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Leckune 3 => lnodudion bo Taansislon? . the Lnansiston is 0 Uhnee besminal — davice: Base, tmillen and Colleckan jhe bnonsishen is gerenally used fox ampli freakion oe arplicalion in Laonsiston sis achieved by posing conn inpk Si gral Prom 0 leo mesickance arecjon Lo y a Tegion of high Pesstort - So Ureme is 0 Lmansfen of pease TRAN Shen —neSiSTOR (reansistor) = Types oft ee est: -dhene ome wo Lypes of Lnansiskons. uni pelan jonckion Laansiskon and Lipales ypnckion Lnansiskon “Sn unipeon jynckion Laansiskon, the Conseak Conduebion is only due bo one bye of change Commies ; majority CoanienS she Connenk Condielion, in bpolan Laansisbon is because of bth Ue byes of ch enge Comniens , holes ¢ elecknons - | ~Hene bis © called — Bpolan ondien Transiskon (es) “3a Bat, bh ofp Connae 18 Contealled by ip cunmak and hence ak is a Cann Conbeeled device -mdkene are bwo Lypes of BST inepen bye 2. pen-p ype => davelune of pap ond npn Tronsislons + dem a Hransickon 18 Gonmed by Sondusiching 9 single gonegion Wis bo ne megions Lots an n-pen bype Lean selon - Gimilods, ‘ehe PAP Laonsiston has & ang ne region bh boc. penegions aan epon-f Ls Tet > ottrit 6 whe middle negren of toch Lnansicen ype is Called the ese op he Lnonsiston this aregien is Veoy thin, and lightly doped «the Semaining Lute anagions ane called tmnitken ond colkelen. ahe Emitlen ond caleclon ane heavily doped ® Bk Ube deping \evd in Embken is dightly gaeaken then | Uhek of Colleckom - ghe ealesken major —asea 8 shghlhy mone Une Une of tmllen qe Felps in When pout dissipalon =D Tnonsiston Syntels i\en callecbon ° “or tnllen aon callukon Base Base “Pn Pon op - Aanow \eod on kaansisten Symbo| imdreakes the Conacee) consent ulkch is opposite be Whe dineckion of leeLeen Conzenk in Ember => Diode taivalak davclune OF Taansiston? A Laansisken Can be Considered as two pn junckion diodes Comecled bach ko beck as shown below e eq © } 6 a Pon P a a ee ee ae @ Tonclions of Transislem'- “uw Laansiston Wes hoo pn Jpnciens one prekion \s dhe the Embken and the base and is Called Une Emilhin base pnckion on Simpl, trailer. jonclan Je “dhe otlen ortlion is tes the bee ond Phe Callachen ond is calk3 Calkcken bese junclion on Simp colkelan qunckion Je = Comol meplace, Leonsisten by back bo back diodes: s the Lnansishen Connol be ovelaed by bec bo backs Conncebed diodes Lecavse of the Falbewin 4 measons’. 1 Ralekve doping levels mm Uke bese, tmbkin and colkecln jonckions ores be Saks fred be toot Lhak device as a Lnansisken- ‘Tle teamal >A yynelier dirodeS — cannch sakvspy Ys nequinemnl: 2-4 0 Laonsidon, Emilken be base spadien ‘s Batoaad brosed while base be caleckon jynckien is mdensed biosd- Bo due be dippisin Grecess almat Enkine. Cunacnt mneedus be calllen ond base Coane is ve gligith Small © ssthes due be diffusion, device wonks as a knansisko. ‘nan si ston. suble in beck bo back Gonmecled diodes Uhene ane Lino Separate diodes, One Goriand biased Gnd one nevense. bresed ond —-Siffusion Cano Veake place. - ahs Taxing Series Cusvneal- uhich Can Flows 1S oevense Salunction Conant of 0 aevense biased diode “ence Ube Combination ot lacie be back Connecked diodes Camo be used as Reams ee Also Whe embken anca in the bransisken is Considerlly Smaller hon he Colleckon ainea ahs is becaote the Cdlecky oregon hue be hantle mone Potxn khan the fmitken and Mom Sunfete ance WS Mequind fan ( Jissipalion = ovncigle of opendtion, ot ieee Unbiased Taansiskon! An unbiased Lnemsisken means Leansielon with no glennal Valbage (resin) is apphed Ne ———————— © . ckuvevsly » Vane ull be ne Canned Clowng Com ae. We bronsiskin leads since Laansiton is lite bee pn prion Siodes Connected beck be Mace, Chess ane deplebien egions ob bath Ure Jpackions _ Emblen yee and Cellelon iprdkin 0. de Te panel le enlle, mae ode ie Colleckon \ Gsq Poa glo) pole & n olP bala} n Jo © JGjoo| PO 8 > Duaing diftusion Process , deplaien mregion penebrales mone jeerly inke Ube Light doped Gide Hn onden be include an aval nombea of importly alae in tech side of the gpnlaen ok Sed Lien megion a emllen jpnckion penckndbes lew in Yee \eas'ly doped tmblin and fends mone In Ure basa, Began Smilely ballon oxgin a collecLon apnclion pencboales es in heawly — doped calleclen and eclecads base Aer smone in the, Hr WW, las ped When the tmlben, © - Qs Calcber 1 ski ak he Colluckon jpnekon is ahigly Ve depletion legen mow Uhan Ure beplelion Leyes widlh al Une ember jpnelion aby Bansien Velkoge is the Volkage npecessony be Cause dled sce! Condudien in a ‘mclion “dhe Genes Vella is Ve en n-side and neg etve on poste dhe Larinien Velhage acnoss Vhe _prcdion in a sikeon Laansich, Lone g-ameniten te obeck 9-4 Wak and approrimately o-svel Lnansislon => fied Taonsiston! Fon Lenamsisken be ee in ackive megion , Lhe emiblen bes Jpnckn is Paserd biased, while Ube Collecbor bese “packion is Tevense Viased - she Vee § Vee One Ealeanelly applied bias Velkages By using hese Velkogs, Uke Te is fortomd biased and Te is nevense biased - er eee eee txllea jprebion is Pontuand nosed by We de Some Vyp shes, Lhe deplebion eregion ao ks jpnckion 1s onedued whe collelor be bese jpnckion ig wevense biendy increasing deplekion negion A ceolhclen be base jpncion as Sshoun below she Ponsa Dee Fonsord — biased te jondion Covses the leckaons in Wee nto tmbker bo Clow bounds We bese “WS Cmdbls the tmbbes Corneal Te - ae Use deskaens flor Uhaevgh Ure plage base, hy ° bo combine with holes in p-negon (bese) ou bo Ugh doping, Viox fas of the chckeons inyetled inke Le bese fam tmilln recombine wth Vrolis bo lonslhube bem Cunnede. Ty and Lhe remaining lis numben of cledans eyes he base mnegion ard reve Ehroogh the Callecken resin bo Un posibive eemwinal of taleancl Je Sounee. dis Cnskboles callecken Cunnal ae * Tes Te+Tg © HAE “Sine ik is a. kipdles device, Lhe Colleckon Cunaeat Comprises oe mmgyenbs § Bee Cee She wescouly Coon Conponerh is. ela) We lenge Come and is gun bs Sobel Teg (Te Cunneat tnth emiker leanina! ope) " Tee r < Te mejpatly + Dee minonths *Telw) Tew Telus) 15 wyecked collab’) cennat due be ansjoniby canaiens Crossing re collec. base Jjonckian D> Tors) leat Velbages: npn Taansi eke ni athe Volkage blo base and Emillen is denaked by Vee “Fon Ugg, bese 16 poskin hen tmibln beeave of npn Langton, te bak is biased positive ith acspuk to the tember she Vobep Ue celeclen and Lhe ernblen is dended 28 Vee ard the Valhage blo the collector rd base. 16 ded by Veg the Volkage Bones ane Conneckd bo Lhe Laansislas wth Sentes srasiskonS Jase veins on calhd coment mibny sreslng she as supe Volkeg Vee is Connedeed Vio oresishen Rg ort We calla Surely Volkage Vig iS Canad Vio womiden Ee, “he neg alive Lenminals ot — bolh Une Supply Vollags ane ® Connedee) be tmibkia Lenminsl of Lhe Lensislon “To make CB jpnckion awense biased, Lhe Soprly Vellag. Vex. acy always much Vengin than Seppl, Velkage Vga - = fioersutes Cnseds: Sine Tgis Vay Smell, Te $To an needy Ewal Te>TL

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