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Electric charges and fields

Coulomb’s law :

Electric field :

Field of a uniformly charged ring on its axis :

1. Electric charges and fields

Field of a line charge:

Field of an infinite sheet:

Field in the vicinity of conducting surface:

1. Electric charges and fields

Electric flux :

Gauss’s law :
1. Electric charges and fields
Electric dipole moment :

Potential of a dipole :

Field of a dipole :

Torque on a dipole placed in E

Pot. energy of a dipole placed in E

2. Electrostatic potential and capacitance

Electrostatic energy :

Electrostatic potential :
2. Electrostatic potential and capacitance

Capacitance : C = q/V

Parallel plate capacitor : C= ∊0A/d

Spherical capacitor :
2. Electrostatic potential and capacitance

Cylindrical capacitor :

Capacitors in parallel : Ceq = C1 +


Capacitors in series :
2. Electrostatic potential and capacitance

Energy stored in capacitor :

Energy density in electric field:

Capacitor with dielectric : C=KC0

C0= ∊0A/d
3. Current Electricity

Current density : j = i/A = 𝜎E

Drift speed :

Resistance of a wire : R = pl/A, where p = 1/𝜎

Temp. dependence of resistance : R = R0(1 + 𝛼∆T)

Ohm’s law : V = iR
3. Current Electricity
Kirchhoff’s Laws :
(i) The junction law: The algebraic sum of all the
currents directed towards a node is zero i.e., ∑node Ii =
(ii) The Loop Law: The algebraic sum of all the
potential differences along a closed loop in a circuit is
zero i.e. ∑loop∆ Vi = 0.
3. Current Electricity

Wheatstone bridge :

Balanced if R1/R2 = R3/R4.

3. Current Electricity

Electric Power : P = V2/R = I2R = IV

Current in circuit with n cells in series

Current in circuit with n cells in parallel

3. Current Electricity

Potential gradient (K):

Internal resistance of a cell:

Comparison of emfs two cells

4. Moving charges and magnetism

Biot - Savart law :

Field due to a straight conductor :

Field due to an infinite straight wire :

4. Moving charges and magnetism

Force between parallel wires :

Field on the axis of a ring :

Field at the centre of an arc :

4. Moving charges and magnetism

Field at the centre of a ring :

Ampere’s law :

Field inside a solenoid :

Field inside a toroid :

4. Moving charges and magnetism
Lorentz force on a moving charge :

Charged particle in uniform magnetic field :

Force on a current carrying wire :

4. Moving charges and magnetism
Magnetic moment of a current loop (dipole) :

Moving coil galvanometer:

Maximum torque :

Current sensitivity

Voltage sensitivity:

G-galvanometer resistance, C- torsional

Constant, n-number of turns, A- area of coil
4. Moving charges and magnetism

Galvanometer as an ammeter :

igG = (i - ig)S

Galvanometer as a Voltmeter :

VAB = ig(R + G)
5. Magnetism and matter
6. EMI
Magnetic flux :

Faraday’s law :

Lenz’s Law : Induced current create a B-field

that opposes the change in magnetic flux.

Motional emf : e = Blv

6. EMI

Self inductance :

Self inductance of a solenoid : L = 𝜇0n2Al

Energy stored in an inductor :

Energy density of B field :

Mutual inductance :
6. EMI
Growth of current in LR circuit :

Decay of current in LR circuit :

Time constant of LR circuit : 𝜏 = L/R

7. AC
EMF induced in a rotating coil : e = NAB 𝜔 sin 𝜔t

Alternating current :
i = i0 sin(𝜔t + 𝜙), T = 2𝜋/𝜔

Average current in AC :

RMS current :

Energy : E = irms2
7. AC

Capacitive reactance :

Inductive reactance : XL = 𝜔L

Impedance : Z = e0/i0
7. AC
RC circuit :

LR circuit :
7. AC
LCR Circuit:


Transformer :

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