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Reach Quebec City’s English Community with the...

North America’s Oldest Newspaper - Since 1764 TM

WEDNESDAY, May 12, 2010, 246th year, No. 19 Quebec City $1.32 plus GST and QST
Pub. Mail Reg. #8861 - Post Publication 40026512 - EDITION VALID UNTIL MAY 19, 2010 - Outside Quebec City $2.00 plus GST and QST

Media Kit with Online Community

Reach 7,500* print and 21,000* online
Welcome to the Quebec Chronicle-Telegraph!
Our old offices 1924 - 27 Buade Street, Quebec City (*print is weekly and online is monthly)
List of Newsstands can be seen at

W e’re proud to provide you with our 2010 media kit to help you with your advertisement planning. The
Quebec Chronicle-Telegraph (QCT) is a weekly English-language newspaper published for people
in the Quebec City region. It is a vital source of information for the English-speaking community and an
excellent way to reach them with your message. We serve a distinct market in the provincial capital.

Although a majority of our readership lives in the Quebec City region, our distribution extends from
Shannon, near the Canadian Forces Base Valcartier, to Thetford Mines. Our distribution currently stands at
2100 paid circulation, with over 600 copies to newsstands in Montreal Sherbrooke and other locations in
the Eastern Townships and with an conservative average of 2 to 3 readers per household (approximately
6500 to 7500 readers). Many of our annual special editions see triple our normal distribution and readership.
Certain special editions are distributed to students of English-language schools in the greater Quebec City
region. Copies of the Chronicle-Telegraph are also sold at select newsstands in Quebec City.

With a history that dates back to 1764, the QCT is the oldest existing newspaper in North America. As
the only English-language newspaper, daily or weekly, published in the Quebec City region, our news,
features and other information deal specifically with subjects relevant to the English-speaking community
(approximately 13,000 strong). The QCT often includes content featuring other cultural communities
too. Anyone wishing to be heard by our community will find that the Chronicle-Telegraph is an effective
communication tool. It can also complement to advertising in the local French media.

The Quebec Chronicle-Telegraph welcomes advertisers from the international through to the local level
with messages about your business, programs, employment opportunities and services for our community
— for the newspaper or our website. We’d love you to add the QCT to your roster of publications for
upcoming publicity items and join the many nationally and locally-based companies that already do!

Inquiries and materials should be addressed to the attention of Rose Ernjakovic, either by regular mail,
email or fax. Quotes for a specific ad campaign are available upon request.

North America’s Oldest Newspaper, since 1764

1040 Belvedere, suite 218, Quebec City, (Québec) G1S 3G3 Tel: (418) 953-6003
Fax: (418) 650-5172 e-mail:
North America’s Oldest Newspaper - Since 1764 TM

WEDNESDAY, May 12, 2010, 246th year, No. 19 Quebec City $1.32 plus GST and QST
Pub. Mail Reg. #8861 - Post Publication 40026512 - EDITION VALID UNTIL MAY 19, 2010 - Outside Quebec City $2.00 plus GST and QST

Tuesday at Noon! Publication: weekly on Wednesday

Mardi – À MIDI! Publication : mercredi de chaque semaine. 2011 Rate Card
Half Page / Quarter Page /
Demi page Quart de page
10.38” x 8” 5.1” x 6.75”
Full Page /
$840.00 $355.00
Pleine page
10.38” x 16”

One-Sixth Page / Business card /

One-Eighth Page / Format carte
Sixième de page Huitième de page d’affaire
3.34” x 6.75” 3.34” x 5.12” 3.34” x 2.23”
or 5.1” x 4.57” or 5.1” x 3.43” $56.00
$239.35 $180.85 Special Front Page
Colour Banner /
Spécial bannière couleur
en première page
10.38” x 1.57”

Rates are regular retail rates, and represent rates outside our special section pricing.
*This option is available to clients that place a full-year ad campaign with a minimum of 5 insertion dates. Banner position guaranteed bottom, page
1, in full process colour. The ad space is 6 columns x 22 agates. Regular ad rate for each banner insertion is $575.88 + tax, the banner ad is being
offered for a limited period for only $436 + tax. Clients selecting this ad option must commit to at least 5 insertions. To confirm available publication
dates, contact our Sales Representative.

* Ce prix avantageux est offert aux clients qui achètent une campagne publicitaire d’un an, incluant un total de 5 dates d’insertion durant l’année.
Cela vous assurera une bannière au bas de la première page du journal et ce, en quadrichromie. L’espace publicitaire est sur 6 colonnes x 22 agates.
Le tarif régulier pour chaque insertion de bannière est de 575.88 $ (net) plus taxes. Cependant, cette offre vous est offerte à 436 $ (net) plus taxes
pour un temps limité. Les clients qui désirent profiter de cette offre doivent nécessairement s’engager à acheter 5 dates d’insertion. Afin de connaître
les dates de publication disponibles, veuillez contacter notre représentant des ventes.

1040 Belvedere, suite 218, Quebec City, (Québec) G1S 3G3 Tel: (418) 650-1764
Fax: (418) 650-5172 e-mail:
Rate Card
Via Email : or
FTP Upload 50MB of Space or more

and Specs
username; artwork
password: upload

National Rates Please Note

Line Rate: $1.35 per agate line (gross)

One Colour: $140 (gross) All rates subject to applicable taxes

Two Colours: $275 (gross)
Process Colour: $399 (gross) Line screen: 85 lpi

Inserts: $100/ 1,000 (2,000 inserts required) Column width: 9.54 picas (1.59”)
(maximum insert size is 8.5” x 11.5”) Gutter: 1 pica (0.167”)

Subscription: $50.00 / year - 50 issues Full page: 6 columns x 224 agates

10.38” x 16” for 17” tab layout.
Translation: $0.25 per word (net)

Retail Rates
Line Rate: $1.25 per agate line

One Colour: $140 Two Colours: $275 Process Colour: $399

Inserts: $100 / 1,000 (2100 inserts required), $275 surcharge on special editions.

Classified Ads: $8 for 25 words, 10¢ per additional word; Birth, In Memoriam, Thank You:
$21 for 50 words, 20¢ per additional word; Photograph: $10 (1 column), $25
(2 columns); Death Notice: $35 for 100 words, 25¢ per additional word (photo
and web listing included in price)

Business Directory: $56 (1 insertion),

Subscription: $50.00 / year - 50 issues

Translation: $0.30 per word Translation of Slogans: $20

Web Rates Deadline

Web ads can be purchased by month or by click (some restric-
Deadline for advertising (booking and
tions apply)
Banner $100 per month flat rate. Tuesday at Noon!
Square block same as banner Publication: weekly on Wednesday
Full Reporting available. Must have Business online membership
1040 Belvedere, suite 218, Quebec City, (Québec) G1S 3G3 Tel: (418) 650-1764
Fax: (418) 650-5172
North America’s Oldest Newspaper - Since 1764 TM

WEDNESDAY, May 12, 2010, 246th year, No. 19 Quebec City $1.32 plus GST and QST
Pub. Mail Reg. #8861 - Post Publication 40026512 - EDITION VALID UNTIL MAY 19, 2010 - Outside Quebec City $2.00 plus GST and QST

Media Kit - 2011

Special Editions Calendar
B e a part of our year 2010 Special Editions. Your advertising plays a vital supporting role. Join us in
celebrating our many community and cultural events by simply getting in touch with us. We would
like to hear about what you have planned. We also invite anyone in the community who is planning a
special event such as an anniversary, a new business opening, or a promotional ad campaign, to contact
us to discuss creating a special section in the Chronicle-Telegraph.

February 10 - Schools (registration)*

March 3 & 10 - St Patrick’s Day (lead-up edition March 7) & (March 14* events edition)
- Summer Camps (March 4 & 11*)

June 16 - School’s Out - Graduation Edition, Community Directory**

September 08 - QCT Salutes Our Community Heritage*

November 10 - Remembrance Day

December 15 - Christmas/New Year’s

Participate by Placing your Ad!

S pecial advertising and colour rates may be available for the above special editions. Contact the QCT’s
Sales representative, A letter with more details on the focus for each special edition and specific discounts
is available upon request.

* Editions that are distributed to all subscribers, to English elementary & high schools in
the greater Quebec City region as well as various post-secondary institutions

** Distributed to all regular subscribers & graduating students

1040 Belvedere, suite 218, Quebec City, (Québec) G1S 3G3 Tel: (418) 650-1764
Fax: (418) 650-5172 e-mail:
North America’s Oldest Newspaper - Since 1764 TM

Rate Card WEDNESDAY, May 12, 2010, 246th year, No. 19

Pub. Mail Reg. #8861 - Post Publication 40026512 - EDITION VALID UNTIL MAY 19, 2010 -
Québec Quebec City $1.32 plus GST and QST
Outside Quebec City $2.00 plus GST and QST
Technical Specifications for Sending Advertising
The files must:
• be in Macintosh format or fully compatible with Mac versions listed below.
• include all fonts used in the publication.
• be complete, i.e. correct colours, dimensions etc. as per booking.
• conform to the size of our columns (see page specs below).
• be sent via e-mail ( CD-ROM,

The files must not:

• be sent on Ditto, Sy-Quest or any other media not listed above.
• contain any colour plates other than the ones being paid for

The files must be in one of the following formats (in order of preference):
• PDF (Acrobat)
• Adobe InDesign CS (3.0) Via Email : or
• Adobe Illustrator 10 (or 8.0, 7.0, 6.0 etc.) FTP Upload 50MB of Space or more
• Photoshop (any version)
• Adobe Pagemaker 6.5 username: artwork
• Quark Express 3.x or 4.0 (not 5.0 or higher!) password: upload

Page Specifications: (17” Tabloid)

One full page is 62.25 points wide by 224 agates (83.85 points or 16”) high

1 column = 9.54 pts. = 1.59” 2 columns = 20.08 pts. = 3.34”

3 columns = 30.63 pts. = 5.10” 4 columns = 41.17 pts. = 6.86”
5 columns = 51.71 pts = 8.62” 6 columns = 62.25 pts. = 10.375”

Files being sent electronically may be sent to the following email addresses: (up to 5MB) or (up to 20MB)

Ad clients with larger files need to send on a CD by courrier or the QCT can retrieved from client’s ftp site
if one exists.

For more general information, please do not hesitate to contact the QCT’s Sales Representative,
Rose Ernjakovic.

The deadline for receiving ad bookings as well as receiving final ad material is 12 p.m. (noon) each
Monday, in the week the ad is scheduled to appear. Each ad booking must be supported by an insertion/
purchase order or a signed written agreement from this newspaper by that deadline.

1040 Belvedere, suite 218, Quebec City, (Québec) G1S 3G3 Tel: (418) 650-1764
Fax: (418) 650-5172 e-mail:

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