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—_— d Tyapezoidal Rectangulay Tiangulay civeulay Parameters of any Cross-Section A= Area + P= Wetted Perimeter NWT Zi T= Top Width R Hydraulic Radius = & D = Hsdraulic mean depth = a M = Z = Section factor = AYD = AVA - fF = cavve) ! " a a = clay ul \ x. 3 Oy silt 332 \s 3 2 Sand. 2A 2 sXe Zy 4S oF Open channel Flow @ x lt is the type of flow that takes place in a Channel oy a pipe such that the flow has a free surtace ergosed to the attnosphere x The flow is Caused by the Qravity Component along tre slepe of the channel partially Pull Pressure Conde Slow (eige Flew) Weis the type of Flow that takes flace in a Conduit such that the flow (3 under Pressuve The flow is caused by the change in Static head we ~—Tex, 2 Hc. Vihg f tly e Rar totally fall 22 : anc under pressure Steady a 6 Occurs when flow at any point (depth & Velocity) doesn’t Change with Eime LW = =0 OE lo le =0 oO | Qye%e Ny = Ve Unsteady blow Occurs when Flow a€ any point (depth & velocity) Changes with time th w 23 % eS se zo a #0 ~ 3, t. ~>V BF oe Uniform flow Vy # Ve Occurs when depth, Slope, velocity and Cross-Section Yemaing Constant over a given length we poe AL whe Now Uniform flow Lu Occurs when cepth or slope oy velocity changes over jor Sao ov rc a aiven \eng th eV 40 os LF st *° Laminar Clow @ Occurs when Fluid particles move along Straight and parallel paths Ry < 500 Tarblent Clow Laminar Pow Occurs When Fluid particles wove in all livections Be Bee Suberitical flow ee Occurs when the Flay ts calm (‘big Lepth with Small Velocity) ®<) a id Supercritical Clow V is Smal Occurs when Che flow is rapid (smal) depth with high Velocity) i 7\ y SS Critical Plow ‘sigh 2 Occurs when Che flow is moving With minimum 8 content of Spectic Energy Emin eubcvitial ~ crib ..--. R=] Emin E Types of Slow © A\ stead Flow \- Uniform Flow 2- Non-uniborm Flow — (Varied) a- Gradually yaried flow (Gv. 8) b- Rapidly varied bow (R.v.F) a Un Steady flow \- Unsteady uniborm Flow (sah) 2- Unsteady non uniform Flow a- Gradually varied unsteady Flow b- Rapidly varied unsteady flow GNF. (Flood wave) States of open channel flow 6 [A]__with Respect to the effect of Viscosity veal ot Ry = AVL = VL a v Ry = Reynolds number = average Velocity of flow (L/T) V Mo = dAgnamic wsesity (m/Lt) , (T/L) Li = Kinematic viscosity (12/1) L = Characteristic Length (L) in ogen Channel Le R = (Hydraulic raduis) Ry < 500 laminar Flow R, = VR Soo 2ooo Tuyblent Flow With respect bo the ePfect of gravity wal ab R= © {st in open channel Le D = (Hadwulic mein depth) BR <\ subcritical Plow Fel Critical Flow F >I Super critiaal Flow Resimes of Flow @ le is a Combined effect of both Viscosity and Gravity There ave 4 regimes of Flow in open channel Subcritial W Suberitical ~ Laminar — pegth Pace Sugercritical (2) Supercritical — Laminar kurblent () Subcritical — Tuvblent (4) Supercritical ~ Turblent Velocity Rectangular section A= bY : P= bt29 Teb ~_b “Tape Zoidal Section Tv A= b3+ 29° , Pa b+29]) 42% fe Te bray Note yb boo + WV Z-0 — tet “Triangulay Section A= Z7¥ Pa 291+2 T= 2%) Circular section A= Lr? (9 - sine) Pare T= 2y sin & =Y- & = cos & Round Corner vectangle (rr) A= by + Tr + b+avle-") Pe baer 420-0) T= b+ 2¥ TVWrapetoidal Section (one side vertical, the other sloping) 2 Az b3+ $23 P= btd4+9 M1 ez a. 7 . z " + Round —_boettom _Eriangle (srr) Pe ve + 2hll+z Te 2rsin & + 2th be 2rsin& = Y- Cos %2 he Yd = Y-¥ + Yoos % EX OQ. awils Ue 16° wils © at Y= 03 Find the regime of Plow at Ss 03 + Az bd = 03) =04 mm PL b424 = 342(03) =3-6 m 7 i Ry ee od 075 mn P 6 be : = 3ny Ve @ = 12 J 1333 wis A o Rae VR - VR = 13.33 x 0-25 Ah v or 6 = 33X10 > 2000 (Ceurblent _ Sve Vv 130 {sa {93 = 1333 = z.9s >} (supercritical Flow) {4a (03) S A p R Vv Rn Fa Regime of Flow 0-3 | 0-4 | 4.6 | 025 | 19.33 [sae] Fs | burblest- super \ 3] S | o6 | 4 louse] L2% | burblent- super 2 6 t 0-857 | 2 [1a sid] o-us | turblent ~ Saber) Chezy formula @ xt} We e For Uni born Clow P The effective Component of the gravity force Causing the flow must be equal to the total force of resistance Woin@ = TPL BALsne = TPL Sm@ cO = 8 = yes Chezy assumed The force resisting os T 0-45 'T ode et the Plow/ unit area is Proportional to the square of the velocity Tayt T= kv Kvt= ORS v= fe TRS Determination of chezy Coeff of Rovgness _(C) A- Darcy's formula, yt = a i (= » zl RD a> if q ote u mn < Y | a " _ a za FOR Ee but Va cies from Hw -|Zz ns Ce < & chezy equation p= al + b\ R Ob: Constants Ra A 2 B- Manning cat RM (metric) iE , C= b49@ (Engish) n _ Plo AeA, D- Basin Pi) E - PavolysKi Piz Equations in open chanel Manning's formule (ls) = (cumecs) 1: Manning’s roughness coe tticient (sec [m’5) Ri Hydraulic Radius = 4 S_. Longitudinal Slope Q - ag Qe 3" 4 (e?/s) _ h t = 4o earth Canal (n= 0-025) = 33 drain = 6o-to lined canal (n= 0-016) V= @/A Chezy equation Rs oe C= cheesy colt custya flo te Ce GD Manning = a’ (tes ) c = [8 (Ut ) Davey Fe aC + &) (peants) oe Students Committee a,b Constants Fo te Rs Rydraulic Radius = 4 Velocity clistyi bution ® The shape of the Velocity distribution depends on. \- Shape of Cross-Section W, 1- Roughness of the chamel 7 3- Depth of Water — L- Alignment of the channel e) Factors affecting Manning’s Roughness \- surface Youghness \ site town / Nees pahy 2- Vegetation - %- channel irregularity 4- Channel alignment Sal Ne hing relace ge ee ‘SCouy incyease fh 6- Obstruction F- Stage and discharge B- Suspended Material Cee $= Qe? 1000 7 Q-cAIRS 7 : m A= 2)+ 2 TO 2 3.59 m* Pa 2 4 TW = Sl4m R= A - 3572 064m e Sy Q= CAIRS = Fo (357) foe Ty = 656ni/s N= 0-012 S= 0-0] _ a ale 04 =~ if A Q- n E Be = Z= 0-577 an 6 z > 2 2 Ae sie cae = Ode Pa aslee = 208) [Te esH)* = 207m 0-467 = 0-224 m R= A p 2.08 Rg 3% 4 Q= i ‘ ee = LL (0.224) (0-01) (0-467) = (44 m/s 0-012 Qa es m/s CHats Sa? F.? na? Ae ope 2p le 6a tae 4m Kp Poa be 23142 \2.75 m R= A _ 1363 _ G = as Q.cAlRS os = 44s (30) (ODS _ ges5x0’ (33 F 8 (48 F \ / n |.07 m ! => Fe 9032 ~~ Ca Al ghee " A ((o7) : + = ow | | => N= 002 secfin® ~6 1 C270 Jalon’ tooo ee Ne G T a Toatom= > Regime ? TLE 595% 49 T 3m A= bd = 3llz)= 3.6m? Gees oe 22ee oer R= A = 36 = 066% 5-4 17 ke = lo (0-667) tao = 6-54 Nin Ce oe Gat uine Trsttom = 0°98 T = 64 Nim V= c Rs = four i, = bel m/s R- LVR 2 VR = Wl (0-667) _ L2xie. M De oe Ry > 2000 => Flow is turblent Be ON 430 pf Ys fae = 053 <\ => fhw is Subcritical to \Sm Az bd = lo (\@) = 18 m Pa b+24= l0+2 (18) = 136m y—lom__y R- A. WL 152m i 13.6 Katter nz 0-06 Cu 25+ (AS) + Oe) 0.00155)] n \+[ 23 + (Se 0.00155 | . = 23 + (oes )+ (st) = 65.67 m/s 0-00155 0-016 +f + (tne) Aisa Q@= Ca{RS = 65.67 (a) [a2wtleo® = lh2q mils Basin m= o-4s ce _8 ' as mths i+, ye 24s AR 1.32 Q=- calRs = 62-5) (ia) [V32ene® _ \3.s¢ m/s G) Manning ne o-ol6 MG " ‘e c-=l1e = + (32 2 65.46 m/s n o-0lg Q- cafRs = GarG (pb) Were = le m'|s Pavlos ki n= ool lcs n Y. 2s{n — 013 _oasre (I a7) = 2s eae — 08 — oas [rae (oow -01) = 0.3 ce bee 2 1 (32) = 654 tls 0-016 Q=- CARS = 654 (If) [l2eteo? = 1h 18 mls AIN SHAMS UNIVERSITY il Engineering Faculty of Engineering Hydraulics Dept. of Irrigation & Hydraulics 2009/2010 ASSIGNMENT NO. 1 Open Channel flow a) Define the following terms and mention the criterion for each: steady flow - unsteady flow - uniform flow - non-uniform flow - laminar flow - turbulent flow subcritical flow - supercritical flow - critical flow. b) State each of the following:- ‘Types of open channel flow - States of open channel flow- Regimes of open channel flow Write the expressions for the cross sectional area A, the wetted perimeter P, the top width T for the following sections: Rectangular, Trapezoidal, Triangular, Circular , Round cornered rectangular (y>r), Round bottom triangle (y>r). (Where y is the water depth), and r is the radius of the rounded part. 4) Assuming that the frictional resistance to flow in an open channel is proportional to the square of the mean velocity, drive the Chezy formula V = C VRS , in which V is the mean velocity of flow, R is the hydraulic radius, $ is the bed slope of the channel, and C is a resistance coefficient. What are the dimensions of C? b) A channel has two sides vertical and semi-circular bottom of two meters diameter. Calculate the discharge of water through the channel, when the depth of flow is two meters. Take C = 70 and slope of bed is 1 in 1000. a) What are the factors affecting Manning’s roughness coefficient? b) A rough timber flume (n = 0.012) in the form of an equilateral triangle (apex down) of 1.2 meters sides is laid on a slope of 0.01. Calculate the uniform flow rate which occurs at a depth of 90cm. Water is flowing at the rate of 16.5 cubic meters per second in an earthen trapezoidal channel with bed width 9 meters, water depth 1.2 meter and side slope 1:2. Calculate the bed slope, if the value of C in the Chezy’s formula is 49.5. Calculate the friction factor and the equivalent value of Manning’s coefficient in SI units. Water flows uniformly at a depth of 1.2 meters in a rectangular canal 3 meters wide laid on a slope of | meter per 1000 meters, What is the mean shear stress on the sides and bottom of the canal. If chezy coefficient C = 70 and the kinematic viscosity is 10 m’/s, What is the flow regime for this channel? Water flows in a rectangular concrete open channel that is 11.0 m wide at a depth of 2.0 m. The channel slope is 13 cmkm. Compute the rate of discharge by Chezy using Kutter, Basin, Manning, and Pavlovski formulas and compare the results. Hint: Take 0.016, m= 0.45. a) What is meant by the best hydraulic section? ) Derive an expression for conditions of most economical section of a trapezoidal channel. A trapezoidal channel with side slopes 1 : 1 has to be designed to convey 10 m’/s at a velocity of 2 mis, so that the amount of conerete lining for the bed and sides is the minimum. a) Calculate the area of lining required for one meter length of the canal. 10, u. 12. ® A channel with a bed slope of 1:2000 is to be constructed through a stiff clay formation. Compare the relative costs of the alternative design of rectangular concrete lined and trapezoidal unlined channels convey 60 m/s if the cost of lining /m” is twice the cost of excavation/m*, Manning coefficient n for concrete lining = 0.014 and for unlined channel 0,025. Side slope 3:: ) If Manning’s roughness coefficient n = 0.015, caculate the bed slope of the canal. ‘The normal depth of flow in a trapezoidal concrete lined channel is 2 m. The channel base width is 5 m and has side slopes of 2:1. Manning’s n is 0.015 and the bed slopes, Sy is 0.001. During large floods, the water level in the channel exceeds the bank-full level of 2.5 m. The flood banks. are 10 m wide and are grassed with side slopes of 3:1. The estimated Manning’s n for these flood ‘banks is 0.035. Estimate the discharge for a maximum flood level of 4 m. Design a best trapezoidal hydraulic section for a canal; locate in a silt soil, to carry flow rate for a district of 20000 feddan needs water duty equal to 50 m’/feddan/day over a distance of 20 km, The necessary drop over the canal length is 100 cm. The seepage rate from the canal is 10 mm/day, the evaporation loss is 2 mm/day. Assume a reasonable value for the free board. ZU Best Hydraulic Section @ lt is the Section that has a specified cross- Sectional Area , that gives max discharge with Minimum Wetted Perimeter oy min Lining == Most economic Sec ( A Const , Q max : ee ) Ex Rectangular Section A= b3 (const) > b= 4 a = Pe A 429 , df = -A 42=0 yp by as Je 25 Cs Square) Vrapezoidal Section *° A ao0 +Ey Pa b+23fi+e? a Let Z= Const +—_2__+ b= (A-B3") = A235 Y 3 ee ees ieee ¥ dP _ -A 2+ 24th =0 a = . by+2gt 4 2 = 2048 ie b+2%= ative Triangular Section a-@y) oo eh OO P = 291142" i 2 Po2fk or Peatm (42) = 2k 4 (uz!) (ataet') = (2221-27) <0 é Circular section A= 4 7 (@- sind) z P= ve > Pre ve 9 2. 4 ( Ch ) @- sind 2P df 20 (8- sing) — (I+ cos) 8° do (8 - sine)? 20> 205in8 — Bf + cos =e gt WD 67 _ 26 sin® + 8° CosB =o 1? 2) + TO) =o N= 0-03 Q= 42s S = Wem/hin best hyd Sec ee) N= 103 = 2[ (ra -2] —— 2 23 [Gy ts] = 06054 Aa bd4 BY = 605d 4 Id = 2108 yo Pa be 2sfiee® = 06059 + 29fiehsye = 4219 C2 A Zid 2 Z 4g @=- 4 8" s A 422. 4 (3) Coe’) 2405 9° b v b 00S 86.74 = YO => b= 533m > b = 06059 = 322m ” Students IVIL Committee @ Q= lows N= aml AO ~ 2 b b= 28 [fea -2'| _aa[ far -1) = ones <|e o She by+2Y = Sm 082834 Yn =p Je 165 , b=! 3 Area of wing = Perimeter x lim Length ~(o+23fa7) «| oem ee We neoots Sa? 213M; Vo aed: Gest hyd see Red yy 2 21 a. (‘# eae ee Z 0.018 \AG mm Ikm 10 coos @ = Cows 2000 VE unlined (ear th) N= 0-025 Trapezoidal rection 2 = deals be 23 [4H - 2| N=} re = a4 [ (ists - is) = 0-605 rg A= bd+2s = o.605e74 189 = 219" r—~—~—S~—<‘“ b= 06054 = 264 Ae 219 = 394 me Cost of unlined trapezoidal channel = 344 KK \f \ined N= 0-01 28 ae Rectangular Section a Tf A= bY’ = 29° 5 pe Pa b+e24 = 24424 = WY Re As 23° _ os3 ad Q S 4 Qs gi? A 6o0= 1 (os) ( \ \" 23° o-oly 2000 8/3, 60 = 20old => d= 357m >bee2%= 7 A= 24% - 2657) = 255 m — i=-===—=—=—~ Cost of lined sectin = Cost of excavation + Cost of lining = 2s.8(k) + 142g (2k) 2 54.06K Cost of unlined channel (34.4) < Cost of lined Chane) (St.06k) Manning's “n” «—) Sides slope —| Seepage losses Assumptions Evaporation losses +] Free board Two unknowns bay Manning's equation Oo coe n between b & y Another relation —> Flow rate “Q” L_. Type of soil [—+ Longitudinal slope “s” Meterlogical data (temp., wind...ete Best hydraulic sec. b&y Non-silting non-scouring [-— Buckly's formula Charts W ba Qe 30 ‘4 14 Sita cele | Za 7 L \ > ‘ Area Served = 20000 Feddans + av Qs unter duty = So ml fed [day Sa \2cemlKm { = oo Seepage vate = \ mm Iday | K Evaporation loss = 2.2 mm | day a2 im ss Free beard = OSM Qe Asened « W.D = 2000450 . IG mis 24 x 60 x 60 Quesign = 1.6 + Ge + Qe Best hydvauke Section 2s ieee 2) =23 ({irts— 15) = o¢osy os \= tyial a Qa M6 wis A= bi+Z45° = 0.6083 + \sS = 2.105 3 Pa be2sfire® - 06059 4 23fte225 = 4.29 ReA = 2083 2 953 e 4219 3 M2 Q= + rR’ SA st 23 a : W6= 1. (0-53) (2x00) (2108 3) 0-025 8/3 W.6 = 0-58) 9 = b= 96053 ~ 1.86 m Evagoration losses Qe = vate of eyapration x Top area Toe area = T * 25 Km Ta b+224 = 196 + 2(\5) 307 — |lo7m -3 Qe sah on 0-10) | 00 mi 24 x 60x60 Seepage losses Qs = Seepage rate x Perimeter x L Pa br23fi¥e® = 1964 2(07) [Tes25 = 1h.52m -s Qs = lOxw y 452 % (25 x0’) — 0-042 m/s 24 #60 x60 224 brial —_—_—_~~ 3 Qaesign = U6 + Qe 4 Qs = N64 0.00% 40-042 = 11.649 Redesign and get byecgn > Sdesign a > normal depth of flow in a trapezoidal concrete lined channel is 2 m. The channel base width is 5 m and has side slopes of 2:1. Manning’s n is 0.015 and the bed slopes, S, is 0.001. During large floods, the water level in the channel exceeds the bank-full level of 2.5m. The flood banks are 10 m wide and are grassed with side slopes of 3:1. The estimated Manning’s n for these flood banks is 0.035. Estimate the discharge for a water depth of 4m. D " ss) +@5)5 + 2(2-s) < GP-S m2 z Ag = to (ts) + 43(Is) = 19375 m2 a = 445 + 2(19375) = F425 mt R= 5 + Aes) Mem = Vble P= to + 9) at = FH Peo = bts 4 2 (1u-F4) = 45-66 m Gr: a [ 1 (42:3) * (44-5) (ool) = 205-3 mils oots \ Teg \ (3-375 y 19-12 w3/s = of : : : 4. Q, = > ( i ) (iz 375) (0 ool) . Q 4 fi} 2053 + 2 (14-12) = 243-55 ws ‘A 900-mm diameter conduit 3600 m ong is laid at a uniform slope of 1 in 1500 and connects two reservoirs, When the levels in the reservoirs are low the conduit runs party full, and itis found that a normal depth of 600 mm gives rate of flow of 0.322 m'/s, The Chezy coefficient C is given by KR" where K is a constant, R is the hydraulic mean depth. Neglecting losses of head at entry and exit obtain (a) the value of K, (b) the discharge when the conduit is flowing full and the difference in level between the two reservoirs is 4.5 m. \ _ _ Ls 3606 @keasing Partly full (open channel) [= 4 bf “s 42 06 Qzo.822 mis Shee 7 vee gr (1- cov 8) A (| ots ot (1 cos 2) : 06 4 Oe 2189 2 4.92% od (8° — sin) A : . “us) [ 218-441 _ Sin aie’ | = ols iGo rad Qo = ods (82) _ 4.72 Re A O45 = 0.262 e \92 cz ke" Q= cafRs = ke ales Ge KR "4 . Gs) 23 0322 = K (-262) (wa) => Ke G2 4 cok Re cra zee) © = Suir © Ranning ball (Fite Plow) Rarming Full Aeg Bernoulli eqn bet O,@ t+ _-- = 4.501 0+044.5 = OF0 h | Os = +04 +o + hy SS 3g : _ 4.5 m “9 h- SFLQ* eee 7 > suis a= xT =>Fs o.o2F 45 = 8 (c.02 \asoo) Q° > Qe asans 7 al) ©)”

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