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Business introduction

Business name : Eco Homeford

Mini houses for natural living
People living in the city miss the natural life. Therefore, economical mini-houses in touch
with nature, where they can go and stay at least once in a while, can be a source of happiness
and peace for people living in the city. Finding a certain area, landscaping it with a beautiful
landscape, building wooden houses and protecting nature at the same time by using renewable
energy sources such as solar energy and geothermal energy.

Reason for choosing that business

The reason I chose this job is because I live in the city and my family owns a tree house. First
of all, since I live in the city, I often get bored with being away from traffic, high buildings
and nature. And I can get away from the city even on weekends. I can spend two beautiful
days in our tree house, but the tree house is not for everyone. That's why I came up with this
idea to design mini-houses that will bring people back to nature, make them happy, and
enable them to communicate with people who think like them. My idea was just to make a
tree house at the beginning, but then I developed it and decided that it would be nicer to make
it a living space that uses renewable energy sources such as solar energy that looks nicer.

Your business product /services details

As in the plan seen on the side, a road design similar to a

tree is planned on a land and a design in such a way that the
leaves of the tree create their own private gardens of the
houses. Although it is not clear, there are different common
space ideas.

Şekil 1Yasin Doğan Göçtürk SketchUp own drawing

Şekil 2 Yasin Doğan Göçtürk SketchUp own

The representative stance of the houses is planned to look like the one above.

What would your life be like if you didn't
have a mortgage or even a rent payment?
With the low price line out of the extra costs
of container homes, you can have the
financial freedom to buy a home. It may be
something you didn't think was possible
under these investment conditions. When
you're mortgage-free, you have the
flexibility to truly live the life you want
instead of focusing on paying the bills.

Simple living
Some people choose Tiny House
because they realize that today's
standard of living does not express
who they are, it causes a clash of
values. They want to live less
material possessions, to live a
simple life focusing on what really
matters. Living more consciously
with fewer distractions and living
your dreams and passions.

Sustainability, reducing your carbon footprint

Over the past decade people
have started looking for more
ways to reduce their carbon
footprint, recycle and reuse
whatever they can. Shipping
container homes offer the perfect
opportunity to meet these goals
in your housing choice. It is
possible to support nature thanks
to the ecological housing system
with environmentalist and
advanced transformation.
Tiny Houses capture the
imagination of many different
people because they are so well
made. Craftsmanship, attention to
detail, a lot of care and attention
are incorporated into the design.
People build these homes or build
them on their own will, not for the
resale value, but for the best
possible living experience. In the
normal housing market, a
beautiful design is often less
important than the amount of
salable square meters. The
choices are therefore based on the latter, so you live in a concrete slab. You can create your
Tiny House to express who you are. Since Tiny Homes are often built by owners or small
companies, a lot of thought and craftsmanship is put into the design and creation of homes. If
you're going to live in it yourself, you want your home to be exactly the way you want it and
to be safe to live in. For a small company, a high-quality product is the best promotion. The
best public relations in a small community is word of mouth.

After moving away from the known home
construction costs, it remains to decorate the
furniture and the areas you will use
according to your needs. You can use your
home in the most efficient way by adopting
living with less and prioritizing your needs.
Additional design costs and other expenses
can be shaped according to your taste and
budget. Thus, you contribute to your own
budget by using and consuming only as
much as you need. If we consider less
maintenance costs, ease of production and
construction, container houses can be an
investment tool for you in the long run.

Tiny Houses capture the imagination of many different people as they are so well made.
Craftsmanship, attention to detail, great care and attention are incorporated into the design.
People build or voluntarily build these homes for the best possible living experience, not for
resale value. In the normal housing market, a beautiful design is often less important than the
amount of salable square meters. The choices are therefore based on the latter, so you live on
a concrete slab. You can create your Tiny House to express who you are. As Tiny Homes are
often built by owners or small companies, a lot of thought and craftsmanship is put into the
design and creation of the homes. If you're going to live in it yourself, you want your home to
be exactly the way you want it and to be safe to live in. For a small company, a high-quality
product is the best promotion. The best public relations in a small community is word of

Social connections
Living in a small home
often means you spend
more time outdoors than
you would in a regular
home. If you don't have a
washing machine, you'll
have to take the laundry
elsewhere. If you don't
have Wi-Fi, you may want
to visit the library or a cafe
to get your e-mail. For
some people, this is an
advantage of living on
Tiny. Living in a small
village is easier to connect
with your neighbors. Help each other out when you need to share time and property. Many
people yearn for a greater sense of community.

How you can generate profit from that business and attract
customers ?
Tiny home living isn't for everyone, but the trend continues even during pandemic-related
lockdowns. According to a survey conducted in late 2020, 56% of Americans said they would
consider living in a tiny home, and the tiny home market is projected to grow (globally) by
$5.80 billion between 2020 and 2024.
Beyond the decision to buy or build, other factors that will affect your overall cost include:
the size of the house
Whether you build on wheels or build on a foundation
Type of building materials used
Building permit costs in your area
Access to utilities
The type of offering you choose to include
Because tiny homes are highly customizable, you'll have more control over keeping costs low
than when buying or building a traditional home.

Step by Step Financial: Building Your Tiny Home

1. Finding the Right Land
If you are aiming for a more permanent, i.e. a small house without wheels, the first step would
be to find and purchase your land. Renting land for a manufactured home is an easier option,
but it's an investment that will depreciate overtime. It's important to find land in the area
where you want to live, taking into account local zoning laws and other restrictions that may
affect your ability to build.

2. Small House Price Shopping

Stick-built tiny houses built on the foundation and most similar to traditional houses are easily
the most expensive. However, if you want to build from scratch, you also have the option of
purchasing a small house shell with a finished exterior and an unfinished interior that allows
you to customize the space to suit your needs. A standard shell costs between $17,000 and
$37,000, excluding add-ons like electrical and plumbing.

Importance of Advertising
The advertisements you see on television, newspapers, magazines and most internet sites are
of great importance in marketing. Advertising is done to make an impact on the consumer and
to promote the product / service, and there are many types of advertising. Advertising is
important from a general economic point of view, from a consumer point of view, and from a
business point of view. Advertising is undoubtedly the only option to increase sales and
interest in the marketing of any product or service. Businesses can increase their sales by
allocating a certain budget to advertisements. The budget allocated to advertising should be
determined in a small amount, considering that it will reduce the profit that the company will
A good advertisement needs to be engaging, surprising, original and creative. Originality is
essential for an ad to be memorable. The purpose of advertising is to add value to the brand,
to gain corporate reputation and to create awareness of the brand. Today, the impact of
advertising is great in almost every sector. Competition in the sectors has become completely
advertising-based, and companies that are not effective in advertising often lag behind in
Advertising applied correctly and by analyzing the market will definitely be beneficial.
However, advertisements made without paying attention to some issues may even harm the

Creating a Brand
If you want to create a brand, you must first determine what type of customers you will be
working on. By providing this, you can make your target audience more limited. This is
important so that you can determine your path more clearly and sharply. When you move on a
narrower and clearer line, it will be easier for you to announce your brand to people and to
achieve success. To explain with a simple example, when a customer portfolio with a target
audience of 100,000 is compared instead of a customer portfolio with a target audience of 1
million, your probability of success in the second portfolio is mathematically more possible
and the cost is less. For this reason, it will be extremely beneficial for you to prepare your
plan in advance and take firm steps in this direction.

Importance of Brand
What makes a beautiful landscape a beautiful sight is that it is equally impressive from all
angles. Some concepts have to be of maximum value to each stakeholder, just as a beautiful
landscape can be evaluated or impressive from all angles. “Brand” is the best example of such

Why is Brand Important?

The brand is important because it ensures sustainability.
Brand is important because it creates demand.
Brand is important because it adds value.
The brand is important because it standardizes consumer behavior.
Brand is important because it creates employee loyalty.
Brand is important because it builds consumer loyalty.
The brand is important because it gives confidence to its solution partners.
The brand is important because it convinces the financial community.
The brand is important because it strengthens the possibilities for collaboration..

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