Flint Water Crises

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In the April 2014, Flint city of Michigan changed its source of city’s water From DetroitWater andSewerageDepartment to
theKaregnondiWater Authority (KWA) because they are facing Financial problems. But KWA is not ready to deliver water as their project of
building new pipe lines was under progress. So, Flint officials decides to use Flint river water which is being treated in Treatment plant as a
new source for city. After few weeks, residents complaining about changing water color and foul odour. The water also contain high level of
lead. Lead is one of the contaiminant which has adverse effect on health especially in children brain development and behavioural changes.
As water system pipelines of Flint city made up of lead Which is leaching in to the water at high level. Report shows that 90% sample contain
15ppb lead which is action level and 10% sample contain 13000ppb that is far above the EPA limit. Flint also declared that water contain
elevated level of Trihalomethane, an organic compound having carciogenic effects. Flint also issued water-boil advisory as sample tests
positive for E-coli bacteria caused waterborne diseases.



Loss of phosphate protective layer-They are not adding phosphate ion in the water supply which formed protective layer with lead making
lead(II)phosphate(Pb3(PO4)2 and prevent lead leaching.

High chloride concentration As flint river contain high concentration of chloride ions which comes as a result of road runoff during cold
weather, which trigger the corrosion rate of pipe.

Low PH levelHigh Ph(around 10) contribute to maintain a protective layer formed from lead(II) phosphate (Pb3(PO4)2 .As water from Flint
treatment plant ph was too low around(7-8) which make protective layer dissolve in water supply.

E-Coli Bacteria

Loss of elemental chlorine. As due to loss of protective layer in iron pipes. Ferrouse ion enters in water stream and cause rusty
color also it reduced the elemental chlorine Cl 2 into chloride ion therefor chloride ion does not kill micro organisms and they
survived in water causes waterborne health diseases.

Trihalomethane Contamination Trihalomethane is an organic compound having sever health effects. It is Carcinogenic and
found in Flint residents water sample. It was produced when elemental chlorine react with organic compounds such as
leaves,weeds etc

Methodology To Adopt In Addressing The Issue

First of study the geography of water reservoir location and its source including inappropriate infrastructure, industrial waste
water pollution contaimination, agricultural waste pollution, eutrophication resulting from nutrient loadings, salinization from
irrigation return flows, infestations of exotic plant and animals, excessive fish harvesting, flood plain and habitat alteration from
development activities, and changes in water and sediment flow regimes. These are points need to remember.

My suggestion in this problems are

Carry out complete testing of water quality parameters to track the future and current problems

As Flint river has high chlorides level, they can remove it by using reverse osmosis it has great ability to remove TDS during

They have to use phosphate in water like orthophosphate or other conjugate which formed protective layer against lead
leaching and iron leaching(because iron ions cause elemental chlorine to convert into chloride and micro organisms will have
betther chance to survive).
The pipe line Infrastructure need to change as it should replaced with high grade PVC material which served as long term


Karachi, the biggest city of Pakistan facing water sacricity for about two decades due to growing population and economic
development and loss of water through different sources. Water demand is high as compare to supply. Therefore, the city look
towards new source of water to fulfill the demand. In order to meet the drinking water shortages in Karachi, the K-IV project
pledges to provide 650 million gallons per day of water to fulfill the city’s drinking water requirement for the next 50 years.

And just as in the case of Flint, Indus river is the future originating source of Karachi which contaminated with agricultural
runoff . In addition to the industrial constituents (eg lead), the city’s raw water is also subjected to agrochemicals, due to the
indiscriminate use of pesticides in the catchment.

The metropolis receives raw water from various sources which includes the Kalri-Baghar (KB) Feeder. The KB feeder acts as a
recipient water body, receiving raw and untreated wastewaters from industries in the Kotri industrial area, including those that
have lead in their wastewaters.

In addition, water treatment plants in Karachi are not equipped to filter out these contaminants: they are of the conventional
types (typically, rapid sand filters). Conventional water treatment plants do not remove toxic metals such as lead, ie whatever
lead comes in the influent, will pass on to the final treated effluent.


Environmental agencies should take strict actions against the industries which are contaminating the water reservoir, they
should follow strict regulations to control pollution.

Wastewater water Treatment plant should equipped with advanced tertiary treatment like activated carbon filters or ion
exchange methods to remove lead contamination.

Used coagulation to remove heavy metals which comes from different industrial sources.

Used proper amount of disinfectant to kill micro organisms.

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