Australian Aboriginal Dreamtime

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Australian Aboriginal Dreamtime Realy sa Dream Australian Aboriginal Creation Myths Inthe animist amewerk of Australian Abril mythology, The Denning ia sacred era in which ancestral Totem Spit Beings formed The Creation, "Dreaming is ao of seo refer tan ndvidal'sor grou sof eit or spiriuaiy. For insane a odigenous| -Autaliae might uy tee shes Kangaroo Deeamlng Shark Dearing, Honey Ant Dreaming. or any ‘combination of Dresnigspertnnt othe county” Many Tncigenous Ausalins aso reer the Creation time 35 “Tue Dreuing” The Dreamin ad down the putas offre Aboriginal peopl Dreaming saris vary troughout Ausra, wth vclaons on be sme there. Fr example the sary of aw the bis got theicolore ifr in New South Wale nd In Wester Aust. Siories cove many themes an topes, 2 tere are [Ses nbourcenion of eed paca, ind, peopl, eal an pla and ctr, compen ater of enol ith and practices thst rv rom stove feelin It pervades abd alors spa and physica speci ofan inigenos Ausra’ if “Tay belov tht eer person eset exis tly in the Dreaming, This tral pcx before the eof the naval begins, nd continues o exist when the if ofthe nvdaal ends Bota before an ae, iis believed that this spit ens in he Dreaming and tony insted into if by being bor through moter. Te spit ofthe eid isu understood t eter the developing fs den the ith month of pcan, When the mother fl the ei move the wot fo the atime, was thought that thi was the work ofthe spit ofthe land in whe the mothe hen stood. Upon bh, he child sensed to be special custodian of hapa of is couney saul fag the tries and song ses of hat place. As Wolf (1994p. 14) tats "A lack ello’ may rgd is teem 0 placer which is Spit came as hls reaming, He may also regard bal law as hs Dreaming Teas believed that, before humans, anal, and plants came int being, his existe they ke they would beceme pial, but at when. And when hie eae, ut one ofthe Soul became plano animal, with fone becoming himan and acing sr exon or guardian tothe ara wood around the, last ‘Tiana Austin indigenous peoples embrace all enomens and lif 3s part oF vast sd complex systemic felting wiih con be taco det bck to he asa Ttemie Spr Beings of The Dreaming. This estar of "eltons inching food taboos, had the esl of maintnng the biological iver of the ingenous environment. ‘nay have helped proven orerantng of article species ‘The Dreaming esses the stretues of sci, ules fo socal behav, andthe ceremonies performed ensue entity fife and land. The Dreaming governs the avs of sommucty, clu! la and tow people ee required © [chia inher corners. The conn thats The Dreaming met when people ive according av and ive he love: perpetuating nla sad Deering vansisions or nese, saging the Sons, dancing the des telling the Sori, pining the songlines and Dreaming. ‘The Cremion was Believed to be the work of eure heroes wh traveled serosa formless an, ctetng sacred sites ad signin places of interest inte waves. nis way snglnes were esablsed, sme of which could travel ight across Aust, trough a any as sx fen diferent language groupings. The songs nd dances optical songline were epalive and Requnly performed at re guerogs, organised a good seasons. Inthe Aboriginal worldview, every even aves record nthe fnd. Everything in tbe nara worl i ares ofthe reson ofthe areca beings, hose aeons rest the wold Whist Europeans cond thase cull ancestors be Imthis, may Aboriginal people eleven hi iterl existence. The meaning and significance of particular ples and. “restr wed gsr gin inthe Dearing, nd arn ples have a patclr pone, which the Abia cll iedeoming Ini wang esis te sazeess ofthe earth. For example in Prt the oongar believe that the Dating Sep is sido represen the body of a Wagyl- serpent beng thar meandered over the land ereting rivers, waterways ae ake. 1 istmght hate Way erented te San Rive. anelber example the Cagudj people of Arend or whieh Kakadu National Pak named believe tat the sandstone escarpment tht donates the pa’ landscape was rested in ‘he Dreamtime wen Ginga he eroodle-man) was badly bared dang a eerenony an jumped int the water 0 sve hinsele He ume stone and became the escarpment. The commen ie these earls an sii oes chal ‘posal fesures are cite the physial embodiment of erst beings or ave the etal of he Sy nome version (here ae many Aborghal cures), Alia was the go ofthe Dreamtime; he crete the Earth and then ‘eto the Dreanmne vanished. Akemi names for Aja in he: Ausrafan languages inclu Alber (Amer), ‘Alheringa, Miraenur (Die), and Tua (jena). ‘The drsaming and tavelng til of the Sir Being ae the snglines ("Vein the Warp langue). The sien of the Sint Senge my be of pital esene, physi mals sue as pelrosmatglyps of bay impressions oF ‘otrints smongxt rat! ad elemental simular. Tote an cxrple, people fox a etae ouster elles Yara, which prof he Vieoria River elon, vena te spirit Walp as be Dreaming Spit f te bareheaded pyion. ‘Walbjop area sakele rac slong cise and ean pression of ber butoexs when se St esablishing eam, Both these reaming signs re sil dscemibe. In he Wanggs gene the songs and dances expres themes ened to death ‘nd regenetion. Thay are performed pil wih the singe composing Fam tel daly lives or while reaniag of yu ded =p. “Many nonnative writers and ais hve been inepired by Dreamtime concepts fr im iterate and ther aia projet Australian Aboriginal Mythology Austin Aboriginal myths also known as Dreamtime soi, Songlins or Aboriginal rl erste) are he saris trdionly performed by Aborpina popes hin ach a the gue sroups orss Aus Allsucl mys variously ell significant ts within each Aboriginal groups local landscape. Tey effectively layer the whole af the Australian continent topography wit cultural nuance nd Seper meaning, an erpower seed maences Wid the ecunulated wisdom and knowledge of Austalian Aboriginal anessrs back one mera, ‘Ausalian Aberigil mythologies have been characterised as “at oe andthe same tine agents of acatchism, Furiel man isoryof evan 2 geoprapy textbook, and a2 much smaller exe a mana of easmagaphy " ‘There ere 400 astinet Aboriginal groups cross Austria, cach distinguished by unig names usally desing partcalrlnghags, les or disiptve speech mannerisms. Each anguage was ted for orginal yt, om which {he itinetive wor ne names of nsvisa myths derive. With so many distinct Aboriginal groups, ngusgs, bles and pretices, scolar cannot emp ocharacteris, vera Single leading, tefl range and aver of all mys being vas and eoninuusl told, developed, eabrace, ‘paramed abd experienced by group mbes aos he ene contoet. The Encylopedia of Abril Autti noverteless observes! "One intriguing fenure of Aboriginal Austalien mythology isthe mbure of verity and sivlarty ins aces the ene conan: Assiatiansnthropolonts wing to generalize soggext Aboriinl myths sil being performed arose Avsalia by ‘Abril peoples serve en important soil Fncion amongst intended aaeees js yng te recived ordering of ihe daily ves: helping shape peoples ideas; and asin nfvence aes behav. In ato, seh performance ‘fen consol eorprses an "mythlager” hisariel ever n the rersize of tex socal purpose nan there ‘pidy changing moder work 1m Australian Aboriginal mythology, The Dreaming or Abjeringa also called he Dreamtime) is sacred ‘nce upon aime {ime out of tne in which aneestalToteme Spirit Beings Fomed The Creation. ‘The Deeantie coniains many pats: isthe tory of things that have happened, bow the uivese came to be, how human begs were rested ad how te Crestor tenet for humans faetion iin the soem. ‘The expression ‘reusing is most often use refer tothe ime before tne’ or te ime ofthe eeaton ofall ings, wile Drennng' loft sade ete to an individu or group at of let or spictuaiy For instance, an Indigenous Australian might sa that ey fave Kangaroo Dreaming, or Sha Dreaming, o Honey Ant Dresming, ran combination of Dreaming pertinent oer county, However, many Indigenous Asal aso ee tothe cretion tinea 'The Dearing ‘Whats certain that Ancestor Spr’ come to Earth a man and other forms and the fnd the plans and animals were ven thir fom awe ka them dey. “These Spits also eae relationships between groups and indivi, (wheter people o anal and where they traveled cross the land, or eam to al hey eee vers il, ec, ad here are often soles ached thse paces. ‘Once ther work was done, the Ancestor Spr changed agin; nto animals or ars or ils other objects For Tnigtow Ausra, de pt allie wd al aya wil oni ne cfr The Astin Sp ad theirpoware have nt gon, they are eset in he forms nto whish they changed the end ofthe Dreamtime or "Dreaming asthe stores el, “The moves ave bended down throught age an ara ltgral part of an Indigenous parsons ‘Dresming. Ech be has it individual dreamt altiough sme ofthe legends ovrap. Most ‘Dreamtine' originates wth he Giant Dog or he Gient Spake and each sungue a collins explanation Legend ofthe Dreutine'are handed down by word of mouth and by atm fam ganersiono generation. involues srt rival nied some clase Mes Busnes and some st Wowens Busine Clo sybole and ‘iasnste dancing and cmraborees ar sed ops on te sais of the eatin = ee = ©. ‘ne Austalian Aborigines spe of jv or gurinvar, sex power deposited te earth nthe Abii word vi, vey meaningfl oct, evento ie poser hm orcrs ts pater pace eves Sein vibrational este the rt spans eave an nage of temsves 5 sed, The shape of the a =i mous, roeks iverbed, and wate ole and is unseen vibrations es te evens tht bough that place in creation. Everything he nazwa Wold is 2 ‘Symbol fotprit ofthe metaphyseal begs whose ations rested our Wer. As with Sed, the potency ofa early Teevon wedded to he memory of is rai ‘The Aborigines aed this poten the “Dreaming” ofa pace, and tis Dreaming consis the sacredness ofthe cath (Only inexracdiary ses of eonscousness can one be are of, fared ete ine desing of th Ear “Dreaming” it lo often uted to refer to a nda group's se of bel spiny. Fer instanee an ndigenous| [Ausra might say tht they have Kangaroo Deas, or Shark Dring & Honey Ant Dreaing rey cmbiaton ‘Dreaming pertinent thir “county” However, ary Indigenous Ausuelians ls refer tothe resin tie a "The Dreaming” The Deane li due theaters ie or the Asia! people. Dreaming tore vary thoughout Australia, and thee ae ferent version on he same theme Forex, th ory of how the bic ge threo is dierent a New South Wale and o Wester Australia. Stores cover mary themes td ‘opis as thre are store bout ereaton of seed paces, land people animals ad plants, nw nd uso. isa complex network of know edge th, an paces tht derive Fo more freon, apd hich pervade nd infor spit] {nd piel apts fan nda Aan i ‘Thay belee that every person nan ees way exits ctrl inthe Dreaming. This tera art exited beer the fe ‘ofthe ndviual begins andeontnuse oes when he eof ndvdulend Bot efoe and afer if, te bleed "ha tis spelen a he Dreaming adi only inated into by being bre trough a moshe- The prt of he ‘hid cuturalyuaderstond eae the developing fetus daring the Sth mans of pregency ‘when the mathe fe heed move in he womb Fr he Si time, twas thought hat hs was the work fe pi Inn which the mother en stood, Upon bith the cid considered io be aapecleutodia of at part of ae uni and taht ofthe stoves and songlines ofthat place, As Wott (1994: 14) sas "A lack Tl ey vga is tem orth place fom which hi spt ean as his Dreaming He may also regard ial aw as his Drea. othe leas betleved hat, befor ans, anima. and pans came int being, hi oul ested by themselves they knew ‘hey would become ysl bat ot when. When tha te eae al ut one ofthe soul became plato ial, with ‘he sore Becoming human an acting ss cst or guaran (othe Natural Weld ound che, Tailoal Atsalan Indigenous people embrace all phenomena ies part fs vas and complex stm aca of relinships which canbe taced deci bac to th scent otee Spr Belge of The Dreaming. Tis soctre of elton including Ted taboos, was inpertant to the maintenance ofthe loge dives ee Indigeneusenieanent and xy Have conibted othe prevention of averting of particular specs ‘The Dreaming, Tribal Law; and Songlines ‘The Dreaming establishes the tutes of society rules fo sei behavior ae the ceremonies pecfomed in oder to ose continuity of Iie and land. Tae Dreaming govems the laws ef eon, cultural fre are how peoples ar reset to beve i their contmunites, The contin tats The Drew st when peoples liv secordingt and Ive be lore: pepeuaing ations and Dreaming tansmisions or ineages, singing the songs, dancing the dacs, ‘eling the sores, paltng the Songlne and Drearings. “The creation was blived to the work af eure heroes tht in the eresive epoch traveled scrsta formls and, resting sacred ie and sigan places of tres nhl raves a thi way snglines were exalted, sore of which ould wavel ight cross Ausala,thgh as many as sit to diferent language groupings. The songs and dances ofa ‘parteularsongline were kept alive and eqn prYored tage gathering, egalsed in good seas. Inthe Aboriginal word wow, every event aves a eorin he lan, Everything the ntl word a ea ofthe tions of the archetypal beings beings whore eins este the wer Whi Europeans conse hese ela ‘hcestrs tae asia! many Aboriginal peopl sl belevein he era exience. The meaning an sgifencs of partulr paces and erestures is wedded thr org in the Desming, and ean ples have partic pene, Sibich the Aborigines eal eming.ntis drering resides the scores ofthe earth, Fer example in Pest th ‘Noongar believe that he Dating Searp isi trepreson the body ofa Wag a sepent being it meandered ovr te nnd erating eves, waterways ard kes. Tes taught tha the Wap eresed he Svan River. none version here are many Aboriginal cutures) Alfa was the od ofthe Dreamtime; he rated the Earth and hen reed asthe Dreansime vanished. Atemative names for Aira in ther Australian languages include Alcher (Arm), ‘ANleerings, Mar-nura (Die, nd Tukurp Pian) “The deming aang lof the Spit Beings ae the songlines ("Vin the Wari language). The sigs af the Spit Bogs may be of spl exsenee peal remain sucha pelrosematglyps of bay impessioas or Footprint, smangs natural relent since, To ite exape the Yala peopl ofthe Vstaria Rivet Valley ‘ener he spirt Walp ss the Desning Spit ofthe bsclcheasd python, Waljap carved a sake wack slong lace and deposed an impression of br blacks whan she st sablshing camp, Soth hese dreaming ins ae eure dice Wandlina Tey resemble Gray Aliens In Aboriginal msthology, te Wondina (or wanna) wee cloud snd rain spits who, ding the Dre tine, pntod ae image (a humans bat witht mos) on eave wale. Tess Ben sid they had mouths, the als Would ever xase ‘Thy also lake ibs ond adsl fe. Their ghost lexi in sal ponds. Walaganda, ove a the Waning, {sume he Mil Wey, Puinings af thi syle ta espeeent the toll beings ised insertion he are called Wondjna syle ‘The Wandjnas ave common colors of bac, ed and yellow on 2 white tockround. Wanjins are believed ave mage ‘he sca, the earth and als inabitants. The existing rock at found has depicted them a having hog uper bodes and Tage beads. Tl fess show eyes and nose, bu pial lack outs. Around he heads of Wanda thre appess to be lighting and ethers. The Wangjina is thought have special powers andi offended an case oon and nse lignin, The palings are believed to ve pel powers and Lerefore we be approached cation. [Myts Legends and Fables -Baiame and Creation ‘An Anwalisn Abril Lesend A agin isthe Lord God, lane walked on he ea he had mae, song the plans ad aia nl reat man ‘nd woman tole over tem. He fshloned them fom the ust of herpes, ste, These are he plots you shal at~ these and thse, bi ot he animals have rested ‘Having ser them i goo pe, theAI-Ftherdepared ‘Tate ist an an woman children were bar snd totem in tun cilren ho enjoyed the wor ofthe hands of Balame. His weld had begun o he populated, and men and wernen pase Baars for providing forall ened, Sum and an bought ie tthe plants hat poviced thei sustenance All was wellia be woe thy had received fom the bountifl provider, until year when the in ccased ofl There was line water Te Rowers fae of, eaves Fl am he dy, witeedstems, an here was hunger ete anda new nd eihing expeience forme, women andl chides who had never lacked fer food and Fink In desperation aman kills ome ofthe forbidden animals, nd shred he Langrooata he hd caught with is wife. They offered some ofthe Nesho ane of tel Feds bu etentering Balam’ rohit, e refused i, The man was i wth hunge. They iba beso persuade hi to ea, ut he remained east a hisefsal. A length, wearyng of hi leprae staggered o hs fet tring is bck onthe tempting fod and walled avy. Sireging ter souls, te hathand and wife wen on with heir meal. One hey were sais hey hough ain of ‘ir ad and wondered wheter they coud perane im oem Taking the emir the mes with her, hey Followed bist tld across road plan and dsspeared et the edge ofa river. They wondered how Beha erase ‘e, rot imptatly,How he themtves coud eos. nite ofthe fc that it had dvnded in sie, cing tothe ‘prolonged dough was ung to sw Tr hemo wade svn, ‘Thy could se him some itl stance away onthe tor sie ing at he oo oF tl gum tre. They were ob the bolt of tring beck when thy saws ease Fur, al man hl beast dropping om the banches ofthe ee and looping ove he mon who wes ying there, Tay sowed a warning, but tre to ar aay frm fo ear, even ihe were take, Te Hick monster pised up fe Inert Boy, credit up in the brnches and disapeared. Tey cold eny tine ‘hat th te unk was ollow and hs te monster ad reteared is hone wih his Hees Drde, (Ope event sucatded anoter wit bewlering apd. A pf ef smoke billowed fom the ree, The wo ighened ‘brervers heed a ending sound a he ee ied sel rom th grou rt shaping oe by One, and sored across the iver sg took a cause ote south, Ast posed by they had momentary glinpte o vole lavas ees Shadow, and wo white cocktoos with fants Mapping wings. ying etch up wits he ing te, ing hassle ts ranches ‘within mins the ee, he cockates, an tho going ees had dwindled ta speck, rf the out, far above beads Forte fr tine since eretion, Seah had come to ae of teen Whom Bane had rete, forthe monster within thetre rk was Yow, the Spt Death lth desolation of douaht-rcken worl Hvng things mourned because a man who was live was pow as dead as ‘he kangaoo ats hat had ben killed fo oo. Baiame'ntetin forthe men a annals he loved had bee vated. The samp a8 oe ied insane gum trees sedis of lon, whic coytaliza s ved gum; wrote Roland Robinan in relating i legend ofthe Karla, tribe in his book Wandin, To this day be eotiaued,Y the wes of that pat she Sauter Css know ae "Yarando'=he plac of te White Gun uee~and the Poicers "Mou the white cocks: ‘was sd conclusion tothe hopes of worl in he makin, bu th hers of te Suthem Cras isa sign tomes thar teresa place forthe in he nil epone of pce the home ofthe AlF-Fathr mse, and at beyond death Hes a new creation. Legend of the Thee Sisters Mountain tony the hee huge oc formation were ence tee beaut sisters aed tro the Katooba tbe, Th tse ster fl in love wt thre rahe rom he ‘Nepen ie but hei bln ford tei mage. The thee beater id nos ocep tis aan red to epee the thre sisters fre, This cased major ial ate andthe Ives ote the sisters were dus teaene. A wiebdetor ese to tr the site ft ack nore Co prot them and thought o reverse ie sel aly aie he bale Unfortunately he es ile the bale sd the hee sistas remained a the enormous and beat ek formios uni ‘aay. Themagniient formation stand a 9220, 9, and 906m respectively. “Tee was time when eveything was il Al thesis ofthe earth were asleep or alt ll The gtat Fer of AL Spire was the only one avaks- Gently he sok the Sun Mater As she opened ber eyesa warn ry af ligt spread out ‘wards the sleapingcarh, The Fae f Al Spies the San Mother "Mother, have Wark or You. Go down tthe anand awake te seeping spits. Give then forms” “The Sun Mother gidd down o Earth, which was bare atthe tne and began o wa nal rections and everwhere se svalked plans prow, Aer rturing the ld whee she hd begun het work th Mother rested, wl pleased wit ere “The Fier of Al Spr came spl stv her wor, bs stuced het go in the caver and wake the pinks “Tistie se vented into the ear ces onthe mountains. The bright igh that sled om her awoke the spits and ater shel ings of al kinds lwo ofthe eaves. The Sun Mater set awn and wae Ihe gauss of her insets mingling wih ee Aowers. However once agin the Father ued ero, “The Moter venue int a very dae ave, spending he light around her, Her est mele he ce a the rivers and sunemeothe world re eet, Then he ested hand sl sake, eds nd frogs. Nets ake the spi ‘the binds and arial and they burst into the sunsine in a lrius ary of colors. Seng this the Pater of Al Spits was pleased withthe Sun Mosher work. ‘She cll er rete to her and itstructed them 1 ey the wealth ofthe earth andt live peceily with one soe. Then Se rose int he sky and besarte sun, “The living erences washed de Sun in awe ae rept arse the ky, vars the west, However when she fly snk beneath ke horizon they were panther, thinking se Had dssered them. Al night they stood foze ee ces, Thinking hat the endo tie had come. Ae what sened othe ike 2 ieime the Sun Nether peeked er hed above thehorzo nthe Est The earth's children eared io expect her coming and ging snd were no longer aid ‘At frst the chile tvedtogsterpacefily, but evenly envy cept nto ter hearts. They began tage. The San Mother ws ese come conn from her hom ne sk o medi thei bickering. She gave cach eres he power to ‘hangs tr form fo whatever tay chore. However dhe was not pleased wih he end result The as she bad mae ba ng into ats there were iat zara ish wth lo onges and feet. However te cet ofthe new animals was anznimal witha bil ikea duek tet for chewing al Kea beaver andthe ability oly eng was called the laypes ‘The Sun Mader loked dow upon the Earth and thought to herself ht she mus crest new creates ls the Father of A Spits bo angered by what se now sa. She gave bith ro two chile. The god was the Moming Str andthe yoddess ‘haste mac, To cidren were bo totem nd these sheet o Earth, They tae our ancestor, She the supetior ote animale becuse they Hod prt of er ind and wool never want to cnnge ei sane ‘Onc, the cath ws completely dark nsilent; noting moved ons ren surface side deep eve bow the Nallabor Plain ip a bral woman, the Son. Te Great ater Spr gly woke her aa be lo emerge om hr cae and str the uriverse it ie. The Sun Mother opened ees and darkness disappeared she rys spread oer he an she toaca bret and the atmosphere changed the air gen vibrated as a sll eze ble. “Tha Sun Mather hen went on a lon journey; om not out nd frum east owes she cose the barn land, The ur ld the seed potencis oF hinge and wherever te Sas ere ys toned te earth here pases, abs me tres grew unl he land was eoverd [a vegtasn. In cach ofthe deep ever in the eat, the Sun fod ving eretures ‘whi ik ese, bad been slmberng fr untold ess She sted tenet int fel hl Fort and ld hes ‘spread svough te grasses und ess, thea she woke the aes, ards 2nd oe eile, an they ster at ofthe dexphld [As the sakes moved through a long the ert they formed rivers, nd sey themselves Became creators, ike the Sun. Behind the sakes might rivers Nstd, coming wall kd of ik ad water fe. Than she calle forthe animals the rmaripai andthe many other eretres to ava and ale heir homes os the ea “The Sun Mather then tld ll decreas tn the ys would from ime atime change fom wet dey and frm oo ‘hs and so she mage the sexsons One dy wil sl the mma, iors nd ther creatures were watching, he Sus srayelled fain the sky tothe wes and 2 he sky shone ese se fom view ad darkness spread across he land ance more. The eretes were lame dds ogether fa. Soe ne ar, the sky Began ogow onthe iz fo ‘he east an the Sin roe sin note sky again The Sun Mahe is provided a prod of a oral har rests by ‘making this journey each da, How The Sun Was Made Fora long ine there was no su, ony moon and sts. Tht was before there were men onthe earth, oly birds and ‘bea alo which wee many sizes ger than they ae now. ‘One day Dinewa the emu and Brolga the ave companion were on ge pin near the Murrumbidgee, There hey ‘vere, qaling 29d Feting Brolga, n barrage, ashe the next 9fDinewan and sied Fem on ofthe haze es, ‘which he tron witha her fre up athe sky. There st brake ena hep of Tread, Wale brat Mare she yellow yok spied lover i, and it up the world belt the stnishmen of ever creature on it. They hd ben seo the Semidakness and were dezieaby such Brighness |A good spirit wh ven the skys how rit nd eau the er aoked whe i p by tis blaze He though it ‘woul bea goo thing to make a Fre every day, a rom that ne he has anes. Al night he and his tend spits Collect ood and hen up. When the aap feels big enough hey send ut the morning taro ware tose on earth at the fe wl oon be ‘The spits, however, found this waring ws not fet fr hose who seesaw ino. Then the spi thought fomeone sould make some noise a doen to health coming fhe su and wake te sleepers. But fr lng time they aul ot die to whom soul be sve hi es [At Ts one evening they herd the Inger af Goo-g00r-gs the Iuphing sks ringing Hough he i. Tha ihe oie we want they sd ‘Tan thy told Goo-gor nga tat, the marin ta ade and th dy ane he was every moming In his loudest, ais fauglter gh swan lepers bare suniseIFhe Would nel ages oo ti then moze woul they it thes, at et the cath be ever nigh agen. Bu Geo-gor-apa saved He apreed lug is longest every dan of every ay, and sob has done eversine, making the a rng with his oad ackling, "Goo goor gags, 0 Bor BABA, B00 Soo aga.” ‘When he sis fst igh Ue fee dose no ow aut mich het But by the midi o th dy, when he whol heap of| Firewood sina Baz, the est fre, afer tak bpins to ie gradu ay ntl a suse, onl red embers re Te “They quickly die oat except a fete spats cover vp with sou an save 1 igh th heap of wood they Bt ey the ety. igh forthe wor Cire re nt allowed to rat the laughter of Goo-goo-aus, este soul hear them and eas is moming ey ehiken do aig at he does, an extra ooh grows above ther eye, otha hey cary the max of hee mockery in psishment fori Well he good spire know that iver pe comes when he Cao-gour gaan cease laughing to herald Thess thes no ore dans wl Be a6 the land and dikes wl eg once more How The His Come To Be ‘Once upon time the whol county ws at There were no lsat all. There was buck Kangaroo cll Ur and bck car calle Mendy wi bth ived inthe plan called Pubadanatanh These toured to travel around ogetber in the same coury, One oth four Fos was the wild par oot Ib act, twas hey who pave is mame gs ‘Uv the kangaroo and Maneys the ere dus fr tucker n separate ols Ud founda ot of tucker, but Mandya found only lite Ura, however, wouldnt el Mandy where is hole was, Poor Mandya vas geting hiner and hie nid ‘Uns was geting fae an fter In te end Mond cae to Urdu an sald: “Give esate a your mai" (ral seer). ‘Usd to Mandya There's some mein hat bag tae. Vou can ake tha" Ashe tet Mandya si, "Tiss ely good ucker! Whee di you gtk" Urey said with eve of hs arm, "Ob, fund over there” “Te prof hem went to slp In he soming Ud got up ad went ok fer water While he went round ooking here tnd there for water (rik, Mandy go up at wes fn the le where Ur go is tke, He pike up Ud’ tracks al ellowed ther. He wen! along steady dowe he wark mace by the Kangaroo ute came this hae He dug fut abig esp of tucker fom He was so pred he stayed here dgging and enting witha eve ooking up Ural came bck fam having drink “Now where o earths theo fellow goo? Ln, e's gone to my hoe!” He {ook off afer Mandya. He racked hin, His es rac wer thera he way doo the ole He oul ee where “Mandy had dog up the drt ae went slong He sure had dug up the dt! When Uru aived at he ole Mandy was 50 ‘busy sing e id even see Ue coming. Mandya was ising ke mad. Ur called out, "Why di you eame tomy bolt” Many sid he wes saving nd Url was mean no tel in were tee wos tke He just went etna [Now tismade Ure relly anay 0 he pir of them were Soon having ig ial over tucker. Mana pale 3 ‘Urals arms He steed his arms, be steed his Mga, he seiched his gs. They got very Tong, Then Ura pres “Mandya inet ands legs: hepeseehis Bek, his chest he hashed hi, Then they separate, “The wounded Mandya wea off to Vadardanta camp While he was ying thre ying to wo seep, is hip sted to It Ta fe hada Sr. He eached down and ok ole sone rom he are. He blew oa lean aa ash ls ‘ae ap fo the plan Indeed, several anges o ls ame up. Te mote Mandya blew, she more hil kep coming op “Meanie Ur headed doen towards Vara (Barat). He moved tat big at (i) along ashe went. He ws ng ‘ut thereon heft hen be Inked back ands the ills coming down he plas. He sat, "Hey! Whats the op 10? Overt ey there's s big range of ils coming up If he keepe tht up I wow have sywhere ove” So, with 2 bla ‘sree ois tail Ura ped tne ranges back a were hey ae now. You can soe where is happened, up Kee or a ‘arn erathinh, That big fit never gets any gras sealed Urduranatna (hangars Dat). Ua hen made Munda (Lake Frome) so that he would havea penmaneat supply of water but Mandya was jealous abut ‘his apd puts it Right tothe preset day kangaroos cannot nk om sake because oF te sak. ‘Mandy wasup therein th ils bind Vadearlana. Pom thre he loked back ae said, "Look athe way shea fellow moved at tg plain log!” And a Mandya looked bck he tured ino a spit Hes aed Thin, nd you cn se him ting up thee today Blow hi the round sed whete his wounds led alr his bis ht wh Ud. Tis pee called Mandy Art (whic means Mandy's ood), 63 vsmian Psamine Googe Vieos ‘Dusantine Wikipedia DREAMS AUSTRALIA INDEX

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