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1. A2x 2matrix, A=[a,] whose elements are given by 2) “> IN 1 1/2] 9/2 25/2 oe. of 8 9/2 heh 8 |. (d) None of these oat Yom tan ss) 3] sn-(2) ore | - es ae ‘en tan (2) / ® an'(] = tan“\nx) then A - Bis equal to INCERT Exemplar) fa)! 0 2 tr a 3. IfA and B are two matrices of the order 3 < m and 3 xm, respectively and m=n, then the order of matrix (GA - 25)15, INCERT Exemplar fa)mx3 (3x3 (mxn (@3xn 418A [ | then A? ecu to INceRT! a? a wl! | of | wl) 5, Ifmatrix A =[a, ho, wherea, =1 ,ifi# j=0, if i= j, then A? is equal to INCERT Exemplar] fall (b)A Wo (d) None of these 6. IfA is matrix of order m x n and Bis a matrix such that AB’ and 8’ A are both defined, then order of matrix B is INCERT Exemplar] 6) m xm Wbinxn (nxm mxn 7. If A is a square matrix such that A*=!, then (A- D8 +(A +1)8—7A is equal to [NCERT Exemplar] A WA Isa (aa 8. For any two matrices A and B, we have INCERT Exemplar] () AB = BA (0) AB+BA (9 AB=0 {(@) None of these 9. If 91 0 -1) then which of the 14) 10) following is correct? INCERT Exemplar] GA + B)(A-B)-A-B Q)(A + BA B)=A -B ((A+ B)-(A-B)=1 ‘(d) None of the above 10. IfA is square matrix such that A = A, then (A+ 1) is equal to INCERT Exemplar] GaAs Wi7a+ (3ast jar 0 ~tant 11. IFA= a 2 and J is the identity matrix tonS 0 eos 0. of order 2, then (I ~ A)| A or OI+A (@) None of the above a2. a-|2 Slentr=|o o rthenthevalucat ho 42 00 that A® =hA - 2/ is INCERT] Gt (b)-1 (2 (@) None of these 102 13. IfA=|0 2 1|, then the value of A? - 6A? +7A is 203 equal to INCERT Exemplar Gl (b)o (9 21 (a 23 2 14, If 2X + 3Y [a 4 and 8x +2y= | te the value of x andy is INCERT of fe?) of lela | [ 1 ls o 1 : seus) 7 |, then the values of TN [aay Qe4w | [0 iy wanes XY 3 are (@) 2.23.4 (0) 243,12 () 33,01 (@) None of these 16. fA i zfandka ke 32) then the values of 3 -4 2b 24 k, a, bare respectively ‘@)'-6,-12,-18 ©) -6.4,9 (od -6-4,-9 (d) - 6,12, 18 17. If A ally nsbeadiagongl matrix withdiagonal element all different and Dylaen be some another matrix Let AB =[¢,,,,. ,,then ¢, is equal to (ay by apd, (ay by (Bay by 18. Assuming that the sum and product given below are defined, which of the following is not true for matrices? (2) A+ B=B+A (b) AB = AC does not imply B =C (o) AB = O implies A = 0 or B= 0 (@ (By = BA’ 2-1 19. 1fA =|) y)andI isthe unit matrix of order 2, then A? equals (0) 4A— 31 () 3a— ar (WA-r Watt 20. 21, 22. 23, wef? oe 0 jn 10 0 oar WA=-A (QB =-1 @eR=1 O ab if As|-a 0c, if Q=Asa’) and -b -. 0 2 = H{A-AY) then Q, 0, is equal to @h wo, A ax 7 0 3 0 WX +¥ it sjandx-¥ lo p pthenthesume the elements of the matrix 3X —4Y is equal to (a) 14 (16 12 (a) 25 110 For the matrix A =|1 2 1), which of the following 10 is correct? @)4438-1-0 (A328 -1-0 (A428 -1=0 R-A 41-0 a 100 | 1 7] @)o 10 7 oot 25. Asquarematrix P satisfies P = J ~ Pwhere | is the identity matrix. If P" =5/ ~8P, then n is equal to fa) 4 (b) 5 fe W7 cos? sinOcoso 26. TetA=| cosind sin? cos?) sin goosg cos ¢ sino sin? @ fa) 6= mn = 0.12... b) 0+ @ = nn, n = 0,42, (© 0=6+@n+1)5,n=0,12,. B then AB = 0, if @) 0-04 nF.n=0,12..

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