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I. Do the following Tasks:

1. Describe the three types of research that must be conducted by the entrepreneur to
determine the buying behavior of the consumers.
 Exploratory research is described as research conducted to learn more about a
problem that isn't well defined. It is carried out in order to gain a greater
knowledge of the subject at hand, but it will not yield a conclusive result.
 Descriptive research is defined as a research method that describes the features of
the population or subject under investigation. The descriptive research approach is
used to describe the characteristics of a demographic segment.
 Causal research is a type of study that aims to figure out the cause and effect
relationship between two variables. This study is mostly used to determine the
source of a specific behavior. We use causal research to determine what changes
occur in an independent variable as a result of a change in the dependent variable.
2. Differentiate the following:
 Quantitative data is information that expresses a certain number, amount, or range
of values. In most cases, measuring units are connected with the data, such as metres
in the instance of a person's height. Setting border constraints on such data makes
logical, and applying mathematical operations to the data makes sense as well.
 Qualitative data is a type of information that describes attributes or characteristics.
It's gathered through questionnaires, interviews, or observation, and it's typically
presented as a narrative. It could be notes from a focus group about the quality of the
food at Cafe Mac, or responses to an open-ended questionnaire, for example.
Qualitative data can be difficult to measure and interpret correctly.
 Primary data it's a word for data collected at the point of collection. This type of data
is gathered directly from first-hand sources through surveys, observations, and
experimentation, and is not processed or manipulated in any way.
 Secondary data is information that has previously been gathered from primary
sources and made available to researchers for use in their own studies. It's a type of
information that has previously been gathered.
3. Identify the common used research tools in gathering data
 Case Studies
 Checklists
 Interviews
 Observation sometimes
 Surveys or Questionnaires
4. Enumerate the common buying behaviours of Filipino consumers.

 brand loyalty
 media exposure
 the value of money

II. Write True if the statement is correct. Otherwise write False and state your reason briefly.
FALSE 1. There is no need to conduct entrepreneurial research to know the behavior of the
consumers because the entrepreneur may use his/her common sense instead.
 Market research is a crucial component that allows them to take a step back and consider
how their product might fit into the industry. Entrepreneurs obtain vital information about
industry trends, who their true competitors are, and which consumers they should target
and how through market research.
TRUE 2. Entrepreneurial research activities basically follow the scientific approach.

TRUE 3. Hypotheses are hard facts that need not to be proven.

FALSE 4. Qualitative research method is not applicable in exploratory research.

 Because exploratory research uses qualitative data
TRUE 5. Descriptive research describes the past phenomenon or condition of a particular subject of
the research.

FALSE 6. Casual research is only applicable when there are two or more variables that may or may
not be related.
 Casual research uses between two variables

FALSE 7. When the data are qualitative, it would be easy to perform mathematical operations.
 Qualitative uses words not mathematical operations
FALSE 8. Primary data are sourced normally from government agencies that have gathered the data for
management purposes.
 Primary data sources include; Surveys, observations, experiments, questionnaires, focus
groups, interviews,
TRUE 9. In the personal interview method of gathering data, there is a need to prepare structed
questions before conducting the interview.

TRUE 10. The consumers usually exhibit complex buying behavior when the product is considered a
household commodity.

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