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NCE074BCE : Final Year Project on “Earthquake Resistance Design of Multi Storied Commercial Building” at Kathmandu.

Talchikhel, Lalitpur

Final Year Project Report

“Earthquake Resistance Design of Multistoried Commercial Building”
[Code No: CE707]

Submitted By :-
Submitted to:-
Department of Civil Engineering


Prepared By : Aashik Kumar Sah, Aashish Kumar Jha, Abhay Yadav, Baliram Sah, Bikesh Kumar Keshri, Neha Yadav
NCE074BCE : Final Year Project on “Earthquake Resistance Design of Multi Storied Commercial Building” at Kathmandu.

“Earthquake Resistance Design of Multistoried Commercial

[Code No: CE707]

A final year project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement

for the
Degree of Bachelor in Civil Engineering

Submitted by:-

Submitted to:-
Department of Civil engineering
Institute of Engineering
Talchikhel, Lalitpur

September, 2021
Prepared By : Aashik Kumar Sah, Aashish Kumar Jha, Abhay Yadav, Baliram Sah, Bikesh Kumar Keshri, Neha Yadav
NCE074BCE : Final Year Project on “Earthquake Resistance Design of Multi Storied Commercial Building” at Kathmandu.

“Earthquake Resistance Design of Multistoried Commercial

[Code No: CE707]

Submitted by:-
Project Supervisor
Er. Amrit Man Tuladhar
Associate Professor
Head of Department (Civil)
National College of Engineering

A final year project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement

for the
Degree of Bachelor in Civil Engineering

Submitted to:-
Department of Civil engineering
Institute of Engineering
Talchikhel, Lalitpur
September, 2021
Prepared By : Aashik Kumar Sah, Aashish Kumar Jha, Abhay Yadav, Baliram Sah, Bikesh Kumar Keshri, Neha Yadav
NCE074BCE : Final Year Project on “Earthquake Resistance Design of Multi Storied Commercial Building” at Kathmandu.

Institute of Engineering

“Earthquake Resistance Design of Multistoried Commercial

[Code No: CE707]


Er. Amrit Man Tuladhar

Associate Professor
Head of Department (Civil)
National College of Engineering


(Internal Examiner Name)

Internal Examiner
Full designation


Er. Amrit Man Tuladhar

Head of Department
Associate Professor
Head of Department (Civil)
National College of Engineering

Prepared By : Aashik Kumar Sah, Aashish Kumar Jha, Abhay Yadav, Baliram Sah, Bikesh Kumar Keshri, Neha Yadav
NCE074BCE : Final Year Project on “Earthquake Resistance Design of Multi Storied Commercial Building” at Kathmandu.

We are highly indebted to the help and advice of our dedicated teachers during the
preparation of the project report “Earthquake Resistance Design of Multistoried Commercial
At the outset we will like to forward our sincere thanks and gratitude to our Supervisor
Associate Professor Er. Amrit Man Tuladhar , Head of Department of Civil Engineering,
National College of Engineering for providing immense guidance, care, expertise and
support for our project. We benefited alot in a great deal from his logical thoughts,
experience, and incisive comments. He helped us to develop and cultivate our feelings and
institution for structural behavior of the building and their proper design.
We also acknowledge our gratitude towards each other for such a united coordination
amongst the group members during the project as well some of the other friend who helped
us throughout the project.



Prepared By : Aashik Kumar Sah, Aashish Kumar Jha, Abhay Yadav, Baliram Sah, Bikesh Kumar Keshri, Neha Yadav
NCE074BCE : Final Year Project on “Earthquake Resistance Design of Multi Storied Commercial Building” at Kathmandu.

This report has been prepared as part of project work to fulfill the requirement of course
syllabus prescribed to Civil Engineering final year course. Among several projects which were
offered to us, we have chosen the project entitled “Structural Analysis and Design of
Commercial Complex for Earthquake Resistance” under the guidance of our dedicated
supervisor and Department of Civil Engineering.
Comparing various models of building structures, we found public building as the most
challenging project. Thus, we have been given preference to the construction of the frame
structured six-stories commercial building with basement parking ,wall,lift, staircase, dome
roof. Building frame is the three-dimensional structure as space which consist of rigidly
interconnected beams, slab and columns. It produces greater number of the redundancy thus
reduces the moments and facilitates the even distribution of the load.
This project enabled us to acquire knowledge on proper analysis and design of building for
earthquake safety including the capability of solving and tackling the field problem to
somewhat. It has taught us to work in team which will surely help us in the future to come.
The results of calculation are presented in tabular form and sample calculations are provided
in details to reduce the bulkiness of the report. Sufficient figure and sketches have been
introduced to illustrate the theories. Reference to the appropriate clauses of standard codes
of practices has been made wherever necessary. It is clear that for understanding the process
physically and realizing the structure behaviour, manual steps by step procedure is necessary.
However due to the time constraint and to be familiar to the modern technology, the
structural analysis and design part is performed using computer software “SAP 2000 V-14”.
The burden of repeated calculations in analysis has been reduced due to use of computer
software. Report is focused on the design of slab, beam , column (square), staircase (open
well/dog-legged), concrete dome roof and foundation (raft / mat foundation).



Prepared By : Aashik Kumar Sah, Aashish Kumar Jha, Abhay Yadav, Baliram Sah, Bikesh Kumar Keshri, Neha Yadav
NCE074BCE : Final Year Project on “Earthquake Resistance Design of Multi Storied Commercial Building” at Kathmandu.

List of Symbols and Abbreviations

Symbol Description
Ф Diameter of bar
τc shear stress
γm Partial Safety Factor
Ab Area of Each Bar
Ag Gross Area of Concrete
Ah Horizontal Seismic Coefficient
Asc Area of Steel in Compression
Ast Area of Steel
Asv Area of Stirrups
B Width
D Effective Depth
d′ Effective Cover
D Overall Depth
e Structure Eccentricity
E Young’s Modulus of Rigidity
Es Modulus of Elasticity of Steel
fck Characteristics Strength of Concrete
fy Characteristics Strength of Steel
fs Steel Stress of Service Load
h Height of building
i Importance Factor (For Base Shear Calculation)
I Moment of Inertia
Ip Polar Moment of Stiffness
k Lateral Stiffness
L Length of Member
Ld Development Length
M Bending Moment
Pc Percentage of Compression Reinforcement
Pt Percentage of Tension Reinforcement
Q Design Lateral Force
R Response Reduction Factor
Sa/g Average Response Acceleration Coefficient
Sv Spacing of Each Bar
T Torsional Moment due to Lateral Force
Ta Fundamental Natural Period of Vibrations
V′ Additional Shear
VB Design Seismic Base Shear
W Seismic Weight of Floor
Xu Actual Depth of Neutral Axis
Xul Ultimate Depth of Neutral Axis
Z Zone Factor
D.L Dead Load
E.Q Earthquake Load
IS Indian Standard
L.L Live Load
RCC Reinforced Cement Concrete

Prepared By : Aashik Kumar Sah, Aashish Kumar Jha, Abhay Yadav, Baliram Sah, Bikesh Kumar Keshri, Neha Yadav
NCE074BCE : Final Year Project on “Earthquake Resistance Design of Multi Storied Commercial Building” at Kathmandu.

Ag Gross area of the section …

Ast Area of tensile steel in flexure member

B Breadth of the beam

D Overall depth of the beam or slab

Φ Diameter of the bar

Emin Minimum eccentricity …

fck Characteristic compressive strength of the concrete

fsc Design stress in compressive steel at the level of centroid of compression steel ...

fy Characteristic yield strength of the steel h Height of the column …

l Length of the column or span of the beam(clear)

Ld Development length of the bar ...

I Moment of inertia of the section considered …

Mu,lim Limiting factored moment of resistance

Pu Factored design axial load

Prepared By : Aashik Kumar Sah, Aashish Kumar Jha, Abhay Yadav, Baliram Sah, Bikesh Kumar Keshri, Neha Yadav
NCE074BCE : Final Year Project on “Earthquake Resistance Design of Multi Storied Commercial Building” at Kathmandu.

1.1 Background
Earthquake has become one of the natural challenging factors for the efficient construction
works. It is one of the dominant constraints while designing the frame building in the
earthquake prone zone like Nepal. Earthquake is a natural phenomenon as old as the history of
the earth itself and is considered to be most unpredictable one among all other natural disasters.
Now a days, designers and engineers are giving more emphasis towards the earthquake
resistance while analyzing and designing any structure to minimize the seismic impact.
One being a good designer has to deal with various structures subjected to various loads like
concentrated loads, uniformly distributed loads, uniformly varying loads, internal or
earthquake load and dynamic forces which are considered during the design phase. The
structure transfers its load to the supports and ultimately to the ground which are discussed
while analyzing the structures.
The initial drawing of architecture is referred. After that the loads are estimated based on
functionality and purpose of building. Then structural analysis and design evolves. Structural
Analysis deals with the prediction of performance of a given structure under stipulated loads
and other external effects. In our context, the analysis of earthquake is based on seismic
coefficient design method as described in IS 1893: 2016.
Design and analysis of multi-storey building is done scientifically before construction which
is great and helps to avoid loss of live and failure in case of structural failure. The Indian
Standard Code of practice should be thoroughly adopted for proper analysis, design and
detailing with respect to safety, economy, stability and strength.

A commercial building is a building that is used for commercial purpose. A commercial
building is one that is dedicated to commercial activities. The technical classification of a
commercial building for zoning purposes is that it has more than half of its floor space used for
commercial activities
Commercial buildings are owned by various individuals and group entities who construct them
or build them for profit. Developers build commercial properties with the intent to resell for
profit or to lease for income. Other investors enter after construction for similar investment
purposes. Some commercial buildings are developed by organizations for company operations.
There are many commercial buildings in Nepal but many of them are constructed without
considering earthquake impacts, which are in danger conditions. These commercial buildings
should be designed using building codes for safety from earthquake shocks.

Prepared By : Aashik Kumar Sah, Aashish Kumar Jha, Abhay Yadav, Baliram Sah, Bikesh Kumar Keshri, Neha Yadav
NCE074BCE : Final Year Project on “Earthquake Resistance Design of Multi Storied Commercial Building” at Kathmandu.

1.2 Need of study

Nepal is a seismic prone country and the risk it faces from earthquake is very high. So, the
design of earthquake resistance stricture is important. Increasing population along with scarcity
of land has increased the demand for multi-storey buildings with larger spans and sizes. The
earthquake related studies demand the structures to be stronger and safer. The earthquake is
inevitable natural catastrophe, so the structure should be safe in design.

So, it is vital that buildings and other similar structures that need be constructed in Nepal are
well analyzed and studied for seismic resistance along with the load calculations.

- As the average income of Nepali people is on the lower side, focus should be given to
making the constructions of buildings and structures economic or cost effective as well
as earthquake resistant.
- As major cities of Nepal are riddled with unplanned and unmanaged building spaces, it
has become vital to construct new buildings taking into consideration the orientations
and planning according to the surrounding as well.
With the changing living style, increasing population and with more pronounced scarcity of
the land, the demand for multi-storey buildings with larger spans and sizes is soaring day by
day. The studies related with earthquake demand the structures to be stronger and safer. The
earthquake, being inevitable natural catastrophe, safe design should hold the paramount
important as loss of lives and properties are unpleasant because of worst scenario it can create.
Nepal is disaster prone country. The various causes for the disaster are landslides epidemic and
fires which causes considerable losses of life and property in Nepal every year. But out of this
entire earthquake is most devastating through it is not so frequent. Nepal is a seismic prone
country and the risk it faces from earthquake is very high. After Barpak, Gorkha earthquake
which occurred on 12th. Baishakh 2072, the design of earthquake resistance of building became
very important. Cities of Nepal is getting congested since the construction of buildings are
being carried out rapidly due to population growth. So, there is a problem of scarcity of land.
The only measure that can be taken is construction of multi-storied buildings and besides
earthquake factor must be taken into account. Earthquake is considered to be greatest and
unpredictable among all natural calamities.
In the history of Nepal numerous earthquakes which damaged many lives and infrastructures.
Briefly speaking earthquake of "8 Rector Scale" were in 19th century in 1810, 1833, 1866 and
1934 AD in Nepal. The random and unmonitored construction without proper design and
guidance is one of the factor for the earthquake disaster. Earthquake can take many lives,
destruction of massive structures and create worst scenario as ever. While designing a structure
great emphasis must be given for seismic analysis so that an earthquake of large intensity
cannot destroy the buildings easily or the structure after earthquake must serve for the purpose.
There are various types of structure that are subjected to various loads like static load and
dynamic loads (earthquake load). During the design process, the structures are subjected to
internal forces like axial forces, shear forces, bending and torsional moment etc. We have to
analyze these internal forces in the members of the structures and design various sizes of
member of structures to resist these forces during the earthquake.

Prepared By : Aashik Kumar Sah, Aashish Kumar Jha, Abhay Yadav, Baliram Sah, Bikesh Kumar Keshri, Neha Yadav
NCE074BCE : Final Year Project on “Earthquake Resistance Design of Multi Storied Commercial Building” at Kathmandu.

Our project work “Earthquake Resistance Design of Multistoried Commercial Building "
deals with multistory frame structural building located in Kathmandu, which also lies in the
earthquake prone zone. So the effect of earthquake load must to be taken into consideration as
such the structures are analyzed for earthquake load as well as lateral load along with vertical
load. The structural analysis is carried out with help of computer program SAP 2000, Microsoft
Excel and AutoCAD draws detail drawings etc.

1.3 Objectives:
The objective of the project is to acquire knowledge and skill of analytical methods and design;
approaches, exposures and application of various available codes of practice. The project work
will assist in gaining knowledge about detail analysis and design of framed structure and
develops confidence on student. So the basic objectives comprises of followings:
 Finding of structural arrangement of the plan.
 Modeling of the building for structural analysis.
 Detailed structural analysis of the building .
 Design of various structural components.
 Detailing of structural members.
 Proper using of code provisions for reinforced concrete design.
 Acquire knowledge on earthquake engineering.
 Estimating main items of building construction.

 Architectural drawings are not done by us
 This project will be limited to the structural analysis and design only.
 Design and layout of the building service like electrical, pipeline, sanitary and sewage
system will be out of the scope of the project.
 The soil parameters and conditions will be imaginary. The bearing capacity of the soil
is assumed.
 The environmental, social and economic condition will not be taken into account.
 The design and analysis will be limited to our knowledge of Bachelor level.
 Physical and chemical properties of building materials were assumed.


1. Identification of the building and requirement of the space
2. Determination of the structural system of the building to undertake the vertical and
horizontal loads
3. Estimation of loads due to an earthquake
4. Calculation of base shear and vertical distribution of equivalent earthquake load
5. The structural analysis of the building by SAP2000 Ver.20 for different cases of loads
6. Design of RC frame members, mat foundation, staircases and other by limit state
method of design
7. Detailing of individual members and preparation of drawings as a part of working
construction document.

Prepared By : Aashik Kumar Sah, Aashish Kumar Jha, Abhay Yadav, Baliram Sah, Bikesh Kumar Keshri, Neha Yadav
NCE074BCE : Final Year Project on “Earthquake Resistance Design of Multi Storied Commercial Building” at Kathmandu.

1.6 Seismic Design Philosophy for Buildings

The seismic design philosophy may be summarized
as follows:
(a) Under minor but frequent shaking, the main
members of the building that carry vertical and
horizontal forces should not be damaged; however
building parts that do not carry load may sustain
repairable damage.
(b) Under moderate but occasional shaking, the main
members may sustain repairable damage, while the
other parts of the building may be damaged such that
they may even have to be replaced after the
(c) Under strong but rare shaking, the main members
may sustain severe (even irreparable) damage, but the
building should not collapse.

1.6.1 Affect on Reinforced Building by Earthquake

RC Buildings:
A typical RC building is made of horizontal members (beams &slabs) and vertical members
(columns &wall), and supported by foundation that rest on ground. The system comprising of
RC columns and connecting beams is called RC frame the RC frame participates in resisting
the earthquake forces. Shaking due to earthquake develops the inertia forces in the building
which are proportioned to the building mass.
Earthquake –induced inertia forces preliminary develop at the floor level of the these forces
travel downwards through slab and beam to column and walls, & then to the foundation from
where they are dispersed to the ground. Inertia forces accumulate downwards from the top of
the building the columns and wall at the lower storey experience higher earthquake-induced
forces & are therefore designed to be stronger than those in storeys above.
When beams bend in the vertical direction during earthquakes, these thin slabs bend along with
them. When beams move with column in horizontal direction, the slab usually forces the beams
to move together with. This behavior is known as rigid diaphragm action.
For the building to remain safe during earthquake shaking, columns (which receive forces from
beams) should be stronger than beams, and foundations (which receive forces from columns)
should be stronger than columns. Connections between beams & columns, columns
&foundation should not fail before the failure of beam.

Prepared By : Aashik Kumar Sah, Aashish Kumar Jha, Abhay Yadav, Baliram Sah, Bikesh Kumar Keshri, Neha Yadav
NCE074BCE : Final Year Project on “Earthquake Resistance Design of Multi Storied Commercial Building” at Kathmandu.

Earthquake engineering is an interdisciplinary branch of engineering that designs and

analyzes structures, such as buildings and bridges, with earthquakes in mind. Its overall goal
is to make such structures more resistant to earthquakes. An earthquake (or seismic) engineer
aims to construct structures that will not be damaged in minor shaking and will avoid serious
damage or collapse in a major earthquake. Earthquake engineering is the scientific field
concerned with protecting society, the natural environment, and the man-made environment
from earthquakes by limiting the seismic risk to socio-economically acceptable levels.
Traditionally, it has been narrowly defined as the study of the behavior of structures and geo-
structures subject to seismic loading. However, the tremendous costs experienced in recent
earthquakes have led to an expansion of its scope to encompass disciplines from the wider field
of civil engineering.
Earthquake or seismic performance defines a structure's ability to sustain its main functions,
such as its safety and serviceability, at and after a particular earthquake exposure. A structure
is normally considered safe if it does not endanger the lives and well-being of those in or around
it by partially or completely collapsing. A structure may be considered serviceable if it is able
to fulfill its operational functions for which it was designed.

Basic concepts of the earthquake engineering, implemented in the major building codes,
assume that a building should survive a rare, very severe earthquake by sustaining significant
damage but without globally collapsing. On the other hand, it should remain operational for
more frequent, but less severe seismic events.

Buildings are fixed to the ground as shown in Fig 1.4(a). As the base of a building moves the
superstructure including its contents tends to shake and vibrate from the position of rest, in a
very irregular manner due to the inertia of the masses. When the base of the building suddenly
moves to the right, the building moves to the left relative the base, Fig 1.4 (b), as if it was being
pushed to the left by an unseen force which we call .Inertia Force.. Actually, there is no push
at all but, because of its mass, the building resists any motion. The process is much more
complex because the ground moves simultaneously in three mutually perpendicular directions
during an earthquake as shown in Fig 1.4 (b), (c), and (d).
The resultant lateral force or seismic load is represented by the force F as shown in Fig 1.4 (e).
The force F is distinctly different from the dead, live, snow, wind, and impact loads. The
horizontal ground motion action is similar to the effect of a horizontal force acting on the
building, hence the term “Seismic Load”. As the base of the building moves in an extremely
complicated manner, inertia forces are created throughout the mass of the building and its
contents. It is these reversible forces that cause the building to move and sustain damage or
collapse. Additional vertical load effect is caused on beams and columns due to vertical
vibrations. Being reversible, at certain instants of time the effective load is increased, at others
it is decreased. The earthquake loads are dynamic and impossible to predict precisely in
advance, since every earthquake exhibits different characteristics.

Prepared By : Aashik Kumar Sah, Aashish Kumar Jha, Abhay Yadav, Baliram Sah, Bikesh Kumar Keshri, Neha Yadav
NCE074BCE : Final Year Project on “Earthquake Resistance Design of Multi Storied Commercial Building” at Kathmandu.

Figure 1 : Seismic vibration of building and earthquake load

Level of performance of the building in an earthquake depends upon its overall configuration.
Generally it is common that an architect fixes the configuration i.e. shape size and geometry of
a building and structural engineer adds the structural design. Contribution of building
configuration in seismic performance of the building is rarely considered. It is frequent mistake
that the earthquake load consideration in structural design guarantees earthquake resistance of
building regardless of the configuration

Prepared By : Aashik Kumar Sah, Aashish Kumar Jha, Abhay Yadav, Baliram Sah, Bikesh Kumar Keshri, Neha Yadav
NCE074BCE : Final Year Project on “Earthquake Resistance Design of Multi Storied Commercial Building” at Kathmandu.


The general feature of proposed MULTI STOREYED COMMERCIAL BUILDING at
Kathmandu, which is to be served as commercial purpose are as follows:

1. Name of project : Earthquake Resistance Design of Multi-

Storied Commercial Building
2. Location : Kathmandu
3. Structure system : RCC framed structure
4. Plinth area : 402.0 m2 (Approx)
5. No . of storey : Six storey with Basement
6. Types of slab : Two way slab
7. Types of beam : Rectangular
8. Types of column : Square
9. Types of foundation : Raft / Mat foundation
10. Types of staircase : Dog- Legged and Open well
11. Method of Analysis : SAP2000 ver. 20.2
12. Design concept : Limit state design
13. Concrete Grade used : M:20; M25
14. Reinforcement Grade : Fe 415 & Fe 500

2.0 Literature Review

Every engineering design is the outcome of the past experiences and observations. It is
necessary to justify the result of the analysis and design properly with reference to the
preexisting standard results or the past experiences. Structural design is the methodical
investigation of the stability, strength and rigidity of structures. The basic objective in structural
analysis and design is to produce a structure capable of resisting all applied loads without
failure during its service life. Safe design of structures can be achieved by applying the proper
knowledge of structural mechanics and past experiences. It is needed to provide authentic
+reference to the design made i.e. the design should follow the provision made in codes of
practices. Use of codes also keeps the designer to the safe side in case the structure fails within
its service life. For this design, certain references and criteria are taken from the literatures
discussed below.

Prepared By : Aashik Kumar Sah, Aashish Kumar Jha, Abhay Yadav, Baliram Sah, Bikesh Kumar Keshri, Neha Yadav
NCE074BCE : Final Year Project on “Earthquake Resistance Design of Multi Storied Commercial Building” at Kathmandu.

2.1. Nepal National Building Code (NBC:000- 1994):

Nepal National Building Code was prepared during 1993 as part of a bigger project to mitigate
the effect of earthquakes on the building of Nepal. It deals primarily with matters relating to
the strength of buildings. However, there are some chapters on site considerations and safety
during construction and fire hazards. This code aims to bring uniformity to the building
construction by providing some bye-laws and mandatory rules. But its development is
relatively recent and it still lacks many documents required to support it. To compensate for
this unavailability, the code frequently refers to Indian Standard codes. The four different levels
of sophistication of design and construction that are being addressed in this National Building
Code are as follows.
i. International state-of-art
ii. Professionally engineered structures
iii. Buildings of restricted size designed to simple rules-of-thumb
iv. Remote rural buildings where control is impractical.
This project belongs to the second part of NBC i.e. Professionally Engineered Structures. As
the National Building Code defines the use of international codes which meets the requirements
stated in NBC, different Indian Standard codes are used for the design and analysis purpose.

2.2 Indian Standard (IS) Codes of Practice:

For the analysis and design of the building references have been made to Indian Standard code
since National Building Codes of Nepal do not provide sufficient information and refers
frequently to the Indian standard codes. Indian Standard codes used in the analysis and design
of this building are described below:
i) IS:875- 1987 (Reaffirmed 2003)- Code of Practice for Design Loads (Other than
Earthquake) for Buildings and Structures:
A building has to perform many functions satisfactorily. Amongst these functions are the utility
of the building for the intended use and occupancy, structural safety, fire safety; and
compliance with hygienic, sanitation, ventilation and daylight standards. The design of the
building is dependent upon the minimum requirements prescribed for each of the above
The minimum requirements pertaining to the structural safety of the building are being covered
in this code by way of laying down minimum designed load which have to be assumed for dead
loads, imposed load, snow load and other external loads, the structure is required to bear. Strict
conformity to loading standard recommended in this code claims to ensure the safety of the
buildings and thereby reduced the hazards to life and property caused by unsafe structures as
well as eliminates the wastage caused by the assumption of unnecessary heavy loading.
This code is divided into five different parts for five different kinds of loadings. The different
parts of the code are:

Prepared By : Aashik Kumar Sah, Aashish Kumar Jha, Abhay Yadav, Baliram Sah, Bikesh Kumar Keshri, Neha Yadav
NCE074BCE : Final Year Project on “Earthquake Resistance Design of Multi Storied Commercial Building” at Kathmandu.

Part 1: Dead Loads- Unit Weight of Building Materials and Stored Materials:
This part deals with the dead load to be assumed in the design of the building. These loads are
given in the form of unit weight of materials. The unit weight of the materials that are likely to
be stored in the building are also given in the code for the purpose of the load calculation due
to stored materials.
This code covers the unit weight or mass of the materials and parts and components in the
building that apply to the determination of the dead load in the design of building.
Part 2: Imposed Loads
Imposed load is the load assumed to be produced by the intended use or occupancy of a building
including the weight of moveable partitions, distributed, concentrated loads, loads due to
impact and vibrations and dust loads (Excluding wind, seismic, snow, load due to temperature
change, creep, shrinkage, differential settlements etc.) This part of the code deals with imposed
load of the building produced by the intended occupancy or use. Minimum imposed load that
should be taken into consideration for the purpose of structural safety of the buildings are given
in the code but it do not cover the incidental to construction and special cases of vibration, such
as moving machinery, heavy acceleration from cranes hoist etc.
Part 3: Wind Loads
This part deals with the wind load to be considered when designing the building, structure and
component thereof. This code gives the wind force and their effect (Static and Dynamic) that
should be taken into account when designing buildings, structures and components thereof. In
the code wind load estimation is done by taking into account the random variation of the wind
speed with time.
2.2.1 IS 1893 (Part 1) 2002 : Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures
(General Provision and Building):
This code deals with the assessment of seismic loads on various structures and earthquake
resistant design of buildings. Its basic provisions are applicable to buildings; elevated
structures; industrial and stack like structures; bridges; concrete masonry and earth dams;
embankment and retaining structures and other structures. Temporary supporting structures
like scaffoldings etc. need not be considered for the seismic loads. It is concerned with the
methods of determining seismic loads and the effects of various irregularities in a building can
have upon its seismic response. This standard does not deals with the construction features
relating to earthquake resistant design in building and other structures.
2.2.2. IS 456: 2000 (Reaffirmed 2005) : Plain and Reinforced Concrete – Code of Practice:
This Indian Standard code of practice deals with the general structural use of plain and
reinforced concrete based on Limit State Design Method. According to the code, plain concrete
structures referred to those structures where reinforcement if provided is ignored for
determination of the strength of the structure. This code does not cover special requirements
for the structures like bridges, chimneys, hydraulic structures, earthquake resistance buildings
etc. but allows the use of separate code for those structures in conjunction with this code.

Prepared By : Aashik Kumar Sah, Aashish Kumar Jha, Abhay Yadav, Baliram Sah, Bikesh Kumar Keshri, Neha Yadav
NCE074BCE : Final Year Project on “Earthquake Resistance Design of Multi Storied Commercial Building” at Kathmandu.

2.2.3. IS 4326: 1993 (Reaffirmed 2003) : Earthquake Resistant Design and Construction
of Buildings – Code of Practice:
This standard deals with the selection of materials, special features of design and construction
for earthquake resistant buildings including masonry construction using rectangular masonry
units, timber construction and buildings with prefabricated flooring or roofing elements.

2.3 Indian Standard Special Publications (SP):

For the clarification and explanation for the clauses and equations mentioned in Indian
Standard Codes, Bureau of Indian Standard has published some special publications including
charts and tables for required values like material properties and explaining examples of
designs. Following design aids will be used for the design of the structure:
2.3.1 SP 16: Design Aids for Reinforced Concrete to IS 456-1978:
This handbook explains the use of formulae mentioned in IS 456 and provides several design
charts and interaction diagrams for flexure, deflection control criteria, axial compression,
compression with bending and tension with bending for rectangular cross-sections (for circular
section in case of compression member) which can greatly expedite the design process if done
manually. This design aid is particularly useful for the preliminary design.
2.3.2 SP 22: Explanatory Handbook on Codes for Earthquake Engineering (IS 1893: 1975
and IS 4326: 1976):
The theoretical background behind many of the code provisions have been elaborated herein.
Additionally, many worked out examples explaining the use of equations and charts in the code
can also be found in this handbook.
2.3.3 SP 24: Explanatory Handbook on Indian Standard Code of Practice for Plain and
Reinforced Concrete IS 456: 1978
SP 16 is meant to aid the calculation process, while SP 24 is meant to aid the conceptual
understanding of the IS 456 code. It contains clause by clause explanation of the original code.
The logic and justification behind the various equations and assumptions in the code are well
explained here.

2.3.4 SP 34: Handbook on Concrete Reinforcement and Detailing:

The compilation of provisions and guidelines regarding reinforcement detailing scattered
throughout IS codes 456, 4326, 5525 and 13920 can be found in this handbook. Searching for
that information in the original codes can be very time consuming. This handbook presents all
that information in a well-organized manner.

Prepared By : Aashik Kumar Sah, Aashish Kumar Jha, Abhay Yadav, Baliram Sah, Bikesh Kumar Keshri, Neha Yadav
NCE074BCE : Final Year Project on “Earthquake Resistance Design of Multi Storied Commercial Building” at Kathmandu.

2.4 Textbooks on RCC Design and Earthquake Engineering:

Many available books related to design of reinforced concrete structure and earthquake
engineering written by distinguished authors such as Pillai and Menon, SN Sinha and AK Jain
are based on the Indian Standard Codes of Practice and provides sufficient theoretical
background with illustrative examples. So, for the analysis and design, reference from such
textbooks are very helpful. Books related to foundation engineering will also be valuable in the
design of building foundation.
Besides these, other books related to structural mechanics (Statics and Dynamics) will also be
helpful for performing and verifying the analysis output from computer software. Apart from
these references there may requires data related to the past earthquake, the earthquake zoning
map and soil condition of the site. These data may be obtained from the government authorities
and other concerning organizations.
The reports on the same project prepared by the students of previous batches was also an
important reference to the project.

Prepared By : Aashik Kumar Sah, Aashish Kumar Jha, Abhay Yadav, Baliram Sah, Bikesh Kumar Keshri, Neha Yadav
NCE074BCE : Final Year Project on “Earthquake Resistance Design of Multi Storied Commercial Building” at Kathmandu.

3.1 Selection of building and data collection

The building plan is first selected then the data for the analysis and designing of the building
is collected if required.

3.2 Study of Architectural Drawing

Architectural drawings of the building is studied. Rooms within this commercial building are
allocated to various purposes.

3.3 Preliminary design

Estimation of various structural elements such as beam and slab and column are designed and
checks are done with the help of deflection criteria and moment criteria.

3.4 Load calculation

Load calculations using the code are done.

i. Gravity load calculation

There are three types of loads for which are considered in this analysis.

1. Dead load
2. Live load
3. Lateral load

ii. Dead load

Dead load consists of the self-weight of the column, beam, slab and wall. Dimensions of
column, beam, and slab are taken from preliminary design.

iii. Live load

Live load are determined by using code for design loads (IS 875:2000 part 2) for various types
and purposes of rooms.

iv. Lateral load

Lateral load acting in the building is earthquake/seismic load and wind load. Earthquake load
is determined by calculating lumped mass at floor level and horizontal base shear (IS 1893). It
was done by Seismic Coefficient Method. Wind load (IS 875 Part 3) is obtained by design wind
speed and design wind pressure. Earthquake load being the pre-dominant one between the two
lateral loads, hence its effect was only considered. For the analysis of earthquake load,
following methods is generally carried out:

1. Seismic Coefficient method (Static)

In this project we will use seismic coefficient method (linear static method).

Prepared By : Aashik Kumar Sah, Aashish Kumar Jha, Abhay Yadav, Baliram Sah, Bikesh Kumar Keshri, Neha Yadav
NCE074BCE : Final Year Project on “Earthquake Resistance Design of Multi Storied Commercial Building” at Kathmandu.

3.5 Loading pattern

The loading is applied to the slab elements directly. The load on slab is taken as per the
requirement stated in IS875:1987(Part I & II).

The uniformly distributed dead and live load acting on the slab are transferred to the beams
holding the slab. The slab load is distributed on the floor beams as shown in figure below. The
smaller beam holds the triangular load and the longer beams hold the trapezoidal load as shown
in figure. The beam element also resists the self-weight and the wall load including all the
finish loads on wall such as external and internal plaster.

Fig. Loading pattern in beam

i) Load Cases

Load cases are independent loading for which the structure is explicitly analyzed. Earthquake
forces occur in random fashion in all directions. For building whose lateral load resisting
elements are oriented in two principal directions. It is usually sufficient to analyze in these two
principal directions (X and Y direction) separately one at a time. Thus the load cases adopted
are as follows.

1. Dead load(DL)
2. Live load(LL)
3. Earthquake load in X direction (EQX)
4. Earthquake load in Y direction (EQY)

Prepared By : Aashik Kumar Sah, Aashish Kumar Jha, Abhay Yadav, Baliram Sah, Bikesh Kumar Keshri, Neha Yadav
NCE074BCE : Final Year Project on “Earthquake Resistance Design of Multi Storied Commercial Building” at Kathmandu.

Following load combination are adopted for design

a) 1.5(DL±LL)
b) 1.5(DL+LL±EQX)
c) 1.5(DL+LL±EQY)
d) 1.2(DL+LL±EQX)
e) 1.2(DL+LL±EQY)
f) 0.9(DL±EQX)
g) 0.9(DL±EQY)

ii) Modeling and Analysis of building

For the purpose of Seismic analysis of our building we use the structural analysis program SAP
2000 ver 20. It has a special option for modeling horizontal rigid floor diaphragm system. A
floor diaphragm is modeled as a rigid horizontal plane parallel to global X-Y plane, so that all
points on any floor diaphragm cannot displace relative to each other in X-Y plane. Initially, the
characteristics of the materials are defined such as concrete – M20 and reinforcement – Fe415.
Then, the load cases as well as their combinations with load factors were introduced. Next,
structures were analyzed for different load combinations and the final output was determined
in the form of SF, BM and AF etc.

iii) Structural Design

Design is done on the basis of limit state of design for collapse and serviceability. The sample
calculations of various structural elements are done with numerous checks and with the help
of MS-excel, the formulation is done for each and every structural member in the building.
We adopt limit state design method for design.

Prepared By : Aashik Kumar Sah, Aashish Kumar Jha, Abhay Yadav, Baliram Sah, Bikesh Kumar Keshri, Neha Yadav
NCE074BCE : Final Year Project on “Earthquake Resistance Design of Multi Storied Commercial Building” at Kathmandu.

3.6 Methodology
The following stages are involved in the analysis and design of “Earthquake Resistance
Design of Multi-storied Commercial Building at Kathmandu”.

 Desk Study
 Proposal Submission
 Finalization of Architectural Drawing

 Load Calculation & Load combination

 Software Analysis (SAP 2000 V.20)
 Building Components Design
 Structure Drawing preparation

 Comparison of Result
 Detailing
 Finalizing and writing the report
 Final presentation

FIG : Diagram to show the Methodology Sequence

Prepared By : Aashik Kumar Sah, Aashish Kumar Jha, Abhay Yadav, Baliram Sah, Bikesh Kumar Keshri, Neha Yadav
NCE074BCE : Final Year Project on “Earthquake Resistance Design of Multi Storied Commercial Building” at Kathmandu.

Methods of analysis:
 SAP 2000 V20 is adopted as the basic tool for the analysis of the structure and this
program is based on finite element method.
 Basement wall, raft / mat foundation, and staircase will yet to be analyzed and design.
 IS 1893-2002 (part 1) is followed for the seismic analysis of the building.
 The fundamental time period of the structure is calculated as specified in code.

Design Philosophy
There are three philosophies for design for reinforced concrete :
1. Working stress method
2. Ultimate load method
3. Limit state method
 Limit state method consider the safety at ultimate load and serviceability.
 Limit state method is the latest approach in structural design.
 The design and constructed structures should satisfy the safety and serviceability
Two major categories are:
a. Limit state of strength:(associated with failure of structure)
It is associated with failure under the action of probable and unfavorable
condition of design load.
a. Limit state of serviceability:
It is associated with functioning of structure or its component under the action
of most unfavorable condition of service load

Architectural Drawings
We have prepared / modified following architecture drawings with required
dimensions and name plate so far, for the project work.
 Basement
 Ground floor (GF)
 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th Floor
 Terrace plans
 Four elevations
 One cross section

Prepared By : Aashik Kumar Sah, Aashish Kumar Jha, Abhay Yadav, Baliram Sah, Bikesh Kumar Keshri, Neha Yadav
NCE074BCE : Final Year Project on “Earthquake Resistance Design of Multi Storied Commercial Building” at Kathmandu.

Basement and Ground Floor Plan

Prepared By : Aashik Kumar Sah, Aashish Kumar Jha, Abhay Yadav, Baliram Sah, Bikesh Kumar Keshri, Neha Yadav
NCE074BCE : Final Year Project on “Earthquake Resistance Design of Multi Storied Commercial Building” at Kathmandu.

1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Floor Plan & Top Floor Plan

Prepared By : Aashik Kumar Sah, Aashish Kumar Jha, Abhay Yadav, Baliram Sah, Bikesh Kumar Keshri, Neha Yadav
NCE074BCE : Final Year Project on “Earthquake Resistance Design of Multi Storied Commercial Building” at Kathmandu.

North and South Elevation

Prepared By : Aashik Kumar Sah, Aashish Kumar Jha, Abhay Yadav, Baliram Sah, Bikesh Kumar Keshri, Neha Yadav
NCE074BCE : Final Year Project on “Earthquake Resistance Design of Multi Storied Commercial Building” at Kathmandu.

East Elevation & West Elevation

Prepared By : Aashik Kumar Sah, Aashish Kumar Jha, Abhay Yadav, Baliram Sah, Bikesh Kumar Keshri, Neha Yadav
NCE074BCE : Final Year Project on “Earthquake Resistance Design of Multi Storied Commercial Building” at Kathmandu.

Section at “X-X”

Prepared By : Aashik Kumar Sah, Aashish Kumar Jha, Abhay Yadav, Baliram Sah, Bikesh Kumar Keshri, Neha Yadav
NCE074BCE : Final Year Project on “Earthquake Resistance Design of Multi Storied Commercial Building” at Kathmandu.

Preliminary Design
 Preliminary design of SLAB, BEAM and COLOUMN Completed :

 For analysis of the building, it requires the rough idea on the member sizes used in the
building as beam, column and slab. According to which the contributed dead load of the
member to the structure could be estimated.

 The size of the members is dependent on the limit state of serviceability on deflection and
cracking. For this, the IS code 456-2000 is referred to make sure.

Design of Slab
1.Calculation of total load. [IS 1987 875 part 1&2]

2.Calculation of effective span. [IS 456 2000 clause 22.2]

3.Check for one or two way slab.

4.Calculation of bending moment. [Table 16 IS 456 2000]

5. Check for depth.

6.Calculation of reinforcement. [annex G-1.1 IS 456 2000]

7. Check for deflection.

8.Check for shear.

9.Check for development length.

Prepared By : Aashik Kumar Sah, Aashish Kumar Jha, Abhay Yadav, Baliram Sah, Bikesh Kumar Keshri, Neha Yadav
NCE074BCE : Final Year Project on “Earthquake Resistance Design of Multi Storied Commercial Building” at Kathmandu.

Reference Step Calculation Result

[On all the slabs, we have (ly/lx)>2; i.e., One way was converted
into two-way slabs by introducing secondary beam so as to
making it two-way slab. Here, our critical slab was also found
to be one way so we introduced secondary beam making it two

From deflection criteria,

≤ αβγδ𝜆
Maximum span of slab=5.5m*8m
ly = 6.4
lx = 5.5
= 1.163 < 2 , (hence design as two way slab.)

Effective depth of slab, d=𝛼𝛽𝛾𝛿𝜆
clz.24.1 l=5m (Where, l is the smallest span.)

α =40*0.8 ,for continuous slab & for fe415 steel bar

clz.23.2.1(b) =32
fig.4 (page
no.48) β =1 ,for span less than 10m
clz.23.2.1(d) γ = 1.5 ,% of reinforcement=1.2 (fig 4)

δ =1 , for no compression steel

λ =1 ,for rectangular section
Effective depth,d=32∗1∗1.5∗1∗1

= 114.58 ≈ 115𝑚𝑚

Overall depth(D)=115+5+15 (bar size ф=10mm )

(clear cover=15mm)

Prepared By : Aashik Kumar Sah, Aashish Kumar Jha, Abhay Yadav, Baliram Sah, Bikesh Kumar Keshri, Neha Yadav
NCE074BCE : Final Year Project on “Earthquake Resistance Design of Multi Storied Commercial Building” at Kathmandu.

(from is 875 Now,

(part 1) Determination of slab thickness
table 1) Dead load on slab
1.)slab depth=135mm
=3.375 KN/m2

2.)ceiling plaster=12.5mm (density of plaster=20.4 kg/m3)

IS 875 part1 =0.0125*20.4 kN/m3
=0.255 kN/m2

3.)scred with puring =25mm thick

IS 875 part =0.525KN/m2
2;page 6
4.)Floor finish marble,(25mm) (Density of marble=22Kn/M3)
(Assumed =0.025*1*22 KN/m2
from IS 875 =0.55kN/m2.
part 2;page
Project building is commercial building which falls in a
Of mercantile building
Live load=4KN/m2

Total load=dead load+live load

=8.705 KN/m2

Factored load=1.5*8.705 kN/m2

=13.0575 KN/m2
≈ 13 KN/m2


We have,(one short edge continuous)

We have,

1.4 1.163 1.2

Negative 0.043 0.04615 0.048
Positive 0.032 0.03452 0.036

Prepared By : Aashik Kumar Sah, Aashish Kumar Jha, Abhay Yadav, Baliram Sah, Bikesh Kumar Keshri, Neha Yadav
NCE074BCE : Final Year Project on “Earthquake Resistance Design of Multi Storied Commercial Building” at Kathmandu.


Mx= αx¯Wlx2
=18.148 kNm

My= αy+ Wlx2


We have,

Effectife depth(d)=√0.138∗𝐹𝑐𝑘∗𝑏


=81.088< 100mm

Hence ,
Overall depth=135 mm (ok)

the depth
of slab =

Prepared By : Aashik Kumar Sah, Aashish Kumar Jha, Abhay Yadav, Baliram Sah, Bikesh Kumar Keshri, Neha Yadav
NCE074BCE : Final Year Project on “Earthquake Resistance Design of Multi Storied Commercial Building” at Kathmandu.


i.  For Secondary beam: (Name of the beam)

From deflection criteria

Cl 23.2.1 IS We have,
456:2000 ≤ 𝛼𝛽𝛾𝛿𝜆

Where α, β, γ, δ, λ are modification factor.

Where span, = 6.4 m
= 10 to 15

Assume, = 13

d= 26∗1∗1.4∗1.25∗0.8= 175.82 mm

Adopt, d= 180 mm

⸫ Overall depth (D) = 180+10+30 =220 mm

Assume, D=225mm


Area of influence
Area of trapezoid=0.5*d(l1+l2)*2
=20075000 mm^2
=20.08 m^2

Dead load of slab (influence area)
= 67.77 KN

Dead Load of ceiling plaster=12.5 mm thick

=20.08*0.0125*20.4 KN/m^3
=5.120 KN

{From IS 875 part 1 table pg.8}

Dead Load of screed with plumming (25 mm thick)
= 20.08*0.025*21KN/m^3

Prepared By : Aashik Kumar Sah, Aashish Kumar Jha, Abhay Yadav, Baliram Sah, Bikesh Kumar Keshri, Neha Yadav
NCE074BCE : Final Year Project on “Earthquake Resistance Design of Multi Storied Commercial Building” at Kathmandu.

Dead Load of floor finish marble / sand stone(25 mm thick0

=11.044 KN

Total dead load = 67.77+5.120+10.542+11.044

=94.476 KN

The project building is commercial building which
falls in a category of mercantile building.
{IS 875( part2 ) page 6}

Live Load =4KN/m^2 Assumed

From IS 875 part 2 page 10

Live load =20.08*4

Wall Load :
Let thickness be 230 mm
Assume deduction 30% for the opening
Wall Load =0.23*3*6.4*19 KN/m
=83.904 KN.

Deduction of 30% for opening=0.3*83.904

=25.171 KN

Total wall load =83.904-25.171

=58.733 KN.

Total load on beam= Dead Load+Live Load+Walll load

=233.529 KN.

Factored load =1.5*233.529

=350.2935 KN.

Total UDL in the beam=350.2935/6.4

=54.733 KN/m.

Max. Bending Moment =(wl^2)/12

Bending Moment = (54.733*6.4^2)/12
=186.821 KN-m.

Prepared By : Aashik Kumar Sah, Aashish Kumar Jha, Abhay Yadav, Baliram Sah, Bikesh Kumar Keshri, Neha Yadav
NCE074BCE : Final Year Project on “Earthquake Resistance Design of Multi Storied Commercial Building” at Kathmandu.

Bending Moment =0.138 fck bd^2

Or, 186.821*10^6 =0.138*20*b*(1.5b)^2
b =311.021 mm.

let, b =325mm. (standard size)

d =466.53mm.

Total depth of beam, D =(10+25+466.53)mm

D =501.53 mm.
Assume D =525 mm.

Total depth of beam , D =525mm

Beam size =325×525mm

If wall thickness =115 mm (Inner room)

Wall load =0.115*3*6.4*19
=41.952 KN.

Deduction of 30% for opening=12.585 KN.

Total wall load =29.367 KN.

Then, total load on beam =94.476+80.32+29.367

=204.163 KN.

Factored load =204.163*1.5

=306.2445 KN.

Then, total UDL in beam =306.2445/6.4

=47.850 KN/m.

Maximum Bending Moment =(wl^2)/12

=163.328 KN/m.

Also, Bending Moment = 0.138 fck *bd^2 (d=1.5b)

Or, 163.328*10^6 = 0.138*20*b*(1.5b)^2
b =297.38 mm

d = 1.5b = 446.07mm
D = (446.07+10+25)
=481.07 mm.

Assume, D= 490 mm.

Therefore, Size of Beam= 300×490 mm.

Prepared By : Aashik Kumar Sah, Aashish Kumar Jha, Abhay Yadav, Baliram Sah, Bikesh Kumar Keshri, Neha Yadav
NCE074BCE : Final Year Project on “Earthquake Resistance Design of Multi Storied Commercial Building” at Kathmandu.


The depth of beam =225 mm.

FROM Moment Criteria,

The depth of beam = 525mm.
& height of beam =325mm.

This shows that depth of beam is always governed by moment


Based on practical experience and moment criteria & on a

given method of preliminary size of beam for continuous
Span by overall depth is given by : (L/D)
Where, L/D =(span/depth) should be in between 10 to 15
=12.190. { falls between 10 to15}
Ok, verified.

Size of
beam =

Prepared By : Aashik Kumar Sah, Aashish Kumar Jha, Abhay Yadav, Baliram Sah, Bikesh Kumar Keshri, Neha Yadav
NCE074BCE : Final Year Project on “Earthquake Resistance Design of Multi Storied Commercial Building” at Kathmandu.


Influence area of column

= 3.2*2.55+3*2.55+3.2*2.75+3*2.75=32.86m²

From the elevation, floor to ceiling height for each storey = 3m

Load Calculation:
Dead load of slab (influence area) = 32.86*0.135*25 KN/m²
= 110.902 KN.

Dead load of ceiling plaster = 32.86* 0.0125*20.4 KN/m²

= 8.379 KN.

Dead load of screed with purring = 32.86*0.025*21 KN/m²

= 17.25 KN.

Dead load of floor finish marble / sand stone = 32.86*0.025*22

= 18.073 KN/m.

Dead load of beam = (5.25+6.2)*0.390* 0.325 * 25 KN/m³

= 36.282 KN.

Wall load (for 115mm thick) = (5.25+6.2)*0.115*3.0*19

= 75.054 KN.

Assume deduction of 30% for opening, = 0.7*75.054

= 52.53 KN.

Total dead load on one intermediate floor

= (110.902+8.379+17.25+18.073+36.282+52.53)
= 243.516KN.

Here, we have 7 floor including ground floor slab.

Total dead load on bottom column = 7*243.516 KN
= 1704.612KN.

Live Load :
Project building is commercial building which comes under the
category of mercantile building. (Ref IS 875 part 2 – page 6) ,
Live load = 4.0 KN/m²

Live load for one intermediate floor = 32.56 m² * 4 KN/m²

= 131.44 KN.

Prepared By : Aashik Kumar Sah, Aashish Kumar Jha, Abhay Yadav, Baliram Sah, Bikesh Kumar Keshri, Neha Yadav
NCE074BCE : Final Year Project on “Earthquake Resistance Design of Multi Storied Commercial Building” at Kathmandu.

From IS875 part 2, Clause 3.2.1 (page 12)

Reduction in live load in all floors as follows,
Floor Reduction in live load(%)
1 0
2 10
3 20
4 30
5 to 10 40

In our case, the live load reduction will be

Ground floor = 131.44

First floor = 0.9 x 131.44 = 118.296
Second floor = 0.8 x 131.44 = 105.152
Third floor = 0.7 x 131.44 = 92.008
Fourth floor = 0.6 x 131.44 = 78.814
Fifth floor = 0.6 x 131.44 = 78.814
Total = 604.524 KN

For roof floor, since it has access, Hence, the load

distribution will be taken as 1.5 KN/m2 .

For roof floor = 32.86 x 1.5 = 49.29 KN.

Total load on column = 1704.612+604.524 +49.29
= 2358.526 KN.

Factored load = 1.5 x 2358.526

= 3537.789KN.

[for earthquake load can be increased by 25%]

Axial load on RCC column is given by

Pu = 0.4 fck Ac + 0.67 fy Asc (from IS456 clause39.3 page7)

Pu = Axial load
Fck = characteristics strength of concrete
Ac = Area of concrete
Fy = characteristics strength of compression reinforcement
Asc = Area of longitudinal reinforcement for column

Prepared By : Aashik Kumar Sah, Aashish Kumar Jha, Abhay Yadav, Baliram Sah, Bikesh Kumar Keshri, Neha Yadav
NCE074BCE : Final Year Project on “Earthquake Resistance Design of Multi Storied Commercial Building” at Kathmandu.

Lets, assume 3% reinforcement in column.

Pu = 0.4 x 20 (Ag – Ast) +0.67 x 415 x 0.03 x Ag
Or, 3537.789 = 8 (Ag – 0.03 Ag) +8.341 Ag
𝟑𝟓𝟑𝟕.𝟕𝟖𝟗 x1000
Or, Ag =
= 219724.799mm2
Ag = 468.74x 468.74 mm2

Adopt column size = 500 mm x 500 mm.

For earthquake resistance load increase by25%

Total load = 1.25 x 3537.789= 4422.236KN
Ag = 4422.236 x 103 / 16.101 = 274655.996 mm2
Column size becomes 524.076 x524.076 mm2

Adopt column size = 550 mm x 550 mm.

size is =
550mm *

Storey Drift
 Storey Displacement: Displacement of structure with respect to base of structure.

 Storey Drift: Displacement of any storey with respect to other storey.

 As per clz.7.11.1,1893 part-2,2002

Storey drift < 0.004 *storey Height

Prepared By : Aashik Kumar Sah, Aashish Kumar Jha, Abhay Yadav, Baliram Sah, Bikesh Kumar Keshri, Neha Yadav
NCE074BCE : Final Year Project on “Earthquake Resistance Design of Multi Storied Commercial Building” at Kathmandu.

Earthquake Load : as per IS 1893 : 2002)

Base shear calculation
 Vb = Ah * W (here, Vb = Base shear) [IS 1893 (Part I): 2002 c.l.z 7.5.3]
𝑆𝑎 𝐼 𝑍
 Design horizontal seismic coefficient, Ah = ∗𝑅∗2 Where,

 Ta = 0.075*(h)0.75 =0.8132 sec for RC frame building as per clz. 7.6 in the
considered direction of vibration
 = 1.672 [from c.l.z 6.4.5 of IS 1893:2002 (part I)]

 H=24m

 I = 1.2 [depends upon importance function of building, Table 6]

 R=5 [IS 1893(part I):2002, Table 7]

 Z = 0.36 [For zone V] Table 2

 ⸫Ah =0.07223

Base shear calculation

𝑊𝑡. 𝑜𝑓 𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑛 𝑊𝑡. 𝑜𝑓 𝑤𝑎𝑙𝑙
Lump Mass Calculation = Wt. of beam + Wt. of slab + above ( + )+
2 2

𝑊𝑡. 𝑜𝑓 𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑛 𝑊𝑡. 𝑜𝑓 𝑤𝑎𝑙𝑙

+ below ( + )
2 2

Seismic weight (W) = 32767.678 KN

Design seismic base shear (Vb) = Ah * W = 2366.822 KN

Base shear distribution

𝑾𝒊 ∗𝒉𝒊 𝟐
Qi = Vb*
∑(𝑾𝒊 ∗𝒉𝒊 𝟐 )

Wi = Seismic weight of floor i,

hi = Height of floor i measured from base
n = no. of storeys in the building is the number of levels at which the masses are located.
Vb=Base shear

Prepared By : Aashik Kumar Sah, Aashish Kumar Jha, Abhay Yadav, Baliram Sah, Bikesh Kumar Keshri, Neha Yadav
NCE074BCE : Final Year Project on “Earthquake Resistance Design of Multi Storied Commercial Building” at Kathmandu.

Prepared By : Aashik Kumar Sah, Aashish Kumar Jha, Abhay Yadav, Baliram Sah, Bikesh Kumar Keshri, Neha Yadav
NCE074BCE : Final Year Project on “Earthquake Resistance Design of Multi Storied Commercial Building” at Kathmandu.

 Since the project site is located at earthquake prone zone, we have given more
emphasis on earthquake load rather than others.

 The seismic coefficient method is used to analysis the building due to more
practicable and easier.

 Finally, we hope that efforts and coordination for the project work will prove much
useful in our future career.

Prepared By : Aashik Kumar Sah, Aashish Kumar Jha, Abhay Yadav, Baliram Sah, Bikesh Kumar Keshri, Neha Yadav

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