Tax2 L02 Notes

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Chapter 2:

Gross Estate

1. Estate Tax
a. tax imposed on the privilege that a person is given in controlling, to a certain
extent, the disposition of his property to take effect upon death
b. excise tax imposed on the act of passing the ownership of property at the time
of death and NOT on the value of the property or right
c. transfer mortis causa
d. accrues instantly at the time of death
i. its accrual is different from the obligation to pay it

2. Justifications for the imposition of estate tax

Justific Benefits the law considers the service

rendered by the government in
ation Received Theory the distribution of the estate of
the decedent
for the Privilege or State Inheritance is NOT a right but a
privilege granted by the State,
Impositi Partnership and legatees have been acquired
on of Theory
only with the protection of the
Receipt of inheritance creates an
Estate Ability to Pay ability to pay the tax and thus

Tax Theory contribute

to government

The receipt of inheritance is a

Redistribution of contributing factor to the
Wealth Theory inequalities in wealth and
incomes. The imposition of
estate tax reduces the said
3. Composition of Gross Estate based on Citizenship
(based on citizenship and residency)


 Real property wherever situated  Real property situated in the PH
 Tangible personal property wherever  Tangible personal property situated in
situated the PH
 Intangible personal property wherever  Intangible personal property with situs
situated in the PH, unless excluded on the
basis of reciprocity

4. Situs of intangible property

a. Domicile of the owner (mobilia sequntur personam)
i. This rule is not applicable if the intangible property has situs elsewhere
or where the intangible property has acquired a business situs in another
ii. Mobilia sequntur personam is only used for convenience and must yield
to the actual situs of the property

5. Intangible assets with situs within the Philippines (Section 104 of the Tax Code)
a. Franchise which must be exercised in the PH
b. Shares, obligations, or bonds issued by any corporation or sociedad anonima
organized or constituted in the Philippines in accordance with its laws
c. Shares, obligations, or bonds issues by any foreign corporation, 85% of the
business of which is located in the PH
d. Shares, obligations, or bonds issued by any foreign corporation if such shares,
obligations, or bonds have acquired a business situs in the PH
e. Shares or rights in any partnership, business or industry established in the PH

6. Situs of tangible and intangible property

Real (immovable) Location of the property
Personal (movable) Location of the property
Shares Where the intangible is
exercised regardless of where
the corresponding certificate is
Intangible Franchise, Copyright, Where the intangible is
Personal etc. exercised regardless of where
Property the corresponding certificate is
Receivables Residence of the debtor
Bank deposits Location of the depository

7. Reciprocity clause
a. Definition
i. The Tax Code excludes intangible personal property (Shares, Intangible
assets, Receivables, and Bank Deposits) with situs in the PH from the
gross estate of an NRA decedent if there is reciprocity
b. Indicators of reciprocity
i. The decedent at the time of his death was a resident citizen of a foreign
country which at the time of his death did not impose an estate tax of
any character in respect of intangible personal property of PH citizens
not residing in that foreign country; OR
ii. The laws of the foreign country of which the decedent was a resident
citizen at the time of his death allow a similar exemption from estate
taxes of every character, in respect of intangible personal property
owned by citizens of the PH not residing in that foreign country

8. Valuation of Gross Estate

a. In general: FMV @ time of death

b. Real Property

whichever is HIGHER
 For real property improvement
Construction cost FMV per
per building permit vs tax

c. Personal Property
FMV @ time of
d. Shares of stock
i. Unlisted Common Shares

( No. of total outstanding x par value)+ ℜ

shares of theissuing corp . No .of shares
Book Value = No .of total outstanding
x owned
shares of theissuing corp .

Book Value/share
ii. Unlisted Preference Shares
Par value of
iii. Listed Shares

highest quotation
lowest quotation No .of shares
FMV = at date of death+ at date of death x owned

!!!: if none is available at the date of death, use the quotations at the

e. Units of participation in any association, recreation or amusement club

BID PRICE on the date of death or nearest the date of death published in
any newspaper of publication for general circulation
f. Right to usufruct or habituation, and annuity
In accordance with the latest Basic Standard Mortality Table taking into
account the probable life of the beneficiary, to be approved by the
Secretary of Finance upon recommendation of the Insurance

9. Exemptions and exclusions from Gross Estate

a. Exclusions under Sections 85 and 86 of the Tax Code
i. Exclusive Property of the Surviving Spouse
ii. Property outside the PH of a non-resident alien decedent
iii. Intangible personal property in the PH of a non-resident alien decedent
under the Reciprocity Law

b. Exclusions under Section 87 of the Tax Code

i. Merger of usufruct in the owner of the naked title
ii. Transmission or delivery of the inheritance or legacy by the fiduciary
heir or legatee (1st heir) to the fideicommissary (2nd heir)
iii. Special Power of Appointment (SPA) transfers
 Transmission from 1st heir/legatee/donee in favor of another
beneficiary, in accordance with the desire of the predecessor
iv. All bequests, devises, legacies, or transfers to social welfare, cultural,
and charitable institutions, no part of the net income of which inures to
the benefit of any individual PROVIDED that: not more than 30% of
the said bequest, devises, legacies, or transfers shall be used by such
institution for administration purposes  MUST BE INCLUDED

c. Exclusions under Special Laws

i. Proceeds of life insurance and benefits received by members of the
GSIS (RA 728)
ii. Accruals and benefits received by members from the SSS by reason of
death (RA1792)
iii. Life insurance proceeds on life insurance policy taken out by the
decedent himself upon his own life where the beneficiary is a third
person and is irrevocably designated
iv. Life insurance proceeds on insurance policy (group insurance) taken out
by the employer on the employees’ life, whoever the beneficiary may
be, whether the designation as beneficiary is revocable or irrevocable
v. Amounts received from the PH and US governments for war damages
vi. Payments from the PH and US government to the legal heirs of deceased
WW2 veterans and deceased civilian for supplies/services furnished to
the US and PH Army (RA126)
vii. Amounts received from US Veterans Administration
viii. Transfer by way of bona fide sales
ix. Properties held in trust by the decedent
x. Acquisition and/or transfer expressly declared as not taxable
xi. Personal Equity and Retirement Account (PERA) assets of the decedent-
contributor (Sec. 13, RA9505)

10.Inclusions in the Gross Estate

a. Property owned by the decedent actually and physically present in his estate at
the time of his death
 Land
 Buildings
 shares of stock
 vehicles
 bank deposit

b. Decedent’s interest
 Extent of equity or ownership participation of the decedent on any
property physically existing and present in the gross estate, whether or
not in his possession, control, or dominion
 Also refers to the value of any interest in property owned by the
decedent at the time of his death (interest having value or capable of
being valued or transferred)
o Example:
 Dividends declared before death of decedent but received
after death
 Partnership profit which have accrued before decedent’s
 Usufructuary and rights

c. Property NOT physically in the estate

i. Transfer in contemplation of death

 Disposition of property prompted by the thought of death
 Transfer of property in favor of another person, but the
transfer was intended to take effect only upon the transferor’s
 Transfer by gift intended to take effect at death or after death
or under which the donor reserved income or the right to
designate the persons who should enjoy the income

NOTE: there is no transfer in contemplation of death when the

transfer is a bona fide sale for an adequate and full consideration in
money or money’s worth
ii. Transfer with retention or reservation of certain rights
 Decedent transferred his property during his lifetime BUT
retained for himself beneficial enjoyment of the thing or the
right to receive income from the same
iii. Revocable transfers
 Transfer where the terms of enjoyment of the property may be
altered, amended, revoked, or terminated by the decedent
o it sufficient that the decedent has the power to revoke
even though he did NOT exercise the power

iv. General Power of Appointment (GPA) transfers

 right to designate the person or persons who will succeed to the
property of the prior decedent

General  When the power of appointment

Power of authorizes the donee of the power to
Appointment appoint any person he pleases
(GPA)  The power may be exercises in favor
of anybody including the donee-
 Donee of GPA holds the property with
all the attributes of ownership
Special Power  Donee of SPA can appoint only from
of a restricted or designated class of
Appointment persons OTHER THAN HIMSELF
(SPA)  Donee-decedent only holds the
property in trust

Modes of Exercise of the Power of Appointment

 By will
 By deed to take effect in possession or enjoyment at or after his
 By deed under which has retained for his life or any period not
ascertainable w/o reference to his death or for any period which
does not in fact end before his death
 The possession or enjoyment of, or the right to the income from
the property
 The right, either alone or in conjunction with any person to
designate the persons who shall possess or enjoy the property or
income therefrom
v. Transfer for insufficient consideration
STEP 1: determine if the transfer is for insufficient consideration

FMV @ transfer date ≤ Bona fide sale. EXCL

FMV @ transfer date > Insufficient consideration.
Consideration INCL
Sale was made in the ordinary Bona fide sale regardless of the
course of business amount of consideration.
No consideration received Either donation mortis causa
(subject to estate tax) or
donation inter vivos (subject to
donor’s tax)

STEP 2: (if transfer for insufficient consideration) determine the

amount to be included in the gross estate

FMV @ Consideration
Value = time of death — received

vi. Claims against insolvent persons

properties∧¿ rights of debtor
Uncollectible Portion = liabilities of debtor ¿x
amount due ¿ creditor−decedent
vii. Proceeds
¿ of life insurance (except from) GSIS


Estate Revocable or Irrevocable Included
Executor Revocable or Irrevocable Included
Administrator Revocable or Irrevocable Included
3rd party (e.g., wife) Revocable Included
3rd party (e.g., wife) Irrevocable Excluded

11.Tax rate
 6%

12.Filing of Estate Tax Return and Payment of Estate Tax Due

a. Who must file and pay?
i. Executor/administrator/any of the legal heirs
b. When shall an estate tax return be filed under oath?
i. In cases of transfer subject to estate tax
ii. Where the estate consists of registered or registrable property for which
a Certificate Authorizing Registration from the BIR is required
(regardless of the gross value of the estate)
c. Additional requirement for estate tax returns with gross value exceeding P5
i. Must be supported by a statement duly certified by a CPA containing the
(1) Itemized assets of the decedent with corresponding gross value at
the time of death (for residents and citizens)
(2) Itemized assets with situs in the PH of the decedent with
corresponding gross value at the time of death (for non-resident
(3) Itemized deductions allowed from the gross estate
(4) Amount of tax due (whether paid or unpaid)
d. Timing for Filing the estate tax return
i. Generally, 1 year from the date of death
(1) The court approving the project of partition must furnish the CIR
with a certified copy of the estate tax return and its order within
30 days after promulgation of the order
e. Extension for filing
i. The CIR or any Revenue Collection Officer authorized by the
Commissioner shall have the authority to grant a reasonable extension
not exceeding 30 days for filing the return
(1) 30-day extension will start after the 1 year period has elapsed
ii. Application for extension of time to file for the estate tax return must be
filed within the Revenue District Office (RDO) where the estate is
required to secure its Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) and file the
tax return
f. Timing for Paying the estate tax due
i. At the time the estate tax return is filed – pay as you file
g. Extension for payment
i. In cases where the CIR finds that the payment of the estate tax due
would impose undue hardship upon the estate or any of the heirs
(1) Extension of not more than 5 years – for judicial settlement
(2) Extension of not more than 2 years – for extrajudicial settlement
ii. If granted, the CIR or his duly authorized representative may require the
executor or administrator or beneficiary (as the case may be) to furnish a
bound in an amount not exceeding double the amount of the tax

13.Payment of estate tax by installment

a. Requisites
i. Cash installments must be made within 2 years from the date of filing
the estate tax return using payment form BIR Form 0605 or a form
dedicated for this transaction
ii. Estate tax return must be filed within 1 year from the date of death
iii. The frequency of payment (monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, annually)
and amount of each installment shall be indicated in the estate tax
return, subject to BIR’s approval
iv. If 2 years has elapsed and the entire tax due has not been paid yet, the
remaining balance shall be due and demandable subject to applicable
penalties and interest
v. No civil penalties or interest may be imposed on the estates permitted to
pay the estate tax due by installment
(1) Interest will start after the lapse of the 2-year period and the
principal will be the unpaid balance
14.Partial disposition of estate and application of proceeds to estate tax due
a. Requisites
i. The disposition shall refer to conveyance of property (real, personal, or
intangible) with the equivalent cash consideration
ii. Estate tax return must be filed within 1 year from the date of death
iii. Written request for partial disposition must be approved by BIR
iv. Computed estate tax due shall be allocated in proportion to the value of
each property
v. The estate shall pay to the BIR the proportionate estate tax due of the
property intended to be disposed of
vi. An electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) shall be
issued upon presentation of the proof of payment of the proportionate
estate tax due of the property intended to be disposed of
vii. In case of failure to pay the total estate tax due out from the proceeds of
the said disposition, the estate tax due shall be immediately due and
demandable subject to the applicable penalties

15.Place of filing the return and paying the estate tax

a. For resident decedent (RC, NRA)
i. Accredited Agent Bank (AAB), Revenue District Officer, Revenue
Collection Officers having jurisdiction on the place where the decedent
was domiciled at the time of his death
b. For non-resident decedent (NRC, NRA)
i. With executor or administrator in the PH
(1) Registered executor or administrator
a. RDO where the executor/administrator is registered
(2) Unregistered executor or administrator
a. RDO having jurisdiction on the legal residence of the
ii. Without executor or administrator in the PH
(1) Office of the Commissioner through RDO No. 39 South Quezon

16.Liability for the payment of estate tax

a. Executor or Administrator – primary obligation
b. Heir or Beneficiary – subsidiary obligation

 If there are 2 or more executors or administrators:

All of them are severally liable for the payment of estate tax
 If there is no executor or administrator:
Any person in actual or constructive possession of any property of the
decedent must file the return and shall have primary obligation to pay the
estate tax due

17.Civil Penalties and Interest

a. Any amount paid after the statutory due date of the tax (i.e., 1 year from date
of death) but within the extension period shall be subject to interest but not to
b. Amount of penalty
i. Penalty of 25% - if there is no false or fraudulent intent on the taxpayer
ii. Penalty of 20% - if there is false, malicious, or fraudulent intent on the
c. Amount of interest
i. Unpaid amount balance x 12%


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