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Boracay National High School



A Quantitative Research Paper

Presented to

Romeluzvie T. Nabor

In Partial Fulfilment

Of the Requirement for the Subject

Research Report

Lyca Grace B. Garilao

Daisy Romano

Monica N. Javier

Lynne Shi G. Salibio

Aleah Mae Ballester

February 2020
Boracay National High School

Chapter I


Background of the Study

Based on the researchers’ observation, the reading skills of Grade 7 students are not
fully developed. According to Dr. Nene Guevara, study for S.Y 2017, prior to any reading
intervention, 53 % were frustrated readers and 23% independent readers. 23% could not
comprehend and 7% could not read at all. Reading skills is the ability of an individual to
read, comprehend and interpret written words on the reading materials. Reading is important
to develop language skills and their fluency. Without enhancing reading skills, it becomes
the problem of the students.

Reading skills may affect the reading performance and level of comprehension of the grade 7
students. There are many factors of reading skills that can affect the reading performance and
level of comprehension of the students such as background knowledge, vocabulary, fluency,
active reading, critical thinking, comprehension, environmental, conducive classroom, and
reading materials. It depends on the students on how they will overcome or what ways they
will do to solve the factors that negatively affect their performance.
Ahmadi and Pourhossein (2012) continued that through using reading strategies,
learners can understand the major point of a paragraph, explain unfamiliar words or sentence,
and abridge their reading. These strategies can help readers solve their difficulties when
reading text.. Scott (2010) carried out a study. This study was focused on how word
knowledge impacted reading comprehension to all the readers.
Lack of sources of information and limited time can be a hindrance to the researchers
to find the right information for the research. Lack of motivation and courage to survey the
participants can hinder the researchers to gather information needed. Not attending to classes
and refusal from the participants are another worries of the researchers.
Statement of the Problem

The researchers seek to answer the following questions:

1. What are the factors affecting the reading skills of Grade-7?

2. What is the level of reading performance of Grade-7?

3. What is the level of reading comprehension of Grade -7 students?

4. What are the possible interventions to improve the reading skills of Grade-7 students?
Boracay National High School

Significance of the Study

Specifically the result of this study will benefit the following:

Teachers. This study will serve as a guide for the teacher to adjust their teaching
strategies in teaching students. They can also identify students who need special
attention in reading remediation.

School Administration. The School Administration will provide a learning materials

and programs that will help the students to study and improve their reading skills.
Upon knowing also the needs of students, he/she can provide plan to help students
improve their reading skills.

Future Researcher. This study will help future researchers to get information for
their study.

Students. This study will help the students know their level of reading skills &
comprehension to improve their reading skills.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study will conduct in Boracay National High School S.Y. 2019-2020. The Grade
7 students during the school year 2019-2020 are the respondents of the study. This study
aims to know the factors affecting the reading performance of Grade 7 Students and the level
of comprehension to their reading skills.
Boracay National High School

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

This literature review attempts to discuss the various literature related to the factors
affecting the reading performance of Grade 7 Student and the level of comprehension to their
reading skills.

Ahmadi and Pourhossein (2012) continued that through using reading strategies,
learners can understand the major point of a paragraph, explain unfamiliar words or sentence,
and abridge their reading. These strategies can help readers solve their difficulties when
reading text. Scott (2010) carried out a study.

Meniado, (2016) supported this and stated that reading comprehension is series of
cognitive activities that include a lot of dimensions like the understanding of words and their
meanings, mindful reaction, and integration.Koda(2007) said that there are various variables
that impact learners’ reading comprehension. Some of these variables involve vocabulary
knowledge, metacognitive information, and reading strategies.Trehearne and Doctorow
(2005) expressed that there are other factors are learners’reading comprehension skill.

Conceptual Framework

Factors Affecting Reading Performance of Grade 7 Students and the Level of




Performance and
Reading Skills Level of
Boracay National High School

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of factors affecting the reading performance of

grade 7 students and the level of comprehension

`In the figure, independent and dependent variable affect each other. There are factors
that can affect the reading skills of Grade 7 students and it can be an advantage or
disadvantage to the students’ reading performances. There are many ways to improve their
reading skills and to have a good result to their reading performances.

Operational Framework

Data Collection Procedure

This will show the different phases of implementation that the researcher will do to
conduct the research.

Pre- implementation Implementation stage Post-Implementation

stage stage
 After validating the test
 The researchers for the interview and  After conducting
will identify the observation and the interview and
respondents of the approved the observation to the
study permission letter to the respondents, the
principal, advisers, and
 Will create a test researchers’
respondents, the
for the interview information
researchers will
and observation of gathered will be
conduct the interview
the study and organized,
and observation to
validate to the gather the information validated and
subject teacher. needed for the study. interpreted.
Boracay National High School

Research Hypothesis

The factors affecting the reading skills of grade 7 students are background
knowledge, vocabulary, fluency, active reading, critical thinking, comprehension,
environmental, conducive classroom, and reading materials.

The levels of reading performance of the grade 7 students are non-reader, slow reader
and fast reader. The levels of comprehension of grade 7 students are literal meaning,
inferential meaning, and evaluative meaning.

The possible interventions to improve the reading skills of grade 7 are remedial class,
give them reading materials and giving them enough attention.

Definition of Terms

Comprehension- refers to ability to understand. (Merriam Webster)

Conducive-refers to making it easy, possible, or likely for something to happen or

exist. (Meriam Webster)

Evaluative- refers to an assessment to form an idea of the value of something.

(Oxford dictionary)

Hindrance- refers to person or thing that makes a situation. (Merriam Webster)

Inferential-refers to involving conclusions reached on the basis of evidence and

reasoning. (Oxford dictionary)

Interventions -refers to happen as an unrelated event that causes a delay or problem.

(Merriam Webster)

Slosson Intelligence Test-refers to assess the intelligence of children. It can be

used as screening tool to identify which children may require more thorough testing.

Versatility- refers to quality or state of being versatile a writer of great versatility.

(Merriam Webster)
Boracay National High School

Chapter III

Research Design

The researchers will use the Descriptive design. It provides a description and
exploration of phenomena in real-life situations and characteristics. The researchers will
conduct an interview by providing reading materials and questions to determine the reading
comprehension of the grade 7 students. The researchers will also use the slosson test for
determining the reading performance of the grade 7 students.

Participants of the Study

The respondents are comprise of 40 females and 20 males of Aristotle, 21 females

and 30 males of Copernicus, 25 females and 30 males of Einstein, 14 females and 38 males
of Galilei and 22 females and 34 males of Pascal with a total of 274 students that are
currently enrolled in the Boracay National High School S.Y. 2019-2020.

Data Collection Instrument

The researchers will interview the respondents and observe their reading
performance. The researchers will use reading materials such as story and provide questions
to know the reading comprehension of the students. To test their reading performance, the
researchers will use slosson tool. The respondents will choose what factors affect their
reading performance to determine the possible intervention that they may apply to improve
their reading performance.
Boracay National High School

Let’s Adopt a Tiger

By: Unknown

Four-year-old Lizzy sat in her mother’s lap while they read a book about a
tigers and how they are endangered species. The book used some pretty big words
that Lizzy didn’t know, so her mother had to explain what they meant. Lizzy
learned that tigers are decreasing in number, and the places where they can live
freely roam are getting smaller and smaller, partly due to the expansion of cities
into their territory. Some countries have started programs to help protect the tigers
from becoming extinct –another big word Lizzy learned from the story. It means
that the tigers will eventually all be gone, if something isn’t done to save them.
National save the tiger month was begun to help create awareness about the
problems the tigers are having. At the end of the book, Lizzy suggested that her
family adopt a tiger, her mother smiled and reminded her daughter that they live in
a very small house with no room for a great big tiger they would have to find
another way to help tigers.

1. What was the story all about?

2. Why tigers are considered as endangered species?

3. If you are the character in the story, what would you feel? Why?

4. What was the lesson of the story?

Boracay National High School

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