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NoteAfter compilation, all the data selected as tags in STEP 7 have been created in WinCC.

With symbols, the name is made up as follows:

"Program folder name"/"Symbol name from the symbol table"

For data from data blocks as follows:

"Program folder name"/"Data block name"."Element name"

Once the tags have been created in the WinCC Tag Management, these can be
used directly when configuring pictures.

In the tag selection dialog although it is possible to access the STEP 7 Symbol
Server, this takes a little longer (compare slide "Configuration (2nd option)
Creating multiple tags "along the way").

Deleting variables
The "mapped" tags cannot be deleted directly in the WinCC Explorer. This is only
possible if the selection (either for an entire data block or for individual elements of
the data block) is deleted. Following this, the "Compile OS" tool must be started
with the "Memory reset" option. The memory reset initially deletes all mapped tags
and then creates the new tags according to these selections.


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