HUL 101 Environmental Studies Project: TOPIC: Rainwater Harvesting Techniques

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Indian Institute of Information Technology Nagpur

HUL 101
Environmental Studies Project
TOPIC: Rainwater Harvesting Techniques

Submitted By:

1. Keshav Agarwal BT21CSE001

2. Vasu Bipinbhai Bhanderi BT21CSE002
3. Vishnuyashas Degalesan BT21CSE003
4. Nimesh Maleskar BT21CSE004
5. Aman Kumar Sahu BT21CSE005

Submitted To:
Dr.Shruti Ralegaonkar

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

IIIT, Nagpur
1.1. Brief Description

2.1. Application
2.2. Design Notes


3.1. Energy Savings
3.2. Water Savings
3.3. Environmental Impacts
3.4. Guiding Principles
3.5. Associated LEED Credits (NC 2009)


4.1. Catchments
4.2. Transportation
4.3. First Flush
4.4. Filter
4.5. Types of Filters


1.1 Brief Description

Rainwater harvesting is an excellent means of supplementing water for use on site if
the process is permitted by state and/or local laws. Using rainwater, where
appropriate, conserves potable water consumption.

Rainwater harvesting describes processes in which precipitation that falls on a site

is diverted, captured, and stored for use on-site,as opposed to allowing it to run off,
evaporate, or infiltrate into the soil. Depending on its intended use, the captured
precipitation may require treatment. In a broad sense, rainwater harvesting can
also include capture from surface water runoff.

Rainwater harvesting is a technology used for collecting and storing rainwater from
rooftops, the land surface or rock catchments using simple techniques such as jars
and pots as well as more complex techniques such as underground check dams.

The techniques usually found in Asia and Africa arise from practices employed by
ancient civilizations within these regions and still serve as a major source of
drinking water supply in rural areas. Commonly used systems are constructed of
three principal components; namely, the catchment area, the collection device, and
the conveyance system.

2.1 Application Rainwater can be harvested for a

Rainwater harvesting can be number of uses:
useful for installations with the ● Non-potable uses, such as toilet
flushing, irrigation, dust control,
following issues:
and vehicle washing.
● Potable water uses including
drinking water, food preparation,
● showering, and washing.
2.2 Design Notes
Rainwater Harvesting Components:
● Rooftop collection systems
are common, taking advantage
of drainage and gutter systems.
● Storage systems keep collected
rainwater for later use. These
are typically, tanks, either on the
surface or below ground. Open
● Installations in areas with water
ponds may also be used.
stress due to drought and arid
● Treatment will be required for
● Installations with on-site ground most potable uses and possibly
water wells that may require for some non-potable uses.
significant energy to use such as Water quality, first flush
deep wells and challenging diverters:
treatment. ● Rainwater is usually considered
● Situations in which ponded to be of high-water quality, but it
surface water contributes to cancontain contaminants.
insect or algae ● During precipitation, rain can
● problems. Capturing rainwater dissolve airborne contaminants.
will reduce surface water This effect is most prominent
available for during the early stages of
● pondin rainfall.
● Systems are typically designed • Improvement in the yields of
to reject the initial runoff, which wells.
will improve the water collected • Improvement in the quality of
and stored. ground water through dilution.
• Helps in reducing inundation of
Water capture/sizing storage tanks: roads and flood hazards.
● Storage is based on rainfall and 2.4 Disadvantages of Rainwater
expected usage. Harvesting
● Several methods can be used,
but a rule of thumb is to provide • Regular Maintenance is required.
for three months of anticipated • Requires some technical skills for
use. installation.
• Limited and no rainfall can limit
the supply of Rainwater.
• If not installed correctly, it may
attract mosquitoes and other
waterborne diseases.
• One of the significant drawbacks
of the rainwater harvesting
system is storage limits.

Regional issues:
● Rainwater harvesting can be
applied to a wide range of
● Environments with frequent
freezing may use underground
2.3 Advantages of Rainwater
• Recharge to groundwater and
built up in ground water levels.
• Rejuvenation of dried up wells.
3.1 Energy Savings Maintenance:
• Systems are simple and tend to
be robust. Monitoring and
maintenance require additional
effort. This includes maintenance
of roofs used as collection areas,
cleaning of gutters, maintenance
of storage tanks and vaults,
pumps and maintenance of water
treatment systems (when
3.2 Water Savings

Collection and use of rainwater:

• Rainwater collection systems are
typically designed to be gravity
• Storage areas are typically lower
elevation, so a pumping system
is generally required for intended
reuse. How much can rainwater
• Since collected rainwater is
harvesting provide?
generally used close to its
capture, the energy needed to • A reasonable goal for an
convey the water tends to be aggressive rooftop collection for
minimal. a custom building could be to
reduce domestic water supply by
• Compared to conveyance from
40 to 50% for that building; this
other supplied sources of water
would then allow the building to
(groundwater, conveyed surface
meet LEED goals for sewage
water, shipped water), rainwater
reduction. A lower level may be
harvesting would likely have
expected for a retrofitted system.
lower energy costs.
• An installation could be thought November 2014. This UFC references
of as a small city. Liaw and the requirements under ASHRAE
Chaing5 estimated a maximized 189.1‐2011 Section 6.4.1 of limiting
rooftop collection approach could landscaped water usage to 33% of
supply about 32% of needs. baseline. It also references Section
However, they also estimated a 6.5.1 of the same standard limiting
10% goal would be reasonable potable water demand for site
from an economic standpoint. irrigation to 35% of baseline.
Rainwater collection has mostly
positive impacts:
3.3 Environmental Impacts • Simple treatments use little to
Army Directive 2014-02 Net Zero no chemicals and resources as
Installations Policy compared to large-scale potable
water systems.
A net zero water installation
• Rainwater harvesting generally
recharges as much water back
has a minimal impact on the
into a local water supply (aquifer)
overall water balance, but larger
as it withdraws. Rainwater
operations may impact
harvesting projects contribute to
downstream surface water or
this goal by utilizing reclaimed
groundwater resources where
water for reuse, shifting from the
water is limited. Regulations in
use of potable water as much as
those environments will identify
possible. Reduce overall water
this as an issue early in the
use regardless of source;
increasing use of technology that
uses water more efficiently; • Reduce environmental impact
recycling and reusing water, due to decreased demand for
shifting from the use of potable fossil fuels needed to handle and
water to non-potable water treat potable water at central
sources as much as possible; and water treatment plants as well as
minimizing interbasin transfers of energy needed to distribute
any type of water, potable or water.
DOD Sustainable Buildings Policy 3.4 Guiding Principles
2013 Protect and Conserve Water
This policy applies to existing and Rain water harvesting can assist in
future installations, providing minimum several strategies used to achieve the
standards following UFC 1‐200‐02, high performance sustainable building
High Performance and Sustainable guiding principles.
Building Requirements dated
Minimize indoor water use: Alternative Water:
Rainwater reclaimed water can be used Implement cost effective methods to
for flushing toilets which reduces a utilize alternative sources of water
significant amount of potable water such as harvested rainwater, treated
use in buildings. wastewater, air handler condensate
Efficient Irrigation: capture, gray water, and reclaimed
Employ water efficient irrigation water, to the extent permitted under
strategies. Reclaimed rainwater can be local laws and regulations.
used for irrigation to reduce outdoor
potable water consumption.

3.5 Associated LEED Credits (NC 2009)

WE Credit1: Water Efficient landscaping up to 4 points
• Reduce potable water use for irrigation by 50%, 2 points.
• Reduce potable water use for irrigation by 100%, additional 2 points.
WE Credit 2: Innovative Waste Water technologies 2 points
Reduce potable water use for building sewage conveyance by 50% through the use
of water-conserving fixtures or non-potable water (e.g. captured rainwater, recycled
gray water on-site or municipally treated wastewater).
WE Credit 3: Water Use Reduction 2-4 points
• Employ strategies that in aggregate use less water than the water use
baseline calculated for the building (not including irrigation):
• that result in 30% water savings, 2 points,
• that result in 35% water savings, 3 points,
• that result in 40% water savings, 4 points.
4.1 Catchments
The surface that receives rainfall directly is the catchment of rainwater harvesting system.

4.2 Transportation
Rainwater from rooftop should be carried through down take water pipes or drains to
storage/harvesting system.

4.3 First Flush

First flush is a device used to flush off the water received in first shower.

4.4 Filter
Filters are used for treatment of water to effectively remove turbidity, color and

4.5 Types of Filters

1. Sand Gravel Filter
These are commonly used filters, constructed by brick masonry and filleted by pebbles,
gravel, and sand as shown in the figure. Each layer should be separated by wire mesh. A
typical figure of Sand Gravel Filter is shown in Figure.

2. Charcoal Filter
Charcoal filter can be made in-situ or in a drum. Pebbles, gravel, sand and charcoal as
shown in the figure should fill the drum or chamber. Each layer should be separated by
wire mesh. Thin layer of charcoal is used to absorb odor if any. A schematic diagram
of Charcoal filter is indicated in Figure.

Charcoal Filter
3. PVC Pipe Filter
This filter can be made by PVC pipe of 1 to 1.20 m length; Diameter of pipe depends
on the area of roof. Six inches dia. pipe is enough for a 1500 Sq. Ft. roof and 8 inches
dia. pipe should be used for roofs more than 1500 Sq. Ft. Pipe is divided into three
compartments by wire mesh.

Each component should be filled with gravel and sand alternatively as shown in the
figure. A layer of charcoal could also be inserted between two layers. Both ends of
filter should have reduce of required size to connect inlet and outlet. This filter could
be placed horizontally or vertically in the system. A schematic pipe filter is shown in
4. Sponge Filter
It is a simple filter made from PVC drum having a layer of sponge in the middle of drum.
It is the easiest and cheapest form filter, suitable for residential units. A typical figure of
sponge filter is shown in Figure.
The number of people in the world is increasing every single day. It is only obvious that at
one point, the interest in natural resources will spike up. Solar panels, wind turbines, and
rainwater harvesting are some of the few notable examples. It has been stated by many
environmental researchers that the need and demand for rainwater will increase double the
fold in the future.

Rainwater provides quite a number of advantages to us, and several of them have health
benefits too. It is smart to switch to rainwater in areas where poor rainfall is not an issue. In
areas where rainfall is unpredictable, rainwater harvesting can be used as a seasonal and
alternative source instead of a primary source.

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