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Grocery E-shop - Online Ordering System

(Example Project, Diagrams)
Resources | Diagrams | 9 July 2020 |
Dusan Rodina -

A grocery e-shop is modeled using UML diagrams. The requirements are

shown as UML use cases. It describes modules and entities. The user
interface is depicted on a Web Page wireframe diagram.

The example project shows various kinds of diagrams for online grocery ordering system. It
includes wireframes, UML Use Case Diagram , component diagram, class diagrams and state
machine diagram. The grocery e-shop project describes the requirements on the system, its
structure, and the proposed design of the user interface using wireframe diagrams.
Grocery E-shop Wireframe

Grocery E-shop Modules

The model for grocery eshop consists of these components:

Warehouse Service
Warehouse Management
Payment Gateway
Packaging Module
Product Service
Eshop Service
Eshop Frontend
Product Catalog Module
Delivery System

These artifacts are defined for the system:

Eshop Database
Warehouse Database
Product Database
Modules of Grocery E-shop

Use Cases for Online Grocery

UML Use Case Diagram for an online grocery ordering system describes the actors and their use
cases. These user roles represented by UML actors interact with the grocery e-shop system:

Product Editor

With the Product Editor are associated these use cases:

Add Product
Deactive Product
Activate Product
Edit Product
Add Category
Remove Category

The Customer has the following requirements on the system, represented by these use cases:

Sign Up
Remove Item from Shopping List
Reserve Delivery Timespan
Confirm Shopping List
Pay Online
Choose Address
Enter Note
Add Item to Shopping List
Cancel Shopping List

The Courier role depends on these use cases:

Take Delivery Batch

Deliver Order
Receive Payment

The Administrator can:

Add User
Remove User

Every User of the grocery system can:

Log In
Reset Password
Log Out

Grocery E-shop Use Cases

Domain Model for Online Grocery
Shopping List and Reservation
The important part of the online grocery ordering system is the shopping list module. The
shopping lists are created by a customer, it includes the items that a customer wants to buy. It
includes the following entities:

Shopping List
Shopping Item
Delivery Time Span
Offered Delivery Time Span
Discount Type - the system supports discounts, the enumerations offers these options:
Absolute and Relative
Packaging Type - a packaging type for an order can be chosen from these enumeration
values: None, Plastic Bags, Paper Bags, and Paper Box.
Payment Type - the enumeration offers the following payment options: Online Payment In
Advance, Cash, and Card

Grocery E-shop Shopping List

Online Orders
The class diagram for online grocery orders includes the following classes:

Shopping List
Order Item
Courier Batch
Order Status

Grocery E-shop Orders - Classes

The UML Class Diagram for the product and the related objects depicts the following classes
and their relationships:

Product Quantity Type - offers enumeration items for various kinds of product quantities:
Piece, Weight, Volume.
Product Photo
Special Offer
Special Offer Product
Grocery E-shop Products

Grocery E-shop Warehouse

State Machine Diagram for Order States

An order in a grocery eshop system can have these states: Draft, Allocated, Packed, Shipping,
Delivered, Unaccepted and Cancelled.

Grocery E-shop Orders - States

Download Project with Diagrams of Online Grocery

Ordering System

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