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What are Weather and Climate?

Weather is the state of the atmosphere at a

particular place and time. We can measure
lots of different types of data to describe and
forecast the weather including: temperature;
amount and type of precipitation; air pressure;
wind speed and direction; amount and type of
cloud cover; humidity (amount of water vapour
in the air); amount of sunshine. We describe
and forecast weather over timescales of hours
and days.
Climate is the average state of the
atmosphere at a location over longer time
periods. Summarising the climate of a place
involves taking weather measurements over a
span of months and years and calculating the
average conditions from this data. Climate
data is usually expressed as average monthly
temperature and precipitation figures.
Fig.1 summarises the differences between
weather and climate.

1. Explain why the data below is best described as a summary of weather.

2. Explain why the data below is best described as a summary of climate.
3. The English language has a huge vocabulary associated with weather. Fill in the table to
include as many weather words that you can think of in the categories provided:
Words to do with Words to do with Words to do with Words to do with WIND
droplets and ice crystals
falling from the sky) and
HUMIDITY (how moist
the air is)
What are clouds and how do they form?
Precipitation is any form of water that falls from the sky and so includes not just rain, but
also sleet, snow and hail.
Most precipitation falls from clouds, but some can fall from mist or fog (which is effectively
low level cloud).
Water in the atmosphere can exist in each of the states of matter:

 As a solid in the form of ice crystals

 As a liquid in the form of water droplets
 As a gas in the form of water vapour (which is invisible)
Clouds are collections of tiny ice crystals or water droplets in the atmosphere. We can
see clouds (unlike water vapour) because the ice crystals and/or water droplets that make
up the clouds reflect and refract sunlight. The ice crystals and/or water droplets that make up
clouds are so small and light that they remain buoyant in the atmosphere so do not fall from
the sky.
To understand how precipitation occurs, we need to understand how water is transferred
between the Earth’s surface and the atmosphere in the water cycle:

1. Draw arrows to link each water cycle term to its correct definition:
Water changing state from a liquid to a
gas (vapour) due to heat from the sun
Condensation allowing water vapour to be transferred
from the land or sea to the air.
Water falling from the sky as rain, snow,
sleet or hail.
Air being cooled so much (for example
when it rises) that water vapour in it is
Evaporation forced to change state into liquid droplets,
forming clouds, mist or fog.
Water vapour being given out by plants to
the atmosphere.
How Do Clouds Form?

 When sunlight warms the land or sea, liquid water molecules can evaporate, changing
state into a water vapour (a gas). This transfers water vapour from the land and sea into
the air.
 Water vapour can also be transferred into the atmosphere from the land surface by
vegetation. Plants give out water vapour to the atmosphere in a process called
 All air contains water vapour. The amount of water vapour in the air is referred to as the
air’s humidity. Cold air can hold less water vapour than warmer air, so usually, as air
cools, its humidity increases.
 Warm air rises because it is less dense than surrounding cooler air. As warm air
containing water vapour rises, it cools and expands.
 This cooling of rising air causes the rising air’s humidity to increase because cooler air
can hold less water vapour.
 If rising air is cooled enough, it reaches the point where its humidity has reached 100%
and the air is said to be saturated.
 The air becomes full up with water vapour (saturated) at what is known as the dew point
temperature. Any further cooling of the air below the dew point temperature will result in
some water vapour being forced to change state from a gas to a liquid forming water
droplets. This is known as condensation.
 Collections of water droplets caused by condensation in the atmosphere form clouds.
The water droplets in clouds are so small that they can remain suspended in the air
because updraughts of warm, rising air keep them buoyant.
 The process of condensation to form clouds is helped by tiny particles of dust and salt in
the air called hygroscopic particles. These particles attract condensing water droplets
that stick to them.
 Some clouds form so high in the atmosphere that temperatures are low enough for the
water droplets to freeze into ice crystals.
Here is a simpler summary of cloud formation:

1. Evaporation: water is evaporated from the land or sea adding

water vapour to the air

2. Warm air rises: air containing water vapour rises

3. Air cools as it rises: this increases the air’s humidity

4. Air becomes saturated: the air’s humidity reaches 100% if it
cools enough

5. Condensation occurs: water droplets form in the air creating

2. For each of the following statements, circle the correct answer from the choices:

 When water changes state from a liquid to a vapour it:

condenses precipitates evaporates

 Warm air rises because compared to the surrounding air it is:

denser less dense

 The amount of water vapour in the air is known as the:

condensation humidity cloudiness

 As air rises in the atmosphere:

It cools it warms it shrinks

 As air is cooled, its humidity generally:

decreases increases transpires

 At the dew point temperature the air is:

extremely dry holding the maximum amount of water vapour that it can

 Cloud is about to form when the air is:

saturated warming up at 20% humidity

 Wispy looking Cirrus clouds high up in the atmosphere are made of:
jet engine trails water vapour tiny ice crystals

 The process that causes clouds to appear is:

precipitation sublimation condensation

 When water changes state from a vapour to a liquid it:

transpires condenses evaporates
What are the different types of cloud?
Clouds are given different names based on two characteristics:

 The shape of the cloud

 The altitude of the cloud (how high it is in the sky)
Cloud Shapes
There are three main cloud shapes:

 Cumulus
 Stratus
 Cirrus

Cumulus Cumulus clouds have fluffy shapes like

pieces of cotton wool. Their tops are
rounded, puffy, and a brilliant white
when sunlit, while their bottoms are
flatter and darker. The greyer and
darker the bottom of the cloud is, the
more likely it is to produce

Clouds with names containing the terms

-cumulus or cumulo- all have this fluffy
Stratus Stratus clouds form in flat, fairly
featureless layers that fill the whole sky
or most of the sky with few gaps
between clouds.

Clouds with names containing the terms

-stratus or strato- all have this sheet-like

Cirrus Cirrus clouds are high altitude clouds

made of ice crystals. They tend to form
in delicate, wispy strands that are often
compared to horses’ tails.

Clouds with names containing the terms

-cirrus or cirro- all have this thin, wispy
Cloud Heights
Clouds are classified according to the heights that they appear at in the sky:

High Level High Level Clouds tend to be found above

Clouds altitudes of 5km. Here, air temperatures will
be so cold that most of clouds will be made
of ice crystals.

The terms cirrus or cirro- are found in the

names of high level clouds: cirrus;
cirrocumulus & cirrostratus.

Seen on their own, without lower cloud

below, these clouds are a sign of fair
weather as they do not produce

Mid-Level Mid-Level Clouds tend to be found at

Clouds altitudes between 2km and 5km. They are
often a mixture of liquid water droplets and
ice crystals.

The term alto- is used for these mid level

clouds: altocumulus & altostratus.

Altostratus clouds often produce rain or


Low Level Low Level Clouds are found at altitudes

Clouds below 2km. They are most likely formed
entirely of liquid water droplets except in
cold weather, when they may contain ice

Nimbostratus clouds are those likely to

produce heavier rain, though lighter rain and
drizzle can come from stratus and cumulus

Multi- Cumulonimbus clouds are huge, towering

Level Cumulonimbus clouds that bubble up between low, mid and
high levels of the atmosphere and are
Cloud several kms in vertical extent. These clouds
often produce violent weather events
including hailstorms, heavy rain and
thunderstorms. They can also form into
super-cells that generate tornadoes.
How Do Clouds Produce Precipitation?

 Precipitation is any form of water (liquid or solid) that falls from the sky.
 Not all types of cloud produce precipitation. Precipitation mainly falls from denser, darker
low and mid-level clouds such as nimbostratus, altostratus and cumulonimbus clouds.
 In most clouds the water droplets and/or ice crystals that form the cloud are suspended
in the atmosphere by rising currents of warm air and the fact that they are very tiny
droplets or crystals means that they lack the weight to fall from the air.
 However, air currents within clouds can cause the water droplets and ice crystals to
collide together and grow bigger and heavier. As more and more large water droplets
and/or ice crystals form, the cloud becomes darker and darker as more of the sunlight is
reflected from the cloud.
 Eventually, if the water droplets or ice crystals grow big and heavy enough, they fall to
the Earth from the clouds as precipitation: snow, sleet, rain or hail.

How Do Clouds That Produce Precipitation Form?

The types of clouds that produce precipitation are the result of warm, moist air being forced
to rise in the atmosphere so that it cools producing large amounts of condensation. There
are three main types of situation that result in these conditions for precipitation:
1. Convectional Rainfall: Convection occurs when warm air rises because it is less dense
than surrounding cooler air. Convectional rainfall occurs most often on warm, sticky,
humid, summer days, often in the late afternoon. Thunderstorms often accompany
convectional rainfall and the convection creates towering, cumulonimbus clouds.
2. Relief Rainfall: Relief refers to the height of the land (hills or mountains). A warm, moist
wind that encounters a range of hills or mountains produces air that is forced to rise and
cool as it flows over the relief barrier, producing condensation, cloud and precipitation.
This helps to explain why hilly and mountainous areas in the West of the UK like
Snowdonia and the Lake District are so wet, because warm moist westerly winds from
the Atlantic are forced to rise as they hit the hills and mountains, creating relief rainfall.

3. Frontal Rainfall: This is

rainfall that occurs at a weather
front. A weather front occurs
where a warm air mass meets a cold air mass in the atmosphere (for example over the
Atlantic Ocean where warm tropical air from the South often meets cold polar air from
the North). At a weather front, less dense air from the warmer air mass is forced to rise
over the denser air of the cold air mass. If the
warm air that is forced to rise is moist, this can
produce condensation, cloud and

Types of Precipitation

 Snow is defined as 'solid precipitation which occurs in a variety of minute ice crystals at
temperatures well below 0 °C but as larger snowflakes at temperatures near 0 °C.'
 Snow forms when tiny ice crystals in clouds stick together to become snowflakes. If
enough crystals stick together, they'll become heavy enough to fall to the ground.
 Snowflakes that descend through moist air that is slightly warmer than 0 °C will melt
around the edges and stick together to produce big flakes. Snowflakes that fall through
cold, dry air produce powdery snow that does not stick together.
 Snow is formed when temperatures are low and there is moisture in the atmosphere in
the form of tiny ice crystals. The size and composition of a snowflake depend on how
many ice crystals group together and this will be determined by air temperatures.
 Snowflakes that fall through dry, cool air will be small, powdery snowflakes that don't
stick together. This 'dry' snow is ideal for snow sports but is more likely to drift in windy
weather. When the temperature is slightly warmer than 0 °C, the snowflakes will melt
around the edges and stick together to become big, heavy flakes. This creates 'wet'
snow which sticks together easily and is good for making snowmen.

 Sleet is a type of solid precipitation that occurs during winter weather which is a
combination or mix of rain and snow. Essentially, it is snow that partially melts as it falls
and has begun the melting process before it reaches the ground, so you will see both
raindrops and snowflakes falling from the sky.

 Rain is simply described as drops of liquid water falling from the sky. However, the size
of raindrops and intensity of rainfall can vary greatly from torrential downpours or large
droplets up to 6mm in diameter to light drizzle and mizzle of tiny droplets less than
0.5mm across.

 Hail is solid precipitation in the form of balls or pieces of ice known as hailstones.
 Hail forms in thundercloud when drops of water are continuously taken up and down
though the cloud by updraughts and downdraughts. When they go to the top of the
cloud, it is very cold and they freeze. As the updraughts in thunderclouds are very big,
they can keep these hailstones for a long time, so they get larger and larger by becoming
coated with more and more ice.
 When the hailstones get really big, the updraughts in the cloud cannot hold them up
anymore and they fall to earth, and by this time they are big balls of ice, and don't have
time to melt before they reach the ground.
 Hail can only be formed in this way (in convective clouds) unlike snow which can also be
formed in weather fronts, and by air ascending up hills and mountains, just like rain can.

Questions on Precipitation
1. What is precipitation?
2. Explain why many types of cloud do not produce precipitation.

3. Fill in the empty boxes in the table to identify the type of rainfall, frontal,
convectional or relief.

Image Type of Rainfall

4. Fill in the empty boxes in the table to identify the type of rainfall, frontal,
convectional or relief.

Image Type of Rainfall

5. Annotate each of the diagrams to explain how the cloud and precipitation are
being formed:

Warm air mass

Cold air mass

6. Using the diagram, explain how sleet forms.
How is the UK’s Weather Affected by Depressions?
We have already learnt that a depression or cyclone is a weather system created
by low air pressure (usually below 1013mb) formed when warm air is rising in the
atmosphere from the Earth’s surface (Fig.1).
Depressions tend to produce spells of wet,
windy and changeable weather because the
warm air rising creates cloud and precipitation.
They can produce large quantities of frontal
rainfall as air from warm and cold air masses
meets, forcing the warm air to rise.
or Meteorologists also refer to the atmospheric
Depression conditions produced by depressions as being
unstable. When the depression is deep and the
air pressure at the centre of the depression is
very low, air rushes in quickly from surrounding
areas of higher pressure, creating strong winds
Warm Air Rising and stormy conditions that can be dangerous.
Winds spiral inwards towards the centre of a
cyclone In the Northern Hemisphere, the rotation
of the Earth (Coriolis Effect) causes winds to
spiral inwards anticlockwise around
depressions (in the Southern Hemisphere it is anticlockwise).

Most depressions that affect the UK form to the west of the UK over the Atlantic
Ocean. Cool, moist, Polar Maritime air from the North Atlantic travels south and
runs into warm, moist Tropical Maritime air coming up from the tropics. These two
air masses are very different in temperature so do not mix. Instead the warmer and
less dense tropical air tries to rise over the colder and more dense polar air, as the
two air masses meet, travelling in opposite directions. As they push against each
other, the cold polar air mass and warm tropical air mass start to rotate around each
other in an anticlockwise direction, caused by the spin of the Earth. This is the birth
of a depression or cyclone.
As the warm air is forced to rise above the cold air, creating a low-pressure system,
it connects the depression to a stream of fast-moving air in the upper atmosphere,
known as the jet stream. The jet stream then drags the depression along causing it
to move. Most depressions formed in the North Atlantic that affect the UK track
towards the UK from the west or south-west, moving across the UK from west to
east or from south-west to north-east.
The Features of Depressions
Most depressions that affect the UK have 4 main features (Fig.2):
 Cold sector: this is formed from the cold, moist Polar Maritime air that wraps
around the warmer, tropical air as the two air masses meet. As the cold sector
passes over, temperatures will be cooler as the air is colder.
 Warm sector: this is usually a smaller wedge of warm, moist, Tropical Maritime
air at the heart of the depression that is enveloped by the colder polar air that
wraps around it. Where this warm, tropical air meets the colder polar air, weather
fronts are formed and the warm, moist air is forced to rise, creating cloud and
precipitation. As the warm sector passes over, temperatures will be milder as the
air is warmer and there is usually a clearer spell of weather, with less rain.
 Warm front: this is the boundary at the front of the warm sector between the
warm tropical air and cold polar air. Here, the warmer, less dense tropical air
rises above the colder, denser tropical air in front of it, creating cloud and
precipitation (frontal rainfall).
 Cold front: this is the boundary at the front of the cold sector between the cold
polar air and the warm tropical air in front of it. Here, the colder, denser, polar air
undercuts the warmer, less dense tropical air, forcing the warm air to rise,
creating cloud and precipitation (frontal rainfall).

Figure 2 The typical features of a depression as it crosses the UK

Questions on the features of depressions
1. What two names are given to weather systems associated with low air pressure?

2. How is low air pressure created in depressions?

3. Which two types of air mass create the depressions that affect the UK?

4. Where do most depressions that affect the UK form?

5. How is the movement of depressions over the UK related to the jet stream?

6. Which three words best summarise the weather conditions created in the UK by

7. What is the air pressure at the centre of the depression in Fig.2?

8. In Fig.2, why is the temperature in London in South-East England only 4 C?

9. In Fig.2, why is the temperature in Cork, in Southern Ireland a milder 11 C?

10. What does the blue line with blue triangles on it show on Fig.2?
How does the Weather Change as a Depression Passes over the UK?
Each depression that tracks
over the UK affects our
weather slightly differently
depending on the depth of the
low pressure, the time of year,
the position of the jet stream
and the types of front within
the weather systems (warm,
cold or occluded). However,
there are similarities in the
way that depressions
containing just warm and cold
fronts typically affect the UK’s
weather (Fig.3).
These impacts can be divided into 5 main phases noticeable from changing weather
observations on the ground:
1. Ahead of the warm front in the cold sector: Warm air from the warm sector is
rising high into the sky above the cold sector air forming cirrus and cirrostratus
cloud. These clouds don’t produce precipitation so the weather is dry. As the
warm front moves towards us, air pressure starts to fall and the cloud becomes
lower and thicker with altostratus beginning to accumulate. Temperatures are
cool or cold as we are still in Polar Maritime air in the cold sector.
2. The warm front passes over: At the warm front, warm, less dense Tropical
Maritime air from the warm sector is rising rapidly over the colder, Polar Maritime
air in the cold sector in front. This produces thick, low level nimbostratus cloud
and precipitation. Wind speeds pick up and conditions are often blustery. The air
pressure is low but ceases to fall. The temperature suddenly warms as the warm
front passes over as we move from the cold sector into the warm sector.
3. The middle of the warm sector: The heart of the warm sector has milder or
warmer temperatures because we now have Tropical Maritime air. There is no
cold air nearby forcing the warm air to rise so the cloud thins and we usually get
clearer skies and drier weather for a while. The air pressure starts to rise slightly
and winds become lighter and gentler.
4. The cold front passes over: At the cold front, less dense Tropical Maritime air
from the warm sector is being undercut and forced to rise above the colder, Polar
Maritime air in the cold sector forcing in from behind. This produces thick, tall,
cumulonimbus clouds that release heavy precipitation and may cause
thunderstorms. Wind speeds pick up and conditions are again blustery,
sometimes with gales. The temperature suddenly cools as the cold front passes
over as we move from the warm sector into the cold sector.
5. Behind the cold front: Air pressure rises in the colder, Polar maritime air. The
skies clear as the heavy cloud over the cold front moves away and the showers
gradually die out leaving cooler, clearer, calmer weather with lighter winds.
Figure 4 is a table summarising the main weather changes caused by a depression
passing over the UK:

Figure 4 Weather Changes Caused By The Passage of a Depression

In some depressions, the cold sector behind the cold front moves faster than the
warm sector. Eventually, the cold front catches up with the warm front forming an
occluded front. These are shown as purple lines on a weather map with alternating
triangles and semicircles (Fig.5). Occluded fronts usually produce thick cloud and
heavy rain because the whole warm sector had been forced to rise having been
squeezed upwards between the two cold sectors.

Figure 5 Types of Weather Front

Questions on Weather Changes Caused By Depressions
The maps below show the passage of a winter depression across the UK:

1. Describe the location of Heathrow in relation to the depression at 12am on 7th


2. Estimate the air pressure at Heathrow at 12am on 7th December to the nearest

3. Which two types of cloud would be most likely to be in the sky above Heathrow at
12am on 7th December?
These graphs
show the changes
in the weather at
Heathrow as the
depression passed

4. Give the time and date when the warm front passed over Heathrow.

5. Describe how the warm front passing over brought sudden changes in the
weather at Heathrow.

6. How did the warm sector in this depression differ from our expectations?

7. What would the weather have been like at 7.00pm on December 8th at Heathrow
and why?
What is the climate of the UK like?
Weather is the state of the atmosphere at a particular place and time. We describe and
forecast weather over timescales of hours and days.
Climate is the average state of the atmosphere at a location over longer time periods.
Summarising the climate of a place involves taking weather measurements over a span of
months and years (typically 30 years) and calculating the average conditions from this data.
Climate data is usually expressed as average monthly temperature and precipitation figures.
Geographers often use climate graphs to investigate and compare the climates of different
places. Figure 1 shows a typical climate graph.
The red line graph shows the average
monthly temperature in C. The values
for each month should be read-off from
the vertical axis on the left-hand side.
On some climate graphs, two
temperature line graphs are shown: a
red line for the average monthly
maximum temperature and a blue line
for the average daily minimum
temperature. This is useful for showing
the difference in temperature between
day and night and the likelihood of
overnight frosts.
The blue bar graph shows the average
monthly rainfall (or precipitation) in mm.
The values for each month should be
read-off from the vertical axis on the
right-hand side.
Using information from Fig.1 fill in the gaps in the statements below:
The month with the lowest average temperature (1) is
The coldest month on average (1) has a temperature of C
The month with the warmest average temperature (4) is
The warmest month on average (4) has a temperature of C
The two months with the joint lowest rainfall (2) are &
The average rainfall total in each of these months (2) is mm
The month with the highest average rainfall total (3) is

Write out a sum to show how the temperature range from Fig.1 is calculated:
The UK’s Climate in Global Terms
After we have studied the UK’s climate, you will learn about the different zones of global
climate around the World (Fig.2). In global terms, the UK has a temperate maritime
climate. This means that the UK has cool summers, mild winters & rain all year round.

Figure 2 The UK is in the Temperate (Maritime) Climate Zone

The UK’s climate is described as temperate because in global terms, average temperatures
are quite mild (not too hot and not too cold). Due to its location in the mid-latitudes (roughly
midway between the Equator and The North Pole) the UK is cooler on average than places
like Egypt and Kenya that are closer to the Equator, but warmer on average than places like
Iceland that are closer to the North Pole.
The UK’s climate is described as maritime because most places in the UK are coastal or
fairly close to the sea. This makes the UK’s climate humid and moist because moisture
laden air masses (especially Polar Maritime and Tropical Maritime air from the Atlantic) bring
frequent rainfall to the UK. Secondly, being close to the sea helps to keep the climate mild
because the temperature of the sea and ocean currents helps to keep the UK warmer in
winter and cooler in summer.
How does climate vary across the UK?
By examining climate maps produced by the Met Office and annotating them we can begin
to see some important patterns in the way that the climate varies regionally across the UK:
The UK’s Climate – A Summary of the Patterns

Comparing climate maps of the UK from at atlas (Fig.3) allows us to summarise the UK’s regional
climate patterns:

Figure 3 Climate Maps from an Atlas Summarise the UK's Regional Climate Patterns

 Average temperatures in the UK generally decrease as you go further North: this is

especially true in Summer where the average July temperature in Bournemouth on the South
Coast of England is typically 10 C warmer than in Braemar in the Highlands of Scotland. This is
due to latitude, as places closer to the Equator receive more intense heating from the sun.
 Average winter temperatures in the UK are milder in coastal areas, especially in the West:
In January, Oban, on the West Coast of Scotland is typically 3 C warmer on average than
Edinburgh in the East Coast. This is due to warm ocean currents (The North Atlantic Drift)
helping to make the western coastal areas milder in winter.
 Average temperatures in highland areas are much lower than in surrounding lowland
areas: Both in January and July, average temperatures in Braemar in Scotland are much lower
than in surrounding lowland areas. This is due to altitude (height of the land above sea level).
Temperatures decrease by about 1 C for every 100m that you gain above sea level. Large parts
of the Cairngorm Mountains near Braemar are at altitudes 1000-1200m above sea level so if it is
10 C at sea level in Edinburgh, the temperature may be as low as -2 C at the top of the
 Annual rainfall totals are much higher in highland areas than in lowland areas: The areas of
the UK with the highest average annual precipitation totals (over 2000mm per year) are all
highland areas such as Dartmoor, Snowdonia, The Lake District and The Scottish Highlands (e.g.
Loch Lomand & The Trossachs). This is due to the effect of hilly and mountainous areas
producing relief rainfall.
 Annual rainfall totals are typically much higher in the West of the UK and it gets drier
towards the East: The wettest parts of the UK (Snowdonia and the NW Highlands of Scotland)
typically receive 5x more annual precipitation than the driest areas (SE England, especially Essex
and Cambridgeshire). This is due to the UK’s average weather being dominated by westerly
winds and depressions coming in from the Atlantic. Frontal rainfall falls most heavily in the West
as this is where the weather fronts first arrive. The UKs highland areas are also concentrated in
the West producing heavy relief rainfall. By the time that weather fronts have passed further
East, they have dumped a high proportion of their precipitation already over the highlands in the
West of the UK, so produce less rain in the East. This rain shadow effect of the mountains
makes the East of the UK drier.

As a result of these patterns, it’s useful to think of the UK being divided into 4 distinct
regional climates: The North-West; The South-West; The North-East; The South-East.
Fig.4 is a map showing these regional climate zones:

Figure 4 The UK's 4 Regional Climate Zones

Complete the table below to name the region that best fits the climate description:

Description of the Regional Climate Name of Region

Warm summers (over 14⁰C in July)
Mild winters
High rainfall (large areas above 1000mm)
Cool summers (below 14⁰C in July)
Cold winters (below 4⁰C in January)
Moderate rainfall (mostly below 1000m in
lowland areas)
Warm summers (over 14⁰C in July)
Mild winters
Low rainfall (mostly below 750mm)
Cool summers (mostly below 12⁰C in July)
Mild winters (especially in coastal areas)
Very high rainfall (mostly above 1000m with
highland areas above 2000mm)
Once you have checked your answers are correct with your teacher, add the
descriptions as annotations to Fig.4.
How Does Climate Vary Around The World?
The World can be divided into different climate zones (Fig.1). These climate zones are
important because they influence the vegetation, animal life and soils of different areas of
the globe, producing the major biomes.

There are 3 main factors that affect the climate zones and their characteristics:

 Latitude
 Distance from the sea (continentality)
 Altitude

a) The Influence of Latitude

The latitude of a place is a measure of how far
North or South of the Equator it is. Places at low
latitudes (close to the Equator) are much warmer
than places at high latitudes (close to the Poles).
This is due to the curvature of the Earth and the
angle at which the Sun’s rays arrive (Fig.2). At low
latitudes, the Sun’s rays arrive more vertically and
have to travel a shorter distance through the
atmosphere to reach the Earth’s surface (B on
Fig.2). This makes heating of the Earth from the
Sun’s rays more intense at lower latitudes closer to the Equator. At high latitudes, the Sun’s
rays arrive at more of an angle and have to travel a longer distance through the atmosphere
to reach the Earth’s surface (A on Fig.2) This makes heating of the Earth from the Sun’s rays
less intense at higher latitudes closer to the Poles. Reflection of the sun’s rays by snow and
ice also reduces heating at the Poles.
b) The Influence of Distance from the Sea (Continentality)
Land and sea heat up and cool down at different rates due to the differences in the
properties of solid rock and soil compared to liquid water. Sea water takes longer to heat up
than land, but keeps its heat for longer, whereas land heats up and cools down more quickly,
retaining its heat less well. The result is that the sea tends to ameliorate (make more mild)
the climates of coastal areas. In the winter, the sea retains its heat better than the land so
coastal areas are generally warmer than areas further inland. In summer, the opposite is true
with the sea cooler than the land, so coastal areas are generally cooler in summer than
areas further inland.
Coastal areas and land areas within around 1000km of the sea tend to have maritime
climates which are mild for their latitude. The influence of the sea keeps these coastal areas
warmer than their inland counterparts in winter and cooler in summer making temperatures
more even year round, with a lower annual range. Most areas with maritime climates are
also wetter than areas further inland.
Maritime climates are also strongly affected by
maritime air masses and ocean currents. Much of
NW Europe has a milder climate in winter than
might be expected from its latitude because it is
warmed by warm ocean currents (The North
Atlantic Drift) and warm tropical air currents (The
Gulf Stream) that flow across the Atlantic from the
South-West from the Gulf of Mexico (Fig.3).
The distance from the sea of a location is known as
its continentality. Areas that are found in locations
distant from the sea (over 1000km) are said to have
continental climates which are extreme for their
latitude. The most continental locations in the World are found in NW China, over 2600km
from the nearest coastline. Without the ameliorating influence of the sea, continental
locations tend to have large annual temperature ranges with major differences between
summer highs and winter lows. Most continental climates are also much drier than their
maritime counterparts.
The influence of continentality on climate can be seen by looking at two locations at similar
latitudes in Canada, Vancouver and Saskatoon. Whilst Vancouver has a coastal location,
Saskatoon is found about 1500km further inland (Fig.4)

From the climate graph for Vancouver

(Fig.5) we can see the influence of its
coastal location giving Vancouver a
maritime climate. The mean annual
temperature range is only 15.2 C with
the warmest average temperature of
17.7 C in July and the coldest average
temperature of 2.5 C in January. Mean
annual temperature is 9.9 C. The
climate is also quite wet with 1283mm of
average annual precipitation.

Figure 5 Climate Graph for Vancouver, Canada

By contrast, the climate graph for

Saskatoon (Fig.6) shows a much more
continental climate at a similar latitude
but in a location distant from the sea.
The mean annual temperature range is
more than double that in Vancouver at
36.6 C. In Saskatoon, the warmest
month (July) is 0.9 C hotter on average
than in Vancouver at 18.6 C, but there
is a huge climatic difference in the winter
with Saskatoon, away from the warming
influence of the sea, plunging to average
January temperatures of -18.0 C.
Saskatoon is also much drier with only
354mm of average annual precipitation.
c) The Influence of Altitude
Altitude is a measure of the vertical height of the land. Temperatures decrease by about
1 C for every 100m increase in altitude above sea level. This is because at higher altitudes,
air pressure is lower so there are fewer air molecules per unit volume of air to absorb heat
energy. This means that altitude can have a huge effect on climate. Highland and
mountainous areas at the same latitude can have much colder climates than their lowland
counterparts due to the impacts of temperature decline with altitude.
For example, the average annual temperature at Lyon, France (altitude 177m) is 11.6 C
whereas, in the nearby ski resort of Chamonix-Mont Blanc, in the Alps (altitude 1037m) it is
only 7.3 C.
Mountain climates are also often wetter than their lowland counterparts due to the impacts of
relief or orographic precipitation produces as air is forced to rise by the mountains.
For example, the average annual precipitation at Lyon, France (altitude 177m) is 763mm
whereas, in the nearby ski resort of Chamonix-Mont Blanc, in the Alps (altitude 1037m) it is
The Characteristics of the Major World Climate Zones
The climate zones of the World can be classified in very complex ways. Most climate zone
classifications are based on the work of the Russian climatologist Wladimir Köppen. Here is
a simplified version of a World Climate Zones classification as shown on our map Fig.1.
World Climate Zone Associated Biomes Climate Description Locational Example
Equatorial Tropical Rainforest Hot and wet all year round Amazon Basin,
Brazil, South
Savanna Hot but with distinct wet and dry Zambia, Southern
seasons. May include monsoons. Africa
Arid (& semi-arid) Hot Desert Very dry. Extremely hot summers Niger, North Africa
and cooler but still warm winters.
Cold Desert Extreme continental. Very dry. Gobi Desert,
Very cold winters. Hot summers. Mongolia, Central
Extreme annual temperature Asia.
Mediterranean Mediterranean / Hot dry summers, warm but Southern Spain,
Chapparal wetter winters. Europe
Temperate Deciduous Forest Mild winters, cool summers, rain UK, Europe
(maritime) all year.
Snow Temperate Grassland Continental climate. Hot Ukraine, Central
summers and cold winters. Europe.
Coniferous Forest / Long, cold winters and short cool Finland, NE Europe.
Taiga summers.
Tundra / Permafrost Long, very cold winters and short Alaska, NW USA
cool summers. Dry. Permanently
frozen ground.
Polar Polar Very cold and dry. Permanent Greenland
snow and ice cover.
Mountain Mountain / Alpine Snow or polar type climate Himalayas, Tibet,
(high altitude) conditions cause by altitude. South Asia
World Climate Zones Questions
For questions 1-6, highlight in red the appropriate answer for each question from the list
1. Which climate zone is found around 0⁰ latitude in rainforest areas like Borneo,
Equatorial Arid Mediterranean
Temperate Snow Polar
2. Which climate zone is found in the mid-latitudes, typically 40⁰- 50⁰S, especially in
locations within 1000km of the sea, where deciduous forests is the natural
Equatorial Arid Mediterranean
Temperate Snow Polar
3. Which climate zone is found around the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn
and produces hot, desert environments?
Equatorial Arid Mediterranean
Temperate Snow Polar
4. Which climate zone is found typically 55⁰- 65⁰N in locations like Northern
Scandinavia, Northern Russia, Northern Canada and Alaska and contains taiga
(coniferous forests) and tundra (permafrost) areas?
Equatorial Arid Mediterranean
Temperate Snow Polar
5. Which climate zone is found around 40⁰N in locations such as California, Spain,
Italy and Greece?
Equatorial Arid Mediterranean
Temperate Snow Polar
6. Which climate zone is found at very high latitudes in locations like Greenland and
Equatorial Arid Mediterranean
Temperate Snow Polar
7. Complete the table below to name the type of climate that best fits the graph and

Climate Graph Climate Description Name of Climate Zone

Temperatures are high,
above 15°C on average in
most months of the year
and above 25°C in the

summer months. Rainfall
levels are very low, some
months having no rain on
average and total annual
rainfall is less than

Mild all year round with

average temperatures in
no month falling below
freezing. Warm in
summer with average
monthly temperatures
peaking above 15°C.
Annual rainfall

High average monthly

temperatures above 25°C
all year round. High
annual rainfall total
above 2000mm. Often a
wet season and a dry Equatorial
Mild in winter with
temperatures never
falling below 5°C on
average. Warm in
summer with average
temperatures above
20°C. Low annual rainfall
of 250-500mm.
World Climate Zones Questions Part 2
8. Using the diagram , explain why
climate zones closer to the
Equator are warmer than those at
high latitudes (2 marks).

Climate zones closer to the

Equator are warmer than those at
high latitudes because the sun is
directly overhead those near the
equator, so the sun’s rays are
much more concentrated,
resulting in warmer weather.

9. Look at the diagram below:

a) What is the annual temperature range in London, UK? 13 degrees C

b) What is the annual temperature range in Irkutsk, Russia? 38 degrees C

c) Which location has the most maritime climate? London

d) Which location has the most continental climate? Irkutsk, Russia

(4 marks)

e) Using data from the graphs, describe how continentality (distance from the sea)
affects the climates of the 3 locations shown that are at similar latitudes (3 marks).
Continentality affects the climates of the 3 locations shown that are at similar
latitudes because in London, the climate is quite moderate, with a range of only 13
degrees, whereas in Irkutsk, Russia, the climate has a big range of 38 degrees.

f) What is unfair about the comparison of the climates of these 3 locations? (1 mark).
The comparison of the climates of these 3 locations is unfair because the air
masses are different: England gets warm air from the Gulf Stream and the tropics,
whereas Russia get their air masses from the Arctic, which is cold.
A Weather and Climate Investigation into Birmingham
Enquiry Question: Was Birmingham’s weather in 2020 typical for its climate?
1. Preparing Our Investigation
To prepare our investigation we need to break down our enquiry question to decide what key
ideas we need to understand and what information we need collect in order to answer the
Key ideas and information required to prepare this investigation are:

 An understanding of the difference between the definitions of weather and climate

 Data on Birmingham’s climate
 Data on Birmingham’s weather in 2020

2. Collecting Data
We need suitable reliable and accurate sources of data that we can present and analyse to
answer the enquiry question.
Data on Birmingham’s Climate was obtained from the University of Birmingham’s records of
daily recordings from its Winterbourne Weather Station (altitude 140m) averaged 1981-2010.
Data on Birmingham’s weather in 2020 was obtained from the Met Office’s Birmingham
Coleshill Weather Station (altitude 96m) via the website:
3. Presenting the Data
To enable suitable presentation and analysis of the data, the climate and weather data can
be recorded on a spreadsheet:

Climate Climate Climate Climate Average 2020 2020 2020

Average Average Average Monthly Average Average Average 2020 Monthly
Daily Min Daily Max Daily Precipitation Daily Min Daily Max Daily Precipitation
Temp ⁰C Temp ⁰C Temp ⁰C (mm) Temp ⁰C Temp ⁰C Temp ⁰C (mm)
January 4 1 7 73 7 4 8 44
February 4 1 7 51 7 4 9 94
March 6 3 10 56 10 3 10 42
April 9 4 13 62 12 7 15 56
May 12 7 16 61 15 9 17 24
June 15 10 19 66 16 11 19 93
July 17 12 21 64 17 13 20 37
August 16 12 21 68 19 15 22 121
September 14 10 18 68 16 11 18 29
October 10 7 14 83 11 9 13 120
November 7 4 10 80 9 7 11 62
December 4 2 7 80 5 3 7 19

This spreadsheet table of data then allows graphs to be drawn to show the data so that it
can be more easily analysed:
4. Analysing the Data
In this section of our enquiry we look at the data in detail and use facts, figures and statistical
calculations to highlight trends and exceptions (anomalies).
With this data, we can answer a number of important key questions with our analysis:
Average Daily Temperature Data (table & Fig.1):

 In 2020, in how many months did Birmingham have average daily temperatures higher
than the long-term climate average and which months were these?
 In 2020, in how many months did Birmingham have average daily temperatures higher
than the long-term climate average and which months were these?
 In which month was there the biggest difference between the 2020 daily average
temperature and the long-term climate average and how big was this difference?
Maximum & Minimum Daily Temperature Data (table & Fig.2):

 In 2020, in how many months did Birmingham have minimum daily temperatures higher
than the long-term climate average and which months were these?
 In 2020, in how many months did Birmingham have minimum daily temperatures lower
than the long-term climate average and which months were these?
 In which month was there the biggest difference between the 2020 minimum daily
average temperature and the long-term climate average and how big was this
 In 2020, in how many months did Birmingham have maximum daily temperatures higher
than the long-term climate average and which months were these?
 In 2020, in how many months did Birmingham have maximum daily temperatures lower
than the long-term climate average and which months were these?
 In which month was there the biggest difference between the 2020 maximum daily
average temperature and the long-term climate average and how big was this
Average Monthly Precipitation Data (table & Fig.3):

 What was the total annual precipitation in 2020 (calculate by adding the monthly totals)?
 What is the long-term average annual precipitation (calculate by adding the monthly
 How did the 2020 precipitation total compare with the long-term average?
 Which months in 2020 were wetter than the long-term average for that month?
 Which months in 2020 were drier than the long-term average for that month?
 Which month in 2020 was the most unusually wet and which the most unusually dry?

5. Reaching a Conclusion
In this section of our enquiry we return to the research question:
Was Birmingham’s weather in 2020 typical for its climate?
The conclusion is a clear statement that answers this question. You need to support this
concluding statement with evidence so a brief summary of the main findings from your data
analysis is needed as part of the conclusion.
6. Evaluating the Enquiry
In this section of our enquiry, we think carefully about how reliable and accurate our findings
are. We need to consider the quantity and quality of the data that we collected and whether
our conclusions are fair, based on that data.

 Has the data we collected come from reputable sources?

 Is the data we collected up-to-date?
 Were there any errors or flaws in the way that the data was collected that could lead to
the data being inaccurate or unrepresentative?
 What other data would it have been useful to obtain to improve the reliability and
accuracy of our analysis?
In our enquiry, the data comes from reputable and reliable sources (Birmingham University &
The Met Office) who collect weather and climate data to high standards of professional
scientific accuracy.
The climate data is also the most up-to-date available and covers the Met Office standard
period for climate averages (30 years of averaged daily observations).
However, the 1981-2010 climate data and 2020 weather data have been obtained from
different weather stations in Birmingham.
What potential problem could this cause for the reliability and accuracy of our
analysis and conclusions? (Hint: altitude)
Birmingham Weather & Climate Enquiry Task
Follow the instructions below to complete the write-up to the Enquiry Question:
Was Birmingham’s weather in 2020 typical for its climate?
1. Introduction: The Difference Between Weather & Climate
TASK: Write a paragraph below to explain the difference between weather and climate:
Weather is the state of the atmosphere at a particular place and time. However, climate is
the average state of the atmosphere at a location over longer time periods (typically over 30
2. Data Presentation & Analysis
Table of Climate Data from Winterbourne Weather Station, Birmingham (averaged
1981-2010) & 2020 Monthly Average Climate Data from Coleshill Weather Station,

Climate Climate Climate Climate Average 2020 2020 2020

Average Average Average Monthly Average Average Average 2020 Monthly
Daily Min Daily Max Daily Precipitation Daily Min Daily Max Daily Precipitation
Temp ⁰C Temp ⁰C Temp ⁰C (mm) Temp ⁰C Temp ⁰C Temp ⁰C (mm)
January 4 1 7 73 7 4 8 44
February 4 1 7 51 7 4 9 94
March 6 3 10 56 10 3 10 42
April 9 4 13 62 12 7 15 56
May 12 7 16 61 15 9 17 24
June 15 10 19 66 16 11 19 93
July 17 12 21 64 17 13 20 37
August 16 12 21 68 19 15 22 121
September 14 10 18 68 16 11 18 29
October 10 7 14 83 11 9 13 120
November 7 4 10 80 9 7 11 62
December 4 2 7 80 5 3 7 19
TASK: Write a paragraph below to analyse the average daily temperature data shown in the
table and Fig.1. Use the key question bullet points in the document A Weather and Climate
Investigation into Birmingham to help you:
In all of the months apart from July, the average daily temperature was higher than the
climate average. The biggest difference of average daily temperature was in March, with a
difference of 4 degrees.
TASK: Write a paragraph below to analyse the average daily maximum and minimum
temperature data shown in the table and Fig.2. Use the key question bullet points in the
document A Weather and Climate Investigation into Birmingham to help you:
In 2020, Birmingham had minimum daily temperatures higher than the long-term climate
average in all the months apart from March, which had the same minimum daily
temperature. The biggest difference was in January, February, April, August and November,
all of which had 3 degrees difference to the climate average.
In 2020, Birmingham had maximum daily temperatures higher than the long-term climate
average in all the months apart from march, june, july, september and october. Birmingham
had maximum daily temperatures lower than the long-term climate average in July and
October, both of which were 1 degree colder than the climate average. The biggest
difference was in February and April, of 2 degrees.
TASK: Write a paragraph below to analyse the average monthly precipitation data shown in
the table and Fig.3. Use the key question bullet points in the document A Weather and
Climate Investigation into Birmingham to help you:
The total annual precipitation in 2020 was 741mm, however the long term average annual
precipitation is 812mm. This means that 2020 was drier than the long term average. In
January, March, April, May, July, September, November and December, the 2020 monthly
precipitation is lower than the climate average. However, in February, June, August and
October, the 2020 monthly precipitation was higher than the climate average.
In December, the 2020 precipitation was unusually lower than the climate average, by
61mm. However, in August, the precipitation was unusually higher than the climate average,
by 53mm
3. Conclusion
TASK: Write a paragraph below as a conclusion to your investigation. Make sure that you
make a clear statement answering the question: Was Birmingham’s weather in 2020 typical
for its climate? Support your statement with a brief summary of the main findings from your
data analysis to show that your conclusions are backed with data:
Birmingham weather in 2020 was not very typical for its climate. For example, its average
daily temperature was higher than the climate average in all the months apart from july.
Birmingham’s minimum and maximum temperatures were both higher than the climate
average. In addition to this, the total annual precipitation 2020 was lower than the long-term
average by 71 mm. There were also big differences between the precipitation in some
months, for example, December, which was 51mm drier than the climate

When you have finished your write-up format the document so that the text, tables
and graphs are arranged neatly. Make sure that the analysis that relates to a particular
graph is presented on the same page as that graph. This probably means putting the
enquiry into the following format:
Page 1: Introduction & Data Table
Page 2: Figure 1 & Daily Average Temperature Analysis
Page 3: Figure 2 & Daily Max & Min Temperature Analysis
Page 4: Figure 3 & Monthly Precipitation Analysis
Page 5: Conclusions

What is air pressure?

Most common unit of measurement:


Draw a diagram:


Warm Air

Explanation: Explanation: When air is sinking downwards towards

the Earth’s surface from above, this produces high
pressure (usually above 1013mb).

Alternative names:
How are winds created? Alternative name: anticyclones.
What is a pressure gradient?

What does it mean if isobars are:

a) close together General conditions associated with anticyclones:

b) far apart


Weather associated with anticyclones in the UK in Weather associated with anticyclones in the UK in

What causes most depressions that affect the UK to form? (Link to air masses) Why do they move east?

Typical weather conditions associated with depressions that affect the UK:

Weather changes as a depression moves across the British Isles

Behind the cold Cold front passes Middle of the Warm front passes Ahead of the warm
front over warm sector over front
Air Masses Revision
What is an air mass?

How are they defined?

What is a weather front?


From: Arctic
Wet cold air that can bring snow in

Summary of how air masses affect the UK weather

 Air masses from further North bringing Polar or Arctic air result in ________________ weather.
 Air masses from further ___________ bringing Tropical air result in warmer or milder weather.
 Air masses moving from a source region over land (______________ air masses) tend to bring
drier weather.
 Air masses moving from a source region over sea or ocean (maritime air masses) tend to bring
__________ weather.
What is Population and what are the main features of Global Population Change?
Population can be defined simply as the number of inhabitants in a particular place.
We could obtain population figures for places at all sorts of different scales: an individual
village, town or city; a region like the West Midlands; a country like the UK; a continent like
Europe; The World.
Task: Test Your Research Skills
What is the population of the following places? Give a source for the information that you
have found. Is this source reliable? How do you decide?
1. Birmingham?

2. The West Midlands Region?

5.908 million

3. The UK?
66.65 million

4. Europe?

5. The World?
7.7 billion

How does population change over time?

Information from the Worldometer
website (Fig.1) gives us a daily
estimate of World Population.
From Fig.1 it is clear that World
Population is growing because
worldwide, the number of people
being born each day is greater than
the number of people who die.
This population growth due to the
excess of births over deaths is known
as natural population growth.
Currently, World Population is growing annually at just under 1.1%.
This means that globally, each year, on average, for every 1000 people who die, 1011
people are born.
Big Thinking Question: What issues does this global population growth create?
What has global population change been like through history?
The graph below shows how World Population has changed through history:

Figure 2 World Population Growth Through Time

The data from Fig.2 clearly shows that for most of history, World Population was very small,
not reaching 1 billion until the early 1800s. However, since 1700, World Population has
grown very rapidly in a population explosion.
Task: Test Your Graph & Data Skills
6. Between 1975-2011 how long did it take for each extra billion to be added to World

7. Using this rate of World Population Growth and projecting from a total of 7 billion in 2011,
calculate when a global population of 10 billion will be reached.

Big Thinking Questions:

Why has a global population explosion occurred since 1800?
Is our prediction of when World Population will reach 10 billion realistic? What
alternative futures for Global Population might there be and why?
How is Global Population Distributed & Why?
Population distribution is the way in which people are spread across an area i.e. the
pattern of where people live.
A useful way to look at population distribution is to compare the population densities of
different areas.
Population density is the average number of people living per unit area of land, usually
measured in people per km2.
Population distribution is often very uneven within a country or area. By looking at population
density maps, we can identify areas that are more densely populated with clusters of many
people living, and areas that are sparsely populated, with few people living.
A useful type of map for looking at population distribution is a choropleth map. This type of
map uses different colours to show the different population densities between areas. Fig.1 is
a choropleth map of World Population Distribution. The average population density for each
country is shown.

Figure 1 Choropleth Map of World Population Density

Fig.1 shows that World population distribution is very uneven. According to the data provided
by the World Bank (if we treat Macau as part of China):
Monaco is the most densely populated country in the World with a population density of
19,348 people per km2.
Greenland is the most sparsely populated country in the World with a population density of
less than 0.2 people per km2.
Big Thinking Question: What are the advantages & disadvantages of Fig.1 as a map of
World Population Distribution?
Globally the average population density is 25 people per km2, but there are very large
differences between and across countries.
Many of the world’s small island or city states have large populations for their size. Macao,
Monaco, Singapore, Hong Kong and Gibraltar are the five most densely populated.
Singapore has nearly 8,000 people per km2; it is more than 200 times as densely populated
as the US, and 2000 times as densely populated as Australia.
Of the larger countries, Bangladesh is the most densely populated with 1,252 people per
km2; this is almost three times as dense as its neighbour, India. It’s followed by Lebanon
(595 per km2), South Korea (528 per km2), the Netherlands (508 per km2) and Rwanda (495
per km2) completing the top five.
Greenland has the least dense population, with less than 0.2 people per km2, followed by
Mongolia, Namibia, Australia and Iceland.
Fig.2 shows World Population Distribution at higher resolution than Fig.1 so that variations in
population density within countries can be seen.

Figure 2 Map of World Population Distribution

Big Thinking Question: What factors explain why some areas of the World are densely
populated and others are sparsely populated?
Explaining World Population Distribution
We need to look at a range of factors to explain World Population Distribution. Firstly, several
physical factors (to do with climate, water, vegetation and the land) lead to sparsely
populated areas of low population density (Fig.3):

Figure 3 Areas of Low Population Density Explained by Physical Factors

Factor Explanation Examples from Fig.3

Population densities tend to be very low in the extremely A = Alaska
high latitude areas beyond the Arctic and Antarctic Circles.
Cold Polar In this very cold climate, it is difficult to find enough food to
Climate support many people as crop growing cannot be carried out B = Greenland
due to the cold temperatures and frozen ground. The
extremely cold temperatures make survival very difficult.
C= Siberia
Population densities tend to be very low in hot and cold D = Sahara Desert
desert regions where there is less than 250mm of annual
rainfall. The extreme temperatures, poor, infertile, dry soils
Arid Climate and shortages of water make agriculture almost impossible, E= Mongolia
so very few people can survive or be supported.
F= Australia
Population densities tend to be very low in high G= Himalayas
mountainous environments because humans find it difficult
to survive in the oxygen depleted atmosphere at high
High Mountains altitudes. The cold, wet exposed climate conditions, and
steep slopes with poor, thin, rocky, infertile soils also make
agriculture difficult so few people can be supported by the
Population densities tend to be very low in tropical H= Amazon Rainforest
rainforest environments. It is extremely time and energy
consuming to clear areas of dense vegetation for
settlement. Once cleared of tree cover, areas also quickly
become barren as the high rainfall rapidly leaches the soil
of its nutrients, so it is difficult to support large numbers of
people with agriculture. The hot humid climate and
prevalence of insect pests and tropical diseases also make
such areas inhospitable.
A mixture of physical and human factors helps us to explain the why areas of high population
density occur in the World (Fig.4):

Figure 4 Areas of High Population Density in the World

Factor Explanation Examples from Fig.4

Population densities tend to be very high on the fertile I = The river Nile
floodplains of major rivers. When rivers flood, they leave
fertile silt deposits (alluvium) on the surrounding land
Major River making the soil very good for growing crops. River water J = Ganges
Floodplains can also be used to water crops (irrigation) meaning that
successful arable agriculture can be sustained to feed many
people. This means that high population densities can be
Population densities tend to be high in lowland areas of the K= NE seaboard
mid-latitudes, especially from 35°- 55°N. With no extremes
of temperature and plentiful, reliable rainfall, a range of
pastoral (animal) and arable (crop) agriculture can flourish L= Europe
providing a good food supply and allowing a large
population density to be supported.
Coastal areas tend to have high population densities M= Nigeria
because of the numerous economic opportunities that they
provide. Areas near the coast have less severe climates than
Coastal continental areas further inland, often allowing more N= China
Locations successful agriculture on fairly flat, lowland plains. Coastal
areas also provide opportunities for food supply from
fishing and can support lots of people employed in trade
and the industries surrounding ports.
Areas that are rich in natural resources such as minerals, O= Middle East
fossil fuels or metal ores tend to attract high population
densities because the wealth and industry that the
extraction and processing of these raw materials generates
allows many people to be supported.
Many of the World’s island nations (especially small islands) P= Caribbean
and city states have large populations for their size because
Island Nations
they have a limited land area that can be populated. This
& City States
leads to many island nations having high population Q= Japan
The maps below (Fig.5) show the population density of Bangladesh. Bangladesh is the most
densely populated large country in the World with a population density of 1,252 people per

Figure 5 Population Distribution in Bangladesh

Using what you have learnt about the factors that determine World Population
Distribution and your own research, answer the following:
1. Why does Bangladesh have such a high population density?
Bangladesh has such a high population density because, when the river Ganges floods, it
leaves fertile silt deposits on the surrounding land making the soil very good for growing
crops. River water can also be used to water crops. This means that high population
densities can be supported.

2. Why is Bangladesh’s population density higher than in surrounding countries like India,
Nepal, Bhutan and Myanmar? (Hint: think about aspects of the Physical Geography of
these surrounding Asian countries that create factors that could reduce their population
Bangladesh’s population density is higher than surrounding countries like India, Nepal,
Bhutan and Myanmar because there are the Himalayas there, which are high mountains.
Population densities tend to be very low in high mountainous environments because humans
find it difficult to survive in the oxygen depleted atmosphere at high altitudes. The cold, wet
exposed climate conditions, and steep slopes with poor, thin, rocky, infertile soils also make
agriculture difficult so few people can be supported by the land. In addition to this, three
rivers pass through Bangladesh: the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Meghna. This provides
fertile soil on their banks and water for irrigation.
Rems Online Assessment: Air Pressure and Air Masses

1. Name the air mass that is most likely to be characterized by hot, dry air and that can
often bring hot weather to the UK in summer. (1)
Tropical continental air mass.

2. Which two air masses interact to form depressions over the North Atlantic Ocean that
frequently pass over the UK? (2)
Polar Maritime and Tropical Maritime.

Questions 3-8 are about figure 1 below - study the map and key carefully.

Figure 1

3. Study figure 1. State the pressure (including units) in the centre of the depression. (1)
4. Name the type of weather front marked X in figure 1. (1)
Cold front

5. State the temperature (in ⁰C) at the weather station nearest London in figure 1. (1)
The temperature at the weather station nearest London in figure 1 is 3⁰C.

6. Using figure 1, explain why the temperature in most of England is around 7 ⁰C lower than
in Ireland. (3)
The temperature in most of England is around 7 ⁰C lower than in Ireland because Ireland
is in the warm sector of the depression. This is made up of warm, moist, Tropical
Maritime air. However, England is in the cold front of the depression. This is made up of
cold, moist Polar Maritime air.

7. Explain why the western areas of Scotland, Wales and England (in figure 1) are being
affected by a belt of rain. (3)
The western areas of Scotland, Wales and England are being affected by a belt of rain
because the warm front is passing over them. This causes the less dense Tropical
Maritime air to rise rapidly over the colder, more dense, Polar Maritime air in front. This
produces thick, low level nimbostratus cloud and precipitation.

8. Find weather stations B (Atlantic Ocean, northwest of Ireland) and C (Norfolk, Eastern
England) on the map. Using figure 1, contrast the wind speed at weather station B to the
wind speed at weather station C. Suggest a reason for the difference. (3)
The wind speed in weather station B is 35 oktas and the wind speed in weather station C
is calm. This is because weather station B is very near to the centre of the depression,
where the air pressure is very low. Here, air rushes in quickly from surrounding areas of
higher pressure, creating strong winds and stormy conditions. However, weather station
C is ahead of the depression, where there is higher air pressure and much less winds.

9. Explain the typical weather associated with an anticyclone in winter in the UK. (5)
The typical weather associated with an anticyclone in winter in the UK is clear, blue skies
with sunshine and light, little cloud and precipitation, little wind, high pressure and cold,
crisp days. As a result of the temperatures being very cold is that overnight, air close to
the ground gets so cold that water vapour within it condenses, producing dew, mist or
fog, and if it is colder still, frost.
What and Where is Asia?
Asia is the largest of the World’s continents in terms of both land area and population (Fig.1)

Figure 1 The World's Continents

As we can see from Fig.1 Asia has land boundaries with 3 other continents: Europe to the
West; Africa to the South-West and Oceania to the South-East.
The word ‘Asia’ is attributed to the Ancient Greek Herodotus (about 440BCE) referring to
places to the East of Greece, on the Eastern shores of the Aegean in what is now
modern-day Turkey. Since then, the term has been broadened to describe the huge
continental area today regarded as Asia.
Use Figure 1 to answer the following questions:
1. How many continents are there?

2. Which Ocean lies to the North of Asia?

Arctic Ocean

3. Which Ocean lies to the South of Asia?

Indian Ocean

4. Which Ocean lies to the East of Asia?

Pacific Ocean
The land boundaries of Asia are historical and cultural
constructs and still a matter of dispute with a range of
different definitions existing. The border is most complex
and difficult to define between European Russia and Asia
(Fig.2) The most convenient geographical boundary to
mark the continental divide is a line that runs south from
the Arctic Ocean along the Ural Mountains and then turns
Southwest along the Emba River to the northern shore of
the Caspian Sea; west of the Caspian, the boundary
follows the Kuma-Manych Depression to the Sea of Azov
and the Kerch Strait of the Black Sea. This makes the
Caucasus Mountain Range running between the Black
and Caspian Seas, part of Asia.

This definition of the boundary between Europe and Asia has a number of interesting
● Whilst the most populous part of Russia is in the West and is in Europe, most of Russia’s
land area is in Asia.
● Apart from Russia, 3 other countries (Turkey, Georgia, and Kazakhstan) have land in
both Europe and Asia.

Use Fig.2 and an atlas map to answer the following questions:

5. Which continent is Kazakhstan mostly in?

6. Which continent is Turkey mostly in?


7. Which continent is Armenia in?


8. Which continent in Georgia mostly in?


9. Which continent is Ukraine in?


10. Which two mountain ranges mark important boundaries between European Russia and
The Ural Mountains and the Caucasus Mountain Range.
The border between Africa and Asia
(Fig.3) is generally regarded by
geographers as being the Suez Canal
that links the Red Sea to the
Mediterranean. This definition puts the
Sinai Peninsula part of Egypt in Asia
and the rest of Egypt on Africa.
Sometimes though, the whole of Egypt
is shown as being in Africa (Fig.1) and
this is the division used by the United
Nations (UN).

Finally, the divide between Oceania and Asia is

also a matter of dispute (Fig.4). According to
the UN’s definition, the continental border is on
the island of New Guinea (marked Y on Fig.1)
This definition makes Indonesia, to the West
part of Asia, whilst Papua New Guinea to the
East is part of Oceania along with Australia,
New Zealand and the Pacific Islands.
Now answer the following questions:
Look at Fig.5 below that shows the sizes of the World’s continents by land area.

Figure 5 The World's Continents by Land Area

11. For each of the following statements, say whether it is true or false:

a) Asia is the largest continent.


b) Together, Africa and Europe could fit into Asia.


c) Asia is over 4x the size of Europe.


d) Together North and South America could fit into Asia.


e) The 4 smallest continents combined could all fit into Asia.

Where do you think successful civilisations first developed Asia and why?

A, B, C or D.
Type your answer in the
B chat

What enabled the first cities to develop in places
such as the Indus Valley and Mesopotamia?
Video -
how did
the first
Agriculture and Farmers
Nomadic peoples settled along the lush river banks to
harvest wild wheat and barley, becoming the world’s first
farmers. This represented a fundamental shift in the lifestyle
of early humans, who until that point had survived by
following their food as hunter-gatherers. Through agriculture,
people learned to sustain themselves by manipulating the
natural environment.

As more tribes settled and worked together, important

agricultural innovations were developed, such as the wheel,
irrigation, and hand tools. Farmers used these tools to tame
wild grasses, such as wheat, barley, and lentils. Farmers also
domesticated animals such as cows, sheep, and pigs.
Productive agriculture enabled civilisation
and cities
Agriculture made cities and civilizations
possible by producing enough food for
the community so not everyone had to
provide for themselves. People not
engaged in agriculture had time to
develop writing, religion, taxation, and
Can you name some of the major empires
and civilisations that have developed in Asia
in the past?
Type your answers in the chat
Also The Ottoman Empire 1300 - 1683 AD - spanned parts of Asia, Africa and Europe
The extent of the Mongol Empire AD 1294
KES boys in the UMs have
made a youtube video on
their channel Fusion Maps

‘Everything you need to know

about the Ottoman Empire’
What does this picture show?

A - A caterpillar
B - A white worm
C - The first cotton wool
D - A silkworm
E - A tasty protein snack
Silk is one of the first products to get a ‘Made in China’ tag
The Chinese tried very
hard to keep their method
of silk production using
silkworms a secret, to
protect their valuable
export trade.

But eventually some

silkworms were smuggled
out of China.
Can you see
and places on
the map (cities
or countries)
that have had
their names
changed after
1947 - India Gains Independence from Great Britain
Asian History Quiz This is the score of
a well known
Geography teacher
(without the power
of google).

Can you beat it?

You have 10mins -

working in pairs in
breakout rooms.

Screenshot your
How has Asia been geographically important in human history?

1. Why was the Indus Valley a desirable place for early settlements of humans?

It had a river which was used for irrigation and when it flooded, deposited fertile silt
deposits on the soil, which made the soil good for growing crops.

2. What enabled the first cities to develop in the Indus Valley?

First there were spiritual settlements in which people began to settle because they
wanted to be near their spiritual leader. Then, as they differentiated, they started
trading with each other, and built trade networks. These then became more advanced,
eventually becoming cities.

3. Who was Ghenghis Khan?

Ghenghis Khan was the leader of the Mongol Empire.

4. Name 3 Asian countries which were once part of the Mongol Empire (Map A will help
China, Mongolia, Afghanistan

5. What problems might trades have met with on the silk road? The answer is not in the
text blow, you need to think of your own ideas on this one.

6. Why was the silk road important to rich Europeans?

7. China did not want other countries to make silk. Why not?

8. What is a colony?
9. Name 3 countries in Asia that were colonised by Britain.

10. Name 3 countries in Asia that were colonised by France.

Big Thinking Question

What is the legacy of colonialism in India? (The source is quite biased, but I’m sure you’ll spot

Historic Cultures
Nomadic peoples settled along the lush river banks of the river Indus, Nile, Tigris and
Euphrates to harvest wild wheat and barley, becoming the world’s first farmers. This
represented a fundamental shift in the lifestyle of early humans, who until that point had
survived by following their food as hunter-gatherers. Through agriculture, people
learned to sustain themselves by manipulating the natural environment.

As more tribes settled and worked together, important agricultural innovations were
developed, such as the wheel, irrigation, and hand tools. Farmers used these tools to
tame wild grasses, such as wheat, barley, and lentils. Farmers also domesticated
animals such as cows, sheep, and pigs.

Agriculture made cities and civilizations possible by producing enough food for the
community so not everyone had to provide for themselves. People not engaged in
agriculture had time to develop writing, religion, taxation, and trade.
Map A : The maximum extent of the Mongo Empire in AD 1294
Removes Revision Checklist

Measuring and recording the weather and climate graphs

You should be able to explain the difference between weather and climate

You should be able to define aspects of the weather – clouds, precipitation, humidity, temperature,
wind and air pressure.

You should be able to recognise the instruments and units used to measure aspects of the weather.

You should be able to label the axes and interpret a climate graph, including understanding the
terms maximum, minimum and range.

Weather in the UK

You should be able to define the term ‘air mass’.

You should be able to recognise and describe the characteristics of the main air masses that affect
the weather of the British Isles – polar maritime, tropical maritime, tropical continental, polar
continental and arctic maritime.

You should be able to understand the characteristics of anticyclones (high-pressure systems) and the
weather associated with them.

You should be able to describe the hazards and benefits of different types of weather and its
impacts, including the weather associated with anticyclones.

You should be able to interpret a synoptic weather map – you do not need to learn the symbols for
different aspects of the weather but must be able to use a key.

You should be able to understand why clouds form and know the three main types – cumulus, cirrus
and stratus.

World Climate

You should be able to explain the three main factors that affect global climate zones and their

 Latitude
 Distance from the sea (continentality)
 Altitude

You should be able to name and explain the three causes of rainfall – frontal, relief (orographic) and

You should have a knowledge of the map of Asia, including:

 the regions of Asia,

 important physical features
o Pacific, Indian and Arctic Oceans
o Himalayas, Tibetan Plateau and Ural Mountains
o Gobi and Thar Deserts
o Ganges, Indus, Yangtze and Euphrates Rivers
 some of the largest and most influential countries – Russia, China, India, Japan, South Korea
Indonesia, Pakistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Turkey.

You should be able to interpret resources on the human geography of Asia and explain the reasons
for East and South-East Asia’s rapid economic growth.

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