Liquid Gas BUKAN)

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1. What are mineral ?

- minerals are the building blocks of rocks.

- a mineral is an inorganic, naturally occurring solid that has a definite
chemical composition and atomic structure

2. criteria mineral
1. The substances must exist as a solid under normal conditions on earth (liquid
gas BUKAN)
2. The substances must be naturally occurring on earth, not man-made
3. The substances must be inorganic, not living or made from living things.
4.the subtances must have a fixed chemical formula/ specific compund, made of
specific elements. Contoh : QUARTZ Clear (SiO2 – one silicone to two oxygen
atoms all quartz) (Pyrite FeS2 – fool gold iron and sulfur)
5. Specific atomic arrangement/ define structure
The atoms that make up the substance must be arranged in an orderly structure
(crystal sstructure silica tetrahedral * 1 silicon and 4 oxygenmerah redball)

3. rock – piece of igneous rock called granite bila tengok teliti chunk dekat ada
color gray and white and black dan bila zoom ada 5 (1. CRYSTAL MINERAL-
plagioclase feldspar , biotite, amphibole) (2. MINERAL QUARTZ) (3. BIOTITE


1. Colors
2. Shapes / Fracture/ cleavage
3. Smell
4. Taste (hardness)
5. luster
over 2,000 varieties of minerals come with a wide variety of colors shapes sizes,
textures and different physical charateristics

5. mineral daily use

– diamonds are for jewelry

-fluorite are fluoride on a toothpaste
- talc is fine powder. Soft and used in baby powder (talcum powder)
- gypsum/ selenite gypsum used in drywall. Materials build modern house and
- pencil graphite carbon

6. types of mineral
1. sulfur
2. graphite – pencil carbon
3. galena
4. olivine
5. quartz - jewelry
6. garnet
7. gypsum/ selenite - drywall
8. orthoclase
9. magnetite

7. rocks ada tiga :.

8. 1 igneous rocks that form from the cooling and solidification of magma or lava
(basalt, ) The longer the cooling time, the larger the crystal size
1 intrusive igneous rocks have large crystals
2 extrusive igneous rocks have small or no crystal but glassy or vesicular

2 sedimentary rocks that form from the compaction and cementation of

sediments. (crystalline evaporation, bioplastic compaction)

Proses ; dari weathering & erosion ke sediments ke deposition and burial ke

compaction and/or cementation ke sedimentary rock

3 metamorphic granite rocks that form from exposure to intense heat and / or
pressure. (shale, slate, phyllite, schist, gneiss)

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