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he Guideline for Surgical Smoke Safety has drills) cut, dissect, and resect tissue. The mechanical
been approved by the AORN Guidelines Advi- action of the saw or drill combined with irrigation
sory Board. It was presented as a proposed fluid used to cool the device produces aerosols that
guideline for comments by members and others. The may contain viable bloodborne pathogens.1
guideline is effective December 15, 2016. The recom- The Occupational Safety and Health Administra-
mendations in the guideline are intended to be tion (OSHA) has estimated that more than 500,000
achievable and represent what is believed to be an health care workers are exposed to surgical smoke
optimal level of practice. Policies and procedures every year.6 Perioperative nurses report twice the
will reflect variations in practice settings and/or clin- incidence of many respiratory problems compared to
ical situations that determine the degree to which the the general population.7,8 Case reports have estab-
guideline can be implemented. AORN recognizes the lished the link between inhalation of surgical smoke
many diverse settings in which perioperative nurses during excision of anogenital condylomata proce-
practice; therefore, this guideline is adaptable to all dures to transmission of HPV to health care provid-
areas where operative or other invasive procedures ers.9-11 For example, a laser surgeon developed laryn-
may be performed. geal papillomatosis of the same virus type as his
patient,10 and experts at a virological institute con-
Purpose firmed a high probability of occupational exposure in
This document provides guidance on surgical smoke a gynecologic perioperative nurse who developed
safety precautions to help the perioperative team recurrent and histologically proven laryngeal
establish a safe environment for the surgical patient papillomatosis.9
and team members through consistent use of control Surgical smoke exposure is also hazardous to
measures. patients. Risks to patients include loss of visibility in
Surgical smoke is the by-product of use of energy- the surgical field during minimally invasive proce-
generating devices (eg, electrosurgery units, lasers, dures12-18 with potential to delay the procedure,19-22 port
powered instruments).1 When surgical energy devices site metastasis,23 exposure to carbon monoxide,22,24,25
raise intracellular temperatures to 100° C (212° F) or and increased levels of carboxyhemoglobin.22,24
higher, the tissue vaporizes, producing surgical AORN, the National Institute for Occupational
smoke.2 This gaseous by-product is visible and mal- Safety and Health (NIOSH),26 and other professional
odorous.3 Surgical smoke may contain gaseous toxic
organizations27-31 have recommended surgical smoke
compounds (eg, hydrogen cyanide, toluene, ben-
evacuation for more than 20 years. Perioperative team
zene), bio-aerosols, viruses (eg, human papilloma
members continue to demonstrate a lack of knowledge
virus [HPV], human immunodeficiency virus [HIV]),3
of the hazards of surgical smoke32-34 and a lack of com-
viable cancer cells, non-viable particles (ie, lung
pliance in evacuating surgical smoke. 8,32,33,35 Even
damaging dust of 0.5 μm to 5.0 μm), carbonized tis-
though smoke generated by electrosurgery5 is more
sue,3 blood fragments, and bacteria. The water vapor
hazardous than laser-generated surgical smoke, there
content of surgical smoke ranges from 1% to 11%4
and serves as a carrier for the compounds, viruses, is greater compliance with smoke evacuation for laser
and other substances. Researchers began analyzing procedures.36,37
the contents of surgical smoke in the early 1980s. In a Surgical smoke is often referred to as surgical
1981 study, Tomita et al5 found that the contents of plume, smoke plume, bio-aerosols, laser-generated
surgical smoke are similar to the contents of ciga- airborne contaminants, and lung-damaging dust. For
rettes, with known and suspected carcinogens and the purpose of this document, the term surgical
mutagens. smoke will be used unless another term has been spe-
Electrosurgical devices use radio-frequency cur- cifically used in a reference source.
rent to cut and coagulate. Heat is generated in the
body tissue through which the current passes. The Evidence Review
heat causes cell walls to explode, releasing the cellu- A medical librarian conducted systematic searches of
lar fluid as steam and the cell contents into the air, the databases MEDLINE®, CINAHL®, Scopus®, and
forming surgical smoke. Lasers produce an intense, the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.
coherent, directional beam of light and also produce Results were limited to literature published in Eng-
high heat, which raises the temperature within the lish from January 1985 to November 2015. During the
cell, vaporizing the contents and releasing steam and development of the guideline, the lead author
cell contents.1 Ultrasonic devices remove tissue by requested additional articles that either did not fit the
rapid mechanical action. Ultrasonic aspirators pro- original search criteria or were discovered during the
duce a fine mist, and ultrasonic scalpels produce a evidence appraisal process, and the lead author and
vapor.1 High-speed electrical devices (eg, bone saws, the medical librarian identified relevant guidelines
2017 Guidelines for Perioperative Practice 477
First Published: December 2016. Copyright © 2017 AORN, Inc. All rights reserved.

Figure 1. Flow Diagram of Literature Search Results


from government agencies and standards-setting bod- Articles identified in the search were provided to
ies. Updated searches were completed in January 2016. the project team for evaluation. The team consisted of
Search terms related to procedures included the the lead author and two evidence appraisers. The lead
subject headings and keywords diathermy, cautery, author divided the search results into topics and
laser, electrosurgery, and surgical procedures, opera- assigned members of the team to review and critically
tive. Search terms and keywords related to by-products appraise each article using the AORN Research or Non-
included smoke, plume, fume, exhaust, mist, particu- Research Evidence Appraisal Tools as appropriate. The
late matter, bioaerosols, aerosols, smoke evacuation, literature was independently evaluated and appraised
smoke extractor, and occupational air pollutants. according to the strength and quality of the evidence.
Inclusion criteria were research and non-research Each article was then assigned an appraisal score. The
literature in English, complete publications, and publi- appraisal score is noted in brackets after each refer-
cation dates within the time restriction unless none ence, as applicable.
were available. Excluded were non-peer-reviewed pub- The collective evidence supporting each intervention
lications and literature on surgical smoke safety. Let- within a specific recommendation was summarized,
ters and editorials were excluded. Low-quality evi- and the AORN Evidence Rating Model was used to rate
dence was excluded when higher-quality evidence was the strength of the evidence. Factors considered in
available, and literature outside the time restriction the review of the collective evidence were the qual-
was excluded when literature within the time restric- ity of the evidence, the quantity of similar evidence
tion was available (Figure 1). on a given topic, and the consistency of evidence


supporting a recommendation. The evidence rating is estimated 150 chemical compounds114,115 discov-
noted in brackets after each intervention. ered using gas chromatography,50,57,63 a combination
of gas chromatography and mass spectrome-
Note: The evidence summary table is available at try, 45-47,51,52,55,58-62,116-118 and laser spectros- copy43,44,48,119-121 (Table 1). The content of surgical
smoke varies by the type of tissue treated (eg,
Editor’s note: MEDLINE is a registered trademark of muscle, fat),19,44,47,48,55,57,60,61,122,123 type of energy-
the US National Library of Medicine’s Medical Literature generating device (eg, laser, 49 electrosurgical
Analysis and Retrieval System, Bethesda, MD. CINAHL, unit [ESU]) used,19,60,118,123 duration of the pro-
Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Litera- cedure,55 and the amount of time the energy-
ture, is a registered trademark of EBSCO Industries, Bir- generating device was activated.19,43,48,57
mingham, AL. Scopus is a registered trademark of Else- Näslund Andréasson et al 63 collected per-
vier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands. sonal and stationary samplings of polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in electrocautery
Recommendation I smoke during 40 peritonectomy procedures for
pseudomyxoma peritonei (n = 22), colorectal
The health care organization should provide a surgical smoke- cancer (n = 11), appendiceal cancer (n = 5), and
free work environment. ovarian cancer (n = 2). The primary aim of the
study was to identify and quantify the US Envi-
Under the General Duty Clause, Section 5(a)(1) of the ronmental Protection Agency’s 16 priority pol-
Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, employ- lutant PAHs (Table 2). All 16 PAHs were
ers are required to provide their employees with a detected in personal and stationary samples.
place of employment that is “free from recognizable Personal samplings were collected using a
hazards that are causing or likely to cause death or 40-mm absorbent filter cassette fixed near the
serious harm to employees.”38,39 surgeon’s breathing zone to absorb organic com-
A court interpretation of the Occupational Safety pounds. The stationary samplings were col-
and Health Administration (OSHA) General Duty lected with a 20-mm smoke evacuator hose con-
Clause is that the employer has a legal obligation to nected to a smoke evacuator system. The
provide a workplace free of conditions or activities absorbent filter cassette tubing was inserted in a
that either the employer or industry recognizes as haz- small slit 5 cm from the tip of the electrocautery
ardous and that cause or are likely to cause death or
serious physical harm to employees when there is a
Naphthalene, a possible human carcinogen,
feasible method to abate the hazard.40
was the most abundant PAH and was found in
I.a. The health care organization should assess the all but one of the samples (97.5%). In addition
perioperative team’s risk of exposure to surgical to naphthalene, phenanthrene (93%), florene
smoke. [2: High Evidence] (63.3%), acenaphthene (40%), and acenaph-
The collective evidence describes the con- thylene (36.7%) were detected in the personal
tents of surgical smoke and demonstrates the samplings. Acenaphthylene (93.3%), phenan-
exposure risks and hazards to the perioperative threne (90%), acenaphthene (90%), and florene
team. Surgical smoke contains many compo- (83.3%) were detected in the stationary sam-
nents that are recognized health hazards. The plings. The researchers postulated that long-
identified contents of surgical smoke include term exposure to PAHs could lead to high
aromatic hydrocarbons41 (eg, benzene,41-52 tol- cumulative levels of PAHs in perioperative team
uene,41,43,45-49,50-58 xylene41,46,51,52,57,58), members, and consideration should be given to
volatile organic compounds,59-61 the possibility that simultaneous exposure to
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons41,62,63 (eg, particles, PAHs, and volatile organic com-
benzo[a]pyrene, dibenzo[a,h]anthracene, pounds may have synergistic and additive
anthracene64), effects. More studies are needed to evaluate the
hydrogen cyanide,41,49,61,64 possible risk of PAH exposure in the OR.63
inorganic gases60 (eg, carbon monoxide19,20,46,49,65), Petrus et al44 used laser photoacoustic spec-
nitriles66 (eg, acetonitrile, acrylonitrile43,46,47), troscopy to quantitatively analyze the trace gas
aldehydes 52,60 (eg, acetaldehyde, 53,54,56,60 concentrations in surgical smoke produced in
formaldehyde41,46,49,53,54,56,64), vitro in nitrogen or synthetic air atmospheres.
particles,19,67-79 The researchers used a carbon dioxide (CO2)
viruses3,80-87 (eg, HPV,88-95 HIV96,97), laser to generate surgical smoke by irradiating
bacteria,87,98-104 fresh animal tissue, then measured the levels of
blood,100,105-110 and ethylene, benzene, ammonia, and methanol.
cancer cells.23,111-113 Benzene was detected in high concentrations in
all smoke samples at a level hundreds of time
Chemicals higher than the recommended exposure limit
The collective evidence establishes the presence established by OSHA and NIOSH. Ammonia
of harmful chemicals in surgical smoke, with an also exceeded the exposure limit. Methanol and
ethylene were detected in the smoke but were
Table 1. Chemical Contents of Surgical Smoke1 within recommended exposure limits. The
• Acetonitrile researchers concluded that additional factors to
• Acetylene consider are the cumulative effect of all volatile
organic compounds released during laser sur-
• Acroloin gery and the harmful effects to the surgical team
• Acrylonitrile of continuous exposure by surgical smoke
• Alkyl benzene
In a subsequent study, Petrus et al43 used the
• Benzaldehyde laser photoacoustic spectroscopy technique to
• Benzene quantitatively analyze the concentrations of ace-
tonitrile, acrolein, ammonia, benzene, and tolu-
• Benzonitrile ene in surgical smoke in vitro. A CO2 laser was
• Butadiene used to irradiate fresh animal tissue to generate
surgical smoke. The researchers found that all
• Butene
of the gases were present in the surgical smoke,
• 3-Butenenitrile with an average gas concentration of acetonitrile
• Carbon monoxide 190 ppm, acrolein 35 ppm, ammonia 25 ppm,
benzene 20 ppm, ethylene 0.410 ppm, and tolu-
• Creosol ene 45 ppm.
• 1-Decene
• 2,3-Dihydro indene
The collective evidence indicates that the parti-
• Ethane cles in surgical smoke generated by surgical
• Ethyl benzene
energy-generating devices (eg, monopolar and
bipolar electrosurgery, lasers) are within the
• Ethylene respirable range.67-75,77 Electrosurgery generates
• Formaldehyde the smallest aerodynamic size particles (< 0.07
μm to 0.1 μm); laser tissue ablation creates
• Furfural
larger particles (~ 0.31 μm); and ultrasonic scal-
• Hexadecanoic acid pels create the largest particles (0.35 μm to 6.5
• Hydrogen cyanide
Ragde et al77 conducted a study to assess the
• Indole exposure of surgical personnel to ultrafine parti-
• Methane cles (UFPs), to identify the predictors of expo-
sure, and to characterize the particle size distri-
• 3-Methyl butenal
bution of surgical smoke. The researchers
• 6-Methyl indole measured personal exposures for the surgeon,
assistant, scrub nurse, and anesthetic nurse dur-

• 4-Methyl phenol
ing five different procedures (ie, nephrectomy,
• 2-Methyl propanol breast reduction, abdominoplasty, hip replace-
• Methyl pyrazine ment, transurethral resection of the prostate)
using spectrometry to assess the exposure to
• Phenol UFPs and characterize the particle distribution.
• Propene Possible predictors of exposure were investi-
gated using linear mixed effects models.
• 2-Propylene nitrile
Exposure to UFPs was highest during abdom-
• Pyridine inoplasty and lowest during hip replacement
• Pyrrole surgeries. Seventy percent or more of the mea-
sured particles were in the ultrafine range. The
• Styrene use of electrosurgery resulted in short-term,
• Toluene high-peak exposure with a maximum peak
exposure of 272,000 particles cm -3 during a
• 1-Undecene
breast reduction surgery. The peaks corre-
• Xylene sponded to the use of the electrosurgery unit.
Reference Nephrectomy, transurethral resection of the
1. Barrett WL, Garber SM. Surgical smoke: a review of the literature. Business prostate, and hip replacement surgeries pro-
Briefing: Global Surgery. 2004:1-7. duced the smallest size particles (9 nm) and
From Ulmer BC. The hazards of surgical smoke. AORN J. 2008;87(4):721-734.
also had the highest percentages of UFPs. Breast
Reprinted with permission. reduction surgery and abdominoplasty pro-
duced larger sized particles (70 nm and 81 nm,
respectively) and had a lower percentage of


measured at 40 cm, 60 cm, and 120 cm during
Table 2. US Environmental Protection Agency Priority open and laparoscopic surgeries to simulate the
Pollutants Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons1 positions of the surgeon, assistant, and scrub
• Benzo[a]anthracene person and were measured at 40 cm during the
• Benzo[a]pyrene
transurethral surgeries.
During the open surgeries, PM2.5 was mea-
• Benzo[b]fluoranthene sured with and without wall suction for smoke
• Benzo[k]fluoranthene
evacuation. To evaluate the air quality, the
researchers used the AIR Quality Index (AQI),
• Chrysene/triphenylene the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for
• Dibenzo[a,h]anthracene
Particle Pollution revised by the US Environ-
mental Protection Agency. Background particle
• Indenol[1,2,3-cd]pyrene measurements in the OR before the surgeries
were nearly 5 µg/m3. The AQI of the air 40 cm
• Acenaphthene
from the open surgery incisions turned to
• Acenaphthylene unhealthy and very unhealthy in 3 to 6 seconds.
In laparoscopic surgeries, the AQI 40 cm from
• Anthracene
the trocar reached hazardous levels in 3 seconds
• Benzo[ghi]perylene after the trocar valve was opened, releasing the
surgical smoke. In the transurethral surgeries,
• Phenanthrene
the AQI was moderate 40 cm from the resecto-
• Fluoranthene scope. Use of wall suction decreased the inhala-
tion dose of fine particles 48% in superficial
• Fluorene
surgeries and 52% in abdominal surgeries. The
• Naphthalene main finding of this study was that the concen-
tration of fine particles of a single smoke plume
• Pyrene
could become very unhealthy for the surgeon.
Reference The researchers concluded that increasing the
1. Näslund Andréasson S, Mahteme H, Sahlberg B, Anundi H. Polycyclic aro- distance to the incision site decreased the con-
matic hydrocarbons in electrocautery smoke during peritonectomy proce- centration and inhalation of fine particles, and
dures. J Environ Public Health. 2012;2012:929053.
the use of smoke evacuation can reduce the con-
centration of fine particles.73

UFPs. There were no significant differences in
The evidence regarding the presence of HPV in
exposure among the team members. The
surgical smoke is inconclusive. Human papillo-
researchers concluded that the use of electrosur-
mavirus has been detected in the surgical smoke
gery resulted in short-term, high-peak exposures
generated by lasers and ESUs during treatment of
to UFPs and recommended the correct use of
genital infections,88-91,124 verrucae,93,94 laryngeal
smoke evacuators, the use of a built-in smoke papillomavirus,92 and bovine papillomavirus-
evacuator tubing on the electrosurgery pencil, induced cutaneous fibropapillomas.81 However,
and the use of two smoke evacuators if two elec- some studies have found no detectable HPV in
trosurgery pencils are required.77 laser plume generated during treatment of laryn-
Wang et al73 conducted a prospective study to geal papillomas.125-127
analyze fine particles < 2.5 µm (PM2.5) in surgi- Kashima et al 92 conducted a prospective
cal smoke by time and distance during urology study to determine whether HPV DNA was in
procedures. The three types of surgeries the smoke plume after CO2 laser treatment of
included in the study were open surgeries, lapa- recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (RRP).
roscopic partial nephrectomy, and transurethral Twenty-two patients with diagnoses of adult-
resection of bladder tumor. Three subtypes of onset RRP (n = 7), juvenile-onset RRP (n = 12),
the open surgery group, according to surgery laryngeal carcinoma (n = 2), and nonspecific lar-
depth, were inguinal lymph node dissection for yngitis (n = 1) participated in the study. The
penile cancer (superficial), partial nephrectomy researchers collected 30 paired tissue and
(abdominal), and radical prostatectomy (pelvic). smoke samples during microlaryngoscopy with
The sample size of each group was five patients CO2 laser excision under general anesthesia. To
per surgery. All procedures were performed in avoid contamination, the samples were pro-
the same laminar airflow room. An instrument cessed separately with a polymerase chain reac-
using a laser light scattering technique mea- tion (PCR) assay for amplification of HPV-6 and
sured the number of particles. Particle counts HPV-11 sequences. Seventeen of the 30 smoke
were expressed as a concentration per 0.01 feet3. samples were positive for HPV DNA; three of
The instrument calculated an adjusted measure- the samples were identified as HPV-6 and 14
ment of PM2.5 mass (µg/m3). Particle counts were samples as HPV-11. Only the RRP specimens
were HPV positive. The DNA types HPV-6 and Cultures positive for HIV-1 developed from
HPV-11 are recognized as etiological agents in the cool aerosols generated by the effects of the
RRP. The researchers concluded that the conse- high-speed router tip and the oscillating bone
quences of HPV in smoke plume are unknown. saw on the blood mixture containing HIV-1.
To reduce the risk of potential infection to the Cultures negative for HIV-1 developed from the
patient and perioperative team members, they cool aerosols generated by the wound irrigation
recommended using personal protective equip- syringe jet. Negative culture results were also
ment (PPE) (eg, masks, gowns, gloves) and a gas- obtained from six experiments of cutting and
scavenging system whenever viral-infected six experiments of coagulation with the electro-
lesions are treated with a CO2 laser. cautery. The researchers concluded that infec-
In a prospective study, Hughes and Hughes126 tious HIV-1 could be isolated from cool aerosols
collected and evaluated the laser plume of created from HIV-1 positive blood exposed to
erbium:YAG laser-treated human warts to deter- orthopedic routers and oscillating saws but that
mine the presence or absence of HPV DNA in the high temperature of the electrocautery may
the plume. The researchers excised half of five inactivate HIV-1.97
patients’ verrucae vulgaris and submitted the
specimens for histopathological diagnosis and Blood
HPV DNA detection (HPV-1 and HPV-2) with in Jewett et al107 conducted a study to characterize
situ hybridization for HPV. The remaining half the hemoglobin content by particle size of
of the verrucae vulgaris were ablated with the blood-containing aerosols generated by surgical
erbium:YAG laser. A smoke evacuator collected power tools. Part of this study extends the work
the plume for evaluation of HPV DNA by PCR of Johnson and Robinson97 described earlier.
with consensus primers for the HPV previously The researchers used two different protocols to
detected in the verruca vulgaris specimens. The generate aerosols. In a laboratory simulation of
histopathological diagnosis of all five specimens an operating room (OR), an oscillating bone saw,
was verruca vulgaris. All of the specimens with a high-speed air-driven drill, and a high-speed
irrigating drill were used to “operate” on bone,
in situ hybridization contained HPV-2 DNA.
and an ESU was used to cut and coagulate ten-
Using PCR with consensus primers for HPV-2,
dons. To simulate the blood present during sur-
the researchers did not detect HPV-2 in the laser
gery, blood was dripped onto the working area.
plume of the same specimens. They concluded
The researchers collected a sampling from each
that the negative HPV plume results with the
test condition in addition to a control sampling
erbium:YAG laser were contradictory to the pos-
using distilled water instead of blood. The sec-
itive HPV plume findings in two other stud-
ond protocol was the same as that described by
ies93,94 in which CO2 laser and electrosurgical
Johnson and Robinson97 except the blood was
excision and CO 2 laser excision were used.
not infected with HIV.
Hughes and Hughes postulated that the negative All of the instrumentation tested produced
results could be a result of the radical explosive blood-containing aerosol particles in the respi-
ejection of the erbium:YAG laser disrupting the rable size range (< 5 µm). The researchers con-

HPV and rendering it undetectable. cluded that hemoglobin is an adequate marker

Studies by Bergbrant et al,124 Sood et al,88 and of blood and therefore of bloodborne patho-
Sawchuck et al93 describe the risks of HPV expo- gens. The results suggest there is potential for
sure from ESU-generated smoke. breathing-zone exposure to respirable blood-
containing particles during surgery performed
HIV with similar instrumentation. Additional research
Johnson and Robinson97 conducted a study to is needed in clinical settings.107
determine whether infectious HIV-1 could be In a prospective, single-center trial, Ishihama
isolated from aerosols generated from human et al106 investigated whether blood-contaminated
blood containing HIV-1 during orthopedic and aerosols were present in a room where oral sur-
other surgical procedures that generate aero- gery procedures (N = 100) were performed with
sols. The researchers prepared a mixture of a high-speed drill. The sampling results were
human packed red blood cells negative for 76% positive in blood presumptive tests at 20
cytomegalovirus and HIV antibodies, a culture cm (7.9 inches) from the surgical site and 57%
medium, and a culture medium containing a positive at 100 cm (39.4 inches) from the surgi-
10 5 tissue culture infectious dose of HIV-1. cal site. The researchers concluded that these
Individually, samples of the mixture were sub- results suggest a risk for floating blood particles
jected to electrocautery in the coagulation and with the potential to cause airborne infection
cutting modes, a high-speed bone cutting during use of high-speed instruments in oral
router, an oscillating bone saw, and a wound surgery procedures.
irrigation syringe jet. The cool aerosol or In a subsequent study, Ishihama et al105 used
smoke plume generated by the procedures was two protocols to investigate the presence of
suctioned and cultured. blood-contaminated aerosols in ORs during oral


surgery procedures. For both protocols, the using engineering controls (eg, room ventila-
exhaust ducts of the central air-conditioning tion115 of 20 total air exchanges per hour42,129,130),
system were covered with a filter to collect the using work practice controls (eg, smoke
atmospheric samples. In the accumulation pro- evacuation53,54,56,115),
tocol, the researchers left the filters in place for using administrative controls (eg, policies
1, 2, and 4 weeks in one OR. In the second pro- and procedures, education and training), and
tocol, to analyze contributing factors, the test fil- using PPE.131
ters were changed after each surgical procedure. [3: Moderate Evidence]
A leucomalachite green presumptive test for Controlling exposures to hazards and toxic
blood was used to test each filter. The research- substances is the fundamental method of pro-
ers also collected additional data (ie, the type of tecting workers. A hierarchy of controls is used
procedure, the use of a high-speed rotating as a means of determining how to implement
instrument or electric coagulator device, blood feasible and effective controls. The OSHA hier-
loss volume, and length of the procedure). archy of controls is a systematic approach that
In the accumulation protocol, the positive can be used to identify the most effective
sites for blood increased from 26 after 1 week to method of risk reduction. Where possible, elim-
92 and 143 after 2 and 4 weeks, respectively. ination or substitution is the most effective
Following the individual procedures, there approach followed by use of engineering con-
were positive sites for blood in 21 of 33 proce- trols. Engineering controls are physical changes
dures. Contributing factors to a positive result to the work environment that will minimize the
for blood included use of a high-speed instru- health care worker’s exposure to the hazard.
ment (9 of 10 surgeries), use of an electric coag- Work practice controls establish efficient pro-
ulator (16 of 17 surgeries), and use of a high- cesses and procedures. Administrative controls
speed instrument or electric coagulator (20 of 21 (eg, policies and procedures) are used in con-
surgeries). Contributing factors to a negative junction with the other controls that more
result for blood included use of no device (11 of directly reduce or eliminate exposure to the
12 surgeries). The researchers discussed the hazard. Personal protective equipment reduces
lack of evidence of infection risk from inhala- exposure to the risks and is the last line of
tion of floating infectious materials. Most health defense against exposure to surgical smoke
care workers who contract an occupational when exposure cannot be reduced through a
infection cannot pinpoint a causative injury higher level of control.40
such as a mucous membrane exposure. The I.b.1. When possible, the perioperative team
researchers recommended using caution, espe- should use the highest level of control.39 If
cially for personnel who remain in the OR for the hazard (eg, surgical smoke) cannot be
long periods of time (eg, anesthesia providers, eliminated, the team should employ the
surgical assistants).105 next level in the hierarchy. [1: Regulatory]
I.a.1. The health care organization should deter- I.b.2. Smoke evacuation should be used in addi-
mine the hazard exposure to the periopera- tion to room ventilation. [2: High Evidence]
tive team by the The National Institute for Occupational
• job classifications that place team mem- Safety and Health recommends using a
bers at risk,128 combination of ventilation techniques to
• number of procedures where surgical control the airborne contaminants of surgi-
smoke is generated,128 cal smoke. Because general room ventila-
• percentage of surgical procedures where tion of 20 air exchanges per hour is insuffi-
surgical smoke is not evacuated, cient to capture the contaminants, smoke
• type of energy-generating devices used, evacuation (ie, local exhaust ventilation) is
• number of smoke evacuators available, also necessary.115
• number of ORs needing smoke evacua-
tors, and I.c. Perioperative team members should wear PPE
• current usage of smoke evacuation soft (ie, respiratory protection) as secondary protec-
goods (ie, smoke evacuator tubing, smoke tion against residual surgical smoke. [2: High
evacuator filters, in-line filters, laparo- Evidence]
scopic filters).128 Standards,130,132,133 regulations,128,130 and guid-
[5: Benefits Balanced with Harms] ance from professional organizations27-31,41 rec-
ommend using PPE (eg, a fit-tested surgical N95
I.b. The health care organization should use OSHA’s respirator128) as a secondary defense against the
hierarchy of controls40 to reduce the periopera- inhalation of surgical smoke. General room ven-
tive team’s exposure to surgical smoke and tilation and smoke evacuation (ie, local exhaust
establish safe practices. The hierarchy of con- ventilation) are the first lines of protection
trols includes against the hazards of surgical smoke.115 When
eliminating the hazard, respiratory protection is required, the minimum
respiratory protection device is a filtering face ing essentially no protection. The SWPF values
piece respirator (eg, an N95 respirator).134 for both N95 masks exceeded 100, the OSHA
A fit-tested surgical N95 filtering face piece fit test passing level. The results suggest that
respirator is a personal protective device that is surgical masks cannot protect health care
worn on the face, covers the nose and mouth, workers against surgical smoke but that N95
and is used to reduce the wearer’s risk of inhal- NIOSH-certified respiratory protection devices
ing hazardous airborne particles including can.
infectious agents. 76 The NIOSH respirator The collective evidence demonstrates that
approval regulation defines the term N95 as a surgical masks have inadequate filter perfor-
filter class that removes at least 95% of airborne mance for aerosols142,143 and submicron parti-
particles during “worse case” testing using a cles136,144-147 (1 micron = 1 micrometer [μm]).
“most-penetrating” sized particle. 135 Filters Rengasamy et al136 investigated the filtration
meeting the criteria are given a 95 rating. Many performance of surgical masks for a wide size
filtering face piece respirators have an N95 class range of submicron particles, including the size
filter, and those meeting this filtration perfor- of many viruses. US Food and Drug Administra-
mance are often referred to simply as “N95 res- tion (FDA)-cleared masks can be categorized
pirators.”135 A surgical N95 respirator is fluid into three barrier types: high, moderate, and
resistant on the outside to protect the wearer low. High and moderate barrier masks are
from splashes or sprays of body fluids.40 cleared with > 98% filtration efficiency for bac-
A surgical mask is not considered respiratory terial filtration efficiency and particle filtration
protection.40 A surgical mask is a loose-fitting efficiency. Low barrier masks require > 95% for
face mask intended to prevent the release of bacterial filtration efficiency only. The research-
potential contaminants from the user into his or ers tested five models of FDA-cleared surgical
her immediate environment.40,76 A surgical mask masks of all barrier types (n = 1 high barrier
is fluid resistant, providing protection from type, n = 2 moderate barrier type, and n = 2 low
large droplets, sprays, and splashes of body flu- barrier type) for room air particle penetrations
ids,76 but does not give the wearer a reliable under constant and cyclic flow conditions. The
level of protection from inhaling small airborne following tests were performed:
particles.40 A high-filtration surgical face mask room air particle penetration at constant flow
is designed to filter particulate matter that is 0.1 condition,
μm in size and larger. Similar to a surgical room air particle penetration as a function of
mask, a high-filtration mask does not create a particle size,
seal between the face and the mask and may particle penetration measurement at cyclic
allow dangerous contaminants to enter the flow conditions,
health care worker’s breathing zone.41,76,136 polydisperse sodium chloride aerosol pene-
The collective evidence76,137-141 demonstrates tration measurement,
the measurable superiority in protection pro- monodisperse aerosol test method, and
vided by a surgical N95 respirator compared effect of isopropanol treatment on monodis-
with high-filtration and surgical masks. perse aerosol penetrations.

Gao et al137 investigated the performance of Results of this study showed a wide variation
surgical masks (n = 2) and surgical N95 respira- in filtration performance. The researchers con-
tors (n = 2) during exposure to surgical smoke. cluded that the wide variation in penetration
Ten participants were fit tested for the N95 respi- levels for room air particles, which included
rators before the experiment. The participants particles in the viruses size range, confirms that
performed surgical dissections on animal tissue surgical masks should not be used as respiratory
in a simulated OR with an electrocautery device protection.136
to generate surgical smoke. Each of the partici- Oberg and Brosseau148 evaluated nine types
pants wore all four types of masks or respirators of surgical masks for filtration performance and
in random order. The generated surgical smoke facial fit. The types included surgical, laser, and
procedure masks that were cupped, flat, and
was sampled in the breathing zone directly out-
duckbilled with ties and ear loops. The masks’
side the mask or respirator to represent the inha-
filter efficiency varied widely from very low to
lation exposure of an unprotected individual and
high. Facial fit was evaluated quantitatively and
inside the mask or respirator to represent the
qualitatively. When filter performance and facial
inhalation exposure of a protected wearer. The
fit were evaluated, none of the surgical masks
aerosol concentrations and particle size distribu-
met the qualifications of respiratory protection
tion of the inside- and outside-sampled aerosols
were measured for 12 minutes each with a parti-
cle size spectrometer in combination with an I.c.1. A fit-tested surgical N95 filtering face piece
optical particle counter. The simulated work- respirator should be used during higher-
place protection factor (SWPF) was calculated risk, aerosol-generating procedures and pro-
for the masks and respirators. The SWPF values cedures on patients with known or sus-
for both surgical masks were close to 1, indicat- pected aerosol transmissible diseases (eg,


tuberculosis, varicella, rubeola). 134 [1: filter) to evacuate all surgical smoke. [2: High
Strong Evidence] Evidence]
Respiratory protection for aerosol trans- The National Institute for Occupational
missible diseases is based on the pathogen Safety and Health recommends using smoke
and the anticipated risk associated with the evacuation systems to reduce potential acute
specific procedure.40 Aerosol-generating pro- and chronic health risks to health care person-
cedures (eg, endotracheal intubation, bron- nel and patients. 115 The hazards of surgical
choscopy) generate higher concentrations of smoke exposure to the perioperative team are
airborne particles and aerosol transmissible respiratory, chemical, biologic (eg, blood, virus,
disease pathogens.40 The Centers for Disease bacteria), carcinogenic, mutagenic, and cyto-
Control and Prevention134 recommends that toxic. Repeated exposure to the contents of sur-
all team members present during cough- gical smoke may be cumulative 7,8,50 and
inducing or aerosol-generating procedures increases the possibility of developing adverse
on patients with suspected or confirmed effects. 44,52 Surgical smoke exposure risks to
tuberculosis use respiratory protection. patients during minimally invasive proce-
Chen et al149 measured the filtration effi- dures12-18 include loss of visibility in the surgi-
ciencies of a single-use submicron surgical cal field with potential to delay the proce-
mask and three types of respirators against dure, 19-22 port site metastasis, 23 exposure to
aerosolized mycobacteria. In a specially carbon monoxide,22,24,25 and increased levels of
designed enclosed test apparatus, an aerosol carboxyhemoglobin,22,24 and risks during open
was generated with a known concentration procedures include potential respiratory inflam-
of Mycobacterium chelonae, a surrogate for mation165 and postoperative refractive errors.167
Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The research- In Zgierz, Poland, Dobrogowski et al52 con-
ers used Andersen samplers to measure ducted a study to identify and quantitatively
aerosol concentrations upstream and down- measure selected chemical substances in sur-
stream of the test masks and respirators. gical smoke and to assess the risk of the chem-
Mean percentage efficiencies for Mycobacte- icals to medical personnel. The researchers
rium chelonae ranged from 97% for the collected air samples in the OR during laparo-
molded surgical mask and one type of respi- scopic cholecystectomy procedures. A complete
rator to 99.99% for the high-efficiency par- qualitative and quantitative analysis of the sam-
ticulate air (HEPA) respirator. An analysis of ples showed the presence of aldehydes, ben-
variance demonstrated that the effect of zene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene, ozone, and
mask or respirator type was significant. The
dioxins in concentrations lower than the
researchers concluded that their evaluations
hygienic standards used in the European Union.
could lead to development of an effective
The researchers noted that the synergistic and
and practical device that would protect the
antagonistic interactions of these substances
health care worker without compromising
have not been studied and are difficult to pre-
patient care or safety.
dict, and they concluded that surgical smoke
I.c.2. In disease transmissible cases (eg, should be evacuated to protect the OR team
HPV),10,81,94 the perioperative team may use from the toxic and possibly carcinogenic, muta-
a fit-tested surgical N95 filtering face piece genic, and genotoxic effects.
respirator in conjunction with smoke evacu- Moot et al61 used selected ion flow tube mass
ation. [3: Moderate Evidence] spectrometry to analyze the composition of vol-
A fit-tested surgical N95 filtering face atile organic compounds in diathermy plume
piece respirator does not replace the need to produced during abdominal surgery. The
use a smoke evacuation system as the first researchers identified hydrogen cyanide, acety-
line of protection against the hazards of sur- lene, and 1,3-butadiene in the plume. They con-
gical smoke. cluded that although there is no evidence of
adverse health effects from volatile organic
Recommendation II compounds in surgical smoke plume, there is
no evidence to indicate that it is safe to breathe
The perioperative team should evacuate all surgical smoke. smoke plume; thus, they recommended using
smoke evacuators.
The collective evidence3,17,18,52,61,77,80,82,92,110,111,133,150-165;
standards132,133; regulations128,130; and guidance from
Respiratory Hazards
NIOSH,42,53,54,56,64,115 the Healthcare Infection Control
The size (ie, aerodynamic diameter) of the particles
Practices Advisory Committee, 166 and professional
in the surgical smoke directly influences the type of
organizations 27-31 indicates that evacuating surgical
adverse respiratory health effects experienced by
smoke protects patients and health care workers from
the perioperative team.19,41,66,69,73,76,102,123,168-171 Parti-
the hazards of surgical smoke (Table 3).
cle size depends on the type of surgical device
II.a. The perioperative team should use a smoke generating the surgical smoke.1,19,20 The ESU cre-
evacuation system (eg, smoke evacuator, in-line ates particles with the mean aerodynamic size

Table 3. Health Effects of Chemicals in Surgical Smoke1,2

Chemical Health Effects

Acetaldehyde Eye, skin, and respiratory irritation; eye and skin burns; dermatitis; conjunctivitis; cough;
central nervous system (CNS) depression; delayed pulmonary edema; carcinogenic effects
(nasal cancer)

Acetonitrile Eye, skin, and nose irritation; cyanosis; cardiac and respiratory arrest

Acetylene Headache, dizziness, reduced visual acuity, poor judgment, weakness, unconsciousness,
rapid pulse and respiration, cyanosis, cardiac and respiratory symptoms related to oxygen

Acrolein Eye, skin, and upper respiratory irritation; decreased pulmonary function; delayed pulmonary
edema; chronic respiratory disease; possible increased blood clotting time; liver and kidney

Acrylonitrile Eye and skin irritation, asphyxia, headache, sneezing, nausea, vomiting, lassitude, dizzi-
ness, skin vesicles, scaling dermatitis, CNS impairment, potential carcinogenic effects (brain
tumors, lung and bowel cancer)

Anthracene Skin damage, burning, itching, edema, headaches, nausea, loss of appetite, stomach and
intestinal swelling, slowed reaction time, weakness, reduced serum immunoglobulins

Benzaldehyde Acute eye and skin irritation and redness

Benzene Eye, skin, nose, and respiratory irritation; dizziness; headache; nausea; staggered gait;
anorexia; weakness; fatigue; dermatitis; bone marrow depression; potential carcinogenic
effects (leukemia)

Benzonitrile Eye and skin irritation

Butadiene (1,3 Butadiene) Eye, nose, and throat irritation; drowsiness; dizziness; carcinogenic effects (leukemia and

Carbon monoxide Headache, tachypnea, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, dizziness, confusion, hallucinations, cyano-
sis, cardiac dysrhythmias, myocardial ischemia, lactic acidosis, syncope, convulsion, coma
Symptoms depend on the degree of exposure and susceptibility of the individual.

Creosol Respiratory, eye, and skin irritation; cytotoxic effects; corrosive effects

Cyclohexanone Respiratory irritation (potent irritant)

Decane Eye, skin, and respiratory irritation; headache; dizziness; stupor; incoordination; loss of ap-
petite; nausea; dermatitis

1-Decene (hydrocarbon) Eye and respiratory irritation; may be a slight anesthetic at high concentrations

Ethane Asphyxiation (simple asphyxiant)

Ethanol Eye, skin, and nose irritation; headache; drowsiness; lassitude; narcosis; cough; liver dam-
age; anemia; reproductive and teratogenic effects

Ethylene Headache, muscular weakness, drowsiness, dizziness, unconsciousness

Ethyl benzene Eye, throat, skin, and mucous membrane irritation; dizziness; dermatitis; narcosis; coma

Formaldehyde Eye, nose, throat, and respiratory irritation; coughing; bronchospasm; lacrimation; cough;
wheezing; potential carcinogenic effects (nasal cancer)

Furfural Eye, skin, and upper respiratory irritation; sore throat; cough; bronchospasm; shortness of
breath; headache; vomiting; dermatitis

Hydrogen cyanide Asphyxiation, lassitude, headache, confusion, nausea, vomiting, increased rate and depth of
respirations, slow and gasping respirations, thyroid and blood changes

Isobutene Dizziness, drowsiness, dullness, nausea, unconsciousness, vomiting

Isopropanol Eye, nose, and throat irritation; drowsiness; dizziness; headache

Methane CNS depression, cardiac sensitization

continued on next page



Table 3 continued. Health Effects of Chemicals in Surgical Smoke1,2
Chemical Health Effects

4-Methyl phenol (p-cresol) Eye, skin, and mucous membrane irritation; CNS effects; confusion; depression; respiratory
failure; dyspnea; irregular rapid respiration; weak pulse; eye and skin burns; dermatitis; lung,
liver, kidney, and pancreatic damage

2-Methyl propanol Eye, skin, and throat irritation; headaches; drowsiness

Phenol Eye, nose, and throat irritation; anorexia; weight loss; lassitude; muscle ache; pain; dark
urine; cyanosis; liver and renal damage; skin burns; dermatitis; tremor; convulsions; twitching

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons Eye and respiratory irritation, dermatitis, conjunctivitis, increased risk of certain cancers

Propylene Drowsiness, dizziness, unconsciousness

Pyridine Eye irritation, headache, anxiety, dizziness, insomnia, nausea, anorexia, dermatitis, liver and
kidney damage

Styrene Eye, nose, and respiratory irritation; headache; lassitude; dizziness; confusion; malaise;
drowsiness; unsteady gait; defatting dermatitis; possible liver injury; reproductive effects

Toluene Eye and nose irritation, lassitude, confusion, euphoria, dizziness, headache, dilated pupils,
lacrimation, anxiety, muscle fatigue, insomnia, paresthesia, dermatitis, liver and kidney

Xylene Eye, skin, nose, and throat irritation; dizziness; excitement; drowsiness; incoordination; stag-
gering gait; anorexia; nausea; vomiting; abdominal pain; dermatitis

1. Pierce JS, Lacey SE, et al. An assessment of the occupational hazards related to medical lasers. J Occup Environ Med. 2011;53(11):1302-1309.
2. Okoshi K, Kobayashi K, et al. Health risks associated with exposure to surgical smoke for surgeons and operating room personnel. Surg Today.

of < 0.1 μm, laser particles are ~ 0.31 μm, and Chemical Hazards
ultrasonic scalpel particles are 0.35 μm to 6.5 The chemical content of surgical smoke varies
μm.1,19,144 Particle size affects how far the parti- by the type of tissue treated (eg, muscle, fat),19,44,
cle can travel in the respiratory system.19,76 Par- 47,48,55,57,60,61,122,123
type of device (eg, laser,49 ESU)
ticles that are 5 μm or larger settle in the walls used, 1,19,43,48,57,60,118,123 and duration of the
of the nose and pharynx; particles 3 μm to 5 μm procedure.55
settle in the trachea; particles 1 μm to 3 μm set- Hollman et al119 conducted an assay of surgi-
tle in the bronchus and bronchioles; and parti- cal smoke generated during a reduction mam-
cles smaller than 1 μm can penetrate to the alve- moplasty procedure. Monopolar electrocautery
oli (Figure 2).112,123,145 Particles smaller than 5 was used for dissection and resection, which
μm are categorized as lung-damaging dust,172 as resulted in intense smoke production. The
they can penetrate to the deepest areas of the researchers collected smoke samples (N = 25)
lung and obstruct gas exchange.19,76,168 whenever the electrocautery was in use. Laser
Näslund Andréasson et al 67 compared the spectroscopy was used to determine the gas
amount of airborne particles and UFPs generated components and corresponding concentration
during peritonectomy with the amount of airborne in the smoke samples collected. Eleven gases
particles and UFPs generated during colon and (ie, 1-ethenyl-3-methyl-benzene; 1,3-butadiene;
rectal cancer surgery. Personal and stationary sam- propanenitrile; toluene; thiocyanic acid, methyl
plings of UFPs were taken during peritonectomy ester; 1-heptene; ethylene; ammonia; 1-decene;
procedures (n = 14) and colon and rectal cancer 2-furancarbox aldehyde; methylpropene) were
surgeries (n = 11). The median, maximum, and identified and quantified. The researchers con-
cumulative UFP levels for personal and stationary cluded that there is no doubt that surgical
samplings were higher during the peritonectomy smoke generated by electrocautery is a potential
procedures than during the colon and rectal can- health danger to the OR team. The degree of the
cer surgeries. The mean cumulative levels were threat is unclear. Follow-up studies are needed
statistically significant for both the personal and to determine particulate material, biological
stationary samplings. In discussing the results, the impurities, and gaseous components.
researchers compared the cumulative concentra- Hassan et al150 conducted a prospective study to
tions of UFP to smoking cigarettes or frying beef. quantify the exposure of the surgeon and the
They concluded that high levels of UFPs gener- patient to known chemical toxins in electrocau-
ated by electrocautery devices can be a health risk, tery smoke, and to determine whether there were
and this warrants further investigation. qualitative or quantitative differences in exposure

Figure 2. Surgical Smoke Particle Size

during laparoscopic or open ileal loop pouch nitrites, and volatile organic compounds by
anastomosis. The researchers measured the sur- using high-performance liquid chromatography,
geon’s exposure to benzene, toluene, xylene, ace- gas chromatography with a thermal energy ana-
tone, and styrene. They tested the patient’s blood lyzer, ion chromatography, and mass spectrome-
preoperatively within 6 hours of surgery and at try. The electrocautery smoke contained signifi-
the end of the procedure for benzene, ethyl ben- cant levels of benzene, ethyl benzene, styrene,
zene, toluene, xylene, carboxyhemoglobin, and carbon disulphide, and toluene. Benzene, a
cyanide. During the laparoscopic procedures, a known carcinogen, was detected in significant
smoke filter was used to maintain visibility, and quantities (71 µg/m3). The substances detected
during the open procedures, the electrocautery cause eye irritation, dermatitis, central nervous
smoke was suctioned by the first assistant. The system effects, and hepatic and renal toxicity.
samplings of the surgeon’s exposure were all nega- The researchers concluded that additional stud-

tive. The patients’ preoperative and postoperative ies are needed to determine the extent of expo-
levels of cyanide, carbon monoxide, benzene, sure to the entire OR team and to develop meth-
ethyl benzene, toluene, and xylene were below ods to reduce the health risks.
standard detectable levels in the laparoscopic and Petrus et al43 quantitatively analyzed surgical
open procedures. The researchers concluded that smoke produced in vitro by vaporization of
the methods (ie, suction devices) used to remove fresh animal tissue with a CO2 laser in a closed
smoke from the surgical field and the OR air nitrogen atmosphere. The concentrations of ace-
exchanges of the HVAC system were effective and tonitrile, acrolein, ammonia, benzene, ethylene,
minimized exposure of the health care team and and toluene in surgical smoke were determined
the patient to the chemicals in surgical smoke. with laser photoacoustic spectroscopy. The
Additional qualitative and quantitative studies of researchers investigated different types of tissue
the contents of electrocautery smoke are needed (ie, pig kidney, muscle, skin, heart) at a laser
as well as technology that more efficiently and vaporization power of 10 watts and 15 watts
effectively evacuates surgical smoke from the sur- with exposure times of 5 seconds and 15 sec-
gical site and the OR environment. onds. Several smoke samples were collected,
In a study to determine the chemical compo- and the average gas concentrations were mea-
sition of surgical smoke, Sagar et al45 collected sured. The concentrations of the six gases mea-
samples of surgical smoke generated by electro- sured were acetonitrile 190 ppm, acrolein 35
cautery during colorectal surgery. The sampling ppm, ammonia 25 ppm, benzene 20 ppm, ethyl-
tube was attached near the end of the electro- ene 0.410 ppm, and toluene 45 ppm. The
cautery pencil or held in the plume above the researchers concluded that the concentrations
pencil. The researchers analyzed the collected of all six gases increased depending on the laser
smoke samples for PAHs, nitrosamines, nitrates, power, exposure time, and type of tissue and


that the laser photoacoustic spectroscopy sys- malignant cells can be aerosolized when the
tem was efficient in analyzing a multicompo- ultrasonic scalpel is used on tumor-bearing tis-
nent gas mixture. sue and may be the reason for tumor recurrence
at a port site remote from the original tumor.
Carcinogenic Hazards The researchers concluded that smoke from an
The evidence is inconclusive as to whether ultrasonic scalpel may contain viable tumor
exposure to surgical smoke places perioperative cells, and there is a theoretical risk of transfer of
team members at increased risk of developing the viable tumor cells to anyone close to the
cancer.23,62,111-113,173-175 surgical procedure.
Tseng et al 62 investigated particle number Mowbray et al 112 conducted a systematic
concentrations, size distribution, and gaseous review of the literature to evaluate the proper-
and particle phase PAHs as the tracers of surgi- ties of surgical smoke and the evidence of the
cal smoke in the OR. Through their investiga- harmful effects to OR team. The authors
tion of PAH concentrations for different surgical reviewed 20 studies that met the inclusion crite-
personnel, the potential cancer risk can be esti- ria for documentation of the contents of surgical
mated for OR team members exposed to electro- smoke during human surgical procedures,
surgery smoke. The researchers chose mastec- methods to analyze the smoke, implication of
tomy procedures because of procedure length smoke exposure, and type of energy device. The
and high electrocautery use. During 14 mastec- authors concluded that their review confirmed
tomy procedures, samples from the breathing surgical smoke contains potentially carcino-
zones of the surgeon and anesthesia provider genic compounds small enough to be respirable
were collected at 5-minute intervals. The major- and reach the lower airways. The potential for
ity of the airborne particles (70%) were 0.3 μm harm is present, but the risk to the OR person-
in size. nel remains unproven.
The downward flow of air (ie, positive pres-
sure) from the OR ceiling distributed the smoke Mutagenic Hazards
into the surrounding environment, exposing all Several studies5,147,155,176,177 have demonstrated
personnel in the room instantaneously. The par- the mutagenicity of surgical smoke. Gatti et al146
ticle and gaseous PAH concentrations for the collected multiple air samples in the OR during
surgeon and anesthesia provider increased 40 to reduction mammoplasty procedures using elec-
100 times over the initial baseline measure- trocautery for dissection and excision of the
ments. The surgeon was exposed to the highest breast tissue. The OR samples were collected
level of PAHs, approximately 1.5 times higher approximately 2.5 ft to 3 ft above the surgical
than the anesthesia provider. Although the field. Control air samples were taken in a sepa-
anesthesia provider’s levels were less than the rate room. All of the samples were tested for
surgeon’s, longer hours working in the OR mutagenic activity in standard tester strains
increased the risk. The researchers concluded TA98 and TA100 of Salmonella typhimurium
that the submicron particles in the smoke con- using the Salmonella microsomal microsuspen-
tained carcinogenic chemicals and could sion test. The results showed the air samples
threaten the health of the OR team through res- were mutagenic to the TA98 strain of Salmo-
piration of the particles. Using the toxicity nella typhimurium. The TA100 strain of Salmo-
equivalency factor, the average cancer risk in a nella typhimurium did not appear to be signifi-
70-year lifetime for the surgeons and the anes- cantly altered by the smoke. The researchers
thesia provider was calculated to be 117 x 10-6 concluded from this preliminary study that the
and 270 x 10-6, respectively, which are signifi- smoke produced by the electrocautery during
cantly higher the World Health Organization reduction mammoplasty is mutagenic. Muta-
recommendation of 1 x 10-6.62 genic potential may vary among patients. Safe
In et al 111 conducted a two-part in vitro levels of ambient mutagens have not been
experiment to determine whether viable cells determined.
were present in surgical smoke. If viable tumor To test the mutagenic activity of surgical
cells were found, the in vivo study portion eval- smoke condensates, Tomita et al5 used a CO2 laser
uated their carcinogenicity. Viable cells were to irradiate and an ESU to cauterize excised
identified in the smoke at 5 cm from the ultra- canine tongue. The researchers tested the gener-
sonic scalpel. No viable cells were detected in ated smoke with the microbial strains TA98 and
the smoke from the ESU or radio-frequency TA100 of Salmonella typhimurium. The laser
ablation device. The viable cells were injected condensates showed mutagenicity on TA98 in
on both sides of the lower back of 20 mice. After the presence of S9 mix. The S9 mix contained 50
2 weeks, there was tumor growth in 16 of the 40 µmoles sodium phosphate buffer, 4 µmoles mag-
injection sites. Biopsies for morphological nesium chloride, 16.5 µmoles potassium chlo-
assessment showed highly mitotic cells, includ- ride, 2.5 µmoles glucose-6 phosphate, 2 µmoles
ing irregularly shaped nuclei consistent with nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate,
malignant tumors. The results suggest that and 150 µL of S9 fraction (prepared from rat liver
pretreated with polychlorobiphenyl) in a total Hensman et al178 exposed cultured cells for a
volume of 0.5 mL. The ESU condensates exhib- short period of time to smoke produced in a
ited mutagenic activity on both strains in the confined space in vitro to determine whether
presence of S9 mix. The mutagenic ability of significant toxicity can occur. The smoke was
laser condensates was one-half that of the ESU produced in helium, carbon dioxide, and air-
condensates for the microbial strain TA98. The saturated environments. The toxic, infective,
m i c r o b i a l s t r a i n TA 9 8 o f S a l m o n e l l a and mutagenic risks of surgical smoke during
typhimurium was 10 times more sensitive than open surgeries are known. In minimally inva-
m i c r o b i a l s t r a i n TA 1 0 0 o f S a l m o n e l l a sive surgery, it is unknown whether the smoke
typhimurium to the condensates. produced in a carbon dioxide-saturated envi-
The ESU may be more favorable for the gen- ronment may have a different composition. The
eration of mutagens than laser irradiation. The chemical contents identified in the smoke pro-
mutagenic potency of the laser condensates was duced in helium, carbon dioxide, and air were
comparable to that of cigarette smoke. The similar in composition. The researchers con-
researchers collected about 40 mg of laser and cluded the ESU smoke generated in a closed
ESU condensates from 1 g of vaporized or cau- environment produced several toxic chemicals.
terized tissue. This amount of laser condensate The effect of the toxic chemicals on cell viabil-
was equivalent to that from three cigarettes, and ity, macrophage, and endothelial cell activation
this amount of ESU condensate was equivalent is unknown. Until the effects of these toxic
to that from six cigarettes. The researchers con- chemicals is known, smoke evacuation is rec-
cluded that more research is needed to evaluate ommended during minimally invasive surgery.
the hazards of laser and ESU smoke on human
health and, unless proven otherwise, there is a Viral Hazards
potential health risk to surgeons, anesthesia Several studies95,181-185 demonstrated a low risk
providers, nurses, and patients.5 of HPV transmission and subsequent infection.
Hill et al154 studied six human and 78 porcine Kofoed et al183 investigated the prevalence of
tissue samples to find the mass of tissue ablated
mucosal HPV types in medical personnel
during 5 minutes of monopolar ESU use. They
employed in the gynecology and dermato-vene-
also recorded electronically the total daily dura-
reology departments of multiple Denmark hos-
tion of ESU use in a plastic surgery OR during a
pitals in relation to occupational exposure to
2-month period. An initial pilot study com-
HPV. The participants (N = 287) completed a
pared a human tissue sample with the animal
questionnaire with demographic data, their pre-
model. No difference was found between the
vious and current work-related HPV exposure,
two tissue types. Porcine tissue is the most
and history of HPV-related disease. The
physiologically similar tissue to human tissue.
researchers collected oral and nasal mucosa
For the human tissue, the mass of the ESU tis-
sue ablation after 5 minutes of continuous cut- samples from the participants and analyzed the
ting ablation was 2.4132 g and the mass after samples using HPV genotyping. In relation to
coagulation ablation was 1.5817 g. For the por- exposure, a mucosal HPV type was found in

cine tissue, the mass of the ESU tissue ablation 5.8% of employees with experience in treat-
after 5 minutes of continuous cutting ablation ing genital warts with a laser compared to
was 2.3721 g and the mass after coagulation 1.7% of the participants who did not have
ablation was 1.5406 g. The mean daily ESU acti- this experience;
vation time was 12 minutes 43 seconds. Using 6.5% of participants with experience in treat-
Tomita’s results that 1 g of tissue equals six ing genital warts with electrosurgery com-
unfiltered cigarettes,5 the researchers quantified pared to 2.8% of the participants who did not
the environmental OR air pollution. They con- have this experience; and
cluded that the equivalent of 27 to 30 unfiltered 4.7% of participants with experience in treat-
cigarettes would need to be smoked in the OR ing genital warts with loop electrode excision
on a daily basis to generate a passive air pollu- procedure compared to 4.6% of the partici-
tion with an equivalent mutagenicity. The long- pants who did not have this experience.
term effects of chronic surgical smoke exposure Physician and non-physician laser personnel
remains unproven. It is known that surgical who had treated patients with genital warts for
smoke is mutagenic and contains the same car- at least 5 years had a significantly higher preva-
cinogens as tobacco smoke. The dangers of pas- lence of mucosal HPV types than personnel
sive exposure to tobacco smoke are well docu- who had less than 5 years of experience or no
mented. The researchers recommended using experience treating genital wards with a laser.
smoke evacuators. The researchers found that participating in CO2
laser or electrosurgical evaporation of genital
Cytotoxic Hazards warts or loop electrode excision of cervical dys-
There is limited evidence regarding the cyto- plasia did not significantly increase the preva-
toxic effects of surgical smoke.177-180 lence of nasal or oral HPV. Mucosal HPV types


are infrequent in the oral and nasal cavities of his tongue was positive for squamous cell carci-
health care personnel. noma and HPV-16. The surgeon was a non-
Despite the low risk of transmission and sub- smoker who consumed alcohol occasionally
sequent infection with HPV, there have been and had been married twice. The surgeon’s
reported cases of occupational transmission of occupational history consisted of performing
HPV.9-11 In 1991, Hallmo and Naess10 reported weekly laser ablations with a CO2 laser for 15
the case of a 44-year-old laser surgeon who pre- years and performing loop electrosurgical exci-
sented with a large, confluent papillomatous sion procedures for 15 years. The authors sug-
mass in the anterior commissure and along the gested prophylactic HPV vaccination against
right vocal cord and four smaller, discrete, oncogenic HPV strains to prevent infection and
smooth papillomas on the left vocal cord. Biop- reduce the risk of oropharyngeal cancer.
sies of the laryngeal lesions showed squamous In a university laboratory research center,
papillomas with moderate focal dysplasia. Garden et al 81 investigated whether laser-
Types HPV-6 and HPV-11 DNA were identified generated plume from infected animal tissue
in groups of tumor cells. The surgeon had no (ie, bovine papillomavirus [BPV]-induced cuta-
known source of infection other than that he neous fibropapilloma) can reproduce disease.
had used the Nd:YAG laser for therapeutic pro- The researchers evaluated three laser settings,
cedures involving anogenital condyloma acumi- suctioned and collected the laser plume at each
nata. Anogenital condylomas harbor HPV types setting, and re-inoculated the laser plume onto
6 and 11. The authors concluded that any of the the skin of three calves. All of the laser plume
surgeon’s patients with anogenital warts could samples at the three laser settings contained
have been the source of the surgeon’s HPV con- BPV DNA. Two calves developed marked
tamination, and there is a similar risk for laser lesions at the sites of BPV inoculum, and the
procedure team members. third calf developed minimal growth. The histo-
Calero and Brusis 9 reported the case of a logical evaluation of the excised laser-plume
28-year-old OR nurse who developed recurrent induced lesions was typical of BPV fibropapillo-
and histologically proven laryngeal papilloma-
mas. The DNA extracts from each of the three
tosis. The nurse’s occupational history included
induced tumors contained high levels of BPV
assisting on electrosurgical and laser surgical
DNA, thus confirming that the lesions resulted
excisions of anogenital condylomas. After a
from the BPV infection. The researchers found
virological institute confirmed the high proba-
the lesions induced by the laser plume were
bility of correlation between the occupational
identical to the original lesions based on the
exposure and laryngeal papillomatosis, the
histopathological and viral typing.
nurse’s condition was accepted as an occupa-
The evidence conflicts on whether patho-
tional disease. Hallmo and Naess10 and Calero
genic virus transfer occurs during excimer laser
and Brusis9 concluded that the occupational
transmission risk of HPV is low when recom- treatment of corneal tissue.85,186,187
mended protective measures (eg, smoke evacua- Hagen et al187 developed a model system to
tion) are employed. test the possibility of virus transmission during
Rioux et al11 described the cases of HPV-16 excimer laser treatment through airborne
positive oropharyngeal squamous cell carcino- excimer laser debris. An excimer laser was used
mas in two surgeons with long-term histories of to ablate a culture plate infected with psuedora-
occupational laser plume exposure to HPV. A bies virus. Psuedorabies virus is a porcine
53-year-old gynecologist sought consultation for enveloped herpes virus, similar in structure and
a lesion on his right tonsil and a lump in the life cycle to HIV and the herpes simplex virus.
right side of his neck. The biopsy of the right In vitro transfer of viable psuedorabies virus by
tonsil confirmed invasive squamous cell carci- excimer laser plume did not appear to occur.
noma of moderate to poor differentiation. The The researchers concluded that the surgeon and
lesion was positive for HPV-16 by hybrid cap- team members are at low risk of infection by
ture assay. The patient was a non-smoker who enveloped viruses (eg, HIV, herpes simplex)
consumed alcohol occasionally, was in a transmitted by the excimer laser plume.
monogamous relationship, and whose partner In 1997, Taravella et al186 used an excimer
tested negative for HPV. The only identifiable laser to ablate fibroblasts infected with attenu-
risk factor for oropharyngeal cancer and HPV ated varicella-zoster virus. The researchers col-
was occupational exposure to HPV-positive lected the laser plume for PCR analysis and
laser plume. The surgeon performed more than viral cultures. Their results suggested that viral
3,000 laser ablations and loop electrosurgical DNA fragments remain intact after ablation but
excisions for dysplastic cervical and vulvar the virus particles capable of causing infection
lesions over 20 years. in the fibroblast culture do not. They concluded
The second case was a 62-year-old gynecolo- that attenuated varicella-zoster virus does not
gist who sought consultation for a foreign body seem to survive excimer laser ablation, and fur-
sensation in his throat. A biopsy of the base of ther research is needed to determine whether
other viruses could remain infectious after 10-minute exposures on airway resistance, gas
exposure to excimer laser radiation. exchange, and mucociliary clearance rate in the
In a subsequent experimental study in 1999, trachea. They found a decrease in arterial par-
Taravella et al85 used an excimer laser to ablate tial pressure of oxygen after smoke inhalation.
fibroblasts infected with oral polio vaccine Tracheal mucous velocity was significantly
virus. The researchers collected the laser plume depressed in a dose-dependent manner with
for viral cultures. The cultures were positive for increasing smoke exposure. Results of bron-
the virus. The researchers also analyzed the role choalveolar lavages showed smoke inhalation
of virus size and its ability to remain infectious induced a severe inflammation with increases of
after excimer laser ablation. The oral polio virus inflammatory cells. The researchers concluded
is approximately 30 nm in size compared with that the surgeon should be aware that inhalation
200 nm for the herpes virus family. The results of laser-generated smoke may cause transient
suggested that smaller viruses might be able to hypoxia, depression of lung defense mecha-
escape ablation, whereas larger viruses may not. nisms, and delayed airway inflammation.
The researchers concluded that the oral polio Charles167 retrospectively studied the effects
virus can survive excimer laser ablation and of laser plume evacuation on laser in-situ ker-
that whether other viruses, such as HIV, can atomileusis (LASIK) outcomes in 199 patients
withstand ablation and remain infectious needs (n = 82 with no evacuation, n = 117 with plume
to be determined. evacuation). There were no statistical differ-
ences in the frequency of corneal abrasion, flap
Bacterial Hazards slippage, or the level of postoperative debris. A
Capizzi et al98 conducted a prospective study to significant difference was noted in postopera-
analyze the potential bacterial and viral expo- tive residual refractive error and uncorrected
sure to OR personnel from the laser smoke visual acuity. In the no evacuation group, 90%
plume generated by CO2 laser resurfacing. Dur- had uncorrected visual acuity of 20/40 or better,
ing 13 consecutive laser resurfacing procedures, 68% saw 20/25 or better, and 59% saw 20/20 or
the researchers captured the smoke plume using better. In the plume evacuation group 96% had
a smoke evacuator with a HEPA filter. Before the uncorrected visual acuity of 20/40 or better,
resurfacing procedures, the room air was fil- 89% saw 20/25 or better, and 74% saw 20/20 or
tered with the smoke evacuator. The HEPA filter better. Charles concluded that using plume
served as the control. Two bacterial and two evacuation for LASIK procedures improved
viral cultures were collected per filter. Bacterial refractive and uncorrected visual acuity out-
cultures were incubated for 14 days if results comes following the procedure.
were negative, and the viral cultures were incu-
II.a.1. The decision to evacuate or not evacuate
bated for 28 days if the results were negative.
surgical smoke should not be made at the
There was no growth from any of the viral cul-
discretion of an individual practitioner.32
tures. Five patients had a bacterial culture that
[3: Moderate Evidence]
grew +1 coagulase-negative Staphylococcus.
The patient and other perioperative team
Two of these five patients also had a concomi-

members are continually exposed to the

tant bacterial growth of either Corynebacterium
hazards of surgical smoke.32
or Neisseria. The researchers concluded that
viable bacteria exist within the laser smoke II.a.2. A smoke evacuator with a 0.1 μm filter (eg,
plume generated during laser resurfacing. Addi- ultra-low particulate air [ULPA]) should be
tional research is needed to define the exposure used when surgical smoke is antici-
risk associated with patients who have hepati- pated.27,30,31,115,128,132 [2: High Evidence]
tis, HIV, and antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Electrosurgery generates the smallest
aerodynamic size particles (< 0.07 μm to
Patient Health Effects 0.1 μm); laser tissue ablation creates larger
Two studies 165,167 report potential hazardous particles (~ 0.31 μm); and ultrasonic scal-
effects to patients from surgical smoke pels create the largest particles (0.35 μm to
exposure. 6.5 μm).19 An ULPA filter has an a 99.999%
Freitag et al 165 investigated the harmful efficiency.188
effects of surgical smoke inhalation for the
II.a.3. When using a medical-surgical vacuum sys-
patient and the OR team in an animal study. To
tem, a 0.1 μm in-line filter (eg, ULPA)
simulate a single patient exposure of the respi-
should be in place between the suction wall
ratory system during a procedure, the research-
connection and the suction cannis-
ers measured the effects of one 10-minute expo-
ter.30,31,115,128,130,132,133 [2: High Evidence]
sure on airway resistance, gas exchange, and
An in-line 0.1 μm filter captures airborne
mucociliary clearance rate in the trachea. To
contaminants in surgical smoke.115
simulate the repetitive exposures of surgical
smoke inhalation by the OR team, the research- II.a.4. A medical-surgical vacuum system (ie, wall
ers measured the effects of three separate suction) may be used to evacuate small


amounts188 of surgical smoke as defined by in the room and to estimate background concen-
the health care organization’s policy and trations of the smoke in various parts of the
procedures. [5: Benefits Balanced with room. The nozzle of the smoke evacuator was
Harms] located at 2 inches, 6 inches, and 12 inches to
Low suction flow rates128 associated with measure the relative effectiveness of the smoke
medical-surgical vacuum systems limit evacuation system. The researchers used aerosol
their efficiency in evacuating surgical and dust monitors to measure the relative con-
smoke, making them suitable only for the centration of the smoke with a scale of zero to
evacuation of small amounts of smoke.130,188 20. When the smoke was not evacuated, the rel-
ative concentration of smoke at 6 inches was
II.a.5. Preventative maintenance for a centralized
high, ranging from 10 to 20, compared to the
stationary smoke evacuation system should
include flushing of the smoke evacuator background relative concentration of zero to 1,
lines according to the manufacturer’s demonstrating a clear indication to use a smoke
instructions.130 [4: Limited Evidence] evacuator. When the smoke evacuator nozzle
A centralized stationary smoke evacua- was 2 inches from the laser interaction site, the
tion system is permanently installed in nozzle completely collected the smoke when
mechanical spaces and provides evacuation the evacuator was activated. At 6 inches, the
to several points of use.128 The scavenged, smoke collection was not complete and the rela-
filtered air is exhausted outside of the tive concentrations rose as high as 8. The results
building. 128 Regular maintenance of the at 12 inches was qualitatively similar to the
smoke evacuator lines prevents particulate results at 6 inches except that background
matter buildup or contamination of the suc- smoke levels increased. The researchers con-
tion line. cluded that positioning the nozzle of the smoke
evacuator at a distance of 2 inches is adequate
II.a.6. Smoke evacuation units and accessories for smoke capture. Distances greater than 2
should be used according to manufacturers’ inches may result in exposure to high concen-
written instructions (eg, filter change, dis- trations of smoke for personnel working near
tance of the capture device from the genera- the surgical site and are likely to an increase the
tion of surgical smoke).30,31,115,130 [2: High background concentrations in the room.
Evidence] In a randomized controlled trial, Pillinger et
II.b. The capture device (eg, wand, tubing) of a al162 investigated whether a suction clearance
smoke evacuation system should be positioned device would reduce the amount of smoke
as close to the surgical site as necessary to effec- reaching the surgeon’s mask compared to no
tively collect all traces of surgical smoke. [2: smoke evacuation. All of the patients under-
High Evidence] went either thyroid or parathyroid surgery with
Standards130,132 and guidance from NIOSH115 a standard anterior cervical collar incision and
and professional organizations27,30,31 recommend division of the strap muscles. The amount of
that the surgical smoke capture device be kept smoke reaching the level of the surgeon’s mask
as close as possible to the surgical site; was measured with an aerosol monitor. Smoke
NIOSH115 recommends that the device be kept evacuation was used for the patients in the
within 2 inches (5.08 cm) of the surgical site. experimental group (n = 15), and no smoke
Capture performance is affected by the smoke evacuation was used for the patients in the con-
evacuator flow rate,188,189 distance of the evacua- trol group (n = 15). Baseline measurements were
tor nozzle to the surgical site,188-190 tubing size, taken before the patients entered the OR, con-
and amount of smoke generated.189 tinuously during surgery, and postoperatively
If there is a detectable odor when a smoke after the patient left the OR for the postanesthe-
evacuation system is in use, it is a signal that sia care unit.
smoke is not being captured at the site where Use of smoke extraction resulted in a signifi-
it is being generated, cant reduction in the mean amount of smoke
there is inefficient air movement through the detected at the level of the surgeon’s mask. In
suction or smoke evacuation wand, or surgeries that used no smoke evacuation, the
the filter has exceeded its usefulness and mean amount of smoke detected at the surgeon’s
should be replaced.191 mask was 137 µg/m 3. In surgeries that used
In a preliminary study to simulate smoke smoke evacuation, the mean amount of smoke
production conditions during CO2 laser surgery, detected at the surgeon’s mask was 12 µg/m3.
Smith et al190 measured smoke concentrations at Use of smoke extraction resulted in a significant
6 inches, 3 feet, and 4 feet from the site of the reduction in the maximum amount of smoke
laser interaction with the tissue. The 6-inch dis- detected at the level of the surgeon’s mask (con-
tance represented the location of the surgeon trol group 2411 µg/m3; experimental group 255
and other personnel performing the surgery. The µg/m3). Clearing the smoke improved visibility
3- and 4-feet distances were used to monitor the of the surgical field and reduced the characteris-
areas in which other personnel might be present tic diathermy smell. The researchers concluded
that evacuation of surgical plume resulted in a laparoscopic coagulating shears. The partici-
significant reduction in the amount of smoke pants were divided into a smoke evacuation
reaching the level of the surgeon’s mask and group and a control group with no smoke evac-
that the use of smoke evacuation is advisable.162 uation. Ten laparoscopic surgeons indepen-
dently and subjectively evaluated the laparo-
II.b.1. The smoke evacuation system (eg, smoke
scopic field of view. The composition of the
evacuator, medical-surgical vacuum with
smoke was analyzed by mass spectrometry.
in-line filter) should be activated at all
More than 40 chemical compounds were identi-
times while surgical smoke is being gener-
fied in the smoke. The subjective evaluations
ated.115 [2: High Evidence]
indicated a superior field of view in the evacua-
II.c. The perioperative team should use a smoke tion group compared with the control group at
evacuation system during minimally invasive 15 seconds after activation of the ESU. The esti-
procedures. [3: Moderate Evidence] mated volume of residual intra-abdominal
The use of a smoke evacuation system during smoke after activation of the ESU was signifi-
minimally invasive procedures protects the cantly lower in the smoke evacuation group.
patient and personnel from the hazards of surgi- The researchers concluded that the use of an
cal smoke.19,24,65,130,192-194 The collective evidence automatic smoke evacuator enhanced the field
demonstrates that the risks of surgical smoke of view and reduced smoke exposure in experi-
exposure to the patient are reduced visibility of mental laparoscopic surgery.
the surgical site during the procedure,12-15,17-20,22,195 The evidence conflicts regarding elevated
potential delays during the procedure, 19-22 blood16,22,24,65,194 or intraperitoneal16,22,65 levels of
absorption and excretion of smoke by-products carbon monoxide posing a patient risk.
(eg, carbon monoxide, 22,24,25 benzene), 193,196 In a prospective study, Nezhat et al194 ana-
carboxyhemoglobinemia, 22,24 and port site lyzed the blood samples of patients undergoing
metastasis. 23,108,197 laparoscopic procedures with accompanying
Dobrogowski et al196 assessed patient expo- laser and bipolar ESU smoke generation. Car-
sure to organic substances produced and iden- boxyhemoglobin concentrations were measured
tified in surgical smoke generated during lapa- with gas chromatography. Preoperatively, the
roscopic cholecystectomy procedures. The mean carboxyhemoglobin levels were 0.70 ±
researchers collected urine samples of 69 0.15%, and postoperatively, the levels were 0.58
patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystec- ± 0.20%. The decrease was statistically signifi-
tomy procedures before and after surgery and cant. The researchers concluded that carbon
analyzed them for benzene, toluene, ethyl- monoxide poisoning is not associated with lapa-
benzene, and xylene. Samples of the gases in roscopic procedures. They attributed the results
the abdominal cavity were obtained from the to aggressive smoke evacuation that minimized
trocar for identification of the main chemical patient exposure to carbon monoxide and to
compounds. The researchers identified about 40 active elimination by ventilation with high oxy-
substances, such as aldehydes, unsaturated and gen concentrations.
saturated hydrocarbons, aromatic hydrocarbons, To determine the absorption of carbon mon-

and dioxins. The concentrations of benzene and oxide from the peritoneal cavity, Ott24 mea-
toluene were significantly higher in the urine sured patients’ preoperative, intraoperative,
samples after surgery compared with preopera- and postoperative levels of carboxyhemoglo-
tive levels. This is direct evidence that the com- bin. In the control group (n = 25), no lasers or
pounds were produced intraoperatively and smoke-generating devices were used during the
absorbed into the blood. The postoperative lev- laparoscopic procedure. In the experimental
els of benzene, a known human carcinogen, group (n = 25), lasers were used during the lapa-
were three times higher than before surgery. The roscopic procedures. Patients were screened
researchers concluded that the concentrations preoperatively for environmental or occupa-
of the compounds in the urine were only a tional sources of elevated carbon monoxide.
small percentage of the total absorbed dose. The The patients were evaluated for carbon monox-
mixture of the toxic compounds in the urine ide levels before induction of anesthesia, peri-
can significantly increase the overall toxicity odically during the procedure, and postopera-
potential caused by the interaction of the com- tively at 2, 3, 6, 12, and 24 hours. The control
pounds. There is also a potential threat from group showed no statistical change of preopera-
carcinogenic compounds (eg, benzene) despite a tive, intraoperative, or postoperative levels of
short exposure time and low concentrations. carboxyhemoglobin. Significant elevation of car-
Takahashi et al17 used an industrial smoke- boxyhemoglobin was found in all 25 of the
detection device to evaluate the efficacy of an experimental group members at 10 minutes.
automatic smoke evacuator in eliminating surgical The carboxyhemoglobin levels ranged from
smoke, including harmful substances, in experi- 2.8% to 18.5% saturation of whole blood and
mental laparoscopic surgery. Surgical smoke was were elevated for as long as 16 hours after the
generated with either a high-frequency ESU or end of the procedure. The patients with the


highest postoperative levels had symptoms of ogist) should evaluate alternative energy-
carbon monoxide poisoning (eg, dizziness, nau- generating devices. [5: Benefits Balanced
sea, headache, weakness). Ott concluded that with Harms]
patients having laparoscopic procedures with a The collective evidence indicates that bipo-
CO2 laser were exposed to high levels of carbon lar instruments, 12,157,201 ultrasonic instru-
monoxide and that smoke evacuation reduces ments, 12,50,110,201-207 certain surgical tech-
the hazards of carbon monoxide absorption, niques,208,209 and alternative devices21,161,185,210-215
decreases carboxyhemoglobin formation, and generate low amounts of surgical smoke.
reduces the consequences of acute iatrogenic
surgical carbon monoxide exposure resulting Recommendation III
from laser-generated smoke during laparoscopic
surgery. Perioperative team members should receive initial and ongoing
II.d. Used smoke evacuator filters, tubing, and wands education and competency verification on surgical smoke
must be handled using standard precautions, safety.
and disposed of as biohazardous waste.28,30,31,96, Initial and ongoing education of perioperative team
[1: Regulatory Requirement] members facilitates the development of knowledge,
Surgical smoke contains potentially hazard- skills, and attitudes that affect safe patient care and
ous (infectious) material, including viruses3,80-86 workplace safety. The health care organization is
(eg, HPV,88-95 HIV96,97), bacteria,98-102 blood,100,105-110 responsible for providing initial and ongoing educa-
particles,19,67-77 and cancer cells.23,111-113 tion and verifying the competency of its personnel199;
II.e. A multidisciplinary team that includes periop- however, the primary responsibility for maintaining
erative RNs, surgeons, and scrub personnel ongoing competency remains with the individual.216
should select surgical smoke safety equipment Competency verification activities provide a mecha-
to be used in the perioperative setting. Addi- nism for competency documentation and help verify
tional team members may include an infection that perioperative team members understand the haz-
preventionist, engineers (eg, biomedical, HVAC ards of surgical smoke, evacuation methods, proper
systems), and a materials manager. [5: Benefits equipment usage, and disposal of used tubing and
Balanced with Harms] filters.
Involvement of a multidisciplinary commit- III.a. The health care organization should establish
tee allows input from all departments in which education and competency verification activi-
the product will be used and from personnel ties for its personnel and determine intervals for
with expertise beyond clinical end users (eg, education and competency verification related
infection preventionists, materials management to surgical smoke safety practices. [5: Benefits
personnel). The perioperative RN has a profes- Balanced with Harms]
sional responsibility to consider “factors related
to safety, effectiveness, efficiency, and the envi- III.b. Education and competency verification activi-
ronment, as well as the cost in planning, deliv- ties related to surgical smoke safety should
ering, and evaluating patient care.”199(p702) Peri- include
operative RNs play a crucial role in providing defining surgical smoke (ie, the gaseous prod-
practical insight and expertise in the use and ucts of burning organic material created as a
evaluation of surgical products. result of the destruction of tissue),
describing critical factors for managing surgi-
II.e.1. The multidisciplinary team should evaluate cal smoke for all procedures that generate
smoke evacuators before purchase.130 The surgical smoke,
selection criteria should include the filters
identifying sources of surgical smoke (eg,
(eg, ULPA, carbon),128,188 minimum flow rate
lasers, ESUs, ultrasonic devices, high-speed
of 25 cu ft/minute, variable flow rate to
drills, burrs, saws),
accommodate various levels of smoke, 128
explaining the effect of particle size on the
noise level of 60 A-weighted decibels (dBA)
speed217 and distance smoke travels,
or less, automatic remote activation, the fil-
describing the health effects of smoke expo-
ter monitoring system,128 and compatibility
sure on patients and health care workers,160
of products.188,200 [3: Moderate Evidence]
selecting smoke evacuation systems and sup-
The ULPA filter capture particles in sur-
plies (eg, ESU pencils with incorporated
gical smoke, the carbon filter absorbs the
evacuation tubing, in-line filters, smoke evac-
gases in surgical smoke, the minimum flow
uator units) in accordance with the proce-
rate captures the smoke effectively, and the
dure being performed,
noise level criteria facilitate communication
testing smoke evacuation equipment before
during the procedure.188
the procedure,
II.e.2. In collaboration with the perioperative connecting equipment correctly,
team, the surgical specialists (eg, generalist, using smoke evacuation equipment correctly
otorhinolaryngologist, plastic surgeon, urol- during the procedure,
using standard precautions to handle used IV.a. Policies and procedures for surgical smoke
smoke evacuation supplies and discarding safety should include
biohazardous waste, evacuating all surgical smoke generated by
reviewing policies and procedures related to energy-generating devices (eg, ESUs, lasers,
smoke evacuation, and ultrasonic scalpels/dissectors) during opera-
participating in quality improvement pro- tive or other invasive procedures;
grams related to the management of surgical selecting a smoke evacuation system and
smoke as assigned. supplies (eg, ESU pencils with smoke evac-
[5: Benefits Balanced with Harms] uator tubing, in-line filters, smoke evacua-
The evidence indicates there is a lack of tor units) based on the procedure being
knowledge among perioperative team members performed;
regarding surgical smoke. Steege et al32 con- using a smoke evacuator with a 0.1 μm filter
ducted a web-based survey of members of pro- (eg, ULPA filter) or a medical-surgical vac-
fessional organizations representing health care uum system with a 0.1 μm in-line filter in
occupations in which there is routine contact place between the suction wall connection
with selected chemical agents, including surgi- and the suction canister to evacuate small
cal smoke. Laser surgery and electrosurgery amounts of surgical smoke;
were addressed in separate submodules of the positioning the smoke capture device (eg,
survey. Eligible respondents (N = 4,533) worked wand, tubing) as close to the surgical site as
within 5 ft of surgical smoke generation during necessary to effectively collect surgical
electrosurgery (99%) or laser surgery (31%). smoke;
The respondents were nurse anesthetists (33%), activating the smoke evacuator at all times
perioperative nurses (19%), anesthesiologists when surgical smoke is produced during sur-
(21%), surgical technologists (16%), and others gical procedures;
(11%). In response to questions on training, using a smoke evacuation system during min-
49% of the respondents to the survey laser sub- imally invasive procedures;
module and 44% of the respondents to the elec- handling used smoke evacuator filters, tub-
trosurgery submodule reported that they had ing, and wands as potentially infectious
never received training on the hazards of surgi- waste by using standard precautions and dis-
cal smoke. posing of these items as biohazardous waste;
wearing respiratory protective equipment as
III.c. Personnel should receive education and com- secondary protection against residual surgi-
plete competency verification activities before cal smoke;
new smoke evacuators and accessories are intro- wearing a fit-tested surgical N95 filtering face
duced. [5: Benefits Balanced with Harms] piece respirator during higher-risk, aerosol-
Receiving education and completing compe- generating procedures and procedures on
tency verification activities in advance of patients with known or suspected aerosol
changes helps ensure safe practice. transmissible diseases (eg, tuberculosis, vari-

cella, rubeola);
Recommendation IV knowing the criteria (eg, procedure type) for
use of a suction tubing with an in-line filter
Policies and procedures for surgical smoke safety should be to evacuate a small amount of surgical smoke
developed, reviewed periodically, revised as necessary, and and the indications to convert to using a
readily available in the practice setting in which they are used. smoke evacuator with larger tubing and suc-
tion capacity; and
Policies and procedures regarding surgical smoke
meeting education and competency verifica-
safety provide guidance to perioperative team mem-
tion requirements.
bers for creating an environment that reduces the expo-
[5: Benefits Balanced with Harms]
sure of patients and the perioperative team to surgical
smoke. Policies and procedures assist in the develop- IV.b. The policy should include procedures for
ment of patient safety, workplace safety, quality assess- reporting instances of health symptoms and
ment, and performance improvement activities. Poli- effects associated with surgical smoke exposure
cies and procedures also serve as operational (eg, reporting to the occupational health depart-
guidelines used to minimize patients’ and periopera- ment). [3: Moderate Evidence]
tive team members’ risk for injury or complications, The potential hazards of surgical smoke
standardize practice, direct personnel, and establish exposure to the perioperative team are respira-
continuous performance improvement programs. Poli- tory, biologic (eg, blood, virus, bacteria), carci-
cies and procedures establish authority, responsibility, nogenic, chemical, cytotoxic, and mutagenic.
and accountability within the practice setting. Having Repeated exposure to the contents of surgical
policies and procedures in place that guide and sup- smoke increases the possibility of developing
port patient care, treatment, and services is a regula- adverse effects (See Recommendation II.a.)
tory requirement.218-221 (Table 4).


In the hospitals tested, 33% to 46% of the
Table 4. Health effects of surgical smoke exposure1 employees described eye and upper respiratory
• Acute and chronic inflammatory respiratory changes irritation. The National Institute for Occupa-
(eg, emphysema, asthma, chronic bronchitis)
tional Safety and Health recommended that the
• Anemia health care organization’s management team
implement engineering controls during smoke-
• Anxiety
producing procedures and that the employees
• Carcinoma report instances of health symptoms associated
• Cardiovascular dysfunction
with surgical smoke exposure to the organiza-
tion’s occupational health personnel. At the
• Colic Laser Institute at the University of Utah Health
• Dermatitis Sciences Center, the investigators found detect-
able levels of ethanol, isopropanol, anthracene,
• Eye irritation formaldehyde, cyanide, and airborne mutagenic
• Headache substances. The National Institute for Occupa-
tional Safety and Health recommended the use
• Hepatitis
of smoke evacuators to minimize the potential
• HIV for health effects and improve visualization of
the surgical field.53,54,56,64
• Hypoxia or dizziness
Ball’s7 research indicated that perioperative
• Lacrimation nurses report having twice the incidence of
• Leukemia
some respiratory problems compared to the gen-
eral population.
• Lightheadedness

• Nasopharyngeal lesions Recommendation V

• Nausea or vomiting
Perioperative personnel should participate in a variety of quality
• Sneezing assurance and performance improvement activities that are
consistent with the health care organization’s plan to improve
• Throat irritation
understanding and compliance with the principles and pro-
• Weakness cesses of surgical smoke evacuation.
Reference Quality assurance and performance improvement pro-
1. Alp E, Bijl D, Bleichrodt RP, Hansson B, Voss A. Surgical smoke and infection grams assist in evaluating and improving the quality of
control. J Hosp Infect. 2006;62(1):1-5.
patient care and workplace safety and in formulating
From Ulmer BC. The hazards of surgical smoke. AORN J. 2008;87(4): 721-734. plans for corrective action. These programs provide
Adapted with permission. data that may be used to determine whether an organi-
zation is within its benchmark goals and, if not, to
identify areas that may require corrective action.
At the request of several health care organiza- V.a. The quality assurance and performance improve-
tions,42,53,54,56,64 the Hazard Evaluation and Tech- ment program for surgical smoke safety should
nical Assistance Branch of NIOSH conducted include assessment of compliance with surgical
field investigations of possible health hazards smoke evacuation. Compliance indicators include
associated with surgical smoke in the work- surgical smoke is evacuated with a smoke evac-
place. At the Laser Institute at the University of uator, a laparoscopic filter, or suction with an
Utah Health Sciences Center in Salt Lake City64; in-line filter during all smoke-generating
Inova Fairfax Hospital in Falls Church, Vir- procedures;
ginia53; Morton Plant Hospital in Dunedin, Flor- the smoke evacuation capture device is posi-
ida54; and Carolinas Medical Center in Charlotte, tioned as close as possible to the generation
North Carolina,56 NIOSH tested the air for chem- of surgical smoke to effectively collect all
icals commonly found in surgical smoke and traces of the smoke;
surveyed employees about heath symptoms an additional standard suction is used to
associated with surgical smoke exposure. At evacuate fluid;
Inova Fairfax Hospital, Morton Plant Hospital, smoke evacuation filters are used according
and the Carolinas Medical Center, formalde- to manufacturer’s instructions for use (eg,
hyde, acetaldehyde, and toluene were present single use, all day);
in the air. The levels of the compounds were perioperative team members wear PPE (eg,
below the relevant criteria for occupational gloves) when disposing of contaminated fil-
exposure. ters and smoke supplies; and
Of the employees surveyed at the hospitals, perioperative team members adhere to poli-
the range of at least one symptom associated cies and procedures for smoke evacuation.
with surgical smoke exposure was 36% to 52%. [3: Moderate Evidence]
The evidence indicates there is a lack of com- relevant interventions to improve surgical
pliance with surgical smoke evacua- smoke evacuation.
tion.8,32-34,36,37,222 Steege et al32 conducted a web-
based survey of members of professional Glossary
organizations representing health care occupa-
tions in which there is routine contact with Aldehydes: Organic compounds containing the CHO
selected chemical agents including surgical radical. Examples are acetaldehyde and formaldehyde.
smoke. Laser surgery and electrosurgery were Aromatic hydrocarbon: Any of a class of hydrocar-
addressed in separate submodules of the survey. bon molecules that have multiple carbon rings and that
Eligible respondents (N = 4,533) worked within include carcinogenic substances and environmental
5 ft of surgical smoke generation during electro- pollutants.
surgery (99%) or laser surgery (31%). The Hydrogen cyanide: A poisonous, usually gaseous
respondents were nurse anesthetists (33%), compound, also known as hydrocyanic acid (HCN),
perioperative nurses (19%), anesthesiologists that has the odor of bitter almonds and boils at 25.6° C
(21%), surgical technologists (16%), and others (78.1° F).
(11%). Only 47% of the respondents reported Inorganic gases: Gases that do not contain carbon
always using local exhaust ventilation during and hydrogen as the principle elements (eg, carbon
laser procedures and 14% reported always monoxide, carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrous
using local exhaust ventilation during electro- oxide, nitrogen dioxide).
surgery. Reasons reported for not using local Laser-generated airborne contaminants: Particles,
exhaust ventilation included that it was not pro- toxins, and steam produced by vaporization of target
vided by the employer, the smoke exposure was tissues.
minimal, and use of local exhaust ventilation Lung-damaging dust: Categorization of particles
was not part of the facility’s protocol. Respon- smaller than 5 μm that can penetrate to the deepest
dents also wrote in answers in the “other” cate- areas of the lung and obstruct gas exchange.
gory, and the majority responded that they did Nitrile: An organic compound containing a cyanide
not know why local exhaust ventilation was not group —CN bound to an alkyl group.
used and that they had no control over the deci- Smoke: The visible vapor and gases given off by a
sion to use local exhaust ventilation. The burning or smoldering substance, especially of organic
authors concluded that the decision to use local origin, made visible by the presence of small particles
exhaust ventilation should not be made at the of carbon.
discretion of an individual practitioner when Surgical smoke: The gaseous products of burning
others (eg, anesthesia personnel, nurses) will be organic material created as a result of the destruction
exposed to surgical smoke. The survey results of tissue by lasers, electrosurgical units, ultrasonic
provide a valuable snapshot of existing prac- devices, power instruments, and other heat-producing
tices and can be used to raise awareness of sur- surgical tools. Surgical smoke can contain toxic gases
gical smoke controls. and vapors such as benzene, hydrogen cyanide, form-
aldehyde, bioaerosols, dead and live cellular material
V.a.1. Smoke evacuation practices should be mea-
including blood fragments, and viruses. At high con-

sured by direct observation. Other measures

centrations, surgical smoke causes ocular and upper
to evaluate smoke evacuation practices may
respiratory tract irritation in health care workers and
include product usage or documentation of
creates obstructive visual problems for the surgeon.
smoke evacuation in the perioperative
Surgical smoke has unpleasant odors and has been
patient record. [5: Benefits Balanced with
shown to have mutagenic potential.
Ultra low particulate air (ULPA) filter: Theoretically,
V.b. Barriers to evacuating surgical smoke in the an ULPA filter can remove from the air 99.9999% of
perioperative setting should be identified and bacteria, dust, pollen, mold, and particles with a size
addressed through interventions to improve of 120 nm or larger.
smoke safety practices. [3: Moderate Evidence] Volatile organic compounds: Carbon-based chemi-
Barriers include cals that evaporate easily.
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Lead Author
Mary J. Ogg, MSN, RN, CNOR
Senior Perioperative Practice Specialist
AORN Nursing Department
Denver, Colorado



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