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Altar Server Training Tending Our Gardens Stewardship In Everyday Life

September 7, 2008 ny 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Training for altar servers will take place on:
“What have you done with the garden entrusted to you?” — Machado
Saturday - September 20th @ 9:00am
Many are familiar with the phrase “time, talent, and treasure” as a de-
Readings for Mass Extraordinary Minister Make-Up Training Sunday - September 28th @ 9:45am
scription of Christian stewardship, and these are indeed important
Saturday - October 4th @ 9:00am
September 7, 2008 September 14, 2008 There will be an Extraordinary Minister make-up training ses- aspects of it. However, stewardship is much more. It entails accepting
sion on Wednesday, September 24th at 6:30 pm in the church. You must attend one training session to remain active in this minis- all aspects of our lives as gift, and inviting God into each.
1st Reading Ez 33:7-9 Nm 21:4b-9 This will be the /FINAL/ training session for this year for Ex- try. I believe God cares deeply about how we take care of our bodies,
traordinary Ministers, so if you have not attended a previous emotions, and relationships. God wants us to use everything we have
2nd Reading Rom 13:8-10 Phil 2:6-11
session, please plan on attending. Minister of Hospitality Training to bring about the kingdom in our lives and the world around us.
Gospel Mt 18:15-20 Jn 3:13-17 The following are training dates for new and veteran ministers of In March of 2004, Bishop Robert Morneau gave a presentation on
St. Phocas Workday hospitality. Remember you must attend one training session to re- “The Spirituality of Stewardship” at the annual Regional Stewardship
On September 11th Archbishop Wilton Gregory will be at Saint Join us on Saturday, September 13th from main active in this ministry. Conference in Atlanta.
Matthew to celebrate Mass at 11:30am for the principals of the 9-11:00 am to do a little work in the gardens.
Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Atlanta. Saint Matthew Sunday, September 7th @12:30 pm He presented this idea of stewardship as different gardens that we are
Saturday, September 13th @ 10:00 am called to tend in our lives. We will cover the difference gardens over
parishioners are invited to attend. There will be no 9:00am Mass.
Saint Matthew’s Craft Guild Sunday, September 14th @ 12:30 pm the next few weeks, as a guide for discernment.
WE' RE BACK !!! Our 1st three sales netted a profit of over It is important to realize that this is simply a starting point: a tool to
We welcome the following $800.00! We'll be having a sale in Sept, Oct, and Nov. before our Religious Education News help you start asking your own questions. Only you can ultimately
new parishioners to our Parish Family winter break and will be giving our year's profits to the church in determine how God is calling you in your life.
Ruben Romero & Irene, Mowgli & Spencer Martin Dec. Next weekend we'll have lots of great ideas all ages... for chil- Women’s Faith Formation It is important to note that this process should not necessarily be seen
dren up to senior lap quilts, walker caddy's and bibs that you've Women’s Faith Formation is will be meeting on the second and fourth as a way of adding more tasks to your life, but as a call to balance and
been asking us to make. And we'll be taking more orders for the Mondays of September due to the Labor Day holiday. We will meet Mon- openness. Stewardship addresses what we do in our lives, but more
For the Separated or Divorced… personalized bracelets and darling personalized clay art children and day night, September 8, 2008 at 7:00 pm in The La Salette Day Chapel. At
importantly how we do them.
St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church in Newnan is offering an 8- our last meeting on August 18th, we chose The Shack by William P. Young
figures. as our first book for discussion. We will discuss the beginning of that book As you read through the questions, check off areas in which you
week program titled: “Divorce and Beyond” beginning September Remember we accept cash only...and all profits from the sales go
30th and ending November 18th. This 8-week series will meet at this meeting. All women of the parish are welcome. would like to be more attentive or spend more energy. Feel free to
directly to pay down the building fund debt. See you at the sale next star questions related to areas where you are doing well. When you
Tuesday evenings from 7-8pm in room 105 of the education wing. weekend. ---The Craft Guild--- RCIA
The goals of this program are to provide support within a caring In celebrating this month of Our Lady’s final journey to God in her glori- are done, go back and circle one to three areas you want to work on.
faith community and to guide the participants to find positive and ous Assumption, let us ask her motherly intercession to draw souls to the
healthy ways to deal with the many emotions they are experiencing Adult Choir Rehearsals! Sacred Heart of her Son. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Garden of Emotions
September 9th & September 18th is a journey too – of conversion to God and what he intends for us. RCIA
during this time of transition and beyond. This program is open to Our feelings and mental state are integral parts of us as human be-
is the process by which persons who was never baptized, or was baptized
everyone. in other Christian tradition, become members of the Church, a people on a ings. Emotions are tricky things, as we all have different ways of
Childcare will be available. Fee: $10.00. For questions or to register Youth Choir Rehearsals! pilgrimage to our Heavenly Father. Please contact King Cooper at (770) dealing with them, some more healthy than others. A good place
call Sharon Burke at 770.317.7990. September 7th & September 14th 774-1182 for more information. to start is to recognize our emotions as gifts from God that we are
Bible Study called to faithfully tend.
Visit Fr. Vic’s blog at Calendar of Upcoming Events Daytime Bible study will begin Tuesday, September 9th from 10:15 to Do you take time off before you get to a point of burnout?
11:30 am in room 3. All are invited. No previous experience is necessary. Do you ask your friends for support when you need it?
Prison Ministry Meeting September 8 6:30PM Over 50 Club Meeting Please join us as we explore God's word together! For more information Do you let your emotions build up to an unhealthy level?
contact Doris Cooper at 770.632.0426 or Linda Spencer at 770.632.8880. Do you let yourself have fun? Be happy? Be goofy? Often
There will be a Prison Ministry Meeting at 9:30 am on Septem-
September 9 9:30AM Church Cleaning CAFE 945, enough?
ber 13 at the Church. We will be planning upcoming projects.
The Catholic Adult Faith Enrichment program, will begin next Sunday, Do you spend enough time alone?
Jim Powers from the Archdiocese Prison Ministry will attend. September 11 7:30PM Knights of Columbus Meeting
September 7, in the Conference Room at 9:45 (between the Masses). We Have you considered counseling to help understand yourself bet-
All invited. For information, call Nancy Wood 770-631-9663. will focus on Prayer and different types of prayer Catholics can engage in,
September YAM Calendar See Bulletin Board ter and move forward?
especially as practiced by St. Francis of Assisi. Grab a cup of coffee and a Is there a particular emotion you have that you want to understand
SPORTS TICKER....Make plans to join your fellow parishioners doughnut and join us in CAFE 945!
as we cheer on our men's basketball team when they take on the October 4th—Feast of St. Francis of Assisi or handle better?
Calling All 6TH, 7TH, & 8TH GRADERS!!!
defending league champions from Our Lady of Lourdes. Tip-off Would you like to have your pets blessed? Join us at 9:00 The St. Matthew Junior Youth Group will have its KICKOFF PARTY
will be next Sunday, September 14 at 3 p.m. at the Our Lady of am on Saturday, October 4th, at the church to have a bless- on Saturday, September 13th from 6 pm (just after the 5:00 Mass) until 9 Financial Giving in our Parish Family
Mercy gym. Come cheer on Fr. Vic as we try to shut down this ing for your family pets. pm in the conference room. PIZZA, GAMES & FUN for all!
rugged Lourdes squad. Admission is free! Please join us for an evening of food, fellowship & fun, plus a little August 31, 2008
Ministry Highlight friendly competition! And bring your favorite Christian music ~ we’ll be
Mass Intentions making a CD of the group’s favorites this year. Please RSVP to Cynthia Offertory $13,169.16
Fun at the Falcon Welsh at 770-252-3475 or email If you have ques-
Tuesday 9AM David Morehouse tions, contact Cynthia Welsh or Deacon Gayle Peters at 770-964-5804. Given in checks & envelopes (214) $12,294.16
We are called to serve one another. One way we at St. Matthew
Wednesday 6PM serve the needy in our area is through Fun at the Falcon. This PRISM Parish Debt Reduction $130.00
Elizabeth Barclay Fecke A very special thank you to the House of Galilee who was in charge of
year long ministry culminates with a gala held the first Saturday Second Collection $163.00
Thursday 9AM David & Syvil Weeks snacks for the Sept 7 meeting and provided pizza! The House of Judea is
of November. We work in conjunction with other area Catholic responsible for snacks at our next scheduled meeting on Sept 28. RE-
Saturday 5PM Kathleen Michalek Churches to raise funds to be distributed by our respective St. TREAT NEWS: If you didn't pick up a permission slip to attend the Re- Upcoming Second Collections
Vincent de Paul Societies. Whatever your talent, it can be used treat on Sept 13 & 14, there are copies on the PRISM bulletin board near
Sunday 8:30AM Nadividad Morgia for this worthy event. Please consider giving your time. For the kitchen area. All St. Matthew Teens are invited to attend! Call Julie Al- September 7—Catholic University of America
Sunday 11AM St. Matthew Parish Family more information call Kathy Hampton at 770.703.7023. len at 770-714-9868 or Deacon Gayle at 770-317-9705 for information. September 14—St. Vincent de Paul Society

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