. Write a function to validate a
given date – use the former function to check for prime. Write a function to convert a given date
to Julian Date. 1 st March 2013 => 31 + 28 + 1 => 60 th day of the year 1 st March 2016 => 31+
29 + 1 => 61 st day of the year
53. Character recognition System (Basic one)
54. Object recognition system (Simple one)
55. Blending of two images to create a new image
56. Scraping images from the web
57. Scraping the text from the web page
58. Visualizing Logic Circuits with Pygame
59. Guessing the actual string out of mixed string
60. Scientific calculator
61. Generate strings for the given image /audio/video
62. Simulate the data sender and receiver using very good encoding schemes
63. Railway reservation systems
64. Simulate a stack/Queue using list
65. Simulate a Binary search tree using list
66. Removal of stop words from the given text
67. Billing system for any application
68. Automating the feedback system
69. Simulate Super Sprint Game
70. Given a sentence, classify the words in it to different parts of speech. Use files or NLTK 27.
Input a sentence from the user. Check it belongs to which type of sentence. Assertive,
Interrogative, exclamatory, Imperative
71. Input a sentence from the user, Check whether it is there in passive voice or active voice
72. Generate different waves using python code (sine,cosine,tan)
73. Search for the file in our system using python code
74. Dig information on different new libraries: beets, newsBlur, boto, salt
75. Noughts and crosses with GUI
76. Guess a colour and position combination of four coloured pegs
77. Random quote generator
78. create a GUI where multiple people can write short messages which should be stored and
79. Sentence Generator: A series of differents words are randomly generated,arrange them
semantically and generate interesting sentences
80. Area Calulator: given an 3D geometric shape caluculate its area
81. Use of Opencv to segment text image into lines
82. Cost estimation GUI based for the construction of house
83. Data detailing in a text file
84. Unit Converter (temp, currency, volume, mass and more)
85. Graph coloring having 4 nodes
86. Ceasar Ciphers on files
87. Generating unique QR code
88. Design of SUDOKU ---- 9*9 Game
89. Inventory System
90. Password Generator(generates and identifies the strength with measures to improve)
91. Help desk for IT employees
92. Discussion Forum
93. Block chain
94. Face Recognition
95. Image classification
96. STUDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM that manages every detail related to a student and
also keeps a record of all their requests and grievances.
97. Make a two-player Rock-Paper-Scissors game. (Hint: Ask for player plays (using input),
compare them, print out a message of congratulations to the winner, and ask if the players want
to start a new game) Remember the rules: Rock beats scissors Scissors beats paper Paper beats
98. Create a program that will play the “cows and bulls” game with the user. The game works
like this: Randomly generate a 4-digit number. Ask the user to guess a 4-digit number. For every
digit that the user guessed correctly in the correct place, they have a “cow”. For every digit the
user guessed correctly in the wrong place is a “bull.” Every time the user makes a guess, tell
them how many “cows” and “bulls” they have. Once the user guesses the correct number, the
game is over. Keep track of the number of guesses the user makes throughout teh game and tell
the user at the end.
99. Draw a game board.Ask the user what size game board they want to draw, and draw it for
them to the screen using Python’s print statement.
100. Build IRC chat robot using python
101. CBT analysis (Reading data from excel files and generating class average, finding highest,
lowest and generating reports)
102. No due management using excel files/text files
103. Checking duplicate questions in a question bank (question bank is stored in a text file)
104. find the team who won most of the times at a particular stadium in IPL
105. simulate traveling sales man problem
106. Rat in a Maze using recursive technique
107. Simulate library management system
109. develop a fitness module on 1)BMI Index(indicate overweight,under weight) 2)for every
500 steps, burn of calories 3)BP monitor(Indicate low,high,normal) 4)pulse 5)sugar 6)Heart Beat
110. Write a program that takes various kind of content from the user and classifies and stores
them. Example: If the Topic is Programming Languages. Under that you have sub topics like
(Java, Python3,C,C++).If suppose you have an article or something of that sort of JAVA .The
program should enable you to store it under that sub topic .Like this many subtopics under each
subtopics will be created which will give rise to a tree. When each article is stored , there should
be an option to add a tag or a keyword to it so that all articles related to a particular keyword can
be searched . Like this many filters can be added to every entry so that this will able the user to
easily classify information on any number of topics
111. Alarm Clock which launches a YouTube video - Make a program that accepts command
line arguments for what time to go off, and when it does it should launch a YouTube video in
your browser that will start playing. The program should read in a text file that contains URLs to
different YouTube videos and will randomly choose one and launch it.
112. What's The Weather? - Create a program that pulls data from that
prints out information about the current weather, such as the high, the low, and the amount of
rain for wherever you live. Print out data for the next 5-7 days so you have a 5 day/week long
forecast. Print the data to another file that you can open up and view at, instead of viewing the
information in the command line.
113. Vocabulary Quizzer - Use to
generate a random list of 5 vocabulary words to test your user with. Scrape the words and
definitions from the page source code to create a quiz-type of your choice. Should create a
multiple choice quiz with instances of one of the scraped word and a randomized list of the 5
scraped definitions for the user to choose from. (Uses nonstandard library BeautifulSoup for web
114. Code your own computer generated modern Art
115. Program to check the internet download and upload speeds.

116. Tweet/text Preprocessing

117. Program to block distracting websites such as and others.

118.Text Vectorization
119. A program that functions as a grocery calculator. For item-price pairs, calculate the total
and print the list of items.

120. Keywords recognition in Text

121. Program that generates unique passwords based on different requirements.

123. Named Entity Recognition with Python

124. Program to convert an image to a pencil sketch.

125. Next Word Prediction Model using Bigrams

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