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Mon Nov 16 lessons November 16, 2020

If I consider an original amount to be 100% then.....

1) How much would I have if I increased this amount by 20%?
What is this new amount written as a decimal?
2) How much would I have if I increased this amount by 47%?
What is this new amount written as a decimal?
3) How much would I have if I increased this amount by 2%?
What is this new amount written as a decimal?
4) How much would I have if I decreased this amount by 20%?
What is this new amount written as a decimal?
5) How much would I have if I decreased this amount by 45%?
What is this new amount written as a decimal?
6) How much would I have if I decreased this amount by 92%?
What is this new amount written as a decimal?
7) How much would I have if I decreased this amount by 7%?
What is this new amount written as a decimal?
We can then use these decimal values in our calculations when amounts are
increased or decreased by a certain percentage.
Mon Nov 16 lessons November 16, 2020

Method 1: Method 2:
Find 4% off 9640 and add this 4% as a decimal is 0.04
amount onto 9640. the original amount is at 100%
of we increase it by 4% we will have
104%. 104% as a decimal is 1.04
so to calculate the new amount we
take the original amount and
multiply it by 1.04
9640 x 1.04 = 10,025.60
Mon Nov 16 lessons November 16, 2020


If it has been increased by 6% then how much of the original amount to we

have? Writing this as a decimal gives
So our calculation would be:

Using only %'s we would have to calculate 10% of 6400 which is

Then 5% would be
Then 1% equals
and so 6% = 5% + 1% =
so finally we would have
Mon Nov 16 lessons November 16, 2020

The price of a computer was £750.

In a sale the price is reduced by 20%.

On the final day the sale price is reduced by a further 12%.
How much is saved in total by buying the computer on the final day of the sale?
Mon Nov 16 lessons November 16, 2020

The number of cells in a test tube

increases by 2% each hour. If there
were originally 200 cells, how many are
there after 3 hours?
Mon Nov 16 lessons November 16, 2020

A ball is dropped from a height of 2000m and The amount of money in Joe's savings
account is increased by 8% each year.
loses 50% of its height on each bounce. What
Given that he has 500 in 2016, work
height will the ball reach after 5 bounces? out how much Joe will have in 2021.
Mon Nov 16 lessons November 16, 2020
Mon Nov 16 lessons November 16, 2020
Mon Nov 16 lessons November 16, 2020

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