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Car insurance acts as a protection shield against any damages to your beloved car.
These damages can be caused due to natural calamities such as floods, third-party
liabilities, and theft, and other man-made calamities. In this way your car is secured
financially at the time of any unfortunate event; as they say, accidents come
unannounced. Car insurance covers you from such unfortunate events. As per the
Indian Motor Vehicle Act of 1988, if you own a car in India, you must have Third-
party insurance before hitting your car on the road. Comprehensive car insurance on
the other hand not only covers third-party but gives a complete 360⁰ protection to
you and your car. Hence, you must buy, renew your car insurance policy time-to-time
for a worry-free drive


Second Hand Car Insurance is insurance coverage for second hand car purchases. The
rates and premium calculation models used are different because the purchased car is
already available at a depreciated rate.

When you buy a car, it does not remain an investment, it becomes an emotional buy
and a source of joy as well as comfort. However, when you need a car that fits your
budget or more than one car for family needs—investing in affordable used or second
hand cars is a good choice.


As the name suggests, comprehensive car insurance gives your car much needed all
rounded protection that gives you extensive coverage from a barrage of risks, this
includes damages or loss arising due to natural calamities, theft, accidents, fires etc.
Not just that it also gives you the added benefit of cover against third party liabilities.
And if this isn’t enough it is customizable too and can be further enhanced with your
choice of add-on covers that could range from zero depreciation cover to an
emergency assistance cover. You can tailor the coverage as per your requirement in a
cost effective manner

It is a cover that protects you against liabilities arising from damage, injury or loss to a
third party. The same could be a person or a third party property that sustained
damage because of your car. As stipulated in the Motor Vehicles Act 1988, this is a
mandatory cover and all motorists must be insured against their liability to other
people or property

Comprehensive car insurance Vs Third party car


Given a choice between an umbrella, gum boots and a raincoat versus a flimsy jacket
on a rainy day, what would you choose? You wouldn’t even blink before answering
that the former is a far more sensible and safe alternative. The question of choosing
between a comprehensive cover or a third party cover for your car is fairly similar.
Opting for protection against third party liabilities only can leave you vulnerable to a
number of risks causing financial losses versus a 360 degree protection for your car
with comprehensive car insurance. Still pondering? We help you weigh the pros and
cons of both:


Comprehensive Cover Third Party Liability

Only Cover

Damage due to YES NO

natural calamities
– Earthquake,
cyclone, floods

Damage due to YES NO

events like – Fire,
theft, Vandalism

Personal Accident YES YES


Comprehensive Cover Third Party Liability

Only Cover

Cover of Rs. 15

Choice of add-ons YES NO

– Zero
Depreciation, NCB
Protect etc.

Damage to third YES YES

party vehicle/

Injury to a third YES YES

party person

No hefty fines YES YES

levied if valid
policy in place

Customization of YES NO
car value

How Do You Compare Car Insurance?

Aspects to compare Third Party Insurance Comprehensive Car

Coverage offered Third party insurance, as the A comprehensive car insurance

name obviously suggests, plan on the other hand reduces
covers you only against any the risk factor significantly as it
third party liability. It is the covers both own damage as
most basic insurance cover and well as third party liabilities.
is mandatory in India.

Availability of add-ons No, you cannot opt for any Yes, you have the liberty to opt
add-on covers under this for add-on covers to further
policy. boost your existing car
insurance policy
Customization No, there is no customization Yes, it allows the
possible. A standard policy is customization of IDV or
applicable for all. Insured Declared Value as per
your needs thereby
significantly reducing your
premium amount.

Advantages You can rest assured that you It gives you coverage against
are covered in case of any natural calamities like
damage to a third party, earthquakes, cyclones, storms
whether a person or property. etc. Manmade acts like theft,
vandalism, fire etc are also a
part of the coverage. In
addition to this, you can also
benefit from the NCB or No
Claims Bonus during your
yearly renewal in case of no
claims filed.

Drawbacks It leaves you vulnerable to a Although the premium amount

multitude of risks and can may be higher than a third
cause regret when you will party insurance cover, it
have to shell money from your justifies the surplus coverage it
own pocket in the event of own offers.

Important Factors Used to Compare Car Insurance Policies

There are several factors that come into play when different car insurance policies are
compared with one another. Some of the more pertinent of these have been examined below.

Different car insurance policies are tethered to different price tags. The ideal car insurance
policy should provide you with the maximum benefits for the least amount of money. When
comparing different car insurance policies, it is worth noting that third party car insurance
plans are offered at a lower price in comparison to comprehensive car insurance plans. This is
owed to the fact that the coverage provided in the case of third-party car insurance plans is
restricted to the bare minimum.

As there are several car insurance plans available in the market today, comparing them
according to their coverage can reveal the extent of protection they provide. While third party
car insurance plans only provide coverage in case of third-party liability, comprehensive car
insurance plans provide coverage against damage in addition to third party liabilities.
Optional add-ons available allow policyholders to expand the scope of their coverage.

Prior to purchasing any car insurance plan, it is incredibly important to compare the reviews
left by others who have previously purchased the car insurance plans under consideration.
These reviews are available online and provide insight into policyholders’ experiences with
their car insurance providers and their plans. While good reviews can help reassure you of a
plan’s merit, bad reviews can make clear the potential flaws associated with a plan.

Claim records
The claim records associated with a car insurance provider indicate their reliability and the
efficiency with which they provide claims in the event that policyholders’ raise them. High
claim records are encouraging and indicative of reliability.

Cashless garages
What makes a good car insurance policy stand out when comparisons are drawn between
different plans is the number of cashless garages associated with the plan in question. The
greater the number of cashless garages belonging to a car insurance provider’s network, the
wider the availability of services.


RTI or Return to Invoice is a cover that is part of comprehensive car insurance plans.
The add-on allows you to receive compensation equal to the car’s invoice value i.e.,
the original value of the car when you bought it. The claim applies when a car is
stolen or when it is beyond repair.

For instance, in the unforeseen circumstance where your car is stolen and the police
are not able to find the car, it might put you in a difficult situation. The RTI Cover
comes to your rescue then. With this you can stay assured on getting the full invoice
amount as compensation. Now isn’t this very useful

As per the law of the land, car insurance is a mandatory requirement in India before
plying your vehicle on Indian roads. Not just that, an insurance policy is also a prudent
financial decision to safeguard you from the expenses that may arise should an
accident befall you while driving your vehicle. A third-party car insurance policy is the
bare minimum to meet the regulatory insurance requirement, however it only
protects you from legal and financial obligations for the damages caused to the other
person and their vehicle. To protect your own vehicle and cover the expenses
incurred in repair and cost of replacement of parts or procurement of spare parts, you
need to purchase a standalone own damage car insurance policy over the third-party
insurance plan

Who should get Standalone OD Car Insurance?

If you’ve recently bought a Third-Party Insurance plan then you should purchase a Standalone OD

car insurance to protect your own vehicle from damages and losses. It is not necessary to

purchase both policies from the same insurance provider. In other words, even if you have

purchased your third-party insurance from some other insurer, you can still go ahead and buy a

standalone OD insurance plan from HDFC ERGO and any other insurer of your choice. Be careful

to read all the inclusions, exclusions, features and other terms and conditions before choosing

your plan and insurance provider.

Fire & Explosion


Electrical & Mechanical Breakdown
Illegal Driving
Third Party Liability


Due to the collective nature of Indian society, the well-being of family and relatives is
often given precedence over individual wellbeing. In order to ensure health and
happiness for the family, we ignore individual health. It is pertinent to note that the
prosperity of a family depends on the welfare of each member. Being the
breadwinner, your health is of utmost importance
A comprehensive network of hospitals and superfast processing ensures that you get
the best treatment within minutes


Just caring for your family is not enough. With the cost of medical care rising
exponentially, it is important to have a financial shield for your family. A family health
insurance provides coverage for the entire family on individual sum insured basis on
floater basis, wherein same sum insured is shared by all the members of the family

While you may think the savings accumulated over the entire career may be enough to take
care of your medical needs. The corpus may run out earlier than you think. Health insurance
for senior citizens is a crucial tool to safeguard your life savings. It will help you take care of
your health needs even in an era of rising medical costs.

Covers Medical Expenses

Quality Medical Attention

Preventive Health Check-up 

Beats inflation

Save Tax^

Peace Of Mind

Worldwide Coverage
Are you worried about your policy being restricted to territorial limits? Fret not, our policies
provide worldwide coverage cutting across geographies.

Option to cover family

Are you worrying about covering your growing family? Well, we love the family bonding
and have policies to cover your family in one single policy.

Lifelong Renewability
Age limits restricting you from renewing your policy? With us, you can age gracefully,
breakthrough age barriers with options to renew policies lifelong.

No medical check-ups
Are you tired of getting umpteen medical check-ups to get your policy? Well the good news
is, you don’t need to have any more medical check-ups.

What’s included?

Accidental Death
Fatal accidents can cause death. Our policy provides up to 100% of the Sum Insured in case the insured
loses his/her life in an accident.

Permanent Total Disability

Major accidents decide fate. We provide benefits based on the Sum Insured in case the insured is
permanently disabled in an accident.

Broken Bones
Movement without bones is impossible. Our policy provides benefits based on the Sum Insured in case
accidents result in broken bones.

Fire can remove the spark off you. Our policy provides benefits based on the Sum Insured in case the
insured encounters 

Ambulance costs
Absence of timely help can prove fatal. Our policy pays transportation expenses to help reach the nearest
Hospital Cash
Accidents can cause a cash crunch. We provide daily cash allowances for accidents leading to

What’s not included?

Adventure sport injuries 

Adventure sports can give you an adrenaline rush, but when coupled with accidents, they can be
hazardous. Our policy does not cover accidents encountered while participating in adventure sports.

Self-inflicted injuries 
You might think of causing injury to your precious self, but we don’t want you to hurt yourself. Our policy
does not cover self-imposed injuries.

War can be disastrous and unfortunate. However, our policy does not cover any claim that are caused due
to wars.

Participation in defence operations 

Our policy does not cover accidents while you are participating in defence (Army/Navy/Air Force)

Venereal or sexually transmitted diseases 

We do understand the criticality of your disease. However, our policy does not cover venereal or sexually
transmitted diseases.

Treatment of obesity or cosmetic surgery 

Treatment of obesity or cosmetic surgery is not eligible for coverage under your insurance policy

Travel Insurance For Individuals

Is it work or vacation, business or leisure that keeps the traveler in you alive?
Whatever the answer, we ensure you have no reason to slow down. Travel
insurance secures all possible risks and prepares you for unforeseen situations. Are
you excited to map destinations on your own and bring out the hidden wanderer in
you? If yes, then it’s time to leave your worries behind and embark towards your
dream destination. While traveling alone to an overseas destination is a fun-filled
thing to do, it also calls for enough precaution and care

What’s Included?

Medical Related Coverage

Emergency medical expenses

If there’s a medical emergency, we’re there with our cashless treatment facility because you’ve got a friend
in us.

Emergency dental expenses

Did you know that dental expenses abroad can exceed your trip budget? But don't worry, our emergency
dental treatment will ensure a smile in every selfie!

Medical evacuation
We will literally get you out of distressing situations with emergency medical evacuation via air/surface to
the nearest hospital.

Hospital daily cash allowance

Petty hospitalisation expenses can eat into your trip money. Although medical expenses will get covered
seamlessly, with hospital daily cash we look at reimbursing those little expenses as well.

Medical & Body Repatriation

In case of a death, we’ll bear the cost to transfer the mortal remains to the home country.

Accidental death
We are with you not just in sickness and health but also in case of an accidental death. We will provide a
lump-sum compensation to your family under such unfortunate circumstance.

Permanent Disablement
If an unfortunate accident causes permanent disability, we’ll provide a lump-sum compensation to make
things a little easier for you.
Baggage-related coverage

Loss of baggage & personal documents

You don’t want to be in a foreign country without your passport, right? Neither do we, so we will
reimburse the expenses for getting a duplicate/new passport.

Loss of checked-in baggage

What’s the point of vacation shopping if your luggage gets lost? Don’t worry, we’ll compensate you for
the loss of your checked-in baggage.

Delay of checked-in baggage

You are travelling to have fun and not to wait at the baggage collection. So, if your luggage gets delayed,
we’ll reimburse you for the essentials while things get sorted.

Journey-related coverage

Personal liability
In a foreign land if you are accidentally liable for any third party damage, we will compensate you for the

Financial Emergency Assistance

Even on a solo travel you are not alone. We’ll provide emergency cash in case of robbery, theft, or dacoity.

Hijack Distress Allowance

We might not be able to rescue a hijacked flight, but we’ll definitely compensate you for the distress it
causes you.

Flight delay
Flight delays are annoying, right? We will make it a little less so by reimbursing you for the essential
purchases you make in the meanwhile.

Hotel Accommodation
Let us take care of your extended hotel accommodation while you recover from your medical emergency.

What’s Not Included?

Breach of Law
Any sickness or health issues caused to due to war or a breach of the law.

Consumption of Intoxicant substances

If you consume intoxicant or banned substance, the policy shall not entertain any claims.

Pre existing diseases

If you’re suffering from a disease before travelling or undergo treatment for an illness which already
exists, we do not cover it.

Cosmetic and Obesity Treatment

If you or your family member choose to undergo cosmetic or obesity treatment, it stands uncovered.

Self Inflicted Injury

We apologise but if you hurt yourself or get hospitalised due to suicide attempt we shall not be able to
cover you

Adventure Sports
Any injury caused due to an adventure sport remains uncovered.
Home Insurance For OWNER AND
There are a million things that make a rented house your home. Like the rug you
received from your grandma, the sofa you bought with your first salary or the TV set
your parents gifted you for your marriage. Protect your home and everything that
makes it so. Get the peace of mind with HDFC ERGO’s home insurance for renters
so that no matter what, your valuable possessions are taken care of.

What’s Included?

Your home is a literal brick-and-mortar manifestation of your dreams. Protect your dreams against any
damage due to fire.

Burglary & Theft

It’s distressing to even think about your house getting broken into. Stay peaceful by insuring your
possessions against theft/burglary.

Electrical Breakdown
Breakdown of appliances can disrupt everyday life and come at a cost. Insure them to avoid sudden

Natural Calamities
Did you know that 68% of India’s land is prone to drought, 60% to earthquakes, 12% to flood, and 8% to
cyclones? You can’t 

Manmade Hazards
Troubled times can affect your home as well as your peace of mind. Keep it secure against strikes, riots,
terrorism, and malicious acts.

Accidental Damage
Just spent a fortune on fixtures and sanitary fittings? Stay worry-free by securing them against accidental

Alternate Accommodation 
Get shifting expenses, rent for alternative/hotel accommodation, emergency purchases, and brokerage in
What’s Not Included?

Loss and/ or damages arising out of situations such as war, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostility are not

Precious collectibles
Loss of bullions, stamps, work of art, coins etc. will not be covered.

Old Content
We understand that all your precious possessions hold emotional value but anything that’s over 10 years
old will not be covered.

Consequential Loss
Consequential losses are losses that are not the natural result of a breach in the usual course of things, such
losses remains uncovered

Wilful Misconduct
We ensure that your unforeseen losses are covered, however if there's any case of wilfully done damage to
your property, that remains completely out of the coverage scope of policy.

Third party construction loss

Any damage caused to your property due to third party construction is not covered.

Wear & Tear

Your home insurance does not cover usual wear and tear or maintenance/renovation.

Cost of land
Under any circumstances this policy shall not cover the cost of land.

Under construction
Home insurance cover is for your home where you reside any under construction property will not be
Optional Covers
Portable Electronic Equipment Cover

Secure your electronic gadgets even when you are on the move. 

This cover gives you coverage for all portable electronics such as laptop, camera, binoculars,
musical equipment’s; sports gear any other specified item of portable nature. This policy does
not cover equipment’s that are over 10 years old.

Suppose you go on a vacation and your camera gets accidentally damaged, we shall cover
against this loss of camera however it should not be an intentional damage. Policy excess and
deductible should be applicable however that’s nominal.

Jewellery & Valuables

Now, your precious jewellery is protected against any risk of theft

Jewellery and valuables refer to ornaments or articles made of gold or silver or any precious
metal including diamonds as well as sculptures and watches. This add on cover can be opted
for maximum upto 20% of your Home Content (Belongings) sum insured. The loss of your
jewellery & valuable would be covered on the basis of the prevailing market value

In case your content sum insured is Rs 5 lacs you can secure your jewellery and valuables up
to 1 lac. Imagine in your absence there is a theft incident at your home and you end up
losing your precious insured jewellery Under such scenario you would be required to submit
we the original invoice of the jewellery lost to process the claims. Excess and deductible to
be applied.

Pedal Cycle

Cover your pedal cycle up to Rs. 5 lacs

Under this cover we insure losses to static exercise cycle as well as your pedal cycle with or
without gear. It covers losses caused by fire, calamities, theft and accidents. We protect any
third party liability to a person or property caused by your insured pedal cycle. However,
exclusively if your pedal cycle’s tyres only are stolen or damaged it remains uncovered.

How does it work?:   On your next cycling expedition due to road accident your cycle is
damaged beyond repair leading to total loss, under such situation we will cover the losses.
Additionally, if a third party person gets injured due to the accident caused by insured cycle
then we shall cover for the third party claim too. Excess and deductible to be applied.

Terrorism Cover

Covers damage caused to your home due to terrorism

Due to a terrorist attack if your home structure/content gets destroyed we cover it

How does it Work?: Any damage caused to your home due to a terrorist attack gets covered.
This damage could be both due to terrorists or protection squad by government's defence

Home Insurance Coverage for Electronic Equipment

In today’s world , gadgets like laptop, computers, iPads, tablets are part of every
household. And of course, no household can run efficiently without a refrigerator, a
washing machine, air conditioners etc. While we all ensure handling any electronic
equipment needs is done with utmost care,, accidents and unforeseen incidents do
happen. In order to be prepared for such losses one must ensure that all essential
electronic equipments/ gadgets stand covered under the home insurance policy..
After all, a breakdown or damage of any such device can burn a huge hole in your

Electronic equipments are not only more susceptible to damage, but also expensive
and not easily replaceable. Your home policy should also protect your electronic
equipment loss due to Burglary & theft. So, while taking a home insurance, check if
the policy coverage protects you against any accidental damage to your electrical
and electronic devices.

By availing insurance for electronic equipment insurance,you can benefit in the
following ways:-

 Comprehensive coverage will be available against accidental damage resulting from

lightning, fire, flood, earthquake etc.

 Coverage against theft or burglary will be available too

 Claims processing will be easy and hassle-free, with 24/7 support.

 The premium will be affordable and coverage high

 By insuring your equipment, you can ensure your peace of mind

What's Included?
Coverage against all accidental damages and natural calamities like fire, lightning, explosion, war, cyclone,
earthquake, flood, landslide, rock slide etc. 

Electrical and mechanical breakdown

Any damage to your electronic equipments due to any electrical and mechanica breakdown is covered. 

Data loss
Loss of external data drive like tapes, discs, hard drives etc. caused accidentally, as mentioned above 

Cost of data restoration is covered here 

Coverage is provided for repair and replacement 

Coverage provided for parts and fittings 
What's not Included?

Damage resulting from any flooding caused by climate change

Any applicable deductibles as per the policy are excluded

Loss of earnings or indirect damage of any kind is not covered

Fees of architects, surveyors or consulting engineers (in excess of 3% claim amount) won’t be covered

The policy will not cover debris removal

Loss of rent is not covered

Additional Expense
Additional expenses due to renting of an alternative accommodation are not included

Lapsed Policy
Any damages that occur outside the insurance period are not covered
Standard Fire and Special Perils
Insurance Policy
We understand how you’ve put a lot of time, hard work and considerable money into
building up your business. We also understand your needs when misfortune strikes
when you least expect it. Almost anything can happen at any time – a short circuit
can reduce your assets to ashes, a burst pipe can flood your premises, a riot or act
of terrorism can wipe away years of effort.

To help you protect your business against such uncertainties, HDFC ERGO provides
one of the best Fire & Allied Perils products in the industry. We take pride in
providing you with our comprehensive protection backed by sound financial

This policy is Ideal for SME’s and Corporate alike, those who need coverage for their
business against uncontrollable situations that can devastate property and

What’s Covered

The policy protects you from financial loss as a result of “named perils”. Standard perils covered

 Fire.
 Lightning.
 Explosion/Implosion.
 Storm, tempest, flood, inundation group of perils (STFI)
 Subsidence and Landslide including Rock slide
 Impact damage by vehicles/animals/aircraft
 Riots, strikes, malicious acts, terrorism
 Missile testing operations
 Bursting of pipes/water tanks, sprinkler leakage and bush fires
 Aircraft Damage

You can also choose to extend the standard cover by including perils mentioned in the
What's Not Covered?

Wilful acts or gross negligence

Forest Fire, War and Nuclear group of perils

Destruction/Damage by own fermentation, natural heating or spontaneous combustion,

Explosion/Implosion damage to Boilers, damage caused by centrifugal forces

Unspecified precious stones, cheques, currency, documents, etc. unless specifically declared

Consequential Losses, Theft during/after operation of peril

Sum Insured

We recommend that your assets be insured on a replacement / reinstatement cost basis to get
full protection following a loss.

The premium will depend on the type of occupancy, cover opted, claims experience, fire
protection appliances and deductible opted under the policy

The policy is subject to a compulsory deductible and will depend upon the sum insured.

 Earthquake (fire and shock)

 Spontaneous combustion
 Deterioration of stocks in cold storage
 Impact damage due to own vehicles
 Omission to insure additions
 Fees of architect, surveyor & consulting engineer in excess of 3% of claim amount
 Debris removal in excess of 1% of claim amount
 Terrorism
 Appraisement Clause
 Breakage Of Fixed Glass And Outdoor Signs
 Civil Authorities Clause/Acts of Civil Authorities
 Immediate Repair Clause
 Sue And Labour Clause
 Brands & Trademarks Clause/ Brands & Labels Clause (also loss of damaged goods)
 On Account of Payment Clause
 72 Hours Clause
 Electrical clause/ Electrical Installation/Electrical Injury/Electrical Breakdown Clause
 Automatic Extension Clause
 Obsolete Parts Clause
 Cost of clearing Drains Clause
 Broad Water Damage Clause

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