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HAAD exam questions

‫االجابة باللون األخضر‬

Psychiatry :

1-female pt present with loss of pleasure ,decreased eating for 3


a- depression b -cyclothymia

2-what makes u diagnose anorexia nervosa  thin individual with

intense desire to loose weight

3-case of post traumatic stress disorder … ask the diagnosis

(‫)واحد شاف حادثة ويقعد كل شوية يفتكر‬

4- Night walking ,REM disoreder

‫واحدة جاية مع جوزها تقول انه بيمشي وهوا نايم ويركب على راس السرير ويقول يلالاااا‬
‫ لكنه لما بيصحى بيقول انه فاكر انه حلم انه كان راكب حصان‬...
5-Selective Autism Vs Learning difficulty

‫الحالة بتوصف بنت صغيرة في االبتدائي هيا في البيت كويسة وبتتكلم وبتلعب لكن اما‬
‫بتروح المدرسة بتقعد ساكتة ومابتجاوبش في الفصل لكن لها واحدة صاحبتها انتيم هيا بس‬
‫اللي بتتكلم معاها‬
6- Body dismorphic disorder

30 year od lady teacher comes to you because of problem with her

eye lid. She is wearing glasses to hide the large lesion in her eye,
when u examine her you find a 2 mm lesion in her lower eye lid.

What is the diagnosis

7-30 year old lady was working in Spa center but left her job 1 year
ago because she got HIV infection from her job…Several hospitals
has done the test for her but it was negative in all hospitals. But she
insist that she has HIV from her job.

What is the diagnosis? Somatoform disorder ‫هي مفروض انها حاجة اسمها‬

Subtype is Hypochondriasis = preoccupation with or fear of having

a serious disease despite medical reassurance leading to significant
distress or impairment.

8- Conduct Disorder VS Oppositional defiant Disorder



9- Stab wound in the chest ,auscultation reveals normal air entry

,distant heart sounds

How to proceed with diagnosis: a- chest x-ray b- Transthoracic


10-Burn in 40 year old man he is 175 cm tall ,75kg ,the burn is in the
chest and abdomen

How to calculate the fluid deficit in 24 hours?

4ml * burn surface area * body weight 4.7liters

11- Stab wound in upper chest ,Chest X-ray show shifted trachea to
the left

What is the management : a- Insert chest tube to the RT upper

chest b- Insert chest tube to the LT upper chest


12- 40 week multigravida ,had rupture of membrane ,exam reveals

fundal height of 39 weeks. Fetal Hear rate is reactive. What to do

-Induction of labor

-wait 24 hour then induction of labor

-wait 24 hours then CS


13,14,15 3 clinical scenarios on PCO ( ask the diagnosis , lab test ,


16- Pap smear show dyskinesia , her previous pap for the last 2
years were normal. What is the next step in management ? a-
colposcopy b- follow up in 3 month

17-Breat mass ,mammography show clacification and spiking what

to do next ?

a-lobectomy b-mastectomy c- radical mastectomy

18- 3 year old girl is brought by her mother due to vaginal discharge
which is bloody +pus .the girl denies sexual contact. What is the
most likely diagnosis? a- F.B b- Sexual Abuse

19- Case of old lady complain of bone pain , weakness which

suggest osteoporosis , u order for her dexa scan and the z score
result was +2 what would u do next ?

a-follow up next year

b-give Biphosphonate and Ca

20- 47 year old security lady complain of something protruding
from the vagina, examination reveals that the cervix is protruding
from the vagina. She has history of bronchial asthma.

What is the risk factor for this condition a- bronchial asthma b-

prolonged standing c- age

21- 40 year old lady coming with infertility for 4 years, menstrual
irregularities and abdominal pain. Laparoscopy was done showed
endometriosis. What is the treatment of this case?

a-Oral contraceptive pills b- Danazole c- Inviro fertilization

22-Case of postmenopausal bleeding next step  endometrial

biopsy another question management  TAH +BSO

23-Pregnantt woman G2 P1 she is Rh –ve father Rh +ve .u

performed a titre of Anti-D it was 1:16. What is the next step? a–
give her anti- D b- Blood transfusion to the baby c- Amniocentesis

24-pregnant lady with Hashimoto hypothyroidism .She is on

thyroxin developed Goitre 2 month ago when she become
pregnant.Her investigations show high TSH and Normal T4.Scan
show euthyroid activity. What to do next?

A-Re-assurance; this is normal with pregnancy b- Thyroid US c-

Radio-iodine scan

25 - Vaginitis : Bacterial vaginitis vs Trichomonal and its ttt



25,26,27 3 different clinical scenarios with the same options :

-Diverticulitis /Acute

-Ischemic colitis

28-How to differentiate between strangulated hernia and

irreducible hernia

29-Stag horn stone 6*2*1.5 cm management a- open surgery+

removal b- ESWL c-Nephrolithotomy &Nephrolithotripsy ‫موجود في‬
‫مذكرة الدكتور السوداني‬
30-Stone 2*1 cm management Fluids+ change ph of urine(make

31- 50 year old man complain of frequency of urination ,PSA was

done last year was 8.4mg/dl and repeated this year same result
.what to do next? ‫ حاالت للوصول‬3 ‫مشروحة في مذكرة الدكتور السوداني فيه‬
‫لالجابة الصحيحة‬
a- Give alpha receptor blockers
b- Give B receptor agonist
c- Trans-urethral prostatectomy
d- Trans-urethral cystoscopy
e- Trans-urethral biopsy

= if BPH=>hard,PSA more than 10 =>transractal biopsy

=if BPH=>enlarge+ PSA 1 to 5 => Finasteride
=if PBH=> enlarge+HTN & PSA 5 to 9+> Alpha-blocker

32- The first station of lymph node spread in cervical cancer? a-

inguinal b-common iliac c- external iliac
33-Aim of fluid resuscitation is to reach : a-Bl pr > 120/80 b- HR
>70 c-Urine output 50ml d- capillary refill 2msec

34-Thyroid mass 2*2.5*1.5 cm removed ,pathology show follicular

carcinoma what is the next step?

a-total thyroidectomy + Radio –iodine therapy

b-Total thyroidectomy + External Radiation

c-Radiation only

d- Radio-iodine only


Internal Medicine and pediatrics :

35-RTA , injury to the brain+ herniation developed cardiac arrest for

which was resuscitated but unsuccessful and patient died. What is
the cause of death? a-RTA b-brain herniation c-cardiac arrest d-
Brain Edema

36-pt with DM,HTN developed pulmonary embolism ,he was

admitted developed cardiac arrest for which was resuscitated but
unsuccessful and patient died. What is the cause of death? a-
DM&HTN b- cardiac arrest c- pulmonary embolism

37,38,39 3different questions on autoimmune disease asking what

are the eye manifestations with these disease


what is the eye manifestation for each a-conjunctivitis b-

episcleritis c- retinitis d-iridocyclitis
SLE Retinal infarction , Sicca syndrome

RAEpiscleritis ,Scleritis ,Sicca Syndrome

Ankylosing Spondylitis Anterior Uveitis


Juvenile RAIridocyclitis
151. Juvenile arthritis
. (Iridocyctitis)
152. Ankylosing Spondylitis
(Anterior Uveitis)
153. Rheumatoid Artheritis
(kertoconjuntivitis Sicca)
40-patient has SlE ,congestive heart failure and DM developed hand
and foot edema. He is on medications: Ketoprofen, Metformin,
Thiazide ,ACEI , short acting and intermediate acting Insulin

What is the drug that should be discontinued ? a- ketoprofen b-

Metformin c-Thiazide

41- Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura VS Henoch Schnolein


42,43,44 Antibiotic choice in Urethritis ,pyelonephritis and PID

45- 60 year old man comes with history of dysphagia to solids then
to fluids what is the diagnosis

a- cancer oesophagus b- motility disorder

46- 7 year old child with holosyatolic murmur on the left lower
sternal border grade 4/6 what is the diagnosis a- small VSD b-
large VSD

47-bronchial asthma and sport what is the medication of choice ==>


48-20 year old amateur painter of portraits , he is interested to win

the town competition for painting. He is complaining of white
patches on his forearms which is not itchy except when he changes
the type / colour of paint. his sister has bonchial asthma and his
brother has allergic rhinitis.

what is the diagnosis of his condition ?

typical eczematous dermatitis

atypical eczematous dermatitis

leucoderma ‫خالف عليها‬

49- 2 year old girl s fed on cow's milk,ha eczema on her arms & foot
extensor surface what to do next ?

-stop cow's milk

-refer to dermatology

‫مش كانت االجابه هنا ادى كورتيزون‬

50- 16 hour old boy present with jaundice ,mother is Rh +ve
,started breast feeding

investigations shows

bilirubin 200mmole (normal 1-2 mmole)

Indirect 1 mmole
Direct 0.2 mg

what is the diagnosis ?

-ABO incompatibility

-Sicle cell anemia

-Physiological Jaundice

-Biliary atresia

51,52- 2 questions about the topical treatment of fungal skin

infection and erysiplas

53- Case of Meningitis in 5 years old girl. she has a brother 2

months old what to do for him?

Give rifampicin -vaccination- close monitoring for symptoms

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