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Modulus Testing in Indirect Tension Mode

a b a
François Olard , Frédéric Noël & Frédéric Loup
EIFFAGE, Travaux Publics, Research Centre , 8, rue du Dauphiné BP 357, F-69960,
Corbas cedex E-mail:
Ecole de Technologie Supérieure (ETS) University of Quebec, Laboratoire universitaire
sur les chaussées, les routes et les enrobés bitumineux (LUCREB) , 100, rue Notre-Dame
ouest, Montréal, H3C 1K3, Québec E-mail:
Published online: 19 Sep 2011.

To cite this article: François Olard , Frédéric Noël & Frédéric Loup (2006) Modulus Testing in Indirect Tension Mode, Road
Materials and Pavement Design, 7:4, 543-554, DOI: 10.1080/14680629.2006.9690051

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Modulus Testing in Indirect Tension Mode

François Olard* — Frédéric Noël** — Frédéric Loup*

* EIFFAGE Travaux Publics, Research Centre

8, rue du Dauphiné
Downloaded by [Florida State University] at 16:59 22 February 2015

BP 357
F-69960 Corbas cedex
{folard, floup}
** Ecole de Technologie Supérieure (ETS)
University of Quebec
Laboratoire universitaire sur les chaussées, les routes et les enrobés bitumineux
100, rue Notre-Dame ouest
Montréal H3C 1K3, Québec

ABSTRACT. In 2004, a new European standard (NF EN 12697-26), the object of which is the
measurement of stiffness modulus, appeared. It includes five annexes corresponding to five
different testing methods, in particular modulus testing in indirect tension (IDT) mode. Given
that a typical asphalt layer thickness is about a few centimeters and that coring is the most
effective method for obtaining specimens from actual pavements, the IDT testing of cores is
bound to become very practical for routine use. Notwithstanding this fact, IDT testing is still
of little use in French public and private sector laboratories and, moreover, little information
is available in the technical literature concerning the comparison between stiffness modulus
data obtained in uniaxial direct tension or tension-compression and in biaxial indirect
tension. This paper provides rational understanding, based on principles of linear
viscoelasticity in particular, of the moduli commonly used for structural evaluation of asphalt
mixtures: complex, secant and resilient moduli. The assumptions and limitations of these
moduli are discussed. The pros and cons of the adopted testing and analysis methods are
evaluated. A simple and direct relationship was found and exemplified between stiffness
moduli obtained either in uniaxial direct tension/tension-compression mode or in biaxial
indirect tension mode.
KEYWORDS: Indirect
Tensile (IDT) Test, Diametral Compression Test, Non Homogeneous Test,
Complex Modulus, Secant Modulus, Resilient Modulus, Poisson’s Ratio.

Road Materials and Pavement Design. Volume 7 – No. 4/2006, pages 543 to 554
544 Road Materials and Pavement Design. Volume 7 – No. 4/2006

1. Introduction

In the course of the past few decades, there has been a radical change in
philosophy in asphalt pavement design from the more empirical approach to the
mechanistic approach based on multilayer elastic theory which has, from then on,
been adopted in many countries. The stiffness modulus along with other information
is then used as input to the elastic theories model to generate an optimum thickness
design. Obviously, the effectiveness of the thickness design procedure directly
depends upon that of the stiffness modulus determination.
In 2004, a new European standard (NF EN 12697-26), the object of which is the
measurement of mix modulus, appeared. It includes 5 annexes corresponding to 5
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testing methods, in particular modulus testing in indirect tension (IDT). In 2005,

within the framework of partnership with the Ecole de Technologie Supérieure of
the University of Quebec, the EIFFAGE Travaux Publics lab set out to evaluate the
efficiency of mix modulus determination in IDT mode compared with methods
currently used in France. Besides, this contribution precedes the discussions to come
for the next French method within the new European normative framework.
The advantages of the IDT test on a cylindrical test sample are numerous when
carried out carefully on a sturdy and accurate press of the electro-mechanical or
servo-hydraulic type. The main advantage is to enable the measurement of the
modulus of small field core specimens and to compare their performance with that
of materials of the initial formulation study. Indeed, demand for investigating the
properties of in-situ materials is ever-increasing with a view to validating the
thickness design procedure, especially in the case of alternative or innovative
pavement materials and structures.
This paper intends to provide rational understanding, based on principles of
linear viscoelasticity in particular, of the moduli commonly used for structural
evaluation of asphalt mixtures: complex, secant and resilient moduli, determined in
uniaxial direct tension or tension-compression and in biaxial indirect tension. The
assumptions and limitations of the complex, secant and resilient moduli are
discussed. The pros and cons of the methods are then evaluated. Following this
introduction, a substantial background section is presented, in which the essentials
of definitions and testing procedures are presented.

2. Background

2.1. New European standard (NF EN 12697-26) for mix modulus testing

The NF EN 12697-26 standard (NFEN, 2004) sets out methods for

characterizing the mix stiffness at fixed temperatures and during fixed times or
loading frequencies. Five annexes describe procedures for testing complex or secant
stiffness modulus under sinusoidal flexion in 2 or 3 points, by indirect tension under
Modulus Testing in Indirect Tension Mode 545

load pulses, by tension-compression under sinusoidal load, and by direct tension at

controlled strain rate. Allowing for the number of test methods in the NF EN 12697-
26 standard, it is worthwhile restating the distinction between the definitions and
uses of the complex, secant and resilient moduli. These 3 parameters correspond to
3 types of quasi static loadings (i.e. no or negligible acceleration):
i) sinusoidal cyclic load in the case of complex modulus,
ii) monotonous or cyclic load when considering secant modulus, and
iii) cyclic impulse load for resilient modulus.
The contents of the following sections will be used as a basis for the
developments carried out hereafter. For additional information, the reader can refer
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to a comprehensive work recently published by Di Benedetto and Corté (2005).

2.2. Complex modulus

Complex modulus E* is the relationship between stress and strain for a linear
viscoelastic material submitted to a sinusoidal load wave form at loading time, t,
where applying a stress σ = σ0 sinωt results in a strain ε(t) = ε0 sin(ωt-δ) that has a
phase angle, δ with respect to the stress. The stress-strain ratio defines E* as:

E* = E1 + i E2 = |E*| eiδ = |E*| (cosδ + i sinδ) [1]

with E1 the real part of E*, E2 the imaginary part of E*, |E*| the norm of E* (in
megapascals, MPa), and δ the phase angle between stress and strain (in degrees, °).
In France, the complex modulus test is usually performed according to the
French standard NF P 98-260-2 (1992) –replaced, from now on, by the Appendix A
of the European standard NF EN 12697-26 (2004). The test can be carried out with
any kind of geometry, in configuration of either a homogeneous or a non
homogeneous test (Di Benedetto et al., 2001) on the condition that the strain
amplitude does not exceed some 10-5 (limit of the linear behavior) (Di Benedetto
and Des Croix, 1996; Olard, 2003). Indeed, in the linear domain (i.e. in the small
strain domain), the mix complex modulus depends neither on the geometry nor on
the test configuration.

2.3. Secant modulus

Secant modulus, at time t, is the relationship between stress σ(t) and strain ε(t)
for a material subjected to controlled strain rate loading (ε(t)=atn for example:

S(t) = σ(t)/ε(t) [2]

546 Road Materials and Pavement Design. Volume 7 – No. 4/2006

Secant modulus can be measured on the French MAER press (servocontrolled

device for rheological tests) according to French standard NF P 98-260-1 (2000) –
replaced by European standard NF EN 12697-26 (2004) (Annex E).

2.4. Resilient modulus

Measurements of the complex or secant modulus, described above, often require

closed-loop electro-mechanical or servo-hydraulic machines. With regard to simple
control measurements, tests with repeated load pulses can be performed on
pneumatic devices to determine the resilient modulus after repetitive loading. This
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modulus, also called “reversible modulus”, is the ratio of repeated stress to

reversible or resilient strain, i.e. the elastic stiffness of the material after many load
repetitions. The resilient modulus differs from the complex and secant moduli, and
corresponds to the rigidity of a material when considered in a first approximation as
elastic after many cycles. In fact, if the applied pulse proves to be a linear loading
with respect to time, the resilient modulus is interpreted theoretically as a secant
modulus identical to that of the direct tensile test described in the previous sections.
Resilient modulus can be determined using axial, triaxial, or diametral methods
(e.g. standards ASTM 4123 (2003) and BS DD 213 (1993)). Considering the IDT
test in Annex C of standard NF EN 12697-26, even if the measured modulus is
supposed to be the secant one, it is of prime importance to keep in mind that after
many repeated load pulses, the non recoverable strain becomes prominent. Indeed,
there is a “post-compaction” or a “consolidation” (the repetitive loading tends to
“shake down” their response through strain hardening) of the material (Figure 1)
which can be considered as an aging medium; the measured modulus is thus the
resilient one whose value is greater than that of complex and secant moduli. Section
C.4.3.1 in Annex C of standard NF EN 12697-26 may lead to confusion since it
recommends that “at least 10 conditioning pulses shall be applied in order to enable
the equipment to adjust the load magnitude and duration to give the specified
horizontal diametral deformation and time”. As a heritage of the British and US
procedures, the deformation measuring and then the stiffness modulus calculation
are done from a further 5 load pulses. In the case of the US procedure, a minimum
of 50 to 200 load cycles was typical during the preconditioning period to obtain
uniform and consistent deformation readout with pneumatic devices (1982).
Furthermore, as this test is generally performed on ordinary pneumatic repeated
loading devices (in IDT mode), the applied peak load value is controlled but there is
no control of the form of the load pulse! An arbitrary correction factor, the so-called
load area factor k, is however introduced in standard NF EN 12697-26 (2004).
Allowing for the previous remarks, the results presented hereafter only deal with
complex and secant moduli in accordance with NF EN 12697-26. Complex modulus
was determined either in direct tension-compression mode or in IDT mode. Secant
modulus was determined either in direct tension mode or in IDT mode.
Modulus Testing in Indirect Tension Mode 547

Figure 1. Stress/strain curves in a triaxial resilient modulus test (Mamlouk and

Sarofim, 1988; Di Benedetto and Corté, 2005)
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a) b)
Figure 2. a) Schematic for indirect tension (IDT) test. b) Specific equipment used
for modulus measurement in IDT configuration

3. Indirect tension (IDT) test

3.1. Test principle at the EIFFAGE Travaux Publics laboratory

The IDT test is conducted by applying a load along the vertical diametral plane
of a 100-mm diameter (50-mm thick) specimen. In the centre of the specimen, away
from the localized non-linear and plastic zones near the two steel loading strips, the
stresses are relatively constant. The resulting vertical and horizontal deformations of
the cylindrical specimen are measured on each side of the specimen and, with a
calculated Poisson’s ratio, are then used to calculate the mix modulus. The vertical
deformation is measured thanks to 2 LVDTs, while the horizontal deformation is
measured thanks to 2 extensometers. As the test is run in a stress-controlled mode,
548 Road Materials and Pavement Design. Volume 7 – No. 4/2006

the load is adjusted to ensure that the vertical and horizontal strains did not exceed
10-4m/m (cf. Section 2.2). Each of the cores is tested twice: the orientation of the
specimen of the second test is 90° from the first test (Photo 1). Insofar as the Annex
C of the standard NF EN 12697-26 is concerned, only the secant modulus E IDT
must be determined during IDT. However, the loading can also be of sinusoidal
type: the complex modulus, calculated in IDT, is hereafter named E IDT (even if this
method is not standardized yet, the reader can refer to many scientific papers, e.g.
(Hondros, 1959; Yoder and Witczak, 1975; Tayebali et al., 1994; Di Benedetto et
al., 2001; Kim et al., 2004, 2005; Kaklis et al., 2005).
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3.2. Calculations

As regards the modulus calculation according to standard NF EN 12697-26

(2004), the loading strip width is not taken into account. Assuming the plane stress
state, Hondros proposed in 1959 an analytical solution for the IDT with a sample
subjected to a strip load (Hondros, 1959). More recently, Kim used specifically the
expressions for stresses and strains initially developed by Hondros so as to be more
representative of the real experiment and, thus, more accurate (Kim et al., 2004,
2005). Within the framework of the present study, the difference between the two
methods (taking into account, or not, the loading strip width) was found to be
around 1 to 2%.
2⋅ P⋅ A
E IDT sec
or E IDT = [3]
π ⋅ a ⋅ e ⋅U
(Hondros, 1959; Kim et al., 2004, 2005)

 R R
 [4]
A = (1 + ν ) ∫ f ( x) dx + (ν − 1) ∫ g ( x )dx 
 −R −R 

(Hondros, 1959; Kim et al., 2004, 2005)

(1 − x 2 / R 2 ) sin 2α [5]
f ( x) =
1 + 2 x 2 / R 2 cos 2α + x 4 / R 4

(Hondros, 1959; Kim et al., 2004, 2005)

1− x2 / R2  [6]
g ( x ) = − tan −1  tan α 
1 + x / R
2 2

(Hondros, 1959; Kim et al., 2004, 2005)

Modulus Testing in Indirect Tension Mode 549

P: applied load, (N)
a: loading strip width, cf. Figure 2, (m)
e: specimen thickness – low enough to ensure conditions of plane stress
(simplification of the actual three-dimensional state of stress during IDT test) –, (m)
U: horizontal displacement measured along the horizontal diameter, (m)
A: coefficient depending on radius R, radial angle α (Figure 2) and Poisson’s
ratio ν (modulus is sensitive to measured or assumed Poisson’s ratio value), (m).
For a 100-mm diameter and ν = 0.35, A = 11,58mm. Otherwise, the mix Poisson’s
ratio, ν, is calculated at fixed temperature and frequency conditions thanks to the
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vertical LVDT and the horizontal extensometer outputs:

∆d h [7]
ν = 3 .59 − 0.27
∆d v
(ASTM, 1982)
with ∆dh, the horizontal deformation of the cylindrical sample, measured thanks to 2
extensometers, and ∆dv, the vertical deformation measured thanks to 2 LVDTs.

4. Materials

Tests were conducted on a set of ten mixes. 8 of them were hot-mix asphalts
(HMAs), whereas the 2 others were cold-mix asphalts (CMAs) with lower rigidity:
– CMA1: porphyry grading 0/10mm, 5% void content and 160/220 pen bitumen,
– CMA2: porphyry grading 0/10mm, 5% void content and 70/100 bitumen,
– HMA1: diorite grading 0/10mm, 5% void content and 50/70 binder,
– HMA2: quartzite grading 0/14mm, 4% void content and 35/50 binder,
– HMA3: silice-limestone grading 0/14mm, 4% void content and 10/20 binder,
– HMA4: silice-limestone grading 0/14mm, 10% void content and 35/50 binder,
– HMA5: gneiss grading 0/14mm, 5% void content and SBS modified binder,
– HMA6: porphyry grading 0/10mm, 4% void content and 35/50 binder,
– HMA7: porphyry grading 0/10mm, 4% void content and 35/50 binder,
– HMA8: silice-limestone grading 0/20mm, 2% void content and 20/30 bitumen.

5. Example of analysis
* sec * sec
For comparing E IDT and E IDT obtained in IDT mode with E axial and E axial
respectively obtained in uniaxial direct tension-compression and direct tension
550 Road Materials and Pavement Design. Volume 7 – No. 4/2006

modes (procedures detailed in (NFEN, 2004), Equation [8] was employed for
transition from the frequency domain to the time domain, with time t (s) and
frequency f (Hz) (Linder, 1977; Moriceau, 1994; NFEN, 2004; Dongré et al., 2006).
* sec *
Equation [8] makes it possible to display the four modulus curves E IDT , E IDT , E axial
and E axial in the same chart (Figure 3a).

1 [8]
t ≈
2π ⋅ f

Figure 3a shows that the complex and secant master curves at 15°C of HMA
1&3 are very close. In addition, it seems possible to measure with great accuracy the
mix modulus in IDT configuration on the press used. Nonetheless, experimental
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data are slightly scattered in the case of the secant modulus measured in IDT.
Moreover, complex or secant modulus values obtained in biaxial IDT configuration
are slightly overestimated when compared to uniaxial values (Figures 3a and 3b),
which can be partly due to localized non-linear and plastic zones near the two steel
loading strips. By measuring both horizontal and vertical strain magnitudes in
regions where the stresses are relatively constant (in the centre of the specimen)
stiffness modulus could be more accurately determined.



Figure 3. a) Complex & secant moduli master curves for HMAs 1&3 at 15°C.
b) Black diagram for HMAs 1&3 (axial tension-compression mode Vs IDT mode)
Modulus Testing in Indirect Tension Mode 551

Figure 4. Poisson’s ratio master curve for HMAs 1&3 at 15°C

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Figure 4 displays some ν master curves at 15°C. The ν shift factors (shift values
along the frequency scale of isotherms with a view to plotting a continuous master
curve) were found to be identical to those of modulus. ν>0.5 is inconsistent with the
assumptions of linearity and isotropy or implies that sample is partially damaged.

6. Comparison of measured moduli

Table 1 gathers data obtained at 15°C-10Hz (reference temperature-frequency

conditions for calculations in the French design method). These results confirm
preliminary work led by Bourdrel (2004) and recent observations made by Olard
et al. (2005, 2006).

Table 1. Values of complex and secant moduli for the ten tested asphalt mixtures
552 Road Materials and Pavement Design. Volume 7 – No. 4/2006

Modulus obtained in IDT is slightly overvalued (about 1000MPa) when

compared to values obtained in uniaxial configuration. This difference can be due to
localized non-linear and plastic zones near the 2 loading strips, and appears as
greater with low-rigidity materials CMAs 1&2 (after the test, we also observed the
localized plastic zones near the two steel loading strips). The fact that, during IDT
testing, mean stress and strain are not zero, could also explain the difference.
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Figure 5. Relationship between a) the complex modulus obtained in IDT and b) the
complex or secant modulus obtained in uniaxial tension mode at 15°C-10Hz

7. Conclusions

The main following conclusions can be drawn on the basis of this study:
– the IDT test is both handy and reliable for testing field cores from thin layers
in tension, which is of great value to the practicing engineer,
– complex modulus values compared almost exactly to secant modulus values.
However, in IDT, experimental data for secant modulus were found to be slightly
more scattered than those for complex modulus,
– IDT modulus is slightly overvalued (around 1000MPa) when compared to
uniaxial one. This difference is greater for the studied cold-mix asphalts. The plastic
zones near the loading strips are bigger with such materials,
– the shift factors of Poisson’s ratio are identical to those of modulus,
– some Poisson’s ratio values above 0.5 were found in IDT mode, which is
inconsistent with the linearity and isotropy assumptions.

8. Bibliography

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Modulus Testing in Indirect Tension Mode 553

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554 Road Materials and Pavement Design. Volume 7 – No. 4/2006

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Received: 16 January 2006

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Accepted: 6 July 2006

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