Karachi Climate Change Report

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About the Author

Farhan Anwar did his Bachelors in Civil Engineering and Masters in Urban and Regional Planning
and operates as an urban planning and environmental management consultant. He specializes in
strategic planning for sector and institutional reforms and change management. His portfolio in-
cludes urban sustainability planning and managing participatory planning processes, stakeholder
dialogue and consensus building using various participatory planning and social accountability
tools - E.g. Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA),
Political Economy Analysis, Problem Tree/Logical Framework Analysis (LFA), Citizen Report Card
(CRC), and Community Score Card (CSC). He has extended consulting services to the World Bank,
Asian Development Bank (ADB), the Japanese International Corporation Agency (JICA), the World Conservation
Union (IUCN), WWF Pakistan and several prominent Pakistani consulting firms. He presently also serves as a Visit-
ing Faculty at the Department of Architecture and Planning, NED University of Engineering and Technology,
Karachi where he teaches a Masters Course on Planning for Sustainable Development. He has structured and
conducted a number of training workshops and brainstorming sessions to review and assess government policies,
plans and projects as they relate to the development sector. He has a number of publications to his credit and
contributes regularly to leading English language publications in Pakistan on urban planning, environment, and
development issues.


Author will welcome reproduction and dissemination of the contents of this report with proper acknowledgement.

Shehri-Citizens for a Better Environment

88-R, Block 2, P.E.C.H.S, Karachi 75400 – Pakistan.
Tel/Fax: +92-21-34 53 06 46
E-mail: info@shehri.org
Url: www.shehri.org

With the support of

Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit
Post Box 1733
House 19, Street 19, F-6/2, Islamabad 44000 – Pakistan.
Tel: +92-51-2 27 88 96, 2 82 08 96
Fax: +92-51-2 27 99 15
E-mail: pakistan@fnst.org
Url: www.southasia.fnst.org

And Technical Assistance of

The Department of Architecture & Planning, NED University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi

No of printed copies: 3,000

First Edition: 2012
ISBN: 978-969-9491-04-7

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the contents of this publication. The author or the organization do not ac-
cept any responsibility of any omission as it is not deliberate. Nevertheless, we will appreciate provision of accurate information
to improve our work. The views expressed in this report do not necessarily represent the views of the Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung
für die Freiheit.
Climate change: Images of a city at risk

ForEworD 06

ACkNowlEDgEmENt 08

INtroDuCtIoN 09
Cities and climate change 09
Pakistan – urbanization and climate change adaptation 13

SECtIoN 1: kArAChI CIty – CoNtExt For ADAptAtIoN 15

Climate change and Pakistan – trends and scenarios 17
Climate change – the Karachi City context 18

SECtIoN 2: uNDErStANDINg thE ImpACtS 22

Flooding 22
Flood preparedness 22
Spatial planning 22
Flood defences and drainage systems 22
Flood storage areas 23
Sources of flooding 23
Drainage basins 23
Assessing the risks 24
Exposure and vulnerability 25
Flood protection 26
At risk – people and assets 26
People 27
Katchi abadis 27
Low lying localities 28
Hill settlements 28
Property and assets 29
Emergency response 29
Vanishing green spaces – vanishing defences 31
End note 33

Drought 35
Water supply 36


A system already in stress 36

Rising water demand 36
At risk – the Hub river/dam service area 37
KW&SB – utility in stress 38
At risk – rural economy and livelihoods 39
Bio-diversity 40
End note 41

Extreme heat Events 41

Urban heat island effect 43
Karachi – a potential for urban heat island effect 44
Population density 44
Transport 45
Industrial growth 47
Fossil fuel consumption and CO2 emissions 47
Water usage 49
Weakening defences 49
End note 50

Sea level rise 51

Assessing risk 52
At risk – people and assets 53
People 54
Public and private infrastructure 54
Public infrastructure 54
Private infrastructure 55
Ecosystems 56
Mangroves – tidal wetlands 56
The Sandspit/Hawksbay ecosystem – threatened habitat 57
Tropical cyclone in Karachi – likely scenario 58
Scenario 1 – Cyclone category III or above (Worst case scenario) 58
Storm surge wave 59
Storm wind 59
Rainfall 59
End note 59

SECtIoN 3: mANAgINg thE ImpACtS 62


This unfortunate state of affairs brings into focus the

whole issue of bad governance that is at the core of all
various unfolding social, political, environmental and fi-
nancial crisis that the city is faced with. The institu-
tions of state both legislative and executive relevant to
the city are lacking both the willingness and capacity to
meet these challenges and are often found either turn-
ing a blind eye or becoming part of the process of viola-
tion of rules and regulations meant to safeguard the
city’s interest. On a priority there is a need to make
these institutions such as the city government, civic
services agencies, land control and law and order agen-

T he issue of climate change finds relevance to

Karachi in that the rapid shifts in weather patterns
and resulting adverse impacts on the physical and
natural environment have a lot to do with human ac-
tions that are detrimental to safeguarding natures bal-
cies accountable to the public and capable of delivering
effectively upon their mandate. In this regard, Shehri-
CBE is spearheading efforts to improve access of citizens
to information and through sustained advocacy influ-
encing decision making processes so that public interest
ance. In Karachi, we find that a lot is happening that is is protected. Shehri-CBE is also documenting important
seriously damaging the urban environment. Land and land related information such as the status of open
water based ecosystems are being destroyed; air is spaces in Karachi, cases of land use violations, land
being polluted and natural resources being misman- grabs and land use conversions such as the ill planned
aged. Shehri-CBE has over the years focused its work on policy measure of commercialization of traffic corridors
trying to document and prevent violation of land use or efforts to create high density zones without any plan-
that we feel is one of the fundamental urban develop- ning provisions for environmental protection or viable
ment challenges facing the city having numerous direct service provision. At the same time Shehri-CBE strives to
and indirect consequences that are seriously constrain- build capacity in public service institutions and promote
ing the capacity of the city to meet possible damaging meaningful civil society and service provider interaction
climate change impacts. As green spaces are being en- to improve social accountability.
croached and coastal land is reclaimed to facilitate de-
velopment that will cause irreparable damage to Shehri-CBE appreciates the continuing support of the
precious coastal ecology we are destroying natural de- Friedrich Naumann Stiftung in our efforts to improve
fences that can protect us from climate change impacts. governance, promote tolerance, strengthen the political
Ill planned densification of core city areas is resulting in role of the citizens and protect the physical and natural
creating as yet non-quantifiable social and environmen- environment in Karachi and Pakistan. In this regard, this
tal stresses. Uncontrolled urban sprawl is putting the al- initiative of outlining a road map for developing a cli-
ready over stretched civic services to near breakdown mate change adaptation strategy for Karachi, will cer-
status. What is more disturbing is that existing laws are tainly result in identifying areas for governance and
being amended and new legislation is being enacted to service delivery reforms and strengthen informed advo-
facilitate the process of environmental damage just to cacy efforts of the civil society to ensure good gover-
benefit the short term financial interests of a few at the nance and quality living.
cost of the majority citizens.
Amber Alibhai
General Secretary, Shehri-Citizens for a Better Environment


to safeguard the marine eco-system to conserve liveli-

hoods of fisher folk were allegedly killed by their adver-
saries. Not long ago, activist Nisar Baloch was
assassinated when he was campaigning to safeguard
Gutter Baghicha in Karachi. It may be understood that
the unplanned urbanization, depletion of natural envi-
ronmental assets and unchecked fiddling with marine
assets are recipes for a collective suicide! Haywire selec-
tion of development projects is also a cause for environ-
mental degradation. Large scale energy intensive
residential schemes along the main highways in Karachi,
Lahore and other cities shall over burden the already

I n the recently published Global Report on Human Set-

tlements of 2011 by United Nations, the impacts of
climate change on the cities across the world are dis-
cussed. Warmer and more frequent hot days, fewer cold
days, recurring hot waves, rise in heavy precipitation, in-
fragile infrastructure and supporting environment. De-
forestation, loss of farming foot print, pressure on drink-
ing water sources, water logging and salinity are some
of the serious issues that are likely to be further com-
pounded in the regime of climate change.
crease in drought occurrence, escalation of cyclone ac-
tivity and upsurge in sea levels are common factors The Report offers a rich repository of lessons and exam-
experienced by settlements in many regions. The im- ples to benefit from. US and UK have begun retrofitting
pacts are felt by cities in varied frequency and time residential and other buildings to limit the emissions of
spans. But the key point of common concern – which is green house gases (GHG). City of Los Angeles has de-
also emphasized by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon - cided to phase out coal based electricity generation
is the accelerated vulnerability of poor and down trod- plants and replace them with renewable energy works.
den across the globe. In a well researched note, the Re- Despite severe space constraints, Singapore has been
port refers the marginalized communities at the highest implementing an ambitious garden plan that includes
of risk level due to several reasons. Residence in poten- developing green connections, green roofing, conserv-
tially hazardous locations, inappropriate connection with ing natural heritage and increasing park areas. Beijing
physical infrastructure, lack of awareness and informa- has embarked to replace normal lights with energy effi-
tion (about impending disasters), potential loss of assets cient light bulbs in schools, streets, public spaces and
and livelihoods and inability to cope with disasters as terminal spaces.
well as concurrent losses are some factors that make the
poor in developing countries prone to maximum de- The sooner we rise to the gravity of situation, the better
struction. Pakistan is no exception in this respect. it shall be for our people and cities. It is quite unfortu-
nate to notice that the National Climate Change Policy
Due to an uncontrolled and sprawling fashion of urban- has ignored the importance of cities in this respect. The
ization in Pakistan, the precious natural resources have government will do well by reviewing this serious flaw
depleted fast. Whether the mangrove covers around which can cause implications when the policy will be
Karachi and environs or the precious farmlands around aligned with implementation.
the green terrains of Lahore, expanding residential and
quasi-commercial developments continue unabated.
Now the conflict of interest between pro-nature and Dr. Noman Ahmed
anti-nature groups is so visible that it directly threatens Chairman, Department of Architecture and Planning
the peace in cities. On 5th May, two activists who lobbied NED University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi


Muhammad Anwar at FNSt were a constant source of

encouragement and guidance. Dr. Noman Ahmed at the
NED Engineering University has for long served as an
amazing resource and asset for the city – educating the
future planners and always accessible with his keen in-
sight on critical urban planning and development issues.
The field team of fresh architectural graduates of NED
Engineering University – Madiha Salam, Hira Salman
and Ali Asghar Babat worked long hours with great com-
mitment and enthusiasm, overcoming frustrations in ac-
cessing viable data, organizing efficiently what could be
gathered and assisting with great competence in coordi-

T he preparation of the Roadmap has been a chal- nating and documenting meetings and stakeholder dis-
lenging and rewarding experience. Challenges cussions. In the finalization and compilation of this
faced were many. It was a short duration Study, document, I am greatly indebted to the contributions of
completed by a small, yet committed team comprising Mustafa Bhutto and Maryam Hamid Shafiq, project in-
of experienced professionals, fresh graduates and stu- terns from the Institute of Business Administration
dent interns. As climate change and its cross cutting (IBA), Karachi. Their patience, innovation and skill in
themes, particularly within an urban context encompass meticulously working with and organizing countless
a wide and diversified canvass, the need to prioritize ob- graphics, illustrations, photographs and textual input
jectives and scope of the Study was imperative and proved of great value.
proved as the first major challenge. It was decided to
profile the city within the context of preparing a climate The Study gained a lot of credibility as a result of valued
change adaptation strategy. The profile thus prepared advice and assistance provided by the following individ-
can be termed as a Roadmap to developing a compre- uals – Ayub Shaikh, KW&SB, Dr. Jamil Kazmi, Karachi
hensive Climate Change Adaptation Strategy for Karachi University, Dr. Sarosh Lodhi, Dr.Mir Shabbar Ali, Dr.
City. The approach adopted involved looking into identi- Muhammad Adnan and Dr.Atif Mustafa, NED Engineer-
fying some critical vulnerabilities, the city may be ex- ing University, Dr.A.R.Tabriz, NIO, Khadija Zaheer, Zeevar
posed to in the event of climate change. These Scheik, IUCN, Naomi Alesworth Siddiqui and Dr. Babar
vulnerabilities were then placed within the context of Hussain, WWF and Dr. Badar Ghauri, Dr. Arjumand Zaidi
the possible consequences of climate change on key and Dr.Muneeza Ali, Institute of Space Technology and
physical and natural environment and resources along Rozina Karmaliani, AKU.
with development and governance processes and activi-
ties. Recommendations have then been made to im- In the end, it is hoped that this document can succeed
prove the adaptive capacity of the city. in stimulating debate and consultation on this impor-
tant subject of national sustainability and leads to the
I am thankful to Shehri-Citizens for a Better Environment initiation of a process of evolving strategies and actions
and Friedrich Naumann Stiftung for providing me with for climate change adaptation in urban Pakistan.
the opportunity to be a part of this process. I am greatly
privileged to have led a wonderful team of professionals
engaging and working with whom has been an educa- Farhan Anwar
tive and stimulating experience. Sameer Hamid Dodhy, Urban Planner, Project Team Lead
Amber Alibhai and Roland de’souza at Shehri-CBE and April, 2012


hile there is still debate Fig. 1
and conflicting views
the temperature is ‘rising’
about the level of accu-
racy of the various projections and Deviations of the average global temperature of the earth. O
C 0.5

scenarios related with climate Relative to the average temperature of the climatic period
1961 -1990 (equals zero)
change, and the measures that 0

need to be prioritized now for tack- -0.5

ling possible impacts and conse- O

global average temperature (northern hemisphere) 1850 1900 1950 2000
quences in the future, there is 0.5
Zone of uncertainty
nevertheless a growing consensus
that the global climate is changing.
The world is becoming warmer and 0.5

extreme weather conditions such as 1.0

tropical cyclones, strong rain with
flooding or long dry periods have in- year 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000

creased in the past years . Within Determined via proxy data

Continual temperature
this context, a critical understanding
Source: simplified according to IPCC (2001/7007)
is that it is the human influence that (Source: IPCC, 2007)
is largely responsible for these rapid
shifts in weather patterns that are of radiant energy by partially hang- key role. Its participation in the
quite possibly pushing the earth’s ing the sun rays after reaching the man-made greenhouse effect is
climate beyond a tipping point surface. These gases are therefore placed at approximately 60 % with
where certain adverse impacts and known as green house gases. They about three quarters of the man-
consequences may become irre- are responsible for the natural made increase in CO2 resulting from
versible. This alarming realization is green house effect that keeps the the burning of fossil fuels .
now lending a sense of global ur- earth’s average temperature at
gency for devising appropriate sys- about 15 °C – without them about -
tems, processes and methodologies 18 °C. The natural green house ef- CItIES AND ClImAtE
to meet this challenge. fect is what makes life on earth ChANgE
possible.1 However, human activities
Trace gases such as water vapor, such as the combustion of fossil The strong link between climate
carbon dioxide (CO2), methane fuels, industrial pollution, land use change and urbanization is nothing
(CH4), nitrous oxide (laughing gas changes and deforestation, among new but the immensity of the chal-
N2O), and ozone (O3) though only others, have enhanced significantly lenge is now becoming more evi-
show up in very slight amounts in the concentrations of GHGs in the dent. If a single historical event can
the earth’s atmosphere, have a sub- atmosphere together with a reduc- be identified for having the most
stantial impact on climate: all have tion of the capacity of oceans and significant impact in altering dra-
the similar effect as glass windows vegetation to absorb GHGs. This is matically the ecological balance in
do in a green house. They allow sun referred to as an additional or man- the world than it has to be the
ray of shorter wavelengths to pass, made green house effect . With re- onset of the age of industrialization.
while filtering longer wave lengths gard to this, carbon dioxide plays a Since the onset of the industrial era,
1 Information on the Topic of “Climate”: Fundamentals, History and Projections (2005 ,Allianz Foundation for Sustainabiliy)


Fig. 2
Urban areas occupy only 2.8% of
the ‘Additional greenhouse Effect’
the earth’s surface yet as of 2008
more than 50% of the world’s popu-
lation inhabits urban areas. Rapid
urbanization is occurring largely in
Misc. developing countries where a mas-
approx. 14%
sive demographic shift has enor-
Laughing mous implications in terms of
gas approx. 6% CO2
approx. 60% poverty, natural resources and the
CO2 environment. According to UN-
Methane HABITAT’s recently published Cities
Laughing gas approx. 20% and Climate Change: Global Report
on Human Settlements (2011) ‘the
proportion of human-induced (or
anthropogenic) greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions resulting from
participation of climate-effecting gases
on the additional greenhouse effect cities could be between 40 and 70
per cent, using production-based
figures (i.e. figures calculated by
Fig. 3 adding up GHG emissions from enti-
the ‘Contributors’ ties located within cities). This is in
Changes in the concentration of climate-influencing gases comparison with as high as 60 to 70
ppm ppm ppm per cent if a consumption-based
400 1.8 0.04 method is used (i.e. figures calcu-
lated by adding up GHG emissions
300 0.03
resulting from the production of all
goods consumed by urban resi-
200 1 0.02
280 0.027
dents, irrespective of the geo-
100 0.01
graphic location of the production).
The main sources of GHG emissions
0 0 from urban areas are related to the
consumption of fossil fuels. They in-
clude energy supply for electricity
Co2 1750 2005 methane 1750 2005 laughing gas 1750 2005 generation (mainly from coal, gas
Source: According to IPCC (2007) and oil); transportation; energy use
concentrations of CO2 and methane centers have played a key – though in commercial and residential build-
(CH4) have increased, with an in- not yet fully understood – role in ings for lighting, cooking, space
crease of 70 per cent during the this process.2 heating, and cooling; industrial pro-
1970 to 2004 period, and urban duction; and waste’.

Global Report on Human Settlements 2011,United Nations Human Settlements Programme

table 1
The pace of urbanization in the
Cities’ Contribution to global Anthropogenic ghg Emissions, by Sector
world today is unprecedented, with
a near quintupling of the urban Sector percent- Justification for estimating the proportion of percentage
age of ghgs from cities, from the perspective of the of ghgs
population between 1950 and
global location of activities that produced them allocated to
2011.3 While these figures may be ghg cities
alarming enough what is a cause of emissions
greater concern is the fact that most A high proportion of fossil fuel power stations are
of the growth in urban population is Energy not in cities, especially the largest cities.
25.9 8.6-13.0
centered in the developing and least supplya One third to one half of emissions from city-based
power stations.
developed countries that are least
A large proportion of heavy industry (which ac-
equipped to adapt to the possible counts for most GHGs from industry) is not lo-
consequences. The developing cated in cities, including many cement factories,
Industry 19.4 7.811.6
countries now host nearly three- oil refinehes. pulp and paper mills, metal
quarters of the world’s urban popu- smelters. Two-fifths to three-fifths of emissions in
lation and more than 90 per cent of
Forestryb 17.4 No emissions assigned to cities 0
the world’s urban population
Some large cities have considerable agricultural
growth is currently taking place in
output, but mostly because of extended bound-
developing countries.4 The rising Agriculture 13.5 0
aries encompassing rural areas. No emissions as-
mega cities of the world are thus signed to cities.
mostly those that have high concen- Private use of motor vehicles a large part of this.
trations of growth centered in infor- Should commuting by car by those living outside
mal settlements and slums and cities be assigned to cities? Should city dwellers
Transport 13.1 7.9-9.2
driving outside city boundaries be assigned to
often have profound deficits in gov-
their city? 60 to 70 per cent of emissions assigned
ernance, infrastructure, and eco- to cities.
nomic and social equity . Residential Large sections of middle- and high-income groups
and in developed countries live outside cities - and a
The global response to the climate commer- 7.9 significant and increasing proportion of commer- 4.7-5.5
challenge is presently being geared cial build- cial buildings are located outside cities.60 to 70
ings per cent of emissions assigned to cities.
towards developing and implement-
More than half of this is landfill methane; but a
ing mitigation and adaptation Waste and
proportion of this would be released outside
strategies. Mitigation within the waste- 2.8 1.5
urban boundaries from waste generated inside
context of climate change refers to water
cities. 54 per cent of emissions assigned to cities.
the reduction of greenhouse gas totalc 100 30.5-40.8
(GHG) emissions and their capture
(Source: Global report on human settlements 2011,UNITED NATIONS HUMAN SETTLEMENTS PRO-
and storage. As such, urban settle- GRAMME)
ments and those too mostly in the Notes; a A large pan of this is from fossil fuel power staoons. Excludes refineries, coke ovens, etc., which
developed world are the focus of are included under industry.
b Land use and land-use changes.
mitigation strategy development c Total emissions for the GHGs covered by the Kyoto Protocol amounts to 49 billion tonnes of C02eq.
and implementation. Drawing on Sources: based on Barker« al. 2007: Saaerthwajte. 2008a. pS44

3 United Nations, 2010

4 United Nations, 2010


table 2
urban population projections by regions (2010-30)
urban population proportion of total population living in urban population rate of change (%
region (millions) urban areas (%) change per year)
2010 2020 2030 2010 2020 2030 2010-2020 2020-2030
World total 3486 4176 4900 50.5 54.4 59.0 1.81 1.60
Developed 930 988 1037 75.2 77.9 80.9 0.61 0.48
North America 289 324 355 82.1 84.6 86.7 1.16 0.92
Europe 533 552 567 72.8 75.4 78.4 0.35 0.27
Other developed 108 111 114 70.5 73.3 76.8 0.33 0.20
Developing 2556 3188 3863 45.1 49.8 55.0 2.21 1.92
Africa 413 569 761 40.0 44.6 49.9 3.21 2.91
Sub-Saharan Africa 321 457 627 37.2 42.2 47.9 3.51 3.17
Rest of Africa
Asia/Pacific 92 113 135 54.0 57.6 62.2 2.06 1.79
China 1675 2086 2517 41.4 46.5 52.3 2.20 1.88
India 636 787 905 47.0 55.0 61.9 2.13 1.41
Rest of 364 463 590 30.0 33.9 39.7 2.40 2.42
Asia/Pacific 674 836 1021 45.5 49.6 54.7 2.14 2.00
Latin America and
the Caribbean 469 533 585 79.6 82.6 84.9 1.29 0.94

Least developed 249 366 520 29.2 34.5 40.8 3.84 3.50
Other developing 2307 2822 3344 47.9 52.8 58.1 2.01 1.70
Source: UN.2QIQ;see also Statistical Annex. Tables A.1,A.2,A.3,B.1,B.2,B.3

the definitions of the Intergovern- and adaptation though are society organizations, households
mental Panel on Climate Change processes that need not be consid- and individuals with strong adaptive
(IPCC), adaptation to (human-in- ered contradictory to each other - capacity. For cities or particular
duced, or ‘anthropogenic’) climate rather they complement each other urban neighborhoods, it indicates a
change is understood to include all in that focusing on one also capacity to maintain core functions
actions to reduce the vulnerability strengthens the capacity indirectly in the face of hazard threats and im-
of a system (e.g. a city), population of the other . pacts, especially for vulnerable pop-
group (e.g. a vulnerable population ulations. It usually requires a
in a city) or an individual or house- The outcome of successful adapta- capacity to anticipate climate
hold to the adverse impacts of an- tion is resilience – and is a product change and plan needed adapta-
ticipated climate change. Mitigation of governments, enterprises, civil tions. The resilience of any popula-

tion group to climate change inter- Fig. 4
acts with its resilience to other dy-
tackling the Climate Change Challenge
namic pressures, including
economic change, conflict and vio-

While Pakistan is vulnerable to ad-

verse impacts of climate change, its
own contribution to the total global
GHG emissions is limited (about
0.8%) and its per capita GHG emis-
sions correspond to about one-fifth
of the average for Western Europe
(IEA/OECD 2006). Pakistan was thus
ranked at 135th place on the basis
of its per capita GHG emissions
without land use change and at Fig.5
149th place when land use change ghg Emissions in pakistan (1994-2008)
was also taken into consideration All Data is in million ton Carbon Dioxide Equivalents (mtCDE)
(US-DOE 2009).6 As such, the main
thrust of the country’s response to
climate change is bound to be on 2008
adaptation measures.

pAkIStAN – urBAN- 0 100000 200000 300000 400000

ChANgE ADAptAtIoN Energy
Agriculture 71632 120284
In Pakistan, demographic trends Industrial Processes 13297 17866
show that the country’s population LULUCF 6527 8920
Wastes 4454 5505
has been rapidly urbanizing, with an
Source: National Economic and Environmental Development Study ,2011
average annual rate of urbanization
exceeding 4 per cent since 1951. It about 12 cities housing more than million. The urban population is es-
is estimated that by the year 2030, one million people. The urban pop- timated to surpass 121 million by
Pakistan will be predominantly ulation recorded during the 1998 the year 2030. The level of urban-
urban with 45.6 per cent of its pop- Census was nearly 43 million and is ization of 45.6 percent would then
ulation living in urban areas and currently (2010) estimated at 63.1 be the highest amongst the South
East Asian countries.7
5 Global report on human settlements 2011,United Nations Human Settlements Programme6
6 Task Force Report on Urban Development, 2011,Planning Commission, Government of Pakistan
7 Task Force Report on Urban Development, 2011,Planning Commission, Government of Pakistan


the Study – objectives and Scope has suddenly opened up to manage

issues that we have to resolve cli-

T o provide a process based ‘framework’ and a ‘roadmap’ for develop-

ing a comprehensive ‘Climate Change Adaptation Strategy’ for Karachi
city by:
mate change or no climate change.
Adaptation to climate variability
consists of actions to reduce vulner-
• Identifying the possible climate change scenarios
ability to short-term climate shocks
• Identifying some critical people and assets at potential risk
(whether or not influenced by cli-
• Profiling major vulnerabilities in terms of critical hindrances (re-
mate change) – for instance, as a
search, policy, planning and overall governance context) in the way
of enhancing the adaptive capacity of Karachi City against climate city government ensures that the
change and climate variability drainage system can cope with
• Providing a list of actions for strengthening the resilience of monsoon rains or that green spaces
Karachi City are protected and enhanced to act
as drainage basins. Most of the
bring the urban context in perspec- measures for adapting to climate
Urban development challenges in tive in Pakistan’s drive towards ef- variability (which will be taking
Pakistan are complex and the way fectively meeting the challenges of place in most well-governed cities)
development is taking place is more climate change. The focus is on will also contribute to climate
in the nature of mal-adaptation Karachi City – the largest urban cen- change adaptation (as a co-benefit).
rather than meeting the require- ter of Pakistan offering the most
ments of adaptation if relevance is complex set of urban development
drawn to the climate change con- challenges anywhere to be found in
text. In this regard it is a matter of Pakistan. The Study does not pres-
some concern that in efforts to ent an adaptation strategy in itself
tackle the climate change challenge instead it identifies a process for re-
in Pakistan there is limited if any lating the experiences of our urban
focus on urban settlements and growth in the classic framework of
even the recently notified Climate developing a comprehensive urban
Change Policy for Pakistan, ap- climate change adaptation strategy.
proved by the Federal Cabinet and It aims to identify and prioritize the
to be implemented by the Federal people and assets at possible risk
Disaster Management Ministry di- and the key actions required to
rects attention mostly on agricul- make Karachi a more resilient city in
ture, forestry and water resources addition to identifying the critical
and separates out urban activities governance, institutional, techno-
into a sector based categorization logical gaps and constraints.
rather than consider them in a ho-
listic urban context. A key focus is on the need to under-
stand that the context of climate
Through this Study, an effort is change offers cities all over the
being made to stimulate debate and world a viable option to capitalize
dialogue around the urgent need to on a window of opportunity that

Section 1: Karachi City – Context for Adaptation

arachi City has a land area of Fig. 6
3,640 km² and is located on
karachi geographical location
the Arabian Sea coast in the
extreme south of Pakistan.

Karachi has expanded exponentially

both in terms of urban sprawl and
in terms of growth in population.
About 63% of the population of the
metropolitan area lived within 10
kilometers of the city center in
1972. By 1981, it had declined to
52%, as urban development and
concomitant population growth
transformed the ring to between 11

karachi – the physical City

location: Karachi, the provincial cap- water channels. Karachi has a long east and north-east maintaining an
ital of Sindh, is also the largest city of coastline in the south. The famous average temperature of about 21ºC.
Pakistan covering an area of 3,527 sea beaches include Hawks Bay, Par- The hottest months are May and
km2. It is located at 24º45” to adise Point, Sands Pit, and Clifton. June when the mean maximum tem-
25º15” north and 66º37” to 67º37” China Creek and Korangi Creek pro- perature reaches 35ºC. January is
east. It is bounded by Dadu District vide excellent calm water channels the coolest month of the year. Dur-
in the northeast, Thatta District in for rowing and other water activities. ing the rainy season in July and Au-
the south-east, the Arabian Sea to Away from the shoreline are small is- gust, it remains cloudy almost every
the south and the Lasbela District of lands including Shams Pir, Baba and day with generally scanty rainfall.
Baluchistan Province to the west. Bhit. However, there are surprising varia-
tions from year to year. The average
topography: Karachi may be broadly Climate: Karachi has a moderately annual rainfall is 256 mm, but in cer-
divided into two parts; the hilly temperate climate with a generally tain years rainfall is higher and it
areas in the north and west and an high relative humidity that varies may rain heavily within a short span
undulating plain and coastal area in from 58 per cent in December (the of 48 hours.
the south-east. The hills in Karachi driest month) to 85 per cent in Au-
are the off-shoots of the Kirthar gust (the wettest month). A cool
Range. The highest point of these evening breeze is a great boon to the
hills in Karachi is about 528m in the inhabitants. The winds in Karachi for
extreme north. All these hills are de- more than half the year, including
void of vegetation and have wide in- the monsoons blow south-west to
tervening plains, dry river beds and west. The wind in winter changes to
Source: The Case of Karachi, Pakistan, 2003, Arif Hasan, Masooma Mohib

Section 1: Karachi City – Context for Adaptation

and 20 kilometers from the center. Fig. 7

By 1987, the core area of Karachi
phenomenal urban Sprawl
(the area within five kilometers of
the CBD) accounted for less than Before Partition Year 1955

20% of the total regional popula-

tion.8 At present over half of
Karachi’s population resides at a dis-
tance of more than 10 kilometers
Year 1974 Year 1987
from the city center.

Karachi had very little industry up to

the mid-twentieth century, but after
the creation of Pakistan in 1947, it Year 2001

became the national capital, and

Navel base, and the only seaport in
Pakistan physically well protected
against storms. Its other location
based advantage has been land Source: Karachi Strategic Development Plan 2020, August 2007, CDGK

route connection with Iran,

Afghanistan, China and Central table 3
Asian countries, and sea route con-
population Statistics of karachi – 1931-2020
nection with India, Sri Lanka and
Annual growth rate
nearby Arab countries. Karachi has years population
(Agpr) (%)
thus attracted significant employ-
1931 2,63,565 -
ment opportunities and its popula-
1941 3,86,655 3.70
tion swelled dramatically, ushering
in the modern age of Karachi as a 1951 10,68,459 11.50
port and dominant commercial and 1961 19,12,598 6.05
industrial center. 1971 35,15,402 5.00
1981 54,37,984 4.96
Karachi, the capital of Sindh 1998 98,56,318 3.52
province, is now the commercial 2002 11,364,707 3.02
hub and gateway of Pakistan . It ac-
2005 15,120,000 4.15
counts for 95 per cent of Pakistan’s
2010 18,529,000 4.05
foreign trade and contributes 30 per
cent of Pakistan’s industrial produc- 2015 22,594,000 4.05
tion (ADB, 2006a). Nearly 90 per 2020 27,550,000 3.50
cent of the country’s head offices of Source: The fast growing megacity Karachi as a frontier of environmental challenges: Urbanization and
contemporary urbanism issues, 2010, Salman Qureshi - (a) Estimated population using annual popula-
banks, financial institutions and tion growth rate (APGR), (b) Projected population by CDGK-MPGO (2007)

Karachi Land and Housing Study, 1989, Dr. D. Dowell, United Nations Centre for Human Settlements

multinational companies are lo- table 4
cated in Karachi (ADB, 2005a). The Composition of karachi’s Economy (1984/85 – 2006/07)
country’s largest stock exchange is (rupee Billions at 1959-60 Factor Cost)
Karachi based. The city contributes Long Term Value Added Share in GRP
Value Share in
20 per cent of the national gross do- Sector Added GRP Growth Rate (2006/07) (2006/07)
mestic product, accounts for 40 per (1984/85) (1984/85) a b a b a b
cent of national employment in Gross Regional
large-scale manufacturing and con- 13.7 52.6 61.8
tributes 25 per cent of national and Primary Sectors* 0.2 1.34% 3.3% 3.3% 0.4 0.4 0.7% 0.6%
40 per cent of provincial revenues Secondary
5.1 37.4% 6.7% 3.5% 21.4 10.9 40.6% 17.7%
(ADB, 2005b). Sectors*
Tertiary Sectors* 8.4 61.2% 6.1% 8.5% 30.9 50.5 58.7% 81.7%
Karachi is divided into planned Source: Karachi Strategic Development Plan (KSDP) 2020 – Kaiser Bengali
areas and unplanned areas. Un- Notes: “a” is based on Bengali (1988) “b” is consultant’s estimate based on discussions with GoSindh
and World Bank *Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and Livestock; Mining and Quarrying **Manufacturing;
planned areas are mostly in the na- Construction; Electricity and Gas Distribution ***Transport, Storage and Communications; Wholesale
ture of katchi abadis (urban and Retail Trade; Ownership of Dwelling; Banking and Insurance; Public Administration
squatter settlements). The katchi
abadis represent the most recogniz- has a warm climate; it lies in a world temperature over Pakistan will in-
able face of informal settlements in region where the temperature in- crease in the range 1.3-1.5 °C by
Karachi and have existed from the creases are expected to be higher 2020s, 2.5-2.8 °C by 2050s, and 3.9-
time of the creation of Pakistan with than the global averages; its land 4.4 °C by 2080s, corresponding to
instances of illegal sub-division of area is mostly arid and semi-arid an increase in average global sur-
land documented as far back as the (about 60 per cent of the area re- face temperature by 2.8-3.4 °C by
1950’s. The katchi abadis have ceives less than 250 mm of rainfall the turn of the 21st century. Precip-
grown at twice the rate of the per year and 24 per cent receives itation is projected to increase
planned areas. In 1998, 50% of the between 250-500 mm). During the slightly in summer and decrease in
population or 700,152 households last century, average annual tem- winter with no significant change in
lived in katchi abadis. This popula- perature over Pakistan increased by annual precipitation. Furthermore,
tion has now increased to 61% or 0.6 °C, in agreement with the global it is projected that climate change
1.2 million households.9 trend, with the temperature in- will increase the variability of mon-
crease over northern Pakistan being soon rains and enhance the fre-
higher than over southern Pakistan quency and severity of extreme
ClImAtE ChANgE AND (0.8 °C versus 0.5 °C). Precipitation events such as floods and
pAkIStAN – trENDS over Pakistan also increased on the droughts.10
AND SCENArIoS average by about 25 %. Studies
based on the ensemble outputs of
Pakistan can be quite vulnerable to several Global Circulation Models
climate change because it generally (GCMs) project that the average

9 Participatory Development, 2010, Arif Hasan

10 Task Force Report on Climate Change, February 2010 – Planning Commission, Government of Pakistan

Section 1: Karachi City – Context for Adaptation

ClImAtE ChANgE – karachi City – the Context for Climate Change

thE kArAChI CIty Extreme
Flooding Drought Sea level rise
CoNtExt heat Events
Significant human The Hub River Inadequate health Sensitive national
Main factors that contribute to vari- settlements (e.g. source, a rain fed and emergency installations and
ability in Karachi’s weather are: slums) exposed to source is a major response infra- significant human
fluvial, storm water supply structure and settlements (fish-
• Western disturbances: Occurs water flooding source for Karachi services to cope ing communities)
during the winter months, cause risk and hill tor- (5 million popula- with large scale exposed to tidal
drizzle to light showers and de- rents tion served) spread of infec- flooding
creases in temperature. tious diseases
• Tropical storms: Occurs during Sensitive national Livelihoods of sig- Biodiversity im-
summer months from late April installations and nificant human Shortage in en- pacts/wetlands
till June and again from late Sep- significant human settlements based ergy and substan- and tidal zones
tember till November. settlements (fish- in rural Karachi tial energy loss and loss/alter-
• Southwest monsoon: Occurs in ing communities) (Goths) depend- Energy consump- ation of
summer from the July till Septem- exposed to tidal ent on farming tion increasing flora/fauna – pos-
ber. These monsoon rains are flooding mostly using and no efforts to sible salt water in-
quite heavy by nature and can ground water promote energy trusion
cause significant flooding. Other than the conservation
• Continental air: which is charac- ‘Malir River Em- Ground water
teristically dry, prevails during the bankment’ no table is lowering Due to rising pop-
period when there is no precipita- provision for and aquifers are ulation density in
tion in the metropolis 11 flood defences threatened due to ‘inner city’ and in-
and drainage human activities creased traffic
In addition to these direct influ- channels chocked such as sand /congestion the
ences, changes in ocean and atmos- or blocked extraction likelihoods of the
pheric conditions in distant ‘Heat Island Ef-
locations also impact the climate of No provision of No water conser- fect’ increasing
Karachi, particularly the monsoon. flood storage vation , waste even further
Historical weather data for Karachi areas water recycling
indicates that there is no significant or rain water har-
change in the average precipitation vesting practices
in Karachi. In contrast trends in tem- being promoted
perature data clearly show an up- in the city
ward trend and increase in average
temperature over the years.

Climate Profile of Karachi, KW&SB Climate Change Adaptation Strategy,2012, Ujala Qadir, WSP

Over the past years cyclones tend to Fig. 8
recur frequently though, most did
trends in Annual precipitation for karachi
not seriously impact Pakistan’s
coast. However,cyclone of 1999 se-
n The green line in the figure 800
riously impacted Thatta and Badin
below shows observed precipi-
districts of Sindh and affected 0.6 700
tation in Karachi from 1914 to
million people and caused loss of 2010, which is clearly highly 600

202 lives. Cyclone Yemyin in 2007 variable in nature 500

Rainfall (mm)
had a much wider imprint affecting
26 districts of Balochistan / Sindh n The red line represents the av-
and 2.5 million people, causing 400 erage of the precipitation using

fatalities.12 a statistical regression analysis. 200

This line indicates that there is 100

The capacity context for adapting to no significant change in the av-
possible climate change scenarios in erage precipitation in Karachi

Karachi is grim. While Karachi still
serves as the commercial backbone (Source: Climate Profile of Karachi, KW&SB Climate Change Adaptation Strategy,2012,Ujala Qadir, WSP)
of Pakistan there is increasing socio-
economic disparity and growing en-
Fig. 9
vironmental degradation. Human
settlements such as slums and hill trends in temperature over karachi
settlements are exposed to fluvial, The redline represents the
n 28.0
storm water flooding risk and hill observed temperature data
torrents in the absence of appropri- for Karachi for the period 27.5
y = 0.018x+25.54
ate protection and emergency re- 1931-2007 showing an up- 27.0
sponse systems. Sensitive national ward shift
installations and human settlements 26.5
such as fishing communities are ex- n The purple line is fitted to
the data using regression 26.0
posed to tidal flooding.
analysis indicating the trend 25.5
Other than the Malir River Embank-
ment there are no provisions for

flood defences and drainage chan-

nels are chocked or blocked. There (Source: Climate Profile of Karachi, KW&SB Climate Change Adaptation Strategy,2012, Ujala Qadir, WSP)

12 Cyclone Contingency Plan for Karachi City, 2008, National Disaster Management Authority, Government of Pakistan

Section 1: Karachi City – Context for Adaptation

Fig. 10 is no provision of flood storage

areas. If we take the case of a possi-
Average temperature
ble drought scenario than the Hub
River source, a rain fed source is a
major rain fed water supply source
for Karachi serving a population of 5
million. Livelihoods of significant
human settlements based in rural
20 Karachi Goths are dependent on

farming mostly using ground water.


10 Ground water table is already low-

5 ering and aquifers are threatened
0 due to human activities such as
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
sand extraction. No water conserva-
Maximum Mean Minimum tion, waste water recycling or rain
(Source: Climate Profile of Karachi, KW&SB Climate Change Adaptation Strategy,2012, Ujala Qadir, WSP)
water harvesting practices are being
promoted in the city.

Fig. 11 There is shortage in energy and sub-

stantial energy loss. Energy con-
Average rainfall sumption is increasing and no
efforts ongoing to promote energy
conservation. Due to rising popula-
tion density in inner city and in-
70 creased traffic /congestion the
likelihoods of the Heat Island Effect
taking place is quite likely. In the
context of a possible sea level rise,

40 adverse biodiversity impacts on

wetlands and tidal zones and possi-
ble loss of flora and fauna can be
20 anticipated. Mangroves that can act
10 as a buffer against tidal flooding are
already being devastated.
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
(Source: Climate Profile of Karachi, KW&SB Climate Change Adaptation Strategy,2012, Ujala Qadir, WSP)

Fig. 12
karachi - the overall Climate graph
karachi, pakistan Climate graph (Altitude: 2m)
Temperatures/Precipitation/Wet Days/Sunlight/

35 90

30 80

Relative Humidity
Wind Speed/Frost

20 50
15 40
0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 0
Min Temp (oC) Max Temp (oC)
Average Temp (oC) Precipitation (Cm)
Wet Days (>0.1 mm) Average Wind Speed (Beaufort)
Days with Frost Relative Humidity (%)
(Source: Climate Profile of Karachi, KW&SB Climate Change Adaptation Strategy,2012, Ujala Qadir, WSP)

Land use violations leading to en- nancial resources offers a window

croachments of parks and play- of opportunity for urban managers
grounds, coastal sensitive ecological all over the world to access the re-
land is eroding the natural barriers sources and plan and implement
capable of reducing the adverse im- measures to not only prepare for
pacts of climate change. possible climate change impacts but
generally improve the sustainability
Karachi for numerous reasons needs profile of their cities. Karachi, one
to get its house in order. The global of the fastest growing mega cities in
focus on climate change and the the world, can definitely make
availability of related substantial fi- progress in this regard.

Section 2: Understanding the Impacts

his Section discusses the vari- Flood preparedness of Karachi City residing in either
ous likely consequences of As stated earlier, while average pre- informal/squatter settlements or
possible climate change sce- cipitation levels have not signifi- in low lying localities is already lo-
narios placed within the context of cantly changed over the years in cated in areas of potential flood
the key vulnerabilities and climate Karachi and are projected also to risk.
change adaptation challenges faced keep fairly stable in the long run,
in Karachi City. While an exhaustive however, climate variability is al- • Flood defences and
and detailed analysis of all aspects ways possible and Karachi has a drainage systems – Other
of the issues relevant to the discus- context to flooding. However, first, than the 12 mile long Malir River
sion was beyond the scope of the let us consider Karachi’s status in Embankment no other flood de-
present Study some important terms of preparedness for a possible fence mechanism exists. The
themes are contextualized in brief urban flooding event. There can be drainage network is not designed
within a climate change adaptation three possible ways to prevent or to cater for appropriate rainfall
framework and structure that can reduce the impact of flooding: intensity and probability and is
be constructed upon and further re- also faced with issues of block-
fined for facilitating the develop- • Spatial planning – This in- ages and encroachments. The
ment of a comprehensive volves avoiding the creation of City government has responsibil-
strategy.Effort has been made to flood-vulnerable land uses in high ity for maintaining most of the
standardize the format for discus- flood-risk areas and identifying drainage networks and flood de-
sion and analysis for each possible where current developments and fences, however they have no
climate change scenario for assess- settlements need to relocated control over preventing abuses of
ing consequences and highlighting while being possibly replaced by the system that reduce working
the critical challenges that get iden- less flood-sensitive land uses. We efficiency such as connection of
tified. find that a significant population sewage lines into drainage net-
Fig. 13
FlooDINg Flooding- Extreme Events

800 450000
Within the context of flooding, the
700 400000
following focus areas are being con-
runoff (000 cubic metre)

Rainfall 350000
sidered: 600 Runoff
rainfall (mm)

• Vulnerable 250000
communities(Slums/low lying lo- 200000
calities/hill settlements) 300
• Properties and assets at risk 200
• Emergency response capacity 100 50000
(health care/emergency medi-
0 0
cine/fire services etc.) 1930 1944 1956 195919611967 1970 1977 1994 2007
• Natural defences – green spaces yEAr
(Source: Surface Water Drainage and Flooding in Karachi City , S. Akhtar and M.R Dhanani, 2012,
Department of Geography, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan

works, encroachments and water Basins
garbage dumping.
• The Malir River basin is the largest • The Budnai basin is drained by
• Flood storage areas – This basin and source of surface runoff Budnai Nadi and number of small
involves designing some areas to and sediments load. The Malir but powerful streams originating
deliberately flood (such as park- River forms as a result of the con- from the ridges of Orangi hills and
land or sports fields) so that fluence of two main rivers the Jhill hills in Mochko and around
other more vulnerable land uses Mol River and the Khadeji River. Sona pass. The total length of
The catchment area of the Mol Budnai stream is about 46 km and
can be spared flooding.At pres-
River is about 620 square km and its catchment area is about 95
ent, this option is not utilized in
Khadeji River is 580 square km square km
Karachi City while available green
spaces are vanishing fast mostly
• The Lyari River originates from the • The coastal areas of Bin Qasim,
due to encroachments and land hilly ranges of Manghopir anti- Korangi and Jhill hills are drained
use conversions through land clines from the north of the city by many hill torrents and small
grabs. and south of the Hub dam where streams which are very active dur-
its height is about 190 meters. Its ing rainy days
Sources of flooding catchment area is smaller than
Karachi is prone to flooding from the Malir River because of its
three possible sources (another shorter length and smaller num-
possible source – Tidal Flooding will ber of tributaries. Its total length
get assessed in the discussion on is about180 km while its catch-
sea level rise): ment area is about 578 square km

• Fluvial flooding – from Lyari/Malir Source:Surface Water Drainage and Flooding in Karachi City, S. Akhtar and M.R Dhanani, 2012,
Department of Geography, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan
rivers and their tributaries (Malir
– Chakora Nullah, Thado dislocated. Houses were destroyed Other than the Malir and Lyari
Dam/Lyari – Orangi, Gujjar) and roads were damaged. The total rivers, its tributaries and lined nul-
• Surface water flooding - from loss was estimated at about 5 billion lahs(drains) serve as an important
heavy rainfall overcoming the rupees (Karachi Development Au- component of the drainage net-
drainage system thority/KDA, 1981). work. They are severely stressed.
• Sewer flooding - from the over- One, they are not designed to cater
flowing of sewers The Malir River basin and the Lyari for appropriate rainfall intensity and
River basin are the two main basins probability and two they are work-
Drainage basins which contribute for about 80 per- ing at reduced efficiencies due to
Karachi has a context to flooding cent of the surface runoff. While blockages and encroachments.The
and has experienced severe floods they are perennial streams and Karachi Strategic Development Plan
which have occurred periodically. In fresh water flow is dependent solely 2020 identified the following rea-
1977, severe floods occurred in the on rains and normally they serve as sons for the massive inner city
flood plains of the Malir and Lyari carriers of the city sewage, never- flooding experienced in 2006;
rivers resulting in 267 deaths with theless there is a history to flooding
more than 30,000 being made events and the threats are real and • Due to irregular and illegal land
homeless and 100,000 temporarily cannot be totally ignored . utilization practices in the past,

Section 2: Understanding the Impacts

most of the natural drainage, nul- Fig. 14

lahs and low lying areas which
Natural Drainage (Basins) in karachi
were left as open areas were con-
verted into developed lands
notwithstanding the require-
ments of providing alternate and
man-made disposal channels and
thus disturbing the natural flow
conditions and consequently re-
sulting in uncontrolled storm
drainage pattern especially dur-
ing a high intensity storm/rainfall
• A substantial percentage of solid
waste is regularly disposed in the Arabian sea
open storm drainage channels es- Road
kArAChI River
pecially from adjoining localities NAturAl DrAINAgE 0km. 5km.
Lmit of the City
which obviously results in com-
plete choking or partially inter- (Source: Surface Water Drainage and Flooding in Karachi City , S. Akhtar and M.R Dhanani, 2012,
Department of Geography, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan)
rupted flow conditions in the
event of storm
Fig. 15
Assessing risks karachi Drainage Network
The consequence of a flood is deter-
mined by who and what is exposed
to a flood and their vulnerability to
it.For assessing the current flood
risk, the first requirement is to look
at the probability of a flood occur-
ring, the consequence of a flood and
the associated risk and vulnerability
of the people and assets that may
be affected. The flood probability is
usually expressed as a return period,
or as an annual percentage that
may be altered as climate change
may increase the frequency and in-
tensity of extreme weather, so that
what is a 1 in 150 year event today
may be a 1 in 100 year event in the
(Source: KSDP 2020)
future and with a possible greater

Flooding - possible Impacts more vulnerable (including hospi- curred on June 30th, (in only 7
tals, industries, housing, schools); hours, 9.4 inches of rainfall with
• Loss of life and personal injury
less vulnerable (including shops, of- maximum intensity of 2.6 inches per
(especially vulnerable commu-
fices, restaurants, waste and water hour during a period of 110 minutes
nities slums/hill settlementsand
treatment sites). was recorded). The city was cut off
low lying inner city neighbor-
hoods) through railroad and air from the
• Direct damage to property, in- However, the people and assets at rest of the country. Roads were in-
frastructure and utilities risk can only be identified with undated. Due to the lack of flood
• Contamination and disease some degree of accuracy if the protected embankments and pres-
from flood and sewer water probability is worked out and linked ence of encroached settlement in
• Social unrest with the establishment of a Flood the bed many houses were washed
• Possible relocation and reset- Risk Zone. Vulnerability factors can out. The Pakistan Air Base (Drigh
tlement of communities then be combined to produce an Road) and P.N.S Mehran were also
index of flood vulnerability which flooded. A flood wave hit the Ko-
can then be plotted using census rangi Industrial Area particularly
Exposure and vulnerability data to map vulnerability. National Oil Refinery and Korangi
The exposure and vulnerability of Thermal Power station.13
people to flooding are determined In the case of Karachi City, the only
by factors that include: such working was done by WAPDA In addition to the possibility of flu-
in the Feasibility Report on Malir vial flooding is the concern about
• exposure – for example, living in River Basin, (1990). It was found surface water flooding impacts ex-
low lying localities/along (and that the highest peak discharge in acerbated due to extensive block-
on!!) river beds – in the flood the Malir River caused the floods of ages and encroachments in and
plain 1944. Its recurrence interval was along the drainage channels. This is
• vulnerability - for example, age worked out as about 81 years while not a new concern. One identified
(the very young and old), health, its chance of occurrence being cause of the 1977 floods was the ex-
disability, living alone or not hav- about 1 percent each year. How- istence of encroachments and
ing a support network, low in- ever, while surface runoff calcula- squatter settlements in the bed and
come and inadequate housing tions were done but a flood plain along the banks of the Malir River.
could not be identified that could Portion of Mahmoodabad, whole
Land uses/assets also vary in their have served as a viable flood risk Manzoor Colony, Rehman Colony,
vulnerability to flooding. They can zone for the Malir river basin settle- Kashmir Colony, Liaquat Ashraf
be classified into highly vulnerable ments. The Malir River in Karachi Colony, Azam Basti etc. exist on the
to flooding (including police, ambu- passes through thickly populated bed of the Malir river. As a result
lance and fire stations, emergency residential and industrial areas. The the width of the river at Qayum-
command centers, power stations, worst flooding was in 1977 in terms abad had reduced to 550 feet in-
water supply facilities and hous- of its magnitude of loss of life and stead of its original width of 5000
ing/property in low lying localities); damages, when abnormal rains oc- feet.14

Surface Water Drainage and Flooding in Karachi City , S. Akhtar and M.R Dhanani, 2012, Department of Geography, University of Karachi,
Karachi, Pakistan
14 Surface Water Drainage and Flooding in Karachi City , S. Akhtar and M.R Dhanani, 2012, Department of Geography, University of Karachi,
Karachi, Pakistan

Section 2: Understanding the Impacts

Sewers overflow normally during Fig. 16

flooding events mainly because of
Drainage Network: Blocked and Chocked
capacity constraints and also as they
Flooding of Clifton and City
are deliberately opened to act as Rain water drains and the
outfalls - Victims of land grab
r E F E r E N C E S
drainage options to flush rain water. Land reclamation & Plotting
Sea Break Waters

Flood protection
It was as a response to the floods of
1977 that the first and only flood
protection project – the Malir River
Embankment - was completed by
the Sindh (provincial) Government
with the help of Federal Govern-
ment in 1984 when a 12 miles long
flood embankment was built on (Source: Orangi Pilot Project)
both sides of the Malir River start-
ing from the bridge of the National years is 409,000 cusecs and matters probability of flooding, it is difficult
Highway to the mouth of the river such as climate change and possible to establish a viable flood risk zone
at Gizri creek. While after the con- increasing of the intensity and re- for Karachi City. However, there can
struction of the embankments the duction in the return period were be no denying the fact that signifi-
adjoining areas have so far been not factored at that time. cant numbers of human settle-
protected from flood related dam- ments, and those too comprising of
age, however, the height of the em- At risk – people and assets vulnerable communities reside in a
bankment was based upon the In the absence of identified flood possible flood risk zone in addition
surface runoff of 240,000 cusecs for plains for either the Malir, or Lyari to nationally important institutional
which return period is 50 years river basins and detailed and up- assets.
while the maximum runoff in 100 dated working on assessing the

Settlements along embankments Residing alongside blocked drains

Mohammad Arshad, Shehri-CBE Mohammad Arshad, Shehri-CBE

Fig. 17
people - An idea of the scale of
Extent of Flood Defences – malir river Embankment
the vulnerability and risk can be
made by considering three possible
risk zones and communities. They
can be categorized as follows:

• Katchi abadis - The katchi

abadis (urban squatter settle-
ments) that represent the most
recognizable face of informal set-
tlements in Karachi have existed
from the time of the creation of
Pakistan with instances of illegal
sub-division of land documented
as far back as the 1950’s.
Presently, about 61% of the pop-
ulation is housed in such settle-
ments and of these a high (Source : Surface Water Drainage and Flooding in Karachi City , S. Akhtar and M.R Dhanani, 2012, De-
proportion occupies undesirable partment of Geography, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan)

real estate such as along the ing options for the financially and considered in context of flooding
Malir/Lyari river beds .This can socially marginalized and vulnera- can be expressed in terms of
mostly be attributed to massive ble communities. The process ini- most critically their location (ex-
population influxes, ever escalat- tiated quite some time back and posure) and then possible lack of
ing land prices and the incapacity has since then taken the form of land tenure - not all katchi
of the relevant government au- a very concrete and visible settle- abadies are regularized - lack of
thorities to provide viable hous- ment pattern. Their risk when formal access to civic services

Settlements along nullahs Settlements in a high flood risk zone

Mohammad Arshad, Shehri-CBE Mohammad Arshad, Shehri-CBE

Section 2: Understanding the Impacts

such as water, inappropriate Fig. 18

housing structures, absence of fi-
A high risk Zone and Communities (madiha Salam, Shehri-CBE)
nancial cover to reclaim structural
such as housing damages, loss of
livelihoods and health costs (vul-

• Low lying localities - The

city areas which were developed
in between1726 to 1947 are
known as the old city. These
areas house much of the whole-
sale business and commercial ac-
tivities. In addition, the
commercial business district
(CBD) is also located here. These Identified low lying localities in karachi
localities are densely populated
and congested and are low lying, Bunder Road and Lyari become Katachi abadis of Mehmoodabad
bounded by the Lyari River and heavily inundated during the and Manzoor Colony located on
Karachi harbor. Similarly, other rainy spells mainly due to inade- the Malir river bank are also
low lying localities further inland quate storm water drainage sys- worst affected by excessive flood-
(e.g. along drainage channels) - a tem. Extensive flooding occurs in ing and stagnant water.15
mix of residential and commercial parts of the Gulshan-e-Iqbal
land uses are also at possible risk. along the University Road, Soci- • Hill settlements - During the
In the inner city, the low-lying eties Union area along Shahrah- past decade or so, extensive set-
areas of Saddar, Chundrigar Road, e-Faisal and Tipu Sultan Road. tlements have taken place either

The downtown – a low lying area Nehre-Khayam drainage channel along Karachi Grammar School-
Mohammad Arshad, Shehri-CBE Mohammad Arshad, Shehri-CBE

15 Karachi Strategic Development Plan 2020

Fig. 19 vention and protection measures.
The Sindh Industrial Trading Estate
Flood Zones in karachi
(S.I.T.E), the F.B Area Industrial Zone,
the North Karachi Industrial Zone
and the Landhi/Korangi Industrial
Trading Estates (L.I.T.E/K.I.T.E) are
located right along the Lyari and
Malir Rivers respectively.K.I.T.E got
extensively flooded in the 1977
floods and has since been protected
by the Malir River Embankment.
If we consider essential civic serv-
Arabian sea
ices than it is indicated that a fairly
Road extensive water supply and sewer-
kArAChI age system related infrastructure
Limit of the City
FlooD ZoNES 0km. 5km. Low Lying Zone
Hill Torrent Zone such as pumping stations is located
(Source : Surface Water Drainage and Flooding in Karachi City , S. Akhtar and M.R Dhanani, 2012, De- along mostly the Lyari River in
partment of Geography, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan)
towns that border on the river. An
on the hills dotting the Karachi property and assets - It is example is that of Lyari town.
landscape or on the foothills – again difficult to establish an accu-
mostly inhabited by the more re- rate list of properties and assets Emergency response
cent immigrants to the city. As that may get impacted and to what There is limited if any quality re-
such a significant new flood risk extent. However, if we just consider search analyzing the status of emer-
zone has been created that can the industrial assets that are quite gency response systems such as
be critically endangered due to possibly located in a likely flood risk emergency medicine, healthcare,
hill torrents and possible land- zone than we need to place a high fire services etc. For the objectives
slides. value on initiating urgent flood pre- of this Study,to assess the emer-

Dangerous slope in a hill settlement Living in a hill torrent zone

Mohammad Arshad, Shehri-CBE Mohammad Arshad, Shehri-CBE

Section 2: Understanding the Impacts

Fig. 20 Ahmed Jawad, Saeed Minhas, Asma

Ansari, Afrah Siddiqui, Sana
Industries along the lyari and malir rivers
Mehtab)assessing the efficacy and
Legend preparedness of the pre-hospital
Major Corridors
to the Outside and hospital emergency medical
Major Corridors in
Karachi systems and post graduate trainees
CBD Area
in the city (two prime emergency
Industrial Area
care hospitals) to deal with a mas-
sive terrorist (not climate change!)
strike has been sourced to give
some idea on this important aspect
of preparing for climate change sce-

In this research a cross-sectional

survey of postgraduate trainees was
(Source: Special Assistance For Project Formation (Saprof) For Karachi Circular Railway Project In
The Islamic Republic Of Pakistan ,2009,Jica conducted at Jinnah Postgraduate
Medical Center and Civil Hospital
Karachi from 21st July 2007 to 24th
Fig. 21 July 2007, to evaluate the prepared-
water Supply Infrastructure Along lyari river ness and self identified deficiencies
of doctors involved in massive
lyArI towN wAtEr & SEwErAgE NEtwork
trauma casualty management. Out
of the 90 respondents questioned
regarding a self assessment of their
training, only 3 (3.3%) of them were
confident about their management
of bomb blast victims. Eighty-seven
(96.6%) of the respondents felt they
required some further training
(44.4%) or comprehensive training
(52.2%). No simulated drills or
courses had been conducted for dis-
aster management in the emer-
gency department of the surveyed
hospitals. Most of the ambulance
drivers had no paramedic training.
(Source: KW&SB)
Ambulances are equipped with a
gency healthcare response,a re- emergency medical response sys- stretcher and an oxygen cylinder
search paper(Pakistan: The new tar- tems adequately prepared? – 2009- only. No resuscitation measures
get of terrorism. Are Karachi’s Muhammad Ahmed Siddiqui, were found available in the ambu-

lances.An overwhelming 96% of the • Non-provision of training on in- compared to impervious concrete
doctors felt they were deficient in ternational standard built up spaces. Green spaces or the
their training and management of • In availability of fire training insti- vegetation cover in Karachi is al-
such scenarios.Despite availability tute/school ready limited. According to the find-
of communication between ambu- • Non implementation of safety ings of a recent study funded by the
lances of the same organization, no- rules Asian Development Bank (ADB) –
communication links are available • Acute shortage of water for fire- Comprehensive Plan for Forestation,
between the ambulance services fighting purpose Aesthetic Plantation and Landscap-
and intended hospitals. • Shortage of fire fighting staff ing for Karachi, 2008 –total vegeta-
• Shortage of fire station tion cover in Karachi as estimated
With regards fire services, an evalu- • Absence of coordination and co- through satellite imageries is 62,643
ation made recently by Muhammad operation of different agencies on acres which works out as 7% of the
Masood Alam, Executive District Of- scene of incident total land area of 907,001 acres. A
ficer, Municipal Services Group of • Shortage of special fire fighting greater cause for alarm is however,
Offices, City District Government units snorkel, hazmat rescue units the rate at which these already min-
Karachi in the context of Vulnerabili- and ambulances imal green spaces are disappearing.
ties and Hazards of Karachi and
Preparation of District Disaster Plan Vanishing green spaces – In another research work under-
2011, is self explanatory: vanishing defences taken recently - Ecological distur-
Green spaces act as basins where bances due to high cutback in the
• No Fire Hydrant System through- rain water can infiltrate and thus re- green infrastructure of Karachi:
out the city is available duce the potential flood threat as Analyses of public perception about
associated health problems – 2010-
Salman Qureshi a,b,_, Syed Jamil
Hasan Kazmi b, J¨ urgen H. Breuste,
2010- an effort was made to assess
whether the effect of the reduction
of Karachi’s green infrastructure has
had an impact on human health
conditions in the city. The initial
phase of the study consisted of ex-
amining the extent to which the-
green infrastructure had changed
due to the combined effects of de-
velopment and the monsoon using
remote sensing and GPS survey
techniques.This involved a time se-
ries analysis of the pattern of green
infrastructure conducted using time
series sets of LULC data covering the
Emergency response – A critically inadequate capacity
Mohammad Arshad, Shehri-CBE

Section 2: Understanding the Impacts

gutter Baghicha period 1986–2003 and using Land-

satThematic Mapper (TM) and En-

G utter Baghicha (GB) is a 120-

year old amenity sewage farm
and sewage treatment plant on the
Numerous cases have been fought
in the Supreme Court (SC) and Sindh
High Court (SHC) over the past 18
hanced Thematic Mapper
(ETM+)imagery. Through this
process, a wide-ranging spectrum of
Manghopir Road in District West. It years, until finally Suit 1484/2008 landscape patches was identified
was established in the late 19th cen- (filed by Ardeshir Cowasjee, Abdul and examined in relation to the
tury on 1,216 acres for the treat- Sattar Edhi, Shehri and area resi- overall reduction in green infra-
ment of sewage from the newly dents, including Nisar Baloch of Gut- structure, involving the loss of, or
established town of Karachi, where ter Baghicha Bachao Tehreek reductions in, specific green areas.
vegetables, cereals and other crops (GBBT)against City District Govern- In the absence of the most recent
and trees/flowers were grown with ment Karachi (CDGK), KMC-OCHS, satellite images, an extensive GPS-
the effluent etc), which requires recording of evi-
based field mapping exercise was
dence, is pending in the SHC.
undertaken(Fig 22). The findings
After the emergence of Pakistan in
verify the reduction of urban green,
1947, over 55% of the land was en- Two local activists, Nisar Baloch and
in both highly urbanized as well as-
croached upon for non-amenity use Nadir Baloch, members of the Gut-
(katchi abadis, industries, work- ter Baghicha Bachao Tehreek, have less-urbanized areas. The rate of de-
shops, etc) over the next five been shot and killed in November terioration of green cover is
decades. In 1957, two hundred acres 2009 for their efforts to save the particularly dramatic after 2000
was resumed by the government for park. when extensive development activi-
inclusion in the adjacent Sindh In- ties started in the transportation
dustrial Trading Estates scheme. In sector and can be seen in the time
1982/83, a number of katchi abadis series (1986–2003).
on GB land were ‘regularized’.
In North-Eastern area of Karachi for
Since 1993, local residents and envi- example, in the year 2000, the built
ronmental NGOs have been trying to structures of North-Eastern areas
save what is left (about 430 acres) of (viz. Gulistan-e-Jauhar) expanded
the original 1,216 acres of GB The from 19.4% to 47.4% in 1990 but
main controversy for many years green areas remain virtually un-
was the unlawful allotment of 200 changed. A marked difference in the
acres to the KMC Officers’ Coopera- vacant/barren areas can be ob-
tive Housing Society (KMC-OCHS), served where the barren land in
and additional plots proposed to be 1990 was about 30%, which fell to
converted to other such non- only 2.7% in 2000. These areas
amenity uses. formed the focus for much of the
new development.16

16 Ecological disturbances due to high cutback in the green infrastructure ofKarachi: Analyses of public perception about associated health
problems – 2010- Salman Qureshi a,b,_, Syed Jamil Hasan Kazmi b, J¨ urgen H. Breuste aDepartment of Geography and Geology, University
of Salzburg, Hellbrunnerstrasse 34, Salzburg 5020, Austriab Department of Geography, University of Karachi, University Road, Karachi
75270, Pakistan

Fig. 22 With relation to farming land an in-
teresting though worrying trend is
Vanishing green Spaces
indicated. The cultivated area
what was! what is! dropped from 61% in 1960 to only
19% in the year 2000. There is a
sharp fall after the 1990’s with per-
centage cultivated area falling to
only 19% in 2000s mainly owing to
the haphazard expansion of the city,
development of new residential
schemes and un-checked
sand/gravel mining.However, while
since 1990, there is indicated an in-
crease in land purchased for agricul-
tural purposes it is not reflected in
any increase in the cultivated area!
1986 2003
Source: Ecological disturbances due to high cutback in the green infrastructure of Karachi: Analyses of
public perception about associated health problems, 2010 End note
Salman Qureshi a,b,, Syed Jamil Hasan Kazmi b, J¨ urgen H. Breuste a Karachi has had to face urban flood-
ing events in the past and it can
happen again. It is however difficult
Fig. 23
to work out a probability and re-
Encroaching gutter Baghicha lated intensity with any degree of
50 acres grabbed by accuracy owing to serious gaps in
mafia (June 2009)
data and associated research both
S.I. Illegal
in terms of anticipated precipitation
Sewage treatment
levels and the translation of addi-
tional rainfall into an urban flooding
event. The risks while they cannot
pro be accurately quantified in terms of
Cit pose
yp d
ark exposed and vulnerable people and
assets there is sufficient indications

Illegal mst that risks can be quite substantial.


Sofia &
The potential people and communi-


ties likely to be in the flood hazard
S Illegal Construction
Started By kmC zone are also fitting the profile of
Society members
(August 2009) being highly vulnerable. The assets
at risk figure significantly not only at
a local but national level in terms of
Source: Shehri-CBE

Section 2: Understanding the Impacts

Critical Challenges Fig. 24

• A Flood Risk Zone (E.g. ‘Flood Farmlands Also Vanishing
Plain’ of Lyari/Malir Rivers) 80
not identified

• Significant settlements of 60
‘vulnerable communities‘ in
potential high flood risk zones
• Drainage networks neither 40
designed to cater for appro-
priate rainfall intensity and
probability and also faced 20
with blockages/encroach-
• No effective policy/regulation 1960 1972 1980 1990 2000
to prevent settlements in the
(Source: Department of Geography, University of Karachi)
‘river beds’, ‘hills’ and en-
croachments of drainage
channels and land use
changes impacting adversely Fig. 25
on the flood prevention and what is happening in the Agricultural lands!
management capacity
total Agricultural land (Acres)
• Green cover in the city that
could facilitate improved
drainage (parks/play grounds,
farming land) shrinking
• Critical gaps and shortcom- 100000
ings in the ‘emergency re- 80000
sponse’ systems – 60000
health/emergency/trauma fa- 40000
cilities, fire services, law and 20000
order services (E.g. ‘safe shel-
ters’) etc. – ‘evacuation plans’ 1960 1972 1980 1990 2000
and required procedures and (Source: Department of Geography, University of Karachi)

their contribution to the national managing!) the city land and institu-
economy and growth. Issues related tions further complicate and mag-
with the way we are managing (mis- nify an already existing risk.

Fig. 26
The focus has been to take either a
karachi City - Cascading Consequences for ‘Flooding’
fire-fighting approach with all the
associated inadequacies in response
mechanisms in tact or to take short
term ad-hoc measures with no sus-
tainability attached to them. Cli-
mate change adaptation is all about Loss of life and personal injury(es-
being prepared. From reducing the Declining public pecially vulnerable
health Communities slums/
risk of damage to being better hill settlements/
rural communities
equipped to meet the possible con- Public
and low lying
sequences is what adaptive capacity discontent and inner city
possible Overflow of
neighborhoods) Lyari/Malir
is all about. For that to happen, a conflict rivers and nullahs
paradigm shift in planning priorities Direct damage
Setback to local to property, Blockage of storm FlooDINg
is required. The need is to move ur- economy infrastructure water drains/nul-
gently on multiple fronts to address and utilities lahs
this issue that may include an inten- Financial stress-
infrastructure Contamination Sewer overflows
sified focus on research and analysis and disease from
repair and health flood and sewer
and implementation of relevant pol- costs water
icy frameworks for facilitating re-
Loss of housing and Social unrest Possible
quired planning and project based Live LaHood’s relocation and resettlement of
interventions. communities

The scope of the Study could not

allow detailed focus into a number
of cross-cutting themes such as pos-
sible impact and consequences for
the local economy, social and larger
scale governance aspects etc. How- Drought Drought – possible Impacts
ever they are also of fundamental • Reducing river flows
importance as a climate change sce- Drought is caused by lack of suffi-
• Reducing ground water replen-
nario has what can be called as a cient rainfall. Droughts can either be
ishment (recharge)
cascading effect with one sector of short and sharp, or prolonged.Judi-
• Increasing evaporation
the urban scene linking with the cious management of water re-
• Increasing loss from broken
other to create a complicated col- sources, in terms of meeting the water mains due to increasing
lage of short and long term dam- supply and demand gap can greatly subsidence
ages and setbacks to the growth reduce the possible adverse impacts • Increasing demand for water
process of the city. of a drought upon us and on the en- from people and wildlife
vironment. Within the context of • Adverse impacts on people and
drought, the following focus areas livelihoods dependent on farm-
are being considered: ing

Section 2: Understanding the Impacts

• Public water supply (the Hub water Supply Sources

River Source)
• Urban farming and agriculture
(Rural Karachi)
• Bio-diversity
T he Indus river, the main source
of water for Karachi, is severely
constrained by dry season demand,
flow from the dam will be diverted
to the Karachi Water Supply Canal
(Sindh) while 36.7% to the Lasbela
but has abundant wet season dis- Canal (Balochistan)
water supply charges. Urban and industrial water
About 90 % of population in Karachi for Karachi is taken from the Kotri Dumlottee Well Field built by the
use the water supplied by the sole Barrage and discharged through the British in the latter half of the 19th
public water service provider – the KalriBaghar Feeder Upper (KB century located on the banks of
Karachi Water & Sewerage Board – Feeder Upper) to KinjharLake.Kotri Malir River in the Dumlottee area
(KW&SB) through pipelines or by Barrage is the lowest barrage on the about 30 km to the northeast of the
River Indus.Kinjhar Lake is a naturalcity. A number of large diameter
tankers and the remaining 10% of
reservoir with a catchment area of shallow wells constructed in the
population may depend mainly on
910 km2 Malir River alluvium provided about
8 mgd of water to Karachi through a
The Hub Dam is a multi-purpose gravity conduit. For many years
A system already in stress dam (municipal, industrial and irri- since then, the well field remained
There is intermittent supply of gation purposes) constructed on the as the main source of supply for
water at low pressure through ra- Hub River approximately 50 km to Karachi with supply being aug-
tioning and in most parts of the city the north-west of Karachi City. The mented in a phased manner. How-
water is supplied once or twice a catchment area of the dam extends ever, the supply from this system
week, each time for the duration of across two provinces namely Sindh has gradually decreased over time
several hours. The percentage of and Balochistan covering a total to 4 mgd by 1985, and to 1.5 mgd in
non-revenue-water (NRW) is high area of 3,410 sq miles (8,730 km2). 2002 and afterwards. At present,
owing to leakages (decaying infra- There has been an agreement be- this system can produce merely 1.4
structure), theft and an unsatisfac- tween the two provinces that, at the mgd of water during only a few
tory status of revenue collection. In Regulator located at the end of the months after the rainy season.
most parts of the city, residents are Hub Main Canal, 63.3% of the total
obliged to spend money on con- Source: The Study on Water Supply and Sewerage System in Karachi, the Japan International Coop-
structing underground water eration Agency (JICA), 2008
tanks,suction/booster pumps, roof-
top storage tanks, and water filter- ment of water-borne diseases (ty- According to the census in 1998, its
ing systems. As such, while the basic phoid, cholera, and hepatitis are population was 9.8 million. Its cur-
cost of piped water in Karachi may common) and the loss of income rent population is informally esti-
be cheap, the associated indirect due to sick time. mated in the range of 18 million. In
costs are unreasonably high. future, it could be the second
Rising water demand largest city of the world(Butler,
The expense of not having an ade- The population of Karachi was esti- 2005), as it is expecting to accom-
quate supply of potable water is mated to be 4.4 million at the time modate27.5 million people in 2020
compounded by the inevitable med- of independence in 1947 but it has (CDGK-MPGO, 2007).
ical bills resulting from the treat- undergone numerous expansions.
The Study on Water Supply and Sewerage System in Karachi, the Japan International Cooperation Agency(JICA), 2008

With the phenomenal increase in Fig. 27
population will develop an ever
karachi water Demand
greater demand for water from an
already stressed water utility. The
Study on Water Supply and Sewer-
age System in Karachi prepared by 1,000
the Japan International Cooperation
Agency (JICA) in the year 2008 esti-
water Demend (mgd)
mates that the water demand
would increase to 1,182 mgd by the
year 2025.
At risk – the hub river/dam
service area
If we consider the water supply 200
sources for Karachi City in the con-
text of a possible drought scenario 0
than the Hub river/dam source is 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025
most relevant. Completed in 1981, year
the dam was first filled up in 1984. Source: The Study on Water Supply and Sewerage System in Karachi prepared by the Japan Interna-
tional Cooperation Agency (JICA), 2008
It was again filled up in 1989, 1992,
1994, 1995 and 2003. The last time
the dam was filled up was August Fig. 28
2007. During the 8 years from 1995 public water Supply
to 2003, the dam was never filled (the hub river Source – (100 mgD)
up (reduced rainfall – drought).As a Service Area/populAtIoN SErVED – 5 million
result, the supply from the dam re- 1. Lyari Town 13. Liaquatabad Town
duced to almost zero during the 2. Saddar Town 14. North Nazimabad
3. Jamshed Town Town
four years from July 1999 till June 4. gadap town 15. Gulberg Town
2003.18 Five major localities in 5. Site town 16 New Karachi Town
6. keman town 17. orangi town
Karachi inhabited by about 5 million 7. Shah Faisal Town 18. Baldia town
residents are dependent on the Hub 8. Korangi Town 19. A. Karachi Contonment
9. Landhi Town 20. B. Clifton Contonment
river source. Following the drought 10. Bin Qasim Town 21. C. Korangi Creek Con-
period (199-2003) when immense 11. Malir Town tonment
12. Gulshan Town 22. D. Faisal Contonment
problems were faced in meeting the 23. E. Malir Contonment
24. F. Manora Contonment
water demands of the affected pop-
ulation, the KW&SB initiated a proj-
ect linking the Indus river supply
with the pumping station at Mang-
hopir (from where water sourced

18 The Study on Water Supply and Sewerage System in Karachi prepared by the Japan International Cooperation Agency(JICA), 2008

Section 2: Understanding the Impacts

from the Hub dam is supplied to the Fig. 29

city) so that in case of water scarcity
kwSB Financial Crisis
at the Hub source, the water supply
from the Indus source can be di- 12 10.44
verted.However, as even the Indus
source is under stress and not meet- 8.08
ing the existing demand, this meas- 8
ure cannot be a very viable solution
Amount (Rs. Billion)
in the long run when demand is ex- 6
pected to increase substantially.
4 2.93 2.54
The socio-economic profile of a ma- 2.85 2.69 2.36
jority of the residents of the service 2 0.82 0.82 2.27 2.45
2.41 2.65
area would also place them in a vul-
nerability context. 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05
Fiscal year
kw&SB – utility in stress Current Accumulated Annual revenue
As discussed, Karachi already faces a Deficit Deficit (Billed)
high supply demand gap and popu- Source: The Study on Water Supply and Sewerage System in Karachi prepared by the Japan Interna-
tional Cooperation Agency (JICA), 2008
lation pressures leading to in-
creased demand are likely. Rainfall
is already limited and the impacts of Fig. 30
a likely drought period could be se- water Supply at a glance
vere. However the capacity of the
populAtIoN 18 mIllIoN
service provider to meet the possi-
ble consequences may be a greater mAxImum wAtEr DEmAND (@ 54 gpcd) 972 mgD
cause of concern. If one only looks
at its financial status than the situa- mINImum DEmAND (@ 30 - 54 gpcd) [Av: 42 gpcd] 756 mgD
tion is quite grim. Examination of
AVAIlABlE Supply 680 mgD
the financial statements of KW&SB
for recent years shows an extremely v INDuS SourCE (KINGER LAKE SURFACE WATER)
worrying trend as regards its short - greater karachi 280 mgd
term financial positions. Over recent - gharo 28 mgd
- k-II 100 mgd
years, KW&SB has continuously - Additional 40 mgd 578 mgD
been operating in deficit. The an- - k-III 100 mgd
nual deficit ranges from Rs.2,000 to - Steel mill 22 mgd
- pQA 08 mgd
2,700 million (US$33.3 to 45.0 mil-
v huB DAm (SurFACE wAtEr)
lion). At the end of the fiscal year v DumlottEE wEllS (grouND wAtEr)
2004/05, the accumulated deficit 100 mgD
2 mgD
totaled to Rs. 10,435 million total : 680 mgD
wAtEr loSSES (35%)
(US$173.9 million). These deficits
have eventually been subsidized by (Source: KW&SB)

federal and provincial govern- farming is sub-surface water. The There is limited if any focus on har-
ments.19 To detail the other serious resource base is threatened from vesting already limited water re-
challenges being faced by the two serious resource management sources or initiating measures to
KW&SB in terms of technical, man- challenges. One, the rapid depletion promote water conservation or fa-
agement constraints and a larger of the available water due to re- cilitate recharge of the aquifers.
enveloping crisis of institutional source mismanagement that may Malir River has been providing
governance would require a sepa- include over-abstraction, water in- some of the important construction
rate study in itself. tensive farming among other factors material like gravel and sand for a
is mostly responsible for rapid low- long time. This gravel and sand has
At risk – rural economy and
Historically and also supported by
the nature of the physical land-
scape, resource availability and to-
pography, the rural hinterland of
Karachi has been distinguished by
its agriculture and grazing based
land use and associated economy
and culture. The Karachi Develop-
ment Plan 1974-85 had stated that
Karachi can respond to the chal- Farming – Still providing livelihoods to a Exposed and vulnerable
lenge of rapid urbanization, building large community Farhan Anwar, Shehri-CBE
Farhan Anwar, Shehri-CBE
on the achievements but rejecting
the destructive practices of the past. ering of the ground water table and been excavated since 1940s, how-
The opportunities are there. The two, destruction of the aquifer ever, the rate of excavation and the
metropolis lies at the edge of a hin- mainly due to uncontrolled and un- geographical spread of the activity
terland that makes it possible to cre- regulated sand mining and extrac- has scaled up considerably in the
ate an efficient agro-urban complex, tion to sustain the construction last decade or so.
using urban wastes to support the activities within the city.
production of much of the food sup- An average sand mining truck ap-
ply needed by the urban population. proximately carries 318 cubic feet of
gravel. At an average about 1000
While the agro-urban economy and such sorties are undertaken in a day.
associated livelihoods of Karachi are It is indicated that most of the river
threatened due to a variety of fac- belt has now been excavated up to
tors that are beyond the scope of a depth of 20 feet. In some places
this Study, a focus would be given to the removal has reached to a dan-
state of the water resources critical gerous level mark of 30 feet.20 Possi-
to sustaining the sector economy. The ever descending water table ble salt water intrusion from the sea
Source of water for irrigation and Department of Geography, University of Karachi may also become an issue where
The Study on Water Supply and Sewerage System in Karachi prepared by the Japan International Cooperation Agency(JICA), 2008
20 Department of Geography, University of Karachi, 2007

Section 2: Understanding the Impacts

coastal groundwater levels drop due Karachi,prepared by the Japan Inter- water to sustain wild and domestic
to over abstraction, reduced national Cooperation Agency (JICA), animals, irrigation and human use in
recharge and sea level rise. 2008 went further by recommend- the Khirthar National Park. In the
ing that more stringent controls year 2000, a Baseline Environmental
should be put in place on the con- Study of the Khirthar National Park
struction of new wells in order to was conducted by a team of scien-
maintain the current groundwater tists and academics from the Uni-
balance in the region. versity of Melbourne, Australia. As
part of the Study,Ground Water
Bio-diversity Modeling was also done that indi-
To provide a sample and a glimpse cated a precarious water balance
of the possible impacts of drought with the water resources already
on bio-diversity already under water under severe stress. It was found
Over abstraction – damaging the aquifers
Department of Geography, University of Karachi
stress, a profile is provided of the that the steep gradients and short
Khirthar National Park – the largest length of streams in the mountains
The need to preserve and enhance national park in Pakistan containing will result in a very short time of
to the extent possible the existing many threatened and protected concentration for runoff, and conse-
ground water resources and protect flora and fauna specie including the quently, there will be only a short
it from unsustainable uses is urgent. Sindh urial or wild sheep (gad) and period for infiltration through the
In 2004, KW&SB conducted a study the Sindh Ibex or wild goat (sarah).21 beds of mountain streams. There-
to explore the possibility of devel- Not many people are aware that fore little recharge is expected in
oping groundwater sources in the part of the Khirthar National Park the mountains.
region as a source of water supply constitutes 20% of the District
for Karachi. The study was titled Karachi landmass! It was estimated that total con-
Feasibility Study to Explore Ground- sumptive use of water by evapora-
water Source in Karachi District and tion from irrigated land in the Park
explored the availability of ground- was between 10,000 and 20,000
water from the basins of Malir, ML/a. This was 10-25 times greater
Gadap, Lyari and Hub to supple- than the amount drawn for drinking
ment the existing supplies. After ex- (around 800 ML/a), water supplies
tensive surveys and analyses, this for domestic animals (around 270
study concluded that since there ML/a) or taken by wild animals
was limited precipitation and mini- (around 40 ML/a).
Khithar National Park – endangered wildlife
mal groundwater recharge in
Karachi, the sustainable yield of As a result of low average annual Ground water recharge to aquifers
ground water was already in bal- precipitation, and the concentration in the Tuang Valley was estimated to
ance with the existing pump dis- of rainfall in a short monsoon sea- be around 9000 ML/a, but with-
charge from about 1,000 existing son, there are no permanent rivers drawal for irrigation was found to
wells and it was difficult to develop in the Park. Groundwater discharg- be around 28,000 ML/a. Though fig-
new wells. The Study on Water Sup- ing from springs or drawn from ures, it was stated were subject to
ply and Sewerage System in wells provides the only source of errors of estimation but it was
21 Sindh –State of Environment & Development, 2004, IUCN, The World Conservation Union, Pakistan

Critical Challenges into smaller water resource zones, nancially viable to begin with. A po-
which are defined on the basis of litical will for holistic institutional re-
• It seems efforts have been
water supply connectivity. Such esti- forms backed by relevant policy and
shelved for now to assess the
mation for us does not exist. How- administrative interventions are the
ground water potential of
Karachi – e.g. recharging the ever for us, a critical realization only way to address this challenge.
aquifers in the Malir river basin should be that a drought scenario
by setting up infiltration will not bring a crisis, it may aggra- Within the context of the rural agro-
basins/check dams to facilitate vate an already existing crisis. There urban sector in Karachi, there is an
rain water storage/harvesting is a need for the KW&SB to move on urgent need to protect and replen-
and recharging of aquifers a number of fronts. There is an ur- ish the ground water resources
gent need to reduce the loss of through relevant policy and project
• A major hindrance is the ab- water through leakage management based interventions in addition to
sence of a ground water use that can happen within the context looking at promoting judicious use
policy in Pakistan – Karachi can of a larger initiative to rehabilitate of the water resources. This can
take the lead in this regard by the decaying infrastructure and pre- happen within a larger framework
formulating a ‘ground water vent theft. Water efficiency can be of protecting the threatened land
use policy for Karachi! improved through introducing water use of the rural hinterland and de-
metering that can lead to proper es- veloping a new vision of this land
• Lack of focus on promoting timation of demand and develop- mass and related economy as a vi-
conservation and recycling ment of related trends in able and sustainable source of pro-
practices to reduce stress on fluctuations in uses and also identi- viding food security for Karachi and
available fresh water resources fying the more water stressed areas. also acting as a barrier to the un-
There is a need to promote water planned, unregulated and unsus-
• Funding constraints to rehabili- conservation practices both at the tainable urban sprawl.
tate decaying urban water sup-
service provider and the consumer
ply infrastructure
level. There is huge water efficiency
clearly evident that the ground potential in using reclaimed water ExtrEmE hEAt
water resources of the Tuang Valley for non-potable uses. The focus EVENtS
in the Park were already overdevel- presently is directed mostly on aug-
oped. menting water supply (e.g. focus on Heat waves are typically defined as
K-IV project to bring 100 mgd more extended periods of hotter than av-
End note water for Karachi for the Indus river erage temperatures, although the
The probability of a drought affect- source). Though an option in itself, precise timing and temperature dif-
ing Karachi would depend upon it can only provide optimal benefits ferential varies regionally. Within
how much rain falls, how long are if other factors mainly at the distri- the context of extreme heat events,
periods of reduced rainfall, and how bution level that are hindering effi- the following focus areas are being
sensitive the supply-demand bal- ciency in water supply and usage considered.
ance for the various service areas is are tackled on an urgent basis si-
to drought. Ideally, based on such multaneously, if not with a greater • Urban Heat Island Effect (natural
an analysis the water service priority. However, for all this to hap- and anthropogenic factors)
provider could divide its supply area pen, the water utility needs to be fi- • Increasing water usage

Section 2: Understanding the Impacts

There is a lack of specificity in the Fig. 31

definition of an extreme heat event
or heat wave due to the importance karachi City
Cascading Consequences for ‘Drought’ and reduced rainfall
of local acclimatization to climate,
which varies geographically. Previ-
ous research shows that popula-
tions in different locations have
varying abilities to deal with tem-
perature extremes. For example, Consumers shift to more costly
Declining public
studies in Phoenix (US) have found health and possibly hazardous
no statistically significant relation- options and prioritize
Public use Reduced urban water
ship between mortality rates and supply (Hub Source)
discontent and
high temperatures below 43°C, possible Possible water riots
while in Boston (US), an increase in conflict Stressed ecosystems
Increased stress (E.g. Khirthar) an
the rates of mortality is observed at on Indus water green spaces
Lost public
32°C.22 source Drought
amenities Infrastructure dam-
Services age (E.g. water &
Extreme heat Events - Financial stress- disturbed due to sanitation)
possible Impacts infrastructure infrastructure
repair and health damage Reduced ground
• The ‘Urban Heat Island’ effect costs water replenishment
• Increasing water usage Bio-diversity loss
• Increasing energy demand for Possible migration –
farming communities Adverse impacts on farming
cooling – air conditioning sector and associated livelihoods
• Increased ‘load shedding’
• Heat related illness and deaths
• Damage to temperature re-
lated infrastructure (such as
electrical systems and trans-
port networks)
heat-retaining materials and few perature levels are expected to rise.
There can be several explanations homes have central air conditioning. In Karachi, generally summers are
for these variable responses. If ex- As a result, during extreme heat hot and prolonged and tempera-
tremely high temperatures occur at events, ambient air temperature in- tures in excess of 300C are quite the
infrequent intervals then the resi- side such homes can be dangerously norm. During the Study,no such
dents may not have the proper level high. As a result of climate change, data could be located which could
of preparedness to cope with sud- extreme heat events are predicted indicate deaths due to sustained
den variations. Housing structures to become more frequent, intense more than average heat waves – say
have a role to play as in places and longer lasting over most land in excess of 40 0C.
where cold weather is more of a areas. In the case of Pakistan gener-
norm,most homes are built from ally and In Karachi particularly, tem-

22 Global report on human settlements 2011,United Nations Human Settlements Programme

urban heat island effect Fig. 32
Urban settlements due to their spe- the Classic urban heat Island Effect profile
cific land use and development pro-
files can generate unique local O F O C
conditions while interacting with

late Afternoon tempe rat ure

heat events. The most significant of 33
such effect in the context of climate
change and extreme heat events is
known as the Urban Heat Island ef- 31
fect. The urban heat island de-
85 30
scribes the warmth of the surfaces
and atmosphere that urban area-
soften experience in comparison to
the rural areas that surround them.
Compared to rural areas, cities tend Rural Commercial Urban Suburban
Residential Residential
to have higher air and surface tem-
peratures due to the urban heat-is- Suburban Downtown Park Rural
Residential Farmland
land effect.
the urban heat Island Effect
the city’s surrounding area. At night, at an increased risk from extreme

T he fabric of buildings and

roads that make up the urban
realm absorbssolar energy. By
when urban heat-island effects are
strongest, temperature differences
heat events because of their low
adaptive capacity.23
can reach 12°C. By increasing tem-
earlyevening, the buildings an-
peratures, urban heat-island effects The scale of these effects is how-
droads start to radiate this stored
can aggravate the heat-related neg- ever, not uniform across cities. The
energy as heat,which escapes
ative implications of climate change physical layout of a city, its popula-
slowly, especially in narrow or
and impose costly energy demands tion size and density, and structural
tallstreets where it is re-absorbed
and re-radiatedfrom the buildings on urban systems as they attempt features of the built environment all
that line the street. Thisabsorp- to adapt to higher temperatures.Ex- influence the intensity of the urban
tion and retention of heat is why treme heat events negatively im- heat island effect. In some cities,
urbanareas can be warmer at pact upon human health and social the heat generated by traffic move-
night than rural areasand is stability, increase energy demand ment, air conditioning systems, in-
known as the ‘urban heat island and affect water supply. Heat waves dustrial emissions and other energy
effect. are more likely to impact upon vul- uses builds on the heat being radi-
nerable populations, including the ated from the buildings and roads,
For the average developed country elderly, very young, individuals with further raising temperatures. This
city of 1 million people, this phe- pre-existing health conditions and can be termed as an anthropogenic
nomenon can cause air tempera- the urban poor. The urban poor in- (man-made)contribution to the
tures that are 1°C to 3°C higher than developed countries are especially urban heat island effect.

23 Global report on human settlements 2011,United Nations Human Settlements Programme

Section 2: Understanding the Impacts

karachi – a potential for in the next decade and more . Ac- ill planned development are raising
urban heat island effect? cording to the KSDP 2020: some serious concerns. The provin-
In Karachi it is difficult to assess if cial government of Sindh passed the
the urban heat island effect is taking With mounting pressures exerted Sindh High Density Development
place and if so at what strength.As by the population growth over Board Bill, 2010 in the provincial as-
heat waves affect the whole of the the last two decades, two basic sembly on May 31, 2010, that was
city, mapping the intensity of the trends in land use are observed. assented to by the Governor of
urban heat island represents the Recently, commercial growth has Sindh on June 20, 2010 and through
best available measure of determin- taken place along major arterials. a Notification issued on June 24,
ing how temperatures vary across a While most residential neighbor- 2010 was made an Act of the Legis-
city. Surface temperature mapping hoods have acquired one or two lature of Sindh. The Act sanctions
is the best way at assess the likeli- storey structures, significant den- the Board to identify and earmark
hood and intensity of the phenome- sification has taken places the high density zones in the urban
non. However, available data on through construction of upper centers of the cities of the province
land surface temperatures in floors and subdivisions of large and in consultation with respective
Karachi is inconclusive owing to its plots. In many old and new areas, utility agencies, keeping in view the
random nature and not being spe- apartment buildings, 5-6 storeys general principles of the Master
cific to determining urban heat is- high, have replaced the low-den- Plan. High Density Zone is described
land effect. Karachi has the sity bungalow type housing. as an area designated under the Act
potential of developing a typical for construction of high rise build-
temperature profile of an urban Then there are some other develop- ings in the urban centers of the
heat island, where temperatures ments that given our experiences in Province.
rise from the rural fringe towards
the city centre.

Following are factors in urban

growth in Karachi that may con-
tribute or are already contributing
to raising the temperature levels in
the city due to human actions.

Population density
There is a strong relationship be-
tween density of development and
intensity of the urban heat island.
Karachi’s population is expected to
increase to 27.5 million by 2020.24
The population density within the
core of the city is on the rise and is
projected to increase even further An ever expanding city
Mohammad Arshad, Shehri-CBE

24 Karachi Strategic Development Plan 2020

Citizens protest!

A Resolution was passed in a Sem-

inar organized by Shehri-CBE
that clearly indicates some funda-
leading professionals of Karachi in
the lead up to these legislation/rules
have been entirely set aside or di-
sion of the physical and social infra-
structure (which will not be so sim-
ple to implement) has been
mental crisis in urban development luted beyond recognition. disregarded. The implication on the
in Karachi. Relevant excerpts are rest of the city has been overlooked,
quoted below: 2) While purporting to “identify and the poorer sections of society
and earmark the high-density zones have been forgotten
Having gathered here today, 16th in the urban centers of the cities of
June 2011, at the Auditorium of the the province, in consultation with 4) Such over-exploitation of the
IEP, Karachi, to examine: the utility agencies, keeping in view city will convert what is left into a
the general principles of the Master concrete jungle, and destroy the so-
l The Sindh High Density Develop- Plan” (extract from the Act 2010), cial fabric. Amenity plots all over the
ment Board Act 2010, and the legislation and rules have only city are being ruthlessly grabbed by
l The Sindh High Density Develop- been simplistically and crudely encroachers today, while the gov-
ment Board (Rules & Procedures) amended to permit: ernment looks on silently. Utilities
2011 (water, gas, electricity) are becoming
a) enhanced building sizes on exist- scarcer with each passing day, traffic
We citizens (engineers, architects, ing plots (up to twelve times chaos is multiplying, law and order
town-planners, environmentalists, more) is deteriorating and pollution will
economists, other professionals, ac- b) amalgamation of plots (up to any soon overwhelm us. Protests, public
tivists and concerned members of size) riots and violence are increasing.
the public) express our disappoint- c) commercialization of residential
ment and dismay at the legislation properties 5) It is imperative that planning
and rules that have been passed by d) elimination of set-backs (required must be realistic, simple, and in line
our parliamentary and government for ventilation and sunlight pene- with our countries resources, both
representatives allegedly for the tration), and physical and human. While imitating
benefit of the city and its residents. e) inadequate parking facilities the developed countries is fashion-
able, we must try for the possible.
The relevant issues include: 3) The corresponding strengthen-
1) The recommendations made by ing of the utility services, and expan-

While the development of a High adverse consequences should such creasing with more emphasis on the
Density Zone in itself is something a plan is put into practice. Maybe a use of private vehicle. During 1990
quite normal for a large urban set- discussion and focus on climate to 2008, the observed growth in ve-
tlement, the history and practice of change and an urban heat island ef- hicles is comparatively greater than
disregarding the relevant social and fect can provide an appropriate con- the population growth. There were
environmental consequences and text for stimulating discussion 1,113,000 registered vehicles in
lack of transparency of major urban regarding this government decision. Karachi in 2002 and 8,420,000 regis-
development projects in Karachi tered vehicles in 2007. During this
and in the province generally has transport short time period, we saw the regu-
made the citizens wary of the likely Automobile load on the roads is in- lar growth in vehicles. The observed

Section 2: Understanding the Impacts

growth during this time period is Fig. 33

about 656% and it is many time
population and Vehicular growth
more that the growth in urban pop-
ulation.25 There were 1,113,000 16
vehicles in Karachi in
The numbers are likely to grow mul-
2002 and 8,420,000 12
tifold. In the JICA demand forecast registered vehicles in 10
study - Special Assistance for Project 2007. During this
short time period, 8
Formation (SAPROF) for Karachi Cir-
there was a regular 6
cular Railway Project, 2009 - vehi- growth in vehicles.
cle ownership in 2020 was The observed growth 4
estimated at 61.6%. With the aver- during this time 2
age number of household members period is about 656%
and it is many time
taken as 3.9, which was obtained more that the growth
1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008

from the JICA person trip study, the in urban population! Population growth Vehicles growth
number of households in 2020 was Trend line of vehicles growth Trend line of population growth

estimated at about 7 million and the

Source: The preliminary study of urbanization, fossil fuels consumptions and CO2 emission in Karachi
number of vehicles owned esti- S. H. Sajjad, N. Blond, A. Clappier, Asif Raza, Safdar Ali Shirazi and Khadija Shakrullah, African Journal
mated at about 4.3 million - equiva- of Biotechnology Vol. 9(13), pp. 1941-1948, 29 March, 2010
lent to 156 vehicles per 1,000
people.. The emission of air pollutants is di- tional experience indicates that a
rectly related to fuel consumption. major share of the emission load
Pakistan’s consumption of petro- from motor vehicles can beat trib-
leum products is growing at an an- uted to a relatively small number of
nual rate of approximately 6 per smoky diesel and two-stroke vehi-
cent, almost half of which is con- cles (ADB,2005x). The main sources
sumed by the transport sector26. of ambient air pollution in Karachi
Vehicle-generated air pollution is are old and ill-maintained vehi-
severe, with high concentrations of cles,waste burning (8,000 tones of
fine and ultra fine particles in the air waste generated/day), re-sus-
which can cause respiratory prob- pended dust, and smallscale busi-
lems among a large number of nesses using ‘dirty fuels’ for
Karachi’s urban residents (ADB, manufacturing and production pur-
2005b). The fastest growth in mo- poses. Air pollution levels in Karachi
bile sources has been in two-stroke are extremely high by international
delivery vehicles, but the number of standards and rising each year (WB
diesel trucks and buses has also in- 2005).
Promoting private transport use
Mohammad Arshad, Shehri-CBE creased up to three times. Interna-

The preliminary study of urbanization, fossil fuels consumptions and CO2 emission in Karachi
S. H. Sajjad, N. Blond, A. Clappier, Asif Raza, Safdar Ali Shirazi and KhadijaShakrullah, African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 9(13), pp. 1941-
1948, 29 March, 2010
A Strategic Approach for Air PollutionReduction in Karachi,Dieter Schwela, Gary Haq and Mohammad Aqib Uddin, Stockholm Environment
Institute, IUCN, Pakistan Clean Air Network

While regularly updated data on ve- Fig. 34
hicular emissions is not available
Industrial growth on the rise!
some recent surveys indicate a sig-
nificant air quality implication of the 9000 50
growth in traffic load. Ambient air
8000 45
quality monitoring including SO2,
7000 40
NO2, CO, CO2 and PM10 was carried

Industrial area (km2)

out at 4 locations along the Karachi Industrial units 6000 35
Circular Railway (KCR) route for the 5000 30
Special Assistance for Project For- 4000 25
mation (SAPROF) for Karachi Circu- 3000 20
lar Railway Project, 2009. The 2000 15
various sources of air pollution in 1000 10
the project area were indicated as 1947-1953 1961-1969 1983-1986 1987-2009
industrial emissions, vehicular traf-
Industrial Industrial
fic, and dust arising from field road Units Area (Km2)
side and construction activities. The
Source: The preliminary study of urbanization, fossil fuels consumptions and CO2 emission in
prime objective of baseline air qual- Karachi -S. H. Sajjad, N. Blond, A. Clappier, Asif Raza, Safdar Ali Shirazi and Khadija Shakrullah,
ity survey was to determine the African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 9(13), pp. 1941-1948, 29 March, 2010
baseline of ambient air quality in units and area is not uniform and 2007 with an increase of 219%. This
and around the KCR route.The ambi- the industrial zones became denser oil and petrol are mainly used in
ent air quality data indicated much with time.27 The emissions from in- transport and power sectors
higher value of suspended particu- dustrial sources are discussed (Sheikh, 2010). After 1993, along
late matter at all the four locations briefly in the overall context of fossil with the transport sector, the con-
than the prescribed limits. The val- fuel consumption and C02 emis- sumption of oil increased mainly
ues of SO2, NOx and CO were found sions separately. due to usage of oil in thermal power
to be within or slightly over the per-
stations which were established just
missible limits. Fossil fuel consumption and after 1992 (Pakistan, 1994). After
CO2 emissions 2001, thousands of the old diesel
Industrial growth Consumption of coal in 1980 was engine vehicles were replaced by
The major industrial development in 262,000 short tons that increased to the compressed natural gas (CNG)
Karachi was during 1947 to 1969 1,009,000 short tons in 2007 with engines. Consumption of natural gas
and during 1986 to 2009. The high an increase of 285%. During 1993 to increased from 40 billion cubic feet
growth rate in urban population and 2000, the coal consumption was in 1980 to 186 billion cubic feet with
urbanization was also observed dur- quite stable but during 2000 to an increase of 365%. Its consump-
ing in the era of industrialization. 2006 increased a lot. This rapid in- tion has been regularly increasing
The computed growths in industrial crease is mainly due to increase of with time. It is mainly consumed in
units and industrial area are 249% consumption of coal in cement in- power generation, industries and
and 147%, respectively. It clearly dustry. The per day consumption of houses. Its consumption in trans-
shows that the proportion of in- oil and petrol jumped from 16,000 port sector is vibrantly increasing
creasing trends between industrial barrels in 1980 to 51,000 barrels in with time.
The preliminary study of urbanization, fossil fuels consumptions and CO2 emission in Karachi

Section 2: Understanding the Impacts

Co2 emission Fig. 35

T otal per-capita energy con-

sumption in Pakistan is 12.4
million BTUs (1 BTUs = 1,055.055 70
karachi City - Energy Consumption trends

joules) that contributes 0.7 met-

thousands barrels/day
60 39.2%
ric tons per-capita energy related
CO2 emission in environment.
Figure 9 is showing the regular in- 50
5.9% 1.7% 0.7% 0.6%
crease of CO2 emission in atmos-
phere over Karachi. The rate of 40
emission of CO2 is not only rapid
but it is showing a regular and 30
positive trend without any signifi-
y = 1.5662x - 3083.7
cant down fall throughout the
computed time. It is observed R 2 = 0.9032
that the CO2 emission in atmos-
phere has reached up to 151 mil- 1977 1980 1983 1986 1989 1992 1995 1998 2001 2004 2007 2010
lion metric tons in 2006 that was
just 39 million metric tons in Source: The preliminary study of urbanization, fossil fuels consumptions and CO2 emission in
Karachi - S. H. Sajjad, N. Blond, A. Clappier, Asif Raza, Safdar Ali Shirazi and Khadija Shakrullah,
1980. This 287% increase in CO2 African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 9(13), pp. 1941-1948, 29 March, 2010
during 1980 to 2007 is the result
of mass urbanization and energy
consumption in Karachi Fig. 36
karachi City - Co2 Emissions profile
Source: The preliminary study of urbanization,
fossil fuels consumptions and CO2 emission in
S. H. Sajjad, N. Blond, A. Clappier, Asif Raza,
Safdar Ali Shirazi and Khadija Shakrullah,
m illion metric ton s of Co 2

African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 9(13),

pp. 1941-1948, 29 March, 2010

A few critical vulnerabilities to be
highlighted that render the power
generation facilities and systems 2
under severe stress during extreme y = 0.0963x - 189.52
heat spells include extended and
sustained load shedding schedules 1 R 2 = 0.9577
(supply-demand gap) and frequent
tripping of generation units.)
1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 1996 2000 2004 2008

Source: The preliminary study of urbanization, fossil fuels consumptions and CO2 emission in Karachi
-S. H. Sajjad, N. Blond, A. Clappier, Asif Raza, Safdar Ali Shirazi and Khadija Shakrullah, African Jour-
nal of Biotechnology Vol. 9(13), pp. 1941-1948, 29 March, 2010

on consumer input) was indicated
during the warmer months of the
year. Capacity constraints at differ-
ent levels of the water utility to deal
with the associated challenges of in-
creased demand have already been
discussed in detail earlier .

Informal service provision - Accessing a pub- weakening defences

lic water supply network Green spaces (parks/farmlands) re-
Mohammad Arshad, Shehri-CBE duce the urban heat island by re-
flecting more of the incoming solar
a Citizen Report Card (CRC) was con- energy than urban materials, as well
ducted at the initiative of the as absorbing energy through photo-
KW&SB with the technical support synthesis and providing cooling
of the Water and Sanitation Pro- through evaporative
gram (WSP) Pakistan office. Among transpiration.As already discussed
Increasing energy demand other service delivery aspects and earlier in detail the green cover in
Mohammad Arshad, Shehri-CBE consumer coping mechanisms it the city is decreasing.
also investigated the water con-
sumption trends and a clear in-
crease in water consumption (based

Fig. 37
water usage profile – Annual Fluctuations

Seasonal water Scarcity

Widening gap in supply and demand
Mohammad Arshad, Shehri-CBE

water usage 80
In extreme heat events, a much
greater than normal pressure is ex- 60
erted on the potable water supply
sources with increased consump- 40
tion. As there is no water metering y ry ch ril ay ne ly
ar st er er er er
at the retail level in Karachi, there is 20 nu ua ar Ap M Ju Ju gu emb tob emb cmb
Ja br M u c
Fe A pt O Nov De
no way of accurately assessing the 0 Se
fluctuations or trends in water con-
sumption. However, recently a pub- Source: Water & Sewerage Services in Karachi – Citizen Report Card - Sustainable Service Delivery
lic perception survey in the form of Improvements –2010 – KW&SB/WSP

Section 2: Understanding the Impacts

Critical Challenges user while at the same time acting

as possible physical barriers and
• Critical gaps in our ‘understanding’ of urban development trends constraints to the development of a
overheating risks and target priority areas viable public transport system.
m Relation between population density and heat island effect
m Contribution of anthropogenic factors in raising urban heat – traf- The issue of the ever existing and
fic/air-condition use etc.) widening supply-demand gap in
m Impact on infrastructure (E.g. power, water, transport) water supply, related cross cutting
m Health impacts concerns and the grave institutional
• Shrinking green cover in the city
challenges being faced by the water
• Promote a green roof/rooftop garden program
utility – the KW&SB - has already
• A transport infrastructure that discourages use of public transport
been discussed. Yet again here the
and focuses on promoting use of ‘private automobiles’
major cause of concern is on the
• Extremely high water and energy loss during transmission and distri-
bution and no promotion of ‘water’ and ‘energy’ conservation meas- prioritization of actions to tackle the
ures – lack of focus on alternative and environment friendly ‘energy challenges. Focus is largely on aug-
sources’ menting water supply. While such
• Critical gaps in the ‘health emergency response systems – an action can provide benefits in
health/emergency/trauma facilities the short run, it cannot on its own
provide a viable and lasting solution
to the crisis unless it is linked with
End note commodate residential and com- measures to drastically reduce
Lack of appropriate data and re- mercial growth pressures. water loss and actively work to pro-
search again act as a constraining mote water conservation and waste
factor in determining the presence An appalling lack of focus and prior- water reclamation practices to
and extent of the relevant climate ity on providing the city with so- lessen the pressure on the already
change impacts such as the urban cially, environmentally and stressed water supply resources. A
heat island effect. However, possible financially viable public transport new paradigm in water resources
contributing factors can be identi- options has led to a phenomenal management has to be envisioned
fied and mostly relate with the un- growth in the numbers of private by working with a basket of op-
planned and unregulated growth vehicle usage that is now globally tions for improved service provi-
that has now become the norm in being discouraged as a sustainable sion and institutional reforms.
Karachi’s development scenario. mode of transport in terms of ad-
Options for horizontal growth are verse impacts on the environment
now negligible if not already ex- and sustainable growth of urban
hausted within the inner city and settlements. While there is much
vertical growth scenarios are being talk of investing in public transport
considered – however, without options, it is a matter of grave con-
proper consideration for the social, cern that the present enhanced
environmental safeguards necessary focus on specific transport infra-
for making them a viable planning structure such as flyovers is geared
and development strategy to ac- to the benefit of the private vehicle

Fig. 38 • Rising water table
• Salt water intrusion
- karachi City -
• Inundation and flooding
Cascading Consequences for ‘Extreme heat Events’
• Storm surge
• Coastal erosion

Sea level rise:

possible Impacts
Declining public health Increased gap in water‘supply and dmand’
Increased gap in power ‘supply • Damage to sensitive
Public discontent and and demand’
Urban heat Island’
government installations and
possible conflict
Stress on health in effect Increased water residential/recreational and
Financial stress- frastructure/facilities
usage commercial properties
Psycho logical and
repair and health social stresses
Increased energy demand • Damage to bio-diversity/
costs for cooling (air
conditioning) Heat ExtrEmE
Setback to ofindustrial and related illness and hEAt • Livelihoods loss – fishing
economy due to EVENtS
commercial activities deaths communities
disruption of
commercial and Urban services Damage to temperature
industrial activities disturbed due to related Infrastructure
infrastructure damage (power and transport) Average sea levels have been rising
Heavy financial (power supply, water
burden on already Increased ‘load around the world during recent
supply, transport)
stressed public services shedding’ decades, but with significant re-
for repair and Consumers shift to more
maintenance works costlyservice options (power/water supply) gional variation. The average rate of
rise accelerated from 1.8mm per
year between 1961 and 2003 to
3.1mm per year between 1993 and
2003.Sea-level rise is a serious con-
cern for coastal cities as rising water
levels and storm surges can cause
property damage, displacement of
SEA lEVEl rISE residential/recreational and com-
residents, disruption of transporta-
mercial properties
tion and wetland loss.28
Sea-level rise refers to the increase • Livelihoods loss – fishing commu-
in the mean level of the oceans. nities
Tropical cyclones are weather sys-
Within the context of extreme heat tems that are being related with
events, the following focus areas Sea level rise, by itself and in combi-
(though the science is not ab-
are being considered. nation with other coastal hazards,
solutely conclusive) possible rising
such as intense storms and the ef-
of sea surface temperatures and
• Damage to bio-diversity/ecosys- fects of climate change, can have
consequent sea level rise. They are
tems many interacting consequences.
associated with thunderstorms and
• Damage to sensitive government Possible hazards include:
strong winds characterized by their
installations and wind circulation patterns and a well-
Global Report on Human Settlements,2011,United Nations Human Settlements Programme

Section 2: Understanding the Impacts

defined centre resulting in waves table 5

and storm surges (i.e. temporary
offshore rise of water) that can Sea level rise in karachi
According to the Studies Carried out at the National Institute of oceanography
damage property and threaten the (NIo), the Sea level Along the Coast of pakistan has Been rising Approximately
safety of communities and bio-di- at 1.2 mm per year, in Agreement with the Average global rise of 1.5 mm per
versity in the affected area. year Since 1960. Based on karachi tidal Station records projections for the
Next 100 years are Estimated at a rate of 1.1mm/yr rise
Assessing risk projected level (m)
The risks posed by sea level rise it- tidal State present State (m)
after 100 years
self for Karachi may be negligible in Lowest Astronomical Tide -0.49 +0.11
the short term and current time- Mean Lower Low Water +0.97 +1.57
frame but may become a cause for
Mean Higher Low Water +1.43 +2.03
concern in a longer run. However,
again, the science and related re- Mean Sea Level +2.04 +2.64
search is inconclusive but climate Mean Lower High Water +2.65 +3.25
change then is all about considering Mean Higher High Water +3.38 +3.98
possibilities and dealing with fore- Highest Astronomical Tide +3.84 +4.44
casts rather than certainties and
predictions. The most viable and
cost effective approach to minimiz- tropical Cyclone Impact
ing the possible impacts of sea level
rise in the longterm is the integra-
tion of measures into infrastructure
C yclones are classified as ‘storms’ when sustained wind speeds reach
between 63km to 118km per hour, while a hurricane is a tropical cy-
clone with sustained wind speeds exceeding 118km per hour
design and development planning in
the short term. Such an approach The implications of increased cyclone activity andintensity are far reach-
would translate the long term risks ing for cities. Power outages duringstorms disrupt transportation, eco-
of sea level into an active policy and nomic activity and supplyof potable water. Physical destruction caused
planning, management issue for by storms isoften extremely expensive to repair and results in fatali-
today. tiesand injuries to humans and wildlife. Furthermore, inundationof
water during storms can contaminate water supplieswith saltwater,
However, the implications of an ex- chemicals and waterborne diseases
treme weather event such as cy-
clone have a greater urgency and Source:Global Report on Human Settlements 2011,United Nations Human Settlements Programme
intensity attached to them for
Karachi. Major flooding associated
with a major cyclonic event can re- damage due to wetlands destruc- disrupt supply of potable water and
sult in serious damage to businesses tion, inundation of sewage and contaminate water supplies with
and residential complexes, disrup- damage to low lying residential/ saltwater, chemicals and water-
tion of economic activity (e.g. at the recreational areas and coastal fish- borne diseases.
Karachi Port and Fish Harbor) in- ing communities. Furthermore, in-
juries and fatalities, environmental undation of water during storms can

The National Institute of Oceanog- table 6
raphy (NIO) is of the view that the
Cyclones – Extreme Events
ground subsidence rates in the
Indus deltaic region due to lack of Name/year Impact losses
sediment flux and excessive ground Sindh & Balochistan 2.5 million affected.
Yemyin (June
water extraction are probably in the (coastal and adjoining 7 districts of Balochistan and 2
range 2-4 mm per year. The ground regions) of Sindh severely affected
subsidence has already resulted in Localized impact. Cyclone impacted
the sea water intrusion upstream of with a reduced impact result-
Onil Oct 2004 Sindh – Thatta and Badin
the delta extending up to 80 km in ing in heavy local precipi-
the coastal areas of Thatta, Hyder- tation
abad and Badin districts (Panhwar Cyclone of May Sindh coast - Thatta and 202 deaths. Houses fully / partially
1999; Inam et al. 2007). The main 1999 Badin damaged -138,719
factor considered responsible for in- 15 Dec 1965 Karachi and Thatta 10,000 affected
trusion of sea water into the Indus (Source: Cyclone Contingency Plan for Karachi City 2008,NDMA)
deltaic region is an insufficient flow
of Indus water downstream Kotri
barrage. An average of 35 maf went table 7
downstream Kotri during the period Coastal Installations: lifelines of ‘National’ Economy
1976-77 to 2002- 03; it varied be- the
tween 0.8 maf in 2000-01 (when the Economic Importance
the IRS inflow was 103 maf) and 92
Karachi Karachi Port is now handling over 11.74 million tons of liquid cargo and
maf in 1994-95 (when the IRS inflow
Port 25.45 million tons of dry cargo, including 1,213,744 TEUs which
was 166 maf) (GoP-MoW&P 2005). Trust constitute about 60% of import/export of the country
However, possible scale and impacts
of salt water intrusion along the Port The port encompasses a total area of 12,000 acres (49 km2) wherein
Karachi coast are still not clear. Qasim many industrial zones operate. In addition to the Pakistan Steel Mills
Authority and KESC Bin Qasim Power Plant (1260 MW) around 80% of the Pak-
istan's automotive industry is located at Port Qasim. The port also pro-
At risk – people and assets vides direct waterfront access to two major nearby industrial areas,
Without having the facility of appro- Export Processing Zone (Landhi) and Korangi Industrial Area. Approxi-
priate mapping and classification an mately 60% of country's export and import is originated from these
effort nonetheless is being made to areas
identify and classify areas of future Karachi Karachi is the biggest fishery hub in Pakistan. Fisheries play an
impacts from ocean coastal flooding Fishing important role in Karachi's economy. They provide employment to
due to projected sea level rise and Industry about 300,000 fishermen directly. In addition, another 400,000 people
storms in order to reduce risk in are employed in ancillary industries. It is also a major source of export
those areas. earning. The Karachi Fish Harbor (handles about 90% of fish and
seafood catch in Pakistan and 95% of fish and seafood exports from
Pakistan) and Korangi Fish Harbor are two major fish harbors in Karachi
KANUPP KANUPP, Karachi is a single unit CANDU PHWR with a total gross
capacity of 137 MW

Section 2: Understanding the Impacts

people Karachi Fish Harbor play a critical Karachi. The approximated area of
In terms of communities located in role in sustaining its functions. For these islands is 4 km² and the popu-
the immediate risk zone, the most exports, the major fishery is for lation is about 12000.
significant human settlements both prawns and the bulk of the catch is
in terms of their exposure and vul- landed in Karachi where there are public and private infra-
nerability are the fishing communi- export facilities, which have been structure
ties residing in fishing villages approved by the European Union Public and private infrastructure
dotted along the Karachi coast.No (EU), and where the competent au- dominates large sections of
detailed Sector Study has been thority - the Federal Marine Fish- Karachi’s coastline. This infrastruc-
done on the fisheries sector since eries Department is based. ture includes nuclear power plant,
1986 and there has been no work harbors and ports, sewage treat-
on the estimation of fish stocks It is estimated that 100,000 people ment plants along with the housing,
within the 12-200 mile zone for 20 (10,000 families) together with businesses and recreational re-
years29. According to the State Bank more than 30,000 (household sources.
of Pakistan (2005), the share of fish- heads) employed in the Karachi area
eries in GDP is only 0.3% while its from Karachi Fish harbor, Ibrahim public infrastructure -Some
share in agriculture is 1.3%. As such, Hyderi (most populace coastal fish- critical installations of national im-
fisheries though not being a high ing village) and other landing cen- portance are located right along the
value contributor to the national ters in Korangi creek and elsewhere coast. They include Karachi Nuclear
wealth nevertheless supports signif- near Karachi depend on fisheries.30 Power Plant (KANUPP),the Karachi
icant human livelihoods and that harbor (port and fisheries), naval in-
too of extremely vulnerable com- More than the inland coastal com- stallations (PNS Himalya) and Port
munities. munities would be the inhabitants Qasim Authority (PQA). Any disrup-
of the twin islands of Babaand Bhit. tion in their functions even for a day
Fishery is an export driven sector Baba Bhit Island is the smallest costs the nation in billions of ru-
and the Karachi port and the neighborhood of Keamari Town in pees. The TP-3 Mauripur Waste

Fishing – an important livelihood source for Livelihoods at risk from shifting sea levels Fishing – A family industry
coastal communities Mohammad Arshad, Shehri-CBE Mohammad Arshad, Shehri-CBE
Mohammad Arshad, Shehri-CBE

Pakistan Coastal and Inland Community Development Project, 2005, ADB Technical Assistance Consultants Report (Financed by the Japan
Special Fund) – Prepared by ANZDEC Limited Consultants, ANZDEC Limited, New Zealand – in cooperation with Resource Monitoring and
Development Group, Pakistan and SEBCON (Pvt.) Limited Pakistan
30 Pakistan Coastal and Inland Community Development Project, 2005, ADB Technical Assistance Consultants Report (Financed by the Japan
Special Fund) – Prepared by ANZDEC Limited Consultants, ANZDEC Limited, New Zealand – in cooperation with Resource Monitoring and
Development Group, Pakistan and SEBCON (Pvt.) Limited Pakistan

The Karachi harbor – a critical national economic lifeline Public recreation at Clifton beach
Mohammad Arshad, Shehri-CBE Mohammad Arshad, Shehri-CBE

Water Treatment Plant (54 MGD ca- A viable planning document – the
pacity) is also located close to the Karachi Coastal Recreation Develop-
Lyari River estuary. Wastewater ment Plan, 1990-2000 –(Karachi De-
treatment plants in the coastal zone velopment Authority Master Plan &
are at risk from flooding and the as- Environmental Control Department,
sociated corrosion caused by salt UNDP, United Nations Center for
water infiltration. In addition to the Human Settlement, Doxiadis Associ-
treatment facilities themselves, the ate International Group S.A Consult-
substrate for sewer pipes could be ant on Development and Ekistics &
damaged by erosion and a rising Osmani and Company Private Lim-
water table. The combined sewer ited) serves as the guideline for
outfall systems, such as the Lyari coastline recreation development as
and Malir river outfalls and drainage per the Karachi Building and Town
channel outfalls already experienc- Planning Regulations where the en-
ing untreated discharges during tire 40 mile strip of Karachi coastline
high-rainfall events in Karachi, can Expanding commercial development along right from Hub River estuary passing
be further compromised by back- the coastline through Paradise Point, Hawksbay,
Mohammad Arshad, Shehri-CBE
flow and/or gravity discharge prob- Manora and Western/eastern back-
lems as sea level rises. waterfront land – along the Clifton waters and Clifton, Gizri, Defence
beach for example. Coastal land and Korangi right upto Gharo creek
private infrastructure -A key reclamation has also taken place in is an interim control area for the
area of concern for the Karachi City the process and the possible im- purpose and tourism.
planners could be the major resi- pacts on the coastal hydrology –
dential, business and recreation erosion and deposition patterns -are The guidelines are extensive in
areas being constructed along the uncertain. terms of identifying environmental

Section 2: Understanding the Impacts

planning zones – conservation, uti- fish, birds and other wildlife. They mitigating their loss. Such migration
lization, restricted zones – however, also improve surface water quality will not be possible in areas where
firstly there are no provisions for by filtering, storing, and detoxifying shoreline protective structures, de-
dealing with any scenarios that wastes. The major export item in velopment, or natural impediments
might be related with climate the fishery sector for Pakistan is (open water or steep slopes) pre-
change and secondly, the level to shrimps/prawns and mangroves vent it (already we are altering the
which the guidelines are being fol- provide a nursery area for shrimp Karachi shoreline through develop-
lowed in terms of completed or post larvae and juveniles.31 ment related land reclamation).32
planned coastal development is far
from satisfactory. Recent studies suggest that storm Other than their bio-diversity and
surges superimposed on higher sea economic value, there are other
Ecosystems levels will increase the frequency reasons why coastal wetlands and
All the possible hazards associated and extent of flooding in coastal re- marshes need to be protected. Such
with seal level rise scenario have gions and estuaries, thus increasing ecosystems are also an important
the capacity of damaging, in cases the risk of damage to vulnerable form of natural infrastructure along
irreversibly the exposed ecosystems wetlands.At the lower end of pro- the shore and are estimated to pre-
viability. Following are highlighted jected sea level rise rates, the slow vent approximately $23 billion dol-
some Karachi’s critical coastal deposition of water-borne sediment lars in coastal storm damage each
ecosystems that are likely to be im- will enable some tidal wetlands to year on the southeast and Gulf of
pacted: migrate into adjacent upland areas, Mexico coasts.33 There is some evi-

mangroves – tidal wetlands

Wetland loss (mangrove forests) in
coastal areas along the Indus delta
and Karachi coast is a cause of seri-
ous concern. Wetlands are undergo-
ing either rapid conversion to
mudflats, or have been filled to cre-
ate land for development. In addi-
tion to the loss of natural services
caused by filling wetlands, the
low-elevation communities or prop-
erties that come up at their cost can
be at high risk from storm surge and
sea level rise.Wetlands provide criti-
cal spawning grounds, nurseries, The mangroves ecosystem – precious biodiversity
shelter, and food for finfish, shell- Mohammad Arshad, Shehri-CBE

Pakistan Coastal and Inland Community Development Project, 2005, ADB Technical Assistance Consultants Report (Financed by the Japan
Special Fund) – Prepared by ANZDEC Limited Consultants, ANZDEC Limited, New Zealand – in cooperation with Resource Monitoring and
Development Group, Pakistan and SEBCON (Pvt.) Limited Pakistan
32 New York State Sea Level Rise Task Force Report to the Legislature, December 2010
33 Costanza, R., et al. 2006. The Value of New Jersey's Ecosystem Services and Natural Capital: Part One, 3, http://www.nj.gov/dep/dsr/natu-

dence to suggest that as mangroves Fig. 39
are able to absorb 70-90% of the
the green turtle Nesting habitat –
energy from a normal wave, they
hawksbay/Sandspit Beach EcoSystem
acted as viable buffers during the
2006 Tsunami catastrophe.

the Sandspit/hawksbay
ecosystem- threatened
To provide an idea of the ecological
richness and sensitivity of the
Karachi coastline a brief outline is
being provided of the natural back-
water habitat of the Sandspit/
Hawksbay beach ecosystem. Some turtle Nesting places
of the main wetland sites on Karachi 2009 (Sep)
coast that have been identified as
Wetlands of International Impor-
tance and include the Sandspit/
Hawksbay area. The area has al- 0 155 310 620 930 Meters

ready been included in the Direc- (Source: SHEHRI-CBE)

tory of Asian Wetlands. A large area
of Sandspit/Hawksbay back waters morants,flamingoes,ducks,gulls and There is a direct link between possi-
supports dense mangrove vegeta- terns.34 ble climate change scenarios and
tion comprising Avicennia marina sustainability of turtle nesting and
species of mangroves.The back wa- Sea Turtles enjoy a protected status breeding. Sea level rise can result in
ters contain a very rich and complex in Pakistan. Virtually all the marine reducing the available beach habi-
food web of algae, invertebrates liv- turtles nesting sites in Sindh occur tat. In addition to rising sea levels,
ing in the mud, such as worms, on the Hawksbay/Sandspit beaches, climate change is also likely to result
shrimps,crabs and juvenile fish. concentrated along one 5 km in further increases in the tempera-
Many water birds are to be found in stretch but extending in some de- ture of the sand, which could alter
this area,especially herons,waders gree along the entire beach strip of
such as stints,sandpipers,red- around 20 km. These two beaches
shanks,avocets and black winged represent the largest nesting habitat
stilts, and hawks such as ospreys, for marine turtles in Pakistan where
and brahminny kites.The ecosystem the dominant resident turtle is the
is one of the most important areas green turtle. Due to various human
for wintering, passage and summer- activities the habitat and green tur-
ing shorebirds in Pakistan,and also tles are already threatened .
supports significant numbers of cor-
A nesting green turtle at the Sandspit beach
Directory of Asian Wetlands

Section 2: Understanding the Impacts

the sex ratio in sea turtle popula- Study: Sandspit/Hawksbay Coastal gible manner on the possible im-
tions.As with some other reptile Ecosystem as a Turtle Nesting Habi- pacts of any climate change sce-
species, the sex of sea turtle hatch- tat, 2010- already established a di- nario. However, despite absence of
lings is determined by rect relationship between: historical data of cyclone impact on
temperature.In the case of turtles, Karach,i two scenarios have been
hatching when the sand is above • increasing elevation of the beach identified by the Pakistan Meteoro-
the pivotal temperature produces a and the increasing numbers of logical Department (PMD) that have
female; hatching below the temper- successful turtle nests been documented in the Cyclone
ature produces a male.Similarly, if • decreasing ground water level Contingency Plan for Karachi City,
the air and water temperatures rise, and increasing number of suc- prepared by the National Disaster
the time of year when sea turtle cessful turtle nests Management Authority (NMDA)
nesting occurs could be drastically Government of Pakistan in 2008.
changed.The major cause of sea Both favorable physical attributes The worst case scenario is high-
level is expansion of the ocean due are likely to change in case of a sea lighted below:
to raised temperatures(Since 1961, level rise scenario adversely impact-
the world’s oceans have been ab- ing on the green turtle nesting pat- Scenario 1 – Cyclone cate-
sorbing more than 80 per cent of terns. gory III or above (worst
the heat added to the climate, caus- cases scenario) depicts a World
ing ocean water to expand and con- tropical cyclone in karachi Meteorological Department (WMO)
tributing to rising sea levels. – likely scenario defined Category III cyclone storm
Between 1993 and 2003, ocean ex- Not much has been done to simu- or above making landfall in Karachi
pansion was the largest contributor late or think in a quantitative or tan- City. Its key impacts are summarized
to sea-level rise35). Evidence is grow- below: -
ing that changes in temperature due
Fig. 40
to climate change shift critical life
events in many species including higher ground water level – less Nesting
their breeding, feeding and migra-
tion cycles.One recent study con-
cludes that it is likely that southern 0
populations of turtles in the United 1
States will become “ultra-biased” 2
towards female populations if tem- Water depth
peratures increase by even 1˚C.3 36
Top Soil Core 4

A recent Study conducted by Shehri- 5

Citizens for a Better Environment 6
(funded by the office of WWF Pak- 7
istan) - Assessing the habitat suit- Soil Core-4 Soil Core-6 Soil Core-5
(Source: Shehri-CBE)
ability for specie habitation- Case

35 Global Report on Human Settlements,2011,United Nations Human SettlementsProgramme

Elizabeth Griffin, Emily Frost, Lisa White, David Allison. Climate Change and Commercial Fishing:
A One-twoPunch for Sea Turtles. November, 2007

Storm surge wave Storm wind rainfall
• It would start to impact Karachi • Wind speed up to 64 – 120 knots • Approximately 200 -225 mm rain-
City with increasing velocity when (118-222 kmh) is expected fall (9-10 inches) is expected over
the cyclone is 25-30 kilometers • Wind impact would commence a period of 36 hours in the City
from the coast when the cyclone is 25-30 kilo- • Its intensity is likely to be more
• It reaches peak about 2 kilome- metres from the coast pronounced along the centre /
tres from the coast with maxi- • Its impact is most likely to be se- eye of the cyclone
mum speed vere along the centre / eye of the
• Height of the surge wave could cyclone End note
range between 12-15 feet or • Wind impact would vary depend- As with the case of other climate
above ing on the direction / axis of the change scenarios, here again, there
• The wave is likely to travel up to 5 cyclone movement is a desperate need for research, fill-
km inland • Wind pressure decreases as cy- ing of data gaps and working with
• The topography of Karachi City clone passes certain point data to inform appropriate decision
adjoining the coast does not offer making, starting with the outlining
any natural resistance to the tidal of areas of greatest vulnerability to
wave - Impediments would be in
the shape of city infrastructure or
built up area
• Depending on the point of impact Fig. 41
the water inflows would be regu- potential Scale of urban Flooding
lated along the road network and
along Malir and Lyari rivers plus
other storm water drains
• Immediate impact would be total
paralysis within 3-5 kilometres of
the coastal region depending on
the point of the impact of storm
surge wave
• However communications paraly-
sis can occur in low lying areas lo-
cated much deeper from the
point of impact

City authorities would have to
evacuate population within
a minimum of 2 kilometers along
the coast (Source: Cyclone Contingency Plan for Karachi City 2008,NDMA)

Section 2: Understanding the Impacts

table 8 Critical Challenges

likely humanitarian Impact – Scenario 1 • Critical assets and vulnerable
towns population Affected population communities at potential flood
Worst affected towns (5
3,651,791 2,395,368
• High potential for residual
Moderately affected towns (2 damage in case infrastructure
1,730,957 407,864
towns) changes to protect areas from
Towns affected by rain and property damage from storm
9,737,082 1,864,641 surge/flood water (diverting
winds (13 towns)
grand total 15,119,830 4,667,873 and concentrating flood waters
to more confined locations)
Affected pop / relief Caseload in worst Affected towns
are not initiated
Korangi 829,813 622,360 (75%)
DHA 379,596 303,677 (80%) • No focus on assessing needs
Saddar 935,566 654,897 (70%) for development of structural
Keamri 583,640 583,640 (100)
and non-structural flood pro-
tection projects
Lyari 923,176 230,794 (25%)
total 3,651,791 2,395,368 • More extensive storm water
50% of the entire population in the worst affected towns would need to be evacu- capture infrastructure to de-
ated crease the potential of flood-
(Source: Cyclone Contingency Plan for Karachi City 2008,NDMA)
ing impacts

• No habitat management plan

coastal hazards. Shoreline invento- ing flood protection barriers, sea in placefor critical bio-diversity
ries should be completed for public walls, beach nourishment or divert- and habitats within the con-
and private infrastructure and as- ing and concentrating flood waters text of climate change risk
sets in addition to the status of the to more confined locations. How-
• Urgent need to build capacity
threatened bio-diversity and sup- ever, another long term threat for
among exposed and vulnera-
porting ecosystems. The relevant which consideration can be given
ble communities for reducing
agencies and authorities must con- now is within the context of what is
tinue to monitor coastal processes termed as residual damage – where
and improve understanding of how irreversible damage takes place
they will be affected by sea level from a climate change scenario. This
rise. is more relevant in the case of sea
level rise as rising sea level and re-
Protective measures against flood- sulting erosion may result in loss of
ing say from a cyclonic event need coastal land.
to be considered, such as construct-

Over the long term, non-structural Fig. 42
measures, such as elevation of
karachi City - Cascading Consequences for ‘Sea level rise’
at-risk structures and planned relo-
cation away from the coastal shore-
line, may prove more cost effective,
as structural solutions, other than
being more costly also may limit Setback to
public access to beaches and pre- economic growth
Damage to bio-diversity
vent natural systems from migrating Possible and ecosystems
resettlement and
inland as water levels increase financial /social Livelihoods loss
support ( fishing communities)
owing to barriers created by coastal challenge Heightened urban
flashflood risk (E.g.
(livelihood loss Damage to sensitive
structures and changes in shoreline of fishing government increased cyclone
communities) installations and events) SEA
configuration, leaving them to residential and lEVEl
Job losses recreational/ Salt water intrusion rISE
drown in place. However a strategy commercial
Financial stress- properties Increased ‘coastal
adopting mixed approaches of infrastructure erosion’
Services disturbed
structural and non-structural solu- repair and health
costs due to infrastructure
damage (power,
tions may offer the best solutions.. Setback to real estate transport, water supply etc.)
and property business

A critical priority is to build capacity Public discontent and

possible conflict
in the exposed and vulnerable com-
munities through raising awareness
about the risks so that they can act
to reduce the vulnerability of
high-risk areas. Community-based
organizations need to be engaged
Fig. 43
with for mobilizing public opinion
and building the required adaptive Climate Change risk Zone map (madiha Salam, Shehri-CBE)
capacity and resilience. Climate Change risk Zone
people and Assets EPZA

Since a large number of federal and Main Natural Nala

Fishing Village
private entities own land and assets Slum Settlements
along the coast, a larger and more Agriculture Land
Flora and Fauna
holistic framework around a com- Hub River
prehensive climate change adapta- Kanupp

tion strategy would have to be Clifton/Defance

Navy Installions
worked out so that the city govern- Harbor
ment can mediate and negotiate Port Qasim

the required actions and responses. Steel Mill

Power Stations

Hill Settlements

Section 3 : Managing the Impacts

n a country like Pakistan where marginalized communities – within have steadily eroded. Karachi in ef-
there are crisis a plenty with the which measures for climate change fect is a highly decentralized city in
economy and critical institutions adaptation are integrated. This is terms of control over land and pro-
of the state struggling to find rele- what constitutes as making a city re- vision of services. This decentraliza-
vance within a viable governance silient not just to meet a climate tion is manifested both officially and
framework, where the social sector change impact but to cope with the unofficially.
is stressed and heightened security everyday risks and urban growth
concerns a matter of daily routine it challenges generally. The context Nearly 90% of city land is under
is difficult to imagine that an issue therefore is of making a city vibrant public ownership, where housing fa-
like climate change and possible and well governed with prepared- cilities cannot be extended without
long term projections laced with un- ness to meet likely climate change the consent of owning agency, of
certainties would create a sense of scenarios accruing as a co- which there are 17 major institu-
urgency and need for immediate ac- benefit.This understanding can lead tions (ADB 2005). The city govern-
tion. Mobilizing people and institu- to a strategically important shift of ment owns only 30.9% of the land.37
tions for action would then require not considering climate change While decentralization may be one
placing the issue in a context that adaptation as something separate challenge, the greater challenge is
can find both relevance and urgency rather incorporating the relevant the complete absence of a coordi-
within our larger planning priorities. policy and strategies in the overall nating legislative or administrative
development framework as they re- mechanism binding these decentral-
A discussion on climate change late to specific sectors and institu- ized entities. Due to a variety of rea-
adaptation should therefore start tions. sons, mostly political, the mandate
with a discussion on how the cli- and relevance of the local govern-
mate change-related risks fit within If we focus on Karachi than there ment development authorities has
other existing risks and priority chal- are some fundamental challenges been minimized to a level that most
lenges rather than on the risks that related to the larger governance development taking place along the
climate change is bringing or may and institutional framework that peripheral areas is informal in na-
bring. Climate change adaptation is need to be addressed first. Under- ture mostly through land grabs. Pro-
all about promoting good develop- standing the political economy is vision of services is not sanctioned
ment and good governance and on the first step in moving towards de- for these settlements rather are ac-
bringing all relevant stakeholders vising a viable strategy for reforms. cessed illegally accessing tapping
under a common platform for ac- While developing and implementing civic infrastructure. Conflicts, basi-
tion and coordination. The strategic a climate change adaptation strat- cally political in nature with ethnic,
framework that binds climate egy has to be a participatory financial and social underpinnings
change adaptation actions are process, the main responsibility for are making the city and the associ-
geared to meet already existing implementing policies to address ated policy formulation and devel-
gaps and deficits in key urban serv- the impacts of climate change in opment processes more divisive and
ices such as provision for water, san- cities rests with local governments. complicated. So the first challenge is
itation, drainage, energy efficiency, For us this consideration offers the to resolve conflicts and place the
housing and healthcare, emphasis most critical challenge of all. Over city government in a rightful place
on sustainable public transport, and the years, the capacity and writ of of adopting the role of the
improving the financial well being of local government entities in Karachi guardians of the city with the requi-
37 Karachi Strategic Development Plan (KSDP) 2020

managing the Impacts
Flooding Drought Extreme heat Events Sea level rise
Develop a ‘Flood Risk Zone’ Develop a ‘ground water Improve our ‘understand- Revised ‘planning guide-
(E.g. ‘Flood Plain’ identifica- profile’ ing’ of urban development lines’ for ‘development’
tion of Lyari/Malir Rivers) trends overheating risks along the coastline – (E.g.
Prepare a ‘ground water and target priority areas. reassessment of the ‘high
Develop ‘Flood Risk Maps’ policy’ with identification of • Relation between ‘popu- water mark’)
Identify critical ‘assets’ and ‘priority use’ and ‘water lation density’ and ‘heat
‘vulnerable communities’ at zoning’ island effect’ Identify critical ‘assets’ and
flood risk • Contribution of ‘anthro- ‘vulnerable communities’
Implement projects to im- pogenic’ factors in raising at flood risk
Develop a ‘surface water prove the ‘recharge’ and urban heat – traffic/air-
management plan’ ‘storage capacity’ of river condition use etc.) Application of ‘infrastruc-
basins/aquifers (E.g. Infil- • Impact on infrastructure ture changes’ to protect
Evaluate and improve the tration basins, check/stor- (E.g. power, water, trans- areas from property dam-
design (designed for an ap- age dams etc.) – port) age from storm surge/flood
propriate rainfall intensity sustainability of farming • Health impacts water (diverting and con-
and probability) and main- practices and bio-diversity centrating flood waters to
tenance of the city Increase the ‘green cover’ more confined locations)
‘drainage network’ Implement measures to in the city
promote ‘sustainable water Assess need for develop-
Create an integrated ‘flood use’ in farming/agricultural Promote a ‘green ment of ‘flood protection’
reporting and response practices – cropping pat- roof/rooftop garden’ pro- projects such ‘barriers’
mechanism’ terns/preventing water loss gram against tidal flooding at ap-
in irrigation etc. propriate locations
Strict ‘policy/regulation’ to Implement a ‘transport pol- (Lyari/Malir barriers?)
prevent settlements in the Strict policy/regulation to icy’ and ‘program’ that dis-
‘river bed’, ‘hills’ and en- prevent unsustainable courages use of private More extensive ‘storm
croachments of drainage ‘sand extraction’ from river vehicles and focuses on water capture’ infrastruc-
channels and land use basins/aquifers sustainable ‘public trans- ture to decrease the poten-
changes impacting ad- port options’ tial of flooding impacts
versely on the flood pre- Enhance technical, man-
vention and management agement and financial ca- Reduce ‘water’ and ‘en- Develop a ‘habitat manage-
capacity pacity of the water service ergy’ loss during transmis- ment plan’ for critical ‘bio-
provider (Karachi Water & sion and distribution and diversity’ and ‘habitats’
Increase the ‘green cover’ Sewerage Board) to better promote ‘water’ and ‘en- within the context of cli-
in the city to facilitate im- cope with crisis situations ergy’ conservation meas- mate change risk
proved drainage (surface ures – focus on ‘alternative’
water flooding) and provide Promote ‘water conserva- and environment friendly High focus on preparing a
protection against tidal tion’ practices (reduce use - ‘energy sources’ comprehensive assessment
flooding - Green urban E.g. metering of water sup- The City Government in col- of the possible

Section 3 : Managing the Impacts

spaces (parks/playgrounds) ply - water harvesting etc.) laboration with technical ‘economic/livelihoods’ im-
Rural/farming land/Man- bodies like the Pakistan pacts of sea level rise on
grove forests Implement policies/pro- Council of Architects and the ‘fishing communities’ in
Increase awareness and ca- grams to initiate ‘waste Town Planners (PCATP) and particular and the ‘fishing
pacity of vulnerable com- water recycling’ and ‘reuse’ the Institute of Engineers industry’ at large
munities to improve coping practices Pakistan (IEP) publish ‘de-
and response mechanisms sign guidance’ for archi-
– recommended at least tects and developers to
one model ‘community reduce the risk of overheat-
flood plan’ each for settle- ing and formulate relevant
ments in slums/coastal fish- policies and procedures
ing villages/rural land
Assess gaps and develop
Evaluate requirements for comprehensive implemen-
‘flood protection’ projects tation plans for strengthen-
such ‘embankments’/tidal ing the ‘health emergency
surge barriers response’ systems –
Assess gaps and develop facilities
comprehensive implemen-
tation plans for strengthen-
ing the ‘emergency
response’ systems –
facilities, fire services, law
and order services (E.g.
‘safe shelters’) etc. – ‘evac-
uation plans’ and required
procedures and facilities

site capacity and willingness to as- and translating them into marking The approach to climate change
sume that role effectively. An over- physical jurisdictions (risk zones) adaptationplanningin London and
whelming task but a requirement and assessing risks to the people Bangkok has been to identify partic-
that is both imperative and urgent. and assets located within. This ular sectors that are at risk and de-
would require a willingness and ca- velop plans to address each of
When we progress to the technical pacity to invest in research and gen- these, and withthe delegation of re-
and procedural aspects of climate erate and work with data on a sponsibility to appropriate agencies.
change adaptation than the first regular basis. Sector based ap- Thisrequires an effective system of
step is of mapping the tasks at hand proaches is one way of tackling the oversight and control, andrelies on
starting with a mapping of exposed task as has been done for example these agents having sufficient finan-
and vulnerable people and assets. It in London (UK) and Bangkok (Thai- cial and technicalcapacity to make
would be a task that would require land). the appropriate investments andin-
working with probabilities, trends terventions. However this again

brings us to the fundamental chal- tions, KW&SB, SEPA, emergency re- face and the capacities and re-
lenge facing Karachi City and that is sponse agencies etc. At the other sponses of governments and com-
of a disorganized, ill-coordinated in- level, initiatives at the city level for munities adapt to changing
stitutional and governance frame- obtaining optimal results have to scenarios. We need to take the first
work with substantial capacity dovetail with a clearly mapped out step. The scope of this Study could
deficits. National Adaptation Program for not allow going into the deeper
Action (NAPA). Here again, an op- strategic aspects such as a detailed
Some key sectors that can be identi- portunity exists to plug the gaps in insight into critical vulnerabilities,
fied in Karachi may include water the Climate Change Policy as it re- the larger policy and governance as-
and sanitation, drainage, housing lates to the urban context and shift pects as they relate to climate
and land use, transportation and focus on a vitally important national change adaptation and identifica-
emergency response – emergency growth priority – promoting and tion of key stakeholder, institutions
medicine, health care, fire services, sustaining vibrant urban growth in and their possible roles and respon-
law and order etc. What is needed Pakistan. Critically important would sibilities. That work can be left for a
is the initiation of a process of insti- be provision of financing options for Strategy document. The list of ac-
tutional reforms within these sec- implementing actions. tions identified can be considered
tors where a new paradigm requires as some end goals – for us the most
to be considered that accommo- The challenges are many but more critical aspect relates more to devel-
dates sharing of roles and responsi- delayed the action, the more diffi- oping willingness, a consensus and a
bilities in terms of financing and cult it will get. Developing a climate strategy to achieve the end goal-
provisioning of critical civic services change adaptation strategy is not sand that can be the focus of hope-
between the public and private sec- an end in itself. It is more in the na- fully a comprehensive climate
tors and communities. ture of a journey that would evolve change adaptation strategy for
as the science around it evolves, Karachi City.
While a leading role has to be new technological innovations sur-
played by government institutions
in implementing strategies for cli-
mate change adaptation, success
and resilience can only be achieved
if all sectors of the urban sphere
right down to the household level
are involved and have a role
mapped out for them. While the
city government should ideally be
taking the lead coordinating role,
important responsibilities in provid-
ing critical research, administration
and service provision support will
have to be provide by agencies such
as NDMA, PDMA, SUPARCO, NIO, Sunset at Karachi coast
Met Department, academic institu- Mohammad Arshad, Shehri-CBE


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