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Using Machine Learning to Improve the

Prediction of Functional Outcome in Ischemic
Stroke Patients
Miguel Monteiro , Ana Catarina Fonseca , Ana Teresa Freitas , Teresa Pinho e Melo ,
 M. Ferro , and Arlindo L. Oliveira
Alexandre P. Francisco , Jose

Abstract—Ischemic stroke is a leading cause of disability and death worldwide among adults. The individual prognosis after stroke is
extremely dependent on treatment decisions physicians take during the acute phase. In the last five years, several scores such as the
ASTRAL, DRAGON, and THRIVE have been proposed as tools to help physicians predict the patient functional outcome after a stroke.
These scores are rule-based classifiers that use features available when the patient is admitted to the emergency room. In this paper,
we apply machine learning techniques to the problem of predicting the functional outcome of ischemic stroke patients, three months
after admission. We show that a pure machine learning approach achieves only a marginally superior Area Under the ROC Curve
(AUC) (0:808  0:085) than that of the best score (0:771  0:056) when using the features available at admission. However, we observed
that by progressively adding features available at further points in time, we can significantly increase the AUC to a value above 0.90.
We conclude that the results obtained validate the use of the scores at the time of admission, but also point to the importance of using
more features, which require more advanced methods, when possible.

Index Terms—Ischemic stroke, machine learning, prediction, AUC


I SCHEMIC stroke occurs when there is an obstruction of the

blood vessels that supply blood to the brain. This medical
condition is one of the leading causes of disability and mor-
functional outcome of a patient will be at different points in
time after an ischemic stroke would be extremely useful.
The most commonly used metric for assessing the func-
tality amongst adults worldwide. Despite advances in treat- tional outcome of a stroke patient is the modified Rankin Scale
ment, around one-third of patients who survive go on to (mRS) [2]. This 0 to 6 scale measures the degree of disability or
live with long-term disability [1]. dependence of a patient as it relates to daily activities (0 corre-
Since stroke treatment is not risk-free, physicians only sponding to full independence and 6 corresponding to death).
proceed with treatment when the potential benefits out- When trying to predict the patient’s functional outcome, it is
weigh the perceived risks. For this reason, tools that can common to use a binary version of the mRS with only two
help predict the patient’s functional outcome using only classes: good and poor outcome. Furthermore, it is also com-
data available when the patient is admitted to the hospital mon to measure the mRS 3 months (90 days) after the stroke.
are extremely useful because they can help inform the treat- Several efforts have been made by the medical commu-
ment decision. In addition, patients and relatives frequently nity to create scores that can predict the patient’s functional
ask questions regarding the individual’s prognosis after the outcome using data readily available at admission. Among
stroke and whether the patient will be functionally indepen- them, the Acute Stroke Registry and Analysis of Lausanne
dent in his or her daily life. The answer to this question is (ASTRAL) [3], the DRAGON [4] and the Totaled Health
not immediate or straightforward, as a result, any tool Risks in Vascular Events (THRIVE) [5] scores. These scores
that could help determine with high accuracy what the are meant to be calculated immediately when the patient is
admitted in order to inform the treatment decision.
These scores use statistical analysis to determine the
 M. Monteiro is with INESC-ID, Lisbon 1000-029, Portugal.
most relevant covariates from a set of pre-selected features
 A.C. Fonseca, T. Pinho e Melo, and J.M. Ferro are with IMM, School of by domain experts. Since these scores are meant to be eas-
Medicine, University of Lisbon, Lisboa 1649-004, Portugal. ily calculated by humans using data readily available
E-mail:, {tmelo, jmferro} when the patient is admitted to the emergency service, the
 A.T. Freitas, A.P. Francisco, and A.L. Oliveira are with INESC-ID, IST,
University of Lisbon, Lisboa 1649-004, Portugal. resulting statistical models are greatly simplified to create
E-mail:,, integer-based scores. In practice this means the models’
Manuscript received 21 Feb. 2018; accepted 26 Feb. 2018. Date of publication weights are discretized and the number of covariates is
1 Mar. 2018; date of current version 6 Dec. 2018. artificially reduced, this results in a deterioration of the
(Corresponding author: Miguel Monteiro.) models’ performance. From a machine learning perspec-
For information on obtaining reprints of this article, please send e-mail to:, and reference the Digital Object Identifier below. tive, these scores can be viewed as rule-based classifiers
Digital Object Identifier no. 10.1109/TCBB.2018.2811471 created by domain experts. All the aforementioned scores
1545-5963 ß 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See ht_tp:// for more information.

have been externally validated and report an AUC in the For data imputation, we used the median value for
range of 0.70 to 0.80 [6], [7], [8]. numerical variables (e.g., age) and the mode for discrete vari-
Since these scores are all meant to inform treatment, none ables (e.g., gender), this includes categorical variables. All of
of them focuses on using data collected after the treatment the features were scaled to have zero mean and unit variance.
to determine the functional outcome. In this setting, there is The features obtained from pre-processing could be
more information available that could be used to give a bet- divided into five sets, depending on the time at which they
ter prediction and to better inform the physician, patient, were collected:
and relatives about the patient’s functional outcome.
We propose the use of machine learning techniques to 1) Baseline: features collected at admission: the patient’s
predict the patient’s functional outcome using information demographic information, past history and risk fac-
available at different points in time. To the best of our tors, the time between stroke onset, arrival at the hos-
knowledge, there is no report of a pure machine learning pital and the start of treatment, the NIH Stroke Scale
approach to the problem of predicting the long-term func- (NIHSS) [10] (discriminated by field, not just the final
tional outcome of a stroke patient, nor a comparison result), test results, type of treatment;
between such an approach and the previously mentioned 2) 2 hours after admission: discriminated NIHSS and
scores. Our approach differs from previous ones in that the test results;
prediction is meant to be performed by a computer and in 3) Twenty-four hours after admission: discriminated
that the model’s features are learnt from data instead of NIHSS, test results, data relating to lesions detected
selected by domain experts. during Computerised Tomography (CT) scan and/
The goal of this paper is to use machine learning techni- or Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), the global
ques to predict the functional outcome of a patient three outcome as reported by the physician;
months after the initial stroke. We start by using only the 4) Seven days after admission: discriminated NIHSS,
information available at admission to train the classifiers. We the global outcome;
then compare the results of the machine learning methods 5) Discharge: discriminated NIHSS, the global out-
with the results given by the scores, which were designed by come, the treatment the patient was discharged
domain experts for this specific application. Afterwards, we with, the results of cause investigation.
analyze how the prediction improves as we add more fea- The target variable was the mRS three months after the
tures collected at different points in time after admission. event. To turn the problem into a binary classification problem,
Furthermore, we aim to show how machine learning techni- and to compare our results directly with the existing methods,
ques can be successfully applied to clinical data without los- we discretized the mRS into two classes according to:
ing interpretability of the models, a characteristic which is  Good outcome: defined by mRS  2
extremely valuable for medical professionals.  Poor outcome: defined by mRS > 2
This particular discretization is of medical relevance
2 METHODS because it separates the patients who will be able to live a
rather normal independent life, from the ones who will
Our original dataset was comprised of 541 patients with
require significant assistance.
acute stroke from the Safe Implementation of Treatments in
Stroke (SITS)—Thrombolysis registry [9]. The cohort of 2.2 Experimental Design
patients came from the Hospital of Santa Maria, in Lisbon, After pre-processing the data, we designed five experiments
Portugal, which is a tertiary university hospital. Even that aimed to assess with what precision we could predict
though different hospitals have different cohorts, all hospi- the patient’s mRS three months after admission, given the
tals collect the same data for the SITS registry. This registry information available at different points in time.
has baseline data collected at admission, follow-up data col- Table 1 presents the five experiments that were con-
lected 2 hours, 24 hours, and 7 days after the initial stroke ducted, as well as the total number of patients, the class-
event and data collected on discharge. In addition, the mRS split percentages, and the number of features used in each
three months after the event was recorded for 425 patients. experiment.
All of the patients on the registry were treated using Recom- Note that the total number of patients and class split per-
binant Tissue Plasminogen Activator (rtPA). centage varies from experiment to experiment because at each
time step we removed the patients who had died between
2.1 Data Description and Pre-Processing experiments. We made this choice because for patients who
Data cleaning was performed by deleting features that con- had died the mRS at three months would be perfectly defined
tained only missing values and features which were meta- by the data and immutable over time. This would cause us to
data (e.g.,. record number). In addition, we transformed cat- overestimate the performance of the proposed methods.
egorical variables into dummy variables by the means of For experiment 1, where only baseline information is
one-hot-encoding. We converted variables that record times available, we also calculated the ASTRAL, DRAGON and
into time differences between variables (e.g., time of the ini- THRIVE scores to make possible a direct comparison.
tial event and time of arrival at the hospital becomes time
between the event and arrival). We removed patients for 2.3 Scores
which the mRS was not recorded. To ascertain the relative performance of the proposed
After cleaning the data, the resulting dataset had 152 fea- machine learning methods, we used three scores as bench-
tures and 425 patients. marks. We will not go into detail on how to calculate each


Experiment Number Feature sets used # samples Good outcome Poor Outcome # features
1 Baseline 425 51.3% (218) 48.7% (207) 49
2 Baseline, 2h 425 51.3% (218) 48.7% (207) 67
3 Baseline, 2h, 24h 424 51.4% (218) 48.6% (206) 102
4 Baseline, 2h, 24h, 7d 415 52.5% (218) 47.5% (197) 119
5 Baseline, 2h, 24h, 7d, discharge 399 54.6% (218) 45.3% (181) 152

score individually. However, in this section, we give a brief In scenarios such as our own where there are not many
description of the features used by each of the scores. As samples, the choice of the classifier is sometimes irrelevant.
previously mentioned, all of these scores only use data that Different classifiers will often have very similar performan-
is collected when the patient is admitted to the hospital and ces with differences that are not statistically significant. For
hence before the treatment. this reason, we employed paired t-tests [15] to determine if
The ASTRAL score is an integer-based score that takes the differences observed between the AUC of different clas-
into account the patient’s age, the severity of the stroke sifiers were statistically significant.
through the NIHSS, the time delay from onset to admis- Considering two classifiers LA and LB the algorithm for
sion, the range of visual defect (NIH_3), the glucose level paired t-tests is presented in Algorithm 1.
and the level of consciousness presented by the patient
(NIH_1A). Algorithm 1. Paired t-Test [15]
The DRAGON score is a 10-point based score used to
1: Partition the available data D0 into k disjoint subsets
predict the 3-month outcome in stroke patients. This score T1 ; T2 ; . . . ; Tk of equal size, where the size is at least 30.
takes into account a dense cerebral artery sign or early 2: For i from 1 to k, do
infarct signs on the admission CT head scan, the mRS before use Ti , for the validation set, and the remaining data for the
the stroke, the age, the glucose level, the time delay from training set Si
onset to treatment and the NIHSS.
Like the DRAGON score the THRIVE score is a 10-point  Si D0  Ti
score used to predict the 3-month outcome. However, this  ha LA ðSi Þ
score is far more simple, only taking into account the  hb LB ðSi Þ
patient’s age, the NIHSS, and the previous history of the fol-  di AUCðha Þ  AUCðhb Þ
lowing chronic diseases: atrial fibrillation, hypertension and 3: Return the value d and sd , where
diabetes mellitus.
d  1

2.4 Classifiers di
k i¼1
For our experiments, we used the following classifiers:
 l1 regularized Logistic Regression; vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
 Decision Tree; u
u 1 X k
sd ¼ t
 Support Vector Machine (SVM); ðd  di Þ
kðk  1Þ i¼1
 Random Forest;
 Xgboost [11].
All of these are commonly used classifiers, and hence we This procedure estimates the difference in AUC between
refrain from giving a detailed mathematical explanation of two classifiers, where d and sd are the mean and standard
each one. deviation that govern this distribution. The t-statistic can
When analyzing the results, we favour classifiers from the be calculated via Equation (1).
which feature importance can be derived. This point is
important for physicians in order to able to understand d
which factors play a role in the patient’s recovery. tstat ¼ : (1)
Except for Xgboost [11], the implementations of the other
classifiers can be found in scikit-learn [12]. The number of degrees of freedom that went into pro-
ducing the sample is given by Equation (2).
2.5 Evaluation and Training
n ¼ k  1: (2)
To measure the performance of the models we used the
AUC [13] since the accuracy is not a good measure of per- Knowing the number of degrees of freedom n and given
formance when there is a class imbalance. In addition, the a certain p-value, the calculated t-statistic can be compared
AUC is far more informative [14], especially in medical against t-tables to determine if the difference in AUC
contexts. observed between the two classifiers is statistically signifi-
To train and validate the model we used 10-fold cross- cant. For our experiments, we chose a p-value threshold of
validation. We present the AUC results as mean  std calcu- 0.01. In this case, the sign of d merely determines which of
lated over the 10-folds’ validation sets. the classifiers, LA or LB , yielded a better AUC.

AUC for Different Classifiers and Experiments

Logistic SVM Decision Tree Random Forest Xgboost ASTRAL DRAGON THRIVE
Exp. 1 0:789  0:091 0:797  0:081 0:758  0:093 0:808  0:085 0:794  0:084 0:771  0:056 0:751  0:060 0:735  0:055
Exp. 2 0:841  0:070 0:846  0:067 0:803  0:056 0:852  0:071 0:853  0:059 - - -
Exp. 3 0:900  0:063 0:898  0:062 0:877  0:050 0:906  0:063 0:911  0:063 - - -
Exp. 4 0:926  0:046 0:909  0:057 0:916  0:047 0:926  0:041 0:925  0:043 - - -
Exp. 5 0:924  0:028 0:914  0:039 0:907  0:038 0:936  0:034 0:930  0:027 - - -

To determine the best parameterization for the models can see that all the classifiers perform better than the scores
we performed a grid search over a set of reasonable values. for experiment 1. Additionally, their performance increases
For Logistic Regression, we searched over the regularization as more time passes from admission and more features are
cost parameter. For the SVM we searched over the cost added. For the last two experiments, the best classifiers reach
parameter both for the linear and radial kernel. For the Deci- AUC around 0.93. Contrary to this, the performance of the
sion Tree, we searched over the maximum number of fea- scores is static and does not improve past experiment 1.
tures considered per split, the minimum number of samples Given that the observed performances are so close to each
per leaf, the maximum depth of the tree and the minimum other, it is important to determine if the observed differences
number of samples per split. For the Random Forest, we are statistically significant. Table 3 shows the results of the
searched over the minimum number of samples per leaf, paired t-test between all the classifiers and scores for the five
the minimum number of samples per split and the number experiments. For readability reasons, we omit the numeric
of estimators. For the Xgboost classifier, we searched over value of the t-statistics and instead place a check-mark when
the learning rate, the maximum depth of the trees, the num- the performance of classifier LA is better than the perfor-
ber of estimators and the sub-sampling rate. mance of classifier LB . The paired t-tests were performed
using a p-value of 0.01 and 10-fold cross-validation. The table
3 RESULTS has been arranged such that the performance of classifier LB
Table 2 shows the results of the five experiments for all the is never superior to one of classifier LA .
classifiers as well as the three scores. Since the scores only From Table 3, we can see that for experiment 1, for which
use features available at admission, there is no point in the scores were designed, the difference in performance
recalculating them after experiment 1, as their performance between the Random Forest classifier and the DRAGON
would not change. and THRIVE scores is statistically significant. In addition,
From Table 2, we can see that the Random Forest classifier for the same experiment, the Xgboost and the SVM classi-
performs best for experiments 1, 3 and 5. Furthermore, we fiers also outperform the DRAGON score. We note that,
observe that the Xgboost classifier performs best for experi- that the difference in performance between the ASTRAL
ments 2 and 3. Apart from the Decision Tree classifier, we score and the classifiers for experiment 1 is never statisti-
cally significant. It is also relevant to note that after experi-
TABLE 3 ment 1, with the exception of the Decision Tree, all
Paired t-Tests Results classifiers have performances that are statistically signifi-
Classifier A Classifier B Exp. 1 Exp. 2 Exp. 3 Exp. 4 Exp. 5
cantly better than the scores.
Moreover, we observe that there is no experiment where
Random Forest Xgboost
- SVM @ the differences between the Random Forest, Xgboost and
- Logistic Regression Logistic Regression classifiers are statistically significant.
- Decision Tree @ @ @
This is not the case for the Decision Tree classifier which
- ASTRAL @ @ @ @
- DRAGON @ @ @ @ @ often under-performs the other classifiers and the SVM clas-
- THRIVE @ @ @ @ @ sifier which has a worse performance than the Random For-
Xgboost SVM
- Logistic Regression
est classifier for experiment 5.
- Decision Tree @ @ @ Due to the large amount of results generated from the
- ASTRAL @ @ @ @ five classifiers and the five experiments, we present the
- DRAGON @ @ @ @ @
- THRIVE @ @ @ @
Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves only for
SVM Logistic Regression the Random Forest classifier. We chose this classifier
- Decision Tree @ because it obtained the best overall result, outperforming
- ASTRAL @ @ @ @
- DRAGON @ @ @ @ @ the most other methods and scores.
- THRIVE @ @ @ @ Fig. 1 shows the ROC curves of the Random Forest classi-
Logistic Regression Decision Tree @ fier for the five experiments. We only show the mean of the
- ASTRAL @ @ @ @
- DRAGON @ @ @ @ curve not to overcrowd the image with the confidence
- THRIVE @ @ @ @ intervals.
Decision Tree ASTRAL @ @ From Fig. 1, we can see that there are two major perfor-
- DRAGON @ @ @
- THRIVE @ @ @ mance jumps: one between experiments 1 and 2, and
ASTRAL DRAGON another between experiments 2 and 3. Applying paired
t-tests between the different experiments for the same classi-
fier (Random Forest), we observed that:

which features are relevant predictors of a poor outcome. In

Table 4, we show the top five most important features in the
prediction for each of the three classifiers in experiment 1. In
Table 5, we show the same information but for experiment 4,
when 7 days had already passed from the initial stroke event.
By coincidence, all of the features represented in these tables
are positively correlated with a predicted poor outcome.
From Table 4, we can see that the classifiers disagree on
the order of feature importance. However, there is some
common ground between them, for instance, the NIHSS
and its sub-component NIH_2, which is related to horizon-
tal extra-ocular movements, always appear in the top five
features for all classifiers. In addition, it also interesting to
note that features such as age, glucose level, NIHSS, and
dense artery sign in CT, which are all known functional out-
come predictors that are used by the scores, also appear in
the most important features list of the classifiers.
From Table 5, we see that as more time passes from the
stroke, the most important features of the three classifiers
change and become more homogeneous. At this point in
time, the NIHSS (7d), which measures the severity of the
symptoms, is the top feature for the three classifiers. The
Fig. 1. ROC curves for the random forest classifier. sub-components and previous measurements of the NIHSS
also dominate the most important features list for the Ran-
 All performance increases relative to experiment 1 dom Forest and Logistic Regression classifiers. Interest-
are statistically significant; ingly, for the Xgboost classifier, the systolic and diastolic
 The performance increase between experiment 5 and blood pressures, measured at 2 hours after the stroke,
2 is statistically significant; occupy the fourth and fifth positions in the most important
 All other performance increases were not observed features list 7 days after the stroke.
to be statistically significant.
This behaviour was not the same for all classifiers. How-
ever, we refrain from presenting the comparison results for 4 DISCUSSION
all experiments and all classifiers to avoid redundancy. The results presented in Tables 2 and 3 show that some of
Whilst all of the classifiers showed two performance the scores can be useful when only data collected at admis-
increases that were statistically significant, their locations in sion is available. Even though both the ASTRAL and
time varied. Nonetheless, the trend was clear: the more time THRIVE scores achieved a lower AUC than most machine
passes after the stroke, the better the prediction and the learning methods, the paired t-tests for the ASTRAL score
more likely the performance increase was significant. never had a worse performance than for any of the classi-
Given that the Random Forest, Xgboost and Logistic fiers, and the THRIVE score was only bested by the Random
Regression classifiers have similar performances and all out- Forest classifier. On the other hand, the DRAGON score
put feature importance, we choose these classifiers to analyze showed a worse performance than the Random Forest,

Feature Importance (Baseline)

Rank Random Forest Xgboost Logistic Regression

2 NIH_2 Systolic blood pressure NIH_2
3 Glucose (mg) Age Dense artery sign in CT
4 Systolic blood pressure Glucose (mg) Congestive heart failure (risk factor)

Feature Importance (7 Days)

Rank Random Forest Xgboost Logistic Regression

1 NIHSS (7d) NIHSS (7d) NIHSS (7d)
2 NIHSS (24h) Age NIH_5A (7d)
3 NIHSS (2h) NIHSS (24h) NIH_5B (7d)
4 NIH_5A (7d) Systolic blood pressure (2h) Age
5 NIH_4 (7d) Diastolic blood pressure (2h) NIH_5B (24h)

Xgboost and SVM classifiers. This indicates that this score is when only data at admission is available and have shown
the weakest of the three scores under analysis. that some machine learning models can be interpreted to
Regardless, we speculate that if more data were available derive new knowledge.
to train the classifiers, we would observe more scores having In the future we wish to improve our prediction by using
statistically worse performances than the classifiers. Training more and richer records, both by using more cohorts from the
the classifiers with more data could mean an increase in the SITS database and by using our own database which we are
average AUC, which would certainly not happen for the currently developing with more complex data. Moreover, we
scores since they are not being learnt from data. aim to incorporate the use of image and genetic information
Looking at Table 2 and at Fig. 1 it becomes clear that as and to take advantage of the longitudinal aspect of the data.
more time passes from the initial stroke event, and the more
features are added to the classifiers, the more their perfor- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
mance increases. This performance increase is already statisti- This work was supported by national funds through the
cally significant when using features collected 2 hours after Fundaç~
ao para a Ci^encia e a Tecnologia (FCT) with reference
the stroke (experiment 2). Even though these predictions UID/CEC/50021/2013 and by project PRECISE - accelerating
made later in time cannot be used to inform treatment, they progress toward the new era of precision medicine (PAS
can still be used to inform physicians, patients and relatives application C443089117-00042059).
about the recovery prospects of the patient. This information
can be used to take the necessary precautions and improve REFERENCES
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and E. Duchesnay, “Scikit-learn: Machine learning in Python,” J.
We conclude that machine learning techniques can be effec- Mach. Learn. Res., vol. 12, pp. 2825–2830, 2011.
tively used to predict the functional outcome of an ischemic [13] D. Bamber, “The area above the ordinal dominance graph and the
stroke patient three months after the initial event. The area below the receiver operating characteristic graph,” J. Math.
Psychology, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 387–415, 1975.
resulting AUC can range up to 0.936 depending on the clas- [14] A. A. P. Bradley, “The use of the area under the ROC curve in the
sifier used and on the point in time at which the prediction evaluation of machine learning algorithms,” Pattern Recognit.,
is made. Furthermore, we have validated the use of scores vol. 30, no. 7, pp. 1145–1159, 1997.

[15] T. Mitchell, Machine Learning New York, NY, USA: McGraw-Hill Alexandre P. Francisco received the PhD
Education, 1997. degree in computer science and engineering. He
[16] R. L. Harvey, “Predictors of functional outcome following stroke,” is currently an assistant professor in the CSE
Phys. Med. Rehabil. Clinics North, vol. 26, pp. 583–598, 2015. Department, IST, Universidade de Lisboa. His
current research interests include algorithmics,
Miguel Monteiro received the bachelor’s degree computational science, graphs, and program-
in electrical engineering and computer science ming, with applications on network mining, and
from the University of Lisbon and the double mas- large data processing.
ter’s degree in electrical engineering and com-
puter science from the University of Lisbon and
the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
(KTH), in 2016. He is currently a researcher in
INESC-ID where he works in machine learning Jose  M. Ferro received the graduate degree in
applied to ischemic stroke. 1975 and the PhD degree in medicine from the
the University of Lisbon, in 1987. He was a post-
doctoral fellow in the Department of Clinical Neu-
rological Sciences, London, Canada. He is cur-
Ana Catarina Fonseca received three master’s rently a full professor of neurology and president
degree in stroke medicine from the University Dan- of the “Conselho de Escola” of the School of Med-
ube Krems, Austria, in neuroscience from the Uni- icine, University of Lisbon. He is the director of
versity of Lisbon, and in public health from Harvard the Department of Neurosciences and Mental
University, in 2014, and the PhD degree in medicine Health and director of the neurology service in
from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon, the Hospital de Santa Maria, Centro Hospitalar
within the medical specialty of neurology, in 2014. Lisboa Norte. He is the head of the Jose  Ferro Lab in the Instituto de
She is a researcher in the Instituto de Medicina Medicina Molecular, University of Lisbon. He was president of the Euro-
Molecular, teaches pharmacology and neurology at pean Neurological Society and was recently elected for the Board of the
the Faculty of Medicine-University of Lisbon, and Word Stroke Organization. He is also a member of the Scientific Panel
practices medicine at the Hospital de Santa Maria. for Health of the Directorate-General for Research and Innovation,
She is currently the vice-president of the Portuguese Neurological Society Directorate E–Health, of the European Commission. He has authored or
and a active member of the European Stroke Organization (member of the co-authored 309 papers published in international journals and 60 book
Education and Membership committee, secretary of the stroke group of the chapters. His main area of research interest is cerebrovascular disease,
value of treatment project of the European Brain Council). Her main with a focus on cerebral venous thrombosis, cryptogenic stroke, and
research interests include cryptogenic stroke, heart-brain interactions, and cognitive and psychiatric consequences of stroke.

Arlindo L. Oliveira received the BSc and MSc

Ana Teresa Freitas is a full professor in the degrees in electrical and computer engineering
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, from Lisbon Technical University, and the PhD
cnico, University of Lisbon. Her
Instituto Superior Te degree in electrical engineering and computer sci-
main scientific expertise is on the areas of algo- ence from the University of California, Berkeley, in
rithms and data mining, bioinformatics, human 1986, 1989, and 1994, respectively. He is currently
genetics, and health informatics. She is also the cnico. He is also
a professor in Instituto Superior Te
CEO and co-founder of the startup company Heart- a senior researcher with INESC-ID. His research
Genetics, Genetics, and Biotechnology SA. interests include bioinformatics, systems biology,
string processing, algorithm design, combinatorial
optimization, machine learning, logic synthesis,
and automata theory. He is a senior member of
the IEEE.
Teresa Pinho e Melo received the MD degree
from the University of Lisbon. She is a licensed
neurologist and part of the teaching staff of Neu-
rology Department of the University of Lisbon. " For more information on this or any other computing topic,
From 1990 to 1991 she worked as a “Me dicin please visit our Digital Library at
Assistent Boursier” from the Neurological Center
of “Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois –
Lausanne”. Currently she is the coordinator of
the stroke unit in Hospital de Santa Maria, Lisbon
and the SITS national coordinator of Portugal
and SITS Hospital de Santa Maria coordinator.

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