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Class vii

1. Listen to English News and read English newspaper daily


2. Write short PARAGRAPH on the given topics:

a) Religious festivals of India.
b) Precautions related to COVID-19.

3. Do one page handwriting practice daily and keep your daily record in a

4. ( follow the link for daily listening



6. Read the passage carefully and answer the question that follow.

Sachin Tendulkar –
Sachin Tendulkar was born on 24 April 1973. He was one of the best
batsmen and also called the God of Cricket.
He was awarded, Bharat Ratna, India’s highest civilian award in 2014.
Moreover, he received many awards like Arjuna Award, Padma Shri
Award, Padma Vibhushan Award, etc.
He scored more than 14,000 runs in his cricket career. Presently, he is
associated with an organization named Apnalaya.
In this organization, he takes care of the upbringing of about 200 children.

There is a film related to his life. The name of the film is Sachin: A Billion
Dreams that was released in 2017.
The film was directed by James Erskine.

Questions –
1. In which year was the film released?

2. What is Apnalaya?

3. How many runs did Sachin score in his cricket career?

4. When was Sachin Tendulkar born?

7. Write any two names of his awards.

Read the poem carefully and answer the questions that follow:
The World

Great, wide, beautiful, wonderful World,

With the wonderful water round you curled,

And the wonderful grass upon your breast—

World, you are beautifully drest.

The wonderful air is over me,

And the wonderful wind is shaking the tree,

It walks on the water, and whirls the mills,

And talks to itself on the tops of the hills.

You friendly Earth, how far do you go,

With the wheat-fields that nod and the rivers that flow,

With cities and gardens, and cliffs, and isles,

And people upon you for thousands of miles?

Ah! you are so great, and I am so small,

I tremble to think of you, World, at all;

And yet, when I said my prayers to-day,

A whisper inside me seemed to say,

‘You are more than the Earth, though you are such a dot:

You can love and think, and the Earth cannot!’


Now answer the following questions by choosing correct options:

1. In the poem above ‘beautifully drest’ refers to

(a) having gaudy dress

(b) decorated with nature’s beauty

(c) wearing costly dresses

(d) wearing cheap but beautiful dresses.

2. The poet calls the world ‘beautifully drest’ because

(a) it looks beautiful

(b) it has wonderful grass curled around it

(c) it is covered with fine clothes

(d) it is covered with green leaves.

3. The wind in the poem talks to

(a) passersby

(b) trees

(c) clouds

(d) itself.

4. The poet calls the earth

(a) unfriendly
(b) friendly

(c) proud

(d) kind.

5. The phrase such a dot means

(a) so small

(b) so fat

(c) so big

(d) so kind.


Follow the given link of Live worksheet and complete the grammar


Listen and sing the given song ( A gift to you )

Story Reading:
1) The Potato, The Egg, And The Coffee Beans

A boy named John was upset. His father found him crying.
When his father asked John why he was crying, he said that he had a lot of problems
in his life.

His father simply smiled and asked him to get a potato, an egg, and some coffee
beans. He placed them in three bowls.

He then asked John to feel their texture and then fill each bowl with water.

John did as he had been told. His father then boiled all three bowls.

Once the bowls had cooled down, John’s father asked him to feel the texture of the
different food items again.

John noticed that the potato had become soft and its skin was peeling off easily; the
egg had become harder and tougher; the coffee beans had completely changed and
filled the bowl of water with aroma and flavour.

Moral of the story

Life will always have problems and pressures, like the boiling water in the story. It’s
how you respond and react to these problems that counts the most!

2) Two Frogs With The Same Problem

Moral stories for kids Once, a group of frogs was roaming around the forest in search
of water. Suddenly, two frogs in the group accidentally fell into a deep pit.

The other frogs worried about their friends in the pit.

Seeing how deep the pit was, they told the two frogs that there was no way they
could escape the deep pit and that there was no point in trying.

They continued to constantly discourage them as the two frogs tried to jump out of
the pit. But keep falling back.

Soon, one of the two frogs started to believe the other frogs — that they’ll never be
able to escape the pit and eventually died after giving up.

The other frog keeps trying and eventually jumps so high that he escapes the pit. The
other frogs were shocked at this and wondered how he did it.

The difference was that the second frog was deaf and couldn’t hear the
discouragement of the group. He simply thought they were cheering him on!
Moral of the story

People’s opinion of you will affect you, only if you believe it to be so. It’s better to
believe in yourself.

3) The Tortoise And The Hare

This popular story is about a hare (an animal belonging to the rabbit family), which is
known to move quickly and a tortoise, which is known to move slower.

The story began when the hare who has won many races proposed a race with the
tortoise. The hare simply wanted to prove that he was the best and have the
satisfaction of beating him.

The tortoise agreed and the race began.

The hare got a head-start but became overconfident towards the end of the race. His
ego made him believe that he could win the race even if he rested for a while.

And so, he took a nap right near the finish line.

Meanwhile, the tortoise walked slowly but extremely determined and dedicated. He
did not give up for a second and kept persevering despite the odds not being in his

While the hare was asleep, the tortoise crossed the finish line and won the race!

The best part was that the tortoise did not gloat or put the hare down!

Moral of the story

Slow and steady wins the race. When you work hard, stay focused, you can achieve
anything, even when it seems impossible.

4) The Milkmaid And Her Pail

There was once a milkmaid named Patty

She milked her cow and carried the two pails of milk she fetched on a stick and set
out to sell the milk at the market.

As she was walking to the market, she began to daydream about what she would do
from the money she fo for the milk.

She thought of buying a hen and selling its eggs and she planned on becoming
She dreamt of buying a cake, a basket of strawberries, a fancy dress, and even a new
house with the money she would make selling the eggs and the milk!

In her excitement, she forgot about the pails she was carrying and began to skip.

Suddenly, she realised that the milk was spilling down and when she checked her
pails, they were empty.

Moral of the story

Don’t count your chickens before they hatch! It is important to focus on the process
of achieving success and not just success alone.

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