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Extracellular matrix-derived
peptides in tissue remodeling and

s a and Nikolaos G. Frangogiannis b

Lisandra E. de Castro Bra
a - The Brody School of Medicine, East Carolina University, Department of Physiology, Greenville 27858, North Carolina
b - The Wilf Family Cardiovascular Research Institute, Department of Medicine (Cardiology), Albert Einstein College of Medicine,
Bronx, New York

Corresponding author.

Alterations in the composition of the extracellular matrix (ECM) critically regulate the cellular responses in tis-
sue repair, remodeling, and fibrosis. After injury, proteolytic degradation of ECM generates bioactive ECM
fragments, named matricryptins, exposing cryptic sites with actions distinct from the parent molecule. Matri-
cryptins contribute to the regulation of inflammatory, reparative, and fibrogenic cascades through effects on
several different cell types both in acute and chronic settings. Fibroblasts play a major role in matricryptin gen-
eration not only as the main cellular source of ECM proteins, but also as producers of matrix-degrading pro-
teases. Moreover, several matricryptins exert fibrogenic or reparative actions by modulating fibroblast
phenotype and function. This review manuscript focuses on the mechanisms of matricyptin generation in
injured and remodeling tissues with an emphasis on fibroblast-matricryptin interactions.
© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Introduction Although all cell types (i.e. epithelial, fibroblasts,

immune cells, endothelial cells) synthesize and
The extracellular matrix (ECM) is the non-cellular secrete matrix macromolecules, in most soft con-
component present in all tissues and organs. ECM nective tissues the bulk of ECM is transcribed and
is a highly dynamic 3-dimensional network that acts secreted by fibroblasts. Importantly, fibroblasts not
not only as physical scaffolding for cells but also pro- only secrete ECM but also control the overall ECM
vides mechanical support and initiates vital bio- structural organization through their synthetic and
chemical and biomechanical cues required for mechanical machinery. Thus, fibroblasts are major
tissue homeostasis [1]. The ECM is composed effectors of tissue mechanical properties [3]. In addi-
mainly of water, proteins and polysaccharides; how- tion, fibroblasts maintain ECM and participate in
ever, each tissue type has an ECM with a unique ECM turnover by secretion of proteases, most nota-
composition and topology that is generated during bly members of the matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)
tissue development. Independent of tissue type, the family, that degrade the various molecular compo-
ECM is composed of a combination of proteogly- nents [4]. In fact, the ECM is continually being
cans (such as decorin, aggrecan, and versican), remodeled, either enzymatically or non-enzymati-
hyaluronan, collagens (fibrillar, network-forming, cally, under physiologic conditions and most dramat-
fibril-associated, and membrane-associated), elastin ically in pathological settings. After tissue injury, the
and elastin-associated proteins (such as fibrillins, ECM is dynamically remodeled throughout all
fibulins, and EMILIN-1), fibronectin, laminins, and phases of wound healing  inflammation, prolifera-
variable amounts of matricellular proteins (such as tion, and maturation [5]. Alterations in ECM compo-
SPARC/secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine, sition play critical roles in the regulation of the
osteopontin, periostin, tenascin-C, and thrombo- cellular responses that mediate tissue healing. In
spondins) that typically increase following injury [2]. the inflammatory phase of tissue repair, clearance of

0945-053X/© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Matrix Biology. (2020) 9192, 176187
Extracellular matrix-derived peptides in tissue remodeling 177

dead cells and damaged tissue is accomplished by Matricryptin generation during tissue
degradation of ECM proteins. This process gener- repair
ates bioactive ECM fragments, named matricryptins,
that interact with cell surface receptors, modulating Tissue repair is a complex biological process that
inflammatory, fibrogenic, angiogenic, and reparative entails replacing damaged tissue to restore tissue
cascades [6]. integrity [15]. The reparative response involves inter-
The term matricryptin was coined in 2000 by actions between several different cell types (includ-
Davis and colleagues to describe proteolytically ing platelets, leukocytes, fibroblasts, endothelial
released ECM fragments that contain exposed cells (ECs), epithelial cells, and organ-specific resi-
matricryptic sites [7]. These sites contain a cryptic dent parenchymal cells) and components of the
domain normally not exposed in the intact molecule ECM [16,17]. Since all ECM components are subject
that renders biological activity. Several years later, to degradation and modification during tissue
Ricard-Blum and colleagues extended the definition remodeling, matricryptins are generated throughout
of matricryptins to include the ectodomains of mem- all phases of tissue healing and actively participate
brane collagens and membrane proteoglycans, in regulation of inflammatory, fibrogenic and angio-
which are released in the ECM by sheddases, and genic responses by binding to cell surface recep-
fragments of ECM-associated enzymes such as tors.
lysyl oxidase and MMPs [8,9]. Matricryptins have In all tissues, inflammation can be initiated and
biological activities on their own, distinct from the propagated by ECM disruption. Most types of tissue
parent molecule, and have been reported to regulate injury result in rapid activation of proteases, leading
various physiological and pathological processes to generation and release of matricryptins. Several
such as tissue repair, fibrosis, angiogenesis, cancer, mechanisms have been reported to regulate the
and neurodegenerative diseases. Within the litera- exposure of matricryptic sites within the ECM mole-
ture, the term matrikine is occasionally used inter- cules; those include enzymatic proteolysis, protein
changeably with matricryptin [1012]. However, multimerization, adsorption, cell-mediated mechani-
historically these terms describe distinct peptide ori- cal forces, and denaturation [7,18]. In addition, reac-
gin and functions. In 1999, Maquart et al. defined tive oxygen species can also expose cryptic sites as
matrikines as ‘ECM-derived peptides able to regu- reported for epitopes associated with the autoim-
late cell activity’ [13]. The term matrikine was inde- mune Goodpasture syndrome [19]. Nonetheless,
pendently used by Swindle and colleagues to the primary mechanism of matricryptin generation is
describe low-affinity ligands for growth factor recep- by enzymatic cleavage. Two main families of
tors [14]. Matrikines were defined by these authors enzymes are responsible for ECM degradation and
as signaling elements that exist as subcomponents remodeling [20]: the MMPs and the members of the
of ECM proteins and bind to cell surface receptors ADAMTS (a disintegrin and metalloproteinase with
that belong to the cytokine, chemokine, ion channel, thrombospondin motifs) family. To a lesser extent,
or growth factor receptor families [8]. Even though serine proteinases such as plasmin and cathepsin
distinction between the terms matrikine and matri- G, which are active at neutral pH, can also degrade
cryptin is sometimes blurred; matricryptin is ECM components extracellularly [2022]. By pro-
restricted to describing biologically active ECM frag- teolytic cleavage, numerous matricryptins are gener-
ments that contain exposed functional matricryptic ated with a wide range of sizes and with molecular
sites that are not normally exposed in the full-length weight ranging from 269 Da to 85 kDa. To date, the
molecules. smallest matricryptins reported are made of 3 amino
Fibroblasts have a major role in matricryptin genera- acids (e.g. PGP tripeptide from collagen I, GHK tri-
tion by serving as the main cellular source of ECM and peptide from collagen Ia2) [2325] and the longest
by secreting a wide range of proteases that cleave the is composed of 705 amino acids (endorepellin, a
matrix and expose the cryptic sites. In injured tissues, perlecan-derived matricryptin) [26]. A matricryptin
fibroblasts not only serve as regulators of ECM remod- may be proteolytically generated by 3 ways: 1)
eling but also represent major targets of matrix frag- cleavage by a single enzyme; 2) by action of several
ments. Matricryptins modulate fibroblast function enzymes acting independently to generate several
either directly (by transducing signals in fibroblasts) or forms (different sizes) of a matricryptin (e.g. 20, 28,
indirectly (through actions on immune and vascular and 30 kDa endostatin-related fragments); [27] or 3)
cells that may modulate fibroblast activation). Thus, sequentially via a multistep processing [9]. Table 1
matricryptin-mediated actions are implicated in tissue lists matricryptins generated in injured tissues by
remodeling and fibrosis. This review manuscript dis- ECM source and decryptive enzyme(s).
cusses the mechanisms of matricryptin generation in The enzymes responsible for decrypting the ECM
injured and remodeling tissues and their cellular to generate matricryptins are mainly produced by
actions that may play an important role in regulation of leukocytes; however, both fibroblasts and ECs can
fibroblast phenotype, contributing to reparative and also secrete these enzymes. Therefore, ECM
fibrotic responses. components can be degraded and remodeled
178 Extracellular matrix-derived peptides in tissue remodeling

Table 1. List of matricryptins and reported functions.

ECM component Matricryptin Decryptive enzyme Known functions References

Collagen Ia1 C-1158/59* MMP-2, MMP-9 anti-fibrotic, pro-angiogenic [30]

DGGRYY unknown neutrophil activator [24,25]
Collagen I PGP* MMP-8, MMP-9, prolyl endo- chemotactic for neutrophils [23,105111,115]
peptidase (serine protease) fibrosis
Collagen Ia2, SPARC GHK unknown chemotactic for monocytes, [25,35]
macrophages, and mast cells;
Collagen IV arresten (IVa1) MT1-MMP, MT2-MMP anti-angiogenic [56-59]
canstatin (IVa2)* MT1-MMP, MT2-MMP promotes MMP-2 expression, [60-64,67-70]
fibroblast migration, inhibit
myofibroblast contraction,
tumstatin (IVa3) MMP-9 anti-angiogenic, fibroblast pro- [71,72]
liferation & migration
tetrastatin (IVa4) MT1-MMP (expected) anti-tumor [65,66]
pentastatin (IVa5) MT1-MMP (expected) anti-tumor [54,55]
hexastatin (IVa6) MT1-MMP (expected) inhibits EC migration and [60,64]
Collagen XVIII endostatin* MMP-9 anti-angiogenic, anti-fibrotic [73,74,116-119]
Elastin VGVAPG MMP-1, MMP-2, MMP-8, chemotactic for monocytes [43-45]
MMP-9, MMP-12 and fibroblasts
kappa-elastin peptides aspartic proteases, cysteine chemotactic for monocytes, [39-42]
proteases, serine proteases, promote collagenase-1
and MMPs expression, induce fibroblast
Fibronectin anastellin cathepsin D and mechanical fibrillogenesis, anti-angiogenic, [76-79]
decryption and binds to PDGF-BB
PHSRN neutrophil elastase fibroblast migration [80,81]
Fibulin-1 fibulin-1 peptide 1* unknown fibroblast attachment, prolifer- [83,114,115]
ation, and mitochondrial activ-
ity, fibrosis
Hyaluronic acid LMWHA/oHA Hyaluronidase 1 and -2 fibroblast migration and pro- [92-97]
inflammatory effects
Perlecan endorepellin cathepsin L anti-angiogenic, fibroblast [26,99-102]
Tenascin-C YTITIRGV MMP-2 activates stromal fibroblasts, [89-91]
promotes invasion and metas-
tasis in colon cancer cells

* represents matricryptins reported to have roles in fibrosis.

throughout all the phases of wound healing, predom- ECM-derived peptides and tissue
inantly during the inflammatory and proliferative remodeling
phases and to a lower extent during wound matura-
tion. Each stage of repair may be associated with a Following tissue injury, protease-generated matri-
distinct profile of matricryptin generation, dependent cryptins act as damage-associated molecular pat-
on the predominant proteases, the composition of terns (DAMPs) by binding to pattern recognition
the ECM, and the level of proteolytic activation of receptors, such as toll-like receptors (TLRs) in
the cell types involved. During the proliferation innate immune cells [28,29]. Matricryptic ECM-
phase, fibroblasts are the main proliferative cell and derived fragments can also bind to integrins, growth
display a secretory phenotype to produce high factor receptors, CD44, purinergic receptors, and
amounts of ECM, particularly collagens, to form a other cell-surface proteins, of both resident and infil-
new scar. The formation of the new collagenous trating cells, through which they exert their actions
scar is a dynamic process with constant remodeling [3034].
that continues through the maturation phase. In
some types of injury, uncontrolled fibroblast activa- Specific cellular actions of matricryptins
tion may lead to prolonged release of matricryptins,
causing adverse matrix remodeling and progressive A wide range of ECM proteins, including structural
fibrosis. fibrillar proteins, non-fibrillar proteins, matricellular
Extracellular matrix-derived peptides in tissue remodeling 179

Fig. 1. Effects of matricryptins in tissue fibrosis. Following tissue injury, proteolytic degradation of ECM proteins gener-
ates a wide range of matricryptins that may participate in the pathogenesis of fibrosis, either directly, through actions on
steady state fibroblasts (FIB), that can become activated and differentiate into a myofibroblast (MF), or indirectly by
recruiting or activating inflammatory cells (N, neutrophil; M, monocyte) and endothelial cells (EC).

macromolecules, and proteoglycans, can serve as a infarction (MI), C-1158/59 generated both through
source of matricryptins, generating fragments that MMP-2 and MMP-9 actions, has been shown to
modulate phenotype and function of inflammatory directly bind to fibroblasts to robustly induce cell
cells, vascular cells, and fibroblasts (Fig. 1). While migration, while reducing collagen secretion [30].
ECM degradation during the inflammatory phase Elastin, a polymer of tropoelastin, is character-
generates matricryptins capable of interacting with ized by domains rich in lysine and alanine and
leukocytes, as the healing response evolves matri- hydrophobic domains rich in glycine, valine, and pro-
cryptins also interact with fibroblasts and ECs. line [36,37]. Elastolytic enzymes, including aspartic
Collagen type I, as one of the most abundant proteases, cysteine proteases, serine proteases,
structural ECM proteins, is cleaved early by MMPs and metalloproteinases, are activated following
in injured tissues, generating several matricryptins injury and can generate bioactive fragments with
that participate in the inflammatory response. The pro-inflammatory properties [38]. Elastin-derived
peptide DGGRYY (collagen Ia1, amino acids peptides, such as kappa-elastin [39], have been
12111216) binds to the lymphocyte function-asso- reported to be chemotactic to monocytes [3942].
ciated antigen (LFA)-1 integrin to activate neutro- Cleavage of the C-terminus of tropoelastin gener-
phils and the tripeptide GHK (derived from both ates the matricryptin VGVAPG, a fragment with che-
collagen Ia2 and the matricellular protein SPARC) is motactic properties for both monocytes and
chemotactic for monocytes, macrophages, and fibroblasts [4345]. Elastin-derived matricryptins
mast cells [24,25]. Also collagen-derived, the tripep- have also been suggested to play an autoregulatory
tide PGP was observed in cystic fibrosis patients at role. The elastin peptide VPGVG reduces elastin
levels well above the control group [23]. In that transcription and translation, while promoting prolif-
study, the formation of the peptide PGP was eration of smooth muscle cells [46]. These matri-
reduced by inhibitors specific for MMP-8 and -9, sug- cryptin-mediated effects, i.e. simultaneous increase
gesting that both these MMPs are responsible for its in cell proliferation and reduction of elastin expres-
generation. In addition, the same study showed that sion, may serve as an important regulatory mecha-
PGP acts as a chemoattractant for neutrophils by nism by which elastin synthesis is controlled in
binding to CXC chemokine receptors 1 and 2 [23]. physiological and pathological conditions. Elastin-
The effects of collagen I-derived matricryptins are derived matricryptins have also been reported to
not limited to actions on immune cells. GHK and the participate in matrix remodeling by affecting prote-
collagen Ia1 C-1158/59 matricryptin have been ase expression. Elastin matricryptins bind to the
reported to exert angiogenic properties, thus partici- elastin binding protein found on the surface of der-
pating in scar vascularization [30,35]. In myocardial mal fibroblasts, to promote fibroblast proliferation
180 Extracellular matrix-derived peptides in tissue remodeling

[47] and induce expression of collagenase-1 via the phosphorylates VEGFR-3 in fibroblasts, activating
activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase downstream ERK/mitogen-activated protein kinases
(ERK)1/2 in a Ras-independent manner [48]. (MAPK) signaling [74].
Collagen type IV is a major constituent of the Fibronectin (Fn) is a ubiquitous glycoprotein syn-
basement membrane in all tissues and is composed thesized by many cell types. Fn plays key roles in
of six homologous subunits that form 3 separate fibroblast migration through interactions involving
a-chains: a1a2a1, a3a4a5, and a5a5a6 [49]. Colla- both its cell-binding and heparin-binding domains
gen type IV has the potential to generate a vast [75]. Fibronectin-derived matricryptins have been
array of bioactive peptides during tissue remodeling. suggested to regulate phenotype and function of
So far 6 collagen IV-derived matricryptins have been fibroblasts and ECs in healing wounds. The Fn
reported to interact predominantly with fibroblasts matricryptin anastellin (amino acids 630-704) pro-
and ECs and are known for their anti-tumor functions motes Fn fibrillogenesis, has anti-angiogenic activity
[5053]. These peptides are fragments of non-col- by inhibiting the Ras/ERK pathway, and also binds
lagenous domains from the a1 (arresten, 26 kDa to platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-BB, a major
polypeptide), a2 (canstatin, 24 kDa polypeptide), a3 mitogen and survival factor for fibroblasts [7679].
(tumstatin, 28 kDa polypeptide), a4 (tetrastatin, 20 The peptide PHSRN, derived from plasma Fn, has
amino acids), a5 (pentastatin, 2455 Da), and a6 col- been proposed to have a major role in acquisition of
lagen type IV chains (hexastatin, 25 kDa polypep- a migratory phenotype in wound fibroblasts [80],
tide) [54,55]. Arresten is an endogenous inhibitor of through effects that may involve Itga5b1 [80,81].
angiogenesis and functions via integrin (Itg) a1b1 Fibulin-1 is normally incorporated in fibronectin-
[56,57]. In vitro studies show that by binding to containing matrix fibers and is known to play roles in
Itga1b1, arresten inhibits angiogenesis by blocking cell adhesion and migration [82]. In vitro studies
EC proliferation, migration, and tube formation have demonstrated that the fibulin-1 peptide 1
[58,59]. Canstatin and hexastatin have also been (FBLN1C1), amino acids 567 to 586, enhances pul-
shown to inhibit angiogenesis in tumors by binding monary fibroblast attachment, proliferation, viability,
to ECs via Itgavb1, Itgavb3, and Itgavb5, possibly and mitochondrial activity [83].
by inactivating Akt (protein kinase B) and focal adhe- The laminin family consists of at least 15 large tri-
sion kinase (FAK) downstream signaling [6064]. meric basement membrane proteins and each is
Similarly, tetrastatin also prevents tumor growth pos- made of a, b, and g chains [84]. Laminin-1 (a1b1g1)
sibly via Itgavb3 and downstream inhibition of the is one of the best characterized laminins and plays
FAK/PI3K/Akt pathway [65,66]. Both canstatin and central roles in tumor metastasis, cell spreading and
tumstatin have been shown to target fibroblasts. attachment, and angiogenesis [85,86]. Several syn-
Specifically, canstatin, which is generated through thetic peptides derived from all 3 chains have been
proteolytic actions of the membrane type (MT) shown to have adhesive properties, mainly through
MMPs MT1-MMP and MT2-MMP [67], has been the heparin-binding domains; [87,88]. The profile
suggested to modulate fibroblast migration and pro- and potential role of laminin-derived matricryptins in
liferation, exerting organ-specific actions. In cardiac tissue repair and remodeling is not known.
fibroblasts, canstatin induces fibroblast migration via The matricellular protein tenascin-C, an important
ERK-mediated actions and subsequent secretion of protein in fibrosis and tissue remodeling, harbors a
MMP-2 [68]. In contrast, in lung fibroblasts canstatin cryptic functional site composed of the amino acid
inhibited migration [69]. Canstatin has also been sequence YTITIRGV. Upon decryption by MMP-2
reported to stimulate myofibroblast proliferation via [89], the 22-mer tenascin-C peptide, termed TNIIIA2,
Akt activation [70]. Moreover, in isolated lung fibro- activates stromal fibroblasts via Itgb1 [90,91].
blasts, transforming growth factor (TGF) b-induced Under physiologic conditions, hyaluronic acid
fibroblast to myofibroblast conversion was associ- (HA, also known as hyaluronan) exists mainly as a
ated with canstatin release [69]. Whether canstatin high molecular weight polysaccharide; however,
contributes to myofibroblast phenoconversion, or upon injury hyaluronidases hydrolyze the linkage
simply accompanies the overexpression of myofi- between N-acetyl-glucosamine and glucuronic acid
broblast markers remains unknown. Tumstatin, gen- residues to generate low molecular weight frag-
erated by MMP-9 cleavage, is mostly known for its ments [92,93]. In acute lung injury models and in
anti-angiogenic properties [71], but also promotes tumors, HA peptides have been reported to initiate
proliferation and migration of cardiac fibroblasts via inflammatory responses by activating TLR2- and
phosphorylation (Ser473) of Akt [72]. TLR4-mediated MyD88-dependent signaling
The peptides generated from MMP9-mediated [94,95]. HA oligosaccharides can also target fibro-
cleavage of collagen type XVIII, termed endosta- blasts and may modulate their reparative potential
tins, bind to vascular endothelial growth factor and inflammatory activity. In a model of cutaneous
(VEGF) receptors (VEGFR-1, -2, and -3) and inhibit wound healing low molecular weight HA (LMWHA)
angiogenesis [73]. Additionally, the endostatin pep- prepared by g-irradiation, improved fibroblast sur-
tide 4 (E4, 26 monomers long) selectively vival, promoting repair [96]. In contrast, in synovial
Extracellular matrix-derived peptides in tissue remodeling 181

fibroblasts 4-mer hyaluronan oligosaccharides stim- reported to directly correlate with disease severity in
ulated inflammatory activation through TGFb-acti- patients with a wide range of lung conditions, includ-
vated kinase 1 (TAK1) and p38 MAPK pathways ing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD),
[97]. cystic fibrosis, bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome,
The large heparan sulfate proteoglycan perlecan, and acute respiratory distress syndrome
expressed on cell surfaces and within basement [23,105107]. Prolonged generation of PGP in
membranes, is a well-defined pro-angiogenic mole- experimental models of pulmonary injury may per-
cule in its intact form. However, when processed by petuate neutrophilic inflammation [108], ultimately
cathepsin L during matrix remodeling [98], the C-ter- inducing fibrotic changes. PGP generates a positive
minal 85 kDa fragment of perlecan, endorepellin, feedback inflammatory signal, triggering neutrophil
has the opposite effect of its parent molecule [99]. influx through binding to the chemokine receptors
Like other anti-angiogenic matricryptins, endorepel- CXCR1 and CXCR2. PGP-mediated neutrophil acti-
lin acts through integrin binding. In ECs, endorepel- vation drives the release of MMP-9 from the neutro-
lin modulates Itga2b1-dependent intracellular phil tertiary granules, which in turn leads to further
pathways, reversibly disrupting actin cytoskeleton cleavage of collagen, promotion of fibrosis, and
and focal adhesions of ECs, in a Ca2þ-dependent release of additional PGP and subsequent neutro-
and heparan sulfate-independent manner; thus, phil influx [109,110]. While PGP is normally cleared
inhibiting cell migration [100,101]. Some of the by further enzymatic degradation, it can become sta-
effects of endorepellin may be mediated through ble by chemical acetylation on its N-terminus (Ac-
interactions with other matricryptins, such as endo- PGP), which functions to enhance its chemotactic
statin [26]. In addition to its effects on vascular cells, potential [111]. Accordingly, there has been
endorepellin has also been suggested to modulate increased emphasis on processes that both define
fibroblast phenotype. One of the 3 LG domains of the bioavailability of and promote the degradation of
endorepellin, LG3, exerts anti-apoptotic effects on the acetylated form of PGP. Recently, O’Reilly and
fibroblasts [102]. Pathologically, LG3 functions may colleagues demonstrated Ac-PGP is degraded
be important in the pathogenesis of fibrosis by pro- through action of the enzyme angiotensin-converting
moting fibroblast survival. enzyme (ACE) and suggested the ACE pathway is
aberrant in COPD, enabling accumulation of Ac-
Generation and role of matricryptins in fibrotic PGP [111].
conditions Fibulin-1 levels are elevated in the serum and lung
tissue from patients with a variety of lung diseases,
Considering their rapid and continuous generation including idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF)
in fibrotic tissues, and their potent effects on pheno- [112,113]. The fibulin-1-derived matricryptin
type and function of immune cells, vascular cells FBLN1C1 has been suggested to play an important
and fibroblasts, matricryptins may play an important role in the pathogenesis of pulmonary fibrosis. In a
role in the pathogenesis and progression of fibrosis. mouse model of bleomycin-induced lung fibrosis,
Moreover, matricryptins may be useful biomarkers, genetic FBLN1C depletion protected animals from
reflecting matrix-degrading activity in many fibrotic developing airway and lung remodeling and fibrosis
conditions [103]. by attenuation of the TGFb signaling pathway and
Extensive associative evidence implicates matri- myofibroblast generation [114]. FBLN1C binds to
cryptins derived from collagens I and V and fibulin-1 latent TGFbbinding protein 1 (LTBP1) to induce
in diseases associated with pulmonary fibrosis. Idio- TGFb activation and mediates downstream Smad3
pathic interstitial pneumonias, such as usual intersti- phosphorylation, promoting myofibroblast conver-
tial pneumonia (UIP) and organizing pneumonia sion and collagen deposition. The clinical signifi-
(OP), exhibit early fibrotic lesions that contain small cance of the animal model findings are supported by
aggregates of myofibroblasts, fibroblasts, and ECM evidence showing FBLN1C and LTBP1 colocaliza-
[104]. These early fibrotic lesions are thought to be tion in lung tissues from patients with IPF [114,115].
the initial manifestations of lung fibrogenesis. Urush- Moreover, in fibroblasts harvested from both normal
iyama and colleagues found release of the collagen subjects and patients with lung disease (IPF or
type IV-derived matricryptin canstatin in the early COPD), FBLN1C1 was found to stimulate fibroblast
fibrotic lesions of patients with UIP but not in patients proliferation, attachment, survival, and ECM deposi-
with OP [69]. Canstatin expression in these lesions tion [83].
was predominantly localized in a-smooth muscle Other matricryptin-mediated actions inhibit lung
actin-expressing myofibroblast-like cells. Although fibrosis and may have therapeutic implications. The
in vitro canstatin has been shown to modulate migra- endostatin-derived peptide E4 attenuated pulmo-
tion and proliferation of lung fibroblasts [69], the in nary and cutaneous fibrosis in a bleomycin model
vivo significance of these findings remains unclear. and prevented TGFb-induced dermal fibrosis both in
The collagen I-derived matricryptin PGP has been vivo in a mouse model and ex vivo in human skin
also implicated in lung fibrosis. PGP levels were [116]. The antifibrotic actions of endostatin may
182 Extracellular matrix-derived peptides in tissue remodeling

involve modulation of PDGFR/ERK and RhoA/ potential involvement in human inflammatory and
ROCK signaling pathways [117,118]. Matricryptins fibrotic diseases.
have also been implicated in cardiac fibrosis. PGP
generation in pressure-overloaded hearts was
accentuated upon disruption of the matrix-preserv-
ing properties of cardiac fibroblasts; additionally,
PGP has been suggested to enhance inflammation
and promote dysfunction [115]. On the other hand,
the collagen I-derived matricryptin C-1158/59 None.
reduced fibrosis in a rodent model of permanent
occlusion MI [30]. Consistent with its anti-fibrotic
effects in other organs, endostatin was found to
inhibit fibrosis in the infarcted heart. In a rat model of
MI, endostatin inhibition through administration of a
neutralizing antibody worsened interstitial fibrosis,
increased mortality, and accentuated cardiac hyper-
trophy, indicating that endostatin may have protec- Acknowledgments
tive roles against cardiac remodeling and heart The authors acknowledge funding support by the
failure after MI [119]. American Heart Association 18AIREA33960311
[LECB], the National Institutes of Health grants R01
HL76246 [NGF], R01 HL85440 [NGF], and R01
HL149407 [NGF], and the U.S. Department of
Conclusions and future directions Defense grants PR151134 [NGF], PR151029 [NGF]
and PR181464 [NGF].
The role of the ECM is not limited to structural sup-
port of tissues and organs. In injured and remodeling Received 21 April 2020;
tissues, proteolytic degradation of the matrix gener- Received in revised form 29 April 2020;
ates bioactive fragments with a critical role in regula- Accepted 29 April 2020
tion of inflammatory, reparative, angiogenic, and Available online 8 May 2020
fibrogenic responses. A growing body of descriptive
evidence suggests that tissue injury is associated Keywords:
with release of a broad range of matricryptins. In Matricryptins;
vitro, many of these bioactive fragments exhibit Fibroblasts;
potent effects on immune cells, vascular cells, and Extracellular matrix;
fibroblasts. Considering their actions on all cells Peptides;
involved in fibrogenesis, matricryptins may be impli- Remodeling;
cated in the pathogenesis of fibrotic conditions. Fibrosis
Unfortunately, our understanding of the in vivo role
of matricryptins in tissue fibrosis remains limited. Abbreviations:
Systematic proteomic analysis of the profile of matri- ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme; ADAMTS, a disin-
cryptins in fibrotic diseases is lacking. Moreover, tegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs;
robust in vivo studies establishing the role of specific Akt, protein kinase B; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmo-
bioactive ECM fragments and dissecting their cellu- nary disease; EC, endothelial cell; ECM, extracellular
lar targets remain particularly challenging. The matrix; ERK, extracellular signal-regulated kinase; FAK,
potent antifibrotic effects of certain matricryptins, focal adhesion kinase; Fn, fibronectin; HA, hyaluronic
such as endostatin, highlight that understanding the acid; IPF, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis; ITG, integrin;
role of matricryptins in fibrotic conditions may also LTBP1, latent transforming growth factor bbinding pro-
have therapeutic implications. Unfortunately, clinical tein 1; MAPK, mitogen-activated protein kinases; MI, myo-
evidence supporting the role of matricryptins in pro- cardial infarction; MMP, matrix metalloproteinases; MT-
gression of fibrotic diseases is limited to associative MMP, membrane-type matrix metalloproteinases; OP,
data. In patients with diabetic renal disease, circulat- organizing pneumonia; PDGF, platelet derived growth fac-
ing levels of endostatin were associated with fibrosis tor; PDGFR, platelet derived growth factor receptor; RhoA,
and predicted adverse outcome [120]. Moreover, in ras homolog gene family, member A; ROCK, Rho-associ-
a small population of patients with acute respiratory ated protein kinase; SPARC, secreted protein acidic and
distress syndrome, high levels of PGP were associ- rich in cysteine; TGFb, transforming growth factor b; TLR,
ated with worse pulmonary function and worse prog- Toll-like receptor; UIP, usual interstitial pneumonia; VEGF,
nosis [121]. This emerging evidence supports the vascular endothelial growth factor; VEGFR, vascular
clinical significance of matricryptins and their endothelial growth factor receptor
Extracellular matrix-derived peptides in tissue remodeling 183

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