Human Computer Interaction

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Course Title : Human Computer Interaction

Course Code : ITG302.

Interaction is one of the most important things that the system designers must consider in the
user experience, as the interactive design contributes to creating a more effective user
experience. Interactive design is a great and exciting way to get people to interact with modern
devices and technologies as well as other digital products, and it combines everything we know
about design and function into one concept. Interactive design, like other areas of design, is
concerned with the shape and aesthetic aspect, but what it focuses on more is the design of
interactive behavior, that is, shifting the focus from the experiences that the site can provide to
the user to the actions the user does that determine the reaction of the site, and that means
focusing on how the interaction the user and the site together through an intermediary which is
the device used in the interactive process such as a computer.

It is necessary to adhere to strict rules in the design process
The design must be compact and very reliable.
Magnetic card systems used in laboratories are used mainly for a few purposes such as image
recognition, access to the building, to access different objects in the library. In the magnetic card
system, the information is stored in the magnetic stripe. Usually contains 17 five-digit numbers.
There are many card swipe systems, but most of them are used:
1) LNL -2010W Card Reader.
2) LNL -2000 Intelligent System Controller.
3) 4) Lenel Onguard client Software.
4) LNL -1320 Dual Reader Interface.
There is a sense of confidence in the swipe card system. In addition, there are general software
design principles around the following parameters:
1) Tunnel vision:
During the work or design of any process, it should not be damaged with Tunnel Vision, which
means that it should not only emphasize and press to complete the goal or objective of the
system, but on other things as well.
2) Traceable analysis model:
System analysis must be effective to meet all needs, and meets all requirements.
3) Reducing of intellectual distance:
The term reducing intellectual distance means that it must bridge the gap between the real-
world problem and software solutions.
4) Exhibition of uniformity and integration:
The design must be integrated so that it integrates all parts across the system, and displays a
unified nature without any change.
5) Quality:
Quality is one of the most important criteria in the design of software engineering during the
design process, by measuring this quality: Reliability, performance efficiency, Security and
There are many problems that we may have while the system is working. If the design is not
appropriate and the code is not preserved, there will be many problems such as:(Daniel et
1) Magnetic stripe cards
There are three basic ways to attack cards:
Reading, copying, creating new cards
In some cases, the UID number is copied and this is a big problem and needs to be addressed.
2) Communication between reader and DRI (hacking)
This problem is very weak where in this case the communication between the reader and DRI is
attacked through spying, entering and obtaining data, this case must be addressed.
3) Communication between ISC and OnGuard server
This problem is due to the connection between ISC and OnGuard Server due to spyware and
unencrypted Ethernet, so it's easy to get data irregularly.
It is very important to address all the issues and problems mentioned above through appropriate
procedures and to choose the right design to solve these problems.
There are several options and important procedures that must be considered when designing such
systems. They must be evaluated permanently, and security and privacy technology and initial
design techniques can be considered very important measures, and among these safe procedures:
It is necessary to secure and design a robust and appropriate infrastructure that meets the needs
of the system, as there may be a need to design and implement a network of controllers and the
presence of close readers to control the access process.
Security Zones:
When designing the design process, emphasis must be placed on having safe areas, by taking
into account the areas in which controlled access will be beneficial, and appropriate restrictions,
allocated permissions, and appropriate times of day must be designed, all related to security
In the event that some multifunctional problem arises. There should be an understanding of the
software packages used, their implications, data protection guidelines, and interoperability.
integration of system:
The system must be integrated in order to include a greater use of the system, since integration is
implemented at all levels of dynamic security, and this needs to be expected in the design unit for
advanced technologies.
Systems integration is the process of linking different computer systems with each other and
software applications, physically or functionally, to work together as a single coordinated unit.

The debate and dialogue about the role of emotions and feelings in the design of systems has
begun to grow significantly.
Emotional design concept, a concept that was recently formed and adopted by top companies
around the world.
Emotional design concept is a relatively new concept in the global scenario.
Emotional design has emerged as an effort to promote positive feelings and sensations (Norman,
Emotional design began to bring pleasure and enjoyment to users (Jordan, 2002) as a feature of
designing services, products and services. Emotional-based designs can severely affect the
overall user experience, because emotions affect decision-making and affect memory and
attention. We can identify two main ways of practical emotional design.
The first is based on modifying the physical appearance of the object or interface.
Second: Focuses on promoting attractive interactions and fluency.
Many studies and results have shown the importance of the emotional aspects in terms of the
design of technology as engines of market success and demand for products and services, where
we note the use of emotional design in some mobile systems through the design of applications
and interfaces achieved dazzle and pleasant surprises for users.
Studies on multimedia learning have also shown that the inclusion of emotional stimuli such as
(face-like shapes), or vibrant colors, some human images) in many interfaces, generates positive
emotions in users and improves learning outcomes.
Designers have developed computers that are able to sense, recognize and express emotions.
New technologies, along with sensing and sensation, have become ubiquitous for the ability to
adapt to the actual emotional states of users.
Example: The content of video games changes (so that it becomes more or less challenging)
depending on the emotional state of the players, for example (boredom or frustration) (Gilleade
et al, 2005).
Example: Applications in mobile devices have been integrated with biofeedback sensors to
enhance positive emotional feelings and relaxation (Serino et al., 2014) Where users can learn to
monitor and control their emotional states by looking at the features of virtual environments
(such as the presence of a burning fire) that change according to their psychophysiological
Emotional design (Reynolds & Picard, 2001) has shown that “emotional design” can be
conceptualized not only as the inclusion of pleasant and / or attractive aspects of interfaces to
increase pleasure, but also as a recognition and measurement of emotions to provide input to
technology and modify its functioning.
Technology designers can rely on many other components in their design other than aesthetics in
design, in order to create innovative and effective systems and devices. In fact, emotions are
other aspects that emotional designers can exploit in their systems. For example, emotions are
also cognitive processes, dependent on the evaluation component - with a marked effect on the
overall quality of the interaction. According to this perspective, new technologies can be viewed
and treated as opportunities to manipulate, reinforce, and trigger different, even complex
emotional states. Emotions can “participate” in interactions (rather than simply being a
byproduct of them), by providing input to digital technologies to modify or influence the final
outputs. This contribution explores the opportunities provided by the perception of emotions as
cognitive processes and active agents of interactions, in the field of emotional design.
In order to create innovative and effective devices. In fact, feelings have other aspects that
emotional stylists can exploit. For example, emotions are also cognitive processes - dependent on
the evaluation component - with a noticeable effect on overall quality of interaction. According
to this perspective, new techniques can be considered and processed as opportunities for
manipulation, enhancement, and release of different, even complex emotional situations. Finally,
emotions can "participate" in interactions (rather than just being their byproduct), by providing
input for digital techniques to modify or influence the final outputs.
This contribution explores the opportunities that the perception of emotions provides as cognitive
processes and active factors of interactions, in the field of emotional design.
In my opinion: Emotional design seeks to create designs that stimulate positive emotions in
users. Designer to address the user's perception process at all levels in order to evoke appropriate

feelings, whether they are positive, such as pleasure and confidence, or negative, such as fear and
Emotional design from a designer's point of view is the focus on feelings Joy (satisfaction,
contentment, pleasure) in order to obtain the interaction between user design and user emotions.
User Experience Strategy needs to fully cover design, including emotions. Through user
research, we can identify and evaluate the emotional impacts that technology systems bring to
users. Rather, designers should use emotional designs to bring users pleasure and turn them into
positive emotional experiences at critical moments, Beautiful design triggers a positive
emotional response.

Emotional design makes things attractive, and this makes people feel good, and this in turn
makes them think creatively. And creative awareness makes problem solving easier.
Finally, the advancement of technology, along with the knowledge available in the literature of
cognitive science, can provide designers with extraordinary possibilities to exploit the potential
of using emotions fully to contribute to user assistance
Designers can adopt a new approach according to the criteria:
(1) Evaluate separate emotions in continuous interaction to provide online modifications to
interfaces (emotional computing/emotional design).
(2) Relying on scientific literature about emotions as separate cognitive processes, to enhance
complex emotions.
(3) Analyze the "emotional profiles" of users to adapt techniques to their pre-existing emotional
features, within a user-focused design framework.

Part A:
I support this statement and agree with this opinion, we have come in a time when technology is
developing very quickly, and capacity building in a changing environment for information and
communication technology, technologies are developing very rapidly, if we notice this by
reviewing innovations and new inventions that will change the face of the world It contributes to
finding new solutions to enhance the quality of human life by employing artificial intelligence in

making the future. The tremendous technological developments, scientific discoveries, the
development of the scientific research process and the rapid use of modern technology
contributed to the design of future technologies, modern technology and its development related
to the extent of people's familiarity with technology or devices. The modern technology industry
focuses on adopting customers to make their tasks or way of life easier, and the presence of huge
big data today calls for a focus on the use of artificial intelligence techniques, and the related
skills required. The role of digital technology in facilitating teaching and learning enables
learners to participate in training activities without being subject to any restrictions.
For example:

o Using the term e-government to conduct government transactions with electronic devices,
but today the concept of smart government is to conduct transactions through smart phones and
using smart applications, the purpose of activities is the same, but the way activities are carried
out varies and changes. It is dynamic and constantly changing. It is clear that the purpose of the
activity is the same. But the use of technology is different.
o People get underground water through the use of a hand pump, and it has been used for a
long time, but it is used for an automatic pump instead of a manual pump. The old reused the
hand pump back and became outdated.
o People use bicycles, and today they use motorcycles and then use the car.
Part B: Requirements for elicitation techniques:
There are strategies of the most effective induction techniques that are likely to help users and
designers create the technology of the future. The strategy can be brainstorming, interviews, JAD
(Joint Application Development), and technical and technological conferences in which ideas are
drawn from each member of the team ( and thus they can come up
with new ideas for discoveries. Modern technology related to technical and scientific research.
These ideas are sorted and evaluated by the team and these ideas are used in developing future
technology technologies.
The strategy of brainstorming is to extract ideas from the ideas of others and work to build ideas
on top of each other to extract new ideas, and the use of this strategy greatly contributes to
discovering modern and advanced technologies, and helps build future technology.
1) The designer must keep pace with interactions as technology advances.
2) When designing interactive systems, we must rely on modern technologies and the latest user
patterns in order to build systems that support and achieve business goals.
3) Follow all mental, behavioral, emotional and conceptual models to ensure an interactive
4) Through a user-focused research process that relies on various techniques to interviewing real
users to learn more about their needs and building a site that provides these needs.
5) It is necessary for the system designer to define the target group and what are the goals he is
striving to achieve, and by defining these goals, the designer must begin to develop the strategy
that enables him to achieve it, whether he set it himself or with the help of other designers.

Interactive design is very important in the process of analyzing, configuring, and installing
software systems and modern technical means, and it is necessary to use it effectively so that it is

concerned with designing usable products, as it achieves ease of learning, effectiveness of use,
provides the user with an enjoyable experience, and that the product is designed to be Good tool,
efficient and effective, easy to use, learn and remember. In designing any interactive product,
several important points must be taken into consideration: Who is the target group, what are the
services and activities that the product will provide, and where will the product be offered?
Interaction design has multiple branches and overlaps of many sciences: computer science,
cognitive science, psychology, and finally, organization science in an effort to understand how
people use technology and interact with it.

1) Daniel , R., Stepan ,M. , Christopher, C.,(2006),” Magnetic Swipe Card System
Security”, case study “ University of Maryland, College Park”,p11 {1}.
2) Gilleade, K. M., Dix, A., & Allanson, J., (2005), “Affective videogames and modes of
affective gaming: assist me, challenge me, emote me,” in DIGRA ((Vancouver, BC)) , 16 –
3) Jordan, P. W., (2002). “Designing Pleasurable Products an Induction to the New Human
Factors”, London: Taylor and Francis.{2}
4) Norman, D. A., (2007), “Emotional Design: Why We Love (or Hate) Everyday Things”.
access online at: . {2}
5) Reynolds , C., & Picard , R. W. ,(2001), “Designing for affective interactions,” in
Proceedings from the 9th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction (New
Orleans , LA ), 6 . {2}
6) Serino, S. , Cipresso , P. , Gaggiol i, A . , Pallavicini, F . , Cipresso , S., Campanaro , D.,
et al. (2014),”Smartphone for self-management of psychological stress: a preliminary evaluation
of positive technology app ”, Rev. Psicopatol . Psicol . Clin. 19, 253 – 260. doi: 0.5944/ rppc
.vol.19.num. 3.2014. 13906{2}
ed0a3d405910 {3}

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