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Energy Conversion and Management 99 (2015) 210–220

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Aerodynamic noise prediction of a Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine using

Improved Delayed Detached Eddy Simulation and acoustic analogy
Masoud Ghasemian, Amir Nejat ⇑
School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper presents the results of the aerodynamic and aero-acoustic prediction of the flow field around
Received 4 January 2015 the National Renewable Energy Laboratory Phase VI wind turbine. The Improved Delayed Detached Eddy
Accepted 6 April 2015 Simulation turbulence model is applied to obtain the instantaneous turbulent flow field. The noise
Available online 28 April 2015
prediction is carried out using the Ffowcs Williams and Hawkings acoustic analogy. Simulations are
performed for three different inflow conditions, U = 7, 10, 15 m/s. The capability of the Improved
Keywords: Delayed Detached Eddy Simulation turbulence model in massive separation is verified with available
Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine
experimental data for pressure coefficient. The broadband noises of the turbulent boundary layers and
Wind turbine noise
Aerodynamic noise
the tonal noises due to the blade passing frequency are predicted via flow field noise simulation. The
Turbulence contribution of the thickness, loading and quadrupole noises are investigated, separately. The results
indicated that there is a direct relation between the strength of the radiated noise and the wind speed.
Furthermore, the effect of the receiver location on the Overall Sound Pressure Level is investigated.
Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction mechanism. Therefore, it is important to identify and predict the

most important noise sources.
An increasing need for energy coupled with global warming has Traditionally, noise prediction was performed using empirical
caused to exploring new alternatives to meet energy requirements or semi-empirical considerations. In recent years, because of the
[1]. One of the most promising renewable sources is wind energy computational technology advances, the interest in the computa-
[2]. In particular, there is an interest to develop small wind tur- tional aeroacoustics has grown noticeably. The use of
bines for urban and suburban applications [3]. However, wind Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) for wind turbines has made
energy also has several disadvantages that stand in the way of it possible to achieve an accurate design tool, but this use has been
wind turbine technology becoming popular. One of its major prob- limited to date because of the difficulties encountered by tradi-
lems is societal rejection of wind turbines in developed areas due tional Reynolds-Averaged Navier Stokes (RANS) turbulence models
to acoustic pollution. Aeroacoustic noise from wind turbine may in accurately predicting the highly unsteady features that are key
be a cause of annoyance from people living in the neighborhood in the prediction of the noise of the wind turbine [6]. Large Eddy
of the turbines, particularly those neighborhoods with the low Simulation (LES) method has superiority compared with RANS.
ambient noise level [4]. Noise emitted from an operating wind tur- Unlike the RANS method, it resolves directly all the large scales,
bine can be divided into mechanical noise and aerodynamic noise. which contain the most energy. The small scales, or eddies behave
Mechanical noise originates from different machinery components, in a universal way, and are simply modeled. However, LES is still
such as the generator and the gearbox. Aerodynamic noise is radi- computationally expensive for high Reynolds numbers and indus-
ated from the blades and is mainly associated with the interaction try applications. This issue is tackled by using hybrid RANS-LES
of turbulence with the blade surface [5]. Machinery noise can be methods. The hybrid methods are a combination between the sta-
reduced efficiently by well-known engineering methods Such as tistical RANS and LES methods. The basic principle in these meth-
vibration suppression, vibration isolation and fault detection tech- ods is to model the boundary layer using a RANS turbulence model,
niques [4], whereas reduction of aerodynamic noise still represents whereas LES is used to resolve the detached eddies and separation
a problem, and aerodynamic noise is the dominating noise regions in the farfield.
Tadamasa and Zangeneh [7] predicted the noise radiated from
⇑ Corresponding author. the rotating Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine (HAWT) blades. They
E-mail address: (A. Nejat).
used a RANS approach with Shear Stress Transport (SST) k  x
0196-8904/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Ghasemian, A. Nejat / Energy Conversion and Management 99 (2015) 210–220 211


a0 speed of sound (m/s) sij tensor of stress

Cp pressure coefficient s retarded time (s)
d distance to the nearest wall x rotational speed (rpm)
f frequency (Hz)
H Heaviside function Subscripts
k turbulent kinetic energy ðm2 =s2 Þ L loading noise
lIDDES IDDES length scale n component in surface normal direction
lRANS RANS length scale T thickness noise
M mach number 0 undisturbed condition

p acoustic pressure (Pa)
Pij compressive stress tensor
r distance to the receiver (m) CFD Computational Fluid Dynamic
Sij strain rate FW-H Ffowcs Williams and Hawkings
t time (s) FFT Fast Fourier Transform
T ij Lighthill stress tensor
IDDES Improved Delayed Detached Eddy Simulation
Uj velocity (m/s) HAWT Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine
Un fluid velocity in the normal direction (m/s) LES Large Eddy Simulation
vn normal velocity of the integration surface (m/s)
NREL National Renewable Energy Laboratory
yþ wall unit OASPL Overall Sound Pressure Level
PISO Pressure Implicit with Splitting of Operator
Greeksymbols RANS Reynolds-Average Navier Stokes
dð f Þ Dirac delta function SPL Sound Pressure Level
l molecular viscosity (kg/ms) URANS Unsteady RANS
lt turbulent viscosity (kg/ms) TKE Turbulent Kinetic Energy
q density (kg/m3) URANS Unsteady RANS

based turbulence model for aerodynamic calculation and Ffowcs Several previous studies of the HAWTs noise used URANS
Williams-Hawking (FW-H) equation for aeroacoustics prediction. approaches which these models tend to be overly dissipative and
They investigated the effects of wind speed and rotational speed have been found to be poorly suited for prediction separated flow
on the total noise radiation. Their results showed that the thickness typically encountered at high wind speed. Furthermore, due to
noise increases continuously with increment in the rotational their inherent time-averaged nature, direct acoustic predictions
speed. Cho et al. [8] measured acoustic noise for a scaled model derived from RANS are questionable. This study addresses some
of NREL Phase VI wind turbine. They used a microphone array to aspects of wind turbine noise generation and propagation not cov-
identify the noise source position of the blade. Their results ered or not fully understood in the literature such as the role of
showed that the main acoustic noise source position moves toward thickness, loading and quadrupole noises at different frequencies
the blade tip as the frequency increases and the noise level at low and the effects of wind speed on flow separation and noise
frequency below 2 kHz has much higher when the blade is in a stall generation.
condition. Chourpouliadis et al. [9] carried out a comparative study This paper has used Improved Delayed Detached Eddy
of the noise emissions from two interconnected wind farms. Their Simulation (IDDES) to predict aerodynamic noise radiated from
results showed that the predicted noise signals prove to be within the NREL Phase VI wind Turbine. The current study is an accurate
the limits of recent regulations concerning the installation of wind three-dimensional CFD unsteady simulation for aerodynamic noise
farms. The aerodynamic and acoustic optimization process with prediction of the flow around the NREL Phase VI wind turbine. The
decreasing the noise emission levels while increasing the aerody- IDDES turbulence model is conducted to obtain the instantaneous
namic performance can be found in study conducted by Göçmen turbulent flow field. The noise predictions are performed by the
and Özordem [10]. Their results show that redesigned airfoils have FW-H acoustic analogy formulation. This paper focuses on the
lower levels of noise emission and higher lift to drag ratios. Mo and broadband noises of the turbulent boundary layers and tonal
Lee [11] numerically predicted the characteristics of aerodynamics noises related to the passage of the blade. The surface
noise generated from rotating wind turbine blades using incom- pressure coefficients for three different inflow conditions
pressible large eddy simulation. The far-field aerodynamic noise U 1 ¼ 7; 10; 15 m=s were compared with the experimental data
for frequency below 500 Hz was modeled using FW-H analogy. by [14]. The effect of distance and wind speed on the Sound
They studied the aerodynamic noise due to the tip vortex-trailing Pressure Level spectrum and the Overall Sound Pressure Level
edge interaction by local cross flows along the trailing edges. Lee (OASPL) is studied. Furthermore, the contribution of the thickness,
and Lee [12] predicted aerodynamic noise from a 10 kW wind tur- loading and quadrupole noises were investigated, separately.
bine using semi-empirical models. They found that trailing edge The purpose of this study is to evaluate the capability of the
bluntness noise can be a dominant noise source for small wind tur- IDDES turbulence model in the aerodynamic prediction of wind
bines unless the wind turbine blades have very sharp trailing
edges. Recently, Mohamed [13] carried out several noise evalua- Table 1
tions of H-rotor Darrieus wind turbines. He studied the blade The contribution of different sources in the total noise.

shape, the tip-speed ratio and the solidity effects on radiated noise. U 1 (m/s) Thickness and loading noises Quadrupole noise Total noise
Results indicated that the higher solidity and higher tip-speed ratio (dB) (dB) (dB)
rotors produce much more noise than the normal turbines. His 7 46.7 49.3 51.2
study was based on a two-dimensional URANS (Unsteady RANS) 10 53.5 58.6 59.8
simulation which neglected three-dimensional effects. 15 60.7 64.6 66.1
212 M. Ghasemian, A. Nejat / Energy Conversion and Management 99 (2015) 210–220

turbines and also, investigate the noise generation mechanisms in T ij ¼ qui uj þ Pij  a20 ðq  q0 Þdij ð4Þ
operating HAWTs.
where Pij is the compressive stress tensor that includes the surface
pressure and viscous stress.
2. Governing equations
The second term is related to the dipole or loading noise and the
last term correspond to the monopole or thickness noise. Thickness
2.1. IDDES formulation
and loading terms are surface distribution sources as indicated by
the presence of the delta function dðf Þ while the quadrupole term
The three-dimensional unsteady incompressible Navier–Stokes
is a volume distribution of sources indicated by Heaviside function
equations have been solved by the Improved Delayed Detached
Hðf Þ. The wave Eq. (3) can be integrated analytically under the
Eddy Simulation technique. The IDDES turbulence model is a
assumptions of the free-space flow and the absence of obstacles
hybrid RANS-LES model based on modification in the length scale
between the sound sources and the receivers. The complete solution
of the dissipation rate term in the Turbulent Kinetic Energy (TKE)
consists of surface integrals and volume integrals. The surface inte-
transport equation of the Menter’s (SST) k  x model [15].
grals represent the contributions from monopole and dipole acoustic
@ ðqkÞ @ quj k @ 1 @k qk3=2 sources and partially from quadrupole sources, whereas the volume
þ ¼ l þ lt þ sij Sij  ð1Þ integrals represent quadrupole (volume) sources in the region out-
@t @xj @xj rk @xj LIDDES
side the source surface. The contribution of the volume integrals
where q; k; t; uj ; l; lt ; sij and Sij are the density, turbulent kinetic becomes small when the flow is low subsonic, and the source surface
energy, time, velocity, molecular viscosity, turbulent viscosity, ten- encloses the source region and can be neglected. Thus, acoustic pres-
sor of stress and mean strain rate, respectively. sure p0 which is mentioned in Eq. (3) is composed as:
The IDDES length scale LIDDES is defined as [16]:
p0 ð~
x; tÞ ¼ p0T ð~
x; tÞ þ p0L ð~
x; tÞ ð5Þ

LIDDES ¼ ~f d ð1 þ f e ÞLRANS þ 1  ~f d LLES ð2Þ where ~ x is the observer position, t is the observer time, the sub-
scripts T and L correspond to thickness (monopole) and loading
where the length scales of RANS and LES are defined as:
(dipole) components, respectively, and as follows [21]:
Z " #
LRANS ¼ LLES ¼ C DES D q0 ðU_ n þ U n_ Þ
b x 4pp0T ð~
x; tÞ ¼ dS
f ¼0 rð1  M r Þ2 ret
For the IDDES, the grid scale is redefined as Z " #
D ¼ minfmaxfC w Dmax ; C w d; Dmin g; Dmax g, where C w is a fundamental
q0 U n ðrM_ r þ a0 ðMr þ M2 ÞÞ
þ dS ð6Þ
empirical constant, d the distance to the nearest wall, Dmin is f ¼0 r 2 ð1  Mr Þ3 ret

min Dx ; Dy ; Dz and Dmax is max Dx ; Dy ; Dz . Function ~f d is defined and
as maxfð1  f dt Þ; f B g, which is determined by both the geometry " # " #
part f B and the flow part ð1  f dt Þ. The detailed information can be 1 L_ r Lr  LM
4p p0L ð~
x; tÞ ¼ dS þ dS
found in [17]. a0 rð1  M r Þ2 ret
f ¼0 f ¼0 r 2 ð1  M r Þ
2  3
Z _ r þ a0 ðM r þ M 2 Þ
2.2. Aeroacoustic formulation 1 4Lr 5 dS
þ ð7Þ
a0 f ¼0 r2 ð1  M r Þ3
The Ffowcs-William and Hawkings (FW-H) method [18], the ret

most general form of Lighthill acoustic analogy [19], is used to pre- where
dict the farfield noise. The FW-H method is appropriate for the pre-
diction of sound generated by rigid bodies in arbitrary motion and Ui ¼ v i þ ðu  v i Þ
is an inhomogeneous wave equation that can be derived by manip-
q0 i
ulating the continuity equation and the Navier–Stokes equations.
^ j þ qui ðun  v n Þ
Li ¼ Pij n
The FW-H equation can be written as [20]:
The various subscripted quantities appearing in (6) and (7) are the
1 @ 2 p0 @2

2 2
 r2 p0 ¼ T ij Hðf Þ inner products of a vector and a unit vector implied by the sub-
a0 @t @xi @xj ! !

script. For instance, Lr ¼ L ~
r and U n ¼ U ~
n where ~r and ~
n denote
 Pij nj þ qui ðun  v n Þ dðf Þ the unit vectors in the radiation and wall-normal directions, respec-
tively. The dot over a variable denotes the source-time differentia-
þ f½q0 v n þ qðun  v n Þdðf Þg ð3Þ tion of that variable. The Mach number vector M i is the local surface
@t velocity vector divided by the freestream sound speed. The sub-
where un is the fluid velocity in the direction normal to the integra- script ret denotes that the integrand is evaluated at the retarded
tion surface, v n is the normal velocity of the integration surface, dðf Þ time, s defined as:
is Dirac delta function and Hðf Þ is Heaviside function. Subscript, 0, r
defines the value in undisturbed medium and the primed value rep- s¼t
resents the difference between the value in real state and in the
undisturbed medium (e.g. p0 ¼ p  p0 Þ. where t; r and a0 are receiver time, the distance to the receiver and
The shape and the motion of the control surface are defined by the speed of sound, respectively.
f ð~
x; tÞ ¼ 0, with f < 0 for its interior and f > 0 for its exterior.
The terms in the right-hand side of Eq. (3) refer to different 3. Problem description
mechanisms of sound production. The first source term involves
Lighthill stress tensor and shows that the time-dependent stresses The NREL Phase VI wind turbine is a two-bladed rotor. The
generate sound. Such sources are called quadrupoles. Lighthill geometry of the blade is based on the S809 airfoil. The radius of
stress tensor is defined as: the blades is 5.029 m and the rated power of the wind turbine is
M. Ghasemian, A. Nejat / Energy Conversion and Management 99 (2015) 210–220 213

Fig. 1. Schematic of computational grid near the blade (a) computational domain, (b) grid near blade, and (c) boundary layer grid.

19.8 kW. The details about the blade geometry can be found in the
NREL/NASA Ames Phase VI unsteady experiment [14].
A 3-D incompressible unsteady computational fluid dynamics
solver, Ansys Fluent 15, based on the finite volume method is
employed to solve the Navier–Stokes equations using IDDES tech- 350
nique. The fluid is assumed to be incompressible as the free-stream
Torque [N.m]

Mach number is low ðM ¼ 0:0206Þ. Due to the incompressibility of 300

the flow, the pressure-based solver is chosen, which is traditionally
implemented to solve low-speed incompressible flows. The PISO
(Pressure Implicit with Splitting of Operator) algorithm is chosen
for coupling the velocity–pressure equations. Spatial discretization
has been preceded using a least squares cell based algorithm for 200
gradients, the bounded central differencing scheme for momen-
tum, second order upwind scheme for both turbulent kinetic
energy and specific dissipation rate. A bounded second order impli-
cit scheme was used for transient algorithm.
The computational domain consists of two regions; a rotating 100
0 2E+06 4E+06 6E+06 8E+06
region and a stationary region. To simulate rotating blade with Number of elements in grid
respect to the stationary outer domain the sliding mesh method
is used with a half-cylindrical interface between both domains. Fig. 2. Grid refinement study for NREL Phase VI blade at for U ¼ 7 m=s.
214 M. Ghasemian, A. Nejat / Energy Conversion and Management 99 (2015) 210–220

While building mesh, special attention is given to minimize mesh only one blade is considered, and periodic boundary condition is
non-orthogonality and skewness. A good mesh quality is necessary used. The numerical time step size is set to be 2:5  105 s in order
to obtain accurate results and to reduce the computational time. to ensure an accurate temporal discretization and small Courant
Fig. 1 shows the computational domain and boundary layer number.
mesh near the blade. In order to resolve the boundary layer, a Calculations were run for four revolutions, and data were col-
boundary layer grid was attached to the blade surface. The height lected over the three last revolutions. Then the time-dependent
of the first row of cells that bounding the blade is set to be 105 m surface pressure fluctuations were used as the acoustic source field
which ensures yþ < 1 for cells immediately adjacent to the blade. data, and they were converted to the frequency domain using Fast
To decrease both cell number of the grid and computation time, Fourier Transform (FFT).

U=7m/s @ r/R=0.30 U=7m/s @ r/R=0.467

4 4

k-w SST [22] k-w SST [22]
3 Experiment [14] 3 Experiment [14]

2 2


1 1

0 0

-1 -1

-2 -2
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
x/c x/c

U=7m/s @ r/R=0.633 U=7m/s @ r/R=0.80

4 4

k-w SST [22] k-w SST [22]
3 Experiment [14] 3 Experiment [14]

2 2

1 1

0 0

-1 -1

-2 -2
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
x/c x/c
U=7m/s @ r/R=0.95

k-w SST [22]
3 Experiment [14]



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Fig. 3. Pressure coefficient distribution of NREL Phase VI blade at wind speed of 7 m/s.
M. Ghasemian, A. Nejat / Energy Conversion and Management 99 (2015) 210–220 215

4. Grid independency study sizes were tested. Fig. 2 shows the torque of the blade for five dif-
ferent numbers of elements corresponded to U ¼ 7 m=s. As Fig. 2
It is necessary to perform a grid refinement study in every shows, as the number of the grid exceeds about 5 million elements,
Computational Fluid Dynamics simulation. In order to confirm there is a negligible variation in the blade torque. So the final mesh
the independence of the results on the grid resolution, several grid consists of 5,211,537 cells in two volumes.

U=10m/s @ r/R=0.30 U=10m/s @ r/R=0.467

6 6

5 k-w SST [22] 5 k-w SST [22]
Experiment [14] Experiment [14]
4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1

0 0

-1 -1

-2 -2
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
x/c x/c

U=10m/s @ r/R=0.633 U=10m/s @ r/R=0.80

7 6

6 5 k-w SST [22]
k-w SST [22]
Experiment [14] Experiment [14]




-1 -1

-2 -2
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
x/c x/c

U=10m/s @ r/R=0.95

k-w SST [22]
3 Experiment [14]



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Fig. 4. Pressure coefficient distribution of NREL Phase VI blade at wind speed of 10 m/s.
216 M. Ghasemian, A. Nejat / Energy Conversion and Management 99 (2015) 210–220

5. Results p  p1
Cp ¼ 
q u21 þ ðrxÞ2
5.1. Aerodynamics results
where p  p1 is the gage pressure, r is the radius of the blade sec-
In order to validate the simulation, the surface pressure coeffi- tion, and x is the rotational speed. Figs. 3–5 depict the surface pres-
cient on the blade was compared with the available experimental sure coefficient distribution on the five spanwise sections at 30%,
data [14]. The surface pressure coefficient is defined as: 46.7%, 63.3%, 80%, 95% of the blade span for three different inflow

U=15m/s @ r/R=0.30 U=15m/s @ r/R=0.467

5 3

4 k-w SST [22] k-w SST [22]
Experiment [14] Experiment [14]





-2 -2
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
x/c x/c

U=15m/s @ r/R=0.633 U=15m/s @ r/R=0.80

4 4

k-w SST [22] k-w SST [22]
3 Experiment [14] 3 Experiment [14]

2 2


1 1

0 0

-1 -1

-2 -2
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
x/c x/c

U=15m/s @ r/R=0.95

5 k-w SST [22]
Experiment [14]



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Fig. 5. Pressure coefficient distribution of NREL Phase VI blade at wind speed of 15 m/s.
M. Ghasemian, A. Nejat / Energy Conversion and Management 99 (2015) 210–220 217

conditions, U ¼ 7; 10; 15 m=s. At 7 m/s inflow velocity, the pressure show the superiority of the IDDES turbulence model in the separa-
coefficient at all spanwise sections show good agreement with tion prediction as compared to the conventional RANS models.
experimental data. At 7 m/s wind speed which is categorized as Fig. 6 shows the instantaneous pressure contours on the blade
low wind speed, the flow is mostly attached. At 10 m/s wind speed pressure side for three inflow conditions. For all conditions, the
which the stall commences to occur, a discrepancy is seen near the contours show considerable variations in the both spanwise and
leading edge of the suction side at 46.7% of the blade span. This dis- chordwise directions.
crepancy is due to flow separation near the mid-span of the blade. Turbulent vortical structures of the flow field for two flow con-
At 15 m/s, wind speed which is corresponds to stall flow, some ditions U 1 ¼ 7; 15 m=s are visualized in Fig. 7. To identify these
deviations were found near the leading edge of suction side at vortex structures, the Q-criterion isosurface colored with the val-
30% of the blade span. The value of these discrepancies in the ues of the velocity magnitude is shown.
IDDES turbulence model is less than the RANS turbulence models. The Q-criterion which is the second invariant of the velocity
At high wind speeds, where the flow is massively separated over gradient tensor is defined as [23]:
the entire blade span, RANS models fail to predict the correct sepa-
ration and the lift and torque is over predicted [22]. These results Q¼ Xij Xij  Sij Sij

Fig. 6. Instantaneous pressure contour on the NREL Phase VI blade pressure side.

Fig. 7. Isosurface of turbulent vertical structures for Q = 200 s2 contoured by the velocity magnitude for U 1 ¼ 7 m=s (left) and U 1 ¼ 15 m=s (right).
218 M. Ghasemian, A. Nejat / Energy Conversion and Management 99 (2015) 210–220

80 80

70 IDDES U=7 [m/s]

Tadamasa & Zangeneh [7] f = 2.4 [Hz] U=10 [m/s]
60 U=15 [m/s]
Sound Pressure Level [dB]

Sound Pressure Level [dB]

50 40





200 400 600 800 1000
0 1 2
Frequency [Hz] 10 10 10
Frequency [Hz]
Fig. 8. Comparison of Sound Pressure Level the NREL Phase VI wind turbine at
U 1 ¼ 15 m=s with Tadamasa and Zangeneh [7]. Fig. 10. Wind speed effects on the noise generation of NREL Phase VI wind turbine.


Thickness & Loading Noise 80 D=14.74 [m]

Total Noise D=20.87 [m]
2.4 [Hz]
D=36.18 [m]
60 D=69.29 [m]
D=137.02 [m]
Sound Pressure Level [dB]
Sound Pressure Level [dB]


20 20



-20 0 1 2
10 10 10 10

Frequency [Hz]
Frequency [Hz]
Fig. 9. Sound Pressure Level of different mechanism of noise generation from the
NREL Phase VI wind turbine at U 1 ¼ 15 m=s. Fig. 11. The effect of distance on Sound Pressure Level at U 1 ¼ 7 m=s.

where And p^ref has the value of 2:105 Pa.

    In the present computation, only one blade of the whole wind
1 @ui @uj 1 @ui @uj
Sij ¼ þ Xij ¼  turbine of Tadamasa and Zangeneh [7] is simulated. It is assumed
2 @xj @xi 2 @xj @xi that every blade generates the same acoustic pressure; therefore
It can be observed that in U 1 ¼ 7 flow condition, the flow is the Sound Pressure Level of the whole wind turbine is computed
attached and the turbulent vortical structures are only shed from as follows:
the blade tip. Whereas, at U 1 ¼ 15, the flow is massively separated
over the entire blade span. ! !!
^2one blade
p ^2one blade
Ltwo blade ¼ 10log 10 þ
5.2. Aeroacoustics results ^2ref
p ^2ref
To confirm the accuracy of the aero-acoustic simulation, the ^2one blade
¼ 10log 10 2 
Sound Pressure Level is compared with the available numerical ^2ref
results of Tadamasa and Zangeneh [7]. Sound Pressure Level is a !!
^2one blade
logarithmic measure of the effective sound pressure of a sound rel- ¼ 10 log 10 ð2Þ þ log 10 ¼ 3:01 þ Lone blade
ative to a reference value and is defined as follows [5]: ^2ref
p Fig. 8 presents a comparison of the Sound Pressure Level
LP ¼ 10  Log 10 between the current simulation and the numerical results of
Tadamasa and Zangeneh [7] at U 1 ¼ 15 m=s inflow condition and
M. Ghasemian, A. Nejat / Energy Conversion and Management 99 (2015) 210–220 219

rotational speed of 72 rpm. The Sound Pressure Level is reported It is generally known that the Sound Pressure Level at the recei-
for a receiver located at the reference distance. This reference dis- ver position is highly depending on the distance between the recei-
tance is according to IEC 61400-11 international standard [11]. ver and the noise source. The further away from the wind turbine,
It can be observed that there is a good agreement between the lower SPL at the receiver position is observed. The receiver
IDDES turbulence model and published results [7]. position effect is shown in Figs. 11–13 where the Sound Pressure
In order to show the low frequency noises in acoustic spectra, Level is computed at different distances from the wind turbine. It
the Sound Pressure Level at U 1 ¼ 15 m=s inflow condition and can be seen that the Sound Pressure Level spectrums show signif-
rotational speed of 72 rpm is shown in Fig. 9 in logarithm scale. icant peaks in the sound intensity at the rotating frequency at each
It can be seen that there is a tonal peak in the sound spectrum at distance between the receiver and the wind turbine.
f ¼ 2:4 Hz that matches with the blade rotation frequency. Figs. 11–13 are related to the noise spectrum for the combina-
tion of thickness and loading noise at U 1 ¼ 7; 10; 15 m=s, respec-
1 min revolution
x ¼ 72 rpm ! x ¼ 72 rpm  ffi 1:2 tively. It can be concluded that the noise amplitude is reduced
60 s second with increasing the distance between the receiver and the wind
turbine. However, there is no change in the behavior of the spec-
Number of blades ¼ 2
trum and the location of the tonal peaks.
The effect of distance on the Overall Sound Pressure Level
Rotation frequency ¼ Number of blades  number of (OASPL) for three mentioned flow conditions is shown in Fig. 14.
¼ 2  1:2 ¼ 2:4

As previously mentioned, sources of aerodynamic noise generated 100

by the wind turbine consist of the thickness, loading, and quadru- D=14.74 [m]
pole noise. The combination of thickness and loading noise is D=20.87 [m]
obtained by integrating on the blade surface and the total noise is 80 D=36.18 [m]
D=69.29 [m]
calculated by integrating over the interface surface. The difference D=137.02 [m]
between the total noise and the combination of thickness and load- Sound Pressure Level [dB]
ing noise indicates the quadrupole noise. Fig. 9 shows the total and
the combination of thickness and loading noise spectrum. These
spectrums indicate that the quadrupole noise has negligible influ-
ence on the tonal noise, but the combination of thickness and load-
ing noise is the dominant noise sources at these frequencies. Fig. 9
shows several peaks in the high frequency region for the total noise
that cannot be seen in the combination of thickness and loading
noise spectrum. It would be concluded that the quadrupole noise
is related to the turbulent structures behind the wind turbine.
Fig. 10 shows the effects of increasing wind speed on the com-
bination of thickness and loading noise. The Sound Pressure Level
(SPL) is reported for a receiver located at the reference distance
to the wind turbine. There is a direct relation between the strength 10

of radiated noise and the wind speed. It can be concluded that the Frequency [Hz]
noise amplitude is increased with increasing the wind velocity.
However, there is no significant change in the behavior of the spec- Fig. 13. The effect of distance on Sound Pressure Level at U 1 ¼ 15 m=s.
trum and the location of the tonal peaks.


65 U=7 [m/s]
80 D=14.74 [m]
D=20.87 [m] U=10 [m/s]
D=36.18 [m] U=15 [m/s]
D=69.29 [m] 60
D=137.02 [m]
Sound Pressure Level (dB)



20 40



50 100 150 200
-20 0 1 2
10 10 10 Distance [m]
Frequency (Hz)
Fig. 14. The overall Sound Pressure Level due to combination of thickness and
Fig. 12. The effect of distance on Sound Pressure Level at U 1 ¼ 10 m=s. loading noise at different distance from the wind turbine for U 1 ¼ 7; 10; 15 m=s.
220 M. Ghasemian, A. Nejat / Energy Conversion and Management 99 (2015) 210–220

The OASPL was evaluated by integration over the frequency Therefore, the results of this paper can improve a better under-
spectrum. standing of the noise generation mechanisms as well as the design
It can be seen that the OASPL does not vary linearly with the of quieter small Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine. Furthermore, these
receiver distance. This means that doubling the receiver distance results can be exploited to determine the efficient location for
does not lead to the halving of Sound Pressure Level. The OASPL wind turbine installation that the noise radiated has the minimum
varies logarithmically with the receiver distance. Furthermore, annoying to the vicinity residents.
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